Repairs Design Furniture

Game program on May 1 for children. Scenario game program for children "Merry Broom"

Nadezhda Trasnikov

Scenario of the spring holiday for children of the preparatory group

"Spring and Labour Day"


1. Activate the cognitive activities of children;

2. To introduce the history of some public holidays.

3. To form respect for labor and labor people.


1. Development of imagination, wonder, ingenuity, curiosity, observation, thinking.

2. Education in children feelings of humor, striving for victory, activity among the peers.

3. Formation of bright positive emotions.


Stand decoration;

Riddles on a given topic, contests, necessary inventory;

Interesting jokes.

Form of: entertainment.

I. Preparation of the event

2. Previous teamwork. Pictures on a given topic.

ІІ. Plan for events:

1. Introduction. Education teams.

2. Riddles, contests, games.

3. Final part. Summing up.

Under the song "Hello Holiday May" (Muses. Gerchik, Sl. Danzkovsky) Children enter the hall.

Day May 1, as is March 8, many years ago there was a day of struggle of workers for their rights. In those times, the life of workers who worked in factories and factories was hard. They worked from early morning until late evening and for their difficult labor received so little money that sometimes they were not even enough for food. May 1 workers (and women and men) Arranged processions - demonstrations. They carried flags and posters. On the posters were written the requirements of the labor nation.

Nowadays, on May 1, we celebrate the holiday of Spring and Labor. This is a holiday of all who work, the holiday of people of different professions: workers, scientists, doctors, teachers.

The holiday of spring and labor is customary to celebrate colorful processions, demonstrations. People take with them balloons, flags, flowers. And so that there is noisy and fun - whistles and ratchets. On May 1, music sounds everywhere, orchestras play. All sing and dance. On bright posters written the words: "PEACE", "MAY", "WORK". One of these words was hidden in a small poem. Find this word.

Warm day Spring Clear

Before everyone, friend, meet

Amazing, beautiful,

Good holiday May Day!

Hello, hello, May Day!

Above the flags raise.

Today, we will also meet May Day, but in your own way. You know that every year in our city is not only a festive procession, but also a running athletic relay, in which students, students of educational institutions and working enterprises of our city participate. And today we are with you, we will guess the riddles on the topic of spring and labor, play in interesting contests and games.

Yes, I forgot to say today on the site of our kindergarten I saw the postman who appealed to all passing children with some question. And who is the postman? At the same time, the postman tried to give them parcels and letters. Parcels from the postman did not take any child. Wouldn't it, it's a little strange! But I was very in a hurry to work and did not approach the postman to find out what it was for the parcels and what is there. Although curiosity still does not give me rest. Maybe… (Knock on the door). Who can it be? Today we did not invite anyone to ourselves.

The door opens, the postman is included in the hall, on his shoulder of the bag with newspapers, in the hands of the parcel and letters.

Yes, the same postman I saw this morning! Hello, dear postman.


Oh, late!

Hello, adults,

Hello children.

I am the most unhappy

Postman in the world!

I'm emailed

Almost all recipients.

But this package,

Maybe for your guys?

The postman submits the package to the tutor (there is no addressee, nor the sender, it is written only to

Educator reads "Hand Neugless"

Postman Pechkin, do not rush, sneeze, relax,

For a holiday, look, and to whom to give the parcel, from our children, you will decide.

Stage I. Puzzles

Walking Beauty,

Easy land concerns

Goes on the field, on the river,

And in the snow, and in a flower.


At the snow brought by snow,

Under the white cap snow

We found a little flower,

Semi frozen, slightly alive.


Wooden himself,

And iron head.

(a hammer)

IN white color Dressed garden,

Bees are the first fly.

Thunder rinsing. Guess,

What is this month?

(answer : May)

Look, ka, guys

In heaven hung wool -

We float from afar

In the blue sky. (clouds)

She began to work

Drew and dug.

Ate, eaten oak, oak,

Broke the tooth, tooth.


Highly behind the clouds

"Field" Blue above us.

Do not grow on the field of bread.

How is it called? (sky)

Along the tracks without difficulty

Taja water rushes.

Snow OT sun ray Turns into. (Creek)

Maja snowball, a meadow came to life.

Day arrives. When does it happen?


There was white yes gray

Green came, young.

(Winter and Spring)

Here on the branch of someone's house

Neither doors in it nor windows

But the chicks there live warmth.

House is such a name (nest)

Next to the janitor Stepay

Slow snow around

And guys help

Make a mountain building a house.


He is asked, he is waiting for him,

And how will come - to hide.


In the midst of spring pore

Drips juice with snow-white bark.


On a green fragile leg

Rose ball at the track.

Breeze pasturs

AND dispelled this ball.


Crucified streams, rods flew.

In Beehive Bee, the first honey brought.

Who will say who knows

When does it happen? (Spring)

There is a lot of professions in the world, tell me, guys, please, and which profession you know.

And who dreams of becoming a military, cook, teacher, etc.?

What dangerous professions do you know? - Responses of children.

Stage II. Competitions.

In the fire he goes boldly

He with a flame is familiar

He is not bothering

Work with a light.


Competition 1. "Firefighters".

Number of players: Two teams.

Additionally: Two jackets, rope.

Remove the sleeves of two jackets and hang them on the backs of chairs. Put the chairs at the distance of one meter backs to each other. Under chairs, put a rope of two meters long. Both participants are standing at their chairs. By the signal, they must take jackets, turn out the sleeves, put on, fasten all the buttons. Then run around the opponent's chair, sit on his chair and pull over the rope.

Which dangerous profession do you know? - Answers.

Replace the robot car -

He himself will be neutralized bomb, mine.

Should not be wrong

To stay alive then stay.


There is a military profession - sappers, people - military, which clears dangerous areas in the field, in settlement, i.e. mined.

Competition 2. "Minefield".

Number of players: Two teams.

Additionally: small things.

The number of players should be even to divide everyone into pairs (teams). Before the game, there is a sufficiently large game space, starting labels and finish (at a distance of about 20 steps from each other). Then, depending on the number of commands (i.e. steam, visually stands out the same number of tracks from the start to the finish line, according to which all sorts of small things are scattered (notebooks, scarves, candy, etc.). Each player from the team becomes started with blindfolded eyes. His task is to successfully walk to the finish line, not asking and not coming on any thing on his way. If he came for anything - begins first. The bottom line is that his teamwork partner can help him in passing this difficult way, directing him by voice on the right path (how to lift the leg, where the obstacle, etc.). Who will come to the finish line - the winner

And this is about who is a mystery?

On claws on the pillar climbs,

He cuts wires.

Who is it? Can the thief?

It - (electrician).

Competition 3. "Electricians".

Number of players: Two teams.

Everyone knows that the work of electricians is often associated with a certain risk, especially if it is associated with current and high voltage devices.

"An electrician" Or one children first team. The second team will be kind of peculiar "Wires". They must get into the circle, take up hands and as much as possible "Get confused"without breaking hands. Next comes time "Electrician"who has to unravel "Wires"so that the system earned. In no case, players should not reach hands.

Who is faster from the chosen children by raising the wires, the team and won

And what profession is the most kind, these people love and afraid, even animals?

Cough and temperature

Sick. Well, not crying.

Will give a tablet and medicine

And progress

(in ... h).

Competition 4. "Good doctor".

Number of players: Two teams.

Additionally: Sigdition (prepared from cardboard, tablet (prepared from cardboard, bandage.

Doctor (or the first player from the team) Must take the sick's hand, take the mark and put on the chair, put a thermometer, give the medicine, drive the hand and return to the team. The next player runs to pick up a thermometer, to design a hand. And discharges a "patient", that is, takes back to the team. The team wins the team that will cope faster.

And what is the name of the profession of people who are preparing to us? In the restaurant they will find them -

These people in the caps

Over the pots of the scene

With cooks in hand.

Competition 5. "Soup to us a friend, darling!".

Participants are invited to come up with recipes of unusual soups and feed these soups cooked from products of products, favorite toys. In addition, children must come up with their unusual soups alternative names. Wins in this competition, one who will have the most unusual soup-bunch.

We are spring May day

To the birch of slim walk go.

We will be friends with it,

Horror start.

And let's play in the spring game of the handle, they played our grandparents with grandparents and great-grandmothers. With us and postman Pechkin will play, he is familiar with this game, isn't it?

Everybody is playing in the stream.

Here is a respected postman Pechekin, we think this package is not us.

Pechkin: - I agree with you, but for you I have small gifts (distribute balls).

Summing up a total result.

What holiday was dedicated to our event? (Children's responses). What changes in nature occur in spring? (Children's responses). What professions do you know? (Children's responses). Did you like our program. (Children's responses). Our the program came to an end. Many thanks to all for participating in the holiday.

Children get up and go under the song "Marsh fun guys".

Words V. Lebedeva-Kumacha

Lead 1. Good afternoon! We are glad to welcome you on the play program "Kaleidoscope of fun".

Leading 2. Remember Kaleidoscope - this cute magic toy from my childhood. Looking through a small hole, and behind him the magic world. Slightly turned - and the pattern has changed beyond recognition.

Leading 1. Already later, matured, we learned that the kaleidoscope is just a set of colored glass and a triangular mirror prism. And let's look at this mirror prism, and what will we see there?

Leading 2. What is the Magic World of Kaleidoscope? First of all, we find out the color gamut, in our kaleidoscope three main colors are used, and what, we now find out.

Game "Red, Yellow, Green"

I explain the rules of the game. When I show the green card - everyone is toggle, yellow - everyone claps, red - silent. Shows cards, participants perform actions.

Lead 1. Here we are with you and learned what 3 basic colors underlie our kaleidoscope.

Leading 2. What kind of magic patterns make up our colors or may be colored and mysterious paintings. Now you have to guess what is depicted in our kaleidoscope. We call 12 people, divide for 2 teams of 6 people.

Game "Artists"

On the wall at the height of the knees are attached sheets of paper by command numbers. Participants are issued markers. The goal is to draw the subject, without claiming (person). Each participant in turn. The latter calls the drawing.

Lead 1. As you can see, our magic kaleidoscope is inhabited by the inhabitants, but the trouble, hairstyles of our inhabitants were confused. Let us help them.

"Malwin's relay"

8 people are invited. (4 boys, 4 girls). Two teams are built into two columns one by one (the boy is a girl - a boy - a girl). The first signal player turns around and tie a long hair tape on the head of the next player. Then, the second player, unlocking the bow, turns and tie the tape on the head of the next player. So, while the last player does not untie the tape.

Lead 2. So we saw that the residents live in our magic kaleidoscope.

Leading 1. And in what language do they speak?

We call 10 people, 2 teams

Gossip game

Each player is heard the endings of words. The first half of the words are written on the boxes in the box. The task of players to put the leaflet with the beginning of the word to the desired end. The box is transmitted from one end to another.

Leading 2. Well, here we visited the magic world of Kaleidoscope. And now let's see how our kaleidoscope is, and what the pattern will be in it, and for this we will create it yourself. At the exit there is a poster, there are figures of different colors next to. If the program liked - fidgeted our kaleidoscope - a red figure, if it did not cause or delighted, neither disappointment - yellow, if all this happening you did not like it, then boldly hang a green figure.

Scenario of the I Tour of the Competition

"Entertainment Seekers"

Host: Hello, participants in the district competition "Adventurers". Today we will go to a fascinating journey around the country "Code" for which the obstacles that you can easily overcome it. But before you go on a journey, we need to meet.


Break children to teams at 8-10 people. The task of each command to quickly execute the commands of the master. The speed and correctness of execution is estimated.

  • built by initial name of the names;
  • based on the initial letter of the names;
  • built on the initial letter of the zodiac sign;
  • built on the initial letter of the month in which was born;
  • unite in groups, those who have a sister, brother;
  • combine into groups, those who have a cat, a dog, etc. The animal house.

Host: And now, I will check how you know each other well? The participants are attached to the covers. Participants must be called by the name of the person who stands in front of him. Who will call faster, he takes to the team of the loser player. The team wins the team that will translate more participants.

Host: Each team you need to come up with the name of your team, choose a captain.


Times flower, two flower
Hedgehogs, hedgehogs
Noked, acted
Scissors, scissors
Running on the spot, running on the spot
Bunnies, bunnies
Well, together, well, together
Boys, girls.


Guys get into a circle, holding hands. Repeating the words "MESIM, MEISE DOOP" together, converge as close as possible. Under the words "blow a bubble, do not be buried" diverge as wide as possible, trying to break the circle, and those who have broken the circle, get up in a circle and have already been laid. In a circle, have the right to break the bubble. Win the strongest and dexterous.

Host: Now we can safely go on a journey. (We are transferred to the country "Code", Space Music Sounds). And here is the first obstacle. On the way, we met the inhabitants of the planet, which the evil wizard was enchanted. Let us help them.

"Aunt Moti"

Children become a circle and repeat the leading words and movements.

Aunt Moti has four sons
Four Sons in Aunt Moti
They did not eat, they did not drink
And repeat the way

The lead calls alternately parts of the body, which should be made showing movements. All movements do not stop.

Host: Well, you coped with the witchcraft of an evil wizard. And so we can relax.


Imagine that we all atoms. Atoms look like that, bend your hands in the elbows and press the brushes to the shoulders. Atoms are constantly moving and from time to time are combined into molecules. The number of atoms in molecules can be different, it will be determined by what number I call. We all start moving along this room. The molecule looks like this: stand face to each other with elongated hands.

"Find extra"

Work on cards in groups. Find the unnecessary word, explain what kind of sign.


Close your eyes and imagine that the sun shines in the street, the sun shines, but suddenly, a tuchka appeared in the sky, which gradually turned into a huge cloud. And so, one droplet fell (knocking his hands in one finger), the second fell, and it went raining (knocking all my fingers). Suddenly flashed lightning (slam in his hands) and there was a thunder (to the legs), blew a strong wind. But gradually the rain began to merge, and now 3,2,1 droplets fell on the ground and the sun was looking for.

Host: That ended our first journey through the country "Code". See you in the second round.

Scenario of the II Tour Competition

"Entertainment Seekers"

Hello, we are glad to welcome you, young seekers, in our hall.

Leaves game:

Hello to you guys
Visiting you with us
And I will open your name now
Unable to hide your name
After all, thousands of times you heard it.
Me in the face you know
And, loyalty to me storing
With delight accept
Everywhere you are me.
Stepping with you to school I,
I meet the courtyard -
Funny, cheerful and noisy game.
I am flying from all diseases I,
And he knows the defortion:
There is no useful in the world
Medicines than game.
When you hung nose,
I'm joking on you,
And fast me and fun
From boredom you fly.
Now you learned me
And you yourself are time
Say that you guess you
How to call me?

Well, here, we and I met. Good afternoon guys. Want to travel? Let's close your eyes and take up to 5 and move to the planet of games. (At this time the map is made).

Host: Here we were on the island, and this is a map of the planet games. Let's see where we are. (Watching the card, where the winners of the 1st round schools are marked). But the second round of the game has already completed, and today we gathered on the planet games in order to determine the winners of the second round. And the winners will define the jury. Now let's continue our journey. Are you ready to play?

Listen carefully task. Do you need to repeat the last syllable phrase twice, remember?

Collect a child! -PA, PA
The game begins! -PA, PA
Are you always good? - yes Yes
Or only sometimes? - yes Yes
How shouts in the village of Rooster? -H, uh
Yes, not Filin, but cock! -H, uh
What time is it? - hour hour
How much will it be in an hour? - hour hour
Think, think your head! - vA, V.
Not tired of responding? - think
Is it time to silent? - think(Those who will not repeat the last syllable, lost).

Host: Dear contest participants, look at your invitations. At each invitation there is a tree, divide the commands by the number of apples on the tree.

Competition number 1. In Russian, there are a lot of words where you can by changing one letter, get a new word. For example: Noise - b.point - d.point - topoint. Teams are given two words, your task to continue the line. One player is suitable and inserts one letter to make a new word. Whose team will quickly and correctly make it - win.

1 teamkort, - ort, -t, -t; Mol, -ol, -ol, -t

2 teams, - pheni, ",", " Kok, -,, -,, -

3 team tin, "there are,", "; Pose, - look, -

Game: Let's continue our journey.

Dear seekers, unite your invitation color.

Competition number 2. The task of commands, having consisted, cook the game with the audience and other teams. (5-7 minutes for preparation).

Host: In the meantime, our teams are preparing, we will play with you in a quiz. Who is the first to raise his hand, he answers the question. You will be given 4 options for answering, you need to choose the right one.

  1. What did Karabas Barabas head? circus theater, zoo, car parking.
  2. What are the Italians pride? Statue of Freedom, Coliseum,stone sculptures, pyramids.
  3. What is the name of the female bow? Anterstore curtsy, PA, trick.
  4. Who became the very first pet? Cow, mammoth, cat, dog.
  5. Is the King Arthur King Kings going around the table? Fertile, card, operational, round
  6. What is the name of the wireless one-sided communication means? Telegraph, pager, Phone, radio.
  7. What is the main symbol of the Olympic Games? Olympic bear, olympic fire Balloons, stadium.
  8. What is the name of the device for the soft transportation of goods from the air to the Earth? Elevator, crane, catapult, parachute.
  9. What is the name of the old, experienced seaman? Marine snakes, sea horse, sea Wolf sea \u200b\u200bDevil.

Host: Results 2 Competitions. A team who won, glue the icons. Teams occupy their places.

Competition number 3. And now our participants are divided into teams on geometric figures at the invitation. Teams need to tell the tale "Roast chicken" in the genre of tragedy, comedy, musical.

While our participants are preparing, we will spend auction "Capital World".

Please name the capital of the world. Who calls the last - winner.

A team who won, glue the icons. Teams occupy their places.

Let's see, who from the participants most of the labels are the winner, (awarding).

Each player is given cumbling book of the gameand invitation B. third round of the competition.

Scenario game program "Merry Deutangia" for summer leisure in kindergarten. The best choice On June 1 - Children's Day.

The game program is designed for children 5-7 years.

/ Sounds cheerful children's music. Leading out on the scene.

Leading 1: Good afternoon guys!

Leading 2: We are glad to welcome you on the game program "Merry Deutangia".

Leading 1: And after all, really fun, because today we will play different games with you, carrying funny relay.

Leading 2: That is, having fun!

Leading 1: I suggest right now to play the game, which is called "Higgles-bunnies"

The game of attention "Hedgehogs - Bunnies"

(Children repeat words and movements for leading):

Came running - 2 times (the children make movements as when running)
Hedgehogs - 2 times (hands do the movements "flashlights")
Associated - 2 times (fists are knocking on each other)
Scissors - 2rd (cross hands)
Running in place - 2 times (running on the spot)
Bunnies - 2 times (hands show bunnies' ears)
Well, together, well, together
Girls, boys (screaming loudly: boys word "boys", girls word "girls". Who is louder?)

Leading 2: And now I suggest everyone to stand in pairs with each other.

(When children get up in pairs, the presenter passes between them, thus sharing without the special efforts of children for 2 teams)

Leading 1: We had two wonderful teams. Let's get acquainted. (children advise on the name of the team and declare their names and captain leading)

Leading 2: Perfectly! It's time to start our competition. Well, who will win?

Leading 1: And the strongest will win! So, start!

1. Running with a bag on the head

The first players are given on the bag. By the signal, they must put the bag on the head, reach the checkbox and back.

2. Jumping through puddles

Before each team, at a distance of 50 cm, the "puddles" (cut from cardboard) are laid out. Children across the signal run forward, coming to puddles jump it and run on, etc. Back just too.

3. Snake

In front of each team, the kegli is becoming 1m from each other. Children put hands on the shoulders in front of a standing player. It turns out the "snake" on the signal "Snake" begins to move between the Kehel. The relay is considered to be passed, if not a single bow, the players did not break.

Leading 1: Now we suggest you to stay a little. Let's play the game "Board Lream"

4. Boarding Sloves

There is one game for you,
I read poems now.
I'll start, and you finish,
Add a friendly friendly.

Not visible from the garden,
Plays with us in hide and seek.
Pull firmly
Pulled out ..

Sunshine Plutovka
Fluffy tails
Who is it? A FOX.

So that I was lucky
I do not need Oats.
Feed me with gasoline,
On kopytsy give rubber,
And then, raising dust,
Will run ... car.

Everyone in the world he wants
He treats patients with animals,
And once hippopotamot
He pulled out of the swamp.
He is famous, famous.
This is a doctor..Aibolit.

On the branch is not a bird -
Lucky animal
Fur warm, like a heater.
Who is it? .. Squirrel.

5. Kangaroo

Each team is given on the ball. At the signal, children insert the ball between the legs and begin to jump before the check box. Back also.

6. Tightening the rope

Leading 2: Well done! Friendship won. Guys, I hope you will be the same friendly.

Leading 1: We again congratulate you guys. Bye!

Leading 2: To new meetings!

The scenario is dedicated to the holiday of May 1, and since this is a spring holiday, then it is recommended to hold it right outside, in the garden, at the playground of the kindergarten. To implement this idea, you need to carefully prepare: carefully read the script child holiday "May first", pick up costumes for the main acting persons, to build a scene, scenery, purchase attributes and prizes for games, cover a delicious table with the best and dt. Successes!

The actors of the child's holiday scenario on the street:

Author, May Day game, Children, Boredom, Pervomaiskaya Fairy, Water, Sea Skates, Baba Yaga, Dimper, Riddle

When all children and guests of the holiday are rushed, you can include a beautiful "fabulous" music. The author's voice sounds behind the scene

On the eve of the Day of May Day, behind the forests, behind the seas, the wonderful door-gate will decide. And at the gate of those magicians, the golden fairy tale herself worst, I invites us to visit us to the country of May Day game, where children's life from the north and to the south are happily, pain and grief, and magic heat disappear Birds from flowers drink nectar-water. There runs the disheveled Yaga, she does not love everyone, everyone is afraid, and a little sulfur mouse skillfully removes a big river from the ground. And for the world in the country of the May Day game, thirty-three heroes are followed, and the joy of Pervomay's holiday everyone is given.

(A curtain is open and a girl comes to the scene to the scene - May Day game)

May Day game: Congratulations to you children from the first of May, as you can see, today I am visiting you,
My name is beautiful, the name is just a class.
I go with you in the kindergarten I, and knows the defortion,
My name is pretty: Merry May Day game!

And if, suddenly, it was boring to you on the holiday of the bright day of May, if you are lowered, or someone offended - always remember that I will give you a fun mood. Well, we met with you. Repeat who I am:


THE GAME:What are you all well done, remembered my name correctly. And I was racing to you from a distant magic country, where fairy tales, games, riddles and fun live. Would you like to get there?


THE GAME:But remember: My country opens its magic doors only on the holiday of May first, only obedient kids, and naughty - does not allow! Promise me to be polite?


THE GAME:Excellent, but before we enter there, we need to meet each other, and we will do it with one cheerful Game.

Game "Get acquain!"

Friends, tell me, and what methods do we welcome each other, what movements do?

CHILDREN: (Call methods) hugging, nodding each other, they make hands, kiss, humble hands.

THE GAME:Excellent, you all called it right. The most popular option is a handshake. And why do we press each other's hand? You know guys, it's just a tradition. And let's imagine that everything could work out differently. For example, in the north, Eskimos in greetings will be drunk with each other's noses. Let us now try to greet your friends with new ways.

Merry dance music is included, children become in a circle, dance. As soon as the music subsides, the game utters the words "one, two, three, rather than a friend!". Children should find a couple of themselves, and quickly become nearby. The game continues: "Let's say hello now ... ears" - children are abandoned by ears. The game continues to come up with new ways of greetings - misinches, knees, elbows, heels, etc. If the game involves the unpaired number of children - then a couple with it becomes playing.

Now we are familiar with you, and we can go on the journey. Wow, I see that the strongest, friendly and fun kids gathered here, so we can go. Oh, wait where is my magic compass? Did I lost him again? I will go quickly, and you dance a little with my friends.

(Executed dance "The first of May - a fun day". Anxious music sounds on stage a boredom appears)

BOREDOM:And who halled here? Who dances here so? Immediately stop laughing, otherwise I will become fun, but I do not like it! I am boredom, and I do not like laughter, for me to laugh - sin. Stop everything laugh! I do not want you to play, clapped and danced. I have long been waiting for the pores so that the girls and the mines are left without a game. I have her steal, I will leave in the forest in the forest, and you will not have a holiday of May 1, and you will not play, just cry and miss.

THE GAME: (behind the scenes) Savor! Help!

BOREDOM: Hmm, my daughter, as always, coped to perfectly. Now I will see how you are without a game, get into the magic country of May Day games. Ha - Ha - Ha ...

(Boredom goes away from the scene. Magic melody sounds, and May Day Fairy appears).

May Day Fairy: Good afternoon, kids, I heard that the trouble would have happened. Do not be sad. Today, after all, the first of May, and I am the May Day Fairy, today my day, I can do everything, and you will definitely help you.
You need to go to your expensive,
And magic letters to collect
Of these, the word magically state
And the May Day game from the slum is released.

FAIRY: Let's say the magic wand
"1,2,3, on a journey for the game you will spend us."
(Babies repeated the words, the Fairy leaves the scene. Sounds in the record the noise of the surf, the mermaids go on the stage. In their hands, they have blue chiffon fabrics, they have a water).

WATER: Fuh, Bhul - Bhul, I'm tired,
What is this family?
Children run, disappear,
Where are nobody knows.
Quickly, I find them, and bring me!

(Mermaids run out, and lead two boys - sea skates).

SEA HORSES: (together) Daddy water, your water watery, do not swear, we heard that guests go to us

WATER: And what do they need?

Some of them are looking for a game, everyone is asked, but you don't tell them anything, better, play with us.
And then decide myself: let them go, Ile will leave us.

WATER: Good, good, calm down,
Now I will say hello to them
And I myself find out about everything.
(Water is suitable for advancement)

WATER: (kids) Good afternoon, Bul - Boule!

CHILDREN:Good afternoon, Mr. Water!

I heard that you are looking for the game Pervomaisk?

Yes, we are looking for. The evil aunt - boredom took the game.
WATER: Do you yourself know how to play? Love?


Well, now we will check it now.
(calls to his skates, whispers something to them in the ear)

SKATES: We live in the sea, do not know the earth,
Do you agree to show, sing like animals?
FAIRY: Well, my dear kids, show how the beasts sing.

Game "Bird Dvor"

(Fairy divides children for 3 teams:
1 - seals, who, together with Fee, recreate the voice of meow-meow;
2 - chicken, which together with the fairy recreate ko-ko;
3 - clarops, which, together with the FEE, recreate the rus-rus.
The music of the Spring Waltz Strauss, the Fairy carries the children, and in turn they sing their song).

Very good you sang
Even the fish were all silent,
Well, well, you will help you
Magic letters - show
Take them with it
Free game from captivity.
(Fairy hangs on the rear curtain of the letter "D", "R")

Thank you, water! And we are time to us with the guys! Magic wand: 1,2,3, on the journey for the game you will take us!

(everyone leaves the scene, there are notes of disturbing music. Baba Yaga appears, dancing)

Baba Yaga: I am evil-conclusive Baba Yaga,
I will tell you a secret: I have a bone leg.
I do not believe anyone, but I believe in success
I welcome for dinner boys and girls,
Walnut, Walnut, Wallet!

(A fabulous fairy appears on the scene)
FAIRY: Good afternoon to you, Baba Yaga, did you not wait for me?

I did not wait, and did not assume. Come on, verb, why did you come?

FAIRY: Why, with kids, decided to greet you with the holiday of May Day, play with you, sing the songs.

Yaga: Oh, oh, oh, you might think, these children can play!

Could than! You check, check!

Could you say, well, I will check. Yes, look if you do not cope with the game - I roasted for lunch. And if you cope - I will open the magic letter!

Game "Konk Gorbok"
(holds Baba Yaga)

Two teams become in the ranks, the first participant of each of the teams bends, takes the ball on his back, and supports it with his hands. According to the team of Baba Yagi, he must jump over all obstacles on his way, return back and transfer the ball to the next player.

Game "Baba Yaga"

Two teams become in the ranks, each team is issued a bucket (STUP), and the mop (broom). The first participant of each team becomes one foot in a bucket, and the second on the mops and thus runs to the chip, returns back and transmits things to the next player.

Well, Baba Yaga, our kids played well? Give us a magic letter rather!

Baba Yaga: Oh, and I liked it, I amused an old woman! Take the letter, and not one - and two!

(Fairy hangs on the rear curtain two letters: "U", "g & quot

FAIRY: Thank you, Granny! So, a wand 1,2,3, on the journey for the game you will take us!

(The fabulous melody sounds on the stage appears a dream girl)

I dream that the sky is multicolored,
And the sun - smiling with legs, fabulous,
To the trees grew candy. Do you know, what is my name, kids?
Attention! Only between us,
Fantry in front of you!

I so love to fantasize, which is already confused, I live in the world of fantasies or, maybe in reality. Is it true or fantasy, what are you looking for a game?

Yes, we are looking for. And we need your help.

Dumper:Well, I will help you, and I will show you the expensive further,

But to win the letters to win
I need to play with me to play.

(Duty throws the ball into the hall and pronounces)

Dumper: Who caught the ball -
The players hit the players.

Game "Show the Word"

Each player gives cards to which words are written, for example: monkey, crocodile, chicken, cat, dog, and others. The task of players show this word only by movements and facial expressions. It is chosen the best.

Game "Brand Packs"

The dancer keeps the hoop on which 6 tapes are tied. 6 players are divided by 3, each takes on the tape. Behind the team players should not be released from the hand to braid braids. Who will hand over, that winner.

Dumper: Well played kids
You need to give the letters.
(Fairy hangs on the rear curtain Literature "b & quot

FAIRY:Thank you, duder. And we will all say a friendly 1,2,3, on a journey for the game, the wand is magical, you will take us!

(Plays a mysterious melody, the riddle in the robbery costume comes to the scene).

Who shouted here? Who laughed here?
Capricious I am a princess
I do not like smiles.
Worn out the belliously - ringing,
Now I'll leave you
My mother told me
You all here to keep
On the way there is no other.
(Pervomaisaya Fairy comes to the scene)

Who interferes here again?
Do not allow us on the road?
Give the last letter
Game from captivity let go!

Riddle: So just let's not give the letter
First, the task is difficult for you to give you.

FAIRY:Well, consonants, kids?
We will compete together,
Play from captivity free?

(boredom appears on the stage, mother riddles)

BOREDOM: You do not resist, kids, against my daughter.
Against cunning riddles, younger from my children,
Will be with you she play, you mysteriously ask
Guess the challenges, my daughter riddles,
That's, I'll see, Ile Homing, Il will be angry.

Game "question"

1. They say "closure". (Bear).
2. The preemptive doctor in the world? (Aibolit).
3. Mouse Jeri, and a cat? (Tom).
4. What kind of beast called the gene? (Crocodile).
5. Little man with a motor? (Carlson).
6. Nickname Mischie Winnie? (Pooh).

BOREDOM: And with this task, kids coped with
You need to give the letter the last one.

(Fairy hangs on the back curtain letter "A & quot.

Baby Let's read the word together, which we got out.

(Children read the word "friendship". Merry music sounds, the May Day game runs on the stage).

THE GAME: I thank you, kids,
That obstacles you were not afraid.
Dear boys and girls
For a long time I traveled.
Well, turn on the music
We will sing,
About joy and friendship,
Who can not lose.

Game "Friendship"

May Day game teaches with children words: "In this room we are a family - 1,2,3, you and you and you and I am - 1,2,3, smile to someone to the left, smile who is right, we are one family.
Then the children sing to the music and perform the movements for the game: there must be a hand to this, worth it to the left .., and it is necessary to hug someone who stands on the right .., to make someone on the left ... after each game, players are awarded.

May Day Fairy:
Here, our game ended!
What to disperse?
Devora - You are unique, you are the heroes, winners, you are a big miracle of the world, which is called just:


THE GAME: Happy holiday from the spring of everyone, with the first of May !!!

(To the music, all heroes come to the scene, and throw colored balls into the hall).

Sailor (M1) and sailor (m2) come out.

M1.What is it with you?

M2. This is an old manuscript. So I decided to somehow bring order in the attic. He began to disassemble all her old things and suddenly - that's it!

M1. Let me have a look . (Picks, considers).Fi, boring. There are no pictures there.

M2.. Well, of course not! This is an old manuscript, and not the magazine "Cosmopolitan".

M1.. Well, what about this manuscript? Something valuable?

M2.. It says that there is a source of eternal joy. One who will be able to find him will experience ... Eternal joy.

M1. Wow! I already want to find this very source.

M2. Then way! (make a few steps, then suddenly stop)

M1. And you know exactly where you need to go?

M2. Well, of course, I still sailor! I can deal with geographic maps. Look: there - the north, there - the south, there west, but the East. Or vice versa…

M1.. Give it to me (selects manuscript). It is necessary to go through three steps to the north, three steps south, jump, turn on the place ...

Jack Sparrow appears.

Dv. Oh, already learn the ritual dance, an enlivent source of joy?

Sailors are surprised to captain.

Dv. I heard you are looking for a source of eternal joy? But do not know how to get there? Is it worth the case when you don't know how to complete it?

M1. Surely, Jack Sparrow himself helped us? Well, of course, how without him?

Dv. Firstly - Captain Jack Sparrow, Tsypa. And secondly, I am always where there is a benefit.

M2. And what is your benefit from our adventure?

Dv. The life of the pirate is difficult and dangerous and sometimes so lacks joy.

M2.. And we just found the manuscript! Just did not understand anything there.

(considers manuscript) Everything is clear - you need a captain and a cheerful awesome team. The fact is that the captain you need, because he has a ship. And the team in order to revive the source.

M2. And where will we take the team?

M1.. But isn't it a team ( indicates viewers)

M2. Yes, this is a team! All the way!

Dv. Do not rush. After all, the path to treasures and adventures are full of dangers. Are you ready for difficulties? I see among our friends there are also brave and they are determined to achieve the goal. They are your competitors, Jung. I suggest everyone to go through the course of the young adventure craft! In order not to run the treasure, you need to be always on the check. Check your attentiveness.

Game "Fish"

The game of attention. Imagine my left hand - this is the Sea (makes a wavy movement), And right - fish (The right palm depicts a fish that floats, squeezing).When the fish floats from the sea, that is, right hand Rises above your left hand, then you slap into your hands. So, let's begin!". The presenter initially makes slow movements. Then introduces fraudulent movements, speeds up the pace, arranging ovations.

M2. Captain, Is it true that the most diverse marine creatures are found in the sea?

Dv. True, Jung. And in order not to get to them for dinner, you need to stop in the sea figure.

M2. Friends, you should divide the groups of five people. While music will sound, dance, as you can. And as soon as the music stops, you must turn into the figure that we say to you.

Game "Sea Figure Zamri" - Lifebuoy




M1.Yes, it turned out. But isn't it all that adventure real seekers should be able to know?

Dv.You're right. Go to more complex tests . We are here a whole flotilla! All sailors take places on the ships! This is an embat called "Amazon" - only for girls. Frigate called "Sea Wolves" - only for boys. But the shubbyshko called the "Dry Skeleton" - for parents! All on board! (Spectators are divided into teams)


Dangerous reefs(Tell cones with the whole team)

Smelted cannon kernel(Pinch the ball with knees and jump)

Pearl catches(dial white balls in basket)

Treating rope

M1. And how to achieve joy?

Dv. For this you need a ritual dance. You just learned it.

Team dance (5 minutes)

Dv. Well, well, it's time to go.

M2. Captain, I am with you!

M1. And I!

M2.. Girls do not take.

Dv. You, beautiful lady, will stay on the shore and make sure that the team will execute the dance. And we will get to the place with Jung, say spell and revise the source.

Jack and sailor sit in catamaran and sail. While they float, all this is the sailor time dancing dance with a team.

When DV and M2. Swim up to the place, DV pronounces a spell.


From pure streams from mountain ridge
Boiling, foaming, young like Virgo
It turned into water flows

Great, brilliant, like a queen.

She quenches thirst for people
Drinking water, source invalid
Dear serves for ships
And everything gets his nonsense for work!

Fountain turns on, fanfare. (12.00)

M1.And now, friends, we go to the island of fun, where you will spend the day! Behind me!