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Cool table entertainment at graduation 9. Guess who is in the photo. Competition "Princess of the evening"

For this game program some props are required, elements of costumes that the participants in the game will wear - pranksters and rascals: bows, caps, aprons, panamas, shorts, etc.

The program is run by the famous naughty and prankster Carlson.

The game program is held in the middle festive evening to diversify the dance and entertainment program. WITH congratulatory speech acts as a director or head teacher. At the end of his speech, the voice and soundtrack of a running engine suddenly sound.


Let's land! Landing, I say, come on! You see - the motor is knocking! Let's land!

Under the soundtrack "A funny man lives on the roof" Carlson runs into the hall. He hooligans in every possible way, plays pranks: pulls the girls by the pigtails, puts sweets and sweets in his pocket, teases the boys. Puts fake buttons on the chairs, distributes balloons to future participants. One of the balloons bursts loudly over the director's ear, who tries to continue the unfinished speech.

Carlson (happily):

So! We continue the conversation!

Director (surprised):

Excuse me, but what are you doing here, you, in general, who?

(Looks at papers.)


Like who? I am Carlson, the best Carlson in the world, a man in full bloom.


Yes, but you are not on the list of invited graduates!


How?! What are you! How is it - I do not appear ?! It's me - moderately well-fed, moderately brought up, and I don't appear? After all, I'm charming, charming - yes, I'm just beautiful!


Yes, but we have enough of this goodness at school. Carlson (thinking for a moment):

Yes, but I'm also the best inventor in the world, a dreamer, a prankster and a rascal, and also (to scare the director) a tamer of house tormentors and directors. And you have something to tame for - look, what frightened kids you have - they don’t run, they don’t jump, and even to blow up a steam engine there or steal cheesecakes with a vacuum cleaner - there’s not even a conversation about it! Oh and boring!


Well, you know, this is already beyond my strength! (Exits.)


That's better! Well, let's have fun now, let's fool around! Do you agree? Well, who wants to be small again for a little while?

The guys who got the balls come out. Of these, Carlson forms two teams. Notes of two colors are pre-invested in the ball. The tasks for the players are to burst their ball, and, having determined which letter is written there, make up the names of two future teams from the letters: "Pranksters" and "Naughty". Between them, Carlson holds competitions, alternating them with dance compositions.

Team members first "return to childhood" - put on the details of the costumes, turning into Mashenek, Petechek, Sashechek and Vovochek (in bows and shorts). Competitions are accompanied by soundtracks of funny children's songs ("Antoshka", "Blue Car", "Cheburashka", "Let them run awkwardly", "Smile"). You can use songs on a school theme.

The contests proposed below are options for pranks and fun, but you can just play a series of outdoor games: Forged Chains, Shtander, Broken Phone, Nonsense, Gardener, Fanta, or funny relay races that do not require physical exertion from the participants.

Carlson takes a lively part in all games, amusements and contests, sometimes interfering with the players, sometimes helping the retreating. Sweet prizes are given for participation in competitions, but each time Carlson "parts", persuading the winner to give him most of the prize.

Carlson(to the winner of the next competition):

Here, look, I have two chocolates here: a large one and a small one. Choose any one for yourself, but remember that the one who takes the first must take the smaller part.


Then I treat you - choose yourself, any.

Carlson grabs a chocolate bar and stuffs it into his mouth.


Oh, well, you took the big one!


Certainly! After all, if you chose the first, you would take a small part. Graduate:


So why are you upset - you got it!


1. "Quiet Relay" - pass the rattle so that it cannot be heard.

2. Inflate the largest balloon.

3. Drink juice from a bottle with a nipple as quickly as possible, eat as many sweets and jams as possible.

4. Push the newspaper into a bottle with a narrow neck, and then take it out without breaking the bottles.

5. Relay "Crossing". With the help of a hoop, transfer all team members from one side of the hall to the other, and at the end, all team members must fit into the hoop.

6. "An elusive ball." Team players disperse within some limited space.

On a signal, they freeze and remain in the places where the team found them. The task is to pass the ball to each other without moving, so that it visits all the participants in the game. The ball can be tossed.

7. "Superfluous". During a quick composition, the players dance in a circle. As soon as there is a pause in the music, the players must grab one of the candies lying on the floor (there are one less of them than the players). The player who did not get the candy is out of the game. (He or Carlson are given one candy.)

8. "Call sign". Each team comes up with a funny callsign: "Uh-huh", "Ha-ha-ha" or "Be-be-be". One of the players is blindfolded, and then during the composition, the players will loudly shout their call sign, dancing in a general circle. And team captains must gather their team members in one place.

9. "Pyramid". Teams must, in a few minutes given for preparation, build the largest pyramid of sweets and cookies, name it and advertise.

10. "Kangaroo" - a task for boys. The players, holding the toes of their feet, try to jump as far as possible.

11. "Merry Telegraph". All players receive one letter of the alphabet. The driver calls first simple words, and then the phrases are more and more difficult, and the players standing in the general circle, during a quick composition, take a step forward according to the letters of the word, clap their hands. With each time, the speed of the telegraph increases. Quests can be made more difficult if the players who make a mistake are eliminated by giving their letters to their neighbors (eventually, some players may have several letters, and they will need to be extremely careful).

12. "Lavata" is a fun game for all participants. In the general circle (to the soundtrack) everyone sings:

We dance together


Our cheerful dance -

This lava.

The driver says: "My hands (legs, ears, nose, etc.) are good."

All: "Neighbour's is better."

The players take on the named parts of the neighbor's body, and the game is repeated.

13. "Sweet Relay" - pass an apple or orange to each other without touching it with your hands, holding the object between your chest and chin or between your knees.

14. "Cat and Mouse" - a game for all participants. It is carried out during the dance composition.

Everyone stands in a circle, holding hands. They are driven by two people. One - a cat - catches the second - a mouse. The mouse has the right to run into the circle, hiding from the cat.

15. "Song in a circle." Team members sing a verse of children's songs in turn (option: in the same song, words are replaced by different sounds made by animals). You can also give the task to guess the melody that the teams perform without words, mooing, meowing or quacking, etc.

16. Blind the longest sausage from plasticine (the whole team).

17. Stick as many buttons into the pencil as possible.

18. Who will eat a piece of bread faster, and then whistle.

19. Sit on a stool for as long as possible with legs raised (alone, in twos, in threes, etc.).

20. Invent and commit your own “prank”.

After these (and other) competitions:

Carlson(to director):

Well, are you sure? Who is the best dreamer and inventor in the world? Of course, Carlson is Carlson who lives on the roof. But by the way, each of you, until you become important aunts and uncles, until you are overwhelmed by adult worries, until money, a career, a car, an apartment, the eyes and lips of your loved ones, cheerful laughter, snow on the Christmas trees, daisies in the field are more important to you in life. - all of you are the best naughty and pranksters in the world.

But, alas, it happens only in childhood. But for smart books, for problems, please, oh please, don't forget that you were little, remember your childhood.

Dance competitions for graduation ball allow you to set positive attitude. Outdoor games and competitions between classes will make the evening exciting and unique. Relay races and marathons, youth collective tasks and drawings will create a festive atmosphere and help to imprint this day in the memory of graduates for a long time.

    Goodbye Kiss Game

    All graduates and teachers play. To conduct the game, you need to prepare cards with the names of all participants in advance and put them in a portfolio.

    The players become in a circle. The music turns on. One of the participants picks up a briefcase and begins to pass it in a circle. The player who has a briefcase in his hands after musical accompaniment stops sounding, pulls a card at random. His task is to kiss or hug the person whose name is written on the blank in a friendly way. The game continues until all cards have been drawn from the bag.

    Competition-raffle. Of all the graduates, one of the most courageous and desperate people is selected. The host blindfolds the player and offers to walk along the carpet, under which lie mobile phones teachers, trying not to step on them. He is assigned an assistant who has the right to suggest the correct moves.

    After the participant no longer sees anything, the leader puts away the phones. The contestant, not knowing this, at his own peril and risk, begins to walk along the path, trying not to step on the phones. The assistant has no right to tell the competitor that there is nothing under the track. His task is to stir up and force the player to make as many movements as possible on the track.

    At the end of the competition, the participant removes the bandage and realizes that he was just played.

    Game "Quiz"

    Parents of graduates play. They are divided equally into 2 teams. One of the graduates in turn asks each group of participants questions. After they give the correct answer, he moves on to the next question.

    The team with the most correct answers in 2 minutes wins.

    Sample Questions

    • What is the name of the place where all the children serve a sentence of 11 years? (School)
    • The name of the signal that indicates the beginning and end of school torment. (call)
    • The name of the dating club between parents and the class teacher. (Parent-teacher meeting)
    • What do riders wear and schoolchildren hide? (Spurs)
    • What color are the class teacher's eyes?
    • A place where students don't like to go out. (Board)
    • Three months of happiness. (Holidays)
    • School leader. (Director)
    • From 2 to 5. (Score)
    • A document for recording grades and attendance records. (Cool magazine)
    • A stick that points to something. (Pointer)
    • Quadrangular bag with a clasp. (Briefcase)
  • Chamomile game

    7 graduates are playing. To play the game, you need to make a colored chamomile with 7 petals in advance. On each petal you need to write a task.

    Before the start of the game, the participants stand in a circle. One player picks up a tambourine. The music turns on. Participants begin to pass the tambourine in a circle. The player in whose hands it turns out musical instrument after turning off the music, he must tear off a chamomile petal and do what is written on it. After he copes with the task, he leaves the circle. The game continues until the tambourine is in the hands of all participants.

    Task examples

    • Sing a couple of lines from the song "Where Childhood Goes"
    • Tell a farewell poem on a school theme (or any other poem)
    • Say thanks to your favorite teacher
    • Tell the Russian alphabet
    • Come up with text explanatory note to the teacher on behalf of the parents about the child's absence from school
    • Write an alumni address
    • Say the phrase "School years are the best" in different intonations - sad, joyful, indifferent
  • Everyone can participate in the competition. 2 assistants pick up the tape, pull it and hold it at a certain height. The music turns on.

    Participants begin to dance and take turns passing under the ribbon. You can't lean forward. Whoever touches the ribbon is out. After all participants pass under the ribbon once in the dance movement, the assistants lower it lower.

    The competition continues until one, the most flexible graduate (or graduate) remains.

    All graduates participate in the competition. Its essence lies in the anonymous voting for the best dress of the queen of the ball and for the most beautiful costume of the king. High school prom. Each participant receives a piece of paper and a pen and writes the name of the guy and girl whom he considers the most fashionable and beautiful.

An apple from an apple tree.

(game for parents and children)

(to graduates) Congratulatory telegrams have been sent to our graduates. Try to guess who they are from.

Let your talent be in demand!

Congratulations on graduation ... Dima Bilan.

(according to the song of D. Bilan, the graduate who answered correctly comes out)

May there be many wonderful days!

Congratulations ... Sergey Lazarev.

(similarly goes graduate)

Always try, graduate do not be lazy

The group wishes success to all ... .. "BIS"

Laugh with happiness and live without flaw,

Joke more! Greetings from ... .. Galustyan.

Be in love, grown-ups!

The group wishes you love .... "Ranetki".

And now I'm giving you a few seconds to bring one parent here.

Let's welcome couples!

You know, if you look closely at children and parents, you can see a lot in common. Parents want the child to take over the best from them, but children do not always strive to be like their relatives, they want to be even better. However, we can’t get away from the old wisdom - “The apple does not fall far from the tree.” To do this, as soon as the music starts, our couples will choose the same hats and wear them.

(choose hats)

It would be possible to stop there, but we are interested to see the similarity not only in tastes. Maybe parents and children also have an outward resemblance, for example, in gait. Before our eyes - a defile of two generations.

(couples walk across the court)

In my opinion, the most similar couple was the family……You are declared the winner couple. Your prize is a digital camera.

(gives a photo frame)

Look at the photo and recognize yourself in each other. We escort this couple of winners to their places and start the next round.

Parents seem to know their children well. But this is not true. Let's check how things are going for you. We choose the most knowledgeable couple. I ask all parents to stand on the right side of me, and children - on the left. Parents receive a pen and paper and answer my questions in writing. And then your children will answer the questions.

(children leave)

Your child's annual grade in math.

Child's hobby.

The child's favorite school subject.

Child's age.

Then the children answer the same questions.

The pair with the most matches is declared the most knowledgeable. We give her smartphones as a gift. (notebooks)

Write down your phone numbers in them. Now you can always call and find out from each other how things are going. We see off the couple to applause.

Now, out of the three remaining couples, I want to determine the most friendly. And for this we will give you a newspaper. Try to make a briefcase with four hands on weight.

(the portfolio is folded to the music)

Here is the most friendly family that we give a video camera so they can capture their smiling faces.

(gives a mirror)

We have two couples left, and we'll see how close they are in terms of intelligence. We choose the smartest couple. I have two options for questions, I will ask you to choose option 1 or 2.

(pairs draw cards with numbers 1 or 2)

So you got odd questions, and you got even ones.

Odd question.

How many kids were there in the fairy tale "Seven Kids"?

An even question. Why, despite the proximity of the lancelet to lower fish, is it classified as a special group of non-cranial?

Odd question. What did grandfather pull in the fairy tale "Turnip"?

An even question. How will the properties of hydrogen atoms of hydroxyl groups change under the action of alkali metals?

Odd question. Who laid the egg in the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen"?

An even question. Why are Galileo's transformations and the classical law of addition of velocities incorrect at a speed of movement commensurate with the speed of light?

(to the couple answering the odd questions) You answered all the questions, you are the smartest couple we have. Therefore, get a prize from us - a computer, or rather a mouse from it, go to the team and surprise with your intellect.

And don't despair. You lost only in the game, but you will win in something else. You have reached the final, which means that your couple is a star. And those on whom the stars fall are the happiest. Therefore, you declare yourself happy couple! Greater happiness is not needed than to find mutual language between adults and children and at least in something to be similar. And since they say, “An apple does not fall far from an apple tree, then an apple is a gift to you. I want to wish everyone that you never quarrel, help and support each other, and then the stars of happiness will fall right on you!

Everyone has long known the game "Crocodile", which you can play. You, dear parents, listen carefully to the recording and try to guess whose child said it.


Mommy, please let me go to the disco. I learned my lessons, washed the dishes, threw out the trash.

You are called to the director. The boys were smoking, and I just went out to get some air. I honestly didn't smoke.

Mommy, I didn’t tear out the sheets from the diary and didn’t oversleep the first two lessons - the teacher just finds fault.

Dad, I didn't play cards in class. I studied the Atlas of the World under my desk to decide where to go on a trip.

Dad, the school is being refurbished tomorrow, so we're not studying, really.


Pairs are created from those present.

They answer questions about the school. Buttons - one person in a pair and he makes some kind of sound when he is pressed by the second in a pair.

What color is the school?

How many floors are there in the school?

School opening year.

How old is the school?

Day and month of Knowledge Day.

Date and month of the class teacher's birthday.

How many graduations did the school have?

Exact time call to class.

Who is last in physical education?

How many girls are in the class?

How many boys are in the class?

"We draw new form»

In the slot on the drawing paper of one graduate, the head, the other in a pair draws a shape for him.

"The Tale of Koshchei the Immortal"

(prepare costumes)

Sitting dance to different melodies

(first all parts of the body dance,

Only hands

Only legs,

Facial expressions.) - “Sponges with a bow”

"Squirrels and Christmas Trees"

(Boys stand in a circle - they are Christmas trees, girls dance around them - they are squirrels, as soon as the music stops - the squirrels jump onto the Christmas tree, who didn’t get the Christmas tree comes out, taking one Christmas tree.)

"Put on quick"

(teams of 5 people one by one run up to the chairs, put on shorts, a shirt, a cap, climb onto a chair, make a grimace, get off, undress and run back).

It seems to me that many of the listed qualities are simply necessary for translators. Therefore, I suggest you try literary in Russian "Children's Haiku Poems from the Countries rising sun»

    Lived with an old woman

two puffer fish

One white, the other gray - two funny fish.

    The son of a gray goat lived with an old woman.

He went to the bamboo grove to graze.

Everything in this world is changeable, only horns and legs are eternal.

    Came out of the fog

Moon with the face of a samurai.

He drew a sword from his kimono pocket.

    Brothers Enike and Benike

ate sushi

No matter what the child would enjoy, if only he did not drink sake.

    Elderly woman

Planting peas on Mount Fuji

    The cat passed away

The fur is no longer the same on the tail.

Shut up or take it.

    A greedy person is like beef meat.

To the drum of distant Turkey

Salted cucumber fruit.

    Rice cake baked by a samurai

Who to feed?

Samurai, Samurai whoever you want to choose.

    Tanya lost her face - chan -

Crying about the ball rolling into the pond.

Take me in your arms, daughter of the Samurai.

    The son of a bull moves with an uneven gait.

Take a deep breath - they run out of toms.

Falls are unavoidable.

    Commoners gathered - who should lead?

With loud speech steps forward

Shishel - myshel - san.

    Chichichi is an agile tree monkey.

Helps the seller of bricks, pulls the rope.

Makes strange sounds.

    A girl and a boy are walking together in a rock garden.

Tili - tili - rice porridge.

future husband and wife.

    Satisfied rice merchants dance on one leg -

Foolish person fooled

For four fists.

    Strict Samurai etiquette:

Who swear word call names.

That's what he's called.

    Equanimity is taught by Zen wisdom:

Offensive words that you say about me -

You are transferring to yourself.

    Take a good look at the grass

Here sat a green grasshopper that looked like the fruit of a cucumber.

Oh yeah frog.

    Tell us about your travels, Chizhik-pyzhik-san

Have you seen distant rivers?

Did you drink hot sake?

    It, ni, san, si, then - the walking hare is careless

Hit by hunting nunchucks.

Slap-slap, oh-oh-oh.

    playful summer fly

Sat down on sakura jam.

This is the end of the haiku.

Fairy tale "Teremok"

Teremok - (Squeak - creak!)

Mouse norushka - (Wow, you!)

Frog - wah - (Quanterously!)

Bunny - runaway - (Wow!)

Chanterelle - sister - (tra-la-la)

Top - gray barrel - (tyts-tyts-tyts)

Bear clumsy - (wow)

The text is attached.

Lottery - forecast.


parting word parents to children.

(23 quality adjectives)

The text is attached.

Relay with gloves.

"The ball is a conductor"

(2 columns of players -1- inflates the balloon, releases it where it flew away, from there the next one inflates it again.)

"Bring me a glass!"

The host invites 10-12 people to participate in the game. All of them line up in one line facing the table, at a distance of 5-6 meters from it. The host says the phrase: “Bring me a napkin!”. During the time that the music is playing, the participants need to take a napkin from the table and return to their place. The last one is out of the game. Further, the names of the items change - phone, tie, sock, shirt, shoe, and so on in ascending order. Condition: You can not bring your own things! The winner of this competition, which takes place literally at the table, is the participant who has reached the final.This game is very funny and groovy, and guests are happy to participate in it.

Merry steam room

Three or four couples from among the guests are invited. Each pair is given a basin, two brooms, two washcloths, as well as sheets and hats. To the groovy music, couples begin to “wash and soar” each other. The task of the participants is at the moment when the music ends, quickly wrap each other in a sheet, put on a hat and sit in one basin in the most spectacular position with washcloths and brooms in their hands. The winners are determined by the audience and the presenter.

A volunteer is selected. One leader takes him away and explains that he will have to portray the kangaroo with gestures, facial expressions, etc., but without making a sound, and everyone else must guess what he is depicting. Meanwhile, the second presenter tells the audience that now the victim will show the kangaroo, but everyone must pretend that they do not understand what kind of animal they are shown. It is necessary to name any other animals, except for a kangaroo. It should be something like: "Oh, so it's jumping! So. It must be a rabbit. No?! Strange... Well, then it's a monkey." In five minutes, the simulator will really resemble a kangaroo gone mad.

* * *
You will need two cans, 20 coins. Two couples are called - in a pair of a gentleman and a lady. Cavaliers are attached to the belt bank. Ladies are given 10 coins. Ladies move 2 meters away from gentlemen. At the signal of the leader, the lady must throw all the coins into the gentleman's jar. The gentleman helps her by rotating his waist (if any). The couple with the most coins in the jar wins.

* * *
A simple but very fun game known since childhood. One of the guests quickly and indistinctly, in a whisper, says a word to the neighbor on the right. He, in turn, whispers what he heard to his neighbor in the same manner - and so on in a circle. The last participant stands up and loudly pronounces the word passed to him, and the one who started the game says his own. Sometimes the result exceeds the expectation. The variant of the game is "Associations", i.e. the neighbor does not repeat the word, but conveys an association with it, for example: winter - snow.

* * *
The game will require big box or a bag (opaque) in which they are folded various items clothes: size 56 briefs, caps, size 10 bras, glasses with a nose, etc. funny things. The host invites those present to update their wardrobe by pulling out some item from the box, on the condition that they do not remove it for the next half hour. At the signal of the presenter, the guests pass the box to the music. As soon as the music has stopped, the player holding the box opens it and, without looking, takes out the first thing that comes across and puts it on. The view is amazing!

* * *
Props: a bag of sucking sweets (such as "Barberry"). 2 people are selected from the company. They begin to take turns taking candy from the bag (in the hands of the presenter), putting it in their mouths (swallowing is not allowed) and after each candy they call their rival "Sweet Tooth Lamb". Whoever stuffs more sweets into his mouth and at the same time clearly says the magic phrase, he will win. I must say that the game takes place under the cheerful shouting and whooping of the audience, and the sounds made by the participants in the game lead the audience to complete delight!

* * *
The participants of the game become in a circle. The first player, having applied the usual playing card to the mouth, inhales the air and, holding the card in this position, passes it to the next participant. That, in turn, having accepted the card on inspiration, thus passes the card further - and so on in a circle. Option: you can split into two Teams and conduct a relay race.

* * *
The game requires a large basin of water. Several apples are thrown into the basin, and then the player kneels in front of the basin, holding his hands behind his back, and tries to catch the apple with his teeth and get it out of the water.

* * *
An apple is tied by a handle and hung up. Participants approach the apple one at a time and try to bite into it, holding their hands behind their backs. And it's hard to do so. You can organize a competition: hang a few apples, the one who eats it faster will win.

* * *
Witnesses of the bride and groom, as well as wishing couples, participate in this competition. Let them not be very many: two or three. The rest carefully observe what is happening and evaluate the winners.
So, all participants are blindfolded and placed opposite each other. The host puts clothespins on their clothes, 5-6 pieces per person are enough. These must be different places.
At the leader's command, turn on the music and the players begin their work. They must blindfold find the clothespins on their partner and remove them. Music should sound no more than 2-3 minutes. As soon as the music stops, the competition is over. Whoever has the most clothespins removed is the winner.
If suddenly a couple manages to remove all the clothespins before the music ends, then you can immediately announce the winner.
The losers are fined: they give them a glass of vodka to drink.

* * *
A man and a woman are blindfolded with a scarf at the rate of 1 scarf for 2 eyes. Participants are bred at different ends of the hall. A woman, she is a good Samaritan, receives a glass of vodka in her hands, which she must carry, without spilling, to a man and pour it where it should be. If there is still a snack left, in the second hand of the good Samaritan woman there is a sandwich with a snack, for example, with eggplant caviar (it is easier to grease it from the face in case of failure).
The game is fun. In emancipated companies, where women drink and men are coded or "hemmed", a twisted version of the role-reversing game called "tamp your darling" is played.

* * *
As many people as you like can participate in this, perhaps the most frivolous game, but if there are too many of them, and even if they are bad on their feet, then the holiday risks turning into mass wallowing on the floor. Therefore, two "gladiators" will suffice, more or less firmly standing on the ground.
A thread is tied around the waist to the participants of the game and a "tail" is left behind to the floor, at the end of which an empty tail is tied. Matchbox. The task of each of them is to step on the enemy’s box, without the help of hands, to tear it off the thread.
The winner plays the next player. So you can play until you lose orientation in time and space.

* * *
In the center of the playground, 6 chairs are placed in a circle with their backs inward. 6 brave men sit on them - "pilots", on whose knees there is a large balloon. Six insidious "air bombers" scatter on command and sit down on their partner's ball in a jumping manner from all over. Whose balloon bursts immediately, and the partner - the "pilot" remains safe and sound, the prize is a new balloon.
It is important that the "pilots" be able to sit firmly on a chair and hold the ball on their knees, and the "bombers" can not only stand firmly on their feet, but also move them at the speed of a normal drunk running person.

* * *

Poetry of love.
"... Love and poetry are inseparable. So it was at all times and remains to this day .... Now each of our couples will have to become poets for a short time."
Rules: Each pair is given a card with the opening lines of a quatrain to complete. After one minute, the couples present their version of the poem to the audience. Poems are evaluated with applause.
Couples are given a card with the words:
"On Valentine's Day I see a strange picture..."

The host calls 5-7 guys. Behind each participant is tied on a thread Balloon. The goal of the competition is to burst the balloons of the opponents without the help of hands. The player with the balloon left unharmed wins.

The evening of farewell to the educational institution must become a bright and memorable event. And to achieve a noble goal will help funny Games and graduation competitions. These original ideas will involve all the participants in the celebration and give them a great mood!

Capitals of the world

This competition will allow you to check who knows the capitals of the world better, parents or their children. So, teams of parents and graduates are formed. The host calls the capital, whoever raises his hand first, he answers - he names the corresponding country. Whose team will have more correct answers, that team is the winner.

Puzzle the class teacher

For this competition, the host must communicate with the children and draw up short description about each of them, for example: he is modest, strong in mathematics, plays the guitar and loves sports, or she is beautiful, but does not really like to study, draws wonderfully and sings wonderfully. And the class teacher, according to such proposals, must guess which of her students and pupils are being discussed.

Best Waltz

In this competition, couples will dance the waltz. Who will have the most beautiful and best dance, that couple will receive a prize. But, there is one “but”, you need to dance the waltz, standing with your backs to each other.

King and queen

This competition consists in the fact that in the hall throughout the evening there is a secret ballot box, next to which there are leaves and pens. Each of the guests of the evening, taking into account the activity, energy, artistry, cheerful character, playfulness, enthusiasm, beauty, extravagance and other qualities, must decide for whom he will cast his vote, who is worthy of the title of King and Queen of the ball. At the end of the celebration, the votes are counted and the King and Queen are announced, who can be awarded with homemade crowns (similar crowns can also be bought in the store).

The last bell rings

Boys and girls participate in pairs. If the age of the children does not allow the boys to take the girls on their shoulders, they hold hands, and the older children form a couple like this - the boy takes the girl on one shoulder or on his shoulders, whichever is more convenient for you. They are given a bell (bell). The task of each pair is to overcome a certain distance as quickly as possible, while giving the loudest last call.

Parents vs Children

A team of parents and a team of children are formed. The leader turns on the music in turn, for example, the dance of little ducklings, lambada, macarena, and so on. Who will show themselves best in the dance - children or parents - they are the winners.

My favorite teacher

Everyone in turn is invited to the center of the hall and shows with gestures and facial expressions of his beloved teacher. It will be very interesting to everyone how well the children know their teachers and their specific traits. The rest of the children and guests must guess who the participant is showing. The most artistic award "Oscar".

Traveling is always a holiday, and a holiday related to the theme of travel is a separate exciting journey, full of impressions and vivid emotions. And although this idea is no longer new, it is so inexhaustible that everyone finds something of their own in it. We offer new script prom entertainment program "World Graduation!" on the topic of traveling around the world. The program consists of thirteen table and outdoor competitions, designed specifically for graduates. It would be nice to support such a scenario with the thematic design of the hall and equip it with a projector, but, most importantly, to create a cheerful and sincere atmosphere for the heroes of the occasion and the adults gathered, in which there is a lot of music and dancing, light sadness about the passed stage of life and hopes for future victories. (Music, video, printing and explanations of the authors are attached).

Also, as a bonus, the full version offers a version of this scenario, adapted for elementary school

All folders with the design of the program are located at the beginning of the full version of the script:

- Musical accompaniment of the entire scenario- in the folders "Music for scenario 1", "Music for scenario 2", "Music for scenario 3" or in the text of the full version

- Music for competitions separate folders: "The Stanislavsky System", "Australian Style", "Colored Dances"

Video intro- in the folders "Video 1", "Video 2,3,4"

Pictures, visas, invitation cards- in the folder "Printing"

Hall decoration. In the hall, you can create the atmosphere of a railway station (picture 1 on the screen) or a travel agency by decorating with a world map, on which flags mark the stops provided for by the scenario, advertising posts of travels in different countries and stop schedules. Also, several bundles of gel balloons can be placed on the ceiling of the hall (sorting them by color - how many countries there will be, so many different colors). In invitation cards, you can indicate the seating at the table.

Entertainment program "World Graduation"

Guests are met by a host or presenter (possible in a conductor's costume) and helps to find places.

Tracks 1,2,3,4 sound.

When the guests were almost seated in the carriages. Sounds like track 5. The presenter begins to rush the remaining passengers in a hurry. Sounds like track 6.(departure). When everyone is seated, the lights go out. appears on the screen video 1(departing train) At 38 seconds (view from the window) of the video, the presenter comes out.


Leading(speaking in the background of video 1): Dear passengers! We are glad to welcome you on the route "World Graduation"! We kindly request, if someone on the platform has forgotten his good mood, do not panic! Our journey compensates you for this loss by adding new experiences, unforgettable emotions and reasons for joy as compensation.

(On Screen Picture 1)

Dear Russ-tourist image morale, as well as crazy-russian tourist, oh, la-la!! We are leaving! And we are waiting trip around the world around the world on the most different types transport, we will visit several continents and get acquainted with the traditions of graduation celebrations in other countries. But, we only have 5 hours for everything, so let's speed up our train, make it super-fast!!! Take our marching maracas in your hands and add strength to the sound of wheels and the locomotive whistle, knock and shout to the beat of "Tu-tu" (The host shows a graduates repeat after her: they take coffee cups with beans standing on the table and shake them so that a synchronous sound is heard, not forgetting to shout “Tu-tu”!)

Sounds loud Track 7 (beep).

Leading: Go! Hooray for our graduates, tireless travelers who have just completed 11 years of sailing on the ship "School Years" and are again ready to travel, conquer unconquered peaks and discover undiscovered lands! Hooray!

(short banquet break)

Track 8 sounds

Leading: And tell me, are there those in the hall who have already had to travel by train? Or in the age of high speeds, everyone prefers more mobile vehicles? Hands up! I see, and then tell the newbies what train passengers usually do? (guests answer) Quite right, they sleep, eat, get bored and get to know fellow travelers better. We guarantee food - the employees of our car - restaurant .... (name of the banquet hall) will offer you their best cold and hot appetizers of their menu!! But we are not sure that you will be able to sleep and get bored today, on the contrary, we are: a conductor …..(host name) and dj …(name) of our radio center - we will try to make the time on the road fun and unforgettable! Our train, as you remember, is super-fast, but even on it it is unlikely that it will be possible to quickly rush through the vast expanses of our Motherland. Well, let's use this time to good use, prepare for an international trip by learning some traditions and communication skills. And let's start with the basic skill for those who are ready to have fun - the ability to enjoy entertainment, the ability to applaud.

Board game "Applause master class"

Leading: True masters of applause believe that the ability to applaud can only be learned by going through a five-level training system. We will have express training, we will skip the theory and immediately move on to practice.

Level One: Ready! - Short polite applause (guests applaud)

Second level: Prolonged standing ovation (guests applaud) Level completed!

Level Three: Get Ready, The Challenge Gets Harder! - Applause with standing up, turning into a standing ovation! Add some applause! Well done!

Fourth level: Ready? All that you learned on the third one is a standing ovation plus voice design: shouts, such as "Bravo", "Bis", whistling and so on. Started! (guests applaud) Level completed! You can sit down!

Fifth level: the most difficult! It is used in moments of special delight and admiration! A stormy ovation, enthusiastic jumping up from their seats, screams, whistles, footsteps, especially exalted ones can cry. Ready? Started! (guests applaud)

Not bad, not bad at all. It remains to pass the exam. Now I will read the text of the next toast and, as the story progresses, raise the signs from 1 to 5, and you must react correctly.

(reads the text, holding up the plates with numbers)

Toast with applause

Dear parents, teachers and dear graduates, today is an amazing evening: sad, because this is the moment of farewell to childhood (number 1) and at the same time, joyful, because the door to a new, and therefore amazing life is opening (number 5)……… ……………………............................

- Table quiz "I believe it or not"

Leading: Yes, it turns out that knowing the traditions of the country you are going to can not only help you avoid getting into a stupid situation, but also save your life. I propose to play the game: “I believe, I don’t believe”, I voice the tradition of celebrating graduation in one of the countries, and if you think that the proposed situation is true, say - “I believe”, if not, respectively - “I don’t believe”. If you guess right, go out to the hall for encouragement, if not, drink a penalty box to the applause of the audience.

(The presenter goes around the hall and selectively, in turn, turns to the young man, then to the girl, commenting on each answer. Those who guess correctly go to the center of the hall, questions are asked until there are 5 guessers, this is important for the next competition)

An excerpt to illustrate:

1. Do you believe that in Poland graduation is celebrated a hundred days before the graduation day?

(It is true, this holiday is called “hundred days” and it opens with a polonaise with the director at the head)……………………………………………………

- Artistic competition "According to the Stanislavsky system"

Leading (speaking to 5 participants in the center of the hall): Dear graduates, I don’t know whether you are well informed, or whether I played so badly that you could guess from my intonation whether I should believe it or not. Therefore, before handing you the promised prizes, I want to test you according to the Stanislavsky system and for this I ask each of you to bring a partner of the opposite sex from the hall (lead). And now, your task is to be as natural as possible, so that even Stanislavsky himself could tell you: “I believe!” play the two most popular plots in any drama!

(Finished musical arrangement is attached)

- General dance entertainment "Preved, Medved!"

(cool youth entertainment that will be a good transition to a dance break and will give a charge of good mood for the whole evening)

dance break


Sounds track 7 Horn and track 6

Leading: Dear passengers, please take your seats, otherwise our graduation trip around the world will take place without your participation. Graduation circumnavigation…sounds good, doesn't it? In general, graduation is one of the most significant and amazing days in the life of each of us. Significant, because from what baggage of knowledge and internal installations we approach it, our whole future life depends. And amazing, because on this day, more than ever, we all believe in the best, we believe that we can do everything, we will overcome and achieve, right? Then life makes its own adjustments to our bright hopes, maybe it will make them to yours. But let it be later ... that's why life was given to us, to make us stronger and wiser. Let the changes come later ... And today we will only believe in the best, that all roads are open to you and the whole world is at our feet, right? (to the audience) Do you believe it? (graduates answer). Then let's declare it to the Universe? To keep her in the know! Now I will read the first three lines of the poem, and you in chorus after the word "Today" - the fourth: "The whole world is at our feet!" Adults also join, because your faith is so needed now by your children!

Table chant "The whole world is at our feet!"


Leading: We each have our own hopes and dreams,

And grandiose plans and goals are not easy,

Many roads are open before us,

We believe that today...

Everything (in chorus): The whole world is at our feet!

Leading: Wonderful! Sounds very convincing, literally like toast! To your victories, dear graduates!!!

Sounds track 14

Leading: In any journey, and especially in the journey called life, the support of relatives and friends is important, and although few of us like to listen to other people's advice, parting words from loving parents are worth listening to! A word to parents of graduates!

(parents say parting words and congratulations)

A small banquet break

Sounds track 15

Leading: Dear passengers, please take your seats, otherwise our graduation trip around the world will take place without your participation.

On the Video screen 2.

- Competition "Meeting with an Italian or Chatterbox"

- Competition "Russians on the tower"

(fun competitions for graduates with Italian flavor)

- Musical fun "Australian Ponte"

Leading: Right! We missed this train, another one will come, or we’ll even rush to the airport, it will turn out even faster !! No wonder they say: "Russians do not give up!" And they also say that "Russian show-off is more expensive than the American dollar!", So in your graduation celebration Australian graduates will give 100 points ahead to any Russian dude. After all, it is important for them to drive up to the graduation ceremony cooler and more intricate than others! It is important to surprise classmates: a limousine does not roll here - rustic, a deer, a tank, a balloon, wow! And let's imagine ourselves in their place and roll up to ours. festive table in Australian! We break into groups of two and three people, who will go with whom and ... improvise, fantasize how it could be ........

(33 ready-made musical excerpts are attached - at the choice of the organizer)

- Competition "Come on boys, or a la fashion show"

- Competition "Funny tasters"

(competitions for young men on the theme of French traditions)

dance break


Leading: So, mysterious England! As you know, this country is famous for its old castles full of ghosts and unsolved mysteries. It is no coincidence that the famous School of Witchcraft and Wizardry - Hogwarts - settled here, and it was here that Sherlock Holmes solved the most intricate crimes with the help of his deductive method. We will go there with you, or rather, to one of the most terrible places - Dragsholm Castle, in which the "eggs of fate" are hidden.

- Entertainment "Dragsholm - taxis or Eggs of Destiny".

(mini-quest with the search for unusual predictions for graduates)

- Contest "Pyramid"

(team competition with the construction of pyramids from disposable plastic cups)

- Dance entertainment "Colored dances with a forecast"

(a new version of the popular dance entertainment with a graduation line - a ready-made file with musical "color" excerpts, made in non-stop format, is attached)


Sounds Track 27 .

The disco begins.



Elementary School World Graduation Scenario

The script is written to order - the idea and the host's entertainer from the script, the announcement of which is presented above, is specially adapted for fourth-graders, using entertainment and musical arrangement from scripts #25, #22 and #8. Some specific details and names of the ordered scenario can be easily changed for yourself. Text and music for this version are attached to the full version.

To get the full version with musical accompaniment, it is enough to deposit a small amount (550 rubles) into the site development fund - conditions and details on the page AUTHOR'S SCENARIO

P.S. Dear users, the document below provides detailed information on how to obtain full version this scenario.

(download by clicking on the document)


Bonus discount video congratulations:

You can include in such a scenario as an additional entertainment or surprise from parents, it is offered separately (400 rubles), but for those who have purchased this scenario - a bonus discount of 200 rubles. Therefore, those who wish to have both a video greeting and a script in their arsenal can send 750 rubles to the site fund, without a video greeting, respectively, 550 rubles will be enough.