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Growing pepper in the open soil: Choose a variety, prepare the soil and take care of the seedle. Correct care and growing peppers in the open ground How to grow Bulgarian pepper in the open soil

2017-01-16 Igor Novitsky

Sweet pepper is a rather whimsical plant, but this quality does not prevent hundreds of thousands of gardeners, to collect hundreds of a kilogram of this amazing plant every year. In order for the sweet pepper juicy, ripe and not succumbed to the impact of pests, you will have to explore the features of planting, care, growing seedlings and its subsequent landing!

Growing pepper - the case is quite troublesome. Nevertheless, this garden culture is considered one of the most popular. Still, because it opens endless expanses for culinary fantasies! Juicy and fragrant sweet pepper can be added to salads, borshs, soups and sauces, stuffing, bake, marinate and use for cooking delicious vegetable stew!

Motherland Sweet pepper South America with her tropical climate. Today it is grown worldwide in various climatic conditions. We, in Russia, grow pepper for culinary purposes began only in the XIX century. Prior to that, it was used exclusively in medicine. It should be noted that the content of vitamin C in this vegetable is greater than in oranges. In addition, its regular use improves the work of the liver and gallbladder.

Where to plant and how to care?

Pepper is extremely warm and lightly. Comfortable temperature for it is not lower than + 20-25 ° C.
Place the pepper on the south side of your garden so that other plants will not cover it from sunlight.
Pepper care during growing in a greenhouse or open soil lies in the right watering, constant feeding, weeding and loosening. Pouring the pepper bushes as the upper layer of soil drying. At the same time, it is impossible to dry out completely, plants may die. After irrigating the land, it is desirable to burst.

How to grow seedlings?

Pepper is the culture of late maturation, so they grown by a seedy. Seed seeds at the end of February early March.

Before planting seeds prepare the soil. If she was kept in a cold place, a few days before the landing, we entered her house so that she was well warmed up. Previously, per day before landing, shed the soil with a pale pink solution of hot water with manganese. This is necessary for disinfection from harmful microflora, as well as final warming up.

For better growth in pepper seedlings. An ordinary earth from the garden mixes with a peat-based soil in a 1: 1 ratio.
This will benefit on the further development of plants. To the resulting mixture, add wood ash in proportion 1:15. The ash is a magnificent source of potassium, which is so necessary for the full development of plants. Then fill the container for seedlings prepared soil and water. In principle, you can plant seeds and in the finished purchased ground, if you are not afraid of additional costs.

In the container where many plants will grow, sowing the seeds at a distance of 3- 5 cm from each other. Then, in the future, there will be no need to recruit seedlings. Seeds sprinkle the earth and pour warm water again. To accelerate shoots, create a "greenhouse effect": cover our crops with a film (the usual cellophane package is suitable).

Immediately after the appearance of shoots, we remove the film. Otherwise, pepper sprouts will turn out and will be very weak. Capacities with seadade must be put in a warm and light place with air temperature not lower than + 18-20 ° C. Seedlings water with an interval of 1-2 days so that the soil has always been wet.

In the first days - necessarily warm water with a temperature not lower than + 25-30 ° C. Watering plants best in the morning or evening. Before watering, periodically loose the soil at a depth of 5-7 cm.

After our peppers are slightly fixed, the air temperature is raised to + 22-27 ° C. This will contribute to their better growth. Then, in the formation phase of 3-4 main leaves, we support the following temperature: + 22-25 ° C in sunny weather, + 19-22 ° С in overcast, + 16-18 ° C at night.

For the period of cultivation, the seedlings will need to be contacted 3 times.

We spend the first feeding 2 weeks from the beginning of germs, when the plant is already formed 3-4 sheets. During this period, peppers must be provided with nitrogen so that it is fully grew and developed. To do this, in 10 liters of water, add 1 tablespoon of urea, stirred and water our seedlings. Before watering, you can sprinkle the soil around plants ashes.
I spend the second feeder 2-3 weeks after the first, according to the same scheme.

The third feeding of seedlings are made 4 days before landing in the ground. In 10 liters of water, add 1 tablespoons of urea and 1 tablespoon of superphosphate.

Where to grow: in a greenhouse or in the open soil?

We know that the pepper is a thermal-loving culture. Therefore, when growing in the greenhouse you will receive a more high harvest than in the open soil. Caring for plants is the same everywhere. But it is in the greenhouse that ideal conditions for pepper growth are created.

In the spring or at the beginning of the summer, it is not worth a hurry with the planting of pepper seedlings to a permanent place. This culture requires a good warmed soil and stable warm weather. In addition, the threat of night frosts must completely avoid the threat. For areas with a warm climate, the best time to land pepper into open ground is the end of May - the beginning of June. For cold - middle or end of June.

2 weeks before disembarking in an open ground or a greenhouse, start hardening your pits. What it is? In the first days simply open the window. Then we take the seedlings to a balcony or a veranda in such a place where the plants will be protected from the effects of direct sunlight. If the temperature on the balcony or veranda at night does not fall below +14 ° C, seedlings feels quite comfortable. Then he is no longer in her house.

Seedlings are planted according to the 30x30 scheme, carefully removed from the glass so as not to damage the roots. Squeeze on the same depth as in the pot! Diagram 30x30: Next to a separate bush should not be another, approximate to it at a distance less than 30 cm; Seedlings can be planted in the "line", and in a checker order.

Pepper is a thermal-loving and moisture culture. Growing pepper in the open ground is an easy task, it is important only to adhere to some features. Sweet Bulgarian pepper enjoys great popularity from professional gardeners, dacifices are successfully grown. Grow peppers on its summer cottage for everyone. How to grow sweet peppers and get the maximum return from the plant will be prompted by the advice of experienced breeders. Following their recommendations, the yield can be increased several times.

Cooking a plot for planting sweet pepper

Pepper feels perfectly in open, sunny plots. But the plants are afraid of wind. Planting young plants should be on the spot, which is not shaded by trees, but is not in draft. The ideal place is a plot adjacent to the southern wall of any structure. Planting pepper into open soil requires attention to the composition of the soil, lighting and protectedness from drafts.
Sweet guest grows perfectly after cabbage and pumpkin cultures, legumes and dining roof roots. Place it for the next year after these crops, and the pepper will surprise the abundance of fruiting.
Bulgarian peppers are not grown for 3 years in place, where grazing cultures grew: potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants. Pepper and Parenic suffer from some and also infections that are transmitted through the soil.
The soil on the site of planting pepper should be fertile, well-drained, perfectly hold moisture. Place of planting pepper is prepared in the autumn period. After the preceding cultural plant is removed, it is necessary to clean the bed from the weeds and step it down. In the autumn period, it is necessary to help the ground using 1 square meter. m. Square:

  • 50 g of superphosphate;
  • 80 g of wood ash;
  • 10 kg humus.

After uniform distribution of the nutritional composition, the ground is drunk.

Pepper is not planted on the plot, where the organic has just been introduced.

Bulgarian guest does not need abundant quantities of fresh organic matter. Pepper is better to "unfersion" rather than "reconcile." The abundance of nitrogen combinations leads to the fact that culture is actively growing and rapidly developing. Fruit such a plant is much worse: the root fruit pepper drops, the size of vegetables is reduced. Therefore, organic fertilizers contribute to the autumn period.
In the spring before planting an open area, it is necessary to braid and make fertilizers. Per quarter. m. Spring fertilizer is used:

  • 40 g of phosphorus;
  • 40 g potassium;
  • 20 g nitrogen.

Add preparations should be early in spring. Immediately before the planting of pepper seedlings, the area should be switched and aligned again.

Space seedlings

Bulgarian pepper is a thermo-loving plant. Young specimens are planted in the soil after the threat of spring night frosts. The seedling time is depends on the regional location. As a rule, peppers planted, starting from the middle of May.
Seedling of Bulgarian pepper for open soil must pass the process of hardening. To increase the resistance to unfavorable plant factors, it is necessary to endure in the warm air to fresh air. Thilled young individuals spend gradually, starting with a few minutes.

Pepper 70x30 cm dropout diagram or 50x50 cm:

  • A few hours before disembarking, young plants watered abundantly. Culture at the moment of transplant should be cheerful and healthy. The lack of moisture can destructively affect the survival process. Faded plants are discarded the first buds, delay their development. Weak and faded plant during transplantation is a significant reduction in yield.
  • Young seedlings are planted in the afternoon. At night, the culture will not fight the exhausting heat and will quit all his strength on the survival rate. In the event that on the street overcast, pepper seedlings can be planted at any time of the day.
  • In the soil, prepare wells for plant landing. Each hole should be abundantly pouring: 2 liters of water on one plant. Water for watering is best used to use room temperature, heated in the sun.
  • Seedlings are transplanted with an earthen room. Each plant should be separated from the tank and put into the prepared holes are not too deep: the pepper is 3 cm deeper than it grew in room conditions. Pepper is poorly forms the apparent roots. But still their appearance contributes to a better nutrition of culture.

To the composition of the Earth, the plant is not demanding. But still it grows better on a drunken ground.

Pour the plants in the open soil

Pepper loves water very much. But still water should be careful. Pour also detrimental for the plant, like dryness. Immediately after the transplantation of Bulgarian pepper from tanks in the soil, watering is not carried out. For the first time, the soil is moisturized after 7 days. Pepper watered with an interval of 3 days 1 liters of warm water per plant. Water culture under the root. In severe heat, pepper watered daily.

10 days after the seedling landing should be checked for survival rate. The dead sprouts are replaced with reserve.
Purchased plants watered very carefully. Bulgarian professional vegetables calls such watering thin - frequent watering in small doses.
It is possible to determine when the plant needs water simply: if the bush completely darkened - the pepper needs urgent watering. The fading of pepper can also indicate insufficient watering. Although the fading of the plant in the afternoon does not testify the dryness of the soil.
At the time of ripening, the crop pepper is watered much more: 1 time 6 days 2-3 liters under the plant.
In a hot period, peppers watered in the morning or evening.

Loose bed with peppers

Pepper is very susceptible to the air permeability of the soil. It is impossible to admit the formation of the crust in any way. With the help of loosening roots of the plant, more oxygen is obtained, and the plant itself develops more quickly. Swimming helps to fight weaning plants.
At first, the pepper grows slowly. For 15 days after the culture landing, the root system develops, and the plant "sits" in place itself. Until that time, the pepper does not touch the growing area is not recommended.
The first loosening is carried out to a depth of no more than 10 cm. The root system of the Bulgarian pepper is located superficially, so the soil should be neat, not traumating the gentle roots.

Subsequent loops are carried out after falling out of precipitation, watering before the crust on the surface of the bed. As a rule, bedding under the early grades of Bulgarian pepper frozen 4 times over the growing season. The place under the early grades loose a couple of times for the period of growth.
Peppers bloom very abundantly. During the formation of the formation of flowerons, the culture needs to be enhanced.

Swarve, spinning, it should be very careful. Its root system is in the upper layer of soil. In addition, the plant itself is very fragile.

Proper feeding - the key to successful cultivation

For the growing season, peppers feed no more than 4 times. The plant is painfully reacting to abundant content in the soil of organics and minerals, although the nutritional soil for successful fruiting is needed to be needed.
The first application of fertilizers is carried out at the time of the first loosening of the soil - 2 weeks after transplanting seedlings to open ground. At first fertilizer, it is necessary to make a dull solution or chicken litter: 1 part of the manure is divorced in 5 liters of warm water, 1 part of the chicken litter is bred in 15 liters of warm water. In the cooked organic, you can add 1 tbsp. Wood ash or phosphorus-potash fertilizers.
First feeding:

  • 10 l of cooked organic solution;
  • 60 g of superfasphate;
  • 20 g of potassium chloride;
  • 1 cup of wood ash.

Also pepper can be fertilized and without the use of the organicists:

  • 10 l of outstanding warm water;
  • 20 g of ammonia nitrate;
  • 60 g of superphosphate;
  • 30 g of potassium chloride.

The fertilizer is made under the root per 1 l per plant.
The second time fertilize the Bulgarian pepper on the same compositions during the formation of buds.
At the time of the formation of barriers, the plant requires a body. That is why professional gardeners advise at the time of the formation of fruits fertilize the plant by organic fertilizers.
The fourth time of the plants are fed when the fruits decrease in sizes. Very often it happens with early varieties closer to autumn.

Pepper does not tolerate chlorine. That is why potassium chloride is recommended to replace wood ash. Any varieties for open soil should be fertilized especially accurately.

Spring night frosts are detachious for pepper: protective measures

After planting seedlings of the Bulgarian pepper in the open bed, you need to be ready for night frosts. They are found even at the beginning of summer. Many daches advise as protection to use the so-called tents - structures made of wooden planks, cardboard, plastic. Young seedlings are simply covered overnight. In the morning, the protection must be removed. Film portable shelters, which are advisable to use with prolonged cooling have been perfectly proven.

Since ancient times, a reliable defender from spring frosts was fumigation of plants. For such a process, special smoke heaps are prepared, capable of giving very thick smoke.
Too low temperature indicators lead to falling out small fruits and flowers. The temperature of 8-10 degrees can cause it an unpleasant phenomenon. In addition, in the cold, plant growth stops, the yield decreases.
Pepper in the open soil is not recommended to plant too early. It is susceptible to low temperatures.

Temperature indicators for successful cultivation

For successful development and high fruiting sweet peppers, heat is needed. Best of all the plant feels at a temperature of 20 to 25 degrees, perfectly reacts to higher temperatures. With low indicators, the development of culture slows down, the yield is significantly reduced. Protect the plant from low temperature indicators, if it is to cover it in the cold season of vegetation.

Tall grades need support

Sweet pepper varieties, distinguished by high growth, need to be taped. The lowest varieties of pepper can not be supported, but the presence of support contributes to the uniform ripening of fruits, simpler care and high-quality harvest. To create support use traditional wooden peasants. The plants themselves are protected by other cultures of high growth. Wind through such protection will blow not so much.
We form a bush - increase the yield of vegetable

Plant formation is very important for high yields. Many breeders believe that without a properly created form, it is impossible to obtain the maximum return from the plant.
Bust formation methods:

  • Create a skeleton of a bush: in the first fork, there are only two strongest escapes. On skeletal shoots also leave 2 sprigs, one of which will grow vertically, and the second - directed to the outdoor side. Internal shoots are recommended to delete. With proper formation, the pepper bus can grow in a height of up to 1.2 m.
  • Create a skeleton of the bush: two escapes are tied up in the vertical direction. Each node is left 1 external run. With such a formation, it is necessary to plant plants at a distance of up to 50 cm, set supports and pull horizontal twine. A bush is capable of climbing in a height of more than 2 m.

Attract insects to pollinate

In order for the pepper to be pollinated insects, and accordingly, he gave higher fruiting insect fruiting. For such a process during flowering, it is necessary to spray a plant with sweet composition:

  • 100 g of sand sugar;
  • 2 g of boric acid;
  • 1 l hot water.

In addition to artificial pollination to attract honey insects, it is recommended to put a container with a honey solution near the plantations: 1 tsp. Honey dissolves in 1 tbsp. hot water.

Selection of a variety of pepper for growing in bed

Currently, summer residents have the opportunity to use modern pepper varieties that are resistant to low temperatures are not subject to infections. Breeders brought the great diversity of varieties of sweet peppers, differing in the abundance of fruiting, coloring, fetal size.


  • the height of the adult plant ranges from 50 to 70 cm;
  • fruits have a saturated red tint;
  • wrinking cone shape without relief pattern;
  • the weight of the fetus is 100-180 g;
  • middle-yielding grade: one bush is able to please 18 fruits;
  • resistant to infectious and fungal diseases.


  • relatively tall plant: usually the bush has a height of 60-70 cm, under certain climatic conditions its height can reach 1 m;
  • during the ripening period, the fruit changes its color from saturated green to orange-red;
  • wrinking cone shape with sharp nose;
  • fruits are large, fleshy: weight can reach up to 250 g;
  • middle-yielding variety: For the period of fruiting, one bush is able to "grow" to 18 fruits;
  • fruits can be used in food both in green and ripening.


  • sweet pepper is capable of growing up to 70 cm;
  • the color of fruits from saturated yellow to orange color;
  • fruits of cone-shaped elongated form;
  • the weight of obscene - 150-200 g;
  • during the season of vegetation, it is possible to collect up to 18 fruits from one plant;
  • it is distinguished by unpretentiousness and ability to adapt to any composition of the soil.


  • tall Plant: The height of the bush exceeds 1 m;
  • fruit color from dark brown to violet;
  • fruits have a cone-shaped embossed form;
  • large-mode variety: one peppercorn can weigh up to 250 g;
  • with proper care from one plant, you can collect up to 15 fruits;
  • fruit on the whole growing period.


  • it is distinguished by the lighting: with abundant light, the height of the plant can reach 1 m, but as a rule, the plant grows only by 50-60 cm;
  • fruits have a bright red tint;
  • fruits conesoid;
  • the mass of the wound depends on the light: with abundant lighting - 200 g, with a lack of light - 150 g;
  • middle-yield variety: from one plant can be collected from 10 to 20 fruits;
  • successful growing requires strong lighting.

"Pinocchio F1"

  • little grade: Height very rarely exceeds 50 cm;
  • the fruits of the gradient shade can be found and spotted wounds;
  • cone-shaped form of vegetable with significant elongation;
  • pacnitsa possess a small weight from 80 to 120 g;
  • low-threatened variety: with proper care from one bush, you can collect 12-15 fruits;
  • according to professional daches and cooks, this is the best grade for winter blanks.

"Cabin boy"

  • bush height 50-60 cm;
  • color from dark green to saturated red: Green fruits are used in conservation, red - eat fresh;
  • fruits have a cone-shaped shape with a pointed tip;
  • weight of one vegetable - 130-180 g;
  • high-yielding pepper: for the period of fruiting is able to please up to 30 medium-sized fruits;
  • resistant to diseases, unpretentious to care.


  • one of the tallest varieties of pepper: the height of the bush is from 1 to 1.5 m;
  • in the rock, the fruits have a scarlet shade;
  • treaty conesoid, highly elongated shape with a blunt tip;
  • the most meaty pen: the weight of the fetus is about 300 g;
  • middle-yield plant: You can collect up to 14 vegetables from the bush.


  • height bush 80-100 cm;
  • the fruit of a beautiful orange shade, sometimes with green or red spots;
  • wound clubs and interesting relief;
  • middle-size promises - 150-200 g;
  • it has an excellent taste, sophisticated aroma;
  • during the growth period, one bush gives up to 14 perch.
  • high resistance to infections, fungi.


  • as a rule, an adult plant has a height of up to 80 cm, with good care height can reach 1 m;
  • immature fruits have a rich-green color, in the rock squeeze, an orange color acquires;
  • fruits have a cone-shaped shape with a blunt tip;
  • grade is demanding of watering;
  • with sufficient humidity, fruits may have a weight of up to 250 g;
  • the magnitude of the yield: up to 16 fruits from one bush;
  • the variety can be used in food at different stages of maturation.


  • an adult plant reaches a height of no more than 70 cm;
  • fruits have a burgundy color, more rarely encounters a violet shade;
  • cone-shaped fruits with a sharp tip;
  • warring weighing 70-180 g;
  • middle-yielding grade: from one bush can be collected up to 15 fruits;
  • it is characterized by the duration of flowering, it is capable of fruit throughout the growing season.


  • the grade is demanding on the lighting, on which the height of the adult plant depends: with abundant light, the bush can have a height of up to 1 m, with insufficient lighting - 50 cm;
  • the fruits during the ripening period have a bright yellow or orange color;
  • crushing cones-shaped rounded form;
  • the fruits of medium size weighing up to 150 g;
  • high-yielding grade: For the period of fruiting, more than 25 fruits can mature;
  • as a rule, abundant fruiting leads to a decrease in the size of the barriers.


  • not demanding to cultivation conditions;
  • the height of the adult bush may exceed 1 m;
  • the fruits are saturated red, randomly burgundy;
  • differs up the directional growth of fruits;
  • the mass of one vegetable can be from 160-250 g;
  • over the growing season, it is capable of please to get up to 15 barriers from the bush;
  • fruits are distinguished by juice and pleasant aroma.

The best varieties of sweet peppers for open soil will allow decent harvests. Adhering to the recommendations of breeders, the process of cultivation turns into an interesting occupation, and the result is strumb by abundant fruiting.

Hybrid or grade: what to give preference

There is a huge number of opinions regarding the cultivation of hybrids and varieties. If you are going to collect seeds from fruits - preference in growing is worth paying a variety. Otherwise, a hybrid is used.
The variety is the result of breeders. Such peppers are adapted to certain cultivation conditions, it is able to give sowing material similar to the maternal plant. It is distinguished by the reliability of taste. But, unfortunately, the variety is more susceptible to all sorts of infections and is not always suitable for cultivation in a certain region. Pepper seeds can be collected and used as a sowing material.
Hybrid - plants obtained as a result of crossing different varieties. Requires big attention. It is distinguished by resistance to infections and fungi, capable of giving high yields. As a rule, it is distinguished by a slight increase in the taste qualities of fruits and their commodity view. In order to sow a hybrid every year it is necessary to buy sowing material in a specialized store.
Pepper is an amazing vegetable that enjoys great popularity. It has excellent taste, distinguished by a saturated sophisticated aroma. With fruit crops prepare a variety of dishes, apply in fresh form. Pepper - plants that should be at each summer site.

Hello, dear readers! So, the seedlings of peppers are grown, planted in the ground and even grown. What's next? I propose to learn more about the peculiarities of the cultivation of pepper in the open ground, as well as what care is necessary to provide peppers to obtain a rich harvest.

To begin with specific requirements. Pepper (and sweet and acute) is extremely light and thermal-loving culture, very demanding soil moisture. Pepper does not tolerate both dryness and soil mois.

For the cultivation of pepper in the open ground, the soils of the following types are most suitable: sandy, medium cynical, floodplain and black soil, having a light mechanical composition and a weakly acid or neutral environment. Sour soil pepper does not like.

Formation of pepper
As soon as the landed is taken from the main stem, it is recommended to remove the top (pinch). This technique causes the growth of side shoots, and the plants ultimately acquire a compact form.

Next reception - stepsing. There are no more than 5 top shoots on the plant, which further harvest is formed. The remaining steps are removed.

You can do without pinching the main escape, but steaming is a mandatory event especially in a hot rainy summer.

Peppers need care

Growing pepper in the open soil requires some care. Pepper care is to create the following conditions:

Temperature mode
Optimal to grow pepper is the temperature +20 ... + 25 ° C.

At + 13 ° C and below the peppers are covered with film or special material. The appearance of lilac shades in the fruits indicates a violation of the temperature regime.

Watering is desirable to carry out rain or weathered warm water by sprinkling. The water temperature used for watering should be +24 ... + 26 ° C.

The watering scheme depends on the stage of plant development:

  • before the start of flowering - 1 time for a week, in hot weather - 2 times. The irrigation rate is up to 12 liters per 1 m 2.
  • during flowering and fruiting - 2-3 times during the week. The irrigation rate is up to 14 liters per 1 m 2.

During the flowering period, the following solution is used as feeding. On a barrel of 100 liters take:

  • 5-6 kg of chopped nettle leaves, coltsfoots, loft, dandelion, plantain;
  • 10 liters of overworked cow manure;
  • 10 tbsp. Spoons of ash.

Barrel is poured with water. The contents of the barrel are stirred, insist for a week and is used for irrigation (1 l per plant). The remaining solution can be filled with other cultures.

During the period of fruiting, another solution is used. On a barrel of 100 liters take:

  • 5 liter of bird litter;
  • 10 l cow's rewind manure.

The barrel is also poured with water, the contents are stirred and insist 4-5 days. The resulting solution feed pepper (5-6 liters per 1 m 2).

During the season, 4-5 root feeders are carried out, which are carried out on wet soil. The interval between them should be at least 10 days.

In addition, in the period of flowering and fruiting, dried flickers of wood ash, using 1-2 glasses of ash, 1 m 2 of the soil.

Laying soil
The pepper roots are located in the surface layer, so the loosening is carried out on a small depth (up to 5 cm) simultaneously with the extracting of plants and weeping.

And remember about that will give additional protection from the drying of the soil and keep the growth of weeds. Only the mulching of peppers is recommended after the soil warms, as this culture is thermalized.

Additional pollination of flowers
Conduct in dry windless weather by light shocking choplars with blooming plants.

Bulgarian pepper has fragile shoots that are easily broken, so they are tied up to leavers. And there are tall cultures around the bed around the beds that create scenes and protect the landing from the wind.

Problems when growing pepper
The main problems facing gardeners when growing pepper is:

  1. Wording stalks, foaming of leaves, flowers and wounds.
    Possible causes: Increased air temperature (above + 32 ° C), moisture deficit in the soil, as well as lack of light.
  2. Stop growth and flowering, no wound.
    Possible causes: Low air temperature (below + 13 ° C), watering cold water, lack of light.
  3. The formation of curve fruits.
    Reason: incomplete pollination of flowers.

Sweet and bitter peppers are grown on separate ridges (and even better after 1-2 beds). With joint cultivation, they are reversible, as a result of which the sweet pepper acquires bitterness characteristic of acute peppers.

Manure activates the growth of stems and leaves, which comes to the detriment of fruiting, therefore it is made under the previous culture.

Good pepper neighbors can be called basil, bumium, coriander, onions, velvets. The last three plants are good as protection against Tly. But the trap for the Tly can serve. The bumium helps protect against wind.

Poor neighbor pepper - beans. It is advisable to avoid their neighborhood, since they have a common disease - an anthracota (with this disease, soft black spots are formed in the fruits).

Diseases and pest pests

Pepper may be affected by the same diseases as the other vegetable cultures of the family of the family: tobacco mosaic, phytoofluorosis, powdery dew, various rotches, and others. The pathogens of the disease serve bacteria, mushrooms, viruses.

The most common pepper diseases are: sparing ("black leg") and a disease of withering.

The "black leg" amazes mainly pepper seedlings. To combat it, it is usually enough to adjust the temperature and humidity.

Fading disease is observed in adult plants. It happens three species: bacterial wilt, verticilla (verticilliotic) withering and fusarious wilt. The disease is manifested in changing the color of sheet plates, dropping leaves and passing the stem vessels, which ultimately leads to the death of the plant.

Prevention and control measures are primarily in the acquisition of high-quality seeds and seedlings, the fight against pests and weed plants, the observance of crop rotation, removal of patients.

Tlla, mites and slugs - it the main pest pests .

To prevent and combat pests, you can use proven folk remedies.

The following solution will help to get rid of thephids: 200-250 g of wood ashes take the bucket and poured with water, the temperature of which is + 50 ° C.

It is possible to protect the plants from the spider tick using the infusion of crushed garlic or bow (200 g) and dandelion leaves (200 g) on \u200b\u200bthe water bucket.

Solutions insist at least a day. Before use, it must be mixed and strain. To increase the efficiency of the solution, it is recommended to add up to 30-40 g of liquid soap, but in this case it is better to look for an organic soap, in which the minimum of chemicals. These solutions are safe for plants and humans, so it is possible to spray pepper at any stages of growth and the development of vegetable culture.

The appearance of naked slugs will prevent regular loosening and soil treatment with dry mustard or red pepper (1 h. Spoon per 1 m 2). Still helps mulch from straw, because it is tough.

Perhaps that's all. Now, dear readers, it is time to consolidate the knowledge gained on the cultivation of peppers in the open soil in practice.

Good luck!

I advise, dear readers, not to miss the publication of new materials on this blog.

Both sweet and burning varieties belong to plants, very loving heat. With good watering in the southern regions, it is easy to cultivate them. Growing pepper in the open ground in a temperate climate requires knowledge of many subtleties. However, this is possible, even if there is no greenhouse on the indention site.

They consist of the selection of a suitable variety of pepper and places for it on the site, as well as bookmarks seedlings.

Best Sorts for Open Soil

The growing season in the culture is long. Even in early external varieties, the maturation of the first fruit occurs 100 days after manifestation. To obtain a harvest in regions with a temperate climate, choose options with early and medium sleeve.

For reference. In the warm regions, the varietal preference is not so important, the gardeners are more focused on the purpose of the future harvest - whether it will go for quotations, stuffing or to implement.

In both the first and in the second case, it is recommended to pick up varieties with fruit bodies in the form of a medium magnitude cone. For consumption in fresh form, large thick-walled fruits are suitable.
If you are planning to grow pepper for implementation, it is better to choose Dutch hybrids. They perfectly tolerate the cold, early and smoke together, and are much less susceptible to diseases.

In different areas, the medium climate strip is also different. It affects the selection of a variety:

  • for the localities of the north of the capital, pay attention to the early grades, resistant to cold - "Erosk", "Funtika", "Victoria", "Torch", "Buratino", "Yunga", "Smile";
  • for the central zone, early varieties are suitable, giving large types of "Marykin Tag", "Big Mom", "Ivango", "merchant", "Annushka";
  • where warmer, it is possible to choose the middle-air ledge - "Atlanta", "Bogatyr", "Swallows", "Orange King".

From the burning of peppers on the beds, the "Hungarian Yellow", "Magic Bouquet", "Step", "Tula" and "Spark", is most famous.

Prices for pepper seeds

seeds pepper

Arrangement of Grokeok.

Sweet pepper grows perfectly at sunny areas, where wind protection is equipped. Well, if the beds are located on the southern or southwestern part of the household territory. If the windproof is not installed, you can make a scene from plants or put a pintry fence.

Pepper disembarking should be carried out in areas where they grown cabbage, cucumbers, peas and beans, pumpkin, carrot. In places where tomatoes, eggplants have previously grown, as well as in potato beds, do not advise the peppers, until they expire for three years after harvesting the aforementioned crops. Their diseases are capable of transmitted through the soil. The soil must be drained, well-holding moisture.

Attention!In no case are not squeeze near the burning and sweet peppers. There is a risk of cross-pollination, and the fruits of sweet varieties will acquire a strong mustard.

Another fall, planning the spring planting of peppers, the plot under the ridges should be switched. In the spring, the soil is carried out, and feeding fasteners based on potassium, nitrogen and phosphates at the rate of 30 grams per 1 m². Additionally, you can add 60 grams of wood ash and 7 kg humus. Fresh manure is not recommended, only after composting, since the oversupply of soluble nitrogen will negatively affect the number of scores and the ripening of the fruit body.

Separation of seedlings

Seedlings can be purchased before the landing itself, but it is better to drive out sprouts yourself. So you will be confident as seedlings.

Seeds are sown in February so that it was more than three months before transfers to the ground. It is better to choose a separate container for each seed, since the culture does not tolerate the dive. Perfect peat models with a cross section of about 100 mm. No longer required - roots in plants develop slowly.

Suitable soil is light and air. If it is not planned to purchase it in specialized stores, you can mix humid, garden soil and river sand in equal proportions. A large spoonful of wood ash adds to a kilogram of such a substrate.

Prepare the land and pots, carry out the following procedures:

  • Seeds are withstanding about six hours in water with a temperature of + 50 ° C and stirred on a soft cotton flap, well-moistened. Keep in the warm room (approximately with plus 20 degrees) so that the seeds are crossed. This is usually happening on the second day.

  • In the pots make small wells and stacked seeds. They are covered with banks, plastic bottles or polyethylene bags to create a mini-greenhouse.

  • Hold pots in a warm room under the phytolampa. When stems with leaves appear, remove the underflowing material and transfer to an even faster place with a temperature of about 27 degrees during the daytime and 14 degrees in the night.

It is necessary to water the seedlings to water slightly above room temperature, it is not redundant, but also without overwhelming the soil. Watering is produced after removing polyethylene or cans. At the same time it is necessary to spray seedlings so that the air around is wet.

So that the bushes were strong, they must be filtered. For the first time, fertilizers are made on the phase of the appearance of two sheets as follows: 5 grams of ammonium nitrates are divorced in 10 liters of water, 10 grams of potassium-based feeding, 30 grams of superphosphate fertilizers. Next feeder - two weeks in the same way, but with doubling dosage. The third insuming goes in a couple of days before the seeds landing. Increase in the solution of potassium dosage up to 70 grams per 10 liters of water.

Three weeks before the transfer to the open ground, plants should be treated, pulling out on fresh air for several hours. The thermometer's column should not fall below 13 ° C heat.

Video - how to drive pepper seedlings

Read more details on how to competently treat the pepper seeds before living, you can in a specialized on our website.

Rules for disembodies

Transferring seedlings to open ground is usually carried out at the end of May, when you can no longer be afraid of night frosts.

How to equip peppers on the ridges correctly:

  • make a well every 25 cm ridge. Their depth should be slightly larger than the distance to the tips of the roots in the pots. Distance between stripes is at least 60 cm;

  • understand the wells. Each is needed at least a liter of water. It should not be cold - you need to give liquid to stand out;

  • carefully remove seedlings from the pots and vertically place in the pits.

If spring succeeds warm, the disembarkation is spent closer in the late afternoon, when the heat will fall. So sprouts will have to adapt to the new place of residence before the appearance of the bright sun.

Caring for gardening

If peppers correctly feed, loose and water, protect against pests and cold, even in the conditions of the middle strip they will give a good harvest. But you need to accurately calculate the landing time. The growth of the bushes should come to the time when the thermometer column is almost not lowered below 20 ° C, and at night - below 13 ° C. If there is still a night cooling, the ridges should be bought by polyethylene or special coating.

Fall by plants

Polyvka produce estimated or rainwater. It must heat up to 25 degrees. Before the appearance of flowers, the plants are watered every month. But if it's hot on the street, then every three days. Square meter will require about 12 liters. When flowers appear, stocking and fruit, the water rate is increased by two liters. Watering is conducted three times a week.

We feed germs

The peppers planted for the first time in beds are fed during the first toothfill. Then follow two more fertilizer's fertilizers: during the appearance of the uncess and in the process of forming the fetus.

If the shoots are "starving" or, on the contrary, "retrained" of one or another type of fertilizer, it is noticeably externally.

Table 1. The impact of the number of fertilizers on the formation and appearance of peppers.

Component subcordWith a lack of mineralWith an excess of mineral

Leaf twisting, drying kayma appearanceExtra Long Intezion, Height Delay, Light Leaves

Purple coloring of leaves, their pressing to the stalkReducing the size of foliage, stocks and fruits

Grinding foliage that becomes grayishDropping flowers and stocks

Marble coloring of foliageRipped edges on the leaves, their twisting

Personal cultures do not require a large number of fertilizers, especially fresh organic matter. They are generally better to "unoccuping" than "throwing". Excess even balanced fertilizer will lead to the fact that shoots and branches will grow, and there will be little to the urins. Some of them are a bush and will drop at all. And small fruit will not be able to boast of warmer sizes. Organic feeding should be made in the fall, in the ground for the subsequent spring planting.

Loose soil

In order not to have an earthen crust, the beds must be periodically exploded. Why it is necessary:

  • the influx of oxygen and heat to rhizomes is improved, which speeds up growth;
  • the functioning of microorganisms is stimulated;
  • weeds are destroyed.

Since the root system of this culture develops slowly, in the first two weeks the looping does not produce. The first procedure is carried out carefully, without deepening more than 10 cm. You can only leave for a large depth, if the soil is heavy, prone to the formation of the crust. Subsequent explosion is carried out after falling out of precipitation or watering. But you should wait that the soil dried slightly. Perch peppers during the appearance of colors.

We protect from cold weather

And sweet, and burning peppers do not tolerate frosts. Plants must be protected from possible cooling in the night and morning, especially at the beginning of summer. Experienced gardeners build special tents over the ridges. They are made from bars, which adapt cardboard sheets, burlap, polyethylene. Install the "tents" over the ridges for the night, in the morning removed.

On a note!If the weather has finally deteriorated, it is better to cover the shoots with transparent polyethylene by the type of greenhouse even during the daytime.

From frosts, pepper bushes are also protected by sprinkling and smoking. The first method allows to protect flowers and wounds, but water spraying should be small. The thick smoke interferes with the cooled surface of the garden, and after sunrise softens the sharp warming of the air.

There are some subtleties of pepper care in order to improve yield:

  • plant shoots differ fragility, they can break under the weight of heavy leaves and fruits. They are sure to be tied up to the neck or a low sleeper;

  • around the pepper ridges should plant partner plants rise higher, so that they protect the young peppers from the wind;
  • culture requires steaming. Remove unnecessary internal and lower shoots. Do it need to be in cool weather. In the heat of branches and leaves protect the Earth from the evaporation of moisture. Trimming make time one and a half weeks during the growing season;
  • to increase yield, the central flower grown on the bushes, which has grown from the first branching;
  • if the chickerel is mulch, for example, a rift layer of 10 cm, watered bushes.

When flowers appear, it is recommended to attract insects to pollinate. For this, the bushes are sprayed with a special solution based on sahara. Per 100 grams of sweet powder is required liter hot water and 2 grams boric acid.

Prices for stakes for plants

stakes for plants

Video - the secret of an excellent "pepper" crop on the ridges

Peppers are striking the same infections as everyone else. The most common inconsisions - "Black leg", tobacco mosaic, white and vertex rot. Peppers are very capricious "patients", cure the plant is difficult. Usually they are removed so that the infected bush does not infect the entire bed.

So that the plants do not hurt, you need to purchase high-quality seeds, independently do the seedlings to observe the heat-woofer mode, to eliminate pests, weeds and affected bushes. Peppers have enemies and among insects. How to deal with the main parasites you will learn from Table 2.

Each gardener seeks to get a good crop of fresh vegetables on their beds. And the main place in this list is occupied by southern plants: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants. Pepper care in the open ground just as care for the other thermal-loving cultures is to create a specific microclimate in which it will grow comfortable.

The secrets of growing pepper in the open ground are to comply with the exhaust technology and observing the development of plants. To cover additionally beds with peppers or ventilate a greenhouse, feed the fertilizer or dip landing - the appearance of the plant unmistakably tell me what he lacks.

Biological features

To collect a good crop of sweet pepper in the Russian conditions, you need to know the features of its growth and development. It was possible to grow pepper in the open ground. It became possible only after removing stable varieties and hybrids that carry low temperature, its oscillations and an insufficient amount of heat without loss of yield.

Such varieties appeared in Russia in the early 70s. They were a bit, but they were universal, they grew well in all climatic regions: from Moldova to Siberia.

Important! The active promotion of peppers north and east contributes to the emergence of new underfloor materials, the availability of a variety of greenhouses and greenhouses, the removal of stable varieties and hybrids.

Pepper is a long-term shrub with sharp or sweet fruits. In the harsh conditions of our climate, this culture is grown as annual. In terms of ripening of fruits, early, medium and late varieties have.

How to properly care for planting peppers, you can learn by studying biological features and developed by agrotechnic.

The plant is heat-loving, good yields are obtained, if or in a bed with temporary film shelter. During the whole period of growth, peppers requires a temperature from +20 ° C to +30 ° C.

This is a short-day culture. With a decade-hour lighting day, the fruits ripen two weeks earlier than with a 14-hour illumination.

The dryness of the flowers and the umbrella affects the dryness of the air, they fall on the heat. With high humidity, fungal diseases begin to develop on pepper. The optimal humidity of the air for the development of the plant is 50%.

The popularity of pepper can be determined by looking at the list of varieties in the state market of plants of the Russian Federation. They are already more than 700 and about half - hybrids.

Important! All F1 hybrids differ from varieties by a shorter period before collecting fruits, accelerated harvest, highly adaptable to unfavorable climate.

Agrotechnology of growing seedlings

Before starting planting seeds, you need to decide on the variety. In addition to maturation time, they are characterized by many parameters:

  • height and branchiness of the bush;
  • resistance to diseases and weather changes;
  • yield;
  • painting fruits and their mass;
  • wall thickness and juiciness.

Choosing in the open soil, it is necessary to give preference to the zoned varieties of early and medium ripening time.

Agrotechnics of the punch consists of conventional stages:

  • preparation and landing of seeds for seedlings;
  • care of seedlings;
  • disemboding in open ground;
  • watering, feeding and loosening;
  • protection against pests;
  • harvesting and processing.


In the store you need to choose a suitable land for planting seeds. It can also be prepared independently. Mandatory condition - loose, air-permeable and moisture permeable structure.

In Earth, there must be a breakpoint presence:

  • sand;
  • peat;
  • sawdust.

A mixture of squeezing earth is prepared, peat and sand in the ratio of 1: 2: 1.


To obtain a strong and sustainable seedlings of the seeds before planting, it is necessary to prepare. In firmly salted water, viable seeds are selected, which are lowered to the bottom. Then they are soaked for an hour in the raspberry mortar, killing a mushroom infection, from which adult plants suffer.

In front of the seeding in the soil, the seeds are lowered into a solution of microelements and growth stimulants, for example, Epin Extra. is 60-70%.

Seeds should be planted in individual cups or in the cassette cells. Pepper roots are poorly restored after damage and do not like transfers. Seeds are planted at a depth of 1 cm, between plants - 2 cm, between rows - 3 cm.

Sit down in necessarily wet land in mid-February for greenhouses and in mid-March for greenhouses. The land is closed with a film and shoots appear after 3 days. Temperature for must be + 25-28 ° C.


In the middle lane of Russia, peppers are grown only through seedlings. This is due to the long vegetation period. Even early varieties need not less than 90 days for fruit tie. In addition, the earlier the peppers begin to give the harvest, the more the fruits can be collected. Like a long-term culture, pepper fruits without stopping to frost.

Basic requirements of seedlings:

  • high temperature + 20-25 ° C;
  • sufficient illumination with a short day. Seedlings are closed with a lid from 19 o'clock in the evening to 7 am, creating the desired length of the day artificial day;
  • timely watering when drying the soil, which must constantly be wet. Pepper is very poorly restored after the soil of the soil, is delayed in the development and fruiting;
  • sufficient feeding with a weak solution of complex fertilizer with trace elements;
  • hardening before landing in the ground.

Without picking seedlings is ready for transshipment into the soil in 45-50 days, with a picking - after 60 days.

Claim seedlings begin 10-14 days before disembarking in the ground, gradually catching up to the temperature outside the window. Seedlings, which is grown in optimal conditions and has passed the hardening, perfectly coming up in a new place. During the day before transplanting, seedlings are sprayed with epic extra or zircon to remove stress from transplantation, enhancing protective properties and increase yields.

How to grow viable, healthy and strong pepper seedlings, today, is not a secret. We grow it mostly at home, on the windowsill and loggias. The main thing is attention to the plant, its appearance and developmental speed.

Open ground care

Pereparnikov on the garden in the Greenhouse in the middle of April, under the film shelter - in mid-May.

How to care for peppers in the open soil, described in detail in many manuals, magazines and sites. In addition to standard care, there is a care that is in the procedures:

  • glaze;
  • feeding;
  • weeding and loosening;
  • protection against disease and pests;
  • landing taking into account the crop rotation;
  • the care of peppers in the open soil has several features.

With a large green mass of a bush, pepper has weak urine roots. Therefore, it should be located in a place, protected from strong winds, otherwise the plants are Poliagut.

Be sure to touch the pepper of high grades, to disembark it with high plants: corn, sunflower, Topinambury. We are tied up every escape by fan to a grind or peg.

Pepper is self-polished plant, he does not need insects to form barriers. However, during mass flowering in dry weather it is worth shaking bushes for better pollination.

Pepper bushes form in 1-3 stem. Paging side shoots, you can form an empty bush. We certainly remove the crown flower, which is formed first in the center of the plant. - not a prerequisite, but it gives an increase in the yield by 30%, and the number of fruits increases by 2 times. The scattered bush shall give the soil and protects it from overheating.

The best seeds are collected from the crown flower, they leave it if they want to grow their seeds. The largest and juicy peppers grow on the four lower tiers of the bush.


The main condition of abundant harvest is sufficient watering. Under the pepper should be constantly wet and loose soil. The roots are located superficially, so it is necessary to loosen a shallow. The pepper on the dipping of wet ground speaks well. Extra roots grow out of the stem, which not only increase the area of \u200b\u200bfood, but also strengthen the bush in the ground.

After planting seedlings, it is watered daily warm water. After rooting the plant three times a week 2 liters under the bush.

The ovary on pepper grows first in length, then in width, and the walls of the fetus thicken at the end. If not sufficiently remain thin.

When rewarding the roots will not be enough oxygen. Pepper can get fungal infection or neglect. The loose land, which ensures the passage of oxygen roots, is a very important condition for normal growth for the plant. Mulching, loosening and emphasising of wet land - Mandatory techniques in agrotechnics of vegetable.

Making fertilizers

Behind watering should be a feeding. Three main feeders are carried out after rooting seedlings: during flowering and with the beginning of fruiting. If this is enough, the plant develops normally, no extra fertilizer to pour under plants. For fertilizers, the infusion of litter, manure, ash and solution of mineral fertilizers is suitable.

If the summer was cold and cloudy, pepper roots cannot provide it with sufficient food. Weak, yellow, in the spots of the leaves will be prompted that the plant lacks nutrition. In such cases, it is necessary to apply extractive feeding on the sheet.

Important! Sheet feeding can very quickly deliver food to develop a plant in an adverse climate.

Spray the leaves in a warm, but cloudy day with a solution of trace elements, boric acid, ash, superphosphate, urea.

Care does not represent difficulties. The recoil of the crop goes to the most frosts until the plant dies from low temperatures.


The cultivation of pepper in the open ground brings not only benefit when receiving a long-awaited harvest, but also the pleasure of growing an amazing plant, which accompanies a person on all continents. This piggy bank of vitamins, due to the efforts of breeders, has greatly changed its appearance.

Instead of red 50 gram fruits, we can collect violet, orange, yellow and chocolate giants weighing up to 400 grams. However, no one wants to change the taste and smell of vegetable. Bright sweet-spicy taste and harmonious aroma are quite suitable for pepper admirers for over 500 years.