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Cyclamen (alpine violet) - care at home. Colors you need to relax! Cyclamen's rest period and plant care at this time cyclamen at home hibernation

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Cyclamen care during rest

During the period, care for the cyclamen is very simple, but you need to know some nuances to not harm the plant. Cyclamen in the period of rest is in the summer. Actually, this flower is unpretentious. With proper care, it pleases with its decorative leaves and abundant bloom for a long time. And that is especially nice, it blooms in winter, reminding us of hot summer.

Cyclamen is a very unpretentious plant that blooms almost all winter period.

What is the popularity of the plant?

Motherland Cyclamen - Iran and Eastern Mediterranean. There he is everywhere meets in the wild, grows in crevices of rocks and on gentle meadows. This is a low herbaceous plant with large decorative leaves and bright colors. In other regions, cyclamen is a very popular indoor plant. The other name is also known - Diryakva. In detailed flower growing, the widest fame reached 2 types: Persian cyclamen and European cyclamen. They can be found in many houses in different countries of the world.

Among the bedroom plants, the cyclamen occupies its worthy place. His popularity, in addition to vivid external data, causes a number of other properties that have always been invariably attributed to this plant. It is believed that cyclamen are a source of light, energy, inspiration. They absorb negative energy, and give positive. Ancient Romans ranked flower to family talismans and overalls. His energy contributes to the creative development of personality.

Used cyclamen and medicine. Science is known that he is poisonous. As, however, many other pets beloved by us. But this property can be put on the service of a person. What is successful and done. Preparations from clubs cyclamen are used in traditional and folk medicine. The hoods of them are part of anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and sedatives.

The only warning: it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage and follow the instructions of the doctor. No need to try to cook the medicine yourself. It is enough that this flower will delight with its elegant species and a gentle aroma. Especially Pahochuch Cyclamen European. But it is inferior in a variety of color gamut Persian. And both kinds of the same road due to the properties to delight abundant flowering throughout the winter. With proper leaving of the cyclamen, it will always look even effectively and fiercely.

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Favorite Flower Care

Cyclamen - bulbous plant. This fact must be taken into account by caring for it. It should be remembered that this flower is very light, but at the same time it is painfully reacting to the contact of direct sunlight. It should be dialed during the bright sun. The optimal temperature at which the flower feels comfortable in autumn and in winter, is not more than 10-12 ° C. At higher temperatures, the plant resets the leaves. And at the same time reduces the flowering period.

Specific rules must be followed. The flower can not be watering from above, make sure that the water does not get on the leaves and cuttings, from this cycleman begins to hurt, and its bulb is toil. It is best to water through the pallet. And excess water that does not absorb after 5 minutes, merge. The plant makes it easier to change the lack of moisture than its excess.

In the period from January to March every 2 weeks, if necessary, feed the flower. But it should be observed. The reconnected plant will turn foliage, but the flowering can not wait. And the rest of the cyclamen care is simple. The blurred flowers together with the stalks are removed. It accelerates the growth of new shoots and does not spoil the appearance of the plant. Since April, watering decrease so that the flower began to gradually move into peace.

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Role of rest in the life of cyclameman

If the leaves begin to fade one after another, the period of rest comes. It is important in the life of the flower. And in no case is not a consequence of any disease. On the contrary, on how high-quality will be rest, the health of the plant depends.

In the summer, the tuber is at rest, the plant usually resets all the leaves.

exceptions are exceptions. If by this time the leaves on the plants are preserved, do not worry. Just leave it in the same place. This is a normal phenomenon for European cyclame. It does not have a pronounced period of rest. And do not force him to rest. But the Persian cyclamen in the summer is necessarily acquired forces, from May to August he sleeps.

Only the bulb remains in the pot. It is advisable to put it in the shaded cool place and wait about 3 months. Cyclamen care at this time has a number of features. Watering is produced by a very small dose of water somewhere once every 2 weeks. But you can not allow dried by the tuber. The soil in the pot is slowly moisturized, without pouring water, and they are watching the roots do not dry.

At the end of the summer, when the rest period comes to completion, the plant is recommended to transplant. On the bottom of the pot in mandatory place drainage. It will fight from excessive moisture and will help avoid posting. During this period, the tubers can be divided, cutting them so that each part contains 1-2 growth kidneys, as well as roots. And then instead of one flower you will have two. Tubers Place in loose soil, shut down only half.

Then put the pot into the bright place. The rest period ended. Very soon we note the first crumpled leaves. We begin to water it as watered before the rest period. And 1 time in 2 weeks we introduce fertilizers intended for bulbous plants. Again, the growth of the sheet mass will go, soon the cyclamen has a period of flowering. So you can strengthen the vitality of your beloved flower every year. And at the same time increase the number of flower pots on the window.

During the growth of the leaves, the plant is useful to spray. Especially if it stands near the heating battery. After the appearance of the buds, it is impossible to spray. It should be watered often, but not plentiful. The water temperature should be room or 1-2 ° C below. After the appearance of flowerons, water only through the pallet. Try to keep pots with your favorite housewood cyclamen away from hot batteries and fireplaces. The plant will thank for the care of abundant and long blossom.

If the cyclameman in the summer wishes of the leaves, then it goes on peace. What to do? How to store it? Oddly enough, but at the moment when most plants are intensively growing and developing, the cyclameman comes a period of rest, which lasts 2-3 months. So, the cyclamen gathered on peace: what to do with a plant in a state of rest, how long does rest time last? What to do with cyclamen after resting?

As practice shows, there is no clear time frame for the period of rest at cyclamene. The plant can be happy with a spring and start to reset the leaves closer to autumn. It is because the cyclamen cannot be sent for peace forcibly, that is, to unscrew the buds and leaves from the tuber. Nature itself will put everything in its place, and a normal flower care is required from the flower.

Cyclamen is sent on peace. Why? What to do?

The homeland cyclameman is the Mediterranean and North Africa, where summer is very roast, and in the winter there comes relative coolness and the level of humidity of the soil, air comes. Developing in such conditions, cyclamen has developed a survival strategy. When relative coolness occurs in a natural environment and rains come (winter), it begins to develop intensively, accumulate nutrients in his tuber. With the arrival of hot, summer days to survive, cyclamen goes on peace. He resets all the leaves. Life in the plant is maintained at the expense of nutrients and moisture, which it has accumulated in the winter in the club. That is why it would seem, under favorable conditions in moderate latitudes, like all the plants, the cyclamen should also delight with her green hat, but he falls asleep, remembering his harsh homeland.

Forcibly send cyclamen on peace it is impossible. You can also unscrew the green leaves and buds. This is especially true of colors purchased, which can be a life cycle.

When is cyclamen goes on peace? This period from April to September is right at the end of the flowering plants. However, bought cyclamen, which are grown in greenhouse conditions and under artificial illumination, can arrange peace anyway, since they are shot down by life rhythm. The right signs that the cyclamen "stacked to sleep" is sluggish, yellowed leaves. At the same time, the flower tuber must remain elastic and not covered by stains. If the tuber has a soft, in stains, exudes an unpleasant smell - this speaks about flower diseases. If the cyclame leaves are intensely yellow and wither - this also speaks about flower diseases.

Read more about cyclamen diseases and why the cyclamen is yellowing, the leaves are wound and twisted. This will help you grow a healthy and beautiful plant.

Cyclamen has peacetaining the condition when the average daily temperature is +20 degrees and above. The plant no longer drives out new leaves and stops her bloom. Over time, his leaves begin to wither. They are removed when they are completely dried. Watering at this time reduce, feeding, spraying is not needed. Cyclamen is transferred to a darkened place.

The cyclamen went on peace, his tuber completely dropped the leaves. In some cases, the plant leaves several leaves. They are impossible to delete artificially.

How to store cyclamen when he goes on peace? Experienced flowers are recommended during the entire period of quiet cyclamen to keep in a dark, cool place. The plant is not removed from the soil, and put the pot on the side. The ambient temperature should not rise above +12 degrees. Watering in this case cannot be completely discontinued. Otherwise, the tuber dries down and cyclamen after the rest period or in general, or with difficulty will return to life. Watering is carried out 1 time in 2 weeks with a small amount of water. However, you need to follow the humidity of the soil in the pot. Wet ground during rest will lead to a booting of the tuber.

The second version of the storage of cyclamen is at rest: the plant is taken out of the soil, the tuber is put in a plastic bag, having bought a plant with water, and tolerate it into the refrigerator. Store cyclamen is needed at the bottom, where vegetables are usually stored. This option is suitable if in normal, indoor conditions there is no possibility to organize a plant storage temperature within +15 ... + 20 degrees.

The optimal storage conditions of the cycleman, when it is sent on peace is the temperature of +15 ... + 20 degrees, very rare watering, half or darkened place.

If the cyclamen is improperly, during the rest period, it often leads either to the full drying of the tuber (high temperature of the content and lack of watering), or the drinking of the tuber (the ground is too wet and low content temperature).

The end of the rest period.The cyclameman after resting new leaves appear. At this time, the plant is brought to the light, but not under direct sunlight, watering increases. Spraying is not needed. It is also recommended to perform a cyclamen transplant. For this, the pot is taken commensurate with the root system of the flower (the roots must be freely enter the pot, but at the same time it is impossible to allow the distance between the roots of the flower and the pot walls exceeded 1-1.5 cm). Soil for transplant can be taken universal for flowering indoor plants (pH \u003d 5.0-6.0), and you can make a soil mixture yourself. For this purpose, leaf soil, humus, peat, sand to ratio 3: 1: 1: 1. It is necessary to plant a cyclaman to the soil so that 1/3 of its tuber is towering over the ground.

If your cyclamen from the flower shop did not wake up after the rest period, you can grow a new plant yourself. To do this, it is enough to plant the seeds of the cyclameman. Read more ,.

Several peculiarities of cyclamen care during and after rest. In the newly purchased plant can be hampered by life rhythm. This is explained simply: in flower stores, the plant proceeds the chemistry so that it began to bloom at the time of sale and thus had an attractive view. At such a cyclaman, the period of rest can begin anyway. The main thing at this time is to provide him with normal care. Over time, the life rhythm of the flower will come to normal.

You can not artificially send cyclamen on peace, twisting the leaves. The plant will not only lose vitality. Microcracks are formed on his club, which quickly populate bacteria and diseases. Cyclamen may die.

Cyclamen after peace is desirable to transplant to the new soil. The plant gradually teach to bright light.

During the period, the cyclamen ceases to bloom and drops the leaves, the processes of life are suspended and freezed. Your pet should relax well to please abundant and beautiful blossoms (about the features of cyclamen flowering, as well as about the rules of care before and after he blews, read).

There are two extensive subgroups to which all the numerous cyclamen family can be divided:

  1. European cyclamen: He is a larger and "hibernation" with him more smoothed. It does not bloom, but the leaves do not drop. European cyclamen has a greater number of fans in Russia than Persian.
  2. Persian cyclamen: The smaller fellow and he enters into a state of complete rest in the summer months (we were told about the features of Cyclamen Persian at home).

When will "fall asleep"?

After abundant flowering, the plant goes to the rest phase. This is usually due to May to July. Cyclamen completely recesses the leaves, they will start growing again only at the end of July.

We must not forget that For a good flower vital activity, it is necessary to select the correct temperature of the content.The most optimal is considered 16-18 degrees.

With increasing temperature, the plant might think that the summer came - to stop flowering and fall into the state of rest.

Help prepare for hibernation

Collecting on the peace "Sleep Flower" stops forming flower buds, but young leaves can still grow out for some time. This is due to the fact that the tuber needs the nutrients for the next wake period.

Important! It is very important to prevent complete drying of the earth coma!

The tuber actively spares the "food" of future colors and therefore it is possible to appear cracks. If you allow the pathery of the soil, especially more than once - their appearance increases greatly.

Such cracks will not bring much harm to the cyclamen, if they immediately do not pour them abundantly water. Finding into cracks, water contributes to the drinking of the tuber, and the plant is much worseringle the state of peace.

With loading cracks to fight - possibly. It is enough just to fall asleep their ash or crowded coal. After such processing, the wound will drag on short after a few days.

Demunning, yellowing leaves and drying flowers are neatly removed. You need to do it cleaning along with the flowers and cutters of the leaves, to the surface of the tuber. Cyclamen rarely discove the leaves completely. Gradually, watering reduce and transfer the plant into place.

There is a false opinion that if at the time of the year the cyclamen is time to rest, and he does not want to bloom in anyone and continues to bloom - it is necessary to make it forcibly to do it. Cutting the leaves and twisting the buds of flowers - better for your favorite you will not. Forcibly sent on peace cyclamen are sick and may even die.

In the case when the plant itself is not yet ready to leave on peace, it is impossible to "put sleep" forcibly! Cyclamen should be helped and protect it from direct sunlight. Put in the shadow, gradually the plant itself will go on vacation.

An interesting fact that young cyclamen can not even "go to the hibernation".They continue to "awake" and bloom all year round. Over time, their regime will go back.

Tip! If your handsome man is still young and blooms yearly - do not forget about. Otherwise, yours while "not sleeping" each other will strongly exhausted, and you risk losing it.

Preparing a place to stay

If you can, it is better to make your plant on a balcony or terrace. The loggia is also suitable. Direct solar rays in no way should fall on the pot with cyclamen. It does not endure the "sleeping" flower and tobacco smoke, it also needs to be considered when choosing a place.

If you do not have a separate terrace or loggia - do not worry. In the summer, cyclamen normally transfers elevated temperatures.

What care at home is needed by a flower at this time?

Some beginner flower thinks think that the cyclamen is at rest, it is not necessary to water. How many gorgeous handsome people were destroyed thanks to such advice!

Cyclamen spends on the rest of several months and during this time not only an earthen command will dry off, but also the tuber himself. He will lose not only accumulated, during preparation for peace, nutrients - the tuber can finally dry.

At best, the plant expects a long reanimation, in the worst - to save it does not succeed and cyclamen dies. During rest, it is better to cut watering, but not completely stop. Watering should be very moderate so that the tuber is not increasing (On how to water the cyclamen correctly, you can learn).

In a state of rest, cyclamen is not feeding, but for the prevention of rot, a little "phytosporin" will not hurt. Add just a few drops, and rot the flower is not scary.

When and how to "wake up"?

Approximately by September, the period of complete rest in cyclamen gradually stops.The end of the "hibernation" when the plant wakes up, you can see inquiry to the tuber of new leaves and buds.

Many novice lovers of this bright representative of the family family are afraid to acquire it. They think that with such a luxurious flower a lot of compensation. But this is far from that.

Observe all the conditions and the flower will be able to show everything that is capableThat is, will delight you all winter lush, gorgeous blossom.

Important conditions for the wonderful well-being of the "Sleeping Pet" not much: cool room, wet air and correct sending pet to the state of rest!

Useful video

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Sep 14 2018.

Cyclamen (alpine violet) - care at home

Among the indoor plants that make us possess our colors of cloudy autumn and winter days, cyclamen occupies a special place. Although many consider it difficult to grow, but in fact it is enough to organize watering and temperature regime. In this article we will talk about the intricacies of the care of alpine violet at home.

In the wild, the cyclamen grows in a warm and humid climate of the Mediterranean. It can be found in the shady forests of South-West Asia, the south of Europe, on the wooded mountain slopes of Greece, the Middle East, the Caucasus and the Crimea. The plant has several folk names: Dryakva, "Pork bread", Alpine violet. The name "Pork bread" occurred because the wild boars love to enjoy the flower tubers, pulling them out of the ground.

Cyclamen refers to the family family, its genus consists of 20 species. It belongs to the ephemeroids that bloom short time. And during the rest of the year, the leaves dry the leaves, and the flower comes at rest. Alpine violet is a perennial tuber plant, the period of flowering in nature begins in the fall and ends in the spring. Indoor specimens are mostly blooming in the cold season. Although hybrid varieties appeared, novice blossom in spring.

At the beginning of autumn, new leaves appear from the tuber. Cyclamen leaves have a rounded shape with a silver pattern by a dark-green surface. The leaves are arranged horizontally, form a dense root rosette. Flowers resembling moths appear on her long flowers. Petals bent back and raised up. During the flowering period, the cyclamen appears from fifty to seventy buds. And although one flower "lives" about ten days, thanks to a large number of buds, flowering period lasts several months.

Flowers are distinguished by richness of flowers and shades. The cyclameman presents a rich palette of shades of pink and red. Also popular "Alpine violet" white color. Modern hybrid varieties can "boast" unusual shades: burgundy, purple.

Popular species

All types of cyclamen are divided into three groups in height:

  • the lowered, in which the height is 15 cm;
  • the average - about 20 cm;
  • standard - height reaches 30 cm.

The following types of cyclamen are distributed in nature, differing in size, colorful and graffitiography:


Persian species refers to the most common variety both in nature and in bedroom flower growing. Tubers grow up to fifteen centimeters in diameter, have a flat-terminated form. Dark green leaves are covered with silver pattern and have a heart-shaped. The height of the blooming is from fifteen to twenty centimeters, and the total flower height reaches thirty centimeters. White, pink or red flowers have oblong petals with a length of about five centimeters, allotted from the bunk back. Persian species blooms from autumn to spring, and for the summer drops leaves. Based on the Persian cycloman, many hybrid varieties for indoor flower growing are derived.


European cyclamen among room colors is much less common. It has some differences from the Persian species. The size of the leaves is three or four centimeters. In addition, the lower side of the leaflets has a purple shade. It has smaller flowers and the size of the petals does not exceed two centimeters. Flowers are white, red or pink. The main difference of European cyclamen is a period of flowering. It blooms from May to September, and he does not have a pronounced rest period with leaf drying. Of course, and in the summer it is desirable to contain it at a temperature not higher than 25 degrees and with scattered sunlight.


Cretan cyclamen in nature is found on the island of Crete. Differs in small sizes. Flowers - white and pink.

Kosy (Photo Andrei Tomators)

Koski cyclamen is found in the Caucasus. A low plant reaches just ten centimeters height, can winter under the snow. White or pink-red flowers have dark stains at the base of petals.

Plusheval (Neapolitan)

Plusheval cyclamen has the second name - Neapolitan. It differs from other species in that the flowers first appear, and then the leaves.

Care rules


Cyclamen does not like direct sunlight, so it is better to post it on the northern, western and eastern windows. In winter, when the amount of light decreases, it can be transferred to southwestern or south-eastern windows.

During rest, the pot with a tuber is placed in the shaded cool room. It can be a shaded place on the balcony, terrace. Some put a pot with a tuber for the summer under the bathroom. But at the same time, it is impossible to forget to water the Earth once twice a month with a small amount of estimated water.


Maintaining the optimal temperature for cyclamen is the main difficulty in keeping it in the apartment. The most suitable temperature for the Alpine violet is the range from 14 to 16 degrees of heat. This is especially important during flowering, which falls on the heating season. The pot with a flower must be protected from dry and hot air radiators. In extreme cases, the temperature is allowed to 25 degrees, but it is necessary to increase the humidity of the air. This will allow the plant to adapt to room temperatures.

At high temperatures in the room at the cyclamen, the flowering period is reduced.

How to water cyclamen

At room temperature above 17-18 degrees, it is necessary to increase the humidity of the air. It does not recommend spraying cyclamen. You can spray water in the air around the plant, following the droplets not falling on the plant. But the best way will be placed a pot with a cyclamen on a wet pebble or clay. At the same time, the pot should not stand in water, otherwise it will lead to pipelight.

Cyclamen irrigation mode is determined by the flower development period. During the appearance of leaves and blossom, watering is made more often to prevent the removal of the earth coma. Watering is carried out by dilated water with a temperature for a couple of degrees below room. With the beginning of fading the leaves, the amount and frequency of watering are reduced. During rest, rare watering with a small amount of water. Water around the edge of the pot to prevent moisture from entering the tuber. Watering the flowering plants is carried out through the pallet, pouring water remnants after an hour. You can lower the pot into the tank with water for fifteen minutes so that the water does not take the pot to the edge. This method is suitable for the clay pot, the pores of which are passed water. The plant in the plastic pot is watered through the pallet.


Since the appearance of leaves and until the end of the flowering period, cyclamen must be fed. Use complex fertilizers for beautiful plants. Perform two feeding for a month. In the summer, during the rest, cyclamen does not fertilize.

The soil

Cyclamen prefers light and loose soil, neutral or weakly acid. If you prepare a mixture yourself, then you need to take a sheet and turf, peat and sand in the same quantity. Also suitable for the cultivation of cyclamen Other mixture:

  • sheet land (3 hours);
  • peat (1 hour);
  • sand (1 h.).

You can purchase a finished excavation mixture for tulips or universal soil. It is recommended to add sand or vermiculite to the finished mixture to impart looseness.


Plant transplant after the end of the rest period, when young leaflets begin to break through. First you need to pick up a pot in the size of the tuber.

Important! The basic rule of choice Pot - the diameter should be greater than the size of the tuber, so that there are two or three centimeters between the tuber and the edge of the container.

At the bottom, the pot must be holes for water drain. First, the layer of claymps is poured. Then the earth mixture is added, which is necessary to warm up in the oven for half an hour before planting for the destruction of bacteria. After all, cyclamen tubers are easily subjected to diseases.

The exception is sick plants and recently acquired. The tubers look at the presence of rot, the rotten parts are cut, and the slice is sprinkled with chopped activated carbon. Purchased plants are planting in the soil with a large number of peat to accelerate growth. Therefore, you need to transplant cyclamen in a more suitable soil.

Young flowers age under five transplant annually. Adult plants roll into a new pot first once every two years, and then after three years.

Attention! When landing, the tuber should not be raised by the land. At least a third of the tuber must perform above the level of land, otherwise the plant will die. The exception is the European cyclamen, whose roots are formed throughout the surface of the tuber. Therefore, it is allowed to sprinkle to the earth, but you can not bury deeply.

Preparation for resting period

We will pay attention to one subtlety when caring for cyclamen. When the flowers are flowing, dry leaves dry, they need to be deleted. Removal of twisting colors lengthens the flowering period, contributing to the emergence of new buds. But be sure to perform this procedure correctly. It is impossible to tear, cut the old blooms and leaves. They must be twisted near the tuber, carefully not to damage it. If the "wound" is formed, then it is sprinkled with powdered wood (activated) coal.


For breeding cyclamen, seeds or a tuber division method are used. Each method has its pros and cons.

Reproduction of seeds

The cultivation of cyclames from seeds is a long and time consuming process. Seeds can be purchased in a flower shop or get on their own. To get seeds at home cyclamen, it is necessary to conduct artificial pollination. For this, pollen with a soft tassel from one flower is transferred to another pestle. If there are several alpine violets in the house, they carry out cross-stallion - pollen are transferred from one flower to another.

The ovary is better formed if they have pollination with sunny morning. At the same time, the transfer of pollen is carried out several times, which increases the likelihood of launching. Before pollination, it is recommended to feed the flowers to the next composition: in one liter of water dissolve 1 gram of superphosphate and 0.5 grams of sulfur potassium.

Seed seeds in August, before the beginning of the growing season. Pre-seeds are poured with a five percent sugar solution. The pop-up seeds are rejected. Then the remaining seeds are soaked in the zirconium solution for a day to improve the germination.

An excavation mixture consisting of equal parts of peat and leaf land, or a mixture of peat with vermiculitis, poured into the planting tank. The soil is moisturized, and seeds the seeds on the surface, sprinkling the subtle layer of the Earth. Capacity is closed with a film and placed in a shaded place with a temperature of 18 to 20 degrees. Periodically moisturize the soil from the pulverizer and ventilate. Shoots appear in a month and a half.

After the appearance of the leaves, the film is removed, the seedlings are rearranged to the illuminated place without entering the sun's rays. In this case, the temperature should be below - 15-17 degrees. In December, seedlings appear two or three leafs and a small strawberry is formed. They can be transplanted with picking into a new mixture, which is made up of two parts of the leaf land, one part of the peat and sand in a half dose. When transplanting tubers, the earth is sprinkled. Picked seedlings fertilize with complex fertilizers in a half dose a week after a transplant. Before the onset of the rest period (second half of the spring), seedlings transplanted into individual pots, already leaving protruding from the ground to a third of the tubers.

From the moment of sowing to flowering passes 13-15 months. Plants grown from their own seeds are better acclimatized than seedlings from purchased seeds.

Team breeding

Most of the flowerflowers at home determine the cyclamen dividing tubers. In the period of rest, the tuber is removed from the pot, separated into several parts. Parts will turn out as much as the growth points will be on the maternal club. The sections are slightly dried, sprinkle with a powder from activated carbon or row. Then the parts are planted into separate containers in a conventional mixture for cyclamen. The composition was presented above.

With the seeming simplicity of this method of reproduction, the death of both a new plant and the parent tuber is often observed. Slipped tubers are affected by rot.

Diseases and pests

With good care, cyclamen pleases the owners with their colors for many years. But disorders in care, non-compliance with watering and temperature regime lead to various diseases. The table presents the main problems in the cultivation of cyclamen.

Basic signs Cause A way to solve the problem
Brown spots appeared on the leaves. Dry air, bright lighting. Rearrange the pot or pronounce, increase air humidity.
The flower resets the buds. A sharp change in the ambient temperature, for example, transfer to a leaper room. If you need to transfer, the plant should be used to gradually by changing the temperature.
The cyclamen turn yellow and wither the leaves. Excess watering, which led to the drinking of the tuber. Remove the tuber from the ground, cut off the discharge parts, spray with row or coal and put into a new sterilized mixture.

If the leaves are yellow and worse after flowering - this is normal.

For cyclameman, fungal diseases are of great danger, which often lead to flower death. The infection most often falls through the infected soil.

Basic fungal diseases

Disease Basic signs Cause A way to solve the problem
Fusarious wilt or dry rot. Yellow leaves. The yellowing begins at the top, and often amazes one side of the plant. The fungus through the roots falls into the vascular system of the plant, clogs it that disrupts the nutrition of the leaves. Water under the root of the foundazole, and the leaves are treated with top-m. And the same drug is taken at a concentration of 0.1%.
Wet Gnil The leaves and the flowers are withering, go down, which is accompanied by a putrid smell. Spores fungus get along with infected water or earth through cracks in the club or spot of coloring flowers. Heat and moisture contribute to the development of the disease. Cold patient plant is impossible. It is destroyed with earth. The pot needs to disinfect.
Gray Gnil On the leaves there is a mold of gray, which when air moves rises into the air. Leaves and blossoms are yellow, darken and die away. Developed with cold content with high humidity. Remove the amazed parts, cutting watering and spraying, ventilate the place of content, but without a draft. Fulgicide is treated according to the instructions.
Root rot The leaves are pale, dark areas are visible on the tubers. The fungus gets along with an extraordinated land. The land is treated with fungicide. But the young plant may not survive. In an adult cycle, the tuber is removed from the ground, remove damage and treated with fungicide. Then planted in a new sterilized soil.
Anthracnose Flowerons are affected, which cease to grow, the upper part of them dry out. Then the leaves are affected, which twist, dry out. The fungus hits with the ground, develops with high humidity and temperature. Lower air humidity, remove damaged pieces of cyclamen. Treat fungicide.
Senior fungus On the leaves and shoots appear black raids. It appears in the habitats of the Tly. It clogs the pores of the plant, and first slows down, and then the leaves dry out. You can flush the leaves with a two-percent solution of green soap, then copper-soap solution. Then washed with clean water. Or carry out the processing of fungicide.

Among the cyclamen pests, the main enemies are the TLL, ticks and trips. Insecticides are used to combat them, which are widely represented on the market.


Alpine violet blooming in the cold season gives a good mood, the joy of contemplation of beautiful flowers with a thin aroma. Do not be afraid of difficulties in the cultivation of cyclamen, and it will decorate your windowsill in winter.

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Tatyana Pankratova 08/28/2014 | 5943.

Summer - for most colors season of active growth and development. But for Persian cyclamen, who joined in winter bright butterfly flowers, is a period of rest. From how good and correctly they will resist, the subsequent flowering depends.

There is an opinion: if the rest time is nearing, and the flower continues to grow and blossom, it is necessary to send it to peace. For this, cut leaves and twisted buds. As practice shows, nothing good does not work out. Forcibly "laid sleep" cyclamen are sick and may perish.

For several years of observation of these plants allowed me to make such a conclusion: if the cyclamen wants to grow and blossom, he can do it even in the summer, in the heat, when the rules should relax, and vice versa. It is not worth forcing it, with time the flower will independently enter the right rhythm.

Cyclamen is preparing for peace

Collecting on vacation, cyclamen stops forming buds, but can continue to deploy new leaves. At the same time, the old leaves are yellowing, they are removed after complete fat. At this time, the tuber actively pokes nutrients for future flowering, so cracks may appear on it, especially if you allow the breakdown of the earth coma, and then pour abundantly. Cracks are not dangerous if water does not fall on them. It is enough to spray them with crowded coal, and after a few days the wounds will cover with a dense crust. Cyclamen rarely resets all leaves.

Do you need a cyclamen watering during rest?

One of the most dangerous misconceptions - during the rest period, it is not necessary to water. How many cyclamen have been discarded thanks to similar "recommendations"! After several months spent without water, at best, the tuber is waiting for a long resuscitation, at worst - the plant dies. Watering during peace should be moderate to eliminate the possibility of drinking the tuber. Naturally, fertilizers are not used. For the prevention of rot, several drops of phytoosporin can be added to the water.

Place for "Sleeping" Cyclamen

Cool content for cyclamen in summer is not necessarily, but if there is such an opportunity, the plant can be put on the balcony, loggia, terrace, with shading from direct sunlight. On average, the cyclamen will last two or three months. His end is characterized by the growth of new leaves and buds. Watering gradually increases, admissible feeding with a weak solution of fertilizer.

Transplant and subordinate

If necessary, the plant transplanted into fresh ground, partially cleaning the roots. Full cleaning is recommended in the presence of a large number of rotten and dead roots. The tuber when landing is plugged into the ground for 2/3 heights. The soil must be loose, breathable and nutritious (for example, any universal purchased soil with the obligatory addition of breakders: perlite, vermiculite, coarse sand, co-fucker). It is permissible to add a small amount of humus, biohumus, coniferous ground. At the bottom, the pot must be put drainage from the ceramisit, pieces of foam or bricks.

After transplanting, the plant does not fertilize within two or three weeks. A fertilizer with a low content of nitrogen is well established as feeding for cyclamen: Kemira Suite, Ideal, Pokon. At the same time, it is not necessary to get fascinated by feeders, otherwise the cyclamen will grow a magnificent leaf mass to the damage to flowering.

The most appropriate time to transplantation plants - the end of August - September. The decrease in day and night temperatures has favorably affects growth, and a sufficient amount of sunlight contributes to the formation of a neat and compact sheet outlet.