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How to distinguish the shoot of a rose rose. Rosehip - wild rose. How to distinguish a rose from rose hips how to distinguish the fruits of a rose from the fruits of roses how to distinguish a rose from

Pretty Rose Flammentanz, New Year. Looks by chain, just do not understand what it is: Rose or Rosehip. Shoots are red, thick, the sheets are large, dark green and glossy. Five leaves, everything is nothing, just after some time another pair of sheets appears. This is confused, I know that roses are 3-5 leaves. And then seven. That year deleted two powerful escapes. Three have already got out in this. What to do? Delete or wait until you grow up? I'm afraid they score a rose. Rovese I am not experienced, so I ask for help !!!
Dear rose, I appeal to you for help. For the third year waiting for the flowering of roses Louise Odier. In the first year, when I purchased a rose, I saw her half-painted bud, but because In the fight against Tli, I overlooked and burned the leaves with drugs, she dropped everything that was on her)). For the second year, I hopefully expected her flowering, but in vain. The imaginary beautiful woman grew, gave rise, grew in breadth and height, but did not show it.)) This year is the third. A bush in relation to other roses (this is in our Kamchatka conditions) risks-fluffy and relatively high. But here is August, and there is not a single incarnation of the flower in the rose. But here!! It happened!!! I found a vertical increase with 3-bootons on one branch. Waited. And what ... What I saw surpassed all the expectations! What it was I did not understand. I apply a photo. Experts, rose, I would like to know your opinion
Dear rose! In the fall bought three bushes of roses without a name, but with large flowers of dark purple, stunning flavor and good root. Now from last year's curved twigs grow new shoots, bright green, and 5-7thls! I read that 7 leaves are a rosehip, but the new shoots are not growing out of the root, but from the twigs that were roses last year! What does it mean? Rose was reborn in Rosehip? And these bushes grow more active than everyone else! Dear rose!
Last year, he planted several bushes of plenty roses, from last year's shoots roses kicked new shoots with rare spikes, and new sprouts are all sleeping with frequent small spikes, the color of the leaves on new sprouts do not differ from the first.
Tell me, is it rose hips rose, or not?
Rosa Crovn Princess Margareta.
link to the photo (left-suspicious new escape):
photo2 (suspicious escape - the most extreme left):
photos3 (Relative escape close-up, for comparison):
photo4 (Suspicious Escape Closeup):
another new suspicious escape:

This noticed today and on the Indigoletta: 4 new escapes, denselypaste, but still too small to make-looking conclusions, 4-6cm height while ... Shedet Rhapsody in Blue from Ovcharova put in the fall of 2015. In force, I have not yet entered. Recently issued a big escape, about 0.5 m, lighter than another foliage, without a hint of bud and on the leaves of 7 plates. I decided that this was a dick and deleted it. True, when I fused, I did not understand where he grows from. And now I think, maybe it is basal, because it has discovered 7 plates and on other leaves and spikes on NM are very powerful, the rosehip is not so. I hope that experienced rosishes will determine the photo that it was.
I do not want to make such annoying mistakes in the future. And yet, is it possible to root it?


After a year or two turns into a wild rose-inner. This situation can be avoided if you know the differences and.

During flowering

In essence, it is only an aliens. It is quite simple to distinguish them from each other. There are, of course, exceptions, but for novice gardeners, they are more informative. During the flowering period, it is very easy to distinguish from the wild.

At the first B, as a rule, a lot of petals, and the second - there are only five of them. Also, looking at the rose, it is rare to see her middle. There are varieties where it is open specifically, but they still have a lot of petals. Haped the yellow middleness is always in sight. Flowers have a rose huge number of colors - from white to almost black. Rosehip flowers are only white, pink or bright pink. But there are examples of the opposite.
For example, at a decorative variety "Mermeid" only five petals, like a wild plant, and in a flower up to 182 petals like roses. These cases, like the varieties that are mentioned, rare.

And such differences are known only to experienced gardeners. To distinguish a wild plant from a noble, sufficiently look at the differences in the complex.

Did you know? Fossils found and fossil remains roses say that this plant appeared on Earth more than fifty million years ago.

By shoots

The queen of colors from the rosehip is very easy to distinguish on the shoots. The noble is red-burgundy, which can subsequently can be green. And the wild representative of the family in young and mature age, they are always consistently green. Experienced lovers of the queen flowers say that some sides and plenty representatives of the pink species are also green shoots. Then you need to look at the flower and sheet.
From you can be distinguished both on the shoots and the leaves. The leaves of both representatives of the family of riotroice are different, as well as their different amount on a complex sheet. Rosehip on the twig is always seven leaves.

Roses must be standard from three to five. But there are exceptions to the rules. In new varieties of decorative culture, the number of sheets more than five points to their good winter hardiness, so varieties can meet, in which seven and more leaves will be in the complex sheet. Also more than five leaves can be from plenty varieties.

Therefore, further to figure out, you need to see what leaves from roses. In size, they are greater and in color are saturated green, dark, sometimes even with a burgundy tint, as if glossy. And the wild representative of the species, they are small, sometimes with small spikes, in color - bright green and rather matte than glossy.
Two plants differ also with spikes. In pink they are big, rare, and rosehip is small and frequent.

Did you know? Why is the spike roses? According to the legend, Cupid nyuhal Rose and his stool bee. He fired into her, but the arrow fell into a pink stem and turned out to be spike. In fact, the spikes serve to plant protection.

Proper trimming of rosehip (how not to turn a rose into a rose hips)

The differences are clear, but why is it all the same roses turn into a rosehip, how to avoid it, and what to do? To answer these questions, let's deal with how the decorative representative of the species falls into our garden. The plant can be with its root system, and may be prominent on the so-called "dive". The last case is more common, because with such a vaccination, pink bushes are more resistant to a change in climatic conditions. And all because the wild representative of the species serves. That is, very often at the pink seedlock root and the root part of the rosehip and only the upper escape from the decorative rose. If you closer to consider the seedling, then it has a thickening from which shoots depart. At the scene of the thickening of the cultural type of grafs on the wild plant. Roses with its root system there is no such.
If suddenly you notice that the shoots that have a bright green color grow from the root of a pink bush that need to get rid of them. This is the shoots of a wild parent, which, as a rule, are below vaccinations. They must not be easy to cut at the ground level, but to remove the root system. To do this, it is necessary to gently open the earth around the plant and remove everything that is below the vaccination. As a rule, this will be a rose hips. Everything that is above vaccinations are not necessary to touch. These are new rose shoots.

There are cases when you can see wild shoots in a meter from pink. They also need to be removed. They take strength at the main plant, it grows worse and blooms.

Important! Robber shoots need to be removed not once, but to watch it constantly, up to frosts. This is explained by the fact that the rosehip is very strong, steady and growing constantly.

Rose turned into a rosehip: what to do

Fully turns into a wild-growing parent, if the trigon died. This is the part of the plant, which is above the vaccination. In this case, the kidneys of Rosehip begin to actively grow shoots. It is characteristic of particularly young plants that poorly carry the winter. If this happened, you can transplant the bush outside the site.

There will be no experienced flower flowers. They instantly recognize the rose in front of them or her ancient progenitor. Yes, the pedigree "cultural beauty" (roses of the Earthurized) originates from this modest plant from the family of pink order rose-colored. It is not by chance that novice florists often break their heads over the question: how to distinguish a rose from a rose? On leaves and flowers, still some signs?

Millions of years - like a bush

Paleobotany argue that rosehips appeared on Earth long before the first person passed on it. Inquisitive scientists found the characteristic prints of the leaves in the sediments of the tertiary period, and this, no matter how cool, 65 million years old - like with a bush! Pink, of course ...

There is an opinion that the Motherland of Rosehip - Asia. More precisely, it is difficult to specify the place - there is not a single southern people, in whose history, at least once, the mention of a rose flashed (meaning about the rose). Cultural varieties were grown in Babylon four thousand years ago.

In 1279-1213 BC e. The Egyptians wrote about the queen flowers on papyrus scrolls. Imagine we are talking about the times of the Great Pharaoh Ramses II. Unfortunately, the name of the first gardener, who received a wondrous scenario "Fairy Dream" from a wild rosehip, did not save history.

Legends about roses

It is known that roses have long been used in cosmetic and even culinary purposes. Hello legends about them. Here, for example, one such origin of the alleged one in India one Lord ordered to fill the ditch with water with gentle fragrant petals. Formed strong infusion. So people first obtained a wonderful essential mixture.

And here is one of the legends of Western peoples: walking in the evening in the garden, admiring the flowers, the prince found out that one beautiful girl was turned around with a magician in a rose. To save the unfortunate, it was necessary to determine exactly which plant is not just a bush, but an enchanted beauty. Young Romeo pointed to the only flower, not moistened with dew. And not mistaken! All this is very interesting, but back to the sinful land: how to distinguish a rose from Rosehip?

Without transformations

Every year, breeders of different countries are withdrawn all new varieties of beautiful roses. But the wild rosehip does not indulge in oblivion. This is explained by the fact that its fruits are rich in life vitamin C. On the hebities of the plant have long been known not only doctors, but also ordinary people. In the XVI century, the saying was the saying: "Rosehip of seven doctors is worth". It was a very expensive medicine.

Let's take care of finding the differences of the decoration of the world of roses from the riding lacar. First we assimilate for yourself: they have one type, but these plants are different. (For comparison: the mother in children is united, but Chad is every "in itself"). You can often hear: "My rose has turned into a rosehip." Now you understand that this can not be.

But to "score" a sideways of his threshold more lively relative is quite capable, especially since one of the most common ways to reproduce the rose is the vaccine vaccination (the approach of thoroughbred kidneys on a riding or plants of the same kind - canine). Taking a roses, rose seedlings receive excellent quality.

Proper "haircut"

How to distinguish a rose from a rose hips? The one who bought a seedling with an open root system probably noticed thickening with shoots over roots. So the vaccination looks like. To obtain the desired result in the form of a blooming rose bush, a vulnerable place when landing is plugged into the soil at 8-10 cm, if necessary, the earth is additionally poured, use underfloor material.

In the spring, the upper part is cut under the "zero", but the green mass in the summer is rapidly growing, the bush lush blooms. An important rule: Spring trimming must be produced very carefully, timely removing the root rose hips. Often "fastening" germinates in the distance from roses: such a thrill must be constantly eliminated.

In order to "be chopping" correctly, you need to know exactly what shoots and leaves are to be deleted, that is, to understand how to distinguish a rose from a rose hips on the leaves. It is believed that young leaves of many roses are painted in a reddish color. The pig's piglet (rosehip) is green, small leaves, their more than 5 pieces on one branch.

Although the same number of leaves also happens at the rarely, the external difference is still visible. Rosehip is cut close from the root. If pruning is regular and timely - there will be no "transformations"! Look at these roses (in the bottom below). How beautiful they are!

Spikes and roses

Secure the topic. Buying seedlings, emphasize the attention of what color "fresh" shoots and kidneys.

Dark red? Thickly spikes, sharp, are rarely located? This is a rose. Later the vegetative organs will become green, rigid (widen).

Saving and kidneys are gentle-green, spikes in small placer. This is a rosehip.

So, we figured out how to distinguish a rose seedling from Rosehip. It's time to talk about flowers. Rose in the "Flash of Forces" looks elegant. Flowers with multiple petals, large. Somewhere in their depths "hid" the core, which can be seen only after the rose "falls". Beauty color is the most different - scarlet, pink, tea, white, etc.

Rosehip with the number of petals on a flower compete with a rose can not - there are only five of them. Although many have seen the echoed species of this plant, destroyed by lush fragrant "caps", cute, but small. Wild rosehip has a gentle pink color. Garden can be white, cyclamen (bright pink), yellow. The core in the colors of the rosehip is visible good.

Flexible beauties

But more roses. The photo shows what they can be diverse! These are plenty specimens - number one in vertical landscaping. Of these, any forms are obtained: magnificent arches, slender columns, wonderful pyramids. A flexible balcony seems fabulous balcony.

Knowledge frees from errors

Many have heard park roses also exist. In this case, some of the gardeners believe that there are no such in the garden classification. However, the colors are widespread. In fact, it is cold-resistant rose hips.

For the front bed, they are, of course, are unnecessarily modest, but perfectly decorated with garden corners. Russia includes a rosehip varieties that are resistant to winter cold. So it is not worth refusing to theft when choosing seedlings.

Reflecting on how to distinguish a rose from a rose, or picking up a rose varieties for your garden, remember: knowledge of special rules, conscientious care for plants will free you from responsibility for launched greenhouses, dead seedlings, degeneracy of varieties. Before planting a gentle sprocket, decide: Can you take care of him with knowledge of the case, hard and carefully? Then the success of your flowering enterprise is provided.

The modern market offers many varieties of roses, to figure out which is difficult to even an experienced gardener. What roses saplings choose how to find the most beautiful varieties suitable for a particular climate zone, how to choose the right place to land - important questions you need to know the answers.

How to choose rose saplings?

Numerous shops offer for sale plant seeds, indoor flowers in pots, rose saplings in boxes and other garden crops. Buying cuttings for landing is recommended only in specialized nurseries, where all the conditions for storing the planting material are observed. Before buying, it is worth considering the plant, its roots and stem. Tips for which you should listen to will help you choose:

  1. The perfect seedling is a plant with barely crumpled kidneys and shoots no more than 5 cm.
  2. Many stems are highly pulled among themselves for the convenience of transportation. Buying roses seedlings, whether they should be checked.
  3. The bark should not have cuts, to be wrung and have stains.
  4. A good stalk has a root without signs of rot, branched and not dry.

How to distinguish a rose saplau from a rosehip?

When buying roses saplings, you can easily run into fake. Many unscrupulous sellers issue a rose rose for a pink bush - also a rose, only wild, this plant is different from the cultural species and the shape of the flowers and the size of the bush. Knowing the main differences between these species, during the choice of roses seedlings, you can easily recognize deception. The cuttings of roses and rosehip are very similar at first glance, but still there are some differences between them.

  1. Stem and rose shoots are distinguished by a reddish tint, unlike Rosehip - his young twigs are always green.
  2. Rosehip leaves grow by a group of 7 pcs. On one branch: three pairs and one central.
  3. In size, the leaves are also different, home rose seedlings have large glossy leaves, and rosehip - small, matte, with spikes on the reverse side.
  4. The spikes of plants are different, roses are larger and arranged less frequently than that of Rosehip.

How to keep rose saplings before landing?

Garden flowers purchased in the cold season can not be put in the ground at once. An important thing for many flower water remains how to keep roses saplings so that they pleased with their bloom for a long time. The main task when storing cuttings is the extension of the state of rest, it is impossible to allow early awakening of the kidneys. Cool and darkness - this is what needs roses for wintering, to provide the necessary conditions with plants in different ways.

  1. Storage of cuttings in the refrigerator is a proven method that suits all gardeners. Risen roots should be wrapped with moss sphagnum and put in a package of polyethylene, wrap scotch and put on the top shelf of the refrigerator.
  2. Glazed loggia or balcony is a great place for storing plant seedlings. In the cardboard box, it is necessary to pour a bit of sawdust or peat, put on top of a rose cutter, sprinkle with water and sprinkle with soil.
  3. The basement or the temperature cellar is not higher than + 3 ° C - the appropriate place for wintering pink bushes. Bucket, box or container need to fill with soil, sand or peat, bu in the seedlings, leaving shooting outside.
  4. On the plot where there is a lot of snow, if there is no balcony, nor the basement, you can store roses all winter right in the ground. For this method, the seedlings of garden roses must be put into the box, falling asleep with sand or peat, choose a place on a plot that is located on the hill, put a box, cover with any nonwoven material and flood with snow to form a snowdrift. From above, the storage can be covered with fir branches.

Resuscitation of roses saplings after purchase

Return to life a plant that looks dead - the need to meet gardeners in their practice. Knowing how to revive the seedling of roses, you can save your favorite flower, which I did not survive the winter, fell ill or damaged during the shipment process. Plant resuscitation methods can be described in stages:

From the time of planting the plant to the open ground depends on how the young rose escape is captured in a new place. Correctly selected dates for planting roses seedlings affect whether the plant will bloom this year. Spring is the best time to plant roses on the plot, during this period all the forces of the plant lets on the development of the root system responsible for saturation with nutrients, without which there will be no bright leaves or fragrant flowers. The exact time of roses landing depends on the region, it is important to pay attention to climatic indicators:

  1. Snow should melt, earth dry.
  2. Soil at a depth of up to 40 cm flashed.
  3. The soil warmed up to a temperature of + 10 ° C.
  4. The kidneys on the sapling last year did not go into growth and not swollen.

How to prepare rose saplings to landing?

The rules of care for young plants you need to know all lovers of prickly beauties. Preparation of seedlings to landing - important events that cannot be neglected. Many roses are sold in biodegradable packaging, they can be planted directly in it. Other seedlings of plenty roses and other species need careful release from a package or box. Too long roots need to be shortened, patients - cut off and treat with fungicidal agents. The shoots also need trimming, 2 kidneys on the stem - norm, the rest should be cut off at an angle of 45 °.

Do I need to shoot the wax with rose saplings?

Paraffin is a tool that is used to save moisture. Looking out roses with unqualified stems in warm areas is not recommended, it can interfere with the kidneys to germinate, burn stem, melting in the sun. Before boarding, you need to figure out how to remove the wax with roses seedlings so as not to damage the gentle stem. It is best for this to arm the toothpick, spend the line and then carefully pose a paraffin layer, freeing the plant. Some experts advise clean the seedlings from the wax with a soft cloth.

Soaking roses saplings before landing

To replenish the lack of moisture in young plants, it is recommended to make soaking seedlings before the landing. The solution prepared according to the instructions with the addition of any growth stimulator favorably affects the plant. Soaking - an important procedure before planting a rose, a seedling must be carried out in a solution at least two hours, the stem should be immersed before the root neck. Proven drugs are suitable for these purposes.

  • "Connector";
  • "Korniner";
  • "Gumisol-H";
  • "Zircon";
  • "Bud".

How to plant a rose seedling bought in the store?

So that unsightly spiny branches turn into well-groomed flowering bushes, it is important to understand how to plant roses in the spring seedlings that were purchased in the store. After preparing a pit for landing and fertilizes the land in it, you can start landing roses.

  1. The saplings need to trim the roots, shorten the shoots, leaving on each three kidneys.
  2. Kush Place in the center of the pit and straighten the roots.
  3. Plush the seedlock with soil and is good to pour.
  4. The soil around the plant is trusted and dip.

Saplings care for roses after landing

The growth and proper development of seedlings of any plants depends on the proper care after landing. The formation of a bush and watering at this stage is the necessary events. Two weeks after landing, cuttings should be trimmed by 2-3 leafs, so they do with all the shoots of the rose bush. After the seedlock takes place and buds will appear, it will be necessary to feed it, remove weeds, to carry out soil looser, it is properly watering and not allowing soil outlines.

Watering Saplings Rose

Any pink bush needs proper watering, this is a necessary condition for its growth and lush flowering. The rose seedlings are gratefully responded to watering, its lack of detachment for plants, but also the overvailing roses can cause harm. The best time for roses irrigation is the morning clock, when there is no scorching heat. Evening irrigation can lead to the reinforcement of the roots of seedlings. Several tips can improve the state of the roses and help learn how to water roses seedlings correctly:

  1. The roller of the Earth around the pink bush will help keep moisture intended for a particular plant.
  2. Rain or accumulated water for watering roses is best suited.
  3. The dose of watering should be controlled depending on the dryness of the weather.
  4. Frequent loosening will help roots saturated with oxygen.
  5. Watering from the leaks like roses more than from the hose.

Fertilizers for roses saplings

A beautiful and well-kept rosary cannot be created without making necessary fertilizers. Phosphorus is an important trace element responsible for creating new buds and root formation. Nitrogen is an impeller forming a bush, and roses seedlings are needed during active growth - in spring. Potassium, boron, iron, magnesium - important trace elements that improve flowering and contributing to the growth of the plant. Taking over in the types of feeding, the most popular fertilizers for roses can be called:

  • carbimide;
  • bird litter;
  • nitroammophos;
  • "Kemira";
  • "Pokon".

Rose and rosehip belong to one family - rose and have a lot in common. Their views are very closely intertwined among themselves, and some types of rosehips consider wild roses and vice versa. But still, these plants differ from each other.

  • We study the differences
  • Details about Rosehip
  • A little about roses

We study the differences

During the flowering of plants, answer the question: "How to distinguish a rose from a rose?" Nothing worth it, the difference is obvious. It is enough to look at the flowers: roses have a lot of petals, and there are five rosehips. In addition, Rosehip brings fruit, which cannot be said about Rose. Therefore, at the end of the summer, the difference between the rose and rosehip on the face, the last plant is distinguished by red or orange bright berries.

But if when landing does the need to distinguish the shoots of roses and rosehip? Let's call a few signs, according to which it becomes clear how to distinguish a rose from a rose from the shoots.

4 differences of roses and rosehip shoots

  1. Rosa launches red shoots, which are then greasy, young shoots have young shoots at once.
  2. Rose has 3 - 5 leaflets on a branch, the rose hips of them 7, the upper has no pair.
  3. Rose leaves dark green leaves, solid, large and glossy leaves, rosehip has small, light green, matte leaves.
  4. Rose spikes rare and large, rosehip - frequent and small. Sometimes spikes are covered with sewers and even rose rose leaves.

If cultural roses are grafted on a rosehip, then saunas often climb savages. Such a situation is unpleasant by the fact that Rosehip is pulling all the food and weakens the culture. After all, he is an order of magnitude higher. In this case, the soil layer is sprung under the bush to the depth of the escape, and the rose rose flush with the root. Otherwise, he will begin to branch on the cut, instead of one will release many shoots.

Details about Rosehip

In moderate and cold zones, wild roses, which we call Rogishniki, usually bloom for long - in May-June. And subtropical evergreen dicarka bloom almost continuously. The fruits are given in August-September. They are strongly fleshy, juicy. Inside the fruits of rosehip bristly villi, which seems to cover hard fruits nuts.

Rose hips in free growth grows most often with large bushes, up to 2 m high. Branches are a lot of breaking. There are peeling species whose branches can be clinging for trunks of trees and neighboring plants. So their shoots rise high enough.

There are bushes in the form of pillows, then the growth of their bushes is low, thick. During flowering, they are very decorative. Flowers are distinguished by numerous stamens and pestles, petals can be white, yellow, pink, red and raspberry color.

Effective rose hips on international botanical terminology is called park roses. They are actively used in landscaping, they have a very successful landscape, close to nature, appearance. One of the elegant roses is a wrinkled rose, or Rosa Rosa (Rosa Rugosa), and the hybrids created on its basis (Hybrid Rugosa).

It can be found in wrinkled leaves and baby-shaped dense straight bristles and spike along the shoots. It smells of a pleasant, fragrant, but weakly expressed. Neakhrovy flowers, flowering continues all summer. Bushes are very durable and unpretentious. They are good in borders and alive hedges, and can also be planted single and groups. The main advantage for our latitudes is frost resistance in winter. In winter, they can be left without any shelter.

A little about roses

Watching the roses that are universally popular, it is possible and not to notice that in recent years a lot has changed, and the accumulated changes are already starting to actively put in order, classify. Highlighted in special groups of roses patio, soil. There are plenty miniatures, which have unusual little flowers and crumb leaves.

A lot of articles are written about new varieties, we will tell a little about the forms of flowers. On the form of flowers, roses are divided into 9 main types:

  • With a cone-shaped center - classic shape buds characteristic of tea-hybrid varieties, which are rolled in cone.
  • Pionic, or spherical shape - numerous petals are concave inside, cover the center of the flower.
  • The shape with a loose center - loosely closed petals form the core of uncertain outlines.
  • A collapsed form - at the end of flowering flower, the flower initially the right shape is breaking down, the petals are falling out out, exposing the stamens.
  • A cupid form - numerous rose petals form a cup, the flower center does not cover.
  • Square form - internal petals create as far as four sectors located radially dust of the flower.
  • Pomponic form - numerous short petals form rounded, almost spherical outlines of the flower.
  • Flat shape - flower with numerous petals, slightly concave to the middle of the flower.
  • The rosette shape is the whole flower as it flows to the middle, a concave, but the form itself is flat with numerous short petals.

Studying the differences in rosehip and roses, four main differences on the shoots are highlighted. A brief description of richness is given, their decorative qualities for the garden are given. In the description of the varietal roses, their modern classification on the differences in the form of flowers are given. Roses and rose hips are very interesting cultures for the household economy, watching their growth and blossom is always nice.

Rose and Roshovnik

Grow garden roses with the help of the eyepiece is much easier than getting out of the cutting. Rosehips (wild rose) are used to flow roses, which meets everywhere - from Central Russia to the Far East.

  • unpretentious;
  • frosty;
  • undemanded to soils;
  • easily adopts grafted vegetative material.

Roses grafted on a rosehip, in 80% of cases survive on the powerful roots of the plant, the next year they grow and abundantly bloom. Rosehips are used to emphasize all types of roses - soil, plenty, floribunds, parks.

Park rose is an indulged Hybrid of Rosehip, undemanding to the care and wintering without shelter. According to the abundance of flowering and a variety of shades is not inferior to tea-hybrid roses. High-resistant bush and small park roses flowers are often confused with a wild rose (rose rose).


Similarity and difference

According to classification botanical signs, the rose and rose robes belong to the same rose genus and the family of rosal. They are very similar: both bushes are spiny, have a similar shape of the leaves, bloom in fragrant beautiful flowers - the shields from May to the last decade of August. For a number of signs, these plants can easily be distinguished.

Table: Differences of rosehip and garden roses on botanical features

Unbeatable richness

After 3-4 years, strong, resistant to diseases and drops of temperatures shoot wild stocks begin to germinate, scoring a cultural lead.

Gentle capricious rose can completely dry and stop blossoming. For one season, a powerful rosehip can irreversibly destroy the vaccination.

Despite the major inflorescences, the abundant growth of shoots, with the wrong eyepiece of my floribundu Rosehip "won" the next year. And on the soil-level with curly stems and small semi-world flowers, rosehip is especially noticeable. Rosehips on vaccinations does not bloom, that is, from the insanely smelling magnificence, the rose turns into a spiny, unparalleled, completely impregnable bush.

Why rose turns into a rosehip

A conscientious and competent approach to the vaccination of cultural roses is a guarantee of high-quality eyelidation and longevity of a new variety on a wild rose hips. When multiplying the place of the eyepiece (thickening with shoots) of the graft rose is buried at least by 3-5 cm below the level of the ground, this will allow the cutting of the cutting and increase its survival rate.

The lower part of the bush is perhaps every year, because due to precipitation and wind the soil saved with time, the vaccination is broken.

It must be remembered if it is necessary to pick up weak, patients with cuttings for the eyulisions, will not be able to take root on horseback, which, with the first opportunity, will give a "wild" piglery and destroy the vaccination.

Video: Why rose turns into a rose hips

How to deal with it

On the 3-4th year there may be the first stroke of the stock, so it is worth carefully studying all young shoots. If the first sprouts "wild" roses appeared, it is necessary to immediately take the cardinal measures.

  1. Determine the place of germination of the rosehip (roots with "wild shoots" can grow to a distance of up to 50-70 cm from the maternal bush) and completely fuse.
  2. The piglets are cut by a secateur or a sharp knife under the base of the root (not leaving a single kidney).
  3. The location of the cut is treated with iodine or garden harr.

Repeat germination is immediately removed again. It can be repeated 2-3 times per season. Proper care and observance of agricultural equipment will not allow the Dichka to oust the "cultural" vaccination. High-quality seedlings are developing rapidly and rarely give the opportunity to show themselves.

The eyepiece is a common way to reproduce roses, because putting a rose much more efficiently and cheaper. In order not to deny yourself this pleasure and get a pink abundance on our own flowerba annually, you need to be patient and not lazy. If you regularly deal with the pigs of the diet and abide by the agricultural engineering of cultural roses, the flower garden will admire the aroma and amazing with beauty from late spring to deep autumn.

During flowering

In fact, and is a rosehip, only an alcoholic. It is quite simple to distinguish them from each other. There are, of course, exceptions, but for novice gardeners, they are more informative. During the flowering period, it is very easy to distinguish a decorative plant from wild.

At the first in the flower, as a rule, a lot of petals, and the second - there are only five of them. Also, looking at the rose, it is rare to see her middle. There are varieties where it is open specifically, but they still have a lot of petals. Rosehip has a yellow middle always in sight. The flowers of the pink bush have a huge number of colors of colors - from white to almost black. Rosehip flowers are only white, pink or bright pink. But there are examples of the opposite.

For example, at a decorative variety "Mermeid" there are only five petals, like a wild plant, and in a wrinkled rosehip in a flower up to 182 petals like roses. These cases, like the varieties that are mentioned, rare.

And such differences are known only to experienced gardeners. To distinguish a wild plant from a noble, sufficiently look at the differences in the complex.

By shoots

The queen of colors from the rosehip is very easy to distinguish on the shoots. The noble plant has red-burgundy color, which can later be green. And the wild representative of the family in young and mature age, they are always consistently green. Experienced lovers of the queen flowers say that some sides and plenty representatives of the pink species are also green shoots. Then you need to look at the flower and sheet.
Rose from Rosehip can be distinguished both by shoots and leaves. The leaves of both representatives of the family of riotroice are different, as well as their different amount on a complex sheet. Rosehip on the twig is always seven leaves.

Roses must be standard from three to five. But there are exceptions to the rules. In new varieties of decorative culture, the number of sheets more than five points to their good winter hardiness, so varieties can meet, in which seven and more leaves will be in the complex sheet. Also more than five leaves can be from plenty varieties.

Therefore, further to figure out, you need to see what leaves from roses. In size, they are greater and in color are saturated green, dark, sometimes even with a burgundy tint, as if glossy. And the wild representative of the species, they are small, sometimes with small spikes, in color - bright green and rather matte than glossy.
Two plants differ also with spikes. The pink bush is large, rare, and the rosehip is small and frequent.

Proper trimming of rosehip (how not to turn a rose into a rose hips)

The differences are clear, but why is it all the same roses turn into a rosehip, how to avoid it, and what to do? To answer these questions, let's deal with how the decorative representative of the species falls into our garden. The plant can be with its root system, and may be prominent on the so-called "dive". The last case is more common, because with such a vaccination, pink bushes are more resistant to soils, pests, to changing climatic conditions. And all because the wild representative of the species serves. That is, very often at the pink seedlock root and the root part of the rosehip and only the upper escape from the decorative rose. If you closer to consider the seedling, then it has a thickening from which shoots depart. At the scene of the thickening of the cultural type of grafs on the wild plant. Roses with its root system there is no such.
If suddenly you notice that the shoots that have a bright green color grow from the root of a pink bush that need to get rid of them. This is the shoots of a wild parent, which, as a rule, are below vaccinations. They must not be easy to cut at the ground level, but to remove the root system. To do this, it is necessary to gently open the earth around the plant and remove everything that is below the vaccination. As a rule, this will be a rose hips. Everything that is above vaccinations are not necessary to touch. These are new rose shoots.

There are cases when you can see wild shoots in a meter from a pink bush. They also need to be removed. They take strength at the main plant, it grows worse and blooms.

Which rose 7 leaves

First, remember, what kind of rose you purchased. It is no secret that many Floribund ( Carte Blanche, Red Leonardo Da Vinci), plenty ( Polka, Super Dorothy, Flammentanz, Rosarium Ueesen), soil levels ( Lipstick.) and schrabov ( Caramella, Maiden's blush) The sheet may consist of five, seven and even nine leaves.

If you purchase seedlings in the nursery, do not hesitate to ask the seller and find out what you want and what is the norm for roses of this species. If the bush is purchased in the mall or via the Internet, study the features of the variety - look for information about it on the sites on roses or read the special literature.

Larger than you used to see, the number of leaves says primarily that the memory of wild ancestors is strong in the pedigree of your rose. Even the most beautiful and vulnerable among roses can periodically throw out several nonypical leaves, without losing their decorativeness.

How to distinguish a rose from rosehip

From the Soviet times to distinguish a rose from Rosehip was made just by the number of leaves. This is due to the fact that the few grads occurring then belonged to the cut and were supplied from the Baltic States. They all had five leaves, were capricious and poorly tolerated the winter. But the robe, on the contrary, the cold weather was not afraid and actively grew in the harshest conditions. Now that roses can have any number of leaves from 3 to 9, paying attention to other signs:

  • Shoot roses first reddish and only then gradually greasy; Robber shoots are immediately green.
  • Spikes roses are large and rare; The spikes on the branches of the rose is small, densely located, grow not only on the stems, but also on the leaves, and next to inflorescences.
  • Rose leaves are bright, glossy, dense structures, with a sharp tip; Rosehip leaves small, soft, frosted, rough to the touch, with a rounded tip.
  • New roses shoots begin to grow above the vaccination location; Robber branches go from the root, from under the ground.

What to do if the rose is degenerated into the rosehip

Often it is possible to hear that the cultural rose was suddenly reborn in the rosehip, lost all signs of the variety, and then stopped blooming at all. We'll figure it out how and why it happens.

If your rose refers to the graft, then there is always the likelihood of the wild. This can occur because the rosehip is a very strong plant, and its divestream is very viable. But the vulnerable varietal roses, on the contrary, weak and are sensitive to the slightest change conditions for the worse. Strong Ranger's root is able to give his own stroke, which will quickly displacing vaccinations, will take off her all forces, and the rose will degenerate.

It is quite simple for you to develop the plant's development of the plant, it's pretty simply if you regularly pay attention to your roses. Appearing from under the ground near (and sometimes at a distance of up to 2 m) a green piglet with small leaves and a lot of spikes, says that the rosehip declared you war. Such branches grow very quickly and take all strength from roses. A couple of months near a small floribund can be seized a few half-one-meter branches thick into the finger.

If you have noticed that a roshovenik's piglet appeared next to Rosa, it is necessary to take measures to be agreed - it does not pass.

  • Fill the land near the root of roses so as to free the place where the pig is going.
  • Break all the wild processes like steps on tomatoes. If they are already very thick and not laid out, use the secateur, however, cut off the root, slightly deepening.
  • Places of layers are treated with a thick coal, a saturated solution of manganese or iodine.
  • Fall off the trunk of the earth, compact it.
  • After 3-4 days, it is equipped with a rose extraxifold superphosphate (50 g dissolve in 1 liters of hot water, then spread the composition in 10 liters of water).
  • Repeat the procedure until the rose hips is spent all sleeping kidneys.

Do not cut off the piglets above the surface of the Earth, it will begin to close even more lush and pull out even more strength out of roses.

How to distinguish the type of leaves

First of all, when buying a seedling, the gardener should be more closely at the leaflets of the plant. And the Rosehip, and roses they are quite spectacular and have an unusual structure. In both of these crops, each sheet consists of "branches" and several small leaves growing on it. Having wondered how to distinguish a rose from the rose, the first thing should be calculated the number of the latter. Rosehip on each "branch" grows on 7 leaves. Roses their number never exceeds 5. Sometimes on the "branches" in this culture grows on 3 sheets. Also at the rose hips, the topmost sheet is usually unpaired.

Roses leaves have a very dark glossy color and large enough dimensions. Rosehips are small, more tender and matte. Also, the leaves of this plant have a gentle green light color.

How to distinguish a rose from a rose from the sight of shoots

On this basis, there will be no particular difficulty to distinguish the plants. Roses have shoots have a reddish color. Over time, they decide and acquire a dark green color. Rosehip shoots more tender. In addition, they initially have light green. If nothing red is noticeable on a sapling - it is most likely a rosehip.

Also when buying a rose for landing, you should pay attention to the spikes of cooks. Roses are usually very long and rarely located. Rosehip has the same spikes short and distributed often. Sometimes they have this plant even on leaves and cups.

The main distinguishing sign of roses are red shoots. The spikes in some varieties are both short, and the leaves are sevenieplifications. It is on the color of escape and worth paying attention first.

What to do if the rose turned into a rosehip

So, we found out how to distinguish a rose from a rose on the leaves and shoots when buying a sapling. But sometimes problems with the "queen of flowers" at the dachensors arise in the event that it has already arrived at the site. The plant is gentle and in winter can easily freeze. Often after that it happens so that the shoots begin to grow "from the root." In this case, the most often rose and turns into a rosehip. If the shoots go above the place of vaccinations underground, the owners of the garden will receive a "queen of flowers" again. Below the vaccinations germinate only shoot rosehips.

What if the rose turned into a rosehip? In order to correct the situation, the garden owners need just closely to explore the bush. Very often it happens that in its edges grows many shoots of rosehip. In the middle you can notice a couple of roses twigs. All you need to do in this case is to simply remove the rosehip.

It should be done correctly. If the rose has turned into a rosehip, trim unnecessary shoots costs, a little excavating flower beds. Weighing breaks are removed in this case right under the ground - at the very reason. Otherwise, in the subsequent rose it will not look too neatly, and the rosehip will start germinate again.

Sometimes rebirth occurs also due to improper selection of the flow or violation of the planting technology. In this case, the shoots of a rose hips simply scoring roses shoots. Sat "Queen of Flowers" should be mandatory with a slightly gluing place of vaccination.

How to distinguish a rose from a rosehip you now know. Crop the first in order to prevent rebirth, usually falls twice the season. This method is thus quite troublesome. It is much easier to immediately translate a rose on "your roots". Conduct this procedure in the spring, after thawing the soil. At the same time from the trunk of the bush dig a trench. Next bend and fix in it one of the shoots. In the subsequent twig will give roots and a new separate rose bush will appear in the garden.

You can use this method only for winter-hardy varieties of the Queen of Flowers. Complete decorativeness grown in a similar way, the bush will reach for 4-5 years.

Rose and Rosehip: What's the differences

The differences between the blooming rose and rosehip are obvious:

  • Rose has more decorative flowers with a large number of petals, in conventional rosehip their exactly five. There are decorative, terry varieties of rosehip, but they are inferior to rose in decorativeness: smaller flowers and a pronounced core will not allow them to take them.
  • Rosehip fertimes: late in summer and in the fall on it, fruits of round or oval shape filled with seeds appear. Wild varieties of rose hips are fruits dark red, cultural - from orange to iscin-black. Rose is not fruit.
  • Essentially different and leaves. Roses have smooth leaves, without brightly pronounced streaks, even dark green. Rosehip - pubescent, sometimes with spikes, light green and uneven.

In addition, roses are of a wide variety of shades, the wild rose rose-pink, the garden varieties also have white and cyclames.

How not to be mistaken when buying seedlings

Unlike the flowering bush, the difference between rose and rose rose saplings is not so obvious, and inexperienced gardeners can sell ordinary rose rose hips instead of the welcome rose bush. How not to make a mistake when buying?

First, you need to clarify, pick up a rose sapling on a rose rose or he is a kinseum. At the graft seedling at the bottom of the stem necessarily there is a thickening - the place of vaccination. The stem below the thickening may differ in color. In the Corresponding Roses there is no place of vaccination. In order not to become a victim of the deception of unfair sellers, the corrosive roses need to be purchased only in proven nurseries or with buds.

There are 4 differences that will distinguish Rose Saplings from Rosehip:

  • Young rose shoots - dark red, gradually they are green and treed. Rosehip, on the contrary, young shoots bright green.
  • On the sheet branch of roses three or five leaves. On the branch of the riser leaves seven.
  • Rose leaves are pretty large, smooth, shiny, dark green. Rosehip leaves lighter, smaller, have a bright-pronounced structure and do not shine.
  • The spikes in pink shoots are large and arranged on the stem rarely. Robber shoots are completely covered with small short spikes, barbns are also on the cup of leaves and leaves.

It is worth noting that there are exceptions to these rules. Some varieties of spray roses with small flowers have 7 leaves on a branch and rather small spikes. They are very decorative, although they look like a robe, and moreover unpretentious. Mature shoots from such roses brown, flowers - different shades depending on the variety.

The ability to distinguish a rose from the rosehip comes with experience, so you can seek help from experts or flowers with experience.