Repairs Design Furniture

Windmill do it yourself. Decorative Mill Do it yourself How to make a decorative mill in the garden

County areas, decorated with soul and love, always cause lunizing and desire to stay in a groom to well-groomed flower Klumbach or green lawns. The opinion that it is possible to achieve an ideal "picture" with the help of professional landscape designers, erroneously. It is enough to show a little fantasy, and your cottage will play new paints. Why, for example, do not build a decorative mill with your own hands? Moreover, the options for drawings and detailed instructionsHow to do it, there is plenty on the Internet.

There are many variants of mills that differ in size, the form of the base, roof, material manufacturing material and other parameters, but conventionally, all of them can be divided into two main types:

  • Water.Installed in the center or next to artificial water bodies, alpine slides, waterfalls and other decorative exterior structures involving the "game" with water;
  • Windmills. Mill blades are driven under the influence of air masses. The stronger the wind, the speed of their revolutions will be higher, respectively.

Additional functionality

Upon correct approach to the future building, it is possible to achieve not only aesthetic effect, but also a significant practical benefit from its appearance on the backroom. So, the false mill can perform the following functions:

  • Serve as a camouflage for sewering hatches, electric flaps, compost holes, toilets and other non-feliant economic objects;
  • Perform the role of the repeller of birds, moles and other unworful guests of the gardens;
  • Used as game houses for children or original arbors for tea drinking and recreation;
  • Transformed into a brazier, wood-burning furnace, work kitchen zone;
  • Combine the role of a flower bed;
  • Being a place to store garden inventory, tools and different household items.

Preparation for construction

Any engineering idea begins with project development. If there are sufficient knowledge, it is possible to make a scheme of the mill on their own, but usually the initial data is taken ready from the Internet, and then adapt to personal taste and financial capabilities. IN general sequence preparatory work as follows:

  • Choosing a place. Since the blades of the mill are not fixed and will be in constant movement, the territory must be cleaned from excess vegetation (dry bushes, branches, high grass), and exclude the presence of nearby trees, pillars and stationary buildings (sheds, wells, fences). For the best "fishing" wind, it is desirable to choose the land on a small elevation.

  • Materials. It all depends on the budget allotted to create a mill. IN classic version used wood (timber, wooden lining, Reiki), but quite well show themselves in operation and other building materials: plywood, chipboard, plastic, brick, metal, rubberoid, slate. For exterior decoration You can take fake diamond, crushed stone crumb, sawdust, polyethylene, marine seashells - in a word, everything that is at hand and fits into the format of the designer idea.
  • Tools. Standard set: branches, hacksaw, sander, drill, screwdriver, hammer, planer. Also need nails, screws, metal corners, Pussies for paint, buckets.

Order of construction work

Consider an example of manufacturing a "fast" mill, covered with clapboard. Even a newcomer with such a design will cope with such a design with minimal knowledge of the joinery. Step-by-step instructions for work looks like this:

Making framework.

To do this, you will need two square billets, the width of which differs from each other by approximately 15% (for example, the bottom with a side of 400 mm, the upper - 300 mm). The base will be a detail, large in size. The highness of each workpiece is made of a hole where the rail is installed in about 600-650 mm (based on the above bases of bases) and is screwed with screws. After fixing parts, froze the side ribs of the trapezium obtained.

Then the rails of the desired length are cut and screwed with screws along the four sidewalls of the base. Frame escape is ready.

IMPORTANT: Since the framework will be trigged down on top, then the source code for it can be different used materials: Faneru from old furniture, seats from stool, fox chipboard, etc.

Production of the roof.

Two equilibrium triangles need to be made, the sizes of which will be proportional to the base of the future mill. There are 700-800 mm long rails between the details and fastened with self-draws. To connect to the main body to the bottom of the roof, several ridges are nailed or a board.

Saving frame and roofs.

The lining is cut into pieces in the width of the side. Meaning blanks are nailed to rake-ribs with nails or "sit" on the self-tapping screws for which the holes of the drill are pre-scheduled. The covering is performed horizontally.

Triangles roofing, on the contrary, close vertically - so the mill in finished video Will look visually more beautiful. On the angular joints is superimposed decorative Planca. After completion of the work, the roof is fastened with the case.

Making blades.

The appearance of the blades is the personal matter of taste and the ingenuity of every craftsman. The main rule: their weight should be 10-15% of the total weight of the mill, otherwise the strength of the design will be insufficient due to excessive pressure on the axis. The length of the blades is calculated with such accounting so that the propellers do not get to the ground and can freely turn around around the circumference.

The easiest option is to use rake trimming, building at the ends of a cross-shaped form or creating a form of rectangles.

Assembling blades.

In the center of carrier slats is made a hole where the long bolt is inserted. After that, the blades are crossed with each other, sit on the bolt and fixed with nuts.

The opening is also drilled in the center of the front part of the roof, where the prepared wind turbulent crosses are inserted.

Install the mill.

Finished design can be put on a stone or wooden foundation, and in the event that the mill itself is sufficiently stable, then just on a flat land.

Additional details

To make the mill look beautiful and was as much as possible to his "lively" prototype, attention must be paid decorative details. In particular, make entrance door, as well as the windows on the roof, cutting the opening of the desired form by the jigsaw.

Here are some more ideas, how to put the construction more original and attractive look:

  • Paint the walls and roof of paint - one-photon or combine two or three shades, giving a bright summer look. Alternatively, you can apply stencil technique using special paper blanks and a foam sponge;
  • Cover the surface of the mill with varnishes or by a veneer, giving a depth of wooden surfaces;
  • Set lED backlightHaving spent around the perimeter of the roof or by placing mini-lanterns inside windows. Thus, a double effect will be achieved: interesting lighting in the evening, plus electricity savings;
  • Set next decorative garden figures: Dwarfs, baskets, animals, birds, etc. All that combines with the subject with the common landscape idea. Good combined with wood forging elements: fences, tables, benches, openwork canopies, floral stands and more.

As you can see, make a mill with your own hands, absolutely simple. The main thing is to have a desire and free time to embody your ideas.

Seeing the neighbor a fun twist windmill, we unwittingly think about making a mill with your own hands for the garden, and that she was not worse than a neighbor. From ideas to incarnation the path is short, the main thing is to stock necessary material, decide on the size, and how to build it, we will teach you.

The first steps

Understanding that not every experienced joiner and competent engineer, we decided to spend a trial lesson. Let's build decorative windmill small sizeLet it be our draft rehearsal before the present representation. Creating a small copy will help you fill your hand and avoid annoying errors in the construction of a large-scale project.

Naturally, we will need real tools and materials. What should you cook?


  • saw or Lobzik
  • screws
  • sander
  • washers, bolt (calculating the length of the bolt, folding the thickness of the lining on the skate roofs, and add the thickness of two ropes for the blades to it)
  • metal rod.
  • nails
  • drill
  • pencil
  • roulette
  • screwdriver


for mill hull:

  • sheet of plywood, chipboard or wide board
  • 4 wooden Bruck Length - 60-70 cm, cross section 3x3 or 5x5
  • wooden rails 2 pcs., Length - 60-70 cm, width 3 cm
  • any Mill Material Material (Lining, Reiki)
  • material for planks of blades (lining, rail)
  • wooden corners (length 60-70 cm, side 3 cm)

for roof

  • sheet of plywood, chipboard
  • 3 rails (the length is measured when collecting the roof, but not less than 50 cm)
  • selfless

Prepare initial materials, proceed to drinking parts.

  • From plywood or chipboard drink two bases: the lower 50x50 cm and the upper 40x40 cm.
  • We draw the diagonal cross on the grounds and in its center we drill holes.
  • With the help of self-tapping screws, racks to the corners of the lower base, retreating from each edge 2-3 cm.
  • Insert an extra rail to the hole, it will help us in the frame assembly.
  • We put on top of the rail top base and fix it on the self-tapping screw.
  • We are wearing a frame of clapboard (horizontally), configuring each bar in the width of the side, to which it is attached, too much screaming.
  • We proceed to the construction of the roof. We drink two skate from plywood or chipboard (equal triangles). The size of the sides of the triangles choose arbitrarily, but focusing on harmonious combination Its with a frame.
  • We connect the skates on the sides and the top to turn out the volume triangle.
  • Confirm the roof to the base, screwing the rails with self-draws.
  • We do in the front of the roof of the roof hole.
  • We collect blades. Two rails lay out the cross, we put through the hole in the center of the cross, the diameter is equal to the opening in the roof.
  • We skip the bolt through the hole in the cross and the hole in the roof. Fix it with pucks on both sides and nut.
  • We take small nails, harvested racks for the blades, and carefully nail them into all four blades
  • We are wearing the sides of the roof with clapboard, vertically or horizontally, as you like more.
  • Grind the cover of the mill.
  • We close the joints on the ribs of the mill with wooden corners.

Tip! The shape of the blade can be arbitrarily. Traditional figures - a trapezoid or rectangle.

Understanding that even in the presence of step-by-step instructions, a person can always have additional questions, we decided to supplement our review useful tips.

  • from the breeds of trees, it is best to take a pine, it is soft and warm, it is good to process and keep a pleasant coniferous flavor for a long time
  • to streamline work, make a drawing of a decorative mill and mark on it already performed details
  • to the mill lived for a long time, handle wooden parts special compositionprotected from moisture and wood beetles
  • use branded materials to decorate the mill
  • do not overload the blades of the mill, correctly calculate their mass so that they do not finish all the construction
  • install the base of the mill to the additional podium (cement, stone, paving) to avoid rotting the tree from a long contact with the Earth

Now you know how to make a decorative mill with your own hands, but even this small layout can decorate your garden. Some more patience, paint or mosaicAnd your mill will turn into a work of art.

Functions of decorative mill

Desire to equip country plot leads his owners to the most unusual ideas. Times when the cottage was associated with us only with even rows of beds and fruit trees, left irrevocably. Today we use our six hundred and for family recreation, and for friendly parties, and as a creative workshop.

On a modest block of land, the efforts of its owners grow fabulous kingdoms And fantastic landscapes. However, the attributes of rustic life becomes the attributes of rustic life. Painter wells, decorative wooden mills, dwarf figures and lash, huge mushrooms And funny animals settled among the beds, creating a special mood.

Some structures of a wooden decorative mill expand their destinations and with light hands The owner turns B. children's house. In large-scale ideas, the mill can be part of playground, or barn to the tool storage. At creative owners, the mill decorative for the garden becomes stylized toilet roomAnd people with engineering skills create existing models of mills.

Naturally, the main function of the decorative mill is a decoration for the garden. However, with her you can hide small elements engineering communicationsBy finding a plot. Hatch septic ventilation tube, Watering crane will be invisible for your guests, and the garden will receive a stylish decorative object. Such mills usually do not require large costsPerformed in small sizes and easily fit into any landscape.

Large-scale structures, in the form of arbors and summer canteens, also perform two functions at once: economic and decorative. However, their construction is justified on large areas. In addition, it is desirable that such objects are combined with common style Country plot.

From a decorative mill, complemented by side drawers, it turns out a magnificent flower garden. It serves as an excellent addition to artificial water.

Perhaps you will have your own idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding a decorative mill with your own hands and its rational and artistic application, but for now, we suggest watching video from ready projects:

The aroma of coffee tones, raises the mood, inspires on creativity and work. And figures decorated with grains of coffee, create a wonderful atmosphere of comfort in the interior, give the piquancy and completeness of your dining room or kitchen.

Coffee mill is not only a beautiful and fragrant figure. The mill can serve as a box for trifles or original gift wrapping for coffee. In this article we will tell how to make a decorative box with your own hands.


  • cardboard sheet
  • box or plastic bottle For the base of the mill
  • rope
  • small wooden specks, bamboo napkin or ice cream sticks
  • coffee beans
  • wire
  • small cut of fabric for making bags and doors
  • small cut of a fabric to imitate herbs
  • paints
  • DVP for base


  • tweezers
  • pencil
  • brush
  • rule
  • stationery knife or scissors
  • compass
  • thicks
  • needle

I do not specify the size and quantity, everything is individually: it depends on what materials you use, and on the size of the box.

Decorative box manufacturing process

Making roof

On the cardboard blacks and cut the circle. The size depends on how much the mill you want to do. For a mill height, 19 cm approached a circle with a diameter of 19 cm.

We make a straight incision from the edge to the center of the circle.

We connect the outbound circle into the cone, glue.

Finished cone stain in dark brown, close to color of coffee beans.

When the paint dries, the cone is completely covered with coffee beans.

Making the "walls" of the coffee mill

To do this, a suitable box must be wrapped in a rope, giving the walls to the walls. The box from the chips was very high, I cut it approximately in half. An ordinary plastic bottle can come to create "walls".

We apply glue on the box and tightly wind the box of the rope.

Walls also decorate in some places with coffee beans, imitating stone masonry.

For the manufacture of a coffee mill door, you can take any thin wooden specks or sticks from ice cream, it is very convenient to use a bamboo napkin.

Cutting threads, dissolve a bamboo napkin.

Lock on wooden rails The form of the future door.

Cut the door along the line and stick on the fabric.

The door is painted with dark brown paint, giving it a kind of old wood

From thick threads weave the pigtail and glit to the door in two places. If necessary, cover them with paint and varnish.

From a thin wire with the help of round-headers or tweezers make a small ring.

Ring glit to the door, imitating the handle.

The finished door must be glued to the mill.

Making the blades of the coffee mill

For blades, you can use thin rails or wooden spanks. We connect them crosswise and fix glue.

Little, suitable in size, racks strengthen the blades.

Rake paint in dark brown to imitate old wood. The middle can be decorated with coffee beans. Then the blades are covered with varnish.

With the help of glue, fix the blades on the roof.

Making coffee bags

For tailoring bags, it is best to take a coarse cloth or burlap.

Small cut sews on the sides and turn off the inside.

The edges are sewn and fix the thread, the thread is tightened a little to the edges of the bag gathered.

On the bottom of the bag, you can put a piece of paper, cotton wool or fabric, and on top of gluing coffee beans. The bag itself is also decorating with coffee beans and covered with varnish.

We do the foundation

From the fiberboard or dense cardboard, cut the circle to which we will put the mill.

We try on the circle of the mill, bags and labeled the pencil, where objects will be located.

Coffee beans make a small fence. Grains fix glue.

Free from objects area is closed with a cloth imitating grass. Printe.

Mill glue to the base. If you wish, you fix the bags as glue. Circle edges decorating coffee beans.

Inside, you can put the jar with coffee - it turns out original gift. If desired, the roof can be glued, and then the mill will become a decorative coffee figurine.

Coffee mill is ready.

Garden mill with their own hands is a certain country attribute. This decor element is not functional and is intended to emphasize the design of the garden plot. Increasingly, people come to vacation home Or in the country area is not in order to engage in vegetable garden or planting vegetables and fruits, but in order to relax from the city bustle, relax in the circle of relatives and prepare a delicious kebab.

The mill will help give garden plot Own unique atmosphere.

To rest the most comfortable, owners country houses They try to create such an atmosphere that "will delight the look" and will allow you to relax. Today, the ponds with fishes, unusual cargo margins, are very common in the garden. beautiful flowerbeds, Russian baths.

Decorative mills do it yourself - no exception. They give the interior of the yard a special atmosphere, and it is not difficult to do this mill, having the most ordinary materials and tools. Yes, and the special skills and skills of the carpenter will not need.

Materials and tools for the manufacture of a wooden mill

  • fat plywood;
  • wooden bars
  • wood tank;
  • reiki;
  • several wooden corners;
  • self-tapping screws and small carnations;
  • morilka, paint, waterproofing primer;
  • long bolts, washers;
  • eclectic jigsaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • sandpaper or grinding machine;
  • roulette, level;
  • PVC pipe;
  • metal rods;
  • stainless sheets.

Wooden mill platform

Starting work on making a decorative garden mill, all wooden surfaces Make as smooth. To do this, you can use either emery paperor grinding machine.

The bulk of the mill is a platform. The construction should be as strong as possible and strong, since it will have to withstand the entire design. It is from this part of the decorative mill that depends on its service life. The construction platform is wooden frame Square form. Size - 600 mm * 600 mm. So that it turns out to be durable, the boards will need a width of 150-200 mm and a thickness of 20 mm. Perfect option - This is the use of a facing board, in the commoner it is called "lining". It does not matter where the decorative mill will be installed - on the ground or on a concreted area. It is necessary to take care of the ventilation of the platform to avoid contact of the wooden surface with moisture (for example, after it is raining). Therefore, the foundation is better to install on the legs.

For this you can use PVC pipe. They have good insulating properties, so the tree will be reliably protected from moisture. The pipe should be cut into 4 parts of about 200 mm high. Then make four bars from the tree. It is necessary to pay attention to the diameter of the pipe: it should coincide with the diameter of wooden bars. Pipes wear on bars - these are ready-made legs.

Then it is necessary to make the basis of the decorative mill. From the boards, a frame of the mill is formed, which closes on top too wooden boards, firmly adjacent to each other.

The legs are attached to each inner corner Fundamentals of the future mill with the help of self-tapping screws. How correctly the legs of the decorative garden mill are installed, can be checked using a level. As a result, it turns out the basis that has a form of torere.

To garden mill served for a long time, you need to external surface Basics Drill 15-20 holes with a diameter of 3-5 mm. It will be a kind of ventilation system that will warn from rotting wooden surfaces.

Frame and roof of a wooden decorative mill

To make a decorative mill, you will need 4-meter wooden barsFrom which you need to form a frame that resembles a truncated pyramid. This design is bonded with self-draws and then trimmed with wooden boards from four sides.

Roofing options for the mill: a - roof made of dusts, b - roof of thick plywood.

You can pre-make a small window, shutters, doors, or even balconies on the trim. Such. decorative design It will look individually and beautiful. Its base should be 400 mm in size per 400 mm, the vertex is 250 mm by 250 mm. The finished pyramid will be attached to the finished base with bolts and nuts or self-drawing.

For the manufacture of the roof of the decorative garden mill, 2 of the equilibrium triangle will be needed (300 * 300 * 350 mm). They must connect with wooden boards (3 pcs.) And bars (600 mm). As an additional fastener for the mill, it is necessary to connect the base and roof. To do this, the vertical axis is suitable, clicked in 2 bearing. Thanks to this supplement, the roof can be rotated in different directions.

Diversify appearance The mills can be if its surfaces to climb iron (for example, a roof) or stick to it thin specks. Then she will look like a real.

Sound for mill

For the wind, it will take a rod of metal. In this case, you can use the hairpin (length - 1500 mm, diameter - 14 mm). The vertical axis with threads across the entire length is attached from above and bottom with nuts with washers. It is necessary that the roof of the design turns to the other side, where the wind blows. The horizontal axis must be attached the same as the previous one. As a horizontal axis, it is possible to use a metal strain (length - 400 mm). The horizontal axis must be arranged above the center of vertical. The axis passes through 2 boards with bearings. It will pour the roof and is installed parallel to the base. Bearings are mounted in the central part of the board using tie bolts.

The resulting design will act as the basis for the blades. So that the homemade mill is as close as possible to the present, it is necessary to build the steering wheel, with which the direction of air flow will be captured. You can make the steering wheel from a wooden trapezium. It is attached using self-tapping screws on the opposite side of the propeller.

It should be borne in mind that sail should be heavy. To do this, it can be clogged plastic material or metal.

Another important detail is the turntable. Wings should not be too massive (if they are too heavy, the wind simply will not be able to twist them). To make them, you will need 2 boards (length - 1500 mm, width - 50 mm, thickness - 20 mm). Since the wings will not be hollow, it is necessary to cut before installing the groove. They will enter each other in cross-shift.

The wings of the finished garden mill will be spinning as well as a children's turntable. It is for this reason that they need to be done with this calculation so that the power of air flows put pressure on them. The finished turntable is attached to the horizontal axis, so that the turntable and the steering wheel balanced each other.

In principle, all the work on the installation of a wooden garden mill can be considered complete. It remains only to decorate the structure.

No matter whether the mill will rotate or not, its decor is very important, because it performs not only the functions of the wind capture, but also creates a certain interior on cottage plot. You can use a woodwork for a tree or paint, add various elements - for example, arrange interior Mill or put the original dolls next to it. It all depends on the desire and fantasy of a person.

It looks very nice, especially in the evening, a decorative garden mill, inside which there are lanterns. Set the mills is better near plantings - shrubs or trees.

Separately, it is necessary to say about the waterproofing of the wooden surfaces of the structure. In order for the mill to serve for a long time, all the wooden surfaces need to be treated with primer and only then paint. In this case, moisture will be excluded on the surface of the mill, as a result, the tree will not rot, even if it rains and snow will fall on it.

Garden wooden mill can not only act decorative decoration, it can be functional. The easiest mills for the garden, even small in size, can hide the hatch septic, pipe valves. Large designs in some cases are able to hide even street toilets from curious eyes.

Sometimes some owners combine decor with useful features. For example, decorative mills can be not only the subject of the interior, but also to perform in the role of arbor with mangals. Water Mill It looks no less beautiful for the garden.

In some cases, you can combine a pleasant with useful and make not only a decorative mill, but also functional to be used according to your direct appointment. Then you can make flour, and enjoy the beautifully built mill with your own hands.

It should be noted that such a mill made by their own hands can not only please the owners of the house and their guests, but also attract various intruders. Therefore, you need to immediately think about the construction impossible to bear it.

For this leg, it can be concreted either to make a separate metal axis, which will be concreted, and the whole design will be held on it.

And today we will find out how to make a mill to the mill to the mill. Children of the senior preschool age Already be able to carefully treat their creations, so it is quite possible to entrust him to entrust crafts from paper and cardboard. Our workout is made by their own hands from these materials with your own hands.

For the manufacture of crafts mills We need:

Dense cardboard, paper (white, you can use the printer paper);

A pair of unnecessary markers;

Skewers for kebabs (for the manufacture of blades);

Watercolor paints (to paint the parts of the mill toy);

PVA glue;


Craftmill handicraft with your own hands Description:

1. Our mill toy has a cylinder form, so the first thing is glue a cylinder from cardboard with the help of PVA glue.

2. Plug the cylinder with white paper and glue it to the "land" (a sheet of very dense cardboard from some box).

3. Coloring the basis of our brown paint mill. It can be trusted to make a child even early age. Paint, which will fall on the cardboard "Earth", then covered with a white sheet. The child itself or with your help after drying the brown paint, draws the door and window.

4. In the middle of the white sheet (it should be more cardboard land in the area) gently cut the circle, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the mill cylinder. Then we give this sheet on the coloring of the child. It can, besides green grass, draw flowers, paths, etc.

5. After drying, we put our "lawn" to the cylinder and glue to the land, which leads the edges.

Now we will proceed to the manufacture of the roof of the milling mills do it yourself:

6. From cardboard glue a truncated cone, we glue with a white paper cone from above, the tip of the cone wock inside the roof. Now neatly make a through hole in the roof. We give the roof on painting.

The top of the roof can be simply close to the painted circle of paper and cardboard, and you can make a roof as in the photo:

It remains to make a blade.

7. Cut the feltster to the desired length, closer to one of the ends we make two through holes perpendicular to each other. Insert one sink in each hole.

8. Cut a lot of short segments from the spedes and with the help of the thermopystole they are secure them on the blade, as in the photo:

Pay attention to the slope of the blades, and also that one of the two guides of each blade does not pass through the felt-meter tube, it holds onto the glue.

9. So that the tube does not fall into the roof hole, and the blades could spin, in front of the hole in the roof, we put the cap (trim from the floter cap) slightly larger diameter.

Everything! Mill is ready!

Thanks for attention,

your Anastasia.