Repair Design Furniture

Earth - the role of soil in nature and human life. Abstract of the GCD in the preparatory group on the topic: “Soil-living land. Who creates the soil? Area "Speech development"



140054 Kotelniki, Moscow region, md. Kovrovy d. 34 tel. 559-73-44 ___________________________________________________________________

Abstract of an open lesson on acquaintance

With others in the older group, d / s

On the topic: "Soil is a living land."

Prepared by: Dzhabbarova Galiya Kharrasovna


LESSON TOPIC : Soil is living land.

THE OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON : 1) to acquaint children with the soil, its composition on the basis of experiments; 2) to acquaint with some soil inhabitants; 3) teach children to reflect, formulate and generalize the results of experiments; 4) show in the game the "magic transformations" of leaves into soil; 5) instill a respectful attitude towards nature; 6) develop fine motor skills of hands, imagination.

EQUIPMENT: diagram-picture "soil composition"; for experiments - earth, a glass of water; pictures depicting soil inhabitants (mole, earthworm, ants, field mouse, bear); a crossword puzzle using riddles about soil inhabitants; for the game - leaves, cups with earth (according to the number of children), headbands with a tree-2 pcs., and with an image of an earthworm-2 pcs., a hoop-4 pcs.; for drawing, colored pencils or crayons, album sheets.


Today in the lesson we will talk with you about soil, find out what it consists of, who lives in it and how we can preserve it.

What is soil?

What do you think children? (children's answers)

Of course you are right, soil is earth. We all walk on the ground, in dry weather we grumble that there is a lot of dust, and in rainy weather it is too dirty. But dust and dirt is not just earth. We have soil under our feet. She gives water and feeds to the plants, and they give her their dry leaves.

Why do you ask?

The point is that there is soil only where plants grow, and vice versa, the plants themselves create the soil.

How does this happen? Let's remember with you.

How many of you saw the leaves fall from the trees in the fall?

And where do they go then? (children's answers)

The secret is that all these fallen leaves and branches rot first, and then form the soil.

What do you think soil is made of? (children's answers)

The soil consists of: sand, clay, water, air, humus.

Now we will check this experimentally.

We said there is air in the soil. It is located between lumps and lumps of soil in free places. And to prove it to you, we will make an experiment.

EXPERIENCE 1: Take a glass of water and throw a lump of soil into it. If there is air in it, then we will see bubbles that will rise to the top.

What conclusion can be drawn from the results of the experiment? (there is air in the soil)

We also said that there is water in the soil, which is why plants grow.

Where does it come from in the soil? (children's answers)

That's right, children. Water gets into the soil when it rains. It penetrates into the depths and stays in free places.

There is also sand and clay in the soil.

EXPERIENCE 2 : Stir the soil in a glass of water. After a while, we will see that sand has settled at the bottom of the glass, the water has become cloudy from above due to clay, and debris is floating on the surface, plant roots - this is humus.


This is easy fun - (turns the torso left and right)

Turns left and right.

We all know for a long time

There is a wall, and there is a window.

We squat quickly, dexterously. (squats)

Skill is already visible here.

To develop muscles,

You need to squat more often.

Now walking is in place(walking in place)

This is interesting too.

We all had time to warm up,

And they sat down again.

We learned that there is water in the soil, air - that means you can live there.

Please tell me what soil inhabitants do you know?

Who lives underground? (children's answers)

1 MOLE - a small animal that lives on the edges of the forest, in the fields, and everywhere leads a burrowing way of life, so it is difficult to see it. It breaks through underground passages for itself to hunt insects, larvae, and also to rest, where the mole makes a nest.

2.WINWORM - it spends its entire life in the soil. It feeds on the remains of rotted leaves. The whole body is covered with mucus to make it easier to move. On the surface can be seen during the rain.

3 ants - live in families in anthill houses, most of which are underground. Each ant does its job: the soldier ants protect the anthill, the construction ants build the anthill, the nanny ants take care of the offspring.

4. MEDVEDKA - an insect, a bit like a cricket, but very large. The paws are adapted for active digging, outwardly they resemble shovels of an excavator. It often settles in garden plots and digs tunnels there.

5. FIELD MOUSE (Vole)- a small animal, lives in meadows, fields. Spends the day in a hole, and at night comes to the surface. It feeds on plant roots, the remains of rotted leaves and branches, the remains of insects, larvae.

And now let's see if you remember the "underground inhabitants."

1) Small stature, long tail,

Brownish coat, sharp little teeth,

It lurks underground, goes to the field to feed. (vole)

2) Digger, no gasoline and no tire

Loosens the earth every day, builds a long maze

Darkness and crampedness in the dungeon near ... (mole)

3) My tail is indistinguishable from my head

You will always find me in the earth.

And if it suddenly rained

I crawl out onto the paths. (earthworm)

4) Look at the fellows: cheerful and brisk

Dragged from all ends, material for construction.

Here one stumbled suddenly under a heavy burden,

And a friend hurries to help, the people here are good.

Can't live without work, for the life of God ... (ant)

5) The animal is galloping, not the mouth, but the trap.

Both a mosquito and a fly will fall into the trap. (toad)

Now it's time to play the game, now we will see how the leaves turn into soil.


Children are divided into two teams. Each team has its own "worm" and its own "tree." the role of an earthworm. It stands in a circle, here, in a circle on the floor, there are cups of earth. In the opposite end of the room, put two more hoops for children, which will act as "trees." These children also stand in a circle, in their hands they have leaves. On the head of the children are the corresponding headgear. The rest of the participants stand one after another. At the command of the leader "AUTUMN!" tree children give a leaf to their participant, he runs to the worm and exchanges it for a glass of earth. Then he returns with him to the tree and gives it. The team members repeat their actions until the last participant brings the earth to his tree.

After the game, the children are invited to their places. The teacher sums up the lesson.

Today in the lesson you got acquainted with the concept of "soil", please remind me what it is, what does it consist of, who lives in it? (Children's answers)

How can we save soil for these creatures? What we can do?

(do not pollute the soil, water with clean water, do not make fires, do not trample plants, protect the "underground inhabitants" - because the soil needs them.

Thank you for listening carefully and answering my questions.

I would like to invite you to sketch someone from the "underground inhabitants" that you liked the most.


Marina Sudovskaya
Lesson with children of the senior group on the topic: "Amazing soil"


Continue to introduce children to soil, its components, which are included in its composition, using experiments-experiments.

Strengthen skills to highlight properties soil find out what's in soil is for the life of living organisms.

Develop skills in research, observation, mental activity, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

Develop evidence-based speech (ability to analyze, generalize, draw a conclusion).

To foster children's cognitive interest in nature.

Preliminary work:

Children play with sand, clay modeling.

Labor in the garden, in the flower garden.

Plant care in a corner of nature.


N. Sladkov "The Land of Solar Fire" ".

N. Ryzhova " Soil is living land".


Lumps dry soil.

Containers with sand, clay, black earth, water. Bean seeds.

White sheet of paper, sticks, magnifiers.

Candle, glass, frying pan.

Table " The soil".

Dictionary activation: the soil, black earth.


1. M. Kostyuchenko "Experimenting". - W-l "Preschool education" 2006, No. 8. p. 27.

2. "Children are experimenting"... - W-l "Preschool education" 2004, no. 8, p. 29;

2007, no. 6, p. 13.

3. "Experiments with soil» ... - W-l "Preschool education"... 1998, No. 4, p. 57.

4. "Acquaintance with the underworld"... - W-l "Preschool education", 1997, no. 7, p. 23.

5. "Experiments with sand and clay"... - W-l "Hoop", 1998, No. 2, p. eighteen.

Course of the lesson

C. - Guess the riddle:

They beat me, beat me, turn me over, cut me - I endure everything and cry with all the good.

D. - This is the land.

C. - Today at occupations we will talk about soil.

D. - Our ordinary land is called magic, why do you think?

D. - The earth feeds and gives water to the plants.

D. - The Earth feeds us.

D. - How does she feed us?

Children's answers.

D. - How does the earth make us happy?

D. - The Earth pleases us with flowers, green grass.

C. - The top layer of the earth, which nourishes and nourishes the plants, is called soil... It is different everywhere. There is a lot of sand in one place. Such the soil is called sandy... Elsewhere there is more clay.

V. -What is the name of this the soil? D. - The soil called clayey.

V. - The soil rich in humus is called black soil. What is humus? Why the soil is called black soil?

V. - Let's look at the picture "Building soil".

Q - What color is the top layer of the earth?

D. - Top layer of dark earth (black) colors.

V. - This is a fertile layer of the earth. What is it called? (black soil)

Q - What color is the next layer of earth?

D. - Yellow.

D. - What do you think it is? D. - This is sand.

Q - What color is the water depicted in?

D. - Water is shown in blue.

V. - Then comes a layer of clay. What color is the clay depicted in?

D. - Clay is depicted in orange.

V. - The table also depicts underground inhabitants.

D. - Who lives in the earth?

D. - Worms, moles, beetles live in the earth.

V. - We will now be residents of an underground country.

Physical education.

A worm crawls underground

He makes a narrow passage,

So that in the underworld

Life was better for everyone

So that the plants on the ground

Everyone grew up better.

A mole lives under the ground

Digging holes, looking for a way.

So that the earth breathes

She gave us food.

(The words of the poem are accompanied by movements.)

D. - The inhabitants of the underworld have sent us a very valuable gift - three bags of magic land. We will take a closer look at the land - mother.

Guys, each of you has lumps of earth on white sheets (black earth, sand, clay)... Do you want to know what is hidden in each lump?

C. - Move the paper with the lump that is darker on it.

D. - What color is it?

D. - The earth is black.

C. - Look at the lump through the magnifying glass.

D. - Tell me, what did you see?

D. - There are cracks in the lump.

C. - Gently crush the lump of earth. Look through a magnifying glass, what is hidden in your lump?

D. - Roots, blades of grass, sticks, dry leaves, pebbles, etc.

Experience No. 1. There is air in the earth.

D. - There are many inhabitants in the Underworld. What do they breathe? Like all animals, air. Do you think there is air in the ground? Express your opinion with tov: yes - red, no - blue. Let's check. Take a lump in your hands, it has not crumbled, and carefully lower it into a jar of water.

D. - What do you observe?

D. - Small bubbles run out of the lump.

D. - This air rises from the water.

D. - Where was the air?

D. - The air was in a lump of earth.

V. - Yes, the air was inside a lump between grains of sand. The water drove him out. The air floated up, as it is lighter than water and mixed with the air around us.

V. - Guys, do output: what we found during the experiment.

D. - There is air in the ground.

C. - Mark the result of the experiment with a magnet. Many guys were right, well done.

Experience No. 2. Is there water in the earth?

V. - So, we made sure that there is air in the ground. Do you think there is water in the earth?

Express your opinion with magnets.

Q. - I propose to check your opinion with the help of experience.

Q. - Did I put a lump in a clean, dry frying pan? Now I will light a candle, and I will keep a frying pan with earth on the fire.

D. - What's going on?

D. - She's getting warm.

C. - I will hold a clean, dry glass over the frying pan. After a while, I show the glass to the children.

D. - What happened to the glass?

D. - The glass is fogged up.

V. - I will hold the glass a little more. What kind of droplets appeared on the glass?

D. - This is water.

Q. - Make a conclusion - is there water in the earth or not?

D. - There is water in the earth.

Q - Does the color of the earth change after rain?

D. - Changes.

Q - What color does it become?

D. - Dark, black.

Q - Show in the picture which layer of the earth we examined? (black soil)... Why do plants need it? (there are different particles in the ground and water, these are nutrients for the plant, in the ground there is air for the plant to breathe). That's right, we saw this during the experiments.

Now let's rest. Physical education.

V. - Let's perform the round dance "Earth - black earth".

C. - Move towards you the paper on which the lighter earth lies. Take a magnifying glass and take a close look at what it consists of.

D. - From very small grains of sand.

D. - What grains of sand?

D. - They are very small, round, translucent (white, yellow - depending on the type of sand).

D. - Are the grains of sand similar to each other? How are they similar or different?

D. - Are the grains of sand lying separately or are they stuck together?

D. - Lie separately.

C. - Pour the earth into a glass. Does it pour easily? What are they talking about "Free flowing"? (about sand)... Show in the picture which layer of the earth we examined?

C. - Consider the third lump. Are individual particles visible?

Q, - Is it possible to say that the particles stick to each other?

D. - You can.

B, - Take a lump in your hands. What can you do with it?

D. - To sculpt, looks like plasticine.

V. - This is clay. Show in the picture which layer of the earth we examined.

Practical activities of children.

C. - Guys, come to the tables (three people)... Each has three cups with a different soil. What's in the cups?

D. - In one glass - sand, in another - clay, in the third - black soil.

Q. - You need to put the beans in cups. How will you do it? Anya, tell me how you will plant beans?

D. - I will make a hole with a stick, put the beans in the ground, bury them, and then water them.

C. - Get to work. Well done, they did everything, poured the beans. And who of you was attentive and noticed how the water passes through the sand, clay, black earth.

Q - Where did the water get absorbed faster?

D. - The sand immediately got wet (it passes water well, the black earth did not let the water through immediately (worse than sand, and the clay did not let the water through at all.

V. - This means that the sand allows water to pass through better. And why? Who can explain? Children's answers.

V. - Yes, this is because the particles of sand do not stick to each other, and the particles of black earth and clay stick, and therefore poorly, let water pass.

V. - Now we will put the cups on the window and take care of the plantings. What do we do? (water, loosen)... And how beans will grow in different lands, we will observe and make sketches. I think the result will be different.

V. - The people came up with proverbs and sayings about the land. Remember them.

Children call:

The field loves labor.

He who does not sow does not reap.

The soil is black, and the bread will give birth to white.

Plowing the land is not in the grandmother to play.

The land loves dung, and the horse loves oats.

The earth will not give birth - no one will reward.

V. - Yes, guys, and people also say Mother earth comparing with my mother - the most dear person for everyone.

Outcome classes... Did you enjoy studying today? What's new you learned on occupations? What would you tell your parents about?

This video tutorial is intended for independent study of the topic "Soil and its composition". During this lesson, you will be able to get acquainted with the main property of the soil - fertility. The teacher will tell you about the composition of the soil, thanks to which plants can receive from it the elements necessary for their growth.

If you put a piece of dry soil into a glass of water, how can you explain the appearance of air bubbles in the water? This experience shows that air is part of the soil.

After dropping the soil into a glass of water, stir and let it settle. Using a pipette, a few drops of this water are taken and placed on a glass slide. Now you need to heat the glass over the candle fire. After the evaporation of water, a thin white coating remained on the glass, these are mineral salts. This experiment showed that the soil contains mineral salts that can dissolve in water.

You can put the soil in the lid, then heat it over a candle flame. Glass is held above the soil. The glass first becomes wet, and then water droplets appear on it. This is the water that is contained in the soil, when heated it evaporates. Water vapor rises upwards, meets cold glass on its way, cools and turns into tiny droplets of water (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Experiments on soil ()

This experience shows that water is present in the soil. If you continue to heat the soil, then smoke and an unpleasant odor will soon appear. This burns off part of the soil, which consists of rotting remains of plants and small animals. This is a constituent part of the soil - humus. If the soil is calcined on fire for a very long time, then the humus will completely burn out and the soil will turn gray. This proves that humus gives the soil a dark color.

If you dip a little soil in a glass of water, stir and let it settle, you will see a layer of sand settle to the bottom, a layer of clay on top of it, and a layer of dark color on top is humus. This proves that the soil contains sand and clay (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Experiments on soil ()

What are the results of the experiments and observations? We learned that soil contains air, water, mineral salts, humus, sand and clay.

There is always wildlife in the soil: plant roots, bacteria, earthworms, ants, dung beetles and many others. They gnaw at the roots of plants, grind something, drag and collect something.

What do plants get from the soil? Firstly, the air, plant roots breathe the air that is in the soil. Secondly, water. Plants absorb nutrients together with water. The remains of dead plants and animals are processed by bacteria and insects that are in the soil. So, the soil is constantly replenished with humus and mineral salts. It is a veritable storehouse of plant nutrients. In addition, animals living in the soil loosen it, and air and water penetrate better into the soil.

When people say that the earth is the nurse, they mean the soil. Plants take water and nutrients from the soil. Many animals feed on plants. Insects eat plant roots, stems, leaves (Fig. 4), granivorous birds feast on fruits. Vegetable fodder is eaten by cows, horses, moose.

Herbivorous animals become prey for predators. Consequently, carnivorous animals depend on soil fertility.

Man on earth grows cereals, vegetables, legumes, fruit and berry and ornamental plants. Fertile soil provides people with clothing made of cotton and linen, pets - food, and they provide a person with milk, meat, eggs, honey, wool and many other products. The soil is the most important wealth of the country, therefore, farmers take care of increasing its fertility and protect it.

How do people care for soil? In order for the soil to better allow air to pass through and retain water, it is dug up and loosened every year. When digging in autumn after harvesting, clods of earth do not break, in winter snow lingers between them, so in spring the soil is better saturated with water. The soil is loosened in the spring, just before sowing (Fig. 5). In loose soil, seeds germinate better, sprouts break through faster, the root system develops well.

Rice. 5. Loosening the soil ()

There are very few dissolved salts in the soil, so it is necessary to replenish the salt reserves annually. The factories produce fertilizers that contain all the mineral salts necessary for plant growth. But there are also very good natural fertilizers such as peat and manure. They are applied to the soil in the fall. The richer the soil with humus, the more fertile it is. Due to its dark color, the soil warms up better in the sun.

What damages the soil? Ravines (Fig. 6), strong winds, heavy rains, wheels of passing cars, and household waste cause damage to the soil. But people have learned to deal with ravines, for example, their slopes are plowed not along, but across.

The sprouts retain water so it does not run down the slope and erode the soil. Also, to stop the growth of ravines, shrubs and trees are planted on the tops and slopes of the ravine. In places where strong winds are frequent, people plant shelterbelts and sow grasses.

Today in the lesson you received knowledge about the composition of the soil. You also learned the importance of soil for human life.


  1. Vakhrushev A.A., Danilov D.D. The world around you 3. - M .: Ballas.
  2. Dmitrieva N.Ya., Kazakov A.N. The world around us 3. - M .: Publishing house "Fedorov".
  3. A.A. Pleshakov The world around us 3. - M .: Enlightenment.
  1. ().
  3. Scheme.RF ().


  1. What is the main property of the soil?
  2. Soil composition?
  3. How do people care for soil?

Date of publication: 01/06/18

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution of the Beloyarsk district "Kindergarten of the combined type" Birch ", Beloyarskiy"

Cognitive research project

"Soil is a living land"

Completed by: educators, children of the preparatory group "Brusnichka", parents

Beloyarsky, 2017

Model - informational map of the project.

"Soil - Living Earth"

Project Manager. Marina Kostareva

Location: MADOU "Kindergarten" Birch ", Beloyarsky"

Address: Beloyarsky, Builders street, 20.

Telephone: 2-17-51

Project type: pedagogical, group, research.

Duration of the project: short.

Project participants: children of the preparatory group "Brusnichka",

parents, educators, social partners.

Children's age: 6 years.

Problems. When planting cedar and larch seedlings on the territory of the kindergarten, we noticed that the soil is different in color. Why?

Hypothesis. If we study this topic and conduct research, then we can find out why the soil has different layers.

Target: to create conditions for the formation of older preschoolers' ideas about soil, its significance for all life on earth.

To develop and form the skills of the experimental activity of children, through experimental and experimental activity and the use of information technologies (thematic slide show);

To generalize and systematize children's knowledge about the properties of soil, sand, clay;

To foster a respect for nature (soil).


Develop the ability to reflect, formulate and generalize the results of experiments, interact with each other;

Develop curiosity, activity, emotional responsiveness.

Speech and game:

Learn to communicate in the process of ecological play;

Stimulate the development of fantasy;

Form the ability to express your thoughts;

To instill a respectful and humane attitude towards nature in the process of elementary labor activity;

Project product.

Public defense of the "Soil - Living Earth" project

Lapbook "Soil", "Drip irrigation station"

Material and technical base for project implementation:

1. Containers with soil samples (clay, sand, black earth.) And a selection of items made from these materials;

2. Equipment and materials for observation and simulation

3. Thematic selection of slideshow;

4. Pictures depicting insects, animals, worms.

5. Flasks and containers with water for experiments;

6. Seeds: oats, wheat for planting.

7. Collective work "Underground kingdom"

8.Constructor "LEJO WeDo" for a watering station

9. Folklore material (proverbs, riddles about the earth)



Informational part.

Soil is the top fertile layer of the Earth. The soil consists of sand and clay, it contains the remains of plants (roots, leaves, stems), small animals. Humus is formed from these residues. Humus accumulates in the top layer of the soil, so this layer is dark. The more humus in the soil, the more fertile it is.

The soils of our country are diverse. Chernozem soils are especially fertile. They grow stable high yields of various crops. Large areas are occupied by podzolic soils. They are less fertile, but when fertilized and properly processed, field workers get high yields on them.

Soil factors that are ecologically significant for the life, growth and development of plants are nutrients, air and water. Fertility is the main property of the soil. Scientists study the properties of soils and develop rules for their use. Workers of the fields make sure that the land receives the necessary fertilizers, drain excess water from wetlands and irrigate arid lands, and carefully cultivate the fields.

The earth is our nurse. Therefore, you need to take care of it constantly, protect it from exhaustion, destruction and pollution, do everything to increase fertility. Where the soil is taken care of and the harvest is large.

Soils, like other natural elements, need protection and respect. Soil is formed in nature very slowly: in 100 years it is only one centimeter, but it is destroyed quickly. Under the influence of strong winds, streams of water, the soil is destroyed.

Coniferous soil occurs under coniferous trees, it consists of half-decayed needles and is acidic.

Peat land is a dark brown mass formed in swamps and drying up water bodies, it consists of remnants of half-decayed plants. It can be collected in lowlands and kept for 1.5-2 years. It is a loose (light), nutritious and moisture-consuming soil, but can dry out quickly.

Humus is cow or horse manure rotted for 2 years, together with straw bedding, is the most nutritious soil, which contains all micro- and macroelements.

Sand passes water well, creates looseness in the soil, but does not have nutrients, it must be added to soil mixtures so that water is not completely stagnant and the roots can breathe air.

Clay is heavy, dense, poorly permeable to water, but retains, does not quickly evaporate, keeps the plant from falling.

Relevance of the topic:

  • to form an idea that the soil is the top fertile layer of the earth;
  • generalize and systematize children's knowledge about properties soil, sand, clay
  • teach to make the simplest inferences through experimental research activities;
  • teach to record the results of research;
  • learn to formulate conclusions;
  • to form an interest in the phenomena of the surrounding world.

Stages of project implementation

Stage 1 - preparatory

Teacher activities:

Defining the problem, setting goals and objectives;

Determination of working methods;

Selection of methodical, popular science and fiction literature;

Registration of an information piggy bank on this topic;

Drawing up a long-term plan to familiarize yourself with the properties of the soil.

Joint activities with children:

Lead children into a problematic situation that is accessible to their understanding.

Joint activities with the parents of the pupils:

Introducing parents to a problem situation;

determination of the range of urgent and feasible tasks.


Work with children

Program section

Forms, methods and techniques of work



GCD "What is soil?"


1. Types of soils.

2. What is the soil formed from?

3. Soil properties.

1. Air in the soil.

2. Is there water in the soil?

3. Is there humus in the soil?

4. Is there salt in the soil?

5 learn the properties of sand and clay

6 soil is the kingdom of the earth

“Wet soil. Its properties "

"What's in the soil?"

"Sand and Clay".

Lesson "Acquaintance with the properties and composition of the soil"

"Properties of Sand and Clay".

Observations in nature.



Reading Tale "Thumbelina".

Reading fairy tales and poems about soil (Ryzhova N.).


Game "Underground inhabitants"

d / and "Amazing sand"

p / and "Flowers in the meadow"

"D / and Yes-No".

Designing a watering station

Working with parents

The form



Information -



Thematic consultation "How to organize and conduct the simplest experiments."

Thematic consultation "Guidelines for organizing a developing environment in the family."

Parents survey


"How to Conduct an Informative Conversation."

“How to watch educational videos and programs”.

Cognitive Creative

Creative workshop "Making and filling the laptop" Soil "," Drip irrigation station "

Stage 3

Stage objectives:

Formation of elementary environmental knowledge and ideas of children and parents, as well as the beginning of the foundations of environmental education through the implementation of the following forms of activity:

Parents' questionnaire (Appendix 2)

Analysis of the achievement of the set goal and the results obtained;

Generalization of experience and determination of the result of practical activity.

presentation of the project “Soil. Acquaintance with the properties of the soil.

Children will learn the results of work on the project, that the soil is the upper, fertile layer of the Earth, the composition and properties of the soil: the value of soil for plant growth, for human life.

Children will learn: identify the problem that needs to be resolved; suggest possible solutions; carry out an experiment, experience; draw conclusions, generalizations; understand the need to respect nature.

Interaction with parents.

Active participation of parents in joint research the project and building collaborations by the participants.

Diagnosing the effectiveness of implementation the project.

For the teacher:

Improving the professional level in the field of information and computer technologies, satisfaction with their own activities, the implementation of creative potential.

The practical significance of the project

The experience gained by children during the implementation of the project, through independent practical activities, contributes to the further development of cognitive thinking and creative abilities of children in the process of research activities.


Project implementation scheme

Annex 1

Area "Speech development"

Literature Center:


“Wet soil. Its properties "

"What's in the soil?"

"Sand and Clay"

Exhibition of scientific and educational books.

Reading fairy tales about soil (author T.I. Popov).

Reading excerpts from S. Sakharny's book "On the seas around the Earth."

Reading fairy tales and poems, riddles about the soil (Ryzhova N.).

Area "Cognitive development"

Experimentation Center:


1. Types of soils.

2. What is the soil formed from?

3. Soil properties.

1. Dry and moist soil.

2. Air in the soil.

3. Composition of the soil.

4. Does the plant need soil.

Lesson GCD Appendix 4

"Acquaintance with the properties and composition of the soil"

"Properties of Sand and Clay".

Observations in nature

"What is soil?"

GCD "Underground inhabitants".

Physical development area

Center for Physical Education:

Outdoor games » Trees and worms "Appendix 7.

Project product Public defense of the project, laptop, drip irrigation station

Area "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Art Center:

Drawing on the theme: "Underground inhabitants"

Drawing on the theme: "Plants and soil"

Exhibition of drawings "Soil in nature"

Drawing environmental signs,

Area "Social and communicative development"

Games center.

Role-playing game "Ecologists"

Game - Simulation "Layers of the Earth"

Game - quiz "Guess the riddle"

Game "Underground inhabitants"

d / and "Amazing sand"

p / and "Flowers in the meadow"

"D / and Yes-No".

Appendix 5.

Design Center:

Model "Watering station" from the constructor "LEJO WeDo"

Appendix 2

Parents questionnaire

« Ecological education of preschoolers»

Dear parents!

Preschool educational institution in the framework of implementation ecologists- Conducts questionnaire of parents on environmental education of preschoolers... We would like to know your opinion on the work of the kindergarten, educators

1. Do you consider eating an important component ecological education of preschoolers?

2. How do you understand the word Ecology, what does it study?

3. How do you calculate whether the state of health of the child depends on the state of the environment.

4.In what joint activities do you carry out ecological education of children in the family?

Conversations with your child about nature

Bird feeding

Rest at nature

Observation of natural objects.

Reading fiction.

Other methods.

5. How do you rate the level ecological knowledge of your child?

6. Do you acquaint children with the rules of behavior in nature?

7. What information would you like to receive from a preschool institution on environmental education.

Thank you for your participation!

Appendix 3

Cognitive - game program

TOPIC: Soil is living land. Who creates the soil?

GOAL: familiarization of children with the concept of "soil" on the basis of experiments, its composition and value for all inhabitants of the flora and fauna of the Earth;

TASKS: 1) cognitive research: to form the skill of experimental activity;

2) communicative: teach children to think, formulate and generalize the results of experiments, interact with each other

3) speech and play: to teach to communicate in the process of ecological play, to stimulate the development of imagination, to form the ability to express one's thoughts; instill a respect for nature in the process of elementary labor activity;

4) motor: to give the opportunity to actively move through the alternation of types of activity: conversation, experiments, physical minutes, work with the model "Soil - relationship with the environment", role-playing game, labor activity;

5) perception of folklore: proverbs about the earth

EQUIPMENT: PC and presentation "Soil composition", poster scheme "Soil composition"; for experiments: soil samples, glasses of water, magnifiers, leaf samples; proverbs, for the game: leaves, cups with earth (according to the number of children) headpieces with a tree-2 pcs., and with an image of an earthworm-2 pcs., a hoop-4 pcs., 8 watering cans for watering, surprise - apples from a magic wood.


Has nature amazing pantry. You put a handful of grain in it in the spring - and by the fall you will take a whole bag. A bucket of potatoes in this pantry turns into ten buckets. A handful of seeds becomes a scattering of cucumbers and tomatoes, carrots and beets, bunches of radishes and dill. What do you guys think it is? (answer: earth, soil)

Today we will talk with you about soil, find out what it consists of, who lives in it, and how we can preserve it.

What is soil?

What do you think children? (children's answers).

Multimedia presentation. Soil composition.

Of course you are right, soil is earth. We used to call it that by the name of our planet - Earth. We all walk the earth. In dry weather, we grumble that there is a lot of dust, and in rainy weather - that it is too dirty. But dust and dirt is not just earth. The soil under our feet is its correct name. She drinks and feeds the plants in the warm season (and remind us, please, what warm seasons you know, when all nature blooms, and then flowers turn into fruits (spring, summer), but this warm period is replaced by a cool season that brings gifts to us are autumn, and the moment comes when the trees begin to shed their leaves, preparing for winter, they cover their wet nurse - the earth (or as it is correctly called - the soil) with a thick blanket of dry leaves of yellow, red, orange ..., and we can also see fruits that have fallen to the ground, acorns, nuts, apples, pears, many of them are already covered with brown spots of rot and they have one road, as the proverb says: "They came from the earth, to the earth and will go away"

And what does it mean? (children's answers)

The fact is that soil exists only where plants grow, and vice versa, plants themselves are a source of material for the structure of the soil.

The secret is that all these fallen leaves and branches rot, and various underground inhabitants are invisible to our eyes, and participate in this. And who remembers which animals are involved in creating humus? Worms, slugs and snails, woodlice and millipedes, tiny earth mites, the size of a grain of sand, microscopic fungi and bacteria, and as a result of their activity, humus is formed - a nutritious soil layer.

What do you think soil is made of? (children's answers)

The soil consists of: sand, clay, humus, there is water in the soil, air

Now we will check this experimentally.


Conclusion: M We see bubbles that rise to the top. This means that there is air in the soil.

EXPERIENCE 2.Soil composition



That's right, kids. Water enters the soil when it rains or during watering. It penetrates deeply and remains in free spaces between soil particles.

Take a spirit lamp, heat up a clod of earth, cover the mold with glass, and look at the glass.

Output: On the glass, we see water droplets that have evaporated as a result of the calcining of the soil, which means that there is water in the soil ..

We learned that there is water in the soil, air - that means you can live there.

Please tell me what soil inhabitants do you know?

Who lives underground? (children's answers)

The soil provides shelter for many plants and animals. And they get along so well. See how they live and help each other. Plants grow in the soil, take nutrients from it, and the time comes - autumn, when plants: trees, shrubs, herbs, flowers fall, losing leaves and fruits, and then the amazing work of the invisible world of animals, hiding under a layer of leaves and in the ground, begins ( the story of leaf processing), this is how humus is created, which gives plants a lot of nutrients.

It's cloudy today, but a funny song about the sun invites you and me to relax a little!


Today in the lesson you got acquainted with the concept of "soil", please remind me what it is? What does it consist of, who lives in it? (children's answers)

How can we save soil for these creatures? What we can do?

(do not pollute the soil, water with clean water, do not make fires, do not trample plants, protect the "underground inhabitants" - because the soil needs them. What useful have we learned today? (answers)

And you know, guys, today we did not water the flowers, our room ones, they drank all the moisture, and I suggest you do a good deed - water the soil, and she will water the plants. What do you think the soil and plants would tell us if they could speak? Don't we care about them?

Guys, the Russian people, the wise people have come up with many sayings and proverbs about the Earth, and the word earth in them means soil:

Without an owner, the land is a complete orphan.

You cannot put it into the ground - and you cannot take it from the ground.

Where there is no land, there is no grass.

The earth is the nurse.

There is no land more beautiful than our country.

I invite you to draw in a group, someone from the "underground inhabitants", which you liked the most. You can draw a garden or a field that produces crops. Your imagination has no limits.

Now it's time for us to return to the group.

Appendix 4

Didactic game "Yes - no"

Target: to develop the ecological consciousness of children, to form value orientations, to consolidate competent behavior in nature. To foster a respect for nature.

Game Guide

Material: flashcards illustrating the rules of behavior in nature.

Game progress:

The teacher reports that Dunno came to the forest, he does not know anything about the rules of behavior in a fox. I will inform you about the actions that he performed in the forest, and you will appreciate his actions. If Dunno does the right thing you say "Yes"... If you do the wrong answer "No".

If I come to the woods

And pick a chamomile? (No)

If I eat a pie

And I'll throw away the piece of paper (No)

If the bread is a piece

I will leave on a hemp (Yes)

If I tie a branch

I will substitute a peg (Yes)

If I light a fire

And I will not extinguish? (No)

If I mess up a lot

And I will forget to clean up? (No)

If I clean up the trash

I'll bury the jar (Yes)

I love my nature

I help her (Yes)

Appendix 5

Experiments file

EXPERIENCE 1: There is air in the soil. Many animals of the underworld breathe it (presentation)

Take a glass of water and throw a lump of soil into it.

What conclusion can be drawn from the results of the experiment?

Conclusion: We see bubbles that rise to the top. This means that there is air in the soil.

EXPERIENCE 2.Soil composition

Stir the soil in a glass of water. After a while, we will see that sand has settled at the bottom of the glass, the water has become cloudy from above due to clay, and debris is floating on the surface, plant roots are humus.

Output: The soil includes: humus, sand, clay.

EXPERIENCE 3. We also said that there is water in the soil, which is why plants grow.

Where does it come from in the soil? (children's answers)


A few drops of the solution, where the earth was, were placed on a glass plate. We'll put it in a warm place.

The water evaporated, and a white coating remained on the glass, these are mineral salts.

Output: The soil contains salt.

Appendix 6


Children are divided into two teams. Each team has its own "worm" and its own "tree". At one end of the room, on the floor, in one line, but at a distance, put two hoops. These will be the "holes" of worms. A child is allocated from each team, playing the role of an earthworm. He stands in a circle, here, in a circle on the floor, there are cups of earth. At the opposite end of the room, put two more hoops for children, which will act as "trees". These children also stand in a circle with leaves in their hands. Children wear appropriate headgear on their heads. The rest of the participants stand one after the other. At the command of the host "AUTUMN!" tree children give a leaf to their participant, he runs to the worm and changes it to a glass of earth. Then he returns with him to the tree and gives it away. Team members repeat their actions until the last participant brings the earth to his tree.

Appendix 7

GCD "Underground inhabitants"

Target: Give to children class about a mole - a wild animal (where it lives, what it eats, what are the characteristic features of its appearance, to introduce it to the earthworm (its appearance to explain why worms are called earthworms).

Cultivate interest in underground inhabitants(mole, earthworm)... Treat them with care.

Guys are at occupations we are going on a trip to underworld... We know that animals live not only in the forest, walk on the ground, but also live in the ground.

We descend lower and lower, below it becomes darker and darker the sun does not get here at all.

And here is the first underground resident.

You can't tell my tail from my head

You will always find me in the earth (worm)

Now listen to an excerpt from Pavlova's tale "Great miracle"

The earthworm was born on the ground, under rot, and lived for a whole year in the dark, digging holes. At will, he looked out only at dusk to pick up and drag the fallen leaves underground. This was his favorite food. But one day, after a heavy summer shower, the earthworm had to get out of the flooded mink. The ground was wet and soft. The sun shone through the cloud and did not burn, but caressed the delicate skin of the earthworm. Grasses and trees dropped the last drops of rain from their leaves. It was so good that it seemed to the earthworm as if he himself had deliberately come out to look at the white light. He is so said: "I came to see how you all live here". "Well, look"- The grasses and trees answered him warmly. They did not know him, and they loved him because he lived in great friendship with roots. Crawl on the ground and you will see many different miracles.

Guys, do you think the worm sees well? Correctly, there is no light underground, so the worm, like others underground inhabitants, good vision is useless.

Guys, why are worms called earthworms? (due to the fact that worms crawl to the surface after rain) But it turns out that the name hides the real tragedy of these useful creatures. They do not return in the thousands underground. Maybe they are flooded with water in burrows, and they die from a lack of oxygen. But in experiments, they survive in jars of water for a whole year. What mysterious force drives the worms out of their holes in the rain and destroys them? There is no answer to this yet. The worm cannot be without soil for a long time, it underworld dweller.

Now we will meet one underground inhabitants(mystery).

Made a hole, pulled a hole

The sun is shining and he doesn't know (mole)

Guys, now we are going to watch a movie about a mole.

Guys, what fairy tale do you know in which the mole lived. (Thumbelina)

And as in a fairy tale, the old mouse talked about mole: He has the largest house underground and wears a wonderful velvet fur coat. One problem is he is completely blind and will not see you. The mole's home was 20 times larger than that of the field mouse. There were many large rooms and long corridors, but the sun never entered. The mole did not like the fact that soon the end of summer will be the sun will stop scorching the earth, and it will again become soft and friable.


1. Why was the mole blind and did not like the sun? (mole underground animal, there is no light under the ground, it is always dark there and the mole does not need sight, because you will not see anything anyway)

2. Why was the mole fat? (It is cold underground and a thick layer of fat warms the mole, and a warm velvet coat helps it escape from the cold).

3. Why was the mole waiting for autumn to come and the earth would become soft and loose again? (then it will be convenient for the mole to dig the ground, dig passages in it).

Guys, the mole is really a hard worker. Only 10-15 cm long and weighing 100 grams. it brings up to 10 tons of earth to the surface per year. A real miniature earth-moving machine. A cat can only be stroked from head to tail, if stroking in any direction the fur will lie down smoothly, the mole crawls in any direction, and it does not interfere with it, because if it bristled up, like a cat's, the mole would get stuck when moving back. The hairs of the mole are tightly pressed to the body. The mole perfectly hears, distinguishes smells. The proboscis helps him navigate. The mole loves to drink, it breaks through passages to puddles and streams. The mole eats a lot, without food it quickly dies. It feeds on beetle larvae, earthworms. And they themselves are hunted by foxes, crows, martens, hedgehogs. But their biggest enemy is man. From their velvet coats, people sew fur coats for themselves. But moles need fur coats much more than people.

What would a mole ask people if he could talk?

Now guys, it's time for us to return from underworld... How good it is on earth. The sun shines brightly. Let's play a game with you "Trapper".

Appendix 8


1. Ryzhova N.A. Our home is nature. M., 1998

2. Popova T.I. World around us. M., 1998

3. Kovanko L.N. The secrets of nature are interesting! M., 2004

4. Ivanova A.I. Naturally - scientific observations and experiments in kindergarten. M., 2007

5. Miklyaeva N.V. Management of the educational process in a preschool educational institution with the priority of the intellectual development of children. M., 2006

6. Dubina O.V. The unknown is near. M., 2001

7. Kovaleva G.A. Raising a little citizen ... M., 2004

8. Nikolaeva S.N. Complex classes in ecology for older preschoolers. M., 2005

9. Ryzhova N.A. Not just fairy tales. M., 2002

10. Kulikovskaya I.E. Children's experimentation. M., 2003

11. Nikolaeva S.N. Acquaintance of preschoolers with inanimate nature. M., 2005

12. Nishcheva. N.V. Cognitive - research activities experiments, experiments. 2013.

Target:; about the relationship and interdependence of soil and plants; using experiments to show what the soil consists of (there is air, moisture in the soil), how it is polluted.

Equipment: microscope, jars of water, fertile soil, bag, white sheets of paper, tin can, spirit lamp, worm caps, wood.

Course of the lesson

The teacher shows the children a gift from, offers to guess what is hidden in it.

Game "Yes-No".

Educator (V.). This precious gift is a bag of magic land from its path. This magical land is called soil - the topmost layer of the earth, which is riddled with plant roots, in which various animals live.

Guys, where do we meet the soil? (Answers of the children.) Do you want to know how the soil was formed?

The educator's story.

Once upon a time, the soil did not cover the earth with a fertile layer. There were only stones and rocks on the surface of the earth. But under the influence of winds, rains, frost and heat, the rocks gradually cracked and collapsed. The cracks widened and the stones split. They rubbed against each other, crushed and eventually, after thousands of years, turned into sand and clay.

The wind brought with it, the most unpretentious of which settled on sand, clay, put down roots, and when rotting, formed a thin layer of humus. The seeds of other plants fell into this layer, they grew, and when they died, they increased the layer of black soil.

Now you know how the soil was formed. It took thousands of years, but unfortunately it is very easy to destroy it. Who needs soil? (Children's answers.) Who lives in the soil? (Children's answers.) Who makes the soil nutritious?

V. Where do fallen leaves disappear to? (Answers of children.) All fallen leaves and even turn into soil. It becomes rich, new "food" for plants appears in it. This always happens: the soil-soil feeds the plants, and then they feed it.

The teacher invites children to turn into little scientists and, through experiments, find out what the soil consists of.

Experience number 1.

Show what the soil is made of.

We put some soil on a sheet of paper, examine, determine the color, smell, grind the lumps of earth, find the remains of plants. We examine it through a microscope.

V. Microbes live in the soil (they convert humus into mineral salts, which are so necessary for plants to live).

Experience number 2.

Show that there is air in the soil. Remind the children that there are many residents in it. What do they breathe? Like all animals - by air.

We put some soil in a jar of water and see if air bubbles appear in it.

Experience number 3.

Show that if you trample the soil, then the living conditions of underground inhabitants deteriorate, which means that there will be fewer of them.

Experience number 4.

When squeezing a lump of earth, show how air "leaves" it.

Experience number 5.

Show that there is moisture in the soil.

Pour soil into a tin can, put on an alcohol lamp to ignite. Hold a glass plate over the soil. What appeared on it?