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Great discoveries in medicine were made by chance. The contribution of doctors to the development of physics

Opening is not born suddenly. Each development, before the media learned about it, precedes a long and painstaking work. And before the tests and tablets appear in the pharmacy, and in laboratories - new diagnostic methods should pass the time. Over the past 30 years, the number of medical research has increased almost 4 times, and they are included in medical practice.

Biochemical blood test you have at home
Soon a biochemical blood test, as well as a pregnancy test, will take a couple of minutes. Nanobiotechnologists of the IFTI followed a high-precision blood test in the usual test strip.

The biosensory system based on the use of magnetic nanoparticles makes it possible to accurately measure the concentration of protein molecules (markers indicating the development of various diseases) and simplify the procedure for biochemical analysis as much as possible.

"Traditionally tests that can be carried out not only in the laboratory, but also in field conditions are based on the use of fluorescent or painted labels, and the results are determined by the" eye ", or using the camcorder. We use magnetic particles that have an advantage: With their help, it is possible to carry out an analysis, even dipping the test strip in a completely opaque liquid, say, to determine the substances right in solid blood, "explains, Alexey Orlov, Researcher, IOF RAS and the lead author of the research.

If the usual pregnancy test reports either "yes" or "no", then this development allows you to accurately determine the concentration of protein (that is, at what stage of development it is).

"Numerical dimension is performed only by electronic method using a portable device. Situations" either yes, or not "excluded", "says Alexey Orlov. According to a study published in the magazine Biosensors and Bioelectronics, the system has successfully established itself in the diagnosis of prostate cancer, and according to some indicators even surpassed the "Golden Standard" to determine the PSA - an immunoferment analysis.

When the test appears in pharmacies, the developers are still silent. It is planned that the biosensor, among other things, will be able to conduct environmental monitoring, analysis of products and medicines, and all this is right in place, without unnecessary devices and costs.

Trained bionic limbs
Today's bionic hands on the functionality differ little from the real - they can move their fingers and take items, but still up to the "original" far away. To "synchronize" a person with a car, scientists enlist the electrodes into the brain, remove electrical signals from the muscles and nerves, but the process of time consuming and takes several months.

The Galvanibionix team, consisting of students and graduate students of MFTI, has found a way to facilitate training and make that not a person adjusted to the robot, and the limb has adapted under man. The program written by scientists with the help of special algorithms recognizes "muscle commands" of each patient.

"Most of my classmates who have very steep knowledge go to the solution of financial problems - go to work in the corporation, create mobile applications. It is not bad and not good, it's just differently. I personally wanted to do something global, in the end So that the children were, what to tell about. And on Fiztech I found like-minded people: they are all of various areas - physiologists, mathematics, programmers, engineers - and we have found such a task for ourselves, "Aleksey Tsyganov, a member of the Galvanibionix team, shared the personal motive.

DNA cancer diagnosis
Novosibirsk has developed a ultra-composite test system for early diagnosis of cancer. According to the scientific officer of the center of virology and biotechnology "Vector" Vitaly Kuznetsova, his team managed to create a certain oncomarker - an enzyme, which is capable of detecting cancer at the initial stage, was able to detect cancer (blood or urine).

Now a similar test is carried out by analyzing specific proteins that forms a tumor. The Novosibirsk approach offers to watch the modified cancer cell DNA, which appear long before the proteins. Accordingly, the diagnosis allows you to detect the disease in the initial stage.

A similar system is already applied abroad, but in Russia it is not certified. Scientists managed to "reduce the existing technology (1.5 rubles against 150 euros - 12 million rubles). Employees of the "Vector" expect that their analysis will soon be included in the mandatory list during dispensarization.

Electronic nose
In the Siberian Physico-Technical Institute created an "electronic nose". The gas analyzer assesses the quality of food, cosmetic and medical products, as well as to diagnose a number of diseases by exhaled air.

"We investigated apples: the control part was put in the refrigerator, and the rest left at room temperature," says the creator of the Timur Muksunov instrument, the Lab Engineer "Methods, Systems and Technology Systems" of the Siberian Physico-Technical Institute.

"After 12 hours, using the installation, it was possible to identify that the second part highlights the gases intensively than the control. Now on vegetable bases, the reception of products is performed on organoleptic indicators, and with the help of the device being created, it will be possible to more accurately determine the expiration date of the product, which will affect its quality. , - he said. Muksunov places hopes for the startup support program - "Nose" is fully prepared for mass production and is waiting for funding.

Tablet from depression
Scientists from jointly with colleagues from them. N.N. Vorozhti has developed a new drug for treating depression. The tablet increases the concentration of serotonin in the blood, thereby helping to cope with Handrea.

Now the antidepressant under the working title of TS-2153 is the preclinical tests. Researchers hope that "he will successfully pass all the others and will help to achieve progress towards the treatment of a number of serious psychopathologies," Interfax writes.

  • Innovations are born in scientific laboratories

    Over the years, employees of the Epigenetics Laboratory of the Development of the FIC "Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS" are working to create a biobank of cellular patterns of human diseases, which will then be used in creating preparations for the treatment of hereditary neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases.

  • Nanoparticles: Invisible and influential

    The device designed at the Institute of Chemical Kinetics and burning them. V.V. Voevodsky SB RAS, helps to discover nanoparticles in a few minutes. - There are works of Russian, Ukrainian, English and American researchers who show that in cities with a high content of nanoparticles there is an increased incidence of cardiac, oncological and pulmonary diseases, - emphasizes Senior Researcher IFAKG SB RAS Candidate of Chemical Sciences Sergey Nikolaevich Dubtsov.

  • Novosibirsk scientists have developed a compound that will help in the fight against tumors

    Researchers of the Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine SB RAS Create Connectors based on albumin protein, capable of effectively reaching cancer patients - in the future these substances can be the basis for drugs.

  • Siberian scientists developed valve prosthesis for children's hearts

    Employees of the National Medical Research Center named after Academician E. N. Meshalkina created a new type of valve biopraposis for children's cardiac surgery. It is less than others subject to calcification, which will reduce the number of repeated operational interventions.

  • Siberian Inhibitors of Cancer Preparations Pass Preclinical Tests

    Scientists of the Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine SB RAS, the Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry. N. N. Vorozhtsova SB RAS and FIC "Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS" found effective protein targets for the development of drugs against rectal cancer, lungs and intestines.

  • Institutes of the SB RAS will help SIBUR LLC Develop biodegradable plastics

    At the VI International Forum of Technological Development and Exhibition "Technoprome-2018", the signing of cooperation agreements between the petrochemical company SIBUR LLC and two Novosibirsk research organizations were signed by the Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry.

  • Achievements of medicine

    The history of medicine is an integral part of human culture. Medicine developed and formed under the laws that were united for all sciences. But if the ancient Lekari followed religious dogma, then later the development of medical practice was already under the banner of the grand discoveries of science. SAMOGO.NET portal offers you to familiarize yourself with the most significant achievements in the world of medicine.

    Andreas Vezalia was studied by the anatomy of a person on the basis of their openings. For 1538, the analysis of human corpses was unusual, but Kezali believed that the concept of anatomy was very important for operational interventions. Andreas created anatomical schemes of nervous and circulatory systems, and in 1543 published a job that became the beginning in the emergence of anatomy as science.

    In 1628, William Harvey found that the heart is an organ that is responsible for blood circulation and that blood circulates on the human body. His essay about the work of the heart and the circulation of blood in animals became the basis for the science of physiology.

    In 1902 in Austria, Biologist Karl Landstiner and his staff found four groups of blood in humans, and also developed a classification. Knowledge of blood groups is of great importance when overflowing blood, which is widely used in therapeutic practice.

    In the period from 1842 to 1846, some of the scientists discover that chemicals can be used in anesthesia for operations anesthesia. Even in the 19th century, cheerful gas and sulfur ether were used in dentistry.

    Revolutionary discovery

    In 1895, Wilhelm X-ray, conducting experiments with emissions of electrons, accidentally discovered X-ray rays. This discovery brought X-ray the Nobel Prize in the history of physics in 1901 and became a revolution in the field of medicine.

    In 1800, Pasteur Louis formulates theory and believes that diseases cause different types of microbes. Pasteur is truly considered the "father" of bacteriology and his work has become an impetus for further research in science.

    F. Hopkins and a number of other scientists in the 19th century discovered that the lack of certain substances causes diseases. These substances were later called vitamins.

    In the period from 1920 to 1930, A. Fleming accidentally opens mold and calls it penicillin. Later, the city of Flory and E. Boris isolated Penicillin in its pure form and confirm its properties on mice that had a bacterial infection. This gave impetus in the development of antibiotic therapy.

    In 1930, G. Domagk finds out that orange-red dye affects streptococcal infection. This discovery allows to synthesize chemotherapeutic drugs.

    Further research

    The doctor E. Jenner, in 1796, first conducts vaccination against smallpox and determines that this vaccination provides immunity.

    F. Banting and employees in 1920 revealed insulin, which helps to balance blood sugar in people who are sickly diabetes. Before the opening of this hormone, such patients could not be saved.

    In 1975, G. Varmus and M. Bishop opened genes that stimulate the development of tumor cells (oncogenes).

    Regardless of each other in 1980, scientists R. Gallo and L. Montagia open a new retrovirus, which later called the human immunodeficiency virus. Also, these scientists classified a virus as a causative agent of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

    Doctor of Biological Sciences Y. Petrenko.

    A few years ago, the Faculty of Fondamental Medicine was opened in Moscow State University, which prepares doctors with broad knowledge in natural disciplines: mathematics, physics, chemistry, molecular biology. But the question of how much the fundamental knowledge is needed, continues to cause sharp disputes.

    Science and life // illustration

    Among the symbols of medicine depicted on the front of the building of the library of the Russian State Medical University, - Hope and Healing.

    Wall painting in the foyer of the Russian State Medical University, which depicts the great doctors of the past, sitting in thought at one long table.

    W. Hilbert (1544-1603), a court doctor of the English Queen, a naturalist who opened earthly magnetism.

    T. Jung (1773-1829), famous English doctor and physicist, one of the creators of the wave theory of light.

    J.-B. L. Fouco (1819-1868), French doctor who fond of physical research. With the help of a 67-meter pendulum proved the rotation of the Earth around the axis and made a lot of discoveries in the field of optics and magnetism.

    Yu. R. Mayer (1814-1878), German doctor who has established the basic principles of the law of conservation of energy.

    G. Helmgolts (1821-1894), German doctor, was engaged in physiological optics and acoustics, formulated the theory of free energy.

    Do you need to teach physics to future doctors? Recently, this issue worries many, and not only those who are preparing professionals in the field of medicine. As usual, there are two extreme opinions and face. Those who are "for" draw a gloomy picture that appeared the fruit of a dismissive relationship to basic disciplines in education. Those who are "against" believe that medicine should dominate the humanitarian approach and the doctor must first be a psychologist.

    The crisis of medicine and the crisis of society

    Modern theoretical and practical medicine has achieved great success, and physical knowledge helped her strongly. But in scientific articles and journalism they do not cease to sound about the crisis of medicine in general and medical education in particular. The facts indicating the crisis definitely have - this is the emergence of "divine" healers, and the revival of exotic methods of healing. The "Abracadabra" type spells and amulets like a frog paws again in the go, as in prehistoric times. Popularity is becoming popularity of neovitalism, one of the founders of which, Hans Drish, believed that the essence of life phenomena is entelechy (a kind of soul), acting outside of time and space, and that living cannot be reduced to the totality of physicochemical phenomena. The recognition of entelechs as a vitality denies the significance of physico-chemical disciplines for medicine.

    A variety of examples of how pseudo-native representations replace and displace genuinely scientific knowledge. Why is this happening? According to the Nobel laureate, the opener of the Francis DNA structure, when society becomes very rich, young people show reluctance to work: she prefers to live a light life and engage in trifles, like astrology. This is true not only for rich countries.

    As for the crisis in medicine, it is possible to overcome it, only increasing the level of fundamentality. It is usually believed that fundamentality is a higher level of generalization of scientific ideas, in this case, representations about the nature of man. But on this path, you can walk to paradoxes, for example, consider a person as a quantum object, completely abstracting from the physicochemical processes occurring in the body.

    A thinker doctor or a guru doctor?

    No one denies that the faith of the patient in healing plays an important, sometimes even a decisive role (remember the placebo effect). So what doctor is needed by the patient? Confidently uttering: "Will you be healthy" or long thinking, what medicine to choose to get the maximum effect and not harm?

    According to the memories of contemporaries, the famous English scientist, thinker and doctor Thomas Jung (1773-1829) often frozen in indecision in the bed of the patient, hesitated to establish a diagnosis, often and for a long time, plunging into himself. He honestly and painfully looking for the truth in a simpler and confusing subject, which was written in this way: "There is no science, the complexity of superior medicine. It goes beyond the human mind."

    From the point of view of psychology, a thinker doctor corresponds little to the image of an ideal doctor. He lacks courage, arrogance, bearer, often peculiar to ignorant. Probably, such is the nature of a person: sick, to hope for fast and energetic actions of the doctor, and not on reflections. But, as Götte said, "there is nothing worse than active ignorance." Jung as a doctor of great popularity in patients did not acquire, but among his colleagues, his authority was high.

    Physics created doctors

    Know yourself, and you know the whole world. The first is engaged in medicine, the second is physics. Initially, the relationship between medicine and physics was close, no wonder joint congresses of naturalists and doctors took place until the beginning of the 20th century. And by the way, physics has largely created doctors, and they often encouraged them to research, which raised medicine.

    Mystery doctors are the first to think about the question that is heat. They knew that human health is connected with the warmth of his body. Great Galen (II century AD) introduced the concept of "temperature" and "degrees" in the concept of "temperature", which became fundamental to physics and other disciplines. So the doctors of antiquity laid the foundations of the science of heat and invented the first thermometers.

    William Hilbert (1544-1603), Life Medica of the English Queen, studied the properties of magnets. He called the Earth with a big magnet, proved it experimentally and invented a model for describing earthly magnetism.

    Thomas Jung, who was already mentioned, was a practitioner, but at the same time made great discoveries in many areas of physics. It is rightly considered to be, together with Frenel, the creator of wave optics. By the way, it was Jung who opened one of the defects of view - Daltonism (inability to distinguish red and green colors). Ironically, this discovery did notify in medicine the name is not a Jung's doctor, but Dalton's physics, who turned out to be the first one who had this defect.

    Julius Robert Meyer (1814-1878), who made a huge contribution to the opening of the law of conservation of energy, served as a doctor in the Dutch ship "Java". He treated the sailors to the bloodletting, which was considered at that time a means of all diseases. On this occasion, they even called that the doctors released more human blood than it was broken on the battlefields in the history of mankind. Meyer noticed that when the ship is in the tropics, with bloodletting venous blood is almost as light as arterial (usually the venous blood is darker). He suggested that the human body, like a steam vehicle, in the tropics, at high air temperature, consumes less "fuel", and therefore "smoke" highlights less, here is venous blood and brighten. In addition, thinking over the words of one navigator that during storms water in the sea heats up, Meyer came to the conclusion that there should be a certain relationship between work and warmth. He expressed the provisions that lay down essentially the basis of the law of energy conservation.

    An outstanding German scientist Herman Helmgolts (1821-1894), also a doctor, regardless of Mayer, formulated the law of conservation of energy and expressed it in a modern mathematical form, which all who study and use physics so far. In addition, Helmgoltz made great discoveries in the field of electromagnetic phenomena, thermodynamics, optics, acoustics, as well as in vision physiology, hearing, nervous and muscle systems, invented a number of important devices. After receiving a medical education and being a professional physician, he tried to apply physics and mathematics to physiological research. In 50 years, a professional physician became a professor at physics, and in 1888 - Director of the Physical and Mathematics Institute in Berlin.

    French doctor Jean-Louis Poazeil (1799-1869) experimentally studied the power of the heart as a pump that swings blood and explored the laws of blood flow in veins and capillaries. He summarized the results, he brought the formula that was extremely important for physics. For services, the unit of dynamic viscosity is named after physics - PAZ.

    The picture showing the contribution of medicine to the development of physics looks sufficiently convincing, but you can add some more strokes to it. Any vehicle heard about the Cardan Valley, transmitting a rotational movement at different angles, but few people know that his Italian doctor Jerolamo Cardano invented (1501-1576). The famous pendulum of Fouco, preserving the plane of oscillations, wears the name of the French scientist Jean-Bernard-Leon Fouco (1819-1868), a doctor by education. The famous Russian doctor Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov (1829-1905), whose name is wearing the Moscow State Medical Academy, was engaged in physical chemistry and established an important physico-chemical law describing the change in the solubility of gases in the aquatic environment depending on the presence of electrolytes in it. This law is now studying students, and not only in medical universities.

    "We do not understand formulas!"

    Unlike the doctors of the past, many modern doctors simply do not understand why naturally scientific disciplines teach them. I remember one story from my practice. Tense silence, Selfieters of the Faculty of Foundational Medicine MSU write control. Theme is photobiology and its use in medicine. Note that photobiological approaches based on the physical and chemical principles of the action of light on the substance are now recognized by the most promising to treat oncological diseases. Ignorance of this section, its foundations - serious damage in medical education. Questions are not too complicated, all in the framework of the material of lecture and seminars. But the result is disappointing: almost half of the students received two. And for all who did not cope with the task, it is characteristic of one thing - at school, physics did not teach or taught the sleeves later. On some this item brings the most real horror. A leaf with verses fell in the stack of test work. A student who failed to answer questions, in poetic form complained that she had to tool not Latin (the eternal torment of medical students), and physician, and at the end exclaimed: "What to do? After all, we are doctors, we don't understand the formulas!" Young poetess, who called in his verses a test "vessel's day", did not endure physics and eventually translated into the Humanitarian Faculty.

    When students, future doctors, operate the rat, no one else to ask, why it is necessary, although human organisms and rat differ rather strongly. Why future doctors physics are not so obvious. But can a doctor who does not understand the main physical laws, competently work with the most complex diagnostic equipment, which "stuffed" modern clinics? By the way, many students, overcoming the first failures, begin to engage in biophysics with enthusiasm. At the end of the school year, when such topics were studied as "molecular systems and their chaotic states", "new analytical principles of pH-metry", "physical nature of chemical transformations of substances", "antioxidant regulation of lipid peroxidation processes", sophomores wrote: "We discovered the fundamental laws that determine the basis of the living and, possibly the universe. They discovered them not on the basis of speculative theoretical constructions, but in a real objective experiment. We were hard, but interesting." Perhaps among these guys there are future Fedorov, Ilizarov, Shumakov.

    "The best way to learn something is to open it yourself," said the German physicist and writer Georg Lichtenberg. - What you were forced to open themselves, leaves your mind a track that you can take advantage when there is a need. " This most effective principle of learning is old as the world. It underlies the "method of Socrates" and is called the principle of active learning. It is in this principle that biophysics training at the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine was built.

    Developing fundamentality

    Fundamentality for medicine is the key to today's consistency and future development. You can truly achieve the goal, considering the body as a system of systems and going through a more in-depth physico-chemical reflection. And what about medical education? The answer is clear: increase the level of knowledge of students in the field of physics and chemistry. In 1992, the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine was created in Moscow State University. The goal was to not only return to the University of Medicine, but also, without reducing the quality of medical training, sharply strengthen the natural-scientific base of the knowledge of future doctors. Such a task requires intensive work and teachers and students. It is assumed that students deliberately choose fundamental medicine, and not ordinary.

    Even earlier, the creation of the Medical and Biological Faculty in the Russian State Medical University was a serious attempt in this direction. For 30 years of work, the faculty has prepared a large number of specialist doctors: biophysicists, biochemists and cybernetics. But the problem of this faculty is that so far his graduates could only deal with medical scientific research, without having the right to treat patients. Now this problem is solved - in the RGMU, together with the Institute for Advanced Qualification, the doctors created an educational and scientific complex, which allows students of senior courses to undergo additional medical training.

    Doctor of Biological Sciences Y. Petrenko.

    Incredible facts

    Human health directly concerns each of us.

    The media is replete with stories about our health and body, starting by the creation of new drugs and ending with the discoveries of unique methods of surgery, which give the hope of disabled.

    Below we will tell about the freshest achievements Modern medicine.

    Recent achievements of medicine

    10. Scientists identified a new part of the body

    Back in 1879, the French surgeon named Paul Segond (Paul Segond) described in one of his research "pearl, stable fibrous fabric", passing along ligaments in the human knee.

    This study was safely forgotten until 2013, when scientists discovered an advanced bunch, knee Bigwhich is often damaged when injuries and other problems occur.

    Considering how often the knee of man is scanned, the discovery was made very late. It is described in the magazine "Anatomy" and published on-line in August 2013.

    9. Interface Brain Computer

    Scientists working at the University of Korean and Technology University of Germany developed a new interface that allows the user drive the exoskeleton of the lower limbs.

    It works with decoding specific brain signals. The results of the study were published in August 2015 in the journal "Neural Engineering".

    The participants in the experiment wore an electroencephalogram headdress and managed an exoskeleton, just looking at one of the five LEDs installed on the interface. It forced the exoskeleton to move forward, turn right or left, as well as sit or stand.

    While the system was tested only on healthy volunteers, but there is hope that it will ultimately be used to help disabled.

    Claus Study Claus Muller (Klaus Muller) explained that "people with side amyotrophic sclerosis or spinal cord injuries often face difficulties in communication and controlling their limbs; deciphering their brain signals such a system offers the solution of both problems."

    Achievements of science in medicine

    8. A device that can move the paralyzed finiteness of thoughts

    In 2010, Jan Berkhart (Ian Burkhart) paralyzed when during an accident in the pool he broke his neck. In 2013, thanks to the joint efforts of the University of Ohio and Batetle, a man became the first person in the world, who can now get around his spinal cord and move the limb using only the power of thought.

    The breakthrough happened through the use of a new type of electronic nervous bypass, a device with a pea size, which implanted in the motor bark of the human brain.

    The chip interprets the brain signals and transmits them to a computer. The computer reads signals and sends them to a special sleeve that is patient. In this way, the necessary muscles are powered.

    The whole process takes a split second. However, to achieve such a result, the team had to work pretty. The team of technologists first found out the exact sequence of electrodes, which allowed Berkhart to move the hand.

    Then the man had to go through several months therapy to restore atrophied muscles. The end result is that now he it can rotate with hand, compress it in a fist, as well as to the touch to determine what is located in front of it.

    7. Bacteria that feeds on nicotine and helps smokers to tie with a detrimental habit

    Throw smoking is an extremely difficult task. Anyone who tried to do this will confirm said. Almost 80 percent of those who tried it to do with pharmacy preparations, failed.

    In 2015, scientists from the Scientific Research Institute of Skipps give a new hope of throwing. They managed to identify a bacterial enzyme that eats nicotine even before he had time to get to the brain.

    The enzyme belongs to the bacteria Pseudomonas Putida. This enzyme is not the newest discovery, however, it was just recently managed to withdraw in laboratory conditions.

    Researchers plan to use this enzyme to create new techniques for smoking. Blocking nicotine before it reaches the brain and cause dopamine production, they hope that they will be able to beat off the smokers to take a cigarette in his mouth.

    To become workable, any therapy should be quite stable, without causing additional problems during the activity. Currently, the enzyme produced in the laboratory behaves stable for more than three weeksWhile in a buffer solution.

    Tests involving laboratory mice showed no side effects. Scientists have published the results of their research in the online version of the August issue of the magazine "American Chemical Community".

    6. Universal flu vaccine

    Peptides are short amino acid chains that exist in cellular structure. They act as the main construction block for proteins. In 2012, scientists who worked at the University of Southampton, Oxford University and Laboratory of Virology Retroscin, it was possible to identify a new set of peptides found at the influenza virus.

    This can lead to the creation of a universal vaccine against all virus strains. The results were published in the journal Nature Medicine.

    In the case of influenza peptides on the outer surface of the virus, very quickly mutate, which makes them almost unsaveted for vaccines and drugs. Recently discovered peptides live in the inner structure of the cell and mutate quite slowly.

    Moreover, these internal structures can be found in each flu strained, ranging from the classic and ending with birds. For the development of a modern influenza vaccine, about six months is required, however, it does not provide immunity for a long time.

    Nevertheless, perhaps playing efforts to work inland peptides, create a universal vaccine that give long-term protection.

    The flu is a viral disease of the upper respiratory tract, which is striking the nose, throat and lungs. It can be deadly, especially if a child has become infected or an elderly person.

    Influenza strains are responsible for several pandemics throughout history, the most terrible of which is the 1918 pandemic. No one knows for sure how many people died from this disease, but by some estimates, 30-50 million people around the world.

    Newest medical achievements

    5. Possible treatment of Parkinson's disease

    In 2014, scientists took artificial, but fully functioning human neurons and successfully attracted them to the brain mice. Neurons have potential for treatment and even extracting diseases such as Parkinson's disease.

    Neurons were created by a group of specialists from the Institute of Max Planck, the University Clinic Munster and the University of Bielefeld. Scientist managed to create stable nervous fabric from neurons reprogrammed from skin cells.

    In other words, they induced neural stem cells. This is a method that increases the compatibility of new neurons. Six months later, there were no side effects in mice, and the implanted neurons were perfectly integrated with their brain.

    Rodents demonstrated normal cerebral activity, as a result of which new synapses were formed.

    The new technique has the potential that can give neurologists the opportunity to replace patients, damaged neurons with healthy cells, which one day will be able to cope with Parkinson's disease. Because of her neurons supplying dopamine, die.

    Today there is no treatment from this disease, but the symptoms are treatable. The disease, as a rule, develops in people aged 50-60 years. At the same time, the muscles become hard, changes occur in speech, a gait is changing and tremor appears.

    4. The world's first bionic eye

    Pigment retinit is the most common among hereditary eye diseases. It leads to partial loss of vision, and often to full blindness. Early symptoms include the loss of night vision and difficulty peripheral vision.

    In 2013, the argus II retina prosthetics system was created, the world's first bionic eye, intended for the treatment of a running pigment retinitary stage.

    The Argus II system is a pair of outer glass equipped with a camera. The images are converted to electrical pulses, which are transmitted to electrodes implanted into the retina of the patient's eye.

    These images are perceived by the brain as light patterns. A person learns to interpret these patterns, gradually restoring visual perception.

    Currently, Argus II system is currently available on the territory of the United States and Canada, but there are plans for its introduction throughout the world.

    New achievements in the field of medicine

    3. an anesthetic that works only at the expense of light

    Strong pain is traditionally treated with opioid drugs. The main disadvantage is that many such drugs can be addictive, so the potential for abuses are huge.

    And what if scientists could stop pain using nothing but light?

    In April 2015, the neurologists of the Washington Medical School at the University in St. Louis announced that they managed to do this.

    By connecting a light-sensitive protein with opioid receptors in a test tube, they were able to activate opioid receptors as well as opiates, but only with the help of light.

    There is hope that experts will be able to develop ways to use light to facilitate pain when using drugs with smaller side effects. According to research by Edward Siuda (Edward R. Siuda), it is likely that after additional experiments, the light will be able to completely replace medicines.

    To test the new receptor, the LED chip in size from about the human hair was implanted into the mouse brain, which after that tied with a receptor. Mice were placed in the chamber, where their receptors were stimulated on dopamine production.

    If the mice went out of a special reserved zone, the light turned off and stimulation stopped. Rodents quickly returned to the place.

    2. Artificial ribosomes

    Ribosome is a molecular car consisting of two subunits that use amino acids from cells to create proteins.

    Each of the ribosum subunits is synthesized in the core of the cell, and then exported to the cytoplasm.

    In 2015, researchers Alexander Mankin (Alexander Mankin) and Michael Jewtt (Michael Jewtt) could create the world's first artificial ribosome. Thanks to this, humanity has a chance to learn new details about the operation of this molecular car.


    Modern clinics and hospitals are equipped with the most complex diagnostic equipment, with which it is possible to establish an accurate diagnosis of the disease, without which, as well as known, any pharmacotherapy becomes not only meaningless, but also harmful. Significant progress is also observed in physiotherapeutic procedures, where the appropriate devices show high efficiency. Such achievements became possible due to the efforts of designer physicists, who are joking scientists, "return debt" medicine, because at the dawn of the formation of physics as a very significant contribution to it made many doctors

    William Hilbert: At the sources of science on electricity and magnetism

    The founder of the science of electricity and magnetism is essentially William Hilbert (1544-1603) - graduate of St. John College in Cambridge. This person, thanks to his extraordinary abilities, made a dizzying career: two years after the end of the college, he becomes a bachelor, after four - a master, after five, the doctor of medicine and, finally, receives the post of Leib Medica Queen Elizabeth.

    Despite employment, Hilbert began to study magnetism. Apparently, the impetus to this was the fact that the torque magnet in the Middle Ages was considered a medicine. As a result, he created the first theory of magnetic phenomena, having established that any magnets have two poles, while the different-name poles are attracted, and the same names are repelled. Conducting experience with an iron ball that interacted with a magnetic arrow, the scientist first suggested that the Earth is a giant magnet, and both magnetic poles of the Earth may coincide with the geographic poles of the planet.

    Hilbert discovered that when the magnet is heated above a certain temperature, its magnetic properties disappear. Subsequently, this phenomenon was investigated by Pierre Curie and called "Curie's Point".

    Hilbert also studied electrical phenomena. Since some minerals when rubbed about wool acquired the property to attract light bodies, and the greatest effect was observed in amber, the scientist introduced a new term into science, calling such phenomena by electric (from lats. ēLecricus. - "Amber"). He also invented the charge detection device - electroscope.

    In honor of William Hilbert, a unit of measurement of magnetotorming force in the SGS - Hilbert is named.

    Jean Louis Puazeil: one of the pioneers of rheology

    Member of the French Medical Academy Jean Louis Poazeil (1799-1869) in modern encyclopedias and reference books are not only like a doctor, but also as a physicist. And this is true, because, by studying the circulation and respiration of animals and people, he formulated the laws of blood movement in vessels in the form of important physical formulas. In 1828, the scientist first applied a mercury pressure gauge for measuring blood pressure in animals. In the process of studying blood circulation problems, Poiseil had to do hydraulic experiments in which he experimentally established the law of fluid expiration through a thin cylindrical tube. This type of laminar flow was called "Poiseile's flow", and in modern science about the flow of liquids - rheology - its name is also called a unit of dynamic viscosity - Poise.

    Jean-Bernard Leon Foucault: Visual Experience

    His name is Jean-Bernard Leon Fouko (1819-1868), the doctor by education, did not understand the achievements in medicine, and above all, the fact that the same pendulum was constructed, named in his honor and now known to each schoolboy, with which it was visual Proved the rotation of the Earth around its axis. In 1851, when Fouco first demonstrated his experience, they spoke everywhere. Everyone wanted to see the Rotation of the Earth. It came to the point that the French President Prince Louis-Napoleon personally allowed to put this experience in a truly gigantic scale to demonstrate it publicly. Foucault was given the building of the Paris Pantheon, the height of the domes of which is 83 m, since under these conditions the deviation of the pendulum swing plane was much noticeable.

    In addition, Foucault managed to determine the speed of light in the air and water, invented a gyroscope, first drew attention to the heating of metal masses with a rapid rotation of them in a magnetic field (Foucault currents), and also made many other discoveries, inventions and improvements in physics. In modern encyclopedia foo, it is not listed as a doctor, but as a French physicist, a mechanic and an astronomer, a member of the Paris Academy of Sciences and other prestigious academies.

    Julius Robert Back Meier: ahead of his time

    German scientist Julius Robert Back Meyer - Son Pharmacy, who graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, Tubingen University and subsequently received a doctorate of medicine, left his mark in science and as a doctor, and as a physicist. In 1840-1841 He took part in swimming on the island of Java as a ship's doctor. During the navigation, Meyer noticed that the sailors had a color of venous blood in the tropics significantly lighter than in northern latitudes. This led him to the idea that in hot countries to maintain normal body temperature should oxidize ("burn") less foods than in cold, that is, there is a connection between food consumption and heat formation.

    He also found that the number of oxidized products in the human body increases as the amount of work performed by him increases. All this gave Mayer reason to assume that heat and mechanical work are capable of mutual entertainment. The results of their research, he outlined in several scientific works, where for the first time clearly formulated the law of energy conservation and theoretically calculated the numerical value of the mechanical equivalent of heat.

    "Nature" on the Greek "PhysiS", and in English still the doctor is "Physician", so for a joke about the "debt" of physicists in front of the doctors you can answer the other joke: "There is no debt, just the name of the profession obligated"

    According to Mayer's ideas, movement, heat, electricity, etc. - Qualitatively various forms of "Forces" (so Meyer called energy), turn into each other in equal quantitative ratios. He also considered this law in relation to the processes occurring in living organisms, arguing that the solar energy accumulator on Earth is plants, in the other organisms only transformations of substances and "forces" occur, but not their creation. The ideas of Mayer were not understood by contemporaries. This circumstance, as well as injury due to challenging the priority in the opening of the law of energy conservation led it to a heavy nervous disorder.

    Thomas Jung: an amazing manifold of interests

    Among the prominent representatives of the science of the XIX in. A special place belongs to the Englishman Thomas Yunga (1773-1829), which was distinguished by a variety of interests, among which were not only medicine, but also physics, art, music and even Egyptology.

    From an early age, he discovered unusual abilities and phenomenal memory. Already in two years he was fluent in four, I knew a lot of essays of English poets, I got acquainted with a differential calculus (according to Newton), I owned 10 languages, including Persian and Arabic. Later I learned to play almost all musical instruments of that time. And also performed in a circus as a gymnast and a rider!

    From 1792 to 1803, Thomas Jung studied medicine in London, Edinburgh, Göttingen, Cambridge, but then fascinated by physics, in particular optics and acoustics. At 21, he became a member of the Royal Society, and from 1802 to 1829 he was his secretary. Received a doctorate of medicine.

    Jung's research in the field of optics made it possible to explain the nature of accommodation, astigmatism and color vision. It is also one of the creators of the wave theory of light, first pointed to the strengthening and weakening of sound when applying sound waves and proposed the principle of the superposition of the waves. In the theory of elasticity, Yung belongs to the study of shift deformation. It also introduced the characteristic of the elasticity - the stretching module (Jung module).

    And yet, Medicine remained the main occupation of Jung: from 1811 and until the end of his life he worked as a doctor in the hospital. George in London. He was interested in the problems of treating tuberculosis, he studied the functioning of the heart, worked on creating a system classification system.

    Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmgolts: in "Free from Medicine"

    Among the most famous physicists of the XIX century. Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholts (1821-1894) is considered to be a national heritage in Germany. Initially, he received a medical education and defended his thesis dedicated to the structure of the nervous system. In 1849, Helmholz became a professor at the Department of Physiology of the University of Königsberg. Physics, he was fond of the time free from medicine, but very quickly his work on the law of energy conservation became known to the physicists of the whole world.

    The book of the scientist "Physiological Optics" has become the basis of all modern physiology. With the name of the doctor, mathematics, psychologist, professor of physiology and physics of Helmholtz, the inventor of the eye mirror, in the XIX century. The root reconstruction of physiological representations is inextricably linked. A brilliant connoisseurs of higher mathematics and theoretical physics, he put these sciences to the physiology service and achieved outstanding results.