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Country gazebos do it yourself from the boards. Tree gazebo: how to make it yourself? Chinese style gazebo

A gazebo in the country or garden plot is not a matter of essentially, this is an additional convenience and place of leisure. Therefore, the gazebo should be comfortable and delighting the eyes. Openwork, full of the sun does not necessarily have to be expensive. You can build a gazebo to give your own hands.

The easiest way to get a beautiful lawn in front of the house

You, of course, saw the perfect lawn in the cinema, on the Alley, and perhaps on the neighboring lawn. Those who at least once tried to grow a green platform in their own area, without doubt they will say that this is a huge work. Lawn requires careful landing, care, fertilizer, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative agent - liquid lawn Aquagrazz.

First of all, it should be determined for what purpose a construction is built. The construction of the construction goals depends on the functional purpose of the arbor is divided into 3 types:

  • sheds, Rotonda - Open rooms are used as a place of privacy, resting on a hot day, reading;
  • traditional - semi-open - element of landscape design, you can relax and read, play with children during the rain;
  • summer kitchens, barbecue houses, pavilions - full premises used in the warm period.

Rotonda is a roof based on 4, 6 or 8 pillars. Walls are missing or occupied by part of the opening. The structure is often decorated with wild grapes or honeysuckle, cruising up and swinging openings between pillars.

Semi-open traditional summer pavilions have walls covering the opening so as not to interfere with the sun and fresh air penetrate the room. The openings can be hung with curtains, equipped with "soft" windows or made in the form of an openwork lattice. The ability to open and close the openings on your own will make the structure more functional, allows you to use it for any weather.

Closed pavilions and kitchens are fundamental buildings. They take them out of wood or brick, the structure is supplied with a door, insert windows, electricity is carried out. Inside, it is necessary to install a stove - barbecue, a brazier or a gas stove with a kitchen utensil kit - a room that is intended for recreation and cooking must meet the requirements of fire safety. The glazed structure resembles a veranda, standing apart from the main building.

By deciding on construction, it must be remembered that ways to use light open or semi-open buildings are much wider. In a large room with shifting frames, a table tennis table or mini-billiard can be installed. Overwhelmed veranda with a reliable roof is a great baby resting place. You can put the stroller or hang a hammock for day sleep. The rain and the bright sun will not interfere with the rest of the child, and adults will not scream it with their conversations.

Easy structure in the country can have a different purpose. For sale there are pavilions combined with woodcuts. A variety of gazebo is both a canopy for a car that protects it from the hot sun or hail.

Constructions and materials

Cottage is a great place for self-expression. Any country village is able to surprise the diversity of layouts, built buildings, broken flower beds and summer pavilions. There are no restrictions imposed by standard urban building. The owner of the site can arrange it in its own taste. A variety of country gazebos is a bright testimony.

The forms of summer pavilions are the most diverse, but there are basic types:

  • rectangular - the simplest, they are erected from metal, wood, less often - from bricks;
  • polygonal - in terms of an eight or hexagon, are erected from wood or metal, brick buildings are less common;
  • combined, combining both forms, are elevated in large areas, withstanding all elements within one style.

The structure of the structure is determined by the functional purpose and the available place. Summer cuisines in small areas are made of 3 x 2 or 3 x 3 meters size. Recreation rooms are usually more, a large table, designed for the whole family and reception, can be installed in them. The polygonal often make pavilions for barbecue, the size of the structure is determined by the distance of the rest of the rest of the fire, which should be at least 3 meters.

An interesting option for the open garden veranda is the collapsible design that can be removed for the winter or move to a new place. Easy structure does not require a foundation that facilitates the assembly and reduces the price.

Types of foundation

Inspection structures need foundation. Based on the size of the structure and acquired material, it is necessary to decide which foundation to choose under the pavilion. Easy construction located on a flat section can be installed on the tile. The tile foundation will be the floor of the erected facility.

In the raw places it is better to stop the selection on a bar foundation, although it can be used on various soils. But wet soil, long storing moisture after the rain, dictates the need to raise the structure above the ground level. Then the gazebo will be used in any weather.

The pile foundation is more expensive, but indispensable when construction on an inclined site. Alignment of the base using piles allows you to build a house with a horizontal floor even on the hillside.

The ribbon foundation under the arbor may be finely brewed. The ribbon version is needed by brick or heavy wooden structures, it will protect the building in winter, preventing snow and moisture in the room.

Phased construction Arbor

Make a gazebo with your own trees from the tree, without a very experienced builder. Tree - natural material, eco-friendly, easy to process and beautiful.

First you need to pick up a suitable area. The location under the foundation is required to thoroughly align and clean from garbage. If a tree or bushes grow on the selected territory, they need not just cut, but to correct so that they do not start germinate under the floor of the construction.

When building a gazebo, drawings and sizes should be prepared qualitatively. The construction must withstand a strong wind, snow load in winter, it should be durable.

Planning the base, it should be noted on Earth and dig a pit under the foundation. Then mounted formwork. A sandy-gravel pillow is placed in the pit, concrete poured on top. At the stage of preparation and fill the foundation, you can make tracks leading to home or gate.

The next stage is the installation of carrier verticals, which are mounted overlapping beams. At the bottom of the vertical bonding bars - lags, on top of which flooring flooring. Lags, gender, the lower parts of the carrier verticals are covered with a protective impregnation, protecting the tree from fungus and rotting.

The roof can be covered with rubberoid, slate, ondulin or other roofing material. It is advisable to make the roof to make the inclined so that the rain water flows in a predetermined direction. On the edge of the roof, it is recommended to pave a drainage chute, an end with the water flow. Another method of drainage is a trench of a depth of 70 cm, filled with gravel and located at the water flow.

Balustrade between vertical supports make curly, all wooden parts are covered deep penetrating primer, then color. Painting will have to repeat every year so that the tree is not covered with drowsy and not darkened. Colors are recommended to choose natural, they will revive the landscape and organically fit into the surrounding greenery.

Hexagonal wooden gazebo

Construction of the arbor begins with the definition of a place where the structure will be located. Marking and preparation of the site are carried out in the same order as in the previous case. One-piece foundation can not be poured, but to use column. The columns should be located in each corner and in the geometric center of the construction.

Lags are stacked on the columns, and vertical guides are installed. They must be securely fixed, the strength of the construction depends on it. Lags are stacked between the boundary columns, another timber passes through the central column and connects two opposite lags. Between it and the boundary lags are parallel to the rows of boards on the edge or bars. The resulting base is sewn with a germ. Side panels are harvested from a bar and a river or a thin board.

The rafters are mounted from a bar of 3.5 x 3.5 cm and rails. The roof should be beyond the boundaries of the base to protect the room from rainwater. The roof is recommended to do from soft roofing material, fixing it with longitudinal rails. The second layer of the roof is placed on top of the rails and nailed to the rafters.

The paint will successfully replace the lacquer coating. Varnish will emphasize the texture of the tree and retain its natural color.

Spaciousness for creativity

Wooden arbors can have not only different shapes, but also differ in the pattern of side panels. The low balustrade in the classic style is performed from figured balasine. Folded on the lathe and polished balusters are recommended to be lacquered.

It is difficult to make balasins with your own hands, it is difficult to collect sidewalls from a thin bar, placing it at an angle to the bottom of the fairness or another like the owner. The sidewalls from the bar will turn out to be durable, they can be burned down, without fearing to break the design.

Beautiful air arrangements are obtained in the manufacture of lateral panels. The panel can completely overlap the space between the vertical columns, the lattice from the ridge does not interfere with the air and the sun penetrate the room.

Set of structures will decorate the bartal roof. Doodle rays, grille, braid will turn a small wooden pavilion to a fabulous house. The constructed gazebo will become a reason for the legitimate pride of his Creator.

Build a metal gazebo

The profile pipe is not as beautiful as a natural tree. Make a pretty gazebo from the profile pipe - the task is complicated. But the metal structure will be stronger and just runs longer if you build it correctly.

The profile tube is a hollow rectangular rolled metal, differing metal thickness and section size. It is recommended to choose the wall with a thickness of the wall from 2 mm, such a pipe will withstand the severity of the roof and does not proceed when welding.

The profile pipe can be aluminum or steel. The advantages of aluminum include:

  • low weight;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • long service life;
  • build without welding.

Important! Aluminum disadvantages are lower strength and need for a large number of additional parts for assembly. It costs it more expensive than steel.

Metal design can be stationary or collapsible. Collapsible is convenient to use on a small plot. Removing metal parts for the winter, you can extend the life of the canopy. The only drawback is the need to constantly monitor threaded connections and tighten them as needed.

Stages of construction

Let's follow step by step how to make a gazebo. As with the construction of a wooden arbor, first choose and prepare a place for future buildings. Standard arbor size is 3 x 3 meters.

The number of reference racks is determined by the selected project. For each rack, a cubic pit with a side of 25 cm. Each pit is surrounded by a formwork height of 15 cm. Supports are poured with concrete and aligned with a long board and construction level. Concrete freezes for 3-4 days.

When concrete freezes, it is necessary to install chawllars on the supports and combine them with welding around the perimeter. A profile pipe cutter is welded to the chapels, the floor is sewn on top.

Vertical racks made from the profile pipe are welded to the corners of the base. The upper ends of the racks are binding to the pipe in accordance with the selected drawing. The roof can be mounted from polycarbonate, fixing the sheet on the frame. For laying a soft roof, the frame is supplied with eyelets, they are fastened with OSP sheets, which are covered with roofing material.

An decoration of a metal arbor will be wrought elements. Heavy lace will give the structure of solidity and grace.

Using residues

The gazebo does with their own hands from the primary materials - an excellent way to save, and at the same time to spend what remains of the construction of the house. Boards, Ondulin, Plastic, Metallic Profile will not rot in the barn without a case. During the construction of the arbor, you can apply all the remnants.

We get into the shed and see what is useful for construction. Boards and timber remain after the construction of the house almost everyone. The tree is a gracious material, it is easy to handle it, the necessary tools are always at hand. Wooden pavilions will decorate the plot, they are nice to look at them, they are combined with the greenery of the garden, sit down the lace native on a hot day.

The construction can be performed from a piece of trunks conceded when clearing. Their irregular forms will give the structure a unique flavor, make it part of the forest or garden.

Thick trunks are suitable for the manufacture of support pillars, the branches of different magnitudes will be useful to sew the openings. The pavilion form will depend on the features of the wooden elements used. The roof is covered with reed or drank. Under the action of the sun and the rains, it will acquire a silver color and will shine like a precious metal.

Good and buildings from logs or thick timber. Buy logs for the summer building - too expensive, but the remnants make sense. The valuable material does not disappear, the pavilion will look stylish and impressive. If the material is not enough for all the structure, the upper part can be made of a thin board. A flat, inclined or duct roof is suitable for a massive structure. The house will remind the hut from the fairy tale, and the snow will not be delayed on the roof in winter.

There are no equal gazebo made from wicker panels. Easy and air, it can be made of ventilated rods intertwined in different ways. The roof of the tight weaving should be laid on a solid base, so as not to miss the rain, and the bars will go to the vertical racks.

The remaining stone or bricks will allow creating a solid building suitable for the installation of a manga or barbecue stove. Depending on the stock of building materials, the structure can be open or closed. If the brick or stone is enough for a closed house, you should insert the windows and hang the door. The resulting building is useful throughout the year. If the material is not enough, it will serve as the base, and the walls and roof can be built of wood or metal.

The metal remaining from construction can also become an elegant house. It is only necessary to cook figured panels from waste, fasten them on solid racks, and an air, elegant pavilion.

Metal is often combined with polycarbonate. This durable and durable plastic is easily attached to a metal basis with bolts. Polycarbonate is easily lightning, it can make a roof or walls of a bizarre form. Transparent design will be amazing guests and will give a legitimate reason for the builder.

Finishing touch

Finding out how to build a gazebo with your own hands, let's talk about her interior. For a summer house became a welcome holiday destination, you need to take care of the situation. The openings will successfully shade the curly plants, they will create a lace shadow and fill the Pavilion Cool.

A massive wooden table is appropriate in the spacious room. If the walls of the construction are made of metal or contain metal elements, the table is suitable on forged cast-iron legs. Furniture from rattan will look at the wicker house. Light folding chairs will fit into the structure of polycarbonate.

Lamps in the form of street lamps or low floor sheds will create an atmosphere of privacy. And soft pillows in bright covers are perfectly suitable for curtains from Tulle or colored cotton. You can also sew curtains and pillows too.

There is nothing more desirable than the rest in nature after a long working week, there is nothing more pleasant than the noisy company of friends and relatives and there is nothing more beautiful than such fun holidays.

Going to the cottage of the big company or simply gathering in the garden in a narrow family circle it seems for happiness anymore is no longer necessary, but there is one important item that can make any holiday more cozy - this is a comfortable recreation area.

And there is nothing more comfortable than a neat and beautiful gazebo, decorated, equipped and ready to take guests. The most important thing is that it is possible to build such a gazebo with your own hands.

Gazebo do it yourself from the tree

Before entering into the main part, it should be highlighted on the choice of material. The benefit of the tree in front of the stone and iron is obvious. This is a simple installation, cheaper and affordable materials, environmental friendliness, harmonious appearance - a wooden gazebo looks better in the environment, rather than iron or stone.

But the most important advantage is that working with a tree does not require high professionalism - if stopped on a simple version - or special tools. Now you can go to the first and most responsible clause of construction - Project Arbor.

Project preparation

Many scares the question of how to build a gazebo, but if you figure it out, there is nothing complicated or impossible in it. The gazebo is square, hexagonal, open, closed, large or small - first of all, you should decide on these items.

They are individual depending on the designation of the structure, but it is better to start with a semi-open, square or rectangular arbor. Its size is limited only by the desire and capabilities of the site. Typically is a 3 × 3 meter platform.

Cutting drawings should be performed with special care so that, first in the future, not to be mistaken when buying a material, and secondly, to get the desired result is a solid and even building. In the choice of wood, the main role is as a rule plays the price.

The most inexpensive and widespread materials are pine and needles. They are great for the construction of the arbor and the lungs in the work. In order for the tree to light it longer, it can be pre-impregnated with antiseptic drugs from insects or moisture protection. And the most "win-win" option, it is of course to prepare the necessary tools in advance.

Preparation of place

The next step is the choice and preparation of a place for construction. The location is selected individually depending on the conditions of the site. In the preparation of soil, the main thing is to carefully clear the site from the weed and sticking hemp. It is better to remove the upper part of the soil, so that water does not register under the arbor.

Now you can proceed to how it is to make a gazebo with your own hands, that is, directly proceed to construction. The main thing to remember that with accurate observance of all items, work will only bring pleasure.


There are several types of foundations and each builder chooses its own depending on personal professionally. The most common and, perhaps, the most simple and however, is reliable from them - a column foundation, where slag blocks are used as columns.

It is necessary to dug a hole in a depth of 20-30 cm, to make a sandy base at the bottom, install a slag block, fall asleep with its gravel and soil, set up and thoroughly tamper. The number of base poles depends on the size of the gazebo. In the corners and the very center they are required, then every meter / a half.


The main part of the gazebo is the main part of the arbor. For its construction, a 100 × 100 mm bars are used. At the ends of the bases of the base and roofs, L-shaped jumpers for fastening among themselves are cut. The pillars of the arbor are screwed to the base with self-draws using metal corners where it is provided for by the design.

In order for the gentleman's gender, it is quite reliable after 50-60 cm. You should install additional transverse bars, fastening them with the same method - corners and jumper. And for greater strength, it is better to still install one longitudinal in the middle of the design (if the square is square, then adhere to the same scheme, regardless of the parties).

For a gazebo of a half-open type - that is, with a small fence provided for in the future - it is better to set such a number of columns and at such a distance so that it can be easily attached to the horizontal fence and railings, leaving only a place to enter.


To install the roof of the tent type, the boards are required 150x50 mm. Their length depends on the size of the arbor. The boards are installed on the ribs pairly from the angles of the arbor and are attached to self-drawing to the top frame of the frame.

Between the ends of boards, cut under the necessary angle, are connected in the center of the arbor nails and in addition are strengthened and tightened with the corners of a suitable form.

Thus, the rafter system is obtained, it remains only to coat it with a board or plywood, and then rubberoid and bitumen tiles. If necessary, the roof strapping can be strengthened with additional rafters. To do this, it is best to separately see the photo of the arbor from the rafting roof of the toll type and choose the appropriate option.


The floor is lined with a bottle with a thickness of about 30 mm and the corresponding length, depending on the location of additional - longitudinal and transverse bases of the base, screwing the screws. It is better to use special floorboards that have a longer service life.


If this item was provided in advance, there will be no problems with it. The height of the fence, as a rule, 70-80 cm. Boards are screwed horizontally to the columns of the arbor, with a solid wall or with slots around the perimeter of the structure, leaving a place to enter. From above, you can install a special bar, which will replace the railing.

Painting and decoration

The most pleasant stage, when all the hard and responsible work has already been done. For painting it is better to use special varnishes for facades and wear-resistant paints designed for outdoor use.

At this point, you can not stop at the choice of color and completely surrender to your own fantasy, decorating the gazebo in accordance with your own taste and additionally equips it with all the necessary objects.

After all, you can certainly dream of a similar "zone" for a long time, it is regretful to retreat to the coming difficulties, but only aim to go to the goal, to find time, it will be thorough to go to the case and after some time it will be possible to please yourself and your friends with an excellent gazebo in the country or In the garden, right next to the house, which will simultaneously become a reason for the holiday and the place of his holding and for many years will meet funny companies in their durable and reliable walls erected by their own hands.

Photo arbors do it yourself

Gardening house is the decoration of the site, and a place for a pleasant pastime outdoors. To say that there are many options for the construction of arbors - it means nothing to say. The shape of the frame, the material from which it is made, roofing material - all this can form a variety of combinations.

Next is a small overview of the materials from which the arbors are manufactured, as well as step by step guide, as.

What are the arbors: types of materials for construction

Tree, stone, metal - all these building materials are used in the construction of the so-called "small architectural forms". Buildings from them will differ both in appearance and technical characteristics.

Wooden garden houses

Tree - in demand material in the construction of arbors. It successfully combines the following qualities:

  • Easy processing. A tree for construction does not require expensive or complex in circulation equipment. And in order to build a garden arbor from the tree with your own hands, you do not need to possess extensive knowledge of a carpentry business.
  • High decorative qualities. Even the most primitive wooden buildings are very beautiful if they are simply covered with transparent varnish. A carved garden house can be a real decoration of the site.

However, deciding from what to build a summer gazebo in the garden, you need to remember that a tree, like any "lively" material, requires careful care.

We choose the material to build a gazebo with your own hands. Stock Foto Wooden garden house

Construction of metal arbors

If the garden houses from the tree are built, it can be said that time of centuries, the metal began to be used for this purpose relatively recently. And despite your short story in such construction, the metal confidently catch up with a tree in popularity. This contributes to:

  • Long service life of a finished gazebo.
  • Unpretentious in operation. It is enough to update the paint coating in the year.
  • No sensitivity to seasonal temperature drops.
Note: Metal buildings are two types: forged and welded. The latter is not a road in finished form. Thus, the simplest welded gazebo can be purchased less than 15 thousand rubles, and wooden - from 35 thousand. In addition, the assembly of the welded construction is made pretty quickly.

What to build a country gazebo with your own hands: metal profile

Cutting from forged metal is another category, you can say "Lux" in this kind of construction. Masters can be created by real lace from forged metal, which makes it possible to implement any fancy designer or customer. Many workshops work not only with their sketches, but also with those providing them with customers. Therefore, you always have the opportunity to get a unique product, the analogues of which will not be anywhere else.

Disadvantages of forged arbors:

  • The impossibility of construction with your own hands.
  • Almost complete absence on sale finished products. As a rule, the customer has to wait for the order for some time.
  • High price. This is the most expensive building of the garden house from all possible.

How to build a hexagonal gazebo: wrought goods look very impressively

Stone garden buildings

Once very popular, today stone arbors are found in the household sites. However, they are an excellent option for construction in case inside it is assumed. And this is understandable, because the stone is fireproof. It is also worth mentioning the appearance: a properly laid stone or brick can be very beautiful.

And now about why garden houses from stone give their positions:

  • The stone requires a good foundation, ideally monolithic.
  • Building is quite massive.
  • Laying the stone and brick requires certain skills, and a simple inhabitant will be difficult to fold a beautiful gazebo.

Large stone gazebo accommodate street focal and all necessary furniture

Types of design of garden houses

And a few words about what the types of arbor designs exist. Conditionally, all of them can be divided into three types:

  • Arbor - Sheds. It is easily built with your own hands, or rather recalled from a metal profile. Also often orders are ordered in workshops engaged in artistic forging.
  • Finished buildings, with built-in shops and table. Do not require assembly and special training platform for installation. Pretty cheap.
  • Closed arbors, often with glazed windows and a full-fledged entrance door. They have what the previous two species do not have - good protection against wind and precipitation.

1. Hexagon Shed 2. Small, Easy Ready Building 3. Closed Arbor

How to build a gazebo do it yourself

This section contains guidance and video on the construction of the arbor do it yourself. The foundation of the proposed structure is a column, the lower part of the walls are sewn with a board (100 x 20 mm), and the upper ripped with wooden lattices. The roof of this garden house is duplex. Supporting pillars, basement and mauerlates - from a bar with a cross section of 100 mm, rafters - a board of 150x35 mm.

Project preparation

First of all, you need to decide on the size of the future gazebo. To do this, it is better to go to the site and see how much it turns out to highlight the place under the construction. When the parameters of the base of the house are known, it will be possible to move to drawing its sketch, and then the drawing.

Separately calculated and draws the rafting roof system. For a large-scale arbor, it is necessary to perform all the calculations that are made for roofs of residential buildings. The option proposed here is a small size - a small size, so limited to the drawings of the rafted.

Concrete diagram with your own hands: For work, it is necessary to draw up detailed drawings

Note: To build a gazebo with your own hands, the drawings must be as detailed as possible. Blacks are the foundation, all four walls, and the roof and the rafal system - in two projections. I exhibit sizes, make all the necessary marks regarding the internal device

Construction of the foundation and assembly of strapping

At the construction site, we place the working field, and determine the size and position of the foundation pits. Pits should have a part of 40 cm and a depth of 50 cm. Pre-prepare a dry mixture of 1 part of cement, 2 parts of sand and 4 parts of rubble. We will also need reinforcement rods (50 - 55 cm), bent from one end, by the number of foundation pits.

At the bottom of the holes, we smear rubble, its layer should be about 25 cm. We set the reinforcement rods with curved ends down, fix them with temporary backups. The cement-sand-chicken mixture is divorced by water to a semi-liquid state and poured into the pits. Next, you need to check the verticality of the rods, and then close the surface of the Scholofan's surface. We leave the foundation until it is frozen, for two to three weeks.

How to build a gazebo at the cottage yourself: I make a strapping of the foundation from a bar

For each foundation pillar, it is a piece of rubberoid, which will provide waterproofing with wooden strapping elements. In the previous photo, it is clearly visible how bars are fastened: a word of 50% thickness. On the foundation, put the strapping two pieces. First we wear bars with the lower part of the loud on the reinforcement, and they already lay a couple with the top. In the previous photo of the construction of the gazebo, it is clearly visible as it is done.

Construction of walls Arbor

In the queue setting the support pillars for the walls. At the bottom of each of them you need to drill one hole for the entry of reinforcement rods coming from the foundation. The vertices of the pillars must have ready-made words under Maurylalat. Next, the pillars are dressed on the rods and fixed with metal corners.

Note: Poles are not sufficiently fixed enough, and can break under their own weight. Therefore, temporary fastenings from the boards are mounted on each support, two on each side. In the left side of the lower photo, it is clearly visible how such tonsils are installed.

How to build yourself arbor, rectangular or square: support bars are fixed by temporary fasteners

At an altitude of 90 - 100 cm, the supporting bars must be tied with a bar slightly less thickness. Elements of this strapping are attached to a metal corner. Then, on the upper part of the frame by mounting Mauerlat, and then - we make a crosswise screed of opposite angles. After that, temporary fasteners at the base of the support pillars are removed.

Also at this stage you need to do the organization of the floor. First we make transverse ribs of stiffness, at a distance of 60-70 cm from each other. Next, we fit the floor of a thickening board with a thickness of 3.5 - 4 cm. The construction of the arbor frame is over.

How to build a gazebo in the garden with your own hands: fasteners are carried out by writing and metal corner

Construction of a roof of a garden house

On the ground we collect rafter farms, and then begin to install them on Mauerlala. First, we set the first two farms - it will be the front and rear frontones. Then put all the intermediate. Until all farms are exhibited, we do not carry hard fasteners.

Building levels check the vertical farms relative to the Earth and the parallelism of their friend. Only after that you can fix the rafyled "for constant". Then under the vertices fix the skate run, which is pinching under the branches. By Mauerlatam, rafter feet are fixed by corners.

How to build a gazebo with your own hands: Installation of truss farms on Mauerlala

Further work depends on what kind of roofing material will be laid on the roof. If this is something tough, on the like metal tile, then on the rafters there is a rare dog, with a pitch of 35 - 40 cm. For seven-way materials, a step should be reduced to 25 cm, and under the soft roof we make a solid substrate from moisture-resistant plywood.

After the end of laying the roofing material on the skates there are two cases:

  • Close the rumble of the roof rib. As a rule, the skate elements are sold ready there, where they themselves are roofing materials.
  • Snake boards ceiling arbor.

How to assemble a summer house on the plot on your own

Completion of construction

  • Sew the boards both fronton.
  • Encrew the bottom of the gazebo, around the perimeter.
  • Install decorative wooden lattices, purchased or homemade.

How to build a beautiful gazebo in the yard: the top of the walls take the grid with a small cell

But another option of how you can build a gazebo with your own hands. On video - installation of a garden house on the foundation from ready-made concrete blocks.

Almost for every person, the cottage is a second home or a favorite place of rest. Caring for the garden and garden, as well as construction work in the house - labor-intensive processes requiring investment of finance and physical labor. The gazebo is not only a beautiful addition to the plot, but also serves as a great place to relax. When choosing materials for the construction of the arbor, most preferred wood. An independent manufacture of gazebos will significantly save money.

The main advantages of wooden arbors:

  1. Beauty. Undoubtedly, the creative abilities of ordinary people are sometimes pleasantly surprised.
  2. Ecology. Wood does not contain harmful substances.
  3. Adequate price. Wood can be easily purchased in construction stores at an affordable price.
  4. Easy to use. Wood is easy enough to work and does not require special professional skills.
  5. At high temperatures, especially in summer, the arbors from the tree are not heated.

The disadvantages include:

  • DISTRIBUTY. The tree may be subjected to rotting and the likelihood of damage to the bugs-anchors is large. To extend the service life, at the end of the summer season, remove fallen leaves from the floor to avoid rotting. Also necessary treatment of wood surfaces with special antiseptic compositions, it is done immediately at the end of construction, but before painting / varnishing wooden structures. The cracks that have appeared over time need to sharpen. In winter, for the safety of the arbor, the roof should be covered with stretch films and all unnecessary items should be transferred to the closed room.
  • High flareness. Due to the high risk of fire is unsafe to install mangals and braziers in the gazebo. The likelihood of a fire decreases when processing wood with special compositions that minimize the risks of such a disaster.

At the preparatory stage it is necessary to choose the place, size and type of construction, the style of construction and building materials. The selection of the size of the arbor depends on the main purpose of the structure of the structure. For family or friendly gatherings, a big gazebo is needed, for personal needs enough and small.

The choice of place is the responsible process. The durability of the design depends on this factor. If the construction is built in lowland, then it can be contrary due to frequent precipitation. Also important factor protection against wind. Infinite drafts are unlikely to give pleasure from the gaze in the gazebo. From the point of view of landscape design, the view from the alleged gazebo should be good. The ideal option is to build construction in the depths of the garden.

For complete harmony, it is necessary that the gazebo was withstanding in the style of building a house, otherwise such a dissonance will be highlighted in the site.

Arbors can be classified by such criteria:

  • by type of construction;
  • in form.

Common forms are: rectangular, hexagonal and round.

By type, the arbors can be divided into open, semi-closed and closed. Closed canopies are universal for operation at any time of the year. Semi-closed gazebos resemble a small house.

An important nuance is taking into account the style of building in accordance with the landscape design. The most common styles of the arbors include classic, Victorian, Rustic, East and Own.

For the classic style, the construction is characterized by clear lines. The design is based on hexagonal and quadrangular bases.

Victorian style is inherent in decorative and ordinary plants, so when building, taking into account this nuance, the base of the arbor is built together with a special lattice.

Oriental style is different from other roof shape and extraordinary ornaments.

Deciding with the style and view of the proposed gazebo, it is necessary to make drawings. Thanks to them, you can understand how to make the desired building. A properly compiled project will help save time when building structures, calculate the exact amount of the necessary building materials, take into account all the nuances before the construction of the construction in order to obtain a high-quality and durable design.

The project scheme should include the type of proposed design from all sides indicating the size.

In accordance with the planned project of the Wooden Design, the construction process involves the presence of such materials:

  • wooden bars;
  • piles;
  • boards;
  • cement;
  • crushed stone;
  • sand;
  • nails or self-tapping screws;
  • metal corners;
  • materials for covering the roof;
  • armature;
  • brick;
  • ruberoid.

Related tools are:

  • a hammer;
  • chisel;
  • drill / screwdriver;
  • spanners;
  • electric choke;
  • circular Saw.

After the preparatory stage, the process of performing construction work, which includes consistent steps:

  1. Clearing and leveling of the construction site. At this stage, it is necessary to clean the territory from the garbage, cut down trees and bushes if necessary, align the plot.
  2. Choosing a foundation. Properly laid foundation - the basis of success and durability of the construction. There are such base options - tape, slab and columnar. The easiest and most requiring large financial investments is columnar. To do this, it is necessary to note the territory of the future gazebo with wooden columns and stretched between them with ropes. Then, the dedicated area remove the upper land layer in a depth of at least 0.5 m. After that, in succession, layers to lay sand (10 cm), crushed stone (10 cm), concrete solution (30 cm). Such a solution is made of sand, rubble and cement. Next to the concrete layer lay a layer from the rubberoid. Then you need to make brick columns in three or four rows in order to create a space between the ground and the gazebo to avoid rotting wood. At the final stage of the foundation, it is necessary to re-put the rubberoid layer.
  3. Installing floor. To perform this task, you must select the floor installation option: based on the structure or subject to the stop in the floor of the walls. The second option is quite simple. To improve the floor, wooden bars treated with layers of copper mood to avoid their rotting and eating insects.
  4. Building a frame and roof. When performing such a work, it is important to emphasize attention to beams, because they are responsible for the stability of the arbor. When assembling the frame apply wooden boards and bars. Bearing supports are mounted from wooden bars. The framework of the carcass is special bars that are put on concrete blocks. Floor lags are attached to the basis of the design and vertical racks. The frame - vertical poles using metal corners and screws. For the vertical location of the foundation, it is necessary to use special backups. When building a frame, the so-called upper strapping (special horizontal bars) is used. The easiest way to build the roof is the use of wooden lags creating geometric outlines for construction.
  5. Wall sheath. In this building stage, the choice of material is important: sheet metal, boards, slate and others. The main disadvantage when choosing a sheet material is the lack of noise insulation, this is especially manifested with rainy weather. The easiest option is to use the walls of the walls using wooden boards. Depending on the style and project of the planned design, solid or lattice walls can be made.
  6. Improvement arbor. The final stage is to fill and create the necessary interior of the resulting facility.

The choice of furniture and the presence of electricity is already dependent on the desire and fancy of the host.


Photo: Original Arbor


Schemes will help you construct your own leaning from wood:

Many seek to purchase a country site. But after the realization of the conceived, many questions appear regarding the arrangement of this space. How, where and what to place is a personal matter of everyone. But almost everyone considers it necessary to have a gazebo in the cottage or country house. In summer, it spends a lot of time. The whole family is going to have breakfast, dine and dinner in a cozy gazebo. Therefore, the construction of such an object should be taken seriously.

If there is a desire, you can build a gazebo with your own hands, which will arrange you and your relatives in all respects. Before starting work, create a draft structure on paper, it will be required to calculate the consumption of materials and other important things. It is also important to take into account the features and price of building materials. The gazebo is considered an economy class if the material for its manufacture has been used by the budget level. Tell in all these intricacies.


The location of the arbor on the site depends on the purposes that the owners pursue, establishing it. Many belong to the gazebo as a place for a feast. This is not the case, in a gazebo it is nice to read exciting literature, women likes to study in it with needlework.

If you wish to spend family meals in a gazebo, a feast or just breakfast all together in the morning, it is better to choose a place nearby at home. The track between the house and the gazebo should be smooth, without obstacles, so that it was convenient to dispose of dishes, dishes.

If you consider the arbor as a place where you can relax, retake, distract from the fuss, then in this case it is better to arrange a homemade design closer to the garden. The hanging branches of trees, comfortably blackening space - what is needed in a hot summer day.

If there are small children in the family, it will be better to combine a small playground on a plot with a gazebo. It is so much easier to follow the children, you can watch their game, doing at this time your hobby in the gazebo.

In the case when the cottage acquired recently and the hosts are only determined with the recreation area, it is important that the gazebo was located in the recreation area.


When constructing, only coniferous woods are used.

Carefully approach the selection of material for the carrier parts, they are the most important. For their construction, pine and larch are usually used, since these rocks are less susceptible to rotting.

In Russia, the logs and other structures were built on Rusi. To this day, the log as a material does not lose its relevance. Technologies continue to develop, the material is produced in more quantities, while maintaining quality. Breed buildings are distinguished by durability, beauty and unusualness. The rounded log is actively used to build closed and open arbors, there are no restrictions. Accordingly, there are logs with different diameters for different buildings.

The timber is made from coniferous wood. The cross section of the bar used for the gazebo is usually 100 per 100 mm or 150 per 150 mm, the length of the bar is up to 7 meters. For the construction of dackets use a bar for the base, vertical racks. The roof base is also formed by a wooden bar. For the rest of the gazebo, the edged board is better suitable.

This material has its advantages:

The profiled timber is characterized by its geometry and is connected to each other through the spikes and grooves.

Pros of such a material:

  • Simple collection of design. It is much easier to build a gazebo from the profile bar, the elements are collected like a constructor.
  • Does not require grinding, the material is processed at the factory.

But there is also a cons:

  • Over time, the tree dries and cracks appear on it. This spoils the appearance of the arbor.
  • Due to the gaps, there are channels for insects or fungus, which are very difficult to remove.
  • The price of a profiled timber is much more than usual.

Flap, or a double bar, has a special Norwegian compound, due to which the design becomes very strong. It also has side sections that increase the space from the inside, in contrast to the ordinary timber.

A double bar has its drawbacks:

  • Assembly. The boat is going not easy.
  • Cracks. When the tree is searched with time, it will darken and cracks will appear on it.

Metal gazebos like many dachensons, and it is not surprising.The material is considered inexpensive, given that the metal is durable. From it you can create an elegant decor, metal pavilions complement the common exterior of the house.

A person who worked with the welding machine can cope with this work and has experience. The simplest design is a pipe frame, the roof surface is tile.

Visually metal structures, despite its strength, look very fragile and easy. Metal gazebos can be built on any surfaces of the Earth. Such arbors are often transferred from one place to another. The possibility of transferring the structure is a undoubted advantage.

If still the owners of the site confuse the rude type of metal, then in this case, original ideas associated with artistic forging come to the rescue. But the forging of various patterns and items costs expensive, but such beauty will serve for a long time. Another plus metal is that it is combined with other materials. As an example is a gazebo, which has a metal frame, and the roof is polycarbonate.

Please note that under the influence of the roast summer sun, the metal quickly heats up to high temperatures, which can bring some discomfort. But in this design, it is definitely more advantages than minuses.

Brick arbors or stone can be both open and closed. Often brick gazebos are multifunction and the brass, smoking or fireplace is usually installed in them. Periods of natural rock breeds look impressively, however, the cost of such a design is very high. It makes no sense to talk about the strength of the stone and brick - everyone knows that these materials are very durable and serve very long.

Polycarbonate gazebos are increasingly popular, they compete with structures from other materials. Such summer pavilions look very modern.

Consider its advantages:

  • Strength. The material acquired such a desired characteristic due to the cellular structure.
  • Svetopropusk ability. Transparent polycarbonate misses approximately 90 percent of sunlight, but summer houses prefer to color polycarbonate. So the inside of the arbor shade is shaded, which is necessary on a hot sunny day.
  • Protection against ultraviolet rays.
  • Flexibility of polycarbonate sheets. This is what allows you to give any form designs.

  • Weight. Due to the ease of transportation costs cheaply. Also, light weight simplifies the installation.
  • Wide colors. In the color palette, you can easily find the hue of interests. It often happens that other materials of the arbor are not suitable for the house exactly in color characteristics, then it is worth paying attention to polycarbonate.
  • Lack of additional processing.

Types of designs

There are many options for arbor designs. By the way, Altanki differ from the arbor by the fact that they have a fairly high foundation, the arbors are built on almost on Earth.

Open arbors are most popular in Russia.The classic view of the gazebos is the most ordinary single-sided roof on the support pillars. For the foundation it is better to choose a stone, brick or massive logs, it concerns heavy structures. It is usually enough deeply fix the pillars in the ground. The space between them can be decorate with beautiful lattices, boards depending on the total type of site. You can use a canopy as a roof.

Usually dackets are limited to a gazebo, which has three walls fenced, and the fourth wall is the entrance. Inside there are benches, between them - the table. But there are more original ideas - you can install a fireplace, a barn inside the arbor.

Open gazebos may differ, be made of different material, with different roofs, etc. However, they have the same advantages and disadvantages.


  • Small costs. Open gazebos do not require glazing, most of them do not need a foundation, it will not be worth it.
  • Protection against sunlight and rain, while there is fresh air access.
  • Portable structures allow you to change the situation at the request of the owner.

The main lack of open arbor is that their protective characteristics are practically absent. Such a gazebo will not save from the cool Late summer evening. Insects easily penetrate inside. Strong wind also gives discomfort, hide in an open-type gazebo from him.

Closed gazebo - in fact, a small house.

Pros of such a gazebo:

  • Protection against weather phenomena. It can spend time in it and warm days and rainy.
  • Options to equip the space is much more. This is the same as you can equip your own home, choose furniture, deal with decor, etc.
  • Year-round use. If you have a heating, then under all weather conditions there is an opportunity there to be, even in the winter season.

Now consider the minuses:

  • Considerable importance is finance, the closed gazebo performs almost the same functions as the house, respectively, financial expenses for it - as in a small house.
  • The foundation laying is required.
  • The plot must be rather big sizes. If the plot is small in the area, then the closed gazebo will look at it inappropriate. The owners will be uncomfortable in such a plot.

Glazed closed gazebos are considered the most beautiful. They are pleased to be in the evenings, watching the sun sits down. However, glass is fragile and quite expensive material, which can deliver a lot of problems to the owners.

Open and closed arbors are very different from each other, and they set them for different purposes. Before purchasing a material, deal with drawings and calculations for the future structure, consider the type of gazebo. What is important in it - only dinners with family outdoors in summer or year-round use of the arbor? Only deciding with this, proceed to the rest of the work.

Form and dimensions

Allocate some specific standards difficult.Each owner independently selects for itself shape, sizes, decor arbor. But basic forms still exist.

To the construction of a hexagon arbor, it is necessary to take much responsible. If there is a need to increase the free space, then the benches can be embedded in the design. So they will occupy much less space.

Interesting oval shape of the arbor, used by summer houses.

With a rectangular figure, there is much less difficulty, it can be installed by any length and width parameters. The essential plus of rectangular arows, unlike hexagon and oval, are more accomplished.

Choosing the dimensions of the garden house, create drawings and schemes. They will simplify the understanding of the structure of the structure.

Step-by-step manual instructions

From wood

In the work you will need the most common building materials, which will have any gardener or dacket:

  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • cement;
  • impregnation, paint, protective coatings;
  • roof coating material.

Be sure to graphically present the future gazebo, it is impossible to build a gazebo without a picture. So the general picture will be visible, which material you need and in what quantity. The image will also simplify calculations, because visually easier to navigate in the design.

Picture the general plan of the site along with the house and other objects located on the territory.So you will calculate the design site.

With the help of the cooler, mark 4 straight angle, taking into account the desired length and width of the structure. Check how direct angles can be obtained by measuring the length of diagonals. In the rectangle they are equal.

You can use the well-known Pythagore's theorem. The diagonal, erected into the square, will be equal to the sum of both sides, the length that is elevated to the square. If equality is performed, the direct angles are noted correctly.

During the construction of a hexagon arbor, the order of work will be somewhat different.

In the ground, install the peg, tie it to the end of the rope. Take the second peg and tie the second end, the stretched rope between the pegs and there is a radius. By changing the length of the rope, change the radius. The second peg is out of circle.

Now it is important to note the points of the hexagon vertices.Through the center of the circle, spend a straight line when the circle is crossed with two points, in the figure it is M and P. The line can be arranged as you like, but focus on your preferences. If the gazebo is located along the fence, then this line should be parallel to the fence.

In one of the points, drive the same amount that was in the center. Do not remove the rope, otherwise you change the radius, and no correct hexagon will be released. For example, set the number of the point P, then another cola mark points on the circumference O and T. Similarly, we do with a point M.

When all six points are found, you need to knock the peg on the site. So points are not lost.

As mentioned earlier, the foundation for the non-heavy gazebo from the wooden material is optional. In his role can be brick, stone or tiled laying.

There is still a very unusual option of the foundation from wheels, more precisely, from the tires. Tires are flooded with cement, fix them with a large metal pin.

Wooden hemps are also used as a foundation. But if the soil is clay, often wet, then this method is not suitable.

Important moments when filling the foundation:

  • Mandatory sand and crusched pillow. This applies to all types of foundation, except for the pile.
  • Sherry concrete should gradually, best in a wet environment. Periodically moisturize the coating, otherwise only the upper part will dry and then give a crack throughout the foundation.
  • The finished foundation needs to be protected from external influences. With this task, rubberoid or other more expensive materials can cope well.

If there is a desire to make a gazebo with a brazier, the foundation of the design should withstand the weight of the mangala. Then it is better to use a tiled foundation that will wear this weight well and the appropriate load.

For the strapping on the bottom of the vertical racks use the bar, which is attached to the lags.Next are attached racks that will keep the roof. Fastening to lags is carried out by nails. Racks must have an extremely perpendicular position relative to the Earth.

After the device racks begin the flooring flooring. To do this, use boards, resistant to rotting and other external influences. For fastening the boards, you will need self-tapping screws or nails. From each end of the board, a pair of screws or a pair of nails is mounted. If they are attached nails, it is recommended to do the holes in advance for them in the board. So less likely the appearance of cracks on wood.

Roof Start stands with a frame. For square arbors, four-tie roofs are best suited, but it is easiest to build a single one. Stropile legs are cut out of the bar, they are pairwise attached at an angle. Each of the legs are symmetrically joined the auxiliary pumps.

A sheet of plywood is usually used to cover the roof. Self-tapping screws are used to connect, after the Fanera itself is covered to protect the rubberoid, then a bitumen tile.

Tile is very easy, it is also quite easy to work with her. The coating is fastened to flooring with large nails. For the cornese tiles, a construction hairdryer is used. After the installation of ordinary tiles is going. Nails must be long to fasten the phaneer, cornice and ordinary tile.

Before laying down the tiles, it is removed by the film, it puts the brackets, each time overlapping the seams. Nails must pass through all the tile layers, otherwise it will break down over time.

At the edges of the roof of the tile is cut off, these places are labeled with bitumen glue. Across the skate is laying the skate tile with a sticky layer, fastening it with nails.

Buying flexible tile, follow the number of the party, it should be the same. It happens that different shades of the material come across different batches.


Pay attention to the soil, scatter and confuse it. Masters advise to make the surface laying out the sidewalk. Thus, the metal structure will be more rack, there will be no skew of the design, and if you want to remove the gazebo, then a flat site of the tile will remain in its place (for the collapsible type).