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How many days celebrate Easter from Catholics. How Catholics celebrate Easter. Traditions Catholic Easter Celebration: History and Modernity

Catholic Easter is the main religious holiday, which is celebrated in the countries of Old World and Latin America, where representatives of Catholicism live predominantly. This bright holiday is devoted to the evangelical history about the wonderful resurrection of the son of the Lord of Jesus Christ from the dead. How to celebrate the resurrection of the Lord Catholics and what number will Catholic Easter will be in 2019? What rites are associated with this holiday and why the Catholic and Orthodox Easter do not coincide in the date?

When will Catholic Easter 2019?

Representatives of the Catholic confession Easter in 2019 will celebrate April 21 - a week earlier than the Orthodox Christians, which will come on April 28.

The temporary difference in the days of the celebration of the Catholic and Orthodox Easter is explained by the fact that the Orthodox Christian Church lives in the Gregorian calendar, and Catholic - in Juliansky. The difference in the calculation of solar and lunar cycles, as well as the time of determining the day of the spring equinox, is the reason that Catholic Easter comes before Orthodox per one or a few weeks.

Only once a few years, the date of the Easter celebration coincides. The last such coincidence was in 2017, and then, when the Resurrection of the Lord, the Orthodox and Catholics, will be celebrated at the same time, will fall out for 2025.

Many attempts to unify (combine) the date of the celebration of Easter, which was taken at different times were not crowned with success. Catholics and Orthodox and could not agree that the Sunday Christ's holiday is always noted at the same time.

Traditions celebration

Many rites and traditions to celebrate Catholic Easter have arisen at the time of the Middle Ages, but they still have.

On Saturday evening, believers go to the church where Easter worships are held. The service begins with the Lighturgy of Light, when the lights are completely quenched in the temple and everyone goes to the street where the fire is burned. From this fire is lit a special candle Easter, which is then entered into the temple. From this candle, fire is getting all the parishioners. Easter in the church should burn within seven days.

After the consecration of Easter baskets with disadvantages, believers go home in order to share the joy of the Resurrection of Christ along with the whole family.

Regarding what it is impossible to do for Easter, everything is extremely clear here. All work in the house and by housekeeper is prohibited. You can not gloody, clean, repair, wash, iron, sew ... In general, any household work in this and the next day is not blessed.

Culinary traditions of Catholic Easter

The mandatory attribute of the festive feast traditionally painted painted eggs and Easter cakes. But these dissections are not dominant. The post is over, so on this day you can eat everything: both fish, meat, and eggs, and dairy products. The hostess with the fact that they are preparing for Easter are determined long before the onset of the long-awaited celebration.

From Thursday, meat baked and stuffed fish, a home sausage is prepared, preparations for salads are made, compotes and tumors are boiled. A variety of dishes and their number on the table depends on the national cuisine of the country where the celebrating Catholic Easter.

In France and in Germany, for example, the duck, rabbit or lamb bake, they make a sweet Mazurka in Poland, and in Greece, they are treated with a satisfying and headband soup from the Barani Liver.

Similarities and differences in the traditions of Orthodox and Catholic Easter

Despite the fact that this holiday and Orthodox, and Catholics are called the same, and also notes in memory of the same biblical event, there are certain differences in the peculiarities of its celebration. But first about similarities. So, for the Catholic and Orthodox Easter are the same:

  • Compliance with the prepastern post
  • Baking festive cakes
  • Coloring chicken eggs in various colors
  • Consecration of Easter baskets with disadvantages
  • Celebration in the family circle
  • Greeting words: "Christ is Risen!" - "Truly Risen!"
  • Official Weekend Days - Sunday and Monday

And here is the ritual differences in the celebration of Easter various denominations:

Events and traditions Orthodox Easter Catholic Easter
The beginning of the Great Post Monday after forgiveness Sunday Wednesday (ash)
The duration of the Great Post 40 days 46 days (Catholics will not stand on Sundays)
The degree of rigor of the Great Post Strict Moderate (possible dairy products and eggs, as well as having fun outside certain days)
Easter Before the start of worship After serving
Easter fire Comes off in the temple of the Globa of the Lord in Jerusalem Ignites from the fire near the church (Easter)
Baptism on Easter Absent Baptism can pass not only babies, but also adults who accepted Catholicism
Holiday symbol Painted and painted chicken eggs Hare or rabbit, as well as chocolate eggs

Many signs and prohibitions are associated with Easter and preparation for the celebration. In particular, they say that when Easter cakes are baked in the oven, the house should be quiet. Loud talk, laughter, crying or quarrel is able to spoil baking. Culici may not rise.

Despite a number of formal differences in the celebration of Easter from various denominations, the meaning of this bright holiday does not change. Easter is a symbol of victory over death, the ascension day of the praise Lord God, the holiday of faith, hope and love ... That is why it is in all over the world with special honorable and celebrate according to the established traditions.

Easter holiday is celebrated by Christians of all directions. The name is taken from the Jewish day of the outcome of the Egyptian slavery, and in Christianity he acquired a completely different meaning. Believers celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Many rites and traditions of the celebration are taken from more ancient religious cults and symbolize dying and reviving gods, as well as the spring awakening of nature.

Orthodox and Catholic Easter almost do not differ in the basic principles of the celebration. True, and celebrate them in different dates. Catholics usually meet a bright Sunday a little earlier than the Orthodox. This is connected with different dates of Christmas and the Great Post, from which the date of Easter is counted. After all, Orthodox Christians live in the Julian calendar, while the rest of the world and the Catholic Church adhere to the Gregorian. But every three years these dates coincide. What date is Catholic Easter noted, you can learn from the church calendar? In 2014, the Catholic celebration coincides with Orthodox and celebrated on April 20.

The main customs of the Catholic Easter Celebration

  1. During the festive worship service in the church, Easter fire is lit, which are carried from the church of the Mernel. He is dealt with all the churches, and the priests distribute fire to everyone. In Catholic temples, they light a special candle - Easter. It is believed that this fire is sacred, and people strive to preserve his houses in the lamps until next year. This gracious fire symbolizes the light of God.
  2. After worship, all Catholics make a congestion. With singing and prayers, they bypass around the temples. Easter worship is very solemnly, the priests remember the feat of Jesus Christ, they put him and sing hymns.
  3. In addition to the ignition of a fertile fire to the traditions of the Catholic Easter, there are dyeing of eggs. Moreover, this may not necessarily natural eggs. In recent years, wooden, plastic and wax have become more popular. And children most like chocolate, especially if they are with a surprise inside.
  4. The symbol of the Catholic Easter in some Catholic countries is. For some reason it is believed that it is he who brings eggs to the holiday. And the chicken is recognized as unworthy to give people this symbol of life. Figures of the rabbit are decorated at home and apartments, give each other postcards with his image and bake buns in such a form. Often they bang an egg. Chocolate rabbits are very popular among children. For example, hundreds of tons of such sweet figures are for sale on Catholic Easter in Germany. And the next morning on Easter day, all children are looking for painted eggs and small gifts, allegedly hidden by an Easter rabbit.
  5. Another tradition of Catholic Easter is a festive family dinner. It is customary to cover a rich table with delicious dishes. They are different depending on the customs of the people, but the baking, eggs and baked meat dishes are obligatory. All congratulate each other, play different games, dance and having fun.

Despite the seeming similarity, there are some differences in the celebration of Orthodox and Catholic Easter.

Easter is one of the 12 largest and revered holidays in the Christian world. This is the celebration of the Great Question of Resurrection and Renaissance. The date of this holiday does not have a specific binding to the calendar.

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Easter in 2018: What is the number noted?

Let's start with the fact that Easter is the Holiday of Jewish, and Christians celebrate the bright Christ Sunday. It so happened that the Savior was crucified during Pescha, the Day of Liberation of the Jewish People from Egyptian slavery. He became a kind of sacrifice in the redemption of sins of all mankind, like a traditional lamb.

The first Christians have always celebrated the Resurrection of Christ on the third day of Pescha (or Easter). During the first universal cathedral, when the first church laws appeared, the main rules for determining this bright day were established. We use today.

So, first, Christian Easter never and under any circumstances is celebrated on the day of Jewish Pesha - between them should go through at least a week.

Secondly, it should be solely after the spring solstice, and not calendar, but astronomical. Calculations are carried out along the sunny and lunar calendar, as well as on the basis of observations of heavenly luminais.

Thirdly, it is carried out after the first full moon after the spring equinox. And if the last passes earlier than March 21, then the date is shifted for 30 days.

And, in fourth, Easter is celebrated exclusively on Sunday and can not be on some other day of the week. As you can see, the process of determining the right holiday date is quite troublesome and requires the limiting accuracy of calculations.

After splitting the church on the Orthodox and Catholic, the first time the date of the bright Christ, they completely coincided - the difference was only in the language of the Divine Liturgy (Catholics are used exclusively to Latin, while Orthodox worships are held in the language of the people), as well as in some rites. But with the adoption of the new Gregorian calendar, the difference between the churches intensified - now between them was not only the difference in rites, but also as many as 13 days. That is why Catholics much earlier celebrate Christmas and other general Christian celebrations. The calculus of Easter's Day, although it passes in one rules, but, nevertheless, it is often different. Sometimes the dates of the Catholic and Orthodox Easter coincide (what the number they are held), as it was in 2016 and 2017. But it is rather an exception than the rule. Often the difference ranges from week to month (and even up to 5 weeks).

In 2018, the Sunday's bright Christian for Christians of the Western Rite (for Catholics, Grecocatolics and Protestants) falls on April 1. This is one of the earliest dates that are only possible. About the colossal difference between dates can be judged by the fact that the next Easter will be - in 2019 it falls on April 21, in 2020 - on April 12. The Orthodox will celebrate the Resurrection of Christ on April 8 in 2018, April 28 - in 2019 and April 19 - in 2020. As you can see, the difference between the dates of different confessions is just a week. But it does not always happen - for example, in 2024, Catholic Easter will be celebrated on March 31, while the Orthodox will wait for this bright day until May 5, that is, more than 5 weeks.

But be that as it may, the main thing is that we are united by faith in the squirrel of the Savior, and it does not matter at all what day it is to celebrate.

By the way, the date of Easter is very important not only for the celebration of Christ Resurrection, but also to determine the dates of the holidays that depend on it. An example of this can be a Trinity, which is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter celebration.

Bright Christ Sunday: History

Easter - this day, when Jesus Christ appeared before his students on the third day after his own death. According to the Gospel, on this day, Maria Magdalena and other Miron's wife came to the coffin of the Lord and saw that he was empty. The grief of women was not the limit, but the Jesus himself was comforted, which was alive and unharmed. Maria Magdalena first brought good news, but she first did not believe. And then Jesus himself came to the disciples and forced them to believe in a large miracle of the resurrection. He not only once appeared in front of the apostles, but he was 50 days with them, until he was ascended to heaven. That is why Orthodox, another 40 days after Easter should welcome each other "Christ Risen" and "truly resurrected."

Around the day to this holiday was preparing especially carefully - the great post was observed, they cleared their thoughts and affairs from the bad, and the dwelling from garbage. During the post, it is customary to restrict itself in food, but this is not the only condition. Many confuse this post with an ordinary diet - eat only a quantity and that's it all wrong. The church restriction concerns not only products that consumes a person, but also monitors the purity of his thoughts. During the Great Post, it is impossible to watch secular programs (films, entertainment programs), reading extra minor literature, conduct lush celebrations and even have an intimate relationship. That is, a person for these 7 weeks should fully cleanse from any bad (Catholics the post lasts 40 days and begins with the ash environment, the Orthodox - 48 days and originates from the net Monday). The only relaxation in a fairly strict right is possible only to the great holiday of the Annunciation, which almost always falls at the time of the Great Post (and 2018 is no exception). A particularly good sign is considered if this day coincides with the Easter date is the celebration at the same time and the beginning and end of the Savior's terrestrial path. Such a resurrection of Christ is considered to be domicile or kirdasha.

Easter celebration: rites and traditions that are relevant in 20 18

Catholic Easter includes many traditions that are known since the XIV century. For Catholics, Easter time is the time when all nature awakens and turns back to life.

Spring cleaning

The beginning of spring has long been considered to be excellent time for great cleaning. Cleaned apartments, painted fresh paint houses, everyone decorated with festive scenery. This custom of cleaning in Easter has been preserved to this day. Also according to the old tradition, people should also put themselves in order.

Painting Yaitz

Collect eggs for Easter - this is a separate ritual. For example, in Poland, each region of the country has its own painting. Catholics eggs are a symbol of prosperity and a new life.

Holy Week

The passionate week of Catholics begins with a palm resurrection (the Orthodox it is called verbal). This day symbolizes the entrance of Jesus to Jerusalem. On this day, Catholics go to the church to devote the so-called "Paleki", these are peculiar bouquets made of ventilation branches, decorated with simulatory, flowers and sometimes Verba. A long time ago, such a "paemka" it was necessary to easily beat each family member. Later she was stored for an icon or above the doors. Now it is a symbol of protection against storms and fire.

In very distant times, there was also one tradition, which was called "Judah's Socking". A straw doll was taken to the Holy Wednesday, symbolizing Judas, and dragged throughout the village. Residents threw stones into her, and then throw a doll into the water, after which she was tone.

Easter trident

Easter trident begins in the Great Thursday. On this day, all things are cleaned with the altar, and the bells are silent until the resurrection of Christ.

Then the procession begins in Good Friday, during which the Body of Christ is attributed to the grave. On this day, Catholics must stick to a strict post. Also one of the old traditions was to feed herring to the tree.

In the Holy Saturday, Catholics should sprinkle their holy water for prosperity. Also this day, all Catholics should go to the church with an Easter basket to consecrate its contents. It should lie in it:

  • a piece of lamb - the symbol of the resurrected Jesus;
  • eggs - a symbol of a newborn life;
  • bread - the symbol of the body of Christ, prosperity and welfare;
  • hell - the symbol of the passion of the Lord;
  • salt - symbol of the entity of the truth;
  • cheese - SMIVLY of the Unity of Man and Nature;
  • easter cake - symbol of skills and skills.

Catholics have all the home and cooking of Easter dishes must be completed before they go to the church to dedicate the Easter basket.

Easter Sunday

The Holy Resurrection from Catholics always covers a festive table. For example, the Poles on this day for breakfast eating soup on bread salary, white sausage, pate, robust baking and ham. Easter cakes should be present on the table. In different countries there is also such a custom as the search for an Easter bunny, namely, after breakfast, you can find a small gift in the house.

Interesting fact

In the Catholic Poland, Easter holidays last five days. Fifth day - Easter Monday - they have a "wet Monday" or "Schumingus -Dingus". On this day, people pour each other with water.

Easter, or Resurrection of Christ - The biggest and revered holiday in the Christian religion.

This is the main day of the year in the Orthodox and Catholic Christians - it was on this day that Jesus Christ was risen.
The Resurrection of Christ is a historic event that goes out by its roots in a distant past. According to ancient legends, it was on this day a miracle happened - Christ was resurrected! Easter celebration occurs through the ancient traditions, which are followed by and today.
The name "Easter" originated from the Jewish word "Pesach" (transition). Jews are symbolized with the liberation of the Jewish people from Egyptian slavery. For Christians, Easter is a symbol of the atonement of human sins through the death of Jesus Christ and his subsequent resurrection. It is on this day that all believing Christians (Orthodox and Catholics) gives hope for salvation and resurrection after death. The resurrection of Christ is the main sense of faith in the Christian religion.
Easter celebration date is determined by a lunar-sun calendar and falls on Sunday - according to the ancient legend of Christ rose on the third day after execution, on the night from Saturday to Sunday.

Easter is a rolling holiday and every year the date is determined separately.
It is also necessary to know that the dates of the Catholic and Orthodox Easter do not always coincide. This is due to the fact that the Orthodox Church for calculating uses the ancient Yulian calendar, and the Catholic Church in the XVI century moved to the Gregorian calendar. And only in 30% Catholic and Orthodox Easter falls out for one day. The rest of the time Catholic Easter comes before - the time difference can reach the month.

Calendar of Orthodox and Catholic Easter for 2015-2025.

Orthodox Easter

Catholic Easter

Orthodox Easter 2015 year - April 12 Catholic Easter 2015 year - April 5
Orthodox Easter 2016 - May 1 Catholic Easter 2016 year - March 27
Orthodox Easter 2017 year - April 16 Catholic Easter 2017 year - April 16
Orthodox Easter 2018 - April 8 Catholic Easter 2018 - April 1
Orthodox Easter 2019 year - April 28 Catholic Easter 2019 year - April 21
Orthodox Easter 2020 - April 19 Catholic Easter 2020 - April 12
Orthodox Easter 2021 - May 2 Catholic Easter 2021 - April 4
Orthodox Easter 2022 year - April 24 Catholic Easter 2022 - April 17
Orthodox Easter 2023 - April 16 Catholic Easter 2023 - April 9
Orthodox Easter 2024 - May 5 Catholic Easter 2024 - March 31
Orthodox Easter 2025 year - April 20 Catholic Easter 2025 - April 20

The essence of Easter is one for all Christians: on this day, believers celebrate the bright resurrection. But tradition and even, oddly enough, the date of the celebration of Easter in the Orthodox and Catholics differ. Why this happens and how to celebrate Easter in the Catholic tradition, tells the site.

1 When is Catholic Easter in 2018?

2 Why are different dates in the Orthodox and Catholic Easter?

Easter dates in the Orthodox and Catholics began to differ after the introduction of the Roman Catholic Church of the Grigorian calendar. Julian calendar is based on the sunny-lunar report system, and Gregoryan - only on the sunny.

Catholic Easter sometimes comes before Jewish. In Orthodoxy, this is considered invalid because Christ is risen on the first Sunday after this holiday.

3 How much will Catholics fast before Easter?

The Great Post in the Catholic tradition lasts 45 days. The first day of the post is called the ash environment. The Catholic Church talks about the need to observe a strict post (without meat, dairy products and eggs) in the ash ones, a passionate Friday and the Great Saturday. On the other days of the Great Post, it is impossible to eat meat, but milk and eggs are allowed.

4 Are the Catholic eggs paint?

Yes, in the Catholic tradition, as in Orthodoxy, painted egg is one of the main Easter symbols.

Catholics in Central Europe paint Easter eggs using various techniques, and traditional red eggs without drawings are more common in Western Europe.