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Book: Victor Golowkin "Amazing children. Stories Golavkin. Victor Golowkin Amazing Children

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Viktor Golavkin
Amazing children

© Golowkin V. V., Heirs, Text, Pictures, 1972

© design. JSC "Publishing House" Children's Literature ", 2017

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You come to us come


Love lake.

The sun went beyond the trees.

Camers are calm.

All lake in black screenshots. These are boats, and in them fishermen.

Run to the road of the calf, become in a row and look at us.

Two dogs sit and look at us.

Boy run to us.

Our truck raised a lot of dust, and she cares gradually.

I see the village, Forest, Lake.

From the house there is a master with a beard, in the old marine cap.

"Wanted to the residents," he says, "the evening that it is necessary, the fish is caught, the wind is not, sniffing the air, smell ... - He sniffs loudly air. Shakes all your hands.

- Many dust, "Mom says," a lot of dust is terribly!

"So this is your dust," says the owner.

"You have a dusty road," says Mom.

- And what's the air!

More and more darkens.

Our house is the upper rooms.

My mother and I carry our things.

I climb the stairs and all the time smeared the air.

"It is a pity that the father did not give a vacation," says Mom.

- Such air! - I say.

My mom with a new room.

"Here we will live in summer," says Mom.


I washed under the staircase from the washbasin, and the owner of Matvey Savelich stood next to me:

- Lei, Lei! All the water is enough, but not enough - I'll take it from the well, what's the matter!

I am mighty lil.

- Well, how? Okay? Washing, waso! Water is good! I have a very good well. Spent himself. Kopal himself. Only yamchikov such a well yes I have. And others really have the wells?

- And what about others?

- And you look.

- I'll see ...

- And go. And Take Mom.

... and what morning!

The sun rose due to the lake. And again, everything lake was in the screenshots. And in the middle of the lake, a silver band. From the sun. The trees slightly swayed, and the band on the lake became winding. A pioneer horn played very night.

"Who has water, and from whom Burda," said Matvey Savelich.

I went out for the gate.

Behind Kalito

Behind the gate stood baby and cried. And next to him stood grandmother.

Baby repeated:

- I want a corpal!

"There is no corpal", "Grandma answered.

- Let's the Chat! - Oral kid.

- What is this scarlet? - I asked.

The kid looked at me and said:

- Let's the Chat!

- Are you not seeing, Misha, that he does not have a crap? - said Grandma.

He looked at me again.

I showed him my hands - right, they say, I have no crap.

He fell silent. Then shouted:

- Let's the Chat!

"Lord," grandma sighed, "the little light got up to get up. Take him to tell him once: "I'll buy you, Misha, Crane, if you eat a chicken." And what is this scarlet, I do not know. Just told him so that he was a chicken. It seems to be in some fairy tale, I read him about this corpallet. Well, he ate chicken and now he says: "Let's now the Chat!" And where did I get it from? And what is this body, and what kind of science is this, this very scarlet ... and the boats show him, and the firewood, and the bumps, and what I only show him, and he knows about the "Crapal" ...

I say:

- I saw somewhere, sold a toy excavator in the store. Six rubles seem to be. That would be such an excavator to buy him for the fact that he has eaten a chicken ...

Grandma was delighted and says:

- It is necessary to say the Father to buy him to bother him, thank you very much, I don't even know how to thank ...

- What are you, - I say - what are the trifles, I just saw this crap, if I'm not mistaken, on the casting avenue, in one showcase of some kind of children's store; Curious, I think the thing would be for kids. I myself came out of this age ...

"I'll certainly tell my father," says Grandma, "I will certainly share my father's father about it ... He will not regret his son, and he will not save me from this shaped torment. Come to us, we are opposite, thank you, son ...

She left satisfied, and I began to think, who would also meet me. With some boys would meet. That's right now I met them ...

Lived in the village.

I went, walked, went home, had breakfast and again came out for the gate.

On the lake

Oral kid. Asked the Clap.

If he all the time will ask the crankhip, you can go crazy. How they suffer! Bought him some kind of crap or would not promise him at all ...

I descended to the lake, and the baby was no longer heard.

Water cow drank.

I was bored.

Is it really that way I will walk every day on the village yes along the lake, and then what? Of course, I can swim, someone will slide me on the boat, and fish catch yourself, please, how much do you want, all this is. But there must be some friends, don't have any friends, I can't ...

But where to take them?

I can not like them like this, immediately, take and find.

Suddenly, I saw this boy and was terribly delighted. He stood in the reeds, and at first I did not understand what he was standing there, and then I understood: he catches fish there.

The fishing rod had a longer, I first saw the fishing rod, and then him.

I sat on the grass and watch. With me, he caught two fish. I at first could not understand where he was putting them, and then I understood: he puts them for the sinus!

He caught third fish and too - for the sinus. I immediately imagined how much he had the sinus of these fish, how they jump there and tick him the belly.

That is why he was very much and pushed!

I sat and waited when he graduated from catching, will come out of his reeds and show me fish.

But he caught everything.

I called it.

No, he did not hear me or he did not want to hear me. He stood for me sideways, and I saw his outflowed T-shirt with fish, his some kind of harsh face in freckles, and again I became bored.

He was so busy with his fish!

He probably may still stand in the water with his fishing rod, without seeing anything, do not hear ...

Gun guys with a ball.

I would beat them with pleasure, but you just think if I suddenly run after them?

I wake up. I went along the shore.

And this one! To me too! Fisherman! I would never have stuffed a sinus. Is the real fisherman for the sinus of fish stuffed? And not responding!

In the woods

I turned into the forest.

How suddenly the boy jumps out of the tree, grabs me for the sleeve and shouts:

I first frightened a little: strange all the same. And then - nothing, I see - it stands and breathes hard, as if fled to a long time.

- What are you, - I say, - do you touch me?

- And who are you? - He speaks. - What, you can not touch you?

- And who are you? - I ask.

- Yes, who are you crazy or who? - It tells me.

- That's you, - I say, - Crazy, it can be seen everything: it suddenly jumps away from anyone, touch ...

- What are you what! - He speaks. - And how will I tear off your epaulets? Or have you already broken them?

- What are the epaulets? - If he really escaped from any crazy house? Take yeah bit, but you never know what ...

And he yells:

- Yes, what did you fall from the moon?

- Which of us from the moon fell apart, it is still unknown, most likely it fell from the moon ...

He slapped his hands, jumped up and how tormenting:

- ha! Here is a fruit!

"Well," I think, "no other way. Poured crazy! " I see him on the shoulders on the leaves. Normal man, you know yourself, with no one with this will not be chained on my shoulders ... How would it be calmly leave him? ..

- You tell me, I stained you? Will you then say that I did not stain you?

- What? - I say.

He slapped his hands again, jumped and how tormenting:

- ha! Here is a fruit!

I wanted to escape. I was moved away from him all the time, and he moved to me. I even got scared. Especially he repeated:

- Do not say then that I did not stain you ...

I wondered how to escape, but here suddenly jump out a few of the same crazy, and this crazy yell:

- Grab him guys!

These new crazy stopped, and one says:

- Yes, this is not our guys!

"Not enough," I think, "yours" to be! " It lack it yet! But at the same time, if they do not recognize me, you never know what to come to mind ... They wanted to grab me ... "

One says:

- The fact of the matter is that not ours. Our would be - so there would be enough it would be enough!

I strained and say:

- I am yours guys ...

One of the crazy says:

- See guys, so as not to escape, he is stuck like a fool ...

- And if you are ours, so what did you immediately say then?

"And you," say, "I did not ask me, I did not say. I never say anything if you do not ask me. I have such a habit ... when I do not ask me in the class ...

One of them says:

- You throw us here about your class tell, you better tell us, white you or blue?

Another says:

- What are you guys, you don't see, he is not from our camp, he still has a pursuit!

That first crazy says:

- How is not ours? Are you not camp?

- From what camp?

- From the pioneer, they say, from what else!

Here only I guessed that this game was going on and they accepted me for the enemy. They also understood that the misunderstanding happened, and we began to laugh.

My first friend says:

- I stained him, and he snaps. "What would it, - I think," he snaps, dishonestly playing? .. "And he, it turns out, does not play at all ...

"And I thought you were crazy," I say.

They did not like it, they stopped laughing.

"Now I don't think," I say, "I thought I thought."

Again began to laugh, arguing about this, what are the crazy and so on, and my first friend says:

- You excuse me, so it turned out. Let's get acquainted: I'm sled to call me.

"Come on," I say, "we will get acquainted. I'm lyal to call ...

- Are you true or kidding?

- The name is, of course, Girl, - I say, - I know, and you also know, and everyone knows, just not I am guilty that my parents are called Lyalka ...

They all sympathetically silent and nodded with their heads, as if there was some misfortune with me, and I continued:

"My mother went and called me Ruslan, and my father I heard, began to scandal: he wanted me to call me Sasha, in honor of his brother, the Hero of the Civil War. "Will not suffer," says, "so that my son is the name of the name! Lacks still to be called His Rudgei ... "Mom says he says that this is an old, epic, so father completely divided. "Some dopup names," says, no modernity and far from the revolution; In this case, we called him Lyalka, and we will call. "

Sanka says:

- Erunda, think! Nothing in this terrible, I think there is no. Worse when you grow up. For example, you will become Marshal ... How can I be called a Lyalka - I don't have an idea ...

- Yes, I, maybe Marshal and I will not ... - I say. - And if I am Marshal - Ruslan will call ...

"Yes, you don't worry," they say the guys, "the nerves did not tremble because of this.

One says:

- If everyone is a marshal, then we only have marshals on the streets ... not so it's just ...

But, in general, they all treated me very sympathetically.

Only one, with such a long nose, says:

- He's great, it still flutters, this guy! He has a tongue as a mill, even his relative, hero, managed to lose interest ...

At this time, some sink sounds rang out in the forest, and everyone ran to this sound, only Sanka remained.

- Yes, she is for hell, "says," this war! If the real war was, and then the game ...

We slowly went, and he said:

- Let me call you a roller. Two letters throw. And that's it. And they put others in place. A completely different name will be. What are some two letters meaning!

I agreed that two letters really do not have any meaning, and even delighted that everything came out. I always have some ridicule and trouble with my name. Each in the world needed to tell and explain how this was called me by the virgin name. Here you, please, "Trepach" called me - completely nothing for anything! .. And how no one guessed me before the roller call! All these huge difficulties would disappear. No need to explain anything to anyone and tell. After all, after all, it was only necessary to take two first letters and the two others put ... what his wonderful head, honestly!

Of course, I could come up with that, and my parents, but neither I nor my parents did not come up with it!

We passed a little, Sanka laughed and says:

- With these names, a lot of nonsense occurs. I remember such a story. Oh and the story! Imagine, in our yard Red Sanya, I am Sanka and Kopylov. Three Sanki. And the courtyard one. For example, I call Sanka Red, and kopylov responds. Or my name is Sanka Redhead, and I think Kopylov is called. Once I called the sank of red, red. So that he knew that his name was, not the other. So red Sanya was offended. And Kopylov can not call the hoof. Offended too. "For what, then, - says, - I'm Sanka? Not so that I was called the hoof. And in order to keep me sump ... "

- Well, what did you do? - I ask.

"I didn't do anything," Sanka says, "they lived ...


"We only recently arrived," Sanka told on the road, "So I still know everyone, so I caught you ..."

I was glad that he caught me, after all, after all, I found my friend myself, and that he first scared me, it doesn't matter.

"That's good that I caught," I say.

We approached him to the goal of the camp, and he pushed me slightly so that I would not be shy. He told me before that that the head of the camp "In War", and the eldest pioneer-vacant, too, so be afraid of no one.

I wanted to go to the gate, but the clocks with my sticks, at the ends of which were flags, tanned the road.

Sanka how to shout on them:

- Yes, you did not recognize yours? Why did you put here - it is not clear!

They only spread their hands and stood up.

This is Sanka! Deftly found, you will not say anything!

"I told you," said Sanka, "no one else knows each other here." So you can be calm on this. The day after two, of course, it will be more difficult. And now ... - He sustained, - Step after me!

- And you can lunch, no one will know? - I asked.

"It's more difficult here," he said, "Did you have anything, wanted?"

- Well no. I'm just so ...

- Yes, throw you shy, walk for me!

I all assured it that he ate recently, and he did not want to listen to me.

I stayed near the kitchen, and he went straight into the kitchen. It turns out with the cook, and in his hand he has a cabbage knocker.

"Legsy," says, "so Hungry does not go."

"Yes, I'm not hungry," I say.

- Yes, you are herrzya, what you break. - And I fuss this narch. Yes, I really did not want her.

- Sherozy, hernia, - says the cook, - and there will be little, come for a new narry.

Sanka joyfully says:

- They have narch there - apparently invisible!

And the cook draws:

"New, you see, just arrived, got a little, but I want a child," and I blinks me so that I was silent. "

- You are! - Says the cook. - Maybe you cut the cutlet?

The cook went for the kitlet, and I shouted to him, that I don't need any cutlets, but he still made me bread from the cutlet and left, because his porridge could burn.

- Familiar? - I asked.

- And how! Family! He gave the cutlet. You give me half a half.

I wanted to give him everything, and he took half, bit off and says:

- Delicious cutlet!

I also became there, and I also liked the cutlet.

He is full of her mouth with a cutlet stuffed and says:

"You're not like ... Let's go ... I'll ask you to ask ... we are two, let's say, and I gave us one ... You know, what proverbs came up with? "The one who eats a lot will never go to that light."

- Yes, well, you do not need me no boiler!

- How so - do not need? Two people are eating one cutlet - this is the same unityless!

I did not have time to look back, as he dragged another cutlet. I did not want to take half from him, so he just forced her forcibly and repeated her proverb.

"And you can always come for barers," said Sanka, waiting for the kitlet.

"I don't need narkeys," I said. - I can't stand these bars!

"Well, no need to do that," said Sanka. He sighed. - I understand, I never know when I washed, everything, it is, while the belly, like the ball, does not inflate.

A cook with a bucket of numors was released.

- Maybe you are shy, guys, so you guys, please feel free to take, take the bash!

I retreated back and say:

- No, no, we do not hesitate ...

"You cite you there, let them come for bars," he said.

"War will end," said Sanka, "they will take."

"I would rather end it," said the cook, "and then there are nothing in vain here."

He went with his noras, and we went on the camp. Sanka as the owner wanted me the whole camp show.

"If you are needed to be needed, you can come to coming around them," Sanka said.

"Not really I love them," I said.

"I love them," said Sanka.

- Why didn't you eat a bucket with him?

- How can I eat so much?

"Night would never go to that light," I said.

"I will not go so," he said.

In the camp

We walked around the camps, and Sanka said:

- How to talk with people - I know. I have a talent on it, I say everything that I have a talent with people talk. And you have this talent, apparently no, so you are better shattered when I'm talking about people.

He really sounded with people.

- ... We have a good camp, in vain you still live in a particular way ...

"These are all parents who came up," I said.

- And what do you not have words? I would take and said: they say, so, send, they say, I don't want to live in a pioneer camp, I say, I want to live in a particular way, but I want to be sent with a team ... they would love you with pleasure, you are probably tired With your stuffs ...

- What kind of things?

- How do I know what? Each child gets different things, what do you say, do not get out of anything?

I did not know what to answer him, because I really fought something.

- And parents are good, and you feel good.

- If so good, what then did they not send me?

- Yes, you yourself do not see what is good?

- I must have your head.

- What, my parents do not have?

- Yes, you do not touch parents! - he said. - What do you touch your parents? This is your parents!

- That you touch, not me!

He jumped, slapped his hands and shouted:

- ha! Here is a fruit!

- What are you talking to me like that? - I say.

- It's you talk to me like that, you don't know how to talk with people!

I remembered how he was nice to talk to people, and it seemed to me that it was to blame for me.

- Yes, you leave, Valka, "he said," you have a new one now, you have nothing to grow nerves, and there is nothing to argue with me, since I have a real talent for it ...

"You just don't know my father," I said, "he has a wonderful head!

"And I have no father," said Sanka suddenly.

- And mother?

- Also no.

- Who do you live with then?

"I live with my aids," he said.

I somehow became embarrassed that I started all this conversation about my father and mother, especially since he my head, probably, I had, and not father.

We went to the pioneer room, and Sanka showed me a detachment diary, where he wrote:

"From the tenth number, our wonderful life in the camp began. We waited a long time when this wonderful life starts, and here we were brought in buses, and it began. Hooray! This day came! .. "

He drove me and showed everything.

In the mug "skillful hands" stood yachts, shestbots, toys made by guys. Different embroidery made by girls, different shelves, publisy. There were many wonderful drawings. And there was a round ball made of wood. Sanka said that this ball was filled out of a huge piece of wood, and this is what he is interested. The most difficult thing, probably, was to make this ball. Such a smooth, round, only no one knows that he is from such a huge piece of wood. If Sanka did not say to me, I would not know about it. Some kind of skim next to the ball would be knocked out, and on the table wrote that this ball is turned out of a huge piece of wood ...

There were: chisels, jigsaws, rolled, pliers, pinks - all these tools were attached to large shields, and under each tool plate titled. I strained straight eyes, looking at these tools.

There were still many different wonderful things there, even dolls for the puppet theater. These dolls, it turned out, also made the guys themselves.

- What did it not be sent me to the camp - I can't understand! - I said.

And immediately scared that he again will begin to spread about my head, that in everything the head is to blame, and I say:

- I did not know, and they did not send ...

- Where was your head? - says Sanka.

"Nowhere," I say, "I didn't, what's your business!"

He laughed and more about my head did not spread.

We went to the club. He got to the scene and shouted:

- Presentation begins! - And began to be shifted, jump and such build faces that I even shook. He raised a lot of dust, but everything continued to dance and build faces, until he was tired, and then jumped down and said:

- Probably, I'll still be an artist ...

We went to the air.

The camp included "troops". Billed drum. And ahead carried a banner.

Someone shouted:

- Look! Hehe! The chatter in our camp appeared!

And I saw a long-term. Which there in the forest, said that my language, like a mill, fluttering ...

Everyone was running around the camp, and this boy ran to me.

"Boltun," says, "again here!"

Thille thinking, I grabbed him for the shirt, and he grabbed me for his shirt. And we rolled along the grass together.

Sanka rushed to distribute us, but we clung to each other in the shirts.

Somehow spread out.

And here we are in front of each other in your torn shirts, and around us almost the entire camp stands.

Some girl says:

- Whose is a child?

All are silent.

It turns out that I am absolutely anything here, and then she shouts:

- How could this boy get here?

Everyone is silent again, and then she already says quieter:

- How is this child here?

My friend's friend comes forward, having talent to talk with people, and says:

- Comrade senior pioneer! This is a roller. This I brought him to our camp. What is this here?

- How is that? - indignant is indignant. - Do you think there is nothing like that? Came from the street and still sticks?!

Sanka (He's great to talk with people!) It is calmly answered:

- In my opinion, there is nothing like that. Especially he was teased.

- Or maybe he has an infection? - Says the counselor.

"There is no infection," says Sanka.

- Where can you know if he has an infection or not?

"I see," says Sanka.

"You see nothing," says the council. - Any extraneous may have an infection!

Then I said:

- I have no infection!

- That is still unknown!

"And you," said the counselor of Sanka, "just a resting pioneer, and lead yourself as if you are the head of the camp."

And here Sanka, so cool to talk with people, suddenly wept.

The camp head appeared. He looked at my appearance, took me by the hand and, not saying a word, just frowning, led me out of the gate.

- Do not let out of foreign one! He told the clocks.

Made and sent Kaidalov Anatoly.

Who is amazing 4
In the cabinet 6.
It turned out not good
Singing Katya 14.
Friends 16.
Smoked boy 18.
Bird 20.

Who is surprising

Tanka is not surprised. She always says: "This is not surprising!", Even if it happens and amazing. Yesterday I joined everyone in my eyes through such a puddle ... no one could jump, and I jumped out! Everyone was surprised, except Tanya:
- Think! So what? That's not surprising!
I tried everything to surprise her. But I could not surprise. How much I tried. I got from the slingshot in the groove. He learned to walk in his arms, whistling with one finger in the mouth. She saw all this. But not surprised.
I tried my best. What I just did not do! She climbed on the trees, walked without a hat in winter ...
She was not surprised.
And once I just went out with a book into the courtyard. Sat on a shop. And began to read.
I did not even see the tank. And she says:
- Amazing! That would not think! He reads!


Before the lesson, I climbed into the closet. I wanted to smoke from the closet. Think cat, and this is me.
I was sitting in the closet, I waited for the beginning of the lesson and did not notice myself, as fell asleep.
I wake up - in the class quietly. I look in the pitch - no one. Pushed the door, and it is closed. So I spent the whole lesson. Everyone went home, and I was locked in the closet.
Stuffy in the closet and dark as at night. I became scary, I began to shout: - Uh-uh! I'm in the closet! Help!
Listening - silence around.
I'm again:
- ABOUT! Comrades! I'm sitting in the closet! I hear someone's steps. Someone goes.
- Who is the Gorlada here?
I immediately recognized the aunt Nyusha, a cleaner.
I was delighted, shouting:
- Aunt Nyusha, I'm here!
- Where are you, breeding?
- I'm in the closet! In the closet!
- How are you, cute, climbed there?
- I'm in the closet, granny!
- So I hear that you are in the closet. So what do you want?
- I was locked in the closet. Oh, granny! Nyusha left. Silence again. Probably gone for the key.
Again steps. I hear the voice fell Palycha. Fal Palch - our heads ...
Pal Palych knocked in a wardrobe.
"There is no one there," said Pal Palych.
- How not. There is, - Tyu Nyusha said.
- Well, where is he? Said Pal Palych and knocked again on the closet.
I was afraid that everyone would go away, I will stay in the closet, and shouted myself with my best:
- I'm here!
- Who are you? - asked Pal Palych.
- I am a chick ...
- Why did you climb there, Tsapkin?
- I locked me ... I did not get climbed ...
- GM ... it was locked! And he did not climb! Have you seen? What wizards in our school! They do not climb into the closet, while they are locked in the closet. Miracles do not happen, do you hear chicks?
- I hear ...
- Have you been sitting there for a long time? - asked Pal Palych.
- I do not know...
"Find the key," said Pal Palych. - Fast.
Aunt Nyusha went beyond the key, and Pal Palych remained. He sat down next to the chair and waited. I saw his face through the cloth. He was very angry. He lit and said:
- Well! That's what the prank comes! You honestly tell me why are you in the closet?
I really wanted to disappear from the closet. Will open the closet, and there is no me there. As if I was not there. I will ask me: "You were in the closet?" I will say: "Not". I will say: "And who was there?" I will say: "I don't know."
But after all, only in fairy tales! Surely mom will call tomorrow ... Your son, they will say, got into the closet, all the lessons slept there, and all that ... as if it was comfortable to sleep here! Feet lomit, spin hurts. One torment! What was me to answer? I was silent.
- Are you alive there? - asked Pal Palych.
- Alive...
- Well, sit, soon open ...
- I am sitting...
"So ..." said Pal Palych. - So you answer me, why did you climb into this wardrobe?
I was silent.
Suddenly I heard the voice of the director. He walked along the corridor:
- Who? Chick? In the closet? Why?
I again wanted to disappear.
The director asked:
- Tsapkin, are you?
I sighed hard. I just could not answer.
Aunt Nyusha said:
- The key passed the class headman.
"Hack the door," said the director.
I felt the door broke, -
The wardrobe shook, I hit my forehead hurt. I was afraid that the wardrobe would fall, and I cried. Hands stood in the walls of the cabinet, and when the door succumbed and opened, I continued to stand in the same way.
"Well, come out," said the director. - And explain to us what it means.
I did not move away. I was scared.
- Why is it worth? - asked director.
I was pulled out of the closet.
I was silent all the time.
I did not know what to say.
I wanted after all meak. But how I would say about it ...

It's not good

Before the lesson, the guys built a pair. Tanya - duty - checked by all his hands, ears: clean?
And Vova hid at the desk. And sits, as if it is not visible. Tanya shouts to him:
- Vova, go to show your ears. Do not hide!
And he does not seem to hear. Sits under the desk, it does not move.
Tanya again to him:
- Vova, well! Show your ears and hands!
And he again not a word.
When Tanya checked all, she went to the desk, where Vova hid, and says:
- Well, get up! How not ashamed! I had to get out of the parties. Tanya screamed: "Oh!" - and backed up. Vova was all in ink - face, hands,
Even clothes.
And he says:
- I have a little dirty hand. And ink I just shed. When climbed under the desk.
That's how it's not good!

Singing Katya

In our apartment Katya lives. She is a panty. If he is heard from the corridor of the song - it sings Katya from fear. It is afraid of darkness. She can not light light in the corridor and sings songs, so that it was not scary.
I'm not afraid of darkness anything. What should I be afraid of darkness! I generally do not fear anyone. Who can I be afraid of? I am surprised at someone who is afraid. For example, Petya. I told Kate about Petya.
We lived in the tents in summer. Right in the forest.
Somehow, Petka was gone for water. Suddenly suddenly without bucket and shouts:
- Oh, guys, there is damn with horns!
They went looked, and this is a stump. From the stump branches stick out like horns.
We laughed all evening over Petka. Until they fell asleep.
In the morning I took Petya Ax, I went to the root torture. Looking, looking for - can't
to find. Stumps a lot. And that stump, that the hell looks like, there is no name. In the dark, the stump was similar to hell. And during the day he is not at all like a hell. It is impossible to distinguish it from others.
Laughing guys:
- Why do you need a stump to harvest?
"How so," Petya replies, "because I'll get scared again at night."
The guys say to him:
- What are you doing what. All these stumps feed. Among them will certainly be the stump. And go yourself boldly.
Looo looks at stumps. Many stumps. Pieces one hundred. And maybe two hundred. Try all feed!
Waved Petya with his hand on the stump. Let stand. Stumps are not devils.
I listened to Katya's story about Petya. Laughs:
- Oh, what Petya is funny!


Andryusha and Slavik Friends.
They do everything together. When Andryusha fell from the veranda, Slavik also wanted to fall from the veranda to prove that he is a true friend.
When Slavik went instead of school in a movie, then Andryusha then was with him together.
And when they brought a cat in class and the teacher asked who of them did it, Andryusha said:
- This is Slavik made.
And Slavik said:
- This is all Andryusha ...

Doodle boy

This boy was so floating that it was impossible to look at him without laughter. On top of all he was wrapped in a big woolen handkerchief. Only nose and two eyes stuck out of a solid club of clothing.
- How do you skate? - I asked.
- No.
- And do not ride skiing?
- I do not ride.
- So you stand at the wall without moving?
- Why should I move?
- So you would be better at home.
- I went out to breathe.
- Teach you skating ride?
- Do not.
- Do you interfere with you? So you are undressed.
- I will be cold.
- Skates cold does not happen.
- I and so warm.
- Here is the crank! Well, standing near the wall, only funny look at you. How stuffed.
- You yourself are scarecrow.
- That's you, brother, stuffed.
- And here is not.
- How no, when you are funny!
- Do not dare laugh, I'm knocking you!
- How do you knock out? It's impossible to raise your hand.
I ran to ride.
The smoke boy was very offended, ran after me, but now fell. He got up, took a step and fell again.
- Put it at the wall, "said someone," and then he will fall so much.


I went out on change to the courtyard. Wonderful weather. There is no wind. There is no rain. No snow. Only the sun shines.
Suddenly I see, a cat sneaks somewhere. Where, I think the cat is stealing? It became curious to me. And I walked carefully for the cat. Suddenly the cat jump - and I look: she has a bird's teeth. Practice. I walk a cat behind the tail and hold.
"And well, give the bird! - shout. - Now give! "
Let the cat released a bird - and run.
I brought the bird to the class.
She is cut off her tail.
Everyone surrounded me, shout:
- Look, bird! Living bird!
Teacher says:
- Cats of birds for the throat are enough. And here lucky your bird. Cat her only damaged the tail.
They ask me to hold. But I did not give her anyone. Birds do not like when they are kept.
I put a bird on the windowsill. Wrapped, but the birds are not. Guys shout: "Catch! Catch! "
Blizzard flew away.
But I did not burn. After all, I saved her. And this is the most important thing.

The main characters of the story of Viktor Golowkin "Who is surprising" - a boy, on behalf of which a story and a girl named Tanya. The story hero was trying in every way to surprise Tanya, but it was very difficult to do. Tanya never wondered.

The boy jumped through the puddles that no one could jump out, shot out of slingshot, whistled, climbed on the trees and walked in winter without a hat. But Tanya was not surprised by anything.

But when the hero of the story decided to go into the courtyard and just read the book on a bench, even without thinking to surprise Tanya, she was very surprised for some reason. Tanya said that he could not imagine that the main character of the story reads.

This is a summary of the story.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story of Golowkina "Who is surprising" is that all people are different; And what seems surprising to one, completely does not surprise the other. The story hero made great efforts to surprise Tanya, and it turned out that it was necessary to just read the book.

The story teaches to be attentive to people to understand that they are interested, and what - no.

In the story I liked the protagonist, which was very persistent in the desire to surprise Tanya. And at the end of the story, he, even if she accidentally managed to achieve the goal. Interesting and girl Tanya, which, as it turned out, could be surprised by a good, useful occupation - reading. Tanya understands that a person who is fond of books, inquisitive, interesting person.

What proverbs are suitable for the story of Golavkin "Who is amazing"?

People do not surprise, even if you die.
What will take, will achieve, it will achieve.
Reading - Here is the best lesson!
All good in me I owe books.

Viktor Golavkin's stories are funny and interesting stories from the life of children who took place with them at school and at home.

Stories for reading in elementary school.

Victor Golavkin. Reluctance all the time on foot walk

Reluctant to walk on foot all the time.

I clutched from behind to the truck and food. Here is the school behind the turn. Just suddenly a truck quickly went. As if on purpose, so I do not tear. School has already drove. I already have my hands to keep tired. And the legs completely crushed. What if he will rush so much an hour?

I had to climb into the body. And in the body chalk was some kind of messenger. I fell into this chalk. Such dust rose that I almost suffocate. Singing squatting. Beyond the car hold on with hands. Shakes himself! I'm afraid, the driver will notice me - after all, there is a back in the cabin. But then I understood: he will not see me - it's hard to see me in such dust.

Already outside the city left where new houses are built. Here the car stopped. I immediately jumped up - and run.

I also wanted to go to school, despite such an unexpected turn of the case.

On the street everyone looked at me. Even a finger showed. Because I was all white. One boy said:

- That's great! I understand it!

And one girl was small asked:

- Are you a real boy?

Then the dog almost bites me ...

I do not remember how much I went on foot. Just for school when it was approached, all of the school had already come out.

Victor Golavkin. Habit

We did not have time to come to Pioneerlagen, and already a quiet hour! I do not want to sleep a man - so no, they want to want you! As if a little sleep at night - then I'll sleep. There would be a swim in the sea here - so there is no, lying, and even the eyes close. The book and then read it is impossible. I began to kill a little heard. Sang, sang and fell asleep. I think for dinner: "Yeah, here it is: to fall asleep, you need to sing something. Otherwise, I will not sleep. "

On another day, I as soon as Løge, so now quietly and soldered. I didn't even notice myself how it became so loudly singing that our leader Victor came running.

- What is this singer?

I answer him:

"I can't sleep differently, that's why I sang."

He says:

- And if everyone is drunk, then what will happen?

"Nothing," I say, "will not.

- Then the solid singing will be, not a dream.

- Or maybe then everything will fall asleep?

- You do not invent nonsense, but close your eyes and sleep.

- I can not sleep without a song, I will not close my eyes without this.

"Close," says, "you will see."

- No, do not close, I know myself.

- All the guys are closed, and why don't you get closed?

- Because I'm so accustomed.

- And you try not out loud, but about yourself. Then it's even more likely to sleep and do not wake comrades.

I became singing about myself, sang different songs and fell asleep.

The next day we went to the sea. Swimmed, playing different games. Then they worked on the vineyard. And before bedtime I forgot to sing the song. Somehow immediately fell asleep. Completely suddenly. Quite unexpected.


Victor Golavkin. How I wrote poems

I am somehow pioneer in the pioneer and in the tact that it fell. I notice - it turns out in rhyme. Here, I think the news!

Talent has opened. I ran to the editor of the wall newspaper.

Zhenka editor came to delight.

- Wonderful that you became a poet! Write and not commemorated.

I wrote a poem about the Sun:

Sun races ray

Into my head.

Eh, good

My head!

- Today it rains in the morning, "said Zhenka," and you write about the sun. " Rises laughter and all that. Write about the rain. They say, it does not matter that rain, we are still vigorous and all that.

I began to write about the rain. True, it did not work for a long time, but finally it turned out:

Raining rains

Into my head.

Eh, good

My head!

"It's not lucky," says Zhenka, "the rain ended - that's the trouble! And the sun has not yet thought.

I sat down about the average weather. Also did not immediately come out, and then it came out:

Nothing pour

Into my head.

Eh, good

My head!

Zhenka-editor tells me: - Look, the sun appeared again.

Then I immediately understood what it was, and the other day I brought such a poem:

Sun races ray

On my head

Raining rains

On my head

Nothing pour

Into my head.

Oh, good my head!

Victor Golavkin. The skates did not bought in vain

I did not know how to skate. And they lay in the attic. And probably rust.

I really wanted to learn how to ride. In our yard, everyone knows how to ride. Even the little Schuric can. I was ashamed to go out with skates. Everyone will laugh. Let the skates rust better!

Once dad told me:

- Skates I bought you in vain!

And it was fair. I took the skates, put on them and went to the courtyard. The rink was full. Someone laughed.

"Begins!" - I thought.

But nothing began. I have not noticed yet. I went to the ice and fell on my back.

"Now it will begin," I thought.

With difficulty rose. It was hard for me to stand on ice. I did not move away. But the most amazing thing was that no one laughed absolutely, did not show my finger at me, but, on the contrary, Masha Koshkina ran to me and said:

- Give me your hand!

And although I fell two more times, but I was still satisfied. And I told Masha Koshkina:

- Thank you, Masha! You taught me to ride.

And she said:

- Oh, that you, that you, I just kept you by hand.

Victor Golavkin. In the closet

Before the lesson, I climbed into the closet. I wanted to smoke from the closet. Think, the cat, and this is me.

I was sitting in the closet, I waited for the beginning of the lesson and did not notice myself, as fell asleep.

I wake up - in the class quietly. I look in the pitch - no one. Pushed the door, and it is closed. So I spent the whole lesson. Everyone went home, and I was locked in the closet.

Stuffy in the closet and dark as at night. I became scary, I began to shout:

- Uh-uh! I'm in the closet! Help! Listening - silence around. I'm again:

- ABOUT! Comrades! I'm sitting in the closet! I hear someone's steps. Someone goes.

- Who is the Gorlada here?

I immediately recognized the aunt Nyusha, a cleaner. I was delighted, shouting:

- Aunt Nyusha, I'm here!

- Where are you, breeding?

- I'm in the closet! In the closet!

- How are you, cute, climbed there?

- I'm in the closet, granny!

- So I hear that you are in the closet. So what do you want?

- I was locked in the closet. Oh, granny!

Nyusha left. Silence again. Probably gone for the key.

Pal Palych knocked in a wardrobe.

"There is no one there," said Pal Palych.

- How not. There is, - Tyu Nyusha said.

- Well, where is he? Said Pal Palych and knocked again on the closet.

I was afraid that everyone would go away, I will stay in the closet, and shouted myself with my best:

- I'm here!

- Who are you? - asked Pal Palych.

- I ... Chick ...

- Why did you climb there, Tsapkin?

- I locked me ... I did not get climbed ...

- GM ... it was locked! And he did not climb! Have you seen? What wizards in our school! They do not climb into the closet, while they are locked in the closet. Miracles do not happen, do you hear chicks?

- I hear ...

- Have you been sitting there for a long time? - asked Pal Palych.

- I do not know...

"Find the key," said Pal Palych. - Fast.

Aunt Nyusha went beyond the key, and Pal Palych remained. He sat down next to the chair and waited. I saw his face through the cloth. He was very angry. He lit and said:

- Well! That is what he tries a prank. You honestly tell me: why are you in the closet?

I really wanted to disappear from the cabinet. Will open the closet, and there is no me there. As if I was not there. I will be asked: "Have you been in the closet?" I will say: "Not". I will say: "And who was there?" I will say: "I don't know."

But after all, only in fairy tales! Surely mom will call tomorrow ... Your son, they will say, closer to the closet, all the lessons asleep there, and all that ... as if it was comfortable to sleep here! Feet lomit, spin hurts. One torment! What was me to answer?

I was silent.

- Are you alive there? - asked Pal Palych.

- Alive...

- Well, sit, soon open ...

- I am sitting...

"So ..." said Pal Palych. - So you answer me, why did you climb into this wardrobe?

- Who? Chick? In the closet? Why?

I again wanted to disappear.

The director asked:

- Tsapkin, are you?

I sighed hard. I just could not answer.

Aunt Nyusha said:

- The key is the head of the class eloctor.

"Hack the door," said the director.

I felt the door broke, - the wardrobe shook, I hit my forehead hurt. I was afraid that the wardrobe would fall, and I cried. Hands stood in the walls of the cabinet, and when the door succumbed and opened, I continued to stand in the same way.

"Well, come out," said the director. - And explain to us what it means.

I did not move away. I was scared.

- Why is it worth? - asked director.

I was pulled out of the closet.

I was silent all the time.

I did not know what to say.

I wanted after all meak. But how I would say about it ...

Victor Golavkin. New shirt

Although frost and snow in the courtyard, I unzipped the coat on all buttons and laid my hands behind my back.

Let everyone see my shirt that I bought today!

I walked around the yard back, looking at the windows.

My older brother came from work.

"Oh," he said, "which is charm!" Just watch without catching up.

He took my hand, brought home and put on my shirt over the coat.

"Now Gulia," he said. - How lovely!

Victor Golavkin. Everyone goes somewhere

After the summer, everyone in the yard gathered.

Petya said: - I go to the first class. Vova said:

- I am in the second class I go.

Masha said:

- I am in the third class I go.

- And I? - asked Little Bob. - It turns out, I'm not going anywhere? - And I cried.

But here Bob called Mom. And he stopped crying.

- I go to my mother! - said Bob.

And he went to his mother.

Love lake.

The sun went beyond the trees.

Camers are calm.

All lake in black screenshots. These are boats, and in them fishermen.

Run to the road of the calf, become in a row and look at us.

Two dogs sit and look at us.

Boy run to us.

Our truck raised a lot of dust, and she cares gradually.

I see the village, Forest, Lake.

From the house there is a master with a beard, in the old marine cap.

"Wanted to the residents," he says, "the evening that it is necessary, the fish is caught, the wind is not, sniffing the air, smell ... - He sniffs loudly air. Shakes all your hands.

- Many dust, "Mom says," a lot of dust is terribly!

"So this is your dust," says the owner.

"You have a dusty road," says Mom.

- And what's the air!

More and more darkens.

Our house is the upper rooms.

My mother and I carry our things.

I climb the stairs and all the time smeared the air.

"It is a pity that the father did not give a vacation," says Mom.

- Such air! - I say.

My mom with a new room.

"Here we will live in summer," says Mom.

I washed under the staircase from the washbasin, and the owner of Matvey Savelich stood next to me:

- Lei, Lei! All the water is enough, but not enough - I'll take it from the well, what's the matter!

I am mighty lil.

- Well, how? Okay? Washing, waso! Water is good! I have a very good well. Spent himself. Kopal himself. Only yamchikov such a well yes I have. And others really have the wells?

- And what about others?

- And you look.

- I'll see ...

- And go. And Take Mom.

... and what morning!

The sun rose due to the lake. And again, everything lake was in the screenshots. And in the middle of the lake, a silver band. From the sun. The trees slightly swayed, and the band on the lake became winding. A pioneer horn played very night.

"Who has water, and from whom Burda," said Matvey Savelich.

I went out for the gate.

Behind Kalito

Behind the gate stood baby and cried. And next to him stood grandmother.

Baby repeated:

- I want a corpal!

"There is no corpal", "Grandma answered.

- Let's the Chat! - Oral kid.

- What is this scarlet? - I asked.

The kid looked at me and said:

- Let's the Chat!

- Are you not seeing, Misha, that he does not have a crap? - said Grandma.

He looked at me again.

I showed him my hands - right, they say, I have no crap.

He fell silent. Then shouted:

- Let's the Chat!

"Lord," grandma sighed, "the little light got up to get up. Take him to tell him once: "I'll buy you, Misha, Crane, if you eat a chicken." And what is this scarlet, I do not know. Just told him so that he was a chicken. It seems to be in some fairy tale, I read him about this corpallet. Well, he ate chicken and now he says: "Let's now the Chat!" And where did I get it from? And what is this body, and what kind of science is this, this very scarlet ... and the boats show him, and the firewood, and the bumps, and what I only show him, and he knows about the "Crapal" ...

I say:

- I saw somewhere, sold a toy excavator in the store. Six rubles seem to be. That would be such an excavator to buy him for the fact that he has eaten a chicken ...

Grandma was delighted and says:

- It is necessary to say the Father to buy him to bother him, thank you very much, I don't even know how to thank ...

- What are you, - I say - what are the trifles, I just saw this crap, if I'm not mistaken, on the casting avenue, in one showcase of some kind of children's store; Curious, I think the thing would be for kids. I myself came out of this age ...

"I'll certainly tell my father," says Grandma, "I will certainly share my father's father about it ... He will not regret his son, and he will not save me from this shaped torment. Come to us, we are opposite, thank you, son ...

She left satisfied, and I began to think, who would also meet me. With some boys would meet. That's right now I met them ...

Lived in the village.

I went, walked, went home, had breakfast and again came out for the gate.

Oral kid. Asked the Clap.

If he all the time will ask the crankhip, you can go crazy. How they suffer! Bought him some kind of crap or would not promise him at all ...

I descended to the lake, and the baby was no longer heard.

Water cow drank.

I was bored.

Is it really that way I will walk every day on the village yes along the lake, and then what? Of course, I can swim, someone will slide me on the boat, and fish catch yourself, please, how much do you want, all this is. But there must be some friends, don't have any friends, I can't ...

But where to take them?

I can not like them like this, immediately, take and find.

Suddenly, I saw this boy and was terribly delighted. He stood in the reeds, and at first I did not understand what he was standing there, and then I understood: he catches fish there.

The fishing rod had a longer, I first saw the fishing rod, and then him.

I sat on the grass and watch. With me, he caught two fish. I at first could not understand where he was putting them, and then I understood: he puts them for the sinus!

He caught third fish and too - for the sinus. I immediately imagined how much he had the sinus of these fish, how they jump there and tick him the belly.

That is why he was very much and pushed!

I sat and waited when he graduated from catching, will come out of his reeds and show me fish.

But he caught everything.

I called it.

No, he did not hear me or he did not want to hear me. He stood for me sideways, and I saw his outflowed T-shirt with fish, his some kind of harsh face in freckles, and again I became bored.

He was so busy with his fish!

He probably may still stand in the water with his fishing rod, without seeing anything, do not hear ...

Gun guys with a ball.

I would beat them with pleasure, but you just think if I suddenly run after them?

I wake up. I went along the shore.

And this one! To me too! Fisherman! I would never have stuffed a sinus. Is the real fisherman for the sinus of fish stuffed? And not responding!

I turned into the forest.

How suddenly the boy jumps out of the tree, grabs me for the sleeve and shouts:

I first frightened a little: strange all the same. And then - nothing, I see - it stands and breathes hard, as if fled to a long time.

- What are you, - I say, - do you touch me?

- And who are you? - He speaks. - What, you can not touch you?

- And who are you? - I ask.

- Yes, who are you crazy or who? - It tells me.

- That's you, - I say, - Crazy, it can be seen everything: it suddenly jumps away from anyone, touch ...

- What are you what! - He speaks. - And how will I tear off your epaulets? Or have you already broken them?

- What are the epaulets? - If he really escaped from any crazy house? Take yeah bit, but you never know what ...

And he yells:

- Yes, what did you fall from the moon?

- Which of us from the moon fell apart, it is still unknown, most likely it fell from the moon ...

He slapped his hands, jumped up and how tormenting:

- ha! Here is a fruit!

"Well," I think, "no other way. Poured crazy! " I see him on the shoulders on the leaves. Normal man, you know yourself, with no one with this will not be chained on my shoulders ... How would it be calmly leave him? ..