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How to plant a pumpkin in an open soil seeds. Pumpkin planting seeds in open ground - simple recommendations for beginners. How and when to plant seedlings to bed

Familiar in garden space and culinary use pumpkin Good to grow and care in different conditions, including open ground.

Pumpkin: Description of Garden Culture

Received as a result of natural agriculture smooth, burglar or warts pumpkin fruits are very diverse in shape, color and mass. The latter fluctuates from dozens of grams to centner. The cultivation of pumpkin in the open ground is facilitated by the peculiarities of its root system - a depth (up to 3 m) of the main root and widely spread (up to 10 square meters. M) an active part of 20-25 cm placed in arable land.

This gives a solid resistance to drought. Although the gloomy practices have become known already and varieties in the form of bushes, the classic pumpkin stem is sprinkled (crawling) on \u200b\u200bthe ground, pulling up to four or more meters. A huge leaf surface is made up of large, with elongated petioles of pumpkin leaves that do not have hips. Each of the plants is a shared house for male and female flowers.

Having the same red-orange coloring colors vary:

  • flowing outlook (men's first appear);
  • place on the stem (female - above);
  • flowers (male - longer);
  • the presence is sometimes inflorescences (for men).

In addition, unreasured women's flowers are preserved longer. Pollination is carried out by insects (due to the natural severity of pollen, which is not able to transfer the wind) or by hand by man. The most favorable for natural pollution is the morning hours of the first days after watering or rain.

The absence of bees because of the cold, heat or long precipitation leads to fallout of unrefined flowers. Rounded and pointed from different ends of the ellipses of pumpkin seeds are well known to numerous lovers to enjoy. The germination is preserved up to four years.

Due to the last circumstance, it is possible to answer the question of whether it is possible to sow pumpkin with fresh seeds: there must be more than usual quantities (after all, the germination of a little worse), and if we are talking only about several seeds, they are recommended to harden with acute Parties, since the durable fresh shell prevents the breakdown of the sprout.

Did you know? From eight hundred famous pumpkin varieties only 200 are suitable for food.

Features of growing pumpkins how to choose a landing site

In addition to natural attention to the light and temperature regime and the soil structure of the site, on which the pumpkin will grow, it is necessary to take into account the features of its root system, which is actively carrying nutrients from the ground, and wide foliage capable of drowning nearby landings.

Requirements for lighting

Ideally, the pumpkin needs lighting, as gardeners say, the full sun, that is, there must be at least six hours of direct sunlight. The result of such an impact will be increased yield and improved quality of fruits.

But she will adequately postpone. This is used to maximize the existing land, sealing pumpkin plantings of the crops of long-carrying varieties of corn. Shadow from the pumpkin itself greatly makes the development of weeds. In this sense, it can be used as a means for cleansing the soil.

Optimum temperature for seedlings or seeds

The general rule requires the extreme limit of daylight air when landing, the pumpkin seedls was not lower than + 8 ° C (for seed landing - from + 13 ° C and higher) subject to its night decline not lower than + 3 ° C. In other cases, it is not worth risking.

What should be soil for landing

Nicely growing on any soil, pumpkin prefers soil saturated with humus, wet, but not too raw, with good drainage. To get such a thing before landing (sowing), the soil is stirred with a large amount of compost.

The soil for pumpkin can be both weakly acidic and low-alkaline, but the acidity (pH) 6.5 is optimal. You should not land a pumpkin on the site where her relatives (cucumbers, zucchini, patissons) grew up before that.

After other crops, the soil for pumpkin is suitable, and landing after potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, onions, carrots, winter grain (corn and wheat), a variety of leguminous and herbaceous perennials are very favorable.

Important! Do not be afar of the surfaces of the earth (0.6 - 0.7 m) of groundwater - they will not affect the yield of pumpkin.

Pumpkin planting in the garden (dates of planting, planting technology, seedlings, seed preparation, etc.)

How best to do, determining whether the pumpkin plant seeds or seedlings, the owner must prompt the climate of the terrain in which his site is located. That is, before sowing a pumpkin directly into open ground or seedlings, you need to devote a certain time to study and evaluate natural factors. From geographic latitude and depends on what month of the year will plant gardeners. In particular, for the middle strip it is the end of April.

Sowing seeds in open ground

Directly into the open soil, pumpkin seeds planted on the gardens where the July air temperature is not below 18 degrees. Before this you need to make sure, having studied the forecast of meteorologists, in the absence of a threat of a quiet trouble, as sometimes they call return freezes. After such a danger passed, they produce sowing. If the weather is spoiled, it is better to cover the crops of nonwoven textiles.

Important! During the day before landing, the seeds warm and soaked in water with dissolved ash.

Once you have made a choice in favor of a seedliness, you need to take care to properly extend the pumpkin seeds to seedlings. So that the roots were intact when they move to open ground, planting pumpkin seeds to seedlings is made immediately in peat pots or just in paper cups.

When using sowing boxes on their bottom, under a substrate from a mixture of peat and soil, a layer of wood sawdust layer is saturated in several centimeters. Sowing is carried out three weeks before moving to open ground. In order for the pumpkin seeds well, the germination temperature in the first three days can be touched up to 25 degrees, reducing it at night a maximum of up to +15.

Pumpkin planting sediments involves a number of mandatory conditions. When the prepared soil is not yet free, pumpkin seedlings should not. It is possible to determine the optimal (12 degrees) of the soil temperature by simply inserting minutes into it by 10 ordinary household thermometer. If it is lower, then do the soil covered from polyethylene (better black) film. If the time does not tolerate or for the landing there will be no other case, then you can pre-pour three (and more) liters of hot water into the landing wells.

Seedlings grown in peat pots are planted with them, instilcing 3 cm deeper than in greenhouse soil. The seedlings from the boxes are placed in the holes filled with water so that, located in the soil, the roots escaped excess bends.

How to care for pumpkin

Pumpkin care begins with her watering immediately after landing. Approximately a week after that, the soil surface is desirable to be mounted with compost containing efficient microorganisms by placing the chopped strap over its layer. The peat, humid, pine needles and even dry earth are also suitable as a mulch.

A significant moment of care is supporting soil looser, which needs to be done at least every two weeks. This procedure is almost always combined with weeding. Immediately after disembarking, the depth of loosening can be up to 12 cm, and by the end of the first month it must be reduced to 5-8 cm to avoid damage to the root system. In the absence of natural (insects) pollination, it is necessary to take advantage of the manual way - otherwise it takes to post the unemployed fruits.

The operation should be carried out before afternoon is quite simple: the anthers of each torn male flower with remote petals need to carefully touch the pestles of one or two female flowers. When the weather improves, it is possible to spray the flowering pumpkin with honey water to attract as insect pollinators (one teaspoon of sweets on 10 liters of water).

Important! In order not to be repaired fruits - make pollination yourself.

How to form a plant

Pumpkin seedlings quickly become empty plants with long stems and large leaves. In order for a powerful plant, it does not violate the boundaries of the territory of its grieving, it is required to form a pumpkin formation, which is easy to do in the open ground. To do this, the pumpkin pinch technology is used, and it is necessary to do it while the plant is young. The tailor occurs by removing the top kidney (you can with part of the escape).

Its goal is the accelerated development of side shoots that carry a greater number of women's flowers. In addition, unnecessary young stuffed shoots that have reached 5-7 cm - this procedure is called passing. It is carried out on the outdoor ground simultaneously with the removal of unnecessary leaves and the direction of all treated pumpkin weaves in one direction. Leaving at the same time on each vacuum, at the rate of harvest, excellent fruit sizes are obtained.

Watering and pumpkin fertilizer

The irrigation period for pumpkin is the time of its flowering, the occurrence and development of the barring. At the beginning of the tie of fruits, the plant watered moderately so that they rose not too small. Then the volumes of moisture, and warm (at least +20 degrees), increase.

Warm significant watering contributes to the formation of female flowers. Cold watering with well or artesian water is able to destroy the landing. When real foliage appears in the growing pumpkin, it is beginning to feed it with a dry nitroposka (10 g per plant) and 15 grams of nitroposki, breeded water, give each vegetable when forming a weave.

  • - ash from the calculation of 1 cup / 1 plant;
  • - solution (1: 8) cowboy in the calculation of 10 liters per six plants when vegetation began, and three - during fruiting;
  • - humus, overwhelmed chicken litter or manure, humus - can be on the eyes.

How to secure pumpkin from pests and diseases

Pests and diseases Manifestations Ways to protect
Bahch wane Leaf twisting, flower fiction Spraying with the infusion of purestone (or garlic, or onion husk) or chemical solution (Kemifos, Aktellik, Fufanon). Autumn Collection and Elimination of Plant Residues, Deep Pumping Soil
Slug Damage to young leaves (round holes and silver bands), later - uncess Roasting soil, thinning, weeding. Traps made of cabbage leaves, watermelon crusts, wet rags, followed by the destruction of pests in a concentrated saline solution. Superphosphate and other chemical protective strips around the plants. Spraying with cocida solution
Puffy dew Drying of sick leaves covered with plenty of white butt propagating stems and stiffs Timely weeding. Warm watering. Removal of patients leaves. Spraying chemicals (strobe, topaz) and soil processing for three weeks before harvest
Peronosporosis (false mildew) Growing and drying light-yellow spots and gray-violet raids on the leaves Warming seeds before sowing. Spraying of chemicals (strobe, potatocid, copper oxychloride, kidnapsat)
Anthracnose Slowing and forming holes on the leaves of the depressed spots with pink fell. Also appear at semi-siudals and cutters Remove diseased plants. Spraying (burglar liquid, copper oxychloride, abigal)
In general, the pumpkin is not very exposed to malicious influence, but the basic defense methods will be suitable for negative manifestations.

A lot of delicious varieties of pumpkin can be raised by seeding the seeds in the open ground at the end of May, but not nutmeg - they simply will not go, they are better to grow with a seaside way. Seeds need to take only fresh, it is desirable to check them on the germination to know what to expect after sowing into the ground. Seeds rejected, which surfaced when soaking with salted water, sowned to the bottom prepare for sowing.

Pumpkin seeds before sowing need to warm 2-3 hours at a temperature of 60 degrees. After that, it is necessary to displaced them with a pink solution of manganese. In order for sprouts to break through the firm skin of the seed, they are soaked at 12 o'clock aqueous infusion of ashes or at least just water, which is changed every 4 hours. Those dacities that are not afraid to use chemistry, usually to accelerate germination soak seeds with a solution of fertilizers or stimulant (cescin, epin, humate potassium). This not only accelerates growth, but also protects future shoots from diseases and adverse environmental influence.

After soaking, the seeds are immediately planted into the ground or placed on germination. Well and quickly germinate seeds on sawdust. The bottom of the box is put on wood sawdust, spill with hot water several times, the seeds are placed on top of several layers of wet moist gauze, the seeds are closed on top of it with several more layers of gauze and fall asleep with sawdust. From above, the box is closed with a film - it turns out such a guy, after 2-3 days the seeds will germinate, and they will need to immediately put in the ground.

Landing and care

Before sowing, it is desirable to prepare the soil. On 1 square meter of the pumpkin section, 2 buckets of the humidiation are made, half a view of sawdust, a glass of nitroposki and a liter tree of wood ash. The site is picked up at a premise at least 40 cm and spill with hot water. The time of sowing is determined by the vegetables themselves, it depends on the weather and variety features. The crumpled seeds of the large-scale and hard screw pumpkin plant in the soil when she was already warming up to 10 degrees at a depth of 10-12 cm. In the suburbs it usually happens at the end of May.

In the light permeable soil, the seed is laid by 8-10 cm, and if the earth is hard, then - by 4-5 cm with a keyboard or sprouting down. If the landing is shallow, sprouts can take, without dropping the seed shell, then they can shove the birds. So that it does not happen, you can close the crops or simply check more often and remove the shell manually. The spray pumpkin is planting at a distance of 80 cm from each other, and the plenty is better to plant with an interval of 1 m.

In each well, 3-5 seeds are laid at a distance of several centimeters. The soil after sowing is mulched, many are still advised to cover the film or nonwoven canvas from spring cold. When sprouts appear, they leave 2 of the strongest, and the rest plunder. Pumpkin has a very developed root system, small sprouts have already twisted the roots to not damage them (with the slightest damage to the pumpkin root will not grow), unnecessary do not break off, namely press off.

After landing into the open soil seedlings or germination from seeds, the pumpkins quickly form lateral shoots, they need to be removed, leaving the main scourge for another two side. The number of barriers also need to be limited, leaving 3-4 on each branch: counting 5 leaves after the last zeroze, the whip must be pricked, then the plant will not waste forces, but will send them to the ripening of fruits.

In order for the wind does not turn the vacuum, they are sprinkled with wet soil, in this case additional roots can be formed, which will still enhance the plant. Wide pumpkin leaves evaporate a lot of moisture, so watering is simply necessary, and only warm water. After planting to open ground, each plant is watered with 1 liter of water, and the older, the more water it needs, so at the end of the summer, each should receive at least 10 liters. When the fruits have comprehended its maximum value, watering stops.

If there are few bees or bumblebees on the plot during the flowering of pumpkin, pollinate the plant will have to manually. Men's flowers do not sit on the stem, but grow on a long leg, unlike women's, and women's flowers under the petals have thickening (ovary) - so they are easy to recognize. In the morning (from 9 to 11 hours) you need to disrupt the male flower, carefully cut the petals from it, touch the pestles of female flowers to the boot.

It happens that women's flowers bloom before male, then it is possible to pollinate with the male flowers of a different relative plant - a zucchini or patisson is suitable. The fruits will be perfectly angry, but the seeds use for landings will not be impossible, so if you want to sell or plant seeds, then you only need to pollinate the colors of the same plant.

How to secure pests

After planting pumpkins in open ground, you need to think about protecting it from pests. So that the Medveda does not have root, several granules of a special preparation with the name of Medvedox are put on each well when landing.

In crude rainy weather there may be slugs that are able to destroy the pumpkin. Bahch wave, web tick, gentle flies and shortcuts - the pumpkin has many enemies. To avoid danger, you need to loosen, do not overgrow the soil, do not leave the exhaust weeds, because many attract plant residues. No wonder the gardeners often inspect their plants, at the first appearance of pests, it is necessary to spray the plant with the infusion of onion husks, ash, soapy.

The larvae of the sprout flies can only damage the planned seedlings if they will attract the smell of fresh manure. Nutcan (wire) can remain from previous crops of perennial herbs. Musture landing will allow good soil processing and thoughtful crop rotation.

There are many chemical preparations saving from pests, it is not difficult to find them, but it must be remembered that ripening fruits may afford and harmful substances too. It will not be superfluous to plant onions, dill and velvets.


Pumpkin is planted into a fertilous soil, and then it is still feeding with liquid organic and mineral fertilizers. If the soil is rich in fertilizers, it is enough 2-3 times in all the time to increase the liquid diluted bird litter or a cow with 1 spoon of full mineral fertilizer.

Plant a pumpkin into a depleted soil - it means to pershe yourself on the weekly fertilizer of plants throughout the season. Only at the end of the summer, when the fruits are already large, you can make potassium as mineral feeding.

How to grow a pumpkin in the open soil? It would seem that here is difficult, stuck the seed into the ground, and let him grow. But, as the reviews show, it is not possible to grow a pumpkin on their own. It seems to be in care, the plant is unpretentious, and it is not so often sick. What is the matter? The answer is banal - in errors that gardeners make gardens from year to year.

Let's understand together why pumpkin is not growing.

Preparing a bed near Pumpkin

Those who at least once saw this plant are guessing how many nutrients will need to build such a mass. Plus, pouring fruit also requires a lot of strength and "food" from pumpkin. Let's see what other sources advise. Manure. Well, quite well and even right. If not one moment. Absolutely everyone is recommended to make fertilizer in recalculation per square meter. That is, to roll over the entire surface of the garden.

Meanwhile, the optimal planting scheme of pumpkin is 1 1.5 meters. And how many of those fertilizers will get roots that are focused in one place, and not spread across the entire district?

Rule 1. For planting pumpkins prepare each well separately, and not a whole bed.

We read on. Tip Plug the soil to a depth of up to 50 cm. Why? The main root of the plant goes to a depth of 1.8 m. Small feeding roots are located in the upper layer of soil, not deeper than 30 cm. For what you need to drag into such a depth? And even more so, make fertilizer there. This is also one of the Soviets.

It will be enough to pour a bunch of manure to the fall where the spring will be in the spring, and to switch to the length of the bayonet shovel. Then with a stick, peg or what other item to mark the place. In the spring, after the departure of the snow, overheat again. By the way, the width of the wells should be at least 30 by 30 cm. After all, the main root pumpkin system is urine. Nutrition should be enough for a long growing season.

And further. The space around is desirable to loosen and explode carefully. Otherwise, weeds just score young rabid. This adult bushes have nothing to fear. Healthy, full pumpkin forces itself oppresses all weeds.

Rule 2. Do not neglect the processing of the surrounding space.

Sale pumpkin Chat

The most common error when planting pumpkin on seedlings - the choice is too fine container. The depth of the pot or cup must be at least 16 cm. Now explain why. When the seed rides, the first 2 weeks the sprout is rapidly stretched out. What do you usually do in this case? Right, dive. Yes, and pinch the central root.

Do this can not be categorically! This root to allow the plant with ease to transfer drought, producing moisture from deep layers of soil. And you tear it off. Or worse, scared seedlings. That is, a long stem turned in a circle and poured the earth. There is no controversy, additional roots will grow on a sword stem. But if in nature the pumpkin sprout does not grow rings, then we should not do so. What if you break?

How to do right? Capacity fall asleep with a soil half of height. Soot 1 seed. After it goes, a little land is sprinkled to the stalk. The plant will still be slightly tightened, the soil is plundered to it.

As a result, by the time of landing in open ground (about 3-5 real leaves), you will have a strong plant, with a decent root system.

Rule 3. Pumpkin seedlings do not dive and do not squeeze.

Preparing seeds for landing

Another error in respect of pumpkin: no prestand processing. What? Skilled seeds from the fetus, dried, dried in the spring by the pot. Maybe, something will go. Well, yes, well, if it goes. And just wonderful if you do not care.

But there are also such gardens, which with great love refer to each sprout. They protect all seeds, acquire the planting material of new varieties. And he is often very expensive. And just to be scattered with seeds - non-disabilities. Therefore, we are preparing correctly:

  1. Pumpkin seeds are soaked in a hot-hot (+ 48 ° C) a solution of mangartages for 25 minutes.
  2. Not washed, shift in a warm solution of growth stimulator (zircon, epin, aloe juice) for 7 hours.
  3. Not washed again, soaked in simple warm water for 24 hours.

All, now seeds are diskmed, fed and ready for germination. To do this, it is necessary to put a cotton fabric flap in the container or even a paper towel. Pumpkin seeds lay on it, they are covered with another piece of tissue. Now it is necessary to moisten the content of the container slightly, then put in a warm dark place.

Check daily! Sometimes it is moisturized with clean water. Once seeds begin to reveal - you can sow.

Error: When landing sticking a seed into the ground. What for? Sprout himself knows where to turn the leaves, and where the roots. The planting material is put on the surface of the Earth, about 2.5 cm of soil are sprinkled from above.

By the way, the soil must be slightly compressed so that the pumpkin is easier to get rid of the seed shell. Only not to rub! Just press a bit of the top layer with a spoon or blade.

Now the whole design is put in a warm and dark place. When sprouts appear, the pots are put into light.

Care for seeding pumpkins

In principle, it is easy. Watering with soil drying and one feeding with complex mineral fertilizer in phase 2 of the present sheet. Just do not pour the plant, because the black leg does not sleep.

And further. Under the pot or cup it is desirable to put a plate of foam plastic, a piece of foam substrate or even flap from the cork roll. It is necessary to protect while still young roots from cool air.

Rule 4 Be sure to insulate the roots of young pumpkin plants.

If you are all done correctly, then put a pumpkin in an open ground will not be much difficulty. The wells are already prepared, it remains only to shed them to the water. It will be enough 1.5 liters per seat.

The plants themselves are strong, with a developed root system. And here is the next mistake. Many shake the roots from the ground and only then transplanted the pumpkin into the soil. What is the purpose of this? We never got a clear answer.

No need to cut the root pumpkin system. The sprout is lowered in the hole with sowing ground. Depth - to seedy leaves. From above, all this is neatly mulched with dry soil or loose peat.

Rule 5. Pumpkin seedlings are planted only by the method of transshipment. So do not damage the roots.

Care for pumpkin

Caring for pumpkins in the open ground does not require dances with tambourines. But it is not necessary to let the case.

Watering. Pumpkin loves to drink. Wide leaves evaporate a lot of moisture. Just do not need to pour from the watering can every day. It will not give anything. Watering plants you need once every 5 days. At the same time, 1 adult bush need at least 15 liters of water.

You need to focus on soil dryness. Spread the leaves, looked. Wet? So we do not go water. Land dry? It's time to poke a pumpkin.

In severe heat, it is necessary to sprinkle landing to reduce the temperature of the ambient air and increase the humidity. Only here do not need about water droplets, as the lenses for sunlight. There is no single plant in nature after the rain in the sun burned out of your lenses.

Feeding. We will have to feed pumpkins regularly, despite the manure in the hole. It is enough only for the initial growth, about a month. Further, once in 13-16 days it is necessary to deposit any of the feeding:

  • green liquid fertilizer
  • comprehensive mineral
  • nasty Korovyaka
  • a bird litter solution

There are no special requirements, choose what is in stock. Naturally, fertilizers can not be made through dry soil. This will provoke a burn of small feeding roots. Feed pumpkins strictly the next day after watering.

Formation. You read other sources and Diva are given. Everything, as one, is alone: \u200b\u200bon one plant, pumpkins leave 3 fetus. The rest of the zeroze are plucking.

And no one guessed to turn on the head. With good care, these three scum will grow to the sizes of a culberry carriage. And where are you then? Keep such Mahina where? Immediately eat pumpkin weighing from 10 kg and higher? Consider the cutting frown on 3 days begin to mold. Do you lock in the refrigerator? Well, yes, there will be half a half pumpkin there, the rest will have to pull out due to lack of space.

How to form a plant? In fact, very simple. Leave all the promises until July 30. After this time - plunder without pity. They just do not cause. And you have no 3 mutant on one plant, but 5-7 pieces of medium-sized fruits. It is convenient to store them, and it will be enough for 1, a maximum of 2 times.

Rule 6. Pumpkin shoots pinch strictly over 5 sheets after ovary. These lockers participate in the process of photosynthesis and are vital for the right growth and good development of the fruits growing below the stalk.

Features of care

Pumpkin fruits love to rot. And below, from the soil. There will not immediately notice the process of damage. To avoid such trouble, a piece of boards, fiberboard or chipboard is put under each vegetable. Just do not put slate or glass. These materials themselves are cold, and in the August nights will additionally cool the Thaivin, which will no longer provoke the process of rotting.

Weeding will be needed only at first after disembarking at a permanent place. Then the foliage will come true, the plants will grow and weeds will not be scary.

By the way, a good result is obtained when planting pumpkins on compost piles. Only necessarily add a bucket of ordinary land to the hole so that the roots are not burned. Well, additional feeders will no longer need, power in the compost abound. And do not forget about the watering.

When growing a pumpkin, like a solar culture, the fruits must be suspended in grids. Only strictly for additional supports. Soviet accidents are well suited. They are sold now. This procedure will avoid the abundance of shoots and fruits ahead of time under the weight of fruits.

The tendency of a tightening warm autumn in the middle lane that has been observed in recent years allows you to grow a pumpkin with a reckless way. That is, time to ripen and flowing fruits is quite enough. The only thing to plant the pumpkin seeds will have to be under temporary shelter. And it is not necessary to erect a monolithic greenhouse above the beds. It will be enough to simply cover the well with a dense polyethylene film or even a cropped plastic bottle.

After warming (air temperature above + 18 ° C), temporary shelter can be removed. By this time, the rabid is already growing enough and gain strength.

How to grow a pumpkin in the open soil? As you can see, it is not difficult. Several milled myths, the inclusion of the head into the process of planting and care, abundant watering. And you can enjoy useful vitamin fruits until spring. Now you have exactly everything.

Video: Pumpkin planting in spring in open ground

  • Pumpkin seeds in folk medicine are dried, then oil makes oil. Pumpkin seeds are rich in glycosides and steroids, vitamin E, trace elements of potassium, copper, zinc, manganese, selenium, etc., vegetable squirrels and sugars.
  • Pumpkin pulp contains peptide fibers, contributing to the normalization of the stomach work and the removal of slags from the intestine.
  • It is recommended to use pumpkin people suffering overweight: a small-calorie vegetable; Vitamin T contained in the pumpkin contributes to the acceleration of the metabolism and the rapid absorption of food; The diuretic property of the pumpkin provides an excess of excess fluid from the body.
  • When kidney diseases, Pumpkin is recommended as a diuretic.
  • The pumpkin is rich in beta-carotene and lutein, which is beneficial affecting human vision.

Pumpkin can be immediately soiled into the soil, but you can plant across seedlings. It is best to grow on well-warmed solar plots. The preparation of the soil for planting pumpkin begins in the fall. After harvesting the predecessors of pumpkin, the soil is freed from weeds and from plant residues.

After the soil loose cut or hoe, after two or three weeks, they are drunk up to 25 - 30 cm on depth. During the rescue, it is thoroughly removed from the root of the dandelion, the cooker, dusty, the larvae of the May beetle and the wedge.

Fertilizers are entered into the soil simultaneously with its rescock. Due to the high rate of increase in overhead and underground organs, the pumpkin has an increased need for nutrient elements.

The best fertilizer for pumpkin - manure. It is more expedient to use the overwhelming compost, as in the fresh manure there are many weeds. On 1 square meter of the site, 5-10 kg of manure are made.

At a depth of 10-15 cm close organic fertilizers (on heavy soils) or 15-20 cm (on light soils). With a limited number of organic fertilizers, they can be made immediately before planting the culture directly in the well.

The day before the sowing of pumpkin, the soil is drunk, nitrogen fertilizers at the rate of 1 kV meter of a plot of 15-20 grams of fertilizer are introduced. After the rescue, the plot is aligned with robbles and proceed to landed seedlings or seeding seeds.

Squeeze pumpkin seeds

For planting pumpkin seeds, it is best to select full-fledged seeds that need to warm at a temperature of 60 degrees (2-3 hours). This is necessary for the friendly germination of shoots. To ensure early germination, to acquire the stability of a culture to adverse environmental conditions, seeds are placed on a day into a solution of one of the growth stimulants:

  • cutacin solution - 100 ml of water boded one stimulator tablet;
  • potassium humate solution - 200 ml of water is bred 4 ml of stimulator;
  • epin solution - on 100 ml of water is bred 2-7 drops of the stimulator.

If you do not have these drugs, you can use wood ash pumpkin seed treatment: 2 tablespoons of ashes are taken on 1 liter of warm water, they insist one day, and the solution is periodically stirred, then the seeds placed in the gauze bag are performed periodically. After that, the seeds are washed with water.

You can soak seeds in warm water or in a weak solution of manganese.

After the seeds died, you can begin to evinted or to germination. To germinate the pumpkin seeds in the apartment, wrapping them for this in a wet fabric and placing in a saucer.

On the site you can germinate pumpkin seeds in a drawer with covered sawdust. On sawdust laying paper napkins (wet) at 23 layers, on them - pumpkin seeds, then again napkins, then warm sawdust and all cover with the film. The drawer is left in a warm place.

Time to seeding pumpkins

Depending on the biological peculiarities of the pumpkin variety, as well as from the climatic conditions of the region, there are various deadlines for sowing culture. The fallout of hard screw and large-scale pumpkin begins when the soil warmed up to 10 degrees (at a depth of 10-12 cm), and the air temperature is 15 degrees. In earlier time, sowing should be ensured by the plant heat from biofuels, as well as protection against freezing film.

When planting a hard screw and large-scale pumpkin with seeds into open ground, they must be close to the soil at a depth of 5-8 cm (on the pulmonary soils) or 4-5 cm (on heavy).

The seeds of long-line culture varieties are sown in a row (the distance between the wells should be about 1.5-2 meters, and between the rows - 1.4 - 2 meters).

Pumpkin bush varieties can land the square-nesting method according to the scheme: 80 * 80 cm or 1.2 * 1.2 m. The distance between the pumpkin seeds should be 3-4 cm. After the seeds decomposed on the wells, they should be powered by a mixture Pouring and soils in equal amounts.

Plant seedling pumpkins in open ground

The process of ripening pumpkin from the moment of sowing is quite long, especially this concerns late and thermal-loving varieties of culture. The process lasts 120-140 days. In order to get an earlier pumpkin harvest, you can grow it seedlings. For this, the window sills in the apartment are suitable, it is desirable that the windowsill are well illuminated.

Also, seedlings are grown in greenhouses, greenhouses or under a film frame. Severe seeds are best done in the last decade of April or in early May. It ensures that the plant will be ready to transplant into open ground.

As containers for seedlings, you can use bags from-under milk or peat hollow pots with a diameter of 10-15 cm. In the container, the finished peat soil is poured. Independent preparation of nutritional soil: take humid and turf in a 4: 1 ratio. In the bucket of the mixture, 4 grams of potash salt and ammonium nitrate are added, as well as 5 grams of superphosphate. After the mixture is moisturized and mixed thoroughly (preferably 3-4 times). Such a mixture is poured into the prepared containers and slightly condensed.

During the sowing, the soil is watered with warm water, they make a recess of 2-3 cm in the center, in which one pumpkin seed is placed. The process of preparing seeds is the same as when sowing directly into open ground. The pot on top is covered with a plastic film and put them on the windowsill for germination.

After sowing, the pumpkin should keep the air temperature within 18-25 degrees. As soon as the first shoots appeared, the film is removed and reduced the temperature by 3-5 degrees (this is done within 4-5 days). In the apartment it can be achieved thanks to the ventilating room. This ensures the protection of seedlings from pulling.

If the seedlings still stretched out, then it follows the eighth-tenth day after the appearance of germs to turn the rings the heating knee and lay out on the soil, covering their ground to seedy leaves. The field of this pumpkin seedlings is grown at day air temperature of 20-22 degrees, and at night 15-18 degrees. Watering pumpkins should not be abundant and frequent. Excess moisture can lead to the "felting" of culture.

Feed the plant should be twice. The first feeding is carried out on the eighth-tenth day after the appearance of germs. The cultivation of seedlings in the greenhouse will be better if we take a 1 liter of water with 100 ml of dung alive, chicken litter or cowboat and 5 grams of the garden mixture, mix and polide the area thoroughly.

The second feeding is made by any complex mineral fertilizers at the rate of 3-4 grams of fertilizer per 1 liter of water. It is necessary to do it immediately in front of the planting plants in the open ground.

A few days before the seedlings landing, it should be hardening. At the finished plants, the stalks are low and native with short interstices, and there are also 2-3 well-developed dark green leaves.

The seedling plant in the soil is carried out slightly deeper than she was sitting in a pot, sprinkling her before seeding leaves. This contributes to the formation of additional roots. Roots when planting crimp the soil, while, not allowing the formation of voids.

Seedlings planted in the ground are plenty. It is necessary for better contact of the plant with soil, to enhance water supply to leaves. The soil around plants sprinkle with mulching material or dry ground only after water is absorbed. Mulch protects the plant from the formation of an earthen crust.

In order for the formed fruits of pumpkins did not start from soil dampness, they should be protected from this as follows: 4 stones are put on the ground, on top of them - a wide plate or a board on which the pumpkin is placed. Do it only then, while she is still small.

With ripening of individual fruits, harvest is harvested. Immediately before the onset of frosts, the pumpkin fruits should be removed.

Pumpkin must necessarily be present in the diet of every person. Remember this! We hope that thanks to our advice, you will grow a large and sweet pumpkin, from which you prepare good dishes.

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In the middle of spring, when the window sills are already engaged in numerous drawers with seedlings of tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers, summer houses remember the pumpkin - vegetable is unusual and size, and for the benefits, and in storage time. It should be sowed a little, but the places are not left at all. Then, with the arrival of warm weather, let's try to plant this culture with seeds directly into the soil and, subject to several uncomplicated rules, we will definitely get a rich harvest.

Pumpkin is a thermo-loving plant, and landing into an immelling land will lead to the fact that the seeds will take long and cheap. In the open ground, pumpkin is planting when the soil warmed up and the return freezes were passed. Specific deadlines depend on the region: in the northern areas of sowing is possible in early June, and in the southern - at the end of April or early May. In the middle lane of Russia, the pumpkin traditionally plant in the ground after the May holidays.

According to old folk signs, the best time for landing was determined by flowering viburnum and peonies.

Selection of seeds for landing

Pumpkin seeds for landing acquire in the store or harvest themselves. For the second option, choose the most ripe and sweet and choose seeds from it. They are freed from the pulp, washed, remove the overlap and select the largest copies without flaws. Seeds dried and stored until spring in a dry cool place. Pumpkin seeds retain up to 4 years old, and the highest percentage of germination is observed in 2-3 year old grains.

If there is no seed, before buying you should familiarize yourself with the variety of varieties:

  1. Few pumpkin It is famous for early ripening time, a small size of fruits and delicious seeds. White springs do not occupy a lot of space and are convenient for growing in small areas. Stuffed pumpkins are distinguished by a rifled fruit, rough stem and pentagonal leaves. On cream seeds brightly expressed grooves along the edges. Dachniki is popular for Altai, aft, a gone, smile, a bricken orange, almond.
  2. Large varieties They differ in large sizes and high sugar content. They are characterized by rounded fruits and stems without grooves. The color of the seed varies from the matte and white to the light coffee. Large varieties are better than others to carry the reduced temperature and are stored without any problems under the room. For growing preferred varieties of Pumpkins Arina, Big Moon, Dressing, Russian, Mushroom Winter, Children's delicate, Medical, Sandy, Paris Golden, Standard, Volga Gray.
  3. Muscat varieties are distinguished by a delicious taste and long-term storage period, but more demanding to heat and are recommended for cultivation in southern regions. In the middle band, everywhere is cultivated by a seaside way. Muscat pumpkins have a pleasant bonus - they can be disrupted, they are perfectly planted in the apartment. Robusts are valued by pineapple, vitamin, pearl, sugar crea.
  4. Decorative pumpkins In the mass of its own, unsuitable and grown for beauty. The fruits of decorative varieties are usually small and distinguished by an unusual form and color, go to the manufacture of original crafts and souvenir dishes. Pumpkins grades Chamidoid, wart, star will attract the attention of dacnis, loving delights and general attention.

For planting pumpkins in open soil, seeds are most suitable for solid and large-scale species. They quickly ripen and react calmer to demi-season fluctuations in temperatures.

Preparation of seeds

Proper preparation of seeds is not only in a thoughtful choice of a variety, but also in competent processing from diseases and to stimulate germination.

First of all, the planting material must be disinfected. For this, pumpkin grains for several hours are placed in a solution of mangalling of a saturated pink color. After the seed procedure is necessarily washed under running water.

Manganese can be replaced by the influence of ash, provided that the seeds were taken from a healthy plant. The ash is considered an excellent natural antiseptic and at the same time repository of many necessary trace elements.

For hardening, one per day is placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

After disinfection, pumpkin seeds are soaked in a biostimulant solution, replacing water every day. Usually for 3-5 days they are gluable. Sustained in this way, seeds have a great vitality and quickly go to growth after landing in the open ground.

How to put the seeds in open ground

The best place on the pumpkin planting plot is a well-warmed and illuminated southern or oriental slope. Culture prefers low-alkaline fertile loose soils without stagnation of water rich in organic.

Plot intended for planting pumpkins is prepared from autumn. It is drunk and freed from weeds. Landing pits are located 1.5 m from each other.

The well is filled with the following mixture:

  • half a ripe compost or manure;
  • superphosphate and potash fertilizer 1 tablespoon of each;
  • semi-linet jar of wood ash.

If the soil is heavy clayey, a large river sand or overwhelming sawdust is additionally attached before planting the pumpkin seeds.

In the soil with increased acidity, lime or dolomite flour according to the instructions on the package are added. The introduction of dolomite flour additionally enriches the soil by calcium and magnesium.

The prepared seeds put in the wells of 3 pieces, laying them at a distance of 5-6 cm from each other at a depth of 1.5-2 cm. The wells are pre-shed warm water. Pumpkin seeds fall asleep soil and slightly seal.

A few days after landing appear seedlings. With the appearance of a pair of real leaves, they are thinned, leaving one strongest plant and carefully cutting off the rest.

Extra seedlings are better not to pull out so as not to injure the root system of the remaining sprout.

How to grow a good pumpkin harvest

Prior to the onset of sustainable heat, pumpkin plantings are covered with any nonwoven material. Over the hole, the cross-cruster put two arcs and stretch the agropol on them. Overweight sunny weather in the shelter leave holes for ventilation. At daytime temperatures, 20-22 with shelter removed, leaving it only on the cold nights.

During the entire season of vegetation, pumpkin needs regular watering with warm water. During intensive fruit, the amount of water increases to 1 bucket in each well. After watering landing, pumpkins mulch sawders, beveled grass or leaf opead.

Once every two weeks, pumpkin fertilize with complex mineral fertilizer. Until the middle of the summer, nitrogen must prevail in it, in the second half of summer its amount is reduced to a minimum. A small lack of nitrogen in July - August stimulates the change of a vegetative path of development to the generative.

At the end of June, the main stalk pumpkin pinch to stimulate the formation of side shoots, on which predominantly female flowers are tied.

In the cool raw summer, the formation of uncellies can be stimulated. To do this, planting pumpkins is sprayed with a solution of boric acid in proportion of 1 grams per 1 liter of water. In the morning, artificial pollination of flowers is carried out. To do this, tear the male flower and shook them over the female. Next to the pumpkin bed is useful to plant frozen plants.

In the middle of August, the pumpkin hinges pinpage and remove the smallest and weak marks so that the rest of the fruits have time to ripen before the onset of frosts. Under the flowing fruits, put a plate to avoid roting when the ground with slugs in contact with the land and damage.

In the warm September Days, the yield of pumpkins take off, cutting off the fruit at a distance of 6-8 cm from the attachment site. Within 1-2 days, pumpkins give to the sun. During this time, they lose excess moisture and are better stored in the future. Pumpkins intended for long storage should have a fruit and wax raid on the surface.

Diseases and pests

In dry hot weather, pumpkin landings may affect the cobweb tick. To get rid of the pest, the bushes are sprayed with a solution of phytodemer. This drug is also suitable for the destruction of the Tly.

In wet weather, plants may be sick with mildew. This is a fungal disease, in which white spots appear on the leaf plate. They increase in size covering the entire sheet. As a result, the leaves of the pumpkin become fragile and dry out, and the number of oblasts decreases on the bush. Over time, sick bushes are dying, abundantly scattering the arms of the mushroom.

To combat infection, damaged leaves are cut and burned, plants spray with burgundy liquid or any other fungicide according to the instructions. In the following years, this place is not recommended to plant pumpkin cultures.