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How to make a wonderful garden with your own hands. How to make a cozy garden in the country

If you want to get beautiful design Garden, then use a pair of basic techniques. Only with your own hands you can create a spectacular and cozy gardenwhich will fully fit your taste, perfectly using all the advantages of the natural relief of the site.

Before you begin the design of the landscape design of your garden, you should walk along the site, to fully explore it. It is necessary to determine: what kind of corners are the most sunny, and where the shadow prevails; from which place opens beautiful view At the surroundings.
Try to mentally pave the tracks in your future garden. Come on them and define those places where it is most comfortable, where I would like to stop and sit down.
To visually imagine your future garden, try to draw his plan. Mark it all buildings, tracks, decor elements, sites and other objects. Mark the places of the alleged tracks, the platform for recreation, the drone of the dry stream and so on with the help of conventional sand.
Take a picture of the plot. The photo is well noticeable inaccuracies in the location of objects. Possible when creating design cottage plot With your own hands, it turns out that you already have a favorite place in the garden. Then be sure to update this corner, giving it even more beauty and comfort him. It is not recommended to leave old trees. But the stumps and squigs will be very useful for the decor of the garden. In place where the family will be gather, put a gazebo or pergola, benches and table. Working on a landscape design project, it should be remembered that the garden should delight the eyes not only in spring and summer, but in the cold season. To do this, it is necessary to properly approach the selection of plants that will grow in your garden. Place late driving drunks, and from trees - maples and blue ate. The beautiful garden is almost impossible to imagine without a neat lawn. But before growing the lawn, check whether the soil is not swamming. If so, you need drainage. Since in places of accumulation of moisture, the lawn will rot, and the disease can flush into healthy areas. If you doubt the fertility of your soil, deliver new soil. Many gardeners at the initial stage of implementing their garden design project make a mistake, trying to plant plants. It should be remembered that the distance between the trees determines their growth in the future. The summer cottage may seem empty, unprotected if the plants are rarely planted. This question is easy to decide, putting temporary fast-growing bushes, fern, wormwood. Beautifully looks on the background of bleeding mixtures or flower beds. Creating them, it should be remembered that low plants It should be planted ahead. Even in winter it should not be forgotten about its summer cottage. If you plan there Christmas tree, then decorated for the new year, she will delight their beauty of your loved ones and all others. Beautiful garden design skillfully and harmoniously uses all that gave you nature: boulders, tall trees or water. Do not spish to get rid of them. Do not deprive your site of individuality. If you are not sure in your ability to make a beautiful garden design yourself, then considering these simple recommendationsYou can create a wonderful paradise of your own hands, where you can relax from the fuss. Remember that even your small garden can be turned into a really fabulous place.

Here is the construction of the house and completed. Now is the time to think how to equip your own garden plot. Beautifully decorated and well-kept garden is a dream of any homeowner. After all, the garden design can be not only an indicator of the exquisite taste of the owner of the house, but also the subject of admiration and even envy of others.

The garden design is preferably carried out in a single, in advance selected, style.

Moreover, currently appeared a large number of opportunities for design and garden sites both independently and using attracted professional landscape designers who will prompt how to make the garden beautiful.

To the decor of gardens and gardens it is worth competent, because correct location beds, trees, shrubs, flower beds can give the site unique and original view. In any case, before proceeding with the design, you should either choose a specific design style and try to stick to it in the future, or to your taste, based on your own preferences and desires.

Selection of the direction of registration

Selection of the style of the garden site directly depends on exterior decoration Houses to which the garden will be faced from land plot and from the features of the relief. In a word, everything should harmoniously fit each other. Consider 2 basic directions of garden design: landscape and regular.

The essence of the landscape direction is natural beauty Landscape, ease decorative shapes Plants. This area can include Chinese, English and Japanese garden design styles. The next direction is regular. It is based on various ideas of a natural combination of vegetation forms and paints. Here you can allocate Italian, Moorish, French gardens.

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Basic styles

The main decoration element in all style is flower flower beds.

Based on the above directions, designers allocate the following styles: Modern, English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Dutch, Japanese styles, romantic Italian style, Russian rural style.

A feature of the design of a French garden is the so-called "solemn morality", where all tracks are located in parallel or perpendicularly, and the trees form symmetric groups. In this style, plants such as spruce, barberry, maple, thuya, ornamental plums and apple and others are most often used in this style.

The English garden is characterized by smooth lines and the natural nature of the landscape. The tracks are painted with a tortuous, and the plants are planted as long as. This is done in order to have a feeling of naturalness. Plants can be any, there are no strict recommendations.

Modern garden is based on the natural life of the landscape and is characterized by the lack of straight lines and direct corners. The style is quite simple, the number of elements and a variety of plants is limited. Preference is given to iris, peony, lilies, narcissus dr.

Spanish garden is a platform closed from foreign eyes. Usually, apple trees, plums or pears are planted around the perimeter. In the center are placed by water, around which the rosary has. Lawns on such a plot are missing. Flowers should be bright, and shrubs are clearly tonsured.

Italian style is a slightly inclined area with a patched veranda and a small reservoir framed by a rosary. The style implies many shrubs and flowering plants, at the same time, relevant heat-loving plants in containers.

Modern garden style uses the minimum number of design elements and is based on the natural landscape.

The easiest in terms of care is the rural garden in the Russian style. It is distinguished by natural abundance of paints. Baths, gazebos, veranda give the faces. Here are present fruit trees, garden S. medicinal herbs, mixed flower beds. From flowers, the Turkish carnation, phlox and tobacco can most often meet.

Basic principle chinese style is the harmony of architecture and landscape. Rounded forms of buildings, winding paths, bridges, diverse vegetation. Red, yellow and green - preferred colors of this style.

Feature japanese style - Recreation of the image of a natural landscape. Required the presence of water bodies, originally located stones, ornamental lamps. In this style, dwarf pines are extremely popular.

Thus, from the entire variety of styles every owner of the garden plot can choose something to his taste. However, almost all of the above design solutions will not be easy to implement without the help of a landscape designer.

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Garden arrangement with their own hands

To equip or create your own garden is not only a creative and interesting process, but also quite laborious. After all, I want the garden not only to benefit in the form of a crop, but also delivered joy and pleasure for the soul, was a place where I want to go back again and again. Many homeowners have developed a stereotype that only numerous and varied vegetation can be the only garden decoration, but this is far from that. There are many simple and original ideasthat will help and unforgettable.

The central element of the decoration of the garden in Spanish style is a reservoir.

How to start work on the design of the garden plot? When the place for the garden is ready, you should proceed to the choice of suitable trees. It is best to choose trees resistant to Russian winter. It can be apple trees, cherries, plums, pears. Good decision It will be planted at every corner of the garden on the apple tree, and between them - plums or cherries. When the trees grow up, they will create a feeling of fence. In order for the garden plot, foreign plants did not grow, it is recommended to plow the entire garden area first, and then plant it with special grass for lawn. In the middle, in a free place, you can build something decorative, which will attract attention, for example, a pond or fountain.

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Creating a fountain

The fountain is not necessarily buying, you can do it yourself. This requires the following building materials: several meters of hose, pump and natural stones. Stones should be folded into a beautiful arbitrary shape, and in the highest stone drill through a hole. Through this hole you need to skip the hose. It is necessary to dig a ditch around the fountain to ensure the drain of water, and to build a concrete fence. The hose must be attached to the pump. In order for the fountain to be even more beautiful, you can decorate with glass pebbles or make water backlight.

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Arrangement of decorative tracks

IN italian style, as in Spanish, is used by water with the framing by shrubs and flowers.

For garden decor, tracks from natural stone. But this is the cheapest pleasure. Fake diamond Much cheaper than natural, so it is more accessible. In order to pave such a track, first of all, you need to dig a ditch, which will correspond to the length and width of the future stone track. So that the grass does not sprout through the stones, you need to burn the roots of the plants. To do this, it is necessary to hide the dangling ditch of gasoline, set fire and wait until the fire goes outself. Then you should lay a tarp cloth along the length of the entire ditch. The fabric will additionally protect the path from the germination of unnecessary plants. Now you can proceed to laying the stone. Stone is attached to the cement. The slots between the stones are filled with sand. It is possible, but they are not so durable like stone.

The cheapest will make a track from cement and slate pieces. To do this, it is necessary to pour half of the ditches of the cement, and fall asleep the other half of the slate. After the concrete is almost dry, it is necessary to drown into it pieces of slate so that they are immersed in concrete. This option will be a very good substitution of the stone path.

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Elena Outless 3.03.2015 | 5254.

The desire to transform your country plot to picturesque and at the same time a functional corner in which it is pleasant to enjoy unity with nature, naturally for many of us. But with all the wishes, not everyone is capable of investing all its free time and budget in its arrangement. A number of recommendations of landscape designers will help to cope with the task.

Competent selection of materials

Choosing construction I. decoration Materials, Spend a marketing analysis. To simplify the task, do for yourself summary table, specifying name essential materials, manufacturers and a list of firms offering this products. Comparing the price and specifying the features of goods, much easier will be to make a rational decision.

Thinking up the arrangement of the territory, do not be afraid to combine materials. The tree is perfectly combined with a stone, a brick with a metal, concrete with glass. Any detail of the garden created by combining materials will always look unusual and fresh. And it is not necessarily for the design of the site to use too expensive finish. Quality - key selection priority. Decorative effect can be achieved using the same mosaic or paint, as well as pickup harmonious combination With elements of landscaping.

Plot layout

Zoning - Great method of competent distribution of the territory. Straighten the paper plan on the paper and divide it on the functional areas: the main, recreation area, economic, garden breakdown and garden beds. Think out where it is better to equip a place to relax and take guests. It can be distant from the road to the garden or outdoor field in front of the house. Placing nearby decorative pond With a flower bed, it will be possible to enjoy the beauty and wondrous aroma of plant compositions.

Zonuring the plot, try the flaws of the relief to turn the dignity. Plot on the slope to align very expensive and troublesome. But it can be successfully beat, breaking on the terrace, issuing cascades and equipping inclined floral glads.

Focus on plants

Trees and flowers - Main decoration country plot. Elegant flower beds, motley mixtures, bright arrangements of shrubs and trees can revive any dull corner. They act as a spectacular decoration of the walls of buildings, a worthy framing of garden tracks, a successful addition of platforms with decorative ponds.

If you consider the economic side of the issue, the plants will be significantly cheaper building materials. To create a garden that does not require special troubles Care, it is better to choose unpretentious varieties Trees that retain the decorative crown and without annual trimming. For plot design small square Preference should be given to slow-growing dwarf varieties.

Drawing up flower beds, make a bet on local and unpretentious plants who will delight flowering throughout the season. For the creation of plant compositions are well suited cereals, wildlying and spices. Having landed them in the spring in the flowerbed, next season you can propagate bushes and exchange them with other flowers.

New use of old things

Original garden shops with miniature tableselegant Arches and Pergolas, cozy tents, colorful seasonal Color Containers - All this can be done with your own hands. Elements of the exterior are quite easy to do using any blowing materials: old metal bars, cut branches of trees, served flower pots and much more.

Applying fantasy, even unsightly economic buildings can be masked, turning them into original design objects. Give the will to your imagination and the familiar garden will be transformed into a fabulous oasis, pleasing the gaze of the picturesque landscape.

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Who among us does not dream of cottage house Any colors, about a nice corner in the garden among flowers? Let's give a little attention to meeting with beautiful examples Landscape design that will help us figure out how to make a beautiful garden design yourself, adding new interesting colors, shapes and smells in our favorite garden.

What makes our garden beautiful? In fact, there are no hard rules when it comes to the design of the garden plot. All contributes to the overall picture: Flowers, beautiful vegetable garden, gazebo, tracks, wicket, bench ... We can all continue this list.

1. Think about the color palette of your garden. Your garden may include all the colors of the rainbow and be resolved in one color scheme - blue-pink, for example.

2. Decorate your home - use the same color gamutwhich you have chosen for the garden. And of course, flowers - in this place there is no color.

3. Do not be afraid to make your way to the house among the thickets of colors - the main thing is that they were not spiny and spikes. For example, use a slightly raised launch path as the flower bed border.

4. Think out a beautiful flower garden at the entrance to the garden - immediately at the gate, it is difficult to underestimate that the first impression that it will produce.

5. Use various plants forms - high spiers of the dolphinium, sage and lavender are perfectly combined with roses and iris.

6. Use textural combinations of garden colors and decorative herbs and shrubs.

7. Make sure your garden tracks Pass near S. beautiful flower bedsSo that you once again have been able to enjoy the flavor of colors.

8. Do not forget about roses in the flower bed - the traditional queens of the garden will give elegance to any flower bed.

9. For the shady corners of the garden, use white plants - so your plot will seem more and lighter.

10. Experiment with flower beds. Spiny syngineer in the depths of the flower bed not only adds mystical silver color In the flower gamut of the garden, but also towering on the rest of the colors, introduces a new interesting emphasis. And for those who love beautiful legends, the syngineer in the garden brings peace to the family.

11. Do not mean the importance of decorative herbs - along with blooming plantsThey will add gentle shades of green, density and rich texture to your flower garden.

12. Flowers in containers will help disguise any slip in your first designer plan.

13. Play the height of the plants - it varies from the plants growing along the land to high spiers of Malv.

14. Do not become a fan of some alone design solutions In the garden - well, when there is a place for a flower bed, and for the lawn, and for the garden.

15. Before entering into the implementation of its design of the garden plot, once again check your budget and the time you are ready to spend on it.

And, of course, do not forget to allocate a minute to enjoy the results of your work - after all, the beautiful garden design that you did, ready to delight you every minute.

photo Glenna Partridge.

How to relax in your own garden! At first glance it seems that your own garden is too loud. But actually create it is not so difficult. The main thing is to approach its creation measured and planned, not spontaneously.

In order to create beautiful garden Sometimes it takes many years. But from this situation there is a way out: you can grow a beautiful garden with fast-growing plants.

Is it possible to create a beautiful garden with your own hands?

The answer to this question is very simple - of course you can. Another question is what is needed for this?

Make a garden do it yourself

Garden Scheme: 1 - Major's Mascolry, 2 - Lily of Mayan, 3 - Narcissus Hybrid, 4 - Fasciny violet.

Far to the background left small parisades with flower and shrubs growing in them and gardens located right behind these parisades. The decoration of its sections on the European type has now become relevant. can be samia different ways. Creature own garden - This is not only interesting, but also an entertaining occupation. Not only landing colors and shrubs is included in the creation of a garden. It can be artificial streams, reservoirs, interesting trees, flower beds, lianas and more. Installed in the garden of sculptures, interesting fences, dry streams - all this may include the organization and creation of a garden on its plot of land.

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Land layout

Complete redevelopment of the country area or the creation on its territory is absolutely new design requires primarily preparation master plan. This plan serves as a visual picture of the future garden. It must be displayed the boundaries of this section, the parties are noted, the location of all country buildings, zone, green area area, and also marked all the necessary or existing tracks.

Working out the design project of the garden plot, you need to adhere to some rules in which there are considerable knowledge and experience.

There is plenty. Do not forget that bringing them to life, it is important to keep a common style. This requires any landscape design. For example, for little space The so-called landscape style is best suitable. Shrub groups, winding tracks, rounded lawn - all this visually will increase the size of your garden.

If the plot for the future garden small sizes, you should not land on it too many large trees and shrubs. Fruit trees are best choosing dwarf or semi-class varieties. Place for flowers and lawn grass You can free up if you have trees and shrubs in a checker order. According to landscape designers, the borders of the garden plot can be visually expanded if planting light shades in the foreground, and in the background there are cold and dark colors.

Having planting fruit trees, you need not only to think about their functionality, but also on appearance. They should not be knocked out of the overall style and design of the site. Dwarf cherry or colonum apple tree are perfect for your site. They are not only functional, but also attractive in appearance.

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What else implies garden design?

Colon Garden Scheme: 1 - TIS, 2 - Pleet Rose, 3 - Lavaters, 4 - Walinkles, 5 - Sage, 6 - Lavender, 7 - Sunflower, 8 - Santolina, 9 - Rosemary, 10 - Roman Chamomile, 11 - Thyme Lemon, 12 - thyme creeping.

Plant selection and garden bookmark - this is only first stage In planning and designing the territory. No less important is the choice of place to relax. It can be both a gazebo and an outdoor area. Unlike the arbor, create and arrange the platform on its own much easier, and more interesting.

Making a garden plot, try to avoid the most frequent errors. Fountain, gazebo, arch, reservoirs, slides, barbecue, - all this is trying to place inexperienced gardeners in their plot. But I can not go about any convenience and comfort in such a garden and speech. The site is obtained too cluttered, inconvenient and loses its appearance.

Very often, gardeners are suitable for the choice of plants for their garden, forgetting some rules. So, many seek to acquire new types and varieties of plants in Garden Stops, which ultimately leads to a bruise with exotic flowers. The overall picture of the garden loses its appeal.

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Registration of the territory of the neck

Not only the territory of the garden, but also the territory of the garden can be quite decorative element For a plot as a whole. Now the creation of a decorative garden was very relevant. Decorate the plot will allow you competently made beds. The main thing is to approach the creation of a garden with creativity and fantasy. The originality of your garden will depend only on you. Ordinary beds with strawberries, healing herbs and spiced greenery can be planted so that in appearance she will not yield decorative plantsMoreover, it will be different with its functionality.

Some plants, such as horseradish and rhubarb, can be used as accents. These plants attract attention at the expense of their large leaves.

To make it more convenient to care for some suriable crops, They should be put in different sectors, which will be divided among themselves by rows of spicy greenery, pepper, carrots and beets. It is necessary to leave small paths, which can be easily accessible to the necessary vegetables.

By the way, fantasy can be turned on at the stage of creating a bed. They can be both rectangular and square. The tracks between the beds should be wide enough to conveniently get to vegetables. These tracks can be sprinkled with granite crumbs or small gravel. Then they will not overgrow.

If you still prefer to grow traditional vegetables in your garden, here you need to take into account a few moments. First, remove the farthest plot for this business in your garden. Secondly, do not get carried away by the number of landings. Carrots and tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, eggplants, and many other vegetables, but let them be in small quantities can grow on your garden. One small bed for each vegetable will be quite enough.

In order not to spoil the overall garden design, fall out on the border of the grill with bright, and sprinkle the walkway between the beds painted with a wooden chips.