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The general plan "OST" is translated into Russian - peacebuilding. General Plan "Ost"

About the Nazi program of extermination of whole nations

The director general "OST" was a truly denidial document of Nazi Germany - the plan for the enslavement and destruction of the peoples of the USSR, the Jewish and Slavic population of conquered territories.

The idea of \u200b\u200bhow the Nazi Tips has seen the warfare of the war on the destruction, it is already possible to compose from Hitler's speeches before the highest commandup of the Wehrmacht on January 9, 17 and 30, 1941, Führer said that the war against the USSR would be "the full opposite of the normal war in the West and North of Europe, "it provides for" total destruction "," the destruction of Russia as a state ". Trying to bring the ideological base for these criminal plans, Hitler announced that the upcoming war against the USSR would be a "struggle of two ideologies" with the "application of severe violence", which in this war to defeat not only the Red Army, but also the "control mechanism" of the USSR, " Destroy the commissioners and the communist intelligentsia, "functionaries and such a way to destroy the" ideological bonds "of the Russian people.

On April 28, 1941, Brushech was issued a special order "The procedure for the use of the security police and the SD in the units of the ground forces." According to him, the soldiers and officers of Wehrmacht were responsible for future crimes in the occupied territory of the USSR. They were prescribed to be ruthless, shoot at the spot without trial and the investigation of all who will have at least the slightest resistance or show sympathy to the partisans.

Citizens were prepared either expulsion to Siberia without livelihood, or the fate of the slaves of the Aryan hosts. The substantiation of these goals was the racist views of the Nazi leadership, contempt for the Slavs and other nations, "Neochoralovka", preventing the "existence and reproduction of the highest race" allegedly due to a catastrophic lack of "living space".

The "racial theory" and "the theory of living space" originated in Germany long before the arrival of the Nazis to power, but only they acquired the status of state ideology that covered the broad layers of the population.

The war against the USSR was considered by the Nazi tip, first of all, as a war against Slavic peoples. In a conversation with the President of Senate Danzig, Rausuning, Hitler explained: "One of the main tasks of the German State Board is to forever prevent all possible development of Slavic races by all possible means. Natural instincts of all living beings suggest us not only the need to defeat their enemies, but also destroy them. " Other references of Nazi Germany adhered to a similar installation, first of all, one of the nearest accomplices of Hitler Reichsführer SS G. Gimmler, who on October 7, 1939, at the same time he took the post "Reichskisar to strengthen the German race". Hitler instructed him to address the "return" from other countries of the Imperial Germans and Folksdoch and the creation of new settlements as the German "living space in the East" will be expanded during the war. Himmler played a leading role in resolving the issue of the future, which would have to expect the population on the Soviet territory until the Urals after the victory of Germany.

Hitler, throughout his political career, who acted for the dismemberment of the USSR, on July 16 at a meeting at his rate with the participation of Goering, Rosenberg, Lammers, Borman and Kaitel, determined the tasks of the National Socialist Policy in Russia: "The basic principle is to make this cake To divide the most handy way, so that we can: first, they own, secondly, to manage it and, thirdly, to exploit it. " At the same meeting, Hitler announced that after the defeat of the USSR, the territory of the Third Reich should be expanded in the East at least to the Urals. He stated: "All the Baltic States should become an area of \u200b\u200bempire, Crimea with surrounding areas, Volga regions should become an area of \u200b\u200bempire just like the Baku region."

On July 31, 1940, the meeting of the Supreme Command of the Wehrmacht dedicated to the preparation of the attack on the USSR, Hitler said again: "Ukraine, Belarus and Baltic States". Northwestern regions of Russia right up to Arkhangelsk, he was going to convey Finland then.

Himmler on May 25, 1940 prepared and presented his "Some considerations of addressing the local population of eastern regions." He wrote: "We are extremely interested in not to unite the peoples of the eastern regions, but on the contrary, crushing them on possible smaller branches and groups."

A secret document initiated by Himmler called the General Plan "Ost" was presented to him on July 15. The plan was envisaged for 25-30 years to destroy and deport 80-85% of the population from Poland, 85% of Lithuania, 65% of Western Ukraine, 75% of Belarus and 50% of residents from Latvia, Estonia and the Czech Republic.

45 million people lived in space to be German colonization. At least 31 million of those who will be declared "undesirable for racial indicators" was supposed to be evicted to Siberia, and immediately after the defeat of the USSR, to the liberated territories up to 840 thousand Germans. Over the next two to three decades, another two waves of settlers with a number of 1.1 and 2.6 million people were planned. In September 1941, Hitler said that in the Soviet lands, which should become "Reich Provinces", it is necessary to conduct a "planned racial policy", directing there and endowing the lands not only by the Germans, but also "the names of the language and blood of Norwegians, Swedes , Danes and Dutch. " "When the Russian space is settled," he said, "we must provide imperial peasants with extremely luxurious housing. German institutions should be placed in magnificent buildings - the governor's palaces. Around them will grow everything necessary for the life of the Germans. Around the cities within a radius of 30-40 km, the German villages are striking by their beauty, connected by the best roads. Another world will arise, in which the Russian will be allowed to live, as they please. But under one condition: we will be the gentlemen. In case of rebellion, we will have enough to lose a couple of bombs on their cities, and the case is done. And once a year, I will hold a group of Kyrgyz in the capital of the Reich so that they are penetrated by the consciousness of the power and the grandeur of its architectural monuments. Oriental spaces will become for us with the fact that India was for England. " After the defeat near Moscow, Hitler consoled the interlocutors: "Losses will be restored in many times superior to their volume in settlements for the purebred Germans, which I will create in the East ... The right to earth according to the Eternal Law of Nature belongs to the one who won it, based on the fact that Old borders hold back the growth of the people. And the fact that we have children who want to live, justify our claims for newly conquered eastern territories. " Continuing this thought, Hitler said: "There are iron, coal, wheat, wood. We will build luxurious houses and roads, and those who grow there will love their homeland and once, like the Germans of the Volga region, will forever connect their destiny. "

Special plans Nazis have sheltered against the Russian people. One of the developers of the General Plan "Ost" Dr. E. Vevetel, Referent on racial issues in the Eastern Ministry of Rosenberg, prepared a document for Himmler, in which it was argued that "without complete destruction" or weakened by any means of the "biological force of the Russian people" to establish "German The domination in Europe will not succeed.

"We are not only about defeating the state with the center in Moscow, he wrote. - The achievement of this historical purpose would never mean a complete solution to the problem. The case is most likely to defeat the Russians as a people, dismiss them. "

On the deep hostility of Hitler to the Slavs testify to the records of his packaging conversations, which from June 21, 1941. Until July 1942, the ministerial adviser Games first, and then Dr. Picker; As well as records about the objectives and methods of occupation policy in the territory of the USSR, made by the representative of the Eastern Ministry at the Hitler's Rate V. Keppen from September 6 to November 7, 1941. After the Hitler's trip to Ukraine in September 1941, Keppen records conversations at the rate: "In Kiev burned down a whole quarter, but in the city there is still quite a large number of people. They produce a very bad impression, outwardly come to proletarians, and therefore their number should be reduced by 80-90%. Fuhrer immediately supported the Offer of the Reichsfürera (Ghimmler) to confiscate the ancient Russian monastery located near Kiev so that he did not turn into the center of Renaissance of the Orthodox Faith and the National Spirit. " Both Russians, and Ukrainians and Slavs in general, according to Hitler, belonged to race, unworthy of humane treatment and education costs.

After a conversation with Hitler on July 8, 1941, the head of the General Staff of the Ground Forces General Colonel F. Galder writes in the diary: "Unfortunately, the decision of the Fuhrer to challenge Moscow and Leningrad with the Earth to completely get rid of the population of these cities, which otherwise we will then be Forced to feed during the winter. The task of destroying these cities must perform aviation. To do this, you should not use tanks. It will be a folk disaster that will deprive the centers not only Bolshevism, but also Muscovites (Russians) in general. " The conversation of Halder with Hitler dedicated to the destruction of the population of Leningrad, Keppen concretizes as follows: "The city will only be taken to the ring, to expose to artillery shelling and take an iszor ...".

Assessing the position at the front, on October 9, Ceppen records: "The Führer gave an order about the ban on the German soldiers to enter into the territory of Moscow. The city will be surrounded by and erased from the face of the earth. " The corresponding order was signed on October 7 and was confirmed by the General Command of the Ground Forces in "Instructions on the procedure for the seizure of Moscow and the treatment of its population" of October 12, 1941

In the instruction, it was emphasized that "quite irresponsible would be risking the life of German soldiers to save Russian cities from fires or feed their population at the expense of Germany." The German troops were applied to all Soviet cities to all Soviet cities, and it explained that "the more the population of the Soviet cities would rush into the inner Russia, the stronger the chaos in Russia will increase and the easier it will be to manage the occupied Eastern areas and use them." In the post of October 17, Keppen also notes that Hitler made it clear to the generals that only a few Russian cities intends to preserve after victory.

Trying to divide the population of the occupied territories in areas where the Soviet government was formed only in 1939-1940. (Western Ukraine, Western Belarus, Baltic States), the fascists have established close contacts with nationalists.

To stimulate them, it was decided to allow "local self-government". However, in the restoration of their own statehood, the peoples of the Baltic and Belarus were denied. When, after the entry of German troops in Lithuania, the Nationalists without sanctioning Berlin created the government headed by Colonel K. Skirpoy, the German leadership refused to recognize him, stating that the issue of education of the government would be solved only after the victory in the war. Berlin did not allow the thoughts on the restoration of statehood in the Baltic republics and Belarus, resolutely rejecting the requests of the "racially defective" collaborators to create their own armed forces and other attributes of power. At the same time, the leadership of the Wehrmacht willingly used them to form volunteer foreign parts, which, under the command of German officers, participated in hostilities against partisans and on the front. They served as burgomystres, village old people, in the auxiliary divisions of the police, etc.

In the Reichskisariate "Ukraine", which was rejected by a significant part of the territory included in the composition of the transnistry and Governor-General in Poland, had any attempts to nationalists not only to revive statehood, but also to create "Ukrainian self-government in a politically appropriate form."

When preparing an attack on the USSR, the Nazi Tipper is of paramount importance attached to the development of plans for the use of Soviet economic potential in the interests of ensuring the conquest of world domination. At the meeting with the command of the Wehrmacht on January 9, 1941, Hitler said that if Germany "will get into their hands the innumerable riches of tremendous Russian territories", "in the future she will be able to fight against any continents."

In March 1941, for the operation of the occupied territory of the USSR, a paramilitary state-monopoly organization was established in Berlin - the East East Headquarters headquarters. He was headed by two old companions of Hitler: Deputy G. Goring, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Herman Gering Concern, Statis Secretary P. Kerner and Head of the Department of Military Industry and Armament of OKV Lieutenant General Tomas. In addition to the "leading group", which also dealt with the workforce, the staff included groups of industry, agriculture, organization of work of enterprises and forestry. From the very beginning, representatives of German concerns were dominated in it: Mansfeld, Krupp, Zeissa, Flyca, "I. Farben. " On October 15, 1941, excluding economic teams in the Baltic States and the relevant specialists in the Army, the headquarters consisted of about 10, and by the end of the year - 11 thousand people.

The plans of the German manual for the operation of the Soviet industry were set forth in "Directives on leadership in newly occupied areas", which received the name "Green folder" of Goering.

Directives were envisaged to organize production and export of those species of raw materials on the territory of the USSR, which were important for the functioning of the German military economy, and restore a number of factories in order to repair the vehochet technology and the production of certain types of weapons.

Most of the Soviet enterprises producing peaceful products were planned to destroy. Special interest, Goering and representatives of the military-industrial concerns showed the seizure of Soviet oil-bearing areas. In March 1941, a petroleum society called "Continental A. G." was founded, the chairmen of the Board of which were E. Fisher from the concern "IG Farben" and K. Blisseing, the former director of the Imperial Bank.

In the general instructions of the East Organization dated May 23, 1941 on economic policy in the field of agriculture, it was said that the purpose of the military campaign against the USSR is the "Supply of German Armed Forces, as well as providing for many foods of the German civilian population." It was planned to implement this goal at the expense of "reduction of our own consumption of Russia" by overlapping the supply of products from the Black Earth Southern areas in the Northern Non-Earth Zone, including industrial centers such as Moscow and Leningrad. Those who prepared these instructions were perfectly aware that this would lead to the hungry death of millions of Soviet citizens. At one of the meetings, the East headquarters said: "If we are able to dig out all we need, then tens of millions of people will be doomed to hunger."

The East East Management Board was subordinate to the economic inspections operating in the operational rear of the German troops on the eastern front, economic departments in the rear of armies, including the technical battalions of specialists of the mining and oil industry, parts engaged in the withdrawal of raw materials, agricultural products and produced guns. Economic teams were created in divisions, economic groups - in field commandements. In parts, expropriating raw materials and controlling the work of captured enterprises, specialists of German concerns were consistent. Commissioner for scrap metal Rotmist B.-G. Shu and general inspector for the seizure of raw materials Vitting was ordered to take trophies to the military concerns of the Flik and I. Farben. "

The satellites of Germany for aiding in aggression was also calculated on rich prey.

The ruling Top of Romania led by the dictator I. Antonescu intended not only to return Bessarabia and the Northern Bukovina, which she had to give up the USSR in the summer of 1940, but also to get a significant part of Ukraine.

In Budapest for participating in the attack on the USSR, dreamed of getting the former Eastern Galicia, including oil-bearing areas in Drohobych, as well as all transylvania.

In a program speech at a meeting of the Siberian Directors on October 2, 1941, the head of the Main Department of Imperial Security R. Heydrych said that after the war, Europe would share to the "German Great Space", where the German population will live - Germans, Dutch, Flemis, Norwegians, Danes And the Swedes and the Eastern Space, which will become the raw material base for the German state and where the "German Higher Layer" will use the conquered local population as "Ilotov", that is, slaves. In the city of Himmler, there was a different opinion on this. He was not satisfied with the policy of the Germanization of the population of seized territories held by Kaiserovskaya Germany. He considered the mistakes of the old authorities to force the conquered peoples to abandon only the native language, the national culture, lead a German lifestyle and execute German laws.

In the SC-Schwartz Cor's School newspaper, 1942, in the article "Germanizing Lee?", Himmler wrote: "Our task is not to Germanize East in the old sense of the word, that is, to instill in the population German and German laws, but To ensure that people only live in the east, the German, German blood.

The achievement of this goal was the massive destruction of civilians and prisoners of war, which occurred from the very beginning of the invasion of German troops into the territory of the USSR. Simultaneously with the Barbarossa plan, an OKOh order of April 28, 1941 came into effect "The procedure for the use of the security police and the SD in the units of the Ground Forces". In accordance with this order, four punitive parts and Jews were played by four punitive parts, so-called EinzattzGroups marked with the letters of the Latin alphabet A, B, C, C, I, in the occupied territory, the main role in the mass destruction of the Communists, Komsomolts, Deputies D. EinzattzGroup A was attached to the North Army Group and acted in the Baltic Republics (led by Brigadefürer SS V. Stacker). EinzattzGroup in Belarus (manager - Head of the 5th Department of the RSHA Group of Army) was attached to the Center for the Center for Army. EinzattsGroup with (Ukraine, Head - Brigadefürer SS O. RASH, Security Police Inspector and SD in Königsberg) "serviced" the "South" armies group. The attached LL-th army Einzatz group D operated in the southern part of Ukraine and in the Crimea. He commanded O. O. Oleldorf, head of the 3rd department of the RSH (security service inside the country) and at the same time the chief management of the affairs of the Imperial Trade Group. In addition, in the operational rear of the German compounds, which occurred to Moscow, operated the punitive team "Moscow", headed by Brigadefürer SS F.-A. Ziks, the head of the 7th Department of the RSH (ideological research and their use). Each EinzatzGroup numbered from 800 to 1200 units of personnel (SS, SD, Criminal Police, Gestapo and Police of Procedure), which were under the jurisdiction of the SS. Following the heels of the defending German troops, by mid-November 1941, Einzazgroups of the Army "North", "Center" and "South" destroyed in the Baltic States, Belarus and Ukraine more than 300 thousand civilians. They were engaged in mass murders and robbery until the end of 1942 according to the most careful estimates, in more than a million victims. Then EinzattsGroups were formally liquidated by entering the rear troops.

In the development of the "Order of Commissioners", the Supreme Command of the Wehrmacht on July 16, 1941 entered into an agreement with the Main Department of Imperial Security, on which Special Security Police Commands under the auspices of the 4th Main Department of the Secret State Police (Gestapo) of Muller were required To identify among the Soviet prisoners of war "unacceptable" in political and racially delivered to the stationary camps.

"Unacceptable" recognized not only party workers of all ranks, but also "all representatives of the intelligentsia, all fanatical communists and all the Jews."

It was emphasized that the use of weapons against Soviet prisoners of war is considered "as a rule, legitimate." Such a phrase meant a formal permission to murder. In May 1942, the OKV was forced to cancel this order at the request of some high-ranking front-line, reporting that the publication of the facts of the shooting of political officers led to a sharp increase in the power of the red army. The continuation of the political officers began to destroy not immediately after the captivity, but in the Mauthausen concentration camp.

After the defeat of the USSR, it was planned "for the shortest possible time to" create and settle three imperial districts: DC Ingermanland (Leningrad, Pskov and Novgorod region), Gothic District (Crimea and Kherson region) and the district of Memel - Narev (Belostok region and Western Lithuania). To ensure the connection of Germany with the Ingermanland and Gothic districts, two motorways were supposed to build, each length of up to 2 thousand km. One would reach Leningrad, the other to the Crimean Peninsula. To protect the motorway, it was planned to create 36 paramilitary German settlements (reference points "): 14 in Poland, 8 in Ukraine and 14 in the Baltic States. The whole territory in the East, which will be seized by the Wehrmacht was proposed to announce by state property, having transferred power over it to the Eschi Office, headed by Himmler, who personally will solve issues related to the provision of German settlers to the ownership of land plots. According to the estimates of Nazi scientists, for the construction of highways, accommodation in the three districts of 4.85 million Germans and their arrangement would need 25 years and up to 66.6 billion Reichsmarocks.

I approved this project in principle, Himmler demanded that the "Total Germanization of Estonia, Latvia and Governor-General": the settlement of them by the Germans for about 20 years. In September 1942, when German troops came to Stalingrad and the foothills of the Caucasus, at a meeting with commander of the SS parts in Zhytomyr, Himmler said that the network of German reference points (militiated settlements) will be expanded to Don and Volga.

The second "General Plan of the settlements", taking into account the wishes of the Himmler on the finalization of the April version, was ready on December 23, 1942 by the main directions of colonization in it were called North (Eastern Prussia - Baltic countries) and South (Krakow - Lviv - Black Sea). It was assumed that the territory of German settlements will be 700 thousand square meters. km, of which 350 thousand - arable land (the whole territory of Reich in 1938 was less than 600 thousand square meters. km).

The "master plan" provided for the physical extermination of the entire Jewish population of Europe, the massacres of Polyakov, Chekhov, Slovaks, Bulgarians, Hungarians, the physical destruction of 25-30 million Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians.

L. Smemetsky, calling the plan "Ost" by the "Cannibal Document", "The plan for the elimination of Slavs in Russia", claimed: "Do not be deceived by the term" eviction ": it was the usual for the Nazis designation to kill people."

The "master plan" belongs to history - the history of the violent resettlement of individuals and whole peoples, "said the report of the modern German researcher Dietrich Ahholtz at a joint meeting of the Rosa Luxembourg Foundation and the Christian Conference of the Munich Agreements - the Ost Republic of Benesh. Causes of flight and violent relocation in Eastern Europe "in Berlin on May 15, 2004 - this story is the same ancient as the history of humanity itself. But the "OST" opened a new fear measurement. He was a carefully planned genocide of races and peoples, and this is in the industrialized era of the middle of the XX century! ". The speech here is not about the struggle for pastures and hunting grounds, for cattle and women, as in ancient times. In the General Plan of the "Ost" under the cover of a manon-independent, atavistic racial ideology, it was about profit for large capital, about fertile lands for large landowners, wealthy peasants and generals and a lady for countless small Nazi criminals and Pekhlebal. "The killers themselves, which, as part of the operational groups of the SS, in countless vermacht units and the key positions of the occupying bureaucracy brought death and fires to the occupied territories, only in their small part suffered a punishment for the deed," D. Akholz stated. - Dozens of thousands of them "dissolved" and could some time later, after the war, to lead the "normal" lifestyle in West Germany or somewhere else, in most of their own part, in general, avoid persecution or at least censure. "

As an example, the researcher brought the fate of the leading sch and expert Himmler, who developed the most important versions of the Ost Master Plan. He stood out among those dozen, even hundreds of scientists - researchers of land of various specializations, specialists in territorial and demographic planning, racial ideologues and specialists in Eugene, ethnologists and anthropologists, biologists and physicians, economists and historians - who delivered these killers of whole nations for their bloody work. "Just this" master OST "of 28 May 1942 was one of the highly qualified products of such killers for writing desks," the speaker notes. He was really, as the Czech historian, Miroslav Karni, was written, "In which a scholarship, advanced technical techniques of scientific work, the ingenuity and vanity of leading scientists of fascist Germany", a plan, "who turned the criminal Hitler and Hitler and Himmler Fiction Magorean in a fully developed system, thoughtful Before the smallest details, calculated to the last brand. "

The author responsible for this plan, the ordinary professor and the head of the Institute of Agronomy and Agrarian Policy of the Berlin University of Conrad Meyer, called Meyer Hetling, was an exemplary instance of such a scientist. Himmler made him by the head of the "main staff planning and land ownership service" in his "Imperial Commissioner to strengthen the spirit of the German nation" and first, the Standartens, and later the OBR-FUUREER SS (corresponds to the colonel rank). In addition, as the leading land designer in the reichxignancy of food and agriculture, which enjoy recognition of the "Reichsfürer of Agriculture" and in the Ministry of the Occupied Eastern regions, in 1942, Meyer has nominated the position of the chief designer of the development of all subjects to Germany.

Meyer since the beginning of the war knew in all details about all the planned pumances; Moreover, he himself composed decisive conclusions and plans. In the annexed Polish regions, as officially announced in 1940, it was assumed that "that the entire Jewish population of this area of \u200b\u200b560 thousand people was already evacuated and, accordingly, during this winter will leave the region" (that is, it will be sharpened in concentration camps, where Subjected to planned destruction).

For annexed areas to settle at least 4.5 million Germans (1.1 million people still lived there), it was necessary "the train train to expel further 3.4 million Poles."

Meyer peacefully died in 1973 at the age of 72 in the position of West German professor on pensions. The scandal around this Nazi killer began after the war with his participation in the Nuremberg process over military criminals. He was accused with other SS ranks in the case of the so-called Main Directorate on Race and Resettlement, was sentenced by the court of the United States to minor punishment only for membership in the SS and released in 1948. Although American judges agreed in the sentence with the fact that he, as the highest officer Chin SS and a person who worked closely with Himmler, was to "know" about the criminal activities of the SS, but confirmed that "the" saying "to the" general plan "to him It is impossible to present that he didn't know anything about evacuation and other radical measures, and that this plan still "never implemented." "The representative of the charge really could not then present indisputable evidence, as the sources, especially the" master plan "of 1942, were not yet discovered - D. Akholz notes with bitterness.

And the court then took the decision in the spirit of the "Cold War", which meant the liberation of "honest" Nazi criminals and probable future allies, and did not think at all about attracting the Witnesses of Polish and Soviet experts. "

As for how the "Ost" master plan has been implemented or not, an example of Belarus is clearly indicated. The Emergency State Commission on the disclosure of crimes of the invaders determined that only the direct losses of this republic over the war years amounted to 75 billion rubles. In prices of 1941. The most painful and severe loss for Belarus was the destruction of over 2.2 million people. Emitted hundreds of villages and villages, the number of urban population has sharply decreased. In Minsk to the time of liberation, less than 40% of the inhabitants remained, in the Mogilev region - only 35% of the urban population, Polesskaya - 29, Vitebsk - 27, Gomel - 18%. The occupiers burned and destroyed 209 of 270 cities and district centers, 9,200 villages and villages. 100,465 enterprises were destroyed, more than 6 thousand km of the railway, 10 thousand collective farms were looted, 92 of the Assistant and MTS, 420,996 houses of collective farmers were destroyed, almost all power plants. 90% of machinery and technical equipment, about 96% of energy facilities, about 18.5 thousand cars, more than 9 thousand tractors and tractors, thousands of cubic meters, sawn timber, and a hundred hectares of wood, gardens, and so on was taken to Germany. By the summer of 1944, only 39% of the pre-war number of horses remained in Belarus, 31% of cattle, 11% pigs, 22% of sheep and goats. The enemy destroyed thousands of educational institutions, health, science and culture, including 8825 schools, the BSSR, 219 libraries, 5425 museums, theaters and clubs, 2187 hospitals and ambulatory, 2651 children's institution.

Thus, the destruction of the extermination of millions of people, the destruction of all the material and spiritual potential of the conquered Slavic states, which in fact was the general plan "OST", was carried out by the Nazis consistently and stubbornly. And the majestic, the grandee, the immortal feat of the fighters and commanders of the Red Army, partisans and underground workers who did not spare their lives for the sake of relieving Europe and the world from the brown plague.

Especially for the "century"

The article was published as part of a social and significant project carried out on the means of state support allocated as a grant in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 11-RP dated January 17, 2014 and on the basis of a competition held by the All-Russian Public Organization Society "Knowledge" of Russia.

1 Project Rosenberg
2 Plan Description
3 Wise Comments and Offers
4 Developed options for OST Plan
4.1 Documents created after the attack on the USSR June 22, 1941


General Plan "Ost" (Him. GeneralPlan Ost.) - the secret plan of the German government of the Third Reich on the conduct of ethnic cleansing in Eastern Europe and its German colonization after victory over the USSR ..

The plan was developed in 1941 by the Main Department of Imperial Security and was represented on May 28, 1942 by the staff of the headquarters of the Imperial Commissioner on the consolidation of the Germanic People, the Obberfurcher of the SS by Concept Meyer-Hetling under the name "The Ost Republic General Plan - the foundations of the legal, economic and territorial structure East. The text of this document was found in the federal archive of Germany in the late 1980s, separate documents from there are presented at the exhibition in 1991, but was completely translated into digital form and published only in November-December 2009.

In the Nuremberg process, the only proof of the existence of the plan was the "comments and proposals of the Eastern Ministry" under the Ost ", according to prosecutors, written on April 27, 1942 by an employee of the Ministry of Eastern Territories by E. Wet after familiarization with the draft plan prepared by RSH.

1. Project Rosenberg

The principle was preceded by a project developed by the ReichSministry of the occupied territories, which headed Alfred Rosenberg. On May 9, 1941, Rosenberg presented the draft policy directives in the territories to Führer, which should be occupied as a result of aggression against the USSR.

Rosenberg offered to create five governors in the USSR. Hitler opposed the autonomy of Ukraine and replaced for her the term "gubernation" on the Reichskisariat. As a result, the ideas of Rosenberg took the following form of incarnation.

· Ostland - should have included Belarus, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Ostland, where, according to Rosenberg, the population lived with Aryan blood, was subject to complete germanization for two generations.

· Ukraine - would include the territory of the former USSR, the Crimea, a number of territories along the Don and Volga, as well as the Earth of the abolished Soviet autonomous Republic of Germans of the Volga region. In theory of Rosenberg, the governor was to get autonomy and become the support of the Third Reich in the East.

· Caucasus - would include the Republic of North Caucasus and Transcaucasia and separated Russia from the Black Sea.

· Moscow - Russia to the Urals.

· The fifth governor was to become Turkestan.

The success of the German Summer-autumn campaign of 1941 led to the revision and tightening of the German plans against Eastern lands, and the "Ost" plan was born.

2. Plan description

According to some reports, the "Ost" plan "was divided into two -" Small Plan "(it. Kleine Planung.) And the "big plan" (it. Große Planung). The small plan was to spend during the war. In the big plan, the German government wanted to focus after the war. The plan has provided a different percentage of a germanization for various conquered Slavic and other peoples. "Negromanized" should have been evicted in Western Siberia or were subjected to physical destruction. The execution of the plan had to ensure that the conquered territories would have acquired irrevocably German character.

3. Comments and vessels

Among historians, a document known as the "comments and suggestions of the Eastern Ministral Ministry" on the Ost Osti "" was distributed. The text of this document was often presented as the "OST" plan, although it has little to do with the text of the plan, published in late 2009.

Wetvesel suggested the exile of tens of millions of Slavs for the Urals. Poles, according to Wetvely, were the most hostile to the Germans, numerically large and therefore the most dangerous people. "

"GeneralPlan OST", as it should be understood, also implied the "final decision of the Jewish question" (it. Endlösung der Judenfrage), according to which the Jews were subject to total destruction:

The number of people to be, according to plan, eviction, should actually be much higher than provided. Only, if we consider that approximately 5-6 million Jews living in this territory will be eliminated before eviction, it is possible to agree with the plan mentioned in terms of 45 million of local residents of nonsensesky origin. However, it can be seen from the plan that Jews mentioned in 45 million are also included. From this, therefore, it follows that the plan proceeds from a clearly incorrect counting of the number of population. The comments and proposals of the vetssel under the General Plan "Ost"

In the Baltic States, Latvians were considered more suitable for "Germanization", and Lithuanians and Latgalents - no, because among them there were too many "Slavic impurities". According to the proposals of the vetssel, the Russian people should have been subjected to measures such as assimilation ("on-treatment") and a reduction in the number through a reduction in fertility - such actions are defined as genocide.

From the Directive A.Gitler Minister for Affairs
eastern territories A. Rowenberg
on the introduction of the master plan "Ost"
(July 23, 1942)

Slavs should work on us, and in the event that they are no longer needed, let them die. Vaccinations and health protection for them are unnecessary. Slavic fertility is undesirable ... education is dangerous. Enough, if they can be able to count to one hundred ...
Each educated person is our future enemy. All sentimental objections should be discarded. You need to manage this people with iron determination ...
Talking in a military, we must kill from three to four million Russians per year.

4. Developed options for the OST plan

The following documents were developed by the Planning Group GR. LLL B. The planned service of the main staff department of Reichskisar on the consolidation of the German people Henry Himmler (ReichSkommissar Für Die Festigung Deutschen Volkstums (RKFDV) and the Institute of Agrarian Policy of the University of Friedrich-Wilhelm University:

· Document 1: "Basics of planning" were created in February 1940 by the RKFDV scheduled service (volume: 21 page). Content: Description of the scale of planned oriental colonization in Western Prussia and Welsenda. The colonization area was supposed to be 87,600 km², of which 59,000 km² of agricultural land. About 100,000 settlements of 29 hectares each should be created on this territory. It was planned to move about 4.3 million Germans to this territory; Of these, 3.15 million in rural areas and 1.15 million in the city. At the same time, 560,000 Jews (100% of the population of the region of this nationality) and 3.4 million Poles (44% of the population of this nationality) were gradually eliminated. The costs of implementing these plans were not evaluated.

· Document 2: Materials to the "Colonization" report developed in December 1940 RKFDV scheduling (volume of 5 pages). Content: Fundamental article to "The need of territories for forced resettlement from the Old Reich" with a specific requirement of 130,000 km² of land for 480,000 new viable settlers of 25 hectares each, as well as in addition 40% of the territory on the forest, for the needs of the army and reserve areas in Witteland and Poland.

· Document 3 (disappeared, accurate content is unknown): "OST Moderator", created in July 1941 by the RKFDV scheduled service. Content: Description of the size of planned East colonization in the USSR with the boundaries of specific colonization areas.

· Document 4 (disappeared, accurate content is unknown): "General plan OST", created in December 1941 by the planning group GR. LLL B. RSHA. Content: Description of the scale of planned oriental colonization in the USSR and the governor-general with the specific boundaries of certain areas of settlement.

· Document 5: "OST Locider", created in May 1942 by the Institute of Agriculture and the Policy of the Friedrich-Wilhelm University of Berlin University (68 pages).

Content: Description of the scale of planned East colonization in the USSR with specific boundaries of certain areas of settlement. The colonization area was to cover 364,231 km², inclusive 36 reference points and three administrative districts in the region of Leningrad, the Kherson-Crimean region and in the Belostok area. At the same time, settlements of 40-100 hectares were to emerge, as well as large agricultural enterprises with an area of \u200b\u200bat least 250 hectares. The required number of immigrants was estimated at 5.65 million. The area planned to population should have been cleared of about 25 million people. The expenditures on the implementation of the plan were estimated at 66.6 billion Reichsmarocks.

· Document 6: "Colonization General Plan" (it. GeneralSiedlungsplan.), Created in September 1942 by the RKF scheduled service (volume: 200 pages, including 25 maps and tables).

Content: Description of the scale of planned colonization of all provided for these areas with specific boundaries of certain areas of settlement. The area was supposed to cover the territory of 330,000 km² with 360,100 rural farms. The required number of immigrants was estimated at 12.21 million people (of which 2.859 million were peasants and busy in the forestry). The area planned to settle should be cleared of about 30.8 million people. The costs of the implementation of the plan were estimated at 144 billion Reichsmarocks.


1. Dietrich Eichholtz "" GeneralPlan OST "Zur Versklavung Osteuropäischer Völker"

2. Olga Sorokina . Ethnic groups on the occupied territory of the USSR during the Second World War

3. Zitat Aus Dem Universitän GeneralPlan Ost Vom Mai 1942 in Einem Berliner Austellungskatalog 1991 Bei Falscher Quellen- Und DateNangabe Hier

4. Generalplan Ost Rechtliche, Wirtschaftliche und Räumliche Grundlagen Des Ostaufbaus, Vorgelegt Von SS-Oberführer Professor Dr. XX, BERLIN-DAHLEM, 28.MAI 1942

General Plan "Ost" (it. GeneralPlan Ost.) - The secret plan of the German government of the Third Reich on the conduct of ethnic cleansing in Eastern Europe and its German colonization after victory over the USSR.

The plan of the plan was developed in 1941 by the General Directorate of Imperial Security and was presented on May 28, 1942 by the headquarters of the Imperial Commissioner's headquarters on the consolidation of the Germanic People, the CS Meyer-Hetling Obrafurr under the name "The Ost Republic's General Plan is the foundations of the legal, economic and territorial structure of the East." The text of this document was found in the federal archive of Germany in the late 1980s, separate documents from there are presented at the exhibition in 1991, but was completely translated into digital form and published only in November-December 2009.

In the Nuremberg process, the only proof of the existence of the plan was the "comments and proposals of the Eastern Ministry" under the Ost ", according to prosecutors, written on April 27, 1942 by an employee of the Ministry of Eastern Territories by E. Wet after familiarization with the draft plan prepared by RSH.

Project Rosenberg

The principle was preceded by a project developed by the ReichSministry of the occupied territories, which headed Alfred Rosenberg. On May 9, 1941, Rosenberg presented the draft policy directives in the territories to Führer, which should be occupied as a result of aggression against the USSR.

Rosenberg offered to create five governors in the USSR. Hitler opposed the autonomy of Ukraine and replaced for her the term "gubernation" on the Reichskisariat. As a result, the ideas of Rosenberg took the following form of incarnation.

  • Ostland - was supposed to include Belarus, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Ostland, where, according to Rosenberg, the population lived with Aryan blood, was subject to complete germanization for two generations.
  • Ukraine - included the territory of the former Ukrainian SSR, Crimea, a number of territories along Don and Volga, as well as the Earth of the abolished Soviet autonomous Republic of Germans of the Volga region. In theory of Rosenberg, the governor was to get autonomy and become the support of the Third Reich in the East.
  • The Caucasus would include the Republic of North Caucasus and Transcaucasia and separated Russia from the Black Sea.
  • Muscovy - Russia to the Urals.
  • The fifth gubernation was to become Turkestan.

The success of the German Summer-autumn campaign of 1941 led to the revision and tightening of the German plans against Eastern lands, and the "Ost" plan was born.

Plan Description

According to some reports, the "Ost" plan "was divided into two -" Small Plan "(it. Kleine Planung.) And the "big plan" (it. Große Planung). The small plan was to spend during the war. In the big plan, the German government wanted to focus after the war. The plan has provided a different percentage of a germanization for various conquered Slavic and other peoples. "Negromanized" should have been evicted in Western Siberia or were subjected to physical destruction. The execution of the plan had to ensure that the conquered territories would have acquired irrevocably German character.

Wise Left Comments and Offers

Among historians, a document known as the "comments and suggestions of the Eastern Ministral Ministry" on the Ost Osti "" was distributed. The text of this document was often presented as the OST plan itself, although it has little to do with the text of the plan, published at the end of 2009.

Wetvesel suggested the exile of tens of millions of Slavs for the Urals. Poles, according to Wetvely, were the most hostile to the Germans, numerically large and therefore the most dangerous people. "

"GeneralPlan OST", as it should be understood, also implied the "final decision of the Jewish question" (it. Endlösung der Judenfrage), according to which the Jews were subject to total destruction:

In the Baltic States, Latvians were considered more suitable for "Germanization", and Lithuanians and Latgalents - no, because among them there were too many "Slavic impurities". According to the proposals of the vetssel, the Russian people should have been subjected to measures such as assimilation ("on-treatment") and a reduction in the number through a reduction in fertility - such actions are defined as genocide.

Designed options for OST plan

The following documents were developed by the Planning Group GR. LLL B. The planned service of the main staff department of Reichskisar on the consolidation of the German people Henry Himmler (ReichSkommissar Für Die Festigung Deutschen Volkstums (RKFDV) and the Institute of Agrarian Policy of the University of Friedrich-Wilhelm University:

  • Document 1: "Basics of Planning" Created in February 1940 by the RKFDV scheduled service (volume: 21 page). Content: Description of the scale of planned oriental colonization in Western Prussia and Welsenda. The colonization area was supposed to be 87,600 km², of which 59,000 km² of agricultural land. About 100,000 settlements of 29 hectares each should be created on this territory. It was planned to move about 4.3 million Germans to this territory; Of these, 3.15 million in rural areas and 1.15 million in the city. At the same time, 560,000 Jews (100% of the population of the region of this nationality) and 3.4 million Poles (44% of the population of this nationality) were gradually eliminated. The costs of implementing these plans were not evaluated.
  • Document 2: Materials for the "Colonization" report developed in December 1940 RKFDV scheduling service (volume of 5 pages). Content: Fundamental article to "The need of territories for forced resettlement from the Old Reich" with a specific requirement of 130,000 km² of land for 480,000 new viable settlers of 25 hectares each, as well as in addition 40% of the territory on the forest, for the needs of the army and reserve areas in Witteland and Poland.

Documents created after the attack on the USSR on June 22, 1941

  • Document 3 (disappeared, accurate content is unknown): "OST Layout", created in July 1941 by the RKFDV scheduled service. Content: Description of the size of planned East colonization in the USSR with the boundaries of specific colonization areas.
  • Document 4 (disappeared, accurate content unknown): "OST General Plan", created in December 1941 by a planning group GR. LLL B. RSHA. Content: Description of the scale of planned oriental colonization in the USSR and the governor-general with the specific boundaries of certain areas of settlement.
  • Document 5: "OST Locider", created in May 1942 by the Institute of Agriculture and Politics of the Friedrich-Wilhelm University of Berlin University (volume of 68 pages).

Content: Description of the scale of planned East colonization in the USSR with specific boundaries of certain areas of settlement. The colonization area was to cover 364,231 km², inclusive 36 reference points and three administrative districts in the region of Leningrad, the Kherson-Crimean region and in the Belostok area. At the same time, settlements of 40-100 hectares were to emerge, as well as large agricultural enterprises with an area of \u200b\u200bat least 250 hectares. The required number of immigrants was estimated at 5.65 million. The area planned to population should have been cleared of about 25 million people. The expenditures on the implementation of the plan were estimated at 66.6 billion Reichsmarocks.

  • Document 6: "Colonization General Plan" (it. GeneralSiedlungsplan.), Created in September 1942 by the RKF scheduled service (volume: 200 pages, including 25 maps and tables).

Content: Description of the scale of planned colonization of all provided for these areas with specific boundaries of certain areas of settlement. The area was supposed to cover the territory of 330,000 km² with 360,100 rural farms. The required number of immigrants was estimated at 12.21 million people (of which 2.859 million were peasants and busy in the forestry). The area planned to settle should be cleared of about 30.8 million people. The costs of the implementation of the plan were estimated at 144 billion Reichsmarocks.

General Plan "Ost" (it. GeneralPlan Ost.) - The secret plan of the German government of the Third Reich on the conduct of ethnic cleansing in Eastern Europe and its German colonization after victory over the USSR.

The plan of the plan was developed in 1941 by the General Directorate of Imperial Security and was presented on May 28, 1942 by the headquarters of the Imperial Commissioner's headquarters on the consolidation of the Germanic People, the CS Meyer-Hetling Obrafurr under the name "The Ost Republic's General Plan is the foundations of the legal, economic and territorial structure of the East." The text of this document was found in the federal archive of Germany in the late 1980s, separate documents from there are presented at the exhibition in 1991, but was completely translated into digital form and published only in November-December 2009.

In the Nuremberg process, the only proof of the existence of the plan was the "comments and proposals of the Eastern Ministry" under the Ost ", according to prosecutors, written on April 27, 1942 by an employee of the Ministry of Eastern Territories by E. Wet after familiarization with the draft plan prepared by RSH.

Project Rosenberg

The principle was preceded by a project developed by the ReichSministry of the occupied territories, which headed Alfred Rosenberg. On May 9, 1941, Rosenberg presented the draft policy directives in the territories to Führer, which should be occupied as a result of aggression against the USSR.

Rosenberg offered to create five governors in the USSR. Hitler opposed the autonomy of Ukraine and replaced for her the term "gubernation" on the Reichskisariat. As a result, the ideas of Rosenberg took the following form of incarnation.

  • Ostland - was supposed to include Belarus, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Ostland, where, according to Rosenberg, the population lived with Aryan blood, was subject to complete germanization for two generations.
  • Ukraine - included the territory of the former Ukrainian SSR, Crimea, a number of territories along Don and Volga, as well as the Earth of the abolished Soviet autonomous Republic of Germans of the Volga region. In theory of Rosenberg, the governor was to get autonomy and become the support of the Third Reich in the East.
  • The Caucasus would include the Republic of North Caucasus and Transcaucasia and separated Russia from the Black Sea.
  • Muscovy - Russia to the Urals.
  • The fifth gubernation was to become Turkestan.

The success of the German Summer-autumn campaign of 1941 led to the revision and tightening of the German plans against Eastern lands, and the "Ost" plan was born.

Plan Description

According to some reports, the "Ost" plan "was divided into two -" Small Plan "(it. Kleine Planung.) And the "big plan" (it. Große Planung). The small plan was to spend during the war. In the big plan, the German government wanted to focus after the war. The plan has provided a different percentage of a germanization for various conquered Slavic and other peoples. "Negromanized" should have been evicted in Western Siberia or were subjected to physical destruction. The execution of the plan had to ensure that the conquered territories would have acquired irrevocably German character.

Wise Left Comments and Offers

Among historians, a document known as the "comments and suggestions of the Eastern Ministral Ministry" on the Ost Osti "" was distributed. The text of this document was often presented as the OST plan itself, although it has little to do with the text of the plan, published at the end of 2009.

Wetvesel suggested the exile of tens of millions of Slavs for the Urals. Poles, according to Wetvely, were the most hostile to the Germans, numerically large and therefore the most dangerous people. "

"GeneralPlan OST", as it should be understood, also implied the "final decision of the Jewish question" (it. Endlösung der Judenfrage), according to which the Jews were subject to total destruction:

In the Baltic States, Latvians were considered more suitable for "Germanization", and Lithuanians and Latgalents - no, because among them there were too many "Slavic impurities". According to the proposals of the vetssel, the Russian people should have been subjected to measures such as assimilation ("on-treatment") and a reduction in the number through a reduction in fertility - such actions are defined as genocide.

Designed options for OST plan

The following documents were developed by the Planning Group GR. LLL B. The planned service of the main staff department of Reichskisar on the consolidation of the German people Henry Himmler (ReichSkommissar Für Die Festigung Deutschen Volkstums (RKFDV) and the Institute of Agrarian Policy of the University of Friedrich-Wilhelm University:

  • Document 1: "Basics of Planning" Created in February 1940 by the RKFDV scheduled service (volume: 21 page). Content: Description of the scale of planned oriental colonization in Western Prussia and Welsenda. The colonization area was supposed to be 87,600 km², of which 59,000 km² of agricultural land. About 100,000 settlements of 29 hectares each should be created on this territory. It was planned to move about 4.3 million Germans to this territory; Of these, 3.15 million in rural areas and 1.15 million in the city. At the same time, 560,000 Jews (100% of the population of the region of this nationality) and 3.4 million Poles (44% of the population of this nationality) were gradually eliminated. The costs of implementing these plans were not evaluated.
  • Document 2: Materials for the "Colonization" report developed in December 1940 RKFDV scheduling service (volume of 5 pages). Content: Fundamental article to "The need of territories for forced resettlement from the Old Reich" with a specific requirement of 130,000 km² of land for 480,000 new viable settlers of 25 hectares each, as well as in addition 40% of the territory on the forest, for the needs of the army and reserve areas in Witteland and Poland.

Documents created after the attack on the USSR on June 22, 1941

  • Document 3 (disappeared, accurate content is unknown): "OST Layout", created in July 1941 by the RKFDV scheduled service. Content: Description of the size of planned East colonization in the USSR with the boundaries of specific colonization areas.
  • Document 4 (disappeared, accurate content unknown): "OST General Plan", created in December 1941 by a planning group GR. LLL B. RSHA. Content: Description of the scale of planned oriental colonization in the USSR and the governor-general with the specific boundaries of certain areas of settlement.
  • Document 5: "OST Locider", created in May 1942 by the Institute of Agriculture and Politics of the Friedrich-Wilhelm University of Berlin University (volume of 68 pages).

Content: Description of the scale of planned East colonization in the USSR with specific boundaries of certain areas of settlement. The colonization area was to cover 364,231 km², inclusive 36 reference points and three administrative districts in the region of Leningrad, the Kherson-Crimean region and in the Belostok area. At the same time, settlements of 40-100 hectares were to emerge, as well as large agricultural enterprises with an area of \u200b\u200bat least 250 hectares. The required number of immigrants was estimated at 5.65 million. The area planned to population should have been cleared of about 25 million people. The expenditures on the implementation of the plan were estimated at 66.6 billion Reichsmarocks.

  • Document 6: "Colonization General Plan" (it. GeneralSiedlungsplan.), Created in September 1942 by the RKF scheduled service (volume: 200 pages, including 25 maps and tables).

Content: Description of the scale of planned colonization of all provided for these areas with specific boundaries of certain areas of settlement. The area was supposed to cover the territory of 330,000 km² with 360,100 rural farms. The required number of immigrants was estimated at 12.21 million people (of which 2.859 million were peasants and busy in the forestry). The area planned to settle should be cleared of about 30.8 million people. The costs of the implementation of the plan were estimated at 144 billion Reichsmarocks.

I understand that the text is big and you will probably be too lazy to read it, but I have a huge request for you: Please read. Take ten minutes of your time. Arrange times and always all points over "I".

I give all the FA and Antifa to learn from the "first hands" about the long-term plans of the National National Socialism, about the future that they have prepared our people. I am confident that by reading these documents, you can fully appreciate not only the military valor of fathers and grandfathers, but also the importance of their victory for the fate of the Motherland. Its transformation into the nutrient medium for the Reich, the displacement of the indigenous population in favor of German settlers, a forced reduction in the number of Slavic and other nations of the USSR, the elimination of their culture and statehood - that's what we were able to avoid.

The Gitler Policy of the Genocide is most pronounced in the "OST", which developed the main imperial security management under the leadership of Himmler together with the eastern ministry of Rosenberg. Until now, the genuine plan "OST" was not found. However, after the defeat of fascist Germany, it was found and was made at the disposal of the Nuremberg Military Tribunal a very valuable document, which allows you to make an idea about this plan and in general about the policies of German imperialism in relation to the peoples of Eastern Europe. We are talking about "comments and suggestions on the master" Ost "Reichsführer MS troops." This document was signed on April 27, 1942 by E. Vettolese - Head of the Department of Colonization of the 1st Chief Political Department of the Eastern Ministries.

1/214, state importance
Top secret! State importance!
Berlin, 27.4.1942.

Remarks and suggestions on the Ost Republic of Reichsfürer MS troops

"Back in November 1941, it became known that the main management of imperial security was working on the General Plan" OST ". The responsible employee of the Main Department of Imperial Security Standard Schtandenführer Elih called me already then provided in terms of the figure of 31 million people of nonsense descent to be resettled . This case is of the Main Department of Imperial Security, which is now occupied by the leading place among the organs submitted by the Reichsphurer of the SS troops. At the same time, the Main Directorate of Imperial Security, in the opinion of all the offices subordinated to the ReichSphurer of the SS troops, will also perform the functions of the Imperial Commissioner for the Mining .

General comments on the general plan "Ost"

According to its ultimate goal, namely the planned to date the territories under consideration in the East, the plan should be approved. However, tremendous difficulties that will undoubtedly arise in the implementation of this plan and may even cause doubts about its feasibility, look in terms of relatively small. First of all, it is striking that Ingermanlandia fell out of the plan [Under this title, the Nazis implied the territory of the Novgorod, Pskov and Leningrad regions], Dnieper, Tavria and Crimea [Back in July 1941, Hitler gave orders to evict all residents from Crimea and turn it into "German Riviera," was even developed a project for resettlement in the Crimea of \u200b\u200bthe population of the Southern Tyrol] as a territory for colonization. This is obviously explained by the fact that later new colonization projects will be further included in the plan, which will still be discussed at the end.

Currently, it is already possible to more or less definitely establish as the eastern border of the colonization (in its northern and middle) a line passing from Lake Lake to Valdai Hills and further to Bryansk. Whether these changes will be made to the plan from the command of the CS troops, I do not undertake to judge.

In any case, it should be provided that the number of people according to the plan to be resettled should be even more increased.

From the plan, it can be understood that this is not about the program to be immediately implemented, but that, on the contrary, the sequestment of this space of the Germans should take place for about 30 years after the end of the war. According to the plan, 14 million local residents should remain in this area. However, whether they will lose their national traits and will be subjected to over-the-year during the above 30 years - more than doubtful, since, again, according to the plan under consideration, the number of German immigrants is very slightly. Obviously, the plan does not take into account the desire of the State Commissioner for the Enhancing of the German race (Greyfelt Automation) to settle persons suitable for numbers, within the limits of the Gendle Empire itself ...

The question of the whole plan of the colonization of the East is the question - whether we will be able to again awaken in the German people the desire for relocation to the east. As far as I can judge from my own experience, such aspiration in most cases is undoubtedly available. It is impossible, however, also to lose sight of that, on the other hand, a significant part of the population, especially from the western part of the empire, sharply rejects the relocation to the East, even to the Warti region, to the Danzig district and to Western Prussia [this fact, by the way, It suggests that there was nothing in common between the human-native plans of the German native clique of Germany and the interests of the German people. The Nazis feared that after the resettlement of the peoples of Poland, the Baltic States, Western Ukraine and Western Belarus and the disappearance of the "people without living space" (Volk Ohne Raum) in front of them will arise a new problem - "Life space without people" (Raum Ohne Volk) .. It is necessary to, in my opinion, so that the relevant authorities, especially the Eastern Ministry, constantly monitored the trends expressing in the reluctance to move to the East, and led the fight against them with the help of propaganda.

Along with the promotion of aspirations to relocate east to decisive moments, it is also necessary to awaken in the German people, especially in German colonists in eastern territories, desire to increase childbirth. We should not mislead yourself: those observed since 1933 the birth rate was in itself a ridicular phenomenon, but he cannot be considered sufficient for the existence of the German people, especially considering its huge tasks for the colonization of Eastern territories and incredible Biological ability to reproduce the eastern nations with us.

The general plan "OST" provides that after the end of the war, the number of immigrants for the immediate colonization of Eastern territories should be ... 4550 thousand people. This number does not seem to me too much, given the period of colonization, equal to 30 years. It is possible that it might be more. After all, it should be borne in mind that these 4550 thousand Germans should be distributed in such territories such as Danzig-Western Prussia, Varti region, Upper Silesia, Governor-General Southeast Prussia, Belostok region, Baltic States, Ingermanland, Belarus, partially Also, the regions of Ukraine ... If we take into account a favorable increase in the population by increasing fertility, as well as to a certain extent, a tide of immigrants from other countries inhabited by German peoples, then you can count on 8 million Germans for the colonization of these territories for the period of about 30 years . However, this is not achieved by a number of 10 million Germans. These 8 million Germans account for 45 million local residents of nonsense descent, of which 31 million should be seen from these territories.

If we analyze a previously scheduled number in 45 million inhabitants of nonsense descent, it turns out that the local population of the territories under consideration of the scene will exceed the number of immigrants. On the territory of the former Poland there are estimated about 36 million people [here, obviously, the population of Western Belarus and Western Ukraine is included. Of these, it is necessary to exclude about 1 million local Germans (VolksDeutsche). Then there will be 35 million people. Baltic countries have 5.5 million people. Obviously, the former Soviet Zhytomyr, Kamenets-Podolskaya and partially Vinnitsa region as territories for colonization are also taken into account. The population of Zhytomyr and Kamenets-Podolsk regions includes about 3.6 million people, and Vinnitsa is about 2 million people, since a significant part of it enters the sphere of interests of Romania. Consequently, the total number of people living here is approximately 5.5-5.6 million people. Thus, the total population of the areas under consideration is 51 million. The number of people to be, according to plan, eviction, should actually be much higher than provided. Only if we consider that approximately 5-6 million Jews living on this territory will be eliminated before eviction, it is possible to agree with the amount mentioned in terms of 45 million of local residents of nonsense. However, it can be seen from the plan that in the 45 million people mentioned and the Jews. From this, therefore, it follows that the plan comes from a clearly incorrect counting of the population.

In addition, it seems to me, in the plan it is not taken into account that the local population of nonsense will be very quickly multiplied for a period of 30 years ... Given all this, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that the number of residents of nonsense origin in these territories will significantly exceed 51 million . human. It will be 60-65 million people.

It suits the conclusion that the number of people who should either remain in these territories, or be evicted, is significantly higher than provided in terms of. In accordance with this, when fulfilling the plan there will be even more difficulties. If we take into account that 14 million local residents remain in the territories under consideration, as planning a plan, then 46-51 million people need to be evicted. The number of residents to be resettled, established by the plan of 31 million people, cannot be recognized correct. Further comments on the plan. The plan provides for the resettlement of unwanted in the racially local residents in Western Siberia. At the same time, percentage figures are given for individual peoples, and thus the fate of these peoples is solved, although there are still no accurate data on their racial composition. Further, to all peoples set the same approach without taking into account whether it is envisaged at all and to what extent to the initiation of the relevant peoples concerns this friendly or hostile peoples.

General comments on the issue of numbers, especially about the future with the inhabitants of the former Baltic states

In principle, here first should be noted the following. It goes without saying that the policy of numbers is applicable only to those peoples that we consider racially full. Raslo is full, relatively with our people, can be considered mainly only those local residents of nonsense origin, which themselves, like their offspring, have pronounced signs of the Nordic race, manifested in appearance, in behavior and in the abilities ...

In my opinion, it can be attracted to its side suitable for the numbers of local residents in the Baltic countries, if the compulsory eviction of the undesirable population will be conducted under the guise of more or less voluntary resettlement. Almost this could easily be implemented. On the extensive spaces of the East, not provided for by the German colonization, we need a large number of people who to some extent brought up in the European spirit and learned at least the basic concepts of European culture. These data are largely located Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians ...

We should constantly proceed from the fact that by driving all the vast territories included in the interests of the German Empire, we must maximize the forces of the German people ... Then the events unpleasant for the Russian population will conduct, for example, not German, but used for this German The Latvian or Lithuanian administration, that when used by the implementation of this principle, will undoubtedly have positive consequences for us. It is hardly necessary to fear the logistics of Latvians or Lithuanians, especially because the number of them is not so small and they will occupy their positions that put them on the Russians. Representatives of this layer of the population should also be given a feeling and creating the fact that they are something special compared to the Russians. Perhaps later the danger from this layer of the population, associated with its desire to arrive, will be more than the danger of her division. Regardless of the more or less voluntary relocation proposed here, residents from the former Baltic states proposed herein should also be allowed to allow their relocation to other countries. As for Lithuanians, whose overall racial data is much worse than Estonians and Latvians, and among which therefore there is a very significant number of people unwanted in a racial attitude, it would be necessary to think about providing them suitable for colonization of the territory in the East ...

To the decision of the Polish issue

a) Poles.

Their number is presumably 20-24 million people. Of all the peoples, according to the plan to be resettled, the Poles are the most hostile to the Germans, numerically larger and therefore the most dangerous people.

The plan provides for the eviction of 80-85 percent of the Poles, i.e. from 20 or 24 million Poles, 16-20.4 million. Taken eviction, while 3-4.8 million should remain in the territory populated by German colonists . These Numbers proposed by the General Directorate of Imperial Security disagree with the data of the Imperial Commissioner for the strengthening of the German race on the number of racially suitable Poles. The Imperial Commissioner on the Affairs of Strengthening the German race on the basis of the accounting of the rural population of Danzig-Western Prussia and VARTSKA assesses the share of residents suitable for numbers 3 percent. If you take this percentage of the basis, the number of Poles to be evalted must be even more than 19-23 million ...

The Eastern Ministry is now more interested in the issue of placing unwanted poles in racially. Forced resettlement of about 20 million Poles to a certain area of \u200b\u200bWestern Siberia will undoubtedly cause a constant danger to the entire territory of Siberia, the focus of continuous rebells against the order established by the German authorities. A similar settlement of Poles, maybe it would make sense as a counterweight Russian if the latter again found state independence and the German department of this territory would be due to this illusory. To this, it is necessary to add that we should also strive to in every way to strengthen the Siberian peoples to prevent the strengthening of Russians. Siberians should feel the people with their own culture. A compact settlement of several million Poles may probably have the following consequences: or over time, smaller in the number of Siberians will be distributed and "Great Poland" will occur, or we will make Siberians with their worst enemies, push them into the arms of the Russians and prevent the Education of the Siberian people.

These are political considerations arising from familiarization with the plan. Maybe attention is too pointed, but in any case they deserve consideration.

I can agree that on the huge spaces of the West Siberian Steppe with its black earth areas, much more than 20 million people will be able to settle, subject to the systematic settlement. Famous difficulties may arise in the practical implementation of such a mass resettlement. If the resettlement is envisaged, according to plan, the period of 30 years, the number of immigrants will be about 700-800 thousand annually. For the transport of this mass of people, 700-800 railway trains will be required, and for transportation of property and, possibly, a few more hundreds compositions. This means that only 100-120 railway trains will be required for the transportation of Poles. In a relatively peacetime, this can be considered technically fulfilled.

It is absolutely clear that the Polish question cannot be solved by eliminating the Poles, just as it is done with Jews. Such a decision of the Polish question would have buried the conscience of the German people for eternal times and would deprive us of the sympathies of all, especially since other neighboring with us. People would start fear that at one fine time they will suffer the same fate. In my opinion, it is necessary to resolve the Polish question so that at the same time to minimize the political complications mentioned by me above. Back in March 1941, I expressed the point of view in one memorandum that the Polish question can be partially solved by more or less voluntary resettlement of Poles per ocean. As I later became known, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not apply to the idea of \u200b\u200ba possible partial decision of the Polish issue by resettlement of Poles to South America, especially in Brazil. In my opinion, it should be necessary to ensure that after the end of the war, the cultural, and partly and other layers of the Polish people, unsuitable for numbers on racial or political reasons, would emigrate to South America, as well as to North and Central America ... Make millions of dangerous For us, Poles in South America, especially in Brazil, is quite possible. At the same time, it would be possible to try through the exchange to return the South American Germans, especially from South Brazil, and settle them in new colonies, for example, in Tavria, Crimea, as well as in the Dnieper, since it is not about the settlement of the African colonies of the Empire ...

The overwhelming majority of unwanted poles in raciallyes should be resettled to the east. This applies to the main images of peasants, agricultural workers, artisans, etc. They can be calm in Siberia ...

When Kuznetskaya, Novosibirsk and Karaganda industrial oblasts begin to work at full capacity, it will take a huge amount of labor, especially technical workers [the ruling circles of fascist Germany were not intended to develop industry in Eastern Europe after its occupation. They wanted to use it only temporarily in order to continue the struggle against England and the United States. After the final victory in the war, the Nazis intended to turn all Eastern Europe to the raw material and the agricultural appendage of the Third Empire. Most of the industrial enterprises of the Soviet Union, they planned to destroy or transport to the west]. Why Wallian engineers, Czech technicians, Hungarian commerce and them like not to work in Siberia? In this case, it would be possible to talk about the reserve European territory for the colonization and mining of raw materials. Here, the European idea would have the meaning in all respects, while on the territory intended for German colonization, it would be dangerous for us, since in this case it would mean accepting by the logic of things of the racial mixing of the peoples of Europe .. . It should be constantly keeping in mind that Siberia is to OZ. Baikal was constantly the territory for European colonization. Mongols inhabiting these areas, as well as Turkic nations, appeared here in the recent historical period. It is necessary to emphasize once again that Siberia is one of the factors that, with proper use, could play a decisive role in the deprivation of the Russian people of the ability to restore its power.

b) to the question of Ukrainians.

According to the Main Department of Imperial Security, Western Ukrainians should also be resettled to the territory of Siberia. At the same time, a resettlement of 65 percent of the population is envisaged. This figure is significantly lower than the percentage of the Polish population to be evicted ...

c) to the question of Belarusians.

According to the plan, an eviction of 75 percent of the Belarusian population with the territory occupied by him is envisaged. So, 25 percent of the Belarusians, according to the plan of the Main Department of Imperial Security, is subject to obstormalism ...
An unwanted racially, the Belarusian population will be on the territory of Belarus for many years. In this regard, it is extremely necessary whenever possible to carefully select the Belarusians of the Nordic type, suitable for racial features and political reasons for numbers, and send them to the empire in order to use as labor ... they could be used in agriculture as Agricultural workers, as well as in industry or as artisans. Since they would appeal with them as with the Germans and due to the lack of a national feeling, they soon, at least in the nearest generation, could be completely numb.

The next question is the question of the place of resettlement of Belarusians who are unsuitable in a racial attitude for numbers. According to the master, they should also be resettled in Western Siberia. It should be proceeded from the fact that Belarusians are the most harmless and therefore the safest people from all the peoples of the eastern regions [Gitlerians included Belarus as the General Commissariat as the General Commissariat of Ostland (Ostland), whose administrative center was in Riga. V. Cuba was appointed by the General Commissioner of Belarus. From the first days of the occupation, the Belarusian people unfolded a wide partisan fight against the invaders. It was not so "harmless" for the occupiers, as depicted in this document. It is enough to say that by the end of 1943 the partisans held in their hands and controlled 60 percent of the territory of Belarus. As of January 1, 1944, 862 partisan detachments operated in Belarus. On the night of September 21, September 21, 1943, the partisans were destroyed with the help of the decelerated action of the executioner of the Belarusian people V. Cuba]. Even those Belarusians, whom we cannot leave for racial reasons to leave on the territory intended for colonization by our people, we can more than representatives of other nations of the eastern regions, to use in their own interests. Land of Belarus is scuba. Suggest them the best land - it means to reconcile them with some things that could configure them against us. By this, by the way, it should be added that in itself Russian and especially the Belarusian population is inclined to change spaced places, so that the resettlement in these areas would not be perceived by the inhabitants as tragic, as, for example, in the Baltic countries. It should also be thought about to move the Belarusians to the Urals or to the districts of the North Caucasus, which could also be reserve territories for European colonization ...

To the question of handling the Russian population

One more question must be touched, which is not at all mentioned in the "OST", but it is of great importance for solving the whole of the whole Eastern, problems, namely, how can I preserve and can be preserved for a long time German domination in the face of a huge biological Forces of the Russian people. Therefore, it is necessary to briefly consider the case of the attitude to the Russians, which is almost nothing in general terms.

Now it is safe to say that our former anthropological information about Russians, not to mention the fact that they were very incomplete and outdated, largely incorrect. This was noted in the fall of 1941. Representatives of racial policy management and well-known German scientists. This point of view was once again confirmed by Professor Dr. Abel, the former first assistant of Professor E. Fisher, who in the winter of this year, on behalf of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, conducted detailed anthropological studies of the Russians ...

Abel seen only the following problems of solving the problem: or the complete destruction of the Russian people, or the onbirth of the part of its part, which has obvious signs of the Nordic race. These very serious provisions of Abel deserve big attention. It is not only about defeating the state with the center in Moscow. Achieving this historical purpose would never mean a complete solution to the problem. The case is most likely to defeat Russians as a people, dismiss them. Only if this problem is considered with biological, especially with a racial biological, point of view and if, in accordance with this, German policies will be conducted in the eastern regions, it will be possible to eliminate the danger that the Russian people presents for us.

The path of the liquidation of Russian people proposed by Abelia, not to mention that his exercise could hardly be possible, not suitable for us also on political and economic considerations. In this case, you need to go different ways to solve the Russian problem. These paths are briefly concluded in the following.

(A) First of all, it is necessary to provide for the separation of the territory inhabited by the Russians, to various political areas with their own authorities in order to provide in each of them a separate national development ...

While you can leave an open question about whether the Imperial Commissariat should be established in the Urals or here it is necessary to create separate regional departments for the non-Russian population living in this territory without a special local central government. However, the crucial importance here is that these areas are not administratively submitted to the German Supreme authorities, which will be created in Russian central areas. The peoples inhabiting these areas should be impressed so that they do not under any circumstances orientate to Moscow, even if the German Imperial Commissioner is sitting in Moscow ...

Both in the Urals and in the Caucasus there are many different peoples and languages. It will be impossible, but politically, perhaps, and incorrectly make the main language in the Urals Tatar or Mordovsky, and in the Caucasus, let's say, Georgian. It could cause irritation from other peoples of these areas. Therefore, it is worth thinking about the introduction of German language as a language that connects all these peoples ... Therefore, the German influence in the East would have increased significantly. It should also be thought to think about the separation of Northern Russia in administratively from the territories under the administration of the Imperial Commissioner for Russia [obviously, meaning "Moscow Imperial Commissariat".] ... should not reject the idea of \u200b\u200btransforming this area in the future to the Great Colonial District, as its population still has a large extent signs of the Nordic race. In general, in the remaining central regions of Russia, the policy of individual general commissariates should be directed whenever possible on separation and separate development of these areas.

The Russian from the Gorky General Commissioner must be instilled in the feeling that he is different from Russian from the Tula General Commissioner. There is no doubt that such an administrative crushing of Russian territory and the systematic separation of individual regions will be one of the means to combat the strengthening of the Russian people [ In this regard, it is appropriate to mention the following statement of Hitler: "Our policy regarding the peoples inhabiting the wide expanses of Russia should be to encourage any form of disagreement and split" (N. Picker. Hitlers TischgesPrache Im Fuhrerhauptquartier. Bonn, 1951, S. 72)].

B) the second tool, even more effective than the events specified in paragraph "A", is the weakening of the Russian people in a racial attitude. The numbers of all Russians is impossible for us and undesirable from a racial point of view. What, however, you can and should be done, so it is to separate the nordic groups in the Russian people and produce their gradual numbers ...

It is important that in the Russian territory the population in most of them consisted of people of a primitive semi-European type. It will not deliver a lot of concerns to the German leadership. This mass of racially defective, stupid people need, as evidenced by the age-old story of these areas, in the manual. If the German leadership manage to prevent rapprochement with the Russian population and prevent the influence of German blood into the Russian people through extramarital connections, it is quite possible to preserve German domination in the area, provided that we can overcome such biological danger as the monstrous ability of these primitive people to reproduce .

C) There are many ways to undermine the biological strength of the people ... The purpose of the German policy towards the population in the Russian territory will be to bring the birth of Russian to a lower level than the Germans. The same applies, by the way, to the extremely prolific peoples of the Caucasus, and in the future partially and to Ukraine. While we are interested in increasing the number of Ukrainian population in opposition to Russian. But this should not lead to the fact that the place of Russians will occupy Ukrainians over time.

To avoid in the eastern regions of the unwanted population increases for us, it is imperative to avoid in the east of all the measures that we used to increase the birth rate in the Empire. In these areas, we must consciously pursue a policy to reduce the population. The means of propaganda, especially through the press, radio, cinema, leaflets, brief brochures, reports, etc., we must constantly inspire the people to populate that it is harmful to have many children.

It is necessary to show which large funds are the upbringing of children and what could be purchased for these funds. It is necessary to talk about the big hazard to the health of the woman, of which it undergoes, burning children, and so on. Along with this, the widest propaganda of contraceptives should be deployed. It is necessary to establish a wide manufacture of these funds. The distribution of these funds and abortions in no way be limited. It is necessary to promote the expansion of the Abortariyev network. It is possible, for example, to organize special retraining of midwifery and catering and teach them to produce abortions. The better the abortions will be made, the population will relate to them with great confidence. It is quite clear that the doctors should also have permission to produce abortions. And this should not be considered a violation of medical ethics.

Voluntary sterilization should also be promoted, preventing the struggle to reduce babies mortality, not allowing mothers to care for breasts and preventive measures against children's diseases. It should be reduced to a minimum preparation of Russian doctors in these specialties, not to provide any support for kindergartens and other similar institutions. Along with the conduct of these health care events, no obstacles should be repaired. It should not be assisted from extramarital children. You should not allow any tax privileges for large families, not to provide them with monetary assistance in the form of payments for wages ...

For us, Germans, it is important to weaken the Russian people to such an extent that it is no longer able to prevent us from establishing German domination in Europe. This goal we can achieve the above ways ...

D) to the question of Czech. According to the currently existing views, most of the Czechs, since they do not cause concerns to be subsequently. About 50 percent of the entire Czech population is subject to numbkeliness. If you proceed from this figure, there will be another 3.5 million Czechs not provided for ongoing, which should be gradually removed from the territory of the Empire ...

It should be thought of to move these Czechs to Siberia, where they dissolve among the Siberians and thereby contribute to the further distance of Siberians from the Russian people ...

The problems discussed above are huge on their scale. But it would be very dangerous to refuse to solve them by declaring them with impracticable or fantastic. The future German policy towards the East will show whether we are really filled with will provide a solid basis for the long-term existence of a third empire. If the Third Empire must exist thousands of years, then our plans should be developed for entire generations. And this means that the racial biological idea should be crucial in future German politics. Only then can we provide the future of our people.

Doctor Wetvesel "

"Vierteljahreshefte Fur Zeitgeschichie", 1958, No. 3.