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Script for a theme party for teens. Funny contests for young people

Student years are probably the most the best time in the life of most people. After all, you can not only study under the strict supervision of parents or teachers, but first of all have fun spending all your free time. That is why, in order to know how to diversify life, I want to consider the most fun and interesting contests for students.

Crocodile game

This is probably the most common and funniest game. To carry it out, you need 5 or more people. From all those present, the presenter is selected, that is, the one who will show the word. Players need to present the encrypted word in such a way that they guess it. Who was the first to guess what exactly in question, becomes the presenter. This is a very fun game that can be played for hours.

Competition "Funny sausages"

Considering competitions for students, it is imperative to talk about competition games. So, you can prepare fake sausages or sausages, which will have to be attached to the belt for the participants. With these devices, players will need to push a ball or light cube into some gate. Whoever does it sooner is the winner. This competition is always accompanied by funny shouts and funny words of support.

Who is Superman?

Only guys can take part in this competition. So, you need 5-7 people. The essence of the task: to decide which of the young men is the modern superman. And as you know, a real man must do three things: plant a tree, build a house, and raise a son. There will be some changes in this competition. Guys will have to "plant" the liver, "build" a wife and "grow" a belly.

  • To complete the first part of the task, you need to drink a liter of juice through a straw at speed.
  • The second part of the task requires inflating the balloons. Then they are pushed under a shirt or jacket, after which a sumo fight begins. The winner is the one with the balloons left intact.
  • For the third part, you need girls. Guys should collect as many ladies as possible in their team. Whose back will be more representatives of the fair half, he won.

Superman will have to be announced at the end of all three rounds of the competition. You can award him with a medal.

Who is trendy?

What other fun contests are there for students? So why big company do not play dress up games. To do this, you first need to prepare a bag full of different clothes: pantaloons, large bras, skirts and sweaters. The bag is passed from hand to hand to the accompaniment of cheerful music. When the melody stops, the person in whose hands the package was found pulls the item of clothing out of it by touch. And of course he does. Then those who are the best dressed should either dance or sing a funny song. This game can be useful for any youth company, not only student ones.

Where I am?

When choosing contests for students, it is imperative to include the game “Where am I?” In the program. To do this, you need to prepare signs with the inscriptions of the places where people can go. For example: "dormitory", " public toilet"," Isolator "," nudist beach "," strip bar ". That is, the signs should be as funny and unusual as possible. The participants themselves do not know which place they will come across. attaches to the player's back. The moderator asks the most common questions to which the participants must answer. For example: "How often do you go there?" The result is very funny. And the whole team chooses the winner.

The sultan

The scenario of the student competition can be supplemented by such a fun game like "Sultan". To do this, you need to choose two men. They will also be sultans. Further, the guys must choose 5-6 wives for their harem. After the teams will have to complete several tasks.

  1. When choosing contests for students, it is imperative to prepare inventory. In this case, you need bloomers. Their "wives" will have to fill out on their own inflated balloons... The fatter sultan will be the winner.
  2. Further, the sultans must kiss their wives at two places on the body at speed (places for kissing are chosen on their own). For example, this could be an arm and a cheek.
  3. The third part is replenishment. That is, the sultan must think about how to attract more girls to his harem. To do this, the guy goes to the hall, kissing all the ladies that come across him. The winner is the one who kisses more girls in one time period.

Future mom

It is imperative to prepare contests for So, everyone knows that the majority of university students live in hostels. And there must be order and cleanliness. To do this, you can hold a competition called "Future Mom". So, for guys, a big is attached to the stomach Balloon... And they must temporarily collect the matches that are scattered on the floor. This is not an easy task. It is believed that if the players in such a situation were able to put things in order, then in real life it will be very easy for them to keep the room clean.

Know ours!

Initiation contests can be both fun and educational. So, you can acquaint freshmen with the teaching staff of the faculty or department. To do this, you must first prepare the portraits of all teachers. It's good if you can process them in a fun way in Photoshop. And freshmen should show off their knowledge of the pedagogical team. That is, beginners will have to guess what kind of subject a particular person will read.

The ideal dean

It is important that the contests for students are fun and funny. So, you can have fun creating a portrait of the ideal dean. To do this, two or three teams are given an easel on which they must draw a picture. The winner is the team with the Dean who does better and funnier.

Find a cheat sheet

Competitions among students can also be educational. So, you can prepare fun game, which will teach beginners to hide cheat sheets. To do this, you need to select several paired teams. Best of all is a tandem - a guy and a girl. One will hide cribs on his body, the other will look for them blindfolded. The first team to find everything hidden will win.

In fact, there can be many more games and contests. At the same time, it is good to connect the creative component, that is, sing, dance. The main thing is that those present should have fun.

Become in order!
This team play, requiring ingenuity and quick reaction, is suitable for a youth company. Various situations, in which its participants will visit, are able to stir up and cheer up any person.

Who is faster?
The game does not require special training, it can be played with any number of players, but what more company, the more fun. Passing different objects to each other without touching them with your hands is not easy, but very fun.

Tiptoe, quietly
A prank game suitable for a cheerful friendly company. Blindfolded, you need to walk along a route strewn with expensive fragile things, without damaging anything. Having removed the bandage at the end of a difficult path, the driver will understand that he was worried in vain.

guess the word
For the implementation of the gameplay, it is necessary to be able to isolate the team of players from the participant who guesses the word. Alternatively, you can put headphones on your team members.

Incendiary pas
A fun, active game with an unlimited number of participants. Perfect for any occasion, you just need to pick a good one musical accompaniment... This game will stir up even those people who are difficult to lift from the table.

All for one
A fun game familiar from the fun at school breaks. She does not need special preparatory activities, the main thing is the desire to have fun. The driver needs to show observation and ingenuity in order to guess which of his friends touched him.

Cheerful window dressing
In this exciting game you need to recognize a person by the visible part of the body. It is ideal for companies of both sexes. To participate in this entertainment, you do not need to prepare props, the players have everything they need by nature.

This entertainment is suitable for youth, teenagers and children. Preparation for the game is minimal - each participant needs a scarf or handkerchief to blindfold. And then you need to gather your flock, using only hearing.

An active and incendiary game, it requires a large company and a lot of space. The droplet dancers first find a couple in the dance, then they unite in groups of three, four, until, finally, all the guests form a round dance.

Destiny is not destiny
Is there your “half” among those present at the party? Try your luck, take part in this kind of lottery of fate. The guests stand in a circle, in the center is the driver. Fate will take care of the rest.

Who am I?
An interesting role-playing and analytical game designed for a large number of players and a spacious room. Try to guess what role the host has assigned you to by using leading questions addressed to your friends.

Head lamb
A prank game, played once during a party. It is desirable that the company of participants is large, then the fun will be more fun. Organizing the game requires a host and victim player with a good sense of humor.

Stretch your memory
This entertainment is suitable for a small company, then everyone can take part, only a presenter is needed. With a large crowd of guests, several pairs can be made, and the rest will be spectators. Check how attentive you are to the details of clothing and the appearance of the people around you.

Direct hit
The game can be played without interrupting the meal, right at the table. It is especially relevant when you need to stir up and cheer up guests. The game requires attentiveness and good winking skills. The winner is the one who knows the art of shooting with the eyes perfectly.

Jigsaw puzzles
Exciting and intellectual fun for all ages. It will take a little time to prepare, but this work will pay off a hundredfold with the joy and pleasure of the guests. Competition implies the creation of teams, it is better if the number of players in them is no more than ten.

This cool game can be played right for festive table... She will help to stir up the guests and improve their health. After all, laughter prolongs life! The main thing in the game is to try to maintain self-control and not burst out laughing, but this is almost impossible.

Mr. X
Ideal for a group of people you know well. With the help of expertly composed questions, you need to guess who the presenter was thinking. And this can be any guest at the party. Try to find it by asking tricky questions.

Cocktail competition
Great fun for a company of any age, where rude masculine or affectionate feminine qualities are not needed. Competitors will need to focus on creating original cocktails from all the drinks and foods at hand.

Polar explorers
An exciting and funny competition. To carry it out, you need to pick up several pairs of boots in advance. They should be large enough to fit every guest and have long, strong laces.

Balloon dance
Do you like to dance? Then try to do it three: you, your partner and the balloon. Anyone can participate in this dance marathon, even those who claim to be unable to dance.

Dark side of the Moon
The main characters of American thrillers often end up in the offices of psychologists and psychiatrists. Try to briefly become the subject of research by an American psychologist. He is like an astronaut exploring dark side Moon, will easily discern the secret corners of your soul.

They do not look at a given horse's teeth
You need two packages to play. One contains cards with the names of all kinds of gifts, the other contains cards with descriptions of their methods. useful use... It would seem, what's wrong with that? However, a blind lot will offer original use for the most commonplace gift.

Clinking glasses
Those wishing to drink at brotherhood will have to work a little. In this game, the right to drink champagne and kiss together must be earned. Try blindfolded to find a partner by ear, going to the clink of glasses.

Never say never
The game allows guests invited to a party to learn a lot about each other. Of course, if their answers are true. The more thoughtful the driver's phrases are, the more chips he can take from the rest of the participants.

A sweet table is the culmination of any holiday, and a cake is its decoration. Try giving two teams a cake and having a sweet-eating speed contest between them. The winning team should be generously rewarded with, for example, another cake.

Party planning? Then you need to. Good luck!

"Hold the ball!"

Couples take part in the game. Each pair squeezes a small ball with their backs. The task of the participants is to roll the ball from head to floor as quickly as possible, so that it does not roll to the side. The pair that makes it the fastest is considered the winner.

"Dance with the Cover"

To play, you need an ordinary pot lid. Participants are divided into pairs, squeeze the lid of the pan and start dancing to fast music. They must dance so that the lid does not fall, and if it does happen, the couple is out of the game. The remaining couples continue to compete until the winner.

Wall climber

All players stand to the wall so that their hands are on it at shoulder level. The facilitator asks questions. On the answer "yes" the players raise their palms up the wall, on the answer "no" - down. The presenter's task is to ask more questions with the answer "yes". (For example, "Do you like ice cream?") The last question: "Did you all go to school?" Yes. Host: "Why are you climbing the wall then?"


Unbeknownst to others, apply a letter to your hand with a wet bar of soap. Dries up. Then announce to everyone that you will guess the name of the future groom. Ask to burn three matches, put them on your hand and rub the ashes. The letter is imprinted.


Participants in each pair feed each other with yogurt or sour cream. Everything is done with closed eyes.


The presenter holds three long ribbons on each side. A team of girls and a team of boys of three compete to braid the braids faster without letting go of the ribbon. They have to run under the hands of the host to braid their braids.


How will she figure it out! - answered the young Bashkir.
I listened with interest to the dispute. Will they figure it out or not figure it out? According to the instructions that I read before the congress, I knew on which paltry land plots the peasants were toiling — one sixteenth, one thirty-second tithes. But I have already learned that being determines consciousness. But the majority of Russian peasants were illiterate, and the Bashkirs, without exception, did not know the Russian language. "How will they sort out the essence of the agrarian question?" I thought.
Whole villages and auls did not have their own land and rented it from a landowner. I don’t remember exactly about all this, which of the Ufa Bolsheviks spoke at the congress. He only compared the squalid peasant plots with the huge estates that belonged to the Ufa "noble" nobility and Bashkir bays.
His speech was immediately translated into the Bashkir language by the same dark-skinned boy with narrow eyes that was sitting next to us. The delegates to the congress perfectly assimilated this speech.
Thus, before my very eyes, at the first provincial congress of peasant deputies, it was decided that the peasantry would be supported by the Bolsheviks in the struggle for land. Yes, we realized that Ufa and the entire wide-ranging rich Ufa region belong to the Bashkir people and that it could not be otherwise!
When my memory brings me back to the first months of the revolution, I remember this time as an unprecedented holiday of spring. And there was spring in nature. Three rivers spread widely around Ufa - Belaya, Ufnmka and Dyoma, and the city on the mountain stood like an island. Our country celebrated the unprecedented spring of the revolution, and my years were spring years, years of waiting for love. It was complete bliss, and I owed the fullness of this bliss to my father ...
And he, too, was going through the spring. Together with the revolution, his youth returned to him. How big and kind soul You had to have to, without any preachings and teachings, reach out to me and take me, a young man, as your friends and constant interlocutors! Yes, he then for the first time told me a lot about himself that I did not know before - and about the revolutionary hobbies of his youth, and about how science education led him to materialism and consistent atheism, which he adhered to all his life. He did not become a revolutionary. When the family appeared, the father took care of family well-being put it above all else and plunged into the mud of the district life. But then the revolution came and washed his soul. A revolution came, and he strove to rebuild his sphere of activity in a revolutionary way.
My father was burdened with private medical practice all his life, although it must be admitted that it was this private practice was the source of our family's wealth. But, as far as I remember him, even in conversations at home, at the table, with his mother and with friends, he said that most diseases are caused by social disorder ...
The cholera epidemic that hit our city every autumn is due to the lack of sanitary facilities. Consumption? Well, isn't it clear that the reason for her is in terrible working conditions, in hopeless poverty? Alcoholism? Is the connection of this disease with need, with the desire to free oneself from the eternal concern for their daily bread, is not clear? And the diseases of the rich - obesity, all types of indigestion - after all, they are caused by gluttony, lack of physical labor ...
- A revolution, only a revolution can rebuild medicine and make it an instrument in the hands of society! - repeated the father.
The revolution came, and he immediately took up the task of the revolutionary reorganization of everything health care population. I now do not remember all the details of the proposed nm reform. But in short, it was that medical work declared a public duty of the doctor. For this, the doctor received wages, which was paid to him by the city or rural self-government, which levied a special tax from the population.
The father made a report at the general meeting of the Union of Physicians. But, as one would expect, the doctors met this project with hostility. The father and his closest supporters were expelled from the society of doctors. They left, calling their colleagues "shopkeepers".


For this fun competition all participants need to sit in a circle, as if supporting each other under the arms. The task is as follows: whoever hears about the animal (about which he was whispered, so that no one could hear) falls to the floor, while the rest must restrain him.
The presenter begins to tell: “Once I came to the zoo and I see - Bear (everyone is standing), I walk on, I look - Kangaroo (everyone is standing), I go around the corner, and there - Antelope (everyone is standing) ... I wanted to leave , as I see ... Hare! " After this word, the following happens: all the participants fall to the floor - it turns out that everyone whispered "Hare" in their ears.
As a rule, wild laughter begins. It is only necessary to calculate the place for landing, otherwise losses and breakdowns are possible.

Thick Cheeked Slap

For this competition, you need to stock up on a bag of sucking sweets (lollipops like "Barberry") in advance. Two volunteers are selected from the company. Each of them in turn takes one candy from the package (which the host is holding) and puts it in his mouth (but does not swallow). Having put the candy in the mouth, the participant must call the opponent "thick-cheeked lip slap". Whoever manages to shove more sweets into his mouth and at the same time say the “cherished phrase” is the winner. It is worth noting that the sounds made by the participants in the game are insanely amusing the audience!

Try guess

The participant stuffs a huge piece of bun into his mouth so that it is impossible to speak. After that, he receives a text that needs to be read. The participant tries to read it with expression (it is desirable that it was an unfamiliar verse). The other participant needs to write down everything that he understood, and then read aloud what happened. As a result, its text is compared with the original. Instead of a bun, you can use another product that is difficult to pronounce words with.

Competition "For a lemon"

For each correct answer to the question, the player gets one lemon wedge.
1. Who cares about cats?
Dog *

2. Who is best friend man?

3. Who can leave a rather unpleasant pile in our yard?
Dog *

4. Who did the wolf become after taming?
By man
Dog *
A ghost rattling chains in your bedroom

5. Who loves the owner the most?

6. Who will always bring the stick?
Traffic cop
Dog *

7. Who will help the police search for criminals?
When the questions are over, each participant must eat the slices that he won. "Lucky" the smart guy who answered all the questions correctly ...


Players line up in line, one after another, away from sharp, breakable and fragile objects, so as not to injure yourself and not spoil anything. The leader takes a place at the head of the line. Everyone should repeat his words and movements. Pulling out right hand forward, the presenter says: "Hippos", and begins to shake his hand. After the last participant has said the cherished word, the leader, with his arms outstretched, sits down on his haunches and says: "Where?" After waiting for this to be repeated by the participant closing the line, the leader shouting "There!" strongly pushes the neighbor, while the whole line collapses in unison.


Those wishing to take part in this competition are invited to put on fins and look from back side through binoculars, cover the specified distance.

Crush the ball

Big Balloon placed on a chair. The participant is invited to burst the balloon by sitting on it. In this case, you need to ask that the sound is as loud as possible. To cheer up the audience, you can discreetly remove the ball.

At the entrance to the cafe there is a bell that rings as soon as the door opens. Leaders dressed as maids greet everyone with a storm of delight, as the most welcome guest. Meet as needed. Introduce new arrivals to those who arrived earlier. They ask about the topic “Whoa are you?”. A rug with the words "Do not step" and with a commentary on the topic.

Teen party room decoration

Nice music sounds. They suggest trying on "master" slippers (a pair of men and a pair of women, of the most extreme sizes): the latest development - instantly relieve daytime fatigue, tone up, thanks to the effect on the acupuncture points of the foot, which send signals to the brain, and from there back, and so on in the same spirit ... (later you can play them among those who fit, if there are any).

Helpfully offer to clean the suit, trousers, etc. Escorted to the landing site. Tables must be ordered in advance. In the room:

On the arch with the inscription "House party" there are hats, umbrellas, scarves, and so on;

A clothesline with clothespins is stretched diagonally;

On the walls, various attributes of the hallway;

The poster "Observance of the rules of decency", in the word "observance" the "so" is crossed out and "observance" is obtained, and a face is also drawn;

The tables are placed behind the clothesline (that is, they occupy the part of the hall cut off by the diagonal);

On the other diagonal half are the leading maids and the DJ. There is also a grandmother's chest and other props.

Party script for teens

Natasha: What a blessing that we have gathered after all!

Sveta: My dear! (Delighted) Look how many lovely people! Look how they look at us!

Natasha: They think something like this is about to start ...

Sveta: Do they really think?

Natasha: It seems to me.

Sveta: They don't know yet that we look at them and think the same.

Natasha: And what does it mean?

Sveta(again, admiringly): And this means that we are all like-minded people, because we think about the same thing.

Natasha: Like thinkers!

Sveta: Aha! (Smiling provocatively) Well, who dares to start? No volunteers? (Exchanging glances with Natasha) They think we are playing with them ?!

Soundtrack from DJ Boris: "She was an actress and even played a role behind the scenes ..."

Natasha(looking around): So I didn't get the hint?

Sveta: People! Well, are you people or who? Oh, well, I don't even know ... Well, really, to sit like that. It's boring after all! Just now I say: "Klava, the owners are leaving, let's get a party together, otherwise we'll die of boredom!" So what? They came and are sitting, well, people ... What? (this is in Natasha's opinion)

Natasha: What, what? .. What Klava am I to you?

Sveta: Oh, why are you picking on words, this is such a figure of speech! You need to understand!

Natasha: Briefly speaking! It's time to take matters into your strong economic hands! So, our main task is with you ...

Phonogram from Boris: "Our main task with her is not to be caught on the spot ...")

Sveta: That's it! Mercy! But the hosts are not expected until 11 pm, so we will use our resources and ... we will go into the lead!

Soundtrack from Boris: "They won't catch up with us, they won't catch up with us ..."

Sveta: That's it!

Natasha: Do not be distructed. And our resources are as follows: 6 hours surrounded by this nice company, 56 hot hearts, a sea of ​​incendiary music and a whole clip of all kinds of pranks, surprises and other things, which we will not disclose yet!

Sveta: Yes, by the way, don't hesitate. Get comfortable. We have a lot of space in the hallway here ... Why in the hallway? Because the theater, as you know, begins with a coat rack, and a decent house - with a hallway. And then, any fool can throw a party in the living room, for example. But it's great to have fun in the same hallway - this is a real art, one might say, a virtuoso performance.

Natasha: Now it will take minutes 1 5 wait until the flow of praises to your own address runs out ...

Sveta: What did I say wrong? You can't praise yourself - you can't wait! And besides, who else will say a good word, neighbors, or what?

Soundtrack from Boris: "Do you want me to kill the neighbors that interfere with sleep ..."

Sveta: Mercy for solidarity!

Natasha: Maybe let's leave the neighbors alone and take care of the guests? Sveta: OK!

Natasha: We hope that today's meeting marked the beginning ...

Sveta: She laid the cornerstone ...

Natasha: I drove the first count ...

Sveta: Hello, goodbye to you!

Natasha: I mean a peg ... big ...

Sveta: You should be more precise!

Natasha: Don't interrupt!

Sveta: Actually, I'm complementing ...

Natasha: So, today's meeting marked the beginning of a new season and, since our house, although virtual, is very large, let's estimate for the future where we will gather in the future.

Sveta: Each of you has a favorite place in the house or, let's say, a place where you feel comfortable and good. Now we will define such places and draw up a real map of parties for the "House party".

1. On the wall is a map-plan of a certain virtual house; colored symbols are pinned on it different places rest, asking those sitting, where they would like to gather next time. The result is a graphic picture. You can also agree right away where to rest next time.

2. Asking for help with cleaning to make room for fun. Each table removes things from the rope, the rope is outweighed. The task for each company: to beat the filmed thing, finding it a different use than the well-known one. Music. Competition for thrifty housewives"New from old".

3. Attraction of the house, antique thing - "grandmother's chest". Guidance from guests, what is there? Whoever guesses is a prize.

4. Drawing of "master's slippers" from those who fit. Relaxing musical point task. Perform the dance "my slippers are my fortress."

5. Special prize from the hosts (CD). "Guess the hit!" Sveta, Natasha, Borya for children musical instruments(pipes, tambourines, whistles, etc.) perform a well-known hit. We need to know him.

6. Who knows how to compose a recipe for an amazing party, so that both "incredible lasting taste" and "fresh breath that makes it easier to understand" and "eerie exotic with a creamy disgrace", etc.? Blitz survey. Then your own recipe is suggested. And immediately its incarnation begins. One reads, the other embodies through all those present, they do not leave those who are sitting. The phonogram is appropriate.

Sveta: Our recipe for making a party: we take the area, in the sense of living space, and the more, the better. But in principle, our recipe is applicable to any footage, there would be a desire. Further. We mix it (to the square) with small portions of guests, preferably invited in advance. (Raises people from the tables, everyone)

Then the pre-whipped owners are introduced or not the owners, but those who are satisfied with all this. (Mixed into the total mass). In general, it does not matter whether he is the owner or not, the main thing is that it is fresh and thoroughly whipped. Then, with neat, smooth movements, we begin to mix it all, trying not to spill the ingredients, which would later be difficult to add to the general mass (people move to the music, that is, "stir").

When the mixture acquires a more or less uniform consistency, it is time to add spices and seasonings. Everyone makes this part of the recipe according to their own taste. Stronger, hotter, sweeter, fresher, etc. For example, our Boris loves hot parties, and we will add something spicy, do not hesitate! We are accelerating! Go!

The dance part.

2 part of the party

1. "They say at parties." A blitz poll, while everyone is sitting down: what are they talking about at parties, here you are, in particular? They play up the topic, as if they overheard or remember acquaintances. Presets: I seem to have lost the ability to move logically. I Who is already dancing there - I have not turned on the music yet ... / I demand forgiveness for my rudeness! / Girls, you look so much alike! Are you brother and sister by any chance? / Do you have any wife? / And I love potato pancakes, especially fried ones! / The Sidorovs and I are friends of families. But alternately: day - they, day - we.

2. The drawing of the magazine "My cozy home»(The magazine goes to the one who gives the most correct answers about the magazine, such as: how many pages? Topic of the issue? Season trends, etc.).

3. An important element of the hallway interior is a hanger. Competition "Passion on hangers" (perform a burning dance with ... a hanger).

4. "We are all at home, and you?" Competition - provocation with scarves (2 teams, tie their scarves into one, whose scarf will be longer. And a provocation because you have to run to the wardrobe for a scarf; if you don't want to, then you lost, and the winners - champagne!).

5. "Corridor" - there was such a profession. Who is this? Why don't we get one like this the right person? There is a candidate from each table. Competition "Corridor is a friend of man". (All those who are not involved in the competition are building a corridor, a women's commission of 3 people will choose the best "corridor." dark corridor. "Music. Comments.)

6. "Grandma's Chest". So what's in the chest? Assumptions and guesses. Finally, they open up.

7. "Suit for a party, or Our hands are not for boredom." (Make a costume from rolls of "grandmother's" fabric.)

8. "Retro dance class", or "Piano in the bushes", in the sense - our highlight. For skeptics - the magic of transformation with the help of prosaic things (again from the chest). Was Natasha, became Mademoiselle. And, of course, an exclusive dance class - Charleston. Everyone is invited, and those who do not want to be physically abused. In general, everyone is dancing! The most capable are encouraged. All this fun flows into the continuation of the disco. Your word, Boris Nikolaitch!

Dance part

3 part of the party

1. While they sit down: a question of the day. What do you think of our party? Do you host house parties?

2. We have a "corner of eternity", that is, a specially designated place where you can immortalize your name by writing something clever or original for posterity or for those living today. Perpetuate! Don't be shy!

3. What a self-respecting house without a brownie. Let's call him. (They made noise.) Doesn't respond. In order to maintain the image of a decent house, we will create a brownie ourselves. Election of the "brownie". Further, the ceremony of creating an image according to the description. All tables take part in turn.

5. Competition "Gifts for the Brownie". The brownie chooses the winner. The prize is an exclusive dance with a "brownie", stroking a hairy paw - for luck!

6. Contest "Neighbor to neighbor friend, comrade and brother!" (2 ranks, handkerchiefs).

7. Competition "For the road" (also two teams)

Dance part

Sveta: Friends! It is believed that our party took place. Any other suggestions? Fine!

Natasha: In less than a month, we will meet again. It will be November.

Sveta: New November of our life ... Perhaps it will snow. The future will flow into the present with the rustle of fallen leaves and the whisper of the first snow.

Natasha: The future is a strange substance.

Sveta: We have only what we have today. As for the rest - everything is as always ... At this hour, so far.

Natasha: Nice ... True, not very clear, but that's not the point. Now we need something simpler and more practical. Try.

Sveta: Please. If you feel like your life is dim, just dust it off!

Natasha: And come to our-your parties!

Sveta: Bye, bye, see you!