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Care of lemon wood in the home. Learning to grow and care for lemon at home. Lemon from Chenkov

Flowers are increasingly taken to grow lemon House. The reason in the beautiful decorative form of the plant, as well as the opportunity to get a crop. In favorable conditions, fruit regularly. The plant exudes a pleasant smell of essential oils that are present in the leaves.

Lemon Home - Plant Description

Lemon is a perennial subtropical tree, with large glossy leaves of the oblong shape. Many lemons are spikes. This fruiting citrus plant is tree-like (height to 5-8 m) and bush (up to 3-4 m).

During the year, lemon blooms several times. Flowers are small, with white or cream petals. During flowering, thin, gentle aroma exuded.

Selection of home lemon varieties

For growing at home, varieties with a small crown are chosen.

Popular varieties:

How to grow a lemon from the bone?

Growing technology:

Lemon, grown from the bone, rather strong, with an active growth. Resistant to diseases, quickly adapts to new conditions.

But the plant from the seed has other biological characteristics. The first fruits will appear after 10-15 years and the properties of the variety may be lost.

To get a crop before, lemon, grown from the bone, must be instilled. Then for 3 years will begin to be fron.

How to care for lemon in a pot?

When buying, make sure that the lemon growing in the pot, dwarf variety. It is advisable to immediately find a suitable place and not move.

We will analyze the phased agrotechnical care:


Requirements for lighting:


Requirements for the temperature regime:

  1. The optimal temperature for the growth of leaves and shoots is 17 degrees, and for the development of fruits 21-22. Too high temperatures are harmful, especially at low humidity.
  2. Such a differential occurs in the late spring or early summer. The temperature increases sharply, which may be the fall of flowers and wound up. And in the autumn period, for the same reason, leaves may fall.
  3. In summer, the Vazon with lemon is put on the loggia or terrace. The temperature of the soil should not be sharply different from the air temperature.
  4. Temperature must be raised gradually, without stress for the plant. If the vase was on the street for a long time, and when it was cooling it, it makes it right into the warm room, the soil does not have time to warm up.
  5. With too low temperature slows down or the growth process stops at all and flowering.

Lemon must provide an average stable temperature, without sharp jumps.


Passed watering citrus:


Regular feeding - an important factor in proper lemon care:

  1. Initially, the Earth should be enriched with nutritional, mineral and organic substances.
  2. Fertilize in hot twice a month with complex fertilizers.
  3. In the fall stopped. As a rule, it needs a plant of 3-4 years old and above.

Crown Pruning and Forming

Lemon branches grow powerful and long. They are cut and sent, otherwise a very voluminous crown will be formed.

Features of care in winter

How to care for lemon in the cold season:

  1. In winter, in the heating period, it is better not to have a plant near the heating devices.
  2. You can spray the leaves and additionally moisturize the air indoors. Either arrange a hot water capacity for evaporation.
  3. It is very important to take care that the plants do not fall out of the leaves. Most often it happens in winter. Their presence and healthy state is a sign that the plant is growing normally and develops.
  4. Lemon does not like drafts, especially in winter.

Pests and room lemon diseases

Growing home lemon, take into account the characteristics of a particular variety to know how to protect it from pests or disease. The reason can be infection, weakening immunity Plants or some folk fertilizer methods.

Possible diseases and pests of lemon:

Problems of growing lemon

Change of appearance Cause and what to do?
The reasons:
  • be dry air;
  • lack of nutrition;
  • or does not fit the acidity of the earth.

What to do:

High humidity required, feeding and cool wintering. If it does not help, then re-lemon.

Feed leaves Cause:

On average, the sheet lives 2-3 years and is replaced as aging. Most often leaves fall in winter. This is most likely the consequences of overflow.

What to do:

It is necessary to transplant lemon. Release pot from plants and soil. Give the root system to dry a little and transplant in the barely wet soil. Do not allow overflow.


The leaves acquire a yellowish brown color. The reason is insufficient lighting. Either too low humidity.

What to do:

It is necessary to spray more often, watered moderately. You can add water to the zone under the root. And make a crown. And also regularly feed.

If the lemon is not fruits, the reasons may be the following:

  1. Without leaves, lemon is not fruit. If, due to improper care, the plant lost a lot of leaves, next year does not form the fruits.
  2. Lemon is not fruitless, if not blooms. Most likely, the pot for him is too crazy. It follows a plant to transplant and easily.

Lemon breeding at home

The home lemon varies with cuttings. With this form of reproduction, one hundred percent copy of the parent data takes place. Cuttings are called branches that have reached 4-5 mm in thickness and about 10 cm long.

How to propagate lemon:

Also, the cuttings are vaccinated on the tree, grew out of the bone. In stock - this is a tree grown from the bone. Provision - a branch cut off from an adult fruiting tree.

Lemon, one of the few fruiting plants, which can be at home without much difficulty. Unlike exotic and, which can also be grown at home, to germinate the bone of the eaten lemon may even have a child (than they are often amused). But it is far from growing a little lemon. To achieve full-fledged fruiting, it is necessary to make efforts and have at least a minimum of knowledge on how to care for lemon at home. Subsequently, all these efforts will pay for a hundredfold. If we lower the indisputable decorative qualities of evergreen lemon wood and the beauty of fragrant colors, and emphasized only on fruiting, then lovers of "useful" houseplants will be delighted. Room lemon gives large, full-fledged fruits, which in their taste are often superior to the purchased. Adult lemon tree at home, can be fruitful throughout the year, and the number of fruits is quite capable of allowing to forget about buying lemons.

Growing Lemon Bone

As I mentioned, the easiest way to grow lemon is from the bone. Often it is done in a passing, stuck a bone in a pot with any other indoor plant. Usually such seeds and germinate, and some time grow, but in most cases it all ends. If you want to grow a full-fledged lemon tree from the bone, then it is necessary to highlight it the individual space with the most suitable land for it. In principle, the usual mixture for room colors is suitable for the extension of lemon bones, but it is better to make it even easier, diluing with a clean peat. For the extension, the bones taken with well-rided fruits are best suitable (unripe lemons are often found on sale). The pot must be small - 7-9 centimeters in diameter (as for). The bone is plugged at about a centimeter - one and a half. Further put the pot on the bright, warm place. It is desirable how to create a grain of greenhouse conditions. To do this, it is enough to cover the pot with a regular glass jar. On this, the process of landing the bone of lemon can be considered complete. In the process of germination, make sure that the earth does not dry. A couple of weeks should appear sprout.

Care for the lemon seedlings is also simple. Support the moisture content of the Earth, do not let it strongly disperse, periodically spray. To maintain greenhouse conditions, leave it under the same jar, only periodically (once a day) for a few minutes remove it to ventilate and remove condensate from the walls of the jar. So the young lemon is contained until it grows up to about 15 centimeters. After that, it can be translated into a more spacious (10 cm. In diameter) pot, pour more nutritious land (about it below) and start care as adult lemon.

There is a nuance. Such simplicity has a significant drawback. For many years, a lemon, grown from the bone, will only have a decorative plant or some fruiting time for a long time cannot be speech. Only after 10 years it is possible to count on flowering and start of fruiting. There is a way to speed up this process, but it will accelerate its maximum for 4 to 5 years. This is not easy and I will definitely describe it separately.

Other methods of growing room lemons

A more effective is the method of vaccinating a draft of a fruiting lemon on an adult misconception tree. You can use the same lemon, grown from the bone. By the way. Any chitrus (mandarin, orange, etc.) is suitable as a flow. Lemon is given, as well as. This operation is rather complicated and not on the shoulder for most novice flower flowers, so if you decide to it, think well, whether you can spend it high quality.

Despite the fact that the fruiting of such lemon will begin incomparably earlier than when growing in other ways, it also has a number of significant drawbacks.

- First, the way is complex and requires skills.

- Secondly, it is necessary to have a well-developed (not under three years old) inhibition, and for its cultivation is also required time ...

The cultivation of lemon from cuttings is the most efficient, simple and reliable way to grow fruiting room lemon. For him, it is necessary to have only cuttings taken from an adult fructing lemon tree. How to grow lemon from the cutter I described in detail. You can read -. I can only add that although the flowering of such lemons may occur within a few months after rooting (which is the evidence of the photo below), they will begin to be fron down too. To begin with, they need to develop well. But after three or four years it is safe to count on the first harvest.

This lemmonchik was grown from a cutlery 4 months ago. A bouton appeared on his top.

How to care for indoor lemon

Lemon care at home, it is primarily a set of rules, to observe that should be strictly! These rules are notable, but ignoring at least one of them will lead if not fatal, then very unpleasant consequences.


Lemon is considered a plating a short light day. This means that he calmly postpone the lack of light. But it is also impossible to call a room lemon with a shadow-pot plant. In well lit, with a large number of windows, it will be successful to grow even in its distant corner. But if the light is not enough, Lemon immediately reaches him the appearance of chlorosis. The leaves will become faded, embossed, housing. Maybe even rearing leaves. This is especially manifested in winter when the light day becomes very short. In some cases, artificial lemoncy of lemon may be required. But this is if a very dark room, and even depends on the grade of a lemon tree. The elongation of the daylight and bright lighting on one side contributes to the growth of the home lemon, but on the other hand, it slows down the onset of flowering, and, accordingly, fruiting. As practice has shown, the lemon can develop well on the western windowsill (while it is placed there). Other window sills, including the eastern, not the best solution for its placement. Here on the table or stand in the southern or eastern window the most suitable place for it. And although some of the direct sunlight will only benefit him, from the scorch rays of the south side it should be protected.

Lemon develops cyclically. Regardless of the time of year, in the stage of active development, the room lemon comes every 3-4 months. That is, if your lemon stops and does not increase new shoots and leaves, it does not mean anything. If there are no signs of deterioration of his well-being, then it has not yet come time.

Temperature for lemon

The heat of the room lemon does not like. The most comfortable temperature for it lies within +17 - 20 degrees. Higher temperature is possible and desirable only during the aging of fruits. To form the same buds and launch, the temperature of the room lemon can be moderate and even cool (+15 - 18 degrees). If it is warm, it is quite possible to drop buds. Winter is preferably. To do this, he will need quite a cool content at the level of +12 - 15 degrees. In practice, such content is used only to young lemon trees or has not yet reached the age of fruiting. For the fruitless trees, this is the time of aging fruit, which means and the temperature is needed above.

Room lemon, this is essentially adapted to the living conditions of a lemon tree, therefore, in the summer, everything will be comfortable on the street. It should not be forgotten that the tree is southern and sharp temperature differences for it are undesirable. If a sharp cooling is expected, then bring it better to the room.

Watering lemon and air humidity for him

Equally and excessive watering, and the Power of the Earth is dangerous for room lemon. The frequency of irrigation directly depends on the temperature of the air, the size of the plant, the volume and density of the Earth in which it grows. Of course, in the warm season, the lemon should be watered much more often. It is advisable to maintain the constant humidity of the Earth in the pot, but without too much zeal, so as not to pour the plant. Until you studied all the urgent needs of your lemon, wait when the top layer of the soil gets dry, then water. In winter, in particular the content in cool conditions, watering is reduced.

For room lemon should be elevated. Especially if it is contained in the winter in winter. The heating devices during this period are strongly overwhelmed with air, which will inevitably affect the plant. Spray it as much as possible. But if the conditions are cool, then spraying are excluded! In the summer, where the lemon was not, on the street or indoors, also definitely spray it at least once a day.

Furuska Lemon.

Citrus fertilizers are available. But, alas and ah, not all of them correspond to the description and appointment. Over the years of growing lemons, I went through their great set until I found really worthy. I'm afraid you will have the same bust. After all, in your city, it may be simply no such fertilizer. But if you are lucky, then this fertilizer for citrus, the "Master - Agro" series. From March to September, feed the lemon with this (or similar) fertilizer every week. If he is with fruits, then feeding can continue after the end of this term. There are folk methods of lemon. In particular, the influence of ash (preferably birch), influence of birch leaves or Lebed leaves.

Transfer Lemon.

Note! The late and improper transplant of lemon can be reduced to no effort on its cultivation!

Displays a room lemon tree. Most of the so-called "recommendations" says that it is necessary to transplant it almost annually, and even in a pot of 5 - 6 centimeters more. It is not right! Lemon loves a close pot, and too spacious capacity is the most frequent reason that the lemon does not bloom. Moreover, in a large pot, the danger of the rise of the Earth and reinforce the roots increases. But without transfers still can not do. As the root system grows, it is necessary to increase the container. But slightly, a couple of centimeters a maximum. Let the transplant will have to be carried out more often, but this plant will develop normally. It is easy to determine the need for transplant. If lemon roots began to break through the drain holes of the pot, then this is the most visual sign. But this may not happen, and the transplant is required. Therefore, I advise once a year (in the spring) to carefully remove the lemon from the pot together with the land of the earth and inspect it. It is usually removed very easily. If the roots of the whole com, the transplant is required immediately, if only some of them makes the transplant, then the transplant is desirable, but not necessarily, if the roots are not visible at all, then return the lemon to the place, this year it has no need to replant. It is not difficult for transplanting lemon. As it is, with a lore land, place it in a larger pot and fill out the free place of fresh land. Pre-new pot prepare. Create a good drainage layer, pour on it the right amount of fresh land, so that when installing the tree on it, approximately 0.5 centimeters remains from the surface of the earth to the edge of the edge. Lemon does not like very much when the root system is disturbed. Therefore, the transshipment method is applied. Transplant with root cleaning from the ground Try to avoid and apply it only in case of extreme need. For example, if the earth is zakisla and there is a danger of dropping lemon roots.

Council. If you do not transplant lemon in the current year, just remove the top layer of the soil in the pot and replace it with fresh. This procedure is safe and very useful. It can be carried out arbitrarily often and at any time.

For room lemon should not be overly heavy. It should freely pass water and air, while at the same time sufficiently fertile. There are a lot of mixtures for citrus, but not all of them are suitable for the proper cultivation of lemons. Sometimes they have to make it easier for peat or, on the contrary, weighing and enriched by humus. When choosing land for room lemon, be sure to read its composition.

If it is possible, it is better to make an earthen mixture by itself: into two parts of the leaf land on one part of humoring and sand. You can also add a quarter of a part of wood ash or ash.

Council. Even if you bought a ready-made mixture, then add ash and in it.

Pruning lemon

Reply unambiguously to question "How to crop lemon?" One can only if you have only a decorative plant and does not be fruitless. At this time, he can (and necessary) to give the shape of a branched tree. In this, he is not much different from, or. Young lemones grown from a cutter or bone, usually at first grow in one troller, "rod". When it reaches a length of 15 - 20 centimeters, pinch the top, it stimulates the growth of side shoots. You can trim the top if the "rod" is too long. The effect will be the same. But trimming is better not to abuse. If possible, apply only pinching. This is especially true for fruiting plants. For such a lemon, each leaflet in the account! In theory, every fruit for full-fledged development is needed on average 25 leaves, therefore, the more lemons on the tree, the greater the leaves are required. At the same time, the removal of old, dried branches will not only improve the appearance of your room lemon, but also will extend his life.

Successful cultivation and abundant harvest!

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Some loving plants adapted to grown cytruc trees on the windowsill. Lemon enjoys specially popular. The cultivation of lemon at home does not take a lot of strength from the owner.

Lemon cultivation can be carried out at home

Motherland of lemonnife are southern countries with a warm and wet climate. Therefore, the main task of the crop is the provision of similar microclimatic conditions in the house or in the apartment.

Why are lemon grow at home?

The advantages in the breeding of lemon culture of the house are several. The main thing is the aromatic useful fruits that the plant gives annually. In addition, the placement of lemon on the windowsill can be decorating the interior.

You can raise lemon at home in a pot or a tub. The pot is more suitable for dwarf varieties of plants, the globe is useful if a large bone tree grows. With sufficient heat, moisture and light room lemon can reach one and a half meters in height and give up to 150 fruits per season. It is very difficult to achieve such results, but taking into account all the care features, it is still possible.

Another advantage of lemon growing is a beautiful appearance of a tree. He has a thick and forever green crown. During the flowering period, the plant throws beautiful flowers. Often they are covered with mighty green leaves. The exception is only Lemon Pondenza, whose branches are thin and resemble an empty bush. Despite the external weakness of the sprigs withstand up to 50 fruits. This decorative tree can be grown on the windowsill, since it does not take up much space.

Lemon bush can give up to 50 fruits

General features of lemon growing at home

Lemon - a thermo-loving tree. The lack of heat affects the fact that the plant grows poorly, sick or dies. If you decide to put a pot on the window, then you need:

  1. Choose southern or oriental side. The plant should receive a lot of sunlight.
  2. Sunny days, the tree is placed in the shadow, and cloudy - highlights daylight lamps.
  3. In the summer, take a plant on a balcony or loggia. There it receives a greater amount of oxygen and solar energy. And only by the autumn it is listed for its former place. In winter, follow the temperature indicator, which should not fall below 10 degrees.

Special attention is worth the quality of the soil and pot. The fact is that lemons have an individual nutrition system. They get water not through ordinary hairs on the roots, but through mushrooms in the soil. Communication of a home plant with mycelium mushrooms is sensitive to external factors. It is easy to disrupt the disadvantage of oxygen, irregular irrigation and sharp drops of temperature.

Before growing a lemon tree, you should take care of a suitable soil. Place lemons into loose soil types with a neutral pH. It is best to plant citrus in the finished soil bought in a specialized store. If the room lemon is located in an independently manufactured substrate, it is important to take into account the proportions of humidiation, the delicate earth and sand. Popular and soil with meadow turpentine, leaf ground, humus and sand.

Errors in care lead to the fact that the lemon tree at home dies from dryness or excess moisture, poor conditions of content or pests.

Lemon prefers the sunny side of the room

Landing lemon

For small plants, a clay pot is suitable for large, it is better to use a wooden tub, which is considered to be the best option for placing citrus. Natural material best misses oxygen to lemon roots. Before placing the planting material in a pot, it should be examined in the absence of damage. The planting process itself is simple:

  1. Root neck burst into a depth of 5 cm.
  2. Capacity is filled with ground almost to the top. Better, if there was a 1-1.5 cm space between the edge of the pot and soil.
  3. After planting, the seedling is sprayed with water and watered by a solution of manganese.

Planted tree leave on the windowsill. A young plant needs a lot of light and heat. On hot days it is better to create a half-life that will save from burns. It is not worth changing a place for a pot, Lemon does not like moving. Occasionally, you can deploy a tree with darkened leaves to the Sun for uniform heat production.

Lemon seedlings after planting sprayed with water

Growing Lemon Bone

If you decide to germinate a varietal lemon from a bone, you should know the features of its cultivation. This process is much longer in contrast to planting seedlings. To find out how long the germination germination goes, it is necessary to take into account such features:

  1. The sprout makes his way from the soil 2 weeks after landing. Sometimes time leaves more (up to one month).
  2. The embryos of citrus require greenhouse conditions, so the pot with a bone is covered with a cropped plastic bottle or tighten with a plastic film. Inside such a cap, the humidity is many times more than in the open space, and the transparency of the bottle allows the sunlight to receive ascending spons. In the homemade greenhouse can not be abused by irrigation. Soil and so gives moisture to the reserved space of the greenhouse, so it should only spray it.
  3. When a small skeleton made his way, he was involved in room conditions, removing the head of the greenhouse for 1-2 hours a day.
  4. The transplant in a large pot occurs only when 4 leaves appear on the sprout.

The cultivation of lemon in the greenhouse is also suitable for mature seedlings. With the right organization of climatic conditions, you can do without it. It is also not worth a hurry with feeding.

While the root cytruse system is not fully formed, any external additives will be taken by wood as a poison. It is best to engage in the spring or summer, but not earlier than three months from landing.

Growing lemon from a bone will take quite a long time

Watering lemon

Rast the lemon at home is a difficult lesson, often the lemon does not survive and several months. And one of the reasons for this is the wrong irrigation. Provide the right care at home is it necessary that the plant grow healthy and strong. How to put water

  1. Provide a moderate watering of stunned water 1 time per day. You can water it and once twice the day (it is necessary to monitor the state of the soil).
  2. Water lemon 2 times a week in winter.
  3. Mix the accumulated water in the pallet immediately after watering. Roots plants can bend from the excess moisture.
  4. Daily spray lemon leaves with warm water. It is especially important to do this in the winter when the air becomes overwhelmed from the work of heating systems.

Experienced rabbing advise newbies to find the balance of moisture: prevent overflows and lack of moisture. With its lack of leaves of any variety of lemon begin to shrust. If it is not possible to water, the microdistan and the plant in a timely manner. When detecting yellowed leaves, lemon should be sprayed with a weak permanganate solution.

We must not forget about the use of a warm soul. Like everything still standing in the dwelling, the lemon is covered with a layer of dust and dirt. It should be washed away, since dust interferes with the photosynthesis process. Bathing plants are carried out no more than 1 time per month.

From lemon leaves should regularly wash off dust

Fertilizer lemon

Recommendations on how to care for lemon concern and feed the plants. Citrum is sensitive to fertilizers. Preparations should constantly change, since, when using one fertilizer pH, the soil may change to the acidic or alkaline side. In such a soil, the lemon does not ripen, grows for a long time, sick and dies. To avoid this, follows:

  1. Choose for fertilizer only mineral compositions.
  2. Fertilizers from March to October with periodicity of 2-3 weeks. For young plants, it is enough to carry out the procedure once every and a half.
  3. Combine feeding with irrigated in the summer.
  4. In the spring and autumn to feed the plant only after watering. Fertilizer is made at least 2 hours after soil moisturizing.
  5. In winter, hold feeding once.

In contrast to complex mineral fertilizers, not all organic substances are suitable for lemon. The most efficient is a weak solution of water with water (1/6) and a hood of wood ash. Popular with a special infusion from birch and swan leaves.

Some citrus owners face the problem of formation of flowering. When flowers do not appear among the constructive leaves on the crown, it indicates a bad feeder. Why does the plant react so much? The fact is that Limon is not enough forces for fron. And the change of fertilizer will help him cope with this problem.

From the Swan you can cook infusion for lemon fertilizer

The importance of trimming

The need for trimming is caused by decorative and sanitary features. Its form and scheme most often depend on the purpose of growing wood. Little decorative plants do not need splashing large branches, so they are cut as much as possible by making the crown compact. For citrus, which are fruiting, the rule of balancing branches and shoots is applied. The most common method of such trimming is pinching.

It begins after lemon reached the age of one year, with preliminary trimming of the main escape. It is best to leave 30 cm length. This is necessary so that the side kidneys on the tree began to germinate.

Only after the lemon is strengthened and give new branches, they should be segged. There are 3-4 sheets on each branch. This method of trimming allows the tree to grow powerful, able to hold and give them to highly ripe.

It is important to trim the old dried branches. Lemon spends their strength on them, but to revive them will not work. Therefore, it is better to save lemon from excess load. Also prunes and those shoots that grow inside the crowns. They most often interfere with neighboring branches to develop and receive a sufficient amount of sunlight.

Enjoy the harsh fruit of lemon grown on its own balcony or window sill, it will be possible only with the correct molding of flowering. Weak rapid plants can already throw out a large number of flowers for the second year of life. It is impossible to leave them. The structure of the tree cannot withstand a larger load, and the lemon will die, giving the fruits all the forces. To raise a big harvest, it follows:

  1. On the second year of lemon life, leave 2 flower on the whole tree or completely remove inflorescences.
  2. During flowering, carefully monitor the health of the tree, to protect it from drafts and perform all the features of care.
  3. Know the molding rule of inflorescences - on 1 fruit should have 10 leaves. All other promises are removed.

Lemon harvest can be expected 4-5 years after landing

You should not expect high fertility of high fertility from the room plant. The tree grows and develops very slowly. Any human error can delay the appearance of flowering. It is necessary to constantly monitor the state of the lemon and to feed, trim and water it.

Some citrus owners receive the first good fruits after 4-5 years. Their amount rarely exceeds 5-8 pieces. Large harvest will have to wait anymore. The tree reaches its maturity only by 8-10 years, and at home the lemon lives to 40-45 years.

Features Transplant

Some citrus owners face the problem of the rapid death of the plant. If its cause depends on watering and fertilizer, then the tree suffers from incorrectly selected pot. Too much capacity becomes the cause of root rotting. It is better to use the feet of the pots of pots commensurate with the root and to pass the tree only when it becomes closely. It is best to increase the space gradually by controlling the process of the growth of the roots of the tree.

You must not forget about proper oxygen access to the roots. The pot is better installed on the pan with a gap so that the air penetrates into the ground. It should be installed under the bottom of the pot lining from stones or wood.

After the Citrus transplant is returned to the same place where he stood before. Any decimal change does not affect the health of the plant. It can hurt and even die. If you want to rotate the tree with a darkened side to the Sun, then the angle should be changed by no more than 10 degrees. Only so lemon will grow strong and healthy.

Citrus growing agricultural equipment in the room is complex. You should start with lemon, growing and care at home is easier for it than for other non-wellheads. Young bush can be bought, but you can grow, ranging from sowing a seed or rooting of the cutting. Under all favorable conditions from the plant from the bone of the crop, you can get in 20 years, from the cutting of 7-8. But the lemon from the bone at home will be more adapted, healthy, beautiful with his dark shiny foliage. It is possible to edge from the fruitless lemon, which will speed up blossom. Choice for a lover.

What care requires room lemon at home

Lemon is a tree, in room conditions, he also strives to grow. There are several varieties that breeders taught to room content. But they rebellious if the care is incorrect. Before planting seeds, you need to know that only indoor varieties can share a housing with a person. These include:

  • Pavlovsky;
  • Anniversary;
  • Mayer.

These varieties are characterized by rapid entry into fruction and high productivity when lemon care at home. When buying a ready-made varietal seedling, blooms need to wait in two or three years.

Room lemon with good care lives up to 30 years. Lemon after tying is poured for 9 months, but after it continues to increase in size, but becomes tasteless and fat.

It is important to prevent the flower attenuation and clog buds until there are 20 leaves on the bush. Scientists believe that every fetus feed 9-10 leaves of mature age. Depending on the number of leaves, you need to leave a crop. For the same reason, you need to protect the leaves from shuffling, which the plant protests when it is uncomfortable. At the same time, the trimming of top of the branches is obligatory to form new shoots, it means that increase the number of leaves. Therefore, plant care is underway on the verge of knowledge and intuition.

Optimal conditions in lemon care

Only if you have a spacious bright room can be counted on the creation of a citrus garden. Even being in a permanent place, the village does not like him to move. And for uniform development, it turns into several degrees in 10 days, so that the year turned out to be full:

  1. From the stand to the ceiling must be at least two meters.
  2. Dry air does not carry out. Optimally 70% humidity. This means that the plant is to keep away from the heating battery, have a moisturizer or aquarium, equip the moisture zone in any available way and often spray the leaves with a small spray.
  3. In summer, lemon is useful to be 2 hours under sunlight, but not longer. Therefore, the morning sun on the eastern window for it is just right. In winter, during the cultivation of lemon and care at home should be organized 5-6 hours.
  4. The temperature of the content for lemon should be from 14 to 27 degrees. During the flowering period, Lemon needs coolness.
  5. The graph of watering in the summer is very tense. The pot is watered twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, biting the earth completely. Due to the good plum of stagnation of water does not occur. At the bottom there should be a pallet for collecting water. For irrigation, soft stretched water is used.

Temperature should not change dramatically. If the plant is credited with a cold veranda in a warm room, it will reset the foliage. Earth in a bench is cold, and the leaves are warm! In winter, you need to find lemon the coldest corner in the dwelling. Without a full-fledged period, bloom will later be scarce.

Of great importance in lemon care is to form it, keeping in growth with systematic trimming and chipquarten of a green cone. The deepest trimming is carried out in spring. The branches leave 5-6 living leaves, the rest are removed, the material for the reproduction of lemon with cuttings is also obtained.

Diseases and pests lemon

When lemon caring at home, and its cultivation needs to know signs of diseases to quickly correct the mistakes. Often the plant needs moisture that you can determine:

  • from above, the earth is gray, in the hands of a lump falls on;
  • a pot when patting is published by a ringing sound;
  • the leaves curled the tube, and the vertex drooped.

As a consequence, after a while the dedication of the leaves, flowers and uncess will begin.

If the plant does not get feeding, the leaves become light, the flowering stops, the wounds begin to be down. But the same signs and with unnecessary fertilizer. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the recommended doses and instructions, how to care for lemon at home

If the plant has not been transplanted for a long time and did not change the earth, it may not save a helpful watering. The Earth compressed, the watering water did in the thicker and merges, without wasting completely.

As a result of errors in care, a weakened plant populate insect pests or manifests fungal and bactericidal diseases.

Various citrus diseases specific, they are called:

  • xylopusosis and tristher - viral incurable;
  • hommind - infectious when the trunk of the tree is affected;
  • malseco - infectious, begins with redness of the leaves, the tree is dying;
  • root rot - fungal disease, you need to remove damaged parts and transplant to a new soil.

The cause of any disease is the wrong leaving of the plant. And even if the tree does not be fruit, he has the same disease.

How to grow lemon at home

The selection of a container and substrate container is of great importance. Capacity should have good drainage holes. The root system in Lemon is compact, to the annual transplant, the young plant relates well, so it is not worth creating conditions for the zaking of the soil in a large pot. For the older plants, the land is changed less often, but annually updates the upper fertile layer.

The composition of the Earth:

  • deficuous humus - 2 parts;
  • humid from cattle - 1 part;
  • sand River washed - 1 part;
  • - 0.25 parts.

At the bottom, laying a layer of charcoal ahead with the ceramzite, add vermiculite to the substrate for looser. The transplantation of plants to conduct after the grew the roots of the lemon will turn the earth to the transshipment.

When trimming the lemon tree there is a lot of planting material, twigs. Of these, it turns out a cutlery if you reserved a couple of leaves below and put a green twig into the water. Further, the cutting is rooted in a substrate in a small amount. How to care for lemon derived from a cutter? After the cutlets gave a sheet of pigstream, it contains, as an adult plant. With a height of 25 cm, the plant pinch the top, limiting growth. The central and side shoots formed in the amount of 4 pieces are left, the rest cut off on the ring.

Side shoots grow by 25 cm and pinch again, repeating operations, as for the first time. Twice the bush form, as a result, there are enough leaves on the round tree, and flower kidneys are laid on the branches. Lemon is ready for fruiting, he scored enough forces to feed the fractures.

The reproduction of lemon seeds is a long process. The resulting seedman needs to be vaccinated to get a fruiting tree. The dick will develop for a long time, blossom and the quality of the resulting lemons will be bad. Therefore, a grudge plant must be embedded with an eyepiece or split to get a cultural tree.

Sedane without vaccination will become an excellent decorative tree with good resistance to disease. It is necessary to form a crown so that the bush is neat and not stretched by branches, occupying a large space.

Video about landing and lemon care

The lemon tree illuminates the room with juicy and bright fruits, and also decorate the windowsill. We will tell in all details how to care for lemon grown in a pot. At home, everything is quite simple, you only need to provide a plant with proper lighting, watering and feeding. It is noteworthy that the lemon tree can live to 100 years and even more, so he is inherited

Preparation for the cultivation of lemon from bone in a pot

Before growing a strong and fully healthy lemon from a bone, carry out preparatory activities.

1. First choose the seating. For this purpose, remove bones of fresh fruits. In no case do not use the seed that you have long. It will not germinate.

2. As soon as they collect bones, rinse them in warm water. Do not wait and do not dry, immediately immerse yourself in the substrate. Such a simple course by 60% will increase the number of shoots.

3. Citrusks are divided by another effective method of enhancing the quality of the future tree and seed germination. They recommend freeing seed from a solid shell using a sharp knife. She prevents the sprout to get out of the outside.

4. Before you care for lemon, it must be germinated in a pot. But before disembarking at home, the assembled material is maintained within 3 hours in a special growth stimulator. It is impossible to dry out the seed shells. Growth stimulator applies only when planting a bone with a shell.

Growing lemon from a bone in a pot at home

Lemon can be obtained from the bone, adhering to the phased instructions at home. Growing does not represent difficulties, if you consider all the nuances.

1. So, first take care of the shallow containers, take the hole below (on the side) of the hole for the exit of excess moisture. Thus, you warn the stress of water and rotting the planting material.

3. Now about the soil. It is better to make it pouring it from river sand, humoring and garden soil. The substrate adds fragmented coal (woody) for enrichment with nutritional elements and a bactericidal effect.

4. If there is no possibility to make a soil, buy a ready-made substrate in the house "Dachnik" or "Everything for gardening." Choose the soil intended for the extension of citrus.

5. Before you care for lemon in a pot, it needs to be planted and germinated at home. The perfect period for sowing bones - February. If you are in a hurry, then manipulations are held earlier.

6. So, you first need to moisten the soil until the water will not begin from the drain holes from the bottom. This means that liquids are enough. Now you need to do well 2 cm. To the depth, put the bones in them and sprinkle.

7. If the container on the format of the rectangle is allowed to plant a couple of seeds at the same time. Plants will not interfere with each other, because when 3-4 leaves appear, they will already need to replant.

8. Place the film on top of the containers, make holes to prevent condensate accumulation. Leave seedlings at a temperature of 22-25 degrees. It is impossible to allow decline of temperature, otherwise the sprouts will not be processed.

9. Now it remains only to wait. As practice shows, you will see the first sprouts after 1-4 weeks. Through the specified period, spray the soil from the sprayer. Do not water the soil if there are no obvious signs of drying.

How to care for lemon seedlings

How to care for adult lemon in the pot, we will tell below. In the meantime, we will study the peculiarities of the seeds planted in the soil. At home, all manipulations are reduced to the following:

1. When you see greenery sprinkled over the soil, teach them to room temperature gradually. Periodically, remove the film from the surface of the container so that sprouts "breathe".

2. After the appearance of 3-4 leaves, remove the polyethylene on the pump. It is time to transplant small plants into your individual pots, in which they will be fixed with each day.

3. In the first year of life, the whole care is reduced to pinch, watering, timely transplantation and formation of the first crown.

4. In addition, in cold season and cloudy weather, seedlings need to be illuminated by phytolampa on LEDs or fluorescent lamps.

5. In the summer during 2 weeks, feeding (alternation of mineral substances with humus solution) is carried out.

6. Replacing young plants need every year. It is impossible to disturb the roots, so spend moving with extreme caution.

7. If an earthen car around the root system is not formed in due measure, it is not necessary to replace all the soil. Citrusters are recommended to do with the replacement of the upper layer.

8. So that the plant does not weaken, do not allow him to be fron down to 3 years of age. Therefore, the first shoots directed deep into the crown, simply delete. We systematically turn the seedling so that the lighting takes place evenly.

How to care for lemon wood in a pot

Now we will analyze in detail how to care for adult lemon in the pot. Adhere to simple instructions at home.

№1. Secure lighting

1. Do not forget that the discussed plant loves light. And it should be bright enough.

2. Nevertheless, care seedlings from direct sunlight. As soon as the village is strengthened and grow up, nothing will be threateled.

№2. Support temperature

1. The lemon tree is counted to the category of subtropical plants. Therefore, it needs moderate warmth.

2. In winter, provide a seedlion with a temperature of +12 degrees. In the summer season - no higher than +22 degrees. Take the tree to the loggia or the street. If necessary, build a canopy.

Number 3. Watch out of humidity

1. In addition to irrigation, the tree requires a systematic spraying with water.

2. For this purpose, boiled room temperature fluid is used.

3. ATTENTION: A seedlings requires precisely an increased air humidity (!), Not soil.

Watering a lemon tree in a pot

№1. Summer / Spring / Autumn Watering

1. In the warm season, take care of frequent and abundant moisture. If the room is cool and there is an increased humidity, frequent irrigated to anything.

№2. Winter polis

1. In winter, watering is carried out as the upper layer of soil drying. Make sure that the soil do not get drunk more than 1 cm.

2. To do this, subjected to its mulching, that is, sprinkle with hay / sawdresses / slices of the bark, etc. Then the plant does not dry. Do not abuse irrigate so that the tree does not rot.

Soil and lemon tree feeding in pot

It is important to learn how to care for the lemon tree in the pot, and continue to grow it at home. Consider some features.

№1. The soil

1. The lemon tree needs fertile soil, which without problems will pass water and oxygen.

2. To create such a soil, it is enough in equal proportions to combine peat, rewind foliage, sand, humid and 2 pieces of wood.

3. Support acidity at the pH level 5.8-6.5. Squeeze the pot 2 cm. Drainage. It will not delay the water.

№2. Podkord

1. So that the lemon tree develops fully, systematically indulging its fertilizers of mineral and organic origin.

2. With the onset of spring and until the middle of the autumn, make fertilizers 1 time in 20 days. In this case, alternate mineral and organic feeding.

4. Adhere to the main requirement - carry out feeding in the warm season after 2 hours after watering.

Crucification of lemon wood in a pot

The answer to the question of how to care for lemon in the pot will be incomplete if not to consider the timely trimming of the tree at home.

1. Crimping is considered an integral part of the care. Form the crown correctly depending on the goal of growing lemon.

2. If the plant is grown as a decor, the crown should be made compact. To obtain full-fledged citruses, a completely different way is used.

3. The fruitful tree should have several main branches consisting of fruit wood. Form the crown by pinching.

4. Plug zero shoots, the length of which is 25 cm. Next, repeat the procedure at an altitude of 20 cm. From the previous parting. As a result, there are 4 developed kidneys on such a segment.

5. The shoots that are on the first row, pinch in 25-30 cm. As the aging, cut them into 5 cm. In short, the previous row. At the end, complete the formation of the crown on the shoots of the last order.

The lemon from the bone will be fruitful if all the requirements are taken into account. At the same time, citrus will begin to crate on the tree and without vaccination. Do not wait for a good harvest earlier than in 4 years. If you make vaccination, the period of maturation of the first lemons will slightly decrease. Otherwise, follow the understandable instructions for caring for a tree.