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Rating of the most influential persons of Tatarstan. The richest families of Russia according to Forbes. Photo Gallery

The most prosperous and depressive municipalities in the first half of 2017

The analytical service of "real-time" amounted to the rating of municipal regions and urban districts following the first half of 2017. Due to the difference in the methodology, its results differ significantly from the results of the rating, which is preparing the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tajikistan. In the five most depressed areas since the beginning of 2016, noticeable changes have occurred. But the list of the three most prosperous districts of the republic has not changed. By the way, the capital of Tatarstan in this triple did not turn out again.

MOST depressive - Tetyusky district

According to the results of the first half of 2017, a new anti-lider of the rating of municipalities was revealed. This time the Tetyusky District was the weakest, which scored the least points - 117. We note that in the rating for 2016 the Tetyusky district there was not even the top five.

Rights of the activities of Tatarstan

Name of the municipal district (urban district) Unemployment rate Average month wage employees of organizations Average monthly salary for 1 agriculture Budget level (tax. And non-valor. Per capita income Invest. In Osn. Capital (without a budget. means) per soul in full circle
01.07.2017 jan-June 2017 jan-June 2017 jan-June 2017 jan-June 2017
% rub. rub. rub. thousand roubles.
Agryzsky 0,83 29 308,90 13 668,00 4 430,72 14,119
Aznakaevsky 0,77 31 955,00 16 534,00 6 170,62 150,091
Aksubaevsky 0,45 23 200,70 17 458,00 3 820,57 21,364
Aktansky 0,3 24 449,20 19 523,00 5 482,58 26,328
Alekseevsky 0,66 23 124,00 14 264,00 4 826,14 16,878
Alkeevsky 0,57 20 721,50 15 958,00 4 201,64 34,500
Almetyevsky 0,94 40 293,10 20 717,00 5 290,57 97,883

Tetyusky district is not too rich in industry. However, the one that is, in January - June showed more weak results: industrial production I asked for 3%. As a result, the volume of shipped goods has decreased dramatically. own production. For six months, products are shipped by 6.38 million rubles, whereas for the whole last year It was 71.8 million rubles.

In the area recorded the outflow of the population. From the beginning of 2015, at the beginning of the current one, it was 2.6%.

The average monthly salary in the area amounted to 22.6 thousand rubles. Below is in eight municipal areas. The ninth rate from the end of the Tetyusky district and in terms of investment in fixed assets - 16.4 million rubles for six months. The unemployment rate in the area from the beginning of the year has slightly decreased and is 0.58% of the total number of economically active population.

One of the potential investors, Kama Bacon, which expects to build a pig complex, while unsuccessfully achieves in court from local authorities for building permission. Photo

Antil Lieues number "Two" - Menzelinsky and Kaybitsky districts

Approximately the same problems at Menzelinsky district. He scored a little more points (124) and became the "two" number in the list of the weakest.

In the first half of the year, the industry here she asked even more than in the Tetyusky district - by 3.5%. In Menzelinsky district, one of the lowest levels of average salary in Tatarstan (21.32 thousand rubles) and one of the weakest investment indicators (16.8 million rubles). One of the potential investors, Kama Bacon, which expects to build a pig complex, while unsuccessfully achieves in court from local authorities for building permission.

As in the previous case, in Menzelinsky district there is an outflow of the population - from the beginning of 2017, about 250 people (the total number of permanent population - 28.7 thousand people).

However, the title of outsider "Two" number Menzelinsky district divided with Kaybitsky, who scored exactly the same number of points.

Unlike Menzelinsky district, in the agricultural kaybitsky in January - June, industrial production increased by 4.3%. However, the level of average wage here is even lower - 21.1 thousand rubles. And with salaries in agriculture There are even worse things, they make up 15.3 thousand rubles. The permanent population of the district is also reduced, albeit insignificant. But in the area of \u200b\u200brelatively low unemployment, component of 0.44%.

In the area grown bread, flour, cereals and vegetable oil produce. Photo

Alkeevsky district: little income and failures in industry

In third place from the end, Alkeevsky district is located. In the area grown bread, flour, cereals and vegetable oil produce. In addition, there is in the area of \u200b\u200bactive production of concrete and building materials, furniture and plastic windows. However, at a low level of unemployment (0.57%), salary in the area is one of the lowest in the republic. In January-June, the average salary for the municipality was 20.72 thousand rubles. Below it is only one municipality.

In the first half of the year with industry in Alkeevsky district there were failures. Promprovement was as far as 19.1%. The weakest indicators of the area were in terms of the volume of shipped goods - by 5.62 million rubles.

The level of budget security in the area is also one of the lowest. Own budget revenues per capita amounted to 4.2 thousand rubles.

Fish-Slobodsky district - the last budget security

On the fourth lodge in the list of depressive - Fish-Slobodsky district. He received the lowest score in terms of tax and non-tax revenues per capita. Their volume is 3.69 thousand rubles, and this is the worst indicator in all Tatarstan.

The rest of the problem is approximately the same - low salaries (22.8 thousand rubles), a relatively small amount of investment in fixed assets (19.5 million rubles) and outflow of the population (about 600 people from 2015 to 2017). At the same time, a significant increase in industry was recorded in the area - by 24.6%.

The Kamsko-Ustinian district has the other main problem - the lowest salary in the republic. Photo

Outsiders number "Five": the lowest salary and record failure industry

Two areas immediately closed the top five, who scored the same number of points - 139. We are talking About the Aplastovsky and Kamsko-Usto region.

The Aplastovsky district distinguished himself by a record drop in industry volumes - by 31.1%, which is more than anywhere in Tatarstan. Sailing was recorded as early as 2016, but in the first 6 months of 2017 everything was only aggravated.

The Kamsko-Ustinian district has the other main problem - the lowest salary in the republic. At the end of January - June, the average monthly salary amounted to only 20.7 thousand rubles.

The most prosperous district - Laishevsky

The most balanced municipality from the socio-economic point of view was not Kazan, as it is considered, and not even oil Almetyevsk. The maximum final score (359) after summing estimates on all indicators was received by the neighbor of Kazan - Laishevsky district. The leader of the rating of "real-time" it becomes not the first time.

The unemployment rate in the area is the lowest in Tatarstan: 0.21% of the number of economically active population. And the salaries ratio to the minimum consumer budget is one of the highest. Salary here exceed MPB 2.84 times. It is better to this indicator only in Upnevlyonsky (2.98 times) and Tukayevsky (2.86 times) areas. The middle salary itself in Laishevsky district in January - June amounted to 37.78 thousand rubles, this is also almost like in Kazan and traditionally rich petrochemical areas.

In addition to located there international Airport Kazan and Open a year ago warehouse complex, there are localized productions of the NEFIS group, the holding "Ak Bars" and other companies. Photo Maxim Platonov

The growth of industrial production in the Laishevsky region in the first half of the year was 34.6% - the indicator is high, but not the best. In the area is working big business. In addition to the international airport "Kazan" and open a year ago, warehouse complex, the production of NEFIS Group, the Holding Ak Bars and other companies are localized.

At the same time, the volume of income per capita and investment in the region is the most meaning.

The richest people - in Nizhnekamsky district

The second municipality in the rating of the well-being was Nizhnekamsky district - the birthplace of Taifa petrochemical enterprises and Tatneft (in the area located Nizhnekamskneftekhim, Nizhnekamskshina, Tales, Taif-NK, etc.). The area scored 296 points.

It was in the Nizhnekamsky district that the highest salaries in Tatarstan - an average of 40.95 thousand rubles. However, the unemployment rate is also relatively high - 0.93%.

The area in the first half of the year ranked first in the republic in terms of investment in fixed assets (170.7 million rubles). What, however, is not surprising, given the help in the form of petrochemical giants.

First of all, this area, also adjacent to Kazan, is associated with Innopolis. Photo Maxim Platonov

Verkhneuslonian district - the third listed list

Top-3 closes the Verkhneuslonian area with 289 points. First of all, this area, also adjacent to Kazan, is associated with Innopolis, but agricultural enterprises occupy a lot in its economy. In January - June 2017, the industry in the area resumed, reaching 6.2% (for the entire 2016, industrial production was 6.6%).

16.4 thousand people constantly live in the area; The population is stable and remains almost unchanged for several years.

The average salary in the area is higher than in the republic as a whole - 34.5 thousand rubles. And in terms of income per capita, the area ranks second (first Sabinsky) - 7.28 thousand rubles.

The capital is not the leader

The capital of Tatarstan with its 260 points could not even enter the top 10. It is located on the 11th place of the rating. It was quite a low estimate compared to other districts, she received the unemployment rate - 14 points. Unemployment in Kazan at the beginning of July was 0.68%, this is more than in the whole republic in 7 months - 0.63%. But the average salary in the city is less than in some of the above-mentioned areas - 39.36 thousand rubles.

The indicator of tax and non-tax revenues per capita in Kazan is 5.09 thousand rubles. This result can be considered average. By no means leading positions from Kazan and in terms of investment in fixed assets: their volume in the first half of 2017 amounted to 40.95 million rubles. Immediately in 15 municipal formations the result is better.

Artem Malyutin, analytical service "Real-time"


The rating of the socio-economic development of municipalities on a permanent basis leads the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tajikistan. The leader in it traditionally becomes Kazan. In January - July, the Almetyevsky district turned out to be in January, and in the third - Nizhnekamsky. There are ratings due to differences in the criteria and methodology.

The income of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan is 18 times less than the earnings of his spouse business woman Gulsins Minnikhanova. Head of RT declared 7.8 million rubles. (in 2016 there were 7.5 million rubles), and the President of the Republic of Tajikistan does not have any real estate, no transport, spouse - housing and residential and guest houses, two land plots, two apartments. One of them in the United Arab Emirates was inherited. There are no transport by the Four of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, although the spouse owns the machinery, as well as two parking spaces in the UAE.

At the end of 2016, Chet Minnikhanov overtook the income of all RT officials (the spouse declared 2.3 billion rubles, including 2.2 billion from the sale of a share in LLC). And now in the leader, the Family of the head of the Tetyusky district Ramis Safiullova. Here, the lion's share of income (211.2 million rubles) provided a spouse (206 million), which owns 12 non-residential buildings, 10 land plots and agricultural equipment.

Family of Mayor Kazan. Ilsura Metshina Earned 94.3 million. Of these, 4.3 million is the income of the mayor, 90 million - its half. On the 4th place, the head of the Buinsky district Marat Zyabbarov, earned a couple with a spouse 56 million. Closes the "Golden Five" Family of the head of the Nizhnekamsky district with 28.6 million rubles. income. However, the contribution Aidar Metshina In the family piggy bank - only 2.4 million.

In the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the most secured head of the Public Committee for Procurement Olga Redko. Her family earned 21.7 million, 18.8 million of them provided her spouse, not an employee of the Cabinet of Ministers. More than 10 million rubles for the year earned Deputy Prime Minister Leila Phazleeva, family vice premiers Vasil Shaikhrasiev, Rafisa Burganova, Minister of Forestry Ravil Kuzurova, as well as ex-minister of education, now the head of the executive committee of Aktanysh district Engel Fattahova. At the same time, the family prospect of Burganov is ensured mainly by the efforts of his wife. Like families of the Minister of Economy of the Farid Abdulganiyev (5.2 of 8.6 million), Minister of Transport Lenar Safina(5.2 out of 8.7 million). RT Prime Minister Alexey Pesoshinand his spouse declared 6.6 million.

Among the employees of the prosecutor's office and the investigative department are leading the head of the SU SC RF on RT Ruslan Zalalyev With 35.8 million income, of which 31.7 are the merit of the spouse. The head of the SCC of the Russian Federation on RT Pavel Nikolaev declared 2.7 million rubles. The most secured prosecutor in the Republic of Tajikistan is a representative of the Elabuzhsky district Rustem Sharafutdinov, More precisely - his family. 6 million from 7.4 million has earned a wife. Family income prosecutor RT Ilduus Nafikova - 5.5 million

Modest and mobile

There is no property at all at the Minister of Civil Code and Emergencies RT Rafisa Khabibullina. Apartment, house, plot is only in use. But the family of the Minister of Economics of the Republic of Tajikistan Farida Abdulganiyev In addition to the plot, apartments and at home owns five non-residential premises. Most Mobile Ministers - Head of Minister Irech Faizullinwhich has a micro amoneal A-20, the head of the Ministry of Transport L. Safin, driving on GAZ 21 and a snowmobile Bombardier, as well as the head of the State Committee on Tourism Sergey Ivanoin, moving on Infiniti and BRIG boat.

Refused to reveal income - 18 deputies declarations did not file rural settlements - from Nizhnekamsky, Muslyamovsky and Tetyusky districts. "Seven of them have already left their posts, 11 more will soon do it," said the representative of the Kazan Kremlin Lilia Galimov. According to "AIF-Kazan", these deputies worked not on an ongoing basis. However, the reasons for their secrecy will find out. Who is the richest among the State Council, read

Despite the crisis, the richest clans of Russia not only did not have a member, but continue to rich. According to the Forbes rating of the richest families in Russia in 2016, the joint amount of unbearable difficulty increased from 18 billion to $ 25 billion.

The rating of the richest clans begins Russian Federation With modest million miners - Family Family, consisting of two brothers and their sons. But once Zelimkhan and Amirkhan began with the sewing down jackets. Now their family group "Regions" is among the ten kings of the Russian real estate.

9. Magomedov - 1.15 billion dollars

Magomedov began, as well as almost everything in this list, with trade in oil and banking business. In 2002, Magomed went into politics, becoming a senator, and Ziyudin continued to do business. At the moment, it belongs to the oil and gas company YATEK.

8. Rakhimkulov - 1.2 billion dollars

The Rakhimkulov family is closely connected with Hungary since 1994, when the company "Interprokom", headed by the head of the family Meghadom, received 10% in the capital of the local gas trader. As a result, before its return to Russia in 2008, Megalta was the richest inhabitant of Hungary. And his sons preferred to stay there. The state of the family consists of shares of the Hungarian bank and the oil company, as well as Russian Gazprom and VTB.

7. Bazayev - 1.25 billion dollars

Two years ago, the family company sold its oil company, but two of its members - Musa and his nephew Denis - there was still a share of 40% in the "Russian Platinum". Elder brother, Mawlite, moved away from business.

6. Sarkisov - 1.4 billion dollars

The basis of the state of Sarkisovy - the share in the insurance company "Reso-Warranty". A pleasant addition is an abundance of elite overseas real estate, which is located on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

5. Shaimiev - 1.7 billion dollars

The richest people of Tatarstan, the brothers Radics and Airat began to pinpoint a fortune when their father was still the first president of the republic. Now they are cumulatively owned by 19.5% of the Taif Oil and Gas Group. With the rise in oil prices, the state of the brothers increased (by 300 million dollars this year).

4. Shamalov - 2.4 billion dollars

Nikolai Shamalov was awarded the title "Personal friend Putin", and his son Kirill - Putin's son-in-law. Nikolai owns 10% of the shares of the Bank "Russia", and Kirill owns a little more than one fifth shares of Sibur.

3. Ananya - 2.5 billion dollars

The status of Ananeva stands on two whales - the banks of Promsvyazbank and the revival. Also here includes "Technosperv", "PSN Group" and two large Moscow typography.

2. Rothenbergs - 2.8 billion dollars

We say "Rotenbergs" - imply "Gazprom's contracts". Created by Brothers Arkady and Boris, the company "Stroygazmontazh" became the largest contractor of the oil and gas industry in the Russian Federation. This year, Arkady managed to grab several rack pieces, such as laying the Power of Siberia (198 billion rubles) and the construction of the Kerch bridge (338 billion rubles). A little complicates the life of the Titans of the oil business only the sanction policy of the United States, but family members found a way out - they overflow parts of the capital from one to another until the sanction hammer fell on the following in the chain. So Arkady sold his shares in the companies of Son Igor, and the nephew switched the general assets of the family in Finland. But the United States does not sleep, so now, apparently, both Igor Arkadyevich, and Roman Borisovich is time to urgently acquire offspring.

1. Family of Gutseriev

Over the past year, the state of the extensive family of Gutseriev has increased 2.5 times and closely approached the planke of $ 10 billion. Although the family is big, but only three people have a share in business - the head of the family and the founder of Bin Mikhail, his younger brother and nephew. Mikhail owns a greater fraction of the family state - he has 70% of the shares in oil companies and a little more than 50% in finance and real estate. Mikhail's elder brother, who once held the post of head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ingushetia, as well as the son of Mikhail in business does not participate; Mikhail believes that the Son must first prove that worthy. BIN group (oil companies, two banks, a fingerprope from pension funds, hotels, radio stations, etc.) played a major role in the enrichment of the family. Over the past year, the amount of BIN transactions amounted to 1.5 billion dollars.

In the list of richest women in Russia, the spouse of President Tatarstan Gulsina Minnikhanov, the co-owner of the company "Luciano". In May, she declared an income of 2.35 billion rubles, which explained the sale of part of his business. Forbes Woman appreciates the total amount of its assets of $ 100 million. Thus, Mrs. Minnikhanov entered the ratings of publications, in which members of the First President of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev have long been present.

Yesterday, Forbes Woman magazine published a rating of "25 richest women in Russia - 2017". The list of publications included 25 Russians, whose condition (the value of the assets belonging to them: shares of companies, land plots, real estate objects, as well as personal property) is estimated in amount from $ 100 million to $ 1 billion. Public companies experts were assessed by market capitalization. Closed - on the basis of information on sales volumes, profits, own capital as of February 17, 2017. The cumulative state of the participants of the rating amounted to almost $ 7.3 billion. The list was headed by the 54-year-old President of Inteco Management, the spouse of the ex-mayor of Moscow Elena Baturin with a state of $ 1 billion.

Among the richest women are two representatives of Tatarstan. This is the deputy general director of the group of Taif Guselia Safina (61 years) and cEO Luciano, the wife of President Tatarstan Gulsina Minnikhanov (age not specified).

Mrs. Minnikhanov in the Forbes Woman rating (published since 2013) appeared for the first time. Her condition experts of the journal estimated at $ 100 million, which corresponds to the 23rd line of the study. The publication recalls that according to the Declaration of President Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, his spouse earned 2.35 billion rubles in 2016. Most of it received from the sale of a share in Luciano LLC for 2.2 billion rubles. At the same time, Mrs. Minnikhanov retained controls in the company.

We will remind, through the "Luciano" Gulsina Minnikhanov owns LLC "UK" Luciano "" with an authorized capital of 515 million rubles. The company manages Luciano Spa in the center of Kazan on Ostrovsky Street. The six-storey building of the complex was open in 2011. It includes a hotel, spa, beauty salon, fitness club and restaurant. The complex is named after the Italian hairdresser Luciano de Aloya and repeatedly received various international awards. As the press service of the President of the Republic reported, the transaction for the sale of 49% LLC Luciano was held in April 2016 "To raise funds for the development of new business areas." President's spouses. The buyer was the "Strategic Investor" - the Cypriot Offshore "Santern Holdings Limited", the final beneficiary of which is unknown. What sources of Gulsina Minnikhanov received another 150 million rubles. income is unknown. In addition to the Luciano spa, it has another business, including the four-star Luciano Residence Kazan Hotel at 99 rooms. The family of the president has six real estate objects. Five of them are in Russia (two land plot, Residential and Guest House, Apartment), one apartment is located in the UAE.

In the previous years, Gulsina Minnikhanova declared more modest earnings: about 5-8 million rubles. a year, which is comparable to the income of her spouse. Five years ago, Rustam Minnikhanov said that if the income of his wife "will be 10 times higher," he will assume that "she is successful." "While it is not very successful," he noted in 2011. Note, now the income of Gulsins Minnikhanovaya above the income of the president is 313 times. This year, Mrs. Minnikhanov also headed the ranking of the richest wives of Russian civil servants and the ranking of the richest wives of the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. And Rustam Minnikhanov, thanks to the successes in the business of their spouse, turned out to be in third place in the ranking of the richest civil servants of Russia.

As for the Guselius Safina, then, according to Forbes Woman, over the year its condition has increased from $ 145 million to $ 220 million. In the current rating, it ranks 12th. Recall, the Taif group is the largest non-public company of Russia and unites such large companieslike an oil refining plant Taif-NK, Petrochemical Giants "Kazanorgsintez" and "Nizhnekamskneftekhim", which generates a company TGK-16, TV and Radio Company " New century", Bank" Avers ", construction and investment and financial companies. In 2016, the Group received the balanced income, including indirect taxes in the amount of 626 billion rubles. The balanced revenue amounted to 539 billion rubles.

Note that two years ago, Forbes Woman assessed the state of Gazelle Safine at $ 430 million, she held the 3rd line of research.

In the past years, two more business women from Tatarstan also appeared in the ranking. Among them, the owner and general director of the Bahetel product network, and the last three years also deputy of the State Council of Tatarstan Muslim Latipova. In 2014, its condition was estimated at $ 315 million, in 2015 - only $ 135 million. She held the 5th and 14th line of the ranking, respectively. However, since 2016, Ms. Latypova is no longer included in the top 25. Causes of the authors of the study are not called.

Also, until 2016, Camille Shaimiev was present in the ranking - the granddaughter of the first president, and now the State Summary of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev. Forbes called her a minority shareholder Taif (previously there were about 2% of the Group's shares). In 2014, she was on the 15th line of the ranking from $ 115 million, in 2015 - on the 9th line from $ 190 million.

In general, 2017 can be considered successful for Tatarstan millionaires and billionaires. This year, the sons of the first President of Tatarstan Airat and Radics of Shaimiev, as well as the two other beneficiaries of Taif Albert Shigabutdinov and Rustech Sutyev and Rustev Sulteev returned to the hundreds of richest businessmen of Russia. According to Forbes, the state of each of them is $ 1.1 billion. All four also included in the list. richest people Planets.

The Founder of the Bin Mikhail Gutseriev Group headed the rating of the richest family clans of Russia 2016 with a state of 9.8 billion dollars, follows from the Forbes business newspaper published on Thursday. In second place, the Arkady Rothenberg family turned out to be the second place, which earned a billionatic state on Gazprom's contracts. . General state Families are estimated at 2.8 billion dollars. Alexey's brothers and Dmitry Ananeva brothers were included in the first three, which owns the company "Promsvyazkapital", their condition is also estimated at 2.8 billion dollars.

The newcomer of the ranking at once the fourth line was the co-owner of the bank "Russia" Nikolai Shamalova, whose younger son, 34-year-old Kirill Shamalov, for the first time he entered the top 200 richest businessmen of Russia, taking 64th line and becoming The youngest person in the list. The general condition of the Forbes family rated $ 2.4 billion.

Closes the top five most successful family dynasties Family Shaimiev. The sons of the first president of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev, Airat and Radik, - the richest people of the republic, notes the publication. Family status is estimated at 1.7 billion dollars.


Forbes accounts for the rating of the most successful entrepreneurial dynasties for the third year, assessing the value of the business belonging to them according to the methodology, which is used in drawing up the ranking of billionaires. Compared to last year, the cumulative state of the first dozen grew by almost 40%, from $ 18 billion to $ 25 billion. The main contribution to the general result was made by the family of Gutseriev (No. 1 in the list) - its condition increased in two and a half times, to $ 9.8 BIN billion owned by him per year spent a transaction totaling $ 1.5 billion - banks, pension funds, development and oil companies were bought. The money of Gutseriev was taken from the reserve accumulated abroad. In addition, Mikhail Gutseriev earned $ 700 million, implementing an oil option. On the advice of the President of Sberbank, German Gref's President of Sberbank, in time, was rejected from falling prices.

If you take the cumulative state of all 77 billionaires from the last list of Forbes ($ 283 billion) and divide it on children (in total billionaires 243 children), it will be a little more than a billion per each. Forbes decided to see who from the heirs were lucky the most. The list contains 20 families, where for each child there are at least $ 1.82 billion. The total number of children - 47.

Formally, this list cannot be called the heir rating - we, for example, did not take into account the marriages in the calculations. For simplicity, we shared the entire state of the businessman on all his recognized children. It turned out an interesting picture - the children of Roman Abramovich 13, for example, did not fall into the list. Their billionaire seven, and everyone accounts for only $ 1.1 billion. But in the list you can see the younger partner of Iskander Mahmudova 21 in UMMC Andrei Kozitsyn 36 - on his $ 2.4 billion can be given the only daughter to his $ 2.4 billion.

To date, the richest heir ($ 8.9 billion) is Yusuf Alekperov, the only son of the LUKOIL president of Vagit Alekperova 9. In this place was to be Victoria Michelson, the daughter of the main owner of Novatek and Sibur Leonid Michelson 1, but Suddenly it turned out that her 60-year-old father had recently born her son. The state of the businessman had to share in half.

Billionaires brought up their heirs in different ways. Alekperov, for example, made everything to his son stay in Russia and continued his business. Yusuf received a specialized education and at the insistence of his father worked as a simple engineer in different companies "Lukoil".

The main owner of Alpha Group Mikhail Friedman 2, on the contrary, gives his children a complete freedom of choice. He does not want to "create a dynasty" and no one from his four children is not going to work.

Children of billionaires - no matter where they learn, in Russia or abroad - prefer the specialties "Economics" and "Management". The most popular higher educational institution, oddly enough, remains MGIMO. The same institute was the most popular and among their fathers.

Another $ 2.4 billion in the general piggy bank made newcomers of the rating - father and son Shamalov. Cyril Shamalov 64, whom the media call the son-in-law of Putin, in March 2016, for the first time in the ranking of Forbes billionaires. Then his condition was estimated at $ 1.2 billion. The basis of the richness of Shamalov-Jr. is the share (21.3% of the shares) in the petrochemical company SIBUR, whose assessment has increased by 40% from the moment of drawing up the billionaire rating. In general, at the date of the rating of the richest families (July 20, 2016), Cyril Shamalov's condition increased almost twice, by $ 1.1 billion.

The Rothenberg family, who, like last year, occupied second place, condition, on the contrary, a little declined - $ 150 million, to $ 2.8 billion infrastructure companies that made brothers billionaires are still very cheap relative to the pre-crisis levels. .

As we thought:

1. Gutseriev

At the founder of the group Bin Mikhail Gutseriev, 16 on his recognition, about 40 cousins \u200b\u200band nephews, but the share in business is still only younger brother - SAIT-Salama 48 and Sestra - Michael Shishhanova 46. In the oil companies "RussNeft", "Neftyis", etc. The real share of Gutseriev is 70%, Schishhanov and Sait-Salam - 15% of the shares. In the remaining assets ("Russian coal", finance and real estate), Gutseriev belongs to a little more than half. Sait-Salam with Shishkhanov in most cases, the remaining 49% equally divide. The exception is Binbank, where Shishhanov has almost 60% of the shares, and Mikhail Gutseriev has 39%.

The eldest brother in the family of Hamzat, according to Gutseriev, does not have a share in business: he is 61 years old, he is a lieutenant-general, former head Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ingushetia, and he does not participate in the capital's capital, but in its profits.

The son of Gutserieva Said, on the contrary, formally owns shares, but there is no real participation in business yet. Saidu Gutseriev belongs to 20% of the family share in the oil company "Neftis", the remaining 80% will share his father (50% of shares), Sait-Salam (15%) and Shishkhanov (15%). The son of Gutseriev is called its shareholder and managers of the Orsk oil refinery, the modernization of which Said is engaged since the end of 2014. But this, according to Gutseriev, prematurely: the son must first show what is capable of presenting results, and then the Father will allocate him a share in the new oil company.

Today, the bin group includes four oil companies (not counting small), two large banks - Binbank and MDM Bank, the Safar Financial Group, which united several pension funds, trade, office and logistics centers, hotels and construction companies, eight radio stations, real estate abroad and three private aircraft.

2. Rotenbergs

The family of Arcadia Rothenberg 75 made a billionatic state on Gazprom's contracts. The company "Stroygazmontazh" (SGM), which brothers Arkady and Boris 76 created in 2007, became the largest contractor at the oil and gas market in Russia. In the ranking of Forbes "Kings of State Transpass" 2016, Arkady Rothenberg (now it owns 100% of SGM shares) ranked first - he received contracts from the state and state-owned companies totaling 556 billion rubles, including the order of Gazprom for the construction of the Power of Siberia Power Supply (198 billion rubles).

Kerch Bridge also builds SGM. This project from the budget will allocate a total of 228 billion rubles. Its shares in the development company "TPS Real Estate" and the infrastructure companies Gazprom Drilling and Tek Mosenergo Arkady Rothenberg after introducing US sanctions and the EU sanctions in 2014 sold Son Igor 192.

Brother Arkady Boris, being a citizen of Finland, got only in the sanctions list of the United States. He still owns shares in the TPS of Real Estate, Gazprom Drilling and Tek Mosenergo.

The Senior Son of Boris Rotenberg Roman in the autumn of 2014 was transferred to the total assets of the brothers in Finland, but in the summer of 2015 he himself was in the US sanctions list. Romana owns 100% Finnish Holding Langvik Capital: Langvik Hotel (100%), management Company Tanskarlan Centrum (85%) and Arena Events (49.5%). Another 1% shares of Arena Events belong to the novel directly, his younger partner in Arena Events (49.5%) remains Gennady Timchenko. Arena Events owns 49% of the Finnish Hockey Club "Yokerit" and 100% of its home stadium Hartwall Arena. According to the latest report of Langvik Capital (for 2014), the company listed above is estimated at € 21 million, and € 26 million was previously spent on their purchase. Roman in an interview with Forbes was recognized that the owner and uncle was redeeming. " A couple of tens of millions. "

3. Ananya

"PromsvyazKapitalla" by the Ananev brothers owns two large banks - Promsvyazbank and "Revival", the system integrator "Tehnoserv", developer "Promsvyaznaznost" and the two largest typography in Moscow. In July 2016, Ananiev announced their intention to create a P.S investment company. Capital with an authorized capital of € 100 million.

4. Shamalov

4. Shamalov

Nikolay Shamalov, as a member of the cooperative "Lake" and a friend of Putin, in 2014 he was under the sanctions. The basis of its condition is 10.2% of the Bank "Russia". The younger son Kirill 64 is married to Katerina Tikhonova, which Bloomberg and Reuters called Putin's daughter. Kirill belongs to 21.3% of Sibur. Over the past six months, its condition has increased by $ 1.1 billion.

5. Shaimiev

Radik 127 and Airat Shaimiev 126 belongs to 19.5% of the Taif group (Taif-NK, Nizhnekamskneftekhim, Kazanorgsintez, TGK-16). The sons of the first president of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev is the richest people of the republic. Over the past six months, their cumulative state has increased by $ 300 million due to the growth of quotes of petrochemical companies.

6. Sarkisov

The Sarkisov brothers own more than 60% of the shares of the insurance company "Reso-Guarantee", a substantial part of their state today provides foreign real estate: land in Monaco, three houses in Los Angeles, the building of the Chamber of Commerce in Paris, mansion in London, real estate in France And Vilnius.

7. Bazhaev

In the fall of 2014, the Alliance Group sold its main asset, Alliance Oil Company, an "independent oil and gas company" (NNA) of the Ex-President Rosneft Eduard Khudainatova. In Musa, Bazhev, 156 and his nephew, the son of the founder of the Zii Bazheev group Denis 155 remains 40% in the "Russian Platinum". The elder brother of Mavlit in this project does not participate.