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Pansies perennial or annual eyes. Pansies: Growing from seeds. Pansies Perennial landing and care

do you want, if you give the pansies of the beloved eyes, he will never be able to tear away from you? There are no accurate data on the truthfulness of the magical action of this plant, so you will have to independently experience it. What kind of plant is worth choosing - annesthea or perennial?

It is good that there are such varieties of plants that give us freedom of choice. Pansies - not an exception. The plant has frost-resistant properties, perfectly coming up, practically, on any basis, also does not need careful care or special cultivation techniques. To answer the question why pansies should be grown as a perennial plant, such arguments were chosen: it transfers the winter, it means that it will not require hassle with transfers every year, in one place the plant will start the roots, it will also be stronger and healthier if it is not disturbing permanent movements.

There are cons perennial cultivation And they are due to the weather characteristic of a particular region. The protection of the flower in winter, for the most part, is happening with the help of snow, and the low-speed season is able to destroy the pansies. Snow melting in the spring also puts a flower into a risk group, but if it competently secure it, you can not be afraid of these natural phenomena.

Annolene pansies are entirely on our provision and totally controlled. We can prevent and recycling, and the oversaturation of moisture, to secure from the cold winter without snow, and other not ideal weather conditions, so gardeners often stop in this option. Annual or perennial pansies do not fall on the technique of landing and care, so you can first land the plant, but in the course of its development to navigate how you want to grow it. In any case, annual pansies can be rejected into open ground after the end of winter. You can choose a new planting placeIf the former you seemed not too fertile, which is undoubtedly a plus in favor of annual pansies.

An annual planting method is also used if you have conceived to multiply the pansies, but do not want them to grow in the territory where you plan them. For example, you need to put the terrace or you breed them for sale. You can wait until the plant is flashing and safely remove it from the soil substrate, shifting into a secluded place or transfer to home, greenhouse conditions, where the pansies will heal a new life. Greenhouse growing Also used in the regions where in winter the temperature of the soil and air is very low, and all vegetation dies. If in the winter we can insulate the plant with hay or sawdust, then in the case of such an example, we will only lose our pansies, so the option with many years of blossoming disappears immediately.

The last reasonable argument in favor of the long-term cultivation of the flower to balance the information: Every year, with the help of trimming, you can seek more lush flowering of pansies and the rapid development of stirre, so if you want to get beautiful gardenwho gently meets you with a look every morning, think about this option.

It is not known about when the eyes of the eyes appeared. There were a lot of legends about the origin of this flowerBut which of them are truthful, and which are not, unknown. Already during the reign of gods on Earth, they were already.

Once the goddess Venus decided to swim away from human eyes. She found a hidden corner in a remote grotto. She splashed in the water for a long time, and suddenly heard a rustle. Wrapped, she saw several eyes of curious mortals.

Venus accepted and punished them for curiosity. Unable to turn them on their own, she turned for help to Zeus, and he had changed his mind at the last moment and turned his eyes curious in Pansies.

In Germany, they call pansies with a stepmaking. This name came up with no coincidence.

The bottom petal is the largest and most beautiful. It symbolizes a breathtaking stepmother. Two others, which are located a little higher, is beautifully smashed daughters, but the last two remaining are stepdapers in poor robes.

Preserved legend. At first, the stepmother was upstairs, and Padrelitsa below. So it was as long as God did not intervene. He cleared over the pads, turned the flower. The stepmother has a spur, and the daughters have a mustache.

General description of the tricolor violet

Tricolor violet - plant with a reprehensible, thin and branched stem with a height of 10-20 cm. Location of leaves next. Their form is round and heart-shaped. They are adjacent to large library strippers.

Stem leaves - seating, and the bottom - sweet. On long flowers, singles are revealed, large flowers With incorrect shape. They are reached in a diameter of 3.5 cm. One whine form five petals that do not repeat each other form.

The lowest petal white or yellow color. It is larger than two top blue-purple or dark purple color And than two light purple side petals.

After the pickers are flowing, the box is formed. Slightly frighting, it cracks and rejoys seeds.

Is this plant annually or more years old?

Pansies - perennial plants. Most amateur gardeners are bought in two- or annual plants. Why not perennial? The fact is that overall over the years beautiful flower loses its beauty and uniqueness. It is aging after 3 years. Because of this, buds are minced, and over time they are not formed at all.



What does it look an annual or biennial ground herbate plant?


At Anyutin Eye thin, stray, low-tech brown root. It is introduced into the ground almost strangling.


He is also a branched. He is a three-way. Stem or sown or naked. The hairs are bent down. Inside it is hollow. Its height is 10-30, occasionally 45 cm. Sometimes from one root, several shard and reprehensive stems are departed.


Location of leaves regular. They are petiole. They can be either bare, or scattered hairy in the veils. The shape of the lower leaves is a broad-shaped one. Long stuffs.

Other people look like top leaves. They already have an oblong lanceal form. There are already short stuffs on them. With each sheet, two welders. Their form is peristo-lovoid. His length they are superior to leafy cutters.

Frontose simple brush - type of inflorescence. At the time limit on the flowers of the pansies, Sigomorphic flowers appear. Flowerines come out one by one of the leafy sinuses. At the top of the flower, very close to the flower, there are two small bracts.

Flower cup form five leaves. It does not fall after flowering. The shape of the leaflets elongated-lanceathoid, pointed. They are gentle-hair. The lower cups are larger than the top. The whites are collected from five free petals.

The color prevails blue colour and various shades. All petals forming a flower, of different shapes and size. As for the flowers and their colors, there were many legends, but the pansies are those that are - beautiful, unique and memorable.

The number of stamens is five. They are pressed against the pestle. They are in contact with anthers with stitching threads that are short and barely noticeable. The flower is one pestle.

Seeds and fruits

After the pansies will flash, the fruit is formed. It is a greenish color box with a length of up to ten millimeters. Seeds in it are located close to the walls. A box surrounds a cup. When it completely matures, three flaps will be revealed and the seeds will fall out.

Seeds small. Their length is 1.25-1.75 mm, and the width and thickness - 0.75-1 mm. Their form is conversely. There is a small appendage. They are either light yellow or light brown. In case of early disembodies, they will soon bloom and throw the first seeds in June.

In one box, there may be up to 3 thousand seeds with a total weight of 1.5 g. If you collect seeds and organize proper storageThey will retain their germination up to 2 years.

The most popular varieties

There are two categories of plants. The first is large-flowered, and the second is small-beds. Flower-lovers buy large-flowered eye pansies. They make a mistake because small-flowered varieties are stronger and hardy. They are not afraid of rain, temperature differences.

Pansies - the name of the garden variety. Scientific name - Vittrtok violet.

Highlight three types of plants: three-color violet, violet yellow and violet Altai. The breeders created a lot of varieties and varieties, taking the specified above.


  1. Blue boy. This variety does not big flower. Its diameter is 3-4 cm, and its color is blue-blue.
  2. Snow Maiden. The flower diameter is small - up to 4 centimeters, and the white-white buds themselves.
  3. Little Red Riding Hood. Grade with bright red flowers up to four centimeters.


  1. Golden-yellow. Flowers are achieved in diameter 7 cm. They are monophonic, and their color is golden yellow.
  2. White. Buds color - white with viewing yellowish greenish tint. The edges of the petals are wavy.
  3. Blue. Buds purple blue. Their edges are smooth. A 7-centimeter flower is well held on a 11-centimeter flower maker.

Medical properties

The tricolor violet has healing medical properties Because of its extraordinary composition. It contains ascorbic acid, kumarins, salicylic acid, tannins, saponins, tannins, essential oils, Violoxcrinne, etc. The richness of the composition is determined effective help In diseases.

  • Expectorant.
  • Diuretic.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Antibacterial and antimicrobial.
  • Spasmolytic.
  • Choleretic.
  • Potting.
  • Cleansing blood.
  • Soothing.
  • Removing itching.
  • Healing wounds.

From the plant prepare teas, infusions and decoctions, so that the person is faster recovering. Along with them take traditional medicines. Recommend to be treated with infers and champs from pansies from the disease respiratory system (for example, bronchial diseases, tuberculosis, pneumonia).

During a cold and sinusitis, droplets into the nose made from the plant. The newborn has itching and inflammation after mosquito bites. Means have been coping with them folk Medicine From tricolor violet.

To cure strong diathesis in a child, prepare infusion:

  1. Take four parts of a turn and violet and one piece of sweet-bitter gravel.
  2. All components are mixed.
  3. 10 grams of herbal collection are poured 250 ml of boiling water.
  4. Two hours after insistence, take inside inside.

Dose - 15 ml, and reception frequency - 5 times a day. Infusion add to the bath when washing a baby.

Taking on beamels from it inside, struggling with nervous overvoltage, insomnia, overwork, irritability and anxiety. It helps people with arthritis and dermatitis, gout and eczema. Doctors recommend brewing herb of violet tricolor patients with strong cough, avitaminosis, polyarthritis, skin diseases.

It is taken inside the born women who do not cease uterine bleeding. Decorations and infusions will help patients with the following diagnoses: asthma, hernia, gold, arthritis.

What symbolize?

Pansies - a symbol of devotion, loyalty and wisdom. Since they are the first to bloom after melting snow in the spring, they symbolize the spring.

Many legends folded not only about the flower, but also about its origin. The ancient belief says that once the girl Anuta showed excessive curiosity, interested in details of someone else's life. In the punishment turned it into a flower. The Romans believed that the flower appeared due to the wrath of Venus on peeping behind her bathing of men.

In Russia, there were their legends. Anyuta girl has turned into a flower because of love. She fell in love with a young man, and he answered her feelings with reciprocity. Since he was from rich familyThe parents insisted on his marriage on another, more secured girl. Annie did not stand his betrayal and weakness. She died.

There was another Anyuta girl who sent her narrowed to war with which he did not return. She looked all her eyes, peering into the distance, and so died, without waiting. At the place where she waited for him, dismissed the wonderful beauty and the extraordinary flower.

And a terrible story finally. Annie girl lived in one village. She was kind and trusting. One day a young handsome man looked into her village. The girl did not resist him, trusted him, and he deceived her. He promised to return for her, but did not return.

Anyuta soon died from longing, and the marvelous flowers were bloomed on the grave, similar to her unusual eyes. They had white (mutual feelings), and yellow (surprise agency), and purple (collapsed hopes and sadness) specks.


Pansies - Beautiful flower, about legends and legends. He has not only unusual buds with multicolored stains depending on the variety. He is a real assistant in illnesses, when traditional medicine is less effective.

Pansies (violet, Viola) - unpretentious flower, Filk family, grow and bloom can many years.

Gardeners love pansies for unpretentious care, early and permanent flowering, simple and elegant garden decoration, balcony, sidewalks, tracks, clubs, etc.

Description of the plants of Pansies

Types and varieties of pansies (violets)

There are many types and varieties of pansies / violets, as well as derived hybrids:

  • terry;
  • semi-level;
  • multi-flower;
  • semi-armchair;
  • potted;
  • for flower;
  • ampelnaya et al.

Perennial or annual?

Pansies are perennial plants, but they are bred as annual and twilight plants.

This is due to the fact that the blooming and growing plant of pansies by age for more than 3 years begins to grow old, its flowers are minced and the variety degenerates.

Growing on the site

It is possible to plant a violet immediately into the soil, on the site, but so that the violets bloomed a lot and for a long time, it is better to plant a sediment. Places for landing must be chosen by such signs:

  • solar place;
  • well ventilated;
  • loose fertilized soil;
  • without overheating.

The violet sow several times:

  • in June, in July, they sow the bloom to be early in spring, it squeezes white, the soil is constantly pumped and frozen, after seedlings, dive. And the future spring pansies quickly begin to grow and blossom. In early spring The beds can be closed with a film, then bloom will begin earlier;
  • in February - in March, so that bloom began in the summer, the seeds sneeze into the box, the sprouted seedlings are picked, and when it is growing - planted in the ground on permanent place;
  • in April - in May for flowering in autumn, they are also grown.

Many love to decorate their balconies with flowers, so Pansies are an excellent option. You need to take containers or boxes, fill the fertilized land and sow seeds of violets. Care, feeding and watering special efforts do not require. If the balcony is on the sunny side, then the blend of the violet will be abundantly, but not long if with the shadow, then vice versa.


  • The land for pansies should always be wet, otherwise the flower will quickly fire.
  • For more long-term flowering, already tied seeds are removed, especially if the flowers are planted in pots, kashpo, drawers, etc.
  • You can land seedlings at once, as the last frosts will end, while on the terrace or balcony can already be in March - April, but in the soil (beds, flower beds) in April - May.
  • It is necessary to plant flowers on a sunny, but cool place, and shading from direct sunlight.
  • It is necessary to plant the flowers at a distance of each other at least 20 cm, since the pansies are cross-peeped, then they stop blossoming.

The reproduction of pansies

Pickup pansies in three ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings (vegetative way);
  • dividing bushes.

Growing from seeds

The seeds of the pansies are collected after the first autumn frosts, as soon as the seed box became yellow, and before the box, drying up in the sun, will crack and easily fly away, and the seeds will look.

In order for the blooming pansies to get in the spring, then sow seeds need to be the end of February. For landing, seeds will need:

  • box (container) for landing;
  • soil, better;
  • scoop or blade;
  • gauze fabric.

Stages of landing:

  • spread and moisten with water gauze (fabric) and leave for 20-24 hours;
  • temperature above 10, but below 20 degrees;
  • wet the seeds in warm water and leave for the night;
  • in the box pour the soil and make a furrow about 2 cm;
  • evenly pour seeds on furrows and fall asleep with damp soil;
  • after 1-2 weeks, shoots will appear;
  • harden and ventilate flowers before disembarking;
  • prepare ridges - ridour and focus;
  • peer seedlings;
  • it is possible to plant when several leaves appear;
  • planting flowers at an interval up to 20 cm., Otherwise, roots and flowers will rot;
  • after disembarking the earth, to strip and pour;
  • water in a day with sunny weather;
  • alone from weeds transmitting diseases;
  • feature at least once a month.

Reproduction of cuttings

A vegetative way or cuttings flower can be multiplied throughout the summer, getting enough material for planting. The cuttings are shoots with two - three nodes. The drawing preserves the original properties of the flower, retains the purity of the plant varieties.

  • The hauling is carried out by May - June, planting into the finished ground to the depth of one node (up to 1 cm), close to each other to concern the leaves;
  • Lached cuttings are diagnosed and constantly sprayed with water;
  • After rooting, the cuttings are transplanted into the ground (on the flower beds, beds, along the tracks, etc.);
  • The plants transplant transfer positively, almost all cuttings are rooted. Taken in August of the cuttings, bloom only for future spring;
  • For the winter they should be covered with leaves, and in winter snow.

Division bush

The division is used to reproduce perennial colors:

  • The division of the bush is carried out in early spring;
  • The division is subject to old plants, grew and the bilateral more, age 3-4 years old, as they are already growing and blooming every year worse, degenerate at all;
  • Therefore, old plants are digging, divided into several parts and plant in the wells, after which the flowers grow up, become full bushes and retain grade.

Independent self-reprovement

In addition, pansies flowers can multiply by themselves: when seed boxes ripen, they are revealed and the seeds are scattered on the ground. A year later, you can wait for new colors in different places. After the flowers are swinging, you need to cut their bushes by 5 cm from the ground and about 15-20 days bloom will begin again, and the next year it will be even more abundant.

How to transplant

Pansies are transplanted, even if they bloom. The plant easily withstands the transplant at any time of its growth and in various places: in the boxes, on the balcony, on the ridge, on the terrace, in Kashpo, etc. You need to transplant with an earthen room, so the flower is faster and blooms faster.

Pansy eye

The main thing in caring for pansies (violet) is a timely watering, weeding, cleaning dried flowers, the fight against diseases and pests, as well as feeding.

This plant loves moisture, but so that there is no stagnation of water in the form of a puddle. Therefore the best way Watering is a spraying that also contributes to the appearance of bright and large flowers on bushes, as well as a moderate watering under the root.

Pansies are a grassy, \u200b\u200bperennial plant, although the alleged species are always grown as annual or two-year-old. In the people, it is often called the violet tricolor or viola. Pro features of this culture, the most interesting varieties and cultivation will be discussed below in the article.

Plant Description

Motherland Pansies Flower is Europe. As new species appears, the plant is evillaring, it spreads worldwide. Popularity is largely due to the fact that home care is not difficult, but mainly the culture is valued for their beauty. It grows this plant with a black height of 15-30 cm.

Blossom is usually early and long. Bud is located on the flowers. Flowers have unusual shape and color than attract attention. Flower can have different type Petals: straight, terry, with smooth or wavy edges. Petals are always bright and combined different colors And shades. In the palette, inherent in Vioques includes white, yellow, black, purple, blue, red and pink, as well as many other colors. But the middle, as a rule, is yellow and even though she is very small, it is difficult not to notice.

Types of pansies

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Types of Anyutina Flowers

Anytino eyes call 2 varieties of violets: three-color field violet and vittrtoca violet. Pansy's pansies flower includes more than 500 species. They are usually classified by the size of bud.

  • Small have flowers up to 4 cm. Such a variety of such as are: "White", "Red Hood", "Blue Blue".
  • Large species give inflorescences up to 6 cm: "Jupiter", "evening heat", "Ice king", "Adonis" and others.
  • Golfish pansies have flowers with a diameter of more than 6 cm. As a rule, they are early. These include, for example, the "Swiss giants" as the "Swiss giants".

In addition, pansies flowers are often distinguished in appearance.

  • Spotted have spots on the surface of the bud: "Tiger eye F1", "Rembrandt", "Gonna Glacier".
  • Monochrome virus have only one color. Only small specks or stripes on the lower petals are allowed: "Amber Waterfall F1", "Padpaja F1", "Russian Beauty", "Snow Whole", "Storm".
  • Two-color pansies are varieties, the upper and lower petals of which have different colors. Among such species should be called: "Caribbean F1", "Lord Bioconsfield", "Blue F1 beacon."

Varieties of pansies

Varieties of pansies

Anyutin's varieties have a huge amount, but I would like to highlight the most spectacular of them.

  • « The black crystal "- Two-year-old Viola. This is a strong and winter-hardy plant. It grows up to 30 cm, no more. It blooms early and plentifully, both in the open ground and in the boxes in the balconies. It features a unique color of petals. They are saturated, black, velvet, blue or purple sings are possible.
  • « Cassis F1. »Gives large flowers Purple color with white border around the edge. During the release of colors, this plant cannot but attract attention. It has long blossom, unpretentious and grown both in balconies and flower beds.
  • « Flamenco Red »- Large-color pansies. Buckets are small with terry and semi-grade flowers with a diameter of up to 7 cm. Petals Cherry-red with brown veins.
  • « Moulin Rouge F1. »Differs in lush buds and variety of shades. Stems durable and long, which allows you to create flower compositions. This is a moisture and cold-resistant grade. Flowers of light and dark shades of purple.
  • « White with eye »Viola grows in the range of 20-25 cm. Flowers from May to September. Flowers up to 6 cm in diameter, white with purple-black "peeper" closer to the core. It is grown in balcony boxes, flower beds, garden vases.

The reproduction of pansies

The reproduction of the flowers of pansies is carried out by seeds, chicken division or cuttings.

  • Seeds multiply pansies are the easiest way, but the seeds are not always available, and the germination can be low if they are not high-quality. Although this is the most popular method and care at home for pansies are very simple. It is worth noting that the seeds from this flower need to be assembled at once as soon as the boxes are yellowers, since then they shook.
  • If there is already a ready-made big flower of pansies, but I want to multiply it, it is worth using a method of dividing the cookistic. In this case, the bush is divided into several inflorescences and searched in separate containers.
  • When there is a maternal plant or Viola is taken from acquaintances, friends, you can use the reproduction by the method of drawing. The shoots are cut off from May to July and plant at a short distance from each other. Depth should be insignificant. Watering is carried out not often. After about 3-4 weeks, the sprouts are rooted.

Sowing seeds

Pansies belong to heat-loving plants. They grow well only at sunny plots. The soil is preferred loose, wet and nutritious. It is better that it is drained with an average level of acidity.


On sunny plots, pansies are always growing with large and bright colors, but bloom itself lasts long. But in darkened places, the opposite is the opposite.

Landing is carried out in different periods of the year it depends on the climate and the desired flowering period. In view of this, there are two culture cultivation methods: seeds and seedlings. To begin with, it is necessary to describe the most popular method - seeds.

In this case, the viola is evoked in the prepared ground from around the end of July. The land must combine equal amount of peat, humoring, garden land and sand. Shoots appear in about 2 weeks. And at the end of the summer, the received shoots are transplanted to a permanent place with a distance between the individual sprouts at 10-30 cm.

Seedlings of Pansies

Seedlings of Pansies

The seaside planting method is used in case of abundant and long blossoms. To obtain good seedlings, You need to sink anesther's eyes in containers or greenhouses in February or early March. Sowing depth of not more than 4-5 mm. The soil for the viola is chosen fertile, treated from pests and diseases. After conducting crops, the Earth is moisturized and covered with film or transparent glass. The first shoots can be waited in 10 days.

For good sprouts in short time, It is necessary to maintain the temperature at the level of +20 degrees. But after the appearance of sprouts, the temperature gradually reduce and simultaneously remove the film. Young seedlings feed nitrogen and phosphorus to speed up growth. The feeders are held every 3 weeks.

The first dive is carried out after the appearance of 2 leaves. But the transfer to a permanent place is being done after the appearance of the first buds or during flowering. It is not worth worry about the survival of the flower. Viola is distinguished by the transplant resistance and even small damage to the roots. The main thing for successful cultivation Plant flower into fertile land. Sprouts get from the cups along with a lore land and simply shift into the finished hole in a new pot or on the flower bed, and then fall asleep roots of the earth and watered.

How to care for flowers?

Pansy's pansies flower stand out by their unpretentiousness on the flower. Bad weather, unsuccessful conditions, poor care rarely affect the plant. Although, of course, the culture grew without deviations and in time the color, she needs a certain care at home.

  1. Watering is not very often - so that upper layer Earth did not breathe.
  2. Fucks allow you to extend the bloom of pansies, and also provide large buds and a rich color. Conduct them by humus, compost or purchased fertilizers for colors. Fucking do during the bootonization and flowering - only 2 times the season!

Fresh manure to fertilize Viola, since such fertilizer can leave burns on colors or roots. Yes, and the composition itself is too concentrated for this flower.

  1. Soil from time to time loose, weighing weeds.
  2. During the flowering period, it is necessary to remove extra, dried buds, as they not only spoil the "picture", but also take nutrients From the plant.
  3. Before the onset of the cold, pansies are covered with mulch (foliage, straw, sawdust or something like that) so that they do not extinate, during strong frosts.

Diseases and pests

Cobed tick

Diseases and pests affect the pansies flower under the condition if they are on the nearest plants or under adverse conditions.

  • Puffy dew is manifested in a white raid on the stems and leaves. To combat it, "Fundazole" or a home solution of soda with soap is used.

For the prevention of diseases, it is necessary to simply carry out the deficiency in the soil before using it, and control the irregularities of the irrigation.

  • The black leg and gray rot is not taken to the fullest, so when defeating one or several plants, you need to transplant all healthy sprouts into the disinflected land, and the affected burn.
  • From pests This flower is most often amazed cobed tick and TLL. You can get rid of them by spraying with chlorophos or insecticides for garden colors: "Akttellik", "PhyTenerm" and the like.

Viola refers to the genus of violet. The genus of these colors has 400-700 species plants. You can meet violet in all parts of the world, where moderate climate is saved. The violet is growing on mountain slopes and in tropical forests, subtropics and in New Zealand. Viola in the people call pansies. Many centuries this flower remains popular. They decorate at home for the holidays, collect flower garlands. Viola during cultivation does not require constant attention of the gardener, so it can cultivate a beginner flower model. Plant easily adapted to external conditions. Dwarf varieties Grown in bedroom flowering.

Description of common species and varieties

The plant has several names. The violet (Violaceae) refers to the plant's family of violet family. Viola (Viola) call a flower in Latin. Pansies, or violet tricolor, is a perennial plant, which belongs to the geniot.

Viola flower is found in nature an annual and perennial plant. In the form of a small half-worker, Viola can be found, but rarely. On average, the plant grows from 15 to 30 cm in height.

In Russia, Viola became famous in the late XVIII century. She was brought to St. Petersburg from Altai and subsequently got a name violet Altai. The most famous and popular types and varieties of colors:

  • Violet Altai, tricolor and horned.
  • Vittrtok White Viola, red, pink and many others.
  • Violet fragrant eyelids ("nice fragrant" translated from Greek) and spotted, Viola ampelnaya.

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, this plant was widely studied, and the famous Swedish botanist Weit Wittrock brought the most popular today, a new hybrid view of violets by crossing three colors: violet yellow, tricolor and Altai. This hybrid type of plant was called Vittrtoka violet and at the moment there are several hundred varieties.

The hybrid is a thick branchy bush, reaching a height of 30 cm. Flowers grow large, up to 11 cm. They incorrect form And have a variety of shades. There are almost no one-photon petals from this species. Many varieties of Violas are combined into a series for convenience of classification:

  • Swiss giants - a large-flowered view with a flower of 7 cm in diameter. The plant is low, 25 cm. Flowers to the first frosts.
  • Rococo - Flowers in the plant have a corrugated edge, they are unusual lilac, orange, purple shades. Cultivated as annual and two-year culture. When growing from seeds, sowing in open soil the next year blooms from May to October.
  • Bambini - a plant on average 20 cm tall. It is distinguished by coloring and mandatory availability of a white or beige "butterfly" in the center of the flower.

perennial. It received its name due to the presence of spurs from the back of the flower, similar to the horn. The bush is low, up to 25 cm. Flowers are small, 4-5 cm. Petals of plants are painted in bright lemon, purple, lilac and sky-blue color. The viola horned with dimming or clarification in the center of petals is different.

Violet horned long-term - unpretentious plant. Stalling tolerates frost and is not afraid of snow cover, no additional shelter requires.

There are such varieties that bloom, three weeks after shoots from winter peace.

Three-color violet, or pansies, differ from other varieties with their colors - the famous tricolor. The upper petals have a dark purple shade, and the lower - bright yellow. Closer to the center of the flower on the petals dark stripsAnd the edges of the petals have a velvety kaym.

Violet ampelnaya got widespread due to its form. Plant with narrow leaves resembles a ball. Flowers in ampel varieties are a lot. The size of the flower does not exceed 4 cm, and they are usually painted with one color. Can be found ampel Viola With pinsy petals.

A bush ampel violet grows to half a meter. Soothes when the colors appear begin to hang a cascade. Flowering is preserved to the first frost.

Features of planting and care

Before growing the cultivation of violets, it is necessary to study it varietal features and cultivation technique. Viola - the plant is winter-hardy and shadowish. However, you should pay attention to the choice of place under the flowerbed. Disadvantage sunlight will affect the duration of flowering. Hot open sun rays Accelerate the flowering period and make it short. The blur with a bud will stretch, and the flower size will become small. The best place for growing violets will be the place opened by the sunshine in the morning and in the evening and with a shadow in the daytime sun.

Violet need protection from drafts. Plant landing on alpine hill It will help to get an excellent result. Optimal temperature Color cultivation 15 ° C.

For right Development, growth and reproduction of the viola is needed fertile soil. The flower grows well on a sublinous and soup soil. At the same time, the plant needs to ensure good drainage. The absence of excess moisture will retain the root flower system, which is located at the violet surface, from the damage to rot, and diseases. When the device, the flower beds are ground, sand and peat are made. The composition is thoroughly mixed.

Viola reacts well to different kinds Fertilizers and feeding. Flower can take advantage of purchased mineral mixtures and conduct feeding. Can be applied organic fertilizers. The only thing that does not tolerate Viola are feeding fresh manure. The plant dies.

Watering colors are required periodic and moderate. The flower is able to transfer the drought, but it will affect flowering, so the flower leaf is necessary as the upper layer of soil drying.

Violet loves looseningSo it provides its root system with oxygen. It is not deep loosening deeply, the roots are easy to damage.

Methods of cultivation of Viola

You can grow Vittrtok Viol in several ways:

  • Seeds.
  • Chat.
  • White division.

The choice of flower breeding method depends on the set of flower purposes and the final result, which it will receive. Flowers grown in annole cultureBlooming in the middle of summer in the year of planting, but this method is carried out with the help of seedlings. Flower desire to admire blossom from May to October feasible if the seeds are sown in the summer. Flowering in this case the violet will be the next year. The existing chopper of violets can be reproduced even flowering. At the same time, the plant calmly worries the division and will not suffer, continuing grow and bloom.

Seed method of breeding

For cultivation of the plant, you can purchase seeds in a specialized store or take advantage of the seeds of colors that grew on the site before. Pay attention to the shelf life of seeds. If shoots do not appear within 10 days, then wait for them not. Terms of germination depend on the variety. By purchasing seeds, pay attention to it. The manufacturer necessarily indicates the time of germination for one or another variety.

Before planting seeds, if desired, they should prepare. Seeds for 24 hours are soaked in a solution of the stimulating agent. You can apply corneser, zircon or epin. The decision, what preferred the drug, the flower water takes independently. The germination of seeds is low, so it should be planted a large number of seed. Approximately 50-60 pieces in a bed half meter.

You can plant seeds from May to the first decade of June. In this case, the plant will bloom in late August or September with good weather conditions. In winter, Viola leaves with flowers. The next year, bloom begins since May.

The practice of planting seeds under the winter is common, in August - early September. During this time, the plant boosts, well develops the root system and healthy leaves during the rest. The violet will bloom the next year.

Seed seed into the prepared ground, while the depth of seed seeds does not exceed 5 mm. A thicker layer of earth will not allow the seeds to germinate. The soil is necessary loose, light.

The first time the plant requires sun rays, so it is not worth pronunciation. Watering is needed moderate. Try to keep the soil wet and not allow the soil drying.

Growing seedlings

The seaside method of cultivation is most common among flower water. Get flowers capable of growing in the open soil, you can, seed seeds in February or March. Before planting seeds into seedlings, they are recommended to strategy by creating an artificial winter. In January, seeds are placed in a cool place and withstand their sowing to the ground.

The seedlings of violets will help a fertile loose substrate. You can buy land for violets in the store, you can cook yourself, mixing the garden soil with sand, peat and humus. The soil is filled with tanks, seating cassettes, peat cups, the choice depends on the individual preferences of the flower.

In the capacity make a shallow groove of 0.5 cm, the seeds are laid on the surface (a distance of 1-2 cm from each other). The grooves are slightly sprinkled with earth. Waterproof the capacitance with warm dumped water or spray with a spray gun. Drawers are covered with film and provide heat. Lighting, until there are no germs, the values \u200b\u200bdo not have. Capacity periodically ventilated. The emerging shoots gradually teach to the surrounding climate on the window. For this, gradually increase the time of opening of the film, and over time it is removed at all.

Caring for the seedle lies in timely irrigation. Do not allow the top layer of the soil in the container. The amount of water should be so that the surface of the earth is moistened, and not wet. Do not pour the boxes, pour out the water out of the pallet.

Picking Plants Required as soon as two real leaves have grown. Small violets are searched in separate containers. Blowing the plant to seedlist leaves.

A good custyty of a viola will provide a piping of a flower macushkin. It is necessary to make it when the flower grows six real leaves.

In the open ground, the seedlings are transplanted when stable warm temperatures. On the glaler balcony, Viola can be planted in containers and kashpo at the end of March. The volume of the soil in the kashpo should be from the calculation of 2 liters per bustice. In Klumba S. open soil Typically, the flowers are planted in May or June. The distance between the bushes leave 10-15 cm.

Reproduction of the division of the bush

Separate the existing viper bush is recommended in spring or autumn. However, the reason for division will be the formation of small colors on the plant and their small quantity. The violet will survive division and summer. The divided plant will continue his abundant blossomAnd the flowers will be restored in size.

As the plant increases, the plant forms shoots that are rooted in the soil. They should be separated from the maternal bush and transplant to a separate well. Sometimes this method is the only viola in the reproduction. Some varieties and hybrids are not able to give seeds with maternity qualities.

For reproduction, shoots with two or three kidneys are suitable. It is not necessary to plunge them. Lunka make 1 cm deep. New bushes are watered. The rooting occurs in about a month, the young bush gives new leaves.

During the period of rooting, the violet must be pronounced and preventing drying the upper layer of soil.

Rules of irrigation and feeding

The main requirement for good height And the blooms of violets are timely watering. Root system The colors are developing in the soil at a depth of 15-20 cm, so in the arid summer it costs more often, but only when the upper layer dries. Violet is quite natural moisture that comes with precipitation.

Timely removal of bulging buds will contribute to the development of new ones. So the flowerflower will have flowering plants all season. Dry leaves should also be deleted.

Feature bushes can be once a month. Fertilizers acquire for flowering plants With the smallest amount of nitrogen.

For winter, violet is covered with a sweetheart or leaves.