Repairs Design Furniture

The pond in the country is your own hands: Consider how to make a decorative pond step by step with a photo. How to make a pond for breeding fish with your own hands how to make a big pond

Isn't that a joy: on a hot day to cover the table near the water and enjoy the cool Neho or warm evening, setting around at the pond, watch the game of fish? .. In the perfect garden, it should certainly be a reservoir! No wonder the tradition to decorate the parks and gardens go far into the past. And today, thanks to the development of technologies, everyone is capable of creating such beauty. You can arrange on the stream of the stream, a pond with a fountain, even a small waterfall, fill with reservoir by plants and fish. Everything solves only your taste! The main thing is to study the subject and do everything with the mind.

We need a place to know

First of all, you need to decide on the place where you will break your home lake. Think out in which part of the garden with water optimally fit into the landscape. Most likely, you will want to organize a rest area from the water, put a gazebo, tables, chairs or benches. Evaluate whether spaces are enough for this.

For the device of the pond, the ground surface must be completely flat. If the plot is hilly, it is better to create a stream or a cascade fountain on it. And on the steep slope, it is good to arrange a waterfall, connected to a small pond.

Store the following rules:

Place the pond in a well-lit place so that decorative aquatic plants have received enough sun for growth. Also, the reservoir should be opened from the south-west.

At the same time, straight rays should not fall on the water more than six hours a day, otherwise the green algae will begin to actively multiply and water will bloom.

Do not break the pond near the trees: their roots can damage the bottom, break waterproofing, and the incident foliage will contaminate with water and stimulate the growth of algae. In addition, the branches give a shadow that prevents the development of aquatic plants. Therefore, plant trees at the reservoir are recommended at a distance not closer than the height of their barrel.

Shove deeper

After choosing the location of the future pond, start the device of the kittle. To choose the right depth of the reservoir, focus on the area of \u200b\u200bits surface, i.e., on the area of \u200b\u200bthe water mirror. If you are planning a small pond by 3-5 m², the maximum depth of 60-80 cm is quite enough. If it is a more impressive reservoir area from 5 to 15 m², it is recommended to prepare a hammering depth of about 80-100 cm. A large pond with a water mirror over 15 m2 will have to be located at least a meter at a distance. In any case, if you plan to settle the pond by plants and fish, make the bottom three-step: a shallow zone for coastal plants, shallow water for nymphia and showering for wintering fish.

Important! If the reservoir will live fish, its depth should be at least 180 cm. Small ponds in winter can freeze to the bottom, the depth attack is enough so that the pond is not only not completely frozen, but also retained enough oxygen to winter fish. At the same time, it is not necessary to do so deeply.

Pond Prudi

When the pit is ready, you can go to the arrangement of the pond directly. To do this, there are various technologies - choose which is the most appropriate for you.

Option One: buy in the store of water equipment and equipment a special bowl. They are made of plastic, reinforced plastic, PVC, fiberglass, butyl rubber rubber (the last option is the most durable). Such bowls can be of different configuration and volume from 250 to 1000 liters. They are pretty durable (serve up to 30 years old) and frost resistant, they can breed fish. Cost of cups starts from $ 100.

The construction of the pond is thus - the case is unfall. The pitted is about 30 cm wider than a bowl, and the bottom is torn and fall asleep with a layer of sand about 5 cm so that the base of the pond evenly accepted the load. The gaps between the walls of the bowl and the pita are also filled with sand, sealing it. "Coast" can be issued by natural stone or tiled. Consider: equipping your pond with the help of plastic bowls, you once and forever define its size and shape.

Option Second: Run a bowl of concrete. This option is the most thorough, but also the most troublesome, so lately it is increasingly refused to favor more technological materials.

The device of the concrete bowl requires time and patience and is carried out in several stages. So that the material does not slip from the walls, the ponds are located at an angle of 40-45 ° (for concreting the cooler slopes will have to build a wooden formwork and pour concrete into it before the bottom will find it. When the concrete fully solidifies, the formwork is cleaned). The bottom and walls are poured with a layer of concrete mixture with a thickness of about 13 cm, then a metal grid is pressed into another wet walls. It will take about a week of rejection of the first layer, after which they laid out the second layer. Walls and bottom of the pond can be decorated with stones or tiles. The price of the reservoir, built in this way, will be from $ 180 per 1 m² of water mirrors. The pond with a concrete bowl is a fundamental building, and change its depth or square in the future.

Important! So that concrete is not easy to dry, and cracks did not form on it, it is necessary to keep it in a wet state. For this, the surface should be covered with a polyethylene film or wet burlap.

Option Three: Fit the bottom of a special waterproofing film. This method now preference is preferred, since the film leaves complete freedom of creativity: you can embody any idea by giving the water that the form that was conceived. In addition, if necessary, the pond can be both expanded and moved. For the strength and durability of the film, you can not be afraid: it has high elasticity, durable, not wrinkled and does not crumble (manufacturers give a guarantee up to 50 years). Pond film is non-toxic: in the reservoirs you can safely breed fish. It does not deteriorate under the influence of the Sun and is resistant to frosts to -45 ° C. The material is made either from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or from synthetic rubber (SC). Pond film manufacturers are German companies OASE and Hobbipul, Danish Monarflex, American Firestone-take into account all the specifics of its use. But the ordinary polyethylene film cannot be applied: its service life will be a maximum of two years, it will deteriorate from the effects of ultraviolet and is easy to break.

When using a film method, the wall of the pit is also needed to be made by gentle (not cooler 45 °) and well seal. All roots of plants and stones that come across when digging, delete. Kotlovan falling asleep with a 10-centimeter sand layer and stood with geotextile, which additionally protects the film from mechanical damage and germination of the roots. When the film, you need to add 60-70 additional centimeters, which will perform the edges of the pond. If the widths of the film are not enough to cover the entire bitten, it is cut off and placed on the tapes of the bracket, and in places the connection either glue (for PVC), or weld (for SC). Required materials for this are offered films manufacturers. Welding can be made both in the enterprise and directly when building a water branch.

Before pouring into the bowl of water, the bottom and the shore lay out decorative stones. A film that goes over the edge is possible or beatened and fall asleep with gravel, pebbles or just soil, or start to the drainage database. The price of a film reservoir largely depends on its design, but on average range from $ 100 per 1 m² of mirror area.

Important! Before proceeding to the construction of a water branch with a film bottom, it is necessary to determine the level of groundwater. If it is above 2 m, drainage will have to do around the pond. For this, at the bottom of the bottom, special drains with geotextile winding are placed.

Lei to the bottom

Where is the best way to take water for your reservoir so that it is suitable for plants and fish? Perfect if there is a natural spring or well nearby - you can fill the pond from it. But first, make sure the purity of water; For example, springs that flow near the tracks often contain oil impurities. If there is a lot of chlorine in the water, you need to fill it with a reservoir and wait a few days until the chemicals discern - only after that water can be poured into the pond. If the reservoir is small, it is actually filled with rainwater: it is softer, it does not contain lime, nitrates and phosphates, algae almost do not multiply in it.

Do not worry when transparent water a couple of days later, it is a natural process of mastering the reservoir by its new inhabitants - microorganisms, algae and fish. If everything is done as it should, in a few days the pond will cleanse.

The water cycle

In order for the pond always pleased the eye, the water was not stuffed in it, did not bloom and remained fresh, and plants and fish are healthy, it is necessary to monitor its purity and environmental equilibrium. First of all, the pond requires regular filtering. For it, special devices are used, which produce Hozelock (United Kingdom); Heissner, OASE (both - Germany) and others. If the pond is small (up to 1000 l), you can use filters of companies that produce equipment for aquariums. For example, Aquael (Poland); Hagen (Canada); SACEM (Italy); Eheim, Sera (both - Germany).

Water is injected into the filter using a special pump: this ensures its continuous circulation. Pumps for water bodies differ from the usual households by what is designed for uninterrupted round-the-clock work and at the same time consume much less energy. The equipment is connected to electrical control panels with an integrated protective shutdown device (UZO). With any leakage of electricity, the UDO for 10 ms will automatically interrupt the supply of electricity. All cables have armored insulation and have high strength; You can walk on them, press them with stones.

Filtering equipment, as a rule, have on the shore of the pond (except submersible models). So that it organically fit into the landscape, it can be disguised with decorative stones or hide in the bushes. The equipment is launched in April-May, and disconnect at the end of the summer season, in September-October. Whole this period filters must work constantly.

In a quiet pool

Get rid of your pond from unpleasant "residents" and maintain in it the order can be in different ways: mechanical (cleaning from garbage), biological (normalization of the content of biogenic substances), chemical (normalization of the chemical composition of water) and using ultraviolet radiation (it kills bacteria and unicellular seaweed).

In mechanical filters, the water passes the container filled with porous material (quartz sand, gravel or special granules). Organic trash and algae are delayed by them and settle in the filter.
For mechanical cleaning of the walls and the bottom of the pond, manufacturers offer an interesting device - "Underwater vacuum cleaner". Instead of air, he sucks dirty water with various suspenders, well cleaning the pond from the sludge, algae, dead residues of plants. Such devices are presented with Heissner, Hozelock, OASE.

For chemical cleaning, special means are used that contain different reagents. HEISSNER, OASE, SERA, TETRA produce a whole range of water treatment chemistry. It allows you to restore the normal level of acidity, bind harmful ammonia and compounds of metals, saturate water with oxygen and even dissolve algae.

Important! Chemical cleaning will not be needed, if you settle useful plants in the reservoir, which saturate water with oxygen: the shrovers, rogol, Tilleju, Ugut, Fournyalis, Elode.

Water in the pond can also be cleaned with ultraviolet radiation (wavelength from 180 to 300 nm). This method allows you to destroy viruses, bacteria and microscopic algae. The design of the filter is simple: there is a special lamp inside its housing. UV disinfectors are presented with OASE, Heissner, Hozelock (there are models of different performance).

Important! Selection of filtration equipment is better to entrust specialists. They will take into account the features of the reservoir as the area and depth, the presence of vegetation and fish, illumination, the bottom profile. A set of pump and filters is better to compile using the goods of one brand - they are guaranteed to combine with each other in terms of performance.

Buying one type of filter hardly allows you to maintain a pond in perfect condition. For example, UV-disinfectors kill algae, but cannot remove them out of the water - it can be done only mechanically. That is why companies often produce multi-chamber systems that include several different filters. The water supplied by the pump passes through a series of compartments, allowing you to combine several types of cleaning.

Everywhere life

If you should think about the composition and style of the reservoir, competently pick up the plants and in addition to settle it with fish, your pond will soon look no less picturesque than the canvas of Monet, and let them become modest, but your own art.

In a small pond you can settle a few nymph or plants with leaves-arrows. For medium and large water bodies, reed, Astilba, Iris, Roger, swimsuit, catchment, Lily and the same nymphany are suitable. The waterproofing material attached around the perimeter "Ozerz" can be masked using broad-sized perennials (geraniums, cuffs), and the size and color accents arrange using higher and bright plants.

You can plant vegetation in the pond both in plastic containers installed on the day and in the ground, which also falls asleep on the bottom. Do not be afraid that it will pollute the water: the soil for aquatic plants is a heavy clay mixture, it is not washed away, and over time even reinforces the root system of the flora. The advantage of the container disembarkation is that the capacity is mobile: they can be rearranged by changing the design of the pond. In order for plants to be held and leaving on the terraces of the reservoir, special coconut mats can be consolidated by its shores.

If you want to settle in your pond fish, remember that there should be no more than 1 kg of water for 1 cubic meter. Before running the fish into a new reservoir, it is necessary to wait about a month so that ecological equilibrium is installed.

Important! It is impossible to immediately produce in the pond just bought fish - she can have a shock. Try to start sending a container with fish swimming in a pond, and only then launch livestock in the reservoir.

Do not live beautifully live

There are many ways to decorate with a reservoir by making it a landmark of your land. The bottom can be lowered by stones (just avoid sharp edges!), Decorate seashells. And fragments of the mirror tile, laid down, will make your pond shine in the sun.

Awesome impression produces competently selected backlight, especially if there is a fountain in the reservoir. For external lighting of water, spotlights are used with directional or diffused light, which are assembled to the racks, fixed on the bottom, or hang on the walls and pillars next to the pond. A directional garden lamp can snatch a group of plants or highlight a separate corner of the reservoir. But the underwater lighting is especially impressive. The real luxury ponds give fountains. All the necessary techniques for creating them are published by Grundfos, OASE (both - Germany); Willo (Italy). With the help of special fountain nozzles, you can create various effects - the range is great. The price of structures starts from $ 17.

Own pond in its plot is not only one of the ways to create a comfortable atmosphere in the country, which has a vacation atmosphere, but also the ability to make an exclusive highlight to a landscape design. Do you think such a hydraulic structure is not under force? You will be mistaken, we will tell how to master the pond laying with their own hands, while spending the minimum of money and effort.

Choosing a place

A competent selected place for the future pond is the key to its long-term operation and preservation of the presentable type.

Relief and soil accounting

There are several important rules that will help choose the right place for the design:

  1. Openness of the site. It is recommended to choose the most open, free from trees, bushes and other spaces. The presence of plants near undesirable for several reasons: the root system of trees will damage the walls of the reservoir, and the leaves, fruits or branches, falling into the water, will overweight, because of which the water will start quickly.
  2. Relief and soil. The optimal option is a plot that for a long time after the rain remains wet, because the water is quickly interferes with a subline or clay soil. Placing a pond here will be able to significantly save on waterproofing. An excellent place for the reservoir will be able to serve as depressions or hopes formed by natural way. And when the pond is located on a plot with a high level of fitting groundwater, you will need to implement drainage systems.
  3. Proximity to water source. For such reservoirs, it is necessary to carefully and regularly: change water, brushing it from algae, so it is very important to provide for the presence of a water source nearby, which will significantly accelerate and facilitate the process of filling the design with new water.
  4. The possibility of expanding the territory. If the size of the site allows, then the possibility of expanding the pond should be taken into account in advance: the creation of new decorative designs, the construction of a bridge, arbors, etc.

Proper lighting

A large role in choosing a place for the future design is played by sunlight. It is very important to choose a moderately lit plot, without direct sunlight. The constant lighting of the Sun will dry water and contribute to the active reproduction of water bacteria, activating the growth of green algae, the formation of Tina. On the other hand, the shortage of sunlight will lead to braking growth of decorative plants.

Important! Build an artificial pond can be on the soils of any kind. However, on some of them, the costs and time will increase significantly.

Ideal is:

  • a plot over which the sun appears until 11:00 am and after 15:00;
  • overall illumination - not more than 6 hours a day;
  • dimming the pond is at least 40% in the peak of the sun.

Construction technologies

There are several technologies for the construction of an artificial pond with their advantages and disadvantages. After studying the features of each, you can make the optimal choice for your site.


The simplest, cheap and universal method of forming a pond - through a special film. For its organization use 2 types of films:

After the choice of a suitable film is finished, proceed to construction work:

  1. Conduct the markup of the site on which the pond will be located.
  2. Drop the pit according to the size of the structure.
  3. Prepare the substrate. For this wall and the floor of the pit is well tumped, laid a layer of waterproofing, which can act as geotextiles or PVC film, fall asleep with sand and still tamper.
  4. On top of the sand layer put the film. During this event, you can face some problems: first, due to the uneven surface on the film, folds may form. It is quite normal, but it is better to try to make one big fold than a lot of small. Secondly, it is not recommended to allow tension of the material, because under the weight of the water he can burst.
  5. After laying, the film is starting to pour water. The pond filled with water is left for several days, and then the protruding pieces of the film are neatly cut off.
  6. The last step is to strengthen the "coastal" line. As a strengthening material, a stone, pebbles, geomates, lattices are used.

This method has a number of advantages compared to others:
  • low cost of materials;
  • easy and easy to implement;
  • the ability to create a design of any shape and sizes;
  • quick rates of creating a pond;
  • no need to contact the specialists, because even an inexperienced master will be able to build water.

Did you know? Very often, the bottom of the pond is lined with a film of blue, allegedly in the tone of the water. In fact, the blue bottom in nature does not exist - it is dark or dark gray. It is such a color and one should give preference.

When organizing a pond on a film basis, it is necessary to remember that he will not be able to last for a long time, and you need to be prepared for repairing it every year. The film is easy to damage, break or cut when cleaning. In addition to this edge lying on the surface, can melt under the influence of the sun.

One of the most durable, reliable and durable is the pond of concrete. Its construction takes place in several stages:

  1. Eat the pit, with a reserve of 20-25 cm, which is necessary to strengthen the bottom.
  2. Remove the stones from the pit, the remains of the roots and other items.
  3. Pull with the bottom of the chubble layer of 15 cm and tamper.
  4. Starting from the center to the sides, lay a layer of waterproofing.
  5. Concrete pouring: mix the solution, make the reinforcing mesh, poured the mixture. They give to harden and at the end are applied a layer of liquid glass.

Concrete pond is able to "boast" the following advantages:
  • strength and durability of the design;
  • the possibility of creating a reservoir of any form;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • low cost of concrete solution.

However, to build a concrete bowl is not as easy as it seems at first glance. During work, you will need a lot of effort and time. In addition, the concrete structure requires additional processing by frost-resistant means and liquid glass.

The simplest in the organization is the pond of the ready-made bowl. In building stores, you can purchase structures from polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride.

Important! An ordinary concrete needs both internal and in outer waterproofing. There are brands of material that the moisture is not afraid, but they are very expensive and require special fill technology. Because of this, apply expensive concrete to create ponds in most cases inexpedient.

Such artificial ponds are sufficiently durable, frost-resistant. Their main advantages are considered:

  • small weight design;
  • convenience and easy installation;
  • quite a decent life - up to 15 years;
  • neutility in care.

Not devoid of plastic ponds and disadvantages, among which are marked:
  • small dimensions and the lack of opportunity to expand with water;
  • high price for high-quality material;
  • unnatural appearance.

Make an artificial reservoir can also be made of remedies. For example, an old cast-iron bath will be able to serve as an excellent form for future reservoir. Such a pond has a high strength to the effects of the sun, water, quite durable and is able to serve for many years.

The disadvantage of this design is an unnatural look, since the bath has an exceptionally rectangular shape, as well as a large weight of the material, due to which problems may arise with its transportation to the site.
The shape for the reservoir can also serve as an old car tire. Of course, it is not necessary to speak here about a big pond, however, it is quite realistic to organize an original interesting corner in its plot. For its construction it is necessary:

  • cut off top of the tire;
  • dig a hole with a slight margin around the perimeter;
  • put the tire and put it with a film;
  • secure the film, pour into the waterproof.

Did you know? If ain reservoirplannedlaunchfish, its depth should be at least 2 m, and for habitat of carps - at least 2.5 m. It is this depth that allows water to freeze in winter.

The coastal zone of the reservoir can be decorated with stones, pebbles, various plants.

How to make a pond

To make a good, high-quality pond do it yourself, you should make a little effort, as well as spend your time and means. But the result is worth it, and mini-water will delight you and your relatives for many years.

The construction process of construction, which will function year-round, consists of the following steps:

  1. Formation of catlovana. One of the most important and at the same time complex actions is choking a pit. On the side of the pit, you need to do a few terraces: the largest - at a depth of about 2 m, where the fish will dwell. Further, gradually lifting, - at a depth, respectively, 1 m and 0.5 m. It is necessary to ensure that the walls of the pits are not absolutely smooth, and were formed in the form of small steps, otherwise, after the film is stuck, it Simply "crash." After digging, it is necessary to remove the top layer of the soil on the coastal zone on the entire perimeter of the pond by approximately 0.5 m, forming a small bile. Such an improvised "sideboard" needs to be done under a slight bias so that the water after precipitation does not flow into the water, and remained in the horror. Next, it should be carefully tumped by the walls and the bottom: first use a wide board, then the walls and the bottom of the riveting are sprinkled with a thin layer of sand and tamper on your feet.
  2. Strengthening design. To give the structure of strength, the cement brand 500, water and ordinary watering can be needed. Works are carried out according to such an algorithm: the steps of the pit and its bottom are abundantly watered with water from the watering can, then poured a rather dense layer of dry cement. When the cement is absorbed, a solid "crust" is formed on the surface. Such manipulations are carried out throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe pit. Upon their completion, it is necessary to leave a pond for pouring on 1 day so that the cement grabbing.
  3. Laying the draft and finishing film. At the very bottom of the pit (where the terrace is 2 m depth) put the film, or you can use the old inflatable pool as material. A swimming pool or film is littered between the bottom and attach to the ground using metal brackets (the brackets can be made independently, bending the rod letter P). Next, with the help of a draft film, all the territory of the pit should be etched. In order for the film to keep and not moved, it is fixed with stones or bricks on the ledge. On top of the draft, it is necessary to put the finish film in the same way, fixing all the ledges in small layers of stones. The finish film has good wear resistance, frost resistance, is capable of listening for more than one year. After laying the film you need to make sure that over the entire edge of the shore there is a sufficient stock of 20-30 cm, which is necessary for reliable mounting of the edge.
  4. Registration of the pond. The coastal part of the pond around the perimeter must be postponed with small wooden blanks (lamps). It is advisable to "fit" such such a blank for one size so that such an artificial fence may have an aesthetic appearance. Also, the territory between the wooden ponds and the edges of the pond can be fastened with natural stones. Next, the pond is poured with water and decorated at their discretion: plants, algae or reassets are planted, spread wooden squigs. If the reservoir contains fish, then it needs to add some river water.
Video: How to make a water - a pond on the plot, cottage

One of the brightest tools in landscape design is a decorative pond. Of course, most of the country areas is limited to the traditional six weaves, and the owners simply cannot build a large reservoir, but because of this, it is not necessary to abandon the dreams to acquire an artificial pond. As for the technical part, it will not be an obstacle, but provided that there is a good instruction and desire. So today we will find out how to make a pond in the country with their own hands step by step.

Initially, it should be found out what purpose will chase a pond on the site. From this point of view, the reservoirs can be divided into four large groups.

Table number 1. Classification of artificial water reservoirs

Group nameShort description

They are an element of the landscape composition and are intended primarily to decorate a garden zone. Next to such water bodies, active rest is not provided.

They are deeper and often decorated with fountains, bridges, sometimes equipped with backlight. Such ponds are built near the house or gazebos, there are benches with canopies. Therefore, it is quite obvious that such water bodies are the heart of the recreation area of \u200b\u200bresidents of the house.

This option is suitable not only for avid fishermen, but for families with children - the latter will be enjoyed to watch bright fish, resting in nature.

They also belong to artificial country water bodies and not only perform aesthetic function, but also make it possible to refresh yourself or even swim (it all depends on the dimensions).

Then, based on goals and its capabilities, proceed with the choice of style, location, dimensions and shapes.

Second phase. We define with style

An artificial pond can be performed in one of two possible options, and each of them also has a great multitude of modifications.

Table number 2. Styles of artificial reservoirs

NameShort description

This name is exactly reflecting the essence - these are structures that differ clearly specified outlines. Proper in terms of geometry The shape of the pond is suitable for those areas that are decorated in the style of minimalism, High-Tech, modern or classics. But what is characteristic, the form can be not only rectangular, but also square, round, oval, broken.

They are more popular, because they are characterized by the naturalness and incorrect outlines of the shores, and therefore, as if they bring people to nature. The form of the reservoir depends only on personal preferences, but the more difficult, the harder it will be to put the film (about it somewhat later).

A large role when choosing a style plays the relief of the plot. So, if the surface is quite smooth, then the shape of the pond can be any. If there are irregularities and differences on the site, then they need to pay special attention, but they can additionally equip the cascade or a waterfall. In addition, against the background of all this, it will be great to look, say, artificial hill.

Also, it can also be somewhat raised above the ground. In this case, the construction technology will differ only to the arrangement of the foundation, which will prevent possible breaks of the bowl.

When creating such a reservoir, earthworks minimize, and it will take care of it much easier.

Note! If the reservoir is built with a fountain, then preference should be given to the high design.

Third stage. Choose a place

Let's start with the fact that we are placed in the best possible place to be able to admire your creation from any point of the site. That is why when choosing, we take into account several important factors.

  1. Land area. Not only the sizes of the pond are directly dependent on it, but its form.
  2. Light. Artificial reservoir is preferable to position in a shaded place, in which the impact of direct sun rays does not exceed five to six hours a day, otherwise part of the water can simply evaporate. Moreover, with sunlight, biological activity can develop, which is unlikely to be able to decorate the pond. Therefore, by choosing a specific place on the site, several days are watching the sunny mode.
  3. Relief. The shape of the pond depends on it, and it also simplifies the device of additional elements (for example, fountains).
  4. The level of ground waters, the composition of the soil. These indicators affect not only the depth of the reservoir, but also on the complexity of the work and the need for additional consumables.

Note! The more the depth of the pond, the more in the more illuminated place it should be positioned. If the reservoir is intended for fish, then we apply to the location even more responsibly, since the oxygen content in highly heated water decreases.

  1. Possibility of expansion. Do not forget about the future, therefore, on the one hand, leave free space.
  2. Visibility. It is advisable to place a reservoir so that it can be seen from home and recreation places.
  3. Power supply. If the fountain or backlight is additionally equipped, the electrification is thought out in advance. The wires are better to put it during the development, and under the ground and in reliable protective corrugation. In places of compounds there must be small hatches for access.
  4. Reflection. The pond will look more attractive if the surface will reflect the sky or beautiful buildings, and not some economic structure.
  5. Landscaping. Vegetation near the pond is, of course, beautifully, but the leaves will pollute it, and form the ride. Moreover, root systems of trees can damage the waterproofing layer.
  6. Compatibility with shared design and other objects.

Works begin in the spring - so we will have enough time so that the reservoir "passed on" in the site.

Fourth stage. Determine with dimensions

It is difficult to say that a big pond will cost more than a small, because here the mass of their nuances. Therefore, we consider key points.

1. Dimensions. They depend on the location of the reservoir. Many say that the pond should form an average of 3-10% of the entire area area, although there can be no clear recommendations in this case. As for specifically, length and widths, they depend not only on the land area, but also from our capabilities. After all, we will dig a pit under the water.

2. Depth. It depends on the purpose of creating a reservoir, as well as its size.

3. Difficulty content. The greater the pond, the easier it is (no matter how paradoxically it sounds) for him to care for him.

4. Zoning. The reservoir is divided into the following zones:

  • coastal (from 10 cm to 40 cm), which will serve as an entry and planting plants;
  • shallow (from 40 cm to 100 cm), where cultures will be planted, which grow deeper (for example, winter-hardwood water lily);
  • deep-water (more than 100 cm) - it is required only in those reservoirs, where fish breeding is planned; The area of \u200b\u200bthis zone depends primarily on the number of fish, but on average it should be more than 20% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir.

5. Biological equilibrium. In the pond, in any case, animals are settled, and therefore, it is necessary to ensure such conditions so that it can be self-charge. No oxygen saturation or water chlorination is provided here. It is worth remembering: for plants you can divert no more ½ of the entire area.

Note! The lowest point should be lowered below the soil freezing line, especially if the fish breeding is planned - so they will be able to survive the winter in non-freezing water.

Fifth stage. Choose materials

The next question that needs to be sought is the choice of consumables. In the modern market there are many options that can be used when creating an artificial reservoir. Consider them.

Concrete pond

The most expensive option that, nevertheless, allows water to be operated quite a long time. Although the concrete pouring is more suitable for the area of \u200b\u200bthe pool.

Finished plastic container

This option is more suitable. A shape made of fiberglass or PVC allows you to record quickly to build a pond and use it up to 30 years (a specific term depends on the quality of the capacity).

The procedure itself will consist of only four steps:

  • install the form;
  • fill out the remaining emptiness sand;
  • plant planted, fill with water water.

The disadvantage of this method lies in the difficulty of transportation (if the volume is large) and the need for basic installation knowledge (otherwise the bowl may be damaged). Moreover, plastic containers over time are destroyed under the action of UV radiation.

Note! It is preferable to use a fiberglass bowl that enhanced rubber - such a design is more reliable and is suitable for repair.

Polymer film

In terms of shape of the pond, this option provides simply unlimited possibilities. The most affordable material is a plastic film, although it will last long.

At the PVC film, the operational period is greater, with a competent installation, it can serve to ten years.

Perhaps the most reliable option. For ponds with a stony bottom and great depth, it is recommended to use a butyl rubber membrane (EPDM), which reaches the operational period of 50 years. In addition, this material is able to withstand multiple frosts.

There are several people's folk water making methods that use scribe materials. We will get acquainted with the most popular of these ways.

Reservoir from the old bath

Excellent option, because the bath is a container that was originally intended to hold the fluid. The bath can be painted in bright colors and put in a picturesque area of \u200b\u200bthe site or, as an option, deepen into the ground.

Water from the tire

A simple way to create a mini-reservoir on the site. Manufacturing procedure is shown in the photo below.

Water from Tazika

Even easier way. The basin is able to keep water well, so it can be installed in the same way as the bath. With competent decoration, such a mini-pond will become an excellent jury.

Note! Not only the aesthetic characteristics of the pond are dependent on the material selection, but also its life. It is desirable that the selected material is environmentally friendly.

Sixth stage. Prepare equipment

To create a simple artificial reservoir, we will need a level, a trolley with a shovel, cord, a hose that is used for watering, and pegs.

If the pond will be more technological, then you will need such equipment:

  • cleaning filter;
  • sterilizer (it will remove algae so that the water is transparent);
  • pump for pumping / pumping water;
  • aerator for oxygen saturation (especially important during fish dilution).

Seventh stage. Create an artificial reservoir

Materials that can be used to create a water branch, abound, but we will focus on a polyvinyl chloride film. The fact is that it is cheaper, better takes the right form, it can be repaired, and specific knowledge or skills are required for work.

Step 1. Initially, choose the color of the film. There are several possible options here.

  1. Black film - It will turn the bottom in the mirror (plants, clouds will be reflected, so on.).
  2. Cream, blue- So the reservoir will be more like the pool, and the fish on a light background will be visible more clearly.
  3. Brown - It will imitate the soil of natural reservoirs. Excellent option for a landscape pond.

Also, when choosing a film, we draw attention to the composition (PVC is more durable than PE) and the thickness (for the pond, the material is thicker than 0.5 mm). At the same time, the greater the depth of the reservoir, the greater should be the thickness of the film. No less important is the resistance to UV radiation and mechanical damage.

Note! If the depth of the pond will exceed 1.5 m, then we use butyl rubber. Such a film is resistant to stretching, deformation and UV, moreover, it can withstand temperatures in 40-80 ° C.

  • pond width + (depth X 2) + reserve (55-60 cm) \u003d material width;
  • pond length + (depth x 2) + reserve (55-60 cm) \u003d material length.

For gluing, we will use special glue (for example, "Tagnit") or adhesive tape (Quick Seam 3).

Step 3.The next step is to create a scheme.

Initially, we draw it on paper, after which we transfer to the ground. We indicate the dimensions of the steps or "shelves" for plants - this will avoid possible problems. To apply marking use sand or flexible garden hose (preferably bright color).

After that, we hide the placed area with a piece of light film and consider from different angles. If necessary, make adjustments.

Step 4.. ROOM KOTLANA. To do this, perform the following actions.

  1. First, we remove the turf.
  2. Then ROOM KOTLOVA himself. At the same time, moving from the edges to the center, deepening in the required places - it is more convenient. For layout of stone and decorating, we draw a protusion with a depth of 60-70 cm.
  3. We remove the soil, and with it roots, stones, garbage and everything that can damage the film. By the way, an alpine slide can be made of ducklings.

Conducting earthworks, pay attention to the shores of the future pond on the same line. If the waterfall will be created, then withstand the required height drop.

Note! If a big level is required, we can make it yourself. To do this, laid the usual level on a long smooth board.

Step 5. We put the substrate. The bottom of the finished pit is carefully tamped, after which we get to the waterproofing layer, which will prevent the penetration of water into the ground.

The substrate can be performed in several ways:

  • dno shelter by stones and fall asleep sand (this kind of waterproofing will lose its properties in a few years);
  • we put a layer of geotextiles that fall asleep sand (cost in a large amount);
  • we put the PVC film (the most reliable way, so we will stop on it).

Step 6. Next, lay the film, preferably on the sandy "pillow" (the latter will prevent damage to stones and other hazardous objects). It is advisable to lay it on a hot day - heating, the film becomes militant.

In this case, difficulties may arise with the formation of folds. We try to make one major fold, and not a large number of small, then glue it either to press it with stones. The film should be not a unpretentious free.

For its fastening along the perimeter, an additional trench. Place the film there, after which we fall asleep rubble. Next, fill in the trench with large stones with a flat bottom (so that the film does not break). Walls lay round stones (flat will slide). At the end, fill the pond with water - we feed it without a pressure, directing to the center of the pit. After two days, cut the surplus of the film.

Step 7.. Strengthen the shore. Their slope depends on the type of soil: if it is sandy, then the walls should be under a slope, if we are talking about clay or chernozem, then vertical. The optimal angle of the slope should be approximately 45 °.

The strengthening itself depends on the type of coast.

If they are gentle, it can use:

  • geomat;
  • geologist;
  • polymer geovel.

You can also use a conventional chain grid, scoring its cells with soil with long-term grass seeds (for example, clover). There is another option - to strengthen the shores by shrubs or plants.

If the coast is cool, then we can use:

  • piles;
  • gabions;
  • right walls.

Effectively can strengthen and with biological methods (plant landing). Ideally, biological gain methods should be combined with engineering.

Eighth stage. We decorate artificial pond

There are several ways to decorate the reservoir. So that it becomes a full decoration element, we use one or more of the methods below.

As a conclusion. Features of care

As a result, a few words about further care of artificial reservoirs.

Video - Creation of a pond from the film

Pond for fish breeding personnel: 4 ways to build a pond with instructions + 5 advantages of film insulation + 9 tips on the device of the pond.

Start your business is very problematic.

Some ideas are very profitable, but only in the future. And how to make money dripped you in a couple of months?

Pond for breeding fish will be one of the best options., what . Today we will analyze how you can embody this idea into reality.

Expanded instructions and tips on the arrangement of a water branch for breeding fish will allow the main component of your business project within 3 to 10 days.

Fish breeding pond: Popular destinations

In Russia, fisheries is at a high level for a long time.

Strong competition of foreign manufacturers has displaced large companies from the market, supplying fish products. This event gave impetus to the development of small businesses aimed at providing regions where the fish from afar is not financially appropriate.

What are the directions in the breeding of fish:

  • Growing in a pond.

    Suitable for most species, which is bred on an industrial basis.

  • .

    Suitable for river species, such as pike, crucian, perch and others.

  • Sadkin fish farming.

    It requires accommodation on natural reservoirs, which is not always convenient.

  • Homemade mini reservoirs.

    Have non-standard proportions in terms of structures.

We consider today the first direction - growing fish in the pond.

It is optimally suitable for implementation and does not require high costs. The advantages include high reservoir payback rate.

How to start building a pond for fish breeding?

The first thing about to take care is a place where the pond will be located.

At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing special here, and absolutely any plot will fit. But if you want a pond to serve for a long time, it is worth paying attention to the generally accepted principles of the construction of such structures.

How to choose the best place to build a pond:

  • Construction Start on the hill, otherwise rainwater can fall into the pond and drain dirt.
  • Near the place where the construction will be located, shrubs and trees should not be.

    The leaves that fall into the pond will trigger the rotation process, which is negatively displayed on the overall state of the reservoir.

  • It is desirable to have an artificial shadow.

    She should not close the whole area.

    Optimal will be the constant location of about 30% of the space in the shade throughout the day.

  • The soil is better chosen without large stones or clay.

    The process of digging the pit for construction will be simplified many times. But here already at the discretion of the owner.

The depth of the pond for normal functioning should exceed 160 cm.

At the bottom there should not be extraneous impurities, but the vegetation is already in the finished pond will always be to the place.

The location is obliged to approach not only for the content of livery. Fish should be able to go through its entire life cycle, including ikrometania.

4 ways to build a fish breeding pond

Method 1. Pond for fish breeding without finishing.

The simplest in construction. It is only required to make a deepening for the future reservoir and cover its walls of clay, interspersed with the turf.
But let's still consider the technology in more detail.

What materials will be required:

  • bayonet and soviet shovels;
  • the mixture is a clay with a turder;
  • tubes for supply / removal of water;
  • the blade for aligning the walls of the pond.

This is only an approximate list. If you are planning a pond of large sizes, digging is possible with the help of large construction equipment.

Construction scheme:

  1. Discharge the borders of the future place for construction.
  2. Drop the deepening on the calculated boundaries.
  3. Tale channels from the pond to the place of water supply.
  4. Place the tubes along the dumped channels.
  5. Combine clay with turf in a 50% ratio by 50%.
  6. To obtain the desired consistency, use water. Watch that the mixture does not become too liquid.
  7. Share the bottom and side walls of the deepening obtained by the mixture.
  8. Feed the problem areas to the desired proportions and align all the spatula.

Conduct cladding or not - to solve you. The resulting pond is already a full reservoir where fish can be breeded.

Method 2. How to build a pond for breeding fish with a film flooring?

The most flexible options that will not require special guidelines for construction. The scheme is elementary in the implementation even for those who do this for the first time.

What materials will be required:

  • tools for digging;
  • tubes for drainage;
  • film with a thickness of 0.5 - 1 mm, preferably black coloring;
  • pegs or stones.

The flexibility of this method is able to make the boundaries of any irregular shape. The film will fall around the perimeter and will acquire when filling out the outlines of the relief of the recess.

To build, you will need:

  1. Outline the borders of the future pond.
  2. Drop the recess with arbitrary wall terrain.
  3. Channels for drainage.
  4. To be sealing the recess and make the holes at the docking points of water supply pipes and the pond space.
  5. Secure the edges of the film by pegs or stones.

Experience in the fish farm has shown that polyethylene is the optimal option for the insulation of the pond. For large spaces, film to order with increased strength indicators.

What are the advantages of polyethylene waterproofing:

  • low value of the material;
  • simplified installation procedure;
  • after laying the pond is immediately ready for use;
  • the material is very durable;
  • easy to carry out repair work with the material.

In addition, the film is not toxic for fish and safe for water vegetation.

Optionally, you can make a special waterproofing with high strength.

Method 3. Pond for breeding fish using plastic.

Unlike the above options, there may be basic difficulties at the stage of fitting the form of deepening under the relief of plastic.

Plastic frames are usually made under the order. It will not be superfluous to think about how you want to see your reservoir, and discuss moments with specialists.

The toolkit is not particularly different from the construction of other methods. The main component is a plastic frame, which should be customized all other parameters during the construction of the pond.

Construction algorithm:

  1. Perform frame measurements, such as length, width, diameter.
  2. Make marking on the ground in the form of a plastic frame with dimensions.
  3. Drop the pit, observing the shape and depth of the workpiece.
  4. On the perimeter, take a battery of 6 - 7 cm for further adjustment.
  5. Place the shape and conduct channels for placing water supply pipes.
  6. Connect pipes and finally align the space around the perimeter of the structure, falling asleep between the plastic form and the shore.

The minus, perhaps, are fixed sizes of the pond. If you have plans to deploy a big business, this construction method is not suitable.

Although the design and durable compared to other options, the cost of plastic frames is quite high.

Method 4. Construction of a pond for breeding fish from a concrete mix.

The most time-consuming method to achieve the goal.

The result will be a high-strength and high-quality pond for fish breeding. It is especially serious about choosing the place and harvesting materials for construction.

What materials will be required:

  • tools for digging pit;
  • sand with small rubble.
    It will be necessary to strengthen the foundation at the bottom in the presence of soft regions;
  • tubes for set / drain water;
  • material for waterproofing.
    An ideal option will be a film with a thickness of 0.6 mm;
  • cement with filler (sand or small crushed stone);
  • the blade for equalizing the surface of the pond;
  • containers for mixing components;
  • reinforcement grid;
  • liquid.

The process of construction of a pond for fish breeding in this way - step-by-step, and can delay for 1-2 weeks.

It is necessary to accurately adhere to technology to avoid problems with reservoir for breeding fish in the future.

Algorithm for the construction of a fish breeding pond:

  1. With the help of a pointed tool, draw the boundaries of the future reservoir.

    Select shape at your discretion.

  2. Drink the 1st trial layer around the perimeter of borders per bayonet.

    Skos side walls should be no more than 25 degrees.

  3. Drop the channels of receipt and removal of water for pipes.
  4. Place the pipe inside the channel.
  5. Drink the pit to the depth you need.
  6. At the bottom it should be tumped by the soil manually or with special tools.

    If the bottom is soft, it needs to be strengthened using sand with gravel.

    The layer of stones falling asleep with sand with a thickness of no more than 1-2 cm.

  7. The insulating film cut out the bottom of the pond with a margin of walls.

    Well press the material to the ground and lock the spicy or stones at the top.

  8. Six concrete.

    For the workpiece, use 1 part of the cement to 3 parts of the sand (the filler can be different).

    Thoroughly mix and add liquid to obtain the required consistency.

  9. The resulting solution evenly distribute on the surface of the waterproofing material with a thickness of no more than 1 cm.

    After applying, let the concrete froze, and only then proceed to apply the next layer.

    Continue the process until the thickness of the concrete coating becomes about 9-10 cm.

  10. After 4-5 layers of the concrete mix, the reinforcement grid should be put.

    She will be a good support for your pond.

    Position the grid along the walls of the bottom, and, easily pressing, poning it under the form of recess.

    From above, fill the next layer of concrete and allow the mixture to frozen.

  11. Position in the channels of the water supply / removal tube.

    Pick the joints of the holes between the walls and the pipe.

    Long the gaps of concrete and align the spatula.

  12. Squeam the concrete mixture with a blade around the perimeter of the entire pond.

Small nuances and errors can be solved already after filling the pond.

The design is obtained very strong and durable. Optionally, you can beautifully issue the shores and, in addition to trade, start providing tourist fishing services.

All 4 methods for creating a water branch for fish breeding at the proper level of perseverance and efforts to be easily implemented.

Based on the size of the desired design, it is worth choosing the most rational ways to build a pond.

Fish breeding pond

We looked at how you can create a fish breeding pond, and now let's focus on the issue of its device and arrangement at all stages of construction.

1) What equipment is needed to arrange a pond?

Did you fill in the pond and want to start brewing fish?

Living dwelling in open reservoirs has its own characteristics displayed in accommodation. You should learn more about the form of fish you are going to breed, and prepare optimal conditions for it.

Irreplaceable in any pond will be gravitational filter.

Mobile attachment for water filtration in the pond during fish dilution. The price of such a mechanism is within 4,000 - 6000 rubles.

The next indispensable attribute of any place where water lifetime is bred will be compressor. It will prevent the death of organisms, saturating oxygen water.

Well, the 3rd required element - ultraviolet sterilizerwhich will not give water to bloom. For the price, count on 20,000 - 30 000 rubles, depending on the power and area of \u200b\u200bcoverage.

Other components for your pond depend on the varieties of fish that are going to breed. Information about each form can be obtained individually from specialists or visiting fish farming seminars.

2) Water quality requirements for fish.

Water is the main component of success when breeding fish. Optimal conditions will allow livelihood well added in weight and multiply.

It is impossible to enter third-party impurities, such as chloric, methane and hydrogen sulfide.

but. General requirements.

Water for fish should not have strongly pronounced odors and bright shades in the color scheme.

Farmers are often added carbon dioxide to improve the state of the fluid, but its excess can also harm the microflora. The maximum allowable value of carbon dioxide is 15 mg per 1 liter.

b. The reaction of water on the pH.

There are 3 possible states of water in the pond - neutral (pH \u003d 7), acidic (pH 7).

Optimal is the value within 5 - 7 points. To reduce the level of acid in the liquid, the installation of special lime filters is required.

c. Iron level.

When filling the pond to breed fish with water, pay attention to the indicators of the iron salt content.

When reaction with water, oxidation with high oxygen absorption occurs, which negatively affects the state of the fish. In acidic reactions to the gills, the rapid raid interferes with respiratory processes and leading to death.

To prevent such situations, periodically conduct water aeration.

For stable bioflora in the pond requires plants.

The list of permissible phlora representatives can be found in the table below:

Periodic analyzes for microbiological and mineral water status indicators will help track the problems. Experts will give advice, how to correct the situation and improve the state of affairs.

Industrial ponds do not differ in beauty in the design. Their main goal is to create the most comfortable conditions for fish breeding.

Our tips will help you to maintain and make your reservoir.

9 Soviets on the device of a pond for breeding of fish:

    Do not allow the water level excession in the pond.

    To control this factor will allow the construction of a catchment channel.

    Its width can reach 70 cm, and the depth is not higher than the optimal value in the reservoir.

    The side walls are under a slope of 20-30 degrees and are strengthened with materials at your discretion.

    The maximum depth of the pit should not exceed 3 meters.

    These are the optimal conditions for wintering and breeding fish.

    About 30% of the area must be left at a depth of 0.5-1 m.

    This will allow the fish to spawn, and you will simplify the feeding procedure.

    At least one of the shores to make gentle.

    The procedure diversifies the flora and improve the overall state of the pond.

    Give the priority to the construction of a pond with the possibility of removing water.

    To simplify the process of catching, in the center of the pond, make a slight recess below the drain level.

    It is in it that the fish remaining after the drain of water will be located.

    A couple of times in a year, clean the bottom of the sludge and other precipitation.

    IL - very useful fertilizer for plants and another article income of your business.

    Clean the trud at the perimeter at the pond.

    When building a pond, the land from the pit should be applied to strengthen and form the shores.

    The optimal geometrically solution will be the oval model of the design of the pond.

    If you are counting on collecting precipitation, use a rectangular shape.

These tips will help you avoid common problems with pollution and extinct diluted fish in a pond.

Recover with attentive fish species that are going to breed. It is possible that they will need special conditions for their cultivation that pulled the purchase of additional equipment.

How to build an eco-pond on the plot with your own hands?

Detailed guide with a practical example will inspire you and will give an answer to this question:

Fish breeding pond - A good source of constant income. What kind of construction and breeding method choose - depends on you.

Population of fish business on average 3-7 months, depending on sales volumes.

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Any landworker would like to have in its portion with a water. A small pond creates a special microclimate, serves as a source of watering, collects excess water from the site, finally becomes a place of recreation and relaxation. Avoid fishermen will be happy to dig a pond for breeding in it, the more technically it is not difficult, although it requires a large amount of work. To such an event, it is necessary to treat with all the responsibility, because the pond created by you will need permanent care, without which all his advantages will quickly run out and it will be sick and dry.

Ponds for breeding fish are:

  • exported;
  • winter;
  • carved;
  • spawning.

Distinguish ponds with artificial and natural lies (bottom).

Ponds with artificial bottom are reservoirs, equipped in areas with sandy soil, poorly delaying water. In such a situation, after the penetration of the pit, it is necessary to make its waterproofing, and then form an earthen bottom pillow. More often ponds with monolithic or precast concrete bottoms.

Ponds with a natural bottom usually do not need additional manipulations with arrangement: for their construction, it is enough to dig a pit and strengthen the slopes. This option is possible on the basis with thin, clay and sampling soils, few water conductive.

The most simple in the device view of a pond for breeding fish with a natural bottom is a copan.

The suitable folds of the terrain is selected and expanded, or digging the pit under the water. The outlined ground goes to the damp of the dam or dam for collecting precipitation and melt waters.

With the close in the underground waters, within 2-3 meters, the copan additionally equip the specialty catchment trench (it is also called "lock"). It prevents water leaks from the pond.

With the device of ponds in the floodplains, old and dry rivers of rivers and streams, two dams are built, filling with the reservoir.

During the construction of ponds with artificial lies, preference is given by the channel or stalked. Such a fish breeding pond can be made with water supply.

Kotlovan focuses the size of more than one or two meters than those declared in the project, developed before the construction of a fish breeding pond. For the bottom, the clay layer is arranged and it is rambling, or a waterproofing film is used. The formwork is built and the reinforcement grid is stacked with cells 30 * 30 cm. At this stage, water pipes are fixed. The whole "pie" poured concrete. After that, the primer layer of the pond is satisfied. To choose a soil, also come responsibly: when the carp is diluted, it is worth making it more dense, since he likes to dig a bottom in search of food, making water muddy.

Before the fill, an artificial reservoir is withstanding for two or three weeks and washed several times (up to five times), leaving water for two days. After that, you can land plants, pour the pond with water and run fish.

stock Foto Fish breeding ponds

How to plan a pond and choose a place

To create a pond for fish breeding with your own hands, some conditions should follow, thanks to which you can achieve the best results.

Natural reservoir can be built if natural recesses are present on the site (ravines, streams of streams, including dry), and low-cost raids are also suitable. If there is no whole listed, then it is not trouble: the pond can always dig.

When planning the location of the pond, consider that it should be well covered in the morning - up to 11 hours. From 11 to 15 hours, it is better to arrange it in the shade or a half, because in warm water, algae multiply in warm water, and the fish may suffer from lack of oxygen.

The sizes of the pond for breeding fish count depending on the total area of \u200b\u200byour site, as well as your personal goals. So, for amateur fishing, a lake is suitable with a diameter of aqueous mirror 5-10 m, well, and for breeding fish on an industrial scale, lakes are used much larger size - up to 200 meters in diameter.

The most important thing when building a pond is the presence of the necessary land area and the water source (flowing nearby, close soil waters, artesian well).

Water must pass a number of preliminary tests on its suitability for breeding fish in it. They can be made in sanitary and epidemiological services or fish farms laboratories. It should not contain harmful chemicals (such as methanol, chloric, etc.), risks and other contaminants.

Water supply is arranged depending on the selected type of water supply: by pipes or channels of gravity with the use of slopes or pump. There will be a good option to place a pond in the center of the drainage system of the site.

The pond should be not too far from the house, but not quite close - this figure should be calculated on the basis of the functions laid in the device of the water branch.

Before construction, it is necessary to investigate the soil on the land plot relying under the water, to carry water. This analysis is carried out in this way: soil samples are collected from the entire surface of the site where the pond is planned, then placed in the tank and poured with water. After that, the mixture is shaking and defend, and in the ratio of sand and clay make conclusions about the waterproof of the soil. If the share of clay or loam in a 30% sample or more, then this soil will serve as a good bottom for the pond. Such indicators must be throughout the surface of the future bottom, otherwise you will have to build artificial waterproofing, strengthen the slopes and build the dam. Another aspect of this study is to inspect the thickness of the clayey layer and the proximity of its location to the surface. The thickness of the layer should be at least half a meter, and the occurrence - as close as possible to the surface.

Clay, as a natural waterproofer, is very good for the bottom of the reservoir. For these purposes, it is possible to use clay produced by an industrial method. Such natural material will help prevent water leakage, balance the temperature and nutrients in the pond.

The only thing that should be done when using industrial clay is to take it when laying on the bottom.

fish breeding pond scheme

Tips when applying a pond for breeding fish and its use

Decorative ponds differ from fish ponds with demands that are not only for their design, but also to the structure of the bottom and placement. Fish ponds often do not differ in the sophistication of decoration, their main role is to create comfortable conditions for growing and catching fish.

  1. In order to avoid revelation of the reservoir, take care of the construction of the catchment channel, which is suitable on the canopy of the pond. Its bottom must be at a level of normal water level in the pond, and its width is an average of 0.5 m. The slopes are strengthened with turden, rubble, and sometimes coated with concrete slabs (depending on the values \u200b\u200bof the reservoir).
  2. Drive under the pond pour with a maximum depth of 3 meters, optimal and for wintering fish and for swimming people. In addition, at this depth, the most comfortable water temperature is maintained.
  3. In the fish pond, there is no need to organize a multi-level bottom, as in decorative, but a third of its square should be shallow, a depth of 0.5 meters to 1.5 meters. Its function is the provision of a pond to the feeding and spawning of fish.
  4. The coast - priority, but if there is no possibility, then try to do so at least one. The presence of sectors of different types is also useful for a diverse world of aquatic plants and for fish and its catch.
  5. During the construction of a fish breeding pond, give preference to the type of water drain water. To do this in the center of the bottom, make a deepening. It will serve for the rapid catch of fish.
  6. Periodically (in the spring before the flood), clean the bottom from the ral with the help of water supply. In the natural ponds you can pump off the water by the pump, leaving a small amount of its number at the bottom, and collect Il-shovel. IL - useful fertilizer for the land.
  7. All over the perimeter of the reservoir, it is necessary to carry out work to remove old stumps and clean the shores.
  8. The soil departed from the Kopani can be used to enhance the shores. Fertile soil is removed from them and the embankment is made to which the removed soil is returned.
  9. In case of dry summer, try to have the minimum water level in the pond not lowering 1.5 meters.
  10. The pond is better to make an incorrect oval shape. For Sadkov prefer the right rectangular shape.

Dams and dams

If there are suitable lowlines or ravines on the site, then the pond is constructed, expanding the available recesses and the construction of the dam or dam.

Principles of use of dam and dam

Dams are built to detention for melting and sediment waters and filling the pond with water. Also, they are arranged for the permitting of streams of streams or small rivers to create a dam. The dams protect the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe pond, its main function is the accumulation of precipitation and control over the water level.

In the form of these dams make trapezoids, but they have them in the very narrow place of the dam.

In order to protect and filling the ponds, these structures are built from the soil, clay is best suited.

Construction of dams and dams

Clay is used for the body of the dam, and the coverage is suitable suits and loam. Delicate dams and dams are strengthened by turf, gravel or concrete slabs. You can land on them moisture-boring shrubs and plants. During the construction of dams on sandy soils, they carry them out additional waterproofing. Failure of the soil produce layers and every 20 cm will be taught.

The height of the structures is the minimum meter above the surface of the pond.

Given the strong sediment of the dams in the first year after construction, it is made above 10-15 percent.

The comb is arranged in the area of \u200b\u200b4 meters, and the dam is already within two meters.

Construction of a dand video

Water supply and waterproof

And those and other structures are essentially protected by water from overflowing water as a result of floods and excessive precipitation, and also serve to quickly release it from water to catch fish and preservation of a pond for the winter.

Water - structures that are reducing excessive water in the open way - through the channels. These are drops and speeds. They are built in the form of wooden or concrete stairs and tray channels.

Water supply - for them, use closed pipes from reinforced concrete with fusey connections. In fish farming they are installed on the bottom of the pond, closing the input of the grid.

How to make a pond do it yourself video