Repairs Design Furniture

DRATSEN SUCH DRAKE. Drazen dropped the leaves what to do. Transplant Big Droceren

Thanks to the tropical appearance, the drazes decorates the home interior and is widely used in the design of office space. The plant is considered unpretentious and disease-resistant. But if problems are seen when growing this "palm", you need to react urgently. To begin with, it is necessary to accurately diagnose the disease, after which it immediately proceed to the treatment of the disease.

Optimal Home Conditions for Growing Drazes

Drazena is a beautiful tropical plant, originally from Africa, Asia and South America. Externally, the plant looks like a palm tree, but in fact it is not, but refers to the Sparazhev family.

In nature, it is possible to meet multi-meter copies with weathered trunks, long-wide green leaves or strips of different shades.

In total there are about 150 species of plants. The most popular - dragon, fragrant, mascorean, marginat (bordered), deman, bent, sander (happy bamboo), etc.

Drazes varieties - Photo Gallery

Dero drasena has a pest painting of the leaf of DRACEN DRAKON has sharp, as the teeth of the legendary animal, the leaves from the drazes bent the tips of the leaves bent up it is believed that the sander's dusseren, or a happy bamboo, attracts the success of the Massanger dusted

Knowing the features of cultivation conditions, it is easy to avoid diseases of the drazes:

Drazes may be fungal, bacterial or viral.

Diagnose Infectious Diseases - Table

Symptom Care error Disease
Round stains of brown shades appear on the stem and leaves, later the fungal disputes are formed in their place and the place of defeat is black.In the soil hit the spore fungus, excess moistureAlternariasis
The tips of the leaves dry out, stains appear with black dots inside.Excessive Watering, Cold Room, Heavy SoilPhilosticosis
The oblong spots of beige, yellow color with a red or brown edge, green raids are possible, the leaves are quickly yellow and dry.Incorrect irrigation regime, infection in the soilHeterospose
Spots of different shapes, brown stripes, deformation of young shoots.Weakening of immunity due to improper content conditionsSpotted fading
Yellow stripes on the leaves and wet brown raids (rot) on the tips, ulcers on the stiff and stems.Heavy soil, soil convergence, high risen content in substrateBacteriosis

Most of all drazes are subject to fungal diseases. The most frequent of them are alternariasis and philosticosis. As a rule, the disease occurs with high humidity of air and excess moisture in the soil. Also, the cause of the disease is disputes of fungi, which could be in the soil or were listed. For example, an uncomplicated garden inventory, which previously contacted with an infected plant, can become a carrier of an infectious disease.

If the drazen is transplanted into a heavy garden soil, often and is abundant with flowing non-secreted water, with a large probability, it will lead to a bacterial disease. Of all the types of Drazen, the DRATERSKA is most susceptible to bacteriosis. This beauty is especially popular with amateur gardeners for the pedestal sheets and the difference of their paintings. However, these leaves also often choose bacteria and fungus.

Professional gardeners note that the drazes are sufficiently resistant to viral diseases. But nevertheless, rarely flower strikes spotted fading. This virus can hit the plant that has immunity already weakened. For example, immunity decreases if the flower suffers from improper care for a long time or damaged insect pests. With viral infection, drazes stops in growth and starts to wither.

Drazes - Photo Gallery

With the filthykosis, the tips of the leaves are dried with alternariasis of the MGU leaves to be covered with brown spots. Spotted wilment leads to the fact that the plant can bend the heterosorosis is determined by green raid with bacteriosis. The plant rotes

Insects on the dragerate - Table

Symptoms Pest Treatment
On the inside of the leaf of dark (red) spots, enveloped by web; When the tick is multiplied, on the leaves, the trunk appears white sticky raids and white larvae (similar to white sticks).Sheets rinse with hot soap water (50 ° C), treat acaricide. Procedure repeat after 7 days
The sheet is covered with silver film, black dots are formed inside the sheet, similar to scratches; Sticky raid appears, the sheet is twisted and dries.TripsesThree times spray insecticide (decis) with intervals of 1-2 weeks
Flooded dry foliage, the inner part is covered with sticky mucus, beige and brown swollen spots inside the sheet plate.ShieldRinse leaves with soap water and spray insecticide (phytodeterm or intavir)
White raid, similar to the cluster of cotton shoes or white sticks, is located large groups on the leaves and in the sinuses, the leaves dry and deform, are covered with sticky colorless drops.MealybugInsects remove soapy water, handle twice insecticide with intervals in 2 weeks
The leaves are yellow, twisted, dry, sticky raid, on the bottom side of the sheet and stems many white points (also the larvae can be yellow, green or black, depending on the species).AphidSpray insecticides up to 3 times with intervals 2 weeks

Pest of indoor plants - Photo Gallery

Sheet covered with silver film with black dots inside meature Cherver looks like a cluster of cotton shreds aphid looks like white specks shields forms beige, brown swollen spots Web tick weaving cobwebs

Other reasons for problems with a plant - care errors

With incorrect leaving the drakerena loses its decorative look: the plant is growing badly, drops the leaves, the barrel is done thin and naked, curved. Therefore, first of all, check, perhaps, your drazen is not sick, but simply negride.

Draza most often amazed fungal infections

The main problems in the care and their consequences:

In most cases, the flower is infected with microbes or insect attack at a weakened immunite, which is due to improper care.

The beginning of the disease of the plant can be seen as the state of the sheet. It should be borne in mind that the process of drying and dying the lower leaves in drasens is a natural sign of growth. These leaves should be chopped, and the trunk over time on that place is obsessed.

In the remaining cases, the unhealthy color of foliage signals the problems of care.

We solve the problems

Health problems drazes can be completely different. Let's try to figure out what to do in each case. Let's start with leaves.

If dark spots appear on the leaves, perhaps the plant suffers from excessive watering and stagnation of water in the pallet. You need to check the condition of the roots in the plant.

If the roots of the plant completely rotted, the barrel of the drasens becomes soft. Such a phenomenon may occur as a result of frequent and abundant soil watering. The plant is unlikely to be cured. Recommended temperature for healthy plant growth - from 16 to 25 ° C.

Drazered's rotted trunk can be due to frequent irrigation

If the barrel is alleged and became soft

Staying for a long time on drafts, on the street or indoors, where the air temperature is below 18 degrees, the drazes freezes.

If the top frozen, you need to cut it up to a healthy trunk

At the same time, the trunk at the plant can still remain alive (dense and firmly to the touch), and the leaves crossed and sank. They do not save them. If the top of the drazes drooped, it is necessary to rejuvenate the trunk:

  1. Cut the top with a clean knife up to the beginning of a living (dense) fabric. The top is thrown away, and the location of the cut on the trunk is picked up the coal.
  2. Place the pot with a plant on a sunny place in a warm room (temperature 22-25 ° C). Eliminate the possibility of drafts.
  3. Pour flower with a complex fertilizer, diluted twice as smaller than indicated in the instructions.
  4. Each week to spray the trunk and soil stimulant growth for plants.
  5. Observe the right watering regime and wait when the drazes will recover and give side kidneys.

If the top broke down

What to do if the macushka drazena broke down, and left a healthy long trunk:

Essley Stem has become too long or curves

There are cases when the drazes are rapidly going into growth: the trunk grows in height quickly, but in itself thin and not sufficiently strong. This can happen if the drape is completely satisfied with the conditions of its content, but it stands in a poorly illuminated place. For example, the trunk becomes thin and long in the drakes of the bordered and delemon.

You do not need to rush to say goodbye to your favorite plant, because of one in such situations you can do several. The dragerate can be rejuvenated and divided by a barrel into several parts:

How to treat a dragon from lesions - details

To combat fungal diseases, the flower needs to be carefully treated with fungicide. It is also desirable to carry out a plant transplant and replace infected soil to a sterilized soil.

The use of fungicides with fungal diseases

For treatment, it is recommended to apply a solution of Fundazole in proportions of 10 grams per 500 ml of water. Spray the infected tree every 2 weeks, the procedure is repeated three times. Alternative to Fundazole can be the treatment of a patient plant to topaz or another drug, which has copper. All procedures are conducted strictly according to the instructions and in a well-ventilated room.

Fundazole is used for any fungal infections of plants

For the prevention of fungal diseases, the drasens should be avoided by the convergence of soil, cool and dark rooms, contact with the untreated garden inventory.

Viral infections and bacterial diseases of the drasens are currently considered incurable. Unfortunately, the patient plant needs to be destroyed so as not to infect other indoor flowers.

Change in sterile soil

With fungal diseases or during the development of root rot from the convergence of either the freezing of the earth coma in the plant, the roots rotate the spores of the fungus in the soil. To get rid of them, the dragerate needs to be transplanted into sterile soil.


  1. Pull out the flower from the pot, completely free the root system from the infected soil under running water.
  2. Clean knife cut off the rotten roots (they will be soft to the touch) to healthy parts and to be treated with a solution of phytosporin (a paste to dilute according to the instructions).
  3. The finished substrate for the drazes is placed in the heated oven for 10 minutes, for sterilization, the temperature regime should be exhibited by 200 degrees. Cool.
  4. To restore and build the root system, choose a smaller pot for flower (3 cm in diameter and height of less than the previous one). Add a layer of ceramzit, sterilized soil and plant a dragerate in the usual way.

How to apply insecticides

Drazen leaves attacks the shield, web tick and other pests, especially if the flower is in a cool room with dry air.

Aktellik - one of the most popular insecticides The Aktar drug has 3 hazard class (moderately dangerous for a person) phytodeter is considered the least dangerous drug from pests

As a rule, the treatment of folk remedies helps when dealing with a spider tick, tormenting Cherver and Tlyuy, and the shield and trips are destroyed after processing insecticides.

Green soap helps in caring for a drasa

Resuscitation of perishing drazes

If the drazes remained without attention for a long time and already has a dying look, still worth trying to save it.

If the bottom of the plant has rotted

With frequent and abundant irrigation, the drazes are rotten the roots, and later the barrel rotates and the top. This situation can be called hopeless, the plant can only be thrown away. In rare cases, the leaves and part of the trunk may not have time to suffer, then you need to try to save the top and it is rooted as the top stink:

  1. Sterile sharp knife cut off the top escape with part of the barrel (healthy and strong). The top must have a healthy look: the leaves are dense, and the trunk is solid. Scroll to make perpendicular to the trunk, the place of the cut is sprinkled with anger coal.
  2. Two hours left the resulting cutlets in the air so that the location of the cut is a bit dried.
  3. Place a stalk into a transparent glass with an accumulated water temperature and add a root formation stimulator, for example, corneser. Dilute twice as smaller than indicated in the instructions.
  4. Put a glass with a stalk on a sunny window sill.
  5. As needed (if it blooms) change water in a glass, to top up.
  6. When the roots appear more than 5 cm, put the dragerate into a small pot, deepening a stalk with a 2 cm root in a sterilized soil.

If dried up Makushka

If the drazen is not crowded for a long time, for example, for a long vacation, the plant from the lack of moisture can reset all the leaves, and the growth point itself is to dry.

Reduction point drying irreversibly and requires screaming drazes

In this case, anyway there are chances to save the plant. For this:

  1. First of all, the dragerate must be arranged "BANDENSES". To well and evenly wet the earthen room and revitalize the root system, the pot with a flower is needed half an hour to put in the pelvis with an estimated warm water (water should be room temperature).
  2. The dried top should be cropped with a sharp knife and throw away, process the location of the cut with activated thicker coal and wait for the side (sleeping) kidneys.

    Think at what height cut the trunk, so that in the future the plant was aesthetic.

  3. Flower once a week spray plants growth stimulant, for example, epinoma.
  4. Watering to spend moderate once a week, while adding comprehensive fertilizers for drazes per month.
  5. Pot with a plant to put in 2 meters from the sunny window so that the scattered rays of the sun fall on the plant.
  6. A month later, the drazers should appear new leaves from lateral kidneys.

When leaving for the plant and its rehabilitation, follow these rules:

Drazen - spectacular evergreen plant. It can be found both in apartments and office premises. She is valued for attractiveness and designers with lovers and designers. However, despite the undemanding and noncains, the drazes suffers from unintentional errors in the care, attacks of pathogens, bacteria, viruses and harmful insects. This negatively reflects on its presentability. Therefore, you need to know which symptoms are characteristic of a particular disease or pest, and how to deal with them.

How to create a dragerate optimal microclimate

Drazen is rather unpretentious, and in creating her optimal microclimate at home, there is nothing complicated. But to the requirements of the plant, it is still to listen, having raised to create a situation, as close as possible to the one to which she was accustomed to nature.

Drazena - popular (not least because of its unpretentiousness) indoor plant

Table: Suitable conditions for the cultivation of drazes

Factor Recommendations
Location Nearby (1-2 m) from the window overlooking the East or West. It is not recommended to put it close to the southern window to avoid sunburn. In the summer, if dimensions allow, you can make the capacity for fresh air. Drazen loves him, but does not tolerate cold drafts.
Lighting Scattered light or light half. Types with fiber leaves are more demanding to lighting. All drasens can exist with fully artificial light if the light day lasts at least 12 hours.
Temperature In the spring and summer - moderately warm (20-25ºС). The heat of the drazes tolerates badly. In winter, it is slightly lowered - up to 17-19ºС. Lower limit - 15ºС. Exceptions - DRATSEEN Fascular, Gucker, Dragon (carry a short-term decrease to 10ºС). All kinds negatively react to sudden temperature differences. The difference is 10ºС and more can lead to the death of the plant.
Air humidity It normally exists with a standard air humidity of 40-50% (dragon and annusphere dragon and one is undemanding to it), but with gratitude responds to any measures to increase it. The only thing to do should not - pour water into the pallet. In winter, working heating batteries are strongly dried by air, so once every 2-3 days it is recommended to spray with warm water of the surrounding air. In the summer, in the heat you can spray the plant itself, but so that the drops do not fall into the outlet, or to arrange a shower, closing the soil with polyethylene. At least once a week, be sure to wipe the leaves with a wet cloth or sponge.

Pick up the dragerate the place near the window, put it on the windowsill due to the dimensions very difficult

In addition to the optimal microclimate, a great influence on how the plant feels, rendeable feedstocks and the correct irrigation regime.

In the summer you need to give the soil in the pot of sinking about 4-5 cm deep into. This can be determined by sticking a wooden wand in a pot. There is enough one procedure in 2-3 days. In winter, the intervals increase to 5-7 days. In the wet soil during cool content, rotting is rapidly developing. Wide-sized drakens need to water more often - they have more evaporation area. An explicit signal - dumped, lost the tone of the leaves. And do not forget to loosen the soil after each procedure.

Material will also be useful on the conditions of the content of the Drageren Sader:

As for feeding, there are special fertilizers for Drazen. Nutrient solution The tree is watered every 20-30 days, about half an hour well moisturizing the soil. If a universal remedy for indoor plants is used, pay attention to the composition. Excess of phosphorus and nitrogen can lead to a deterioration in the appearance of the leaves. And still drazes categorically not tolerate fluorine.

Video: Content and Care for Flower at home

Typical diseases of the disease and pests and their prevention

Drazena, followed by a rather resistant to defeat various pathogenic fungi, viruses and bacteria. Most often, this kind of problems with the plant are the result of unintended host errors. The invasion of pests, even mass, is also unlikely to lead to her death, but will deliver a lot of hassle.

Most dangerous for her all sorts of rot, as well as bacterial and viral diseases, to cure with modern means it is impossible. In this case, the plant needs to be destroyed as quickly as possible, no matter how sorry. Otherwise, you can lose the entire collection.

Most often to avoid problems with the drasa, quite competent prophylaxis:

  • quarantine for newly acquired plants for 25-30 days;
  • regular inspections of the entire collection (ideally through magnifying glass) and immediate insulation of "suspicious" copies;
  • free, without crowding, placement of pots;
  • frequent ventilating room and maintaining high humidity;
  • placing room and cut colors as far as possible from each other, especially if these are roses or chrysanthemums;
  • mandatory sterilization before using pots, substrate, any tools;
  • processing of all "wounds" caused by dragerate in;
  • fulfillment of recommendations for the care of the plant, especially those regarding the polishers and fertilizers;
  • maintaining cleanliness is a regular erasing of dust from the leaves and carrying out other permitted water procedures.

Diagnostics of the problem

The plant feeds the flower to the unequivocal signals. The deterioration of its appearance is a clear sign of health problems. It is important to interpret these signs correctly, and know what to do in each case.

Table: Symptoms and Possible Causes

External manifestations Possible reasons
Errors in care Disease Pest
Swimming and wreaking leaves. The term of their life is about two years. Otherwise - excess watering
Pale, smiling leaves, deforming, thinning trunks. Light shortage.
Feeding green leaves. Inappropriate room temperature (both high and too low), constant cold drafts.
Drying, twisting in the tube and falling leaves. Watering too much.
Dry brown leaves tips. Low moisture in the room.
Dry tips and small sections of dead tissues on the leaves. An excess of fluorine in the soil is the use of unsuitable fertilizers or watering with rigid not saturated water.
Losing saturation of the color of the leaves and yellowish or almost discolored stains on them. Burn from long stay under the right sunlight. It is almost inevitable if the plant has been sprayed before. Water drops focus rays are not worse than lenses.
Yellowish-white spots on the leaves, dry edges. Low temperature indoors or its sharp drops.
The decolled "water-bearing" border on the edge of the sheet. Excess fertilizer in the soil (too frequent feeding).
Red leaves. Inappropriate too heavy soil with a peat predominance.
Small white crystals on the wrong sheet. A natural phenomenon provoked by a single abundant irrigation in combination with high humidity.
Slow growth or its complete absence. Inappropriate soil, lack of feeding for a long time or too cramped pot.
Ring, similar to flour, on the leaves.
Sticking soft on the touch trunk.
Browned spots, gradually tightening with gray "pile".
Dark "watery" stains, softening fabrics.
Swimming leaves covered with dark brown spots.
Reddish-yellow, gradually raging stains on the leaves.
Brown with bright green border spots on the leaves.
Small beige stains with a white point in the center.
Extended beige stains with pale red border.
Blurry brown spots with a yellow boring border.
Dark "watery" tips of the leaves, "ulcers" on the trunk.
Brown spots and stripes casting bronze.
Yellow spots on the leaves, braided with pauts of petioles.
Silver "scratches" and small black dots on the leaves.
Brown "plaques" on the leaves, reddish-yellow fabrics around them.
Small whims lumps in the sneakers of the leaves and in the ground.
A lot of small yellow-green or black and brown insects on the wrong leaves and sticky droplets on them.

What makes mistakes in care: examples in the photo

Dracaena, who dries the tips of the leaves, suffers from the too low humidity of air or sunburn to reset the leaves of the drazen can for several reasons, including the naturally the drarices looks like the drakerena leaves can very easily get a burn if spray The plant leaving under the right sunny rays brown drying leaves of drazes mean a long neglect of the need of plants AO moisture with the yellowing of the leaf of DRACEEN reacts to overflow

Diseases and how to cope with them

From fungal diseases for drazes, all types of rotes are most dangerous, very quickly developing with irregular watering. If at the same time the temperature is still maintained below the norm, it is almost inevitable.

Table: Typical diseases disease

Disease Symptoms Treatment and prevention
Small rounded pale brown stains on the trunk and leaves with a whitewate point in the middle, quickly changing the color on the black and gray. Gradually, the fabrics in these places die.
  1. Wipe the leaves and trunk with the infusion of wood ash or colloidal sulfur.
  2. Treat the plant and soil with a solution of topaz, oxyhoma, downtown.
  3. Repeat three days from the interval of 10 days. During this time, water not ordinary water, but a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate.

For prevention once a month, handle the flower and the ground with a 0.1% solution of Fundazola, Topcin-M.

Extracted beige stains with reddish border on the leaves. Gradually, they are tightened by a layer of greenish-gray raid.
Philostose (bright spot) Blurry spots of irregular beige-brown shape with lime border. Then the in the middle is formed small black "grains". In the risk group - adults and especially old drasens.
  1. Cut all infected fabrics. Especially injured leaves remove the whole.
  2. Plush cuts with activated carbon powder, chalk, cinnamon, process with iodine or green.
  3. Spray the flower with a solution of scoring, topaz, des. Repeat three times (processing once a week).
  4. During this time, add to water for watering (2-3 ml per liter) any biostimulator (zircon, epin, humate potassium).
Dark brown "Watery" tips of the leaves, brown spots on them, small round "ulcers" but trunk and cutters. Healthy fabrics from infectious separates wide yellow "oily" band. There are no effective treatments. It provokes the development of bacteriosis permanent dampness in a pot, the heat in the room, which is inappropriate for the drazes of the alkaline ground.
Spotted wilting (bronze) The leaves are almost completely covered with strips and stains of the wrong shape. With artificial lighting, they are browned, the sun is cast in bronze. The growth of drazes is almost stopped, new leaves are small and deformed. With the help of modern means it is impossible to get rid of the virus. More often suffer from spotting plants that do not feed. For drasa, potassium deficiency and phosphorus are harmful.
Spreading on the leaves from the bottom up yellowness. On the edge there is a "water-" kimea. The top of the trunk is faded. He himself freshes, changes the color to the brick. In particularly severe cases, the drazes are covered by "wet" brown spots.
  1. Wash the flower under the warm shower, remove the injured leaves. Treat cuts.
  2. Spray the plant and swipe the ground with a solution of Fundazola, Vectra, Benomila. Repeat 2-3 times with an interval of 3-5 days.
  3. If there is no effect, apply "heavy artillery" - quadris, bravo, rake.

For the prevention, add to water for watering phytoosporin-m. Add Gumistar, Trickovit to the Soil during Change.

Root (black) rot Brown roots and bases of the trunk, mold on the soil and an unpleasant putrefactive smell coming from her.
  1. Remove the dragera from the pot, thoroughly wash the substrate with the roots.
  2. All Dark and Sklizens to the touch doinched, capturing 3-5 cm fabric, which seems healthy.
  3. Soak the roots at 20-30 minutes in a bright pink potassium permanganate solution or 0.5% - burgundy fluid.
  4. Pour cuts of sainted wood ash, colloidal gray.
  5. Peread the plant to a sterilized pot using a new soil.
  6. For 3-4 months, water 0.5% alino-b, Baikal-EM solution, prejudice.
Bacterial (wet) rot Dark "watery" stains on the leaves and trunk. Fabrics in these places softened to a semi-liquid state.
Pale brown spots on the leaves, gradually tightened by a layer of a gray "pile" with multiple small black splashes.
  1. Cut all infected with fungus leaves. Treat "wounds".
  2. Wipe them and paint the soil with a solution of Abiga peak, downtown, topaz.
  3. During the month, water the dragerate with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (0.25 g / l).
Brown rot (risoctonyosis) Drazen ceases to grow. The leaves are yellow, discolored, then covered with black and brown spots.
  1. Immediately stop watering.
  2. After 3-5 days by 10-12 hours, we soak the roots in the polytherapy solution, Agata-25k, Maxim. Let them dry well.
  3. If there is no effect, change the pot and soil.
Small brownish spots with bright green border on the leaves.
  1. Cut all the injured leaves.
  2. Provide the plant optimal or approximate conditions of content. Reercue the care of the drasa.
Leaves, as if shipped to flour. Gradually, this tax is compacted and drill.
  1. Will erase with leaves, flushing them with a pale pink potassium permanganate solution.
  2. Swip them with chopped activated carbon or colloidal gray.
  3. Twice with an interval of 10-12 days, bypass the dragerate with a solution of any fungicide.

Photo Gallery: What does a plant affecting pathogenic fungi and bacteria look like

It seems that mildew is the harmless raid, which is easy to erase, but this is not so brown spotty - a rather rare disease of the drazes, affected by the brown rot, almost ceases to grow gray rot, it is easy to recognize, but it is not easy to cure fabrics affected by bacterial rot, turn In the semi-liquid mass, the root rot is very difficult to recognize on time, and because the disease can be treated only in the early stages of development from Fusariosis more often the plants in the garden are suffering, but the plants are not protected from infection. Plant remains only to throw off the bacteriosis. Adults and old drarats of greenish-gray raids appearing with the development of heterosorosis, contains disputes of the fabric fungus, affected by alternariasis, gradually die on the leaves there are holes

Video: Treatment of diseases of drazes

Attacking pest drasa

Most pests, even breaking in many, will not kill the dragera. But this does not mean that they do not need to fight. No exotic insects from a historic homeland plant did not "brought". It will have to deal with the most common insects and ticks feeding with its juice.

Table: Common pests

Pest Symptoms Measures of struggle and prevention
Rounded "plaques" of different shades of brown on the wrong sheet. Gradually, they "scatter", the fabrics around them are acquired by an unnatural yellow-red color. In particularly severe cases, the soil is black.
  1. Visible pests are smeared with machine oil, acetic acid, clean alcohol. After a few hours, the shields can be removed.
  2. Wipe the leaves with soap foam, wash it with water.
  3. Treat the plant by actar, permethrine, fufanon. If necessary, repeat 1-2 times with an interval of 5-7 days.
Thin almost transparent threads that are fluttered. On the wrong sheet - brown dots and blurry pale or yellowish spots around them.
  1. Wipe the leaves with alcohol, vodka or any alcohol tincture. After 15-20 minutes - a wet sponge.
  2. Spray and pour the dragera, for 2-3 days, if possible, close with polyethylene. To enhance the effect, put the same tank with a sliced \u200b\u200bonion, garlic, turpentine.
  3. If there is no result, use Acaricides - Neon, Agravertin, Sanmight, Apollo. It will take at least 3-4 treatments with different drugs. The interval between them is 5-12 days.

For the prevention weekly spray the plant with decoction of cyclamen tubers. Or irradiate the leaves with a quartz lamp for 2-3 minutes on both sides.

The decaded leaves, small black dots and silver-beige thin "scratches" are noticeable.
  1. Apply on the leaves a soap foam or whipped shampoo from fleas, leave under polyethylene for 2-3 days. Or spray it with oil emulsion (35-40 ml of any vegetable oil per liter of water).
  2. Repeat 2-3 times with an interval of 5-7 days.
  3. In the absence of the result, use phytodeter, spinor, accomplish (2-3 times at intervals per week).
Lumps similar to the dirty cotton rack in the sinuses of the leaves and at the base of the trunk. The leaves are quickly yellow and dried.
  1. Spray the dragerate with a soap-alcohol solution. After 2-3 hours, wash the leaves with clean water. At the same time, remove the visible "lumps" with a wooden wand.
  2. Treat flower and soil with tobacco crumbs, dry mustard, red pepper. Or point to the leaves any drug with wood oil.
  3. In the absence of the effect, use Spool-Bio, Calypso, Mospilan (2-3 times with an interval of 5-10 days).
Large colonies of small insects, stagnant with leaves (especially young) and the top of the trunk. Then the sticky transparent raid appears.
  1. Will erase insect soap foam. Especially injured leaves cut. Arrange the dragerate of the shower.
  2. 3-4 times a day spray the plant with informed orange crusts, onion husks, needles, any sharp smelling herbs.
  3. In the absence of effect, process the biotlin dragerate, admiral, confident Maxi. Repeat every 5-7 days to completely disappear.

Photo Gallery: What the pests affect the dragon look

The failure is distinguished by rare "omnivores", the drasen also enters the circle of its interests. If you do not pay attention to the tormentary cherler, very soon the plant will cover small black dots on the leaves - nothing but the cobwebs themselves - not insect , Therefore, not insecticides of general action are used to combat it, and special drugs - acaricides Durable Pancar Shields - Reliable protection against most folk remedies

Videos: Common Pest of Indoor Plants and Fighting them

Resuscitation Plants

Most often in the fact that the dragerate requires urgent resuscitation, its owner is to blame. It is painful, it reacts to the wrong irrigation - "drought" or "swamp" in the pot.

In the first case, cut all the dry leaves to the living fabrics, not a touching point of growth on the top of the drasens. Once every 2-3 days spray with a solution of any biostimulant. Rearrange as closer to the window of a southwestern or southeastern orientation. Water according to the instructions. If the roots were not injured, after 2-3 months, the drazes will give new leaves. When the growth point and the point of growth, it will have to cut and it, and hope that the side kidneys will "wake up". But there are not so many chances.

In the converted substrate almost inevitably the development of rot. Drake need to be rehanced as quickly as possible, despite the time of year. Noah this procedure does not guarantee success, it will be effective only at an early stage of development of the disease. In the process, be sure to cut all the roots affected by the fungus, do not forget to seek the new pot and soil. At first, be very careful with watering, but spray the dragera daily. Capacity pick up the root system (plus a maximum of 2-3 cm).

What to do with broken palm treason

Drazen is a rather massive plant, so the above-ground part can simply turn the pot. Also, it is also often obtained by it "fractures" - the result of the stormy activity of children and domestic animals. In this case, you should not be upset. If you do everything right, instead of one plant you will get two.

Broken drazes - not a reason to arrange tragedy

The easiest thing is when the trunk was abandoned, but did not break at all. They impose the "tires", as if on hand or leg, and fix the skin so that it was covered by "wound" if possible. From above you can wind the moss-sphagnum moss or coconut fiber.

Do not forget to "Seal" the cut

Otherwise, the plant remaining in the pot:

  1. Exactly disconnect the trunk just below the location of damage. It is advisable to do it on the "scars", which remained from fallen leaves.
  2. Disinfect the slice of a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate or 1% - burgundy fluid.
  3. Fill with liquid wax, paraffin, squeeze the garden water. If there is nothing at hand, apply 2-3 layers of oil paint.
  4. Remove the plant in the half. Moderately water. When growth kidneys are formed, go back to normal care.

The material will also be useful about the methods of breeding drazes:

Side kidneys on the dragerate "wake up" for quite a long time, take patience

Bloomred Top:

  1. Cut at an angle of about 45º. Try to do it, if possible, smoothly, without the "grinding" and Zzabrin. Let dry 2-3 hours.
  2. Wrap the interfering leaves. Put in the container with the prepared biostimulant. You can use succinic acid and activated carbon (on a tablet for every 200 ml). Alternative - rooting in wet perlite, vermiculite, sand. The cut will be added to any powdered stimulant of the root formation.
  3. Change the water every 3-4 days, the substrate regularly moisturize. Provide lower heating, luminous day duration of at least 12 hours and temperature of about 25ºС.
  4. Be patient. The rooting process can stretch for 3-4 months and even six months. When the first new sheet appears, transfer the plant into the soil suitable for adult dras.

Most often, the broken top of the drazes root in the water

Video: Showing a cutting of drazes

Drazena, like any room plant, is not insured against the attacks of diseases and pests. However, it is quite stable to them, and the tree, followed by a properly care, is rare. Nevertheless, individual errors in care, pathogenic fungi and bacteria can provoke a deterioration in the appearance of the drasens. If you do nothing, the plant can even die. Therefore, it is important to be able to recognize what caused certain symptoms, and know what to do to cope with the problem.

A novice flower dealer does not have sufficient experience and alone for growing indoor plants, acquires it most often by the method of trial and errors. However, it is possible to avoid trouble, using some of the main rules when choosing a plant and first acquaintance with him.

  1. When buying drazers or other plants, find out its full Latin name. By purchasing a new unknown plant, many are not interested in its agrotechnology, features, do not know the right botanical name. Knowing the right botanical name, you can determine the specific features of a particular type.
  2. Excessive shading or bright light can harm your dragerate. First of all, you should choose the right place for the plant. To do this, find out how the plant relates to sunlight. In addition, which is very important, a plant, well-carrying sunlight, we must teach it gradually. This is due to the peculiarities of the content of the plant before purchase - the stores rarely comply with the light mode required for a particular type.
  3. For most types of dragon plants, drafts are detrimental. Choosing a plant, consider this fact.
  4. Overflow or excessive dryness can be extremely harmful to the plant. Watering is of great importance. Always need to know what the needs of the plant you bought. In addition, watering should be carried out carefully, carelessness leads to unpleasant consequences. For a number of species, a prerequisite for a healthy existence in the apartment is a permanent daily spraying.
  5. Be careful when feeding the plants. It is very important to understand how much nutrients are needed for the plant. Errors in feeding can lead a plant to disease or death.
  6. Take into account the individual needs of the plant to the soil mixture. When transplanting the main error is incorrectly selected soil mixture. Sometimes the transplant is sunk without need, not on time. It is often taken too large utensils, which leads to the zakusaniya of the soil. For most plants, good drainage is needed, to which some do not pay attention. Plants brought from Holland often do not pass due control by the respective structures, as a result of which can be transferred to themselves either in the substrate of various dangerous pests. Therefore, a preferably purchased plant to transplant with the substrate replacement and attentive inspection of the roots.
  7. Need to cut? Cut! Amateurs - Flowers often regret their plant, fear him to trim. Pruning is necessary for a number of cultures, in the case of its face, the plant is growing, ceases to grow and blossom.

Symptoms of errors in care and possible causes.

The upper leaves retain elasticity, but yellow: caused, as a rule, the high content of calcium in the soil - in those plants that do not tolerate lime, or the rigidity of water watering.

Leaves lose shine and look lifeless: probable reason - too abundant light; Another reason can be a red cobbler. Even healthy green leaves may look beaten if they are not soaked.

Blooming leaves (chlorosis): the leaves are discolored and acquired a yellowish color, the resilience remain green. Typically, this happens with a lack of iron and magnesium. Both items are needed to maintain the green leaf. It leads to such insufficiency and watering water containing a lot of calcium: calcium binds iron in the soil. It is possible to correct this by starting to use iron chelates or brown algae extract and water softened water.

The leaves are discolored until they become transparent: it is associated with a lack of nitrogen. Nitrogen is necessary, in particular, to form green leaves. To restore the green color of the leaves, feeding with a liquid fertilizer with a high content of nitrogen. A long-term support may be horny flour that needs to be carefully interlaced into the upper layer of the Earth.

Founding leaves: Ordinary causes - either soil drying (due to insufficient irrigation), or overvoltage of the soil (due to poor drainage or too frequent irrigation). Other reasons may be an excess of light (especially if the leaves are doubled regularly in the middle of the day), dry air, too high air temperature, a close pot or pest.

The leaves are folded and fall: the edges of the leaves are twisted, and sometimes become dry. Twisting leaves in plants - a measure of selflessness, because due to this, the surface of the sheet is reduced and less water evaporates. This happens when the plant stands in too warm place or gets little water. You need to pour a plant until the soil is completely impregnated, or dip in water and hold. Choose a cooler place for it.

The leaves are suddenly falling: the rapid leaves of the leaves without the previous long period of withering or the color loss typically indicates a shock transferred by the plant. It can be caused by a significant temperature drop (both a decrease and increase), a sharp increase in the lighting intensity during the daytime or a strong cold draft. The sudden appeal of leaves, especially the tree of tree plants, can also be caused also to dry the soil from the roots.

The leaves are yellow and fall: the lower leaves of the adult plant with the time naturally yellow and then fall. When this occurs simultaneously with several leaves, then the likely cause is the mooring of the soil, lack of nitrogen, too dark place or cold drafts. First of all, you need to dramatically cut watering or completely replace the land and pour it out. Regularly feed the appropriate fertilizers. Rearrange the plant in a lighter place.

The lower leaves dry out and fall: three probable causes are a lack of light, too high air temperature and insufficient watering. The plant should be rearranged in a lighter place. Earthwood comes to completely soak water, loading the pot for a few hours into the water. From a warm place to move to the cooler conditions.

The leaves on new plants fall out: for newly transplanted, just purchased or transferred from one room to another plants naturally lose one or two lower sheets. The shock from the change of laying can be loosen if the plant transplanted only in a bit more than the old, the pot, to cover the home from the store and to transfer from a poorly illuminated place to bright light with an intermediate stay within a few days in a half.

Points or stains on the leaves: if the points or stains are dry and brown, then the most likely cause is a lack of water. If the affected places are soft, dark brown light is most likely due to the overwhelming of the soil. If the points or spots are white or yellowish, the damage is caused by the use of cold water when watering, a sharp decrease in temperature, the water ingress on the leaves, damage to aerosols, or disease / pests. If the stains are reddish, silver-white or brownish - the plant unexpectedly turned out to be influenced by direct sunlight. If the affected places are moat and look like a blister, or dry in the form of dents, the reason is a disease. Some pests can also cause spotting sheet surface.

Brown tips or edges of leaves: the most likely cause is drying the tips of the leaves of dry air. Another possible reason is physical damage when the tips of the leaves often touch or they are pressed against the glass or wall. If the edges of the leaves are yellow or brown, it can be caused by several reasons: soil revengery, insufficient irrigation, lack of light, too abundant lighting, too low air temperature, rebupping mineral substances, dry air or drafts. Other symptoms will help determine the true reason.

Small pale leaves and elongated stems: This happens in winter and early spring, after the plant was kept in conditions of insufficient lighting at too high temperatures and excessively abundant irrigation. If possible, the ugly part of the plant is removed. If such symptoms are manifested in the period of growth, then the reasons may be a lack of mineral substances or too scarce lighting.

Leaves and stems rot: This is caused by a disease arising under bad conditions. Often the cause of the disease is the overalling of the soil in winter or the fall of water on the leaves, especially if it stays overnight.

Torn edges and holes on the leaves: most often appear in physical damage to pets or people (sometimes even a simple touch to a unwanted sheet can damage it) or when the pest attacks.

Pestro-painted leaves become monochrome-green: this is explained simply as a lack of light. Delete all the processes with one-color colored leaves (if possible) and stop the pot with a plant closer to the window.

The plant slowly or does not grow at all: in winter it is normal for all plants, so do not force it to grow. In the summer, the most likely cause of growth slowdown is the lack of mineral substances, the mooring of the soil or insufficient lighting. If these causes are excluded, then perhaps the plant is cracked pot.

The plant does not bloom: several reasons can lead to the fact that the adult plant does not bloom at the right time. The most likely reasons are associated with lighting - this is a lack of light or an inappropriate plant length of the daylight. Other reasons may be an oversupply of mineral substances, dry air, triples or transplantation (some plants bloom only in a close pot).

Fallen buds: the reasons for which the leaves fall may also cause the dedication of buds or flowers. This most often leads dryness of air, insufficient watering, lack of light, move the pot with a plant to another place and damage to pests.

Flowers fade quickly: as a rule, it is a consequence of insufficient watering, dryness of air, lack of light, or too high air temperature.

Green plaque on a ceramic pot: The correct sign of problems associated with irrigation - occurs when the soil moisure or bad drainage.

White crust on a ceramic pot: probable reasons for two - use for watering too hard water or excess mineral substances.

In some cases, the leaves fall out for unpretentious drakes. The problem does not arise by itself, so the flower engine needs to understand its causes.

About why the plant throws off the leaves and how to reanimate it, read further.

Why dusseren drops leaves: the main causes

Drazen dumps the leaves due to errors in care or illness. Below are the main causes of foliage.

Did you know? Word« dracaena» translated as« dragon's female» . Motherland Palma - Africa and Southeast Asia.

Violation of cultivation conditions

The first thing you need to look at the fallout of the leaf of the drazes are the conditions of cultivation. The reasons are most often:

  • incorrect composition of the soil;
  • low temperature;
  • frequent drafts;
  • bright straight light;
  • strong shadow.
If you do not correct the situation, the plant fades and dies.

Disadvantage or rejunction of fertilizers

The fertilizer plant is needed for growth. Many flower products allow two extremes: a lack or oversupply of feeding. Fitting foliage is possible in both cases.

With a scant supplement of the dragerate, it is no other to take nutritious elements. This situation takes place in several cases:

  • rare feeders;
  • small doses of funds;
  • the concentration of solutions is lower in the instructions;
  • full absence of fertilizers.

Excessive fertilizer is no less harmful. Its negative impact manifests itself with such errors:

  • too frequent feeding;
  • using more means;
  • intense concentration of the drug;
  • feeding during rest.

Recover the approach to palm tree fertilizer. It can be the main cause of dropping leaves.

Did you know? Aztecs called the dragon "Tree of happiness" and believed that if it was cut into a small part of the plant's trunk at midnight, it would bring happiness in love.

Wrong watering

The frequent cause of foliage of the drazes is wrong watering. The plant harms and scarce, and too abundant moisturizing:

  • insufficient watering: leaves dry out;
  • excessive irrigation: the plant becomes a soft barrel, foliage first slugging and then falls off.
Spraying can also cause foliage fence.Be sure to remove the water from the leafy sinuses. Fluid stagnation can provoke rotting. Because of this, the drazes will reset part of the leaves.

Important! TO Z. ash-resistant species include palm trees under the names of Dragon and GodSef. They should not be overly moisturized.

Damage to root during transplantation

When the drazers grow the roots, they are transplanted into a new pot. In the process of transplanting, the colorboard is in contact with the root. Careless movements can damage the root system. Such injuries affect the condition of palm trees. The transplant to a new place is already stress, and the damage to the root increases. In response to injury, the plant resets the leaves.

Pests and diseases

Invalid care attracts diseases and pests. They often become the cause of foliage dropping.

From diseases, the plant most often amazes fungus:

  • stem rot;
  • root rot;
  • fusariosis;
  • alternariasis;
  • philostose;
  • heatherporiosis.
Leaves with disease rarely disappear from the trunk. Most often they dry out, bother or covered by stains. However, if the disease is not treated, dry or rotten foliage will soon disappear from the barrel.
Pests are no less dangerous for drasa. Often, they are the reason for the dropping of leaves. At the palm tree can be attacked:
  • web tick;
  • triples;
  • shield;
  • mealybug;
In most cases, the plant can be cured if you detect the cause in time.

What to do and how to save the plant

The dragerate, the leaves of which they opled, in some cases you can save. The reasons are more related to errors in care, so the first actions of the flower is to adjust the conditions of cultivation. If diseases or pests are detected, plant treatment is additionally carried out.

Palm cultivation rules are as follows:

  1. Temperature.Optimal indicators - +20 ... + 25 ° C. The plant will survive if the temperature drops to + 15 ° C. In more cold conditions, palm suspend development.
  2. Humidity. Most species need a humidity of at least 60%. To maintain moisture, the plants spray from the sprayer. Two-time spraying per day is enough for normal growth. Do not forget to remove excess water from the sinuses of the leaves.
  3. Lighting. Dusses love scattered light. Bright rays of the sun or shadow lick palm tree. If the leaves are falling, change the location of the vase. If it is not possible to provide a plant with natural light, buy phytolampu.
  4. Watering. Water for watering should be soft. Before use, it needs to be defeated. For irrigation, cold water is not suitable. The frequency depends on the burden of soil. If the upper 2 cm of the substrate is dried, it can be moisturized. The speed of graze depends on the season. In the summer, the plant is watered 1 time in 2 days. In winter, optimally moisturize the soil once every 3 days.
  5. Fertilizer. Palma needs feeding only during the period of active growth. His usual temporary framework - from March to the beginning of September. Feed the dragera follows 1 time in 2 weeks. Manufacturers offer a wide selection of fertilizers for dras. Rainbow, "DRACEEN", "Ideal" are popular with popularity.
  6. Transfer. Flowers transplant healthy palm tree 1 time in 2-3 years. The best plant tolerates a transplant in March and April. During the problems of growing, an emergency transplant is possible. Fitting foliage due to unsuitable soil or diseases is exactly the case. For a successful procedure, prepare a pot, drainage mixture, substrate for drasa, water for watering. Fill the new pot of drainage, pour part of the soil on it. Pour the dragerate and get out of the old pot. Carefully clean the root system from the Earth Koma. Check the roots to rot, remove the rot, if it is. Place palm trees in a new container, pour the rest of the soil. Pour palm trees and put on a suitable place.
  7. Fighting diseases and pests. For the treatment of flower, these drugs are used: pests are destroyed by insecticides, for example, "phytodeterm", "accomplishing" or "inta-virus", and fungicides are used against fungus, such as "Oxychich" or "Topaz". If the plant is completely amazed, rotates and Treatment does not help, try to transplant the cuttings into a new soil in order to save at least part of it. If this is a viral disease - it is impossible to heal it. Plant must be disposed of.

Drazena is one of the most popular home flowers used not only as a room, but also as an office plant. To provide a flower for a long life, you need to know the general rules for the care of it; It is especially important to recognize diseases on time. A serious and obvious symptom of unhealthy is the fond of leaves. Find out why this happens and how to solve this problem.

Why dusseren drops leaves: the main causes

Homeland house drazes are rainforest. Externally, the flower resembles a palm tree: it has a straight stem, which ends with a rosette of long leaves growing at 20-60 cm long.

Drazena - a flower that tends to reset the leaves, but this is not a natural process. With a lot of loss of leaves, the plant is dying, so this problem must cause the immediate intervention of the gardener.

Did you know? « Dracaena» Translated from ancient Greek language as« dragon's female" Also a shrub is called« dragonovo tree» . The name comes from the legend, which states that a long time ago two giants - dragon and elephant - they agreed in battle. The dragon was crushed by an elephant, and on the place where the drops of his blood fell, huge trees were grown with a lush crown.

In addition, decorative qualities are highly appreciated in the drasa, and the loss of deciduous cover will deprive the flower of the main advantage in the content.
The main causes of foliage focus are:

It should be borne in mind that the drawn itself throws off the leaves if it is no longer a young plant. The maximum life of the drazes is 15 years; When approaching this age, the leavefall is a natural process.

Violation of condition

If the plant in a short time was brought and opled the leaves, and the barrel began to rot and dry, it is necessary to change the conditions of the flower content.

Good growth will provide such care parameters:

  1. Temperature. The plant loves the temperature of + 20-25 ° C in the summer. And in the cold season, the minimum permissible temperature is + 16 ° C. If you contain a flower at a lower temperature, it will stop growing and falling in an anabiosis.
  2. Lighting. Drazena loves the sun, as the plant is brought from solar tropics, but the straight rays are harmful to him. It is best to have a pot in a half. The most sensitive to the light of volatile drasens.
  3. Location in the house. Since the straight rays are undesirable for the plant, it is best to put it on the eastern or western side of the house. Most often have on the windowsill.
  4. Trimming. The required process for the growth of the sideways of the village. The flower must be at least 30 cm in height - only then it can be trimmed. Conduct leaves in spring or summer.
  5. Moisturizing. Tropical plant requires an abundance of moisture, especially in winter, in the heating season. To do this, you need to make a spraying of the air near the pot with a flower.

Incorrect shrub content in room conditions leads to the fact that it loses the natural beauty and color of the leaves, the shape of the bush, the health of the trunk and the root system. Therefore, before you buy such a plant, it is important to familiarize yourself in advance with the rules of its cultivation.

Disadvantage or rejunction of fertilizers

Complex fertilizers use as feeding for drazes. They must be given a flower twice a month, during the period of active growth, approximately from March to the beginning of September.

In horticultural stores you can purchase special fertilizers for Drazen: "Rainbow", "ideal", "DRACEEN".

The lack of trace elements, especially potassium, leads to the fact that the flower is covered with bronze stains and stripes. And from the oversupply of feeding the roots and stem drazes can be contlected.

Important!The abundance of fetal feeding can lead to loss of color leaves and their fallout.

Wrong watering

Watering is the main way to feed the shrub with water. To prevent the death of the drasens, it should be remembered that she loves abundant irrigation, but it's not worth it too much, otherwise the root system will become overwhelmed and starts rotting, and with it and stem.

In the summer, the drapra is watered once every two or three days, while checking whether the earth dried at the base of the stem. Water use room temperature. Additionally sprinkle with water from the pulverizer near the plant, so the air is moistened next to it. Fading the leaves - the signal that you need to water more often.

In winter, the flower rests, and watering is needed by him every 3-4 days. However, if your plant stands on the windowsill under the battery, watering it needs more often. It is necessary to navigate the soil: if it has already dried and you do not see wet spots - it means you can pour a pot again.

Damage to root during transplantation

Since the drazes of the root system grows quickly, very soon the gardener will face the need to transplant it to a new pot. For a flower, a height of about 40 centimeters need a container with a diameter of 15 centimeters.

The roots of the shrub is quite durable, but nevertheless it is important when separating the stems not to damage them, otherwise the plant will not further develop.

Important!The transplant should not be done more often than once every 2-3 years.

It is better to carry out the procedure at the end of March - early April. Do not forget when transplanting to maintain a drainage layer in a pot so that the bush does not have an excess of moisture.

Pests and diseases

Diseases and pests are able to reduce any gardener efforts. That this does not happen, you need to be able to determine their symptoms on time.

Did you know? According to the ancient legend of the aztecs, the cut barrel of the drakes in the full moon will bring happiness and love.

How to save the plant

If you have noticed from your drazers, signs of disease or sharp falling of the leaves, you need to decide how to reanimate the shrub.

In order not to treat the sickness of the bush, you need to carry out preventive measures to prevent diseases in time.

Important!Please note that the flower drops every year a small amount of yellowed leaves from the bottom of the stem to prepare for the winter period. This is a natural process.

  1. When planting a pot, make a drainage system. So you will provide roots protection against excess water.
  2. The flower is poorly tolerates drafts, and at low temperatures die. Therefore, in the cold season, make sure that the plant does not move.
  3. Drazena is a moisture-loving bush, and requires high humidity of air and soil. Do not miss watering plants even in the winter season.
  4. Also do not make too much fertilizer to the soil so that the leaves do not fall. In this case, it is better to add less minerals so as not to lose ground.

Drazena is an exotic plant, which at any time of the year will remind you of the sea, palm trees and rest. It is not difficult to grow, it is only necessary to comply with the basic rules of content. And even if the plant struck the disease, it is important to help him in time, eliminating the cause of the leaves.