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Contests for the new year corporate work. Competitions for family at the table. Scenes and fairy tales express included in the collection

"New Year's Adventures 2017"

scenario for corporate evening

Santa Claus enters the hall on the mimitable carriage. Instead of horses, it serves three men with puffers on her neck. Santa Claus fun sinks the song "Three White Kony". He has a general hat on his head, and on the fur coat - the general epaulets. He gets off his car, pretty pats one of the "horses" on the shoulder.

D. M.: Ay yes horses! Ay da Smirny! Stroke!

"Horses" quickly line up in a row, are honored, ringing bubber.

Horses: Yes! Ready to serve General Claus!

There is a loud phone call. One of the men quickly raises the phone.

- Listen, love!

- No, I will not soon ...

- I delay a little ...

- Favorite, earn you for the New Year's gift!

- There will be a fur coat, it will be ... (sighs).

D. M.: Stop talking in the ranks!

A man puts the tube, wearily rubs back.

The children's song "Santa Claus is a red nose" sounds. General Claus greets the guests by hand.

D. M.: Hello, cute people!

While I am, friends, I was looking for

All Morozov General!

The team you have wonderful,

The atmosphere is charming here!

I wish funny holidays

AND presents delivered!

Santa Claus has a phone. He raises the phone!

- Well, found?

- Yes, yes, brunette! ..

- Yes, yes, so smart! ..

- Yes, very beautiful! ..

- Thank you, found a snow maiden! Found my granddaughter!

- Where?

- In Hollywood?

- Urgently send it here!

Repeated bell

- Who is the phone?

- Again militia?

- Well, of course, it is due to me!

- How many?

- Ten chocolates in the fifth police department!

- Chocolates do not roll?

- Okay, we'll figure it out until the 31st!

- No, today I can not! I'm in the sickness!

Siren militia sounds.

Included Snow Maiden In A Short Doodle. Songs of the song of Nastya Kamensky "Red Hood" sounds. ("I wanted to shoot at the advanced movie ...").

- Oh, you, granddaughter! How I worried! How I gave! I went to Hollywood and even SMS did not send!

Snow Maiden cries even more.

- What do you binge? So why did you burst into this hollywood?

S.: On Casting, Grandpa!

D.M: Where?

S.: On the artist! I wanted to shoot in the movie!

D. M.: And what?

S.: Not taken !!!

D. M.: Not taken? It's you, Snow Maiden, did not take? Beauty, which is not distinguished by the light? Feet from the neck grow! Won glazing, shoot so that Kalashnikov's automaton is resting! So what did you say?

S.: Do not come out! Too smart!

Santa Claus is angry.

D. M.: Here are the villains!

Rings on the phone.

D. M.: Hello! Says General Frost! Cancel flight to Hollywood with gifts!

D. M. Do not cry, baby! You are the granddaughter of General Frost! And in general, why do you need this hollywood! Well you need so much! And people! After all, the holiday without Snow Maiden is not a holiday at all!

S.: Grandpa, and I will be a gift?

D. M.: Do you? (thinks)

Playing song "Santa Claus and Snow Maiden song" from the cartoon ("waiting for my presents ...")

D.M.: Oh, look, there, in the parking lot, the bright red Mercedes stands!

FROM.: (with moutigation) Oh yeah! Cool machine!

D. M. So! I will give you exactly the same color of the shoes!

Snow Maid sighs.

D. M.: Granddaughter, let's hand out gifts!

S.: And they definitely deserve?

D. M.: The team is good!

S.: And we will check now!

D. M.: Team! To check is becoming! By the beginning of the festive exams stand comfortably!

Show your skill!

Song Song "The locomotive will quit" the sewer fraudsters ("... we are now soldiers")

Competitive program

First "Check for the accuracy"

In the foreground put the ball. Two participants tie their eyes, turn them around several times around the axis. Behind the Snow Maiden team they are trying closed eyes Guess where the ball is and hit on it. The participant wins the first to do this. Repeated several times. For a larger comer, you can remove the ball, and the "football players" will continue to hit the non-existent ball. Competition can be held under the song "Argentina-Jamaica"

Second Competition "Dance Test"

Two-three participants give children's pacifiers. They are trying to "spit" it for a longer distance. Conducted by the motive of the songs of Christina Orbakayte "Sponges Band

Third Competition "Outfit Outside"

Prepare cleaning. In plates - small mugs of clappers. They need to disassemble in colors. You can "put" to one plate of two or three people. Sounds "New Year's" Verka Serdyuchka.

D. M.: I told you, Snow Maiden! Good team!

S.: True-Pravda, grandfather, give gifts!

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden distribute those present by sweets. New Year's song "Happy New Year" ABBA sounds.

After distributing gifts congratulate the team.

S.: I wish you in New Year

Many festive troubles!

Many smiles, good friends,

And fun jokes to live more fun!

D. M.: Listen, people, general order!

Have fun to celebrate the holiday hour!

Do not break and do not hurt!

Champagne drink and sing songs!

Salacts are, candy chew,

And we do not forget us with the Snow Maiden!

And now, friend, not be lazy!

Do not miss, but you have fun!

Merry dance music is heard, everyone is having fun! The first to the dance goes General Frost and Snow Maiden.

New Year's meeting unites many people on this planet. With this holiday, we all associate great hopes for the future. It doesn't matter what the outgoing year was, in the soul, almost everyone is confident that the next will be more successful and happy. People did not have to dream, which means that a small miracle must necessarily happen if you believe in it. We are from myself early childhood We remember how the new year was noted with the parents, then with friends and our own family. We carefully store cute little things associated with this fabulous winter timesgiving us an unforgettable vacation and strength for further victories. But for the New Year's celebration to be remembered for a long time, it is necessary to take care of its preparation in advance. For the long-established tradition, we encounter a new year with the most expensive and close people, so we must certainly take care that each of them is a holiday delivered a lot of impressions and pleasures.

The main rule is not to start the New Year's entertainment on Samotek.

In addition to the traditional preparation for the new year, in the composure of which we will plunge long before it, it makes sense to think thematic party. Let the Holiday idea inspire a mischievous fiery monkey, which will reign in 2016. You can report the guests of the party guests invited guests. Any of them will be able to choose their role and costume, and become an active participant in the festive action. This is an excellent opportunity to express yourself and get satisfaction from what is happening. Such parties are usually remembered for a long time. Here any little things are important, because it is from them an emotional mood is formed. Advanced creative preparation of a celebration program, multiplied by the impaired fantasy of all involved - the key to the maximum success of any holiday.

Video jokes: a monkey saddled the goat, and as you know, the outgoing 2015 took place under the sign of the goat.

Cheerful competitions for the new year 2016 for an adult party or corporate party.

If a company of different interests gathered to meet a new year, then funny contests will unite them and entertain the playful foolish monkey. She will give up any moving fun, and she will gladly share the fun of people. What New Year's Eve and Cheerful Games can be offered to meet 2016, the year of the fiery monkey:

1. Monkey Pantomimima

The queen of the year herself inspires the creation of parodies and mimic contests. After the guests sat at the festive table, you can warm up and try our strength in this art. Guests are distributed to two teams, each of which comes up with any simple offer in three words, for example: "Snow Maiden broke champagne." Someone from the detachment of opponents should try silently to portray the movements and gestures each word separately. As a result, it turns out a fascinating and funny idea, because the team still has to guess, which depicts their partner. Especially children suddenly show themselves on this field, and how adults are laughing! Tips here are strictly prohibited.

2. Who flies

A traditional contest, which is more relevant in monkeys a year. He will "light up" active and movable youth. You can use music at any pace and style. Players dance on Watman Sheet, which in a certain time it is twice as well, then quadruple and so on. The most resistant dancer, which will be able to dance on a paper piece of size from shoes, solemnly awarded the festive prize.

3. Funny Competition "Unexpected Chorans"

When meeting guests, you can distribute colorful envelopes with different tasks that need to be performed at the specified time.

Unexpected checklines on the table during a toast or dog bark when burning christmas tree garland, pretty walked all around.

4. "Peas for a real princess"

The task can be offered to cute ladies. All participants are built in one row blindfolded. Behind the chairs are put on paper-wrapped items. Sitting on the chair, using only the "fifth point", the lady should determine which item it got. Then she will be able to carry it home as a gift from the monkey.

Variation on the topic - a cool contest with a monkey:

5. New Year's "Wall of Wishes"

6. The game "Night of questions and answers"

The presenter makes up a list of questions with obvious answers. Usually answering such questions, people are not mistaken and do not think for a long time. This time it is proposed to answer them wrong. The pace of the game is quite fast, time on thought is not enough. As a rule, many are quickly mistaken and drop out of the competition, as they offer the right answer.

7. Funny fun "TRANSPORT OF BALL"

A cool contest, which will especially like the soul of an ending youth company. Two teams will be required, in which women and men become each other. It is necessary to prepare inflatable long balls in advance. It is necessary to move the ball with the help of legs across the entire column, without dropping and does not bursting it inadvertently. Hands do not do it.

1. New Year's contest "Monkey Lunohod 2016"

A new contest for those who are slightly drunk will give the opportunity to think in the form of a New Year's mistress. Guests get up in a circle. Children's reader chooses one participant who inside the circle wanders squatting and serious tone says that he is lunoko -1. Who laughs first, he joins him, portraying by lunohod-2. Who laughs next, he becomes moonport-3. Thus, the cheerful chain stretches on. The most serious as a prize is offered to drink.

2. Competition "Shashka-Ryumashki"

Guests are invited to play a batch in checkers. But instead of checkers on normal board White and red wine glasses (can be swollen: vodka and cognac). "Ate" the enemy's checker, Toste said and drank a glass. "Visual Hall" will never be empty for such a party.

3. Competition "Nose Snowman"

It will make anyone. On the big sheet Watman paints a funny snowman, but without nose. Nose is issued separately. Frequently, the padded players get the task to attach the "carrot" to the place. Especially fun, if the participant is well promoted before that.

Without good music, it is difficult to imagine any festival, whether it is a corporate party, youth party or children's party. Music creates a festive and warm atmosphere, so necessary for the meeting of the new year. The choice of musical design parties should be taken very carefully, given the preferences of the gathered guests. In addition to traditional singing, the karaoke can be offered to the participants to participate in musical entertainment. Here are examples of some of them:

1. Theatrical and musical fun "Song on the roles"

The simplest children's song is chosen. All those who wish to test themselves in randomly nouns from this song. When guests begin to fulfill its choir, you can observe an interesting mono performance. This contest will like both adults and children.

2. Competition "Own Song"

Each participant on the team leader (one cotton) begins to mentally perform his song, well known to him. According to the next team (two cotton) everyone sings out loud. Then one cotton again - to myself. Wins the one who will sing the whole song without having gotting down. From the game the one who confuses the words will somete the rhythm or distort the melody.

3. Competition "Care choir"

Players start the choir to fulfill a very familiar song. Lead Commander: "Silence!", All go to mind execution. Further on the team "Severat!" Participants continue to sing, but already out loud. As a rule, many are knocked off from the pace, and at the end of the game people sincerely laugh.

4. Competition "Song Chain"

Play two teams. The first team is singing a song verse, for example: "What are you standing, swinging, thin rowan". Another team of the participants chose the word "Rowan" and sings a coupler, in which this word is mentioned: "Oh, Ryabina Curly ..." The chain of songs stretches until it turns around. Won a team that the latter will sing the song.

5. Competition "Music ticket"

Guests form two circles: men - external, women - inner. Men must have one more person. Wonderful music sounds, two rounds move in opposite sides. When the music ships, the man's player must hug a woman player. "Hare", who did not have enough "happy ticket", performs any New Year's task.

6. Competition "Songs on the specified topic"

Very simple, but the musical competition enjoyable success. Any topic is given, for example about snow. Everyone can remember the song in which it is mentioned about him. In this marathon, each version must be encouraged by candy. It does not matter, in which sequence the participants acted - the one who will win the largest number of sweet prizes.

We pay, let's notice and wish on New Year's Eve

Dream and make love cepete desires Under the New Year, even those who never believed in Santa Claus and always considered the useless all this festive tinsel. The end of the year we associate with a certain summary of the results and build plans for the next year, how can I do without dreams? We sincerely want to wish you a lot of good and kind people in New Year's Eve. We also traditionally guess that the coming year promises us. This habit has rooted not only with us. For example, in catholic tradition People write their wishes for the new year on a tiny note that hides inside the tin toy. When it is melted in a midnter over fire and then lowered into the water, the shadow remains on the wall. They are trying to recognize their fate. Beautiful custom. But instead of tin you can use any candles, they are also bizarrely frozen, falling into the water. They say if there are many small holes and scale figures on the resulting figure, then the year will be profitable.

Its congratulations and wishes for the New Year can be closed in any forms, fantasy in this area is endless. For this, any New Year and modern attributes will be suitable: christmas decorations, candy, mandarins, champagne and glasses, musical instruments and electronic gadgets (List is infinite). Let that be inspiration to surprise and please their friends and relatives.

How to meet the New Year, so it will

You can believe or not believe in miracles - this is a personal matter of everyone. But the holiday will be unforgettable if they are "conducting magic hand Director, "if every invitant will be involved in what is happening. The most talented and creative people work on the good mood of the big company. Of course, all the desires will not come true, but let them come true the most important. We all like this in the New Year's Eve.

The coming New Year always causes the brightest emotions, hope for a miracle and magical fulfillment of desires. So, children look forward to gifts from Santa Claus, and for adults begins "hot" time to prepare for the upcoming holidays. In addition, corporate parties are traditionally held in many enterprises - in the restaurant, visiting nature or directly in the walls of the native office. As a rule, an informal situation reigns at such events, and employees have the opportunity to have the opportunity to have fun, find new friends, and also take a fresh look at the "usual" colleagues. We picked up the best contests for new Year's corporate party - 2018 at work - with jokes at the table, question-answer, karaoke. Take advantage of our ideas with a video when drawing up a festive scenario, and such a cool corporate will be remembered for all those present. Especially since such activity will have to the shower and hostess of 2018 yellow Earth dogwhich simply adores moving games and funny fun. Happy New Year's entertainment to you!

Merry contests for the New Year's corporate party - with jokes and jokes

The tradition to arrange a New Year's corporate party in domestic companies appeared relatively recently, but managed to gain tremendous popularity. So, every year, employees of offices are looking forward to the cherished date when you can "wound up" to plunge into the atmosphere of pre-happy care and fun. How to arrange an unforgettable corporate on the new 2018? In our selection you will find fun contests for the New Year's corporate party - with jokes and funny "adults" jokes. Of course, all jokes for the corporate party scenario must be fun, but not hiking the dignity of employees and even more bosses. We are confident with such cool competitions your New Year's corporate will be one of the most vivid events, as well as a great chance for the manifestation of creative potential and the fantasy of all its participants.

The best ideas of cool contests for New Year's corporate party - 2018

The essence of this funny feast competition is that each present receives a task from the lead - pronounce a toast on a certain letter. For example, the letter "K" will be extremely relevant as follows: "Colleagues! Here the yellow earthen dinner is running towards us. So let's meet her friendly lame! Happy New Year! With new happiness!". As an option, on "T" - "So let's drink for Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden - how much I remember, - do not hurt, they are not aging, and there is always money for gifts! So that we lived so! " The author of the very funny new Year's Tost declared the winner.

In each office on the eve of the new year you can meet a fluffy Christmas tree decorated with shiny balls fashionable flowers. Is it possible to dress the Christmas tree "blindly"? The best contest for the New Year's corporate party and not come up with! To complicate the task of participants with tied eyes, you can breed in different directions and promotion around your axis. Then everyone goes to the Christmas tree to hang a toy - who will cope faster, he won in this cool fun competition.

New Year contests for corporate party - 2018 - with jokes at the table

The main part of each New Year's corporate traditionally "passes" for generously with a covering table - be it a banquet room of a restaurant cafe or "kebabs" with a departure to nature. In order for the entertainment event to become a standard "eating" Olivier, we suggest diversifying the program with cool packaging contests that can be carried out in between active games. We will gladly share with you ideas interesting competitions To the new 2018 - and your corporate will be held with a bang!

A selection of packaging contests for corporate in honor of the new 2018

For the competition, you will need a spacious hat or hat and sheet of paper - by the number of areas of the corporate party. Each piece of paper, each participant describes its appearance - for example, "Curish Nose", "Blue Eyes", "Red Lokon". Leaflets with descriptions need to be folded into the cap and take it alternately, trying to guess brief description General "Portrait." Who will win this entertaining competition? The one whose answers most often fell into the "goal".

Over the New Year's table can always be organized funny entertainment - Excellent opportunity to make a small break. We offer an entertaining competition-joke for a corporate party, in which you can take part without getting out of the table. Each participant says what he never did in life. For example, "I never flew by plane" Or "I never eaten oysters." If those who extended the one who carried out this - he will have to drink a glass.

A popular funny competition "Question-Answer" will cause delight in any company of adults or children. For this you need to pre-prepare two types of cards - with cool questions and answers to them. At the beginning of the competition "Questions" and "Answers" we add two decks by the face down. The party takes the card from the first deck and reads the question, turning to the neighboring player. The one, in turn, also reads the answer from the tipped top card from the second deck. For a corporate party for the new 2018, you can also choose humorous options for festive winter topics.

Funny contests for corporate party for the new year - original ideas

A series of endless working everyday life, a mandatory dress code and a tight schedule "by the clock" invariably imposes its imprint for each person. In addition, at the end of the year, fatigue feels from a short daylight, cold and "eternal" darkness outside the window. But in front of New Year's corporate - it's time to have fun! Here you will find original ideas Competitions for a corporate party in honor of the coming new 2018. Such funny contests will provide a good mood and leave the brightest "collective" memories.

Collection of funny competitions for New Year's corporate

To participate in this comic competition, everyone is invited to everyone. Each player with the help of a tape is primed up to the stomach a large air ball, and matches scatter on the floor. At the signal of the leading "pregnant" male staff begin to collect matches - carefully squeezing, so as not to damage the "tummy". The one who will cope with the task, while maintaining the ball, is declared the winner of the competition and is awarded with rapid applause.

The new year always comes with bright fires of garlands, the smell of mandarin and wonderful gifts. As souvenirs, you can use different funny "little things", associated with the symbol of 2018 - a dog collar, an artificial bone, a muzzle, a bowl for feed. Items celebrate ordinal numbers And we fold into a roomy bag, and in a brightly decorated box, we place the paper with numbers corresponding to each gift. During the competition, the participants of the New Year's corporate party are in turn fit to the box, take out pieces of paper with the number and - get a comic surprise "from the dog".

Funny contests for the corporate party for the new year - for women and men, video

With the approach of the New Year, corporate parties are held in many companies. Of course, the traditional "nail of the program" remains a festive table, but you need to think about merry entertainment. So, there are many contests for the New Year's corporate party, in which women and men can take part. In connection with the upcoming holidays, we picked up the funniest contests, and using the video you can easily implement the most bright ideas and fantasy.

Several funny competitions for New Year's corporate party

At each corporate, there will be lovers of the "solo and choral" singing - New Year's party is no exception. Those who wish to demonstrate their vocal talents will be like a karaoke competition, to participate in which you can invite two people. For example, the duet of the chief and ordinary employee is confident, the song in this performance will be the "hit" of the New Year's corporate party.

The coming 2018 will be held under the patronage of the dog, so this competition is relevant for any corporate event. Each participant must portray the four-legged symbol of the coming year - how much of the way. Who was funnier than all the animal simulated, he won.

Video with a ridiculous New Year competition for corporate party

New Year's entertainment for the corporate party for the new 2018 - games and contests in nature

In winter, in nature is just wonderful - better place For the New Year's corporate party not find! For our own merry games And the contests can be traveled to the nearest forest or park. Excellent entertainment to the new 2018!

Choosing a contest for New Year's corporate party - 2018 with the departure of nature

All those present are divided into teams - female and male. After the signal of the lead, each side begins to sculpt the snowman, trying to finish the work before rivals. The winner of the competition becomes the team, faster than the whole bustling beautiful snowman.

Usually, the brightest and memorable corporate events are holidays with merry contests and scenes.In which all employees of the company can show themselves. We hope that the games offered to your attention and contests will help you in organizing a corporate holiday.

Game "Jump in the New Year"

The players stretch the ribbon, symbolizing the joint of two years. As soon as the lead calls the "Three" numbers, everyone makes a jump in the "New Year", that is, jump over the ribbon.

New Year is a favorite holiday,

How beautiful, look.

In the new year we jump together

How I say: once - two - five ...

New Year comes at midnight,

At the watch you look,

How the arrows together come together

A friendly jump: once - two - just!

Horics around the Christmas tree ...

Well, a Christmas tree, burn!

Our Christmas tree will light up

How to hear: Once - two - seven!

We are tired of waiting for a long time,

"Three" it's time to say.

Who did not jump - Cucumber!

Jought someone who is well done!

Competition Hot Snowball

Explain that: I have snowball in my hands, he is not ordinary, he is hot. Who will stay this snow, he melts. Everyone becomes in a big circle. Snowball (sew a large sinter) is transmitted to the music. The music stops who remains the snowball, he melted (i.e. is removed.) And so until the last participant. The latter is assigned the title of a snowman, or a snowy queen. Not voltable and fun.

"Encuting a button"

2 teams of 4 people participate. Teams are facing each other. Large buttons (4 hours for each team) made from dense cardboard lie on the chairs, next to the commands. At a distance of 5-meters from the teams, there are large coils, on which the rope is 5 meters long, and the needker lies. At the command of the leading first participant unwinding the rope, ingested it in a needle (the needle) and conveys the next participant, the second player sews a button and transmits the third participant with a needle, etc. It comes to the team that the first one will fulfill the task.


2 people participate in the game. To perform the game, 2 stools are needed, which are about 10 meters away from each other, balloons In the amount of 10 pieces of two colors (for example: 5 red and 5 blue), 2 empty plastic bottles. At the signal of the lead 2 "Shephan" should be driven by their "sheep" (balls of a certain color) in their "caves" (chairs) plastic bottles. It needs to be done quickly, while not "losing" a single "sheep".

"Dance with ball"

5-6 people participate in the game, the balloon ties the participants to the left foot. To music participants should dance and try to burst right leg Opponent ball. The game continues until one ball remains at the participant.

"Music Vinaigrette"

6 people participate in the game, i.e. 3 pairs. Under modern music, vapors need to dance "Gypsy", "Lezginka", Tango, "Baryn", a modern dance. According to the applause of viewers choose the best pair.

Game "The main thing that the suit sat"

For the game will need big box or bag (opaque), in which add various subjects Clothes: 56 sizes, capes, 5 size bras, glasses with nose, booties, wigs, etc. Funny things.

The presenter offers those present to update his wardrobe, pulling out some thing from the box, with the condition not to remove its next half an hour.

At the signal of the leading guests to the music passes, the box. As soon as the music stopped, the player holding a box, opens it and, without looking, pulls the first thing that fell and puts on himself. View stunning!

Competition "Next year I must ..."

Each of those present takes the paper and in three versions finishes the phrase - "Next year I must ...", the paper is folded into the total capacity, mixed and in three sites are pulled out by those present from the container and read out loud. For example, the statement young man The fact that I am sure to face the child next year, etc. causes the rest of the stormy joy ... the success of fun depends on the fantasy of the participants ...

The player is offered to close the bedspread. Then they report that the surrounding fastened the thing that is on it and offer to guess what it is. For each incorrect answer, the player must shoot the named thing. The secret of the game is that the correct answer is covered, and the player, as a rule, does not recognize this.

For convenience, someone else can support the bedspread.

Locker rooms

Volunteers are caused - 2 guys and 1 girl. And so 2 or 3 teams. The task of the leader's team to wear on the girl as quickly as possible and more things taken from the guys. Even socks and panties are considered. As a result, imagine such a picture: there is a girl, dressed up to the head in men's clothing, and two naked guys! The degree of their nudity is determined by the degree of their modesty and the solidity of the prize to the winner!

Where I visited the last year

For this game you need three - four people. They turn back to guests. Paper sheets are attached to their backs, on which the names of institutions, organizations, present places are written. For example: Bath, Police, train Station etc.

If private parties, close people gathered, can be releger and without holding back imagination, diversify the list (toilet, maternity hospital etc.).

Participants should not see written. Each of them take turns ask questions. How often do you have in this place? Do you come there alone or accompanied by someone? What do you do there? Is the entrance to this place or have to buy a ticket?

Since the participants do not see what is written on their backs and respond at random, there are ridiculous and funny non-payments, inconsistencies.

Russian roulette

Very spectacular draw. That is why it is carried out only once. Repeated his organization in the audience, where at least one person familiar with the nuances of the game, diminishes the impression.

Men present at the evening are invited to demonstrate their ability to romantic and reckless actions. As sometime in Knight's tournaments, each of them can devote participation in this contest for the beloved lady.

Men become a row. The hostess alternately comes to each, holding a vase with eggs in his hands. Boiled eggs, with the exception of one. Each of the men must take an egg and break it about his forehead.

Here you need a certain courage, and the courage - what if you will get a raw egg? Real Russian Roulette!

The situation is increasing the greater, the fewer eggs remain in the vase.

Usually, the ladies are very worried about the safety of worthy external view participants of the "tournament". They begin to give advice, how it is more convenient to get up, break; Stretch napkins.

For the game, of course, a certain props required, but, given that new Year's table It is covered almost everywhere, there should be no problems with its preparation. The number of eggs is determined by the number of those present at the party.

The secret is that there are no raw eggs in a vase. All of them are welded hard.

Auction "Cat in a bag"

In the break between the dancing you can spend the auction. The host shows the lot participants wrapped in packaging paper to be incomprehensible to inside. To raise the audience, a comic form tells the appointment of this subject.

The auction uses real money, while the initial price of all lots is quite low. Participant offered the greatest price For the subject, redeems it.

Before serving the new owner, the subject is deployed to satisfy the curiosity of the public. It is desirable to alternate funny and valuable lots to increase the azart of the public.


Choose a volunteer. One lead will lead it away and explains that he will have to depict a kangaroo gestures, facial expressions, etc., but not making no sound, and everyone else should guess what he depicts. At this time, the second presenter tells the audience that now the victim will show a kangaroo, but everyone should pretend that they do not understand what the animal is shown. It is necessary to call any other animals except Kangaroo. It should be something like: "Oh, it means it jumps! So. Probably it is a rabbit. Not?! Strange ... Well then it's a monkey." Five minutes later, the simulator will really resemble the begging kangaroo.


You will need two tin cans, 20 coins. Two pairs are called - in a pair of a cavalier and lady. Now cavaliers are fixed to the belt to the jar. The ladies give 10 coins. Ladies depart 2 meters from the cavaliers. At the signal of the leading lady should throw all coins in the bank to the bank. The cavalier helps her, rotating the waist (if any). Wins the couple who climbed into the bank more coins.

Bright and cheerful New Year's corporate starts with a good mood. How to raise it and not drop to the end of the festive party, our today's article will tell. We have prepared a whole collection funny competitions, adult games and new entertainment ideas capable of all evening to hold degrees of collective cheerful at a huge height. And at all, it does not matter where your corporate travel is: in the big hall at work, in a cozy restaurant, in a noisy nightclub, in a karaoke bar or on the outdoor nature. Have fun with colleagues in all conditions, there would be a desire. Choose Funny Movable and Cool Pagging Contests for New Year's Corporate 2018 - Coloring the holiday with bright emotions and a snuffy laughter of friends.

How to choose New Year's competitions, games and entertainment for corporate party for the new year 2018

Corporate organization is very serious. Large corporations are provided with special Event departments prepare all festive events. Middle-scale companies use the services of professional leading and animators. And small offices usually cope with their own efforts. It is for such small and friendly teams that we have prepared a selection useful Soviets About how to choose New Year's competitions, games and entertainment for the corporate party for the New Year 2018.

  1. Look for a scenario of a good entertainment program on the Internet. Use it as a template, a peculiar "frame" parties. You do not need to follow each step, but it will be easier to distribute the time of drinking, gaming and dance parts of the party;
  2. Select the most original games, contests and entertainment dedicated to the New Year 2018 and its features. Try not to repeat the scenario of last year's corporate party, otherwise the guests quickly bounce;
  3. Alternate active moving games with fun, but calm. Do not forget to hold contests at the table so that the holiday does not turn into a primitive break;
  4. Refuse excessively vulgar entertainment. They can open your person before the bosses in the wrong light.
  5. Also, do not use intentionally flattery or zealous toasts for the manual. In the casual New Year setting there is no place to care about your career stairs.
  6. Try to prepare gifts for each winner of the competition: The festive corporate will gain even more magical and joyful appearance, if you fill it with unexpected surprises and random presents;
  7. All selected entertainment should be equally well approach and men and women. of different ages, or systematically alternate. No discrimination!

How to prepare and organize games and contests for the corporate party for the new year 2018

It does not matter where your corporate party will be held for the New Year 2018 - in the office, nightclub, sauna or on the boat - without new Year competitions, games and entertainment can not do in any way, so you need to correctly choose and properly organize:

  • If the game part plan is compiled in advance, there is an excellent opportunity to prepare all the necessary costumes, masks, plates, balls, bottles and other props. The more accompanied by all sorts of entourage entertainment program, the brighter and more fun it turns out the result;
  • Particular attention should be paid to the musical accompaniment. Tracks can be very different: funny and lyrical, with words and without them, New Year's and neutral, cutting popular moments of famous songs and movies. In the peak moments of games and competitions, music can be louder and faster. So the intensity of passions in the auditorium and on the playground will increase even more;
  • Do not also forget about prizes. In each competition there is a winner, which means there must be a gift. Serious or comic - to solve you; Most Popular Options: Champagne Bottle, Bay of Bengal Lights, Funny Masks, Minor Life Items, Comic Medals and Certificates;
  • And, of course, I need a sociable leading with an excellent sense of humor and wide wimples. Such a toilem is easy to find in each working team, to him and offer to lead the entertainment part of the evening.

Original contests for the New Year Corporate with jokes at the table

At the beginning of the corporate New Year's party, it is not necessary to hit active games with jokes, it is better to spend a couple of original contests at the table. While the guests of the sober and fidget, they are unlikely to be happy with the soul, joking on themselves and comrades, adequately react to the humorous tips of the lead. Another thing is calm, but funny quiz, rebuses, auctions, phantas, toasts, jokes, etc. They even discharge even the most intense atmosphere, raise the mood, relax and set up for a festive way. That in itself is very difficult, given the stay of the bosses and subordinates in one hall of the restaurant. An example of an original contest for the New Year's corporate party with a joke at the table, see the next section.

Unusual feast contest "Ruthless Auction" for the New Year's corporate party

At the beginning of the evening, a comic auction can be held between toasts. The presenter shows the lots of lots, pre-prepared and wrapped in gift paper. To raise the participants, he is in a ridiculous form an appointment of the subject put on the subject. In auction, real money is used, but at the same time the initial stakes must be minimal. Before serving the purchase with a new owner, she unfolds to satisfy the idle curiosity. It is recommended to alternate valuable and funny lots to warm up the azart of the public.

Examples ready descriptions and lots:

  • Real African Guest (Coconut)
  • Without it, any feast is not a joy. (Salt)
  • Small, which can be big. (Balloon)
  • The object required for a business person. (Notebook)
  • The subject for those who want to leave their mark. (Set of colored chalks)
  • Cold, green, long ... (bottle of champagne)
  • An integral attribute of civilized life. (Roll toilet paper)
  • Lady joy. (Box of chocolates)
  • Simulator for those who want to learn to do a good mine at bad game. (Lemon)

Adults Single Competitions "Question-Answer" for New Year's Corporate

One of the most popular types of contests on adult New Year's corporate countries is the "Question-answer". As a rule, the conduct of such entertainment turns into a mass of funny moments, curious statements, busy replicas and even new winged phrases. Funny questions of the host generate no less cool responses of participants, the universal mood rises noticeably, colleagues open from the new side. But do not forget about the reason that collected everyone at the table. Some tasks should be dedicated to the leaving or coming year, New Year's characters, traditional festive attributes. Top Adults Single Competitions "Question-Answer" for New Year's Corporate Participated Choose below.

Options for "Question-Answer" competitions for adults on a corporate party in honor of the New Year 2018

"What to do?"

The presenter offers each of the participants to solve original way An atypical situation associated with their work. The author of the most original output from the position wins and gets a small present.

Examples of situations:

  • You locked you in the office late in the evening, and my wife gives birth. What will you do?
  • You randomly lost money to issue a salary to all employees. How to explain to colleagues no sn?
  • You are stuck in the elevator between the floors with the general director of the enterprise. What will you do?
  • Your dog is hopelessly spoiled (ate, he drove) a semi-annual report. How to make a meeting?

"News program"

The presenter distributes all guests sitting at the table, one card with a selection of completely incoherent words (5-8 pcs.). Such props must be prepared in advance. Each participant must read his words in the mind and make a short, but very hit news on one sentence. The author of the most curious notes is won by.

Examples of words:

  • China, sambrero, plastic, dog, car, agrines;
  • New Year, Beaver, Plate, Chess, Influenza;
  • Vodka, Stapler, Window, Language, Metelitsa, Africa;

Funny contests for the corporate party in the restaurant for the new year 2018

The greatest success in young people enjoy funny contests for corporate events in the restaurant for the New Year 2018. Drunk bar of obstacles, identification of colleagues blindly, of different kind Relay, jumping, the transfer of tangerine and throwing into a bottle - all these entertainment freamed party guests, allow you to laugh and find out the colleagues closer. And also, carrying out active and moving games between "drinking blocks" allows everyone to sneak a little and do not lose their composure long before the end of the festive night.

See options funny competitions For New Year's corporate standards in a restaurant in cool videos.

Funny moving contests for the New Year's corporate party in a restaurant: video

Karaoke contests for the corporate party for the new year: funny ideas

Another popular corporate parties - New Year's holiday in a karaoke bar with a light buffet, turbulent disco and cool ideas for entertainment and competitions. If your team plans to conduct old year It is in such a place that you will certainly get a duty operator. As a rule, karaoke contests for the corporate party for the new year with funny ideas are obtained by the funny and incredibly spectacular. So, the feast will be filmed (even a fragment) holiday will be very interesting to view, by collecting the team after winter holidays.

The best musical contests for New Year's party colleagues in karaoke bar

"Well, friends!"

Participants are divided into 2 teams. In turn, one "choir" must ask a question, remembering the line from the song. For example: "What do you give, my dear man?" Opponents quickly find the answer - a line from another musical work, for example: "Million, a million, a million scarlet roses ..." The last responding team wins. You can complicate the task by choosing only New Year's questions.

"Dog Waltz"

Since the year of the dog is approaching, you can all dance "dog waltz". Like this guests will be able to just at the party. Movements in this dance are very simple. Dancing become couples and holding hands, take turns in turns in dance. They also depict what they score themselves behind the ear and wag the tail, do not bother to bark and doggy to twist. Winning a couple of faithful to portray the funniest dogs.

Cool games for New Year's corporate party 2018 at work

Even at work, you can cool New Year's Corporate 2018 with dancing, games, competitions, songs and toasts. Of course, you will have to spend some time on the pre-holiday room, discussion and order of restaurant food, drawing up an interesting scenario. But as a result, the holiday will turn out as cheerful and unforgettable, as in the entertainment center or a cozy restaurant. If the event organizers think in a timely manner on the musical apparatus, it will be possible to spend a lot cool games For New Year's corporate party 2018 at work. Which ones? See on!

Options for cool adult games for corporate party at work to the new 2018 Dogs

New contests with jokes for the New Year's corporate party in nature

Often small creative companies prefer to conduct a corporate party for the new year under open air Outdoors. The atmosphere in such conditions as if herself inspires the cheerful team of an amazing festive spirit: Snow Snow in County, a huge elegant fir in the courtyard, a hot kitchen on fire, fireworks, Bengal lights and, of course, all sorts of different amateur games for adults. New contests with jokes for the New Year's corporate party in nature are characterized by a special scope, because for their holding enough free space and there are no constraintful factors. Especially when the people are already "dense."

As the next year is dedicated to the yellow earthen dog, we recommend spending on the New Year corporate in nature new contest With "doggy" pests. Read more about the rules of the game in the next section.

Cool new contests for corporate party in nature in honor of the new year 2018

"Dog Dancing"

To carry out this competition you will have to divide the guests of the New Year's corporate partner for three teams and offer them to negotiate the dance. True, it will not be done quite usually. For example, one team will have to portray an army dance, another dance in children's gardenAnd the third, in general, to show how patients of a psychiatric hospital will dance around the Christmas tree.

The winner is announced that the team that will be best born into the role. And so that such dances be even more fun can offer guests to dance them under rock or folk music.

"Noah's Ark"

The presenter writes in advance on the leaves of the name of animals ("every creature - pair": two hare, two giraffes, two elephants), turns on paper and puts in a hat. Each participant pulls out "his animal", and the presenter announces that it is now required to find his pair, but you can not leave sounds and talk. It is necessary with the help of facial expressions and gestures to depict your animal and look for "like this." The same couple wins, which will reunite first. You can make a characteristic animal like a hare (showed ears - ready), but more interesting to come up with someone less recognizable, for example, hippo or lynx.

Well, you see, what cool and original and original contests for the New Year Corporate 2018. Collect best ideas Games for adults, and make a bright scenario for a party for the new year at work, in karaoke, in nature, etc.