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Plan-abstract classes (preparatory group) on the topic: Princess and King prom scenario. Scenario "Graduation Ball in the Fairy Tale Kingdom

Alterations of songs: "Everything will be fine" (Verka Serduchka); "Hope" (A. Herman); "IN last autumn"(DDT group)!

In the hall goes sow. On the stage only glare from the mirror ball. Slow, smooth step is a graduate who leads first grader.

First grader. And what will happen now? Story?
Graduate. Story.
First grader. Scary?
Graduate. No, sad.
First grader. But she will have a happy end?
Graduate. Of course! All fairy tales have a happy end. But this fairy tale had a very happy beginning ...
Many, many years ago, when the trees were big, paths in the school yard are long, and school stairs are cool and high, moms led to school thirty boys and girls. Some of the miracle they found themselves in the same class ...
(Graduates are slowly overlooking the stage and become in any order.) So began this bright fairy tale called "Childhood".

First grader. I know this fairy tale. I live in this fairy tale!
Graduate. But for us today, this fairy tale ends. And we go to a large adult world.
First grader. Yves childhood will not return?
Graduate. No, do not return.
First grader. Never never?
Graduate. Never never!
First grader. Then goodbye, you are happy!
The first grader waves with graduates with hand and slowly leaves the scene. The light turns on. Rhythmic music sounds.
Graduate 1. Our school fairy tale lasted eleven years.
Graduate 2. There were both kind wizards - teachers who owned a magic key to the country of knowledge.
Graduate Z.I Magic words that opened the cherished doors to this country.
Graduate 4. and wonderful chicken sticks, and living water From the source of knowledge.
Graduate 5. But the school fairy tale is completed.
Graduate 1. It remains to flip the last page.
Graduate 2. and say good word Those who led us on this wonderful country of knowledge.
Graduate 3. Those who helped us overcome their drawbacks.
Graduate 4. For those who have helped us grow every day from year to year.
Graduate 5. I dedicate your last concert to you.

Everything. Our beloved teachers!

Sounds the melody "Stand, Children, stand in the circle" (from k / f "Cinderella) graduates depart to the back of the scene. Leading stand on the edge of the scene, right or left.

Lead 1. Our first school tale is, of course, "Snow White and 33 Gnomes".

Snow White and several first-graders go to the scene in caps and striped socks. First-graders and a graduate, playing the role of Snow White, performed staged dance. Each first-grader has a big letter in his hands. In the course of the dance, they are built up so that the words "Mom", "Poros", "School" are arranged from the letters. First-graders repeat all the movements of Snow White.
During the fulfillment of music, the presenters talk about the first teacher.

Leading 2. Our first teacher (name, patronymic, surname) appeared before our eyes in the image of Snow White.
Lead 1. Good, smart, beautiful, fair.
Leading 2. Confident to our pans and mistakes.
Lead 1. And she made a miracle!
Leading 2. She made me disciples!
Leading 1. Revolution in consciousness occurred when we defeated reciprition!
Dance ends, performers run from the scene. Music continues to sound.
Leading 2. The further study went like oil.
Lead 1. Everyone wanted to learn, everyone wanted to become excellent.
Leading 2. Parents conscientiously performed with us all homework!
Lead 1. The future seemed to us with serene swimming, full of amazing discoveries!
Leading 2. And here we switched to the elder school.
Lead 1. And a new fairy tale began.
Leading 2. "Go there, I do not know where ..."
Lead 1. We went. True, sometimes they fell instead of school in a movie or in Square.
Leading 2. Especially often it happened on the control.
Lead 1. "Bring something, I do not know what ..."
Leading 2. But if we went to where it is necessary, namely on the lessons, then they brought home from there at all what was needed.
Lead 1. Comments in diaries.
Leading 2. Units in notebooks.
Lead 1. Twos in the tables.
On the melody of the song Verka Serdyuchka "Everything will be fine" the song is performed about the lazy students.
Graduates (sing).
If we are told that tomorrow is a test!
We will just answer that I will take a reference.
And so that we do not have to bored at home,
We buy a ticket and go to the cinema!
And it will be good!
Everything will be fine!
Okay! Everything will be fine!

Graduates (sing).
If in the morning the control again,
We will say right: we have a stomach ache!
But how to ugly treat one,
But it is better to hang out with a team without worries.
And it will be good! Everything will be fine!
Everything will be fine, we knew it, knew!
Okay! Everything will be fine!
Teacher (threatens students). Oh, I feel guys, threw, oh, lit up !!!
Girls. Not a lesson, but Sportloto:
Received, but not that!
Boys. Twos are put in magazine
Is this crime?
Girls. If you forget the notebook,
You can walk school!
Boys. If you wear a diary,
So you are not a graduate.
Graduates. Okay! Everything will be fine!
Everything will be fine, we give the word, the word!
Okay! Everything will be fine!
Everything will be fine before graduation, for sure !!!
Leading 1. Yes, it was easy to get lost in knowledge labyrinths.
Leading 2. But here we met real fairies. They knew where to go and what to look for.
Leading 1. We traveled to the edge of the world and revealed the secrets of living water.
Leading 2. We read fat books and solved foreign letters.
Leading 1. We were looking for pestles and stamens from scarlet flowers and sang magic songs.
Leading 2. And at each lesson, our teacher's faces helped us to extract the grains of precious knowledge.
Leading 1. On ordinary school lessons, they opened us the secrets of time, space and matter.
Leading 2. With them we revealed the riddles of the Universe.
Lead 1. And the school window opened a huge world, full wonders and discoveries.

Everything. Thank you, our dear teachers!

Graduates List teacher names.
The song "Nadezhda" marks the song for teachers.

Joyful ringing ring in the morning
We always walked on the lesson with hope.
But it's time to say goodbye to us
We will love you, as before.
And forget still can not be forgotten
All teachers and all objects.
We all together more than friends
School family we are warming.

Teacher, eleven years
You led us ways of knowledge.
Give children a mind and light -
High vocation in the world.

Leading 1. Knowledge was not easy for us.
Leading 2. Sometimes I had to take them with a fight.
Lead 1. Having trouble get through the misfortunes of errors and overcome incredible obstacles.
Leading 2. It happened, we suffered defeat and retreated for pre-prepared positions.
Lead L. Ho Victory, as in all good fairy tales, still remained for us!
Leading 2. And instead of the princess and fossil in addition, it was complained to us by this grade (shows a certificate), which indicates that we have already become smart, adults, mature.
Leading 2. And that our children's fairy tales ended and it's time to say goodbye to the school.

On the melody of the song "In the last fall" (the "DDT" group) executed a final song.

Last summer, neither a line, nor sink,
From this we can not go anywhere.
Farewell bonfire era
Who went out of our school childhood.

The latter in school written strings,
Exams in the past, forgotten tickets.
But we will never forget lessons

Why are you sad, my dear teacher?
Let us best years rushed
You dreamed with us, I was looking for, loved,
And with us already forever you stayed.
Recently, in the last summer.

Eleven years is a school era.
The era of miracles, and anxiety, and discoveries.
Gave us love, and hope, and faith
At every lesson, a favorite teacher.
We are all school students,
In adulthood, we leave with dawn.
But in our hearts they will not go out
The last of our school summer.
Last summer, last summer.

Anna Berlin
Scenario graduation holiday "Ball in the Tsarskoy Palace"

Scenario edition..

(Children are built on the stairs, the curtain-song opens to the music "Write voices"children sang)

1st teacher: We invite everyone to the ball in an elegant music hall,

Where there will be music and laughter, and installation for success,

Smiles, games, songs, speeches, hope in the future at meetings,

In love, an awkward recognition, honor and glory for the urge.

2nd tutor: Great - To love children, the warmth of their hearts to give

Where in the waltz memory skill: "And remember?.", "Can't be.",

"How matured. Matured.", "We did not have time to look back."

And the wet from the tears of the eye. Everything has your own time!

1st teacher: Go ahead, kid! Go! You are full of strength, hopes, love.

We believe that your destiny is always happy to be! Always!

Soloists descend from the stairs (in turn) And read poems:

1st child: Well, that's all, it came that hour

Which we all waited

We gathered for the last time

In the cozy of this room. (Alina)

2nd child: To us kindergarten warmly gave

And chasing sadness in the shadow

Here, good spirit always reigned

Here holiday every day. (Marina)

3rd child: You took us with babies,

Kindergarten, our home is native,

We are now big steel

And say goodbye to you. (Glory)

4th child: Here are native steel walls,

And cribs, and toys,

Educators and nanny

And my friends-girlfriends. (Pauline)

5th child: An hour of parting

And we have the last ball!

We will ask for a farewell

Garden, so that we do not forget us!

2) Song « Festive evening » (with fireplace)

(children sit on chairs)

Educator: This wonderful holidayGuys, maybe everything! Since you are already very big, then I think that it's time for you to go to this Prom !

Heard rumble. Includes king.

(Dress down the princess crown)

KING: Have you come up here?

Are you gathered here?

Well, alive march from here

And not you will be bad (refers to children)

Guard! Listen to the command!

Clear place!

QUEEN (included): This is Chegaya -to you, hubby, accepted? Hall boyars and daughters scare? After all, the decree was published, so that it was gathered here! We are going with my daughter in an overseas tour, I need a retinue, I need creatively educated, in order to do not hit the overseas queen in the mud!

KING: Well, my light, so it became, what gift did you prepare? Some sadness and excitement!

QUEEN: What are you, what are the excitements? At the daughter of our high school graduation! She was already quite an adult, the kindergarten finished, going to school, and you (hand waves in the direction of the king)

KING (reproachfully): You just had to jump on the bala! Won and the dress is overseas! Ugh! My eyes were not watched!

QUEEN: Oh, there is enough conversation to talk! I want to tour! Want! (paints the leg). Early, the decree will be repeated and the competition will start!

KING (with a sigh): TA-AK! I repeat my decree! Arrive in palace Delegations of the daughters of the daughter of Boyars from our cities in order to arrange a competition in songs and other habnic recesses. Which delegation will show itself better - she will be the retilt Tsaritsa Lucheri Gororhovna and the daughter of my Eposigny Nikitishna in their overseas journey.

KING (for the scenes): Hey, the governor, ordered the carriats to be laid!

Tsarevna (coming out): Wait, Batyushka, do not need a carriage!

KING: Yes, do you, daughter? Whiten smoked? Walk through the scrap will go? Ali you now Eroplan is needed?

QUEEN: I am not needed to me Eroplan, and I will not go on foot. And in general, I will not go to any tour. I do not want.

KING: That is, how it is "I do not want"? In vain, am I, what did the decrees compose, stretched paper? But what about the entertainment is overseas?

Tsarevna: Yes, I go for the sea to go, if all your friends are here! And we can arrange the entertainment here! Do we not know passage dancing? Didn't we have fun in our garden?

KING: And right, daughter! Jot us jents abrool (looks at Queen, confusedly burst)I announce the royal ball (Solemn music sounds)

3) Common dance "Polonaise")

KING: Here you go! STE I understand! ENTO Ball! Real Petersburg!

Tsarevna: Yes, daddy, our city is just a look! Well, is there a city as beautiful as ours?

KING: So I'm talking about the same, and then see whether you see the abroad (mows on the queen)

QUEEN: So I love Peterburg! And especially poems and songs about St. Petersburg!

6th child: Among swamps, roads and blizzards,

Like giggle from a fairy tale

The world was Peterburg,

Wave of love is cluster!

7th child: His sculptures and palaces,

Fountains, Squares, Parks,

His fences and bridges,

Boat on the fountain

8th child: His crosses, its granite -

Centuries pattern is so durable! -

Everything admires and captivates

In the shine of white night.

9th child: I love you, my city,

I do not know the beautiful place!

i live, one with you,

Given to inherit!

4) Song Petersburg(singing a semicircle)

KING: Well, singing all the mountains, but what do you know about your city?

Competition game about Petersburg. (Collect puzzles with a view of St. Petersburg)

QUEEN: Tuta guests grew, kings passioned! Apparently wanted.

KING: Who are they going to won't get it?

QUEEN: To the princess, apparently.

KING: Well, the ENTO is necessary! She current in grade 1 will go, and they see whether woven!

QUEEN: Well, let them come, do not drive them out! Beautiful people (dreamily)

KING: Well, let them go. Let's see!

The kings are published:

1st king: I often think about

How good to be king.

I would be the king of Italy -

Wore round year sandals,

2nd king: And I would be the king of Algeria -

In the morning I would have eaten the pound of figs, "

3rd king: And be me king Iran -

In the living room, jumped from the sofa,

4th king: And be me king Nepal -

Throw toys as hit!

5th king: Oh, if I were king!

I have never soap my ears,

And a whole regiment of living soldiers

I would remove the parade

6th king: And I screamed devora:

"Hurray, king! King, Hurray! "

5) Dance "Kings"

KING: Well, and the truth is good! Yes, only their sho is a lot, and the princess-kingu is with us, alone! Who are they on the ball to dance?

QUEEN: Here's another Probblem! We have these queens (Shows girls)- Pond Prudi!

KING (correlating glasses or pensne, peering): And why are they here?

Coming overlook

6) Dance "Korolev"

QUEEN: Ay yes Beauty! And what a posture, what to become!

KING: To me too! All huge trees to joke and my beauty there! You wing (waving your hand, it's time to school! And you about school, I suppose, do not know anything!

Tsarevna: How we do not know? We have such caregivers that we are not only about school all know!

KING: (frightened) What else?

Tsarevna: Yes, about it all! Our educators are the best!

10 baby: Thanks to our educators

For affection and warm

We were with you side

And in the gloomy day light.

11th child: You regretted us, loved

You, like flowers, raised,

It is a pity that we can not

Take with your first class.

7) Song "Educator"(singing a semicircle)

KING: Well, for such a miracle afraid of a simple "Thank you" Little, they can give them all the earth (bow to).

Tsarevna: Daddy, I love my teachers so much, kindergarten! I do not wanna grow up! After all, childhood is fairy tales! And I do not want to part with the SC

KING: Daughter, you do not need to part with a fairy tale! You only turn away and count to seven and the fairy tale will come to you!

Tsarevna: Can I read in it myself?

KING: Of course, daughter!

Make a pot with a dehyder

8) Dance "Elf"(Tale of a thymmer)

(at the end of the pot is getting out of the pot)

QUEEN: Well, look at what a miracle! Thumbelina, how did you come from?

Inch: From childhood country.

QUEEN: And what did you get from there?

Inch: No, with friends!

Children overlook the youngest gr.

9) Song and Junior Tuna

Tsarevna: Daddy, thank you! This is true royal gift!

KING: Well, don't be king (smiles).

KING: Well, now gifts with you and your friends. Show us how are you ready for school?

Competition-game Preparing for school (Collect the briefcase)

KING: Here you are boyars! All ready for school! It remains only to wait for the autumn and the bell tongue!

Tsarevna: Dad, what else can be the bell tower?

KING: How is it? Eat itself, that the lessons call!

Tsarevna: Dad, it's not a bell, but a call!

KING: What is the call? For tsarist Daughters only bell!

Tsarevna: Well, no, daddy! I will go to school for a real school bell!

KING: Well, what a child is naughty! What other call?

12th child: Soon a school corridor

Fly with so bad

What will be afraid of hundreds of legs

Catch up with you, call!

13th child: And, running to change,

The class will return certainly

It is only possible to you again

In the corridors to sound!

10) Song "Rings the bell"(Soon with bells in scattering)

KING: Well be on yours: Call-so call!

QUEEN: Well, something you completely forgot about our ball, where are the dances?

KING: And you just dance! Here is gorgeous!

Tsarevna: Patek, and the truth is the ball, so that it was danced. Well, my friends! Waltz!

14th child: The minute will come soon,

You accompany us to the first class.

So let's go for sale,

Our stansham festive Waltz!

11) Dance "Waltz"

QUEEN: Well, what a beauty! And we must let these very crumbs go to school! What will happen to them (the head is grabs)

Tsarevna: Mom, we are not children now! Yourself in response!

15th child: Any of us is very happy today

We all sing, and with us birds.

The last time came

we are in kindergarten,

Came to forever

i say goodbye to you.

16th child: Mostly wanted to grow up

And kindergarten leave ...

To go to school to go,

Adults imagine yourself.

17th child: We grabbed, but sad all

Today we are a bit

After all, our kindergarten is so good

Easy to him road,

18th child: How many years we came here.

How many tears shed here sometimes.

Here, first knees we beat.

Here I regretted, loved us all.

19th child: Kindergarten our garden, goodbye,

We go to the first class.

Although sad parting,

Do not worry, you are for us.

(At this time, children are built on the last dance)

20th child: For sale, we for the garden,

And stoney and sing.

Never, nowhere guys

We will not forget about him.

KING: Well! It's time to say goodbye to the kindergarten or as an ATO by foreign (mow on the queen)

QUEEN: What kind of ENTO foreign?

KING: In the Anglitsky!

Tsarevna: Time Tu this Good Bai, Paint!

KING: Ish you, intelligence which steel!

12) Final common dance.

21th child: Head - Everyone is happy

To say that the word itself!

Everyone who serves the garden

All nanny, chefs!

22nd child: For everyone who defeated us

And kindly taught

Who always laundered us

And the floor is hard soap!

23rd child: Who brought us products to us

Who sang with us songs.

We know that we have in the garden

There are many different things.

24th child: He's talking to a bow

We careors are our own.

Difficult tasks to solve!

25th child: And we write now,

Like those who go to the first class!

26th child: We grew up, now other children

Come to you in the garden, as we came once,

And we all speak: "Thank you!"

And this song gives you the guys.

(children distribute flowers)

Educator: (Says parting words)

13) Song "Goodbye, kindergarten".

KING: Thank you guys for a real tsarsky BallAnd we run shopping! It's so much to buy so much to send princess to school!

QUEEN: And you, daughter, hanged himself with friends!

Speech parents

Speech head

Graduation Scenario in the 11th grade "Royal Ball"

Description of the material: I offer you the script of the thematic prom in the 11th grade "Royal Ball". This material will be useful. class leaders and teachers organizers. The event on this scenario was held in 2018.
* * *
Melody sounds, a young man and a little girl comes to the scene
(Conversation in the text of the song of Nikitin). Leading appear.

Lead 1: Good evening, our dear guests, dear parents, teachers, acquaintances, friends! The solemn event gathered everyone in this room! Today, the news of 2018 says goodbye graduates with their native school. This is a special long-awaited day, which is not lost on a long life road, always glows with a warm light, squeeze the heart of childhood memories.
Lead 2: Today's evening is the final chord of the unique school symphony, which was performed within 3,000 thousand days with thin children's and indulcing youthful voices. Accompanied ringtone call 20,000 times.
Lead 1: Finally, behind 11 years school Life, and with it - control, standings, excitement on GIA!
Lead 2: Today, our graduates will receive the most cherished document - the key that disrupts the doors to higher educational institutions, a ticket to the most real adult life - a certificate!
Lead 1: Already tomorrow they are waiting for new discoveries, difficult questions, difficult answers, independent decisions.
Lead 2: It will all be tomorrow, and today - they are waiting for an amazing, fabulous evening! We are glad to welcome you today on our holiday, and let me declare the graduation party of 2018 open!
Sounds hymn
Leading 2 and 1 in turn: Attention! Let me imagine:
Active, kind, incendiary, interesting, beautiful, charming,
true, romantic, talented, amazing, elegant, bright
Princes and princesses - our graduates !!!
Sounds music
Lead 1 speaks against the background of music: We welcome graduates of 2018!
This is an unforgettable and cheerful moment.
Fanframes are listening loud!
Meet, welcome, remember them
(Graduates raised on the stage together with the class teacher)

Leading to the music read the characteristic on each graduate.
(Music sounds, graduates, depicted under the melody, individually for each graduate, there is a presentation from a photo of graduates).

1. Visor checked, folded and put in order.
Out of all the smile, the mood rose.
As if the asterisks covered a little glakeny eyes.
Of course, you guessed it was Nastya-Him.

2. His participation on the TV show "The Smart
It is unlikely that someone will surprise here,
Because our Ilyusha -
The most real eruit!

3. Denis ours knows everything around
Life science will know independently
He himself will prepare everything, if necessary,
Clear clothes!

4. Can he find an approach to any girl,
They dream about him in the evening and day,
They boil serious passions in the classroom,
So that in the waltz turn with him together

5. Slightly lazy and slightly imposed,
Dressed neat and beautiful
He, exactly Dandy from the magazine, is also important.
You will confirm anyone now!

6. Always in a good mood
Laughs himself, make friends,
Sparkles laugh and fun
And in the head is full of clauses!

7. She fascinated everyone around
Always in Lada and with the world, and with you,
Mila, quiet, friendly with everyone,
Beautiful and externally, and soul!

8. Artist! Created for scene
The people of vocals amaze!
Talent presented to you by God
We wish to further develop!

9. It is not surprised by anything
Always and all will introduce into the case,
Who brought where he left
Tell quick and skillfully!

Sounds "Waltz Flowers"

1 Presenter: Divine Secrets of Mirozdanya,
Poznanya Truth, the results of the creation,
Beauty visible and sounds that are heard!
Today is your evening - graduates!
2 Host: All the raised setting,
Everything froze in solemnly excitement,
In a bouquet of luxury all graduates gathered!
Together: Our graduation! Our royal ball!
2 Host: 11 years in our kingdom,
Soft and reliable was care
To each be smart and more
The approach was differentiated.
1 Presenter: You are once fragile tender kidney,
Grain, green stem,
Slender and modest sprout
Brought to a hospitable house.
2 Host: Weekends and rest did not know
Breeders are 11 years old
All the forces talents developed,
Watering, light was added.
1 Presenter: And leaflets, dialing,
Year after a year rushed up
Mystery of the world adults comprehending
Buckets of gentle scored.
2 Host: Graduates, Oh, how beautiful this evening you are!
Gorgeous inflorescence of beauty!
From bright and solemn colors
Today we will collect a bouquet of graduates!

Graduates are circling in the waltz, then descend and sit in the hall.

1 Presenter: The first step in an independent life is to receive certificates of average general education.
2 Host: Dear friends! We invite you to the scene of the director of our school - the queen of our beautiful kingdom ... (FULL NAME) ................!
2 Host: On the ball the royal arrived guests,
After all, news was separated everywhere:
The kingdom of the ball spends graduation
The lounge is noise from a solemn wave.
I know important guests for a long time,
We accept the words of them.

Performances guests high school prom
1 Presenter:
The charming is hurried to the royal ball, (students' last names pronounced each name)
... Dasha - Light Chamomile.
Elegant, artist,
Unmatched, romantic!
We wish, without a doubt,
Much a lot of admiration!
And love is big and wonderful,
And, of course, mutual!

Queen is invited to present the certificate foreign languages...... .. Phoe teacher, (presentation of the certificate, congratulatory speech)

2 Host: For receipt of the certificate is invited
... Alena - Princess Graceful
In everything is always very serious!
Inquisitive, active
It looks at life very positive.
Smartly by year, diligent in everything
Successes will achieve honest hard work!
She is not terrible any obstacles,
She deserves high awards.
The certificate presents the queen of philology ...... Phoe teacher ......
1 Host: For receipt of the certificate is invited ... Ilya
We are not too lazy to tell us:
He is always modest, fresh soul.
In any company he is yours.
He is famous for his quality -
Always ready to help others.
In the work of every delete
He is not Hapuga, not a dealer.
About him all for sure, the word word.
We subscribe all ready.
The certificate presents the Queen of Natural Sciences ...... Phoe teacher ............

2 Host: For the receipt of the certificate is invited ............. Novel
Longing and sadness disquires easily,
Warm, care
And cheerfulness is imposed.
Fill with reckless happiness,
That is not a festive fate -
Nature is so living with him.
And his wonderful nature -
Such joy for the people!
The certificate presents the Queen of Sport ...... .. ....... Phoe teacher ............

1 Presenter: For the receipt of the certificate is invited .......... Dmitriy
On the prince of this
Looks fascinally.
Such a decisive always
And purposeful.
An athlete, the actor otmnaya,
Objectives in life will achieve certainly.
The certificate presents the Queen of History and all - all social sciences ...... Phoe teacher ............

2 Host: For receipt of the certificate is invited
... Anastasia is a wonderful princess, like a violet!
Complements are not sorry for her!
Clever beauty,
With any problem will cope!
Warm, care
Cheerful and trigger to be able to be!
Charming, modest;
Stubborn and hardworking
Nastya is very valid!
For the presentation of the certificate on the stage, the Queen of Mathematics FIO Teacher is invited ......

1 Presenter: For the certificate is invited ... Denis
This prince could learn well,
But it is necessary to happen:
Class in the fifth became from the lessons to disappear
But then he was found
And the whole class was very happy
That Denis will now receive
The long-awaited certificate.
Certificate Hands Queen A around the world travel ...... Phoe teacher ......

2 Host: For the receipt of the certificate is invited .... Yana.
... Yana - Princess Gentle,
With a cute unforgettable smile.
Charming, intellectual
Dreams will all come true!
You are charm,
Very cute creation
We sincerely wish you
Much happiness, and good,
Be happy always!

The certificate presents the queen of psychology ...... Phoe teacher ...

1 Presenter: For receipt of the certificate is invited
... Dmitry- Magnificent Prince!
It is sociable, moving,
Intelligence is not offended
No in his life situations,
Where he could be confused.
The stream of fantasy beats the key
Wishers first to be in all
And in the life of the idea to embody,
So that it becomes interesting to live!

In order to present the certificate on the stage, the queen of discipline and order ...... FULL NAME (Social teacher)

1 Presenter: Well, the years rushed unnoticed
And teaching deadlines, alas, expired,
We are on the ball wonderful today
Our overflow directory.
2 Host: Each is given its own page:
A varietary material is assembled here.
1 Presenter: Let the magic will happen rather
We continue our graduation ball!
2 Host: These children immediately adults became
Princes and princesses of today's ball!
1 Presenter: School years as if steps
Walking for a long time
Term came to look back
And here is our assistant camera.
Show slideshow on the background of the music "Our School Years" (photo from 1 to grade 11)
2 Host: To your attention the unique frames - wishes to graduates of 2018! (Video spending from graduates of past years)

1 Presenter: Graduates of 2018 welcome the current first-graders of our school! Friends, meet your reduced copy.

(Poems from first-graders, choir say: "Good luck to you!")

Graduate 1: Do not hurry, when we wanted to be quickly adults, and now, when school years flew so quickly, we are joyful and at the same time sad. Favorite our kids while you are the owners of this country, appreciate every moment, rejoice every minute. And we will proudly observe how you learn and be sure to come to your prom.
Graduate 2: We are grateful to you, friends.
For warm words and congratulations.
School years will be used,
Ends and your learning here

Song song "School Years" performed by graduate

(Words of first teacher)
Graduate 1: First teacher!
It is impossible to measure
All that you gave us.
You taught us to love and believe
From the whole soul now
We are grateful to you.
Graduate 2: How many words have accumulated in the heart,
How to express them now
You gave us your strength,
Opened Dahl and Vashko!
Many words tell we could
But in one big "Thank you"
They all merged today.

Reprise "Director" (2 graduates).
Song "Superwear" (2 graduates).

Reprise "Wear" (2 Employment). All the copyright reprises were written for specific teachers.
Dance "Cheerful Change" (the whole class, modern dance, a selection of rhythmic melodies).

Lead 2: Merry were changed, and in lessons we hit our teachers with high intelligence and thoughts.
Lead 1: With its diverse creative abilities.
Lead 2: And our main heights were taken thanks to your expensive teachers.
1: Today we went to this scene, in order to once again thank those without anyone would not have been this day.
2: Those who have patiently told us on school weekdays and holidays, those who made our childhood are bright!
3: After all, they met us every day in classes.
4: And today, this evening we gathered for the last time together.
5. Dear teachers we tell you a lot thank you!

Scene "Mathematics Lesson" (3 graduates, extras)

Dear Larisa Aleksandrovna!
From "twice two" to complex equations
We have passed a very interesting way.
To this day from antiquity of exercises
You brought us science to us.
Thank you for everything that I studied
For the knowledge reported to us.
We wish you in your life
All numbers are only with a plus sign.

Dear Svetlana Ivanovna!
Now we are with electricity to "you",
Speaker will collect without any schemes,
Who marks in genius, like Jolio Curie,
Go to physics - and there are no problems.

Song "Help me" (2 girls + dance)

Favorite our Julia Gennadevna!
With historical science
It is very important to be in Lada,
Where who crowded
Who is born in which year.
We taught history -
Ancient and our days
And now it is continued
Time to us with your hand.

Scene "English Exam" (2 student)

Dear Tatyana Anatolyevna!
We can in English something to understand
We can park in English
Life herself will offer us all milk
And today we can thank you.

The song "Melting ice", converted words for physical education teachers and technologies (all girls).

Dear Elena Nikolaevna and Alexander Anatolyevich!
Simple Health and Labor Skills
In adult life will be useful.
We sincerely want to congratulate
Say thanks for science.
We love technology,
We love physical education.

Exit 2 graduates

Dear Elena Vasilyevna!
With you together eaten salts of different powders.
You need to appreciate our hard work,
There were no reactions sometimes
Anyway, we knew how to understand you.
Like fragile nature - you can not forget
Fish, birds, animals have become friends.
Posters and layouts will take off at night,
Thought how best to answer you.

Do you know how interesting geography is learning?
We listen, listen, listen greedily
Do not rush, do not breathe and delicately!
Mountains, rivers, plains We tried to conquer!
Nevero - Nevers - incredible
Cool, but confusedly and incomprehensible!
We were looking for countries on the globe,
We studied card cards.
Considered latitude and longitude,
Routes We can break!
Thank you, nice Valeria Valerievna!

Song "Black Boomer" (all boys, converted)

All graduates are published on the melody of the song "Unusual" (they perform a converted song to the class teacher).
Graduate 1: With love, let us say about our challenge mom,
About those who are with us so many years!
For us there is no woman more beautiful
And there is no equal in the surrounding schools!
Graduate 2: I took the example of you,
I went to you for advice.
Award was
View of your eyes alive,
You so much gave me warmth and light,
What is enough to warm ten.
Graduate 3: You give all the great work,
You will be a dream in children's souls.
Thank you for what you live.
For your business and thoughts beauty.
Graduate 4: Natalia Vasilyevna! Our teacher! The legend you and the best.
You are a symbol of beauty, love and inspiration,
You are bright light on hundreds of thousands of miles,
You are the finest creation.
Performed the song "Unusual", presentation, hand the flowers to the class teacher.
Together: You have a word, our mom!
Speech by the class teacher addressed to graduates and parents, the presentation of gratitude to parents.
(credits and gratitude are read).

Graduate 4: Our teachers!
You sincerely thank you!
Forever there will be land
Your work is beautiful.
Our teachers! Thank you heartily!

(Song sounds "Teacher, you are in our heart forever," handed flowers.)
Graduate: Natalia Vladimirovna! Thank you
For saving, for treating,
For the fact that always in his post.
That the teeth were treated, the eyes checked.
And our health has always been guarded.

Dear chefs! Thank you
For the fact that you are covered for us for us,
Behind the soup and for borsch, what was served for us
For buns, the best in the world
For the fact that you are so tasty fed.

Thank you for keeping order
Cleared, wipe, painted and soap.
You swept the leaves, removed the snow,
Thank you for the work is not easy.

The first and last of our call,
Graduation and holidays any
You, teacher organizer,
We loved with us to rehearse.

Violators everyone knows
How sometimes there is a strict
Our social teacher.
What happened to what happens
He knows for sure.
And always seek
"difficult" student.
(Presentation of colors to employees)
Graduate 5: Childhood passed ... We are already adults, but still I want to feel the warmth of my mother's hands, cuddled to the father's shoulder and say quietly: "Forgive us ..."
Graduate 1: Forgive us, dear our moms and dads, in the whole of the wrong pain that we have applied you.
Graduate 2: Sorry for the endless of our children's pranks, for those heavy 11 years, when you spent us daily to school, waited, and necessarily with good grades.
Graduate 3: Dear, cute, good, the best of our parents! Forever ours, favorite, kind, sincere teachers! Do not worry and do not worry about us. We will be fame and pride. We promise that you will never be ashamed of our actions.
Lead 1: Dear graduates! We hope that all of what you say is not in vain, and you keep this word to parents and teachers.
Lead 2: Dear and favorite parents, take a song as a gift.

(Song "We are near you", presentation about parents)

Lead 1: Acclaimer today is not only of our graduates. Their parents are worried no less! So the heart beats beats, and it disappears somewhere at all ... and dad, and mom still remembers the same young, their graduation. And here, as a surprise - a beautiful daughter on high heels. And a serious son, above the dad. Most recently kept on the hands of helpless babies. And today they fly away from the parent nest.
Lead 2: Today we were again convinced how fast time flies. It seems that, quite recently, the child took the first step, put the first bruise, as wept because I did not want to go to kindergarten. And as rejoiced, for the first time putting school uniform, and how worried, passing the first exam. And together with them we were crying, pleased, studied and worried and you.
Favorite parents, you are the best in the world!

(Words of parents graduates, performance - Surprise - Parents dance)

Lead 1: Graduates, take greetings from teachers (Teachers prepared video clips converted songs), show on the screen.
Graduate 1: Native our, cute childhood, will come now only in a dream.
Graduate 2: You left us a bright, tight feeling of sadness and tenderness.
Graduate 3: You are the first step on the star Olympus.
Graduate 4: Now our pass through it junior brothers And sisters.
Graduate 5: As we envy them, but we will not be sad.
Cool leader: Dear graduates! Ahead of you is awaiting an adult life in which there will be no Ivan Tsarevich, nor Elena beautiful nor others fabulous heroes. And in the last minutes of staying in childhood, a good fairy will open the door to the future in childhood and will give a spark of good luck and success. (At that moment, a huge ball with brilliant stars burst over the heads of graduates, confetti. Schaar was ordered in advance and attached to the scene overlapping)

(It sounds a minus one of the final song "Graduation" Sasha Santa, fulfill all graduates and a cool leader).

Lead 1: Well, it seems, and that's it.
The school is over, the exams are handed over, and there will be no lessons anymore.
Only the ball, flowers, smiles, farewell dawn remained.
And ahead - the road. Happy way to you, graduates!
Lead 2: Our royal ball ends.
Lead 1: Leading evenings are forgiven with you.
Together: Goodbye to new meetings!

Graduation ball in Dow. Scenario

Educator, MBDOU "Kindergarten №67" Smile ", Tambov.
Description: The graduation matinee in the form of a fairy tale, where every child will be able to feel like a member of the holiday; The matinee will be interested in teachers of kindergartens, musical workers, teachers primary classes.
Purpose: Creation of a festive atmosphere, formation in children positive relationship to knowledge and school.
- develop musical and creative abilities of preschoolers;
- intensify the mental activity of children with gaming techniques;
- to educate children and parents a sense of gratitude to the children's garden to employees.

Scenario of the graduation in the preparatory group "Travel to a fairy tale"

1 presenter:
How our Hall is beautiful, as is suitable and leveled,
As if meets honored guests.
And guests - relatives, favorite children,
Who became a little more adulthood!
2 leading:
He saw a lot, our hall is musical,
And he announced the children's laughter more than once
Today he will give us a farewell ball
The last surprise prepared for us.
1 presenter:
Here to say goodbye to the kindergarten
Pretty preschoolers in the morning.
We solemnly meet
Applause, friends!
To music, children go to the hall
1. Our favorite, our beautiful,
Our wonderful kindergarten!
You are happy today
Concerned feeding.
2. Goodbye, our fairy tales,
Our cheerful dance.
Our games, songs, dances!
Goodbye! School is waiting!
3. Kindergarten our favorite
You will remember forever!
We will send you from school
From excellent students ...
Together: Hey!
4. Today we are graduates,
No longer reached.
We are waiting for funny calls
And new guys.
5. We go to an unfamiliar class
According to school corridors.
Farewell, our kindergarten, we are more than once
You remember you with a smile
We are easy to sing,
Let all give this song.
Let this song May Day
Flies on Bella Light!
Song "In September, a call of funny"

6. We will not be sad
Because the garden is loved!
Here fun, jokes, laughter,
Games enough here for everyone!
7. Funny song we give you
And remember how fun with us.

Song "Din, Din, kindergarten"

8. From a fabulous country with chief childhood
We'll have to go away to everyone.
But, of the country where they lived next door
And laughter and tears do not forget us.
9. And adults, probably forgot,
What are the small ones themselves!
How lived in this fabulous country
You can return there only in a dream!

Congratulations to kids

You guys from the soul
They want to congratulate the kids.
Music sounds, the children of the younger group come out
Poeses read:
1. We came today you
Conduct in the first class.
This is once!
2. Two - we want to wish you
All excellent students.
3. {!LANG-bf2f2798aeb3545859c6f243e397fade!}
4. {!LANG-b9631446336f6bb73907184c32e97567!}
5. {!LANG-ebcd749af72951ac50bc52b0ef51c0c7!}



10. {!LANG-1b384d6958ed899e7d8962743fff38cf!}
11. {!LANG-a19c5fdea4932023a79ca966c480678a!}
12. {!LANG-4c334cf63a805d03695b1b0c7fbe3cd3!}
13. {!LANG-1a42767c6a77395a9e8c5de64a0d391f!}

{!LANG-e07c82b4db521be2764fe86f8ee58cb3!} {!LANG-4f6054029c54b28cb2883447814d3d7b!}{!LANG-0b8534e46acc65d6e0b0dd2bab3bd9ec!}
{!LANG-54e0e7e562e214ea6105b83434fd230f!}{!LANG-92a201bbb0390cfa64b43a644ffb801e!} {!LANG-082aa4975ebbc5b1c764795b27af1e38!})

{!LANG-be7ed67bf5a6aeb5ddf684031821f896!}{!LANG-73bcfde08f36e481cbdc26aac92ca329!} {!LANG-fffbb48fdf5d111deca40459d7b3ed3b!}
{!LANG-1ff11c8acbb33e7b70a082d716f27483!}{!LANG-27702fe52d56821ac00f246f2c37509f!} {!LANG-2e6228d7aed47f6054c02c801aeaa1c7!}
{!LANG-0ffa0f9df79a5b3913b99341f57a7b31!}{!LANG-a6aa696ef145e2cdd1d4e14c7546d6cf!} {!LANG-c3d28a43ee9893ef7ed7487946e161df!}.{!LANG-c1648f42824095aa5c32e9396bd35805!}{!LANG-bca9573105de037693f493ac329c8732!}
{!LANG-8e048d8e8cdd96103d1bd93314059492!} ({!LANG-933195d380a31541b5651760a41ae45f!}





5. {!LANG-a58c524703c57cdb6a6a1e263233ab1c!}{!LANG-bff50dd01bbea802ee50ae85cb0ce990!}



1. {!LANG-da00436f716be849a43ce3cfca20c8a4!}
2. {!LANG-cf414765efa4d671e5da035ae31262d2!}
3. {!LANG-e2deb97cd926578b08e1602fedcee3d7!}
4. {!LANG-c38459a7ef84810b24ca5c0f08b8758a!}
5. {!LANG-0d776a47dc242fa62c2f4743bff57f72!}
6. {!LANG-768c26ede84ca12a11f51ab21168b54d!}
7. {!LANG-80506bf632d08b081d304fe0ed5dcbf5!}
8. {!LANG-3254eca8d73b9416f15e84c394846345!}




























{!LANG-3f68751ccd3aeff5a2f0d9b21c48cd57!} {!LANG-c54f38783790c9d896079b2ba7d2253c!}{!LANG-acac33c9da3496e401ac985510e4fa26!}




{!LANG-aafe8e9f01bc775756ce2604d9ac542c!}{!LANG-09c367adf6041a69dcf3348dad084176!} {!LANG-ff18887188c4baa2aed45eedebe96fd2!}


















{!LANG-e711a84e067ab101bd9f59dc0da708dc!} {!LANG-7b3cdeaf452ce72e610b8b8583beeab8!}{!LANG-fd4813766e44512b602f17a7a1964a08!}












- {!LANG-3ba24d598d8c381f43033653733a1382!}

{!LANG-9143d16c0f07df5e20194de718000df5!} {!LANG-e12df09c7f843365f91d51d445c1b252!}{!LANG-1734e2eb1544340f02144e37037fa02f!}





















































{!LANG-5a879ee10c2e68de3ea61074f45c417e!}{!LANG-a473c579fb8d98b9489a17b51f31feac!} {!LANG-7a6eb0e048e56b914c0cad6fbdf32131!}{!LANG-0c2ec33a5cab21673f776ec388d7dc75!}


{!LANG-5a879ee10c2e68de3ea61074f45c417e!}{!LANG-a520be08a6d2ef005556093ee6289b0e!} {!LANG-21a63a4b92b4e963eafabfaa8f78e329!}{!LANG-97c8d78302876ce263db8d5017c0738d!}












































Lead 1:{!LANG-5d588430d2ce118165fe3b147cce1926!}


Lead 2:{!LANG-2b114a561a2dcd49161e79d4084ed9fc!}










{!LANG-7af2bacad7ba00cf3ecaa8b7777d4e98!} {!LANG-38def2181dbf45d4efc00896f1d59a19!}

{!LANG-66dbc39e49c5db02b0e3c98b57c62dec!} {!LANG-ce4df4144da64887b6254ae283141e76!}

{!LANG-7af2bacad7ba00cf3ecaa8b7777d4e98!} {!LANG-4baba75199cc0607199731e9e6deebcd!}

{!LANG-66dbc39e49c5db02b0e3c98b57c62dec!} {!LANG-cb9f5b930e10553664fc070211068b5d!}

{!LANG-7af2bacad7ba00cf3ecaa8b7777d4e98!} {!LANG-39f91fb4928c5b2ef9283a31e9956092!}

{!LANG-66dbc39e49c5db02b0e3c98b57c62dec!} {!LANG-26ba73d7a8274fd48199ca7e7726cc11!}

{!LANG-7af2bacad7ba00cf3ecaa8b7777d4e98!} {!LANG-b3b4dea1e6771ae7d2f9600c37d3b1d1!} {!LANG-a405a86b82ca6e0536b98980001165ca!}{!LANG-d6f8d34f8f030ba40f48e9a4e8ba0433!}

{!LANG-66dbc39e49c5db02b0e3c98b57c62dec!} {!LANG-c178a963ea13d9b92d857897567d5bad!}

{!LANG-7af2bacad7ba00cf3ecaa8b7777d4e98!} {!LANG-93aef6f85f105eec7fd5e6825ae294cb!} {!LANG-88c524bccc3bbccd0f5c3a52810d7afa!}{!LANG-ac788b6ad9e16b16e1206b1015de36aa!}





















{!LANG-66dbc39e49c5db02b0e3c98b57c62dec!}{!LANG-63e18132b0e318c8ddd3518c1f1b667a!} {!LANG-c684ed7b2b6f1559cd90cebfa84de885!} {!LANG-f4e192f659573906270da97fc0c88f33!} {!LANG-a99888236aa58beab47d9e44039dc0fa!} {!LANG-7ae795f55b0ab0ed13913e5b83329536!}

{!LANG-d38d24bfc9b027d37d59be9f9de75f79!} {!LANG-e28494f41cfb0ae90c51818b94ff8fce!}

{!LANG-66dbc39e49c5db02b0e3c98b57c62dec!} {!LANG-eedb82f9dd2a284700b5cc60a1015bbb!} {!LANG-440cffa2899a8f151f28d82d6407f499!} {!LANG-19d5b4575ec85f0eda47e93aca8a1112!} {!LANG-b6a613df2bd0cc0df10ab8b06738e3f7!} ). {!LANG-a7b8eea8cf9e121fb4930bf886523ad2!}

{!LANG-7af2bacad7ba00cf3ecaa8b7777d4e98!} {!LANG-d02229bd32285ceef18ddfdf5bdfb250!}

{!LANG-66dbc39e49c5db02b0e3c98b57c62dec!} {!LANG-dce4ff5508fd02fd9258b824b33d0f71!}

{!LANG-7af2bacad7ba00cf3ecaa8b7777d4e98!} {!LANG-50523d809e214062ab4fdb2692178592!}

{!LANG-66dbc39e49c5db02b0e3c98b57c62dec!} {!LANG-adf65994e278965d74f5ee9ad2c793da!}

{!LANG-7af2bacad7ba00cf3ecaa8b7777d4e98!} {!LANG-e018ddeeb8894af08bcac22cab65280c!}

{!LANG-66dbc39e49c5db02b0e3c98b57c62dec!} {!LANG-ec5c43625a571e42991482d50ae05f96!}

{!LANG-7af2bacad7ba00cf3ecaa8b7777d4e98!} {!LANG-93d0d2e552885deabcf8ef1136b4711b!}

{!LANG-66dbc39e49c5db02b0e3c98b57c62dec!} {!LANG-ec811a214c5541afbd1b292f5596f505!}

{!LANG-ba27b688bb8d69d9a9f9c152928690c5!} : {!LANG-dc0977d32eaab307acd260cbefb54eed!} {!LANG-b09725e150b8aa6e18fa97ed5b750c98!}

{!LANG-66dbc39e49c5db02b0e3c98b57c62dec!} {!LANG-8c4bd3697db03bdca844bf16db6e0ee5!}

{!LANG-7af2bacad7ba00cf3ecaa8b7777d4e98!} {!LANG-a7b31136a839e905c3c3a51497f50484!}

{!LANG-66dbc39e49c5db02b0e3c98b57c62dec!} {!LANG-5af0a6efff29ce81cd705f7e2a6485d8!}

{!LANG-7af2bacad7ba00cf3ecaa8b7777d4e98!} {!LANG-d69860a65378dfe33626a1b1eef0f6f3!}

{!LANG-66dbc39e49c5db02b0e3c98b57c62dec!} {!LANG-01721ad068c7a68585cb5ebdee24ba87!} {!LANG-43b238d234f14b0062b02873c51a2ecd!} {!LANG-030b0cfbe72fbf6f5a65bdaccadfd81a!} {!LANG-e2a1d620b47d88e12aabdab10a057ee6!} {!LANG-e01b6c5ee7c2bb833a4c5f5bcde0e435!} ). {!LANG-7eadbd77e3c417c8d00b0993bcbc6f4f!}

{!LANG-7af2bacad7ba00cf3ecaa8b7777d4e98!} {!LANG-cb25964b8b2d6e56af6f58a89af7d148!} ). {!LANG-75ac6fbc6da7a05902c386a99bb5db1a!}

{!LANG-66dbc39e49c5db02b0e3c98b57c62dec!} {!LANG-31b60da005a1aa735b8c1ef942378b32!}

{!LANG-2b9bc091381c3ec50795d59a4ec0a7d7!} {!LANG-de6d84b4f74a2668ffd5ad599d96172e!}

{!LANG-66dbc39e49c5db02b0e3c98b57c62dec!} {!LANG-f44927acd5d0c839616130558aee8e20!}

{!LANG-7af2bacad7ba00cf3ecaa8b7777d4e98!} {!LANG-62c7687bfd2ccd00bcfa90a8820378f7!}

{!LANG-66dbc39e49c5db02b0e3c98b57c62dec!} {!LANG-6aae86d9b2c5017015930cbf5fb2df86!}

{!LANG-7af2bacad7ba00cf3ecaa8b7777d4e98!} {!LANG-a7d593e0417f9ad70a7d99a276f04973!}

{!LANG-66dbc39e49c5db02b0e3c98b57c62dec!} {!LANG-2d0079e9840ae535880f281ab943f2ee!} {!LANG-ced8b81fed06db709805b61491225ae7!} {!LANG-50d56e87f9743a067caa8ef5e989ee61!}

Lead 1:{!LANG-0aaa0ea69295bb11173b45dd90ec8a84!}



{!LANG-770e6033e19a3f3a893009430342ae58!} {!LANG-21c0cbd7eb9fdc8eab0f61f7bebc0dcb!}

Lead 1: {!LANG-35579a3b1c32f411ebd91ebde568fa70!}

Lead 2: {!LANG-5e4402e70ee2c52aaa253a7feef4bf17!}

{!LANG-d5d84f531e8f8d2836a47f85ccccedaa!} {!LANG-990e10df8e3a64caef4c6cfbde79e53e!}

{!LANG-dd7d9a1d953f08cc3021f3c7991294c1!} {!LANG-bb9411145685c2896db835403fa91322!}

{!LANG-770e6033e19a3f3a893009430342ae58!} {!LANG-6eaa5bccee0f4b99ae28f962bd7a2f8e!}

Lead 1: {!LANG-24aa7e910005a00d527bca276f7f3e30!}

Lead 2: {!LANG-b214233bff7618ba86407ad7c947f5f3!}

{!LANG-d5d84f531e8f8d2836a47f85ccccedaa!} {!LANG-c919826fe54a63d61cd2d4ab1a93242d!}

{!LANG-770e6033e19a3f3a893009430342ae58!} {!LANG-3821a92fb41706746c33617ce7e281de!}

Lead 1: {!LANG-87e54c2cd10a26f92a89096caa6cb242!}

{!LANG-406f05f2b234992cdf5233fbb893b786!} {!LANG-6c07f1ffe1ca9bf89cc2f0da2447f2eb!}

Lead 2: {!LANG-01b49432527bd56831cfa646c427e9ff!}

{!LANG-d5d84f531e8f8d2836a47f85ccccedaa!} {!LANG-83b486aa5d30f8bde5dac2ae5435a036!}

{!LANG-dd7d9a1d953f08cc3021f3c7991294c1!} {!LANG-bce0dc5be1ab36205bfdaa2b757685f2!}

{!LANG-770e6033e19a3f3a893009430342ae58!} {!LANG-243b6ea4d59ee1cee57329aaf64a26c4!}





Lead 1: {!LANG-93db2f194a674bbf8a1133569a38e58a!}

Lead 2: {!LANG-bcc638d3c4deaa10bd441b6dc7828cc7!}


{!LANG-c1d2b189140148d69d7c9912510fc77d!}: {!LANG-29a16db8dff1e06bc9aef7ef62ea4fb9!}


{!LANG-f55ea9f0b1e31a6966038140ed040444!} {!LANG-deb27cd441f3b85a7abf02939ed3af7b!}



{!LANG-51b68bb8a1272f24e6e0a29ef4289feb!} {!LANG-1d05abce9ece775c018b7874d133dfec!}

{!LANG-d0af46ae593d98bd957891ee5646d56d!} {!LANG-268fdf4ee5233a2680940c04f093655c!}



{!LANG-ccd530166a5b1bfc10bbd60938e3043d!} {!LANG-555e2751ff5eda41dbfb6350a99ce972!}

{!LANG-f856d08b7fc8225e08d9eea80487b445!} {!LANG-4a777e6ffc8e1185cea331b4a5ce3f40!}



{!LANG-d647c776f1309384ec20063fc0be5dd8!} {!LANG-84031c51e28e8765534e8e5e61177e42!}

{!LANG-2ed626033b613ada43f1c9882abacda1!} {!LANG-ca33425e8f257315d5e5480a12003d88!}



{!LANG-f8aa26daaf650cf1c7dfd1503ffc71ba!} {!LANG-2d318609328616fa158529dd41e824af!}

Lead 1: {!LANG-1a109d442afbe1bd836efb4a3200a5c6!}


Lead 2: {!LANG-ac147dfe749d2931926bb9a56c439bb8!}


{!LANG-406f05f2b234992cdf5233fbb893b786!} {!LANG-b45c73cbfe560f4474c1b098360d9e8a!}


Lead 1: {!LANG-806efc4377e028d68cab311958090ce1!}

Lead 2: {!LANG-f363abc12615498b9f810c4656018345!}

{!LANG-d5d84f531e8f8d2836a47f85ccccedaa!} {!LANG-bd3a881fefbe416a0b199548802ea7d8!}

{!LANG-dd7d9a1d953f08cc3021f3c7991294c1!} {!LANG-127c0e1ab43cb4f478a0d7106dcdb3f3!}


{!LANG-770e6033e19a3f3a893009430342ae58!} {!LANG-07c355dfdcdc162fe0d7660970d5a794!}


Lead 1: {!LANG-203197c0e2ebea1466207bd4c7c0c315!} {!LANG-1f8a1a69087b8a5cce034c2d78918717!}

Lead 2: {!LANG-0de43b92bee6d5550b6bab162d0870c7!} {!LANG-7c49c687126db9ca2da0911ef71c9a4a!}). {!LANG-8b303f31b1d7622f7e86b3c7e4ca6a64!}
{!LANG-406f05f2b234992cdf5233fbb893b786!} {!LANG-ed1b381eac2fada874801290e1393db5!}

{!LANG-0a66bb39adc094d0a7efc22faa939e45!} : {!LANG-8a330a282dfb1db401ba11a3c16a2934!}



Lead 1:{!LANG-ec017a0825e4b4b0e7f056de318e0eee!}



































{!LANG-4ba1831f597acc624691ff4b1fe2f5f3!} {!LANG-b60c21fdcd1d84c13ffe4d7af736dc63!}{!LANG-daaf0b059f16bf8a0983a979d801ef98!} » {!LANG-f803a6465b1cf7f27e1c326a7f0730f5!})














{!LANG-3df4110df40e3bcc05be00cc252991a9!} {!LANG-f33e7fcf64d742cbe10c8baf592cbc97!}

{!LANG-fdde8617776c795bcfc9ef9f622680d5!} {!LANG-7f9e51dd05a64c1ddce870a0db2ce2df!}















{!LANG-57206798d3c4af00cc776be73cc4b3d1!} {!LANG-162beac81f8a6bca752b7df8210df54b!} {!LANG-bd3c07225c0df4211f5d716ad5b24b8c!} {!LANG-855343f3bcaade394d113c1027c461cd!}


{!LANG-5e1c85b72aaea0ef91346dd482140155!} {!LANG-5974cc29c03082b0d70df152a969ab9c!}









{!LANG-c22e055dc52a0d4084e0a51ce72ca7a7!} {!LANG-d275faeddd6f72a09d7c77e5eacc05fc!}




{!LANG-5b743c803ffd5828486c028e33dd8208!}{!LANG-8b0c3b3b783012e359beff919fa819cf!}{!LANG-be520408358dd517a338eb9ceb16a4d5!} {!LANG-846ce73afd55e39118feb759ed9774c2!}











-{!LANG-e8b363c8baa14e38175562c739cc1156!}{!LANG-a05c333e559641ad92f8f2fe87232539!} {!LANG-6906259db2f81cb0704261f0f62f5de3!}




































{!LANG-7752090ee7c8ca36d4ee64336f5ed29b!}: {!LANG-a3d6a78d715ba1cb061518951b6c4286!}{!LANG-f5fb75698a3c8143c30ad1bc3360e52c!}




{!LANG-7752090ee7c8ca36d4ee64336f5ed29b!}- {!LANG-22c954663a0b74c1be2d43f3cc23e157!}





















{!LANG-22af05c69e4c1fb957e5c7d4302c1abf!}{!LANG-3e20c8d57db62f3051c64fd2972981ba!} {!LANG-d8ef70f34c1c0367658e9f2c9cfba010!}{!LANG-4b220aa55f1e4a40c66f9c5254c3f5de!}















{!LANG-c51aaf18558b1149bae105a310ad0e4d!}{!LANG-77dd0cdf5edd455f234ce6498a24f417!} {!LANG-d448e819b2d4810d7c28d6cff1fa1f64!}{!LANG-6a1d729ce39c51dfd3b4f7d36d3d0d10!}





{!LANG-087f50eaba83eb4501ee972d056281f6!} {!LANG-07d81aaabad47d83aa911e1ba4924593!}

{!LANG-087f50eaba83eb4501ee972d056281f6!} {!LANG-e7af1f9e6d5050bb49fc8ca11384e147!}

{!LANG-087f50eaba83eb4501ee972d056281f6!} {!LANG-68664ad33ac7f1cb615bf19fe50bd1ce!}

{!LANG-087f50eaba83eb4501ee972d056281f6!} {!LANG-3272955a265b3b1816a1983518990450!}

{!LANG-087f50eaba83eb4501ee972d056281f6!} {!LANG-9812d02b1ad54af92a9329fce986150a!}

( {!LANG-b271d589ad2dc4cf6e78422a163d224c!}{!LANG-e1ab467d850327737960d2a1a2129cac!}

{!LANG-087f50eaba83eb4501ee972d056281f6!} {!LANG-90ff1b62b64666d1d416fd467168b553!}

{!LANG-a5b925ea30f7f35c94f09f765a2de97e!} {!LANG-2a5e99719e54b3a423932bb60014eac9!}

{!LANG-a5b925ea30f7f35c94f09f765a2de97e!} {!LANG-0a15e435dc86cec44a844495f2222cf8!}





































