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Salvia Red Growing. Types and varieties of Salvia. Salvia Bright Red Salvia Coccinea

Salvia in our latitudes is more famous called Sage. The varieties of this plant exist quite a lot, but each of them has unique properties. Ancient people called Salvia with a flower extending life and giving knowledge, and today the sage can become an excellent decoration of any garden, even if this garden is broken on the windowsill of the city apartment.

Plant Characteristics

Salvia is a perennial plant, and this name unites many families and species growing in all regions with a moderate and subtropical climate, with the exception of Australia. She received his name from the Latin word "Salvus" that in literal translation means "be healthy". True, many of famous species Salvia with antiquity are actively used in folk medicine and shamanisa.

By the way about shamanisa. There is one grade of Salvia, which was used (and in some countries still use) shamans to enter the state of trance and obtaining visions. Salvia Divinarum is prohibited for growing in many countries, including Russia, since it is able to cause visual and auditory hallucinations. In this article we will talk about growing Salvia for therapeutic and decorative purposes.

It is useful to know: drug varieties of this plant are called sage, and decorative - salvia.

Salvia on the versatility of the use and effectiveness of treatment can be compared unless with aloe - this plant is able to deliver from many diseases. For example, the decoction of Salvia allows you to quickly and painlessly eliminate the first signs of flux, relieve pain and disease development. In total there are more than 900 species of plants, but each of them prefers light sunny sections, so select an unetected place in advance.

Salvia is a rhizable perennial plant, but in spite of this in Russia it is very often grown as a single or two-year-older. It can easily be overwhelmed under a thick layer of snow in the garden, but in a minor winter will penetrate. As for the landing of Salvia at home, here you can not worry about this issue. The plant has a reprehension either ascending stems for four faces, maximum height which is 120 cm. Green grains-disseated or solid leaves have a whispering shade on the back. During the flowering period at the tips of the stems there are copoloids or pittered (depending on the variety) of inflorescences up to 20 cm long. Bracts are painted in bright colors, for which the decorative plants quality are valued. 25-30 days after the start of flowering, seeds ripen in the form of 4 nuts, after which they can be collected and stored in a dark dry place up to 5 years.

Salvia varieties

Depending on the agrotechnical characteristics and biological characteristics, three groups of Salvia varieties can be distinguished: American subtropical, Mediterranean and frost-resistant species.

Subtropical varieties B. middle lane They are grown as annuals, because they are not able to survive the local winter:

Mediterranean types of Salvia are more resistant to local frosts, but only under the condition of snowy winter or pre-insulation. They are less cooked compared to tropical representatives and better tolerate drought and insufficient soil fertilizer, "love" various mineral feeding.

The group of Mediterranean varieties of Salvia belongs to:

Frost-resistant varieties of Salvia are mainly growing in moderately warm climates, but the Ethiopian Salvia can also be attributed to this group. These plants are distinguished abundant blossomstarting only from the second year after disembarking in open sad. They are well suited for cultivation in the Russian climate.

Types of frost-resistant Salvia:

How to grow Salvia

Growing Salvia from seeds is relevant for single and two-year varieties. Perennials can be multiplied with seeds, and vegetatively staring or dividing bushes. As for the seed method, it can be grown with or without seedlings. In the second case, it is important to know when to sow Salvia. So that it adapts and sprout on time, to make seeds in Earth best in early spring Or before the onset of winter, however, this instruction is applicable not to all varieties. For example, glittering Salvia can multiply only ensure.

Useful information: in horticultural stores you can find seeds and granules. In granules, in addition to the seedside itself, contain organic components that increase the premium and endurance of young plants. It should take into account that the granules germinate slower than ordinary seeds.

Seedling Salvia

If you are going to grow salvia with a seaside way, highlight for this time from mid-February to the first numbers of March. The soil for planting seeds should be loose and wet temperatures up to 25c. Plush the seeds with a thin layer of the Earth and cover the tray with a food film or a plastic bag to create a greenhouse effect and prevent the rapid evaporation of moisture.

From time to time splash the earth with a slightly warm water from the spray and again cover the film. The first shoots will appear in 2-4 weeks. After the appearance of several real leaves, the film can be removed and play in dive. So that the plants have developed quite strong root system, It is necessary to do twice. The first dive is carried out when 2-4 real leaves appeared. Plants planted in pots at a distance of 5 cm from each other. At the same time, seedy leaves need to burst into the soil. The second dive can be made in 20-25 days after the first, dissolving the salvium on the individual pots with a diameter of 10-12 cm.

After the development of 4 and 5 of the present sheet, the sprouts should be discredited to stimulate the body. With the onset of April, it's time to start hardening seedlings, reducing the temperature at night to + 10c.


As mentioned above, Salvia develops well in light sandy soils, but Ideally, there should be lime and humus. The plant needs to ensure good drainage so that the moisture is not stored in the roots and did not provoke putrefactive processes. It is best to plant it on a well-lit plot free from other plants. All types of Salvia, with the exception of adhesive, can develop only in the sun. Adhesive comfortably feels in a half.

It is possible to plant seedlings in early June, when night freezes will be held. Landing and care for salvia big account no different from working with others garden plants - It must be watered as the soil drying, periodically pouring and loosen the earth so that it is saturated with oxygen. For feeding, universal mineral fertilizers use them as needed (usually 2-4 times in summer). Be sure to get Salvia immediately after landing in open soil and after the appearance of buds, because Blossom takes a lot of strength in the plant. Water salvia is better in the evening and not too abundantly, so that the water is not stood at the roots.

With many years of salvia, trouble is a bit more than with one and two years old, since it must be cut periodically to form neat bushes. Pruning also contributes to lush bush, not allowing the shoots to stretch. When long-term variety Finally wondering, it is necessary to remove the remaining fading flowers and make a "haircut" session before the winter peace or early spring, when the plant has not yet been "woken up." At the same time, remove the defeated shoots so to leave only young parts with the kidneys.

Most of the types of Salvia blooms from mid-June before the onset of the first frosts, but some varieties have time for the season to bother twice. So, if after flowering, you fully caulate Forest Salvia, and then we will make mineral fertilizer, At the end of the summer, she will bloom again. After the final completion of flowering, crossed and climb the planting a garden compost to create comfortable conditions for wintering. If Salvia is young, it is recommended to additionally cover it with fallen foliage or snapper.

Not everyone has enough patience to grow seedlings of Salvia on their own. After all, after sowing, it takes from 3 to 4 months before the plants will appear first flowers. However, grow salvia from seeds is quite simple. It is only necessary to take into account that there are a lot of varieties of this plant, which are very different from each other and in color, and in growth.

Height of Salvia Depending on the variety can be from 25 cm. and up to 1.5m. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully choose the seeds to acquire exactly the grade that you need.

What Salvia looks like

What to choose sad

Seedlings will grow well on lightness fertile soil with pH 6.0 - 6.5. It can be prepared mixing the ground from the forest with sand and peat 1: 1: 1. Or buy any soil for growing seedlings.

When sow

Seying Salvia to seedlings are preferable in February or in March. Then she will bloom at the beginning of summer. But hybrid varieties bloom significantly earlier. When buying seeds, be sure to read what is written on the package.

Spread the seeds on a well spilled soil, sprinkle the ground slightly and then splash from "Rosinki" from above. Cover the box with glass, film or newspaper. Now many use precisely newspaper paper. She keeps moisture, and at the same time passes air.

Sometimes we meet recommendations, do not fall asleep the seeds of the earth, but just put them in the soil. With such a crop, many sprouts appear with a seed shell on the head. And falls in manual help them get rid of these "hats"

Seeds germinate at a temperature of +22 - 24c. Shoots usually appear after 7 - 10 days. Unfortunately, they are often unfair. Last sprouts sometimes make their way when they are already lost all hopes to see them.

Care for seedy

For the cultivation of Salvia from seeds, you will need a well-lit place where the temperature does not exceed 18 - 20c. If you have a free window sill, then it is quite suitable for this. After Remove shooters to remove the film, and another day you can set a box with seedlings to the windowsill.

Water only with warm water and very moderately. In excess, the moisture of seedlings may be affected by a black leg. Before disembarking in open ground, spend two feeding with full floral fertilizer.


Salvia seedlings grows slowly. Therefore, picking is carried out in 1 - 1.5 months after gear. Plants are transplanted into cups or boxes at a distance of 6 - 7 cm. From each other, with releasing them to seedy leaves.

Rechazzle seedlings in the ground

In the ground, Salvia is planted in early June. It prefers open, solar places with light soil. But can grow in the shade and even under the trees. Before flowering plants, it is necessary to water more often, and while flowering less often. Then the colors will be more. Do not abuse nitrogen feeding. Bushes can "beg" and will bloom badly.


For proper growing And Salvia's care This plant will delight you all summer on the plot, and in the winter in the room. The fact is that on one blooming ripen to 90 flowers, gradually increasing, their flowering continues the entire summer season. And even fallen, bright blooms remain on the stem. And with the onset of cold weather, Salvia can be transplanted in, and she will continue bright flowering on your windowsill.

What do Flowers of Salvia look like?

Here you can get acquainted with the description of Salvia colors and learn about its cultivation:

Bushes Inverterous shape, dense-blooded, compact. Each escape ends with a large inflorescence.

Leaves With a strongly elongated vertex, sweet, opposite.

Root system well developed. The rod root gives a lot of lateral, from which it moves away a large number of Very thin roots.

Inflorescence - Brush.

Traditional coloring - Red. The flowers are thick in small red hairs, the length of it is up to 20 cm. The inflorescence is developing from 30 to 90 flowers.

See how Salvia looks like in the photo presented below:

Gardeners are flower plant appreciate the bright red color of colors and long blossoms, use for flower flower club, Rabatok, window sills, garden and potted culture.

The best place to land Salvia in the ground

When landing Salvia in the soil, it is necessary to take into account that this is a thermal-loving, light-affilome and moisture-loving plant. Very sensitive to the smallest minus temperatures And dies with weak freezers. The best place for landing Salvia is open, sunny places. Very sensitive to the lack of moisture.

The plant prefers loose nutritious soils, but not wet. Strongly fluttered plants develop a rich vegetative mass with a small amount of flowers. Flowering occurs 100-120 days after sowing and continues until the onset of the first frosts. Flowers bloom on inflorescences gradually from bottom to top.

In the conditions of the southern region, the seeds are affected by the first, second and partial and partial shoots. In 1, they are numbered up to 180 pieces. The germination is preserved from 2 to 5 years.

When growing Salvia from seeds, remember that this is a cross-peer plant.

It is pollinated by its bees, bumblebees, flies, ants and other insects. Seeds are tied a lot. They ripen a month after the start of flowering. Since they are placed on the bottom of an open cup, the ripe seeds easily fall out of it on the ground, so they collect them in several techniques as they are readily.

How to grow Flowers Salvia from seeds

How to grow salvia from seeds on panstone? Grow this flower through. The germination of the seed is unfounded, so it is better to sow them in the boxes and keep the first time under the glass. Seedlings are planted in flower beds at the end of frosts (we have no earlier than 10-15 May). The transplant she suffers well. For early blooming, sowing is produced in February.

The optimal temperature for germination of seeds + 20 ... + 25 ° C. While creating required conditions For landing and care for Salvia, shoots appear in 7-10 days. Seed seedlings are recommended to be heated in early February, followed by picking. By the time of planting plants in the soil (May) - they are already with buds, because the flowering of the hybrid begins after 12-13 weeks after sowing. The distance between plants on a flower bed 20-35 cm.

A separate flower blooms for 2-3 days, but the inflorescences do not lose their decorative due to bright cups for a long time.

In the fall, before the onset of frosts, Salvia can be transferred to the pots to the pots - and it will even rejoice you with their abundant blossoms in the room.

Types and varieties of Salvia with photos

The low-speed Salvia has several varieties that differ accelerated development cycle (bloom after 60-65 days after sowing):

"Fire ball" - Compact bush, 35-40 cm wide, with a height of 40-50 cm. Inflorescences are loose, bright red, the length of them is 17-20 cm.

"Vesuvius" - The shape and height of the bush is the same, but the leaves are large, length 7-10 cm, width 6-9 cm. Inflorescences are less and more dense, blooms in the first half of August.

"Zurich" - It differs from the "Fiery Ball" by the amount of inflorescences on the main stem (up to 100), more powerful growth and late bloom.

Now there are Salvia varieties with lilac flowers:

Rio - one-year plant with a height of 25-30 cm. Purple flowers and stem.

"Splendes pink." One of the most popular plants. Light and moisture. Flowers from June to frosts. Annolete plant 25-30 cm high. Purple flowers and stem.

"Parade". Hybrid seeds of Salvia sparkling appeared on sale, or brilliant - the variety "parade", which is a mixture of plants with various color flowers. This hybrid is distinguished by very early flowering and homogeneity of plants.

As can be seen in the photo, this grade of Salvia is a compact bush with a height of 35 cm and a width of 38 cm:

Wide spectrum bright flowers, such as scarlet, bright pink, light pink, purple and white. Seeds of this hybrid are very different high quality. They are smaller than ordinary Salvia, in 1 of their 270 pieces.

Another type of Salvia - Horminum which is also grown by seeds through seedlings, has a completely original coloring, not like a traditional red plant.

Pay attention to the photo - the flowers of Salvia of this species have bright colorful bracts (pink, blue, lilac, white).

Plants of this type of Salvia are lowered (35-50 cm), good for the design of flower beds, and. They are also warm-loving, light-loving and moisture, but, unlike other Salvium, cold-resistant. Flowering long, starts 70-100 days after the appearance of germs.

To your balcony or garden from June to frosts drowned in pink clouds, be sure to find a place for Salvia Lavendova. Her flowers resemble fluffy tails, and therefore she can become a highlight.

Salvia in our latitudes is more famous called Sage. The varieties of this plant exist quite a lot, but each of them has unique properties. Ancient people called Salvia with a flower extending life and giving knowledge, and today the sage can become an excellent decoration of any garden, even if this garden is broken on the windowsill of the city apartment.

Salvia is a perennial plant, and this name unites many families and species growing in all regions with a moderate and subtropical climate, with the exception of Australia. She received its name from the Latin word "Salvus", which in the literal translation means "be healthy". True, many of the famous species of Salvia with antiquity are actively used in folk medicine and shamanisa.

By the way about shamanisa. There is one grade of Salvia, which was used (and in some countries still use) shamans to enter the state of trance and obtaining visions. Salvia Divinarum is prohibited for growing in many countries, including Russia, since it is able to cause visual and auditory hallucinations. In this article we will talk about growing Salvia for therapeutic and decorative purposes.

It is useful to know: drug varieties of this plant are called sage, and decorative - salvia.

Salvia on the versatility of the use and effectiveness of treatment can be compared unless with aloe - this plant is able to deliver from many diseases. For example, the decoction of Salvia allows you to quickly and painlessly eliminate the first signs of flux, relieve pain and disease development. In total there are more than 900 species of plants, but each of them prefers light sunny sections, so select an unetected place in advance.

Salvia is a rhizable perennial plant, but in spite of this in Russia it is very often grown as a single or two-year-older. It can easily be overwhelmed under a thick layer of snow in the garden, but in a minor winter will penetrate. As for the landing of Salvia at home, here you can not worry about this issue. The plant has a reprehension either ascending stems for four faces, the maximum height of which is 120 cm. Green peristracted or whole leaves have a whispering shade on the back side. During the flowering period at the tips of the stems there are copoloids or pittered (depending on the variety) of inflorescences up to 20 cm long. Bracts are painted in bright colors, for which the decorative plants quality are valued. 25-30 days after the start of flowering, seeds ripen in the form of 4 nuts, after which they can be collected and stored in a dark dry place up to 5 years.

Salvia varieties

Depending on the agrotechnical characteristics and biological characteristics, three groups of Salvia varieties can be distinguished: American subtropical, Mediterranean and frost-resistant species.

Subtropical varieties in the middle strip are grown as annuals, as they are not able to survive the local winter:

Mediterranean types of Salvia are more resistant to local frosts, but only under the condition of snowy winter or pre-insulation. They are less cooked compared to tropical representatives and better tolerate drought and insufficient soil fertilizer, "love" various mineral feeding.

The group of Mediterranean varieties of Salvia belongs to:

Frost-resistant varieties of Salvia are mainly growing in moderately warm climates, but the Ethiopian Salvia can also be attributed to this group. These plants are distinguished by abundant flowering, starting only from the second year after disembarking into an open ground. They are well suited for cultivation in the Russian climate.

Types of frost-resistant Salvia:

How to grow Salvia

Growing Salvia from seeds is relevant for single and two-year varieties. Perennials can be multiplied with seeds, and vegetatively staring or dividing bushes. As for the seed method, it can be grown with or without seedlings. In the second case, it is important to know when to sow Salvia. So that it adapts and sprout on time, to make seeds in Earth better than the early spring or before the onset of winter, but this instruction is applicable not to all varieties. For example, sparkling salvia can be multiplied only by a seaside.

Useful information: in horticultural stores you can find seeds and granules. In granules, in addition to the seedside itself, contain organic components that increase the premium and endurance of young plants. It should take into account that the granules germinate slower than ordinary seeds.

Seedling Salvia

If you are going to grow salvia with a seaside way, highlight for this time from mid-February to the first numbers of March. The soil for planting seeds should be loose and wet temperatures up to 25c. Plush the seeds with a thin layer of the Earth and cover the tray with a food film or a plastic bag to create a greenhouse effect and prevent the rapid evaporation of moisture.

From time to time splash the earth with a slightly warm water from the spray and again cover the film. The first shoots will appear in 2-4 weeks. After the appearance of several real leaves, the film can be removed and play in dive. So that the plants have developed a fairly strong root system, it needs to be done twice. The first dive is carried out when 2-4 real leaves appeared. Plants planted in pots at a distance of 5 cm from each other. At the same time, seedy leaves need to burst into the soil. The second dive can be made in 20-25 days after the first, dissolving the salvium on the individual pots with a diameter of 10-12 cm.

After the development of 4 and 5 of the present sheet, the sprouts should be discredited to stimulate the body. With the onset of April, it's time to start hardening seedlings, reducing the temperature at night to + 10c.


As mentioned above, Salvia develops well in light sandy soils, but Ideally, there should be lime and humus. The plant needs to ensure good drainage so that the moisture is not stored in the roots and did not provoke putrefactive processes. It is best to plant it on a well-lit plot free from other plants. All types of Salvia, with the exception of adhesive, can develop only in the sun. Adhesive comfortably feels in a half.

It is possible to plant seedlings in early June, when night freezes will be held. Landing and care for Salvia by and large, no difference from working with other garden plants - it must be watered as the soil drying, periodically pour and loose ground so that it is saturated with oxygen. For feeding, universal mineral fertilizers use them as needed (usually 2-4 times in summer). Be sure to get Salvia immediately after landing in open soil and after the appearance of buds, because Blossom takes a lot of strength in the plant. Water salvia is better in the evening and not too abundantly, so that the water is not stood at the roots.

With many years of salvia, trouble is a bit more than with one and two years old, since it must be cut periodically to form neat bushes. Pruning also contributes to lush bush, not allowing the shoots to stretch. When many years of grade finally wonders, it is necessary to remove the remaining fading flowers and make a "haircut" session before the winter peace or early spring when the plant has not yet been "woken up." At the same time, remove the defeated shoots so to leave only young parts with the kidneys.

Most of the types of Salvia blooms from mid-June before the onset of the first frosts, but some varieties have time for the season to bother twice. So, if after flowering you fully cavity Forest Salvia, and then make a mineral fertilizer, at the end of the summer it will bloom again. After the final completion of flowering, crossed and climb the planting a garden compost to create comfortable conditions for wintering. If Salvia is young, it is recommended to additionally cover it with fallen foliage or snapper.

Salvia diseases and pests

Now you know how to grow Salvia, and it remains only to say a few words about its possible diseases and pests. This plant is so rarely suffering that many of their cultivation practices do not face similar problems. The pests are striking it more often. This is usually a garden notch, which, if and appears on the plot, is striking everything without disaster, whiteflies or ticks. Also, Salvia may suffer from snails and slugs. And if you can cope with insects insecticides, then snails and slugs will have to be caught manually.

Useful advice: Make a trap for snails and slugs, placing in the area of \u200b\u200bthe container with beer or fruit juice - a sweet side of fermentation as a magnet will attract pests, and they will lose interest in the leaves of plants.

Finally, we suggest view interesting video About Salvia:

Salvia: photos of colors