Repairs Design Furniture

Beautiful and cozy garden do it yourself. Beautiful garden - Dream of any homeowner

Beautiful colorful garden from spring to late autumn is not a dream. But to spend all his time on the plot, depressing the flower beds and caressing behind the lawn, I want not everyone. How to minimize efforts to enjoy the paints of the garden, lying on a deck chair with a book or swinging on the garden rocking sofa? First, to competently plan the landscape and, secondly, choose plants that require a minimum of care.

Think what kind of garden it is easier for you to keep in a neat form - regular French, requiring frequent haircut garden Forms, flower, eliminating even a hint of weeds, or slightly launched English with his free layout? Logic suggests that the English option is more convenient.

Than less flower flower club In the garden, the easier it is to care for him. Choose bright shrubs that change your view during the season. But it is still difficult to imagine a luxury garden completely without colors. And they need beautiful background - Log large areas under the lawn or a picturesque lawn with clover, daisy, inhibitory. On it are not so noticeable weeds - enough to throw them. By the way, daisies easily tolerate the haircut and wonderfully flower, completely low above the rosettes of the leaves.

Beautifully blooming facade, filling the space in front of the facade of the house, will create a feeling of painstakingly cultivated garden. But the rest of the area can be left under the lawn surrounded by bushes. Instead of flowerbed geometric shapes, create mixboraders with free layout of different plants. They look painfully and even in the overgrown weeds look good.

Choose the plants resistant to our climate, carrying frosts. Combine plants with different foliage in height, form and color, even in not blooming video The garden remained decorative. Arrange mixtures at the crossing tracks to complicate the garden image.

If there is a landscape drop on the site, do not be afraid to create terraces and retaining walls - they will enrich the picture of the garden, make it picturesque.

The patio, also perfectly cope with the task of creating a background for flowers, will at the same time there will be fewer problems with a lawn haircut - occupation, tiring, even if you use self-propelled gasoline melting.

By the way, high-quality equipment will significantly simplify the care of the garden. In addition to the lawn mower, suitable for open smooth spaces, go gasoline trimmerTo trim the grass and weeds around shrubs and trees.

Lawn Board
As soon as the grass rises above ten centimeters, a weekly haircut (or at least once every two weeks) will accompany your holiday in the garden. Remember that the correct haircut of the lawn involves the mowing of the "snake", so that the wild wheels of the grass fell under the knife of the mower running in the oncoming direction.

The shape of lawn and the organization of the surrounding landings is very important. The more separately growing fit in the middle of the lawn, the more time you spend. The border between the lawn and solid landings is another important solution to simplify care.

The optimization of the lawn haircut is not a reason to completely abandon the Soliter in the midst of it. If a we are talking About the tree, form his crown at such an altitude so that under it it was possible to go free. Plants that must be defended from each other, it is not closer than the width of the wheels of the lawn mower, otherwise you have to cut the grass with a trimmer, and this is quite tedious.

To avoid clogging the soil between landings outside the lawn, pour the soil of decorative mulch (for example, the bark). Between young landings it is worth closing the ground with nonwoven material and sprinkle gravel - it will save from weeding weeds and ubiquitous grass. Or, if fresh landing of shrubs and perennials requires filling the space between young plants, you can use bright annuals.

What to land in the garden
Refuse landing annual seedlings - choose such that are easily developed without care, do not require preliminary germination, long and brightly bloom, and also raise the following year by self-sash: Eschscholzia, Mac-Samoye (Papaver Rhoeas), Lenin Annual ( Linum Grandiflorum), Vasilek (Centaurea), Linaria (Linaria Vulgaris), Calendula (Calendula Officinalis).

Bulbous flowers: buried and forgot
Tulips and hyacinths are the magical spring flowers that please the eyes at the beginning of the season. But imagine what will happen in their place in the summer, as soon as the flowers are swinging? Drying leaves that you have not been able to cut off so as not to deprive the bulb in the way of accumulating useful substances. But after a complete drying of the leaves, you need to have time to dig bulbs on drying. And at the end of the summer or early autumn will have to re-put them.

Therefore, everything you need to dig each year for drying or for wintering indoors and then reinstall (tulips, hyacinths, anemones, gladiolus, crocosmia, as well as tuberous dahlias) - better, alas, do not plant.

It is better to choose such bulk, which will grow well if they do not dig at all. Fine, though not such large flowers: Pushkinia (Puschkinia), Scylla (SCILLA), Muscari (Muscari), Brodiea (Brodiaea), whitewasher (Leucojum, blooms in spring and summer), crocuses (CRCUS) - spring blooming and autumn blooming, KAMASSIA (Camassia) - spectacular blue flowersBlooming in early summer, decorative bows, decorating the garden with flowers with balls on high legs in the middle of summer. Be sure to plant a lot of lilies - asian and la-hybrids. And east refrain, they are much worse in winter middle lane Russia. Caring for these colors is minimal - feeding fertilizer for bulbous.

If you really want tulips - put wild species: they look quite unusual. Narcissy in one place can bloom well without digging about 4-5 years. The only problem is yellowing leaves that cannot be cut off until complete drying. Therefore, choose a place for them next to the perennials that in the summer will cover them with their leaves.

However, if you do not imagine your garden without major beautiful tulips in the spring, place their bulbs in plastic grids In the ground, it will be easier and faster to dig into drying. Allow yourself to forget for a year about this process - one summer spent in the ground without drying, will not cause such terrible damage to the flowering of tulips next year. The ideal "shelter" for the sworded bulbs will be hosts, peonies, loyades.

Do not be afraid of weeds and constantly fight with them. The garden, close to the style of the country, is suitable for easy nestness. The latest trends at the exhibition of Gardens in Chelsea are another evidence that weeds can decorate the garden.

Leave natural shapes characteristic of your soil. They will give the garden more natural view. For example, an ordinary garden chamomile creates beautiful compositions without any participation of the gardener, connects the landing among themselves. In addition, it blooms for a long time and is very resistant to heat, drought. Even the burdock with his huge leaves can look impressive, and thoughts are able to decorate the composition with Lupines and Rudbecki with their flowers.

Perennials - only the most unpretentious
Peeons require regular fertilizers, watering before flowering and cutting foliage in front of the winter, but this deployment will pay off the stock edge when the garden fills huge fragrant flowers. Lilyniki will greatly grow out in a sunny place and, like peonies, even after being blend, they will look decoratively and neat.

Decorative foliage and beautiful arrows with white or lilac colors-host's bells - ideal for sexual and shady seats (including trees, but not at the very trunks). True, the hosts will need to be cut after the first frosts, which "bite" their leaves, and in October, to climb the land for the winter.

Irisibírica - Siberian (Irissibírica) and marsh (IRIS Pseudacoru), lungs in care - will decorate wet garden sunny places. Before the winter onset, they will also need to trim at a height of 10 cm above the ground. Bearded irises will require a greater care: weeding, crumbling root ( bearded irises They cease to bloom abundantly and begin to root when their rhizomes are plugged), shelter for the winter. But still bearded irises - one of the best decorations Garden in June. To make it easier to care for them, choose old proven varieties, quickly smaller and resistant to disease.

Chamomiles, Lupins, Rudbecia - all these are very stable plants that look beautifully and in Rabatkov (flower beds elongated form), and separately in the mixture. They can be grown in the garden directly from the seeds.

Two-bedrooms - Turkish carnation (Dianthus BarbAtus), rose rose (Alcea Rosea) - are also suitable for breaktails and mixtures and are very simply grown. The only thing that should be considered - they bloom only for the second year after landing, and then they need to be removed and planted, otherwise lush flowering no longer be.

Flowering shrubs
To almost completely get rid of themselves from gardening care, create a multi-layer composition of beautifully blooming shrubs . Place the shrubs of different types, heights and shapes around the perimeter of their garden, for the fence, next to the buildings. The more picturesque, the better - even if some of them frozen over the winter, the neighbors will hide his untidy look.

The ordinary lilac simply must be in the garden that requires a small care. In May, the aroma of her colors will fool the whole garden, and about the beauty of magnificent flowering bushes Everyone knows. Choose a variety with large terry colors - "Hope", "Beauty of Moscow" and other varieties of L. A. Kolesnikov, affecting the size of flowers and perfectly wintering in the suburbs. The only concern is trimmed after flowering the sworded brushes.

Quickly grow out in a sunny place in a huge scattered three-meter bush is able to bubble. To create a contrast composition with other shrubs and flowers, choose one of the most vivid expressive varieties - Diablo bubbler (PhysoCarpus Diablo) with dark foliage. In June, white flowers collected in a slightly parcel shields will be covered. In June, he will decorate the garden with its white flowers with the aroma of Jasmine Chubulynik (garden jasmine).

Deren White (Cornus Alba) in its popular peculiar form beautifully blooms in the spring, in the fall expressively pink, and its red twigs are even spectacular even in the waxing winter Garden. Put the dend on wet soils, where it is rapidly developing, and be sure to the back of the composition, otherwise it will not be seen for him to the neighbors - dend, like Loch Silver, is quite aggressive behaves, occupying much more space than it was allocated according to plan.

Do not forget about Rosehip - after fragrant flowers, bright fruits remain to decorate the garden.

Decide by assessing the volume of the necessary autumn works, whether you are ready to see forward in your garden. This yellowed yellow flower, another scenario bush in early spring makes a big impression. By the autumn, its elegant foliage is painted in different colors. But for good blossom Forzitions are necessary at the time of the winter of winter to hide it in shelter: the fall on Forzion will have to pay special attention, bending its branches to the ground and wrapped with Loutrasil.

For the foreground in the composition of shrubs and perennials, spiries are suitable in all their diversity - Spirae gray (Spirae a. cinerea), Spiray Japanese (Spiraeajaponica), Spiraja Wangut (Spiraeavanhouttei) and others. All of them are very decorative: beautiful bloom, and in different time And without any care. The branches of the low spirea are sulfur, completely loses with small white flowers in spring. In the summer and even reapply in the fall (when trimming after flowering) Spiray Japanese flowers from pink flowerflowers.

Hydrangea Tree (Hydrangea Arborescens) and Miscellaneous (Hydrangea Paniculata) - decoration for sexual seats in the garden. It looks great in compositions with coniferous plants.

Barbarisa (frequently found barberry ordinary berberisvulg and Barbaris TunbergBerberisthunbergi) bloom yellow flowers Not too impressive, but their characteristic leaves and branches with small red berries look very decorative. Moreover, last year's berries remain on the bush. The same can be said about the Birch of European, extremely decorative autumn due to the flaming foliage and its special fruits in the form of discontinued bright pink boxes with orange berries inside.

IVA is a solid "Hakuro Nishiki" (SalixintegrahaKuro Nishiki) - another decorative shrub, not requiring care, whose not flowers, and foliage is worthy to become a decoration of the garden. White leaves on young shoots of this willow are painted in the sun in the pale pink tones.

Trees in color and not only
Usually you have to wait too long until young trees will show themselves in all its glory, and the landing of largers will be aswaling far from every gardener. So if in your garden there are already big trees - let them be the basis for creating compositions from shrubs and perennials, because without them in the most beautiful garden it is difficult to achieve the feeling of natural luxury and scope.

From what is worth adding to the garden, not counting beautifully blooming apple trees, cherries, draining is a cherry ordinary in its red-shaped form. Horse chestnut with candles of flowers and decorative foliage is good even in the form of a young tree. Manchuric Mandshurica (Juglans Mandshurica) due to large openwork leaves, growth rates, excellent winter hardiness - another candidate for your garden. Absorphous forms of oak and maple will support the color of foliage purple bushes of Barbaris, the red-brown foliage of the Diabolo bubble.

Evergreen Sad.
Be sure to add to the garden coniferous shrubs And trees. Juniper different shapes Miscellaneous plants in my mixer are perfectly connected to each other - from alone juniper and thu, you can already create decorative gardenPlaying with the color of the needles (yellow-colored forms of aurea, white and blonde albospikata) and plant shape. All these plants can be easily found in nurseries: more fiscal - in the form of very small seedlings and more expensive - at the age of three or five years. What to choose, depends only on the budget.

Sure, competent landing All these plants and the right set of fertilizers in the landing pits of the desired width and depth - will require a lot of strength, but only once. And with the minimum departure, such a garden will play all the wealth of paints in a few years. It is only necessary to give him a little freedom.

Who among us does not dream of cottage house Any colors, about a nice corner in the garden among flowers? Let's give a little attention to meeting with beautiful examples landscape designthat will help us figure out how to make yourself beautiful design Garden, adding new interesting colors, shapes and smells in our favorite garden.

What makes our garden beautiful? In fact, there are no hard rules when it comes to design garden plot. All contributes to the overall picture: Flowers, beautiful vegetable garden, gazebo, tracks, wicket, bench ... We can all continue this list.

1. Think about the color palette of your garden. Your garden may include all the colors of the rainbow and be resolved in one color scheme - blue-pink, for example.

2. Decorate your home - use the same color gamutwhich you have chosen for the garden. And of course, flowers - in this place there is no color.

3. Do not be afraid to make your way to the house among the thickets of colors - the main thing is that they were not spiny and spikes. For example, use a slightly raised launch path as the flower bed border.

4. Think out a beautiful flower garden at the entrance to the garden - immediately at the gate, it is difficult to underestimate that the first impression that it will produce.

5. Use various plants forms - high spiers of the dolphinium, sage and lavender are perfectly combined with roses and iris.

6. Use textural combinations of garden colors and decorative herbs and shrubs.

7. Make sure your garden tracks pass next to beautiful flower bedsSo that you once again have been able to enjoy the flavor of colors.

8. Do not forget about roses in the flower bed - the traditional queens of the garden will give elegance to any flower bed.

9. For the shady corners of the garden, use white plants - so your plot will seem more and lighter.

10. Experiment with flower beds. Spiny syngineer in the depths of the flower bed not only adds mystical silver color In the flower gamut of the garden, but also towering on the rest of the colors, introduces a new interesting emphasis. And for those who love beautiful legends, the syngineer in the garden brings peace to the family.

11. Do not mean the importance of decorative herbs - along with blooming plantsThey will add gentle shades of green, density and rich texture to your flower garden.

12. Flowers in containers will help disguise any slip in your first designer plan.

13. Play the height of the plants - it varies from the plants growing along the land to high spiers of Malv.

14. Do not become a fan of some alone design solutions In the garden - well, when there is a place for a flower bed, and for the lawn, and for the garden.

15. Before entering into the implementation of its design of the garden plot, once again check your budget and the time you are ready to spend on it.

And, of course, do not forget to allocate a minute to enjoy the results of your work - after all, the beautiful garden design that you did, ready to delight you every minute.

photo Glenna Partridge.

If you want to get a beautiful garden design, then use a pair of basic techniques. Only with your own hands you can create a spectacular and cozy gardenwhich will fully fit your taste, perfectly using all the advantages of the natural relief of the site.

Before you begin the design of the landscape design of your garden, you should walk along the site, to fully explore it. It is necessary to determine: what kind of corners are the most sunny, and where the shadow prevails; from which place opens beautiful view At the surroundings.
Try to mentally pave the tracks in your future garden. Come on them and define those places where it is most comfortable, where I would like to stop and sit down.
To visually imagine your future garden, try to draw his plan. Mark it all buildings, tracks, decor elements, sites and other objects. Mark the places of the alleged tracks, the platform for recreation, the drone of the dry stream and so on with the help of conventional sand.
Take a picture of the plot. The photo is well noticeable inaccuracies in the location of objects. Perhaps when creating the design of the country area with their own hands, it turns out that you already have a favorite place in the garden. Then be sure to update this corner, giving it even more beauty and comfort him. It is not recommended to leave old trees. But the stumps and squigs will be very useful for the decor of the garden. In place where the family will be gather, put a gazebo or pergola, benches and table. Working on a landscape design project, it should be remembered that the garden should delight the eyes not only in spring and summer, but in the cold season. To do this, it is necessary to properly approach the selection of plants that will grow in your garden. Place late driving drunks, and from trees - maples and blue ate. Beautiful garden It is almost impossible to imagine without a neat lawn. But before growing the lawn, check whether the soil is not swamming. If so, you need drainage. Since in places of accumulation of moisture, the lawn will rot, and the disease can flush into healthy areas. If you doubt the fertility of your soil, deliver new soil. Many gardeners on initial stage The realization of his garden design project makes a mistake, trying to plant plants. It should be remembered that the distance between the trees determines their growth in the future. The summer cottage may seem empty, unprotected if the plants are rarely planted. This question is easy to decide, putting temporary fast-growing bushes, fern, wormwood. Beautifully looks on the background of bleeding mixtures or flower beds. Creating them, it should be remembered that low plants It should be planted ahead. Even in winter it should not be forgotten about his cottage plot. If you plan there Christmas tree, then decorated for the new year, she will delight their beauty of your loved ones and all others. Beautiful garden design skillfully and harmoniously uses all that gave you nature: boulders, tall trees or water. Do not spish to get rid of them. Do not deprive your site of individuality. If you are not sure in your ability to make a beautiful garden design yourself, then considering these simple recommendationsYou can create a wonderful paradise of your own hands, where you can relax from the fuss. Remember that even your small garden can be turned into a really fabulous place.

Before those who bought the land plot, the task is to improve the place. Need not only to build cozy houseBut also create a garden.

You can invite a landscape designer who will desigrate everything, and you can save money and do everything yourself. Especially the process is very fascinating.

Let's talk about how to arrange the garden with your own hands.

Stage design

First you need to decide how the garden will be. Everything should look simple and concise, you do not need to push parts. It is best to borrow ideas from experienced designers From special books or internet, where many photos of beautiful gardens.

Before drawing a plan, you need to determine the type of soil, find out the depth of groundwater. It is more convenient to perform measurements in early spring or late autumn, as there is no high vegetation.

First, everything is on the plot: trees, shrubs, house or any other buildings are applied to the plan. Only after that you can draw what you want to see in your garden.

Do different variantsSo that then compare and choose the best. There are special computer programs Design. With their help, you can see the three-dimensional model of your plan.

We plan design

When the plan will be ready to decide on the style. Garden design can be any. It all depends on their own preferences.

You can choose a regular garden or stay on natural style. The regular garden is arranged on a large area. Behind him will have to constantly care. It is necessary not only to arrange a weeding, but also cut the grass, trees.

The garden in natural style does not require complex care. It is much easier to design it, and the cash costs are less.

It must be remembered that the garden should look beautiful as in the summer, and late in the fall, when there are no color and green foliage.

If the land area is large, then you do not need to throw it off the whole, as it is difficult to care for plants hard. It is better to highlight a small plot and put it on. In the rest of the garden, trees and shrubs can be planted.

When decorating the garden, it is necessary to observe moderation. Do not buy many plants just because they are beautiful. Determine first what you want to plant, and only then go to search.

Do not overload the garden with details. On the site you can install the gazebo, make alpine hill Or organize a small pond. It should not create all together, as it will look bad. You need to choose some one element and work on it as it should.

Plots in our country do not require aligning, creating artificial mountains or terraces. It all looks unfulstly. Also should not be added more "fertile" soil. So you can only harm plants. It is better to leave everything as it is and planted, traditional for our locality, culture.

If a groundwater Located nearby, you can create small ponds, without resorting to waterproofing. For peat soil, heather and rhododendrons are perfect.

Ideas for the garden can be different, but most importantly, to take into account natural conditions.


What to plant?

As noted above, buy plants that grow in our climate. It is not worth experimenting with exotic flowers, since the costs of them are high, and they are unlikely to be saved.

Perfect perennial flowers. Choose everything that richly blooms. For example, you can land roses or peonies.

As for trees, among them you need to choose winter-hardy species. In the spring they will delight the eye with their luxurious flowers. Perfectly suitable for the garden coniferous trees and maples.

In the first season after planting, trees and shrubs require watering. Then they do not need special attention. We only have to trim once a year and destroy pests.

Flowers require constant care. With irrigation, everything will not be limited, you need to regularly enhance them and replant, if necessary.

Annual flowers are better not to plant, as this is an excessive waste of money. They will grow only 3 months.


Many wonder: how to decorate the garden, spending the minimum of funds? The answer is simple. Materials for decoration is better to pick up local production, as they are cheaper several times.

Perfectly look tracks from stone. You can install some kind of garden statue. They are in specialized stores abound.

Remember that creating your own garden with your own hands is easy. The main thing is not to throw for all exotic.

Photo garden do it yourself


Most of us dream of have at least a small house somewhere outside the city and, of course, an amazing garden, in which it is so nice to relax - in the shade of trees or surrounded by flowers, in a cozy corner away from prying eyes or on a beautiful terrace,

If you have a small plot of land, look at how you can turn it into a stunning kindergarten.

You probably have seen more than once in the photos that someone is already his happy owner of such luxury. True, she is not born herself. Alas, in hand magic wand The plot of 2-6-12 acres does not become a personal "paradise on earth" ...

To direct your imagination in the right directionWe analyzed ways to give the garden individuality and show the most spectacular of them.

Method 1 - Vertical Gardening

Conveniently even for a small space, but the impression produces a stunning. Especially if plants are blooming.

They can see the walls of the house:

or located on neutral lattices:

method 2 - Flowerba Around Tree

Naked land looks not too attractive. Try creating around the tree here is such beauty. Considering the different length of the roots, they will not interfere with each other. Especially interesting it looks next to small trees with a lush crown.

method 3 - High Flowers

As a rule, seedling is inexpensive, and these flowers are unpretentious. But instantly attract attention to their high "arrows." One species is enough, and choose the color either according to the "adjacent" principle (for example - blue, blue, lilac or purple, red, pink). Or - in contrast (one bright color + White).

method 4 - Spectacular Plant Containers

The idea is good for both domestic sections of the garden and for a patio (specially equipped corners for recreation next to the house). The fact that the apartment would be inappropriate because of brightness or large sizes, "here is a great decoration of even the most simple plants.

Use ordinary potted pots:

Or come up with an unusual combination, or remember the old economic utensils:

Method 5 - Green Plants with large leaves

They may have subtropical origin or local. In the cold season, some will require the transfer to the house, while others will be perfectly punished on permanent place. From this depends on the choice of a fit method - in a container or in open ground:

method 6 - bush or a tree with an unusual coloring of the leaves

Red, purple or silvery leaves surrounded by ordinary greenery look very nontrivial. The size does not matter:

idea 1 - boulder stones

Creating a real alpine slide is completely optional, although, of course, it looks beautiful, but, alas, the order was fed.

You can come up with a much simpler move: use large boulders for planting plants forming the "rug" by filling out the space between them. Or issue garden track At the edges.

Idea 2 - bridge over the reservoir

If you succumbed to fashionable desire to create an artificial reservoir, most likely learned a lot about technologies and plants.

and how about unusual design? For example, such a bridge when a small pond not only looks like a natural, but also visually increases in size:

Idea 3 - a secluded corner for recreation

There are a terrace or patio in many gardens owners, and the ability to retire - not everyone.

This is a wonderful way to relax for those who do not communicate a lot with people at work, and in the garden wants to enjoy loneliness. And even such a place like children when you want to post with friends.

idea 4 - unexpected discoveries

In the open area, many are placed, and the unexpected appearance of such an item is really surprising.

Come up with a "surprise", placing in the thick of foliage or colors some feature or container.