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How to love yourself once and forever. As with great enthusiasm to overcome too lazy and love any business


Health 28.08.2012

Today in the blog I want to continue the conversation on the topics of love. It will be about love for yourself. First of all, I want to thank everyone for the response to my articles on the topic of good, love and happiness. I heard and realized that it was all close to each of us. Such you left the detailed comments. Sorry if someone personally did not answer. It was not possible. We thank you again and continue to talk about how to love yourself.

We are all looking for love in our life. And most often we are looking for it and want to get from another person. From her husband, from relatives, from our children. That's if we get all this, then it seems to us that we are loved and happy. That is, we all fall into dependence on other people. But in fact, you must first sort out yourself, learn how to love yourself. And this is not an egoism, as many people think, and the real happiness. If everyone finds such love in themselves, will love and take themselves, then the people around us will be happy.

Even our children's fortune tells on the chamomile are always facing the opposite sex. Nobody in the head will come to guess, and do I love myself? Truth? Understand yourself, find an answer to the question as you can love yourself - the task, probably not easy. Let's think about it. And then think about what to do with it.

Love for himself begins with childhood.

Probably, everything starts with our childhood. If we grew up in the family, where there were constantly screams and wander, it's hard to learn how to take and suddenly love yourself. Therefore, I say so often that you need to talk our children and grandchildren about our love.

They learn from us. And often we are afraid and show our feelings, and then we are terrifying their actions, we say that in whom they were eaten. So, something forgotten to children themselves. Unfinished and admiral children. It seems to me that it is very scary. Although many, probably, will answer me that there is nothing to indulge their children. Then they grow egoists. But I'm just about my thoughts. You have the right to choose the ones you closer.

Our dislike for themselves is played in relation to children. All our depressed feelings and emotions are slowing for them. "That's what I am wonderful, I put so much strength, but I did everything for a child, and I see in response?" I think each of us to one degree or another was passed. Think about it. Love your children, find with them mutual language, do not shout and do not go. I myself am a lot of working on myself. It is a pity that there was no time for that time, knowledge and thoughts were not previously. But, as they say, it is better late than ever. So I for the movement of thought in this direction.

Do not sabotage or how to find the inner rod in yourself.

Probably, each of us is familiar with the painting "Starting new life from Monday". Take, for example, morning jogging. Monday stood in the morning. All right. Woven a tracksuit and ahead. But already literally the next day you start to scroll through the situation in the morning. So, it went raining, as I then, after the shower with unprotected hair, I will go to work, I have critical days, etc. etc. And any excuses begin to not do.

Posted like goals before. They began to engage in to look good to like themselves and immediately miss the moment. Our own will invent us any excuses. The rod is still needed. Put the goal, go further. These most we strengthen our faith in yourself. And if the goal is achieved, then we rejoice and look at yourself.

Never say "never."

Our categorical is very preventing us in life. We all want us, as soon as we want. Want that in this moment the husband approached us and asked for forgiveness? So we can not wait for more than 5 minutes. You have seen unhappy happy woman? Me not. Here it is hardly possible to talk about love. Unspened offenses and misfortunes in life prevengeur we move towards love for yourself.

What your soul lives or kiss your soul.

Often, talking to a man, ask him about what he likes in this life. And then just interested, and how long have you come into contact with this? Suppose you like music, and how long did you listen to something in a lively execution? Something revered new? Etc. I think the thought is understandable. It turns out that I didn't go anywhere for a long time, I did not listen anything, etc.

Why not care about your soul? Somewhere I heard the words about the soul, which so sealed me in the soul. Our soul must be stroke. Keiling your soul yourself. Truth, good words? You can just stroke your soul, fill it with something new, and everything we will have an internal condition and feeling of yourself.

How to love yourself? Affirmations.

Now you can go to practice. Try it or rather, perform every day work with affirmations. The fact that it is and how to choose to choose for yourself affirmations, make up your own, I spoke in detail in my article. Who did not read the article, I invite you to read.

As a basis, you can take the following affirmations. You can change, add your text that you closer. Just do not forget that you need to work every day.

What can be done in order to love yourself?

  • Get rid of bad thoughts. As soon as you feel that you start talking to something bad, switch. In no case do not focus on the negative.
  • Be kind to yourself. Do not judge everything strictly. All have the right to make a mistake.
  • Be sure to take care of your body. This is I. healthy nutrition And all that you can please: massage, pleasant baths, walks, etc.
  • Take time with friends who are expensive to you, with those who do not bear the negative in life.
  • Hello enjoy the moments that you spent exactly for yourself. Hold time. Ask your loved ones at this time do not disturb you. Let it be only 10 minutes. No one should go to "your territory".
  • Do not deceive yourself. It is better to honestly admit yourself for what you don't love yourself than to make pretending.

Always remember that if you are risking you, it will not be easier for anyone. Caring for yourself - very important factor Harmony in the house.

Exercises that help love themselves.

Here are some more exercises that can help us love yourself. I found these exercises in the book on psychology. I think that everything is very worthy.

  1. Focus on all good What is found around. Paper sheet split half. On the left to write all the positive qualities, on the right - all negative, which you do not like it. After that, just go to the right side. Shoot all negative qualities, just cross each. Then tear this half and destroy. You can break into small pieces, you can burn, etc. Then go to the list that remains. We regularly say that I ... and then on the list all the positive qualities you have prescribed. And every three days add new good quality. Just complement the list.
  2. Praise yourself for any little things For those small successes that you have achieved compared to the previous day. Do it better in the evening, but every day.
  3. My failures - my success . To be clearer, I will give such an example. Suppose you are always very slow. All this annoys, and you too. Now change thoughts. Yes, slow, but my slowness protects me from rash actions. I always weigh everything before making a decision. True, another approach? I think it is clear what to do here.

Dear readers, I advise not be lazy, and read more: "5 wonderful advice, how to love yourself" - in this article!

I would like to finish my reflections to finish the motto for all women, which already wrote in past articles. Yes, all men will be formed.

Cute women, love yourself, indulge yourself. Remember that we should be beautiful, loved and happy. And more we should not anyone . We will be happy, we will be happy with us and men, and our children, and parents, and friends. But this is the way over which you need to work. What we all wish for us.

And my sincere gift for today song A. Pakhmutova on verses N. Dobronravova Melodyperformance Muslim Magomayev . Unique and inaccessible singer, with such nobility, with such an inner culture. All songs Muslim Magomayev sings the heart. I wish everyone to find the same melody in your life.

see also








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The day today began with stunning awareness of how important to love himself. Therefore, today I would like to touch on the topic, how to love yourself and increase your self-esteem.

But first, as usual, the prehistory of the insight.

I love early raises. Meditation in such hours is especially fruitful. So today, only sowing ... By the way, I left a lotus posture in the past for a long time) I myself began to pour mantra.

I sit, I woke her in my head, and one of the unpleasant situation with one of the dismissed employees does not take place from thoughts. And since not all financial issues with him are still solved, then sometimes it has to deal with him.

And I sit, it seems to be meditating, but I think I think so smaller to pay him. And I find the reason for doing this, and absolutely honest, in my opinion.

And he suddenly feel that instead of love, which should be born from meditation, in my soul, I have a shroud, such a feeling of revenge, "joy" is, from the opportunity to take revenge on various unpleasant situations that I survived with this employee.

But, thank God, I managed to track this condition and understand that this is not at all what I sought from meditation. Revenge is hatred, i.e. Feeling reverse love.

I realized that all the pictures of sweet revenge, which arose in my head, is from dislike for that employee.

But! The idea immediately pops up that the whole world around me is a reflection, my reflection! Reflection of my inner world! And this means that this revenge is my dislike, my hatred to whom?

That's right, this hatred is dislike for yourself! I treat yourself so much! I hate so much, and the world shows me in the form of people around me.

The awareness of this threw me into the sweat. I froze, realizing this truth that opened me. This moment, this is the insight that everything is one, you are - this is the whole universe ... It's not conveyed by words. It can only be felt.

And then I reinforced the phrases from Ho Oponopono, instead of "I love you", I began to say "I love myself." And I began to say this, penetrating the thought in every moment, here and now, very carefully.

And, failed. Instead of the ugly satisfaction from the invented revenge, the soul and body differed, and there were no more complaints about the unfaught employee, the world reigned on the soul.

Immediately remembered one of the postulates of Brown Tracy, when he says in one of the lectures that the most important element Success in life is love for yourself!

Love for himself gives us self-esteem, self-confidence.

On Brigina Tracy, the most best Practice To gain love for yourself - to get up in the morning in front of the mirror and smiling widely - "I love myself, I like me, I am satisfied with myself." It should be repeated several times. I also add to this - "I am proud of myself".

Try yourself, and you will feel what resistance goes to these words. Although it would seem, it is so natural to love yourself.

This is a basic exercise! Without him, everything that we would do, will not bring the result, since the inner dislike for themselves will not allow us to achieve the result.

After all, since childhood, we dredged that we are egoists, and love only themselves. Although, maybe I am mistaken, maybe it was so told me, and you were diligent, obedient and only pleased our parents.

But I heard it in my childhood quite often, and probably imprinted somewhere that to love myself is not good. It is necessary to love everyone, but you do not need yourself, myself last.

In general, withdrawal from this situation, it turned out quite simple. If our external world is a reflection of our inner world, then all the efforts that we send in the direction of changing external circumstances are meaningless!

You only need to change your inner world. And it is not difficult to change it, you just need to start loving yourself.

Approximately a year and a half ago, when I had a high-quality fracture in my life, this exercise B. Tracy was regularly performed before the mirror, and walking the dog and several times during the day.

I did not apply to this with due respect, I just studied at his lectures, and when I study, I'm not saying that I would take the teacher, because it he says correctly, but I will not take it, because He carries a nonsense here.

No, I learned so that I followed all his recommendations, including this, without giving it, however, no matter.

Honestly, I thought that changes in my life were a consequence of early raises, round-the-clock work, planning and other wisdoms.

But now, after today's insight, it seems to me that the exercise that I did, considering it one of the most unnecessary, had the greatest impact on my life.

Therefore, for those who in life are still full of turmoil who have to overcome the negative of others, to prove their rightness, break through life difficulties I would like to give some tips.

How to love yourself and increase your self-esteem

  1. In the morning, waking up, smile. Simple, lying in bed, smile. Let through force, even if even hating the whole world. Just stretch your mouth in a smile and listen to yourself. This is a council from the practice of Mirzakarim Norbekov. In his book, "He described very well as our body affects our inner state. Who did not read, very much recommend.
  2. Getting out of bed, go to the mirror and looking into it smile again and tell me several times - "I love myself, I am satisfied with myself, I like me." I assure you, you will feel it. Maybe not immediately, not the first time. But in the soul, a warm feeling of herself will be moved.
  3. Repeat these phrases several times during the day. It is better more often than less likely, especially if everything is sad in personal and professional life. Let these words become your mantra for the next few months.

These simple exercises Guaranteed to increase your self-esteem. Believe me, it is self-esteem, your internal attitude determines how you interact with people, how people treat you.

It has long been noticed that only unfortunate people can afford to shout on their child, boil close and in general to behave aggressively towards others.

Unhappy, that is, not happy people Definitely do not like themselves. It's simply impossible to simultaneously love yourself and be unhappy.

Try to execute the above rules. Make them with your daily practice. Now I understand that these are the main, basic exercises for the transformation of our life.

I do not know how much time you need to notice changes in your life. It all depends on how much everything is running. But the fact that without having false you will remain at the same level of wealth and relationship, it is indisputable.

Why am I sure so? Because when you love yourself, respect, you are proud, you just can't imagine yourself in poverty. It is impossible for a person who loves himself will not take care of his family.

It is impossible that a person who respes himself allowed his family to live in poverty.

Improving self-esteem entails a change in thoughts. Thoughts come to how to make financial results how to make it to achieve an improvement in relationships.

Following the thoughts, you like a loving and self-respecting person, you just can't sit in place and not to do what you have come up with. Laine will be easily overcome the obstacle to the goal to achieve.

One of the best lecturers, who had ever had this thought to women, became Louise Hay. The essence of its technique is stacked in 10 tips.

  1. Stop criticize. Criticism never changes anyone. Discard criticism yourself. Take yourself exactly as you are. When you criticize yourself, your changes are negative. When you approve yourself - you are changing positive.
  2. Stop bully yourself, terrorizing yourself with your own thoughts. This is a terrible way of life. Find for yourself such an image that is pleasant to you (for me it is a yellow rose), and immediately switch to the frightening thoughts to pleasant.
  3. Be generous, kind and patient. Be generous towards yourself. Be kind to yourself. Be patient because you master new way Thinking. Treat yourself as a truly beloved person.
  4. Be kind to your mind. Hate yourself - it means hating your thoughts. Do not do this. Better change them.
  5. Praise yourself. Criticism destroys the inner spirit. Praise strengthens it. Praise yourself as much as possible. Speak yourself how good you are working with every trifle.
  6. Support yourself. Find ways to keep yourself. Contact your friends and let them help you quite naturally ask for help when you need it.
  7. Treat with love for your shortcomings. Realize that you yourself created them to satisfy some of your needs. Now you are looking for new positive ways to meet your needs. So gently get rid of old negative stereotypes of behavior.
  8. Take care of your body. Learn to eat right. What food is needed by your body to support optimal energy and viability? Take off exercise. Which of them give you pleasure? Gently love and respese the temple in which you live.
  9. Work with a mirror. Look more in your eyes. Show your feelings of increasing love for yourself. Looking in the mirror, forgive yourself. Looking in the mirror, talk to my parents and forgive them. At least once a day, tell yourself: "I love. I really love you. "
  10. Do it right now. Do not wait until you have business, you will lose weight, find new job Or lead new connections. Start right now and do everything in you depends.

Video from the speech of Louise Haye about how to love yourself

In my opinion, if you perform the three rules that I pointed out at the very beginning of the article, you will automatically begin to do what Louise says.

Although the psychology of men and women is different, but basic principle Love to yourself works equally well for all of us.
Therefore, if you want to love you if you want to change your environment if you want to improve your material status, then just start loving yourself.

This is the same thing ... Oracle is straight) In general, in fact, I'm not a guru, not looking forward, I just share with you my experience and I want to be that those who go look like people knew that there are already such people who are Tried it. And yes, it works!)

And finally. When my wife learned about what I am preparing an article, she advised me to see me the meditation of Osho on the same topic of which she is in full delight. I looked, and I also recommend. The topic does not hurt.

Individual is truly happy if he loves and loves someone. True, living in harmony with him and with others it is not possible to everyone. Many people suffer from misunderstanding, humiliations, dislike, but cannot realize the causes of their misfortunes. It turns out that the individual "programms" the people around the surrounding people on a bad attitude towards himself. The source of the problem is dislike for your own person. If a person wants to change, he should love himself and become a different person.

Individuals who do not like themselves, can hardly count on respect for others. People feel the internal attitude of each other. There is a saying: what you radiate, then you get. If a person is not filled with spiritual content, he not only does not like himself, but also not considered to other members of society.

Women like no other need permanent love and respect. After all, they live feelings, but inspires them to actions, adoration of others. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity need to be loved wives, girlfriends, mothers. Only love gives them a stimulus and is a source of inexhaustible energy. Women who do not get love lose interest in life, fall into depression, slowly fade. However, it is very easy to solve their problem - this psychological installation should change their life and attitude towards them around them.

If a person is unloved, he, as a rule, jealous and very envious. These negative character qualities poison their lives. You can not be happy without love. It is necessary to live in harmony with the world around and yourself.

As the individual behaves, who loves and love:

  • follows his appearance;
  • like others, knows how to build a friendly relationship;
  • always kind, helps others;
  • easily finds a common language with people;
  • knows how to risk, actively and boldly acts;
  • has a favorite partner, family, children;
  • successful in affairs;
  • does not have harmful habits;
  • constantly implements itself in different areas public life.
  1. Acts, because of which a person despises himself.

Not everyone succeeds to behave correctly in a difficult situation. No one is insured against mistakes. Sometimes people really make themselves, because they cannot forgive their wrong deeds. You can not blame yourself for mistakes, because they are lessons, thanks to which people learn to live and understand life.

  1. Misconforming invested image.

A person wants to behave in any situation correctly and externally resemble the hero from his favorite book. Not everyone is possible to match the ideal. Life is full of problems, it is impossible to decide without going on compromises with your own conscience. And externally, to look like a star from the cover of the magazine - an unforgivable nonsense. After all, every person is interested in individuality.

  1. Casual difficulties.

People who face a lot of problems every day cannot be positive to peace and to themselves. Everything seems to them in black light. True, they do not even realize that the way out of a heavy situation lies in the plane of their relationship to itself.

  1. Failure planned plans.

Sometimes a person works long and hard to achieve the desired result. It is not always possible to become the best and get what you deserve. The failures "roll up" people. If a person suffers defeat, he ceases to love himself.

What is love for yourself and how is it formed?

Before you learn to love yourself, it is advisable to figure out what love is and under the influence of what circumstances it originates. Love for yourself is an understanding of its essence and the adoption of all its drawbacks. Individual should know what he wants from life, why lives. It is important to realize the causes of your behavior, to take our strengths without reproaches weak sides character. Love yourself is constantly, rejoice in your victories.

Love is born in the heart of a person, and manifests itself in his actions. The child sees that his parents adore him if you hear approval and praise to your address. Adult man shows her love with beautiful words and actions.

If the individual loves, then it acts. Love requires evidence. This beautiful feeling is emerging due to care, careful relationship, self-sacrifice.

Love for yourself is an egoism?

Many people seem to love themselves - unforgivable egoism. This remark is incorrect. There is a difference between love and egoism. Love is that it means something to sacrifice the sake of others, it is not agreed into the detriment of the interests of loved ones. Egoism is when a person is looked at its own needs, and in favor of its goals neglected by the desires of other people.

Love for yourself can not be selfish. After all, it is fully consumed to make the life of relatives happier. Loving individual cares not only about himself, but also about others. This feeling, without the shadow of obsessiveness and egoism, always attracts reciprocity. The egoist pushes people from himself, especially if he is not needed.

How to love yourself: 5 steps towards yourself and simple rules for every day

If a person suffers low self-esteem and feels that he is not sympathetic to others, he needs to learn to love himself. Make it very simple. You should work on yourself and change a little.

  1. Daily pay attention to your appearance, care for yourself.
  2. Find an interesting occupation, realize yourself in society.
  3. Believe in your strength, not to lower your hands in difficult situations.
  4. Self solve problems.
  5. Moving an active lifestyle, to engage in a favorite sport.

If a person wants to love himself, he needs to become an interesting person. Little looks good, although it is important for lifting self-esteem. The individual must fill its life with something interesting, to find a lesson in the shower. You can not close in four walls or in the circle of your endless problems. You need to destroy the barrier interfering to see and feel the world. A person must receive deserved praise and respect others.

Simple rules for every day to help improve self-esteem:

  • teach yourself to smile daily;
  • find in your character and appearance pleasant features and emphasize attention on them;
  • write an action plan for a day, and in the evening, let down the results;
  • update your wardrobe, get rid of old-fashioned things;
  • bring the work started to the end;
  • do not be afraid to look no standard or act;
  • learn to stop the stream of negative thoughts, think only about good;
  • keep track of your appearance, if necessary, change the hairstyle, lose weight, sign up into the gym;
  • always hold the posture correctly, do not slouch, do not lower your head;
  • more rest;
  • give your body with cosmetic procedures, sauna, massage;
  • once a week, go around the room naked - this will make rid of many complexes;
  • learn to take compliments;
  • do not judge yourself strictly for mistakes;
  • always defend your rights;
  • never talk about your shortcomings with buddies;
  • do not take silently poor attitude towards yourself;
  • read more, see interesting programs, go to theaters, restaurants, cafes;
  • create own hands - Draw, cook to eat, go clothing, masterate furniture;
  • keep track of your speech, do not allow negative statements;
  • get acquainted more often;
  • do not compare yourself;
  • do not put others on the pedestals;
  • speak people compliments, give close gifts.

If a person wants to tune in to a positive way, he must think positively. All thoughts are material. Words and phrases, spoken by an individual in the context of an unpleasant conversation, subsequently affect its inner state. Specifying special words that give commands to the subconscious, it is possible after a quarrel or clarifying relationships to return itself into a positive direction. Such phrases are called affirmations.

Affirmation to normalize mood:

"I'm calm and nothing will bring me out of equilibrium. I take life and people as they are. I love this world. I think only positively. I have the forces to cope with any problem. I can easily overcome any trouble. I'm not offended at anyone. The deeper breathing, the more energy in me. I have excellent well-being. I am happy and calm. Everything is in my life. I love myself and the surrounding people. "

Books on the topic "How to start loving yourself?"

Many people want to change and make their lives a little better. True, one desire is too little. You need to know what actions to do what to do to become a happy and loved person. Knowledge of self-development of the individual can be levied from books on psychology of personality. Find psychological literature on the topic "How to love yourself" can be on the Internet or in bookstores. Thanks to the books on self-development, people will learn to understand themselves, their thoughts, desires, analyze their own actions. With understanding and accepting his "I" comes love for himself.

How to love yourself - interesting books Psychology:

  • Louise Hay "Album of Healing Affirmations";
  • Litvak M. E. "If you want to be happy";
  • Loretta broouning "Hormones of happiness";
  • Ann Lamott "Little Victory";
  • Alice Muir "Confidence in Himself";
  • Labkovsky M. "Love yourself with any appearance";
  • Kurparatov A.V. "12 Nontrivial solutions. Doom the world in your soul. "

The most famous book that helped many people become happy, the bestseller Dale Carnegie "How to stop worrying and start living" is considered. In this work, the author gives readers valuable tips that can change life for the better.

American psychologist recommends getting rid of painful mistakes of the past simple way - In mind, locate negative thoughts for iron door. It is impossible to make yourself beckored by what has already been done and cannot be corrected. Faced with a difficult situation threatening with great troubles, it is advisable to present a junction in black colors. If the individual reconciles with the thought of a possible loss, it will be easier for him to take reality.

Whatever the problems, it is impossible to exaggerate their significance and greatly worrying. In the end, the worst thing that a person can expect is death, but it is inevitable. You need to fight unrest and alarms using positive thoughts. Thinking about good, the individual produces such a mood, which brings him only joy and happiness.

Dale Carnegie recommends all people who wish to get rid of excitement to do something. If constantly idle, it is impossible to distract from negative thoughts. Getting rid of depression will help the passion, favorite hobby, a useful business.

From bad habits, it is advisable to get rid of. True, this is not so simple. The author of the book "How to stop worrying and start living" advises to replace bad habits on useful. Instead of smoking, you can, for example, to teach yourself to make squats or eat on the apple.

Why is it so important to stop worrying on trifles? Typically, low self-esteem and dislikes suffer too varying and sensitive people. Their uncertainty B. own power It is a derivative of a bad mood. The inner state of a changeless person is associated with various unrest and uncompressed fears. It is advisable to switch your attention to other people or your favorite lesson, so as not to worry about trifles and do not make yourself fiscal problems, the main thing in finding self-confidence is daily work on our own shortcomings. If you do nothing, it will not be possible to change my life.

If a person wants to become happy and to gain respect and love others, but himself does not manage to do this, it is necessary to seek help from a practitioner-hypnologist

How to love yourself? Often, such a question is asked for people in consultations from a psychologist. After all, it is often possible to hear a saying in life: "Love yourself and your life will be done." Many individuals are absolutely not clear to what kind of actions this slogan calls. Very many people think about it to love themselves - it is admired by their own person and rank their actions as the most correct. In fact, this is the behavior of the spoiled personalities who often come to psychologists and complain about their unfortunate fate: for loneliness, on a bad attitude towards them of other people and their dislike. And the reason for the inability to put their needs and desires below the interests of others, because who will want to endure absolute egoists next to them. But on the other hand, there are people who live according to the principle of "I am the last letter in the alphabet." Such personalities first think of others, and only then about themselves. Often, no time or energy or strength remains. Such people are also very unhappy. And if selfish personality only notice their perfect image, considering themselves the smartest, talented, kind, beautiful, and the best, and other people were guilty in all their troubles, then in the second case, opposite beliefs are dominant: I am stupid, unworthy, ugly and t ..

So how to love yourself? Under this simple expression is understood various values. To love yourself is to be able to take care of yourself and about your needs, it is to internally accept your body, character, appearance, be able to defend your interests and rights, the ability to realize your desires and find a mutually beneficial compromise with relatives and loved ones.

How to love yourself and? It is very easy to give advice, even harder to implement them, but psychologists are not recommended to despair, but they offer methods that will help to love themselves and raise self-esteem. First you need to check the level of personal self-assessment. To do this, you should hold a vertical line on a clean sheet, then put a point on this line where the person considers it necessary, but previewing himself with this point. If the point is put on the line below the average level, then the individual does not like himself. If above the middle of the line, then the person adores himself. Most optimal option - This is the point set in the middle of the line, since in this case the individual refers to itself adequately.

If the result of this test is not very pleased, then you should move to the exercises to raise self-esteem. The main thing is that in this matter it will be necessary is patience.

Exercise number 1 - sports. Work on the body, physical exertion will raise self-esteem high enough.

Exercise number 2 - passing by the mirror, to speak a compliment.

Exercise number 3 - always find something good and doing accent on it.

To do this, you need to take a sheet of paper, divide it into two parts and write all your positive qualities in the first part, and in the second write the same qualities that would like to change in yourself. Next, the list requires to cross each word with negative qualitiesAfter cutting off this part of the sheet, and breaking it into small pieces, let go in the wind or burn.

The next step is to learn the remaining text and, repeating it regularly to himself every day with the wording "I - ...". Next, we should take a rule every three days to add one new positive quality.

Exercise №4 - comparison.

Performing every evening, tracking positive trend. It is necessary to compare ourselves not with other people, but to start comparing myself with you, how yesterday, noting everything, then good that I managed to do in the past day, even if it is minor little things. Be sure to praise yourself and follow the process dynamics.

Exercise number 5 - replacement of negativity by positive, is performed in stages.

Stage 1. Creation I am a positive image. It is necessary to submit an image of yourself. To do this, you should think about your holistic image that demonstrates not only appearance, but also in nature.

Stage 2. Change setting. All that the personal appearance appears negative, should be changed and submit these elements for themselves in a favorable light. For example, if a person sees herself a slow and hardly proceeds to a new case, and also inclined to postpone cases for later, the same feature is capable of protecting it from impulsive behavior And allows you to more carefully weighed before take action.

How to love yourself and accept what is really? Psychologists advise to be guided by the principle that personal failures are actually successes, just a person looks at them not by the angle of view.

It is also very important to submit a solid and completed image of itself as much as the person sees himself at the time of the achievement of the desired goal.

3 stage. View movie. Where I - the image becomes bright, attractive, volumetric, color, large and close film about your personality. This film should be scrolled in my head.

4 stage. Comparison of sensations. It is necessary to ask, what changes I feel when comparing the new I created - the image of the one that seemed at the very beginning of the exercises. What is it for? Self-assessment in a strong way depends on the content and form I - the image. Self-assessment increases when I am an image gains positive content and is in an intense form. How to do it? It should always be remembered that in the world will definitely have people who need it with all its merits and disadvantages and who love him for being.

Therefore, in its practice to improve self-esteem, use exercises containing certain positive attitudes, inspiring the individual to themselves. Most. best Council To acquire success, confidence and improving self-esteem are permanent training. Even tiny successes are able to instill confidence in a person, and give him an understanding that he is well done and moves in right direction. It is always necessary to remember that in the life of the most important person he himself and only his opinion is important. Therefore, it is necessary to take yourself, love your individuality and try to enjoy from every moment.

How to love yourself? Psychologists advise, first of all, take care of themselves. What does it mean? To serve your body yourself, maintain yourself encouragingly with failures and not engage in self-vacation. For example, "Yes, I was mistaken, but I will try to avoid such errors in the future." It is necessary to listen to personal needs, own desires, installations, requirements, recognize your emotions and sensations, as well as hearing your own body. The ability to take care of itself is often a complex process, and it is quite difficult to do this, since people do not hear themselves and displacing their thoughts and needs. Relationships with themselves seem at first glance an incomprehensible thing, but the better they add up, the greater the chances of a person in all achieve success.

People have the illusions that they live and build relationships with husbands, wives, lovers, colleagues, friends, but in fact the individual lives with him: "I was born", "I divorced" and build relationships with me. Many it turns out badly, because there is no love for yourself, and communication with others does not directly depend on the relationship. If a person does not suit a marriage partner, then you can have a divorce. If not satisfied with the boss, then you can change the work or try to get into my eyes less, but if the individual does not suit his personality, from which he cannot "leave", then serious problems begin. Yes, and you do not need to run away, it is necessary to help yourself.

It should be learn to build a relationship with you just like with another person. And such an opportunity to build other relationships with them, more productive and comfortable. So how to love yourself? It is necessary to start with the fact that another will no longer be with that man who can be seen in the mirror will have to spend enough a large number of years. Almighty and endless universe can give a person everything that he wishes, but why then many people are unhappy. The main reason The problems of all people are limiting beliefs, deeply falling into the human consciousness and even deeper than the roots in the subconscious. For example: "I am not beautiful," "I do not like and do not understand me," "I am not lucky", "I am to blame for everything." All these negative installations are laid in a person since childhood and turn into barriers and obstacles to fortunately. Therefore, it is necessary to change the attitude through the exemption from the shipment of the past and removal of the constant feeling of guilt. It is necessary to remember everything, it is bad that they talked about you, add all this to one "basket" - and mentally "throw out" her, thus freed, thus, from the shipment of the past, since someone's opinion is only only someone else's opinion.

It is important not to forget about your unique person, its advantages. The person's life will then change when he realizes that it is unique that there are no other personalities that he is worse or better - this world is only his own ideas. Therefore, most people who are perfect in our personal presentation, for us become the most beautiful, although they are not at all. So, if there is a desire for the personality to be sociable, happy, feel attractive, you need to do it exactly as if it is already already there is still all this available. Each person can start right now its own reassessment of the personality: put a "plus", find positive qualities, praise yourself for certain actions and immediately the world will twist around him, because he began to love himself.