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Compassion in human life. Do you need empathy and compassion in life?

It is these qualities that make a person a person. He is one of all living beings on our planet who can sympathize and sympathize. These qualities have become scarce in the modern world, when people move away from each other, everyone is busy with their own person. Parents who themselves do not know how to sympathize and sympathize will raise a generation of callous, albeit smart and successful people.

When one person sympathizes with another person, he, as it were, passes his pain through himself. Even if he cannot help with deeds, he helps with words. And it's expensive. Not everyone, especially a man, can find the right words to comfort another person in difficult times. Show him that he is not alone with his grief. In this case, you can just silently stand nearby or silently hug. In the language of men, this means: "Hang on, I'm with you."

The human nervous system is so arranged that it reacts to external impulses and stimuli. Women are more emotional and react violently to stress, with screams and tears. Men can pretend that they don't care, it doesn't concern them. They will stand with a "stone" face, they will not shed a single tear. Or vice versa, they will react violently to ongoing events. This is bravado, "playing for the public." In fact, such a person is very bad, and he needs sympathy and compassion. And it must be done as soon as possible.

Let him cry, shout, "discharge" his nervous system. Otherwise, he may become very ill. It is good when there are faithful and reliable friends nearby who will understand and sympathize. Russian people have such an unspoken rule. If grief or misfortune has befallen another person, one must come to this person’s house, express one’s sympathy, offer one’s help. Let the person know that they are not alone in their grief.

Sympathy and compassion are not a manifestation of weakness, but a manifestation of spiritual strength, a manifestation of the best, most sincere feelings of the human soul. As long as people are sympathetic and compassionate, they are people. As soon as they cease to be such, they degrade and slide back into the caves of the Stone Age.

Essay on whether sympathy and compassion are needed

All people are simply obliged to possess these worldly qualities that make our difficult life easier and more reliable, but unfortunately, this is not given to every person, and this is a pity, because the more people who can sympathize and compassion, the easier it is to solve various problems. everyday problems that sometimes do not allow us to live in peace.

However, it is worth noting that almost every one of us, sooner or later, these feelings are sure to manifest themselves, since they are deeply seated in each of us, but we are not aware of this. They appear quite unexpectedly, and we begin to experience them in different situations that the villain fate presents us, but it is always necessary to control ourselves and try to curb these most complex human feelings that make us kinder, and this is the most important thing that distinguishes a person from a beast who is ready for daring and rash acts.

How to learn to experience these wonderful feelings? How to curb them? It is clear to everyone that they should appear in a person from birth and they just need to be developed, but the whole point is the upbringing that is given to a person by his close people, since it is they who help people become real and sympathetic people who are able to sympathize and sympathize with their neighbor . Many people are very aggressive and they do not know this feeling, because they are used to thinking only about themselves all the time, but this is not right, since it is this behavior that makes them selfish, who think only about their own well-being. All people need to think very carefully about their lives, and draw certain conclusions that will help them to be kinder.

Very often the question arises: do people need to experience and have these feelings? The answer is obvious, because without sympathy and compassion, a person's life takes on a completely different character, and he becomes a very callous, indifferent individual who simply does not care about anything. To have these feelings, I need to work very hard on my life and my behavior.

This feeling is inherent in our Slavic peoples, since the ideas of Christianity constantly instill in us a sense of duty to our neighbors, and this is inherent in our genes, which we inherited from our ancestors, and we must cherish these holy traditions, as this is a great blessing. Life and our existence will become successful only when we learn to manage our emotions and feelings that mother nature gives us, and we only develop them and make them more ideal.

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Andrei Platonov created a wonderful story about philanthropy and kindness. This is the story Yushka. Platonov his attitude to humanity as a whole through the description of the protagonist of the story.

The main character of the story is Yushka. This consumptive man in his forties looks like a deep old man, weak and weak. But this little man has a huge gift of pure and sincere love for the whole world around him. With reverence, he inhaled the scent of flowers, absorbed the fragrance of forests and fields with his whole chest. He listened to the murmur of the rivers, admired the clouds floating above him, birds and insects were an integral part of his existence.

With kindness and generosity, Yushka also treats the people around him. Having a harmless and not vindictive character, Yushka silently endures the undeserved beatings of adults embittered by life, endures the cruel mockery of stupid, unintelligent children.

From year to year, Yushka works as a blacksmith's assistant, and only once a year, in one of the summer months, does he leave the town, leaving no one knows where. Returning a month later, Yushka still continues her work, and also meekly takes down the attacks of local residents.

Every year, an incurable disease increasingly undermines the health of the aging Yushka, and one day he does not find the strength to go on a long journey.

And then one day, when Yushka was barely walking back from work, a passer-by met on his way, who once again wanted to laugh at a helpless sick person.

For the first time in his life, Yushka responded to an insult and immediately paid dearly for it. A passer-by who laughed at him angrily hit Yushka in the chest. Yushka fell down, never to get up again.

The whole city came to say goodbye to Yushka. Yushka was buried and soon forgotten about him.

Came to the blacksmith in autumn unknown girl She was looking for Yushka. From the girl it became known that Yefim Dmitrievich, that was the name of Yushka, picked her up as an orphan and attached her to the family, eventually sent her to study and from year to year, every summer brought her money for education. The grateful girl, who knew about the terrible illness of her caregiver, learned to be a doctor and came to cure her beloved man. The girl was taken to Yushka's grave.

Paying tribute to the most precious and close person, the girl remained in the city and began to treat patients with consumption.

Compassion and love for one's neighbor should be an integral part of every person living on earth, because only love and kindness make the world a better place. The red thread of Platonov's story is the theme of mercy and selflessness.

Option 2

This work is quite small in volume, but deep in its content. The story invites the reader to reflect on such important issues as the theme of love and compassion, their role in the life of each of us. In the center of the plot is the story of a simple, inconspicuous, by no means young man. His life is absolutely unremarkable, and the hero himself looks frail and sickly. It soon turns out that he is seriously ill - his body has weakened and grown old prematurely due to consumption. In the eyes of the townsfolk, Yushka is already an old man, while he was only forty years old.

What is the peculiarity of this seemingly unattractive and not standing out from the gray mass of the hero. Of course, Yushka is very different from the people around him, and mainly because, unlike them, he understands how important love plays in a person's life.

Those people who surround Yushka seem to have completely forgotten that such phenomena as sympathy and love generally exist in the world. Their life consists of endless outbreaks of evil and hatred, now and then replacing each other. Little children hate Yushka because he is not like them. They throw stones at him, various rubbish, and every time they wonder why he doesn’t answer them the same, doesn’t get angry at them, doesn’t drive them away from him, as other adults do. These children are like small wild animals that do not know that there is a place for love and tenderness in life. But Yushka understands this very well and realizes that the problem lies in the inability of people to show love, to give it to others.

The kindness of Yushka is discouraging, but the hearts of people have cooled so much that they have lost their ability to see the beautiful impulses of the soul, which the hero of the story was capable of. In fact, these people are unhappy because they cannot show compassion and feel love for each other. But only in this way can the souls of people really get closer.

The fate of Yushka seems to consist of one call of Christ to love his neighbor. This person is sick, he is exhausted, but still continues to work, and not for himself at all. With the money he receives, he does not buy food or clothes for himself. He gives all his savings to a little orphan girl so that she can learn and her fate is successful.

One might think that the departure of Yushka, this small, inconspicuous person, would not affect anyone, and everything would remain as before. However, everything has changed. Now all the hatred remained among the people, generously distributed among them. It turns out that such a quiet and inconspicuous person was a kind of lightning rod for those around him, with which he took away all the negativity that was generated in abundance by their cruel hearts. Thanks to Yushka, these hearts became a little softer, a little kinder.

The story teaches us to be more tolerant and compassionate towards others. After all, the best thing that each of us can do is to leave a good memory of ourselves in the souls of people.

Composition Do you need sympathy and compassion in life according to the story of Yushka

Yushka's story is sad and touching. Already from the first lines of the story, the reader is imbued with pity for the hero, and he does not suspect that even more sad details of the life of the blacksmith's assistant, Yefim, await him ahead. But he calls himself Yushka.

Because of his illness, Yushka looks like an old man at the age of forty. He does not see well, wears clothes blackened from work and "burnt from sparks". In winter, he wears felt boots, which he hems in the fall, and in summer he goes barefoot.

It seemed that fate had deprived him of everything: home, health, even the love and sympathy of others. But she did not deprive her of a noble heart, which is not capable of anger. Even in those very moments when the children covered his eyes with earth and mocked him, there was no place in Yushka's heart for indignation or condemnation. Turning into an object for cruel children's entertainment, Yushka never got angry with them and believed that the stone, branches, earthen rubbish thrown at him was just a manifestation of love for him. Adults did not lag behind children in cruelty, tearing down their failures and bad mood on him. Yushka's life seemed useless to them. Yushka became the personification of misfortune, misfortune, the worst thing that could happen to a person. No one noticed the beautiful heart behind the rags and wrinkled face of the sick man.

Once a year, in the summer, Yushka left the forge for a month and went to where he was loved and expected. Where he is loved, grass grows, flowers smell fragrant, the sun shines. Just a month a year, Yushka forgets about her illness and enjoys life. But no one knows where and to whom he is leaving. Nobody knows that Yushka refuses tea with sugar for a whole year and drinks water. He saves up his modest salary of seven rubles and sixty kopecks a month to pay for the orphan's education and accommodation in a boarding school. No one knows that the orphan, having studied at the expense of poor Yushka, will become a doctor and come to their city to cure his benefactor Efim Dmitrievich of consumption. It's just a pity that he won't be around anymore. Yushka, always reverent about the life of every living creature and sad at the sight of dead butterflies and beetles, was heartlessly killed. He just wanted to defend his right to life, to prove something to these narrow-minded people who rejected him. For the first time in his life, he wanted to protect himself, but he paid the price.

But the light of a good heart burned even after his death. "Daughter of Yushka" began to work in the hospital and treat consumptive patients long years. But once in this city, in the hearts of people, there was not a drop of compassion for her Yushka. When there is no sympathy, compassion, mercy, then inhumanity, cruelty, and soullessness win in life. And the victory of inhumanity is the end of life.

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Empathy and Compassion- These are the qualities that arise in any person throughout life. Sympathy is based on a calm and attentive attitude towards the interlocutor and on complete mutual understanding. Empathy and compassion are two different things, although they are often used interchangeably. For example, a doctor in relation to a patient provides sympathy to help the patient, but it is not at all necessary to sympathize with him, since this can contribute to emotional stress treating doctor.

Empathy and Compassion caused by situations that seem pitiful to us and require our help. V ordinary life we express these feelings depending on specific situation. So, seeing a person begging for alms, not every person gives alms, some pass by. Empathy requires a certain emotional state. We usually have sympathy and compassion for relatives and friends. Compassion can offend people who do not require our pity. For example, a person has a difficult financial situation, after listening to him, we can sympathize with him, but by offering him money, sympathizing with his condition, we risk offending him.

To sympathize, it is necessary not only to listen to the interlocutor, but also to understand and perceive his emotions. A sincerely sympathetic person experiences the same negative feelings on himself. Compassion brings people together and helps the sick to heal. The more we empathize, the better we can understand how people treat us and change the way others treat others.

Ability human feel another person is called empathy. Sympathy, unlike empathy, is a joint feeling, attunement to the wave of another person. Just hear what's in a person's soul. To show empathy is to understand what a person says, how he says and what he does. You can sympathize and show compassion to a person only by determining his emotional state and what a person feels. The trick to identifying the feelings that the interlocutor is experiencing is to close attention to the changes taking place in this person and in his reaction to external events. It is especially good to read the mood by gestures, facial expressions and tone of voice.

The sensitive heart of our loved ones and relatives knows how to sympathize. Let's say you're frustrated at work and decide not to bother anyone with your problems. But the first thing you hear when you enter your doorstep is the question if something happened at your work. Close people are able to intuitively feel each other. Therefore, sympathy and compassion depend on our character. It is known that criminals do not tend to sympathize or sympathize. Charity, as it seems to many, is more inherent in religious figures, wealthy people and their spouses, as well as elderly people. The reason for such a distorted opinion lies in education.

From the early age special attention should be paid to the education of sympathy and compassion in children. A child who does not know how to express these feelings grows up selfish and cruel, and in some cases their absence can be a real tragedy for both parents and the children themselves. To sympathize and sympathize, only those children whose parents evoke these emotions with their behavior are capable of. In order for a child to show care and concern for others when they feel bad, it is necessary to love him from childhood and protect him from all punishments. If parents are polite to each other and attentive to others, caring, then the child gets used to behave in this way.

Found that in families to sympathize and compassionate men are more capable. It would seem that they are strong and should show less emotion. If a woman is unwell, men help, not only showing sympathy, but compassion and caring in practice. They are ready to spend the whole day to ease the pain of the woman they love. Women, on the other hand, are only able to show empathy for the first 5 minutes. This is due to the fact that when men suffer, women, noticing his suffering, first sympathize with him, and then, seeing that he is trying to be strong in front of her, their feeling of compassion passes. Even when a man complains about life, he is often not attuned to the sympathy of other people. Showing sympathy for a man, we can hurt his pride, because every man is afraid to seem weak. To sympathize with a man, you need to feel love for him, and only by studying a man can you understand what is in his soul.

Many people think about whether our modern society feelings such as sympathy and compassion. Moreover, more and more often we meet people who are completely convinced that such feelings, on the contrary, are a disease of our society.

The difference between empathy and compassion

To begin with, it is worth noting that these two concepts have different meaning. Both of them are related to the problems of a person who is close or not quite to us, but with one huge difference. So, empathy means listening to a person about his problem and worrying about it with him. That is, sympathy has a clear connotation of feeling sorry for the narrator, imbued with his problems.

If we talk about compassion, then this is the feeling when, having heard about the troubles that the interlocutor has had, you think over a plan of help. That is, not just to take pity on a person and support him in how difficult and painful it is for him, but to try to give advice or, if necessary, help him with deed. Compassion is a more complex feeling that consists of several stages:

  • Determining the problem of another person;
  • Supporting a person with words and advice;
  • Selection options problem solving;
  • Offer for help;

After explaining the difference between these concepts, it seems that compassion is not a lack of society at all, but a very useful feeling that everyone should develop. But not everything is so simple.

What our society needs

It seems to me that both feelings are needed by our society. The very fact that a person can sympathize shows that there are still caring people in our world. Without sympathy, there can be no compassion, and this is so necessary for us now, when the majority turn into cold-blooded people in search of money. It is very important to try to feel the problems of other people and become a support for them when necessary. After all, everyone can find themselves in a bad situation and it’s very scary when there is no one to help you. This is what humanity is about.

As a result, I can say that both feelings are important to our society, but it is the manifestation of compassion that is more effective in difficult situations. Since this is a direct call to action and solving problems that have arisen.

Compassion is one of best qualities human nature. It allows you to see the pain of the people around you and not remain indifferent. From childhood, parents try to explain to us why it is important to have compassion for another person. Let's figure out what this quality means.


Compassion is an emotional feeling that we show to another living being. It doesn't have to be. We can have compassion for a stray cat or dog, wild animals, birds, and even insects. Thus, we try to understand the misfortune of the other and become closer to him.

Compassion is empathy, pity that a person experiences in relation to someone who finds himself in difficult living conditions. It can be expressed in the form of moral support or in the form of real help.

As expressed

Each person shows compassion in their own way. selectively and directly depends on our attitude towards certain people or animals. A person is touched by the pain of a creature that is not indifferent to him.

For our psyche, compassion is a heavy burden. Seeing someone's misfortune, we begin to worry and get upset. Sometimes the mood can be spoiled for for a long time which will bring a person out of his usual state. Particularly impressionable natures, experiencing compassion, fall into depression.

Emotions don't always have to be vented. Why? It is important to have compassion for others, but at the same time you should not forget about your own. peace of mind. There are many misfortunes in our world every day. However, it is worth remembering the joyful moments that help to live with hope for the best.

What are the benefits of compassion

People who know how to empathize are much richer spiritually than those who remain indifferent to the problems of others. A person who experiences such emotions gradually increases self-esteem, which affects his mood. That is why it is important to have compassion for the other.

The experiences that a person experiences at the sight of misfortune push him to think about the cause of the misfortune and find a way out of a difficult situation. compassion allows you to develop the instinct of self-preservation, which will protect a person. They try to do everything to prevent such misfortune in their lives.

Why is it important to be compassionate to others?

A person who suffers misfortune needs support. Very often people say that they are strong and can handle problems on their own. On the one hand, such a position helps to temper character. However, the participation of an outsider contributes to the emergence of the unfortunate forces necessary to overcome life's troubles. The mood rises when you realize that you are not alone, your problem touches others, which means that it will be easier to deal with it.

No wonder they say that if you cry in a vest, it will become easier on your soul. Why? It is important to sympathize with another so that the emotional burden that a person experiences when experiencing difficulties finds a way out. Talking with someone about your troubles and problems helps not only to relieve the burden from the soul, but also to analyze the situation yourself and try to find a way out.

How to be compassionate

Sympathy may not always go to the benefit of the person to whom it is directed. Excessive compassion too often can cause some to feel sorry for themselves when it seems that the world is unfair. And this can lead to humility with difficulties and unwillingness to overcome them. Thus, you will only do harm. That is why it is important to be able to sympathize with another in a way that has a positive outcome.

Showing a person your participation in his problems, you need to let him speak out and try to understand the cause of his misfortune. If it seems to you that the situation can be resolved, help with advice. It is worth remembering that a particular action in many cases stronger than words. It will be great if you can really help someone in need.

When you realize that you are powerless to change anything, try to cheer up the person. You need to set him up with the idea that he will succeed, and he will cope with everything.


The ability to empathize is highly valued by people. A person who is ready and able to help is respected in society. Caring citizens organize special charitable foundations. In them, people voluntarily and free of charge donate money, clothing, food, books, toys, medicines or other things that may be needed by those in need.

Charity in Lately celebrities are increasingly involved. With their own money, they help sick children, the elderly, people left homeless. Undoubtedly, such activity deserves the highest praise.

The modern world is filled with turmoil and lack of time. Indifference is becoming more and more common. That is why it is important to be able to empathize with others. The support in difficult times that comes from a stranger can make a big difference in a person's life. better side and make it more resilient.