Repairs Design Furniture

What is the name of all the flowers. Catalog of indoor plants. Fruits in flower bouquets

Write this article prompted me the program "In Search of Adventures" with Mikhail Kozhukhov, who in his plot told about how the orchids grown. The operator removed many beautiful species, and I, stroking on the queen of all colors, decided to search for interesting color names in the Internet.


This flower got its name from the words Dendron and BIOS, which is translated as "Life on a tree". In the program, Kujukova described how they grow orchid. First under a microscope, in a sterile room, a flower bacterium is transplanted on carrot puree. Here, for 3 months, it matures and grows a small stalk. It is transplanted with a tweezers in a small capacity. And again orchid grows several months. Then, the already formed skeleton is transplanted into the cut of the tree bark, cover with moss and suspended on the rope. In this position, the orchid will live 3 years, and pouring then, after the expiration, an adult plant is transplanted into the Vazon and sell in flower shops.


An interesting name, which cannot be compared with anything, like the flower itself. He is original in that there are several small flowers at once on one blur. different color. I think readers remembered Medica. But, alas, this plant has only 2 colors, and Lantana immediately up to 6 tones. In nature there are 150 species of this flower.


Perennial herbate plant Famous called "Broken Heart". Varieties of this flower more than 12. Everyone differs from each other not only by color, but also forms. White, pink, yellow, purple, burgundy, red - they are all beautiful in their own way. Propagated by dividing bushes or stalling.


It would seem that the usual Swedish name is no different from all other namnias. But, what are you the name "Chernozhaya Susanna"? This flower is really similar to a mulatto with long eyelashes and chocolate skin.


The most famous flower all over the world after rose, is named after the sister of Prince of the Sacred Roman Empire. Plant has tender flowers different color Tints, resistant to temperature drops. Propasses with cuttings, dividing the bush and gag.

Externally, there are types of tree-shaped hydrangeas, handicraft and lianovide.


Aquaille - decorative garden flowerwho is not worse in care, but blooms almost the whole season. The original name of the flower received from the Latin words aqua and Legere - absorb water. In nature, there are 101 views. Breeding both seed and stalling.


Name of this perennial flower Associates with dolphins that furrow maritime expanses. 400 Dolphinium varieties are decorated with gardens not only ordinary gardeners, but also the royal palaces. Flowers up to 70 cm highs for a very long time in the medium, it is pleasant to smell and do not cause allergies.

Landing any of the types of plant is carried out in early spring Or in autumn by dividing the bush. The flower is not whimsical in care, but loves drainaged soil.


This is a flower of my childhood. I do not know why, but I really liked this name, as well as the flower itself.

Floxes are a long-term culture, beloved by gardeners for the duration of flowering and aroma. But, the plant is very capricious: it will not be so put - it will not grow up, deeply bore the root - it will not develop badly, you will not make fertilizers - refuses to bloom. Although, I will tell you a secret, Floxes bloom in any conditions, even without fertilizer and abundant irrigation.


The name of this plant is not remembered from the first time, but the flower itself is very interesting. The leaves resemble the vegetation of Iris and Gladiolus, and the inflorescence ... I will not even think with what to compare. But it should be noted that this extinct type of colors has received its popularity and appreciation through medical properties and original flowerwhich dismisses for several hours and dies. Gardeners use Bembarkand for landscape design.


Do you know this flower? I think many answered that not. But the name of "Krasol" will revive memories and everyone will remember the beautiful and fragile flavored flower, which is steel along the ground for a length of up to 3 meters.

The plant is annual and sits down by grains, seedlings and dividing bush. But, in the latter case, the probability of blossoming nasturtium is quite small. The flower leaves are valuable, it is applied to the wounds for disinfection and hooding of pus. Flowers themselves are very fragile and after the cut is wither.

Top - 10 of the most beautiful colors:

Flowers for design bouquets with names and photos will help to improve any place. Beautiful, gentle composition will be decorated in any house. In the garden you can grow flowers yourself, and then compose bouquets from them, and give native or friends. Florist skills are not required, it is enough to know several rules for drawing up a bouquet, and what flowers can be combined with each other.

Rules for creating bouquets

There are several principles that will help create a beautiful bouquet:

  1. Do not use many varieties of colors, a maximum of 3-4, otherwise the composition will look a little ridiculous.
  2. Do not make a bouquet only from unaptive flowers. So the bouquet will be very heavy.
  3. Start with small bouquets and simple solutions.
  4. Make it all scenario, carefully, do not speed up the process. The result directly depends on the accuracy of execution.
  5. Think away each bouquet, collect flowers and think how the end result will look like.
  6. Come on creatively, show fantasy.
  7. Cut flowers for a bouquet needed at an angle.
  8. If the flowers for the bouquet are cut off at one time and are not supplied to the water, it is better to repeat the cut, washing the stalks under the jet of water. And it is better to do it in the morning.
  9. For a bouquet for a long time stood, you do not need to put it under the right effect of sunlight and on drafts. Water must be cleaned, in stores you can purchase a tool so that the bouquet is better stood.
  10. The bouquet does not make up an even number of colors. Such compositions are suitable only on mourning.
  11. The number of colors is worth choosing on the occasion, do you give it for a birthday, or like a small compliment.
  12. On the anniversary, it is better to make a large bouquet, a small one is suitable for wedding events.
  13. Avoid clear symmetry, the bouquet will look boring.
  14. The standard bouquet suitable for any reason is compiled so that in the girth it was about 23-25 \u200b\u200bcm. If you doubt color gamma And in the colors themselves, then the bouquet is better to do in gentle colors, making the focus on white or gentle pink, and as a base, choose roses or peonies.
  15. In order to impress, you need to think about the color gamut of the bouquet. Do not be afraid to turn on the bouquet of green shoots or unusual twigs, it always looks good.
  16. In size, flowers should go from the bottom up, that is, the basis of bright, spectacular flowers, and at the top are small in pastel shades.
  17. Do not combine flowers so that they are pressed to each other, so the bouquet will quickly lose their freshness.
  18. Select a circle or one-sided form in shape. IN round form Flowers are uniformly on a bouquet, and look at different directions, creating the shape of the ball. In one-sided form, the flowers should be directed over the same line.
  19. In order for the bouquet longer standing, it is better to use instead of scissors.
  20. When drawing up a bouquet, it is important to take into account the combination of colors. Many flowers are not only not combined with each other in appearance, but they cannot be near.
  21. It is better to be careful with shades, since cold and warm colors are not always combined, you should first try to make a bouquet in one color scheme, and then try new combinations.

Flowers for compiling compositions

Popular flowers for bouquets can be grown in their own area, here are some of the colors for bouquets with pictures.


Perhaps the most popular flower. It is specially popular for a wedding. In fact, roses will fit almost any bouquets and will always look good. Roses for landing can be chosen any kind: from large to small bushes. It is best to plant roses in September. If you put out later, then before the onset of the first cold, they will not have time to grow, the early landing will end the kidney death. By the spring of roses, planted in September, will begin to bloom intensively.

For roses, great care is required, they are very sensitive and demand attention. Be sure to feed, with the first buds it is better to use Selitra. 2-3 times a month to feed the plant to complete flowering. Provide the right temperature, the overheating of the rose will die. Constantly water, pour shoots to create the right form. For the formation of a bush, trim extra shoots.

What to combine roses?

Roses are perfectly suitable lilies, alstromeria. The violets look very harmoniously with white roses.
Also, it is worth trying to combine roses with herbs, for example, with a lavender. Some believe that roses are independent flowers that should be given just like that. They pay a lot of attention, so other flowers in a bouquet must be more gentle and sophisticated.


Peonies are one of the most beautiful and gentle colors. In addition, now they are very popular. Get a bouquet of peonies will be nice to every woman. These flowers are often used to compile wedding bouquets. True, it is worth being careful by adding other flowers to a bouquet with peonies, as they are very quickly revealed. It is better to choose flowers that hold the shape well, or just a few twigs. Poni bloom is long, about a month.

It is not worth landing into a wet soil, they do not tolerate it. Also, the shadow is not tolerated, so they are better to plant them on the sunny side. You need to do it since August to September, it is possible and in the spring, but then peonies will bloom a little later, and it will be more difficult for them to care. In the first year, feeding is needed, it is necessary to grow them in advance dyed shallow pits.

What to combine peonies?

For peonies, daisies, hydrangea or forget-me-not fit are perfect. Also, you can make a bouquet of peonies of different shades, without using other flowers. It can be white peonies along with gentle pink and bright pink. Such a bouquet will not leave anyone indifferent.


Sunflower is a bright sunny flower capable of easy to raise the mood with its appearance. Often people grow decorative sunflowers in their garden. On the site it looks always very impressive, creating such a "fence" from its flowers.

Sunflower is unpretentious, easily tolerate both drought and frost. Plant is better grown in fertile soil, do not plant next to bean or tomatoes. It is better to put in place where grain crops grew. It is quite easy to care for sunflower, it is enough to water regularly and periodically feed, because the sunflower takes a lot of nutrients.

What to combine sunflowers?

Sunflower is a self-sufficient flower, however, with its help you can make beautiful bouquets. It is possible to combine it with gerberas, chrysanthemums, add to the bouquet. And even better dilute bouquet with twigs, herbs or greens. Such a bouquet is good for a birthday, to create a great mood to someone who you give it.


Chrysanthemums are constantly used in the preparation of compositions. Most often, chrysanthemums have a yellow color, but there are others. Beautiful bouquet flowers, late bloom, so you can assemble in the fall.

In the garden you can create a beautiful composition of these colors, chrysanthemum bushes look very beautiful, especially in large quantities from afar. Chrysanthemum racks to the cold, bloom long - from the end of July to winter. However, care for chrysanthemums. As soon as a small plus appears - the flowers germinate. For chrysanthemums it is worth ensuring shelter, and by the end of the spring it is to remove, as they start growing strongly in height.

Chrysanthemums love moisture, require constant irrigation. After watering, it is necessary to fertilize, ensure that the soil is wet and loose. Regularly give them food - minerals and.

Be sure to cut flowers, after trimming the root to hide with foliage or protective film.

What to combine chrysanthemums?

A bouquet of chrysanthemum is suitable for any reason. Self the best combinations - These are roses, gerberas and dahlias. Such an autumn bouquet is perfect for the birthday or just will just decorate the windowsill with its beauty at the cottage.


One of the most popular colors for a bouquet that is used in floristry. From the ancienthelte name of this flower is translated as white. Lily is a very sophisticated, elegant flower with a stunning smell. Lilies raise quite easily.

They grow them, as a rule, from bulbs. It is necessary to plant in the fall, the bulbs check whether they are healthy enough. It is recommended to plant the lilies of different varieties nearby and leave for several years to grow. Plant loves sun rays and regular watering.

What to combine lilies?

Lily also self-sufficient flower. Beautiful bouquet of lilies will delight any girl, these flowers are very elegant. But such flowers in a bouquet also look good, for the composition they can finely approach both peonies and chamomiles and. Bear combinances with Poppy, so Maki will die very quickly. Perfect to add decorative branches or "Christmas trees" to lilies.

Bouquet with their own hands, especially from gardening - this is a wonderful gift. Do not be afraid to experiment and try. Of course, floristics is a whole science that was still engaged in antiquity, but knowing the rules and secrets of compiling bouquets, you can create a very beautiful composition. In addition, a bouquet, compiled by their own hands, will help save a lot of money for gifts to friends or relatives.
No need to ride in flower shops or specially hire a florist to compile a bouquet. Flowers in a bouquet can be absolutely different: it may be not only roses, peonies or orchids, but also tulips, carnations, irises,

The names and photos of which are known to many. Someone loves houseplants, and someone prefers original design Country plot using even rare colors varieties. Consider what flowers are the most popular from those and other lovers of vegetation.


For the decoration of the garden, the primulus is just perfect. First, it is bright, secondly, refers to Third, blooms the very first among forest plants. Flower love for unusual appearanceFor which the name of the "Baranchiki" or "Keratov" is called. It is noteworthy that this plant is popular in many countries, and in Russia you can find various types of primrose colors. The apartment most often grown which throughout the year.


This plant is often found at the flower beds of the gardeners, it is loved for beautiful lush inflorescences. There are about 600 species of ASTR, which are easily grown from seeds. This garden culture can grow not only in the gardens, but also in the mountains or forests. Asters began to cultivate in Europe in the XVIII century, and the plant seeds were brought from China. Perennial species of flowering colors Astra are classified depending on the structure of the flower and inflorescences, shapes and height of the bush, as well as economic signs. The complexity of the ASTR can be tubular, simple, semi-grade, corinese, curly, radiation, needle, spherical.


These plants are pleased with their grace, beautiful shape. There are about 100 species of this plant, which can be a meter giant or dwarf. Today you can choose the most different varieties of this plant, which attract attention with decorative properties, beautiful flowers and bright color. Many people like this flower and thanks to its useful properties. So, the rhizome is used as a laxative or catholic agent, as well as soothing.


The nature of Astra is different names and some of some few people know. So, let's say, very similar to the Astrian of Gotanyania, which is represented in 40 species. The inflorescences of this plant are simple, semi-grade or terry, and the variety of colors will appeal even to the very seven gardener. Gotania Hybrid has large and spectacular inflorescences that are distinguished by the durability to the cold.


Another type of Astra is a cosme, which looks spectacular and bright. Beautiful views Colors of cosmey transform any garden, bringing elements of freshness and novelty to it. Gorough lush flowering Provided by subtle leaves, which externally similar to confused curls. Plants are low or high, so it is easy to choose an option under the features of the design of a particular garden.

Magnolia large-scale

You can highlight whole line Plants that are practically in every garden. But there are numerous rare species colors that can decorate any country plot And bring in it a note of freshness and unusualness. For example, Magnolia largests today occurs infrequently, since the plant is under threat of disappearance. Very beautiful variety - Zibold Magnolia, which is a high shrub with cuppural flowers with a diameter of up to 10 cm. Feature of this plant - In Frost resistance: Magnolia is able to withstand up to -36 degrees.

Middlemist red

One of the rare and wonderful plants is Middlemist Red. If you are looking for unusual types of colors, pay attention to a very whimsical Middlemist. Grown in China, this flower was transported to England, where he was widespread.

Another rare plant - Sunflower Schweynitz. Botany still can not understand the history of its appearance and distribution. It is only known that today there are about 90 varieties of this plant, which grow exclusively in the United States.

The largest

The largest type of flowers - Rafflesi, which attracts attention not only by impressive sizes, but also the original appearance. This plant was discovered on the island of Java in the XVIII century. The diameter of its flowers reaches 100 cm at maximum weight up to 10 kg. The flower itself is five fleshy petals that are covered with spots from above. Each petal is 3 cm thick and up to 46 cm long. But not the most pleasant smell of rafflezia - rotten meat.

The largest type of flowers in height is an amorfophallaus Titanic. It is beautiful, but, like rafflepsy, smells not the most pleasant way. Podpnaya flower - it is under the second name that Amorphofallus is known - was first discovered on the island of Sumatra. This plant can reach a height of two and a half meters with a width to one and a half meters. For natural conditions, it is simply unrealistic.


There are numerous species decorative flowerswho please their fresh appearance throughout the year. All indoor flowers can be divided into 4 groups, which differ only in the conditions of cultivation:

  1. The first group includes decorative and leafy plants that live long with proper care, their leaves remain green throughout the year.
  2. The second group is decorative-flowering plants, which are also long-livers, but also pleased with beautiful blossoms.
  3. The third group is potted decorative and flowering plants. They are pleased with an attractive visual effect and are ideal for creating floral compositions on window sills or walls in Kashpo.
  4. The fourth group is cacti. In the green room flora, these plants remain perhaps not the most common.

What to choose?

For decoration of premises, various types of colors are suitable. Names and photos will help you with a choice. Before purchasing specific plants, you need to think about how and where they will be located. After all, the main role is played by the harmonious appearance of any room. The most popular includes the following groups. indoor plants:

  • cereal;
  • bush;
  • reprehension;
  • liana;
  • sockets;
  • spherical.

All these types of green colors are pleasing to their decorative qualities throughout the year. They planted in the pots and put on the windowsill, becoming a natural decoration of the house.

Most Popular

You can decorate your house with various plants - from traditional geranium to the original amaryllis or room rose. By the way, it is she who is considered the queen of all colors, as it looks very beautiful, and its flowers are extremely fragrant. This plant loves light, but it is necessary to ensure that the rose does not overheat. Instead of watering the flower you need to spray once a day, but it is abundantly so that the earth remains dry.

Different types of colors are different to the surrounding conditions. Thus, cyclamen is quite demanding, so you need to follow the temperature balance in the room and bright lighting, but without direct light rays. When the plant gives buds and blooms, it needs to be regularly, but not abundantly water.

The thermal-loving room plant is spathifylum. It must be kept at temperatures above 18 degrees, but not only on draft. Watering is required throughout the year by the water, and during the flowering period, it should be abundant. You can spatilulum sprayed, he likes this process.

A wonderful solution for any room - orchids, which, however, is distinguished by challenge and worst. It needs not only the right care, but also timely watering, and spraying, and bright light, which is especially useful to the roots of phalaenopsis.

Very often, the windowsills of our homes and apartments adorn citrus bedroom plants. They relate to the southern, therefore should be in the optimal ratio of heat and light. With the right approach, lemons and tangerines, and oranges can be raised. And here lemon Tree It can be easily located in a darkened room.

Comfort and comfort is what we strive for what we strive for holding your housing. And popular types of colors are ideal for this decision, as they not only make the interior fresh, but also transform it.

Indoor plants will add comfort to each room. They create oases at any time of the year, regardless of where they are installed between the bed and the bedside table, on your wall or windowsill. These exotic handsome hands also clean air from pollution. You can choose the resulting flower among a wide range of species and varieties for the implementation of your flower design concepts.

Indoor plants, such as African violets (Saintpaulia), Much, beautiful (Euphorbia Pulcherrima) or royal orchid (Orchidaceae), impressive weeks generous blossom. Magnificent decorative plants, such as the picturesque diffanebachy and the majestic phylfodendron, act as architectural elementstransforming your home in the evergreen garden. But there is something that you should keep in mind various requirements Purchase at home. Plants, such as succulents, will live weekly without water, while behind tropical colors it is necessary to take care daily. Therefore, you should know in advance about the care of indoor plants, and choose those that are ideal for your lifestyle.

If you do not know how the flower is called, we bring to your attention a catalog of room colors and plants, with which you can determine the name of the plant and choose the right care at home.

Perhaps Abutilon (indoor maple, cannket) is not one of the most popular decorative plantsBut more and more people begin to notice the beauty of this little bush. Undoubtedly, a hybrid cannice will decorate not only the apartment, but also the terraces and the garden. His decorative View due to big bright colors, as well as leaves.

Abutilon hybrid (Abutilon x ...

Agave originally from the deserted territories of North America. Species related to this type have different size, leaves, like a flowering period. Agava is grown mainly due to decorative leaves, although their inflorescences are also beautiful, however, agawa flowers after a very long time (dozens of years). Worst of all that after flowering it dies. Fleshy, thick leaves collected in sockets with sharp ...


AGLONEMA B. natural conditions It is found in Southeast Asia. The flower depending on the variety reaches one meter in height.


He loves half and heat, the temperature should not be descended below 18 ° C, at lower temperatures, the flower ceases to grow. Watering intense, the plant loves high humidity, speaks well to spraying, but does not like ...

AGLONEMA changeing, or changing (Aglaonema Commutatum) belongs to the family - ARACEAE (ARACEAE). Of the 50 species at home, several types are growing more often. In general cultivation there are more attractive hybrid varieties And even interspecific hybrids. Aglionmi is popular in home cultivation due to attractive decorative ...

Correct name Adenium grown at home - adenium fat, or desert rose (adenium obesum) - unusually interesting plantimpressive structure and colorful colors and an original form characteristic of bonsai. They grown as a room plant, in the summer period can be the decoration of the terrace or garden. Learn more about the unusual ...

Among the species of ferns, it is worth paying attention to the fern, also called "Veineline Hair" - AdianTum. The flower is cute, gentle and elegant, but because of the wrong leaving the adiantum will be an unattractive appearance. Varieties of adiantum are characterized by veins with Wijah, with a shape, slightly rounded triangle. Stems are thin, visually look like hair. Adiantums are suitable for ...

The view grown at home is Aichryson X Domesticum (Aichryson X Domesticum), called the "love tree" and "Flower of love", refers to the Tolstanka Family (Crassulaceae). A small branchy shrub Succulent similar to Eonium home (aeonium domesticum) is distinguished by the leaves of an ellipsoid form, in the species of Aiihrizona leaves more rhombid. Aiihrison home easy to confuse with another ...

Alocacy Right from the Malay Archipelago, its leaves grow from the rhizoma. Beautiful variety is a low alocacy that has shiny, dark green leaves with white streaks. The leaves reach a length of up to 60 cm. The clubs of the plant reaches up to 4 kg of weight, are food for residents of Asia (only boiled or baked fragment is suitable - raw poisonous).

Alocacy ...

Aloe is a birth that has hundreds of plants, although the most famous species of Aloe Vera (Aloe Vera) are still aloe tree Aloe Arborescens. More species and varieties appear to pay attention to, species are characterized by high decorative advantages. Aloe Tree and Aloe Vera famous for their own healing properties , in this article first ...

Medicinal plant, Aloe vera or, Aloe PresentAlso called Aloe Barbadossky. Easy in growing room plant. Aloe is known since antiquity, references to the plant were kept on Sumerian clay signs, subsided 3,000 years before our era. As reported, Alexander Great recommended to give leaves to the wounded soldiers so that the wounds of the soldiers heal faster. Plant probably ...

For the first time to grow in pots or greenhouses, unusual and beautiful-flowing plants became in the era of the Great geographic discoveries. Today, indoor flowers, a catalog with photos and the names of which can be accommodated in several cabinets, passionate fascination of millions of people around the world.

Photo and names of decorative indoor plants

Decorative plants are valued for flowers of various shapes and colors, unusual foliage, varieties of forms, including reprehension, peeling and ampel, grassy and tree. Indoor flowers may have a local origin and be the rest of the world's most distant corners. Such plants differ not only by the appearance, but also with habits, require various conditions Contents and care.

Someone is passionate about succulents, someone is more interesting to watch the growth of epiphytes. Although it is almost impossible to get acquainted with all kinds of domestic flowers, their photos and names are almost impossible, a brief catalog will become a great help when choosing a "green pet" in the shower.


Evergreen shrub, easily carrying crown formation, blooming from the end of spring and mid-autumn. Numerous varieties and hybrids room flower Prefer halftime, responsive to care, giving their owner a lot of white, yellow, pink, raspberry "bells" with a diameter of up to 10-12 cm.

To restore the strength, the plant requires a cool wintering at 12-15 degrees.


The photo and the name of this home flower in the pot became famous thanks to the famous film "Leon". Today grassy perennial Popular thanks to the motley leather foliage of broad-sized shape and unpretentiousness in room conditions.

In the color of the leaves different species And the varieties are present not only green, white and silver tones, but also bright pink and purple paints.


Among the home plants fern are not uncommon. Herbatous evergreen cultures attract attention to carved Wijah and endurance. One of the most popular ferns - Adiantum, whose young wii are gracefully rolled and have a pinkish-cream color. In the house, the flower requires halftime and cool content in winter.


These indoor plants with flowers are white, pink, purple coloring are not conquered by all flowers. But when creating correct conditions And constant attention is unrigible shrubs, related, please be generous blossom and long life at home.


Among the many species of room flowers, there are many crops belonging to the family of aroid. The people from the tropics of the southern hemisphere are invariably affect the magnificence of greens and a variety of forms.

When meeting a photo of decorative domestic flowers with the name "Alokasia" it is easy to see how these plants differ outwardly. And it is not surprising, after all, there are several dozen representatives of the genus, for example, fragrant, copper-red, these are unpretentious decorative and deciduous cultures, valued by amateur flowers.


Unlike alochanation loving moisture, all kinds are succulents capable of worrying drought due to the water accumulated in juicy leaves. As domestic flowers, aloe tree is more often grown or amelor. The plant height up to one and a half meters is decorated with long, seated with spiny leaves up to 30 cm long.

The value of the plant in a noncain moral and healing juice, which has a softening, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect.


- Another representative of an extensive family of aroid, which has become a popular indoor flower. The characteristic features of the plant - underground stem, pointed heart-shaped dense leaves, holding down on high reprehension stiffs, and inflorescences, decorated with bright bedspreads up to 15 centimeters. The modified sheet is painted in bright white-pink, scarlet, greenish-purple tones.


Related culinary delicacy asparagus, as a room plant is distinguished by an unpretentious temper, an active growth and a long lifespan in a pot. Several species of this crop due to needle foliage, ampel or resembling a bush have long earned respect and love of flower flowers. The decorative effect of the plant complements rare, but memorable bloom. White flowers collected in the brush are small, but fragrant. After their fading, red rounded berries are formed.


Right from Southeast Asia is a decorative-deciduous plant, the main attraction of which is large wide-lancing leaves up to 80 cm long. In catalogs among photo colors with the name "Aspidistra" you can find copies with motley leaves, decorated with white or yellowish stripes . Flowers of this species are inflicted and even invisible. The chunks of reddish-brown or purple color appear at the earth itself.


Flowers in pots, in the photo, the people are called "Vanka Wet" or "Lady". , Burned on the windowsill of our grandmothers, loves moisture, light and warmth. Extremely unpretentious plant Due to the presence of mass grades, it is ready to please the flower flowering of simple and terry flowers of various shades.


Begonia is a rare plant, which has decorative and leaves, and flowers. There are more than 1,000 cultural varieties and hybrid forms in the world, actively used for landscaping in the house and outside. Homemade flowers can differ in the way to breed, be bush or ampel, blooming seasonally or constantly.

The connoisseurs of decorative and deciduous crops highly appreciate the bright, nothing to do with the greens of these unpretentious, fast-growing colors.

Geno Room (Pelargonium)

Unpretentious, abundantly and long blooming pelargonium is the perfect room flower for beginners. The plant easily adapts to life in an apartment, amenable to forming, if necessary, renewed and is properly multiplied with a vegetative way. And the sea varieties of various shapes and flourishing will help create a unique atmosphere in the house and decorate the interior.


Perennial, relatives of the Garden Malva and, in the Russian conditions stuck as a room plant. Large blooming culture is grown as a shrub or strabamous tree. For proper care And the supply of food is enviable longevity, it grows up to a height of 2-2.5 meters and regularly delights the appearance of spectacular red, pink, coral flowers.


Lukovichny perennial Popular thanks to simple care And incredibly bright bloom. It is accompanied by the appearance of powerful, up to 70 cm high, floweros with several simple or terry flowers. Coloring of the whites depends on the variety and can be a motley, white, pink, scarlet or dense-bugmer. The leaves form a furl root rosette, have a smooth surface and a pointed linear shape. In the fall of this type of room flowers, the period of rest comes lasting for several months and requires dry cool storage of bulbs.


Velvety large bells and the same sophisticated "soft" leaves of oval shape - specific traits Gloxinia home flower. Ceing tube plant in the winter Peace for flowering requires a long daylight, nutrient soil and a wide pot.

Over one rosette of the leaves can simultaneously turn out several dozen spectacular flowers all shades from white to densely purple.


Municipality is drawn to himself thanks to the bright foliage, it does not have such a noticeable and lush inflorescence. Flowering, starting after 3 years, the landing field and lasts up to 3 months, means the close death of the parent plant, which should be replaced by rooted child sockets.


A decorative-deciduous plant with large leaves of different colors is relatively unpretentious, highlighted by a high growth rate and numerous natural and varietal forms. As in nature, the houses depicted in the photo in the pot of flower with the title should receive enough moisture, heat, nutrition and a lot of bright, but scattered light.


Accustomed in nature to truly "Spartan" conditions, in the apartment DRATSEN not Caprip. Several types of varieties are grown as domestic flowers, over time, forming a "tree" with a bare trunk and a cap of tough green or motley foliage on top.


Zamiculkas - a tuber plant from the family of aroid is often found in colonel collections, passionate about evergreen decorative and deciduous cultures. Unpretentious indoor flower height from 50 to 150 cm generates several powerful dense stalks covered with glossy oval-pointed leaves. Adult plants with proper care form milk-white inflorescences.


Encyclopedias and indoor catalogs and plant names often contain references to. Moreover, plants with such name are often included in the list of decorative, and medicinal crops. We are talking About different related species, interesting and wonderful in their own way.

General features of all varieties - non-durability, rapid growth, easy reproduction by all the most affordable in the vegetative ways and responsiveness to care.

Decorative varieties amaze blossomed, and courtie view of Kalanchoe It will help to cope with skin and colds.


Clivia is an evergreen rhizome plant with a powerful roar rosette of long leathery leaves. During flowering, the plant produces a powerful blur with an orange-yellow bright wedges assembled on top into an umbrella. At home, the flowers hold more than 3 weeks.


Maranta is a low, often fluttering or ampel perennial with decorative foliage, on a single sheet plate combining shades of light and dark greens, purple and pink, white and browny tones.

Milia Mile

Milia mile in Russia is more famous as a "thorns". This unpretentious plant in nature reaches a height of 2 meters. In the pot of succulent with rigid, covered with long spikes stem and a bunch of leaves on the top is much smaller. The unusual appearance of the plant completes small inflorescences, born with bright bracts, in scarlet, pink, yellow and white tones.


Sansevieriya or Teschin Language for many years is a regulance of the windowsill. Unassuming home flower Popular due to rigid foliage, with a motley pattern or bright border.

- One of the most common room colors, but the cylindrical variety with pointed reprehensive leaves of the original form only acquires adherents.


His name is decorative home flowers in the photo are obliged to be a fleshy, resembling coins of leaves. Fat or " money Tree»Excellent home plant, Conditions for which even a newcomer. For endurance and light reproduction, the flower is compared only with calangean. Even the fallen sheet will soon be rooted and gives rise to a new plant.


Tradesska - a great amplie flower for homemade cultivation. The plant has a rapid growth, high decorativeness, non-duty and light agrotechnics. The presence of varieties with motley foliage of different shades allows using a single culture to create unique compositions. The moisture lobby, amenable to the formation of the crown and is easily rooted in water or on the ground.


Faleenopsis or "butterfly similar" flower. This is the most popular orchid in nature is epipheit. At home, the flower is content with a special pot and substrate, unlike ordinary soil. A relatively simple care for phalaenopsis allows the novice lover of orchids to master all the features of these decorative plants.

Violet Uzambarskaya (SENPOLIA)

The Uzambarskaya violet at first sight conquers the view of a durable, assembled in lush foliage sockets, over which simple, semi-or terry flowers of the most bizarre forms and colors reign. Modern Satpolium varieties are calculated by thousands and represents giants and dwarf plants, monophonic and motley flowers, green leaves and greens with white or pink edge.


Catalog of room colors with photos and names different species And varieties of ficuses can be published by a separate book. Today there are almost a thousand species of this plant, there are several dozen in culture, having a shape of a bush, tree, soil and even empel copies. The greatest spread received and rubbing.


- Leader among plants by air purification ability. But this is not the only reason for the popularity of the indoor flower. Necoprial and easily breeded in the house grassy perennial forms lush outlets from pointed lanceal leaves green or motley color. The feature of the culture is the flowers and daughters of the plant formed on long hanging shoots.


Among the homemade Lian Hoya occupies one of the first places for beauty and popularity. Evergreen perennial with long stems covered with dense "wax" leaves and umbrella inflorescences of fragrant starflowers, no one leaves indifferent. At the same time, the sprouted on the appropriate surface of ivy does not need special care and excellent for maintenance at home.

Video: 70 bedroom plants in my interior