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Landing violets and care for them. Pickell Pickel: Description. We define at home

Violets or Saintpolia are surprised by their variety of forms and colors. There is a huge amount of violets that admire with their beauty and without flowers, especially variations. They are able to decorate any interior. But nevertheless, most of the flower wanders are filled with violets not because of foliage, namely because of beautiful colors. With good care, SENPOLIA is pleasing to their owners blossom almost all year round.

Different types and varieties of indoor violets are distinguished by flowering, shape and size of sockets, painting and form of foliage. They are combined into groups for which they are easier to distinguish. There are classic, fantasy, cached, violets-bells, stars of violets, violets and viper chimeras. All of them have their own highlight and are beautiful, and each flower can choose a flower to their taste.

Flowers in indoor violets are simple five-membered or terry, in diameter from 2.5 to 9 centimeters, on the flower makers are collected from 2 to 7 pieces. Coloring diverse: white, pink, purple, purple, lilac, blue and two-color. The cores of the flower and border on the edges of the petals can be painted in contrasting colors.

The violet has a shortened stem. The plant forms a root rosette of leaves. W. different varieties Violets diameter socket ranges from 7 to 45 centimeters. Leaves an elongated or rounded shape, fleshy, with a slightly served or smooth edges and juicy cuttings. The color of foliage, depending on the species, can be from light to dark green. Penistful varieties may have inclusions of other (contrast) colors. Root system surface.

The fragrance of violets has favorably affects human body. He improves the mood, relieves the tension, eliminates insomnia, expels negative energy, positively affects the atmosphere in the house. In addition, the flower does not cause allergies.

When do violets bloom?

Violet, depending on varietal features and care, blooms up to 9-10 months.
On one blooming, buds are saved for 2 months, after that a break takes for 2-3 months. The violet is increasing with a new foliage, and in the sinuses appear with buds with buton.

Abundant blooming violets is laid at the genetic level. The varieties that in flowering are formed not more than 3 blooms can not bloom. In order for the plant to bear the volumetric bloom, you need to choose the right variety and provide him with good care.

a lack of sunlight It is quite frequent cause of lack of buds.

Improper placement of pots with flowers leads to a weakening of violet. It is easy to find out on the leaves, they pull up. Excess light is also dangerous for a flower, it leads to the appearance of sunburn.

  1. Light day for violet should be about 12 hours. If he is shorter, then the colors can not get, and if it is, it will be scarce and short.
  2. A violet with dark green, dense foliage requires more light than a flower with light, wavy sheets. The plant should not touch the cold window glass.
  3. In summer, the air temperature in the room should be 20-24 degrees, in the fall and winter 18 degrees.
  4. During feeding it is impossible to use a large number of nitrogen fertilizers. They contribute to the active growth of the greenery, the flowerons appear later. If fertilizers contain a lot of potassium, the violet stops in growth and yellow.
  5. Air humidity for comfortable conditions of violet should be 50%. If the air is dry, it needs to be artificially moistened.
  6. Water flower need as soil drying in a pot.
  7. The soil for growing violet should be light, breathable and loose. Once a year you need to transplant the flower to the new soil.
  8. The pot must be small and correspond to the size of the plant, otherwise the violet does not bloom.
  9. If the plant is more than 3 years old, it needs to be seeded, as the bloom occurs only on young outlets.

The absence of colors occurs due to improper care, uncomfortable conditions for the content of plants, diseases and pests.

  1. The violet suffers from direct sunlight.
  2. Hot air radiators heating should not touch the flower.
  3. She loves moderately moistened air, direct spraying is not suitable for this.
  4. Drafts harm the flower.
  5. You need to cleanse the leaves from dust with a softly moistened with a cloth or brush, it is impossible to wet.
  6. The land in the pot should not completely rehabilitate or challenge.
  7. For watering you need to use soft and warm water.

Care for violet at home

For the growth and development of violets, certain conditions are needed.
It is not difficult to care for violet. For it, it is necessary to provide bright lighting, choose a potted pot on the size of the plant and ensure timely watering and feeding.

Watering a plant needed water room temperature, As the earth dries. It should not fall on the leaves and the flower growth point. Watering the plant from the bottom to the pallet is not recommended. Harmful salts at the same time rise in upper layer Earth, which leads to the need for frequent replacement of soil.

For moisture once a week, the violet can be sprayed from the sprayer. Water needs to be sprayed at a remote distance so that the moisture droplets are not formed on the leaves and colors, which can lead to their highlighting. This procedure contributes to the growth of leaves and moisturizes the sleeved air indoors. To further enhance the humidity between the pots, it is necessary to place tanks with water or with a faded with water sewage, sphagnum.

How to water the violet: video


Phials are multiplied with leaf cuttings of which cries and seeds grow.

The formed sheet is taken from the second lower row of the flower. It is placed in a jar with water and put into a warm light, closed from drafts, direct sunlight. After 3.5-4 weeks appear roots. The cuttings landed in the loose land into the recess of up to 2 centimeters, the earth falls asleep and is covered with a can or plastic bag.

Watering the plant is needed by water. You can disassemble young violets with well-formed sockets and 2-3 pairs of leaves. After 3 weeks, the departed kids go to growth.

How to grow a violet from the leaflet: video

Growing flower seeds. You can buy ready-made seeds or assemble them yourself. At the same time you need to put two different flower. After pollination, the uterine box appears. When it dries can be collected seeds. They are driving into the grooves, and after their germination and reaching 3-4 centimeters to the height of the plant are cleared into pots.

If the crown of plants greatly exceeds the size of the pot or roots completely filled the pot and make their way through drainage holes The plant needs to be transplanted into a larger pot.

This is done at the end of the blossom of violet. The transplant to the new land every 6-12 months allows the plant with nutrients. At the same time, it is necessary to preserve the excavation com on the roots as much as possible, then the plant will quickly go into growth.

If the transplant is not required, you can simply feed the flower with special fertilizers.

Earth for adult violets should include:

  • 1.5 kilograms sheet land,
  • 800 grams of peat
  • 300 grams of perlite, vermiculite or large sand,
  • 100 grams of coconut substrate,
  • 100 grams of chopped moss-sfagnum,
  • 20 grams of crushed charcoal.

As a drainage, it is not cut-out sphagnum or vermiculite.

The flower socket diameter should be larger than the pot of the pot 3 times. Large varieties of violets can be planted and in large pots with a diameter of 13 centimeters (for annolete Plant). In small pots, large varieties cannot dial the leaf mass, which leads to the absence of buds.

How to transplant violets: video

Care in winter

  • In winter, the flower needs to provide additional lighting.
  • The air temperature should not be reduced to 17 degrees of heat.
  • If the flower stands on the southern window, it must be closed from direct sunlight with a transparent curtain or white paper.
  • Flower leaves should not touch the cold window.
  • During the winter period, the plant is enough of one feeding.

Signs of diseases or the presence of pests can be noticed even a newcomer in flower growing. Most often, the violet is amazed by such diseases and pests as: fusariosis, malievable dew, gray rot and Chervests, Tlla, ticks.

Fusariosis is a fungus leads to rotting the roots of the flower. The disease appears due to cold water And frequent watering flower. This is manifested by the lack of colors, the leaves are gray and fall. Fundazole and benomyl are used to eliminate the disease.

Puffy dew is an infection that appears when light shortage, low plant content temperature (below 18 degrees), dust accumulation. It forms white raids appearing on the plants stems. To eliminate the illness used special tool Benle. Flower stems need to be regularly wiped slightly moistened rag, a room to air daily.

Gray rot appears after frequent waterings of plants with cold water and temperature drops in the room. On stiffs and foliage, the disease is manifested with gray, fluffy ride. Agate, thiram and phytosparin are used to combat the disease.

Pests can often be found on violets. Cherweans appear on the roots of the flower. Pests are easy to recognize if we remove the plant from the pot, and release the roots from the soil. The violet is also covered with small red spots. Fituerm is used to eliminate the pest. Roots are cleaned of soil, washed and processed by the act.

The TLL appears in residential premises with purchased shop flowers or colors brought from the cottage. The wave drinks juice from the plant, strikes buds, flowers. The pests that appear are destroyed by soapy, and with a strong damage to the mospilante, accomplice.

Pliers are manifested by red dots and cobwebs on the foliage. Round yellow spots appear on the plant. The amazed flower is treated with accutelle.

What to do to the violet bloom?

Flowerines are formed only when good lighting. Colors are equally important duration and intensity of lighting. If the violet grows on the abundant blossom window, you can wait closer to May. Daily violet should be covered within 12-14 hours. On the window, a sufficient amount of light from the beginning of spring until the end of August. In the middle of autumn, the lighting period is reduced to 8 hours, in the winter it becomes shorter. It is for this reason that the violet on the window bloom only to May. On the highlighted racks, violets grow faster and bloom the bowl. The light from the lamp for the backlight should be brighter than reading.

For abundant blossoms of violet, the root flower system should tightly tut up the entire pot, otherwise the flowering will be short.

To correctly pick up a pot for violet, you need to be guided by the rule: the diameter of the socket in terms of the ratio to the diameter of the pot should be 3: 1. For a young flower, there is enough pot in a diameter of 5-6 centimeters, a pot of 12-13 centimeters is taken for an adult plant.

How to care for blooming violet

Flowerines appear in the sinuses of the leaves. The violet's flowers laying should be fully developed and strong leaves. Plant during this period requires more nutrients And more moisture, as young roots are laid. During the growth period, violet must be fed every 2 months, during the flowering period - once a week. Food fertilizers are taken as feeding.
In winter, you can use the organic, such as an infusion of avian litter, diluted with water in the ratio of part of the infusion and 30 parts of water.

The appearance of the plant should be adjusted using the outlet forming. It provides a laid shape and flowering. To do this, it is necessary to crop the tagged flowers, damaged, curves and dry leaves, steps, and small neighboring shoots.
The blooming violet must have 3 rows of leaves. To rejuvenate the flower, the leaves are thinned, and the lower row is completely clipped. For trimming, the knife sharp and alcohol treated with alcohol.

The blooming violet gives a lot of joy, but the plant is needed and rest. After flowering, you need to perform such actions:

  1. Remove dry flowers, new leave.
  2. Plant at the end of bloom to transplant.
  3. If the barrel remains, it is plunged when transplanting. If you wish, it can be cropped and placed in water until the roots and further landing in the ground.
  4. Phali in the sinuses of foliage instead of flowers may appear geeks. They are removed.
  5. Large steps can be transplanted into a new pot. The second growth point is removed.

If you comply with these rules, the plant will rest and will rejoice in beautiful and fragrant colors.

For abundant flowering of violets, it is necessary to provide them with optimal conditions of detention and good care. They are responsible for reciprocity and make up lush flowering. These beautiful flowers Not only adorn the house, but also normalize energy in the house.

The violet, or SENPOLIA occurs solely in the Uzambar mountains located in Kenya and Tanzania. It is an evergreen low plant with a shortened escape and a dense outlet of juicy pubescent leaves on long stiffs.

Flowers natural species Small, five-pack, painted only in blue or purple. In the collections, they are rare, since on decorativeness heavily loses cultural forms.

The varietal or hybrid violets shake the beauty, a variety of paintings and outlines of flowers. Their popularity contributes to small sizes and simplicity of care.

Varietal variety of violets

Mass hobby by violets as indoor plants began in the mid-20s of the last century.

Due to the fact that SENPOLIA is unusually plastic, and withdraw a new flower in a couple of years under the power of anyone, thousands of varieties have been created.

The exact number of their number is unknown, there is no uniform international classification. Most often, violets are separated by such characteristics:

  • socket size;
  • bud shape;
  • coloring buds;
  • number of petals;
  • color leaves;
  • form of leaves.

In the published different countries Catalogs can be found the same flower under different names. This is due to the fact that the varieties are created extremely quickly and simply. The breeders independently derive very similar violets, and each gives them their name.

Care after shopping

At the exhibition or in the store you purchased Senpolia and brought her home. What to do next?

  1. Consider a violet with a magnifying glass - there is no triples on it or mathematical Cherweet. If necessary, process the plant insecticide so as not to infect the entire collection.
  2. Remove all dried or broken leaves and flowers.
  3. Immediately after buying, the violet is better not to replant, but if it was grown in the peat, it is impossible to slow.
  4. Watering a bush only if it is dry.

Right for 2 months isolateso that the diseases and pests not identified in time or pests do not move to other plants. In practice, quarantine is rarely withstanding.

Important! Place SENPOLIA separately from other colors and watch it at least two weeks. There were cases when even the shield was brought with the purchase of home.

Growing conditions

The violet easily adapts to the conditions of cultivation and easy to care. With regular irrigation and minimal feeding she produces buds 2-3 times in a year. But in order to get an exhibition instance with continuous blossomYou will have to give her more attention.


Violet is an exceptionally thermo-loving plant. It does not have a pronounced rest period and requires smooth temperature throughout the year.

The most comfortable conditions are 20-25 degrees. Absolutely unacceptably decreased temperature up to 15, and at 30 and above SENPOLIA becomes sluggish, stops blossoming, stops in growth.

If you are extreme for violet temperature, the temperature regime is cold or too hot, there is a way out. Choose the best leaves and grow our own plants. SENPOLIA is very plastic, and the next generation will already be better adapted to your conditions.

Important! What a violet does not make it very much - this is the difference in temperature. No effort will make her bloom and look attractive if in the room where it grows, it will be cold, it is hot.

The flower can not be taken out in the summer or balcony, even the slightest draft will damage him.

Air humidity

In the homeland of Saintpolia, in the Uzambar mountains, it is raining daily, from here and the requirements of the plant.

Of course, you will not be able to create conditions with 95% humidity, as in nature, but to provide 50-70% are simply obliged.

Soft pubescent leaves can not be sprayed - they simply get, you need to raise the percentage of water in the air in other ways.

If you have a big collection of violets, it will reasonably buy a moisturizer. Single plant put on the pallet with a wet clay or moss-sphagnum, just do not forget to pour water there. It is possible to place between the pots of a fiber of a liquid or several times a day to spray the air next to the colors.

Lighting for flower

In the homeland of Senpolia grows close to the equator, where all the day the night is equal to the night, her it is necessary to light 11-13 hours per day.

On the other hand, it is not in the open area, but under the protection of trees and shrubs. So the illumination of violets should be long, but not too intense.

SENPOLIA - one of the crops, perfectly felt when artificial light. If there is little space on the eastern and western windows, or you have collected a large collection, the flowers can be grown on racks, using luminescent or phytolamba.

In order to illuminate the shelf with a size of 50x130 cm, enough 2-3 lamps with a capacity of 40 W, located at a height of 20 to 35 cm from the tops of the plants. Incandescent lamps for highlighting violets are unsuitable.

A sign of lack of light is raised up the leaves, with its excess socket, on the contrary, becomes flat.

Important! It is impossible to highlight the plant clouds or slices. In the dark, the leaves accumulate responsible for the creation and development of hormones buds. If you do not create a violet rest at a time more than 6 hours a day, bloom will be defective.

In order to stand on the windowsill, the violet highlighted evenly, the bush 2-3 times a week should be rotated by 30-40 degrees.


So, the violet is best placed on the eastern, western windowsills or racks with artificial lighting.

Southern windows require easy use, and northern - backlights. There should be fresh air access to the colors, but under the window it is impossible to install them, as in other places where the plant will suffer from drafts. Temperature should be smooth during the day.

It is impossible to put violets close to each other - this will lead to a deformation of the chest. In addition, if one plant is getting sick, there is a high probability in the tightness that it infects the adjacent flower.

Photos of different indoor violets

Sort Le "Mistress of Copper Mountain"

Sort "Jan Sultan"

RS Sort "Countess de Monsoro"

How to care for color?

SENPOLIA, with proper care, can bloom without a break for a whole year, but in order for it not to be exhausted, you need a two-month break. In all its glory, the violet will show himself if you provide her:

  • sufficient but not redundant lighting;
  • proper watering;
  • regular feeders;
  • protection against drafts;
  • timely removal of faded flowers and appeared in the sinuses of the leaves of child sockets;
  • transplant 2 times a year;
  • a close pot, as in the spacious it will not bloom at all or give few weak floweros.

Do not forget that SENPOLIA - a short-lived plant and already at a three-year older is considered old.

Seasonal care on the windowsill

As such seasonal care does not exist. You independently determine when the plant will relax.

At this time, the feeding stops, the lighting and watering is slightly reduced. With a large collection, it is convenient to allocate a separate shelf for the "deserved rest" plants.

If your flowers are standing on racks, they care for them equally all year round. For violets grown on window sills in the heating season, you need to follow these rules:

  • be sure to ensure the backlight - at this time the sun is lacking a plant;
  • pots put so that the leaves do not touch the cold glass, otherwise they will be frozen and disappeared;
  • cannot be placed heating devices in close proximity to plants;
  • if there are batteries under the windowsill with flowers, they need to be shielded using foil or in another way;
  • increase the moisture content in the room - in the winter when the air is turned on, the air is very dry, which negatively affects the state of violets.


Adult violets are transplanted 1-2 times a year, young - as the roots are ascended by the planting container.

Healthy plants roll, trying not to disturb fragile roots. The soil should be loose, weakly acid.

Experienced violet lovers make up the landing mixtures on their own, beginners - buy special soil in stores. At the bottom of the close pot, a drainage must be present, his absence is the right way to destroy the plant.

You can transplant SENPOLIA at any time of the year, but during flowering it is better not to touch. If there is an urgent need to move the plant into a new pot be sure to dispel the flowerons.


The diameter of the planting pots of the tying varieties should not exceed 9 cm. The plant in it should be closely.

Blossoms will not come until the root system fully covers the soil.

Only the largest copies are planted in a container with a diameter of 10-11 cm, for trailers and miniature varieties Use 3-4 centimeter vases.

Reference! The diameter of the socket should be three times exceeding the size of the pot.


The seed reproduction of violets is difficult and applied only by breeders when creating new varieties.

Plants are divorced vegetatively, rooting leaf cuttings or subsidiaries. To do this, they put them in water, plant in light soil, perlite or peat tablet.

The same leaf can be rooted several times. In particularly valuable varieties even cut the leaf plate and plant in a peat-sand mixture using phytohormones. Trailers are breeding with stalks.

Formed kids searched in a separate container only when they grow up to 3-5 cm.

Proper trimming and rejuvenation

Seatpolia needs to remove all the sworded flowers and yellowed lower leaves, without waiting until they dried.

You can rejuvenate a violet. To do this, the stem is cut at the ground level, a sharp sterile knife is cleaned with a mixture of poured activated carbon and heteroacexin, allowed to dry from 6 to 12 hours. Then it is put in water or planted in light soil for rooting.

How to water?

Saintpolia is watered only by warm water. The surface of the soil should be a slightly wet, unacceptable neither overflowing nor the earthen koma.

But if you doubt whether to moisturize the violet, it is better to refrain - a short-term lack of water is less dangerous than its excess.

Experienced flowerflowers Even wait until the top layer of the substrate will dry a little, and the leaves will begin to lose the tour.

Caution! Never leut liquid into the center of the socket - the violet gets and dying.

For a large collection consisting of hundreds of copies is difficult to care, it is better to arrange a drip watering.


The violet is needed large doses of potassium and phosphorus, but nitrogen is better not to be carried away (this does not mean at all that nitrates should be excluded from the diet of SENPOLY).

Every 2 weeks they feather special feeders for violets dissolved in water according to the instructions. For children and starters take half of the recommended dose.

The violets planted in the purchase of soil do not feed 2 months - the soil mixture already contains fertilizers. Sometimes half doses of nutrients bring with each irrigation. In the period of forced peace, the violet is not fed.

Diseases and pests

Almost all violet diseases are caused by improper departure.

Most often, they suffer from phytoofluorosis, mildew and gray rot, the pathogens of which fall on plants with poor ventilation along with dust or overflows.

To save sensipolia from diseases, they are treated with fungicides.

From the pests, the most dangerous is the solard, nematodes, incense, ticks, trips, whitefly. Sparides (mushroom mosquitoes) appear when high humidity soil or feeding organic. The dangers for the plant they do not represent. To get rid of pests, violets are treated with insecticides, plants affected by nematode, emit.

Frequent errors

When cultivating violets, flowers most often found with such problems:

  • development slows down, and the cutters are pulled and grow vertically due to lack of light;
  • development slows down, the leaves are yellow, and the socket becomes flat for overpressure;
  • spots on the leaves appear due to watering cold water, from sun burn, drafts or because in winter the leaves were pressed against cold window glass;
  • the edges of the sheet plate are bend at low temperatures;
  • stems are discharged from overflows.

Carefully take care of the violets - it will exclude problems or minimize them.

Answers to popular questions

From time to time, all flower facing problems. We will give answers to the most common questions when growing violets.

Why bad or slowly growing?

SENPOLIA can grow badly for the following reasons:

  • too low or high temperature - give it to the norm;
  • lack of nutrients - adopt the plant;
  • exhausted primer - Pere's violet;
  • plant older than 3 years - root the leaf or rejuvenate the bush.

Why not blooms?

Blossom may be absent:

  • with a shortage of potassium and phosphorus or excess nitrogen - use only specialized feeders intended for sensipoly;
  • with incorrect illumination - insufficient either without a 6-hour interruption;
  • the flower is hot or cold, the difference between the day and night temperatures;
  • if the violet grows in a too loose pot - take it into close capacity, while the roots do not ignite the whole earth com, there will be no flowering;
  • if buds appear, but then fall or dry - possibly low humidity;
  • flower over 3 years old - rooting a leaf or rejuvenate a bun.

The violet will not bloom if you decide to get seeds or simply do not break up old blooms.

Why grow only leaves?

If the leaves grow well, and flowering does not occur, there may be several reasons:

  • excess nitrogen fertilizers;
  • lack of a mandatory daily 6-hour dark period;
  • lack of light.

Useful video

Learn more about care for violets from the video below:


As you can see, in care of the violet there is nothing complicated - you just need to know the simple rules and strictly observe them.

One of the most beloved homemade plants among the gardeners - violets (Lat. Víola or Satpolia). Their beauty attracts the attention of people even very far from flower growing, violets on the windowsill look great. However, the violet care at home requires careful, so it is considered to breed these indoor flowers is considered a difficult occupation.

Externally, the flower is a rosette of leaves. It may be a simple form or terry. Distinctive trait - Lack of central stem. Flower with small flowers of different colors and shapes. The plant is distinguished by a large species diversity.

Motherland violets - tropical countries. Especially scrupulous is the care of violets in winter - the time for which the lack of sunlight and the overabundance of artificial heat is characteristic. For the right content, we have prepared rules for care and reproduction.

Requirements for the conditions of the content of violets:

  • temperature mode: in summer to +25 C; in winter + 18-20 c;
  • humidity level 50%;
  • light level - daylight not less than 10 hours a day
  • during flowering, additional lighting with fluorescent lamps is required.

In flower shops you can find as seedlings of violets and big choice seed. An independent cultivation of violets from seeds is a fascinating process, but requires a certain experience and knowledge, so it is more suitable for flowerflowers with experience. For beginners, you can recommend to stop your choice on the finished seedlings. First, you can immediately see the varietal qualities: appearance, color, shape and size of flowers. Secondly, in specialized stores and in the flower markets, seedlings are sold in pots or phytocasters protecting sensitive root system violets from negative environmental factors.

Growing seedlings

Grow planting material You can independently from seeds. The advantage - the received copy may differ from the maternal material, and in best side. This is a big chance to bring new Sort. The error of many inexperienced flower flowers to navigate when choosing seeds only on the front side of the bag. In fact, the appearance of the flower rarely coincides with the picture. For example, the violet horned cultivation of seeds, which is practiced most often, is distinguished by a large variety of colors, up to black with bright stains of flowers.

Packaging must contain the following information:

  • name in Russian and Latin;
  • grade (exception if we are talking about the species plant);
  • shelf life;
  • germination;
  • the number of seeds in one bag (in pieces or grams);
  • description of the appearance: size and painting of flowers.

Among the experts are highly appreciated by heterosexis hybrids, i.e. Hybrids with increased viability. The "F1" symbol is necessarily present in their names. The cost of such seeds is noticeably higher, but the highest quality planting material is obtained.

Successful cultivation of violets at home begins with the correct substrate for growing seedlings. Its composition:

  • drainage from ceramic shards;
  • river sand of a large fraction;
  • thin layer of moss-sfagnum;
  • at the end - prepared soil: crushed peat (sieve through a sieve with a cell 0.5-1 mm) and perlite in a ratio of 1: 1.

All fillers must be sterilized. Moss and soil are processed on a "steam bath", shards and sand - in a hot oven.

Sewing is made in special phytocasters with a lid on the surface of the moistened soil. Stored in a warm place protected from direct sunlight. Conditions of detention:

  • temperature regime is not lower than +20 C;
  • sufficient humidity (it is impossible to dry the surface of the soil).

The predictable appearance of shoots - for 20-25 days, at a temperature mode not lower than +250 - shoots may appear after 14 days after seeding.

Photo Instructions for growing violets from sheet

Care for seedy

The secrets of care for violets at the growing stage lies in the right content of seedlings. The main fear of SENPOLIA - drying soil and getting water on the leaves and the root neck.

After the appearance of germs, the cassette cover is replaced with the observer nonwoven material (type spanbond) to eliminate the possibility of the capepada and improve the air exchange.

Lower watering or drip irrigation, when water is constantly or after certain time intervals, it comes directly to the root system of each plant, which completely eliminates the possibility of wetting the ground part of the violet.

With the advent of two full-fledged leaves, the seedlings are transplanted into individual pots.

Transplanting viok

Violets landing and care at home, which for most people are akin to the sacrament, please their breeders in a lush color, only if they are periodically replant. Over time, the soil is flattered and its acidity is changed, as a result, the deterioration of the air exchange and the lack of nutrients. Replacing the pot when transplanting is not required. If the flower is not closely, it can be limited to the replacement of the soil.

When to transplant the violet?

The highest percentage of survival in the spring. It is not recommended to transplant violets into summer heat. If there is an opportunity to compensate for plants a lack of daylight, which is characteristic of average latitudes in the autumn-winter period, then the transplant can be engaged practically all year round.

About zakuaniya is evidenced by education white Nalea on a surface. In the soil, the air exchange is disturbed or overwhelming the mineral substances.

Blossom starts only after the root system fills the entire pot from the ground. Increasing the pot requires a plant, the root system of which is very tightly excavated by the earthen com. When choosing a container for a flower, we are guided by the rule: the flower must be larger than the pot of the pot 3 times. It is recommended to use a plastic container. In pots of ceramics and clay faster there is a drying of the soil. The leaves of violets are wither from contact with these materials.

Rules of transplant

The violet transplant can be carried out in three ways:

  • transplant with a complete replacement of the soil (recommended for adult plants in case of latching the stem, during the fading or zaking of the soil);
  • transplant with partial replacement of soil (optimally for young miniature varieties and in cases of shift pots for larger in diameter);
  • turning (for urgent transplant or young children).

A transplant with a complete replacement of soil makes it possible to clean the root system from harmful items.

  1. Remove the plant from the pot. Healthy live roots of violets have a white color and fill it all the pots of pot. Brown dead roots are removed. You can rinse with water. If there is a rot, the plant is taking off to a lively fabric. Sections are processed by activated carbon and dry. With significant damage to the root system, the plant should be rejected in the moss-sfagnum, which has bactericidal properties, or in an aqueous medium.
  2. Remove all yellow leaves and blooms.
  3. Sections are processed by coal crumb.
  4. If, as a result of cleaning the roots, their number has noticeably decreased, it is necessary to replace the pot into a smaller diameter.
  5. Drainage is placed on the bottom, then the soil layer, on which the roots of the plant are laid out. Above the ground to the level of the lower leaves. So that the soil is well hammered, knock the pot on the walls.
  6. Transplanted plant Do not water 1 day. To ensure the necessary level of humidity, it can be covered with a plastic bag.
  7. After a day, inspect the violet. If the leg is screamed, it is necessary to shine soil.

Transplanting with partial replacement of soil is carried out similarly to the previous method with one difference. From the roots of the plant is removed only by the land that is easily shaken. Advantage - minimal damage to the root system, because It remains in the earthen coma.

When transshipment, the violet is removed from the old pot together with the entire earthen room and is placed in a new container. If necessary, the fresh soil shocks.

Soil for viok

Regardless of whether a new young plant is planted or perhaps adult, the quality of the soil is important for the success of the whole event. Violet care at home, for which it is very important, prefer a sour medium with a small amount of nutrients. The perfect substrate should be very easy to pass the air and moisture. Its composition:

  • peat (3 parts, sometimes diluted with perlite or vermiculite, to hold moisture);
  • dried moss-sfagnum (no more than 10% of total);
  • sheet land (5 parts);
  • sand (1 part);
  • coal (no more than 10% of the total).

The soil for violets is distinguished by poverty. On the one hand, it is an advantage, because The plant does not tolerate the overgrown, on the other, it takes a feeding during the growth period. In winter, a solution of humate is added (1 time per year). Special mineral fertilizers for violets are made in spring and summer.

Watering methods

Important! When watering, it is impossible to fill the flower and allow water from entering the leaves (they are purified from dust with a damp cloth) and flowers.

Upper watering. The most labor cost way. You to help - a small lechka with a long naist or a large fringe. The amount of water is determined visually. If moisture began to drip through drainage holes, watering is completed. The advantage of the upper irrigation is leaching the excess salts from the substrate.

At lower irrigation, the pot is placed in water tank (height water height flower pot) And it is left for a while, while the soil does not dare in it, which indicates its sufficient moisture. Experienced flowerflowers who know exactly how much water is needed by their pets, pour a certain amount into the pallet and wait for it when it is absorbed. You can not put in one pallet several flower Gorshkov. This is an easy way to spread disease. The lack of a method - no salts are flushed, as with the upper watering.

Fitila watering. We remember the capillary effect from the course of physics for grade 7. Pot with violet We install on water tank, so that its bottom does not concern the surface of the water. As a wick, we use a tissue strip or cord. One end is carried out in the drainage hole, the other - immersed in water. The flower will take so much moisture as needed. Fitila watering is convenient in conditions of frequent temperature differences and humidity levels. The volume of moisture consumed is governed by the needs of the flower at the moment.

Despite the convenience, the phytyl irrigation has a number of weighty flaws. It is not recommended to use it for watering large plants ( maximum size Pot up to 8 cm in diameter). Risky to apply B. winter timebecause The water temperature can significantly decrease, and cold water with violets is contraindicated. Some varieties do not perceive watering through the wick.

To watering violets, it is necessary to use a soft warm (room temperature) water. Cold water leads to a lack of blossom, winding the root system, up to the death of the flower. It is possible to mitigate and clean the water with boiling, using household filters or give water to stand for a couple of days.

If the water of increased hardness after boiling is added to 1 liter of 5 citric acid crystals or 1 tsp. vinegar. Watering with acidic water is recommended not more than once a month.

Important! For watering it is impossible to use stagnate water and with silver content.

Reproduction of violets

Any forum on flowerworm will reveal all the secrets of growing violets. Having studied the opinion of their participants, you come to the conclusion that the most common and easy way to reproduce violets is rooting the sheet cutting in water or substrate.

Optimal time for overlooking the spring-summer period. We choose the most green and strong sheet in an adult young medium-sized plant from the bottom row, if there are several of them, pre-watering the flower.

Rooting in the aquatic environment

In the sheet chosen for rooting, the stalk is cut so that 3-4 cm can be left to the sheet plate, it can be at a right angle or angle in 450. We use only a clean and dry tool with a well-sharpened blade. The sheet is placed in water. The process of rooting violet lasts from 14 days to a month and more depending on the variety. When the roots reach 1-2 cm. The cuttings are transplanted into the ground before the appearance of children.

If the leaflek lifted (for example, during the transportation process) or was rudied with a non-polished plant, it is necessary to carry out a resuscitation to restore the turgora: put a sheet of whole into a weak aqueous solution of potassium mangartage. The temperature of the water is approximately 250. To withstand 2-3 hours.

If in the process of rooting in the aquatic environment, the rotation process began, the slice is updated along a healthy part of the sheet and processed by coal powder. The sheet is placed in a disinfected container with a new clean water.

Advantages. Allows you to monitor the process of formation of roots and do not miss the desired moment for further actions (subject to the use of glass or transparent vessel plastic).

Rooting in the soil

Sheet cutlets placed immediately into the ground, bypassing the water medium. The advantages of the method - the gear time is reduced (the plant does not have to adapt first to one conditions, then to the other) and children appear faster. Forum of specialists recommends this method for reproduction of miniature varieties of violets. For their rooting, leaves are taken with cuttings 1-1.5 cm.

Regardless of the method of reproduction, it is important to comply with the conditions of the cutting of the cutting:

  • content in the greenhouse before the appearance of children;
  • stable temperature 22-250 (without direct sunlight);
  • lighting 12 hours;
  • good air exchange in the substrate;
  • watering as the substrate is drying in prepared water.

Video on the care of violets at home

The violet or Senpolya is a genus relating to the heesnery family. In a wild form grows in the mountainous areas of East Africa. She was discovered by the Saint-Field scientist, in honor of whom was named. To date, many varieties are derived from this plant, which are widespread in room gardening.


The violet is a low perennial, with a very short stem and plenty of fleshy leaves. Flowers are small, simple, collected in the brush. Modern selection was able to withdraw varieties with the most diverse color and shape of the petals.

In fact, indoor sensipolia is not a violet at all, it is called it because of the similarity with the forest violet and tricolor - pansy eyes, in fact they are from different families.

Sensipolium classification is quite complicated, so we will only give general characteristics. The features that are separated by violets are: the type of socket, its size, foliage color, flower type and its painting, as well as the number of petals.

Most modern varieties differ greatly from the usual indoor violet, they have a different form of leaves, and the petals are similar to corrugated or terry.

Among the varieties with high decorativeness are popular duchess , amadeus , frosty cherry , sleep Cinderella , iceedora , angelica , leanique other.

But also is a representative of violet actually, and not Satpolia. BUT alpine Filieca This is actually cyclamen.

Value care at home

Correct care for violet will help enjoy her bloom for almost the entire year.

SENPOLIA is very loved by light, but they cannot be put under direct sunlight. It's not scary if the light falls on them in the morning or in the evening, but if the sun turns to them at noon, then the leaves will be melted.

To the violet fully bloom, she needs a light day about 13 hours. Under this rule, you can achieve flowering even in winter.

When the column falls on the thermometer below 15 ° C, SENPOLIA stops growing. Summer better flower temperature will be 24 ° C. In winter, the temperature can drop a little, but not lower than the specified point.

Also cannot be allowed sharp temperature surges and drafts. Because of this feature, SENPOLY is better not to endure in the summer.

The violet needs B. high humidity air, but it is impossible to get water on foliage and inflorescences.

Tank for landing should be chosen small. If there is too much space in the pot, the violet will not bloom until it fills it with roots. For this plant, small plastic pots will be suitable, the size of which should be 2-3 times less socket.

Soil for viok

Ordinary indoor violets are not particularly whimsical to the soil, but for varieties should be selected the correct substrate. It can be bought in the store, but you can make himself, mixing the floor of the delicate land, two shares of sheet, and one by one humid and sand. You should also add a spoon of superphosphate and a bit of bone flour.

But the most important thing is that the soil is loose and weakly acid. At the bottom of the pot, the drainage layer should be placed.

Watering violets

When landing, the flower is placed in the center of the tank and gradually fill it with the earth, so that no emptiness remains. After landing, Pour the plant.

Watering violets need not often, about once every 7-10 days. It is best to use lower watering. In this case, use the stunned, warm water.

The violets can be, and when the leaves are contaminated and need to spray and wash. But before conducting these procedures, the flower must be removed from the windowsill. After spraying or soul, it also should not be in a hurry to put a violet in place - wait until it is dry, otherwise spots are formed on the foliage.

Fertilizer for violets

Also, SENPOLIA must be fertilized. For this take complex feeders that begin to bring in the period of extension of green mass. The fertilizer continues to the onset of the rest period, the frequency is once every 10 days along with watering.

It is advised to use a smaller concentration of fertilizers than what is stated in the instructions.

Palok Change at home

Indoor violets need annual transplants, because for the year they deplete the soil. When it is necessary to replace the pot, only if you observe the signs that the flower lacks the place (a mump of foliage, weak flowering).

It is best to transplant plants at the beginning of spring by transshipment, so that the roots did not suffer particularly.

Pipher Pihalok.

The violets are not bad, but to increase decorativeness they need to be quenched. In particular, it concerns the lower leaves. They can be chopped with sweets, as they fade quickly and only take power from a flower. Also get rid of sluggish inflorescences and ugly and yellowed foliage.

Sometimes turn the plant in a circle so that the bush rose is evenly.

Gradually, after removing the lower leaves, it will be a prominent trunk of SENPOLIA and over time it will be only noticeable. So that the flower remains beautiful, as before, it can be transplanting it, deepening the trunk in the soil or cut off all the leaves, leaving only a couple of stem centimeters.

After that, the stump remained after trimming, put into the water before the formation of the root and fell into the soil, thus one plant turns out.

Reproduction of violet division

Seeds can be propagated by seeds, sockets and sheet. The seed method is practically not used because of its complexity, as well as due to the fact that as a result, the flower will lose the varietal signs and you will get a conventional violet.

If your plant has grown greatly and new outlets began to form on it, then they need to be separated and planted into other capacity. You can perform division even during flowering.

Violets reproduction sheet

The most common I. easy way is the cultivation of violet from the sheet. To do this, take a strong leaf along with a cushion and put in water, to form roots. But you can try to immediately plant a sheet into a substrate from sand, leaf land and peat (4: 2: 1). Such a container is covered with glass and kept warm and with good lighting, but so that the straight rays do not fall onto the container.

Sometimes the soil should be watered, but only that they are a slightly wet. It happens that the sheet begins to wither or does not change at all. If this happens, you do not need to rush and throw out the material - sometimes for the formation of a new plant is required for a long time.

If with the advent of young foliage, the old sheet is in good condition, then it needs to be cut off. After that, you can even try to use it for reproduction again.

If you root a leaf in the soil, then you cannot observe the formation of the roots, but the speed of their appearance and the chance to get a new violet increases.

Diseases of violek

Ordinary sensipolia is rather resistant to diseases, but the varietal views are not at all so strong in this regard.

  • One of the most frequent diseases of the damaging violet is a malievable dew. She is manifested in a white raid on the leaves Plants. When detecting a disease, we advise you to use Fundazole or Bentlan.
  • Phytoofluorosis leads to rotting roots and the formation of brown spots on the foliage . If the plant is sick, it needs to be destroyed and sterilized the container in which it was grown.
  • Gray rot is forms gray spots on the body of the plant . When this is detected, you should immediately cut them down and performing a fungicide processing. The soil in which sick plants grew to use is no longer possible.
  • Furazion appears when an excess of moisture. It leads to rotting stem and foliage . If you notice these symptoms, treat the violet fuchicide.
  • Rust manifests itself in the form of small orange spots on the leaves . To cure a flower, a 1% solution of copper mood is used.

Possible difficulties

Self fAQ About indoor violets associated with the lack of flowering, yellowing of foliage and spotting leaves.

  • If your violet does not bloom , then, in addition to pests, this may have a number of reasons: lack of light, short light day, over-nitrogen feeding, excessive amount of moisture in the soil or disadvantage in the air. Also, this problem causes a large container for growing and overflowing a substrate.
  • The yellowing of the leaves may indicate the aging of the flower . It also occurs when placed under direct sunlight. This may be observed with the deviation of the acidity of the soil from the norm, as well as in the excess of phosphoric feeding.
  • Most often spots on the leaves are a consequence of pests and diseases, but sometimes they appear due to drafts.
  • Stains from the edges of the sheet Specify the lack of potassium in the soil - it means that the substrate is depleted and the flower is time to transplant.
  • Dry spots They are formed if the violet is under the right sunlight.

Room violet (lat. Saintpaulia), or uzambarskaya violet - the genus of grassy flowering plants of the Gesnery family, widespread in bedroom flowering. In nature, the Flower The violet is growing in the mountainous regions of East Africa - in Tanzania and Kenya, most often choosing places on the terraces of rivers and near the waterfalls. There are more than 20 types of violets Uzambar. Opened this amazing flower in 1892 Baron Adalbert Walter Radcliffe Le Tane von Saint-Paul, a military commandant of the Uzambar district, which at that time was part of the German colony. There was a district on the territory of modern Burundi, Rwanda and Tanzania. Saint-Paul sent the seeds of violet to his father Ulrich Saint-Field, to the President of the German Dendrological Society, and he gave them to Botany vendland, who in 1893 raised a flower from seeds and described him as a sepolya fillement, highlighting in a separate genus. In the same year, SENPOLIA was presented at the exhibition of colors in Ghent, where the right to its industrial breeding was sold. In 1927, SENPOLIA fell into North America and immediately won on this mainland, unprecedented popularity - by 1949 more than 100 varieties of room violet were known. Today, the plant violet has 32 thousand with excess varieties, which are hybrids of sepolya phyalcocellane and sensipolia erroneous.

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Landing and care for violets (brief)

  • Bloom: Almost all year round.
  • Lighting: Bright diffused light (north, northeast, northwestern window sills). Senpolyma's light day should last 13-14 hours.
  • Temperature: During the growing season - 18-24 ˚C, in winter - not lower than 15 ˚C.
  • Watering: Regular - 2 times a week, 1 time per one and a half weeks it is desirable to apply the method of lower irrigation.
  • Air humidity: Normal for residential premises.
  • Feeding: In the period of active vegetation, 1 time in 10 days by mineral fertilizer for blooming indoor plantsBy adding it to the water for the bottom irrigation. The fertilizer dosage must be twice as weaker than indicated in the instructions.
  • People's period: It is not pronounced, but sometimes in the winter you need to give sensipolis to relax.
  • Transfer: You need to change the substrate in the pot annually, but the pot is changed to more only as needed.
  • Reproduction: Babies, leaf cuttings and seeds.
  • Pests: cute clamps, shields and spoors, tribes, trips, nematodes, worms, whiteflies, wets, flies and mosquitoes.
  • Diseases: Fusariosis, malievable dew, rust, gray rot and phytoofluorosis.

Read more about the cultivation of violets Read below

Flowers violets - Description

Homemade Violet - Lowest Evergreen Perennia herbate plant With shortened stems and a root rosette of rounded leathery leaf leaves, green on the so-called boys (boys) plants and with a bright spot at the base on Senpolya-girls (Girls). At the leaves of homemade violets, an unequal heart-shaped base and a pointed or rounded top. Flowers in SENPOLIA, diameter from 2 to 4 cm, simple, five-pack, or terry, carbon, star or corrugated, are collected in the brush. Coloring flowers can be almost any - one shade or two-color. Flowering violets with proper care continues almost all year round. Senpaly fruit is a box with lots of seeds.

Actually, SENPOLY is called homemade violet just because her flowers look like a violet flowers of forest or garden, in fact Senpolya refers to a completely different family and is not a relative of such a well-known garden plantlike violet tricolor, or pansies. The violets on the windowsill are Saintpolia, African flowers, who managed to conquer the whole world in a short period of time. We will tell you how to plant a violet, how to care for homemade violet and we describe you the most popular violet varieties in the culture.

Care for violet at home

Care for homemade violet

How to care for domestic violets so that they bloom as long as possible? Indoor violets are very loved, but they are afraid of direct sunlight, so the best place for them is the northern, northeast or northwest windowsill illuminated by scattered light. You can keep them and on the southern window, to the middle of the curtained cloth - it does not matter if the lap the cost of the setting sun falls on the violet, but from the midday burning rays, gentle leaves and sensipoly flowers should be protected. Light day for homemade violet should last 13-14 hours, and if you can easily organize additional lighting for it, it will be without tired of blossoming even in the February cold.

How to grow a violet in the conditions of an urban apartment and what temperature is the optimal temperature for it? Flowers violets cease to develop when the temperature drops below 15 ºC, so it is necessary to maintain a moderately warm temperature in the summer and moderately cool in winter. Optimal temperature For SENPOLIA 18-24 ºC. The drafts and sharp drops of temperatures are poorly affected - that is why indoor violets do not like to spend the summer in the fresh air. It matters for SENPOLIA and air humidity - it must be elevated, but the water should not fall on the flowers or the leaves of the plant in the light.

Pots for violets

The pot for SENPOLIA should be small, since the root of violets does not occupy a lot of space, and the plant begins to bloom only when the roots shall be asleep all the inner space pot. Young sensipolines need a pot of 5-6 cm in diameter, and for an adult violet it is enough to have a pot of 7-9 cm. And only very large plants need a container with a diameter of 11-13 cm. The calculation for selection of the dishes is simple: the diameter of the container must be three times less Diameter of rosette leaves. And notice that room Filieca The expensive clay pots prefers plastic.

Soil for viok

Care for homemade violet provides for the choice for her soil of a certain composition. The stores sell the soil mixture for SENPOLIA, however, experience shows that it is not suitable for all violets. But the universal floral soil like "Terra-Vita" violets fit. It is possible to make a substrate independently of the delicate and leaf land, sand and humus in the proportion of 0.5: 2: 1: 1. In the bucket of the finished mixture, you can make a tablespoon of superphosphate and a half-table of bone flour and mix everything thoroughly. The main requirements for the soil for SENPOLY: it should be loose, quickly absorb water and skip air well. But before filling the pot of the substrate, put a layer of drainage from the ceramisit, vermiculite, pieces of foam or moss-sfagnum in a third of a third pot - the drainage will protect your violet from stagnation of water in the roots from which it can die. Drainage can be put a piece of wood coal.

Landing viok

When the tank for violet is filled with drainage, you can start planting SENPOLIA. Pour on the drainage layer of the substrate, place the plant in the center of the pot and gradually sleep the substrate from different sides to the plant, slightly shook the pot to fill all empties with soil. When a pot will remain unfilled 2 cm to the edge, slightly press the substrate surface and pour the violet.

Watering violets

Violets at home require regular irrigation. How to water the violet? It is best to humidify the soil in a pot to use the way of the lower irrigation. Once a week and a half pour into a deep bowl of warm outstanding water in a deep bowl and immerse the pot into her with violet so that the water almost reached the edge of the pot, but did not shimmer into it. Through the time when the top layer of the soil of violet takes away from moisture, get the pot from the bowl and let the drain of excess water. Fresh or upper irrigation can lead to reinforcement of the roots of the plant. It is necessary to moisturize the violet only when an earthen one is almost all dry. If you have a violet with leaves on long stiffs, post behind her: as soon as she lowered the leaves, it means it was time to water all violets.

Fertilizer viok

Care for violet at home requires putting into a soil fertilizer. They begin to fertilize violets at the beginning of the growing season, and continue to make feeding times once a week and a half until the violet will enter during the rest. Liquid complexes for flowering indoor plants are used as fertilizer. The best way - add fertilizer to water for the bottom irrigation, especially since the frequency of moisturizing the soil coincides with the periodicity of making feeding. However, note that the fertilizer concentration must be twice lower than indicated in the instructions.

Transplanting viok

The cultivation of violets requires an annual substrate replacement in a pot, and here the pot itself can not be changed. If the plant requires a larger pot, you will define this by the fact that the leaves of violets became smaller and pale, and the flowering became scarce. In this case, you need to transplant sepolya into a pot of 2 cm with a diameter. How to transplant violet to hurt her as less concern? It is easier to transfers the violet in March. Try to carefully transfer it from one pot into another, without violating an earthen coma. Root neck plants should be 2-3 cm below the edge of the pot. After transshipment of SENPOLIA to a new pot on a drainage layer, evenly fill in the fresh substrate gaps between the earth and the walls and the walls, shook out the pot so that the soil filled the entire space. After transplanting, do not forget to pour a violet well.

Trimming violets and formation of a nose of violets

Castic violet should have three tiers of leaves. The leaves, located below, can be turned off, without leaving the cuffs, especially if they are faded and lifeless. Delete the faded flowers and deformed or yellowed leaves in a timely manner, so that the bush looked neat. From time to time, turn the pot with a violence around the axis so that the leaves in the outlet are evenly located. Over time, due to the fact that you removed the lower leaves, the violet is exposed at the violet. The older the plant, the higher the stem, and this does not add decorative plant. There are two ways to correct the situation: to transplant the violet, blocking the troller into the ground, or cut off the entire outlet, leaving the part of the trigger with a height of up to 2 cm under it, put a bush with a glass into a glass with water, wait for the formation of roots on it and plant a latch into the ground.

Hygiene viok

Caring for violets is also in compliance with hygiene. In the natural conditions of African mountains, where violets wipes rain and dries wind, they feel great and sometimes grow up to 30 cm in height. Therefore, you can wash the readers if you can wash the violets and why the violets cannot be sprayed, we answer that it is possible to wash, and spray violets can be. When the leaves of the plants dust dust, take them into the bath, turn on the shower and wash the dust from the leaves with a weak pressure of warm water. However, do not rush to return violets on the windowsill, leave them in the bathroom until it stands excessive water and the leaves will not dry, otherwise spots will appear on them under bright light.

Room Wine - reproduction

How to propagate Phials

Patient breeding children

Sometimes one bush of Saintpolia can form a few sockets - kids. When the children of violets will grow up, it becomes closely in one pot with a maternal plant, and the violet begins to chill. Remove the violet from the pot, carefully divide the roots of all sockets and pick up the babes on a separate pot. Healthy plants are well transferring a transplant even in a blooming state.

Reproduction of violet sheet

The easiest is grown by a violet from the sheet. Separate healthy, beautiful leaf From the second tier of the socket and put it with a cut in the water so that it can be rooted. The length of the petorant should be about 4 cm, and in miniature and semi-minimular violets - at least one and a half centimeters. Many prefer to immediately disembark the sheet into the container with drainage holes, drainage layer and loose soil consisting of 4 parts of coarse sand, 2 parts of the leaf land and 1 part of the peat. The pot is covered with a transparent cap, then placed in a warm light, protected from direct sunlight. From time to time, the substrate is watered, but do not allow its convergence. A leaflet can sit in the soil for a long time without any changes, but you must show patience. Sometimes the leaf is bored, cares and dies, but do not hurry to throw it away: the new plant is born under the ground, in the bottom of the cherry, so you just need to wait. When young leaves appear, the parent list will appear if it is in good condition, cut off. It can be immediately rooted again. If several outlets appear from one sheet at once, you need to wait until they grow up, divide and sear them in separate pots. The lack of a process of rooting a sheet in the ground is that you cannot see when the roots appeared, but the time of rooting is significantly reduced, and the likelihood of the appearance of a new plant increases almost up to 100%.

The species violets are rarely affected by pests or diseases, but plants that were created as a result of breeding works, in this respect not so prosperous.

Diseases of violek

Most often, SENPOLIA suffer from fusariosis, mildew, rust, gray rot and phytoofluorosis.

Puffy dew Covers leaves, purple chills and blossom blooms. Provokes the development of the disease. Bad lighting, low temperature Against the background of high humidity, dusting of leaves, excess in the soil of nitrogen with a lack of potassium and phosphorus. The disease is treated with a solution with a solution of Fundazola or Bentlan. With a strong damage, repeat the spraying after 10 days.

Phytoophluorosis It occurs when penetration into the root system of violets through wounds or cracks of fungal infection, as a result of which the root neck of the plant occurs, and brown spots appear on the leaves. First of all, phytoofluorosis ruins the plants, weakened by poor care. The danger of the disease is that it cannot be cured. The patient plant is destroyed, and the pot is sterilized. To avoid the lesion of the phytoofluoro, it is necessary to put superphosphate into the soil and do not allow too high humidity in the room.

Serious rot, or botritis, You can learn from a fluffy brownish gray ripping mold in ground parts of the plant. The disease is developing rapidly, and as a result, the plant dies. Passing parts need to be immediately removed, and the violet is treated with fungicide. Digitious Plant Throw together with the soil - it is no longer useful for you. In order not to provoke the development of the disease, take care of the violets from drafts, a sharp drop of temperature and rejuvenation of the soil.

Fusariosis or holding the outlet It occurs in excess irrigation conditions, use to moisten cold water soil, temperature jumps, growing violets in heavy ground or in too spacious pot. Find out that the plants are fusariosis, it is possible in such symptoms: the leaves of the leaves acquire a brown shade, the leaves are falling, and the roots are darker and easily separated from the soil. At the very first signs of the disease, remove the plants by reloading parts and treat the violet by some fungicide.

Rust It is manifested in the form of yellow-orange tubercles on the upper side of the leaves and rust-brown pads on the bottom. With the development of the disease, the leaves of violet begins to be down. Destroy the plant with a single-survive burgundy liquid or a solution of any other fungicide, as well as dusty violet with sulfur dust.

As prophylaxis from any fungal disease, Including from the fusariosis, handle the violet once every two months with a solution of Fundazola.

Pest of violek

From the pest, the danger to violet is pincers, shields and spoors, trips, trips, nematodes, chervers, whiteflies, loft, flies and mosquitoes.

Pliers. When infected with ticks on the leaves of violet appear, depressed brown spots appear, as if made by a stupid needle. The latch is striking the red spider, cyclamen and flat mites that feed on the plant juice, from which it weakens and cares. You can save the violet from all types of ticks by treatment with acaricides - akarin, accotlic or phytodeterm, and the two last drugs need to additionally shed an earthen car in a pot. Conduct the procedure in the fresh air - in the yard or on the balcony, since acaricides are toxic for humans. Do not forget to put on gloves, glasses and mask.

Shield and slotchistovka Prefer to settle in outlets with smooth leaves. You can guess their appearance according to sticky drops of discharge. If during the inspection you found at least one adult insect, all the plant is treated with the preparation of the drug.

Tripses Can get into the room along with the poplar oh dust or flowers from the garden. These sucking insects are dangerous in that it is instantly multiplied and capable of occupying neighboring plants. They break the integrity of the stamens, leave silver purses on the flowers, and on damaged leaves brown or black spots. In the fight against tryps, it is necessary to remove all the flowers on the violet and treat the plant by phytodeterm, accuters or act.

Aphid It strikes flowers, buds, violet flowers, sucking the juice of the plant, why the petals of flowers are deformed, and the purple blossoms looks defective. With a strong lesion, a gluten-shaped liquid is formed on the leaves and flowers - the allocation of the Tli, on which a sage mushroom shares, forming a black flare. To get rid of the Tly, 2-3 sessions of the plant treatment with accuters (1 ml of the preparation on 1 liter of water) are carried out.

Mokritsa Appear on the violet if you all the time contain a soil in a potted pot in a wet state, not allowing the earthen one to dry. In appearance, they resemble small turtles that do not exceed 1.5 cm long. The roots of the roots and the leaves of the plant are damaged, which leads to secondary infections. Most effective method Combating Mocrica - processing of violet and soil in a pot of acaricides. The plant is sprayed, and the substrate is spilled with a variety of accuters or phytodeterm.

Mushkush and komariki Set on a violet in chronic mooring in a pot. They themselves are not harmful, but their larvae destroy the substrate, damage the roots of the plant, contribute to the soil seal, which reduces air access to roots. Most young plants suffer from insects. As a result of the vital activity of these insects, the roots and stems are dropping. Having discovered pests, wear the soil in a pot of carbofos, circle the edge of the container with a carlan pencil from cockroaches, soda the pencil on the grater and sprinkle the surface of the soil in the pot with these chips. Adult individuals can be destroyed by RADE or Dichlofos aerosol. And review the scraper of violet.

Chogstock or pillies Also come on violence from dampness. They are harmless to violet, but when they become too much, they can damage the roots of the plant. Sweep earthen com violet pyrethrum and stop pouring a plant.

Bellenki. - Bright white flies small sizeSitting on the surface of the leaves and leaving sticky feces on them - a favorite medium for sage fungi. Therefore, the surface of the leaves first whites, and then blacks. As a result, the violet has an increase in shoots. Effective measure is the treatment of violets with a mixture of system insecticide and acaricide. In order to get rid of whiteflinkle, you will need at least two sessions.

Violet does not bloom

Beginner flowers sometimes appeal to us complaints that, despite all their efforts, they cannot wait from their blossom violet. So why the violet does not bloom? Let's analyze the reasons for this phenomenon. It is difficult to wait for the blossom violet if:

  • she is not enough light;
  • she has a luminous day less than 12 hours;
  • the substrate is oversaturated with nitrogen fertilizers;
  • violated rules of watering plants;
  • in the room there is not enough wet air - violet requires humidity at 50%;
  • the pot is too heavy and dense soil;
  • the plant is too spacious pot;
  • the violet is amazed by pests or sick.

Violet yellow

Often worries novice lovers of violets and the fact that the violet yellow leaves. Why does this happen? Sometimes the leaves are yellowing from the natural cause - old age. Such leaves are better to remove with petioles. The second reason is the burnout of the leaves under the bright rays of the sun, drying the soil or overheating of the plant. Moisten the soil in the pot in the lower irrigation method and organize the protection of the plant from the sun at midday time - you can hang on the curtain window, and you can cover the glass with sunscreen film. If there is such an opportunity, place the violet on the windowsill of the North, North-West or northeastern orientation. Be sure to follow the acidity of the soil - the norm for sepolyium 5.5-6.5 pH. And do not get carried away by phosphoric fertilizers to the detriment of nitrogen - nitrogen plants are necessary, including so that the leaves of violet can be green.

If after the wishes of the leaves, the base of the stem has acquired a brown color and became soft, the plant suffers from excess moisture and too low temperatures.

Spots on violets

Types and varieties of violets

The American classification of indoor violets, which enjoys most of the flower water, due to the huge amount of varieties is quite complex, but we will still try to give you an idea of \u200b\u200bwhich varieties and hybrids of Satpolia exist in culture. Varieta violets differ in such signs:

- size socket - MM micromini (outlet diameter up to 6 cm), mini M (diameter from 10 to 15 cm), semiminimi, or MIDI SM (diameter from 15 to 20 cm), standard S (diameter from 20 to 40 cm), large standard L (Diameter from 40 to 60 cm). A separate category is masks trailer, or ampel;

- Type of leaves - oval, rounded, honesty, elongated heart-shaped, elongated-oval on long stiffs, all-string, serrated, wavy along the edge or corrugated. In addition, there are leaves with a spot at the base of the plate - they are called "Gerl", and there are leaves without stains - "Fight". The surface of the leaves can be smooth, stegan, fabulous, weakly or thorough, monophonic or motley;

- Color of leaves It can be from the top of any shade of green, sometimes dark brown or almost black, olive, gray-green, with splashes or veins of white color, light green with pink splashes. The bottom side can be light green, pinkish, almost white, purple with purple stains, dark purple, green with purple spots;

- Type of flower SENPOLIA happens: classic, like pansies, Star-like - with five petals of the same size, a bellol - with one or two rows of petals, wasp - a very rare type with rolled upper lip petals and wide petals of the lower and spider - flowers with elongated petals that seek the hemisphere. Flowers of all types can be simple, semi-grade and terry. The flowers of the bell type are only simple and semi-mar.

In addition to major forms, with the advent of all more Hybrids of violets, distinguish between the varieties with such a shape of the edges of the petals, like corrugated (carbon or lacy), rounded, pointed, ribbon and smooth;

- Coloring of petals The violet may have a monophonic, two-tone, (two shades of one color), two-color or multicolor. Two-color, multicolor and two-tone colors can be fantasy (with points, splashes, peas, rays or spots of another color or tone on petals) and cutters (on the flowers one or two kayms of different width of one or two colors). Two-color painting can also be finger - on the petals contrasting color stain in the form of a circle or oval. As for the colors directly in which violet flowers can be painted, there are alphabetic designations for the entire colors:

  • B (BLUE) - blue or blue;
  • C (Multicolor) - multicolored;
  • P (Pink, Rose) - bright pink or dark pink;
  • O (Orchid, Mauve, Levender) - orchid, lavender, pink-lilap or pale lite;
  • R (Red, Mahagon, Plum, Burgundy) - red, red-chestnut, plum, cherry;
  • V (Violet, Purple) - purple or purple;
  • W (White, Creamy, Blash) - white, cream or barely pink;
  • X (Bicolor) - two-color
  • Y is white with yellow.

Recently, when describing violets, such unusual colors, like beige, fawn, orange, indigo, salmon, ashes, sizy, terracotta, electric and fuchsiev;

- Number of petals - Filati flowers can be simple, or single, with five-six petals, semi-marched - in the center of the flower are formed two additional wrinkled petals-scallop, and terry.

From the huge variety of SENPOLIY, we offer you notable varieties of violets with names and descriptions that you will probably remember. I will not say that these are the best violets from cultural grown in culture, but for sure you can choose among them a flower for your home.

Caprice - White violet with terry flowers with green fringe along the edges of petals. The leaves are motley, wavy.

Macho - Purple violets with a burgundy tint of large semi-world flowers with white border around the wavy edges. Leaves are green, simple, egg-shaped.

Your Majesty - pink violet with denselyah wine flowers with wavy edges of petals and bright green leaves;

Water - Terry blue violet, which becomes pink to the edges of the petals. According to the fringe edges, bright bronze-green kimea. Leaves light green, wavy.

Sea Wolf - Giant, up to 8 cm in diameter, semi-world blue violet with wavy petals decorated with a thin mesh pattern. Leaves of dark green color.

Tomahawk - Bright red violet with a classic type flower. The variety is different abundant blossom. The leaves of this violet are dark green.

Paris secrets - Large terry flowers of dark purulent black coloring with an overflow amethyst red pattern for all petals. Central petals are collected in a dense ball, like an cabbage kochan. On the fringe edges of the petals of white-green rush. Festone leaves, motley - green with white.

Jab - violet with terry dark blue petals wrapped in kochenians. At the edges of the petals twisted brightly salad rushes. Leaves green, wavy.

Max Black Pearl - Velvet black violet with purple chipping and compact semi-minimular foliage.

Unfortunately, neither the green violet, nor yellow, but the breeders are already developed by the breeders with a yellow tint or with a yellow pattern on the leaves - Lemon Kissiz, Majaisti, Warm Sunrise, Sankist Rose. There are also several varieties of SENPOLIY with a novel, which is called green violets - Silverglada Epples, Frozen in Time, Bakkay Irish Lace, Ireish Crim, Spring Rose, Green Lace and others.

Violets on the windowsill destroy personal life

The incredible popularity of SENPOLY was the cause of many superstitions and will adopt with which this flower is associated. They say, for example, that the violet - Mugano, that is, the unmarried woman growing indoor violets, allegedly there is no chance of marrying, and the married lover of Saintpolia has a risk of staying without a husband. But if you think well, it turns out that among your friends there are married womenwhich years grow violets. Yes, and those of your girlfriends who have married not so long ago, you can find a violence-friend on the windowsill. If you search.

Other superstition claims that the indoor violet is an energy vampire and that it is impossible to keep it in his bedroom, because it causes drowsiness and decay of forces. But, if you think about, violets, like any other plants, during the day, with light, we produce oxygen, and at night, on the contrary, it is absorbed and distinguished by carbon dioxide. And from the lack of oxygen you and clone in sleep. Hence the conclusion: no need to arrange a whole greenhouse on the windowsill in the bedroom.

, Geesnery