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As a saw in Rosnano: where Chubais company spends billions of public money. Chubais in court stood up for the former chapter "Rosnano

Shortly before the New Year, the Chairman of the Board of Rosnano Anatoly Chubais was in the center of the scandal. His speech at the corporate event, in which he argued that "we have a lot of money" and promised to employees double premiums against the background of the success of Rosnano. Lawyer Ilya Crafts chews the words of Chubais with the company's documents and finds out what financial state it is actually located, as Rosnano reports to his work and what the huge amounts of the government budget are leaving.

Let's start with the main one - from the structure. Rosnano is the company, the founder of which is the state and it is completely created on state money. According to the documents, in just the entire existence of the company from the budget, 182 billion rubles were allocated

According to official data, in addition to the main legal entity (Rosnano OJSC), the Rosnano Group includes several other subsidiaries - including the Rosnano Management Company LLC.

In 2014, the management structure in Rosnano changed. Chubais officially left the position of Chairman of the Board of Rosnano OJSC and headed the Criminal Code of Rosnano (where he is minority). In the same company, after Chubais, most employees left. Then between OJSC Rosnano and the Criminal Code of Rosnano was concluded a contract according to which management functions go to the Criminal Code.

Why did they do it?

3,500,000,000 for efficient managers

Let's go back to spending optimization.

The management costs did not decrease - they rose half a billion rubles! Chubais company explains this "transition factors." What is hiding behind this foggy concept, we do not consider it necessary.

Machinations with reporting

Maybe we simply come rapidly, and all these minor spending compensate for the results of the work of the Criminal Code "RUSNANO"?

To assess the results of work, take a look at the company's chief document - development strategy until 2020.

When the Criminal Code "Rosnano" was only created, it was planned that in 2015, it would be gradually sold to private investors to achieve certain indicators. For example, sales of products should have achieved 300 billion rubles per year.

Guess what happened to the planned indicators and did private investors acquired private investors? Chubais, responding to the corresponding question of journalists, showed some modesty - "The question is discussed."

The concept of "production volume" in Rosnano is interpreted in its own way. The numbers specified in the company's report produce a stunning impression. The plan is exceeded!

Meanwhile, in the notice of the root font ...

Surprisingly, the sales of Rosnano turns on products all Companies in which the company has invested or provided borrowed funds. Without whatever assessment of the volume and degree of influence of investments. Conveniently: To assign yourself the merit of someone else's company, it is enough just to conclude a contract with this company, and you can safely enroll all the products of this company to the report.

It is significant that the Accounts Chamber during the audit "Rosnano" found exactly the same.

14 000 000 000 losses

Last year, all the news agencies had collected colorful news: "Rosnano, in 2014, it was published on a net profit of 8 billion rubles"

To make sure of such impressive results, let's see what domestic documents say about this. After all, 2011-2012 the company worked with a loss of almost 50 billion rubles, and then suddenly such an outstanding result.

But in the documents we find ... Losses in the amount of 14.6 billion rubles. What's the catch?

If you carefully read the news above, then you can make sure it is not about Rosnano OJSC, but about the "group of companies Rosnano". This group includes the Criminal Code of the same name, receiving billions of money "for the Office" annually, and other companies are smaller than. That is, shifting money from one pocket to another and replacing the name in a press release, we are trying to convince us that 3.5 billion per year on the Criminal Code "Rosnano" is not expenses, but "net profit."

Moreover, Rosnano is unprofitable to such an extent that the Russian law directly violates and is before the threat of liquidation. We look at the cost of the value of net assets of the company:

A note on the fields: in accordance with the Law on Joint-Stock Companies, if the company has negative net assets, then it should either repay debts, or increase the authorized capital. If such a state continues two years or more, then the company is obliged to be eliminated.

Investment attractive

Anatoly Chubais with enviable regularity reports to attract investment. In the press releases of the company mentioned Chinese, and Taiwanese funds (with the latter, truth, something was not palpable).

When it comes to investments, Rosnano exercises again in language structures:

We read carefully: 150 million dollars (ie money) are attracted because "legal obligations".

Any financial or legal dictionary will confirm that investments are funds. Accordingly, it is unacceptable to replace the presence of actually attracted money (investment) "obligations" of certain investors.

It is not known whether investors will observe them and are able to finance them at all in such a volume. But these little things do not confuse effective investment hunters. The main thing is to report.

State Transportations without Competition

With the transfer of the management of Rosnano, the control functions to find out the company's waste has become much more difficult (it was the initial idea when creating the Criminal Code - it is not clear, but this is how it looks). There is practically nothing about the expenses of the management company, there is practically nothing in the annual report, so the picture had to be restored using the data on government procurement.

Despite the contract with the Criminal Code, the state procurement is carried out by the Rosnano itself. Moreover, B. abouttheir part is carried out without competitive procedures - 181 million rubles spent on the scheme "Procurement at the only customer".

As for the procurement of the management company itself, they are very diverse. Many relatively small (1-5 million rubles) procurement with the participation of foreign law firms. In the aggregate, they were spent more than 100 million rubles (it seems that lawyers in the company simply do not have, and any legal issue is transferred to foreign "outsourcing").

Almost all major procurement in the company go, bypassing competitive procedures. The scheme of "requests for proposals" is used, in which the customer's company itself chooses with whom to enter into an agreement without conducting trading and reduce amounts. Managers "Rosnano" left the right to do without bid, when it is profitable.

115 000 000 guard

From the base of the purchasing "Rosnano" we learn that in 2014 a contract for protection with the company "Svyatithit - A" was concluded.

The amount of the contract is 115 million rubles. Neither in the documentation for the state procurement, nor in the contract does not say anywhere, for which time this amount is subject to payment. But in the draft contract it is said that "the executive services are payable monthly in the amount agreed by Appendix No. 1, regardless of the volume of services provided by the Contractor." (At the same time, nothing is ridiculous in Appendix No. 1).

That is, a security company can do nothing and calmly receive 115 million rubles from Rosnano.

What prevented full bidding, choosing a performer for reasonable money?

Replies the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.

The years go, and nothing changes in Rosnano. A relative of one of the nano-managers was the owner of this security company. At the same time, in paragraph 1, the strategy of the Criminal Code "RUSNANO", employees are prescribed to avoid conflict of interest.

70,000,000 for the secretary

On the resource Ruposters. Exhaustive, voluminous article-investigation about what is happening with the colossal money allocated for Rosnano. I suggest your attention. It presents all the necessary facts to understand what happens in this company under the direction of A. Bhabhais.

The day before it became known that the Russian government provided "Rosnano" state guarantees in the amount of 35.5 billion rubles. A month before this, the head of the company Anatoly Chubais assured the president that there are no more government funds: "Today, by returning, we already work out from projects in the mode when we do not even put the issue of budget allocations." Lawyer Ilya Crafts Shows that the budget billions of Rosnano go and how the same name of Anatoly Chubais received a contract for the management of the Russian nanoindustria.

In this case, the proposal request scheme was used, in which the customer chooses from applicants not according to the principle of auction, but the one who seems most worthwhile. Therefore, the reduction in the initial price of the service did not happen.

The initial price of the contract for 30 million is established arbitrarily - "Because we decided."

Without the competition were hired and adjacent specialists in the field of IT: more than 100 million rubles were shocked for the work of Sisadminov Rosnano.

Legal conclusions for tens of millions

It would be wrong to say that the Criminal Code "Rosnano" does not work, but only engaged in the promotion on the Internet. She also serves as a good feeder for Western law companies.

In Runano, they love them so much that they generously distribute them orders without a contest. For the year, expenses for lawyers and consultants are calculated hundreds of millions of rubles. It seems that its lawyers are simply no, the company turns to third-party lawyers in the slightest matter. And for some reason, expensive foreign firms are almost always performers.

For example, the company "Dentons" received 20 more than millions for ... Legal advice on all over the question.

Based on our own experience in legal consulting, I will explain, there is a lot or a little - 20 million for one-time yuchuslugi.

The average cost of a challenging consultation with a good lawyer does not exceed 100,000 rubles.

The cost of the work of the most expensive lawyers and lawyers of Moscow serving Western companies (that is, living on Western rates), averages and a half or two thousand dollars per hour of work. For particularly complex legal advice (including in foreign law) an account of 10-20 thousand dollars is set.

It turns out that the price of services of Chubais lawyers hired without a contest, higher by an order of magnitude. What bothered to hold an open contest to reduce the price? Let me remind you again - according to the regulations of the Criminal Code "Rosnano", the procurement without a competition for the only supplier is allowed only for emergency circumstances.

Rosnano against the state: offshore fink-constant for 200 million

All these pranks are fascinated when effective managers finally begin to their main work - managing nanotechnology.

Typical Purchase by 206 million (!) For "Investment Banking Services":

Of course, everything is "transparent and competitive" - \u200b\u200bthey also gave it without a contest, the only supplier. Which is ... Cypriot Offshore Novomet Oil Services Holding Limited.

Apparently, Rosnano does not know that deofshorization is one of the most important directions of the state economic policy. Let me remind you, President Vladimir Putin has signed the law, which forbade public procurement from offshore companies.

So far, this law applies only to state bodies, and not in state-owned companies. But the trend is specified quite obvious: "Who wants to keep money somewhere abroad - please. The law does not prohibit this, but the conclusion through the submarine firms of financial resources from the industry turnover is invalid. "

Knowing this position of the President, the Criminal Procedure of Rosnano without the competition gives offshore purchasing for 200 with more than millions of rubles. What is it, if not neglecting the position of the head of state on a fundamental issue?

Of interest is the subject of the transaction - the actions that the offshore will be made for the huge remuneration:

For these insane money, offshore will look for a buyer of the share of Rosnano ... in the offshore itself! The most natural legal nonsense.

What prevented effective managers to sell shares themselves, who were previously bought them, and why was once again a full-fledged competition - unknown.

Sick light on this story of the media publication. We are talking about the release of "Rosnano" from the next dubious project on the design of pumps, in which billions of rubles were invested. As the media reported, Russian oil workers criticized these "nanoscos" for inefficiency.

The buyer of Nannasosov was predictable not found. As a result, Chubais has extended the timing of the sale of a package of shares.

Values \u200b\u200band corporate culture

If you think that on this purchase of the Criminal Code "Rosnano" reached the bottom, then they are deeply mistaken.

As a solid organization, Chubais pays special attention to values \u200b\u200band corporate culture. The top manager of Rosnano knows that the main thing is not the result (i.e. profits), and the management process. In this process, effective managers get tired, it becomes boring, and they decide to entertain themselves with something unusual.

Order on the "Development of Rosnano Values" looks like this:

Total 5 with a small million rubles - and Chubais received the lack of what prevents it from becoming a successful company - value.

After the development of values, it was decided to engage in seriously the corporate culture and tightening the level of qualifications of workers. Rosnano decided to order trainings on the topic "Motivation, potential and risk factors in a quarry."

The list of works on this state procurement pleases the eye: there are ethical models and traditions of the company. In short, all that, without which it is impossible to create nanotechnology.

All this would be funny if it were about the funds of a private company - hire at least clowns instead of managers in the office, having fun how can you for your money.

But here we are talking about fun for the state account. If "Rosnano" is considered to be normal to spend 5 million on "values", then what to talk about some miserable corporate parties?

Why idle organs

As I already noted, the law on the procurement of state-owned companies is formulated so that it gives a huge field for abuse. It is necessary to introduce hard restrictions on state-owned spending. Establish that money can spend exclusively for profile activities. Implement a ban on diluting money on foreign lawyers and other items of expenses that can be imported.

Secondly, to submit complaints about the stateships of state-owned companies, only their participants are entitled - which also reduces the possibilities of public control.

Let me remind you to remember that we are not about certain shortcomings in activities in the whole successful company. Rosnano suffered losses from ineffective projects by 13 billion rubles, and the Accounts Chamber recognized half of all state corporation projects failed.

Such a state of affairs in the Criminal Code will remain unchanged exactly until the state endes patience and the will will not appear to curb financially impossible. Judging by the latest searches and enhancing criminal cases against the Company's patrons, this moment can be close as ever.

Exhaustive, voluminous article-investigation on what is happening with the colossal money allocated for Rosnano.

The day before it became known that the Russian government provided "Rosnano" state guarantees in the amount of 35.5 billion rubles. A month before that, the head of Anatoly Chubais assured the president that there would no longer need state funds: "Today, at the expense of returns, we already work out of projects in the mode when we do not even put the issue of budget allocations." Lawyer Ilya Crafts shows that the budget billions of Rosnano go and how the same name of Anatoly Chubais received a contract for the management of the Russian nanoindustria.

In the first part of the investigation on the company of Chubais, from which, according to some information, the management of the organization came to rabies, we disassembled activities, finance and spending of Rosnano JSC. According to the results of the loud publication of the Ministry of Economic Development and the Prosecutor General's Office obliged Rosnano to report on the issues given by me, which resulted in a rapid reaction of the "Nanomedgents" and promises to submit me to court.

While the valiant managers prepare a claim, I will continue.

In recent months, it was possible to detect even more curious facts regarding the Rosnano Management Company LLC. She is headed by Anatoly Chubais, who also owns a share in the company. It was this organization that controls Rosnano JSC for a modest remuneration - 19 billion in 5 years, that is, about 4 billion rubles per year.

How the management company received the right to control where these huge money is spent - so far has been a secret. The Criminal Code "Rosnano", in contrast to the company managed by it, does not publish official reports on its activities. The financial indicators are absent even in paid bases, so the information had to be mined from different sources.

Search for documents

Before the beginning of the investigation, I, as a conscientious author, requested documents related to the Company's activities from Rosnano:

It followed from the answer that on the site "Rosnano" I can familiarize yourself with the reports of the Management Company. However, only reports of Rosnano JSC are posted on the site, and not the Criminal Code. Thanks to almost identical names, it is easy to confuse any person from the outside. Given the explicit reluctance to "Rosnano" to promote the investigation, I had to mined information on my own.

The results exceeded all possible expectations.

Decision for 19 billion

Let's start with the Criminal Code of Rosnano received the right to manage the main company of Chubais. To begin with, I note that according to the law, any transactions with the participation of state-owned companies are possible only in the framework of the competition (state procurement). The law obliges state companies to hold a competitive procedure to choose the most advantageous price / quality ratio. What the competition looked like in the case of "RUSNANO":

Purchase at the only participant, no other applicants, no reduction in price, economic justification. Before you "Transparent Purchase" worth 19 billion. How was it documented?

At my disposal, there is an original protocol of the Procurement Commission "Rosnano" with alive signatures of responsible persons (full document on the link), with a light hand of which Chubais received the right to control:

To transfer the right to the management of Rosnano, it turned out to be quite another "transparent procedure" - voting eight people of the procurement commission.

Please note: there is a reference to clause 18.12 of the Rules of Procurement Activities, developed by Rosnano JSC. You will be surprised, but this item officially permits the company not to conduct competitive procedures if the company is being purchased from "its" company, i.e. created by the JSC "RUSNANO".

All ingenious is simple:

1) include an item on the non-verification of the competition for the participant - its company in the procurement regulations;

2) Create your management company;

3) We give her the right to control for 5 billion a year without a contest.

Profit: We get the right to completely spend the budget billions via the Criminal Code of Rosnano. Let the public and further read the reports of Rosnano JSC on great profits until the money is mastered by the Criminal Code of Rosnano without any reporting and foreign attention.

Salary and bonuses nanomenners

What can I spend 5 billion a year?

The main expenditure of the Code of Criminal Code "Rosnano" is a salary of employees, which includes a variety of bonuses - even the right to acquire shares in the authorized capital of the company.

All this is very similar to socialist "folk enterprises", in which employees themselves are the owners of the company and in every way boded. Especially such a "market approach" looks good during the crisis. Membership in the CPSU and study in the Soviet Economic University left an indelible imprint on Anatolia Chubais.

As you can guess, information about the salaries of the top management of the Criminal Code "Rosnano" - mystery for seven seals. Chubais, being the head of state-owned, is not obliged to disclose his income. According to the law, such a duty is among the heads of state-owned companies and corporations, 100% of the state owned by the state.

However, LLC "Management Rosnano" belongs to the state by only 99%, and 1% belongs to Chubais himself. Conveniently? Conveniently.

3.7 billion on current activities

But back to the management company. Most of the money allocated to them (3.7 billion rubles) went on a variety of purchases. We emphasize - not the cost of building factories or investment. These are expenses for current activities.

The main cost of expenses - services provided by third parties in favor of the Criminal Code of Rosnano, in the amount of 2.5 billion.

How in the Criminal Code "Rosnano" are the state procurement? Available Law No. 233-FZ allows state companies to include practically any conditions in their procurement regulations. The principle works "for each rule there is an exception."

The Criminal Code "Rosnano" is actively used - developed by them of the procurement activity (full text), although declares "openness and competitiveness", but at the same time contains a huge number of loopholes, allowing or not to conduct a purchase competition at all, or buy the necessary service at the only one (in advance a certain) supplier.

We remember the main thing: the general rule is the priority of competitive procurement, and procurement without a competition is allowed only in emergency circumstances.

PRECIENCES AND ITICHES: Winners of failed millions of "contests"

What features of their activities hides the Criminal Code "Rosnano"? I analyzed hundreds of state procurement and present to your attention the largest and curious.

One of the main costs "Rosnano" is PR on the Internet, as evidenced by a large number of relevant state procurement. Sometimes the sake of glory have to go for victims. As, for example, in this competition for the right to accompany "Rosnano" in social networks:

Look carefully: the purchase is officially recognized as invalid - only one application remained, and there is no contest with one application, and in theory the procedure should be started.

But the winner is still there. This is familiar to us by the past investigation "Social Networks" Denis Terekhov. Which, by the way, is an A close companion Alexei Navalny and Nikita White.

A very convenient "non-alternative" scheme of work: he left two uncomfortable applicants for the purchase, and on the third, "their own", concluded a contract - without a new competition. Competition and transparency in square.

The price for several hours of operation is half a million rubles, and there is again direct purchases from the only supplier, without a competition.

It would be naive to think that the Criminal Code of Rosnano is limited to a pitiful 9 million PR in social networks. Another similar purchase is already 30 million. Won company "PIUM" :

In this case, the proposal request scheme was used, in which the customer chooses from applicants not according to the principle of auction, but the one who seems most worthwhile. Therefore, the reduction in the initial price of the service did not happen.

The initial price of the contract for 30 million is established arbitrarily - "because we decided so."

Without the competition, confused and adjacent specialists in the field of IT were hired: more than 100 million rubles were shocked for the work of Sisadminov Rosnano.

Legal conclusions for tens of millions

It would be wrong to say that the Criminal Code "Rosnano" does not work, but only engaged in the promotion on the Internet. She also serves as a good feeder for Western law companies.

In "Rosnano" they love them so much that generously distribute them orders without a contest. For the year, expenses for lawyers and consultants are calculated hundreds of millions of rubles. It seems that its lawyers are simply no, the company turns to third-party lawyers in the slightest matter. And for some reason, expensive foreign firms are almost always performers.

For example, the firm "Dentons" received 20 more than one million for ... Legal advice on all over the issue.

Based on our own experience in legal consulting, I will explain, there is a lot or a little - 20 million for one-time yuchuslugi.

The average cost of a challenging consultation with a good lawyer does not exceed 100,000 rubles.

The cost of the work of the most expensive lawyers and lawyers of Moscow serving Western companies (that is, living on Western rates), averages and a half or two thousand dollars per hour of work. For particularly complex legal advice (including in foreign law) an account of 10-20 thousand dollars is set.

It turns out that the price of services of Chubais lawyers hired without a contest, higher by an order of magnitude. What bothered to hold an open contest to reduce the price? Let me remind you again - according to the regulations of the Criminal Code "Rosnano", the purchase without a competition for the only supplier is allowed only under emergency circumstances.

"RUSNANO" against the state: offshore finnconsultant for 200 million

All these pranks are fascinated when effective managers finally begin to their main work - managing nanotechnology.

Typical Purchase by 206 million (!) For "Investment Banking Services":

Of course, everything is "transparent and competitive" - \u200b\u200bthey also gave it without a contest, the only supplier. Which is ... Cypriot Offshore Novomet Oil Services Holding Limited.

Apparently, in "Rosnano" do not know that deofshorization is one of the most important areas of state economic policy. Let me remind you, President Vladimir Putin has signed the law, which forbade public procurement from offshore companies.

So far, this law applies only to state bodies, and not in state-owned companies. But the trend is defined quite obvious: "Who wants to keep money somewhere abroad - please. The law does not prohibit this, but the conclusion through the submersing firms of financial resources from the industry turnover is invalid."

Knowing this position of the president, the Criminal Procedure of Rosnano without holding a contest with an offshore purchase for 200 with more than millions of rubles. What is it, if not neglecting the position of the head of state on a fundamental issue?

Of interest is the subject of the transaction - the actions that the offshore will be made for the huge remuneration:

For these insane money, offshore will look for a buyer of the share of "RUSNANO" ... in the offshore itself! The most natural legal nonsense.

What prevented effective managers to sell shares themselves, who were previously bought them, and why was once again a full-fledged competition - unknown.

Sick light on this story of the media publication. We are talking about the release of "Rosnano" from the next dubious project on the design of the pumps in which billions of rubles were invested. As media reported, Russian oil workers criticized these "nanoscos" for inefficiency.

The buyer of "Nannasosov" was predictable. As a result, Chubais has extended the timing of the sale of a package of shares.

Values \u200b\u200band corporate culture

If you think that on this procurement of the Criminal Code "Rosnano" reached the bottom, then they are deeply mistaken.

As a solid organization, Chubais pays special attention to values \u200b\u200band corporate culture. The top manager "Rosnano" knows that the main thing is not the result (i.e. profits), and the management process. In this process, effective managers get tired, it becomes boring, and they decide to entertain themselves with something unusual.

Order on the "Development of Rosnano Values" looks like this:

Total 5 with a small million rubles - and Chubais received the lack of what prevents it from becoming a successful company - value.

After the development of values, it was decided to engage in seriously the corporate culture and tightening the level of qualifications of workers. Rosnano decided to order trainings on the topic "Motivation, potential and risk factors in a quarry."

The list of works on this state procurement pleases the eye: there are ethical models and traditions of the company. In short, all that, without which it is impossible to create nanotechnology.

All this would be funny if it were about the funds of a private company - hire at least clowns instead of managers in the office, having fun how can you for your money.

But here we are talking about fun for the state account. If "Rosnano" is considered to be normal to spend 5 million on "values", what to talk about some miserable corporate parties?

Why idle organs

As I already noted, the law on the procurement of state-owned companies is formulated so that it gives a huge field for abuse. It is necessary to introduce hard restrictions on state-owned spending. Establish that money can spend exclusively for profile activities. Implement a ban on diluting money on foreign lawyers and other items of expenses that can be imported.

Secondly, to submit complaints about the stateships of state-owned companies, only their participants are entitled - which also reduces the possibilities of public control.

Let me remind once again that we are not about individual shortcomings in the activities of the whole successful company. Rosnano suffered losses from ineffective projects by 13 billion rubles, and the Accounts Chamber recognized half of all projects of state corporation failed.

Such a state of affairs in the Criminal Code will remain unchanged exactly until the state has patience and the will will not appear to curb financially impossible. Judging by the latest searches and enhancing criminal cases against the Company's patrons, this moment can be close as ever.

Ilya Crafts

The Chairman of the Board of Rosnano, Anatoly Chubais, gave testimony in the case of the ex-head of the State Corporation Leonid Melamed, accused of an estate of 220 million rubles. Chubais stated that he had made decisions that melmed as criminal

Anatoly Chubais at the Cheremushkinsky court (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

Chairman of the Rosnano Board Anatoly Chubais acted in court with testimony in the criminal case of his predecessor Leonid Melamed and the former Phondriller of Svyatoslav Ponurov, who are accused of embezzlement 220 million rubles.

Chubais stated that he himself, and not Melamed, decided to attract the investment defendant to the work of Rosnano, and the contract with Alear Corporation, which, according to the prosecution, controlled Melamed, was concluded by the decision of the Rosnano Board. In addition, Melamed, according to him, at that time was not a shareholder of Alemar, but only by the vice-president. The company's managers drew attention to the conflict of interest, but came to the conclusion that the transaction is correct.

The state show believes that in 2008 Rosnano under the leadership of Melameda concluded contracts with Alear, co-owner, according to the investigation and the prosecutor's office, was Melamed himself. Contracts assumed that Alear will provide "Rosnano" consulting services worth 220 million rubles. Money for these goals were allocated from the budget. Under the guise of these poultry services and another accused - Deputy Melamed Andrei Malyshev (left to the UK, arrested in absentia) - during the six months they were illegally taken out of the company from the company, which should have become a "golden parachute" for Melamed, state awards.

Leonid Melamed (Photo: Sergey Fadichev / Tass)

"Brilliant Offer"

Rosnano was created in 2007 and Melamed for the year of work managed only to find the premises, collect the minimum necessary personnel and start working on the selection of applications for funding investment projects, said Chubais. According to him, the challenge of Melamed was "the formation of business processes, but not real financing of projects."

"When I came, there were no approved projects. We were actively criticized, including your colleagues, due to the fact that the Corporation does not finance projects, but simply lives on the deposit issued by the state, "Chubais reminded, answering the question of the state procurement. Having told the position of the Chairman of the Board, Chubais realized that the Corporations need a financial consultant.

"Applications for financing was a tremendous amount, no less than half-pens, and we were obliged to work with everyone. And their analysis was engaged in five to six people. In total, we had about a quarter of a person from the necessary state, "Chubais explained. - It was necessary to offer a system solution how to reduce the risk of investing money into meaningless projects. That is why I personally - I want to emphasize this - the initiative was proposed that the investment consultant should be attracted. The Board supported my initiative. "

Rosnano declared a tender for which the poultors answered. Four or five companies participated in it, including Alemar. "I also remember that there was a" FC discovery ", which lost, and other serious names. The tender was carried out in strict accordance with our rules. Although we have not been obliged to hold a tender at all. "Alemar" won, absolutely legitimate and reasonable, "said Chubais. According to him, the main criterion in the selection of the consultant was the price, but the Tender Commission also took into account the experience and qualifications of participants; "The results of the tender were presented to the Board and the Board approved them." The proposal of "Alemar" Chubais assessed as "brilliant."

Conflict of interest

The affiliation of "Alemar" with melamon was discussed by the leadership of Rosnano, emphasized Chubais. It was decided that the conclusion of the contract with the corporation is permissible. "On this occasion there were different opinions from our lawyers. We received documents that Melamed is no longer a shareholder of Alemar, but is a vice president. We had doubts and we made a discussion of this issue on the board. There no one objected there, the decision was made unanimously on approval of the contract, "said Chubais.

"You have not seen in this conflict of interest?" - clarified one of the state binders. "I said exactly the opposite. I saw the conflict and that is why I made a question for discussion, "the witness said.

According to Chubais, the cost of the contract with Alear - about 225 million rubles. - It was not so significant to make a discussion of the transaction into the government. "By law on the Supervisory Board, transactions are discussed in excess of 1% of the authorized capital. The cost of the contract with Alear was much lower, "he said.

According to Chubais, the attraction of "Alemar" helped to save for the state corporation about 10 billion rubles, as well as earn a significant amount.

"When a criminal case was established, we had an independent investigation in order to be based on emotions, but on facts. And this investigation has shown that no damage to the Corporation has caused the conclusion of this contract. I want to confirm it again. Moreover, I definitely believe that the contract was not just legitimate and was not just fulfilled completely, but it was absolutely necessary, "he said.

To the question of the state prosecutor, whether Chubais supports the connection with the left accused Malyshev, the head of Rosnano replied: "I support." "Do you know where he is?" - asked the prosecutor. "This is your job is to look for it," Chubais replied.

Anatoly Chubais gives an interview after a court session (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

Melmeda case

In 2013, the Accounts Chamber found a lot of violations in Rosnano, which became grounds for abuse of authority, fraud and other crimes. Until 2015, the investigation of these cases did not actually be conducted, in the meantime, several top managers of the state corporation.

In early May, the Prosecutor General's Office. The Deputy Prosecutor General Viktor Green explained this "gross violations of the provisions of criminal procedure legislation", admitted during the investigation. Head of the supervisory department Yuri Seagull on the same day, and the case was sent to court.

For Melamed, the Rosnano lawyer Alexander Asnis was held - he stated that the state company did not suffer any damage from the actions of the accused. The general director of Rosatom, Sergey Kiriyenko, also signed a positive characteristic of Melamed.

Now the SCR is investigating the case of abuse of authority against the managing director of investment activities Rosnano, as well as the case of an embezzlement and money laundering against managers - NTFARMA.

With participation: Alexander Fedotova