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Scenario "Graduation Ball in a fabulous kingdom. Graduation Scenario in the Preparatory Group

Scenario of Graduation BALA 2012-2013: "Visiting a fairy tale"

Wrong fanfare "Listen to everything!"
Leading appears on the scene.

Leading number 1. Қaiyrly Kesh, Bіzdің Mecteptің ұұrmettі ұstazdara, Ata-Analar, онаққtar, Bіzdің "Mectep өmіrі" Atae Mekelіk Keshka Khoshka Keldіңіңің_d !!!

Lead No. 2. . Good evening, dear teachers, dear parents, guests of our school


Leading number 2. We welcome you at the holiday dedicated to our graduates.

Lead No. 1: And today will be really kind!

Leading number 2. Good and fabulous! Otherwise it can not be!

Leading. Attention! Last solemn moment!
Measurement for the scene is our graduate.
Parents are also worried in the hall,
Hearts in unison are still stated.

Let's start our solemn ritual!
Graduates, invite you to the hall!
Now you will set out next, all together ...
For you, the phonogram "farewell song".

Lead 1: Meet! Graduates of 2013!

The sound engineer includes increasing "____________________________________________ of a very sad, soul melody. Graduates enter the hall through the scene of two scenes and searmed in the hall in the first row. Each graduate fixes its appearance on stage, slightly denoting the bow to all those present, and only then descends into the hall. So that everyone in the hall is noticed, appreciated, remembered.

(graduates come to the music)

Presenter1: The solemn evening dedicated to the presentation of certificates about secondary education is declared open.

( Hymn RK) Sit

Slow, smooth step is a graduate who leads first grader.

First grader. And what will happen now? Story?
Graduate . Story.
First grader. Scary?
Graduate . No, sad.
First grader. But she will have a happy end?
Graduate. Of course! All fairy tales have a happy end. But this fairy tale had a very happy beginning ...
Many, many years ago, when the trees were big, the paths in the school yard are long, and school stairs are cool and high, moms led to school twenty-seven boys and girls. Some of the miracle they found themselves in the eleventh grades ...
So began this bright fairy tale called "Childhood".

First grader. I know this fairy tale. I live in this fairy tale!
Graduate. But for us today, this fairy tale ends. And we go to a large adult world.
First grader . And in childhood you will not return?
Graduate. No, do not return.
First grader . Never never?
Graduate. Never never!
First grader. Then goodbye, you are happy!
The first grader waves with graduates with hand and slowly leaves the scene.

Screensaver "Visiting a fairy tale"

Skomoroch: Believe al do not believe

And stands on white light Palace -

Large four-story building.

Works strictly on schedule:

At 7.45 doors closed,

Who did not have time, he was considered late

It is no longer permitted.

(The inlet of the harsh guard is guarded).

You will look, sit, smile

(shows on graduates)

In your diaries, too, can be seen, such a record is observed.

Skomoroch: And there were classes in it,
Now graduation,
Mischievous and swash.
Neither in the passage they walked
And so at all.
In modern fashionable style:
In jeans, leather and satina.
And on this bulk
The graduation of them all collected.
Greeting the people!
Stand up, show out.
(Graduates get up.)

Crude. School our hospitality,
This, in my opinion, is obvious to everyone.
And today guests in the palace
We have a ball like seeds in cucumber.
I will present them, of course to you,
You welcome them.
As described only to us.

These guests are useful prospects.
Never against.
Valuable give road
And always with science in foot.
Because they are with knowledge
Manage education.
With them it is in advanced.
Attention! I imagine them.
Leading. I want to imagine you
Those with whom we shoulder to shoulder.
These guests, without a doubt, we are especially close,
Our common worries, general graduates.

Lead2: At our celebration guests are present

Presenter1: Osa Merekelіk Keske Kadіrmendі онаақTAR Kelіp Odyr, Olonds қасses Alaiyk ....

Skomorokh : I know that everyone has a heart started,
Here, as they say, and the fairy tale began.
In general, as happened,
The school has its own sovereign -

Well, we have a queen
Saul Light Kabievna

Skomoroch: Whenever you asked about her
Then without a flattery and without a rack,
You would answer like this:
- not blush, not pale,
Not rich, not poor.
In short, the teacher.
Queen is a big thinker,
Wise word always with her
Mind so and boils from different ideas
And remembers, and loves everyone in the kingdom of children.
Every year she collects on the ball,
Graduates Ball today collected.

Toddler dance walk
Well, we interrupt the story, tales of our content. He arrived with the message to us the messenger, and brought for you a casket.

Messenger: Where is the cool mothers-great ladies of Valentine's Lights Light Sergeevna and Reichan Light Uruspaevna? For the works of your children, you will get as soon as possible.

The messenger hands hands to the chest and leaves.

1st teacher.

Some kind of chest - look!

Let's find out what inside.

Perhaps, values, rewards ...

2nd teacher.

Or overseas outfits ...

I love to dress awful

In someone, yes turn.

1st teacher.

And looking into the mirror, firmly

Like that queen, talk:

"I am in the light of all Miley,

All rosy and whiter? "

2nd teacher.

That time will be lost -

It's time to open the chest.

Cool leaders open the chest, take out the scroll, read.

1st teacher.

Who will open this chest,

Pass from your hands ...

2nd teacher.

Precious awards

Those who will be with you nearby.


I will tell you from the soul:

You, robes, good

Get ready, Gather
And take the patience.
We still having nothing.
And now - the solemn part!

Valuable awards are waiting for you

The queen can sleep peacefully.

You are worthy of documents.

And the queen of our school

Certificate presenting.

Skomoroch: In this room now closely,

There is no broad place anywhere -

I am very happy about this.

I know, you are waiting for an awards.

Only you do not hurry

And patience take

Announced for you

Royal festive decree.

Skomoroch: For the announcement of the order No. ____ from ____ July 2013, the Counselor was invited to the state ninth on the scenequeen on science ___________________________---

(Presentation of certificates of 11 classes)

Skomoroch: Certificate - He is very by the way:

Ahead of a lot of life

But on this, like on the start,

For a long time you do not lie.

After all, big is big

And in yours hands keys,

We wish you soon

And diploma to get!

Skomoroch: Imaging guests probably no such
Who does not wish you good!
I think to provide the word
It's time for us now.
(Speakers and congratulate guests.)

Presenter1: The word to call with congratulations _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Young expensive honors and respect, and we are waiting for fairy tales to continue.

Skomoroch: Without boosts and without embellish

Tsarevna issued a decree.

Helegal : The will of the royal such:

Free time without losing

The gaze should go

On the tour of the sons.

And yourself to show

School honor to defend

And to the world to see,

To different barriers

On the way to overcome.

That's all our royal tale,

Perform this hour.


So herefabulous law

Such to be strictly observed:

To get something,

We need difficulty pass.

Ile Palace What to build,

Ile tsar present

What's on white light

In general, it can not be.


What to do? How to be here?

Do not go against the will!

The word of the queen - disrupt is not suitable.

Steel classes to gather,

Go to the road to go.

Mamki-nanniki gathered

They were taught to come.

(Parents' performance)

Song of Parents (On the motive of the Russian folk song "Apple")

In the road road to the first class,


How do you have tight

All suffered.

In this school you grew up

And adults.

Taught you everything

What was not cleaned.

Eleventh class remember

With reluctance.

Infinitely filled

Was work.

Eh, the queen of our school,

Thosehold of wisdom.

I distributed to them certificates

Without wisdom.

You will write children post

In Testing?

From the studies of this

Only suffering.

They deserve them


Stay let them sit

In the apartment.

Since it is impossible to avoid


Give you a gift

On farewell.

Eh, apple,

You point the way

You are on the road help

Yes, suggest!

You are on the road help

Yes, suggest!


Long, briefly shhagali,

And Gypsies met.

It hurts the sight of them familiar

As if they saw them at home.

Here are gypsies

You pay on the maps.

(Go fortune tellers. At the motive of the song "Gadalka",)

School years have been riveted in the fly
Opened in the coming door.
You ask gypsy today
What awaits you now.

Especially for graduates.
We will last fortune on the cards
In the form of ladies, kings and walts.


And what does all this mean?
We see: you can not avoid
Big-big good luck!

What can I say, what to say?
In the way you are waiting for obstacles.

Today you do not need.

Ah, you have an arrival on your nose,
And career and money mountain,
Crazy in life lucky
And love before the boarding board.

The prediction of miracles is impossible
And another suitable product -
We will last fortune on the cards
For a very small fee.


What can I say, what to say?

And what does all this mean?
We see: you can not avoid
Big-big good luck!

What can I say, what to say?
In the way you are waiting for obstacles.

That's just honest and suffer

Today you do not need.

(Gypsy go)


So, having heard many words

Continued classes path.

Neither sit down or relax.

Long time Al soon

Adventure Mount to them:

Dragon met them,

Three heads he.

Letters terrible ET.

On each his head.

Scary shatter

No one is breathing before him.

All with fate came up

Dragon bowed

No matter how hard was the dragon,

Fight each with him must.

(Boys come out 11 classes with school supplies and "fight with a dragon")


In the head of thought

From voltage skisley.

But the graduate is not a fool,

I did not come here.

Dance of the boy

With a dragon graduate fought

And with the victory in the path set.

Our graduate is not a balloise.

Isn't that progress?

Only here it became

From someone's help al without?

Who defeated them all?

Then praised, and then scolded?

Who sleep in the morning

Phone did not give?

Forgot and sleep and eat
To save time for you?
I will say about whom is speech.
Speech about cool lanes here.
I'll call you all to you,
Climb up to top.
(Speech by class leaders)

Song on the motive "You Pidmuna me." Class teachers sing, turning to each other in turn. Chorus fulfill all together.

1. You said on Monday,

Tonkons are not a slacker,

Ingenious Dima is yours

Well, Sasha is just a class!


We loved them so all

Score as they could.

We are their graduation

Let with creak brought.

2. You said on Tuesday:

All "fives" got

Under the control fourth,

What result you have!


3. You told us on Wednesday:

I wanted the whole class to dine,

All came to duty,

All notes brought.


4. Every day it repeated so

Honey service seemed to us.

Well, if something is wrong -

This is a trifle and trifle.

You tried, not lazy,

And the victory was returned.

- We wait for you for a long time

And awards are awarded.

(Cool leaders voiced the names of graduates-winners in different comic nominations and "give" symbolic gifts to them. For example, "Indispensable."

We give you boots-booms to have time everywhere.

- We congratulate you from the soul, guys, with loud titles and titles.

Keep it up!

Cool leaders turn to parents with the words of gratitude, congratulate them and say that the school has fulfilled their task, and from now on the graduates come to the disposal of parents, but the "graduate" is a thin and complex tool, so teachers are awarded to parents "instructions" to use Such a thin product.

Instructions for graduate care parents
The product "Graduate" is complex, synthetic in composition. It synthesizes the texts of textbooks, explanations of teachers, instructing parents, the flow of media, their own fantasies and dreams. The product "Graduate" in equal amounts contains such elements as: Napoleonic plans and insecurity, high dreams and passionate desire to do nothing, beautiful appearance And the packaging under which fatigue is hidden from studying ... It is precisely due to the complexity of its composition and the device "Graduate" product requires a careful relationship and compliance with special rules for the care.

So, the rules for the care of the "graduate":
1. Wash the product "Graduate", in other words, it is not recommended to arrange the "bog" until he decides how he will arrange his further life.
2. Stroking is allowed and as often as possible, not paying attention to his behavior, which, sometimes, is very different from your ideas.
3. Use the "Graduate" product is recommended only in its direct appointment, somehow: feed, walk, entertain and give a rest and utterness from terrible years.
distribution and calendar life.
4. If you do not carefully handle the "graduate" product, then it can be spoiled: from anger and his resentment his face will redden his face, the lips and the product may lose sight of sight attractiveness.
5. If you will strictly comply with the rules for the "graduate" care, then this product may be preserved in the rank of "graduate" for a long time After graduation school and nothing will threaten it to become a student or work in another quality.


Cool ladies honorable and respect,

And we are waiting for fairy tales to continue.


On folk

In our kingdom there is definition

In training progress.

Many others know in subjects

With Crib Ali without?

Skomoroch: Will be able to in an hour - another

Writing writing?

And on the algebra of tasks

Forty pieces to hear?

Skomoroch: To the question of such, friends,
The answer will give teachers.
They taught all children
About benzene and one hundred seas,
To know where and how much
You can throw out rubles.
Kids able to answer
Something and write,
Also, they can
In the lesson ... wash.
We are now exposing
Those who taught them.
Won they are sitting
I'll be called all in a row.
(List all teachers who worked in graduation classes.)

Skomoroch: Here is our people
So for the soul and takes!
Can sing. And dust,
And ask you to say.
So such a speech will be
Even cry all will be forced.
(Speech teachers subject)

(Teachers go to the scene under the melody of the converted song "Call me, Call" from the movie "Carnival" and start to sing.)
Pastchard arrived!
You are no longer children
But for us you are still a class,
Most best class in the world.
These walls for many years
There were our common house.
Remember their goodwalk
Remember their goodwalk
After all, there is no family.
Help, help
Survive us parting
Hand of friendship stretch
And do not hide the tear of the train.
A long year
School you do not take care of
Even if you are adults,
Even if you are old,
School is forever.
1 teacher:

Wearing you on the road every time

Tormented the heart, from the separation of tormenting!

We remember everyone, we love you,

And every issue is the best!

2nd teacher:

Recently, hiding for bouquets,

You entered the first class with a wave.

And now the rightful advice

Native school escorts you.

3rd teacher:

It remains childhood in school corridors,

Calls were silent, revenge the noise and gaps,

And only memories in conversations

They sound everywhere quietly, here and there.

4th teacher:

And there is something to remember: takeoffs and trees,

And, laughter and tears, friendship and love;

How the head "crackled" from the teachings,

And "stunned about granite" Enamel of teeth.

5th teacher:

You have grown, got rid, indignant,

Ready mountains on the way to minimize!

Your day has come! You were all waiting for him.

Doubt away! Barely, in good way!

6th teacher:

Let the luck in all of all

And the cherished dream will come true

And even to an unresolved task

There is always a solution!

Skomoroch: Teachers honorable and respect

And we are waiting for a fairy tale continued.


The queen comes up with new setting.

Where to graduates without testing.

Music before leaving herald

Helegal :

Show your talents

Classes Everything should immediately.

Come out of the people honest

You, tea, graduation!


Graduate not against!

He is useful prospects

Give an order - and even kuda,

Although on the extraction of ore!

He is to any cause of google,

He is in any doors in the go.

We now look in the case,

What a graduate is good.

(Speech 11 classes)

(song from graduates "Last graduation")

Graduate 1. Our school fairy tale lasted eleven years.
Graduate 2. There were both kind wizards - teachers who owned a magic key to the country of knowledge.
Graduate Z.I. magic wordswho opened the cherished doors to this country.
Graduate 4. and wonderful chicken sticks, and living water From the source of knowledge.
Graduate 5. But the school fairy tale is completed.
Graduate 1. It remains to flip the last page.
Graduate 2. And say good word to those who led us on this wonderful country of knowledge.
Graduate 3. Those who helped us overcome their drawbacks.
Graduate 4. For those who have helped us grow every day from year to year.
Graduate 5. I dedicate your last concert to you.

Everything. Our beloved teachers!


Lead 1. Our first school tale is, of course, "Snow White and 33 Gnomes".

Leading 2. Our first teachers (name, patronymic, surname) appeared before our eyes in the image of Snow White.

Lead 1. Good, smart, beautiful, fair.

Leading 2. Confident to our pans and mistakes.

Leading 1. And they made a miracle!

Leading 2. They made part of us!

Leading 1. Revolution in consciousness occurred when we defeated reciprition!

Leading 2. The further study went like oil.

Lead 1. Everyone wanted to learn, everyone wanted to become excellent.

Leading 2. Parents conscientiously performed with us all homework!

Lead 1. The future seemed to us with serene swimming, full of amazing discoveries!

Leading 2. And here we switched to the elder school.

Lead 1. And started new fairy tale. In which there were a lot of tests, mistakes, but also many smiles and different curiosities

We offer to look at school life through the prism of smiles and humor. How else! After all, the school of 11 years was our life.And let some embello and changing, we will show school life.


(Scene in class)

Leading 1. Yes, it was easy to get lost in knowledge labyrinths.

Leading 2. But here we met real fairies. They knew where to go and what to look for.

Leading 1. We traveled to the edge of the world and revealed the secrets of living water.

Leading 2. We read fat books and solved foreign letters.

Presenter 1. We were looking for Pestiki and stamens scarlet floweks And sang magic songs.

Leading 2. And at each lesson, our teacher's faces helped us to extract the grains of precious knowledge.

Leading 1. On ordinary school lessons, they opened us the secrets of time, space and matter.

Leading 2. With them we revealed the riddles of the Universe.

Lead 1. And the school window opened a huge world, full wonders and discoveries.

(Verse read Zhenya and Zaresh)

We go, without us will be quieter.

Goodbye, time of miracles.

We are a reliable school roof

Lowering to Earth from heaven.

We know: every moment, every hour,

Every day you are in hard work.

You lived about us,

You mean the dream you live:

To be famous for us,

So that we proudly kept the head.

Thank you, teachers,

You gave a part of myself.

There will still be mistakes in front,

And the exam all life to keep us.

Give us your smiles

They will warm on the way

Song Goodbye School

Graduate: Our parents always had our parents next to us in our school fairy tale. Dear, your favorite moms and dads! So we finished school. Everyone speaks, very matured. But for you, we are still small, helpless, and you worry, worry, as we behave in a new life. Be calm, relatives! We will not cause you chagrin. For us you will not have to blush to you nor our teachers!

- Mommy, the school is over,

And do not teach lessons.

How many nerves were spoiled!

Ka I'm glad, mommy! Are you glad?

What are you crying my native

Doodle lips stubbornly.

Smile, because the school is over.

Well, we dreamed my sweet mom!

- Even a few years old,

They walked and crookedly they straight.

Eleven years of your patience.

Fear, lez and doubt mom

I know you are happy

And you admire a cute daughter.

Why in your eyes of your autumn.

Cover your face with handkerchief?

Maybe I remembered me small

Has feel his palm in his hand?

As whispered: "Scarlet flower,

Not shawls in the lessons crumb.

Listen to baby, strict teacher.

Do not draw on your notebooks! "

And met me at the threshold

Contained a portfolio in order

And now your daughter rose.

But tears run is stubbornly.

Well, the school is over. Point.

Congratulations to you, Mom!

Graduate: Eleven years old - Mama for us were our teachers. They cared for us, taught us, loved. But everyone has their own family, their own children. Dedicated to all parents.

(song about parents)

Graduate: We understand: without a teacher, this holiday would never take place! After all, the profession of the teacher is the most beautiful profession, but also the hardest. She needs to give out of itself - otherwise it is not worth starting ...

Graduate: What tests do not prepare a restless life to the teacher: an excess of work, joy from the success of students, tears from undeserved resentment, fatigue from endless fuss and a second breath from the best-word spoken.

Graduate: Pronunciation words recognized
Today everyone wants, but
Fuck memories -
Here the childhood was cute.
By corridors noisy, lades
Rushed with a fun gurby.
Here, adults, and we can not believe -
All this is, but not with you.
You are not sad because of the troika,
Don't you bother everyone
You are not withdrawing chalk lines,
The call rings not for you.
Today, the school is expensive,
We will say goodbye to you.
All as one, we promise:
With you, we will be all the soul.
And we sincerely wish
She is happiness, joy, trouble.
Let the children's laughter whose whisper
Lucky at her gate.
Let the Slavs be Her people
Let him last a century for a long time
Let forever in the walls of these will be
Hope, faith and good!

I can not believe. Today is graduation!
And we are no longer schoolchildren, not children.
Presented certificates and home
Let's go back all free on the world.

We did not look around -
And the childhood of the barefoot passed.
Calls, and first, and the last, otzvelli,
And today it is a celebration ...

All perceived, behave perfectly.
Delivered an adult outfit.
Girls were submitted unusually
Boys with timidity on them look ...

We will soon fly out of the nest of the native.
But do not forget the school, this class,
Where every day for us was new
Where they loved so much, they were singing us.

Teacher! Mentors relatives!
Tell you so much should have time!
As condescending, as patiently,
Science helping to master.

We were all sorts of - obedient, disobedient,
Attentive, and sometimes - no ...
Well, you escort us with so sadness
And with kindness, see us after?

We know, you sorry, as before
Bless to an unknown way.
Will be alarm and hope
And again until the morning you do not sleep.

In the corridors we go smoothly ...
I'll leave the temple of science.
But I want to be able to be late, even though you kiss you!

(Presentation of colors to teachers)
(Song goodbye school)


Waltz parting gently sounds
School years "Goodbye" says.
Lokon pegs slightly breeze,
Spinning, school waltzok spins,
Everyone is familiar to you

Together: School familiar Waltzok!

Waltz graduates

We are today on behalf of each heart,

On behalf of our lucky,

On behalf of our birth childhood

We say all together - thank you very much!

- And today, in this fabulous evening, saying goodbye to our native school, we want to give her and you, our dear teachers, truly fabulous gifts:

- casket good wishes;

- Food-bird good luck;

- Carpet aircraft, regularly flying to Canary;

- a touchscreen tablecloth, which will certainly be able to diversify the menu in our dining room;

- Molding apples so that our favorite teachers always remain young, beautiful, energetic;

- Magic tangle, which will help find the right path in the finges of innovation;

- Golden Antelope, which on the day of salaries hits the hoof;

- Finally, the goldfish, which performs all the desires.

- Believe me, it's not easy for us to say goodbye today. But each of us will forever remain a graduate of high school number 9.

(Song performed by graduates "in the old class")

Produce balls on the song

Leading. And over the city again falls the evening,

Svzvell Guitar - and Ball Fuck.

At least a little heat of this memorable meeting

Carry with you, take with you!

And we will not shout the promises of the crackle

Loud words to speak, swirls high to give.

Just live on the ground Try better

To school prestige never lose!

Good way, dear graduates!

Leading: The solemn evening dedicated to the award of certificates is over.


This state!
And Kohl in the whim of the king,
I did not swim by the sea,
I did not see better kingdom,
Frankly speaking,
And you believe Ile check
Maybe it's not ...
Only the best in the world
School number nine.
Well, a fabulous end,
The one who listened is well done.
And since the fairy tale is bad
That narrator wine.

Prom in Dow. Scenario

Educator, MBDOU "Kindergarten №67" Smile ", Tambov.
Description: The graduation matinee in the form of a fairy tale, where every child will be able to feel like a member of the holiday; The matinee will be interested in teachers of kindergartens, musical workers, primary school teachers.
Purpose: Creation of a festive atmosphere, formation in children positive relationship to knowledge and school.
- develop musical and creative abilities of preschoolers;
- intensify the mental activity of children with gaming techniques;
- to educate children and parents a sense of gratitude to the children's garden to employees.

Graduation Scenario in preparatory group "Journey to a fairy tale"

1 presenter:
How our Hall is beautiful, as is suitable and leveled,
As if meets honored guests.
And guests - relatives, favorite children,
Who became a little more adulthood!
2 leading:
He saw a lot, our hall is musical,
And he announced the children's laughter more than once
Today he will give us a farewell ball
The last surprise prepared for us.
1 presenter:
Here to say goodbye to the kindergarten
Pretty preschoolers in the morning.
We solemnly meet
Applause, friends!
To music, children go to the hall
1. Our favorite, our beautiful,
Our wonderful kindergarten!
You are happy today
Concerned feeding.
2. Goodbye, our fairy tales,
Our cheerful dance.
Our games, songs, dances!
Goodbye! School is waiting!
3. Kindergarten our favorite
You will remember forever!
We will send you from school
From excellent students ...
Together: Hey!
4. Today we are graduates,
No longer reached.
We are waiting for funny calls
And new guys.
5. We go to an unfamiliar class
According to school corridors.
Farewell, our kindergarten, we are more than once
You remember you with a smile
We are easy to sing,
Let all give this song.
Let this song May Day
Flies on Bella Light!
Song "In September, a call of funny"

6. We will not be sad
Because the garden is loved!
Here fun, jokes, laughter,
Games enough here for everyone!
7. Funny song we give you
And remember how fun with us.

Song "Din, Din, kindergarten"

8. From a fabulous country with chief childhood
We'll have to go away to everyone.
But, of the country where they lived next door
And laughter and tears do not forget us.
9. And adults, probably forgot,
What are the small ones themselves!
How lived in this fabulous country
You can return there only in a dream!

Congratulations to kids

You guys from the soul
They want to congratulate the kids.
Music sounds, the children of the younger group come out
Poeses read:
1. We came today you
Conduct in the first class.
It's time!
2. Two - we want to wish you
All excellent students.
3. Three - sighs very hard
Chipolino with Cheburashka.
You do not forget about them
Do children kindergarten visit.
4. And four - we promise
That without you in the garden native
All toys will save.
5. Well, five - ask you
At school do not be lazy.
We wish you guys
Study well!
Sing the song "Early in the morning kindergarten"

Children - Employees give kids balls
Here are such kids
Meets in the garden I am with you.
And then here the years went,
You have grown up:
And Shalily, and shouted,
A friendly holidays met.
Songs sang from the soul -
Oh, how were you good!

Dance memories.

10. Today, parting with a kindergarten,
We decided that you need to return,
Though for a minute, in childhood to visit!
And we can show you everything here!
11. We grew here and developed,
They joked, sang and laughed!
And how beautifully performed,
What are the concerts here we gave!
12. Bouquets, music, poems,
And bright from the smile hall -
All this is us, graduates!
Today is our last ball.
13. So much joy and happiness
It brings to us a kindergarten.
Here the heroes of fairy tales with us
Stick again want.

Children pass on chairs, and one boy stays in the center of the hall
1 Windowed: Why are you not sitting?
Boy: Yes, I do not want to say goodbye to a kindergarten! (sad)
1] ... (Name of the child), I don't recognize something today.
Boy: What's the special? What did I say? And in general, what is good in this school? So you want to ride a bike, play football, pigeon to drive. And here these lessons must be done. Whether it's in fairy tales! There forever someone for you does everything - then the hump hump, then gold fish. Eh, I would like to get into a fairy tale! I want a fairy tale!
Children (pick up): We want to a fairy tale! We want to fairy tale!
The phonogram "Magic" sounds, heard crying behind the door, cry.
Nesmeyana: "I'll go to school anyway"
Coming the king with the mammy - nannies.
King: Oh oh oh! What to do? All kingdom put on his feet!
Nanniki: (soothe king) Sit, king - father, rest!
King: Learn, you see - whether she wants! Said no! So no! Not royal is a thing - learns! And no one can deny it! Although you, comrades parents, advise what to do?! I am also geese - swans called and hottabich. All dissolved. Does not work. Maybe married to give it? Have you not betrayed yourself? ( Appeals to parents)

King: Go, bring the Sweddy under the white handle.
Nanniki:This minute, king - father.
King: I do not let you go to school! So know!
Nesmeyana: And Ivan - Tsarevich said that there is good, there are five fives.
King: Yes, we will bring you five more than five to you. Moms - Nanniki! Put five! ( Mamki-nannies carry two)
Nesmeyana: What did you bring it? This is two! (Crying)
King: Oh! We disappeared!
1 Presenter: Do not be discouraged, king - father, we will help you. We have very interesting game. "Find five" Now our princess will look like our guys deftly will look for top fives, and he will try herself.
Game "Find five" ( In the hoops, there are examples, guys, by team lead: "Once, two, three findings," find those where the answer will be "five"; Nemeyana incorrectly chooses, the second time is correct)
(Nesmeyana, clap, rejoices)

Nesmeyana: Hooray! I want to go to school!
King: Why do you need to go there?
Nesmeyana:There I will teach me to dance, I do not know how!
2 master: Tsarevna, see how our guys learned to dance.
King:Golubushka, do you not know how so? Yes, you still wash it better. Here we will play you now, and you dream. Mamki-Nyanki Carry musical tools here!
(Tsar and Mamki-Nanniki play, does not dance, it does not work, crying.)
Nesmeyana: Here you do not know how to play, so I can't get it!
King: Here is the trouble. Yes, no one taught us, here we do not know how.
1 Presenter: Tsar-sovereign, yes it is very simple. Our guys can play different musical instruments. Guys, show your skill.
King: Oh! Good thing like! Straight soul sings!
(Nasmeyana cries)
King:Well, what to attack! Not a minute of peace there is no father!
Nesmeyana: And at school I would have taught me.
2 master: Tsarevna, and you love chastushki? Then listen!
School chasto masses.
King:Daughter, sweet! Yes, we will find the best teacher of singing!
Nesmeyana:And I do not want one, I want to learn to sing with the guys. Tired one, boring!
Nyanki: Can I ice cream?
- Not!
- Can the cake?
- Not!
- Maybe "Mars" or "Snickers"?
- I do not want!
King:Strawberry you are ours, berry. And let us have guests of different calls to cheer up! Mom nyanki! Call guests!
Nyanki: We listen, Tsar-Batyushka!
Nanniki: Guys, cheer unmeasured, please

Scene "Dragonfly and ant" on a new way.

Pumping dragonfly
Evening the whole movie watched
Look no time
Eyes close.
On comfortable on the crib
Dragonfly sleep dream sweet
As if all her notebooks
In the perfect order.
In the morning you need to wake up
Back to school go.
Evil longing dedict
She crawls to ant.
Do not leave me, cum dear,
I learn, there is no strength.
In general, I want to say:
"Give home to write off."
Kumushka, I'm strange it.
Well, tell me a secret,
What were you doing yesterday?
Rested until the morning!
I walked on the street,
Homes sang yes dancela,
Play still managed
He passed yes.
I looked at "Elash" ...
Do you write off when you give me?
Ile to you a notebooks sorry?
Well, Dragonfly, Lazy!
Know grandfather wings
He loves ant.
We are also poor dragonfly,
Does not consider people.
(Dragonfly Il Dragonfly
How do you say correctly?)
Yes, I'm big lucky,
That I did not become a stringy.
Get education
It is impossible without a steel.

The moral of this fable you are gravily:
Learn, do not be dragonfly!

King: Oh, cool like!
Nesmeyana: And I can't act like that. It's complicated!
King:So I say that everything is difficult at school. All this doctrine is a difficult science.
1. The exam must be passed.
2. Difficult tasks to solve.
King: Yes, you will not work!
Nyanki: Heads head.
1 Presenter:Do not frighten the princess. Everything in school will be taught: and the tasks are not at all difficult, I thought a little - and the answer is ready.
1. In the lessons you will sleep -
For the answer you will ... (not five, and two)
2. Cooking excellent your head:
Five plus one turns out ... (not two, and six)
3. I have a black cat there,
He has tails at ... (not six, and one)
4. Alphabetical family
He heads the letter ... (not Yu, a)
5. Round shape head,
The same form of the letter ... (not and, and o)
Undertaking the last riddle guess.
Nesmeyana: Hooray! Happened! I want to go to school!
King: Here you go! Again for your! Yes, you know how to get up early to school. Breakfast quickly eat, collect briefcase.
Nesmeyana: Briefcase! I want a briefcase!
King: Mom nyanki carry a briefcase here! (take out the suitcase)
Nesmeyana: Yes, this is a suitcase!
Nanniki: In our kingdom there are no other.
Nesmeyana: And I want a real, like children.
2 master: So, Nesmeyana, a real portfolio. Try, collect!
(Nemeyana collects, she does not work)
1 master: Do not worry. The first time you will help you, and then you will learn. Look here. As our guys gather a portfolio, Dad - will prepare them breakfast to school, and moms collect a bouquet.
Game "Collect a briefcase"
Nesmeyana: I am a simple!
King: How do you cheer? Computer new buy?
Nesmeyana: I do not want!
King: Well, let's send you on the journey.
Nesmeyana: I do not want!
King: Oh, we disappeared at all!
(Emelya comes to the hall to the hall)
Emelya: Hello with an honest people! Hello, Tsar-Batyushka!
King: Hello, Emel!
Emelya: What are you crying about the princess?
Nesmeyana: I am not allowed to school. Emelya! Do you want to go to school?
Emelya: Sure!
Nesmeyana: I want too!
Emelya: Come with me! By whining velin ......
King: Uh-uh, Emely, wait! What else came up with! No, no schools.
Emelya:Yes, she will be unacceptable and imaginable.
King: And why should she have a dot? We have Zlata - silver full chests.
Emelya: Yes, she can't count money and money.
King: How so! Oh, your truth!
Emelya: And even sign!
King:BUT! And that's right!
Emelya: All over it will laugh, call the baby.
Emelya: Here, Tsar-Batyushka, listen to who our children will be when the school is finished.
Scene "Dreamers
1. I have grown year, there will be seventeen.
Who to work to me then? What do I do?
I will read books, to strive for knowledge.
To be very smart to become, ride abroad.
2. I love to read for a long time
Know everything in the world
I'll go to the institute,
I will become Dr. Science!
3. And I want to become a model,
All gait is delighting
Look, I have become a beauty!
Will be filmed for the magazine!
4. And I will fly to the sky
I want to become a stewardess
I will really try
Passengers smile!
5. In the show business I will go, I will sing songs
And then I will start learning everywhere.
I will sing off the scene unusually!
You will send an autograph in kindergarten!
6. I want to become an artist to act on the stage,
And in the cinema to shoot, you have to smile from the screen.
But in doubt I am tone
Do you think I can?
7. And I want to be president!
Any solemn torque
I will talk speech,
The country is big to lead!
8. Well, I would be glad
Become a kindergarten
I know how much strength was spent
With us our educators.
A little more imprisoned and again in kindergarten come!
9. Mom dreams for me,
Dad, grandmother, friends ...
Only the guy I'm stubborn -
It is impossible to succumb.
All give advice to me in vain.
Despite this, I will be myself!

Emelya: Well, what the king - the father, was convinced?
King:Oh, Emely, convinced me. No matter how cool, and the scientist is however, it is better to be. And then, any will deceive, calls around the finger. How did we immediately understand this? Emelya, and the school is far away?
Emelya: Well no! Let's go, I'll show you!
1] Well, that's good! Now in our school one student has become

1] Let's wait on the school journey
A lot of big change.
You came out from here in adult life
From these kindergartens.

2Worth: Let's say quietly friends
We will not be sad today.
And no matter how much years has passed, anyway.
You do not forget the kindergarten.
Children get up on the semicircle and read poetry.
1. That's finished graduation,
And time approached
Say goodbye to part
Although it is not easy.
2. Our kindergarten like a home
We were all these years.
But we leave, and here
Other children will come.
3. I want the word only
From the letters of big fold.
And only him today
With love talk.
4. It is written for everyone:
For nanny and chefs.
For our cute nurses
And good doctors.
5. For everyone who defeated us
And kindly taught
Who is always laundry
And the floor is hard soap.
6. Who bought us toys
Who sang with us songs.
We know that everyone in the garden
There are many different things.
7. He's talking with a bow
We careors are our own.
We will not forget your hands, their tender warmth.
We knew the word "friend" here.
And "Happiness", and "Good"!
8. From all guys with love
We say this word,
Of course, without a doubt,
Head of OUR!
Children together:
Thanksgiving song
("Goodbye, kindergarten")

9. Let Music Waltza and Manit,
Our graduation ball is completed, friend!
But the heart will never deceive you -
How sad to say goodbye to everyone around!

Graduation Waltz
Children sit on chairs
1 Presenter:And now for you the most solemn and exciting moment comes!
2 Host:Let you have many awards in life, but the first in life is more expensive than treasure.
1 Presenter: Dear graduates! With good parting words The head of the kindergarten is drawn to you.
Presentation of diplomas and gifts
2 Host: Dear children! All life joys and adversity, takeoffs and falls, frustration and victory with you have always shared your glorious parents. The word parents of our graduates!

Response word of parents.
1 Presenter:
You have matured, baby, now
You learned a lot.
Here in the world you opened the door,
To bold you walked.
Became kindergarten to you native
As if the mother's look.
2 Host:
But beat the clock, part with him
They are told to you.
Under the rustling of the leaves of September
You will enter a bright class.
But we will not forget you,
And you ... You remember us!
Song "Air Balls"
(children go to the music)

Characters: Manager, TV announcer, television operator, school principal, public representatives, man in mask.

Preliminary preparation for the graduation ball

Prepare rooms of artistic amateur activities. For drawings contests, you need to cook the table, markers and easels. To the partners, the teletector can be offered another performer - a teleecurity, which, watering on the shoulder, television or camcorder, walks through the hall and allegedly makes a report on the graduation ball.

To do this, you can take a real camcorder - now it is not uncommon in ordinary schools. In addition, many graduates independently shoot their evenings. If there is no real camcorder, you can make it layout, saving the black paper box, with a lens attached to it.

The TV recorder before each appeal to the viewers is hijacked, flirting with the hall, makes strict instructions to the operator, etc.

A man in a mask (it is carved from black paper) dressed in a spacious cape.

The course of the graduation ball

Solemn music sounds. The center of the hall, where the exhaust ball will be held, the manager is published.

Manager. Attention, attention, attention! Listen to everything! Today on the graduation ball in our expensive and all beloved school there is television. This is unheard of honor! And I present you a television speaker (calls the name and patronymic, takes on the stage an elegant lead-speaker, followed by which the temperamental young man pops up on the stage - television operator). Please welcome applause.

Speaker. I am glad that your graduation ball is removed by television and passes with jokes, fun and draws. Let me introduce my assistant to the Jerhore teleproducer. ( Operator.) Zhorik, I ask me to take a close-up! ( ) Without television, it is difficult to submit our today's life today, so we arrived in your school.

Manager. The graduation ball is unthinkable also without dances. Without them, the graduation ball can not take place and be memorable!

Speaker. I agree. But first we will give the floor to our respected school leadership. Today, he is given the opportunity for the last time to parancing us. Exams are handed over, certificates issued! ( Operator.) Zhorik, please take a close-up of me and director! ( Fucking and takes a flirty pose.)

Manager. Recall the words of a popular song about school: "There are ten classes here, and here we are the word" homeland "for the first time read in warehouses." So, the word you, dear ( calls the name and patronymic of the school principal).

Speaker director of school.

Director. Dear graduates! Congratulations on the completion of examinations and receiving long-awaited certificates. In the new academic year, the school bell will not ring anymore for you. You will not need to perform homework - now life will set new difficult tasks in front of you, and everyone from you will have to look for everyone. Do not lose your breath's cheerfulness, be purposeful, do not spare forces for good deeds. Let by life path You will meet a lot good people. We wish you health, personal happiness. Remember that you are hope and the future of Russia!


Friends, the sun shines brightly!
Hoesty away leaving let.
And your faces will not fuss
Pass past pain and sadness.
We wish everyone smarter to become
But school, - chur! - do not forget!


We wish you a lot of happiness,
Smiles joyful bouquet,
Friends of reliable and fun
Happy life, for long years.

However, I completely forgot that there was no television into your school. Remember the most popular TV program? Of course, this is a "star factory". Now today in our native school we will arrange such a factory of stars: in every class there are your talented guys: one clicks algebraic tasks like nuts, and the other knows how to perfectly knit socks. What is not talent?

Manager. Of course, talent. Let - not a school, not on the subject, but still talent.

Speaker. So I say - Star! As Vladimir Mayakovsky once said, if the stars ignite, it means that someone needs it. Let's try and today we will light such stars. So, once, two, three, burn!


Here is the first task - to whom good luck.
Attention, I ask you a task.


Let our TV
We will call the best,
We will not be offended,
Now they are lucky.

Manager. To begin with, let me declare the first dance of our prom.

In the whirlwind we will be twisted
You will not let you dare, so know
Cavalers, wake up
And let yourself invite your ladies.

Musical pause.

Speaker. And now - the first contest of the program "Star Factory". ( Operator.) Zhorik! Get ready and be attentive.

The stranger comes out in a black mask and a raincoat, closing from the views of the gathered, transmits the leading letter in the envelope, then it is also mysteriously removed.

Manager. What is it? Our mail began to work? Let's see, let's see what they write.

Speaker. A letter of some strange, and the person who handed him, is also very suspicious. Yes, read it rather! ( Operator.) Zhorik, captured as we read this letter!

Manager (reveals the envelope, takes out a message and reads). Dear graduates! Oh, apparently, it came another congratulation.

Speaker (hall). Applause, applause! ( Operator.) Zhorik, can you remove stormy applause in the hall? Only not long removing, and then I don't have enough films.

Manager (reads on). You have fun here from the soul, and at that time there was a terrible event - the main man of our holiday, the one who gave you a ticket to life today, who whose signature is bangible on all your school certificates.

Speaker. Oh, I will be bad now! Yes, read further, do not languish! ( Operator.) Zhorik, until I need to shoot me, I'm not in shape.

Manager. In short, guys, there was a tragic chance - our director of the school was missing, who had just congratulated all of us on the end of the school.

Speaker. I will ask for the scene two teams of four people each. You will need to create a portrait - or, as they say in the police, is a photorobot of our respected director. Coordinate among themselves who and what part of his face will draw, because teams are given a short time to perform this task - only five seconds. These seconds, along with the rest of the guys, count out loud.

Manager. Teams, come to the easers!

Teams are given time to divide responsibilities: who and what part of the portrait will draw.

Speaker. So, we consider the time of work of artists out loud.

All - and leading, and the audience - the choir consider to five, after which there is a comparison, whose portrait is better in quality.

Manager. Excellent! We have two portrait of our director. We thank artists, handing them memorable souvenirs. ( Gives the captains of souvenirs.)

Speaker. We already have a portrait of our School Director. Now I will inform about it in Tener. ( Operator.) Zhorik, take off! Attention, attention, our television cameras are installed at school. Important message. Portrait of a school director created by the hands of our wonderful graduates. It remains to declare where it follows that the kidnaps discovered and approximately punished.

Manager. Yes, you need to run!

On the stage runs director of school. All applaud.

Speaker. Oh, you are alive and healthy, what we are very happy! ( Take director for hand, refers to the operator.) Zhorik, captured us at this touching point!

Manager. What's wrong? How did it happen that you suddenly kidnapped? We were already ready to flee you to help!

Director. No need to run anywhere. The fact is that I myself came up with this fuel and played to make a small detective element in our present evening.

Manager. Do you think we are still so young and helpless that they ourselves can't do without original ideas?

Director. No, I didn't think so at all. Just our pedagogical team wanted to check how you will behave in a non-standard situation. I see that you coped well, showed independence and creativity. In your actions there are determination and courage, you have shown sincere love for the pedagogical team of our school. I thank everyone who sought to take part in my salvation. ( Descends from the scene.)

Speaker. ATTENTION, ATTENTION, Listen to the new television ad! We are glad to tell everyone that the first draw on the topic "Is there any new stars in our school, which will soon light and glorify it to the whole country?" Graduates were commissioned at "excellent."

Manager. I think that it came and our times to prove that we are not flashed Spit. Look what I have. ( Takes out a black crumb from pocket and shows the voice recorder.)

Speaker. What is it?

Manager. This is a raisin of today's evening.

Speaker. The raisin is what we need now. Will you tell us about her?

Manager. Yes, of course, but only after the musical and dance pause. So, music, dancing!

Musical pause. Everyone is dancing.

Speaker (put a pack of sheets of paper). New contest Our school "stars factory"!

Manager. What is the competition?

Speaker. Competition for replacing the vacant position of the announcer. Those who wish can rise to the scene and read the funny passages from school essays. Who is ready to participate in this competition? Please read loud and clearly, it is important that everyone heard the text and understand the jokes.

The scene is raised by those who wish. The speaker distributes sheets with texts. The guys alternately read excerpts from school essays.

In the novel "War and Peace" there are two female images of Tolstoy.

Gavricki looked at the sea and saw the sailor who took the chalop.

In the middle of the table stood samovar and other sweets.

There was no one in the forest. Nowhere will not creak ...

In the sky, as if by sea, clouds and two large ship sailed.

The horse was beautiful, but her eyes were let down.

The boy overtook the gloves in his knees to the elbow. His face rushed after the ball ...

It seems that his legs will break away from the ground and jump ...

In honor of the battle at Neve Alexander Macedon, Nevsky called Nevsky.

The manager and the announcer thank the participants of the competition and give them souvenirs. Dances are announced again.

Manager. The graduation point is impossible to imagine without colors. Give each other bouquets of flowers - what tradition can be more beautiful than this?

Speaker. You're right. But do you know, and do our graduates know that each flower is like a person, is there a character? For example, spring flower Mimosa is very sensitive; wonderful, brightly raspberry rosehip flower, which is still often called wild rose- spiny; And the forest violet is a modest. The guys who will now appear on our scene, I think, will be ready to open the names of new laureates of our "Star Factory" - stars of the local flower garden.

Manager. Participants of our next competition called "Orangery" will have to remember the qualities that people attribute different colors.

Speaker. What is a greenhouse? Perhaps someone forgot, what does this word mean? Please remind!

Manager. Orangery - a kind of greenhouse in which the flowers grown. Now we must imagine what was in such a greenhouse where round year Summer reigns. Around us are flowers of all shades and sizes.

Speaker. Perfectly! All this can be imagined. For our contest called "Orangery" will need five people. ( Operator.) Zhorik, be attentive - each of the contestants will probably be beautiful, like the flowers themselves, but you do not forget that you need to remove so that I turn out to be in the foreground along with them.

Participants of the contest "Orangery" go on the scene.

Manager. So, the greenhouse is a place where many different colors grow. Here you have the cards with the names of the colors in which you have to reincarnate.

Participants receive cards on which the names of the colors are written - Rose, bell, dandelion, chamomile, poppy.

Speaker. What do our guys do with these cards?

Manager. You need a fairytale and gestures to depict your flower.

Speaker. Try to convey the character of the flower so that the audience can guess its name.

Manager. And while we will see the number of artistic amateur activities prepared by graduates of our school.

There is a concert number of artistic amateur activities. Then each participant of the competition demonstrates exterior appearance And the behavior of his flower behavior, and the audience is guessing. The participants of the competition and the audience, the first to give the right answer, receive souvenirs.

Speaker. Dear guys, you see how much among you talented people. Therefore, our "stars factory" stood in a dead end - we will not choose which of you is the best, let the success and sense of star accompany you all your life. Dear manager of today's prom, I have a question for you. ( Operator.) Jora, take us close-up, will now important moment Evenings.

Manager. Yes, yes, listen to you.

Speaker. You promised to us a surprise, which should be a highlight of the holiday. Where is the promised gift?

Manager. Here it is! ( Specifies with hand to the auditorium, from where the mysterious person in the mask again rises on the scene.)

Speaker (operator). Zhorik, attention, this mysterious stranger reappeared next to us, do not miss the moment!

Man in Mask.. Good evening, dear graduates!

Manager. Imagine, please, mysterious mask. Who are you and why came again? The first appearance in this room instilled in us a sense of anxiety.

Man in Mask. (lowers hands, removes the raincoat and mask). I want to calm you - with my appearance in this hall nothing bad happens with you. I am the same participant of jokes and draws, now I came here to invite you to taste festive dinner. Let each of you sit down for an elevantly covered table, demands not only to culinary research, but also utters the words of gratitude to his teachers and friends. ( Makes mysterious passages with hands.) Take wine glasses and fill them. I charge them health, cheerfulness and success. Let you be fine and today, on this ball, and in your entire future life!

You have a special day today -
So be happy, friends!
Let it be a light road,
Let there be a friendly family.


Keep your school your loyalty,
Do not forget the first meetings,
And knowledge that they got
Summate to the end to save!

Manager. Let them sound for you for all my life verses Samuel Marshak:

Let every day and every hour
You will add new
Let it be a light mind you
And the heart will be good!

The graduation ball ends dinner.

Graduation Ball B. fabulous kingdom

Parents are held in the assembly hall, guests. All occupy their places.

Music sounds "Visiting a fairy tale"

Fabulous times - more desirable.
Quiet! The tale begins the long-awaited.
Kingdom fabulous miracles are famous.
Public, attention!
The fairy tale begins!

2 leading scene

Lead 1.

According to the royal decree
Collected us familiar old hall ...

Lead 2.

Today will be the place of the ball fairy tales.
May it be so! The king so ordered!

Lead 1.

Well, what's the ball without a queen?

And what kind of ball Yes, without court letters?

Fanfares let him sound !!!

Meet! Our teachers

Headed by director

We invite you to the hall!

Lead 2. (Srek 1 fanfare sounds! Teachers are invited to the hall (by list))

The school is invited to the hall .... And guests of the holiday

  1. ________________________________________________________________________________
  2. ________________________________________________________________________________
  3. ________________________________________________________________________________
  4. ________________________________________________________________________________
  5. ________________________________________________________________________________
  6. ________________________________________________________________________________

Lead 1.

And again fanfare !!!

Holding breath

Solemnly we invite to the hall

Princesses that in dresses are all chic

And princes - unique style And charm!
Greeting them here!
Odenthest graders go!

Lead 2. Celebrations are invited to the hall - graduates of grades 11 are invited. Classroom teacher - ….

Sound fanfare (shrek 2)

Graduates: (FULL NAME)

Lead 1.

I know that everyone has static heart
Here, as they say, and the fairy tale began.

Lead 2.

In general, as happened,
The school has its own sovereign -
Leather Light Galina Alekseevna.
Whenever you asked about her
Then without a flattery and without a rack,
You would answer like this:
- not blush, not pale,
Not rich, not poor
In short, the teacher.
Queen! Big thinker!
Wise word is always with her
And remembers, and loves everyone in the kingdom of children.

Lead 1. . The word is provided to the Queen of our School Kingdom - Director, Leather Galina Alekseevna.

School Director Congratulatory Suit (Flowers)

Lead 2. Sounds music "In the distant kingdom"

Among the guests, probably, there is no such thing
Who does not wish you good!
I think to provide the word
We have long been time to guests.

Speakers and congratulate guests. (Flowers)



Lead 1. (Guests from Education Management) Sounds music "In the distant kingdom"

These guests are useful prospects.
Never against.
Given the road
And always with science in foot.
Because they are with knowledge
Manage education.
With them it is in advanced.
Attention! I imagine them.



Presenter 2. (Guests BLMZ.) Sounds music "In the distant kingdom"

If everything is for forced -
There is no sense.

Without a doubt, relatives are good,
Only if there are friends from the soul,
Here about our chephs.
We are friends with them, undoubtedly
Behind us, we behave
Chephs - Balashikhinsky foundry-mechanical

And for us is a great honor
What today they are here.

Sound signal

Lead 1.

Lead 2.

He got used to help us out
He will hand you
Valuable awards -
That is certificates.
Get ready, Gather
And take the patience.
We still having nothing.
And now - the solemn part!

Sound fanfare (opening)

Presentation of certificates underfanfare shrek 1.

Sounds "Balalaika"

Lead 1.

We have in the state
Mandatory order:
To immediately, in the morning,
Everyone is to the yard.
And teachers run
State benefits for.
After all, it is known: in our school,
What is not a teacher - then special!
Here are our frames, or something,
President to the palace.
But we are glad that they
School from the soul is true.
And to you guys came to the ball
The one who started with you
Who started you in the first class
I'll call it now.

Lead 1.

The word is provided to the first teacher, Makarova Tatyana Fedorovna

Congratulatory speech of the first teacher (flowers)

Sounds "Balalaika"

Lead 2.

There are failures in school, stress,
Up to emergency measures.
In our - only progress,
In the rapidation, for example.
The bold now became the people,
Do not put your finger in your mouth.
Well, in our state
Everything is just the opposite.
Our graduate is not a balloise.
And isn't it progress?
Only as he became:
From someone's help al without?
Who defeated them all?
Then praised, and then scolded?
Forgot and sleep and eat
To save time for you?
I will say about whom is speech.
Speech about the class lady here.

Lead 2.

The word is provided to the class teacher - Ponmaroy Elena Nikolaevna.

Greeting speech of the class teacher (flowers)

To music light love

Sounds "Balalaika"

Lead 1.

Well, how not to remember today we are about those

Delil who is with you joy, grief, laughter.

Who was going to school daily

And from the shame for you sometimes burned.

Parents! Without them you are nowhere!

The trouble is any - not the trouble with them!

And joy, so full, solary -

After all, together to learn and learn!

Lead 1.

The word is provided to parents


Speech by parents

Sounds "Balalaika"

Leading 2. (Teachers)

On folk

In our kingdom school there is

And in teaching progress.

Many others know in subjects

With a crib or without?

To the question of such friends

Let us give a response.

Tale "Goldfish"

Sounds music "Life goes"

Lead 1.

Sit down, friends, more comfortable,

We will tell you a fairy tale -

Old, wise fairy tale

About the goldfish.

Lead 2.

On the banks of the Pekhorka River

Worked teachers

They had different children,

But the care is common.

Lead 1.

And from the concerns of these grave

They have a sick head

And day and late at night.

Lead 2.

And here they went to the pehore river

To throw the nem

In the hope that they caught

They are a goldfish.

Lead 1.

They go slow a step

And everyone thinks the Duma:

What he will ask for a fish.

What is the desire to fulfill?


I would say: "Fish!

There are no medalists - and not!

Make such a miracle

So that everyone passed all! "


And I would come with a bow:

"The sovereign of the fish!

Let our children go

In universities - and better for free! "


And I would ask the fish:

"Smoom, the sovereign!

Maybe I want too much? ..

To go to school sometime

They came with a good word! "

Lead 1.

And here they are in the Pekhork River

Once they threw the nemid -

He came with one tina.

Lead 2.

Another time they threw the nem -

He came with her herbal river.

Lead 1.

For the third time, finally -

Golden fish came across


"What are you needed, people?"

Lead 2.

Knee teachers

I wanted to cut before

Yes, changed my mind.

They prayed:


"The sovereign of the fish!

We do not need not new trough,

Neither palaces nor nobility

You help us fulfill

Our cherished worship! "

Lead 1.

Listened to all their fish

And answered quietly:


"How old did you teach them?

How many strength did you invested in them?

Isn't your hand

Every diary is kept?

Isn't your nag

To class route is laid?

Do not you feel you

On the cool clock broadcast?

Didn't your calls

Parents got?

What do you want to sleep?!

And without me they were able to children

Exams sued successfully.

And without me will come:

No wonder you taught them!

But whether to come to school

Ever with a good word

Now nobody will say you:

This time will show.

Now go to God,

Patiences will be taken

And in your heart keep

Faith, love, hope! "

Lead 2.

To the very blue sea.

Lead 1. (to the side)

Yes, it turned out beautifully,

Only b in life everything happened ...


In our school, the holiday is huge!

A little sad, but pleasant!


You got an important document. Certificate is not only total assessment School Knowledge and Success.


This is a kind of voucher in adulthood. Before you so many roads, so many paths, in front of you - the future. And what it will be - depends on you.


But if you ever find it difficult, remember the warmth of the fire of knowledge, like the warmth of the native focus. And let him warm you away.

Galina Alekseevna (coming out with a candle)Sounds Vanessa Mae.

Take a sacred fire with you.

Fire Poznan - Creative Glow

Fire that heart made daring

And the sermost of everyday vortex stated.

With sacred in life, the sacred fire

Fire that Danko snatched from the chest.

And heart flame bright, inspirational

Let your way illuminates ahead.

Carry the fire to our people!

Be Prometheus Dorned Destiner!

So come to the sacred fire,

Touching his palm.

Music is growing, the director commits all graduates and they touch the fire.


Today evening festive and light.

And sad is not time, it's not time.

Nice business and apple trees in white

We wish you and happiness and good.

Teachers sing the song "We wish you happiness"

In the world where snow crazy is spinning
Where the sea threaten a cool wave,
Where a long time is good
We are sometimes waiting for us,
To be easier in a difficult hour
Need to believe each of us
You need to believe everyone
In the fact that happiness is.

We wish you happiness,
Happiness in this world is big
Like the sun in the morning
Let it go to the house.
We wish you happiness,
And it should be so
When you're happy yourself
Happiness shall shade with another.

In the world, where there are no rest winds,
Where is the cloud dawn,
Where on the road
We often dream home,
It is necessary in a thunderstorm, and in the snowfall,
To whose very good look
Someone is a very good look
He warmed warm.

We wish you happiness,
Happiness in this world is big
Like the sun in the morning
Let it go to the house.
We wish you happiness,
And it should be so
When you're happy yourself
Happiness shall shade with another.

We wish you happiness,
Happiness in this world is big
Like the sun in the morning
Let it go to the house.
We wish you happiness,
And it should be so
When you're happy yourself
Happiness shall shade with another.

We wish you happiness,
We wish you happiness,
We wish you happiness!

Lead 2. Sounds "Balalaika"

Oh, you are goyy, good, well done
Well done, yes red marsh!
You are still in the ranks of your
Sydress - Sidychi, do not go out.
Reze out, not shy,
Claim praise in honor of the teacher
In honor of the teacher, in honor of the parent ...
Yes, let's rende all, let me take everything ...

Song White Lilac

1 . Cry girls, boys sigh

Moms quietly tear wipe
Ended childhood like a bird felt

Adult life looked into our eyes

P-Q: White Lilac wax like a bird

Last School Day - He will twist

And we will now take away from the school porch

Only a children's dream Take with you forever

2. School desk, Flowers and Notebook
Look at the neighbor and just
Here we studied, fell in love, were friends
We laughed over something, something sad

Chorus the same

3. So the lesson is finished our last
All that we taught take without a doubt
IN new life We are so simple
Childhood was kept and you became an adult

Chorus the same
Chorus repeat 2 times
Only a children's dream
Take with you forever

Sounds Paul Moria

Lead graduate 1.. Eleven years have lasted our school fairy tale.

Lead graduate 2.. She had good wizards - teachers who owned a magic key to the country of knowledge.

Lead graduate 1.. And the magic words that opened the cherished doors to this country.

Lead graduate 2.. And wonderful chopstick sticks, and live water from the source of knowledge.

Lead graduate 1.. . But the school tale is completed.

Lead graduate 2.. It remains to flip the last page.

Lead graduate 1.. And to say a good word to those who led us on this wonderful country of knowledge.

Lead graduate 2.. . Those who helped us overcome their drawbacks.

Lead graduate 1.. Those who every day from year to year helped us grow.

Lead graduate 2.. Naught last speech Dedicate to you.

Together. Our beloved teachers!

Azarov's song "Goodbye, School»
Today, girls, boys - all together
We say goodbye to the school native.
Stay in memory of school years,
We were connected with the life of one.

Here we grew up here and here we matured,
Here we learned to be firmly friends.
Maybe once we are in the classes noise,
But how without this schoolchildren to be.

Now all of us are not children,
Why do we feel sad?
From the fact that this evening
School `Goodbye` We speak.
Now all of us are not children,
Why do we feel sad?
Because this evening
Childhood `Goodbye` We speak.

Go from school, but we know exactly -
There will be girls, boys like us.
Only sad one thing that we will not be able to return
Far school years their own.


Dear Galina Alekseevna! (Danilova G.)
So the parting came an hour,
A lot of good remember you,
How much we saw you at work
Always you are in the search, forever in care.
Everyone worries you, everything worries you,
A sensitive heart will help anyone
We wish you so much,
And never change for anything.

Thank you!

Marina Nikolaevna! Oksana Valerievna! Elena Romanovna! (Gorbunova E.)

In you rigor with kindness
I intertwined so thin.
Probably more given to you,
Restless to hear fight
Hearts guys ringing.
For performance, you are responsible at school
And all the guys are forced to study.
We had a lot of work to work hard -
And a lot to achieve us at school managed.

Thank you!

Lead graduate 1.. Our first school tale is, of course, "Snow White and 33 Gnomes".
Lead graduate 2.. Our first teacher Makarova Tatyana Fedorovna appeared before our eyes in the image of Snow White

Lead graduate 1.. Good, smart, beautiful, fair.

Lead graduate 2.. Indulgent to our pans and mistakes.

Lead graduate 1.. And she made a miracle!

Lead graduate 2.. She made us disciples!

Graduate: (Lukyanova V.)

The teacher was the first to adorn me to the window.
And operating it, said: "Look at the world"
He put the beetle to me on my palm
And the hand stretched to the rays of dawn.
Said: "Dare!"
Said: "Do not be sad!"
I say something will not work - do not cry!
Look at the world, but do not lose it!
Without difficulties there can be no good luck!

Song "Childhood, Farewell"

1. Childhood through my threshold,
and children's fun forgotten ...
I remember my first lesson
and the school world, for the first time I open ...
And the first bookpoint pages
And the first words in my notebook,
And the first flowers, September Flowers -
their smell is tart and a little sweet ...

Chorus: childhood, my childhood, goodbye,
I Masha To You Falling ...
and my toys let them
let the baby play
good songs let sing
Bird ringing voices
And let them take place with him
only good wonders!

2.U childhood very quiet steps,
It takes away from us little ...
You feel the feeling of childhood take care,
Particles take them with you on the road!
She calls me and manits away,
And sometimes I can not sleep
Everything passes, but I'm a little sorry,
What childhood closes the page ...
Chorus - Loss - Chorus:

Sounds Paul Moria

Lead graduate 1.. Next, the study went like oil.

Lead graduate 2.. Everyone wanted to learn, everyone wanted to become excellent.

Lead graduate 1.. Parents conscientiously performed with us all homework!

Lead graduate 2.. The future seemed to us with serene swimming, full of amazing discoveries!

Lead graduate 1.. And so we switched to the elder school.

Lead graduate 2.. And a new fairy tale began.

Lead graduate 1.. "Go there, I do not know where ..."

Lead graduate 2.. We went. True, sometimes they fell instead of school in a movie or in Square.

Lead graduate 1.. Sometimes it happened on the control.

Lead graduate 2.. "Bring something, I do not know what ..."

Lead graduate 1.. But if we went there, where it is necessary, namely, the lessons, then they brought home from there at all what was needed.

Lead graduate 2.. Comments in diaries.

Lead graduate 1.. Twos in notebooks.

Lead graduate 2.. Yes, it was easy to get lost in the labyrinths of knowledge.

Lead graduate 1.. But here we were met by real wizards. They knew where to go and what to look for.

Lead graduate 2.. We traveled to the edge of the world and revealed the secrets of living water.

Lead graduate 1.. We read fat books and solved foreign letters.

Lead graduate 2.. We were looking for pestles and stamens from scarlet flowers and sang magic songs.

Lead graduate 1.. And at each lesson, our teacher's wizards helped us get the grains of precious knowledge.

Lead graduate 2.. In ordinary school lessons, they opened us the secrets of time, space and matter.

Lead graduate 1.. With them, we revealed the riddles of the universe.

Lead graduate 2.. And the school window opened a huge world, full wonders and discoveries.

Graduate: (Malinina M.)

Shoemaker reministers you boots,

And a carpenter - a stool and a porch,

But only the wizard in the repair

Brighten your heart and face!

What a thin work -

Flower good luck to bring

From loneliness save,

The wizard is a fabulous person,

And it is fabulously modest, gentlemen,

It is fabulously missing dildosity,

He is not looking for any benefits.

Language of someone else's resentment and sadness

The wizard studies from childhood

His exciteed hope was taught

And this is its main subject.

What a thin work -

Happy to do at least someone

Flower good luck to bring

From loneliness save,

And then then quietly go ...

Together. Thank you, our dear teachers!

Song "in the old class"

The last line is addressed to the notebook,
Looks into the class of June Lilac.
I no longer sit on the penultimate desk
And do not count the minutes before ringing change.
Here without me now America will open,
Other shores are called me away.
I will smile then over school love,
Well, while again tell me about love.

Chorus: in our class, old class
Removed the photographer of us in the photo,
And we must smile,
Only sad from something.
And we must smile,
Only sad from something.

And sad and funny, and maybe naively
But in a different way, the teacher is looking.
Balloons - My dreams are colored,
I let them go, let them fly.

And the crayons crumble, and the formula is simple:

And the school board is still clean.

Until tomorrow is half a dawn,
And crossed chalk, and the formula is simple:
Two letters a + b, but there is no answer,
And school board is still clean

Sounds Paul Moria

Elena Nikolaevna! (Mikhailova I.)

Cool mom!
Forever with us in the heart you.
In our memory you will be left
The embodiment of kindness.
You loved us all sincerely,
Like children their relatives
So take gratitude
From their students.

Nina Vasilyevna! (Bykov A.)

Algebra Basics, oh, how hard
But let's say frankly, we are miles.
Cubes and squares, not all count,
The integral method, I know exactly.
We know, there are three-melers, functions, zeros ...
So many equations are crazy.
There are questions of the new eternal marathon,
Please accept Nina Vasilyevna, our globe.

Tatyana Gennadievna, Svetlana Semenovna! (Tolstopyenko N.)

Have you tried knowledge to convey
So that we could express our feelings
World of Classics and Critics
Opened you for us
For your hard work
We thank you.

Oksana Valerievna! (Bespalova T.)

We art passed, taste to the beautiful instilled
Thank you for science, you taught so beautiful!
To argue, we have the right - we do not have equal in the MHC!
About masterpieces All in the world we will tell you to children!

Seraphim Nikolaevna! (Yakovleva M.)

We are so grateful to you
Very recently
And we did not know:
Neither joule nor ohm
Neither Lenza or Kulon
And here we are all familiar.
Thanks from the soul!

Tat `yana Aleksandrovna! (Kharitonov V.)

We at the sight of roblob tubes
And losing their gift speech,
But once we managed to open
Your character is so much.

Thank you!

Nina Alexandrovna! (Verkotrov K.)

Buttercups, Pestiki-Stamps,

With different little animals bright pictures,

The world around us is such a thing,

Invested neatly you in strict science.

Most likely, we can no longer be scientists

But still today you want to say:

Thanks for your character, for your attitude,

For the fragility of dandelion and brutal patience!

Irina Ivanovna! (Bespalova T.)

With English we are already
Now quite "on you",
English gloss with us
English features.
With English vocabulary
Easy cope
When meeting with Thatcher, we -
Do not be afraid.

Thank you!

Elena Alexandrovna! (Danilova G.)

Many stories we know now,
The door swung open in front of us,
Century Catherine, decline, rise, flourishing ...
Wars, their causes and the price of victories
In memory held hundreds of different dates,
Since they adored your sparkling look.

Thank you!

Vadim Gennadevich! (Kuzin E.)

We now recognized exactly
All about the service and charter,
Sorry from school we leaving
It's really that without shooting.
Your lesson we adored
And believe us, friends,
We will remember this subject
Even forty years later.

Thank you!

Tamara Andreevna! (Mikhailova I.)

We and we and the body and soul
Under the sensitive guidance of yours.
We will be friends with sports
And to attach our kids to him.

Thank you!

Dina Yakupovna! (Carpenter D.)

At school there is a subject:
For him we are all the mountain,
He helped us become the hostess,
Economical, business!
We now knit perfectly,
I stroke, sink and sew.
If necessary - the table will take
Cake, roll bake.

Thank you!

The song "Autumn will never be"

Green wind leaf plays clouds,
And the sky is very close and easy to get their hands.
Inhale the smell of summer. It's time to say goodbye
Where to throw a coin, here to return?

School will never forget
In the memory of forever she remained,
School will never forget!

I am a school outline and saving pictures,
And hide them for grandchildren in a huge school bag
On them my class and we all laugh at the parties
And what day today?
We part with the school.

School will never forget
In the memory of forever she remained,
Everything will come true about what dreamed of
School will never forget!

Sounds Paul Moria

Appeal to parents (Malinina M.)

Good dad! Cute Moms!
We completed the program in school!
You divided the grief and laughter with us,
Tears, doubt, empty, success!
Estimates of our joint work
You will find attestations today.

Lead graduate 1.. Knowledge gave us hardly.

Lead graduate 2.. Sometimes you had to take them with a fight.

Lead graduate 1.. Erroxide through the fishes of errors and overcome incredible obstacles.

Lead graduate 2.. It happened, we suffered defeat and retreated to pre-prepared positions.

Lead graduate 1.. Ho Victory, as in all good fairy tales, still remained for us!

Graduate. (Kharitonov V.) And instead of the princess and fill in addition, it was complained to us by these grades (shows a certificate), which indicates that we have already become smart, adults, mature.

Lead graduate 1.. And that our children's fairy tales ended and it's time to say goodbye to the school.

Song "We are together"

What can be more beautiful and wonderful,

What could be stronger on earth?

When friends are with you when we are together

When we are near many, many years.

Going forward on life roads,

We are always sure we are only in one:

Good friends are not a lot

With whom you are near the day after the day.


Together we are with you

We are all the time near:

In summer and winter

In rain and cold.

Together we are with you

We are glad to each other

And in the frost, and in heat,

So we will be together we always!

Lifted life past pages,

Moments of the long-lasting years

Friends I remember faces with sadness,

Of which today is not there.

But the MiG will be sad and anxiety,

Friends you just call

And we all together on one road

Let's go to meet friendship and love.

Chorus (2 times)

Lead 1.

And over the city again falls the evening,
Svzvell Guitar - and Ball Fuck.
At least a little heat of this memorable meeting
Carry with you, take with you!
And we will not shout the promises of the crackle
Loud words to speak, swirls high to give.
Just live on the ground Try better
To school prestige never lose!
Good way, dear graduates!

Graduate: (Kharitonov V.)

Dear guests, let them
The incarnation of youth, happiness.
The last school waltz will sound
I invite you to dance everyone.

Waltz "School №6" (dancing waltz)

1. Bright bugger expanses are dressed,

Freshness and smell of autumn foliage.

A on the border of the shadow and light

Six school seen away.

Color Ruby School sparkles

In a moment, when the sky will be saved in the sky.

With pride, with honor you declare:

SCHEUT SCHOOL YOU chose not in vain!

P / c: School Six, School Native -

Sea of \u200b\u200bsmiles, worries and good!

You call me though b one occasion,

So as not to love you, my school!

School Six, School Native,

My school!

2. Snow trails will indicate the road

If you hold your way to visit us.

Will take into an arms of the school, and even

Conducts friendly on floors.

Traveler, what are you looking for unusual?

We have a very cute friendly people.

Every child, every teacher

Here, inspiration found and comfort.

3. Well, when will the city of Spring,

We never forget never

Sad glances, words of parting,

This farewell sound of the call.

You do not hide your tears, your sadness.

Here you spent a little time.

Is it necessary to hide their feelings in the shower

So as not to love her more than all schools.

Lead 2:

The solemn part of the evening is over, but our evening continues.

Today's evening is the first and last in your life. He is the only one. Smile to each other, say good words, even make desires. They will be executed.

In a good way, dear guys!

Graduation Scenario in the 11th grade "Royal Ball"

Description of the material: I offer you the script of the thematic prom in the 11th grade "Royal Ball". This material will be useful to class managers and educators. The event on this scenario was held in 2018.
* * *
Melody sounds, a young man and a little girl comes to the scene
(Conversation in the text of the song of Nikitin). Leading appear.

Lead 1: Good evening, our dear guests, dear parents, teachers, acquaintances, friends! The solemn event gathered everyone in this room! Today, the news of 2018 says goodbye graduates with their native school. This is a special long-awaited day, which is not lost on a long life road, always glows with a warm light, squeeze the heart of childhood memories.
Lead 2: Today's evening is the final chord of the unique school symphony, which was performed within 3,000 thousand days with thin children's and indulcing youthful voices. Accompanied ringtone call 20,000 times.
Lead 1: Finally, behind 11 years school Life, and with it - control, standings, excitement on GIA!
Lead 2: Today, our graduates will receive the most cherished document - the key that disrupts the doors to higher educational institutions, a ticket to the most real adult life - a certificate!
Lead 1: Already tomorrow they are waiting for new discoveries, difficult questions, difficult answers, independent decisions.
Lead 2: It will all be tomorrow, and today - they are waiting for an amazing, fabulous evening! We are glad to welcome you today on our holiday, and let me declare the graduation party of 2018 open!
Sounds hymn
Leading 2 and 1 in turn: Attention! Let me imagine:
Active, kind, incendiary, interesting, beautiful, charming,
true, romantic, talented, amazing, elegant, bright
Princes and princesses - our graduates !!!
Sounds music
Lead 1 speaks against the background of music: We welcome graduates of 2018!
This is an unforgettable and cheerful moment.
Fanframes are listening loud!
Meet, welcome, remember them
(Graduates raised on the stage together with the class teacher)

Leading to the music read the characteristic on each graduate.
(Music sounds, graduates, depicted under the melody, individually for each graduate, there is a presentation from a photo of graduates).

1. Visor checked, folded and put in order.
Out of all the smile, the mood rose.
As if the asterisks covered a little glakeny eyes.
Of course, you guessed it was Nastya-Him.

2. His participation on the TV show "The Smart
It is unlikely that someone will surprise here,
Because our Ilyusha -
The most real eruit!

3. Denis ours knows everything around
Life science will know independently
He himself will prepare everything, if necessary,
Clear clothes!

4. Can he find an approach to any girl,
They dream about him in the evening and day,
They boil serious passions in the classroom,
So that in the waltz turn with him together

5. Slightly lazy and slightly imposed,
Dressed neat and beautiful
He, exactly Dandy from the magazine, is also important.
You will confirm anyone now!

6. Always in a good mood
Laughs himself, make friends,
Sparkles laugh and fun
And in the head is full of clauses!

7. She fascinated everyone around
Always in Lada and with the world, and with you,
Mila, quiet, friendly with everyone,
Beautiful and externally, and soul!

8. Artist! Created for scene
The people of vocals amaze!
Talent presented to you by God
We wish to further develop!

9. It is not surprised by anything
Always and all will introduce into the case,
Who brought where he left
Tell quick and skillfully!

Sounds "Waltz Flowers"

1 Presenter: Divine Secrets of Mirozdanya,
Poznanya Truth, the results of the creation,
Beauty visible and sounds that are heard!
Today is your evening - graduates!
2 Host: All the raised setting,
Everything froze in solemnly excitement,
In a bouquet of luxury all graduates gathered!
Together: Our graduation! Our royal ball!
2 Host: 11 years in our kingdom,
Soft and reliable was care
To each be smart and more
The approach was differentiated.
1 Presenter: You are once fragile tender kidney,
Grain, green stem,
Slender and modest sprout
Brought to a hospitable house.
2 Host: Weekends and rest did not know
Breeders are 11 years old
All the forces talents developed,
Watering, light was added.
1 Presenter: And leaflets, dialing,
Year after a year rushed up
Mystery of the world adults comprehending
Buckets of gentle scored.
2 Host: Graduates, Oh, how beautiful this evening you are!
Gorgeous inflorescence of beauty!
From bright and solemn colors
Today we will collect a bouquet of graduates!

Graduates are circling in the waltz, then descend and sit in the hall.

1 Presenter: The first step in an independent life is to receive certificates of average general education.
2 Host: Dear friends! We invite you to the scene of the director of our school - the queen of our beautiful kingdom ... (FULL NAME) ................!
2 Host: On the ball the royal arrived guests,
After all, news was separated everywhere:
The kingdom of the ball spends graduation
The lounge is noise from a solemn wave.
I know important guests for a long time,
We accept the words of them.

Guest speeches prom
1 Presenter:
The charming is hurried to the royal ball, (students' last names pronounced each name)
... Dasha - Light chamomile.
Elegant, artist,
Unmatched, romantic!
We wish, without a doubt,
Much a lot of admiration!
And love is big and wonderful,
And, of course, mutual!

For the presentation of the certificate, the queen of foreign languages \u200b\u200bis invited ...... .. Phoe teacher, (certificate presentation, congratulatory speech)

2 Host: For receipt of the certificate is invited
... Alena - Princess Graceful
In everything is always very serious!
Inquisitive, active
It looks at life very positive.
Smartly by year, diligent in everything
Successes will achieve honest hard labor!
She is not terrible any obstacles,
She deserves high awards.
The certificate presents the queen of philology ...... Phoe teacher ......
1 Host: For receipt of the certificate is invited ... Ilya
We are not too lazy to tell us:
He is always modest, fresh soul.
In any company he is yours.
He is famous for his quality -
Always ready to help others.
In the work of every delete
He is not Hapuga, not a dealer.
About him all for sure, the word word.
We subscribe all ready.
The certificate presents the Queen of Natural Sciences ...... Phoe teacher ............

2 Host: For the receipt of the certificate is invited ............. Novel
Longing and sadness disquires easily,
Warm, care
And cheerfulness is imposed.
Fill with reckless happiness,
That is not a festive fate -
Nature is so living with him.
And his wonderful nature -
Such joy for the people!
The certificate presents the Queen of Sport ...... .. ....... Phoe teacher ............

1 Presenter: For the receipt of the certificate is invited .......... Dmitriy
On the prince of this
Looks fascinally.
Such a decisive always
And purposeful.
An athlete, the actor otmnaya,
Objectives in life will achieve certainly.
The certificate presents the Queen of History and all - all social sciences ...... Phoe teacher ............

2 Host: For receipt of the certificate is invited
... Anastasia is a wonderful princess, like a violet!
Complements are not sorry for her!
Clever beauty,
With any problem will cope!
Warm, care
Cheerful and trigger to be able to be!
Charming, modest;
Stubborn and hardworking
Nastya is very valid!
For the presentation of the certificate on the stage, the Queen of Mathematics FIO Teacher is invited ......

1 Presenter: For the certificate is invited ... Denis
This prince could learn well,
But it is necessary to happen:
Class in the fifth became from the lessons to disappear
But then he was found
And the whole class was very happy
That Denis will now receive
The long-awaited certificate.
Certificate Hands Queen A around the world travel ...... Phoe teacher ......

2 Host: For the receipt of the certificate is invited .... Yana.
... Yana - Princess Gentle,
With a cute unforgettable smile.
Charming, intellectual
Dreams will all come true!
You are charm,
Very cute creation
We sincerely wish you
Much happiness, and good,
Be happy always!

The certificate presents the queen of psychology ...... Phoe teacher ...

1 Presenter: For receipt of the certificate is invited
... Dmitry- Magnificent Prince!
It is sociable, moving,
Intelligence is not offended
No in his life situations,
Where he could be confused.
The stream of fantasy beats the key
Wishers first to be in all
And in the life of the idea to embody,
So that it becomes interesting to live!

In order to present the certificate on the stage, the queen of discipline and order ...... FULL NAME (Social teacher)

1 Presenter: Well, the years rushed unnoticed
And teaching deadlines, alas, expired,
We are on the ball wonderful today
Our overflow directory.
2 Host: Each is given its own page:
A varietary material is assembled here.
1 Presenter: Let the magic will happen rather
We continue our graduation ball!
2 Host: These children immediately adults became
Princes and princesses of today's ball!
1 Presenter: School years as if steps
Walking for a long time
Term came to look back
And here is our assistant camera.
Show slideshow on the background of the music "Our School Years" (photo from 1 to grade 11)
2 Host: To your attention the unique frames - wishes to graduates of 2018! (Video spending from graduates of past years)

1 Presenter: Graduates of 2018 welcome the current first-graders of our school! Friends, meet your reduced copy.

(Poems from first-graders, choir say: "Good luck to you!")

Graduate 1: Do not hurry, when we wanted to be quickly adults, and now, when school years flew so quickly, we are joyful and at the same time sad. Favorite our kids while you are the owners of this country, appreciate every moment, rejoice every minute. And we will proudly watch how you learn and be sure to come to your prom.
Graduate 2: We are grateful to you, friends.
For warm words and congratulations.
School years will be used,
Ends and your learning here

Song song "School Years" performed by graduate

(Words of first teacher)
Graduate 1: First teacher!
It is impossible to measure
All that you gave us.
You taught us to love and believe
From the whole soul now
We are grateful to you.
Graduate 2: How many words have accumulated in the heart,
How to express them now
You gave us your strength,
Opened Dahl and Vashko!
Many words tell we could
But in one big "Thank you"
They all merged today.

Reprise "Director" (2 graduates).
Song "Superwear" (2 graduates).

Reprise "Wear" (2 Employment). All the copyright reprises were written for specific teachers.
Dance "Cheerful Change" (the whole class, modern dance, a selection of rhythmic melodies).

Lead 2: Merry were changed, and in lessons we hit our teachers with high intelligence and thoughts.
Lead 1: With its diverse creative abilities.
Lead 2: And our main heights were taken thanks to your expensive teachers.
1: Today we went to this scene, in order to once again thank those without anyone would not have been this day.
2: Those who have patiently told us on school weekdays and holidays, those who made our childhood are bright!
3: After all, they met us every day in classes.
4: And today, this evening we gathered for the last time together.
5. Dear teachers we tell you a lot thank you!

Scene "Mathematics Lesson" (3 graduates, extras)

Dear Larisa Aleksandrovna!
From "twice two" to complex equations
We have passed a very interesting way.
To this day from antiquity of exercises
You brought us science to us.
Thank you for everything that I studied
For the knowledge reported to us.
We wish you in your life
All numbers are only with a plus sign.

Dear Svetlana Ivanovna!
Now we are with electricity to "you",
Speaker will collect without any schemes,
Who marks in genius, like Jolio Curie,
Go to physics - and there are no problems.

Song "Help me" (2 girls + dance)

Favorite our Julia Gennadevna!
With historical science
It is very important to be in Lada,
Where who crowded
Who is born in which year.
We taught history -
Ancient and our days
And now it is continued
Time to us with your hand.

Scene "English Exam" (2 student)

Dear Tatyana Anatolyevna!
We can in English something to understand
We can park in English
Life herself will offer us all milk
And today we can thank you.

The song "Melting ice", converted words for physical education teachers and technologies (all girls).

Dear Elena Nikolaevna and Alexander Anatolyevich!
Simple Health and Labor Skills
In adult life will be useful.
We sincerely want to congratulate
Say thanks for science.
We love technology,
We love physical education.

Exit 2 graduates

Dear Elena Vasilyevna!
With you together eaten salts of different powders.
You need to appreciate our hard work,
There were no reactions sometimes
Anyway, we knew how to understand you.
Like fragile nature - you can not forget
Fish, birds, animals have become friends.
Posters and layouts will take off at night,
Thought how best to answer you.

Do you know how interesting geography is learning?
We listen, listen, listen greedily
Do not rush, do not breathe and delicately!
Mountains, rivers, plains We tried to conquer!
Nevero - Nevers - incredible
Cool, but confusedly and incomprehensible!
We were looking for countries on the globe,
We studied card cards.
Considered latitude and longitude,
Routes We can break!
Thank you, nice Valeria Valerievna!

Song "Black Boomer" (all boys, converted)

All graduates are published on the melody of the song "Unusual" (they perform a converted song to the class teacher).
Graduate 1: With love, let us say about our challenge mom,
About those who are with us so many years!
For us there is no woman more beautiful
And there is no equal in the surrounding schools!
Graduate 2: I took the example of you,
I went to you for advice.
Award was
View of your eyes alive,
You so much gave me warmth and light,
What is enough to warm ten.
Graduate 3: You give all the great work,
You will be a dream in children's souls.
Thank you for what you live.
For your business and thoughts beauty.
Graduate 4: Natalia Vasilyevna! Our teacher! The legend you and the best.
You are a symbol of beauty, love and inspiration,
You are bright light on hundreds of thousands of miles,
You are the finest creation.
Performed the song "Unusual", presentation, hand the flowers to the class teacher.
Together: You have a word, our mother!
Speech by the class teacher addressed to graduates and parents, the presentation of gratitude to parents.
(credits and gratitude are read).

Graduate 4: Our teachers!
You sincerely thank you!
Forever there will be land
Your work is beautiful.
Our teachers! Thank you heartily!

(Song sounds "Teacher, you are in our heart forever," handed flowers.)
Graduate: Natalia Vladimirovna! Thank you
For saving, for treating,
For the fact that always in his post.
That the teeth were treated, the eyes checked.
And our health has always been guarded.

Dear chefs! Thank you
For the fact that you are covered for us for us,
Behind the soup and for borsch, what was served for us
For buns, the best in the world
For the fact that you are so tasty fed.

Thank you for keeping order
Cleared, wipe, painted and soap.
You swept the leaves, removed the snow,
Thank you for the work is not easy.

The first and last of our call,
Graduation and holidays any
You, teacher organizer,
We loved with us to rehearse.

Violators everyone knows
How sometimes there is a strict
Our social teacher.
What happened to what happens
He knows for sure.
And always seek
"difficult" student.
(Presentation of colors to employees)
Graduate 5: Childhood passed ... We are already adults, but still I want to feel the warmth of my mother's hands, cuddled to the father's shoulder and say quietly: "Forgive us ..."
Graduate 1: Forgive us, dear our moms and dads, in the whole of the wrong pain that we have applied you.
Graduate 2: Sorry for the endless of our children's pranks, for those heavy 11 years, when you spent us daily to school, waited, and necessarily with good grades.
Graduate 3: Dear, cute, good, the best of our parents! Forever ours, favorite, kind, sincere teachers! Do not worry and do not worry about us. We will be fame and pride. We promise that you will never be ashamed of our actions.
Lead 1: Dear graduates! We hope that all of what you say is not in vain, and you keep this word to parents and teachers.
Lead 2: Dear and favorite parents, take a song as a gift.

(Song "We are near you", presentation about parents)

Lead 1: Acclaimer today is not only of our graduates. Their parents are worried no less! So the heart beats beats, and it disappears somewhere at all ... and dad, and mom still remembers the same young, their graduation. And here, as a surprise - a beautiful daughter on high heels. And a serious son, above the dad. Most recently kept on the hands of helpless babies. And today they fly away from the parent nest.
Lead 2: Today we were again convinced how fast time flies. It seems that, quite recently, the child took the first step, put the first bruise, as wept because I did not want to go to kindergarten. And as rejoiced, for the first time putting school uniform, and how worried, passing the first exam. And together with them we were crying, pleased, studied and worried and you.
Favorite parents, you are the best in the world!

(Words of parents graduates, performance - Surprise - Parents dance)

Lead 1: Graduates, take greetings from teachers (Teachers prepared video clips converted songs), show on the screen.
Graduate 1: Native our, cute childhood, will come now only in a dream.
Graduate 2: You left us a bright, tight feeling of sadness and tenderness.
Graduate 3: You are the first step on the star Olympus.
Graduate 4: Now our pass through it junior brothers And sisters.
Graduate 5: As we envy them, but we will not be sad.
Cool leader: Dear graduates! Ahead of you is awaiting an adult life in which there will be no Ivan Tsarevich, nor Elena beautiful nor others fabulous heroes. And in the last minutes of staying in childhood, a good fairy will open the door to the future in childhood and will give a spark of good luck and success. (At that moment, a huge ball with brilliant stars burst over the heads of graduates, confetti. Schaar was ordered in advance and attached to the scene overlapping)

(It sounds a minus one of the final song "Graduation" Sasha Santa, fulfill all graduates and a cool leader).

Lead 1: Well, it seems, and that's it.
The school is over, the exams are handed over, and there will be no lessons anymore.
Only the ball, flowers, smiles, farewell dawn remained.
And ahead - the road. Happy way to you, graduates!
Lead 2: Our royal ball ends.
Lead 1: Leading evenings are forgiven with you.
Together: Goodbye to new meetings!