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Lookage seeds of cucumbers in open ground. How to put cucumbers in open ground to get a good harvest. Work with gentle seeds

23.09.2017 6 020

Planting Cucumbers in Open Soil Seeds - Step-by-Step Guide

To plant the cucumbers in the open soil seeds ended successfully, and the plantings were pleased with the rich harvest, it is important to calculate the timing and time, to decide which scheme will be optimal when working, also properly prepare a garden and, preferably warm ...

Conditions for growing cucumbers in the open soil

The cucumbers belong to the most common vegetables that can be raised without any problems on the site, but they need a special microclimate with elevated temperature, bright sun and lack of drafts.

Therefore, before planting cucumbers in the open ground, it is worth taking care of creating natural shirm - their role is perfectly performed by berry shrubs, fence, or planted by corn and sunflower.

Cucumber roots lie in the surface layer of the Earth, and for normal functioning they need a lot of air and moisture. Provide such conditions may be moisture, loose soil with a high content of organics.

The first thing that the novice dachnik occurs to plant the cucumbers to open soil - the dates of planting that are not tied to a certain date and the main criterion is the temperature of the soil - this indicator should not be lower than +15 C. Landing the cucumbers in the open soil in May is held in the Volga region, Krasnodar Territory and other southern regions in the first decade, and in the Moscow region and the Leningrad region, cucumbers sow in the middle of the month. As for the middle strip, South Urals and Siberia, the cucumbers are landing here in the open soil in June, in the first decade.

Planting seeds need to be warm. If there is rainy weather, you will have to wait until the sun warms the surface of the bed, otherwise the shoots will have to wait for a very long time. The risk of the death of seedlings before they release seedlies was not excluded.

Seed preparation - Disinfection, hardening, germination

Before planting cucumbers in the open ground, it is important to prepare them for difficult conditions that will wait for them in the garden. To begin with, the seeds are disinfected in a pink solution of manganese in 30 minutes, then washed with cool water and dried.

  1. Seeds are placed in a gauze bag and slightly moisturize it
  2. Watch the bag in paper and put it in a vegetable department of the refrigerator for 2 days
  3. Remove seeds, ventilate them and sucked again at room temperature

Some seeds purchased in the store have already passed such processing - they are not needed processing and hardening. Information on preliminary preparation of seeds can be found on the packaging with them.

Then, to plant the cucumbers in the open soil seeds have passed successfully, and the shoots did not turn out to be sparse, hardened seeds germinate. Not all dackets resort to this procedure, but thanks to her, only viable seeds fall into bed.

Greeting cucumber seeds better on the southern windowsill. On a flat saucer, mooring gauze into several layers, moisturize it and lay the seeds. Top covers a layer of wet fabric. If there are many seeds, there are several such layers. The germ lasts from 1 to 3 days. All this time it is necessary to maintain gauze in a slightly wet state. At the same time, it is important to inspect the seeds daily and as soon as the roots will appear on them, you can soak.

Planting Cucumbers in Outdoor Soil Seeds - Technology and Scheme

Cucumber loves fresh organic. If its coming relatives of zucchini and pumpkin prefer mature compost or humus, cucumbers like fresh manure. It enriches soil with nitrogen and gives a lot of heat that need cucumbers for normal growth.

Therefore, there are special warm beds for them - from the autumn, there are trenches with a depth of 80 cm, filled with manure, fall asleep with a layer of 20-25 cm on the winter. It is insulated with straw and covered with a film. In the spring, the top layer frills, and as soon as the garden begins to "soar", the cucumbers plant.

If the planting of cucumbers in the open soil seeds will be carried out without insulation, the soil from the fall is squeezed by manure, necessarily fresh! It is necessary to make it much - up to 2 kg / m 2. Also in bed a few days before sowing add useful for cucumbers Additives:

  • for deoxidation of soil - Dolomite flour in the amount of 20-40 g / m 2, depending on the level of soil acidity
  • for bursting and facilitating the soil - peat, humus and compost up to 1 kg / m 2
  • for enrichment with minerals - potassium sulfate for 60 g / m 2

The soil is drunk to a depth of up to 40 cm, mix well and smashed cloves. Groke must be as loose as possible.

When the cucumber landing is carried out in the open soil seeds, the sowing scheme plays an important role. With rarefied sowing, the dacnik will receive a smaller harvest, and in the thickened - may not always appear successful if the process is already too launched. In addition, the cucumbers growing in tightness experience nutrients deficit.

There are two ways to plant cucumbers correctly:

  1. Rows - with a distance between them 70-80 cm, between plants 15-20 cm
  2. Squares (in wells) - with a distance between plants in rows up to 50 cm, between wells in row 30-40 cm

The first option is good if there are sets on the beds. After sowing, the beds are shed warm water. If there is a possibility of lowering the temperature, the bed is covered with a film or nonwoven material.

Care for cucumbers in open ground after sowing

For seedlings did not died after landing the cucumbers in the open soil seeds, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for their growth:

  • daily water the beds with warm water
  • ruff the surface of the soil
  • delete weeds

In the afternoon, when it is clear the weather, the film needs to be lifted, and at night again cover the bed. If it is cold on the street, the garden should not open throughout the day - the seedlings of the cucumbers are very sensitive to a decrease in temperature.

In order for the garden, a crust is formed, it is mounted with sawdust. The benefits of mulch consists also in the fact that it reflects some of the sunlight, which is well reflected in the growth of cucumbers.

All the subtleties described in this article will help get a big crop of cucumbers in the open ground, the main thing is to properly prepare seeds and sow them into the prepared bed.

Cucumber is unpretentious culture, but some of the secrets of growing need to know. The choice of landing period is one of the moments from which the further development and fruiting of cucumber weaves depends largely. We will study in detail the question when the seeds are planting cucumbers in open ground, we'll figure it out in varieties and choose the best of them for sowing on the bed.

In contrast to the greenhouses, only hybrid self-polluted varieties are sown, and hybrids can be planted on the bed of unprotected soil, and the cucumbers pollinated by bees. Recently, vegetable breeding in the open ground prefers to grow hybrids, as they mostly ripen faster and better tolerate excess and lack of moisture. The disadvantages of hybrids include their high cost and the impossibility of self-blanking seeds.

What cucumbers are better to plant an outdoor ground:

  • Mustache - ultrahed grade (term before fruiting 38 - 40 days), the length of the fetus is up to 10 cm, resistant to adverse climatic phenomena;
  • Pinocchio - medium grade (term to fruiting 48 - 50 days), the fruit is up to 8 cm at an average weight of 85 g;
  • Drafting - late grade (fruiting begins to 55 days of vegetation), the fetus is up to 11 cm long with a mass of 100 g, a hybrid is resistant to the appearance of bitterness, it has a gentle taste.

Also from the early cucumbers in the open soil, the varieties of April, Valdai, Herman were well established. The most popular secondary varieties are Nezhinsky, a feast, competitor, from Land-leaks - the winner, sunny, spring, Dasha, is a surplus.

On a note! When choosing a variety for open soil, ask what cucumbers grow better in your area. Landing a zoned grade will increase chances to collect a rich harvest.

Terms of sowing cucumbers in open soil

Too early sowing leads to a decrease in the germination of culture and the formation of empty-flowers that do not give a crop. Late fit will also negatively affect the cucumbers, since most of the vegetative period will have to during the arid period. With a lack of moisture in the air and the soil, cucumber shoulder screens are developing with deviations and rapidly become more formulated, and the crushing period is significantly reduced.

Early landing

To properly determine the dates of landing, it is necessary to focus on the weather and warming the soil. Optimal conditions are considered when the soil warmed up to +14 - + 16 ° C, the air temperature stabilized to +18 - + 21 ° C during the daytime, and the thermometer bar does not fall below + 15 ° C at night. Return freezers should already be powerless, otherwise the cucumbers will not transfer sharp cooling in the open soil.

Such a warm weather in medium-sized latitudes is usually established in the period from the last decade of April and during the month. In the southern regions, seeding time comes before about 2 - 2.5 weeks, the cucumbers are planted here, starting with the last numbers of March. In the northern regions, the landing of cucumbers on the beds begin not earlier than the second decade of May, and in adverse weather conditions are attributed to the first half of June.

On a note! For planting, choose the time in the spring when the soil has already warmed up, but still retained enough moisture. In such conditions, the seeds will warm up quickly, and the indicators of the germination will be higher than when sowing seeds.

Middle and late sowing

Many gardeners sow cucumbers seeds in several stages to get products throughout the summer. Landing in early spring allows you to get early vegetables to the table for consuming fresh and cooking salads. The fruits obtained from the middle and late sowing are used for salting. The deadlines of the middle sowing occur at about the beginning of June, late - for July.

In the southern regions where heat is installed early, in early March, and the first frosts do not occur until the beginning of December, in the open soil successfully practice all three types of landing. In medium latitudes, the cucumbers planted in July may not have time to grow, therefore, for late landing, they use early grades or plant cucumbers in a greenhouse. In the northern regions where the early landing comes from at best at the end of May, the late landing of the cucumbers is not practiced.

On the lunar calendar favorable seeds and transplant seedlings of cucumbers in the ground are numbers:

in April: 24 - 26 and 29;
In May: 6, 9 - 11, 18 - 19, 24 - 28;
In June: 3 - 5, 10 - 11, 15, 23 - 24.

Avoid planting cucumbers in the days of noving, full moon, full or partial eclipses of the moon.

Requirements for the site and soil

Couples for cucumbers begins with the choice of the right place on the site and soil preparation. The cucumbers are not planted after the cultures of the pumpkin family, to which they themselves, are zucchini and pumpkins. These plants have common diseases and pests, therefore the risk of land infection is increased at the initial stage of vegetation.

Poorly developing cucumber leaves after patissons and melted crops - melons and watermelons. With caution put the cucumbers after spicy herbs, as they bring a large amount of nutrients from the soil.

Good predecessors will be any root roots - carrots, coarse, potatoes. Only after them the soil requires disinfection with a solution of copper sulphate. The cucumber is growing well after cabbage, onions, tomatoes and any vegetable crops, under which the organic was laid under the season.

Behind the lack of space in small sections, the cucumber is often sitting on strawberries, garlic and corn. And sometimes beds with corn or Topinamburg specifically alternate with cucumber landings to protect the last from drafts.

Fertilizers to the site where the cultivation of cucumbers is planned, contribute to the autumn people. You can do otherwise: under the winter there are siters, such as white mustard or cereal cultures, and early in the spring to close the mineral organic nutritional compositions.

In any case, 10 m2 will need 50 kg of humus (autumn can be made fresh manure) or compost from plant residues, as well as 200 g of potash salt, ammonia nitrate, double superphosphate.

The ammonium saltper is brought only to the spring resistance, since the nitrogenous compounds contained in this fertilizer are distinguished by instability, and it does not make sense from autumn.

Preparation of sowing material

Before starting training directly to sowing, cucumber seeds are calibrated and stratified. Calibration (selection of seeds suitable for sowing) is performed first manually. All broken and empty grains are selected, after seeds pass (heating) near heat sources at a temperature of +28 - + 32 ° C for 2 to 4 weeks.

Further, the seeds are sent to the viability in the saline: the food salt is 30 g / 1 liter of fluid, in which there are no more than 10 minutes with the sowing material. Cucumber grains, which sank to the bottom, are suitable for sowing, they work with them further, the emerging seeds are removed.

At the next stage, seeds are disinfection in manganese (a solution of pale color), a solution of diamond green (pharmacy composition is diluted with 1: 1 with antensed water) or infusion of garlic (2 pressed teeth / 150 ml of water). In the mangartee, the material for sowing is kept for 20 minutes, in the garlic infusion and a solution of greenk for about 2 - 4 hours. After the seeds are washed with warm running water.

Before planting, seeds are soaked at night in nutrient compositions with fertilizers or growth stimulants. During this time, the seeds will be prepared with useful trace elements and swell. The fertilizers can be used nitroposk (5 g / 1 l) or boric acid (1 g / 1 L), from growth stimulants - drug zircon, epin extra, humate potassium and sodium according to the instructions.

It is not necessary to carry out the germination before landing on the bed of open soil, the main thing is to land the seeds for all the rules.

Schemes for planting seeds and seedlings in open soil

The technology of planting seeds and cucumber seedlings in the open ground is somewhat different, although the deadlines are generally coincided. In both cases, the landings are prepared by the beds, between which there are no less than 1 m for cucumbers pollinated by bees, and 70 cm for hybrid varieties.

Seedlings and seeds on the beds are planted into one or two rows depending on the width of the garden, but usually a two-stroke method is used, since in this case the cucumbers are more convenient to tie. The minimum allowable distance between the lines on the garden is 30 cm, the optimal is considered to be a distance of 50 cm.

Sowing seeds

For sowing seeds, two parallel grooves of a depth of 2.0 - 2.5 cm are done, in which the grains lay out at a distance of 4 cm. Lay no one seed, but 2 - 5 pieces to subsequently leave the strongest sprout. Slafting of landings is carried out after the formation of the first real sheet. Instead of grooves, you can make a well-defined well. Such sowing is called point.

Seeds fall asleep with fertile land with a layer of at least 1 cm and no more than 1.5 cm. To maintain the humidifier of the soil and heat when landing in the early spring, crops are covered with a film that is cleaned as soon as germs appear. With the advent of sprouts, care consisting of regular irrigation, loosening and fertilizer application begins.

Transplant seedlings

Seedlings can be immediately planted at a distance in which the plants will have enough power and sun rays. Many vegetables are pre-ripped up supports or trellis, then to then injure the vulnerable root system of seedlings and cucumber shoulders. The distance between the seedlings is about 10 cm, denser landings are considered thickened.

The seedlings are preparing the holes with a depth of 20 - 25 cm, in which organic fertilizers, if necessary, add organic fertilizers, and then spilled abundantly. The landing is carried out by a vertical way with soil lump at the level of seedy leaves. The wells are falling asleep, like seeds, fertile soil, pour and wait for a complete rooting of seedlings, after the standard departure from the irrigation, loosening, the destruction of weeds and feeding.

Landing cucumbers with seeds is the easiest way to cultivate culture. The cucumbers quickly take up and give a good harvest if you fulfill all the recommendations for the soil fertilizer and consistently spend all the stages of pre-sowing seed training.

In our area, it is difficult to find a household plot without cucumbers. This culture grows a lot of gardens. At the same time, for a large history of this culture, a huge number of ways of planting and growing cucumbers are invented. Each gardener has its own secrets of growing cucumbers who have their advantages and disadvantages, but at the same time are ideal for certain climatic conditions. An important place in obtaining a qualitative crop occupies the right and timely seed of seed of cucumbers in the ground. Without the right sowing, it is very difficult to get a crop of any culture, including cucumbers. Therefore, each gardener should know how to properly put cucumbers.

Sowing cucumbers is not a simple matter, as it may seem at first glance. Therefore, each gardener should know the basic rules of sowing of cucumber seeds in the ground:

  1. Cucumbers are better to suck after cabbage, potatoes, onions, tomatoes, peppers, carrots and other vegetable crops. Cucumbers cannot be sung after Tikvent crops. Also, the cucumbers are desirable not to sow on heavy and acidic soils.
  2. Sewing cucumber seeds is needed on a pre-prepared bed. To do this, since the autumn in the soil per 1 square meter you need to make 5-10 kilograms of reworked vegetable manure.
  3. Sowing cucumbers, in temperate and southern regions, in two stages: first (in spring) sow salad varieties, and at the beginning of the summer grades (hybrids), which are assigned to salting.
  4. Before sowing its own seeds of cucumbers, it is necessary to displaced with a weak 5% solution of manganese. This will avoid many viral and fungal diseases.
  5. In the south, the cucumbers are sown along even, highly processed soil. IN moderate and northern regions Cucumbers are primarily sown on crests or ridges. Often, fresh manure is made to warm the beds there, which is poured with a thick layer of soil (0.4-0.6 m).
  6. The cucumbers are sown in shallow lines (2-4 cm) with a distance between rows, at least 70 centimeters and a distance between plants 5-10 centimeters. In the southern regions, cucumbers need to be sung much less often, so the distance between the rows should be more than 90 centimeters, and the distance between the plants is 15-20 cm. Some gardens sow the cucumbers with a nesting method according to the scheme: 70x70 or 60x60 centimeters. At the same time, 4-6 seeds are sown in the nest.
  7. If the soil is dry, then before sowing seeds, the soil must be ridiched with warm water.
  8. To improve harvesting between rows, plants often sow with a strong stem (corn or sunflower) or build special supports. The cucumbers on them weave and thus easier to collect harvest. At the same time, the cucumbers are better polluted by insects, and the crop will be 20-30% more than in conventional cultivation.
  9. After sowing, the garden needs to be aligned. For rapid shoots, beds are often covered with transparent film. At the same time, the distance between the soil and the film should be at least 5 centimeters.

Sowing cucumber seed is not a challenge, but making it correctly possible to get a harvest much more than with a simple crop.

Therefore, gardeners every year come up with all new and new ways to get a crop as early as possible as much as possible as long as possible. This is also promoted by breeders that take many varieties and hybrids that are more productive and disease-resistant.

Listen to the radio:

How to achieve a good crop of cucumbers. (Chief Dachnik of the country Andrei Tumanov)

Without high-quality and timely sowing it is difficult to get a good harvest even from the most productive varieties or cucumber hybrids.

Therefore, gardeners pay a lot of attention to this issue and try to do everything correctly so that there are no unwanted losses.

When to put cucumbers in the soil

Cucumbers are grown in almost all regions. In some climatic zones there is an opportunity to collect yield only 5-6 times for the warm season, in others - 40-50 times. It turns out that in the northern regions, where a short warm period of the year, grow cucumbers from the immediate sowing of seeds to open soil no sense, since the crop will be collected for a short time (1-2 weeks). Therefore, in these regions, they first increase seedlings, which is then transplanted into open soil, when sustainable heat comes. The cucumbers are sown in the open ground in warm regions, where there is an opportunity to collect harvest (1-2 months) for a long period. In each climatic zone, sowing seeds of cucumbers in open ground. This is explained by the fact that the cucumbers are afraid of spring frosts, which are fatal for this culture. Therefore, for good harvest, gardeners should know when to plant cucumbers in the open ground.

Dates of sowing cucumber seeds in the ground

Each experienced gardener focuses on its date, when to start heating the seeds of cucumbers in an open ground. Many years of growing grocery of this culture, in their regions, allows them to know better when spring frosts end. The timing of growing cucumbers is often determined by climatic indicators of the climatic zone:

Determination of the deadlines of sowing seeds of cucumbers in open soil is important, as it depends on the timing of the first harvest. Some gardeners can already be fearful with fresh cucumbers, and in others they will only bloom. Therefore, most gardeners often make trial (small) crops of cucumbers, when night freezes are still possible, but it is already warm enough to develop this culture. Test crops may die, but at the same time they can survive (if there are no frosts), which will allow you to get an early harvest. Some gardeners simply grow seedlings, which also allows you to get the first harvest for 1-2 weeks earlier.

It is impossible to imagine the Russian garden without cucumbers. And even in this vegetable there are practically no nutrients, hurt with a green cucumber right from the bed - undoubted pleasure. The cucumbers put everything, because it is not difficult to do it. For very early consumption, they even grow seedlings, but also when sowing seeds directly in the garden of summer yields are always guaranteed.

Choosing and preparation of soil and landing

In various climatic conditions, the device beds for cucumbers differ somewhat. And if the landing in the southern regions are usually carried out on a flat surface, then in the middle lane to equip more or less high ridges. To create a better air-thermal regime on heavy soils, the ridges are poured higher, they are low on the light warm soils. On the slopes of the ridges, the slope is made, on a flat surface - taking into account the best solar warm-up - from the east to the west.

In areas with high groundwater sitting and with heavy cold soils, cucumbers are widely practiced in separate sublime bulk holes, located at a distance of one from another. In the country practice, the cultivation of cucumbers is often encountered on closing ridges with or without film shelter. To do this, use the southern walls of buildings or deaf fences. If there is no such possibility, the cucumbers are grown on the trellis protected with a leeward side of the shield from boards or film.

The fence is an excellent natural support for cucumbers, at the same time protecting them and from winds.

In addition to warmness, cucumbers require elevated, compared to many cultures, doses of fertilizers, especially organic. Without a good dressing of beds with nutrients, yields are delayed and are small. Under the cucumbers, even fresh manure is well suited, especially if you close it under the autumn people. But it is better, of course, so that the manure was at least semi-proverse, such a fertilizer cucumbers will be able to use at the first time. Peat-compost mixtures are suitable, but mineral fertilizers are still added to any organic - 100 g / m 2 nitroposses or at least a half-liter wood ash jar.

Cucumbers are well feeling well in high warm beds. To improve their arrangement, at the end of last summer, in size for the future beds, a hole is to a depth of 30 cm. Drop into it various waste: Bottva plants, small branches, fallen leaves, household garbage, various cleaning. All this is periodically watered with a cowboat or chicken litter, shrink the earth or peat. In the fall, they pounce good soil and form the ridge by limiting it on board boards or slate.

Spring beds sprinkled ashes, loose, watered with warm water and covered with a film up to sowing cucumbers. In the northern part of our country, the film is not removed at all, but they do the holes in it where the seeds sow or plant cucumbers seedlings.

Selection and preparation of seeds

Biological cucumbers belong to pumpkin plants. There are bush cucumbers, but more common with plenty, with different lengths of the plenty. Another classification subdivides cucumbers on salad and salting. There are also a variety of universal destination. In terms of ripening, the cucumbers are divided into early, medium and middle-wide.

There are also cucumbers pollinated by insects, and parthenocarpical (self-polished). Some varieties are designed for growing in greenhouses, others - in the open soil (but many grow and there, and there). Therefore, the selection depends on the preferences of the garden and the existing conditions for cultivation.

The number of sorts and hybrids of cucumbers in stores is now measured by hundreds, however, apparently, it is not necessary to forget the oldest, time-tested domestic varieties. Fortunately, the seeds of cucumbers do not need to buy every year, as they retain the germination for a very long time. Fresh seeds are even worse than those who have suffered two or three years: they are more fragile male flowers.

There are gardeners seeking to acquire each spring the latest hybrids, and there are those who have been planting their varieties from year to year and seeds take them from them. The situation is ambiguous: to yourself, of course, confidence more, but also serious firms are now selling very good hybrids. True, the seeds collect themselves without a sense: it is not known that it will grow from this.

Most hybrid seeds are sold ready for sowing, and with their best to work a little.

It is not necessary to fulfill all existing stages of preparation, but experienced gardens choose the most, in their opinion necessary from the following list.

  • Calibration. The cucumber seeds are quite large, and the most priable are easily separated by manually. It is more reliable to lower the seeds into the solution of a cook salt (dessert spoon on a glass of water) and shake. After a few minutes, weak will pop up, it is better not to sow.

    Cucumber seeds are pretty large, so the worst can be determined and theft

  • Warming. Fresh seeds before sowing a couple of days held at the heating battery; This increases the share of female flowers.
  • Disinfection. For the seed prepared for sale, this operation is optional. Its seeds should be treated for 15-20 minutes with a strong solution of potassium permanganate, after which rinse well with clean water.

    For seed etching, a very strong solution of manganese

  • Soaking in growth stimulants. Some lovers use this technique to increase the survivability of future plants. The most harmless is aloe juice, divorced 5 times with water, from purchased drugs - zircon or epin.

    Plant growth stimulants are completely harmless to humans, do not be afraid to use them

  • Soaking in water. Even purchased seeds, many gardeners try to dock at least to swelling. For this, they are held about 24 hours in water temperature or a little warmer, then slightly dry, so that the seeds are easily seeded. Such a procedure can accelerate the emergence of shoots no more than a day, so the meaning of it is not too large.
  • Hardening. For landing in a greenhouse, it is not necessary to order seeds, but for unprotected soil this operation is useful. The hardening of cucumber seeds is carried out by the departure of the confined seeds in the wet fabric in the refrigerator for a day.
  • Germination. Seeds most often germinate in wet sawdust. It makes sense to do this before the appearance of the primary root - no more centimeter long, otherwise they will be difficult to sow them. True, some lovers germinate seeds right in a rag and before the appearance of seedlist leaves, but to plant such seeds will be very difficult to plant such seeds. On the seedlings, at home, in comfort, you can. But the meaning is lost: you can just go seven seeds into the pot.

    If we grow seeds up to leaves, it is necessary to sow them extremely carefully

Can I not do anything from the list given? Sure. The author of these lines always sows the cucumbers with dry seeds, right from the package. And they spoil perfectly, only a little later. Although, of course, if you have time, you can do everything that the soul wishes.

Dates of planting cucumbers

The timing of seeds or disembarking seedlings is linked that they are sensitive not only to freezing, but also to reduced temperatures. Shoots and seedlings, if they do not protect them, can die when lowering the temperature of the soil below 10 o C. Seeds of cucumbers germinate when the soil warms not less than 14 o C. Based on this, you can conclude: in the middle band it is necessary to sow dry seeds after May 25, and sprouted in the first days of June. Normally grow and develop cucumbers begin when the daily air temperature reaches 25 o C.

As for the southern or northern regions, there are time for sowing seeds to the ground shifted by 1-2 weeks in the one or the other side. Based on the above, it is possible to evaluate the timing of seed seeds. They will depend on whether the greenhouse is going to plant seedlings or in open ground. From the moment of sowing seeds before disembarking seedlings in the garden should pass 30-35 days. So, in the middle lane sow seeds in the cups, it is necessary at the very end of April. It will be possible to plant seedlings in a good greenhouse in early May, it means that crops on seedlings begin approximately April 1.

Seeding cucumbers

Since many early hybrids, the first cucumbers can be tasted after 33-38 days after the appearance of germs, the need for mandatory cultivation of seedlings is questionable. But if you want to get your own products as early as possible, several bushes of seedlings Rargetin definitely grows. To do this, highlight the most illuminated windowsill.

The cucumbers are very painful to carry any transplant, so the seeds are separated immediately into individual glasses with a capacity of 300 ml, and better - in peat pots of medium sized. For a dozen bushes, the soil is better to buy in the store, but if there is everything to make a light moisture and breathable soil, it is possible to do this and independently, be sure to add fertilizer (compost, ash, nitroposk) into it). Sowing cucumber seeds into cups does not represent complexity.

The appearance of cucumber shoots occurs after 4-8 days, depending on the variety and temperature. A few days after the seedlings, the most silent plants should be gently trimmed with scissors. As soon as shoots appear, the glass is cleaned, and the temperature is lowered to 18 ° C, at night a few degrees below, and so leave days for five. If this is not done, seedlings will stretch and will be very weak.

In the future, the optimal temperature is about 24 o'clock on the day and 18 o's at night. If solar illumination is not enough, it is necessary to organize the illuminated luminous lamps or diode luminaires. The rest in the care of the seedle is as for any vegetable plants: moderate watering, if necessary, feeding, hardening before landing in the ground.

Planting cucumbers in soil seeds

Sowing cucumbers with seeds directly in the garden is no different from sowing any other culture, only you need to choose the right time and, if warm is delayed, cooking underfloor materials.

Video: Sowing seeds in bed

Schemes planting cucumbers

There are various schemes of the location of cucumbers in the garden. You can allocate the three most common.

Methods of planting cucumbers

In addition to the perfectly natural cultivation of cucumbers in the beds "as is", that is, with the location of the rods on Earth, there are various options aimed at saving space in the garden. And if in the greenhouses, the cucumbers were always grown on the trellis or, at least, taking the screamers in the vertical direction, then the high-temperature method became almost traditional in small-earth daches relatively recently. And after him, more exotic options appeared.

Growing on a set

It is noted that the cucumbers planted not far from the trees themselves are easily climbing on a unthinkable height, with the result that with one tree you can collect apples and cucumbers. It is difficult to say why, but in my garden cucumbers are more not indifferent to powerful apple trees than to less solid cherries or plums.

Using this fact, many gardeners plant cucumbers next to natural supports (for example, a fence) or specially built for them. Vertically growing cucumbers not only save space in the garden. They are much easier to care for them, they are easier to collect, the fruits hang clean.

Video: Cucumbers under the apple tree

When growing on a set, a more dense planting of plants is possible (reduce the distances both in the row and between the rows). Therefore, the amount of fertilizer introduced must be increased. Since it is undesirable to grow one culture for several years in a row in one place, the design of the craftsmen crap is easily collapsible or portable. At the same time, the distance between the racks is observed about 1 meter, and several rows of wire stretch on them.

So that the cucumbers are climbed onto the holder, it often has to conduct a primary suspension of plants with a soft beep. It is easier for the situation, if there is a grid with large cells (at least 15 cm). Putting such a grid vertically, you can not worry: the cucumbers will behave like Liane. You can go differently, pulling only one wire at a distance of about 2 meters from the ground. The cucumbers are tied with twine at an altitude of 10-15 cm from the ground, and this twine is to the wire. The sowing technique of seeds or planting seedlings does not differ from that in conventional cultivation.

Vertically supplied grid solves many problems with agrotechnics of cucumbers

Growing cucumbers in barrel

The use of old barrels becomes a popular way to grow many vegetables that grow large bushes. So squeeze, for example, melons, watermelons, pumpkins, even strawberries. At the same time, there is a place in the garden (the barrel can be put anywhere), and plants are in well warmed by the soil. Any barrel, but better iron, dark-colored and holes are pounded by half all sorts of organic garbage, and the fertile soil is placed above, well-armed with humus. In the spring, the contents of the cowboy are poured and covered with a film for heating.

Already in mid-May (for the middle band) in the barrel you can sow seeds of cucumbers for temporary shelter. Because in warm soil, the bushes are growing faster, it is more profitable to plant the most early grades in the barrel, they can catch up and greenhouses. Over time, due to the rotation of the soil residues in the barrel, it is still mounted, so there is no problem with the temporary shelter of bushes. And to the offensive of the present summer, the shelter is removed, and the plenty is either allowed to hang down, or direct on specially constructed arcs.

Barrels with planted cucumbers even decorate the plot

The advantages of using barrels are obvious, they are much easier to care for cucumbers, but it is necessary to water more often than in the garden.

Video: Rechazzle seedlings of cucumbers in a barrel

Growing cucumbers in bags or tires

Instead of barrels, you can use large garbage bags with the same success. Most often take for this purpose bags with a capacity of 100-120 liters. True, they are less stable than barrels, so they are strengthened with any wooden frame. Lock and stake inside to trigger a weave. Watering the cucumbers in bags often, in hot weather - daily.

Bags with cucumber plants can be transferred from place to place

Instead of bags, there are sometimes several old tires from the car, putting them on each other with a cylinder (if they are one size) or a pyramid. Since black tires, the soil inside them is quickly warmed by the sun. In the lower part of the pyramid, the drainage material is placed, and then the nutrient soil. Landing and care - as in barrels or bags.

After which crops you can put cucumbers

Cucumbers should not be grown in one place for two years in a row, the return of culture to the garden is preferably planning for the third or fourth year. This is due to the fact that they are very impoverished by the soil with nutrients, especially nitrogen. Therefore, it is best to plant them after those crops that nitrogen absorb little, and even better - enrich them soil. Such vegetables exist: these are beans, beans and peas. After the fruiting of the legumes, they are not twisted them, but cut off: there are nitrogen-fixing bacteria on the roots, so the roots are left in the soil.

The good predecessors are garlic or onions, which are well cleansed with the soil from malicious microflora and are excellent sanitation: after them you can plant almost any vegetables. Parenic (tomatoes, peppers) behave similarly. The cucumbers also grow well after potatoes, carrots or swarms. A lot of cabbage vegetables serve as good precursors.

Do not put cucumbers after any pumpkin crops (zabachkov, patissons, watermelons, melons). At the same type of plants, some pests that can remain wintering in the soil. Yes, and the nutrient elements they spend mainly in the same proportion.

What can be planted with cucumbers

Numerous tables that describe neighbors in beds converge that the best neighbor for cucumbers is corn. They do not interfere with each other in terms of competition for light and nutrition. But the high stems of corn slightly cover the cucumbers from the winds and serve as an ideal support for a weave. Similar situation with sunflowers. It is shown that these neighbors cause the growth of the yield of cucumbers on a quarter.

Corn helps cucumbers better than other neighbors

Rows of beans or peas sitting on the edge of the garden feed the cucumbers with nitrogen. True, assistance in such an embodiment is only symbolic, but at least legumes do not interfere with the growth of cucumbers. Much benefits bring various aromatic plants and flowers, especially garlic, dill, calendula. They are heated air and distinguish pests. The radish acts similarly, eliminating cucumbers from a paw-tick.

You should not plant tomatoes next to cucumbers: together they are good only in the salad, and the conditions of existence in beds are greatly different. The cucumbers feel bad and next to the potatoes. And, of course, if there are plenty of powerful trees such as apricot or walnut, they will not leave the cucumbers or water, no food.

The cucumbers grow almost throughout our country, however, in the northern regions they are planted in greenhouses. But real delicious cucumbers are obtained in open ground, on natural solar lighting. This is not the most difficult culture in cultivation, so every summer residents seek to plant at least a dozen bushes: after all, the most delicious cucumber is just torn from his bed.