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Competition program for children on May 1. Scenario of the game program "funny troubles"

Work description: This development is intended for the organization of fun, useful leisure activities for children of senior preschool, primary and secondary school age in the summer kindergarten, in courtyard clubs, in school camps, in children's recreation camps. To carry it out, I suggest using a large number of multi-colored covers from plastic bottles and crayons

Purpose: organization of fun, useful leisure for children
- to develop attention, dexterity and speed, the ability to act on a signal;
- develop imagination and creativity;
- develop activity in children, the desire to achieve success, sociability;
- to give the opportunity to spend your free time well and usefully.

Equipment and props: phonograms of funny children's songs, 2 easels, 2 sets of crayons, 2 markers, 2 Whatman paper, multi-colored plastic bottle caps (7 colors of 30 pieces each), 2 sets of colored caps of 30-40 pieces each, 2 rings with three colored silk ribbons , 2 rainbow mazes, 3 sets of colored cards.

The course of the event.

The soundtrack of the song "Box with Pencils" is played.

Leading: Good afternoon dear friends! Today we have gathered for the final event of the summer season of the “Children of Our Yard” project. It is called "Colorful game". As you may have guessed, all of our Test Projects will be about paints. In the usual sense, paints are colored energy that makes the world bright, colorful, colorful and interesting. And today we will try to get the most large portion this energy.

Leading: First, we will play a little and shout. And we will do it this way: who has green color, clap and shout together ... And now those guys who have red color in clothes…. And who wears blue things? ... Great!
Leading: Well, let's check how attentive you are. I will read lines from colored poetry. As soon as you hear your color, clap and shout louder.

The sky is rainy, gray
I'll make it blue quickly.

The sun is burning in the sky, so hot, so red!

Flowers of unusual beauty are good in the garden! We will be delighted with foliage and green grass.

In winter everything is covered with frost
And the cheeks turn ... red.

I'll go for a walk in the meadow
I'll put on a cool dress.

I will weave myself into a braid
The ribbon is bright ... green.

I bring a bouquet to my sister Alena
And there is a flower in it. He's ... blue.

Leading: Well done boys! It was hard to outsmart you. You are all very friendly and attentive.
Now we need to split into two teams, which I propose to call "Pencils" and "Paints". For winning each competition, teams will earn one point, which means you need to try hard to win.

Leading: I suggest you start with a little relay race.

The teams line up in columns one at a time.
The first players are given a piece of chalk. At the signal from the leader, they must run to the finish point and draw a triangle near it on the asphalt. Then, the player must run around the finish point and run back to the team. Give the chalk to the next player and stand behind the pillar.

On the asphalt, in front of each team, it is necessary to draw 8-10 flowers in advance with chalk.
The first player, at the signal of the leader, must jump from flower to flower without opening his legs. Run around the finish point and run back. With a clap of your hand, pass the baton to the next player and stand behind the column.
The winner is the team that completes the task faster

In front of each team, at a certain distance, there is a bucket with colored lids.
The first player, at the signal of the leader, must run to the finish point, lay out a flower from the covers and run back. With a clap of your hand, pass the baton to the next player and stand behind the column.
The winner is the team that completes the task faster.
Each player on both teams is given one color card from the set. One set of cards remains in the hands of the facilitator.
The presenter randomly raises up a colored card and loudly calls out the color. Players in teams who got a card of the same color must run up to the leader and take the card from him, who is faster. The player who takes the card earns one point for his team.
The winner is the team with large quantity cards, and, accordingly, points.
An assistant stands in front of each team at a certain distance, holding a ring with multi-colored ribbons in his hands.
At the signal from the leader, the first player runs up to the assistant and begins to braid a braid from ribbons. On the second signal, he returns back to the team, with a clap of his hand passes the baton to the next player, who runs and continues weaving until the next signal.
The team with the longer braid wins.

In front of each team, at a certain distance, there is an easel with an attached sheet of Whatman paper.
At the signal of the leader, the players of each team should in turn run up to the easel and draw parts of the portrait of a cheerful clown.
The winner is the team that completes the task faster and more beautifully.

Leading: Guys, which of you can correctly name all the colors of the rainbow without a special hint? ... And what hints do you know? ...

Every Hunter Wants To Know Where The Pheasant Sits
- As Once Zhek-Bell-ringer Head Felled Lantern
In front of each team, at a certain distance, there are buckets with colored lids.
The task: Each team needs to lay out a rainbow from the caps. Each player is allowed to lay out two lids in one run.
The speed and correctness of laying out the rainbow is evaluated

Playing with the audience "Painting"

A poem with a collective answer:
If you see - a river is drawn in the picture, Or a spruce and white frost, or a garden and clouds, Or a snowy plain, or a field and a hut, The picture is necessarily called ...
If you see - in the picture there is a cup of coffee on the table, Or juice. in a large decanter, or a vase in crystal, Or a bronze vase, or a pear, or a cake, Or all objects at once, know what it is ...
(Still life)
If you see that someone is looking at us from the picture: either a prince in an old cloak, or a steeplejack in a robe, a pilot or a ballerina, or Kolka is your neighbor, - The picture must be called ...
(Portrait)Leading: Guys! All the letters in the words denoting colors are confused, we urgently need to decipher this abra-kadabra:

LOAYSYVAT - light green
DOYRYOVB - burgundy
NAYLOYMIV - raspberry
VOILYL - lilac
TOYFIOYEL - purple

The teams take turns drawing out the sheets with the encrypted color. They confer for a minute and give the correct answer.
The team is awarded one point for each correct answer.
Team captains participate. Each player is given a rainbow maze and a string to it.

Leading: Your task is to carefully sew the maze along the colors of the rainbow with a string. The winner is the team whose captain completes the task faster and correctly.
A circle with a diameter of about 1 meter is drawn on the asphalt in front of each team. All team players are given crayons. In 1 minute, the teams must "land" as much as possible more colors to the "flower bed".
The team with the most colors wins.

In front of each team, 15 circles with a diameter of about 50 cm are drawn in advance on the asphalt. All players are given crayons.
Teams should turn the circles into pictures. The team with the most original drawings (images of objects that are not found on other teams) wins.

For organizing children's leisure at school extracurricular activities and in summer health centers and recreation camps, a variety of entertaining and, because children just love to play, will be very useful. It is especially good if these programs are devoted to a specific topic - it is more exciting and informative. We offer a new scenario of a game program for children " Cheerful broom», written by a wonderful author and experienced leading children's parties A. Zaitsev.

Script of the game program "Merry Broom".

(Music sounds - - the presenter comes out in the form of a janitor, he has a broom and a bucket. He sweeps, notices the audience.)

Janitor (leading ): I have a question for you: twisted, tied, impaled, and dancing around the yard. Think what or who is it? I give three options: a victim of a maniac, a violent ballerina, a broomstick. Those who thought it was a broom are right. But you, it seems to me, thought the loudest!

Broom Relatives Auction

Janitor(To one of the viewers): Can you name the items that are "relatives" of the broom, so to speak - representatives of the "clan of purity"?

(The player offers his options... For example, a broom, a mop, a vacuum cleaner, a lazy person ... The winner is the one who remembers and names the last option or the one who calls them the most.

Music plays in the background - the janitor hands over the prize to the winner of the auction.)

Cheerful competition "Defile on a broomstick"

Janitor: The broom is not only an assistant in the struggle for cleanliness, but also a significant item in Russians folk tales... In particular, one of the heroines of these tales, Baba Yaga, actively used a broom as a means of transportation.

(addresses the audience) If it's not difficult for you, remember who else from literary heroes flew on a broomstick?

(Viewers Answers: Margarita, Solokha, Harry Potter, fabulous witches ... The janitor invites the quiz participants to come up to him and demonstrate the defile with a broom, musical melodies sound in the background, for each exit - its own.)

Relay "Team Flight"

Janitor: Let me tell you a secret: a certain technology is used in the manufacture of flying panicles. There are family-class brooms, sport brooms, racing brooms, toy brooms and taxi brooms.

Family whiskers prioritize convenience and safety.

For sports - agility and speed.

Taxi drivers have several seats. It is this type of panicles that I propose to you to saddle and make an exclusive team flight.

(The janitor divides the players into two teams and arranges a relay race between them.)

Janitor: The relay conditions are simple. The first competitor sits on a broomstick and flies from me to the buckets and back. Then the second player of the team sits down to him, together they move along the same trajectory. Then a third player joins in. The first crew to finish is the winner.

(A relay race is passing, cheerful music is playing in the background. Rewarding: bagels for the winners, drying for the losers.

Janitor: I think each of you will be able to tell me: how many parts does the broom have?

(Viewers' responses.)

Janitor: So, together we found out that the broom consists of three parts: a sweeping broom - a bunch, a holding broom - a handle and an attachment - a string.

Relay - Chistopheta

Janitor: According to legends, a broom cannot be kept at home, it must be left on the street, moreover, with the handle down, then it helps to attract wealth. Whether this is really so - I do not know, but the fact that sometimes while cleaning the yard I find money is for sure. I suggest you try your luck too. Let's arrange a baton - a cleanser. Who found the coins on the street? And who threw them in good weather?

(The reaction of the guys. Two teams of three people are recruited. The teams are given a broom, a scoop and a bucket.)

Janitor: Get organized with these simple tools. But first, distribute them to your teams.

(The janitor throws fake banknotes on the playground.)

Janitor: I ask the participants of the relay - the cleaners to be distributed across our territory: players with buckets stand at the finish line, players with brooms at the starting line, and players with scoops between them - in the center of the site.

(The players take their places.)

Janitor: Now music will sound for two minutes. During this time, the teams are invited to clear the area from the scattered bills. This should be done using the brigade method: the first participant sweeps a bill with a broom up to the scoop of the second player, who runs to the bucket, which is in the hands of the third team member. You need to collect one bill. The team that has collected the most money gets a bonus. Let's start!

(The relay race is going on. Cheerful music sounds in the background)

Janitor: The relay is over. The brigade of young janitors who wins in the relay race - chistophete will be awarded with prizes!

(Awards are in progress. Touche or fanfare sounds in the background)

Janitor: The team that won the second prize will also be awarded a prize if they determine by eye at least five times how much money they have collected.

Janitor: You see: they put the yard in order and competed.

How amazing is the word "janitor". How many words with the same root: courtyard, courtyard, backyard, nobleman, palace, butler, composer Dvorak, mongrel - "courtyard terrier" ...

And also "wipers" are on cars, they are responsible for the cleanliness of the glasses.

Broom Hockey Game

Janitor: And in the winter, my broom turns into sports equipment. It happens, as you hit it on the ice. Why aren't you a hockey stick?

(Addresses one of the audience.) Ever played hockey? Well, get up, spread your legs wider to make the gate.

(The janitor takes out a wad of paper from his pocket and imitates a game of hockey. The song "A coward does not play hockey" is played in the background.)

Now you try to do the same.

(The janitor and the player switch roles. Music plays in the background)

Well done!

(Presenting the prize.)

Auction "Rhyme"

Janitor: Here I have what a broom - a broom, nimble as a bee. ABOUT! Rhyme! Can you rhyme with the word "whisk"?

(Auction "Rhyme" is going on: tree, coffee grinder, shelf, bangs, yarmulke, T-shirt ...)

Game "The transformation of the broom"

Janitor: I praise this subject, in the world of things it has no equal!

It works like a bee, its name is ... a whisk! You can also turn my broom into a guitar. (Depicts guitar playing. Guitar sounds in the background) Try turning the broom into something else.

(The game "Broom Transformations" is played: guitar, shovel, tightrope walker pole, ninja pole, barbell, gun, cue stick, fishing rod ... The corresponding music sounds in the background for each exit.)

Competition "The most agile"

Janitor: With the help of a broom, you can find out who is the most agile in our company. I ask those who wish to stand in a line and remember how dexterity is tested.

(The janitor sets the broom upright, releases it, scrolls in place 360 ​​degrees and catches the broom.)

Let's try ?!

(The game is playing, music is playing in the background.)

Competition "Most Flexible"

Janitor: Those who are not tired can test their flexibility. But first you need to stand to my left in a column, one after another.

(Children carry out the task. The facilitator holds the broom parallel to the floor.)

Janitor: Try, bending back, walk one after another under the stick, which I will slowly lower down.

(The game is playing. A funny melody sounds in the background)

Catch the whisk game

Janitor: Anyone can participate in the next game. It's called Catch the Whisk. All stand in a circle, calculated in numerical order.

(Players complete the task.)

Janitor: Remember your numbers! I will stand in the center of the circle and place the broom upright. I'll tell you the number, the one whose number is - runs out and catches a broom. If caught - becomes the leader, if not caught - rides on a broomstick in a circle and returns to its place.

(The game passes, funny melodies sound in the background)

Game "Ghost"

Janitor: And now I offer you one more game. It's called The Ghost. Music will sound for twenty seconds, and during this time you turn into ghosts: you disappear from this platform

and appear in your seats. Time has passed.

(Music sounds - the guys return to their seats.)

Janitor: It's time for me to continue my work. There are still many things to do in the yard. And you do not forget to greet the janitors in your courtyards. Bye!

(The final melody sounds, the host leaves.)

Spring and Labor Day -1 May. How interesting to spend at home

IN last years holiday The 1 of May is no longer celebrated as widely as before. May demonstrations are no longer held, when all the people went out into the streets with flowers and balloons... However, this day has retained the status of a public holiday, and many, out of habit, continue to celebrate Spring and Labor Day every year. Some spend May holidays in the country or garden plot, many go to nature. We will give a small scenario of a holiday in nature.

If you are going to the forest, then you need to prepare for such a walk in advance, so that later you do not run in search of replacements for those items that for some reason remained at home. In the forest, you need to take the following: an ax, a knife, a blanket or tablecloth, several old newspapers, matches, disposable dishes and napkins, several plastic water bottles, salt, food and drinks, skewers and enough big piece polyethylene in case of rain, hats, since there are a lot of ticks in the forest at this time. The set of necessary items can increase if you go to the forest with an overnight stay.

Arriving in the forest, you need to choose a place to rest. Make sure you can make fires here, as there are often signs that read "No fires allowed" at the entrance to the forest. In any case, the rules should not be broken, and it is better to look for another place for a picnic. It is not recommended to make bonfires near trees in order not to provoke a fire.

The 1 of May. The script for the celebration of the Day of Spring and Labor. Contests

Having decided on the place for the picnic, you should start making a fire. To do this, you need to prepare firewood. To speed up the process, and at the same time have fun, you can

Lumberjack competition

All picnic participants are divided into two teams. Each team must collect as much brushwood and firewood as possible in a certain time. The game is played for fun. In addition, you no longer have to go to fetch firewood, so everyone wins.

Kebabs are cooked for a long time, but the appetite for fresh air always excellent. To prevent the company from sitting hungry, you can fry sausages or bread. In addition, it is possible to host some fun games and contests.

Competition "Robinsons"

The players are invited to imagine that they are on a desert island, and they do not have any food with them, so each participant must find in the forest and bring something edible within 10 minutes.

After the participants have completed the task, the presenter asks everyone to explain why he brought this particular thing and what can be prepared from what the participants of the competition brought. The winner is the one who most cheerfully and interestingly explained his choice and came up with the most unusual name for the dish that can be prepared from the one found by each participant. As a prize, the winner will be awarded a sausage fried over a fire.

Competition "Robin Hood"

Everyone knows that Robin Hood was a very well-aimed shooter, so everyone present is invited to compete in agility and accuracy.

Stage one ... Each participant is given five cones. Participants must, in turn, throw cones at the indicated tree from a distance of about 4 meters. If several contestants have the same result, then an additional round is held between them, and the distance to the tree increases. The winner receives a prize point.

Stage two ... Participants must try to climb a tree with a rough trunk and no twigs. The winner is the participant who managed to climb higher than the others.

Stage three ... All participants must chip in about thirty to fifty rubles. Money, represented by bills of various denominations, is folded into a hat or cap. Participants must, blindfolded, take the bill out of the hat and try to feel the denomination of the bill. If the participant manages to do this, then he takes the bill for himself. The one who managed to collect the highest amount wins.

After three stages of the competition, the participants are awarded the titles: "the most accurate", "the most dexterous", "the most reckless", and the titles are not necessarily assigned to the winners, perhaps it will be the participants who performed the tasks most amusingly.

While the food is being prepared, you can hold, for example, a mini-football tournament or play badminton. After eating, you can relax, chat, listen to birdsong or sing songs with a guitar. And you can have a few quiet games.

Word for word game

Players sit in a circle. The presenter gives an assignment: the first participant names a word on a given topic, the second participant repeats the first word and adds his own word on the same topic, the third participant repeats the two previous words and calls another word, and so on, for example: the first is an oak tree, the second is oak, birch, third - oak, birch, aspen, fourth - oak, birch, aspen, linden ...

Themes can be very different: trees, animals, cities, men or female names, flowers, fairy tales and so on. Participants who could not repeat the entire chain of words and those who could not come up with the next word drop out of the game.

Once upon a time game

This game is nothing more than the composition of a fairy tale or some unusual story. The fairy tale is composed by all together: the first participant begins the story with the words "lived, were ...". Each member adds a new proposal to the shared story. And if the players are in a good mood and have a well-developed imagination, then the story can turn out to be downright extremely exciting and interesting. If it is difficult to invent a story based on an abstract plot, then you can take real events and facts from the lives of those present.

A cheerful man was born.
Fashions and rhythms changed too
But we can't live without dancing

Leading: Hello guests and participants of our Dance Marathon program! I am delighted to welcome you to this hall. Your applause! I want to say hello to everyone and to each one individually. This rhyming game will help us with this. I will begin, and you continue.

When we meet the dawn

We tell him ...


With a smile, the sun gives light
Sending us your ...


When meeting after many years
You will shout to your friends ...


And smile back at you
From a good word ...


And you will remember the advice:
Give to all your friends ...


Let's all answer together
We will tell each other ...


Leading: Before starting our marathon of dancing, fun and good mood, I want to know the names of your teams. They should be in the theme of our marathon ("Hip-hop", "Discomafia", "Dancewaster", etc.) You have time to come up with a name while the music is playing. As soon as the music stops, the teams shout out their name loudly. The winner is the team with the loudest name.

Competition is being held "Loud name".

Warm-up competition.

The host invites the teams to dance:


This is a rhythmic dance

  • through the eyes
  • tongue
  • face
  • only with the head
  • only with your fingers
  • hands
  • hands to elbows
  • only with your hands
  • only hands and head
  • only above the belt
  • whole body, but feet "stuck to the floor"
  • lifting legs as high as possible
  • bouncing as high as possible

Leading: The next task is also for everyone, but the jury will monitor the artistry and activity of our participants. Your task is to depict what I will be reading about.

Competition "Top class"

Music. Cartoon ringtones

Hey boys, hey girls.
Why are you standing on the sidelines?
I'll play a game for you.
Show the top class!

1st team

Boys get behind the wheel.

And buckle up tight.
Step on the gas!
Show the top class!

2nd team

You girls are not weak
Jump high together?
Right here, right now!
Show the top class!

3rd team

Well, boys, well done!
You are now our swimmers,
You are swimming breaststroke.
Show the top class!

1st team

Our lovely girls -
Cute kittens.
Are there artists among you?
Show the top class!

2nd team

You guys don't yawn!
Throw snowballs at the target as soon as possible.
Who's got a good eye here?
Show the top class!

3rd team

Dress, shoes, bag, makeup ...
We want to see women of fashion.
The podium is waiting for you.
Show the top class!

1st team

Make us boys laugh
Draw the clowns
To laugh for an hour.
Show the top class!

2nd team

Which one of you is a musician here?
Who is hiding their talent?
Your instrument is a contrabass.
Show the top class!

3rd team

You are folk dancers.
And you're on tour soon.
You started to dance together.
Show the top class!

Leading: Did you know that it is customary for some Indian tribes to see a stranger squat until he gets close to you. Some tribes take off their shoes to greet. Australian aborigines, seeing each other, begin to dance in greeting. Your task is to depict a dance - a greeting.

We will now visit one of the islands of the Pacific Ocean, where unusual tribes live, which have their own gestures of greeting, but we do not know them yet. Picture the dance of the following tribes:

  • Warlike tribe Yoho-ho;

Music in aboriginal tribe

  • the rich Shuko-tu tribe;

Music rich tribe

  • hospitable tribe Sese-ki;

Music Vanya, Vanya ...

Competition is being held "Dancing Hello".

Time passes, century after century ...
A person always lived in worries.
But on every holiday and at leisure time
The fun dance was my best friend.

Leading: While the jury is summarizing preliminary results, for all participants game "Funny Runs". All players are divided into pairs. When the music stops, then you need to quickly change places with the participants of the other pair, continue the dance as instructed by the leader.

Music Cheerful dash

  • We dance with our backs to each other
  • Holding on to someone's ear
  • Holding hands
  • Holding on to your feet
  • Standing facing each other
  • Holding on to something hairy
  • Holding on to something soft
  • Holding on to something with a hole

Leading: The competition is called "Clipomania " . To a well-known song, you need to perform a dance - a clip for this song. The names of the songs are written on the cards, you choose any and prepare within 5 minutes.

1 - Music Two merry geese lived with granny

2 - Music Why does the bear sleep in winter

3 -Music The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree

In the meantime, our participants are getting ready, I invite the audience to join our dance fun too. I have a game for you too.

All teams are dancing physical minutes Dance (Presentation on the screen) Music

So the competition "Clipomania" ! We invite teams to the hall.

Guests are invited to dance to the rhythmic music and at the same time throw a balloon. The music will periodically stop, and whoever has the ball in his hands at this moment will have to go to the center of the circle. He gets the chip. Music Wedding cutting

Dance flash mob

"We dance with ..." (5 min) Music

  • a bouquet of roses
  • automatic in hand
  • toothbrush in the mouth
  • skis on your feet
  • backpack on the back
  • dog on a leash
  • two bags of eggs in hand

Game "Color Dances"

Music Colored dances

Competition "We dance as if we ..." (5 minutes)

Music Popular ringtones

  • builders
  • dentists
  • divers
  • traffic cops
  • footballers
  • spies
  • musicians
  • sick with severe rhinitis
  • ballerinas
  • monkey

Let's dance game

Music Flashmob cutting

The participants dance in different genres to various music, which is played for a few seconds (waltz, pop, hard rock, children's song, etc.).

Leading: At the end of our dance marathon, the teams will present for you their homework - dances, which will also be evaluated by the jury. So, our final competition "Master Class" .

Time passes, century after century.
Let the snow melt between us.
And let on our big planet
People are dancing and the sun is shining.

"Handshake" (this is one of the variants of the ending). We stand in one big circle. We shake hands with neighbors to the right and to the left. Then the same thing, but after one.

  • Well, everyone shook hands. The jury will now announce the results.
  • At the end of the game, if the situation permits, you can continue the disco for those who wish.

May 1 is a holiday of spring and labor. But if earlier it was celebrated with demonstrations, with balloons and flowers, today on this day many are planning a trip to nature. In order for the rest to be a success, we suggest holding some games and contests.

"Lived once…"

The meaning of the game is for the participants to come up with and tell some interesting, funny, or maybe a scary story or fairy tale. The first player starts telling his story from the words: "Once upon a time ...", and then, along the chain, each player complements this story with his own words (sentences). If the company has everything in order with imagination and a great mood, then the story invented can turn out to be very exciting and funny. If someone fails to come up with a story on a free topic, it is suggested to recall any everyday situations from your life, or the lives of the participants.
"Word for word"

Participants must sit in a circle and choose a theme for the game. It can be absolutely anything: cars, colors, countries, fruits, vegetables, etc. The first player says a word that matches the theme of the game, the second player needs to repeat this word and add his own, the third one says the two previous words and adds the next one, and so on in a chain. Consider an example for vegetables: player # 1 - potatoes, player # 2 - potatoes, beets, player # 3 - potatoes, beets, carrots, player # 4 - potatoes, beets, carrots, cabbage, and so on. If the player failed to reproduce the entire sequence of words, or he was unable to add his own word, then he leaves the game.

Competitions are held in nature.

"Robin the Hood"

The competition consists of three rounds, in which the participants will have to compete with each other in accuracy, ingenuity and dexterity. As everyone knows, the listed qualities were inherent in Robin Hood, therefore the competition has a corresponding name.

Round No. 1. Guests who have decided to take part in the competition are awarded five cones. A tree is selected, located at a distance of at least 4 meters from the participants. It is necessary to throw cones into this tree in turn. In this round, the participant with the best result wins. But if several contestants have equal results, then the next stage is carried out. It is necessary to choose a tree farther away and hold a repeated competition in accuracy between participants with equal results. A prize point is awarded to the winner.

Tour # 2. Contestants will have to climb a tree. For this, several rough trees without branches are chosen. The competitor who climbs above the others gets a prize point.

Tour number 3. You will need a hat, cap or hat. All the contestants are thrown into it for 30-50 rubles. All competitors are blindfolded, lined up. They need to recognize by touch the denomination of the bills and coins in the cap. If someone manages to do this, then he gets the guessed money. The prize point is awarded to the one who has more money.
According to the results of the competition, the contestants receive the following titles: the most accurate, the most dexterous, the most intelligent. Moreover, these titles can be awarded not to the winners, but to those contestants who, for example, managed to cheer up the audience.


Guests should be divided into two groups. Their task is to collect more brushwood and firewood for barbecue for a certain period of time. This is a competition for interest, besides, the problem with firewood will be solved.


Participants imagine that they are on a desert island without food or water. Their task is to find something edible in the surrounding area in 10-15 minutes. Further, the participants must bring their find, explain to the rest of the guests why they made such a choice and what can be prepared from it. The winner is the one who is the most entertaining of the others who tells about his choice and the recipe for the dish that can be prepared from the find.

"Button fight"

It is necessary to prepare in advance plastic plates, pushpins and balloons. Distribute a ball to all participants, which they must fasten on a belt, one button and one plate. The participants disperse around the playing area and start the fight at the signal. It is necessary to pierce with the button as many balls of the remaining competitors as possible, while protecting your own ball with a “shield” (plate). The winner is the participant with the last whole ball.

"Kiss Me"

A competition can be held if the company has approximately the same number of men and women. The driver defines a letter for each man, and a number for women (they should all be different). Further, on the clearing, you can spread a blanket, the "oracle" sits on it in the lotus position. He defines “ life path»The contestants, pronouncing one letter and a number in pairs. For example, M5. The woman, who was assigned the number 5, runs to the oracle to kiss him on the cheek. And the man who received the letter M must intercept the woman before kissing and kiss her himself. If this fails, it becomes an "oracle", and if it succeeds, then a pair is formed.

"Victims of Beauty"

Two men are selected to participate in the competition. They are given: a pair of rubber gloves, a large scarf and a pair of nylon tights. Participants need to put on rubber gloves at speed, then, without removing them, tie a scarf in the form of a skirt around the waist and put on tights without tearing them.

Kids games

"Catch the apple"

For the participants, it is necessary to hang several apples on a string by the tail in advance. They should be about 15 centimeters in diameter. All participants play at once, their task is to be able to eat their apple without the help of their hands (they are removed behind their backs). The winner is the one who eats his apple first to the core.
You can use another version of the game. The apples are dipped in a large bowl of water. Players with their mouths, without using their hands, must catch these apples.


The game involves at least six people, they need to be divided into two teams. It is desirable that the players are of approximately the same height. The starting line is determined and 2 pegs are set at a distance of about 6-7 meters every 1.5-2 meters from each other. After the signal, the players must crawl backwards to reach the peg, crawl over it and return to the team. The next participant begins his movement only after the first player crosses the starting line. The first team to complete the task wins.


The game is played by two teams of at least eight people each. The players stand in formation one after another, squat down and put both hands on the shoulders of the participant who is in front. The participant who is in front of the formation also stretches his arms forward (he is a needle). All other participants form a thread. After the signal, the teams begin to move towards the finish line. The winner is the team whose last player crossed the finish line first. In this case, it is important that the "thread" does not break.

"Baton relay"

The recommended number of participants for this game is at least 8 people. They are divided into 2 teams. The teams receive one stick each. The more people on the team, the longer the stick should be. The first, on the go, start the players with sticks, they must be pulled up. Participants run to the finish line, step over it and run back to their team. When the participants reach the start line, one more player joins them. Now they are already running together along the same route, while both of them must hold on to the stick raised up. Further, subsequent players join them. The winner is the team that, in full strength, with a raised stick, will be able to reach the finish line first.

"Gnomes are giants"

A leader is appointed from among the players, he must pronounce only 2 words: "giants" and "gnomes". But in order to confuse children, it is necessary to deceive them, for example, saying the word "dwarf", stand on tiptoe and pretend to be a giant. And vice versa. The task of the children is to squat down when they hear the word "gnome", and when the word "giant" is heard, stretch out on tiptoe. Children, whom the presenter managed to confuse, leave the game, and the last remaining one is the winner.

"Young snipers"

To play, you need a ring about 25 centimeters in diameter. It can be made from thick aluminum wire. On the ground (or floor), mark a lane that competitors must not cross. After stepping back 3 meters from this strip, it is necessary to drive a peg into the ground, or put a pin on the floor. Players are given three attempts to hit the peg with the ring. If this has not been done even once, then the participant is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one with three hits out of three.

"I twist and twist, I want to confuse!"

It is necessary to prepare a rope 4-5 meters long, tie a handkerchief or ribbon to its middle. The game is played by 2 players. Each of them takes in right hand end of the rope. After the presenter's phrase: "I twist and twist, I want to confuse!", The players begin to circle around their axis, trying to wind as much rope around themselves as possible. The winner is the one on whom the handkerchief will be wound.
Games on May 1 can be thought of in a great variety, here is a description of only a few of them. Use these tips, you can add something of your own. And then, believe me, your guests will remember this day with joy.