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Artificial dry stream in the country with their own hands. Dry stream with your own hands on the country area: everything about the device "stone river". Plants for dry stream

What is a dry stream, its varieties, dignity and disadvantages. How to create a composition on its plot.

Features of the dry stream in the country

Such a decorative element gives a highlight and the natural area to which it is impossible to bring water. In landscape design, dry stream creates the illusion of the riverbed bed and gives the territory of static and peace.

It is quite difficult to equip the object with such properties, it is necessary to take into account several subtleties:

  • For work, you will need stones of various sizes, colors and shapes, sand, plants for decorating the coast.
  • The object should turn out to be the most beautiful as possible.
  • All elements are harmoniously combined with each other.
  • The decorative zone corresponds to the style of the entire site.
  • The stream changes its forms and sizes along the entire length, but its borders are very clear.
  • The main material that is used for construction is stones.
There are several types of dry beds, so for each landscape you can choose your option:
  1. Mountain crossings begins on the hill and ends in a lowland. Built from small stones and sand. It is often complemented by waterfalls or cascades. The source of water can be decorated in the form of a jug, well or rock.
  2. Plain - the wide channel is slightly bent, bypassing obstacles.
  3. The rapid - unintentional stream passes through all obstacles.
  4. Winding is the easiest performed. It consists of one bed, which periodically expands and narrows.
  5. Spring - narrow winding river.
  6. A branched stream is the most difficult version for execution. It consists of several channels that are split and connected. Often it is created from sandy jets 20-30 cm wide, along which there were robbles to imitate waves.
Such objects are also distinguished by the method of decorating:
  • Dry rugs from stone - so called all objects built using a cobblestone.
  • Dry stream with decorative bridge - built near falling trees or outdoor area.
  • Dry streams from colors - a large amount of flowering plants is used for decorating it.

Advantages and disadvantages of the dry stream

The main advantages of the decorative element include factors:
  1. The cost of its construction is minimal.
  2. The object is erected very quickly. To build a dry stream with your own hands, you will need 2-3 days.
  3. Dry stream can be decorated with any plants, and water - only moisture.
  4. It can be created on an absolutely smooth surface, whereas for the present channel requires a bias or elevation.
  5. The form of the structure can be changed.
  6. It is safe for children.
  7. There are no mosquitoes near the dry stream.
  8. For such a composition, a water compressor is not required and other special equipment to maintain water levels and creating a flow.
  9. Dry stream has a practical function - if necessary, it takes rainwater from the territory. It also allows you to disguise communications and provide quick access to them.
  10. Plants that grow on the shore are rarely poured, because Under the stones in line, the water is last saved after the rain.
  11. With it, you can create a functional zone on the plot.
  12. The stream visually increases the local area.
  13. It is suitable for gardens decorated in any style.
  14. Any plants are planted near the decorative element, and not only the desired grades.
The disadvantages of the dry stream are manifested when compared with water. Near him will not be heard the murmur of water, it is not visible in the fish and Tritons, there is no dragonfly nearby. On a hot day near him, it is impossible to refresh yourself.

Technology of the dry stream device

A similar corner of coziness and tranquility is created in several stages. The preparatory determine the place for its placement, the form and size of the object. According to these characteristics, the stones are selected, which are placed on a predetermined scheme. Read more about each stage below.

Selection of stones for dry stream

For construction, three types of cobblestones will need: to designate the coast on the inside, to create visibility of cleft and to fill the bed. It is advisable to use the same material that is present on your site. In this case, the object will harmoniously fit into the surrounding landscape.

For the arrangement of a dry stream in the country, small stones and cobblestones are needed, characterized by their characteristics. The color of the material and its form is important.

When choosing it, consider such rules:

  • A gray-bluish shade of a stream is obtained if you use shale, basalt and gneiss. Red-brown color creates granite, marble and limestone.
  • Ornaments can be samples covered with waterproof paint, which are glowing in the dark.
  • Stones painted with varnish create "wet" effect.
  • From copies of light shades build waterfalls.
  • If you could not pick up cobblestones of the necessary shades, paint their waterproof paint.
  • Flat samples are suitable for creating the flow effect.
  • Large copies with a rough surface laid shores.

Creating a drum of a dry stream

The arrangement of the decorative zone begins with the selection of space. Ideally suggest sites with bug-rope and thick vegetation, where people rarely go. The stream should not be done near the tracks, because in my form he reminds something like a path.

Dummy dimensions are determined by special rules. The width is tied to depth using a 2: 1 ratio. If the width is 2 m, the depth must be 1 m. The maximum length of the object is 20 m. It is usually equipped with a winding, looping between obstacles. However, if it is planned to be used to remove excess water from the site, make the channel as smooth as possible.

Before making a dry stream, draw a plan on the scale and place your object on it. He must begin on the hill. It can be a natural hill or an artificial rock from stones. The composition ends with the mouth, smoothly turning into a small pond, made in one style with a stream. A good version of the cutting of the channel beyond the site.

Show on the sketch of the plots of fast and calm flow, waterfalls and cleft, bridges, transitions, etc. The main rule of the form of the form of the composition: the less the territory, the more elegant should be the row. Pick up stones or other material for the formation of the elements of the stream.

Works are performed in such a sequence:

  1. Apply an object contours on Earth according to the plan. Sand or cord is suitable for this.
  2. Check how the composition is combined with the surrounding landscape. The stream should have clear boundaries and change the width of the source to the mouth. If necessary, adjust the shore geometry.
  3. By the designated circuit, dig a hole to a given depth. The walls tilt at 45 degrees. Remove the roots of the plants, the bottom and walls seal.
  4. Cover the base of the bed with geotextiles or Loutrasil. These materials will not give rise to weeds, but they pass the air and moisture. An alternative option is the bottom coating with a cement tie or polymer film.
  5. Put the prepared surface with sand with gravel and compliment.
  6. If the site is smooth, build a mound in the form of a cliff, which will be the beginning of the bed. Empty between cobblestones fill in rubble.
  7. Put the shores of the stream with massive angular rude samples. To increase the stability, they can be shipped or fixed with cement mortar.
  8. Put the bed with sand. Only after that you can start styling stones to create an illusion of a valid or dried stream.
Visual effects can be obtained in various ways:
  • The visibility of fast mountain rivers is obtained using flat pebble stones laid by plastics.
  • If the bottom of the bottom is filled with pebbles, fixed vertically, it will be imitation of a rapid flow.
  • The stream looks natural, if one bank is cool, and the other is gentle.
  • Part of the bed place as a shallow water. To do this, you will need fine pebbles.
  • A large stone, surrounded by pebbles, will create the visibility of the water.
  • Cleaners of the stream are created using naked large sizes.
  • Small pebbles lay chaotic or rows according to a given color style.
  • Waterfalls and thresholds Build from light specimens.
  • Deep places perfectly imitate dark stones.
  • The bottom of the "pond" in the mouth of the stream, lay the dark-colored cobblestones, and the shores are light. This increases the volume of "Lake".
  • Water excitement successfully depict light pebbles or glass granules scattered between stones. They create a flicker effect.
  • All elements spread over the bottom of the stream to make an impression of an old bed.
  • So that the objects are not cleaned with the real rain, secure them with cement mortar.
The bed can be made mirror. To do this, the bottom is pulled out by fragments of a broken mirror, which reflect the rays of the sun. At a high distance, the visibility of the surface of water, which reflects the light. But near this effect disappears, because Shards become clearly visible.

Decorating the shores of a dry stream

On the perimeter of the decorative element, bushes and flowers are often planted. They are selected taking into account the composition of the soil and local climate. The main thing is not to rearrange, otherwise plantings will turn the site into the flower. So that the plants grow well along the stream, dig a ditch and fill it with fertile soil.

When choosing green plants, use our recommendations:

  1. Space perennial flowers and bushes with different blossom periods. They will make the stream expressive throughout the warm season.
  2. Blooming carpet along the composition you can get using soil or herbaceous varieties.
  3. If possible, choose plantings with blue, purple and blue colors.
  4. Lily lilyers, cereal herbs, bamboo and reeds look at the decorative object. The listed species have long dense leaves that create violent vegetation.
  5. An early spring and late autumn bell bell Pojtenshlag, Brunner in large-scale, loving, heikher.
  6. If the stream is large, you can plant coniferous species of trees: dwarf pine, spruce, fir or juniper. However, it is necessary to remember, they grow well on sand or clay soil.
  7. Deciduous trees are not popular with gardeners, because In the fall, it is difficult to collect fallen leaves among the stone placer. If you do not scare a similar procedure, plan the caticker and barbaris, which look beautifully at all times of the year. To facilitate care, use a powerful garden vacuum cleaner.
Above the channel you can build a bridge from one piece of natural material. Suitable log diameter or stone boulder. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe rapid flow, make a brother, laying up cobblestones along the bottom.

To decorate an object, you can use various decorative elements that fit into the overall composition: figurines, lights, animal figures and birds, etc.

Dry streaming

The decorative element can be left unattended for a long time. Its care is quite simple and is as follows:

  • The stream must be periodically cleaned from garbage, weeds and unplanned plants. Delete moss with stones.
  • When weeding, do not remove all the grass, leave cereals and wildflowers.
  • Periodically cut the plants on the shore so that they do not cover the object.
  • Control the absence of ants under the stones, they create a lot of problems. Destroy insect larvae, otherwise all the channel will soon be covered with sand.
  • Plants on the shore feather minerals and periodically break the soil under them. Do not forget to water them.
  • Heat-loving varieties for the winter will warm.
How to make a dry stream - Look at the video:

The technology of the dry stream device is simple, and work can be performed with your own hands, although moving massive stones alone are physically hard. But then you can get a maximum of pleasure from the results of my own creation.

(18 estimates, average: 4,14 out of 5)

A very beautiful decorative element on the household plot can be a dry stream. You can make such a composition in the garden with your own hands without resorting to the help of landscape designers. It will be inexpensive, and will not take much time.

If you speak not only about the beauty of such a landscape design, it is worth noting that such a decorative element is very useful. Having made a dry stream on the site, you can be sure that the children will be safe from mosquitoes that do not attract such dry reservoirs. The perimeter of such a facility in the garden can be decorate with a variety of lanterns and bridges, land along the plants on the sides of the stones.

Selection forms for dry stream

In order to choose the perfect form to create a dry stream in the country with your own hands, you need study the surface layer of the earth. The highest point is best to make the place sublime, so it will look much more attractive. It will become similar to the riverbed river, which will begin to descend down the slope, places pressing on their path and changing the direction.

The design of the stream visually will increase the borders of the cottage. The beginning of the stream of the stream is worth highlighting in a special way. You can put a high boulder or make a peculiar well, from which the stone river will flow. A chic designer movement can be some vessel, wicked by half into the ground. Stone water will flow out of the throat of such a vessel, and it will be a wonderful start of a dry stream in landscape design.

Make a stream on a plot of stones leaving the boundaries of the siteFor example, in the direction of fruit bushes or go through the fence. It will intrigue, and disturb the imagination of your visitors. Most often such a stream consists of one river branch, designers prefer not to branch such decorative elements. Moreover, as a rule, on the site near the cottage is not so much free space for the extensive branching of the stream.

Materials for creating a dry stream and the preparation of the area

Like any other decorative element in the country's landscaped dry stream requires careful areas of terrain. Marking of the territorial borders of the stream is recommended to designate in advance for this you can use such materials, as:

  • River sand.
  • Rope with stakes.
  • Twine.

Do not forget that bending and spilled in different directions, the stream should be naturally. It should be remembered that nature is always multifaceted and gorgeous. The more the bends will be, the more beautiful the design design is.

Choosing a low area of \u200b\u200bland, which has a slope, we begin the preparatory work to create a dry stream with your own hands. It is also important to calculate the deepening of the dry stream. It should not be similar to the ditch. But it should be quite deep to strip all the required materials to create such a landscaped object on the site.

Gallery: Dry Creek (25 photos)

Preparation of the place for the stream is worth starting with such actions:

Designers advise to put the drain layer on the bottom of the stream, and perform the pouring with a solution of cement or concrete, so that weeds and plants do not violate its integrity and have not had to constantly pour out the stream. If there is no possibility of such a fill with concrete, then you can be deducted with a dense material, for example, a linoleum or film. For the integrity of the structure and a beautiful appearance, covering the soil material, we are masked by sand and clay.

Materials that will be required to calculate the stream:

  • Gravel.
  • Crushed stone.
  • Sinks.
  • Cobblestones.
  • Boulders.
  • Limestone stones.

All possible stones that exist in nature will be wonderful to look at the composition on the site. The color scheme can also be diverse, but the designers prefer the stones of the gray-blue color range. Dimensions should also be different. You can focus on the stream with such elements as added to the stones of thick glass balls. They will shine beautifully, giving the effect of water. Materials for creating a reservoir in the garden can be diverse to your choice, the main thing is that everything looked a single composition.

Creating a stream

Option of a phased creation of a stream on the site:

Decoration of the stream color

Very important correctly pick up plants For dry stream. You will agree, there is no river in nature without the surroundings of its greens and flowers of all sorts of colors and species. It is the floral compositions that will allow such a landscaped object, like a dry stream look as natural as natural.

The rolling part of the stream should be decorated with any plants for your taste. But do not forget that they must be mixed as much as possible. It is not necessary to forget about what the soil is located on the territory of the composition and its illumination.

Designers have plants that grow in nature near the reservoirs. And we, with your own hands, dry streams in the garden can land any floral cultures and plants that we like.

Here a number of plants that are customized:

  • Kamysh Chinese. This type of canthaw is considered to be a cereal. It is afraid of cold and wind, so the landing of such a canthaw should be done between high boulders. They will be perfectly protected from bad weather conditions and windy weather.
  • Such a plant like sunflower looks great in any composition with floral cultures. Well tolerate bad weather conditions.
  • Day-lily. Grow, maybe both in one-day and on the sunny side. But it is worth noting only that such a plant begins to bloom with sufficient sunlight on it.
  • Any kind of decorative bamboo.
  • Decorative grass. Excellent option to highlight the degree of shores. Perfectly carries dry days and dry soil. Beautifully flower with inflorescences resembling sweatshirts.

All kinds of such grass are planted in order to not differ from the real reservoir. And also do not plant the whole coastline of high grass. Leave a place for flower arrangements. Otherwise, the design will simply go from the view of those surrounding the grass.

Here are a series of colorswhich can be drunk deep into vases or places buried to the ground. They are needed to designate the direction of the flow and add a colors in the composition.

Regardless of whether it landed around the composition, or on its territory you need to remember that the care of flowers and plants should be permanent, and the root system did not grow up and did not spoil the design.

Decorative elements for the decoration of a dry stream in the garden

How to make a dry stream and what to land around him has already been considered above, now you need to deal with decorative composition decorations. Make a beautiful and unlike other streams in the whole district, you can use it decorative elements and bridges.

The manufacture of the bridge should also be carefully thought out so that it, as well as the streams, resistantly delivered all adverse weather conditions. The bridge made with his own hands will delight, and inspire the creation of new masterpieces of decorative ornaments for the garden. Materials that are suitable for the manufacture of a bridge:

  • A rock.
  • Metal.
  • Wood.
  • Plastic.
  • Mixed composition from different materials.

After the bridge made is ready for installation, it is worth taking measures to protect it from weather conditions. It is necessary to cover the protective layer both wood and plastic with iron, according to the existing instructions on the varnish or protective fluid. Stone bridge does not require additional processing.

Another famous decorative element is placing a jug. Having made such a decorative move, you can plant floral cultures in the neck of the jug, or to imitate a stone jet of water. Do not hesitate to improvise, and the water done with your own hands will not remain unnoticed.

Add sculptures to the stone composition, it will decorate the garden even more. Make a mill from the shore with your own hands or place the wagon around the shore. This will make a rustic style in the design of the garden. Another excellent element that will complement the composition made by their own hands to continue it to the real water. Make a small pit for the reservoir will not be a lot of work.

Care for streams

Any composition with the addition of plants or colors requires due attention and care. Such a care will be in a weed. Along the weeds and grass you need approximately every two weeks. The growing grass will disturb the integrity of the composition.

The stream must be sprayed from insects and unborn guests. Moving in the design of the anthill is very easy. It is more difficult to withdraw him from there. The grass in the surroundings of the composition must be mounted as farming. Flower cultures and plants involved in the composition, additional nutrition is required. In the autumn, it is best to cover the stream with a pulp so that falling foliage for the winter does not spoil the appearance of the spring dry stream. The landing of shrubs and trees on the shores is not recommended, because in the fall they will dump a lot of foliage, it will greatly complicate cleaning and preparation for the winter.

Creek, like happiness, you do not need to wait from nature, you can make it with your own hands. It will be about the most spectacular imitation - stone.

It is difficult to build our own reservoir in the country area, but there is a very interesting and inexpensive alternative to a noisy river - a dry stream. It is not necessary to think about circulating water and buy a pump, it is quite possible to fulfill a simple work, while spending some money and forces. Imitation of the mountain stream may well appear on your site, even if there is no man in the house. Take ready-made ideas, but be sure to complete them with your raisins.

Features and advantages of a dry stream

It is easy to guess that the birthplace of a dry stream, like other elements of a landscape design of a stone, is Japan. By type, the man-made structure resembles the natural stream after a long drought, it seems that he only fallen in time, but will soon come to life and will play. During heavy rains, the artificial channel is filled with water, instantly animating it.

In addition to the decorative function, the dry stream helps to hide communications in the country, to organize rainwater drains and hide pipes and flexible hoses for watering of vegetable garden and garden. You can create a murmuric river imitation on the site of any size and with any landscape. The advantage of this design element in ease of care and in the absence of requirements for plants - almost any copies, not paying attention to their moisture requirements, can be planted along improvised shores.

Another huge plus stone stream is indifference to mosquitoes. On the shore of such a reservoir it will be possible to relax in a summer evening, without poisoning themselves with milestone.

According to Eastern Philosophy peace, In which we live, is the result of the interaction of elements: metal, fire, water, Tree and air.

Any harmonious The landscape should include all these components to repeat the beauty and completion of our world.

If, when creating a landscape of a small area, you can put a metal bridge or lantern, plant a tree, leave a place for a fire, and the air is always there, then with artificial reservoir may have problems. For it, it is necessary to take enough space and provide water supply, which is not always available.

However, you can use the symbol - dry stream, Landscape design element, mimicing drone dried water flow: when looking at it it seems that, most recently water fled to these pebbles.

While creating imitation The streams on the household site use various components: stones different sizes, glass And even sometimes plastic bottles. To completely reproduce the aquatic landscape, the bushes and flowers growing near the reservoirs are planted around the bed.

Mandatory element - binding structures such as bridges and paths. They not only give the landscape with a complete appearance, but allow you to move through dry stream, without damaging its components.

Dry stream is created to decorate the landscape and make it completed, but can be used and how functional element. With it, you can:

  • Hide drainage taps and hatches At the same time, the stream itself can serve to remove water in rainy days;
  • Split or combine various poorly combined elements in a harmonious landscape;
  • Visually enlarge space small plot;
  • Create extraordinary I. beautiful landscape No extra costs.

If we thoughtfully lay a smooth shiny galku and add pieces of blue glassesthat will flash in the sun, you can achieve the full illusion of running water, and white big cobblestones will be imitating thresholds and.

Note! In contrast to the artificial water branch of the dry stream, there will be no medium for reproduction of such ubiquitous insects like mosquitoes that very often spoil rest in nature.

Stages of creating a dry stream


Locate contours future dry stream with sand or pegs with twine.

At this stage, you can make adjustments to your idea, transfer the channel, change form contours, bends and width of imitation of the reservoir.

It should be borne in mind that a dry stream, according to Japanese traditions, should also harmoniously fit into the relief, as well as the natural flow.

Source is on the hill, road Always directed down.

Many natural reservoirs are branched, the same can be done with artificial: create delta From sandy jets or several diverging flows in complex areas of the landscape.

Any stream is located below the soil level, so before laying stones it is necessary to remove the top layer of the soil before 30 cm, To give stream depth.

  • Basalt, Gneis and slanets Use to give the bottom of a grayish blue shade. Supplied this surface with glasss, one can achieve an unusual visual effect that resembles a type of running water;
  • Limestone and marble Dilute gray-blue streams with bright "jets", and from large stones of this species, you can create imitation of thresholds and waterfalls. Limestone due to its rough inhomogeneous structure will resemble whirlwinds, and marble trusts the illusion, glittering in the sun;
  • Granite Make red and brown shades, you can build coastal "rocks" from it.

Small sites "Berega" and "Shames" created by sand Spearly soften the relief of the bed.

Note! If you cover a part of the stones of fluorescent paint, then the "Moonwalk" will appear on the stream.

IN registration"Shores" and "shallow" artificial flow can be used any plantsIf only they were harmoniously combined with each other and with the other elements of the composition.

When choosing, the grave should be considered lightplaces, type of soil, saturation moisture and temperature.

It is best to use plants growing around natural reservoirsBut you can just plan your favorite flowers.

It is believed that the best design for the dry stream is low plants with narrow straight foliage:

  • Miscantus Chinese, or Chinese reed. Popular decorative cereal. The young plant is very vulnerable, so it is better to plant it between the major stones to protect against the cold wind;
  • Heliantus (sunflower) is solar. Perfectly combined with many plants. Well tolerate cold;
  • Day-lily. Can grow in the shade, but it only blooms only on a well-lit plot;
  • Bamboo sheet. One of the most decorative and fast-growing types of bamboo;
  • Cortaery, or Pampas Grass. It looks great in the design of the coastline. Unpretentious, drought-resistant. Her fluffy metels will become an excellent garden decoration in winter.

Alternation of these herbs will give the shore natural Outlines. The main thing is not to abuse high plants, which, if you plan them along the dry stream, simply hide it from the observer.

The perception of the dry stream as an aqueous stream will help to increase plants with blue shades inflorescences:

  • Own. Very decorative, forms bright carpets in the spring, sometimes repeatedly blooms in the fall. Leaves remain on the plant and winter;
  • Lobelia. At the end of the summer - the beginning of the autumn pleases the eye with small sapphire color flowers or blue with white gray. Needs a large amount of sunlight and regular spraying;
  • Blue oatmeal. One of the most decorative cereals. Perfectly combined with dark blue pansies;
  • Ayuga, or a luggage. Keeps his decorativeness all summer season. Impressively looks in the recesses between the stones;
  • Bearded Iris. Very beautiful and popular plant in landscape design.

Tip! Some sections of the bottom and shore can be covered with moss, it will give the naturalness of the dry stream.

Japanese Landscape design style is a combination nature. and man-made elements.

So there will be no dry stream to look like Strong without bridges, sculptures or other details Which meanwhile can serve in their intended purpose.

Bridges It can be used to move the stream without damaging the legs of the stones, while they will visually link different zones of the site.

Sculpture People and animals will revive the landscape.

You can also put or trolley with flowers.

Dry streams can be combined with real reservoir. For example, use it as a drainage system for draining water from pondwhich will thus become a composite source of a dry stream.

You can proceed on the contrary: to make the stone flow to flow into the pond. In this case, if the height difference is large enough, you can create a dried composition waterfallAnd during a strong shower on it, the live jets of water will escape.

The main thing is to remember that the Japanese landscape is naturalness and asymmetry, everything should repeat the natural landscape.

The shape of the bed and the design of the dry stream can be the most diverse and depend only on your imagination. We bring to your attention a few design options:

Any object of landscape design requires constant attention. It is not difficult to care for artificial streams:

  • Spring It is necessary to take care of plants, excrete and feature soil;
  • From time to time omnipresent weeds still make their way through the stones at the bottom and shores of the dry stream, in this case they need them delete, Although some wildflowers, such as camomiles and bells, can become an additional decoration;
  • Smart grass around the channel need periodically undercut;
  • Do not forget that the stream is still dry, and not real, so plants around it need regularly water like any flowerbed;
  • In autumn Dry stream need clean from false foliage;
  • Before winter plants that are prone to extinction needed heat.

Details about how to make a dry stream with your own hands, told in this video: