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Development of memory and concentration. How to develop memory and attention from an adult. The main thing is training

The modern pace of life requires good memory, stress causes its deterioration even in young people.

Problems begin with trifles (it is difficult to remember the name, date) and are exacerbated if you do not take action.

The scattering goes into forgetfulness and is already difficult to remember where they put the desired thing, turned off the iron or left the included. It's time to think: how to improve memory and attention in adults?

The forgetting function protects the nervous system from overvoltage. The brain removes negative information, fencing a person from negative emotions. Therefore, people are often forgotten to fulfill the cases that they are unpleasant.

Memory for memorization time is divided into:

  • immediately (forgotten immediately: they wrote the letter and forgot about it);
  • short-term (information is preserved 30 sec.);
  • long-term (information remains for years);
  • sliding (information is stored for a certain time: the material learned to exam).

The reasons that caused a decrease in memorial ability can be:

  • anxiety, stress, experiences (the concentration of the brain on the problem leads to scattered and worsening memory);
  • hurry (when a person in the tricks does not notice the trifles, so he quickly forgets about them);
  • insufficient use of vitamins;
  • lack of sleep, chronic fatigue;
  • smoking (Nicotine weakens short-term and visual memory);
  • alcohol (delays mental processes, lowers the perception of the surrounding world);
  • some diseases (cranopy brain injuries, brain vessel damage as a result of diabetes mellitus, etc.).

How can I improve memory

When symptoms are found associated with the deterioration of memory, it is not necessary to begin the use of drugs. You can improve memorization using numerous techniques. It is important to treat trifles carefully: when parking, pay attention to the surrounding objects (number of trees, houses).

Do not be distracted from the task: trying to find keys, you need to look for them and not pay attention to other items.

To work up visual memory recommended:

  • Use the Aivazovsky method (carefully viewed for 5 minutes on an object or person, then with closed eyes mentally as possible to restore the image as possible).
  • Structuring memorable information (remember the sequence of location of items in the room, their parts, shape, color).

You can train the visual memory using online games, opening cells and find pictures with the same items. The game ends when all pictures are open, the program records the game time.

You can train auditory memory:

  • reading out loud (in this case, the vocabulary increases, the diction, intonation is improved;
  • memorizing poems (over time the memory will be trained, it will become easier to remember, it will take less repetitions);
  • memorizing excerpts of the conversation of foreign people (trying to reproduce the heard with the same intonation and submit a person who said it).

Among the neurological diseases there are rare and very heavy pathologies that are most often manifested in adulthood. Here you can find out in detail about such a disease as lateral amyotrophic sclerosis. Read about the reasons and treating this ailment.

Work techniques with attention

With the help of simple techniques, you can develop a concentration and training attention. Each of the exercise proposed should last 5 minutes.


Sit relaxed, back straight, the shoulders are omitted, the hands on the knees, look like it would be suspended with the ceiling. It is necessary to choose any object and look at it. As soon as the thoughts begin to be distracted, you should concentrate on the object again.

After that, it is necessary to expand the attention, including the objects surrounding object.

And re-send attention only to the object. With this exercise it is possible:

  • focus;
  • celebrate when attention is scattered and returning it;
  • change focus.


Sit with a straight back, watch your own breathing for a minute (as inhaling the air is entered into the lungs, and when exhaling it comes out). Then move attention to the sensations (feel that it was tired of sitting) and watch this sensation: how much time it lasts where it is localized, as manifested.

Then you need to go back to breathing, watch a few breaths and exhale and continue observation of the previous sensation: it is saved or disappeared? You can watch your thoughts.

Over time, it will not be necessary in solitude - it will be possible to observe the sensations anywhere. And it will be possible to manage your attention.

Peripheral vision

Choose a place where no one will disturb, without turning the heads to note that it is located on top, from the bottom, from the sides on the periphery of vision.

After some time, his eyesight will return to the center, you will need to return it back to the periphery.

For 5 minutes, repeat these actions several times.

This technique allows you to better navigate in space (especially in stressful situations).

Proper nutrition

For good memory it is important proper nutrition. As a result of research, scientists confirmed that nutrients, trace elements, vitamins affect mental abilities. They help restore memory and improve its functions.

When drinking alcohol, on the contrary, there is a rough disorder of memory. Under the influence of ethyl alcohol, the death of neurons in the brain is observed. The use of strong alcoholic beverages makes memory irreparable harm.

Scientists have allocated products that improve memory:

  • Tea, herbs, honey (tanne in tea makeup has a soothing effect, honey eliminates nervous tension, infusion of sage and rosemary restores energy, helps to remove toxins).
  • Berries, fruits (especially useful berries of blue and high-content of vitamin C: Kiwi, avocado, pineapples, oranges, lemons).
  • Vegetables (in green vegetables a lot of folic acid, which improves cognitive functions of the brain: salad, spinach, bean sprouts, broccoli).
  • Nuts and seeds (especially containing a lot of zinc, magnesium, - walnut).
  • Seafood (the substances contained in the fish provide assistance to the brain with long work: fatty varieties of fish, crabs, shrimps).
  • Cereals (a large content of vitamins in the croup improves memory).

According to Oxford scientists, milk contains substances that have a positive effect on brain activity. Drinking daily 2 cups of milk, you can improve memory.

Methods for the elderly

With age weaken and destroy interneurone bonds of the brain, which leads to a worsening memory. Aggravates the process of a number of factors:

  • improper nutrition;
  • insufficient physical activity;
  • depression;
  • loneliness;
  • reception of some drugs.
  • Reading books (reading small passages and retell them after some time or read 1 chapter 1 and start following the next only after remembered read).
  • Memorizing poems (it is better to choose a favorite subject).
  • Association game (for easier memorization, invent your own technique).
  • Training of visual memory (remember the details of the situation in the apartment of acquaintances, etc.).
  • Call the letters of the alphabet in direct and reverse order.
  • The game is in words (when the last letter of the previous one becomes the next word).
  • Play chess or checkers.
  • Solve rebuses or crosswords.
  • Learn a foreign language.

When performing cyclic exercises (walking, running, swimming), blood is saturated with oxygen, it enters the brain cells and improves thinking processes.

The productivity of brain cells increases, livestock products are removed faster.

Prevention of memory problems

  • Feed correctly (full nutrition helps to keep memory, harm causes oily food, excessive use of salt and sugar).
  • Physical exercise (walks, performing physical exercises in the morning improve blood circulation).
  • Memory training (people engaged in mental activity will keep up good memory for a long time).
  • Getting rid of bad habits (they cause disorders that manifest themselves in memory worsening).

Regardless of the reason that caused a worsening memory should be consistent with the doctor to determine the nature of such violations and the appointment of treatment. Problems can be temporary, and are associated with a certain problem, after which the treatment is not required.

Despite the fact that, subject to a number of recommendations and when changing your lifestyle, a person can keep a good standard of living with multiple sclerosis, many people still progresses the disease. What group is given with this diagnosis?

The basic principles of the diet with multiple sclerosis are set forth in the material.

Video on the topic

Memory - the most important component of the psyche and any kind of human activity: from the usual walking and writing to the knowledge of new, intellectual and physical work. Violations in the functioning of memory leads to various problems in all vital activity. Fast forgetting or, on the contrary, not perception, not to memorize the necessary information - it is very not necessary that these are pathological disorders in the brain neurons responsible for memory.

The frequent cause of the "lack of memory" (forgetting, not memorization) is a scattering, inattention, and most importantly - no emotional involvement and interest in memorization object.

To understand how to develop, improve and train memory, no matter, a child or an adult person, you need to know that the memory of a person works together with attention and perception, therefore, you need to develop and improve memory and attention.

How to improve, develop memory and attention from a child and adult

What are the types of memory and how it works, you can learn from the article: how to quickly remember information ...
In this article we will look at how to improve and develop memory and attention In a child and in an adult, using some psychological techniques, technicians and training, and most importantly - your new knowledge about the development of memory, attention and perception.

Some knowledge of memory and attention: In order to perceive well, to listen to the information and for a long time to memorize, and then it is easy to recall (remember), first of all, it is necessary to get rid of related inattention (scattered) and forgetting factors, such as permanent and accumulated stresses, especially moving in distress, depressive states and apathy, preserved psychological injuries, incomplete situations from the past and accumulated negative emotions (such as events, guilt, etc.) - I'm not talking about psychological and personal disorders (neurosis, phobias, dependence ...) - they can seriously To interfere with both perception and attention and improvement of memory (memorization).

For example: If you have gathered to improve your memory, remembering new information, but your consciousness is engaged automatic (sometimes intrusive) thoughts and images from subconscious (fears, experiences, emotional "afterburning" of the past, etc.), then your attention will be focused on these subconscious illusions and fantasies, and not on a memorable material, which, by the way, will be very difficult to perceive.

You will not have either mood, no interest and motivation, nor emotional involvement in the memorization process (memory improvement), because Your mental energy will be spent not to create (in this context - development and improvement of memory), and on the fight with its most self-caters, outputs and with other internal negatives, i.e. on self-destruction.

So, the main thing is that it is necessary for the development and improvement of memory and attention, both adults and children - This is a good mood, interest, motivation and emotional involvement.

How to develop memory using mood, interest, motivation and involvement

All people need to develop their memory, starting from the age of the child. However, it is possible to develop a memory and an adult who was not very diligently in childhood.

Many probably will say that if there were listed components (mood, interest, motivation, emotional involvement), then develop and improve memory and attention is not a problem ... The problem is that we usually do not have these components ...
For example: What could be the mood to learn lessons? Or what interest is to prepare for exams? What motivation to learn and develop now, if the result may be (and maybe not) in the future? What is the emotional involvement in the tedious learning process?

On the one hand, it may seem that you are right if you think so. But on the other hand, the man for Togo "is reasonable" to solve any problems, or rather, what happens more often in life - not to create them yourself and others ...

So here "Mind" Homo Sapires will tell you how to develop your memory after you are in read in this article.
We have to study almost all your life to everyone, from birth to the "end" ... something we learn automatically, unconsciously and involuntarily, for example, walking, subconsciously copying the behavior of other people, and something is conscious, purposefully and arbitrarily ... And everywhere, with any form of activity, study or work, our memory is used and attention - in the first case we will listen, perceive and remember, in the second - we take a look for, remember and reproduce ...

How to improve memory adult and child at home

Everyone can "enter" how to improve memory at home, without resorting to the help of a psychologist, provided that the person will be quite reasoned at the work itself to improve its memory, and not just the final result. And also, as mentioned above, a child or an adult will be mood, interest and emotional involvement in the process of improving memory.

An adult can motivate, interest and involve himself, and the child should help, again, an interested and motivated parent (educator, teacher ...).

Take in the example Any type of training, children or adult - no matter ... Suppose you or your child need to learn how to work on yourself, improve your memory, but there is no special zeal and desire, i.e. There is no motivation, no interest, nor, especially, involvement ... What to do?

How to improve motivation To improve memory? ( remember - Motivation is not on the result, but the process of learning itself and working on memory) is easier to "paired turnips" ... you need to inspire yourself (give an internal installation) that you are vital, biologically needed good memory (if you motivate yourself With a child to improve his memory, then to inspire that you are vital to help the child).

If this installation is fixed in the head, then the motivation will be "turned on" by automatt - you do not need to resort constantly to the power of the will and constantly motivate yourself ... (You can forget that you wanted to improve memory :-)

To do this, you can use the methods of self-hypnosis or positive affirmations, well, or a simple repetition (for example, to read this article several times and other materials for working with memory and benefit from it ... but so longer fix the installation).

School Yuri Okuneva

Hi friends! I am with you, Yuri Okunev.

Training memory and attention in adults was already the topic, there I focused mainly in memory. Today we will talk more about attention.

Take a pen, paper and remember the last week. Consider how many times you:

  • Lailed to work (or on the appointed meeting);
  • Forgot to pass an important report at work (or transfer the colleague information);
  • Losing keys, glasses, cell phone, long trying to find;
  • Forgot to buy something in the store;
  • Missed an important call;
  • Not accepted on time tablet.

How is it going? Considered? How much do you have? More than three? Immediately do!

Respect your body

Reasons lack of attentiveness are often:

  • Lacking;
  • Insufficient rest, poor well-being;
  • Stressful situations;
  • Lack of interest, boredom;
  • Disorder indoors, inorganic.

It must be said that these harmful factors are valid for everyone, but practical attention copes with them much easier.

Learn to concentrate on what you are doing. Mouse over to the house and at your workplace, make a literate plan of the day and your attention will be released for new and important tasks.

Performing simple exercises for concentration of attention, you will begin to notice around more details and firmly hold the necessary events in memory.

Take the tests to find out if you have a good attention. Well, now we'll figure it out: how else to develop attention?

Play logical games

How long have you been playing Domino? And in checkers? You do not know how to play them?
Old good games that were before in every yard and in every home, such as:

  • Checkers;
  • Domino;
  • Backgammon;
  • Lotto;

All of them contribute to the development of care. In addition, these games teach primarily to manage their emotions, not to show fear in a losing situation and delight in anticipation of victory. They produce in the playing inner calm, as well as the power of will and perseverance.

The game of cards also work well the degree of concentration and the speed of switching attention.

Exercise "Inquisitive"

Go out to the street. Watching passersby, try to remember the features of the face, the details of the clothes, the gait of everyone who goes to meet. Look On sky. What is the weather today? Are there clouds or shines the sun? How does the shadow fall from the items? What color is the roof near the neighboring house?
Listen to to surrounding sounds. What do you hear? Sound of the motor passing machines? Twitter birds? Voices of children going home from school? Focus on more and more quiet and imperceptible sounds.
Coming home try to remember exactly every detail, people who met, phrases that heard. This method contributes to improving perception and increase the amount of attention and memory.

Exercise "Green Point"

Complete option: When contemplating a point, we try to see the lines of the text, expanding your gaze from the center to the periphery.
Perform an exercise every day for at least 3 months. You will notice that inner peace of mind appeared, peacefulness, clarity of thinking.


This method allows you to increase the speed of switching.
Reading some text, try to consider words at the same time.
Can you withstand this 2 minutes? Check if you can retell the content, what are read about? Did you kill from the account?

Learn languages

Another great care exercise is studying foreign languages. An unfamiliar and unusual information gives a good load on the brain, forcing the attention and memory to develop.
First of all, you need to overcome the fear of the new language, to tell yourself: "You can!". Then put the goal, weigh your capabilities. And move-move-move in a given direction, making all your efforts and will.
The result will not make yourself wait! You will see how easily everything is given and what pleasure you deliver.

Use the Wikium service

From the previous article you learned about the intense course "Phenomenal memory for occupied people" From the record holder of Russia to memorize Stanislav Matveyev, and today I remind you that there is both "Light version" Russian service Wikium Provides for you online methods for developing memory, attention and thinking.

Testing, training, competitions - everything is designed with maximum user convenience and in accordance with modern scientific achievements in the field of psychology. Recommend. Details can be read.

Perhaps all today. Waiting for your questions and wishes in the comments. Write how you can still train attention and memory. Do not forget to subscribe to receive updates. So far!

Welcome to you, dear blog readers! You probably have repeatedly heard that the memory in some way is the repository of our past, the generator of the present and the basis of the future. The development of memory and attention in adults is a necessity for a modern person. Today we will talk about how to do it.

What is memory and attention?

Everyone has memory. Another thing is that not everyone knows how to use it correctly. We remember many facts, images and numbers. Without memory, life would look quite different.

At what reason then, we are able to remember one person, but not able to hold the name or date of the family for a long time? I easily remember the time of one meeting and forcedly write the date of the other?

Everything is easier than it seems at first glance. If we remember something well, this means that in this case effective memorization methods were applied. It happened consciously either at an unconscious level. If you could not remember, then the method was inappropriate.

Attention and memory are closely interrelated. Without the ability to concentrate attention on mandatory memorization, as well as without an emotional reaction from the study of a specific object, it is impossible to learn the material qualitatively. In essence, attentiveness, as well as interest, are the main indicators of good work of short-term memory.

Attention is the ability to elective perception. It regulates the fixation of the object in the short-term memory of the person. It is characterized by a slight storage time of the received information in a small amount. The stronger and longer our concentration on the facility, the better we can remember it.

Causes of attention dispersion

Before consideration of the question of the concentration of attention, it should be understood what causes of diffraction.

According to Daniel Canman, there are 2 levels of thinking:

  • Subconscious - layer functioning without volitional effort. Reacts to a number of stimuli, is impulsive.
  • Conscious - a group of critical and rational thought processes. Performs a processing function for emissions from the subconscious pulses.

For all the processes where the logic and the use of volitional effort is required, the conscious level is responsible. When it comes to reflexes and reactive behavior, this is the work of the subconscious level.

The level of consciousness is responsible for all mental processes. With it, we are able to concentrate on the task.

Our conscious thinking is subject to multiple influence of external interference, which significantly complicates the focusing process.

What are irritants?

Irriters are two types:

  1. Touch - music, TV, people, and so on. You can easily get rid of them, eliminating physically.
  2. Emotional - dialogue with himself, a continuous flow of thoughts and the like. Caused by life problems, stress, health status.

To get rid of them, you can try to resort to volitional efforts, to forget about the urgent problems, focus on the task, but it depletes the reserves of psyche.

There is another way to cope with emotional stimuli. For this, it is necessary to understand the fact that the human reason is characteristic of focusing on negative experiences and events, since they carry a threat, and therefore require increased attention. Subconsciously, a person strives to erase them quickly.

It will be a mistake to try to remove the source of negative influence. In this case, you should relax well, restore the strength and make negative events with your motivation to get out of the current situation.

What helps and what prevents memorial?

Motivation is an important component in the process of memorizing any amount of information. In order to focus on, always resort to motion.

For example, the task is to remember this material. This will bring great benefit in the future for your self-development, career, family. Prophons all the advantages of learning and applying this information. The more you feel the need for these actions, the more effective the memorization process will be.

All about motivation, you will find in the article: ".

External noises. Are you able to concentrate at work when the circle of turmoil? Most often it is acquired skill, habit.

If a person lives in a small apartment or a student dormitory, his brain is forced to adapt to difficult conditions and do its work that does not pay attention to the external stimuli.

Difficulties make us stronger. To increase your threshold of "impents", I recommend artificially creating a difficulty. For example, concentrate on reading when music played in the headphones, write a report on the work done, sitting in McDonalds, where people walk and noisy. It will tire you faster, but the result will not make yourself wait.

Sorry, there is no award "Mr. and Mrs. Immediateness". I am sure you could claim first place after such training.

Ways to improve attention concentration

Regarding modern training systems, there are many disputes, since it is objectively to track improvements from users is extremely difficult. There is an online service wikium Ruwhich allows you to develop a convenient and easy way to develop memory, attention and thinking in general, in any place convenient for you.

In order to learn the technique of inclusion and control of arbitrary attention, special exercises should be done. They help to gain concentration.

Of course, a good concentration of attention cannot be achieved instantly, it is necessary to work regularly on the increase in its level.

Tips for pumping concentrations:

  • Stay adamant. Very often, a person stops halfway, amenable to the temptation to avoid work on himself. Try to overcome this desire, for example, applying the Fifteer Rule. If you have to read the book, Masillize five more pages or use another 5 minutes of your time on this matter. As a result, you may want to continue reading.
  • Do only one thing at one time. All other questions will wait. Miller rule states that the available amount of our attention is extremely limited.
  • Always color with emotions. If you memorize information, it is important for both attention and emotional returns from the proceedings. Up to the fact that invent the game: every 5 pages of text - the ability to throw 5 paper balls into the garbage basket.

Meditation and attention

There are many tutorials, online courses and programs for training memory, attention and concentration. In this article I will give some of them. In more detail about the variety of exercises, you can learn from the article on the blog of the Top 10 exercises for the development of a person's memory. "

The best way to concentrate - meditation. Ideally, such a training should be in a habit. Initial level - exercise "Green Point". It can be done at any time of the day and anywhere.

Description of the technology "Green Point":

  1. Relax the body. This is possible when you are sitting in front of the computer or during a lunch break.
  2. Imagine a green point on the wall in front of you.
  3. Look at the imaginary point of 3 minutes. Gradually increase the time, expanding the "comfortable" zone.
  4. Pay attention to the periphery and what is located on the side of you. Hold all that is around in the zone of your attention. At the same time, do not shift the eyes from an imaginary "green point".

This is a simple, but extremely effective way to quickly learn to concentrate attention. Consequence - Improving memory.

In general, meditation is a very strong practice, if it is for weapons, the effectiveness of any person will increase at times. You can read more about meditation in the article :.

Cavashima Rutty Intellect Development System

Japan is known to progress in almost all areas. It also developed a Japanese system for the development of intelligence.

According to the copyright of the Rutes of Kavashim, the solution of simple arithmetic tasks for the time and reading loud all the hemispheres of the brain will involve. Thus, the memory is also being developed, negative consequences are erased. Reading promotes the slowdown of brain aging.

The author conducted an experiment among soulless patients suffering from dementia, Alzheimer's disease. After 30 days of training on the Kavashim system, patients recorded a slowdown in the development of the disease. The work of the brain has improved significantly. To delay the inhibition of cognitive functions in this disease was almost impossible. The author itself consists of a number of simple arithmetic tasks, visual illustrations and comments.


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All are good to you, to new meetings!


Human memory can be compared with the storeroom storing that extensive information that opens the potential for creativity in various directions. But with age with memory and attention, problems appear. Avoid this will allow regular work on yourself. Thus, the development of memorization in adults is important. What to do to save your memory as long as possible?

The main thing is training

Despite the abundance of work on this topic, the memory continues to be mysterious. Traditionally it is believed that older people with ease forget new information due to the fact that the ability to memorize over time is lost. However, it is known that the state of memory directly depends on the well-being of a person. When overwork, stress, lacking a large number of nerve cells is lost, which naturally affects the possibility of memorization. However, one should not come to the despondency. Scientists believe that memory must be training, it will even save and improve the ability to memorize.

Memory development and healthy habits

Memory directly depends on the work of the human brain, for the full functioning of which it is necessary continuous saturation of its oxygen. It activates mental activity and, therefore,. You will be helped by regular ventilation of the room and the so-called "oxygen pauses", when a person after an hour of work comes out on fresh air to ride.

Necessary to refuse from bad habits - smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages (no exception beer), an outline working day leading to overwork. After all, they will slow down the activity of the brain, which does not work to work in full force.

In contrast to this, regular physical education and sports, healthy eight-hour sleep, rational food form good opportunities for the disclosure of mental potential, and therefore, to strengthen memory.

Simple memory development exercises

The answer to the question of how to develop a memory in an adult, lies in the area of \u200b\u200bits permanent improvement. The same applies to attention and intelligence. The following patterns are based on memory workouts:

  • interest in a memorable object and its significance;
  • immersion in information, concentration and concentration of attention;
  • sequential playback, gradual memorization.

Intellectual gaming tasks for adults have invaluable assistance in the development of memory. It is easy to perform them, it is important to do it regularly, and not from the case of the case. Here is some of them.

  1. Name a few words, each of them should be approached, for example, such adjectives: edible, white, soft.
  2. Put on the surface of the table several bones of Domino. Carefully looked at them for 10 seconds. Wind and name the total amount on the knuckles.
  3. A person is usually able to invent and closely associated with her attention. For example, skip different things: perfume, flowers, dishes or other objects. Compare the smells with each other, try to describe them with words.
  4. During meals, do not hurry. Wrap your favorite dish or drink, feel taste. If you do it all the time, then there is a memorization of what you eat. The memory will retain the taste of the used products and it will later become one of the many memories. Effective exercise is wine tasting, but it is not necessary to cherish it in its execution.
  5. Listen to the surrounding sounds, try to analyze them. For example, you can define musical instruments, listening to a symphony or ovens orchestra. If you hear the sound of the song, then try to disassemble the words.
  6. Train my memory, remembering human persons who are often found on the way. When viewed, mark something special, dominant in appearance: lips, nose, eyes, magnificent hair, etc. However, do it unobtrusively, not attracting the attention of man.
  7. Being on the road, watch what is happening without clinging to extraneous thoughts. After that, closing my eyes, try to remember what they saw and heard.
  8. Explore your favorite poems, winged expressions, slowly reading, highlighting significant words in them, recreating images in their consciousness.
  9. Remember the phone numbers, training the memory into numbers. Add here a figurative thinking, associating the figure with something: 1 - with a match, 2 - with swan and so on.
  10. Close your eyes and mentally play the work notepad page, not forgetting about cuts and blots. A week later, you can see the success of your memory.

Excellent memory is a great advantage of a person of any age, helping both in everyday life, and in successful work. However, it is necessary to develop its adult people all the way.

Author of the article: Sazonov Mikhail