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What does the earth map really look like. New Japanese world map. World map: false or real

Many are aware that the world's usual map does not really correctly reflect the real ratio of the areas of countries, and even moreover, the seas and oceans. The use of the projection of the Mercator leads to the emergence of a multitude of distortion when, for example, Greenland looks larger than Australia ... A fundamentally new projection proposed by Japanese designers has made it possible to build the most accurate map of the world that humanity has ever seen.

How did they succeed?

The traditional world map is constructed by an old way, in which the image from the surface of the globe is transferred to a flat map using the projection of the Mercator. As a result, we get on the map Greenland several times larger than Australia, whereas in fact Greenland are three times less ...

But the map built according to the principles of the AUTHAGRAPH projection can be really innovative! Here, the proportions of sushi and water remain unchanged and correspond to what we see and on the globe. For this development, AUTHAGRAPH received a prestigious award - Japanese GOOD DESIGN AWARD.

Then there is an original process of transferring the image to the plane by combining various projection methods through intermediate objects. Such a "multi-layer display" reduces the number of errors and monstrous distortion that occurs with the traditional deployment of the surface of the globe into a flat card.

Of course, it is impossible to achieve complete perfection, but the map from Authagraph is as close as possible.

"Antarctica was opened in 1820, and the first person reached the North Pole in 1909. In the 20th century, relations between East and the West and the North-South Problems were published on the foretone of world politics. The main territorial interest was sushi, which was a human habitat. But since the end of the twentieth century, extinguishing resources and environmental problems forced attention to the polar regions and the territory of the oceans ...

Hello, dear reader! This article we will continue the subject of flat land and give another fact of proving the correctness of this theory. Do not rush to spit into the monitor if you are a skeptic of this topic, and simply learning the proposed material and check it yourself.

Of course, the greatest number of people is not given to check what a world map actually should be in which we live. But a curious mind always wants to believe that our world is not as much as we used to see him. And not only people live on this big earth.

But in all this confusion, we will understand sooner or later!))

World map: false or real?

So, on the agenda we have. So they are submitted to us since childhood:

Everything is simple. Find a map of the world of flat land on the Internet of the Internet:

What do you see? Does it remind you of the ratio of continents, the sizes that Yandex showed us? Coincidence or chance?

But that's not all...


Here is the official UN emblem:

Do not notice anything?

  • First of all, it is just all the continents in relation to each other of the size that shows us the Yandex line;
  • Secondly - it is very reminiscent of a flat land map. Do not find?

Question to skeptics - how so?)

This coincidence or do we really have something pushing from childhood? And most importantly - why do they do it? And why Russia is artificially enlarged, as if scared someone wanted by their mass)) or cover? After all, against the background of vast Russia, Australia is lost visually. Can something hide something on her territory? And they want people to watch anywhere, but not on a tiny Australia? Hmm ... It remains only to guess ...

Call to action

We cannot climb into space, unfortunately, but we have the Internet, brains and eyes. Close all textbooks, we do not know where they really are, and where is a lie. Become the discovers, without looking at the story.

Start making practical experiences. For example, sit down in the car and drive yourself a long distance from one city to another and compare it with an official card on Yandex.

Let's look for inconsistencies in our strange world together.

Talk to survey

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Dear friends, leave your comments and practical observations below to this article.

It hides not only real sizes, but the continents about one of them we will definitely tell on the pages of the site, soon.

Did you ever think about what real sizes of countries differ from those shown in geographic maps? In principle, for the Soviet schoolchild, there would be no such interest, since they knew all the students even with average academic performance.

However, in our time, the data given in the article can plunge into some representatives of the new generation of youth.

So, the real size of countries and continents differ from what we see on the maps. For example, looking at the map, you might think that Russia is significantly more than the continent in size. In fact, Africa (≈ 30 million km²) on the scale of the territory almost twice as much more Russia (≈ 17 million km²).

Why does it depend? Maybe someone deliberately wants to disinform us? No, friends. It's all about the projection.

We offer, which for one minute will demonstrate to you what we wrote about above. Maybe after watching you will understand everything that was not learned when reading.

If you liked the most scientific facts about the real size of countries - share them on social networks and subscribe to any convenient way.

If you look at the world map, then you are likely to think that North America and Russia are more than Africa. However, in fact, Africa is three times more than North America and significantly more Russia.

This strange distortion was investigated by scientists on climatic data from the National Meteorological Service of Great Britain (Meteorological Bureau, Met Office.), who created a two-dimensional map showing how the world really looks. It turned out that many countries - including Russia, Canada and Greenland - are not so great as we think. Distortion originates from the projection of the Mercator - a map that is most often found in classes and in textbooks. It was created in 1596 to help sailors navigate the sea.

What is wrong with the Mercator's card?

Africa is about 14 times more than Greenland, and yet on the map they have almost the same size. Brazil is more than 5 times more than Alaska, but Alaska is more Brazil on the map. The map shows that the Scandinavian countries are more than India, while in fact India is 3 times the larger than all Scandinavian countries combined. Although Europe looks like more than North America, actually correctly the opposite. Russia is also not as great as it is depicted - in fact Africa is more than Russia.

The biggest problem with the creation of an accurate map is that it is impossible to portray the reality of the spherical world on a flat map - a problem that worries cartographers over the centuries. As a result, the forms of world maps, as a rule, were diverse - from hearts to cones. But the diversity gradually disappeared with the arrival of one model proposed by Gerard Mercator in 1596. The projection of the Mercator shows the correct forms of land plots, but the price of distorting their size in favor of the lands in the north.

Gerard Mercator(March 5, 1512 - December 2, 1594) - Flemish cartographer, known to create a world map based on the projection, showing sailing routes in the form of straight lines. Although this is what it is most famous, the Mercator was not just a geographer. He also engaged in theology, philosophy, history, mathematics and magnetism. Mercator was also engraver and a calligraph, and even made globes and scientific tools. Unlike other geographers, he traveled little. Instead, his knowledge of geography was based on his library, numbering more than a thousand books and cards. In the 1580s, he began publishing his Atlas, which he called in honor of the Giant from Greek mythology holding the world on his shoulders. He suffered a series of strokes at the beginning of the 1590s, which left it partially paralyzed, and almost blind. The last blow was the cause of his death in 1594 at the age of 82 years.

Neil Kay, a scientist for climatic data in Met Office., created an accurate map of the world, which shows that countries in the northern hemisphere are much smaller than people usually think. To do this, he introduced data on the sizes of each country in GgPlot., which is a package of visualization data for statistical programming. Then he created a map using the projection sterographic. This is a display feature that projects the sphere on the plane. After that, Kay had a manual setting, adjusting the size of countries that are located closer to the poles. Thus, according to Kay, it is impossible to place all forms again on the sphere after they have already been laid on the plane.

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Processing. . . .

Many know that the usual geographical map of the world does not reflect the real ratio of the areas of countries, and even more so seas and oceans. The use of the projection of the Mercator leads to the emergence of a multitude of distortion when, for example, Greenland looks larger than Australia ... A fundamentally new projection proposed by Japanese designers has made it possible to build the most accurate map of the world that humanity has ever seen.

How did they succeed?

The traditional world map is constructed by an old way, in which the image from the surface of the globe is transferred to a flat map using the projection of the Mercator. As a result, we get on the map Greenland several times larger than Australia, whereas in fact Greenland are three times less ...

But the map built according to the principles of the AUTHAGRAPH projection can be really innovative! Here, the proportions of sushi and water remain unchanged and correspond to what we see and on the globe. For this development, AUTHAGRAPH received a prestigious award - Japanese GOOD DESIGN AWARD.

Then there is an original process of transferring the image to the plane by combining various projection methods through intermediate objects. Such a "multi-layered display" reduces the number of errors and monstrous distortion that occurs with the traditional deployment of the surface of the globe into a flat card.

Of course, it is impossible to achieve complete perfection, but the map from Authagraph is as close as possible.

How do the authors of the new world map need the need for her appearance?
"Antarctica was opened in 1820, and the first person reached the North Pole in 1909. In the 20th century, the relations between East and the West and the North-South Problems were reached on the foretone of world politics. The main territorial interest was sushi, which was a human habitat. But since the end of the twentieth century, extinguishing resources and environmental problems forced attention to the polar regions and the territory of the oceans ...
The AUTHAGRAPHIC world map seeks to support this new point of view and show how our globe does look like and the interests of various countries and groups are distributed. "

According to her creators, a new world map will allow you to look at the planet and separate corners of it under a new angle and free from the emerged stereotypes like the "Western World", "Far East", "go north".

For comparison: the world map drawn in 1844

World map of the 1490s, with the help of which Columbus urged Ferdinand Aragon and Isabella Castilskaya in the need to support his expedition.