Repairs Design Furniture

Plastic windows for a kindergarten. House of plywood: manufacturer do it. Development of a plane of a children's house from a tree

Build a children's house with your own hands just and fascinating. Already Ponatorev in construction and repair, put this structure in the appropriate place in the day; "From Condachka" - for the weekend. The cost of building will be at least three times less than to buy ready-made, And the benefit from it will be large: the desire of the younger generation to build "Halabuda" is laid in us biologically since more times when the ability to build a temporary refuge from the primary materials was a matter of survival, as the ability to hunt or distinguish edible fruits-roots from inedible.

We have long been not primitive, but the game house is still needed to our children - it is one of the means to contribute to the formation of the personality, the acquisition of skills and skills, physical development. The game house will take small fidgets with full aware of their significance: having its own territory and living space, they will not tele the adults not the case, just to remind themselves. And Dad, Mom, guests can calmly engage in their adults or just sit at the table, without fearing the bundle of generations and hidden friction in the family.

What to build?

The house for children is built, firstly, taking into account the peculiarities of children's psychology. So deep as, for example. When, in this case, you do not need to delve into them, but something is necessary to be considered. Secondly, the nature of the nature and duration of use, namely, in the apartment house or on the street, personal for his children, perhaps with their friends, or common in the courtyard, it is designed for one generation, until it grows, or for a long use. Third, the floor of the child: that girls and boys behave differently since infant age, well known.

The construction of a toy estate for offspring is unlikely to cause difficulties and parents of "kettles": there will be a small dimension of the structure. They affect not only in the savings of materials. We will return to this, but as long as we state: the main task in this case is to decide what exactly build. From the proposals of "orphanages" for sale, the eyes are running out, but the overall impression - as if it turned out to be in the XVII-XVIII centuries, when children were sewed with the same caftans and pantalons, as adults, only less. This applies not only to the appearance, but also the technologies used, from which the price of the product directly depends.

Children and these days in relevant circumstances wear adult clothes, but for the game it is not intended! The house for a child must be done on the basis of what will play in it. Yes, children's games are preparing for adulthood, but not learning it according to instructions. A child is not a robot that you need to "flash," he is a full member of the human society and can organically enter him, manifesting his abilities and achieved thanks to them. One of the most important features of the pediatric psyche is a combination of pragmatism with an unrestrained fantasy. With this in mind, children's houses for games can be viewed in a certain order, see Fig.

Like adults

House on conditionally can be called "master". Build it from wood as the most environmentally friendly, affordable and easily processed material. Durability, without careful impregnation and protection against chain, will be at least 7 years in the middle lane of the Russian Federation, which the house for his children is enough - will grow during this time.

"Master's" house is a universal structure: the inhabitants themselves have the opportunity to equip him in their taste, inquiries and abilities, unobtrusively studying at the same time and make hands. Imagine, for example, a mast with a sail on the roof - draw the rest to the "black pearl" or "walrus" Captain Flint Children's imagination will not be difficult. We remove it, we cling to the pole flag - here's the castle, and in the oh-n of the coryaga - the fire dragon, from which you need to save a sister or a princess girlfriend. Who remembers how the child was, a lot of things think up.

"Master's" house, this, in general, imitation of an adult house of a simplified design; Its typical layout and dimensions are shown in Fig. Right, but how to build such, look further. An indispensable feature is increased window openings. It's not just that it is more convenient to play. Human vision is formed in childhood; In order not to spoil it with a smallery, you need to follow medical instructions in terms of the size and nature of illumination. And with a decrease in the size of the windows, their area transmitting the light stream falls on the square of the size of the window. To withstand illumination fluctuations in permissible limits, especially when switching from the street to the house and back, the area of \u200b\u200bwindows relative to such walls in the children's house should be greater.

- "Master" modification in the form of a gazebo for children of Sanguitinics / Choleric-extroverts. They are often with the leader's deposits, for full development they need to keep in mind the surrounding. For children, several (not to autism, of course) closed and deepened more suitable "House on Courish Legs", . Recall the children to the brain of bones pragmatics. Aspiration by thoughts in Horning for them is associated with a real distance from the earthly solid. But do not forget about the lighting! See the roof windows? Large windows do not like such children, but the light is needed. And on the roof - nothing, there is the sky, clouds. There is where to send a visual and mental look. Children's dreamers usually lack exercise; In this case, this problem is solved by itself in the form of a ladder, and the slide will remind about simple everyday joys.

Street sandbox - for the smallest. There is a regiment - they will realize that the toys are more convenient to put there, and not to throw where it fell. And adults are more convenient to collect them from there, and not to poke out of the sand. However, the sandbox is another conversation.

Little ladies

Girls will suit the house-strak: a gazebo with sides is higher, , or "master" with a veranda-weld and a window addressed to it, . Do not hurt anything, love girls play bargaining. Whoever grew up, the farm to lead, and the procurement business is quite subtle and responsible. Therefore, the girl's house, in the yard or in the apartment, , Must be equipped with shelves for goods, scales, etc. For lessons, without breaking away from the case, the shelves also fit.

For girls, the value of the design style and the house decor is more than for boys. Domestic Mamina Assistants will be more suitable for "gingerbread" style, . Designers for the assembly of the gingerbread houses are on sale, but it is not necessary to collect them from purchased plastic parts: a typical household house with trunks, boards, jigsaw and paint turns easily into a gingerbread. It needs simple, but permanent care, so small troubles for that and necessary.

Artistic Natures with the disadvantage of the future pop diva or secular lioness will be more suitable for something not so solid (artistry is inextricably linked with the desire for the change of the situation), but at the rock and standing; It is possible to some extent, Mishury . Just do not make such a house right away: artistic natur imagination be healthy, but individuality is pronounced, and self-discipline often lames. Give the basis, and then let it work itself for its pleasure and in the process of labor is self-improvement. For more information about it. Next, when you get to the houses from the cardboard.

A special case is the girls-torn girls who are on "you" with boys. On "You", they are on "you", but they understand that they are still not the boys. Therefore, their requests are higher and peculiar. The house for the girl-Torch - the case is special; how, for example Build a gaming house for a Girl type of Peppi Long stocking, see

Video: Doma A la Peppi Long stocking, Fazenda program

To really cool

With boys, it's easier: if there is no possibility to build a master structure, they will quite satisfy asylum with a ladder and lazalcock under the porch or in Zagol . The limit of the desires of any boy - a house on a tree, . If there is a coming suitable, incl. And according to safety, wood, how to build a house on it, see video:

Video: House on the tree, the program "County answer"

But on the household site or the country, it is rarely located, especially since it is necessary to beat it; Fruit tree from this may die. In this case, you can make a children's house on a tree, without damaging it, as shown in Fig. left. Instead of the roof, you can hang a tent-tent, as described below, or make it with a shala.

A full-fledged house replacement on a tree, "cool completely" for children's concepts - a hut, . For her, however, you need quite a few natural material and the ability to assemble it in a reliable design. Therefore, instead of a hut, it is better to build slashes, . To the "Summit" shalas for children we will return, but for now in fig. Right - drawing of a 2-level chaolash house. It is durable, racks, the basis for it is not required, put it simply to the ground. The disadvantage of only one thing: the place is needed more than for the "master" house. Build technology:

  • make a-shaped frames in size from a bar of 150x75. The angles are bolted with M10-M16 bolts, see right below in Fig., With nuts and washers with a diameter of 40-80 mm. Figuratively expressing, all the rigidity of the triangle falls on its corners, and nails / self-tapping screws in this case will not be reliable enough;
  • put the frames alternately and squeeze the top corner 2-3 belts of the boards, receiving the framework of the frame. It can be more, not arguing the trim to the floor of the 2nd level, only more accurate. The perpendicularity of the frame plane to the skate run is controlled by the coated from 0.5x0.5 m;
  • also controlling perpendicularity, are coated on the floor board of the 2nd level on each side;
  • they put the workpiece on the feet, it is already tough enough. Under the saving legs, something is put something, or dug up resting into the ground until the ski run will not rise horizontally; Check the level;
  • flame the floor (100x40 or 150x40 board), make the staircase, partition, lazalum, etc., completed the trimming of the skates - ready!

And if two? Or Orava?

What to build, if children two or more? Miscellaneous and midstakes? The simplest option is phytostroita, , it will have to do everything. But, alas, the phytoarchitecture grows slowly, and think about the phytodomics is needed long before the birth of the firstborn, even if the Clematis is based on the lattice.

Fast-based option - 2-storey house, . This is the perfect house for the playground, see for example. Fig. On the right, but it requires a rather strong basis. How to do it, look further. In fact, a full-fledged children's game complex A separate article; Just in case in fig. Below the typical scheme of its device and dimensions.

If children are a boy and a girl with a small age difference, then the floors of a 2-storey house need to be equipped according to their needs, . In this case, the house must be built from the boards from 30 mm thick: a lightweight building designed for a girl-akchamp will not stand the boy's loads, and a rough of a bar or logs, see below for fabulous houses, is unlikely to have to taste the sophisticated nature. If she is alone, then the hut Baba Yaga will most likely approve, but in front of the opposite sex will be outraged by the "brutality" of the structure at least from harmfulness.

Maybe you have no desire and / or opportunities to engage in earthworks. Let's say the house to put now, except for a well-kept lawn. In this case, compare . Hut? Hut. But quite modern. Made in the "master" technology, see further, only the facades are collected in frames with curvilinear form. It is more complicated to type such from the rivers, but the roof is simplified: in this case, the roof is a simple masturbation. And its configuration gives (especially in children's imagination) the virtual 2nd floor with a slide; The slope is abruptly - Lazalka, as it was there.

And in the country?

Children's house at the cottage most often a type of tent. A stationary house there is no sense there, except for the cottage elite and territory protected. The simplest tent is obtained from sheets, bedding and ropes, . On sale Children's tent houses too, But it is easy to do this on your own, covering the frame from metal-plastic pipes (it is easy for anything) in several places with scotch. The same method is applied to the apartment houses-tents, which we will come back. With a lack of natural supports or material for them, you can put a tent-angle, see rice on the right. On the insertion in it - different design options.

The second option is a tent-shala, she is a claw tent. The design is understandable . Such more like boys and still hygienic than shala. Although physicians in this regard are unanimous: in children from which, what is called, the dusty blows, more chances to grow chili, painful and doubtful in themselves.

Where romantic is suitable for both sexes tent Vigvam, pos. 22.. In order for it, it was not stuffy, below should be a gap, and at the top hole for ventilation. How to put a tent or shala vigvam, see below. Finally, more gifts design - tent tent. Put it elementary, see fig. on the left and view of . If the daughter declares that she does not feel in him the Shemakhan queen, it means that she just breaks.

Fairy Tale or Friend?

Special view of children's playing - fabulous houses. Similar to the fact that , It is possible to build from cash itself. But, unfortunately, their gaming functionality is extremely narrow. Re-read the "Adventures of Tom Sawyer". How many games did they beat with Gas Finn for one summer? But even child imagination will save, if you need to turn the pirate ship in the cave Robin Hood. Is that your position allows you to dispose of the butler: "Samuel Sigismundovich, please take care to tomorrow morning the ship-ship is replaced by a castle house." Zombie the same children is unacceptable, because they will grow. And what are the prospects for society inhabited and managed by moral urodes?

There are fabulous houses with a fairly wide functionality, eg But their external simplicity lies a very complex creation technology. Their production begins with computer simulation design.

Log, Bar, Mount

A good fabulous wooden house can be made with their own hands in rustic, i.e. Rustic style. But here it is easy to eruption. For example, the product on Impressive and children and adults. The latter is more than the price, somewhere around the odnushki in the Moscow new building. And to look for the material yourself, the house is not the fact that children will get his grandchildren. Especially since snags suitable for rustic creative creative are highly appreciated, their miners earn much more than treasure detectors with metal detectors, their eyes are set out, from the forest they will absorb bizarre stumps, dry and trees.

Hut on curious legs from a bar or logs, already more accessible. But to build it, you need to be able to put a log house, and this business is quite complicated. For a ginfed chunk, , difficulties at least triple. If in the vicinity there is a simple dry, you can build a gazebo hut, However, the waste from the pruning garden is not enough for it. In this case, it will help a cheap departure from the sawing of the hydroelectric forest - a hill. Having his work is quite time consuming, but simple. Then - 4 posts, stiffs, some boards on the floor and steps, and it turns out something like that on . It is quite rustic, cheap and angry. By the way, the roof is better combined with the hut, but a more simple double.

How to build?

There is sometimes harmful technique, and sometimes the useful law of the square Cuba. Its essence is that with an increase in the size of something with the preservation of proportions, the volume of things increases along the cube of linear dimensions, and the cross-sectional area, cuts, openings, grooves, and the like. - on their square, i.e. slower. In it, by the way, it lies the answer to the question, which often placed in the deadlock of young cadets-sailors and shipbuilders: why a wide 7-meter ruling yacht with a heavy fake-fin in a fresh wind comes with a strong roll, and narrower, with more The relative area of \u200b\u200bsailing and without any additional means of imparting a stability of a 70-meter barark - almost without roll? Only in this case the law of the square Cuba is transformed into a law 3-4 degrees, because And blurring, from the pressure of the wind on the sail, and restoring, depending on the volume of the submerged part of the housing, the moments, you need to multiply on their shoulders having a dimension of length.

With regard to the children's house, the law of a square-cube works on the builder, allowing it much easier to build it, having a smaller amount of material, but no less reliable. Take, for example, carrying the beam is twice as smaller than the "adult" size. Its volume (and its own weight) will decrease in 2 ^ 3 \u003d 8 times, and the cross-sectional area, which holds the load - in 2 ^ 2 \u003d 4 times. Because The beam should also keep their own weight, an excess of bearing ability appears, which can be used to simplify the design. In addition, the lengthening of the beam is changing, i.e. The ratio of its length to the greatest transverse size. The distribution of stresses in the details essentially depends on the elongation: their EPUR can change to radically, although the appearance of the beam is the same, only less. These and some other circumstances we use to build a house for children's games easier and cheaper.


The foundation as such a kindergartem is not needed at all. Want - Lay at least monolithic with a basement, will not be worse. But actually unnecessarily, and on any any carrying soils, except for the shaft and emerging, but there is nothing to do there - dangerous.

The case, firstly, in the bearing capacity of the soil. According to the law of the square-cube, the load from the house with a broken oral will not exceed 0.2-0.3 kg / sq. See, you can count. And any more or less carrying soil keeps from 1 kg / sq. cm; As a last resort - from 0.5 kg / kV. See the stock in any case is more than sufficient.

Secondly, in the peculiarities of frosty soil. In a plot of about 5x5 m, it is almost uniform: explicit buggers are not formed, the whole area in the winter is raised by several cm, and it returns to the place. This will not feel the capital structure, and the rigidity of the children's house due to the smaller elongation of its parts above.

Therefore, the children's house can, after aligning the platform, simply put on trimming of a bar (pos. 1 fig.), Concrete blocks (pos. 2), bricks, etc. The backups are still necessary for the floor to start, but they will see below, can be included in the design. Another facilitating moment - the site can not be even smoked, and choose a suitable natural one. Building slopes are normalized in mm / m (up to 3 mm / m or 0.003 for residential premises). For a house, a maximum of up to 3x4 m, the allowable initial tilt with degrees will be respectively larger and due to the increased rigidity of the structure is safe.

What is really necessary to prevent deployment, then this is the processing of the base from the heater, i.e. With facing part of the part, pos. 3. The best impregnation is natural, fitted on a water bath, olifa or special impregnating oil for wood. As a last resort - mineral oil or working out, but then smallness can be allowed into the house no earlier than in 2 weeks at the end of construction. Who has the experience of handling children, probably immediately prefer Olif.

The upper side of the base is best to leave "bare", unprocessed, pos. 4. If it goes under painting, you need to proliferate or impregnate with a water-polymer emulsion or diluted at 3-5 or more times. The latter is preferably for the budget option: 0.5 kg of cans, breaking in half water, is enough for the entire house.

How to deal with backups?

For a house on curiped legs and, especially, for a common on the street with a sports and gaming complex, a reason is needed more consolidated, otherwise the broken brethren can overturn him on itself. That is, the supports of the house, wooden or steel, you need to burst into the soil from 0.5-0.7 m in the first case and from 1.2-1.5 m for a complex of collective use.

The technology of preparing the base in this case is normal: the lower ends of the wooden supports per length equal to the magnitude of the excavation + (10-15) cm, are treated with bitumen mastic or liquid, without filler, hot asphalt (tar). Steel pour the same tar; Those and others are wrapped with rubberoid and swing or concrete. Under the heels of the supports, the sand pillow is 10-15 cm. The wells under the supports are drilling a garden brown with a diameter of 20 cm so that the supports are included in them with a gap from 3-5 cm, counting from the edge or angle of the pillar.

If the durability of the base is needed over 15 years and do not want to mess with concrete, the lower ends of the wooden supports on the same length need to be burned over the fire before charging to a depth of about 5-7 mm, continuously turning over fire. Especially reliably such a basis if supports made of pine-grinding or oak logs. When excavations of ancient Novgorod, wooden baked foundations of buildings were found in the set and, on the conclusion of construction specialists, considerable share of their share remains under construction.

In the firing of wood for the foundation there is a trick: suddenly the tree flashed, it is impossible to extinguish with water. You need to knock down the flame by a cat or sand, pay off smoldering coals in the sand, and continue the firing.


The optimal technology for the construction of a children's game house is a collection-shield according to a single power scheme. Frame, according to the sample of the country house or, you can also build, but there will be more work. Step-by-step instructions for the construction of a collection-panel children's house is easy, see Fig. below:

Collected-shield technology without significant changes are suitable for modular construction. For example, in fig. Below are the drawings of a 2-level house with a separate porch. In such a way there can be a whole brood of 3-4 gondai "chips". The elevation of the base over the soil can be increased by bringing the height of the above-ground part of the supports up to 1.2-1.5 m.

When building, first collect bases and put their feet into the pit. Then they align in the level, adding / selecting the submission, put and squeeze the wall frame.

The rafting farms are collected according to the usual A-shaped diagram, see Fig. Right, put on temporary bodies. Then they make a hat from a pair of boards, at the top of the figure, the drives are removed, and fill the crate to the selected roofing material. The rest is like in before. case.

Daging plywood

Children's game house of plywood shields is well suited for giving: it can be disassembled for the winter and folded into a compact package, stored indoors. The assembly is made in a way, familiar lovers of Chinese puzzles: on the grips. Another connection is called "in deep paw", because It works in general as well as the bruck bruck in the paw.

The order of assembly and the method of compound is shown in Fig. below. There are 2 tricks here. The first - the fingers of the lapse of long walls should be drawn down, pos. but. The second - the edge of the latter in order of assembly of the roof sheet should enter the edge of the penultimate, pos. b. Then, not knowing that for disassembly, you need to press and move the upward leaf, the house can be at least conntive, and nothing will be done. And the assembly / disassembly will take just a few minutes.


In fascination, the game functionality and the psychological and educational value of the shala in the garden stands on the 2nd, if not the 1st, place in the hierarchy of children's houses. How to make the usual tunnel shala, clear from Fig.:

In the absence of a huskien, but the presence of hay, straw, the root is easier in the construction will be a shala-chalet, see fig. on right.

Actually, the "Shala Shale" is Tavtology; "Chalet" in Russian and there is a slash. A flexible rods or wire are laid in the Frack Frack Fracks. It is not necessary to fix the top of its frame of the skeleton of the bucket: if the Flywork-supports with the developments at the top, they can be simply hooed by each other, see fig. left.

Bundles (sheaves) of the casing are hanging on the protruding swings by rows, starting below. So that the skin was even more, and the strapping rods are desirable to take with bitch; They also hang sheaths.

The vertex of the shaggy construction of the Khalash-Vigwam or the cone shala with the neck, it never happens in it. The installation method is shown in Fig. below. If the lower ends of the jeres put into the trench and fall asleep the earth, it will not have one year. In the same way, you can put a gazebo for adults. Having decorated it with taste, we will see a new meaning in the famous "in the chaolate rustling silks ...".

To the Shalash for children's games, it is advisable to add something to something. Children's psychologists are joking, they say, a normal child should be able to disappear in Sterile Medbox. There are no big misfortunes, see at the beginning, but from a shala with a straw litter of Melkota sometimes climbs Chumazayesone. In order for adults, the smallest is smaller with washing, children's chaolars are better to put on a platform. It is easy to arrange between trees, see fig. on right. And for the defensive, he immediately acquires the Renome house on a tree, which does not happen better.

Cardboard houses

A children's house from cardboard makes sense to do, firstly, for the smallest, the sliders are still. Requests for decoration they have nothing (the eyeballs are not yet in full force), but they grow quickly and the solid house will soon grow out. "Construction" is reduced to an unnecessary cardboard box, pos. 1 Fig.:

Secondly, for artistic natures, pos. 2. The hook so that the shaver be reborn into dedication, in this case the most catchy and technologically complex components - windows and doors. And then - Create, invent, try, dad with my mother will help. Full fiasco - not trouble, we will do new, that there is a cardboard.

Another option is a garden-cottage house, pos. 3. Do you think unreal? And there on the bottom and ceiling from the inside there is a plywood, the season will endure. If the foam transportation inserts remained from the content, even better. Insert them on PVA, turning the smooth side inside. Only the plywood or the same cardboard can also be saved: the foam is still, but how not to pick up if it is picking?

House in the apartment

The game house is also needed to the child. And the more needed if the family is chosen outside the city episodically. There is a place for a kindergarten, it is advisable to build a house of permanent house, from GLK on a wooden frame or plywood. Building technology - usual, pos. 1-3 in Fig. There is a place, the booth is advisable to make more in order to fit the working corner; Children privacy and peace during classes are needed as adults. In this case, on the 2nd floor you can equip the baby's bed.

The temporary option of the apartment child house is a tent. Plastic pipes will go to the framework of homemade vigvama, pos. 4, and on a tent-house - curved metal-plastic, bonded in the corners and in the middle of scotch, pos. 5. These houses are in the assembled form you need to store storage. With its lack, you can hang the tent of the Shemakhan Queen, as in the garden. True, not all the boys he likes. For the suspension of the tent on the cabinet, you need to put a bar from the pipe, reliably reinforced. In order not to interfere, when it is not necessary, it is made rotary, sliding, telescopic, etc.

Does paper need?

Children's game house, if it is not on the foundation, according to law is not a building structure, as well as real estate. In fact, this is a homemade toy is not for sale, the production of which is not regulated in any way. For sports recorder with all the requirements for it, you can still "pull up" game complexes, but as Soutagi say, there is a hook - there will be an excuse. Therefore, the documentation of the courtyard children's house collective use is extremely simple, and for personal not needed.

If the house is intended for all the surrounding defensions, his project consists of the following sheets. On the sheet - on the types of the facades of each module, with transverse cuts and the plan, as in fig., And for a modular one more; It is possible in isometric. Those., For a house with a porch, you need 3 sheets, and for simple - 1. Another one is for a plan-scheme with the location of the house on the site. These sheets show the representative of the company's management home or if the house in the collective management of residents, collect their general meeting and impose it. The permitting resolution of the managing or resolution in the protocol of the meeting is enough for the house to gain full force. And otherwise - if only the children liked.

Each child needs his personal space where he could play, dream or just have fun with friends. You can build a gaming house with a girlfriend, having completed the cherished desire of your Chad.

First of all, consult with your child and listen to his wishes: someone will have to make the complex house with a bunk bed, someone wants to play a hood, and someone can build a house on a tree or in the yard - options mass, but They need to be poisoned with their own capabilities.

Gaming house for children from a cardboard box

The easiest and cheapest option to make a gaming house for children. The main thing is to choose a dense and large cardboard box, for example, from under the refrigerator or washing machine. In it, with the help of a stationery knife, the windows and doors cut through, from glued pieces of dense cardboard, the roof is made. The design of the future home is better to draw on paper: if the child is already adult enough, you can ask him to help decorate your own home.

The joints in the box are needed to glue with scotch well, so that during use the design does not fall apart. The place of the junction of the doors and the winds with the walls is also needed to fasten with a tape or tanta, otherwise the cardboard is very fast. As for the decor, you can use paints and pencils, creating fantasy drawings with the whole family, get the walls with old wallpaper, color stickers, color paper applications, and so on. Inside the house, you can even hang mini curtains and lay a rug so that the child does not frozen.

You can make more complex architectural forms: use only the frame, and make a porch, roof and even some furniture from individual pieces of cardboard.

From several large boxes, you can make a whole palace, and if it is prey to strengthen the joints, the design will be foldable. Large boxes are cut along the side joints, and then the corners are sampled with a wide painted scotch. Furniture in the house can be "built-in" (stick the table to the walls, and make chairs from small folding boxes).

Gaming house-shala

For the game you can sew a small tent or slab from the fabric. We will need a frame and old sheets or bedspread. Chalas can be collapsible or stationary, so what is suitable for the children's room of any size. The basis will be long wooden bars or PVC pipes (5 pieces), 1.7-1.8 meters long, they can be purchased at any construction store. The bars are sick and color, so that the child does not accidentally scratch and did not drive the offendence. From the dug or strong wire, we make the basis in the form of a five-fingernik, at each angle we attach a bar, and then we collect on top into the bundle and tightly typing with a rope or wire.

Sheet cut out in the form of a semicircle with a small hole, on the frame of it can be fixed with the help of ties. On the floor it is worth putting a soft rug or mattress, and inside put a table lamp or lampup.

We offer you a step-by-step master class of another slag, which can be done with your own hands without applying special efforts. To do this, you will need 3 round bars, 4 wooden planks for frame, pencil, drill, roulette, fabric for decoration, thread, scissors.

At first it would be nice to do at least an estimated drawing of a wooden house: one thing, if this is a shelter for one child, another - if for a company of friends.

From the upper and lower edge of each of the 4 planks (their length is about 160-170 cm), we mark 15 or 20 cm. At the place of marks, drill holes for round bars. Planks need to put in pairs in a row to check that the holes match.

After that, you can sew a web (its length should be 10-15 cm to superb the height of the house). In the lower edges of the canvas, leave the holes in which round bars will be inserted. Special attachments can also be provided (hinges, gum, velcro), but it is more troublesome. By the way, the cloth is better to choose a light, translucent, then she will skip more light.

You can start assembling a children's house. The lower edges of round bars are inserted into the canvas, carefully fasten the wire with a large self-tapping screw or rope. Inside the house we put the mattress, pillows, rug so that it was cozy and comfortable at any time of the year.

By the way, the basis of a small tent can quite become a gymnastic hoop, but such a shala is mainly attached to the ceiling with a metal hook. You can equip the chalas just on the wire frame. To do this, make a rectangle, and then tighten it with a cloth. You can arrange the "windows" by curtains, decorate the frame of colored applications, make a folding door, the shelves for toys. Of course, such a design will take enough space, but it will very much like your tea.

Here are still interesting variations of children's houses. The easiest thing is to make a small dome over the bed, which can be removed overnight and installed as needed. The dome can be made on flexible arcs from an unnecessary tourist tent or an old developing rug.

In the garden from the grid, you can make the basis for fusing plants, as a result, a pretty decent shalashik for giving is formed.

Some craftsmen manage to make a house even from plastic bottles, gluing them among themselves. Of course, a friendly company in such a house will not fit, but for one child a completely appropriate solution!

Corner complex for children games

You can build a whole complex for children by placing it in the corner of the room. For this, made of wooden regions make a framework.

The walls can be made of plywood or sheets of plasterboard, screwed by self-drawing to the frame. Steps are better made of wood or metal sheets, they withstand a large load.

The floor on the "second floor" is better made from the chipboard, the whole design will be kept on self-drawing or bolts.

Outside, we sew the house with plasterboard. If desired, you can even carry out the wiring or limited to one stationary lamp (desktop).

Of the three bars, we make the basis for the railings, which are stuffed with a plank, so that the house becomes not only beautiful, but also safe.

Now armed with paints and paint a children's corner. Steps and gender can be covered with carpet.

Wooden gaming houses for children in the country

To build a small one, but a cozy house for games will need: 6 boards 1.8x2.4 m with a cross section of 50x75 mm, 4 treated timber, a length of 1.8 m, with a cross section of 10x10 cm, 6 bars, 2.4 m long (cross section 5x10 cm ), 1 bar, a length of 2.4 m, with a cross section of 50x75 mm, 1 vehicle with a length of 2.4 m, cross section 25x75 mm, 1 roll roofing, 1 screw screws 75 mm, 2 screws of screws 30 mm, Toler nails, simulat, thin planks . It will also be a tool: hydroelectric, rubbing, shovel, hammer, screwdriver, blank, disk saw, stationery knife, paint brush.

Of course, ideally, it would be nice to make a minimum foundation from rubble, but you can simply align the surface of the soil. The bars of 100x100 mm need to be cut into the same parts (choose the length of themselves), the distance between two racks should be 1.4-1.5 meters.

Support bars place under racks, secure each other. Pressed bars, a cross section of 50x100mm and a 2400 mm long lay, so that they pass between the panel racks, which will play the role of the floor. All the bars with each other fasten with screws, and the gaps between the lags fill in the ground. Supporting bars should be above the ground so that the floor is well ventilated and not rot.

The board panels need to be chopped and put horizontally, engaged in each other. It is desirable to put the rest of the bar to put the floor to the floor.

The flooring should be uniform, it is better to leave a little stock, and then sprinkle it.

Cut the side panels, their height should be 1.5 meters, the markup is easiest to apply with the help of a beat. Leave the stock in width to close the angles (6 cm input). The roof panels also need to be made carefully, the rudeness of the ridge will hide skate.

You need to cut windows and doors in advance, having previously marked on the canvases. In our case, the size of the door was 1.2x0.6 m. All major parts are knocked off, coated with a veneer, and then proceed to the house assembly.

The outer and the inner surface of the panels is covered with varnish. The flooring is fixed, 75 millimeter wall screws are attached to it. To the sidewall of the base, the board is 50x100 mm, so that it comes out for the face to which the wall will join.

The wall is installed in the desired position, the evenness is checked by the level, then fasten the second panel.

Install the roof, the spaces between the roofing panels are closed with a wide skate, cover it with rubberoid.

If you wish, you can build a porch and shutters for windows near the house.

Such a game house for children will shoot more than one year, bringing a lot of joy and pleasure to children!

As children, each of us tried to build a separate accommodation - a toy house. Despite the simplicity of design, it was the best asylum for games.

The shaky structure of the box, cardboard or branches in the form of a barbell was a proud name home and seemed the best.

Misgrim, we think about creating a more durable and functional house for children.

Most often a children's playing house made from wood. The choice of material for the house is due to rational considerations - the tree is environmentally friendly and durable. A small house made of coniferous wood will be positively influenced by the health of the child. In addition, he will enable the child to feel independent. By building the baby a full-fledged developing house, you will provide him with your own gaming area where he can play in it in any weather.

For parents, the main thing is that it is safe, inexpensive and fit into the overall style of the country or country site. Another advantage of the house is that it can be used as a hospostroop, so to speak, a beautiful barn to storing garden equipment, unnecessary things or firewood.

How to make a children's house

As part of this article, step-by-step instructions will be described how to build a children's wooden lodge with your own hands.

1. The ideas of the children's house

To begin with, come up with how a house will look like, what will be the type, view and dimensions. To do this, determine:

  • A type. Open or closed;
  • Dimensions. Occupied area and highness;
  • Installation site / location. The house mounted on Earth and tree has a different principle of a structural device;
  • The material from which the construction will be made;
  • Availability of windows, doors and material for them;
  • Availability of additional components - extensions, fence (fence), terrace, slide, sandbox, swing, staircase.
  • The presence of interior decoration.

Pictures of a house for children

The photo below shows how to make children's wigwams for Indians, slabs for robinsons and yurt for nomads from wood, fabrics, branches and shrubs.

Hut for fabulous heroes and forest residents.

Pirate frigate for young robbers and sailing schooner for merry navigators.

Working out a plan house, it is worth considering the following:

  • mobility or stationarity. From this will depend on the size of the house, and the technology of its construction;
  • the presence of at least two windows is necessarily. First, this is lighting. Secondly, the hut should be well visible to control;
  • the height of the floor of the floor should be 500-600 mm;
  • height doors. By 200-300 mm. Above the growth of the child. But it is better to make them under the ceiling, because you will be invited sooner or later to Domishko;
  • walls. Must be smooth to eliminate the possibility of injury;
  • roof. In no case should not be flat. In order not to attract a child to climb on it.

You can sketch your own sketch or take advantage of the finished drawings. Below on schematic drawings are projects of children's houses that can be built with their own hands.

A diagram of a children's house with all the specified sizes will help properly harvest materials for construction.

3. Tool and material for manufacture


  • hacksaw;
  • plane;
  • roulette;
  • chisel;
  • metal corner;
  • building level;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver or hammer and nails;
  • sandpaper (for wood grinding);
  • brushes and paint for painting a house or any finishing material type of clapboard or siding.


  • bar for the manufacture of a frame. Recommended cross section 50x50;
  • lumber for plating. Boards or timber will allow creating a beautiful house;
  • plywood (thickness of at least 8 mm) or OSB for trim. Cheaper, but less durable material requiring additional processing;
  • roofing material;
  • brick;
  • glass for windows (if necessary and only for children over 7 years old, and even then doubt it is better to exclude any presence of glass).

4. Construction of a wooden children's house do it yourself

4.1 Fundam

Of course, a strong foundation for a children's gaming house from a tree is not worth it. But to remove the soil in a depth of 80-100 mm. And lay a brick over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe building does not place. So the hut will last much longer.

Alternatively, a terrace board can be used. But its acquisition is very expensive.

The most fiscal and fast option is to make a foundation from several bricks and the strapping from a bar installed on it. This approach to the base device is usually used in a greenhouse.

4.2 floor for a house

The floor is better equipped with all the rules of the genre. Namely, put the lags and fill the sex board on them. Or to lay an OSB or Phaneur in two layers, so that the subsequent layer overlap the seams of the previous one.

4.3 Walls and Frame of Children's House

In the corners of the foundation, pits are digging for the installation of timber. This is a wall support. Before placing the bar in the ground it needs to be processed. In addition, the windows and doors are also installed in the places of installation of windows and doors. For stiffness, the bars of the frame can be copp with a metal corner. Next, the frame is sewn by boards or plywood.

Wooden children's house, the drawing of which is shown below, can be built only with the establishment of supports.

For a regular house, there is a simpler option - knock off the boards from the board. And on their perimeter, fill the timber. Then wooden shields to be shot down.

Material prepared for WWW.Site site

4.4 Roof for Children's House

The roof device begins with the manufacture of frontons. For them, the same bar is used as for the frame. Two triangles are installed on opposite walls. If necessary, several more are set between them.

Bar is stuffed between them. One or more depends on what the roof will be covered.

Or bring them in a shield, which will then be attached to the front.

The essence is one, the difference in the convenience of work. One skate or two, the main thing is that the roof is not used by the child as a platform for games. If the boards are fitted well, they are enough to handle the antiseptic and paint.

5. Finishing of a children's house from a tree

To a wooden house for children made by their own hands, pleased you, as long as possible you need to take care of the protection of wood. To do this, it needs to be treated with solutions against bugs and rotting. And then open the verse, varnish or paint.

Inside the house to install shops or make the table and chairs of the corresponding sizes.

6. Safety of the Children's House

Separately, I want to focus on how to make Domishko safe. For this you need:

  • choose a flat pad to install a house. Or reliable tree;
  • check the quality of wood processing. Mechanical to exclude hitting. And antiseptic - wood should be environmentally;
  • reliable screws properly;
  • for the roof it is better to use soft materials or polycarbonate. Because, for example, a metal tile has sharp edges and can cause injury.

House on a tree for children

If you have already risen from a small orphanage on Earth, it means that it is time to move higher, for example, on the crown of a tree (canopy, oil, i.e. upper / medium branching part of the tree). Additionally, we describe how to make a house on a tree for children with your own hands.

1. Selection of wood

Pay attention to the tree crown, trunk, the location of the branches, the age of the tree and its size. Coniferous trees are little suitable for this kind of construction, since the needle misses little light.

In addition, it is important to remember that as it grows, the tree will change its form. Therefore, build on the lower branches or try to take into account this fact.

2. Selection of design options (forms)

You need to work out the idea, again, taking into account the configuration of the tree.

A schematic image with dimensions will help develop your project and imagine how the finished product will look like.

4. Mounting house

All work on the construction of walls and roofing house is better to produce on Earth. But, the floor-support device belongs to the category of high-altitude work.

To make the floor in a house on branches, you need to install a platform that will be the basis of the whole design. It can be maintained by additional supports installed on Earth, or supports installed on a tree trunk.

Fixing the platform on the trunk will allow you to adjust its height over time.

5. Finishing work

Setting the staircase is a mandatory stage of building a house on a tree. The staircase can be wooden or rope. The first is more reliable. In addition to the staircase for the house, you can fix the rope by which the descent will be faster.

6. Safety

  • convenient staircase (straight, screw), preferably with railings;
  • the optimal altitude of the location of the house. Preferably up to 3 meters;
  • reliable platform necessarily fenced with walls or handrails;
  • the construction technology of a children's wooden house on a tree does not provide for nails compounds. It is safer to use bolts and nuts;
  • In addition, wood and all house connections need to be periodically checked and tightened.


As you can see, make a wooden house for children with their own hands is not difficult. In fact, wooden houses for the playground, and even cardboard houses for playing in the apartment are made according to the same principle of modules.

Wooden children's houses - photos and pictures for ideas

Each little girl dreams of his own doll house. In our time in stores you can find a lot, but they are all the same type and expensive. From this article, you will learn how to make an original dollhouse, without spending big money. Such a house will become unique, the child will be able to furnish it as he wants. All your family will be able to spend great time by creating your own masterpiece.

Popular Master Classes

There are many various master classes for the manufacture of puppet houses. The materials are taken very different: wood, plywood, drywall, laminate, boxes, bookshelves, folders for documents. This is still not a complete list of materials offered.

8 photos

The front wall of the house is either not done at all or do in the form of the opening door. It is necessary for the convenience of the game. We suggest you choose what is suitable for you, and start work.

From plywood, laminate

Options for making a doll house for girls from a tree - one of the most popular. The undoubted advantages of such a house are its strength and durability.It is easy to decorate both with external and from the inside. However, male help will need for the manufacture of a wooden house.

If the house is built qualitatively, it will not be distinguished from purchased. You can make drawings for building such a house yourself, but you can use it ready. You can attach wheels to such a house and then it will become mobile.

What will happen:

  • Laminate or plywood, the thickness is better to choose at least 7 mm;
  • electrolovik;
  • glue - joiner, PVA;
  • self-adhesive film, which we will shook the floor in our house;
  • wallpapers, they will be useful for the salary of the walls in the rooms;
  • simple pencil;
  • roulette.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. From the sheets of plywood cut the walls of the house, according to the size in the drawing.
  2. We celebrate where the windows and doors will be located, and drink them.
  3. With the help of joinery glue, we collect the design as indicated in the figure. You can use small carnations for the reliability of the design.
  4. Make a roof. Clean it with corrugated cardboard and color, imitating the tile.
  5. Stick the finished house on a piece of plywood, greater than the floors in the house. This will give it greater stability. On the plywood, which remains on the sides of the house you can make a lawn.
  6. Now you get the walls of the walls in the rooms, the floor - the floors.
  7. We put furniture.
  8. Decorate the interior using textiles: curtains on windows, rugs, tablecloths for furniture.

Mastur class on the manufacture of a puppet house from plywood, see the next video.

Required drawings from the video, see below.

From drywall

Many of us after repair remains slices of drywall, which are no longer needed. Why not let them in the case, having pleased your little princess? From it you can make a wonderful house for dolls.

The house of plasterboard has a lot of advantages, among which: simplicity of working with it, its ease. Even if you do not paint the walls of the house after the assembly, they will still look neatly due to its white color. A significant disadvantage of such a house is its brittleness. It is worth a little pressing on any area of \u200b\u200bthe house, as he will immediately break.

In order to make a house of plasterboard, you can use the scheme above, and you can simply make cruciform partitions to save space in the nursery. These partitions will separate the rooms between themselves, the external walls and the roof will not.

From large sheets of plasterboard, you can make a full-fledged beautiful house. Wizard Look in the following video.

From foamflast

If you have a house of packaging foam plates, you can build a house of them. To work you will need:

  • foam sheets;
  • glue pistol;
  • toothpick;
  • wooden rules;
  • bamboo sticks;
  • corrugated cardboard;
  • pieces of wallpaper;
  • acrylic paint;
  • foam sponge;
  • pieces of ceiling plinths;
  • required interior accessories: carpet pieces, curtains, furniture and everything that is capable of your imagination.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. First you need to think about how your house will be and make a drawing.To save space in the apartment, the house can be built in height.
  2. Cut the foam in accordance with the drawing. It is convenient to do this with a hot knife, so the foam will not crumble.
  3. Thunderstand where you will have windows and doors, You can make a staircase between the floors. Cut the necessary openings.
  4. We start assembling a house. Z.lucky broke in half. They will be needed to create a stronger design. We glue the sheets of foams using an adhesive gun, having previously connected them with halves of toothpicks.
  5. To strengthen the floor and ceiling use bamboo sticks from chinese napkins. Sticks glue to foam sheets as beams. After that, the sheets intended for the floor ceiling can be glued with side walls.
  6. Inter-storey staircase glue separately. It can be made of foam or wooden lines. As a railing we use toothpicks. After that, we glue the finished staircase.
  7. The roof can be glued out of foam or corrugated cardboard.Tile can be imitate, cutting a cardboard with small pieces and sticking it, and then coloring.
  8. On the outer wall you can make a balcony.Glue it from the foam, as a railing we use bamboo sticks
  9. Outside Coloring the house Acrylic paints with the help of a conventional sponge.
  10. The walls of the rooms are covered by wallpaper, on the floors we will drag the carpet. From the ceiling plinth cutting the plinth and window sills, and glue them. Create comfort with curtains on the windows.
  11. We put furniture, Which can also be glued from the foam, and invite new tenants.

Home decoration can be the most diverse. You can use a transparent plastic box, make printouts of the underwater world and put aquarium in the house. You can print pictures, lay a tablecloth on the tables, add toy dolls. Let your imagination prove yourself to fully, and you will get the most wonderful dollhouse for girls.

From the bookshelf / rack

From the bookshelf or rack you can make a great puppet house. Make it very simple, because you already have a ready-made basis. For registration of a house, use cardboard, wallpapers, self-adhesive paper, and packaging paper is suitable.

Connect to this creative process and your daughter. She will be able to make a designer for his doll house.

If the house is located stationary at the wall, then you can make a roof of a house with a black tape, sicking the contours. In the same way, curse the smoke tube. If necessary, rearrange the house to another place the isolate can be calmly rejected, without spoiling wallpaper in the room. Furniture for dolls You can purchase already ready or show your fantasy and make yourself.

From the old locker or chest

Your daughter asks a puppet house, and in the garage is groaned old chest? In the old, already unnecessary furniture you can breathe a second life. Please your child by making a puppet house from an old cabinet or chest . Such houses are very convenient to those who have children play large or high dolls.

First of all, you need to know the height of dolls.It is necessary so that the dolls can be located in the rooms in full growth. Perhaps you will have to combine 2 shelves, removing unnecessary partitions. Work carefully, trying not to break the inner walls of the locker or chest. At the site of the partitions that we removed, the emptiness you need will appear. It can be sealed with thin slats that are suitable in size.

Waiting for the complete drying of the adhesive, treat the walls of the chender with a putty thin layer. After that, the dresser must be pasted, then it will become even and smooth. Using an electrolybiz, you can cut windows.

The last step will be the design of your house. Outside it can be painted. Most likely, you will have to paint it into several layers in order to paint the old color of the chest. Walls inside can be saved with wallpaper, colored, packaging or self-adhesive paper. And you can also just paint them. We set the furniture, hang pictures and mirrors on the walls, curtains, rolling carpets and invite dolls to the housewarming. Now in the room of your daughter dolls will always be cockpit!

From cardboard

A budget option for making a puppet house is a corrugated cardboard. With it, you can create a beautiful toy that will rejoice your girl for a long time.

We will need:

  • corrugated cardboard for a carcass of a house;
  • decorative cardboard for house design;
  • details templates that will depend on the size of your future house; sweep;
  • stationery: pencil, ruler, eraser, scissors;
  • knife, paints, brushes, markers;
  • glue pistol;
  • color, packaging and self-adhesive paper;
  • the cloth;
  • elements of decor - beads, rhinestones, stones, artificial flowers.

We proceed to the manufacture of a house:

  1. If you have a large sheet of corrugated cardboard, you can apply to it. Dimensions pick up based on the value of the house. If there are no large sheets, then each item needs to be cut separately. Do not do the front wall.
  1. In order for the cardboard to be convenient to bend, it is necessary to make a groove at the scene of the fold by spending on it. If all the details are cut out, we glue them in the places of cardboard connection.
  2. Cut and glue interroom partitions. In such a house they are simply necessary. They will perform a support function.

Design assembled. You can proceed to design.

Inside the wall it is better to salary with decorative paper or cloth. So you hide the seams in gluing places. Outside the walls can be made to your taste: paint, plane. Decorate the house with the help of beads, rhises, pebbles or other items at your discretion. Please note that the decor elements are well kept on the cardboard, otherwise in the process of games, the house will lose its appeal.

Arrange the furniture and invite the child to the game.

Master classes for the manufacture of a doll house from cardboard see below.

From boxes

Very simple in the manufacture of a puppet house out of boxes. For him you will need to choose suitable boxes. The size will depend on the height of the dolls for which this house is made. The number of boxes will depend on the number of rooms you are going to do. One box is one room. Such a house can be made multi-storey, gluing the boxes one on the other from above. It will save space in the room.

It is necessary to make the boxes among themselves so that its top is on the side, opening the view of the interior of the room. You can do this in various ways: using stapler, glue, double-sided tape. Cut the window. We draw up a house in accordance with your taste. We furnish our furniture and delight the girl with a new toy to which you spent at least the means and strength.

Look at the next master class, where the process of manufacturing a beautiful puppet house from the box is shown in detail.

An excellent house from the boxes is easy enough! See the following videos more details.

From folders for documents

If there is very little place in the children's room, you can make a folding puppet house.

For such a house, we will need 4 folders for documents. Each folder is stuck in beautiful paper - it will be a wallpaper. Reduce the clip folder clamp by making a kind of curtain from it. Print the interior items on the printer and get on the walls. The house is ready. It remains to reveal the folders and put them vertically. Add the necessary furniture.

Any girl dreams of a house for her dolls. Now there are a huge amount on the shop counters. But there is such a pleasure for weekly, and the assortment of the same type.

We suggest to please the child with a gift made by your own hands. This will allow you not only to save money, but also make a house only in your own way.

In addition, it will be a great pastime for the whole family per hour of leisure.

There are many special training programs for the manufacture of doll houses with their own hands. You can use a wide variety of building materials: boards, fane, chipboard, laminate, cardboard, etc.

As a rule, the front wall on the puppet houses do not do, or make it a removable or opening, so that your child can carry the dolls there, change the situation in the rooms, to be seen.

Choose the material - and we will teach you how to make a puppet lodge with your own hands!

Puppet houses from plywood and laminate

These are the most popular materials. A distinctive feature from "fellow" is stability and longevity. It is easy to decorate both outside and inside. But the manufacture of such a house requires male strength.

If you try, then such a house will not distinguish from the store.

Schemes and drawings can be found on the Internet, but if technical deposits are present, you can try to draw it yourself. On the Internet there are photos of ready-made puppet houses.

For the manufacture of a house we will need:

  • plywood is thickening (from 7 mm.);
  • electric jigsaw;
  • glue;
  • floor self-keeper;
  • pieces of wallpaper;
  • roulette or ruler;
  • a pen;
  • scheme;
  • a little fantasy and patience.

We proceed to work, before it determined with the size of a doll house (they will depend on the dimensions of the residents):

  • from plywood or laminate, drink the walls of the future at home;
  • drink windows and doors in them;
  • glue the walls among themselves, it is also fashionable to use construction nails or brackets;
  • we make a roof, it can be flat and lowered. To give a real view, you can use corrugated cardboard, and then paint it;
  • we fasten the resulting design with the foundation - sheet, great than the house itself. On an unused plot, you can make a flowerbed, sidewalks, a platform, parking;
  • glue wallpaper and stelim floors;
  • we furnish the house furniture;
  • you can also add curtains made of pieces of fabric, bedspreads, palaces, etc.

Doll houses made of drywall

Many household parents after repair leave the remaining building materials to dust on the balcony in the hope that they will someday be useful. Their hour has come! Of the drywall, a great dollhouse can be obtained.

There is a good house from this material by the fact that it is very easy and easy to assemble. But, at the same time, it will be necessary to contact him - it will be quite fragile.

The scheme of such a house is no different from the product from plywood or laminate. But to collect such a house is much easier, and the options layout are much more - with the help of partitions, the premises can be divided.

Foam houses

To build such a house we will need:


  • sheet foam;
  • glue;
  • wands for canapes;
  • line;
  • bamboo sticks;
  • cardboard;
  • pieces of wallpaper and fabric;
  • paint;
  • sponge for washing dishes;

Pinnotes for ceiling

Getting to work:

  • we make a scheme;
  • cut out of the foam wall;
  • we produce doors and windows in them;
  • we connect the walls with the toothpicks, then squeeze the walls between themselves;
  • for the strength of the roof, we first set the bamboo sticks over the walls, and only then we glue the roof to the walls;
  • from wooden lines or the same foam we make a staircase;
  • for railings, you can also use toothpicks;
  • in addition, at the request of the foam, you can also make a balcony, massandra or even a terrace;
  • krasi house;
  • inside, decorate the house as in the previous description.

Dominics from bookshelves and cabinets

The house from the old furniture will not make any difficulty - after all the walls are ready.

It remains only to cut into them windows and doors, and think about what to make a roof, if necessary.

It can be performed from the materials described above. We put the furniture, let's let the cat - with the newsself!

Houses from Cardon

For such a design, we will need:


  • cardboard;
  • templates of house details;
  • scissors and stationery knife;
  • gouache or watercolor paints.

Build a house:

  • if you have a big piece of cardboard, then you do not cut it, and bend in places according to the scheme, and then glue its components.
  • we establish interroom partitions from cardboard, they will serve not only to distinguish between space, but also fasten the frame design.
  • start repair and setting!

House of boxes

The easiest and fast option. It is enough to choose the desired number of boxes (depending on the number of rooms), fasten them with each other with a stapler, pre-laying them on the side so that the top of the box serves as an outlet.

This will allow you to open the front wall at the right moment to make the permutation, to strengthen, etc.

Cut the windows and doors. We proceed in the design of the frame.


House of folders for papers

For it, four folders are needed. We glue them from the inside by wallpaper or printed on the printer with sheets of decor and household appliances in the plane.

Cut in the windows folders, set the folders vertically, fasten them with the clips that each folder are available. Your house is ready.

Fabric house

This option is good because it practically does not occupy space, it can be addressed at all.

With the help of a tight piece of fabric, we make the back wall - it will serve as a foundation. We sew a rectangular base for a house. We make pockets to which the cardboard will then be mounted for floors. To both corners of the pockets are drift.

It remains only to sew pockets with a rectangular basis from one edge so that the testers are from the reverse side. Floors with ribbons and sew the rear walls. We make a house and start playing!

You can make houses from other materials - the main thing to show fantasy! He will be a wonderful gift for a boy - after all, you can build a garage, parking, etc.

Stock Foto Puppet house do it yourself