Repairs Design Furniture

Tips on the insulation of the Iron Chinese entrance door. How to carry out insulation of the iron Chinese entrance door covering the Chinese door insulation

Attractive price encourages some to buy Chinese doors to install in private houses and apartments. And although such products are suitable for these locations, it is not the best insulation characteristics. If in the region the cold climate or the entrance has knocked glass, then sooner or later, the owners will have to think about how to insulate the inlet metal Chinese door. This can be done outside or from the inside. For each option, you will need your tools and materials.

Outdoor warming of the Chinese door

If the Chinese door is installed in the country, then its refinement can be made with their own hands without attracting specialists. Due to the minimum demands on the decor, given the place of operation, the warming of the Chinese door is carried out by felt. It is bought with a thickness of 4-6 mm in a roll. The color is chosen at will, but gray or brown is less dirty.

Works will be made from the room side to preserve the water-repellent coating from the outside. Before installing the insulation, the handles, their lining and eye are dismantled with the door. Attach the felt layer with glue or rivets. If the first option is selected, the material is cut out strictly in size sifted. Metal surface should be deguted and apply the glue "moment" around the perimeter of the canvas and make several vertical strips in the central part. By applying a sheet of felt, it is aligned along the edges and smoothed to remove swollen or irregularities.

If a rivet fixation method is selected, then the material can be cut off with a reserve of 20 mm to the side and turn it inside. It will look more beautifully visually and thickened the insulation site at the focus. The mount is carried out by a screwdriver with a thin drill, after which the rivet is immediately installed. Place them with an interval of 100 mm from each other. It will be necessary to perform two transverse rows so that the material does not shine in the middle.

How to insulate the chinese door from the inside

The insulation of the construction from the inside is more complicated, since the manufacturers initially did not provide for the disassembly of the canvas. It is assembled on electrosulatures using contact welding. But the painstaking work is justified by what allows you to preserve the attractive type of product, so important for the apartment. You can disassemble the Chinese door with the help of a grinder and a thin cutting disc, as well as a knife with a thick blade.

The process is performed in the following sequence:

  1. On the canvas, the bolts retaining the loops and the sash disconnected.
  2. It is put on a table or other elevation for the convenience of subsequent manipulations.
  3. The design has two steel sheets bent into the box shape and connected by contact welding every 150 mm. From the loop side you need to find one such point of fixation and try to pass the disc between iron sheets to cut it. It is not necessary to deepen it - enough 2-3 mm.
  4. Having trained at a convenient place in cutting, tapes should be done along the entire contour.
  5. Then there is a knife between the sheets and disconnects them. It is necessary to act neatly, because the steel is very thin and easily deformed.
  6. It is enough to bend three sides, which will open access inside and allow you to warm the Chinese entrance door.

After that, it is necessary to remove the corrugated cardboard, fixed by glue. Mineral wool is laid inside the sash, the thickness of which is selected based on the depth of the canvas. If the disassembly passed neatly, the metal sheet returns to the place and is fixed with short sticks with a semi-automatic with a wire of 0.8 mm at a minimum current. The ends after that will have to repaint.

In the case of severe thin steel, the sheet from the room is removed. Then inside the web need to lay a wooden bar around the perimeter, which is fixed with the ends with self-draws. Inside there are still a pair of rigidity. Mineral wool is laid between them. Outside it is closed by the MDF panel, but not more than 6 mm thick, so as not to create an excessive load on the fixation points of the wooden part to the gland.

Alternative methods of insulation

In each case described above, it will be necessary to change the sealing circuit around the perimeter, which will eliminate drafts and noise. But if you do not want to disassemble the design, but it seems to glue outside the felt, then you can warm up the cheap iron Chinese door from the inside through the drilled holes in the upper end.

There are enough three holes with a diameter of 10-12 mm. Through them, the inner corrugated cardon is crushed with a metallic rod so that it does not create obstacles for subsequent actions. In the resulting loose cavity, the pellets of foams fall asleep. Since the substance is electrified and rushes to the walls will have to be touched by a wooden rail and tapping.

Another alternative is the mounting foam with a low expansion coefficient. To bring it inside on the end around the perimeter, the holes of 4 mm in diameter and poke the sealant. Previously needed krotni rods to minimize corrugated cardboard.

The online store "Base Doors" has a large range of insulated models that do not have to be refined later. If you have difficulties with Chinese doors on their insulation or assembly, then we can easily find them a replacement at an affordable price.

Many domestic consumers often have a question how to insulate the Chinese iron entrance door? Metal doors from Chinese producers are very popular, because they have good quality and acceptable price. The only minus consists in the absence of a layer of insulation, which is simply necessary under our climatic conditions. In order to understand how to insulate the Chinese iron entrance door, a video lesson will tell quickly, and the article is qualitatively.

There are several types of insulation in order to insulate the Chinese door. Most often use:

  1. Liquid. These include foam plastic, penplex. They are convenient to install and have an affordable price. This is the optimal option for a country house or cottage.
  2. Soft. Among them is glass gamble, mineral wool. This is an environmentally friendly and fire-resistant material. Designed for entrance doors in apartments and small rooms.
  3. Inflatable. For example, polyurethane foam. The main difference is high cost and decent quality.

It is also worth considering additional materials and tools for insulation.

Warming of detachable doors, Warming of the Chinese door

One of the main features of the detachable doors is that the spatial framework has already been built in them. Therefore, the insulation of such a Chinese door will take much less time and effort, since they do not require preliminary training.

Professionals in this case use foam polystyrene foam. Prior to its appearance, foam or stone cotton wool was often used, but collided with a problem - over time, the material is gaining moisture and paint. The use of this material is today, because it is cheaper than polystyrene foam.

Before proceeding directly to insulation, it is necessary to remove the inner lining of the door. It is often glued or fastened with self-draws. If so, then find the points of consolidation and unscrew them. The glued trim will have to cut, but it will not be possible to install it, as it will not be suitable.

Cut pre-slices of polystyrene must be glued inside on special glue. It can be purchased in a specialized store or make yourself. Make sure that the slots are not formed between the material.

From above, everything is closed with a prepared knob in advance. It must be secured by self-stakes to the door basis.

Removing the trim

The very first thing that needs to be performed when you start warming the door with your own hands is to get rid of the inner material. Of course, try to do it as careful as possible, but if for some reason the canvas is spoiled, you should not be upset. Anyway, then you replace the coating on the chipboard. So you will even save your time.

Insulation boxes

In order to maximize the heat in the room and interfere with various kinds of dust to penetrate the room, the insulation of one canvase is not enough.

Many make mistakes and ask this issue after the completion of all work. If such a situation has already turned out, then you need to make holes in the box and fill the gaps with a granulated insulation or mounting foam, but extremely careful.

Alternative methods

In addition to polystyrene foaming for insulation of the input Chinese door, you can use other materials. It can be ready, existing insulation.

Installation, as a rule, is produced throughout the perimeter and fixed by strips of dermatin. Be sure after installation, check the entire area for the presence of skips, joints, cracks or holes. They should not be. It is possible to eliminate them with the help of submitted means (foam rubber or dermatin).

What to do with a delicate web

It would be very convenient if the doors from Chinese manufacturers originally had a layer of insulation. But since this option helps us to save money, we prefer to eliminate the shortcomings with their own hands.

In the case of a non-mail the web, you must modify the inner part of the door and install a new lining.

All work occurs in several stages:

  • the entire inner part is completely eliminated;
  • previously creates another framework;
  • self-tapping screws are screwed into wood and fixed with a layer of putty. After that, they are painted or lacked.
  • now you can proceed to direct warming. All material is fixed with glue.
  • all this is covered with a sheet of chipboard, which must be measured in advance and cut;
  • it remains only to apply a layer of foam rubber and cover it with a leatherette.

Consider the fact that after sealing the door dimensions will become about more, so it is necessary to prepare the appropriate fitness in advance.

Warming of Chinese metal doors with liquid filler

Often, liquid fillers are used to insulate the door with their own hands. But in order for the material to disappear, it can be used only if the seams are sealed. Care should be taken, because there is no guarantee that you can fully fill the space. And this is one of the most important points.

Necessary materials and tools

In order to qualitatively perform insulation of the metal door at home, we need:

  • insulated material;
  • drill;
  • liquid Nails;
  • foam for mounting.

These are the most basic tools, without which you can not get started.

Stages of performance

The procedure necessary for the insulation of the Chinese door:

  • remove the doors with loops;
  • eliminate all locks and eyes if it is available;
  • remove all the contents of the inside of the canvas;
  • empty spaces fill in the insulation and fix with glue;
  • check for the presence of slots;
  • return the finishing panel to the starting position;
  • install eye and castles into place.

If you follow these simple rules, warmth and comfort in the house you are provided.


Alone to install and insulate the Chinese door is an excellent way of savings.

At the same time, competently by performing each described action, you do not lose anything in quality for the low price. Materials that are needed for work are available in every home and do not require special learning.

Metal entrance doors made by the hands of hardworking Chinese are firmly located in the residential areas and houses of our compatriots. And it does not admire, because their price, relatively great performance and multipleness of the outdoor species regularly attracts and calls the people. It is very sorry for similar structures there is one significant disadvantage - the lack of a good-quality layer of thermal insulation, which is unfulbitating in our climate conditions.

Warm Chinese door

as usual, homemade craftsmen were quickly oriented in the setting, and found ways to heat insulating Chinese wooden canvas to save expensive warmth home. It turns out that if there is a very small set of devices and the skills of treatment with them, from the budget door it is quite possible to do a real wall, through which no drafts will pass. Sounds tempting, agree?

This publication provides options for how their own hands can heat insulating Discontinent and deline input canvas from China.

Warming of detachable doors

This type of cloth has an inner trim, which is attached to the cozoise using self-tapping screws. There are models in which the inner covering and is absolutely not located.

At the first stage, it is important to choose a good insulation. It is completely incorrect to think that the foam or mineral wool is the most perfect option. It is much more prudent and more useful to take polystyrene, which initially has a more dense structure.

Further to establish the thickness of the insulation and its area, for which it is necessary to measure the thickness of the canvas, without leaving the trimming on both sides. The area is inserted simply: the door height is multiplied by its width. If there is a structural insulation, in which there is no inner skin, the leaf is additionally purchased or the Fiberboard, which the insulation itself is hidden.

Once all this is available, proceed to the process itself:

  1. We remove the inner trim or drink a new one from the organic or other material.
  2. If it is necessary to independently do the inside of the web, you need to carefully check all sizes and prepare holes for the handle, locks, eyes and other elements.
  3. Any metal door has hard ribs inside, the space between which is filled with the insulation, and as close as possible.
  4. If you stopped on a polystyrene, but bought a plate of greater thickness than you need to fix the case will help hot wires or a long and thin hacksaw.
  5. The foam or other insulation is not just clenched between the ribs, but also additionally attached by applying liquid nails.
  6. We screw the removal before the trimming or collect a new, made from the fiberboard. In the completed embodiment, it is most advisable to use the magnetized screwdriver or a screwdriver with a magnetized bat, which are tightened by several screws on each ribbies and on all sides of the door sash. If, due to the design parameters of hard ribs, it is impossible to screw fasteners, you need to additionally put corners.
  7. The regimen of the warming of the door for the winter will become a multilateral cutting of the lining of the fiberboard, which is performed by the skin for grinding works or small file.

What to do with a delicate web?

Of course, it would be wonderful if the iron door from China was initially insulated. Since it fulfills the completed product more expensive, we are taken to take a budget option, and improve it because of your knowledge. In the case when the entrance door design has a detailed panel, you need to get ready to correct the inner view of the web and make a new lining. But first things first:

  1. The door is completely getting rid of the accessories located inside.
  2. Execute an additional framework, as in the photo. To do this, wooden planks are recorded for metal, the width of which should be a similar width of the insulation, on the entire inner contour of the web blades for metal. Very well, if the holes for the self-tapping screws are prepared in advance in the metal base, and their diameter will be slightly smaller than the circumferential fasteners themselves. At this stage, it is recommended to fix several transverse speakers, and all the wooden elements should be attached close to the metallic base.
  3. Self-tapping screws have to be twisted with a deepening in a tree, the location of the fixation is embedded with a putty for a tree, after which all the wooden parts are first painted or vague.
  4. After the Chinese door is filled with the selected insulation, which would not be fine not just perfectly press and squeeze into a newly created core, but also to fix glue by the type "Dragon".
  5. All this is covered with a sheet of fiberboard of the desired dimensions, which, again, is attached to self-drawing or even nails to wooden planks.
  6. The foam rubber will be added from above, which is stretched by good leatherette. The latter is attached to non-traditional nails with decorative or hidden hats. Much more in the whole process can be traced on video.
  7. Since after a similar insulation of the door canvase, it becomes much wider, it is important to purchase the necessary fittings.

At the final stage, it is important to fill in foam to install all emptiness and gaps detected between the box and the wall. After its drying, everyone is unnecessary cut off with a stationery sharp knife, and the junction place is closed with a putty or cement.

Alternative methods

If you understand to protect the private house of the Chinese door, try to make sure the tightness of all its seams. Then the opportunity will appear heat insulating Construction by filling in inland cavities with vermiculite or perlite.

And yet: do not rush free from the old entrance web. Try to live with 2 doors, between which an airbag will occur. It has excellent sound and insulating abilities, and it is quite capable of replacing the cell's own insulation and maintain a metal sheet from frost.

Repair of the Chinese door.

Chinese metal doors in our time are tremendous. A good quality of performance, beautiful appearance and low cost is the main advantage, make them a choice of hundreds of thousands of people across the country. Nevertheless, there are structures produced in China, and one significant drawback is an insufficient level of heat and noise insulation.

How to insulate the Chinese iron entrance door? This question for sure at least once was asked every owner of the products of the Chinese industry. It is especially acute the need for insulation with the onset of cold weather, when 30% of heat from the apartment simply disappears through products from China, which do not have due insulation.

Warming Metal Door from China: Technology and Materials

In itself, the high-quality warming of the Chinese metal door will help to significantly increase the level of comfort in an apartment or a private house. At the same time, the technology that needs to be studied before heating the metal Chinese door is quite simple and simple.

The instruction involves the use of the most affordable materials and tools, independent execution of work in a short time.

Before heating the Chinese entrance door, materials and tools should be prepared. In particular, they may need: foam (the most ordinary one is suitable, but it is better to buy more expensive), sheets of fiberboard, foam rubber, wooden slats and a leaf of the skin (the size is selected depending on the dimensions of the door).

In this case, the insulation of Chinese doors is performed by closing the surface of the canvas from the side of the apartment.

As for the tools, the set of them is quite uncomplicated. All that will be needed for high-quality insulation of the Chinese door is special finishing cloves (sold in any construction store), a hammer, a drink (for cutting off the extra parts of wooden plates and sheets of DVP), a screwdriver and, in fact, the self-tapping screws.

Stages of warming

  • Wooden rails are installed on the perimeter of the door, and they are fixed on metal screws.. Before insulationing the entrance Chinese door, it will be necessary to adjust the length of the wavelengths under the size of the web.
    In this case, the thickness of the rivers can be up to 2 cm and equal to the thickness of the foam used;
  • Through the foam, it will be necessary to fill out all the space inside the resulting crop design.. To secure foam sheets, special glue should be applied (by the type "Dragon", which is also used when the loggia is insulation (see the article more).
    Particularly wide clearances between sheets can be filled with mounting foam.

    Since the price of foam is quite low (especially, when compared with other insulating materials), it is best to purchase not the cheapest option. Thus, it will be possible to significantly extend the life of thermal insulation;

    Council. Since in connection with the work on insulation, the door has become somewhat thicker than it was before, it is necessary to take care of the selection of all accessories (handles, locks), lengthening the door eye.

    Warming of the Chinese doors: a variety of additional options

    Installing such seals, as a rule, is made throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe door leaf with fixing using the dematin strips.

    Often, before heating Chinese doors or after performing such a process, another type of work is produced - eliminating the gap between the door web and the box. For this, the most ordinary foam and dermatin apply.

    The technology is very simple: the foam rubber turns into dermatin, and after the seal received is fixed throughout the perimeter of the inlet door, excluding the threshold (exactly to do it, can be seen in the photo).


    The insulation of the Chinese metal door is a process that will help significantly increase the performance of such a product. Since the Chinese manufacturers, most of them, do not pay special attention to the insulation of the door leaf from the heat loss, then the insulation can be bolder to be called mandatory for each person who choose such a canvas for themselves.

    After thermal insulation, even Chinese doors will help delay heat in the house, creating optimal conditions for comfortable living. If during the implementation of the insulation there will be some questions, you can always watch the video in this article, where everything is shown quite accessible and understandable.