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Literary hero phlegmatic psychological portrait. Sanguine, melancholic, choleric, phlegmatic - What is your temperament? (166). The main components of the psychological portrait of the personality

Task 2.. Choose that approval ("A", "B" or "C"), which is best expressing your point of view, most valuable for you. Then make the choice of the least valuable approval for you, less than the corresponding point of view. Do not think over the test for too long, the first choice is usually the best.

The text of the questionnaire

1. Most satisfaction in life gives:

    evaluation of work;

    consciousness of the fact that the work is performed well;

    consciousness that you are among friends.

2. If I played football, I would like to be:

    coach that develops the tactics of the game;

    famous player;

    selected captain team.

3. The best teachers are those that:

    have an individual approach to students;

    passionate about their subject and cause interest in it;

    create an atmosphere in the team in which no one is afraid to express his point of view.

4. Students are assessed as the worst teachers of those that:

    do not hide that some people are not pretty them;

    cause all the spirit of competition;

    they impress that the subject they teach them is not interested.

5. I'm glad when my friends are:

    help others when the case is presented for this;

    always true and reliable;

    intelligent and their broad interests.

6. I consider the best friends.

    with which relationships are well added;

    which may be more than me;

    which can be hoped.

7. I would like to be famous as a person who:

    achieved life success;

    can love much;

    it is distinguished by friendliness and benevolence.

8. If I could choose, I would like to be:


    boss (supervisor);

    an experienced professional.

9. When I was a kid, I loved:

    games with friends;

    successes in affairs;

    when I was praised.

10. Most I do not like when I:

    i meet obstacles when performing an assigned task;

    when friendly relations deteriorate in the team;

    when my boss criticizes me.

11. The main role of schools should be:

    in the preparation of students to work in the specialty;

    In the development of individual characteristics and independence;

    In the education in the student of the qualities, thanks to which he could get along with people.

12. I do not like collectives in which:

    non-democratic system;

    a person loses individuality in the total mass;

    the manifestation of his own initiative is impossible.

13. If I have more free time, I would use it:

    to communicate with friends;

    for loved things and self-education;

    for relax.

14. It seems to me that I am capable of maximum when:

    i work with cute people;

    i have a job that satisfies me;

    my efforts are quite rewarded.

15. I love when:

    others appreciate me;

    i feel satisfaction from the work done;

    spend time with friends.

16. If I wrote about me in newspapers, I would like:

    noted the case I performed;

    praised me for my work;

    reported that I was chosen to the heads of the organization (Committee, Section).

17. Best I would study when the teacher:

    i had an individual approach to me;

    stimulated me for more intense work;

    caused a discussion on disassembled issues.

18. There is nothing worse than:

    insulting personal dignity;

    failure when performing a personal task;

    loss of friends.

19. Most of all I appreciate:

    personal success;

    overall work;

    practical results.

20. Very few people:

    really rejoice performed work;

    i am pleased to work in the team;

    perform work is really good.

21. I do not carry:

    quarrels and disputes;

    denial of all new;

    people who are betting above others.

22. I would like:

    to others consider me with their friend;

    helping others in general;

    cause admiration for others.

23. I appreciate, respect the leader when he:


24. At work, I would like:

    to decisions were taken collectively;

    independently work on solving problems;

    in order for the manager to recognize my advantages.

    about the art well to get along with people;

    about the life of a famous person;

    type "DIY".

26. If I had musical abilities, I would like to be:




27. Free time with the greatest pleasure I spend:

    watching detective films;

    in communicating with friends;

    taking care of your favorite business.

28. Provided the same encouragement, I would be happy:

    invented an interesting contest;

    would have won in the competition;

    i would organize the competition and led them.

29. It is most important to know for me:

    what I want to do;

    how to achieve the goal;

    how to attract others to achieving my goal.

30. The person must behave so that:

    others were satisfied with them;

    fulfill, first of all, your task;

    it would not be necessary to roam him for work.

Processing and analysis of questionnaire results. Calculate the number of points for each indicator (from the number of positive elections, take the number of negative elections and add 30):

    the focus: 1a, 2B, 3-4a, 5V, 6C, 7A, 8-10C, 11-12V, 13-14C, 15A, 16V, 17-19A, 20-22C, 23V, 24C, 25-26V, 27a, 28V, 29A, 30C; It is manifested in the orientation of a person to meet their own needs, the achievement of personal goals, the persecution of mercenary interests. Often accompanied by aggressiveness in achieving the desired status, authority, a tendency to rivalry;

    the direction of interaction: 1-3c, 4B, 5-6A, 7C, 8B, 9A, 10B, 11C, 12-14A, 15-18C, 19-20V, 21-22A, 23C, 24-26A, 27V, 28- 29c, 30a; the focus on interaction- The desire under any conditions to maintain good relations with other people, orientation for joint activities. Often such a person is ready to help others, protect their interests even to the detriment of their own. Gets well with people, interested in achieving group purposes, while not free in its actions, depending on the group;

    focus on the problem: 1B, 2a, 3B, 4-5C, 6-7V, 8A, 9V, 10-11A, 12C, 13-15V, 16A, 17-18V, 19С, 20A, 21-22V, 23A, 24V, 25-27C, 28A, 29-30V. Focus on the task- Orientation is not so much on the result of the execution of the case as the process. Interest in solving a business problem, the desire to perform work as much as possible. Such a person will rather defend the interests of the case than their own or other people.

Unlike identity character (from Greek. Print, chasing) is a set of individual-peculiar psychological properties of a person who are manifested in typical ways of behavior and emotional response, in typical situations of life and is determined by its attitude towards these situations. Character determines not why a person has committed any action or act, but what, what methods He acts, expresses his feelings, intention. In character properties is expressed formally dynamic The side of the behavior, i.e., they relate to the description of the dynamics, but not the content of the psyche and human behavior. The meaningful side of the behavior is reflected in the concept of personality.

The focus of the individual is relatively stable characteristic throughout a certain stage of the psychological development of a person (his psychological age). The character (the aggregate of the feature) remains relatively constant throughout the passport age, therefore they talk about the nature of the child, the nature of the schoolchildren, the student, etc., each subsequent age complements the combination of the character of the character with new features, which are formed in connection with the new social requirements for man with By consideration of its age, status, role, etc. Temperament is the property of the psyche that remains relatively unchanged throughout life.

Temperament adjusts behavior (determines the dynamics of behavior) valid Situations, regardless of the motives and goals of its behavior. Character - B. typical situations, personality - in uniquesituations where we take actions and confirm the significance of our own values, beliefs, ideals, etc.

In the process of becoming a person, a huge impact on its nature and features of the perception of the surrounding world has no education, but a congenital property - temperament.

Let's talk about the type of temperament, which psychologists call "luck" - Sanguines.

General concepts of temperament types

Temperament is an individual characteristic of a person who depends on the speed of its psychophysical processes, the peculiarities of the mental activity of its brain. The temperament is expressed in qualities such as the level of emotionality, activity, ability to contact the world around the world and, in particular, with society.

Since the time of antiquity, the philosophers showed a burning interest in the mental properties of a person, highlighting several types of temperament.

The classification invented by hippocrates, although it is recognized as imperfect, but actively applies to this day.

The great thinker believed that all people can be divided into four main psychotypes, in his understanding they were associated with physiological fluids inside the human body:

  • Choleric (bile) - unbalanced and irritable personality.
  • Melancholic (black bile) - inert, weak and shy people.
  • Flegmatics (mucus) - calm and slightly slow type.
  • Sanguines (blood) - energetic and cheerful people.

Sanguinics are characterized by representatives of the "active" temperament and extroverts focused on the surrounding reality. Consider a more detailed portrait of a Sanguinik.


The famous Russian physiologist I. P. Pavlov defined the ability of the Sanguinik to the rapid change of excitatory and braking reactions, which manifest themselves more than that of phlegmatics, but more balanced than at the cholerik.

The rate of change of mental processes in such people is characterized by high activity, which is why this type of temperament manifests itself as energetic and emotional. At the same time, the Sanguins have a high social adaptability and flexibility of behavior.

Thus, the Sanguine is a cheerful and easy to communicate a person who looks at the world with surprised eyes. The energy of the Sanguinics has a key, they hurry to fill out with their impressions every minute, but at the same time in emergency situations are able to act balanced and calmly.

Determine the sanguineistic type of temperament will not work from the first days of life. Such a child will manifest itself incredibly actively, experiencing a living interest in everything around. The parents of the Sanguinic child have to test their patience for strength, because he will require a lot of attention. Such people are simply obliged to be in the center of events, surrounded by admiring views.

Sanguins are easily taken for a new thing, as they have an acute need to receive new emotions. At the same time, possible failures he will survive without any particular problems, without removing against problems and without closed in himself as phlegmatic. A large number of interesting things - a holiday for a Sanguinik, because he will gladly take each.

Men and women with sanguity temperament adore new acquaintances, they converge with people in a matter of minutes. This type simply fascinates those surrounding with his smile and open look. At the same time, sincere Sanguini belongs to everyone literally to everyone, which is often caused by jealousy from the side of people closest to him. But it is impossible to limit such an optimist in obtaining bright emotions from dating - it will become sluggish and uninteresting.

The story knows many famous Sanguals who conquered the world with their abilities and purposefulness: Napoleon Bonaparte, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Mikhail Lermontov. There are well-known Sanguini and among fictional characters, a bright example - Winnie the Pooh.

Pluses of temperament

The portrait of the Sanguinik makes a pleasant impression, and highlight the strengths of this type of temperament will not be difficult:

  • He is a soul of the company, easy to find new friends and avoid conflicts with old.
  • He has an outstanding sense of humor and easily raise the mood.
  • He confidently goes to his goal, not upset because of failures.
  • He can do any case, as it exists inquisitiveness and non-cold abilities.

Disadvantages of temperament

Being a sanguine is easy and pleasant, as this ensures love surrounding and permanent charge of positive emotions.

Sanguines are perceived by surrounding much better than choleric or phlegmatic, but one should not consider this type of temperament perfect, as it possesses and a few minuses.

  • He may sincerely give promises, but then forget about them.
  • He can show frivolousness and irresponsibility, so often does not bring the matter to the end.
  • It is slightly superficial, so it has many acquaintances, but not friends.
  • He needs admiration for others every day, so hardly enters into permanent relationships and marriage.

Those who recognized the Sanguinik in himself or in her child should not be upset or, on the contrary, consider the position of things too ideal. There are no people with a clean type of temperament. Usually in the portrait of the person dominates one of the psychotypes, the other acts as an accent.

Therefore, if in most situations a person behaves like a typical sanguine, in some moments he will manifest himself like a choleric or phlegmatic.

In addition, a typical Sanguinik can be brought up by a responsible and serious person, if you take proper attention to it and learn to bring it to the end.

Compatibility and marriage

Men and women with a sanguity temperament easily hardened relationships, and in love they behave bright and easily, not by partner partner conflicts and quarrels. At the same time, long-term connections for such people are a hard task, because their temperament does not withstand monotony. In addition, the many admiring fans of the Sanguinik often can be the cause of jealousy by his partner.

But, despite the opinion of psychologists about the impermanence and the need to make new acquaintances, the Sanguine woman can become an ideal wife. Its pointy character will conquer any man, and the charm and cheerful temper will g up any adversity.

But it is worth being careful - such a woman will require a lot of attention to his person. It must always be surprised, give gifts and new impressions. If a woman becomes bored - she will find a new man.

Psychologists believe that the most successful compatibility in the type of temperament is observed in the Sanguine Sanguine Pare. But this does not mean that other partners are not suitable for such a psychotic. The sanguity temperament of a person will easily help him build relationships and with phlegmatic, and with cholerics. But in a pair with melancholic about compatibility, there can be no speech - too, they are different with a sanguine.

Meancholic temperament

Melancholics are essentially vulnerable. Perhaps, getting around with melancholics is harder than with anyone else. Although, at first glance, in their character there are no "problematic" features of other temperaments: they, unlike cholerians, do not "explode", there are neither unlimited stubbornness and slowness of phlegmatics, nor the desire to embroil their smiles and constantly change their hobbies So characterized by Sanguins. Soft, submissive, touching melancholics are truly "white and fluffy" ...

Still, it is precisely the establishment of relations with melancholic can be a serious test for you. The fact is that melancholic almost always feels deeply unhappy. He has a very low self-esteem, he is urgent to the extreme in himself, full of all sorts of fears and anxiety. He is probably a weak health, and even if there is no real disease, it will definitely detect a whole bouquet of imaginary diseases. Melancholic is ready to be offended or upset because of any trifle (perhaps even existing only in his imagination). It always seems to him that he does not like him, do not appreciate, do not pay sufficient attention to him. Yes, and whether it is to surprise this if all people around are such good, interesting, attractive, and only he one, poor-unfortunate, did not distinguish anything in anything, it does not shine anything, it is not capable of anything - and so indefinitely.

I must say that such a dismissive attitude of Melancholic to itself is completely unnecessarily. Yes, it really does not have a great stock of energy; According to the "power of nervous processes" parameter, three types of temperament belong to the "strong", and only melancholic is characterized as "weak." But Melancholikov has a lot of advantages. Due to the fact that they are constantly listening to their own feelings and feelings, they learn to feel and other people.

Melancholic as no one knows how to understand, sympathize and console. In a complex world of human feelings, experiences and emotions, he focuses with closed eyes. He is afraid to act, but thinks a lot. Sureness and well-developed intuition are very peculiar to melancholic. And finally, they often possess almost impeccable taste and are sincere connoisseurs of the beautiful.

Portrait of melancholic

Timid, shy, insecure; does not know how to adapt, quickly tired; romantic, thinly feeling; Anxious, wounded.

How to communicate with melancholic:

- Always consider its emotional weakness and instability: these are not whims or manifestation of a bad nature, but the features of the functioning of the nervous system, and nothing can be done here;

- As possible, praise, encourage and maintain it - Melancholic needs it more than anyone else. At the same time, in no case, do not invent the advantages or achievements, which is actually no in the mesh: a sensitive melancholic instantly recognizes insincerity. Just carefully treat what he says and does, and you will definitely notice anything that really deserves praise;

"Be prepared for the fact that a completely change the self-esteem of Melancholic, making it steadily high, you will never succeed, no matter how much effort you have been attached. But if you constantly demonstrate to him your attention and sincere interest, his confidence will still gradually increase;

- Do not reproach it for constant complaints, but also do not react to them too sharply; Melancholic will always find what to worry about and because of what to worry, but you can not dive with him in the puchin of his despair. By this you will not help him and significantly hurt your own emotional health.

Advantages and disadvantages:

Melancholics often distinguish high mental abilities, but they manifest them very unstable. This is due to significant emotional mobility: Melancholik quickly grabs new, but weakness and instability lead to the fact that as quickly learned may be lost.

Emotional overload with melancholic is contraindicated, the scope of interpersonal relations is not their element, despite well-developed intuition: too much stress. But intellectual work that does not require constant communication is that the melancholic can perfectly analyze, design, plan, easily cope with large amounts of information.

"Typical" appearance

Fragility of appearance, thinness, long thin hands and legs, narrow flat or concave chest, thin waist and relatively wide shoulders and hips; The skull is narrowed down the book, the forehead is high, acute chin, weak lower jaw, long and, often, pointed nose.


P. I. Tchaikovsky, N. V. Gogol

After reading the portraits of four types of temperament, you may have lambered: it seems that some features are very similar to you or your acquaintances themselves, but exactly none of the people known to you are suitable for the descriptions presented.

There is nothing surprising here. "Clean" cholerics, sanguits, phlegmatics and melancholics in the world does not happen, we can only talk about the predominance of one of the types. The features characteristic of type can be expressed to a greater or lesser extent. We did not begin to begin the story from ancient history: remember whether the word "temperament" means "mixing parts".

So in each of us the features of all types, but the proportion in which this cocktail is compiled, and determines the features of reactions and behavior. Some scientists believe that, depending on the specific situation and the psychological atmosphere (favorable or stress), one of the four types may go to the fore.

The dominant temperament is manifested in a comfortable environment, surrounded by close people when a person is relaxed and he has no need to defend or attack. Less pronounced, additional temperament is on the forefront in conditions of formal communication with unfamiliar people (for example, in transport or in the store, etc.). The third, even less pronounced type is manifested in official relations when you need to "keep yourself within" and abide by the distance (communication with the bosses or subordinates at work, etc.). This is the so-called "role" type of temperament: a person acts in a situation where it is important not so much personal qualities as a social role.

Finally, the least pronounced type of temperament can manifest itself in extremely rare, emotionally significant, stressful situations, such as loss of loved ones, natural disaster, a sudden loss of work, etc. It is not often about people in such a state that they have changed to Unrecognizable, ceased to be unrecognizable ": In fact, a person always remains itself, but in such extreme conditions there are often those properties that were hidden on the surface have never been manifested before.

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6.1. Temperament The concept of temperament. The behavior of a person depends not only on social conditions, but also on the peculiarities of its natural organization. Among the individual characteristics characterizing human behavior, its activities and communication, special place

Temperament is those congenital features of a person who determine the dynamic characteristics of the intensity and the rate of response, the degree of emotional excitability and equilibrium, the features of the access to the environment.

No better or worst temperaments - each of them has its own positive parties, so the main efforts should be directed not to the alteration of temperament (which is impossible due to the lane of the temperament), but on the reasonable use of its negative faces.

Humanity has long been trying to allocate typical features of the mental warehouse of various people, to reduce them to a small number of generalized portraits - temperament types. Such typology was practically useful, since with their help it was possible to predict the behavior of people with a certain temperament in specific life situations.

Temperament translated from Latin - "mixture", "proportion to". The oldest description of temperaments belongs to the "Father" of medicine Hippocratic. He believed that the temperament of a person was determined by which of the four liquids of the body prevails: if blood prevails ("Sangvis"), then the temperament will be a Sanguine, i.e. Energetic, fast, cheerful, sociable, easily tolerates life difficulties and failures. If bile prevails ("Hole"), then the person will be a choleric - bile, irritable, excitable, unrestrained, very mobile person, with a quick change of mood. If the mucus ("phlegm" dominates), then the temperament is phlegmatic - a calm, slow, balanced person, slowly, with difficulty switching from one type of activity to another, poorly adaptable to new conditions. If a black bile ("Melan-Hole") prevails, then the melancholic is obtained - a somewhat painfully shy and impressionable person, prone to sadness, timidity, closetness, it is quickly tired, excessively sensitive to adversity.

Hippocrates generally described the main types of temperament, but he could not give their scientific substantiation.

The first classification of temperaments was offered an ancient Roman doctor Gallen and it reached the present day in a relatively low-change. The last of its known descriptions, which is used in modern psychology belongs to the German philosopher I. Kant, who, however, in his interpretations mixing the features of temperament and character.

The basis for the development of really scientific: temperament theory developed I.P. Pavlov (1849-1936) - the first Russian scientist, awarded the Nobel Prize. Studying the work of large hemispheres of the brain, he found that all the features of temperament depend on the characteristics of the highest nervous activity of a person.

Pavlov and his students in their works were allocated three basic properties of the nervous system: the power of excitation or braking, mobility (the ability to quickly replace each other) and the equilibrium between excitation and braking. The combination of these properties leads to the formation of a certain type of temperament:

"unrestrained" (strong, unbalanced, movable type of nervous system (H / s) - corresponds to a choler's temperament);

"alive" (strong, balanced, movable type N / C - corresponds to the temperament of the Sanguinik);

"calm" (strong, balanced, inert type H / C - corresponds to the temperament of phlegmatics);

"Weak" (weak, unbalanced, low-modular type N / C - determines the temperament of melancholic).

Psychological portrait of temperament types

Each individual temperament type has its own characteristic features.

Sanguine - a quick man, movable, responds emotionally for all impressions; However, his joy, grief, sympathy and other feelings, albeit bright, but unstable and easily replaced by opposing feelings. I.P. Pavlov still characterized such people: "Sanguine is hot. A very productive figure, but only when he has a lot of interesting things, i.e. there is constant excitement. When there is no such thing, it becomes bullful, sluggish."

The Sanguine is almost always the initiator in communication, immediately responds to the desire to communicate from another person, but his attitude towards people can be changeable and non-permanent. He freely feels in a large company of unfamiliar people, a new, unusual situation only excites him.

Examples can serve Steve Blond - Hero Roman L.N. Tolstoy "Anna Karenina", M.Yu. Lermontov and Napoleon.

Phlegmatic - a slow man, balanced and calm. It is not easy to hurt it and impossible to bring out. His feelings are almost not manifested outwardly. In relations with other people, phlegmatic is calm, steady in his emotions. I.P. Pavlov noticed: "Phlegmatic - calm, always smooth, persistent and stubborn worker life." Recall Pierre Lyuzova from Roman L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". But under certain conditions, indifference to labor, the surrounding life, brilliance (for example, bugs in the same name Roman IA Goncharov) can develop. Phlegmatic manifests his feelings little and long does not notice that someone is looking for a reason for acquaintance with him. But he is stable and constant in his attitude to a person, loves to be in a narrow circle of old friends, in the usual setting.

Phlegmatic were I.A. Wings and M.I. Kutuzov.

Choleric - a quick, gusty man, with strong feelings that are reflected in expressive facial expressions, gestures, speech. It is often inclined to stormy emotional flashes. Holerians have a quick change of moods, impassable, which is explained by the predominance of excitation processes over braking. I.P. Pavlov so determined this type of temperament: "Combat type, prime, easily irritating" (a bright example of this type - Prince Bolkonsky in the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace").

With hobby, a starting thing, choleric quickly cools, interest in work disappears, and he continues without inspiration, and sometimes it throws it. In communication, people of choleric temperament are difficult.

A.S. Pushkin and A.V. Suvorov - choleric.

Melancholic - emotionally responds far from all. He has a slight diversity of emotional experiences, but these experiences are distinguished by depth, force and duration. He experiences strongly, although it expresses his feelings out of externally (for example, Princess Marya in the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"). I.P. Pavlov noted that melancholic, "falling into new living conditions, is very lost." In the usual, calm atmosphere, people of this type work very productively, differ in depth, the content of their emotionally moral behavior and attitudes towards others. Melancholics are very touchy, it is hard to endure failure. They are located to closets, loneliness, feel embarrassed in a new, unusual setting, are often confused. P.I. Tchaikovsky - Melancholic.

Choleric - This is one of temperatures, which in his theory described more hippocrates. Hippocrates The name of the temperature of Choleric means "bile", which occurred from the Greek "Hole". Choleric Characteristic of a person includes the following main qualities: Pryingness, determination, fast reaction, passionate passion for your business, the ability to overcome many vital difficulties on their own. In the emotional plan, this is a fairly stormy man, strong, unbalanced, very unstable in the manifestations of the mood.

Clean type choleric can actually meet very rarely. Each person combines the qualities of several temperaments, but one of them can be dominant. It is determined by the state in which a large part of the time is a person. Therefore, every person should know how temperament and features he owns, to be able to correct some qualities if they interfere with full-fledged life and personality activity.

Choleric is dominant, he sharp, stubborn and a bit arrogant than repels from himself.

Telerament choleric is characterized by a desire aimed at achieving a certain ideal. Choleric never sit folded, they are in constant movement, if they have no cases, they still will be able to find a lesson for themselves. So, by virtue of the characteristics of his character, men cholerians occupy senior positions, become different level managers, because the traits of their character and the ability to carry people help them with any ways to achieve their goals.

Her mobility of cholerics infect all others. But often there are people in their surroundings who cannot withstand such a rapid rhythm like them.

Cholerics can be very different. Some can try to be sensitive and direct their energy into the necessary direction, not assigious feelings of other people. Others may be tyrana using their aggressiveness, dominance and other.

Choleric has congenital leadership qualities. Choleric is not always an extrovert, but he likes to be the center of attention. He, thanks to his qualities, can arrange people to him, win their attention.

A choleric type of temperament always has his own opinion, he does not care what other people think about him as they perceive it, because he knows the price. Choleric is an active initiator and participant in disputes that can go to. It is inclined to increase the tension in the discussion that actually often leads to a deterioration of relationships with others.

Choleric is very sociable, but not with every person they can create a strong union.

The choleric compatibility with a choleric is practically impossible, because both can sooner or later happen from an excess of information, quarrels, disputes and clarifications, who are chief in relationships.

Compatibility of choleric with a sanguine is not sufficiently satisfying. They can have fun together and ramplessly spend some time, but in a long relationship they have to go through certain failures and learn to accept the opposite point of view.

Choleric compatibility with melancholic leaves much to be desired. Too wounded and too hot-tempered temperament can complement each other, but only if they go to mutual compromises.

The most ideal is a choleric compatibility with phlegmatic. The measured and calm phlegmatic will be able to cool the dust choleric, and the latter in turn will teach phlegmatics to be more decisive.

Who is choleric

Choleric characteristic and its main features: independent, decisive, self-sufficient, hot, impulsive, restless, very active in any activity, always puts the task or purpose to which.

The temperature of the choleric is characterized by sharp changes in the mood, which is due to the instability of the nervous system. Possessing a quick reaction, it is capable of setting the information "raid". The character of a choleric is manifested in its sharp and expressive gestures, in multifaceted facial expressions. Although everyone knows how emotional and unrestrained is the character of a choleric, but in matters of serious things, he is guided by the mind, not a heart. Therefore, he may, when you need to even hide my emotions.

Choleric Description of appearance: Threat Asthenic build, well-developed limbs, oval face face, smooth foreheads upwards, chin sharp, legs are long. Of course, there are representatives of a choleric type of temperament with other types of physique, but according to observation data, precisely such external signs of cholerics prevail.

The character of the leader's choleric, he knows how to lead or he has innate, and people really often listen to his opinion and follow him. The choleric in creating a successful career helps a clear vision of his goals, the desire to dominate, the striking organization and the ability to manage. Therefore, cholerics often become politicians, lawyers or financiers. They are inborn strategists, but only in the creation of tactics. In most cases, they cannot implement this strategy, as they prevent their lack of tact and lack of patientity. People with the inherent choleric temperament are prone to analytics, they can quickly and qualitatively disassemble any situation and instantly take a challenging solution.

Choleric in most cases is an optimistic and active person, only by virtue of difficult life circumstances, it can be dull and indifferent. In family relations, cholerics love to take the initiative, be the head of the family, regardless of that woman is or a man. Although the choleric is a freedom-loving and initiative man, he needs support for loved ones. Most often, it is more convenient for him when there are calm and balanced people around him, ready to get along with him, with his difficult and powerful character and take their place on the "second plan".

In the friendly relations of cholerics, they value sufficiently highly. They are appreciated for their stable optimistic orientation of character, for their willingness to help a near person in difficult situations. Holers forgive their pathological desire for idealism, and love for their reliability.

Choleric devotees and enough reliable friends, ready to offer their strong shoulder at any time, for which they deserve confidence.

Choleric inherent such great quality as nobility. Therefore, they are so brave, fair, ready to sacrifice themselves, save someone, find the truth. They very quickly solve the problems that have arisen, so it turns out that they put other people on the bar below themselves, because they do not see that the necessary rear, the energy that is watched. They sincerely not understand how to be slow and dull, or how to allow others to behave in relation to them unfair, obey the unfair rules of others.

Holerik has a tendency to loneliness, because he cannot find the right person who would have been with him "foot in foot." The choleric is sufficiently sociable, but most do not withstand his rhythm. Choleric also need people in his surroundings not only for the sake of communication, but also to be to dominate and lead, which is impossible to be in a state of loneliness. Choleric needs a cohesive team.

Holers are all perceived through the prism of achieving goal. They can seriously analyze even the most banal situations, such as the purchase process in the store's store. They clearly set themselves the goal that it is most important to them, then minor things, then think over the strategy of moves in the supermarket, in various departments so that it is easy to cope with the task.

Holer wishes his true emotions to keep under control, tries not to put them out. But he does not always succeed, because according to his face you can tell about all exciting emotions. If, during communication, a choler will hear something unpleasant for himself, he will not immediately find out the causes of such behavior, but it will be broken in that heat may cause physical damage or in response to offend the interlocutor and effectively go away. But it takes time, he calms down, returns and calmly begins to find out what cause is actually.

If a cholester is not peculiar to self-control in relationships with other individuals, then in situations of trouble he can master himself, collect all his strength together. Choleric managed to keep calm and cold mind, they do not fall into panic, try to find options from the problem. Despite its high purposefulness, a choleric can sometimes not correctly appreciate its capabilities and it is ineffective to distribute its obligations. From this, he often postpones some things to finally, may for a while they forget about them, but later to them back.

The character of the choleric and the peculiarities of its temperament in the work: thanks to the innate abilities to leadership, it can become an excellent manager or organizer, because for such work it is necessary to be able to take several decisions at once. For choleric, work is well suited with frequent business trips, new projects, new colleagues, lively and active communication with different people - it all charges it with positive and energy, desire to work hard and efficiently. For people of a choleric type of temperament, the feeling of sense of significance for his loved ones is very important.

Choleric description of pros and cons. Pros or strengths of choleric temperament include an inexhaustible stream of energy, the desire to defend their ideals, enthusiasm in work, a pointed sense of justice, rapid decision-making, purposefulness, sociability.

Cons or negative qualities of cholerics: excessive or inappropriate irritability, conflict, rudeness, inability to wait, too acute reactivity, the desire to dominate. Often their first reaction turns out to be not always adequate, because of which they can offend others and not always apologize for it.

The cholerics are prone to protect those whose rights are infringed, even when these people do not require such fierce protection. Due to the pronounced desire to command, cholerics are not perceived, repel away from themselves.

Parents with cholecical temperament type are too demanding to their children, can desire almost unconditional subordination. Such parents can emotionally explode from the fact that the child does something wrong, or does not understand what they want from him. They can even engage in hand to the child, or to their partner.

Choleric characteristics of men

A choleric-man who is a parent brings up his children in the dominant behavior style. It may be a despot and demand from children of unquestionless obedience, but only in extreme cases, and so, it is quite capable of showing love, sensitivity and caring for children. He tries to raise his child to them in the best way, to teach dedication, mainly demonstrating examples from their own experience.

A choleric-man who created a strong family also considers himself a leader, so he is an ideal husband, because the whole care for the well-being of a family can take over.

A choleric-man will never allow a woman to command, dominate in a relationship, he knows that he is a strong sex representative, therefore acts on this. He knows that in the event that conflict has occurred in the family, he still needs to take care of the material well-being of the family and ensure the safety of loved ones.

The choleric-man is much more than a choleric woman trying to control everything surrounding him. If he doesn't quite succeed at work, then he comes with and annoying home, where he splashes all negative emotions.

If still a choleric-man in the family becomes a tyrant, then the child has to suffer from constant screams, the wife does not dare to say the word across. This character is very difficult to change, because it has formed for many years. But it is possible to correct some features if a person is already moving the face of affordable, the main thing is to persuade it to change it.

A choleric-man is self-sufficient and pretty eccentric, he has pronounced leadership qualities, and since the school he shows them in that he collects a company around him, ready to follow him everywhere. He needs others to command them.

Often, men choleric temperaments become successful businessmen, lawyers, in this they contribute to their fast response to difficulties, the ability to analyze the situation and organize a workflow. Thanks to continuous activities, leading to impressionable results, a choleric-man quickly moves through a career ladder. Such a man is very sociable, he avoids loneliness. He has many friends and acquaintances who appreciate his generosity, justice and reliability.

Choleric characteristic of women

Choleric-woman is a strong, volitional and ambitious personality. It is quite capable of establishing complex, but fulfilled goals, always tries to do everything for the sake of obtaining desirable. A choleric-woman is entirely able to materially provide or a whole family. It is easy to learn a new one, likes to try something new (food, sport, book, work).

A choleric woman likes to dominate, lead subordinates or family members. Therefore, the husband of such a woman should be softer and pliable than she. You can rarely meet a woman of choleric temperament, sitting at home and doing what the housewife is usually engaged in, meanwhile, as life passes by. Therefore, such women are accepted for any interesting activity, for each opportunity to act in a new way, conquer new vertices, develop spiritually and physically.

A choleric woman prefers to wear pants or business trouser costume than a dress or various colorful skirts. Such women love to do "boyish" haircuts, do not comply with fashion trends, do not wear jewelry, rarely pierce your ears. For them, priority is convenience and action, and not romantic femininity and slowness.

The best compatibility of a woman's choleric with a calm, caring, patient man, best of the phlegmatic type of temperament, only it can take such a high activity of such a woman.

Choleric child characteristic

Choleric The child reminds "Tornado" or "Hurricane", or both at once. Such a child very violently expresses any of his reactions to events around. If he watches the presentation in the circus, then his admiration and surprise there is no borders, he still tells him for a long time, in which he is delighted. If something bad happened to him, for example, he was forbidden to eat sweet, he will cry, scream through tears, angry, than, by the way, very skillfully manipulates, because parents who do not have the strength to endure his cry, break off and so Give him what was previously banned.

Choleric The child can be angry on any trifles, tirelessly demonstrate his discontent, after which it is very difficult to calm down. In games, he prefers to be a leader, loves noisy and moving games.

Choleric baby - "This is an eternal engine." It may be so much in the game that he will not even notice the current and will not be able to stop. This is due to emotional-affective impassiveness and rapid nervous response. Such a child needs a frequent change of impressions, because it gets used very quickly and it becomes uninteresting. But too long and strong new impressions are very tired.

In such a child, the ability to irritating and quick-tempered in trifles is simply incredible, besides, it practically does not have patience. If he created something, for example, a tower from the designer and his mother's calls to see, then she should at the same second as he heard the call, throw all things and to take away to see what the child struck her. Otherwise, she faces the dose of anger.

Choleric is an uneven child, pulsating. If he is just starting to do something, he will do it very enthusiastically, energetically and with a big burrow, but as soon as the first wave of exciting emotions passes, the child no longer knows what the new itself can be occupied. Neither he himself nor anyone else can forgive his attention for a long time, he is very tired of it. Such a nervous recession and the killing of forces are poured into irritability, increasing as intensity, and turning into, or into the nervous breakdown.

If the child does not turn out to be folded toys in the necessary order or does not exit them to put one on the other way, he imagined it, he soon dismissed these toys throughout the room. If someone of the most kind of intentions enter the room, he will fall under a hot hand. After all the words are expressed, a choleric child will pay from the malice, his own impotence and not understanding others. Therefore, for children choleric, the period of early childhood, when all skills are only formed and the possibilities do not allow to do more than you want, it goes very hard. It is important that the parents of the Child Choler's Temperament correctly dose all classes so that the child can learn something new, while not overlooking.

Choleric The child is always in the center of attention - at home, in the garden, on a walk, study, in the game. He is able to make it so that everything creates, as he wishes him and get everything he wants. Fortunately, the child can not be in such an excited state all the time, so if everything is fine, if he is happy with everyone, then he is affectionate, cute, dying and responsive.

In adolescence, it is more difficult to manage a choleric, because it has enough freedom and the ability to move independently, it is characterized by hyperactivity, affective manifestation of emotions and aggressive behavior.