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Scenario home or friendly party "An unforgettable New Year: memories - a year ahead!". Merry new year in a family circle: script, games, competitions How to spend new year home script

According to statistics, 9 out of 10 families meet the new year at home. Relatives and friends come to them, and together they sit down for the New Year's table and are waiting for the combat of Kurats. Time after the New Year's table flies quickly, but sometimes it happens and boring. And therefore we offer a funny home script for the new year: 2017 the year of the rooster! The scenario has funny contests, interesting ideas and cool games. Even for children, this small New Year's plan will be interesting. So look and play.

Game - Recall the events of the outgoing year!
3-5 guests take part in the game. Each of them presenter hangs on the back signs with words. You need to hang so that participants in the game these signs do not see, and all the other guests have seen. The inscriptions on the signs are: the registry office, sberling, bushes, sauna, gay club.
When the signs are put on, and the rest of the guests are downloaded, you can start the game. The presenter asks leading questions to the participants, and they respond.
Examples of questions:
- How often in 2016 have you visited this place?
- And in previous years you have ever been there?
- Do you like the place where you go?
- Will you go there in the new year? How often?
- Would you take someone there?
- Who? Name names?
- Why would you take them there?
Such a competition will be held with a bang, because participants do not know about the place that they have written on the back. So everyone will laugh from the soul.

Game - We accompany the old year.

And now it is time to spend the old year so that he is no longer returned. We will accomplish it with the help of the game with kegs. And so, you need a bow. On the kegles it is necessary to write numbers: 2, 0, 1, 6. That is, on each shelter one digit. And you still need small balls that you will shoot down the kegli. Also prepare gifts for guests. Gifts are such that they remember the outgoing 2016 year. Write on the cards and fold the cards in the bag. The first participant takes the balls and moves five meters away. His task to shoot down all the kegli balls. As soon as he knocks them down, it takes out one card out of the bag and reads that he is waiting for his gift.

Video Competition - What movie?
Every year a huge number of films come to the screens. Of course, all of them will not work, but many we look. And in this video competition we will be guessing movies and serials!
To do this, we have prepared a video. There will be a stop footage, and guests must guess the name of the film. Think just? No, because the people of the heroes on the stop frame are decorated with masks! When all the guests did their assumptions, then the next frame is shown, where the faces are open.
Watch the video below to better understand how to play:

Competition - What are you waiting for the new year?
This is a game with cards. You need two types of cards. The first is a question, and the second is the answer. First, the participant takes out a card with a question read. Then the card with the answer and reads.
Examples of cards with questions:
- In the new year you will go to the sport hall?
- In the new year, are you waiting for a salary?
- Do you have a plan for the new year?
- Do you get to relax on the sea?
- What is the most important thing for you in the new year?
- How do you plan to spend this summer?
- Do you think the new year will bring you good luck?
- Are you waiting for some wonders from the new year?
- Have you made a desire for the new year?

Examples of answers:
- It is impossible to say unequivocally. There are many nuances, which I would not want to talk about.
- this is my dream!
- You know, even if it does not happen, I still love life!
- Better I will do what I just adore - lying on the sofa!
- Let it be my secret.
- I have everything under control!
- I do not want to jiggle, so I do it on a tree three times.
- I just want to eat today and drink!
- I know for sure what to do. So you can be calm!

Competition - Draw a symbol of the year.
And then the task is simple - you need to draw a symbol of the upcoming year. This competition can be carried out in different ways.
First option.
Here, just guests draw funny roosters. Who has funnier, he wins.
Second option.
And here guests paint the rooster blindfolded. Who will turn out better, he wins.

Turn your new year meeting in a fun adventure, forget about the boring feast and continuous shift of dishes on a festive table. It is important not just to eat tightly, but also make a holiday fun and bright. You yourself can write a script for the new year 2017 a rooster if you are familiar with the books of the beautiful author Fantasy - Andrei Belyanin. His fabulous cycle about the king of pea is suitable for creating scenes. It is best, it has both Baba Yaga, and the wise district of Ivashov, he is the father of the Savior Voivoda, and good-natured Mitka Lobov, and, of course, a cunning loudly rooster.

Take any of the eight books from the cycle about the king of peas - you will be happy to get acquainted with all his heroes and easily choose any scene, which is so easy to put even non-professional artists. At the same time you will learn how fun you can fight with an unclean force, overcome obstacles, and just get acquainted with the magnificent author of fairy tales.

Choose the bride for the king of pea

"Brides-shot" - a wonderful New Year's scenario for 2017, in which all intrigue is in choosing a bride for the Tsar of the fabulous-lobcan state. To celebrate the celebration, you will need interesting suits for brides from all countries of the world, because even a representative of the African tribe tamamam came to Lukokino to the Lukokino. You can offer your guests a great holiday:

  1. Fashion show - every bride comes out in his national dress.
  2. Dancing and songs of contenders for the throne, preferably to the music corresponding to their country.
  3. Competition "Who is better cooking" - the bride from the most simple ingredients should make a delicious dish for the king of pea (of course, the initial one is the same). And, of course, speed is important: the king wants to eat!
  4. Sports competitions for men - if Belyanina has described the creation of hockey teams in Lukkino, then let your guests show their power in the inflammation of balloons for speed (do not forget to pierce the balls) or in the "tug of the rope" (you try to pull the thread from the neighbor but do not break it).
  5. We meet the year of the fiery rooster - who can louder and more interesting to shout with a rooster.

In this scenario, let all representatives of unclean power participate. Characters of these fairy tales, we know from childhood by cartoon films and books, so it is not necessary to tell about them:

  • Water;
  • Kimor;
  • Loose
  • Mermaids;
  • House.

Each character is preparing to respond to several cunning questions of the ravifer, leading the investigation of the case of the abduction of a flying ship plans:

  • What materials cost a volatile ship?
  • Who will quickly collect "crane" from paper - it is important to still fly.
  • What ballast used Nikita Ivashov?
  • How to easily eat salt?
  • How to see the evil hitching under the invisible cap?

The list of questions can continue. Of course, the characters go to the scene in the appropriate ways of outfits.

Scenario for the new 2017 Rooster: Operations in the village

Decorate your room for celebrating the New Year of the Fiery Rooster in the country style. After all, it is logical that it is in the village of a rooster that feels best - you can get up early, the air is clean, the ecological situation is excellent.

In the script, as in Belyanin's book, there will be characters:

  1. Nikita Ivanovich Ivashov is the junior lieutenant of the police, a ravine graveyard in Tsar Pea. Later - Lieutenant Militia.
  2. Baba Yaga - Mistress Terema, in which the police station is located. Later - Expert Criminal Operations.
  3. Dmitry Lobov (Mitka) - Assistant N. I. Ivashova.
  4. Tsar Gorokh - the king of the kingdom-state, the capital of which is the city of Lukkino.
  5. Thomas Yeremeyev - the commander of the Strethie hundred.
  6. Filigon Mitrofanovich Gruzdev - Duma Dyack. Under the court of King Pea.
  7. Kirdykbababeevich is the main enemy of the entire Lukinskoye department.

When this scenario for the new year 2017, each guest will be granted a large number of opportunities to show themselves. This is a scenario for a corporate party, in which there are no restrictions on contests. Do not forget about the red rooster - the brightest character. It is he who will lead all the games, and Nikita Ivashov will have to answer the questions of the rooster and fulfill his tasks:

  • How to attract good luck?
  • What work to do by months during the year?
  • Make a delicious dish for the rooster.
  • Any game on the smelling that you know.
  • Masquerade, since such famous characters are involved, then all guests should be changed into the girlfriend outfits or simply a little transformed.

The funniest chastushki from Dmitry Lobova

The scene will be cheerful and completely unpredictable, because in the memory of each of us there are funny chastushki, sometimes even with "hard-acting" words. Offer parties to all participants to remember your favorite cool databa - the fun will enough for everyone and for a long time! This scene always causes laughter, especially if the chastushki performs a major man who owns the facial expression. Although, if desired, each may add each, the scene turns into universal singing for a funny laughter.

Pressing "sober bruises"

How can you do on a holiday without clowns? Masquerade costumes can be rented, any number of actors can participate in scenes. Let it be a parade of costume scenes on the theme of a rooster: what your guests are present in Turkey, Japan, Mexico ... Just let the task to show the fire rooster in all countries of the world!

New Year's Scenario 2017: "Conspiracy of the Black Mass"

In any fairy tale, good necessarily wins evil, this is the irrefuting of truth. Prepare one presenter that will try to harm everyone - to someone in the salad sugar, someone replace vodka in a stack of water. This is the misty of black Mass. Whoever notes the pest notice, he should also imperceptibly hang him on the back of a tiny red cock tied to the pin. You can use a sticker or children's seal - imperceptibly put printing on the neck or hand. The scene turns into an engunting game throughout the evening - it will be interesting to collect all the "victims" from the acts of Mass, and the most "pest" will be assembled from the costume of red cocks. If "victims" are more than roosters, stickers and sealing, the artist of the Black Mass receives a prize.

House and Baba Yaga - Transformation

In the scenario about the arrival of the new 2017, the house should be involved in your home - the keeper of the hearth. And his immediate mistress in the books of Andrei Belyanin - Baba Yaga. This is a scene-presentation for both men and women. Everyone chooses a couple of themselves, now every Baba Jagu adorns her house, respectively, and Baba Yaga wants to see an attractive cavalier next to him. Show member participants The result of a "cosmetic surgery" is impossible, only during the defile they will see themselves in the mirror. You can only use cosmetics if there is a desire - change or add costumes. And necessarily photo for memory and choosing the best pair!

Games for children - the most important part of the script

As well, when in scenes for 2017 everyone participates from Mala to Great, because the new year is the children waiting with impatience, it will be the time of tastes, gifts and entertainment. You will definitely go with the toddles on the Christmas tree and, probably, more than once.

But at home during the celebration, the kids need to pay special attention - for them the game is much more important than the feast. Game options:

Scene for 2017 for those who still have very few years

Kids can not scare, terrible characters can then dreamed by him in a dream. Therefore, only a good fairy participates in the scene. For the presentation, you should cook balloons filled with helium, and in each put a small number corresponding to the prize. Cut in the room a small space with the curtains, fill it with balls.

A kind wizard goes to the center of the hall and collects kids around him. From touching the curtain with a magic wand, shut-off, and the balls fly out into the hall. Now only parents or senior brothers and sisters can help catch balls to hand their children. To complicate the task, the string should be tied short.

This scene will also delight kids and their parents, because she is a competition, and the presentation of prizes, and just entertainment.

Save the fiery rooster!

Merry scene "On Sweet", when everyone already played out, tired a little and want to rest again: to celebrate the New Year - a pretty heavy lesson. You will need a large cake in the shape of a red rooster, a lot of tiny candles that stick into the cake, and the skill. Work is better together or even threesome - small candles burn quickly.

Fit all the candles, put in the living room light and make a beautiful burning miracle - the effect is awesome. Well, if you have an assistant who will turn on the light, because you need to collect around the cake of all guests and blend the candles.

Red rooster saved! You can put tea, cut the cake and continue to celebrate the arrival of the new 2017.

It is important to take care of the design, since it is it that in many cases creates the atmosphere of the holiday. Since the year of the rooster is coming, you need to pay special attention to bright and brilliant colors, so as to tailbill the bird. It will not be superfluous and thinking of images, menus and musical accompaniment. The submitted scenario is perfect for the celebration of the New Year in a spacious room, in which up to 20 people can accommodate comfortably.

Santa Claus ,
Snow Maiden
New Year 2017.

gifts for contests, bag with desires, cards with Christmas words and phrases, cards with songs, roll of paper towels, New Year's rain, New Year's beads, hat, carrot (all in two copies).

Guests occupy their places. Leading appear in the hall.

New Year hurries to visit us,
All problems we will throw off
We will drink and dance,
We will celebrate the holiday!

We all glad to see this evening,
And I suggest starting
So I'll light our candles,
Old year we will wish!

(Pronounced toast about outgoing 2016)

Town options:
1. Here goes old year,
Let him take himself,
All adversity and sadness,
All people that were offended.
All problems, troubles all
Let him take
Let's drink friends for that
To have more laughter!

2. Let's drink for the outgoing year,
Thank you for everything that gave
Let him take away
All troubles that we sent!

3. Let's raise glasses,
We carry out the 16th year,
Let's remember it for a long time,
With you, let all evil will take.
Thank you for the experience,
For the wisdom gave
For what he was still good
That Trump by the president suddenly became!
And if no joke, we spend decently
And let out for everything that we brought us,
For the fact that we still lived calmly
For not seeing grief and tears!

(Variants of toasts can be different)

So I'm wondering, and what will you have wishes for the new year 2017?

So, let's check it out!

Excellent, I just have a magic bag, in which so many wishes and desires lies that you can read, you can get tired!

Wishes for 2017 game.
It is necessary to write in advance the options for desires for the coming year. Put it all in an opaque bag and offer each guest to pull out a piece of paper and read out loud.
It will take: a bag with desires.

Example of cards.
I want 2017 to bring me ...
1. ... 10 kg of candies, mink manot, pess fur coat and pink phone;
2. ... calm and a million dollars;
3. ... a lot of new toys and mom new dress;
4. ... diamond necklace and ice cream;
5. ... I am a unicorn and beard hottabic;
6. ... Happiness and new boots.
7. ... a new screwdriver, wrench and a bottle of Armenian brandy;
8. ... Long holidays and gifts;
9. ... a lot of weekends and a huge salary;
10. ... A new set of tools and 2017 has become the best of all.

(Options for desires can be different, it all depends on the fantasy. Just remember that if children are among the guests, you need to take care and wishes for them)

So let's drink for all your desires come true and say goodbye to 2016 again!

(All raise glasses)

They say that in the New Year,
Congratulations are very important
How to say it,
So you will start your year!

(If there are children in the hall, they say, and if there are no children, then adults read)

All are well done, everyone was prepared, and whether you know that Petukhu is a symbol of 2017, like spontaneity?

So, this is a Snow Maiden What tells you. We thought and decided that to be spontaneous to anyone would not hurt!

Competition "Spontaneous Congratulations".
Cards are prepared in advance on which one word or phrase is written. Guests are divided into 2 teams, each receives 10 cards (5 words, 5 phrases). The task is from the received set to make a New Year's greeting. The winning team will receive a prize. Performance time 1, 5 minutes.
It will take: cards with New Year's words and phrases.

Examples of words and phrases.

The words:
New Year, Santa Claus, Olivier, Salute, Gifts, Winter, Rooster, Snowman, Christmas Tree, Horror.

happiness, I wish you joy; Happy New Year; Finally waited, we gathered at the table; Here is the same happiness and luck, what a miracle, the mood; Good Grandfather Frost; Congratulations, congratulations, and I wish everyone wealth; and beauty Snow Maid; Let the magic brought; Miracle holiday New Year.

(Options for words and phrases can be different, it all depends on fantasy)

That's what I understand, spontaneity! Friends, I suggest a drink for the talent, so that next year he brought many pleasant surprises.

(All raise glasses. Loud steps are heard)

What noise, who is knocking here?
Who is so loudly fogged?

This new year goes,
Happiness, joy carries us!

(Opens the door and the new year 2017 is included)

New Year 2017:
Here I am, hello friends
How are you all?
Have you been waiting for me?
What did you come here?

Well, while the clock does not beat,
I sit quietly,
I'll see, watch,
Wings will refuse their own!

And I decide, then friends,
I will bring good me,
Do you bring health to you
I will take it all bad!

Well, as you are not ashamed, that's how the threshold! People have come on, you know how many hopes and plans to build managed?

New Year 2017:
And what, the year was waiting, still wait. I know whether the bird is important, I love attention. Let me be asked, and I'll think about it or not come!

What are you writing! Yes, we will note the new year without you!

New Year 2017:
Make a note, and notice, but if I come, it's already my business!

It is necessary how harmful! And we will manage without you, so sit in your corner, straighten your feathers, you do not need this!

Somehow incorrectly, waited, waited, but as it turned out. Noine it all, noine.

Well, you offer grandfather, won, the guests are all waiting, sit, miss.

So we will cheer! We will sing!

Declared competition "New Year's Chastushka".
The guests are selected 3-4 participants. Everyone must sing a New Year's Chastushka, but standing on one leg. Who will lower the leg during the song, he drops out. The most resistant will receive a prize.

(After the competition, a dance pause is announced, a duration of 10-15 minutes)

I offer you friends
Drink for the new year
To be calm, kind,
Happiness let him give!

(All raise glasses)

I suggest play
You guess riddles
And the riddles are not easy,
Oh, funny what!

(Signs for children (if they are in the hall) or funny riddles for adults. Whoever gives the right answers, will receive a prize)

Another contest is waiting for you friends
To move to you obviously it's time
It will be easy, interesting, cool,
There will be fun, it will be valid!

Competition "I dance as I can".
The presenter chooses 3-5 people from all participants (including children). The task is to depict the specified emotion during the dance (the dance can not be interrupted. Picture not only faithful, but also gestures). It turns out fun and interesting. For the best execution you can hand the prize.

Emotion options:
1. Joy;
2. Anger;
3. annoyance;
4. Resentment;
5. Happiness;
6. Bliss;
7. Delight;
8. Calm;
9. Anger;
10. Rage.

(As musical accompaniment for this competition you can choose music 80-90s)

In the coming time we have a drink,
Let everything be fine in it,
Let all trouble retreats,
And let everything be like a movie!

(All raise glasses)

Soon the chimes are trying,
It's time to prepare
And you need to hide with you
Harmful such a rooster!
As you know, loves songs,
I suggest you I sing,
To be interesting
And the task for you is!

Competition "Song Guess".
Participants are divided into two teams. Each captains are chosen, whose task to contact the song. For each song is given 15 seconds. The team that the most famous for songs will be won. The second option of the competition - captains must show songs without words. All songs are placed on cards.
What you need: Cards with songs.

Songs for the competition (You can choose others):
1. Disotek accident "New Year to us rushing";
2. Well, wait "Tell the Snow Maiden";
3. "Three White Kony";
4. "While the watch twelve beat";
5. "A Christmas tree was born in the forest";
6. From Prostokvashin "Kaba was not winter";
7. "At the forest on the edge";
8. "New Year's toys, candles and clappers";
9. "Ringing January Blizzard";
10. Gubin "Winter, cold, lonely houses";
11. "Snow is spinning, spinning and falling" ";
12. "Little Christmas tree, cold in winter."

(After this contest, you can declare a musical pause, a duration of 10-15 minutes)

Here are the quarants beate
New year is on the way
Pour wine glasses
New year on the threshold!

(Ways a fight of the chimes. With twelve blow, everyone is inhibited by Bengal lights and congratulate each other, say, and Santa Claus gives together gifts together with the Snow Maiden. To the leading new year 2017

New Year 2017:
Something I was completely talked,
You forgive friends,
So he came,
I stepped on my post!
All good I will bring
I will help everyone in affairs
And in the house of comfort and happiness,
And, of course, wealth!
I'm a rook because
Red, fiery such
All hopes justify
Congratulations on my year!

So our capricious thought!

Happy New Year with a new happiness,
I wish everyone to laugh
Never lose heart
All welcome to perform!

To live wonders,
Magic was full,
Happy New Year,
I wish all health!

New Year 2017:
From myself I wish you
So that all the dreams come true,
So that bad forgot,
So that good will find!

I suggest, new year,
We start with fun
I ask, leave the table,
Will be the right!

Stand all you are in the dance,
We will dance now,
We will be with you today,
Rest and light!

(Everybody becomes in the dance, in the center of which is worth a new year 2017. It seems nothing unusual, but the trick is still there, all participants in the dance, must repeat the movements behind the center figure)

What for the new year without woman
I speak about snowy,
Need to correct it
Let's create a woman!

Competition "Lep me, lepi".
Participants are again divided into two teams. Captains and those who will play the role of "snowy women" are selected. Captains are obtained by the same set: a roll of paper towels, a New Year's rain, New Year's beads, a hat, carrot. With this set, you need to decorate the "snowbaby". The trick is that it is necessary to do it with eyes closed, just relying on the team tips. Performance time 1 minute.
What you need: Paper towel roll, New Year's rain, New Year's beads, hat, carrot (all in two copies).

(After the competition you can drink for the new year and spend a dance pause, a duration of 10-15 minutes)

And let's congratulations,
Again you repeat me,
Only grandfather deaf
You shout them!

Competition "Loudly really say, and I want to congratulate everyone".
Select 2 participants. The task is to congratulate each other and all guests with the afternoon of the rooster. Mandatory condition: In the congratulation there should be a word rooster, red, fiery and congratulations should be pronounced loudly, and most importantly at the same time! After that, the guests are playing heard, and the one who is louder and clearly shock will receive a prize.

(After this competition, you can pronounce a couple of toast and spend a dance pause, lasting up to 20 minutes)

Our holiday is coming to an end,
We will say goodbye
But, literally in a year,
I promise to gather again!

Do not gross, do not miss
Life is beautiful to you
Celebrate a holiday for a long time
Let it be clear!

New Year 2017:
I promise, I will be the best
I'll bring joy to everyone,
All dreams I will fulfill
I will give all prosper!

It is important to take into account the number of children invited to the holiday. If necessary, you can add several

An article on how it is possible in the home atmosphere to originally celebrate the new 2020 year. It tells about creating a kind of festive atmosphere and describes a scenario of a small New Year's game.

On New Year's Eve, we strive even in the most common affairs to see some special meaning, we try to invest some symbolism in them.

We, as it were, play with them and with others, we indulge in dreams and guess, looking for hints and signs.

And that amazing and mysteriously: the world around us responds to our innermost desires and appeals. Especially at this time, the responsiveness of the Christmas tree.

Next year, naturalness and frankness in fashion. This also applies to the New Year's interior, so let's come up with anything original, but not too cleaning.

New Year tree in a new way

Let us try, for example, this year abandon the big queen-Christmas tree, powerfully collecting all the gifts, all households and guests around him.
We introduce a Christmas tree "democracy": let's allow small independent Christmas trees to be in all residential rooms, as well as in the hallway, in the kitchen, in the lobby - wherever a cozy place will be reached.
Let's not use the usual coasters or containers, disguised under the "snow".

And take and find the most common household containers in the house - beautiful linen baskets, free flower pots, mushroom lumps, solvents, all kinds of buckets, saucers and other household items. Here in all this and we will disassemble pines yes Christmas tree!
No glamorous personality, let yourself simply and naturalness!

The ideas of the premium of New Year's gifts

Packaging, placement and presentation of New Year's gifts - all this has long been part of a special home ritual.

In addition to the surprises familiar in Russia under pillows, in the cabinets and under forest beauties, we often resort to European customs to hide gifts in socks and stockings.
But let's change the usual way: try to update already familiar socks and stockings, replacing them with mittens, boots and boots.

Room decoration ideas for New Year 2020

Small Christmas trees, combined with the sinks of awesome mittens, create a single style.

But this year there should be no uniformity.

Therefore, it's time to scatter a handful of funny brilliant details around the house - they emphasize the soft sound of natural decoration with their ringing silver voices. Now we arrange a small cheerful stir.

Let a brilliant outfit of the Christmas trees (balls, garlands, beads, aquaper, rain and every other Mishur) push into transparent glass vases and glasses, takes places in sats and salad bowls, magically transforming familiar things.
Let the sparkling holiday signs meet you all over the house - on the tables, window sills, shelves and even armrests of chairs.

Now, in the glitches of silver and zlata, the house is truly ready for the holiday!

Home New Year scenario

In the house with a magic decoration should be remarkably perceived by the "mystical" scenario of the new year meeting. He will complement the novelty of your decoration, bringing his highlight to the Grand Celebration.

  • Atmosphere: Relaxed.
  • Company: Big family or group of people have long been familiar with each other.
  • Number of participants: from five to twelve person.
  • Scene: flat.
  • Preparation: Not required from guests nothing but good mood.

Guests enter the house, undress and occupy places behind the cover.
In the center of the table are located magic hourglass, magic arrow and no less magical casket.
The owners who took on the role of the lead, explain the rules of the rite to be done:

follow the arrow, execute the directions of the Lart, follow the time.

New Year's game at the New Year's home meeting

  • As soon as everyone risms, the arrow will start rotating (to install it, use a children's roulette or a wolf).
  • The guest on which she will indicate should think about something good, lower your hand in the casket, pull one note and read it out loud.
  • It encodes a place where the magic sign is stored. Now we all go on her search. Soon there is a plate with three pies.
  • The lead explains that the guest on which the arrow showed, one pate necessarily takes itself, and the remaining distributes.

Inside one of the pies hid little cookies made of salted test, which is written "Good luck".

So, someone got luck. So that she did not leave the holiday participants for a whole year, it is necessary to say a spell.

Magic hourglass turn over, and while the sand turns, there is time to tell the whole story about good luck. This story is a spell.

If you finish the story, until time is going out, good luck will not stop next year.

Game continues. The arrow is spinning, pointing to the next participant.

  • He lowers his hand into the magic casket and pulls out a piece of paper with the inscription "Look under a plate."
  • A note is found under the plate with the formulation of "joy".
  • Now turn a new member to tell the story - time went.

  • The next guest pulls out a piece of paper from the magic chest with a call "Take the flower" and gets from the leading chamomile.
  • It is allowed in a circle for the well-known game "Loves - does not like."
  • The latter who torn the petal with "loves," will fall out.

Congratulations! Now it remains only to keep her story.

Once again, the arrow starts.

  • The selected person gets an indication to search for the following definition under the seat of its own chair.
  • Looking there, the guest detects the inscription "Support".
  • Surely, except for the chair, there is some kind of support in life, which you can tell while the sand timer counts the time.

And again by arrow.

Important: The number of notes in the Larz must accurately correspond to the number of sitting at the table.

The game "Magic New Year's Pie"

When all guests passed through the rite of New Year spells, a magic fruit-berry pie appears on the table.

  • Try to baked in it apples, cranberries, grapes, tangerines and other nature gifts could be distinguished.
  • Cut each piece. After that, the last indication gets from the magic lart.

This is a detailed description with what fruits and berries in the cake are suitable.

So if you got a piece of apple is creativity..

What if with raisins - Pleasant surprises.

Slices of magic cake can be exchanged and share.

As you can see, nothing complicated and requiring some supernatural efforts, additional costs or unusual skills.

But everything is absolutely new, everything is unusual, fun and with a highlight!

Improve yourself and your loved ones in this very fabulous night of the year, and they will definitely answer you with peace, sincerity and love!

Video: Entertainment for the whole family for the new year

So flew another year, and again on the threshold is the most desired and plenty of your favorite holiday - the New Year. If you have a country house where you usually come in summer to be closer to Earth, fresh greenery and vegetables, then this is the perfect place to meet the New Year away from the noisy city. You will feel the thoughtful charm of winter nature, enjoy fresh frosty air and silence and wonderfully rest. We need to leave for the cottage to the cottage to the whole family, and even better - with friends. You define the number of guests by taking into account the capacity of your house. Take care of food: you need to take everything you need, as there will be no supermarket nearby, where you can run for bread and mayonnaise.

Arriving in place, it is necessary to distribute duties. Men drown the oven, cleave snow in the yard, prepare a platform for dancing and entertainment and a place for the fire. Women in the kitchen are preparing a festive lunch and bring order in the house. Children decorate the house and dress up the Christmas tree. So that children do not interfere with adults, entail them to make Christmas decorations (snowflakes, lanterns, garlands). For this, do not forget to take with you colored paper, scissors, glue, tape, thread. Someone from adults or older children must necessarily control the kids, help them in their work and ensure both security measures. In the evening, when everything is ready for the holiday, guests and the owners go out to spend the old year. Here the table is already covered, the tree is dressed up and the fire is burning. The head of the family says toast:

That is suitable, it remains a little bit

Soon the arrows twelve will show,

In the meantime, I want to tell you a few words.

Old year. What will he tell?

Was not bad this year, and calm completely,

And for this thank you very much.

I did not bring us the news about the terrible war,

So life flowed happily.

But, accustomed to you,

Still wait for change.

Maybe a new will give good luck?

But already coming a password moment.

Of course, I will not pay now

I propose to raise all the wine glasses.

Let the faces shine joy!

And for the past year just drink to the bottom

And then we will all have fun!

All drink and eat.

Leading. In the New Year always want to look very good, original, fashionable, stylish. We failed to invite nor Vyacheslav Zaitsev for the holiday, nor Valentina Yudashkina, did not buy dresses and costumes from Versace, but today, on the eve of the New Year, a miracle of a bag of women Mani enjoys special demand. With it, you will become simply irresistible. We arrange mini carnival!

At the cottage there is always old clothes - hats, hats, skirts, sweaters, scarves, scarves, vocals, pants. Add to this mask brought with you, Santa Claus with a beard and crown of Snow Maiden. Put all these things in the bag, turn on the music and transmit a bag in a circle during the dance. As soon as the music stops, the person who has turned out to be a bag takes and puts on one of the things. Then the music is turned on again, and the bag is transmitted further. When things are completed, it will be clear who Santa Claus, who - Snow Maiden, and the rest of the guests must come up with the names of their costumes and meet the New Year. Turn on and off the music can older children or leading, which can have a suit in advance.

So, everything is ready for a new year meeting. After the congratulatory speech of the president and the battle of Kurantov, Fireworks, shots of clappers and champagne Santa Claus utters a congratulatory speech or reads a predetermined text:

Health to you, happiness and joy

I want to wish in the New Year.

To live to deep old age,

Good luck to meet at the gate,

So that the sun is affectionately

And sang for all nightingaws,

Everything wanted to come true

And - the sea of \u200b\u200blovely love.

Let sorry, trouble, misfortune

Will be swayed somewhere

Funny let him remain

On this beautiful night.