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Fairy tale Scarlet flower read brief content. "Scarlet Flower" Main characters

Tale Aksakova S.T. "The Scarlet Flower"

The main characters of the fairy tale "Scarlet flower" and their characteristics

  1. Junior merchant daughter, the most kind and beautiful. Possessed a kind and responsive heart, loved her father very much and loved the monster
  2. Crank, and at the self-enchanted kingdom, the face is terrible, but good and noble.
  3. A merchant, widower who was ready for all for the sake of favorite daughters
  4. Senior sisters, greedy and envious, but in their own loved their father and sister.
Plan of Recalling Tales "Scarlet Flower"
  1. The merchant is going on the road
  2. Orders of daughters
  3. Attack of robbers
  4. Magic castle
  5. The Scarlet Flower
  6. Promise to return
  7. Junior daughter
  8. Fiery letters
  9. Conversations in the garden
  10. Founding
  11. Again at home
  12. Translated hours
  13. Dead Court
  14. Korolevich
  15. Wedding
The shortest content of the tales "Scarlet Flower" for the reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. A merchant goes into the path and daughters order him gifts
  2. The merchant finds gifts to senior daughters, but the robbers attack the caravan and the merchant saves with a magic castle
  3. A merchant breaks away a scarlet flower and promises a monster himself, if the daughter does not agree to go to the mandes
  4. The youngest daughter goes to the mandes and lives in the magic palace, talks and sees the monster
  5. The youngest daughter visits the father and is late to return because of the sisters
  6. The youngest daughter loves the monster and that turns into Kingdom.
The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "Scarlet flower"
Loyalty and kindness are the most expensive things in the world.

What teacher tale "Scarlet Flower"
This tale teaches to always keep this word, teaches not to pay attention to the appearance and believe in your heart. It teaches that even the wonderful and kind soul can live in the worst body. Learning that envy is bad, and responsiveness is good. Taking what should always be believed in the best.

Signs of the magic fairy tale in the fairy tale "Scarlet flower"

  1. Magic assistant - ring agent
  2. Enchanted Korolevich - Crank
  3. Fabulous castle, invisible servants
  4. Victory of good evil
Feedback on the tale "Scarlet flower"
Fairy tale "Scarlet flower" I really liked. This is an unusually beautiful and touching story about how beauty loved the monster and thus smoked him. I really liked the image of the youngest daughter, which was both faithful and kind, and ready for everything for loved ones. She did not want gold and jewels, but she wanted those who were happy to her.

Proverb to the fairy tale "Scarlet flower"
Good man and someone else's illness to the heart
Good end to the whole crown case.

Summary, short retelling fairy tales "Scarlet flower"
He lived a rich merchant and he had three daughters, whom he loved more than life.
Makes a merchant on a journey and asks the daughters, what gifts will bring them from distant edges. Requests the older sister of the crown gem, the middle sister asks the toilet crystal, and the youngest daughter asks the flower of scarlet.
I went to the merchant in the road road. I found a gem and a gem and a crystal toilet, the flower of scarlet cannot find.
They attacked the caravan of the robbers and escaped the merchant to the forest dense, and his walkway to the Palace of Golden brought. There is a merchant on the palace, surprised. Went, I slept, wonderful came to the garden. And he sees a merchant flower allen. Fucking the flower, yes, the Forest appeared monster, but it became a threatening.
The merchant praised, I told the flower to break the flower, and messenger and let him go, but with the condition that he would come or his daughter on his own will, or the merchant himself for death.
Puting a merchant to the right little finger, the magic ring and at home found himself. Daughters were delighted, only the youngest trembled.
Everything was having fun, and the next merchant called the daughters and told them about the mound. Senior sisters refused to go to the mandes, and the younger agreed.
She put on the ring and in the palace found himself. She admired the palace, and the monster of her letters fiery on the wall of marble wrote. Even the girl with a family beloved from home stretched to the younger daughter to serve.
I wanted the youngest daughter with a monster to speak, agreed monster, they began to talk in a gazebo.
Then I wanted to see the Girl to see, and it seemed to her monster. First, the girl was frightened, but I got used to it and again talk to them.
But here I wanted younger daughter home, a patient's father to spend, and let her go sick for three days, but said that the girl would not return on time, he would die murmily from love.
Puting the youngest daughter the ring and at home was. She was happy and the sisters envied and the clock for an hour was transferred to the monster she was late.
The youngest daughter returned to the mandes, and the monster is already dead. I cried the girl and said that he loves the monster, and the thunder and zipper were happening here.
The girl woke up, and she sits on the tsar's throne, and next the prince is young standing, yes the father with sisters. It turned out to be walked with a monster, so it was the king friend again.
They played the wedding and the Great Day arranged.

Illustrations and drawings to the fairy tale "Scarlet flower"

He lived, there was a rich merchant and he had 3 handsome daughters, and the smaller lovedness of everyone. He began to gather on shopping cases for the sea. I called my daughters and asks: "What to bring you as a gift?" The eldest asked the Golden Crown of Self-Games, so that the light was from them; The average toilet from the crystal of the eastern, so that looking into it did not become old, and the beauty was added; The youngest scarlet flower, which would not be in the world. The merchant went to the road. Sells its goods of the bridge, buys others in Schridyshevo, "changes the goods to the goods with the give of silver and gold."

High and middle bought gifts, and there is no younger. He saw the flowers of scarlet, and whether they were most painful in the world did not know. On the way home attacked the robbers. The merchant ran into the forest (let the best beasts confuse than captivity). She walked through the forest and sees: Palace in fire, silver, gold. I went into it, and everything is cleaned, rich. The merchant went to walk in the gardens in the gardens and saw the flower of scarlet whose painted is not. His back and mig appeared mightly scary, shaggy. It let go of the merchant home, but he should have grown or daughter him in his will. He gave him a ring. The merchant put on the right little finger and the house was. Told all daughters. Daughters: "Let that daughter cuts out the father for which he threw a scarlet flower." The younger daughter put on the ring on the right little finger and in a moment was in the palace rich. Well she lived there, but he wanted to see and hear monster. He agreed to mandeship, but almost destroyed him Nastya.

The sisters envied the names of Nastya in wealth, and they transferred all the hours ago and shutters closed. At the right hour, the heart had a heart in Nastya. Without waiting for a minute (on the house for hours), she returned to the palace. And the beast near the flower of the allen dead lay. "You get up, awaken, I love you, like the groom my desired!" And turned the monster in the prince of the young: "I loved the soul to good, for my love." (He was joined: the evil magician cursed his father and stole the prince still small). 30 years he was enchanted. And during this time 11 maides came, but everyone was run away.

They got married with Nastya and lived long and happily.

Aksakov's fairy tale, not only children, but adults for a light syllable, bright images, and, of course, a happy ending are honored. Many generations of children grew up on this story: she likes the girls for romanticism, the boys see it the importance of honor and devotion. Despite the fact that the fairy tale has been more than 150 years old, it continues to remain interesting and relevant, and many modern stories are based on the "Scarlet Flower".

The story of Sergey Timofeevich is small. It can be read for half an hour, although she accommodates many important ideas, hidden symbols and moral principles that pious people should have. According to the plot, a rich father is going on a journey, and his three daughters are asked to bring wonderful gifts from distant countries. And if the eldest daughters are asking expensive decorations from rare stones, then the youngest, Nastya, asked for only a flower of scarlet color, but with one condition: it should be the most beautiful of all existing.

Fate cast a father to the wonderful castle, in which wonders took place: the invisible owner talked with the guest letters on the wall, and he himself was not shown. In the garden of this castle, the old man and found an unprecedented beauty flower, which, of course, rided for his beloved daughter. Immediately there was a creepy view and squeezed the promise from his father under the fear of death to give Nastya to him. Father and daughter were honored and kept promise. Nastya went to the monster for accommodation, and the unfortunate father remained with the older daughters. A frightened girl upon arrival understood that her Mr. is also a decent person. He did not show up, but only he balled her with all sorts of outfits, decorations and sweets. Gradually, they began to communicate, then nevertheless Nastya persuaded him to appear, because love originated between them.

After some time, Nastya was asked to visit his relatives, promising to return to the specified period. But her cunning sister changed the time on the clock, Nastya was late and found a monster dead in the glade with a scarlet flower.

Skiding over beloved, she said out loud words of love who had previously shy to pronounce. How suddenly hit the thunder, and the girl lost his feelings. She woke up in the palace in the arms of a handsome man, who was her narrowed, for a long time in the guise of monsters because of the crack of the evil witch.

From the summary of the "Scarlet flower", it is clear that the basis of the story was the classic story about true love overcoming all obstacles. Father's love for daughters is expressed in his desire to please with rare gifts, for which he has to pay expensive not only money, but also actions. In the foreground, the fairy tale love Nastya and Crank, which imperceptibly acquires strength and turns out to be decisive in overcoming stereotypes.

The story is old as the world

The plot of the "Scarlet flower" has a lot of analogues in different cultures of the world: this, for example, the "princess frog", in which the role of monsters got a woman. The "Tale of Tsarevich-Flagschonka" Joseph Knebel is very similar to the plot with a fairy tale Aksakov, only instead of the monster of the handsome-prince enclosed in the body of the frog, which the girl must love and kiss the spell to have exhausted himself. Madame de Gallon de Villune and her La Belle et La Bête became a prototype of a whole series of stories about beauty and a monster, which she will later love with all his heart. In the Chinese folk fairy tale, the magic snake plot is the same: the father breaks off the forbidden flower, a terrible creature appears and requires his daughter to his wife as a payback. The Irish version is very similar to the Russian "Tsarevna-Frog", only in the skirt of the reptile - a handsome man.

Who wrote a fairy tale

For the first time, the world saw this story in 1858, a year before the author's death, when the fairy tale was printed as a bonus to autobiography to describe the world in which his childhood passed. Another famous Creation of Aksakov is the "Children's Years of Bagrova-Grandson", the trilogy that everyone needss to read.

The main heroine of the work

From the short content of the "scarlet flower" clear that the entire plot rotates around the Nastya girl, which is not just a younger child in the family, but also the most beloved. Most likely, such an attitude towards it was due to its sincere kindness and the lack of material subtext in relations both with his father and with a future husband.

Her pure soul looked at the ugly monster a thin soul and a noble heart, and the sense of responsibility and meekness did not allow to escape from the mounds or somehow provoke him to cancel the father's promise.

Men archetypes in the tale of Aksakov

Male main characters in the "Scarlet Flower" Two: Father and Forest Forest. Both are typical images for plot stories of this type.

The father is responsible - the parent, ready for all for his children, but at the same time a sense of debt and honor from him above all, so he has to sacrifice his daughter. Most likely, he falls from the internal experiences while his daughter languishes in captivity of the monster. This suggests that he is still a good father.

Forest Forest is the perfect image that shows that the main thing in man is not an external beauty, but inner. And if there is a person who can love to love the animal court, he will receive all the benefits, spiritual and material.

Hollywood analogue

If you analyze the summary of the "Scarlet flower", then the Hollywood film "Beauty and the Beast" comes to mind, which was transferred for more than five times in different years, as well as Disney cartoon with the same name. Also, it should also be noted the film "Scary beautiful" 2011, which is based on the same plot of "Beauty and Monsters" (or the author "Scarlet flower"?).

All these stories are similar, but at some moments differ significantly from the Russian fairy tale: our heroine is a meek and responsive girl who wants only selfless love, and Western is a rather wayward prince, dreaming about Prince and wealth since childhood. How different were moral principles In the West and Russia, only 50 years ago, and as everything has changed in the present ...

Moral history

The main thought of the "Scarlet flower" is the importance of universal values: trust, honor and courage, gratitude and respect, and negative qualities - greed, envy and meanness - they will still be defeated by the purity of thoughts and love.

It is worth noting that it is not for nothing in a fairy tale who carefully paint the wishes of the sisters, that is, the gifts of the Father: the eldest asked himself the crown of the royal, that is, the crown: dreamed of world power. The average asked the toilet Crystal - the symbol of world recognition for beauty, and only the younger was enough a scarlet flower as a symbol of unconditioned love. The main heroes of the "Scarlet Flower" prove once again that good thoughts always win deceit.

The Scarlet Flower

He lived, there was a rich merchant and he had 3 handsome daughters, and the smaller lovedness of everyone. He began to gather on shopping cases for the sea. I called my daughters and asks: "What to bring you as a gift?" The eldest asked the Golden Crown of Self-Games, so that the light was from them; The average toilet from the crystal of the eastern, so that looking into it did not become old, and the beauty was added; The youngest scarlet flower, which would not be in the world. The merchant went to the road. Sells its goods of the bridge, buys someone else's styleshevo, "changes the goods to the goods with the give of silver and gold."

High and middle bought gifts, and there is no younger. He saw the flowers of scarlet, and whether they were most painful in the world did not know.

On the way home attacked the robbers. The merchant ran into the forest (let the best beasts confuse than captivity). She walked through the forest and sees: Palace in fire, silver, gold. I went into it, and everything is cleaned, rich. The merchant went to walk in the gardens in the gardens and saw the flower of scarlet whose painted is not. His back and mig appeared mightly scary, shaggy. It let go of the merchant home, but he should have grown or daughter him in his will. He gave him a ring. The merchant put on the right little finger and the house was. Told all daughters. Daughter: "Let that daughter cuts out his father, for which he ripped a scarlet flower." The younger daughter put on the ring on the right little finger and in a moment was in the palace rich. Well she lived there, but he wanted to see and hear monster. He agreed to mandeship, but almost destroyed him Nastya.