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Congratulatory speech on 1. Speech director of the school on the first call

Greetings, friends! Rada again see you in my blog! The topic that the conversation will go today will be useful and informative first of all those who are directly related to school. Traditional day of knowledge that is no longer outside the corner, it is impossible to imagine without solemn rulers. An important role in this event is the speech of the School Director on September 1. Elegant first-graders and high school students, as well as their parents, with interest they hit the words of chapter educational institution. The congratulatory speech affects the life of a particular school, and in its nature is less officially than a welcoming word, for example, representatives of the administration, also often present among the guests of this meaningful event. Not every head, even with the humanitarian warehouse of the mind, has solid reserves of eloquence. Sure, perfect optionWhen the appeal to the audience is written by a professional speechwriter, but in practice, the school director also prepares his speech with the help of a pedagogical team. That is why it is worth a preference to a personally invented actual text than a dry and boring pattern. Even the very beautiful phrases They require them to be voiced as it should, otherwise all the charm of the harvested text is lost when the speaker starts to stutter or reproduce the speech on a piece of paper, as if the robot. Even worse, when words seem to be "duty", and the voiced thoughts are hopelessly far from the true nature of the event. In most cases, the speech on the representative of the representative of the school administration is based on a classic and very simple scheme: in order to diversify the information content, you can individually add speech by themes corresponding to the moment, but weathered in the same vein. Remember that you are not waiting for a dry report, but warm words of a living person. This format of a solemn speech intended for the ears of students and their relatives is most common and popular. It is important not to multi-abstems, but to the word, as an instrument of education, inspiration, association. Speech is required to be meaningful, emotional and little personal. It should reflect the teacher's spirit of the entire education system, and at the same time closer to those who have to comprehend schooling sacraments. Someone makes a bet on improvisation, but it is better not to try to cut the laurels of the new Cicero, and the ahead of the way to prepare decent words. Do not talk about every day about everyday problems, or highlight negative moments. Let us prevail only positive emotions and positive attitude. Consider one of the variants of a typical festive speech created on all traditional canons. I welcome you on this solemn holiday, dedicated day Knowledge! I am very pleased to see everyone in the walls of our school, on this festive line. I congratulate you on the beginning of the school year, which brings with you new knowledge, successes and faithful friends. September 1 - a new milestone in the life of the guys who are first going to school for the first time. Welcome to the amazing world, whose miracles will open our teachers. You are waiting for new discoveries, interesting books, strong friendship. School country is waiting for you, and gladly breaks your doors to you. Dear high school students! This day of knowledge is the last for you in our walls. Soon you will go to the independent sailing on adulthood, but the knowledge that you got at school will definitely help you in this difficult journey. Dare, conquer new heights and proudly carry the honorary title of graduates of our educational institution. Dear parents, relatives, grandparents! Be patient with your children who are comprehended by the world of knowledge, do not get along of their time and love for them. Today I want to congratulate our work collective! Thank you, teachers, for what you keep young people on the thorny paths of science, helping to overcome them all the difficulties. This year, our school graduated from 50 graduates, almost all of them became students prestigious universities. Last year, our students were conquered by more than 20 medals on various Olympiads. I believe that in this school season we will surpass this result. This summer, the repair ended in all classes. Our school is ready for the school year for all 100 percent. In many ways, it is a merit and parental committee that has put a lot of effort to solve this issue. I cordially thank you for these works! Finally, I want to wish everyone who today enters our hospitable doors, success in school, adjacent and bright accomplishments! Happy holiday, friends! Oratory quality is not always included in the number of advantages of a teacher even if there is higher education. Alas, and among them there are tonail-speaking representatives or simply shy people, so when speaking in public, their speech flows not so smoothly and expressively as I would like. In this case, it is worth contacting the poetic form of congratulations, which is much easier to read. In addition, such unusual option from big enthusiasm will be perceived by those present. Also, this good opportunity to demonstrate their poetic talents, in addition to managerial. It is not necessary to create a full-fledged poem, sometimes it is enough to add the main part of the prepared text by lyric rows, which will dilute its official and make it more alive. As an example, this is an uncomplicated, but very touching poem. The solemnity of the moment of the speech of the head of the educational institution, as usual, is emphasized by the corresponding sound effects. Standard music on the output of a respected leader is brighted compositions, where fanfares are dominated. They attach a kind of pathos by the emergence of the Director and focus the attention of the audience on a particularly important part of the event, during which the most important things should sound. These sounds predict the appearance on the stage, as well as the logical finals at the end of speech. This sound attribute is sufficiently important, because in fact, everything that happens is a kind of presentation, albeit the format. Well, summarize. I hope these recommendations that you are read above are enough to diversify the harvested speech by making it bright not only the content itself, but also its submission. Specively applying rhetoric, you will help your verbal designs to gain volume and significance, and the meaning of the said will be more accessible to the listeners. The memorable speech is able to become a decoration of the school event, if approaching this issue competently and with fiction, which is quite forces to everyone. On this I say goodbye! I wish you success in the field of rhetoric! Subscribe to the blog, share articles with friends, watch for new publications. See you soon!

Already quite soon, the transferring trill of the first call will be announced on the occurrence of the day of knowledge and will call back for the parties of students of junior, medium and senior classes. Resuning and matured guys will come to the school courtyard again and build on it for the festive line. The solemn event by tradition will open director. He will utter a beautiful welcome speech in honor of September 1 and congratulate all those present with the beginning of the new school year. Several good, pricing phrases will be told by the guys representatives of the local administration and deputies, teachers and parents, after which the school season will be considered officially open.

Solemn speech on September 1 from the administration and deputies for schoolchildren

In all schools, the solemn rules are held on September 1. All students, from timid first-graders to serious eleventh-graders, welcome employees of federal and municipal administrations and folk deputies of different levels. Representatives of power and lawmakers utter a solemn speech and congratulate schoolchildren with the new school year.

Children in formal form wish to learn well and delight teachers and parents with high estimates and excellent knowledge, persistently and diligently "gnawing granite science", actively participate in public Life native school and not be afraid to take the initiative.

The guys are reminded that they are the future of the state and are simply obliged to be smarter, formed and more successful than all previous generations. Such words sound very inspired and are one of the most successful, optimistic and inspiring motivators. I hear the speech of the senior comrades, pledged by state power, students penetrate the solemnity of the moment and feel the willingness not only to justify the high confidence of adults, but also, literally, minimize the mountains and become reliable support for the country, teachers and parents.

Examples of official texts for speech in honor of September 1 from administration and deputies

Dear schoolchildren!
I cordially congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge and the beginning of the school year!

The academic year comes into account. No holiday is more beautiful than the holiday began studying when everyone is happy to smile. We do not just celebrate the beginning of the new school year, but honor the work of the teacher and the student, we recognize the importance and priority of knowledge and science!

Today, the main characters of the holiday are children with bright, beautiful bouquets in hand. On the porch of each school on this day, schoolchildren and guests are familiar and smiling teachers. September 1 - an exciting event for teachers and all schoolchildren, especially for their parents. On the line remove the smallest, schools meet newbies. Ahead of the kids, the new for them is still an unknown and complete riddles of the country of knowledge.

Kids wish to be diligent and obedient, graduates - so that their last school year be bright and unforgettable, and you, dear teachers, health, patience and mutual understanding with students.

Let the whole academic year be kind and successful for each of you!
In a good way for knowledge!

Dear students.

Allow me on behalf of the administration and from myself to personally congratulate all of you with the beginning of the school year. I wish you all the main thing - never to lose a person inherent desire for knowledge.

The first of September came again. We celebrate the Day of Knowledge. After all, the first of September was always and remains a nationwide holiday.

On this day, it is especially acute that life is going on with her! Here again came the new generation of schoolchildren. And in our power with you to make their life better.

Education literally turns into one of the most important resources of the economy. His successful development is the basis decent Life every Russian socio-economic The progress of the settlement and Russia as a whole.

School gives first life experience, I form a character and gives a strong friendship. It is not by chance that the school years is called bright time: from a timid first grader, an individual grows with his views and worldview.

We are especially grateful to teachers. An important role in the process of upbringing and learning is preserved for parents.

I wish for children and adults, everyone who learns and teaches happiness, health, well-being and high personal achievements in education!

Dear disciples! Take congratulations on the beginning of the new school year. It's time to return to school, and first-graders for the first time join the temple of wisdom, graduates leave their native walls. We are waiting for new acquaintances, interesting tasks, friendly classmates, friendly teachers. Successes, forces, dedication, energy, good and patience. Let everyone smile luck, will become available to the magic of knowledge, all the doors will open easily.

Beautiful congratulatory speech on September 1 from the School Director to students, teachers and parents

The festive line on September 1, as a rule, opens up the school principal. It rises to the podium, takes the microphone and under the rapid applause congratulates all those present students, parents and pedcows with the start of the next academic year.

At the beginning of his fiery speech, the school head welcomes the kids, first crossed the school threshold for the first time in this momentous day. In joyful and warm expressions, he explains first-graders that it starts completely new life, very bright, interesting and filled with the most different events that guys will be happy to remember even when the school is behind.

The director then appeals to students of the younger, middle and senior classes, who returned to their studies after the longest holidays. With these children, he wishes to quickly get into the traditional school regime, thoroughly forgotten during the summer holiday and show even more effort in obtaining new knowledge.

Later main man At school pays attention to eleventitical graders. It reminds future graduates that this year is special for them and very important. After all, already next spring Boys and girls will hear their last call and will forever leave the cozy school building, which has become a second home for a long learning date. This means that the remaining time needs to live in a special way: it is better to learn, be more attentive, listen to the advice of teachers and support friends in need of help. Then the year will be the most productive and will always be pleasantly remembered about it.

At the end, the director wishes patience, wisdom and moral endurance to teachers, and parents call on to help children and not punish too strictly siblings for some frivolity and not always exemplary behavior. These simple, but very sincere and intelligible words are caused from those present the most sublime emotions and automatically set up on positive and children, and adults, and pedcows.

Variants of texts for solemn speech director on the occasion of September 1

Dear students and their parents! Dear friends!

Today is a wonderful day on September 1 - the day of knowledge. Let me sincerely congratulate you with this wonderful holiday! That was the long-awaited summer holidays, who left the most pleasant and unforgettable impressions. You have remarkably rested and gained strength.

Autumn comes - charming, truly awesome, incomprehensible time of year. It's time for knowledge. It's time to return to school again. On this day, children are in a hurry to school, and parents are happily, excitement and trembling them.

The first call is undoubtedly an exciting holiday. He is excited, both for first-graders and their parents, and for those who have already managed to miss teachers and classmates for the period of summer vacation. Schoolchildren began for a year older, and teachers who have already become life mentors for children, for the year wiser, everyone also meet their disciples on the threshold of the school.

School years - best time In the life of any person. It is in school that we get our first experience of communication, we meet our first friends, and of course, first love. What awaits you at school this year? New tasks, new dating, friendly and friendly classmates, and of course, luck and success!

From the first of September you have been opened a new way. Path into knowledge. School - the real Palace of Wisdom, remember it. Believe me to learn great and be the best among the best - a wonderful contribution to your future. Being educated, you can all. After all, according to the present educated person Nothing scared. He is open all the roads.

Allow the knowledge on this day, dear students, congratulate you on the beginning of the next school year, and wish you a huge good luck, incredible joy, unearthly inspiration, excellent mood, brilliant victories, and, of course, huge success in school!

Dear disciples, parents, colleagues!

Let me sincerely congratulate you on a solemn day - the day of knowledge. So the long summer vacation ended, filled with joy and pleasure. It is time to return to classes, new discoveries and exciting travel to the world of knowledge and experience!

Every year, the first of September we celebrate as an amazing holiday - the holiday of return to work and knowledge. Holiday of creativity and inspiration!

I really want to especially greet first-graders. Guys! Today is a special day for you, which will be remembered for life. You enter not just our big friendly family. You open for yourself the world of knowledge and new discoveries.

You are now standing on the threshold of the new interesting lifewhich will make you an adult from the first day, fill with new experiences every day and, of course, new impressions. I want from the bottom of my heart to wish you success in the new school life!

Huge success and no less huge strength want to wish to future graduates! Quite a bit of time separates you from the feature when you leave the usual school life. This year is the last jerk before future achievements. I wish you energy and dedication. Let the last school year be the most fruitful!

Our school is a big friendly family, which is rightfully proud of every member. At this solemn moment of the beginning of the new school year I want to express hope that we continue all together with a friendly team will lead our school ship to new tops, each fulfilling responsibly and diligently their duties.

For us, it was a good tradition together to solve the creative tasks facing the team, together to take care of the image of the school, its successful presentation in competitions, competitions and competitions! Let this wonderful tradition be preserved in this academic year and bring new successes to the team!

Once again I cordially congratulate everyone with the New School Year, from September 1. Let this year bring the fulfillment of the dreams to each member of our big school team!

Dear schoolchildren! Dear Parents, Colleagues, Guests of the Holiday!

I am glad to welcome you on a solemn ruler in honor of the day of knowledge!

I congratulate everyone with this holiday from all my heart! September 1 is the beginning of a new school year, the start for the struggle for knowledge, for excellent assessments, for faithful friends, for the conquest of new heights.

September 1 is the beginning of a new stage in life for the guys who have become first-graders today. Welcome to the school country! Barely Meet this amazing peace Knowledge and discoveries. Bright school class and first teacher are waiting for you. Let the lessons be mischievous, books - interesting, school friendship - strong!

School years is a wonderful and unforgettable time for every person. Whoever you are in your life, I hope you are always warm and will be grateful to remember our school, teachers and classmates.

September 1 for graduates is the last September 1 in their lives. Dear 11-graders! Remember, your further fate is in your hands. Lent a strong foundation for your future victories. It was this year that you must decide on the choice of profession, pass the exam and enroll in the university. Dare - And you will succeed!

Pricing to students and teachers from parents on a line in honor of September 1 and the Day of Knowledge

On the day of knowledge with welcoming speeches, not only representatives of the administration, deputies and heads of educational institutions, but also parents. Moms and dads in their own words congratulate schoolchildren with the beginning of the new school year and ride boys and girls to comprehend knowledge and new accomplishments. Pupils wish to be attentive at all lessons, to show infevering in fulfilling their homework, behave well in the classroom and actively participate in the public life of the school.

For teachers, parents also find pleasant and good wordsexpressing endless respect that mothers and dad students are tested to mentors. Teachers are asked to fascinating about the subjects and sciences, to be tolerant to innocent children's pants and remain always spiritual, sincere and hearts. After all, without these human qualities, it is simply impossible to grow a decent young generation, which in the future will be a reliable support and its loved ones and his own country.

The best options for parting speech on the occasion of September 1 from parents to students and teachers

Dear teachers guys!

September 1 is a very important event in the life of any person, especially if it is the first on September 1.

Today, first-graders first overcome the threshold of this school. At school, students receive knowledge from which their further life path depends. And you are helping them in this difficult thing, dear teachers. You become for them the second parents. You give them your care and give not only knowledge, but also incentive to achieve new heights and in life, and in study. We, parents, are confident that with your support to our children will be on the shoulder any difficulties, and we, in turn, promise that we will always come to the rescue.

Dear disciples! Let me, on behalf of all parents, congratulate you with such a significant day! Years are running! It would seem that quite recently, you came to school with completely unfeasured babies, firmly squeezing your mother's hand. Today you can not know! You have become completely adults and smart people! We wish you to finish the year on perfectly to homework did not bring difficulties, and the study was in joy! Do not hurt each other, listen to teachers, strive for the better and then everything in your life will be "on perfectly"! Good luck! The Day of Knowledge!

Dear teachers. Under your sensitive leadership, our children grow. You know every child like my mother! Thanks for the warmth that you give to our children, for understanding, for wisdom, for professionalism! Separate thanks to the director. Under your sensitive leadership, our school is growing and developing. An indicator of the performance of our children is becoming higher every year. These are all the merits of the Director and Pedagogues! Thank you for your work! The Day of Knowledge!

Welcome speech teacher on the line in honor of September 1

During the solemn line, confined to September 1, after the speech of representatives of the local administration, the Deputy Corps and the School leadership, the Word passes to teachers. Teachers are happy to occupy an honorable place in the podium and to the microphone turn to the guys and parents with good and inspired welcome speeches. Students wish ease in the development of sciences, good estimates and new interesting items. Moms and Dad are asked to show more patience, to pay for children to maximize attention and maintain everything. Only with such common cohesion, boys and girls will easily master school Program And perform homework well.

The best texts for the welcoming speech of the teacher on the line of September 1

So the long-awaited day came - September 1. Today, all children of the country begins a new time. For first grades, this is the beginning of a trip to a huge country of knowledge. For high school students, this is the transition to the next stage of the cognition of the depths of the studied sciences and familiarity with new objects.

In this wonderful autumn day, all the countries of the country opened the doors to the disciples. And the teachers are waiting, will not wait for their pupils, so that they would gladly share their knowledge. And their teachers prepared a huge amount.

Your favorite summer ended, giving you a lot of pleasant memories. Do not be discouraged - you have a more interesting time.

Together with the beginning of autumn it's time to learn, let the study be only a joy. Let the days spent at school will leave bright and kind impressions in the shower. Let all tasks are easy to use you. Even in the most difficult tasks - let the decision necessarily comes to your mind.

Never give up, meets on your way sophisticated questions. Rejoice in the solution found and proud of your success.

Let the school life give only joyful moments, and the days of studying are flying like birds in the sky - quickly and easily.

Remember, children, today you build your future! Learn well, try not to miss necessary knowledgeSo that in the future you did everything, not just good, but always excellent. Having gained knowledge at school, you will definitely choose an interesting profession and will become a successful person in the future.

Well, and the most important day today, of course, at first-graders. After all, today you first cross the threshold of an amazing castle in the Kingdom of Knowledge.

The name of this castle is a school. The king in it is a work, and the queen is patience, they manage the school lock. And work, and patience is always needed in the Kingdom of Knowledge.

Crossing the threshold of the castle-school, you will get everything smarter every day and smarter. I want to wish you to learn a lot of interesting and new, find a lot of friends, get only good grades with joy and interest to perform new knowledge.

In conclusion, congratulations to all students with the beginning of the school year and I want to wish good mood for every school day.

Dear colleagues, disciples, friends! Today is the Day of Knowledge, the beginning of the new school year, which means that we all met with new hopes and aspirations again. This holiday is not only for first-graders and all students, but also the holiday of parents, teachers, and in general the holiday of those who learn and learn.

After all, not only children learn, but also the teachers. After all, training is a mutual process, because a teacher who does not develop and does not receive anything from communicating with children cannot instill cravings to their students. So I want to congratulate your colleagues and wish to always find mutual language With their students, and students always listens to teachers, they wish you only good.

Today, September 1, a special day for first-graders, they first plunge into this new world for them. You will meet new friends here, find out a lot of new things. It will not always be a simple time, but very interesting, school memories will remain with you forever. I want to wish patience to parents, because for you it is also not easy, but at the same time fascinating time.

And for graduation classes it last year in the walls of the school. It's time to prepare for the exams and the definition of the future way. Before you there is a difficult task to be and what to do in an adult and independent life.

I hope you will not forget those lessons that gave you in these walls. I believe that memories of these years you have only the best and even after many years after the release you will be happy to remember the school and this time in your life.

Dear friends! Congratulations to all students, parents and employees of the education system with the beginning of the new school year! I wish all the guys of fascinating travel to the world of knowledge and excellent friends for life, parents - living interest in knowledge and success in studying their children, teachers - grateful students And new heights in teaching art. For many on September 1, the new year begins, the new school year. Let it lead to new knowledge and discoveries that will definitely bring success, happiness, good luck and professional growth. Learn and live enthusiastically! Happy New School Year!

Dear guys and colleagues! I want to congratulate you on the beginning of the new school year, Happy Knowledge Day! Today, our most young students are first-graders - first stepped on the threshold of our school. Let it be for them the second home, and the class is a cohesive family. After all, the school is essentially for everyone who learns in it and works, the second family - here will always be supported and help. Let this day be a successful start for the new school year, a symbol of amazing accomplishments and discoveries. Let the school life be for all entertaining and cognitive. Grand success in school, faith in yourself, bright aspirations and professional victories!

So this amazing day came, which after the hot summer collected all the students together again. Each of you spent in my own way interesting summerYou managed to miss each other and, of course, gain the strength that are so necessary for study. I hope this year will be successful for you. For some, he will be the first and unforgettable, for someone - the last and extremely saturated, touching and exciting. In any case, today I sincerely want to congratulate each of you with the first educational day and wish you perseverance, efforts, dedication, patience and success. And finally, I want to wish you never to give up. Whatever insidious life seemed to be able to achieve his own and defend their opinions. Happy Knowledge Day, my dear! The school has already opened its doors and, with the usual rejoicing, awaits you!

Dear our students and respected teachers, welcome you and all those present on this beautiful day. The school reopens its doors to new knowledge and exciting travel, and I want to wish that these wanders be the most unforgettable and, of course, fruitful. I wish you guys, purposefulness, large achievements, excellent indicators, high goals and optimistic attitudes for a new school year. And you, our dear teachers, strong excerpt, a lot of energy, understanding, always good starts and thank you, for your clear mind, good nature and for what you have. And so, I solemnly open a new academic year and in a good way to the country of knowledge.

Happy Knowledge Day, Dear our students, dear parents, wonderful teachers and employees of our school, cute guests of our holiday. Let this year begin with an interesting lesson, with pleasant communication, with a cheerful mood, with merry memories, with good wishes and with joyful smiles. I wish everyone all year to stay at the height of my ideas, dreams, goals and certainly to achieve both small and big victories. Happy holiday, friends!

Happy Knowledge, dear friends. We are all together and ready for new trials and victories, to new aspirations and successes. We are all - big well done: both our children, their parents, and teachers and everyone who helps us in our aspirations. And today I want to wish everyone tireless forces, tireless interest in everything new. Guys, collect important knowledge of the grains and believe, they will be useful to you, parents, support all our children and proud of them, teachers, be an example of endurance and durability for all of us. Let this year for everyone will be successful, memorable only good and kind. Forward - to the knowledge and victories!

Our dear children, our wonderful teachers and all school staff, dear parents and guests of our holiday, I congratulate everyone on the Day of Knowledge. Let this year become for all of us fruitful, let each of us know something new and interesting, let our children be the most talented and successful, may the time spent in the walls of our school do not go out for nothing and gives everyone a good mood and excellent opportunities to show Himself.

Dear teachers, colleagues, parents and our children, today I want to congratulate everyone on the Day of Knowledge. I would like to wish everyone to wish much success and purposefulness, good health And good luck in achieving the goals. Let our children please us with good marks, personal victories, their talents and ingenuity. And the school will make every effort to remember this school year to remember all bright and kind impressions.

Dear students, parents and colleagues, autumn - charming season, but it is especially noteworthy because the knowledge begins. The first call is an exciting holiday. Schoolchildren began for a year older, and teachers are wiser. Remember that a lot of educated person is open in life. Learn and be the best - this is a great contribution to the future. Allow today to congratulate you on the beginning of the school year, and wish incredible joy, success, victories and inspiration in school!

Dear and respected guests of our holiday, from the soul, congratulate everyone on the day of knowledge, with a fun start on a long distance to new knowledge and discoveries. I want to wish everyone to feel confident and support each other in minutes of difficulties. Let our students will be interested in learn, let their parents always have enough time on their purses, let the teachers will easily teach children and lead them to a common success, let everyone manage to achieve something important and grandiose this year.

Dear guys, parents and teachers, congratulations on everyone today with the first study day - Happy Knowledge Day. Let everyone be enough forces and desires to achieve new goals and achieve beneficial affairs. Let the disciples please us with good marks and a wonderful mood. Let the parents show love and provide support to children, and we will try our best to make the knowledge of children to be strong to make their dedication to grow every day that they all succeed.

Good afternoon, dear schoolchildren! Good afternoon, dear teachers! Good afternoon, parents, grandparents!

Today is really kind, since it is connected, perhaps, with the most kind and sunny holiday for all generations - the "Day of Knowledge" and the beginning of the new school year!

Today, schoolchildren of our district will sit today for the parties and will continue difficult, but, of course, a fascinating path to the heights of knowledge.

For the most young Mellenkovsky boys and girls, the school bell sounds for the first time, and it was them that I would like to especially congratulate them. You will find an incredible number of new discoveries and impressions. You have new acquaintances ahead, because school life gives not only knowledge, she gives us friends for life.

And for our graduates today, their final school year began. The most difficult and most important, which will require patience and perseverance on the way to your dream, the implementation of which depends only on you.

We all had a chance to study at school number 1, which is the first not only in its number, but also in spirit, in many results. School has a glorious story worthy of a real and confident future that you form and you. In 2008, the school was assigned the name of our famous countryman Nikolai Petrovich Kamanin, who his talent and work, a burden of knowledge glorified our country and our Melenkovsky region. The school is proud of many of their graduates, among which outstanding engineers, researchers, scientists, military leaders. I am confident that these traditions will continue new generations of graduates. After all, knowledge and intelligence today is not only the basis for choosing each of you your life path, confidence in your future, but also the main strategic resource of our country.

We hopefully look at our youth, which is happy about the year with His successes. But in all its victories and the achievements of the considerable merit of teachers. We say to all teachers and teachers today words of great thanks for the selfless devotion of profession and love for children. Hope, the successes and victories of each student are walking with your talent, professionalism, creativity, spiritual generosity, the ability to wake in each of them the desire for study, to know the new, to thinking and thinking.

Today is special not only for students, but also for their parents, grandparents. How the fate of children, what they grow up - is largely determined by the support of adults. And, probably, the patience that you will simply need it in this difficult way along with your children to achieve the goal.

Time will fly, but on September 1 will always be returned to you, dear guys, bright and warm memories. And let the new school year lead you to new knowledge and discoveries that will definitely bring success, happiness, good luck in your future.

And all the teachers want to wish happiness, health, creative rich life and confidence in their abilities!

Happy New School Year! Good luck!

Congratulatory text for holiday
September 1

Dear friends!

With great pleasure I congratulate all those who gathered on the day of knowledge, from September 1! Behind the long summer vacation, during which we all managed to relax. And now we are ready to start learning and work. Today I would like to wish to schoolchildren easily and with enthusiasm to master new items, to receive new knowledge. Teachers, I wish to treat work with soul and inspiration, because only you are able to light up in students to study, only you can develop the ability to think, analyze, feel, empathize, which is so important in the modern world. I hope that the coming school year will be interesting, rich events, full of new victories and accomplishments - and I suggest to all together to make it that!

Congratulations in prose from the Day of Knowledge from the director

Dear colleagues, dear students, I want to congratulate you on the new school year!

September 1 is a special holiday, the day, when the first school bell is ringing after a long summer break. Pupils over the summer rested and matured, managed to miss teachers and classmates. Teachers visited leave, accumulated a lot interesting ideas For exciting lessons. We all have to reappear into the whirlpool of school life, full of bright events and impressions.

Today I wish all the gathered, so the coming year brought everything intended. Let the plans embody and dreams. Believe in yourself, work hard on the tasks set, do not lose, facing difficulties - and everything will succeed!

Congratulations to a schoolboy from September 1 in prose

Congratulations on September 1! Today is your holiday and thousands of other schoolchildren, and everyone you celebrate the beginning of the new school year together! I wish you in the coming year more excellent marks in the diary and smaller tasks. Let the study be easily given, let the lessons be interesting, let the changes be cheerful. I wish that the new school year brought many amazing discoveries and faithful friends. Do not be afraid of difficulties, believe in yourself, strive to knowledge - and you, I believe, everything will work out!

Congratulations in prose for first-graders and their parents

Dear first graders and their parents! Today I am glad to congratulate you on a wonderful day - the first day of school life! For all you are coming a new life stage, full of amazing discoveries, new impressions, important achievements and victories. I do not hide, future schoolchildren on the way there are quite a few difficulties and obstacles, but we are teachers - will always be there, we will help in solving complex tasks, to send and inspire to achieve. We hope that the years of school life will be happy, will give the light of knowledge, teach goodness and justice.

Congratulations on September 1 for first-graders (prose)

Dear our first-graders! Today your first school day is the first holiday of knowledge! All you are so elegant, solemn.

Of course, you worry, entering new worldYour parents and teachers are worried. Together, we all have a long way - 11 school years. I hope that this path will be light that new friends are waiting for you, good grades, many pleasant, unforgettable minutes.

In school, you will learn to read and write, master foreign languages, get necessary knowledge In mathematics, literature, physics, chemistry and other school subjects, but I want to tell you, this is not the main thing. The most important thing that you can teach the school is the ability to think, independently find solutions to complex tasks, analyze, the ability to sympathize, empathize. I wish you that the first school year, and for him and all the next, was similar to one of the chapters amazing book, full wonders and new discoveries.

Congratulations on September 1, teacher from students (prose)

Dear (name, patronymic), on behalf of the whole class we want to congratulate you on your knowledge day! The new school year begins, and we are confident that there were already a lot interesting materialsSo that our lessons are fascinating. You, (name, patronymic), a wonderful teacher, and we are very lucky that (the name of the subject) we lead exactly. Like no one else, you know how to interest us with the topic being studied, explain the incomprehensible moments. Today, September 1, we wish you the diligent disciples so that your efforts do not disappear for nothing, and always brought generous fruits!

Congratulations on September 1 to the class teacher (comic)

Dear (name, patronymic), congratulating you from the 1st of September, we want to wish you patience so that you often forgive us our trips, optimism so that you believe in infinite features Even the short-circuited "triples", good mood so that they could not spoil our "twos", more interesting events in life so that you may have once been to call our parents. And seriously, we wish you good health so that you never have to cancel lessons, exemplary disciples, so that your works and knowledge do not disappear in vain, and, of course, growth wagesSo that you never wanted to leave school!

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge Pupils from the teacher

My beloved 5 "A"! I sincerely congratulate all of you from September 1 - the Day of Knowledge! Today I want to wish you that the coming year brought a lot of new knowledge, skills and skills, so that your school friendship is for strong, so that the relationship between you and teachers is well. Let the school become a place for you, where you will be interested to spend time, where you will become smarter, stronger and spirit, and body, tolerant - in a word, to become better in all respects!

Congratulations in prose students from September 1 from the class teacher

My dear, my favorite pupils, I am very glad to see you after a long summer break. I hope that you have been well restful for the holidays, they got strength and managed to miss school. I wish you in this academic year to receive only the "four" and "fives", be active, strive for knowledge, do not quarrel with each other, do not walk the lessons. Let this school year be wondering and will be fruitful.

Wishes to schoolboy for the Day of Knowledge (Cool)

Today, the day for you is not very joyful, but nevertheless, I congratulate you with him! I understand that you are sad, because the holidays are over, because again it will have to wake up any light every morning, because free time will be quite a bit. You are waiting for dull lessons and boring homework ... But look at it on the other hand! Lessons can be striking, homework can always write off someone, over the unloved teacher, you can be angry with chalk chair or putting the button ... I certainly do not advise you anything, but you can dream!

Other texts of congratulations in prose from September 1