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Modify women's happiness. Types of spathifylum used in homemade cultivation. Feeding and fertilizer

Spathifylum is a beautiful-flowing room plant, famous and beloved by many flowers. Possessing various indisputable advantages, in particular, very attractive appearance, unpretentiousness, the ability to clean the air of urban apartments from Formaldehyde and Phenol vapor, it is still famous for both reproduction. If your acquaintances have an adult spathifylum, then get a young copy from the parent plant is quite simple. There are three options as you can do it.

Division bush

This is the easiest and most convenient way, and useful and for the parent plant. Spathifulum grows very quickly, forming many young sockets. After a couple of years, he is able to take the entire surface of the pot, creating dense thickets and highly depleting the soil. Therefore, it requires not only an annual transplant, but also the periodic division of the bush. Dellets obtained as a result of this procedure are already ready-made young plants that do not require additional growing or any special procedures. All that is required is to put them in a separate pot.

- to divide the bush is preferably before starting active vegetation, in the spring;
- Delleka must contain at least three well-developed sheet outlets and have a strong and intact root system;
- when landing to a new place, it is impossible to plunge the root neck, the soil level should be maintained the same as at the source bush;
- For cultivation of spathiflum, you should choose small pots, otherwise the plant will begin to actively develop root system and increase the green mass to the detriment of flowering.

In order for the root system in order to be injured as little as possible, you can use the following way. Before removing the plant from the pot, it is necessary to shed it well, so that the root system will have a moisture and become less breaking. The earth is better not to cut the "blindly", but carefully soak and blur, freeing and unwinding the roots. Then it will be possible to see and evaluate the parts on which the bush should be divided. Every finished part is desirable to free from the old rotten or dried roots and leaves, the wounds sprinkle with pushed charcoal, to give them time to dry out and then planted into a new pot, straightening the roots, gradually sprinkling their land and sealing soil.

As a substrate, it is quite suitable for ready-made specialized, for the aroid, but those who wanted to please their favorite can prepare soil mixture Alone, taking one part of peat, leaf and derdy land And adding a half share of coarse river sand.


As cuttings, leaf outlets are used, cut from the mother's bush in spring or in a summer time. If they already have a small root system, young plants can be immediately located in the ground. Otherwise, uncomplicated measures will be required to promote rapid development and root growth. The simplest thing is to wait for the root formation, by placing a stalk outlet into a glass with water, where it is desirable to add half a tablet of activated carbon, otherwise the base of the stem will quickly cover with mucus and start rotting.

The process of rooting in water containers is the easiest, but, as practice shows, in special substrates it is faster and reliable. As the latter, you can use coarse river sand or perlite. In addition, horse peat and moss sphagnum, moisturized and tightly rammed around the cutlets have proven themselves well. To accelerate the process, a high humidity is maintained around the sheet outlet, covering it with a transparent cap or by placing a pot with a plant in mini-greenhouse.

Separately, we note that the leaf cuttings are not multiplied by spatilum, even if the petiole from the stem is cut with a "heel".

Reproduction of seeds

The seed reproduction of Spathifylums can do those who are important and interesting the process itself, as it is to grow this plant from seeds - the occupation is very complex and time consuming. One of the main problems of this method of reproduction is a quick loss of germination. That is, the seeds collected from the plants are preferably sowed. And for this you should first pollinate blooming spathifylum And wait for the ripening of seeds. Neither first nor the second can be called a simple matter, so it is easier to search for seeds in flower shops.

When buying seeds, it is necessary to check the expiration date. As already mentioned, Nazatifylum sprout only fresh seeds, and even at the very beginning, the percentage of their germination does not exceed half.

Seed seeds into a wet with a wet substrate consisting of a mixture of sand and peat, and put in mini-greenhouse with a small (up to 24 ° C) heated. Support the humidity of the soil is recommended by spraying, and the mini-greenhouse itself should be regularly ventured, because due to high humidity On the surface of the soil can begin to grow mold and seeds simply rotate.


When working with spathifylum, especially when trimming and dividing the root, it is necessary to remember that it refers to poisonous plants and its juice can cause various allergic reactions. Therefore, it should not be allowed to enter the juice of the plant to the mucous membrane, and after working with it you need to thoroughly wash your hands.

Despite the unpretentiousness of Spatifylum, you need to create all the conditions for it. Only in this case the flower will bloom and smell in your small greenhouse. The necessary conditions:

  • Temperature. This flower is a warm-loving - most optimal temperature It is approximately 23 ºС, the minimum temperature is 18 ºС. That is why it is best to put a pot with a plant in a warm place. Do not forget that Spatifylum does not tolerate drafts, and therefore you need to take into account this moment when choosing a place.
  • Humidity. Since the homeland of this flower reigns predominantly wet climate, you need to create similar conditions for its normal development. To do this, it is best to buy a sprayer and once a day spray plants or wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.
  • Do not put a pot with a plant on the window, where almost every day fall sun raysSince spathifylum -. The most preferred option is to select a place from the northern side at 30-50 cm from the window. If the plants are missing, you will notice it immediately - its leaves will begin to shrink and fall. In this case, naturally, the flower needs to be put in a lighter place.
  • It is equally important to pay attention to the soil - an acidic soil is suitable for spathiflum, which is easy to cook with your own hands. To do this, take a mixture of humus, squeezing, peat and leafy land in proportions 1: 1: 1: 2. You can add to the mixture and a little wood coal.
  • Do not forget about the importance of watering. So, during flowering, as well as in the warm season, spathifulum needs a good watering, in winter the amount of irrigation is reduced by two times. You should not use water from under the tap, it is best to buy a bottled liquid or give water to strengthen during the day. Once every two weeks you need to arrange plants with a wellness shower.
  • It is very important for spathifylloums and competent feeding, because because of its absence, the plant will not bloom the second time. When choosing feeding, you need to remember that the overaction of nitrogen can lead to green mass extension, and therefore it is best to buy universal additives For indoor plants with a balanced content of all trace elements and vitamins in them.

As you can see, indoor flowers are spathifylum, which is very simple, can become a real decoration of your home-made greenhouse.

Alas, but any indoor flowers can get sick or undergo pest attack. In order not to lose gentle female happiness, you need to know which methods will help to save a plant from diseases. So, most often on spathifylum attack the shield, called the name due to its appearance. If you do not take steps in time, the insect from the legs to the head will tighten the plant, which will lead to his death.

That is why you will have to prepare an ordinary soap solution and, armed with a sponge, remove pests from the plant. After that, the flower is additionally treated with insecticides. A day after the flower warm shower And close the soil with polyethylene. In addition, a spathifylum can be attacked by a web tick, looking like a small red spider.

It most often appears on the bottom of the leaves, over time, enveloping the plant. For plant treatment, a soap solution or complex insecticides are used. After 2-3 hours, be sure to rush the flower with conventional warm water. By the way, if you had such, there will be no special problems during the struggle against pests, since the methods are almost identical.

If you want to give a young bush spathiflum to someone from his friends, you need to know how the flower is properly multiplied. So, there are several ways: with the help of cuttings, dividing the main bush and occasionally - with the help of seeds.

The latter method is quite complicated, and therefore it is not recommended to use it at home, because you will only spend a lot of strength and time that it does not guarantee you to get the result.

The first few ways are performed as follows:

  • Shining. First you need to cut off the young flower process and lower it into a glass with water. Waiting until he gives new shoots and leaflets, transplant it in a pot, pre-equipped the soil with mineral fertilizers and organic to better growth Flower.
  • But most often choose a vegetative breeding method, as the easiest - it is carried out during the flower transplantation. Separate the formed kids, choosing those of them that have a formed root system. It is very important to choose the power to choose the pots, so that the roots are freely placed inside. So that the plant quickly climbs, you need to prepare a suitable soil mixture. To do this, mix the ground with peat, sand, turder, you can add a fine brick crumb.

Houseplants decorate our house, create a feeling of comfort and comfort. They, like any live particle of the globe, are filled with life, so they require attention, care, careful relationship. There are a lot of them, but everyone remains unique and unique, in this and there are their charm. In this article we will talk about such a flower as spathifylum or how they love to call them in the people - "Women's Happiness".

There is a belief that this plant is capable of bringing happiness. They say if it blooms in the house where a lonely girl lives, he will certainly meet her half. Well, a fortress, calm and reliability will bring the family to the family with the family.

Spathifulum is a tropical plant, is evergreen. In total, there are 45 species, common roommates are charged 6 species: spoon-shaped, domino, Wallis, resentmentable, adorable, sensation. The flower is beautiful, it will easily complement any interior. Its flowering occurs just a few times a year, and only under the conditions of proper care. I will disclose everything you need to know and what to adhere to, for normal growth and development of the plant.

Flower Women's Happiness: Care

Spatifylum does not require excessive attention. It is enough to water and spray a plant in time, besides, the flower is very clever, he himself gives to understand when it needs water, lowering his leaves down.

In the summer, it is necessary to water it often, in about a day, in winter - few times a week. I recommend using filtered or resistant.

Since the plant is tropical, it loves heat. But it is important to determine the correct thermal and light mode, the temperature of 18-25 degrees will be perfect. The sun rays are adversely affected, the leaves become dry and wither, and if the leaves are on the contrary, the rides up, but the flowering does not happen - more lighting is necessary. If the foliage light is lacking, will acquire a pale color. It is desirable to spray every day, but at the same time, watch that the water did not get on the flowers! You can also clean with a dust and other external pollution.

The flower is very simple: the usual division of the bush and the root system. Flowers use a method for reproduction - slices of root, but newcomers will not cope with this, as they can damage the main plant, incorrectly dividing the maternal root. The leaf is not able to multiply!

The best time for breeding and transplanting is spring. Previously need to prepare the soil: hard land (2 parts), peat (1 part), humid (1 part) and sand (1 part). Be sure to be good to be drainage at the bottom of the pot.

How to transplant flower female happiness

Transplanting Spatifylum happens once a year, in the spring, but in case you just bought a plant, it needs an urgent transplant. In stores, as a rule, it is sold in plastic containers, for the convenience of transportation, but it will not be able to grow and multiply in these conditions.

So, the transplantation of the flower is starting from buying a new pot. It should be a little more than the previous diameter. Make that the room temperature was not lower than 20 degrees. What would be easier to remove the plant from the pot - like it approximately an hour before the transplantation. We put the pot on the bar and neat tapping movements separating the root system from it, you can use a metal blade or knife to relieve it, but act extremely careful. Carefully remove the cleansing particles from the roots, and shortened too long. If you want to multiply, then separate the parts of the roots together with the leaves.

The pot is pre-prepared: the drainage opening is closed with small partial parts of the brick (broken), claying or shards, then labeled the substrate (prepared in advance) and sprinkle with a thin layer of soil. Fix flower in a pot, while setting up the following portions of the Earth, so that it fits tightly to the walls. We are tamped to the ground with your fingers until it is lifted with the leaves.

At the end of the procedure, abundantly water the stagofillum and remove it in a dark place for 7 days, but the leaves spray daily. After the week, we return the flower into the usual, the bright part of the house.

Attention! Flower in the process of blossoming is impossible!

Spatillum disease and treatment

The main cause of the disease of this plant is pests: Cherver Mucud, web tick, wave, sage mushroom, shield.

Cherver Muffer

It appears at an elevated level of dampness and hides between the leaves, so periodically examine the flower. When identifying a small number of insects, you can get rid of the rubbish leaves with alcoholic solution or an infusion from citrus crusts.

Cobed tick

The greatest threat to spathifylum. The pest appears on the foliage, covers its web. As a result, the plant is gradually dried. For treatment, it is sufficient to remove the web, processing the leaves by the non-concentrated solution from the soap. In more serious cases, it will be needed tools are shared: insecticides, ground sulfur.


The TLL is born on the bottom of the foliage and feeds on the juice of "female happiness". If the plant is not treated, the leaves are twisted and dry. Treatment: 1 gram of nicotine sulfate per 1 liter of water and spray affected parts abundantly.

Sent mushroom

Manifests itself in the blackness of the top of the leaves. The disease is necessary to eliminate quickly, as it overlaps the breath of the plant, which leads to his death. Treatment: Frequent treatment with soap solution.


Shield TLA (shield) - dark spots on the leaves and stems. At the initial stage, the disease is invisible. It is treated by spraying the plant with a tobacco-soap solution mixed with kerosene or alcohol in a small amount.

The prevention of diseases is the frequent "bathing" of the plants with a wet sponge. But the cause is not always pests! Indicators that the plant is ill:

  1. Poor grows. Most likely, the light mode does not correspond to the norm or the humidity of the room and the zone next to the flower is disturbed. It is enough just to rearrange it in a more suitable place;
  2. Dried leaf tips, stains. Non-hazardous spots of yellow-brown shade, it can be a natural overflow of the plant;
  3. Black flowers. Cause in excessive fertilizer or overwhelmed soil. Treatment: Spray the soil with a solution of Fundazole 2 grams per 1 lituit of water;
  4. Yellow leaves. The reason is simple, or the plant is in contact with straight solar rays, or too much water when watering is used;
  5. Deformed leaves. The curved, elongated, narrow - the reason in the lack of light. Dark places are contraindicated;
  6. There is no blossom. Causes: Lack of feeding, insufficient humidity, change in transplant.

Spathifylum does not bloom what to do

Flowers women's happiness only if there is a complete feeling of comfort. When it is convenient for him, warm, all external factors comply with the standards.

Why not blooms:

  • the root system did not fill the pot, that is, the pot is too big;
  • the room temperature is above 25 degrees;
  • oversupply or lack of lighting;
  • draft;
  • too wet soil;
  • the need to transplant, the separation of rhizomes;
  • dry air room;
  • lack of watering and spraying of the plant;
  • pests and diseases.

By eliminating any of the above reasons, you will allow the plant to exist normally, multiply and blossom.

As you understood, it's not difficult to care for female happiness.

Observe general rules Care, and the plant will not take you trouble, and on the contrary will please your eye with beautiful flowering and beauty.

How to multiply flower female happiness

The reproduction of this flower occurs in the process of transplantation, by dividing the bush, this is the most common way that we will look at in more detail.

So, you decided to transplant the flower into a new pot, then at the same time you can divide the rhizome of the spathiflum into several parts to form separate plants. It is best to divide the spring, indoors with a temperature of at least 20 degrees. Consider the process itself, how to propagate the flower female happiness.

As you know, the spathiflow cutlets gives several growth points, you need to divide all the root outlets among themselves, but at the same time keep track of each bush to have at least three sheets. Next, it is necessary to send spathifylums on small pots, with a diameter - 12-15 cm. A special excavation mixture is used as a soil, which includes one part: leaf land, peat, humus, sand. You can add pieces to the mixture wood crust or coal. Another mixture is also allowed for disperse, two parts: humid, peat, sand, coniferous and leaf land.

With information, about how to propagate the flower women's happiness, a female site shared about everything.

In addition to propagating the flower, women's happiness, you should also know that this procedure is seriously perceived by the plant itself. The division is very neat, as damage to the root system can lead a flower to gradual fading and, in the end, to death. Seaming Deli requires you special attention, now they need to gain strength for independent existence, and therefore treat them with abundant irrigation and frequent spraying.

Spathifylum care and reproduction.

Spathifylum - Perennial, herbate plant With dark-green peak-shaped leaves from 15 to 30cm (depending on the variety). The cutters are long, often exceed the length of the leaf plate itself, and the depressed veins give the sheet a folded appearance. Flowers at Spatifyluma, as all of the representatives of the family of the Aoid are collected in inflorescence.

Spathifylum people called - flagolist, and a common flower name - female happiness.

Spathifylum care and reproduction.

Caring for the plant "Women's happiness" is rather simple, as the plant is not particularly demanding, it is easy to put up with a lack of light, however, it will be not so intensely blonde as light windows. It will be good to feel spathifylum on the northern window. And the lack of lighting testifies, first of all, pulling the cherry. A wonderful place for spathifylum windows of solar orientation, but in the heat should be defined, because the plant does not like heat.

Temperature round year One - room. When it is raised, it should be followed by the state of the Earth Koma, he should not disobey in any way! Because the plant can just die. The time of rest in Spathifylum is not pronounced brightly, so the temperature should not be reduced. But the female happiness is not afraid, both with heat and cold and drafts.

When overflow, in combination with low temperatures, the leaves are covered with brown spots, and during dry air - yellowing, and then draw the tips of the leaves (especially in the heating season). And if you also cut the earthen com, then the plant loses the tour, and it is difficult to restore it. It is desirable to spray a plant often, and once a week arrange a warm shower.

Propylulum multiplies - the mercy of the bush. As a rule, a healthy plant is a rather large colony, and the division occurs easily, not damaged no root, not leaves, the plant is coming out without any problems. Therefore, I consider the care and reproduction of the spathifylum directly on one from one.

Feed better fertilizer for decorative plants, in the period of active growth in the green mass - nitrogen, and with the beginning of bloom, increase the dose of phosphoric and potash fertilizers. This will help extend flowering and hold a common decorative look.

Transplanting female happiness better spring, Not big and not deeply plated, as the plant is better and abundant will bloom in a close pot or a bang. If the diameter of the pot 18-20cm, then it is not desirable to transplant every year, but only regularly update the upper layer. The soil should be loose and light. It can be made up of humus, leaf land, sand and peat. It is advisable to add pieces of charcoal and broken brick. At the bottom necessarily drainage (2-3cm). Or buy ready-made soil. That's the whole secret about the departure and reproduction of Spathiflum.


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Royal Flagolist or Spatilum - Features of the care of female happiness

Spatifylum or "Women's Happiness" of the wet south-American tropics is a real decoration of homemade greenhouses, an aristocratic and unusual. There is a belief that such a flower is able to revive the lost romance in family relationship Or help me to meet your half. Is this that is checked only by experience - and therefore you will need to care for the plant so that it keeps its beauty for a long time.

Varietal variety of spathifyluma

Flower spathifulum happens in several types:

  • cannoliste;
  • abundant;
  • Wallace (the most common appearance, a fairly large plant, a snow-white flower bedspread).

There are also hybrid plants obtained in greenhouses - they are larger than natural and very long bloom.

Among the hybrids, which can be easily bought in flower shops, Mozart, Variegata and Mauna Loa stand out. There are such plants in size and coloring leaves.

Tropical Aristocratic Care Nuances

Caring for Spatilulum at home may seem difficult - but only until you become understood by the language of this plant (about each of its "discontent" flower will signal with a change in appearance).

But you can and you need to warn that moment when female flower It will start to hurt and wither. Basic recommendations for the care of spathifylulum:

  1. The plant is light-blast, but also in conditions of half and the shadow will grow great. Put it under the right sun rays is not worth optimal choice - Northern side. From the oversupply of light will suffer - the leaves will become pale, lose color.
  2. Very important warmth. Its perfect temperature mode - 18-23 ° C.
  3. Drafts are unacceptable - cold air is negatively reflected on the plant.
  4. Since the room is a spathifylum race from the tropics, it is very sensitive to moisture. During the flowering period (spring and summer), abundant irrigated, and in winter time The soil in the pot moisturizes moderately. The flower with gratitude responds to spraying and will not be able to grow normally in conditions of low humidity, and therefore necessarily the device with wet moss or sand. Moderately dry air is allowed only in winter, during rest.
  5. The period of regular feeding plants - autumn and spring. Fertilizers in these seasons need weekly, using feeding for blooming. In winter, the feeding is unacceptable because the flower from the "hibernation" will be removed.
  6. When the flowers begin to dry out, they are necessarily removed - this will retain the decorativeness of the plant and allows it to form new inflorescences.

Transplant and reproduction

Propythylulum transplant should be made every year and each time it takes a large container. For soil uses:

  • turf;
  • leaf;
  • humus;
  • peat soil;
  • sand;
  • brick crumb (charcoal).

Different types of soil are combined with sand in proportions 2: 2: 2: 2: 1.

Qualitative drainage is important. The plant must be carefully careful not to damage fragile roots. If immediately after transplanting the flower began to wither, it should be absolutely irrigated 2-3 times a day.

In the process of transplanting, the reproduction of spathifylum can also be reproduced. There is a method for rooting the top cuttings, but it is labor-intensive and in domestic conditions are not applicable. But it is possible to reproduce the division of the bush - one large plant can be divided immediately into several processes at once, trying to keep on each part as much as possible roots (a length of at least 2.5 cm) and a minimum of 2-3 healthy sheets. With each division, the sluggish leaves are necessarily removed.

The division is recommended at a temperature of 20 ° C, since small rapties are very sensitive to temperature differences. For one division, a 15-centimeter pot will be required. The substrate use the same as for adult plants. It is necessary to care for a cutlery in the same way as for the plant formed - to water, do not get into the sun and often spray.

Issues of novice flowerflowers - possible problems with a plant

Spathifulum is very popular among flower water and all questions that arise most likely have solutions:

  1. Why doesn't plant bloom? The reason can be the convergence, insufficient humidity or shortage of nutrients. If the leaves are green, and the flowers do not appear, then you need to wait until the root system starts up on the entire pot.
  2. Why do the tips of the leaves? It says about the too abundant irrigation. This is evidenced by the formation of brown or yellow spots.
  3. Why do dry leaves arise? If you do not regularly spray the leaves, then they will be dry. This can also be lacking nutritional substances in the soil - nitrogen and phosphorus. Leaves that dry, be sure to trim.
  4. Why do leaves twist and lose color? Thus, the plant flashes you about excess light or damage to pests.

Many plant diseases are caused by pests, which are often settled on a flower growing under excessive moistening. The main pests are only a few:

  • shield TLL, sucking juice from the plant - when it settles on the flower, dark spots appear on it;
  • the web tick is that he chose your flower as a house is evidenced by a thin web between the leaves.

You can save the spathifylum if it is possible to spray it with ready-made insecticides in time, treat with sulfur or tobacco infusion.

If you become carefully monitor your green pet, he will very soon please you with extraordinary abundant bloom, and may really attract "women's happiness" to the house.

Family reviews

Maria Rudnitskaya, Pensioner:

"Spatiflow is my gift from the son.

To be faced with him was pretty (often dropped the leaves), although I had already formed a plant. I correspond to it from the sun and watered with an estate water. Only this year the handsome bloomed. It blooms unusually, but, unfortunately, does not smell. "

Stanislav Pecherskaya, economist:

"Delicious happiness, flagolist, spathifulum is my blue dream, which is about to come true. I saw a luxurious bush of this plant in one interior log and remained impressed. Now I try to grow the same instance. The secret of departure is simple - no sunny rays and yes frequent spraying. For the third summer, my aristocrat is pleased with numerous white veils. "

Daria Lukashina, nurse:

"For me, Spathifulum remained an incomprehensible secret. Happy in marriage means should grow like on yeast? In my case, the legend of "female happiness" did not work and spatilulum dye. The girlfriend presented a new one, having prompting that the plant had a rest period in winter, but it would still not cancel the watering. We will try again. "

Spathifylum reproduction

Spatifylum reproduction (cuttings, seeds, bush division).

Spathifylum is a beautiful-flowing room plant, famous and beloved by many flowers. Possessing various indisputable advantages, in particular, very attractive appearance, unpretentiousness, the ability to clean the air of urban apartments from Formaldehyde and Phenol vapor, it is still famous for both reproduction. If your acquaintances have an adult spathifylum, then get a young copy from the parent plant is quite simple. There are three options as you can do it.

Division bush

This is the easiest and most convenient way, and useful and for the parent plant. Spathifulum grows very quickly, forming many young sockets. After a couple of years, he is able to take the entire surface of the pot, creating dense thickets and highly depleting the soil. Therefore, it requires not only an annual transplant, but also the periodic division of the bush. Dellets obtained as a result of this procedure are already ready-made young plants that do not require additional growing or any special procedures. All that is required is to put them in a separate pot.

- to divide the bush is preferably before starting active vegetation, in the spring; - Delleka must contain at least three well-developed sheet outlets and have a strong and intact root system; - when landing to a new place, it is impossible to plunge the root neck, the soil level should be maintained the same as at the source bush;

- For cultivation of spathifylum, you should choose small pots, otherwise the plant will begin to actively develop the root system and increase the green mass to the damage to flowering.

In order for the root system in order to be injured as little as possible, you can use the following way. Before removing the plant from the pot, it is necessary to shed it well, so that the root system will have a moisture and become less breaking. The earth is better not to cut the "blindly", but carefully soak and blur, freeing and unwinding the roots. Then it will be possible to see and evaluate the parts on which the bush should be divided. Every finished part is desirable to free from the old rotten or dried roots and leaves, the wounds sprinkle with pushed charcoal, to give them time to dry out and then planted into a new pot, straightening the roots, gradually sprinkling their land and sealing soil.

As a substrate, ready-made specialized, for the aid, but those who wanted to please their favorite can prepare the soil mixture on their own, taking one part of the peat, leaf and turf and adding a half proportion of coarse river sand.


As cuttings, leaf outlets are used, cut from the mother's bush in spring or in a summer time. If they already have a small root system, young plants can be immediately located in the ground. Otherwise, uncomplicated measures will be required to promote rapid development and root growth. The simplest thing is to wait for the root formation, by placing a stalk outlet into a glass with water, where it is desirable to add half a tablet of activated carbon, otherwise the base of the stem will quickly cover with mucus and start rotting.

The process of rooting in water containers is the easiest, but, as practice shows, in special substrates it is faster and reliable. As the latter, you can use coarse river sand or perlite. In addition, horse peat and moss sphagnum, moisturized and tightly rammed around the cutlets have proven themselves well. To accelerate the process, a high humidity is maintained around the sheet outlet, covering it with a transparent cap or by placing a pot with a plant in mini-greenhouse.

Separately, we note that the leaf cuttings are not multiplied by spatilum, even if the petiole from the stem is cut with a "heel".

Reproduction of seeds

The seed reproduction of Spathifylums can do those who are important and interesting the process itself, as it is to grow this plant from seeds - the occupation is very complex and time consuming. One of the main problems of this method of reproduction is a quick loss of germination. That is, the seeds collected from the plants are preferably sowed. And for this you should first pollinate the blooming spathifylum and wait for the ripening of seeds. Neither first nor the second can be called a simple matter, so it is easier to search for seeds in flower shops.

When buying seeds, it is necessary to check the expiration date. As already mentioned, Nazatifylum sprout only fresh seeds, and even at the very beginning, the percentage of their germination does not exceed half.

Seed seeds into a wet with a wet substrate consisting of a mixture of sand and peat, and put in mini-greenhouse with a small (up to 24 ° C) heated.


When working with spathifylulum, especially when pruning and dividing rhizomes, it is necessary to remember that it refers to poisonous plants and its juice may cause various allergic reactions. Therefore, it should not be allowed to enter the juice of the plant to the mucous membrane, and after working with it you need to thoroughly wash your hands.

Spathifulum - Women's Happiness in your home!

In Nature, Spathiflow grows in South America, Polynesia and East Asia. It is evergreen perennial Lives in swampy locations, along lakes, rivers and streams. Spatifylum people are called female happiness. It is believed that this room flower brings good luck and family peace. It is not recommended to give to someone your personal spathifylum, because you give your welfare in other people's hands and your well-being.

But the flower is spathiflum, specially bought as a gift, will help any woman to achieve what she wishes most at the moment. For example, another unmarried lady will help to find his love, childless - get pregnant and safely give birth to a healthy child. It is noteworthy that with permanent family scandals and the absence of mutual understanding, spathifylum cannot be developed normally - it dies, and not having time to please his mistress with spectacular flowering.

Of course, only a relaxed atmosphere in the house is not enough for normal plant growth. Spathifulum, like any home flower, requires a certain attention. And in this article we will tell you what care is needed by a plant, how to transplant it correctly and what is the reproduction of this room flower. But first, let's look at the types of spathifylum so that you can choose your flower.

Variety of spathifylumums

Types of this plant are diverse. They differ in size, coloring bedspread (the so-called spathillum flower) and the patch. All room varieties are hardy, long and abundantly bloom.

Flower with short root. In height reach 30-40 centimeters. The leaves of this variety are dark green, oblong, have an elegant form. White bedspread at the beginning of flowering and greenish - at the end. The plant is shadowless and does not need any special care;

  • Abundant blooming spathifylum

Medium size (50-60 centimeters), has the leaves of oval shape. Flowerines are large, kidneys are formed directly in the leaves, which provides abundant blossoms almost all year round;

A large plant, blooms not as abundant as the two above-described views. The covering of this type of spathifylum has a greenish-white shade and resembles a check mark.

Bloom lasts from April to June;

Large room flower growing up to one meter in height. The leaves of this species have an oblong shape, a glossy texture, along the edges - wavy. Cover white color, has a spoon shape;

Also a large plant whose leaves are similar to Cannes leaves. Copper yellow color, bedspread - white-green having acute fragrance.

Room Spatifylum has another name - white sail. It appeared due to the form of its inflorescences. Cut flowers of any type of spathifylum can save their freshness about a month, so they often use florists to create festive bouquets.

Features of care

All kinds of this plant are not too picky, so care for them will not bring you special problems. Spathifulum loves shaded places - the bright sunlight is contraindicated. However, this does not mean that the flower needs to be kept in the dark.

If you notice that the leaves of the plant stretched out and acquired a dark color - it is not enough lighting. Treat your spathifylum sunny baths Or organize artificial light With the help of luminescent lamps. By the way, with artificial illumination, the flower grows faster and more often throws up buds.

Cold air and draft descendant for this tropical handsome man. Therefore, in winter, pay the attention of the organization in the room of the desired temperature regime. 23-25 \u200b\u200bdegrees of heat - here optimal conditions For growing spathifylum. The feeding is made in the period of growth and flowering, once a week. Before using fertilizer carefully examine the instructions and act strictly according to it.

If the leaves of the plant went down and started - he lacks moisture. Remember, the root flower system should always be wet. Therefore, it is necessary to pour spathifylums abundantly - as the upper soil layer is burned. Once a week, arrange the flower water treatments in the form of a soul.

Sheets wipe clean napkin to prevent dust accumulation. If water remained in the pallet in the pallet, do not hurry to merge, leave for several hours. The wet environment is needed by plant and winter, and in summer. Therefore, with the onset of cold weather, it is not necessary to radically change its content.

Reproduction and transplant

The reproduction of spathifylum occurs either the division of the bush (during transplantation) or the top grinding. Before starting the reproduction (divided adult plant), Carefully unwrap the roots, trying not to damage them. Then pick up the spathifylum on the new pots of smaller size. To roam the cuttings, you need to create a greenhouse effect for them.

Putting the process to the ground, cover it with glass container. When the spathifylum will allow young leaflets, you can safely remove the greenhouse. Watering during rooting, make only the pallet. The care of a young plant is no different from the content of an adult flower.

In order to transplant the spathifylum, it is necessary to prepare the soil. Mix B. equal parts humid, leaf and turf, peat and sand. In order for the substrate to have the desired breathability, add a small brick crumb into it and pieces of charcoal. Before replant with spathifylum, place the Drainage pot on the bottom, which can be used clay.

Replanting Spathifylums is necessary every year with the onset of spring. The size of the pot is selected based on the size of the plant itself. It should not take too much container - it will slow down the growth of the flower in the future. After the transplant is made, put spathifylum into a warm place and spray it daily.

While the plant is not rooted, you should not water it too abundantly. The rooting lasts about a week, so at this time cut watering twice. The feeder at this time is also not needed. When the spathifylum is killed, the care is returned to the previous mode.

What difficulties may occur when growing spatifylum?

Spatifylum is considered unpretentious plant. However, it is not insured against some problems. Let's look at what trouble can expect the owners of this plant during cultivation, and what care is needed to recover.

  • Yellow and dry the tips of the leaves

This problem arises due to insufficient air humidity. In the conditions of urban apartments, it is inevitable, even with frequent spraying. Enhance the humidity is simple: pour into the small pallet of pebbles (or other pebbles), make it up, put it from the top with spathifylum. This method Good for winter flower content. After all, it is in winter the air in the room is reheated due to heating devices;

  • Brown spots on the leaves

Excessive moisture content of the soil or stagnation of water in the pallet is to blame. Well dry the spathifylum (do not water it 3-4 days). Spraying leaves Do not stop. Then, squeeze the ground in the pot, and the next day, abundantly spin the plant;

It talks about the lack of minerals In the ground - you need to feed the spathifylum. Use nitrogen-containing and phosphorus-containing fertilizers. You need to start the feeder as quickly as possible, otherwise the leaves will completely turn and fall.

Spatifylum is subject to attack of triples, mathematical Cherweet And the web tir. If the insects have not yet managed to completely hit the plant, the usual soap solution will help, which need to wash the leaves.

In deferred cases, special chemicalssold in flower shops. Sometimes unplanned plants transplantation is required.

So we learned all about Spathifylum, the bloom of which will not leave a single person indifferent. Love the plant and, if possible, provide it with the desired care. The rest flower will make himself - bring to your house real women's happiness!

Proper transplant and reproduction of room spathifylum.

Proper transplant and reproduction of room spathifylum.

A spectacular plant without stems from dark green leaves looks spectacular, especially when it blooms. Spathifulum is great for beginner gardeners to fill her hand and boast the success before the familiar. Beautiful inflorescences should appear early in spring, and please the eye for a month. With the right leaving the plant color several times a month.

Interesting! Psychologists believe that Spathiflow helps to clean the air in the room, which favorably affects the mental state of the person.

Common useful information

Straight sun rays for leaves will be harmful, but the flower loves scattered sunlight, wet air. Squares are not tolerated by spathifylum, so you need to find an optimal place for it in the apartment, which will provide active growth. It is not worth giving the leaves to grow too actively, because it stops flowering processes.

In winter, you need to especially carefully protect the flower from the cold, which it does not tolerate. Only at room temperature from 18 degrees Celsius and above the plant will grow well and develop properly. As for the perfect temperature - this is 23 degrees Celsius, provide such conditions in ordinary apartment quite simple.

Every week, leaves should be cleaned from dust and spray the plant. Water solely as the upper layer dries. In the presence of large leaves Watering need to ensure a little more often. If the leaves droop the leaves and began to dry the tips, then the spathiflohlum lacks moisture, you can put the pallet with wet moss or wet stones.

Spatifylum reproduction

- It is best to breed a plant early spring - in early March. You can breed a flower with the usual division of the bush. Also for this you can use the top cuttings, and from the method of reproduction the seeds it is better to refuse: long and not effective.

Roots when dividing bushes should be as neat apart. For planting, smaller pots are selected than the one in which the plant grew entirely. When creating greenhouse conditions, spathifylum is quickly rooted. But it is necessary to ensure several hours on the day of air, otherwise, excessive moisture will negatively affect the general growth.

A shortened plant stem after breeding can begin to branch. This is a good sign that new growth points are formed. Young leaves will start simultaneously appear immediately in several places.

Do not grow large greens, because it minimizes the possibility of flowering process.

How to transplant Spatilum?

The damage to the roots of the spathifylum is extremely sensitive. The transplant must be taken carefully, perhaps even refuse gloves to feel your fingers every root. After transplanting, it is necessary to provide a flower heat, moderate watering and frequent spraying. These three factors contribute to rapid rooting. The pot should choose not too big, otherwise, the growth and flowering plant will be extremely slow.

Soil is suitable for transplant:

Ferry Humus; Sand; Sheet;


It will be excellent if you mix a few types of soil.

The substrate must be moisture permeable, also to pass the air well.

Spathifulum: Description, Growing and Care at Home

It is necessary to ensure a weakly acidic environment, for which you need to add sand, charcoal or brick crumb into the kidney. Be sure to make a good drainage.

Young plants should be transferred once a year, and then you can switch to one transplant mode once in three codes. The signal for transplantation - the roots filled the entire volume of the pot and they simply have nowhere to develop.

With proper care, content, transfers and reproduction, spathifylum resistant to causative agents of diseases and pests. If the air in the apartment is dry, and watering is insufficient, then certain problems can begin: dry leaves, lack of flowering, the appearance of TI or tick.

    Optimal conditions for the cultivation of spathifylum in the apartment.

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Spathifulum - a beautiful indoor plant that attracts the eyes is extraordinarily juicy greens Leaves and beautiful inflorescence: cream chat with white bedspread - sail at the base. The plant does not require abundant sunlight, he prefers halftime, does not like abundant feeding. Easy to care, cultivation and reproduction allows the spathiflum to take a worthy place among other room colors.

There are some features of the reproduction of spathifylum at home. This article provides useful recommendations on the methods of reproduction of the plant. The most accessible and distributed are: the reproduction of the spathiflum division of the bush and cuttings. Possible variation of reproduction by seeds. The method of reproduction sheet of spathifylum in the literature is not found.

Reproduction of seeds

Immediately dispark, the reproduction of seeds is a very laborious process.

Spatilum's care at home

At home, it is difficult to make artificial pollination of the flower, get seeds, create conditions for their aging. The germination of seeds of spathifylum is very small and quickly lost. If you still managed to get spathiflow seeds, you can try this way of reproduction.

Seeds are sown in a greenhouse into a moist ground, consisting of sand and peat. It should be monitored so that the soil is constantly in a wet, but not wet state. When seedlings appear, they need to be periodically ventilated, opening the guy. This method of reproduction is possible, but not recommended for reproduction of spathifylum at home, as it is complicated and not always effective.

Read the same way: how to grow a pumpkin yourself?


The vegetative method of reproduction of spathifylum is the most acceptable at home. The cuttings are a small totality of young leaves at the base of the parent plant with the root system beginners.

It is best to root the cuttings in spring and summertime. From the parent plant neatly separated cuttings of cuttings. For rooting, tanks with wet sand are used. The cuttings are well rooted in a moistened perlite. In order for the roots to go well, the cuttings are placed in mini greenhouse.

When well-developed roots appear, the cuttings are planted in a prepared earthy mixture. Mixed in equal proportions peat, sand, leaf, humid and garden land. Young plants watered.

Dividing bush

The most convenient and common method of reproduction of spathifylum is the division of the bush. The plant grows up, forms many young sockets with leaves and requires an annual transplant. At this time, the uterine plant can be divided into separate parts. It is necessary to do it very carefully, without damaging the root system. Otherwise, young plants will not come down. If there are no roots on the decens, they should be put into water until the roots appear and only then plant in the ground.

Each delena must have at least 3 leaves and their core. Plants should not be planted in flower pots of large diameters. The root system will "live" until the pot will take the entire space. In this case, the bloom of the spathylulum will have to wait for a very long time.

Plants are planted into a special finished soil for aroid plants. You can prepare the soil mixture yourself, as described above. At the bottom of the pot necessarily laid a layer of clay. It serves as a good drainage system when watering. Ceramzite is well kept moisture and does not give roots to dry quickly.

When landing, the decene should not shock the root of the plant. With a large gluke, it is possible not to wait for the blossom of spathillum. The process of breeding the division of the bush should occur at a temperature not lower than 20 degrees.

The ease of leaving the plant and fabulous beauty raise spathifylum on the pedestal of the honor among the favorite rooms of the pet. Using uncomplicated ways The reproduction of the plant, you can please yourself, your friends and native new specimens of this unsurpassed in the beauty of the room flower.

To whom the tenders are tenders of flowers, carefully protected by a slight coat-sailing, outstanding from juicy-emerald foliage of spathifylum - evergreen perennial, long-cultivated in bedroom flowering. This typical representative of the Aoid family acquired another unequivocal name - female happiness.

Main characteristics

With up to 40 species, spathifylums are common in the usual for the aroid area - shady raindrops of central and South America, New Guinea, Philippine and Solomon Islands. Great endurance and love for high humidity distinguishes all types of this plant - both alignment, and wild. The "domesticated" spathifylum British breeders in the 19th century, and there are many varieties today - from dwarf-kids to the giants of impressive sizes with dark green or textural and motley leaves.

The lack of a stem in a flower adds decorativeness, since the leaves located close to each other appear from the root of the bundle and grow, effectively flexing and forming a luxurious bush. The sheet is solid lanced with textured relief streaks.

Inflorescence - the pillage on the long bloom, wrapped with a white bedspread, green with time. Flowering begins in the spring and lasts for several weeks. Good care Behind the spathifulum is a re-flowering warranty in the fall or in winter.

How to care for a plant

The unpretentiousness of this cult has become proverbs in the languages, but to achieve generous flowering should take care of her. In addition, it does not have to strain much, because the care of spathifulum at home is completely unnecessary.

Lighting and temperature indoors

Spathifylum shades, but it is better developing in the illuminated places, perfectly feeling at the northern windowsill or near the windows of the Eastern and Western direction under the scattered light. It develops well and on sufficient distance from light sources, which is very valuable to arranging the interior of offices and the office.

How to care for spathifylum, the rules of growing flower at home

Lack of light The plant compensates for some slowdown in growth, rare flowering and more intense color foliage, which, however, is not reflected in the total decorativeness.

Spathifylum does not push special requirements To the air temperature and productively grow at 18-25 ° C at any time of the year. It is important not to lower the temperature, since the decline of up to 12-14 ° C will make it difficult to develop the plant, and 10˚С is already a serious threat that can provoke the root and death.

Spatifylum does not tolerate drafts, so when choosing a place for a flower, this circumstance takes into account this circumstance.

We select the ground for landing

The substrate should be light and breathable. The habits acquired by wild-growing representatives, the habitat of which serves the lower tier of rain forests with a loose, fertile, coated with the compost soil. Best sad For spathifylum - a mixture consisting of peat, garden land, vermiculite, poured charcoal and chips in a ratio of 3 * 2 * 2 * 1.

To avoid reinflowing roots, drainage is used - crumbs or small gravel.


Young fast-growing spathifylums transplanted in the spring annually. Adult plants that have reached the 4-5-year age do not touch until the moment drainage holes The container will not start showing the roots. Spathifylum is convenient to the non-chief and a shallow pot, as in large tanks, the soil boils and slows down growth, and the bloom will not come until the roots rise to the entire volume of the container.

Important! For each of the following transplant, the dimensions of the new container increase slightly - by 1-1.5 cm.

Immediately before transplanting, spathifylum watered well. The ability of the plant will quickly grow leads to the grinding of the leaves and so that the flower is pleased with large textured foliage and high blooms, when transplanting spathifylums, separated lateral processes that are powered by food. At the bottom of the container lay a layer of clay (2.5-3 cm), then the plant is placed together with an earthy room and be enough with the soil, cautiously sealing it, after which it is generously watered with the addition of aloe juice. Over the next 3-5 days, the plant should not be moisturized, but it is necessary to spray it twice a day.


With their love for moisture, Spathifloum does not welcome stagnation of water in the pallet. Watering in the active period should be generous, but reasonable: as the surface layer of the soil is drying, the culture is abundantly moisturized. In a quiet period (from November to January), watering cuts, still without giving an earthen one to dry out completely. Taking into account the high level of dry air in urban apartments in winter, follow water regime It should be constantly. It is useful for the winter to place a container with a plant in a pallet with a wet pebbles.

The air humidity in the room should be high, and with the onset of the spring-summer season, there are frequent spraying, which Sapatifilum gratefully takes, noticeably adding decorativeness.


The preferred method of reproduction of spathifylum is the division of the bush. Separating lateral outlet processes in the spring transplant, the flower water gets ready planting material. Viable processes must have at least 3-4 leaves growing from the core, and roots.

Tip! In the absence of roots, the sockets are placed in water and are waiting for their growing. Landing such a decene is a win-win version, it will take place.

Dellets are planted immediately by separate containers filled with a special soil for an aroid or prepared substrate, the composition of which is indicated above, and care for both independent plants.

Important! Sutting off the decene, the root neck is not plugged, otherwise the bloom of the spathylulum may not come.

A possible option is a reproduction of cuttings, representing the accumulation of young leaves with the root of the roots at the base of the parent plant. Crop the spatilum when separating the cuttings and sockets is not recommended. Young sockets easily depart from the mother plant. In the summer and in the spring, they are well rooted in tanks with wet perlite or sand. Film shelter will accelerate rooting. When the roots appear, the seedlings are placed on separate small containers with a mixture of sand, peat, humid and garden land (1 * 1 * 1 * 3).

The seed reproduction of flowers is not practiced, because even overwhelmed seeds have a low germination and do not always carry the varietal signs of the parent plant. You can sow seeds immediately after harvesting in a wet mixture of sand and peat. The ramper is covered with film or glass and periodically ventilated to avoid the appearance of mold.

Fertilizers and frequency of application

In the period of activity from March to October, the spatillum requires feeding with a solution of full mineral fertilizer (1.5 gr. / 1 \u200b\u200bL) once every 15-20 days. In the spring, it is more efficient to alternate mineral nutrition with an organic, for example, "Kemir-Universal" with a humidier or a 5-charming solution of infusion of a cowboat. By winter, feeding stops, but if the plant continues to grow violently or blossom, it is necessary to fertilize it once a month. Such "behavior" contributes to high-quality care, proper moisturizing and feeding.

Diseases and problems

Despite the fact that the endurance of the plant is very high, sometimes aphid attacks on spathifylum, and the errors in the regime of irrigation provoke the appearance custom tick. You can fight with homemade tools, weekly wiping the leaves with a solution with nicotine sulfate. The substrate in the tank is preached by protective film. A day after processing, the drug from the leaves is flushed. Repeat such an operation as needed.

Important! The simplest hygienic procedures are rubbing the leaves from dust and periodic inspections will help avoid the attack of pests or prevent them in time.

Diseases are usually a consequence of illiterate care. For example, yellowing or wither the leaves, if errors are allowed in the regularity of the irrigation and the soil dries. If this has already happened, then the plant should be put back, gradually swinging the soil and increasing the volume of water. The yellowing of the foliage causes the lack of nutrients, to eliminate it will help compliance with the regime of the feeder.

The situation in which the leaves are worn out inherent in the spathifylloum. As a rule, this is a sign of dying the root system, which often occurs when the flower content is insufficient, the content of the flower is not sufficiently warm room or the storm.

Tip! When sprinkling the leaves, it is necessary to remove the plant from the tank, to examine the roots and remove the problem, and then transfer to the new substrate, having undergoed in the solution of "epina" or "zircon".

The tips of the leaves of the spathifylum are dry with too dry or cold air indoors and a shortage of food.

Fix this problem is easy, it is worth only to balance the feeding, as well as change the temperature and humidity in the room.

Spathifulum does not bloom in violation of landing and care rules.

Excessive Outlet Outlet When planting a plant, too spacious, or the use of liquid wax when leaving leaves - all this provokes a fair flowering delay.

Note that it is easy to correct listed trouble. Spatifylum is extremely responsive to high-quality care, and as soon as its life processes are restored, the decorativeness of this elegant handsome is rising.

Multiply spathifylum seeds best at the end of winter and early spring. But cuttings or the division of the bush at any time, except flowering. It is better to wait when the plant will flash.

Inventory preparation

For the reproduction of this room culture, the following materials will be required:

  • capacity from ceramics, wood;
  • scissors, secateurs;
  • glass to cover seedlings;
  • capacity with water for rooting cuttings.

Step-by-step instruction, how the flower is multiplied

Cuttings are presented in the form of leaf outlets separated from an adult plant. If there are small roots, then the cuttings are ready for disembarking directly into the kidney.

In the case of their absence, it is necessary to arrange the planting material into water with activated carbon, until they are formed. After rooting the cuttings, put in a special soil.

To do this, connect the following components in an equal number:

  • perlite;
  • riding peat;
  • moss SFAGNUM.

After the stalk was placed in a nutritious substrate, to install it in the greenhouse or under the glass cap. It is necessary to maintain high humidity. With the onset of spring, the already strengthened process can be planted into another containersuitable in size.

Division bush

This method of reproduction is convenient and easy to implement. For an adult plant, it is also useful, as it is an opportunity to "proper" a thick bush. The flower will grow pretty quickly, and the young sockets are withdrawn from the soil all the nutritional components, manifesting the maternal plant.

IMPORTANT: The division of the bush has a positive effect on the subsequent growth and development of spathiflum.

Conduct the division of the bush early in the spring, even before the beginning of the vegetation. The root system should be strong and without injury. Delleka is ready to grow independently if she has 3 leaf outletswhich are well developed. The roasting neck of the rapid plants should be at one level of the soil as the maternal bush.

The container for the flower must be a small volume, since in deep container the root system will begin to develop actively, and this will lead to a rapid growth of leaves and flowering delay.


  1. Before the procedure is abundantly pouring a maternal plant in a flower pot. This will make it easy to remove the flower with an earthen room and less trauma for the root system.
  2. As soon as the flower was removed from the tank, then its roots are thoroughly rinsed from the ground and if possible to unravel.
  3. The prepared root system will be easier to separate.
  4. The locations of the cuts on the root system are sprinkled with an exact activated carbon. Wait 2-3 hours so that they dry.
  5. Before each deduction, perform attentive inspection and remove dried and fired parts from the root system and the leaves.
  6. Each young plant is planted into a shallow and non-smoke container.
  7. Fragile roots straighten the surface of the soil and be carefully sprinkled with a nutritious substrate. After that, it is slightly sealing.

For landing Dellek, you need to buy ready-made soil for plants of the family of aroid Or cook it with your own hands. To do this, connect the following components:

  • sheet land - 1 part;
  • peat - 1 part;
  • dern - 1 part;
  • river sand - ½ parts.

See the video about the reproduction by the method of dividing the bush:

This method of breeding is not easy and time consuming. The reason is that the seeds quickly lose their germination and can not be stored for a long time. Drain them immediately after collecting. And so that they ripen, pollination of the blooming room flower. This process is complex and long, so it is better to buy a boarding material in a specialized store.

Even when using the most recent seeds, about half of them will not give inputs.. So when buying pay attention to the shelf life.


  1. Prepare a shallow tank with drainage. Fall asleep with a nutrient substrate consisting of peat and sand taken in equal proportion.
  2. Scatter the seeds on the surface of the soil and sprinkle the earth slightly, not tamping.
  3. Cover the glass with glass and set the container to the room, where the air temperature is 24-25 degrees.
  4. Watering the soil to perform a spraying method.
  5. Each day to open the glass to ventilate shoots and delete condensate. The oversuet of moisture leads to the development of mold and the death of planting material.
  6. As soon as 2-3 leafs are formed, recording a dilution, seeding young plants in separate containers.

Plant care at home

Lighting and temperature

For multiplicated spathiflums need scattered light. Only then the plant will grow large, and it will be long. In the spring and summer, the temperature regime maintain at the level of 22 degrees of heat. With the onset of autumn and winter, temperature indicators should not be below 16 degrees.

ATTENTION: If the temperature is less than 10 degrees of heat, then the plant will die. Also destructive affect the flower of drafts.

Moisturizing to spend all year round using the essential water. In the period of active growth and summer, watering should be abundant. Perform it 2-3 times a week, without waiting until the top layer of soil is dry. If the earth will dry, the root system will die. Moisten the soil carefully so that the water does not get on the flowers.

Growing spathifylum at home, it is important to spend sprayingAnd also mark the pot into the container with gray clay. Spray the flower at least 2 times a day. Otherwise, leaves will begin to dry out. Watering watering to cut up to 1 time per week.


From March to September to bring mineral fertilizers. They are diluted with water (1 g per 1 liter). Before making a flower thoroughly pouring. The feeding should be regular - once every 2 weeks. In winter, if the plant does not bloom, it is also fertilized, bringing the nutrient compositions every 5 weeks.

During flowering, it is not worth using fertilizers. Also, they are not needed by young plants after a transplant. For long-lasting I. abundant flowering Fit feeders with an increased concentration of potassium and phosphorus.

All subtleties and nuances of care for this plant you will learn at.

Possible problems and difficulties

When cultivating spathifylum, the following problems are possible:

  • Drying and twisting of the tips of the leaves. The main reason is reduced humidity or low room temperature.
  • Pale leaves. This phenomenon occurs when too bright lighting. It is necessary to rearrange the container with a flower to another place, and the affected leaves are deleted. Otherwise, the process is irreversible.
  • Black spots on the leaves. Such a trouble occurs if the root fell ill. In most cases, this is due to excess moisture. It is necessary to urgently transplant the flower, and the root system is cleaned. Also affect the development of blacks on the leaves can unbalanced nutrition. If you overdo it with feeding, the transplant is not executed.
  • No blossom. This happens as a result of excessive fertilization. Also the lack of colors can be due to filling the roots of the entire capacity pot.

In more detail about the diseases of the spathyllum you can read in.


Spatiflow reproduction is a complex and responsible process that requires increased attention. For novik optimal option It will be using a method with a division of a bush, since the reproduction of seeds and cuttings is an option for experienced gardeners.

Ecology of life: It is believed that this plant cleans the air in the house and brings women's happiness. And due to the fact that the plant is not too capricious and demanding in care, it has become very popular on our windowsill. Spathifylum refers to the family ...

It is believed that this plant cleans the air in the house and brings women's happiness. And due to the fact that the plant is not too capricious and demanding in care, it has become very popular on our windowsill.

It is spatylls the use of the aid, and came to us from the tropics of America. Eto noose, grassy perennial plant, growing up to 30 pm height. There are also tall and dwarf forms of spathifluma.

The main stem of the spathifluma is absent, the rooted elongates grow, like a beam directly from the soil.

The most common is considered Spatifylum Wallis S. Wallisii. In addition, it is often possible to meet the spathifylum frankly, spathifylum cannoliste and spathifulum rich-grade.

The plant blooms with inflorescences, which grows as from the ground on a long and thin leg. Each inflorescence covers one large petal-bedspread, milky white color, after the inflorescence flowed, the petal-bedspread is pretty quickly becomes green.

Spathifulum: how to care

After buying a plant, it is best to leave in the same pot for 2-3 weeks, and then you can already transplant it into a more spacious or beautiful pot.


Spatifimum needs a lot of light enough, but the straight sun rays are contraindicated. An ideal place For this plant, you can consider the windowsill coming to the north, here and the light will be enough and the sun will not damage the plant. It is also worth considering that the plant very badly tolerates drafts, and can begin to hurt.

Temperature mode

For spathiform, as well, and for all other plants cultivated in the room, the room temperature is suitable. The main thing is that the temperature regime does not fall below + 15 ° C, such a temperature is considered to be critical, and if the plant is a long time in a room with such a temperature - this will affect its vegetation and appearance.

For flowering, spathifluch needs temperature range from 17 to 21 ° C. The temperature above 25 ° C is also not very good to affect the growth and flowering of the plant, but everything is most often the problems arise from a decrease in temperature.


The plant reacts both to the lack of lighting and on direct solar rays. A long time can grow in conditions of half and shadow, but deprive natural lighting Not at all. Otherwise, the leaves will become smaller and stretched out, and the flowering will not come.

Outdoor Sun in Spatifyluma, the leaves begin to burn, which can rather negatively affect the appearance of the plant, but also in its growth. The ideal conditions can be considered multiple, but at the same time bright natural light.

Air humidity

The plant is demanding about air humidity, and ideal conditions for it can be considered the relative humidity of the air within 80%. For maintenance of high humidity, the plant should be sprayed twice a day. It is also nice to put a water container near the plant, it also contributes to an increase in air humidity. In addition, you can use the household air humidifier.

Spathifylum: how to water

Watering plants in water room temperature, well rescued. It should also be followed that it would always be moist. But, despite the fact that the plant loves moisture, it categorically does not tolerate water stagnation, and after watering excess water Need to merge from the pallet.

Source requirements

The ideal soil for the plant is the soil of the following composition: two parts of the turf of the land, one part of the sheet and peat ground, one part of humoring and one part of the sand. This mixture can add one fourth part of charcoal. Before pouring a soil in a pot, it is necessary to mix well and pour the pot on the bottom of the drainage layer 2-3 cm.


For regular flowering, you need to establish the regime of the feeding. In the season of vegetation from spring to autumn, the plant needs to be tuned, about once every 10 days, the rest is enough and one time per month. For the fertilizer, any universal fertilizer is suitable for flowering plants. Quite often, the plant stops blossoming precisely because of the lack of feeding mode.


The reproduction of the plant is made by the division of the bush. The easiest way to do with the transplantation of the plant.

Spathifylum transplant

From time to time, the plant needs a transplant, just transplanted with spathifylum once every 1-1.5 years. If you want to achieve abundant flowering, you can transplant less frequently, as the plant is more abundantly blooming in a close pot. When transplanting the plant can be multiplied, as the spathiflums multiply the division of the bush.

For transplantation, prepare a pot on 2 cm more in diameter than the one in which the flower grew, if the transplant is carried out in order to divide the bush, leave the pot the same. You should not take too large tanks for landing, otherwise you will have to wait for the flowering for a very long time.

Pre-prepare a pot, to do this, lay out a 7-3 cm drainage layer at the bottom, and pour the same layer of soil.

30-60 minutes before the transplantation of a pretty field of the plant, and after the last time, carefully remove it from the pot together with the earthy room. It is stroke with the roots of excessive ground. If you were going to divide the plant, then carefully separate the desired number of processes, trying not to damage the root system.

Now the adult plant needs to be installed in a pre-prepared pot and the fillength of the earth, a slightly comic one. After transplantation, the plant should be abundantly pouring. For better survival and rooting, spathifylum can be poured with a solution of the root stimulator. Published