Repair Design Furniture

Fly-Tsokotuha in a new way. Scenario for elementary school. Fairy tale-staging "Fly-Tsokotuha" middle group of kindergarten Scenario of a fairy tale fly tsokotuha for the middle group



Musical performance "Fly-Tsokotuha"

(based on the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky)

The musical theme of the folk group "Ivan Kupala" "Zayinka" sounds. Two Peddlers appear. They walk around the hall, playing pipes.

1st Peddler: One simple tale,

Or maybe not a fairy tale

Or maybe not simple

We want to tell you.

We remember her from childhood

Or maybe not since childhood,

Or maybe we don't remember

But we will remember.

2nd Peddler: Fairy tale, fairy tale, joke,

Telling her is not a joke.

To a fairy tale from the beginning

Like a river murmured

So that in the middle all the people

Her mouth dropped open.

So that no one, neither old nor small

Didn't fall asleep at the end

We wish our children

No feather, no fluff!

Attention! Begins…

TOGETHER: Tsokotuha Fly!

1st Peddler: Fly, Fly-Tsokotuha,

Gilded belly.

2nd Peddler: A fly went across the field,

The fly found the money.

The peddlers leave.

Act one

The music of B. Tchaikovsky from the movie "The Marriage of Balzaminov" sounds. A fly flies out, flies around the hall, finds money.

MUHA: What should I buy?

Maybe a blue dress?

Or shoes or a skirt?

So... I'll think for a minute...

No, I'll go to the market

And I'll buy a samovar there.

Because the birthday

I will manage soon

All insects-cockroaches

Serve sweet tea.

The fly flies away.

Peddlers come out with trays in Russian. nar. song "Pedlars". Fly appears.

ALL: Fair! Fair!

Happy fair!

1st Peddler: Only with us, only with us

The best kvass!

2nd Peddler: Dear audience,

Buy bagels from us!

TOGETHER: Tambourines, spoons, Balalaikas,

Buy, choose!

They go to the tables

MUHA: Any product is good here,

But I need a samovar!

Gives money. Takes a samovar. Carries him home.

MUHA: Everything is ready, the table is set.

The samovar is already boiling.

Here come my friends

I will be very glad!

The music of S. Joplin "Charleston" sounds,

Fleas appear, dance.

1st FLEA: You take from fleas

A few boots

2nd FLEA: And the boots are not simple,

They have gold clasps!

MUHA: Thank you! Thanks!

Boots amazing!

Sit right here, the guests will come soon!

The music of L. Kuprevich "Tula samovar" sounds,

Bee flies out

BEE: Hello, Fly-Tsokotuha,

Gilded belly!

I am from all native meadows

Brought you flowers.

I am a neighbor - a bee,

I brought more honey!

Oh how clean he is

Sweet and fragrant!

Gives Fly a bouquet of flowers and a jar of honey

MUHA: Thank you! Thanks! My dear!

Sit down at the table, the samovar is ready!

The music of G. Gladkov "Krakowiak" from the film "12 chairs" sounds,

Butterflies appear and dance.

1st BUTTERFLY: We are Minx Butterflies,

Funny flyers.

We fly through the fields

Through groves and meadows.

2nd BUTTERFLY: We never get tired,

We spin, we flutter.

We have a lot of fun

Collecting nectar.

3rd BUTTERFLY: We fluttered through the flowers,

They came to visit you.

BUTTERFLIES (in chorus): Congratulations! Congratulations!

We wish you happiness, joy!

We treat you with flower jam!

Pass the Mukha jam.

MUHA: Thank you, dear girlfriends,

Please to the table! Sit down!

Butterflies sit at the table.

Cockroaches come out to country music and dance.

1st ROARAKAN: We have come to congratulate you,

They brought you flowers.

And the flowers are not simple,

And meadow flowers!

2nd ROARAKAN: You accept the bouquet,

And treat us to tea.

And we will glorify you

We wish you health!

MUHA: Thank you, the bouquet is beautiful!

Please sit down at the table

I ask for a cup of tea.

Addresses all guests.

Eat, don't be shy

Everyone eat.

Look what gingerbread I baked!

Russian melody sounds. nar. songs "Ah, you canopy, my canopy!".

Guests are eating (pantomime)

MUHA: Butterflies-beauties, eat jam!

Or do you not like my treat?

BUTTERFLY: Your treat is just a feast for the eyes!

ROARAKAN: Just eat your treat!

BUTTERFLY: There's cream and sweets.

And what's not here!

FLEA: Marmalades, chocolates,

And nuts and sweets!

Bee : Gingerbread mint, fragrant,

Surprisingly pleasant!

flea : Cream tubes, pies

And delicious cheeses!

ALL: Congratulations! Congratulations!

We wish you happiness, joy!

Help you in everything

Let's be honest!

A round dance is performed under Russian. nar. chalk. "There was a birch in the field."

Second action.

The music of G. Gladkov "Suspicious Person" from the film "Gentlemen of Fortune" sounds. The guests get scared and hide under the tables.

The Spider appears to the music of G. Kancheli from the movie "Kin-dza-dza".

SPIDER: I am an evil Spider, long arms!

I came for the Fly

Tsokotukhoy has come!

Here you got it!

MUHA: Dear guests, help!

Drive the villain spider away!

SPIDER: I not only eat flies,

I and Bees and Mosquitoes -

Everyone is ready to try!

Ha ha ha!

A fragment of the “Exit March” by I. Dunaevsky sounds. Mosquito appears.

KOMAR: I am the brave Mosquito,

A good fellow!

Where is the Spider, where is the villain?

I'm not afraid of his networks!

I'm not afraid of the spider

I will fight the Spider!

The music of A. Khachaturian "Saber Dance" sounds.

Spider and Mosquito are fighting. The spider is defeated.

The music of A. Petrov "March" from the film "Say a word about the poor hussar" sounds. Mosquito frees Fly.

KOMAR (to the fly): I defeated the spider!

And set you free

And now, soul girl,

Let's have fun together!

Let's dance together!

KOMAR: Hey, mustachioed Cockroach,

Beat the drum soon!

BUTTERFLY: Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The Fly will dance with the Mosquito!

ALL: Today Fly-Tsokotuha is a birthday girl!

Peddlers appear.

1st Peddler: Narrower circle! The circle is wider!

Left. Turn right.

smile more cheerfully!

2nd Peddler: Representation of fun

For us and for you

We will finish this hour!

Everyone stands in a circle. The guests are dancing to the music of A. Spadavekkia "Good Beetle".

The melody of G. Gladkov "Suspicious Person" sounds.

All guests are scared. A Spider appears with a bowed head.

Spider: Have mercy, brave hero,

Let's make peace, Mukha.

I realized that without friends

This world is bad.

Mosquito: Okay, you can stay!

Just don't freak out!

1st peddler: It's time to part,

We say "Goodbye!"

2nd PARTICIPANT: Oh, you, dear guests,

Come visit us again

We are always glad to have guests!

Bow to the music folk group "Ivan Kupala".

A theatrical performance based on the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Fly - Tsokotuha" for children of senior preschool age.

Ivanova Elena Vladimirovna, teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 34", Ivanovo
Description: this theatrical performance was held as part of the final event for the project "Land of fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky". When preparing the performance, special attention was paid to working with parents. They were not only passive spectators, but also actively helped: they created scenery, sewed costumes, and came up with design. At the premiere of the fairy tale, there were no empty seats in the hall. Relatives and friends came to support the little artists. Well, the guys, feeling such serious support, spoke wholeheartedly.
Of course, not all poetic texts are personal compositions (borrowed from the Internet), but, as they say, each artist sees it differently. We got our own, unique, musical fairy tale.
Maybe this experience will come in handy for someone, and you and your pupils of senior preschool age will put on a similar performance.

Target: development of creative abilities of older preschoolers by means of theatrical activities.
Tasks of the priority educational area:
"Artistic and aesthetic development":
develop an aesthetic attitude to the world around; develop a sense of empathy for the characters of works of art; give the opportunity to realize the independent creative activity of children;
stimulate the development of creative, search activity, independence of children;
To form in children and adults a steady interest in reading works of art, to develop the skills of a competent reader through joint activities;
to involve children and parents in joint design - activities for modeling costume elements, scenery, attributes.

Educational tasks in the integration of educational areas:
"Cognitive development":
Develop children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation;
Raise cognitive interest in the work of domestic writers (K.I. Chukovsky)
Expand the horizons of children.
"Social and communicative development":
adherence to generally accepted norms and rules.
develop the emotional-volitional sphere, a sense of collectivism, responsibility for each other;
to form positive relationships between children in the process of joint activities;
"Speech development":
to activate and improve vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech, sound pronunciation, coherent speech skills, melodic-intonational side of speech, tempo, expressiveness of speech.
to cultivate a culture of verbal communication, respect for oneself, a conscious attitude to one's activities;
"Physical development":
develop coordination of speech with movement;
develop general motor skills.
Preliminary work:
reading and viewing fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky, looking at illustrations for fairy tales;
memorization of poetic texts, discussion of characters' images;
preparation of means of theatrical expressiveness (decorations, costumes, masks).
Production of posters, invitation cards for guests.

Characters: adults: 1st Storyteller, 2nd Storyteller, children: 1st storyteller, 2nd storyteller, Tsokotuha Fly, 2nd Bees, 2nd Fleas, 4th Butterflies, 2nd Cockroaches, 4– e beetle, 3rd Ladybugs, Spider, Mosquito, Dragonfly.

Scenery for theatricalization: house for Mukha, costumes for characters, samovar, flowers, a barrel of honey, dryers, a postcard, a gift box, a box of sweets, boots, a saber, a flashlight, table setting, a music center, recordings of musical fragments and compositions for dancing, backing track of a song Flies.

Children enter the hall to the music, stand in a semicircle.

1st Storyteller:
One simple story
Or maybe not a fairy tale
Or maybe not simple
We want to tell you.
We remember her from childhood
Or maybe not since childhood,
Or maybe we don't remember
But we will remember.

2nd Storyteller:
Fairy tale, fairy tale, joke,
Telling her is not a joke.
To a fairy tale from the beginning
Like a river murmured
So that in the middle all the people
Her mouth dropped open.
So that no one, neither old nor small
Didn't fall asleep at the end
We wish our children
No feather, no fluff!
Attention! Begins…
Together with children: Fly Tsokotukha!

1st narrator:
One board, two boards -
There will be a ladder.
Glory to the word put folded -
There will be a song.
And a ring for a ring -
There will be a knit.
We sit next to the porch -
There will be a fairy tale.
2nd narrator:
Fly, Fly - Tsokotuha
Gilded belly.
The fly went across the field.
The fly found the money.
The fly went to the market,
And I bought a samovar.
Fly comes out to the Russian folk melody

I'm a Fly-Tsokotuha, dressing up quickly,
After all, I'm waiting for my guests!
All my friends and girlfriends will come running from all around.
I have a lot of different sweets for guests.
I went to the market and bought a samovar.
I will treat my friends to tea, and everyone will come in the evening.

The fly sings a song.
Backing track words:
1. Come, fly in,
I'm waiting for you at exactly six,
Come running, crawl
If you don't have wings.
Chorus: Puff puff puff
The samovar boils.
From the pipe lets steam-2 times.
2. Fireflies sparkle brightly
This is a fireworks display.
And wonderful gifts.
My friends are bringing me.
Chorus: same 2 times
1st narrator:
Friends flock to Mukha,
Hurry to Tsokotukha.
Everyone came to the holiday
They brought flowers and gifts.
Bees run out, dance a welcome dance.

Hello, Fly-Tsokotuha, gilded belly.
I, the neighbor's bee, brought you honey.
Oh, how pure, sweet and fragrant it is.
She also brought you flowers from native meadows.
They give Fly honey and flowers.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
What good gifts!
They go and sit down.
Fleas jump out to the music and dance vigorously.
Here we are: flea friends.
We give you, Mukha, boots.
And boots are not simple -
They have gold clasps.
Legs will dance
Heels knock.
They give Fly a pair of boots.
Ah, thanks!
So glad!
Come eat!

Butterflies “fly out” to the cheerful plastic music, whirl, dance.
1st Butterfly:
We are butterflies - minxes, funny toys.
We flutter through the fields, through the groves, through the meadows.
Well, butterflies fly, and look at the fly,
How beautiful her outfit is, and her eyes burn with fire.
2nd Butterfly:
We fluttered everywhere
We heard about the holiday.
We congratulate you
We praise from the bottom of our hearts!
Butterflies give a big postcard.
Pass this hour
There is a place for you too!

2nd narrator:
The cockroaches came running.
All glasses were drunk.
With milk, with a pretzel.
Today Fly-Tsokotuha is a birthday girl.
Dance of the Cockroaches

1st cockroach:
We didn't just come
And they brought gifts!
Flowers are different
Yellow and red!
2nd cockroach:
You accept a bouquet from us,
Treat us sweets.
And we will glorify you
We wish you health!
They give the Fly flowers.
Ladybugs "arrive" and dance for the Fly.

Hello, Tsokotuha Fly,
Gilded belly.
We came to visit you
Gingerbread, bagels as a gift brought.
They give out a meal.
Dragonfly flies to the music
Dragonfly has arrived
The storm has just ended.
Let's sing songs
Let's eat cake
And then dance
And launch fireworks!
Gives the birthday girl a gift box.

Ah, thank you, Dragonfly,
You better pass
Yes, find a place.
Everyone is sitting at the table
Tea is drunk and eaten.

Beetles appear, hold canes in their hands, "respectably" perform a dance.

Hello, Fly-Tsokotuha!
We are horned beetles
Solid, rich.
We give you, Fly - light
Bouquet of beautiful flowers.
Well, how are you.
The legs themselves are torn to dance.
Thank you, thank you my dears!
Sit down at the table, the samovar is ready.

Spider appears to loud music. The fly hides behind the house, the guests cover their heads with their hands and tremble.

I am a spider, long arms.
I came to Mukha, I came to Tsokotukha.

2nd narrator:
Suddenly from somewhere flies
Little mosquito.
And in his hand it burns
Small flashlight.
Dance of the Mosquito with a lantern and a saber.

I am a brave mosquito, a daring fellow.
Where is the Spider, where is the villain.
I'm not afraid of his claws.
I'm not afraid of the Spider, I'll fight the Spider.

Spider appears with candy.
I'm not evil, not evil at all.
Flies - beauties, I do not eat.
for your festive dinner
I brought delicious sweets.
This treat is, well, just a meal.
Gives sweets, goes to the guests.

Well done! It would have been like that for a long time. Fly, don't be afraid, keep celebrating.
Mosquito takes Fly out, holding his hand.
Fly, you are a girl soul,
I want to marry you.
I'll take you by the wing - wing,
We will fly away with you.
Fly Dance with Mosquito

OBSUSO "Shuya complex center of social services for the population"

Orphanage for mentally retarded children

Performance script

"Fly-Tsokotuha in a new way"

Prepared by: Belova T.A.

educational psychologist

Shuya 2017

Roles: a fly, a man with a bear, peddlers, a girl, a butterfly, a bee, fleas, an ant, a dragonfly, a mosquito, a spider.

Narrator Lead:

Hello dear guests!

Get your ears ready, kids!

Get ready, guests, listen!

A fairy tale enters a bright house

And tell about everything.

The beginning of the tale of Mukha-Tsokotukha from Aibolit sounds. Music No. 1

Narrator Lead:

The fact is that Sunday was the fly's birthday!

Scene 1

Sounds like music number 2. The curtain opens.

The Fly runs out, circling around itself.

Fly: Ah, what a wonderful day! I'm not too lazy to get out of bed!

I will invite guests to the house, I will treat them to something delicious!

I’ll run quickly, I’ll buy gingerbread for tea.

Unfortunately on my birthday

No money for food

What should I do?

What do i do?

What can I serve my guests?

Can I go to the field?

Find money soon!

Sounds music No. 3 (minus "Song of the Little Red Riding Hood")

M-C : (dancing and singing)

If long, long, long

If long on the track

If long on the path

Run, jump and buzz

That, perhaps, then of course,

That's probably right, right, right

It's possible, it's possible, it's possible

Can you find money?


Ah, with this money I'll go to the market

Ah, I’ll find a lot of different goods there

Ah, look, boots,

Ah, painted cups, spoons

Ah, buy lilies of the valley -2 times

The fly finds the money.

Fly: How lucky! Hooray! Right from the morning!

That's luck, how can I be? Something to buy:

The scarf is brand new, lipstick, no, probably not necessary!

Maybe trendy boots? I'll be in them like a picture!

Not! I'll buy flour for the guests for pies,

And I fly to the market, I need a new samovar.

Scene 2 :

Fair. Music No. 4 sounds (Russian-folk song “Fair”), peddlers (a man with a bear, a man with a samovar) and a girl with scarves come out to it.

Fly: Any product is good here, but I need a samovar.

Narrator Lead:

All goods sold out, but one was completely forgotten,

He puffs like a locomotive, it is important to keep his nose up,

Make some noise, settle down, invite the seagull to drink.

The fly gives money, buys a samovar. Fly: Oh, what, oh, what, he is beautiful and colorful!

Music No. 4. The fair is leaving.

The curtain closes, the scenery changes.


Here the Fly went to the market

And I bought Tsokotuha - a samovar.

Because the birthday

Will celebrate today.

All insects, cockroaches

Serve sweet tea.

Scene 3:

Sounds music number 5.

The curtain opens. The fly, dancing, sets the table.

Fly: I'll treat my friends to tea

Let them come in the evening.

I have for guests

Lots of delicious sweets!

The fly takes the phone. Melody number 6.

Come to visit,

Grandma Bee!

Pass the wasps

What called them.

Hello bugs!

Bring live cups.

The samovar is almost ready -

I look forward to guests from all over.

Flea, flea, come

Take the butterfly with you.

Let's have fun -

I'm the birthday girl!

(The fly finishes preparing the festive table. Guests begin to gather.)

Narrator Lead:

The guests did not dress up for a long time,
All dressed up in fashion
And it barely struck three
Already crowded at the door.

Olga Bee came to the fly.

She brought honey to Fly-Tsokotukha.

Melody number 7 sounds, a bee comes out and dances.

Fly: Right, I'm a little embarrassed.

Oh! merci, thank you.

I'll pour you tea with raspberries.

(Puts the bee on the table)

Narrator Lead:

And here is the minx butterfly.

Everything flies across the fields,

Meadows and flowers!

To the cheerful music No. 8, a butterfly dances.

Narrator Lead:

Came to visit us


Happiness, joy wishes!

And treats with jam!

Fly: And now, in honor of the birthday,

Drink a treat with tea!

With pretzel and milk

Yes, and with a linden flower ...

Narrator Lead:

Fleas came to the fly, brought her boots.

And the boots are not simple, they have gold clasps.

To the cheerful music No. 9, the fleas come out and perform a dance.

Fly: Oh! Boots are just amazing!

And elegant and beautiful!

You are happy with the gift.

Did you pay a lot of money?

Oh! merci, thank you, I'll pour some strong tea.

(sits down at the table)

Fly: Oh, what, I'm right!

I forgot the music

Musician for tea

I didn't invite!

(Dials a phone number. Melody number 10)

Fly: Oh, Ant, dear,

Come with Dragonfly!

Grab the balalaika -

We all want to dance.

(Ant and Dragonfly enter to cheerful music No. 11.)

Fly: Here comes our maestro,

Well, let's dance now!

Music No. 11

Narrator Lead:

Noise and din in the clearing! Songs, dances here and there!

The menacing melody number 12 sounds.

Narrator Lead:

Suddenly some old spider dragged our fly into a corner.

Whispers sternly in her ear:

Spider: And not ashamed, you fly?

You know that the neighbor-old man has long been accustomed to silence.

Why are you making such a fuss

Buzzed and sang?

Right around the head! Why did you call them?

Fly: Forgive me, neighbor.

Come visit too.

I, a neighbor, completely forgot that 11 struck!

Will you come in for a minute?

Drink tea with sweets!

Spider : Not! Thanks for the candy.

My tooth hurts and I take pills

At night, sleepy took

I got into bed and dozed off...

Only noise all around

Web shaking!

Rumble, laughter, screeching, knocking!!!

Fly: Oh! Forgive us, spider!

We're in an hour or so

Let's all fly home.

Spider: I told you clearly

You will run into a scandal!

Stop your nightmare!

Fly: Oh! A mosquito is flying here!

Melody number 13 sounds.

Mosquito: I arrived from the tour.

Late, but still got it!

You, my dear, forgive me

(kisses hand, gives flowers)

Accept congratulations.

Fly: Oh! Merci, thank you!

Mosquito: In your honor now I will sing ...

Baskov's song No. 13 continues

Spider: (Screaming!) No, to me, what is the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Call here to us in the forest?

(pulls out phone)

I’ve been repeating for an hour, I can’t stand the noise, they say !!!

It is necessary to respect old age, but they buzz again ?!

Everything! Patience END! March from here, osh, singer!!!

Fly away to your swamp, I want to sleep off.

Fly: Dear guests, help, pacify the spider-neighbor!

Music No. 14 in the background

Narrator :

But the worm beetles got scared

They ran through the cracks, in the corners!

And no one will even move

Get lost, die, birthday girl.

Suddenly Komarik lights a light,

He takes the fly by the hand and leads him to the window.

Mosquito: My light is not simple, it is magical, golden.

You need to make a wish, come on together, come on together.

Let's say that he disappeared for good from these places!

Fly: Well, why is that, Mosquito?

He's not evil, just old.

You can, dear, my friend, turn into a spider,

From a sick old man to a young spider!

A mosquito touches a spider, it gets younger. The Sound of Magic #15.

Spider: What miracles!

Eyes see well!

The tooth does not ache, does not hurt!

I am no longer disabled!

Legs dance on their own!

Can I sleep here for you?

Music No. 16 Tango

Fly: Hey! Insects and boogers, get out from under the bench,

Have fun people, start a round dance!

Music No. 17

Musical performance script
"Fly Tsokotukha"

preparatory group
Compiled by:
compensation group teacher
Lagunova L.D. highest qualification category
MKDOU No. 171 of a compensating type, Kirov.

musical performance script
based on the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky

Goals : Introduce children to the culture of reading children's fiction.Develop the figurative side of children's speech. Learn to distinguish and convey the mood, emotional states of the characters.

Tasks : to study in depth the fairy tale by K I Chukovsky "Fly - Tsokotuha"

To develop the monologue speech of children;

develop observation, creative fantasy and imagination, attention and memory, associative thinking, a sense of rhythm;

form partnerships in a group, teach communication with each other, mutual respect, understanding;

develop the emotional sphere of the personality of a preschooler.

develop the ability to convey their feelings to the listener and viewer.

Equipment: Piano, music center, 1 table, sofas, armchairs, sham treats, flowers for Fly, red boots, a barrel of "honey", costumes for the performance: samovar, coin-money, drying, table setting, objects of folk art: wooden spoons, samovar, Gzhel, Khokhloma dishes.


Adult: Leading;

Children : buffoon, Fly, Bees, 2 Butterflies, 2 Ladybugs, Spider, Mosquito, 2 Beetles, 2 Midges.

The music of Ivan Kupala "Zayinka" sounds


Everyone knows the tale about Mukha -


We give from preschool children

This fairy tale in a new way!

The fly has a birthday

And there is a reason for fun:


Oh what a wonderful day

I'm not too lazy to get out of bed

I will invite guests to the house

I will treat everyone to something delicious.

I'm going to the market

And buy a big samovar

I will brew May tea for guests

And I will buy donuts with jam!

Well I won't waste another minute

Waiting for me at the bazaar shopping!

The sun is shining so beautifully!

The soul is light and clear!

Song "Today is a fair day"

Sounds music "Baynovskaya quadrille" come out Buffoons.


1. We invite you to a fun market,

Here on every counter intricate goods!

2. We can offer you Gzhel,

Buy dishes for the soul.

Snow white dishes

Tell me, where are you from?

Came to our fair

3. The whole world knows our spoons,

Our spoons are the best souvenir!

Khokhloma, Pskov,

Tula, Zagorsk,

Vyatka, Smolensk-

Rustic spoons.

4. Who needs wooden spoons?

Suitable to eat porridge from a bowl,

And also eat and dance

Let's play the harmonica!

Orchestra "Lozhkari" /music "Peddlers"/

5. Come, come, take ruddy, juicy apples!

Here is a carrot, here is an onion, a tomato, a zucchini,

And potatoes are second bread, you and I know this.

6. And I have a feast for the eyes, one meal.

Printed gingerbread, very fragrant.

As soon as you come, take it right away.

Try it, come up, but don't swallow your tongue!

Flour, flour, white, light!

Whichever hostess takes, the dough will immediately fit from that one!

8. And we have boots for you just right.

Take my word for it, sit down and try it on

What a miracle boots - not small, not great.

Buy boots for your feet!

9. Samovar, samovar, who needs a samovar?!

Come, look and rejoice, admire the goods.

It sparkles like a rainbow - this is a Tula samovar!

Samovars are good!


Buy for the soul. Samovars, samovars...

The samovar is a fire bird!

The tap opens, tea is poured.


I need a samovar for tea

I buy a samovar.

Dance "Puff-puff samovar"

The fly sets the table.


I dress up faster

After all, I'm waiting for guests

I'll come running from all around

All my friends. Girlfriends,

cockroaches, fleas,

Butterflies and midges,

Dragonflies, moths

And solid bugs.

For the whole world

We'll throw a feast today!

"Song of the Fly-Tsokotukha"

Fly /sings/:

I'm waiting for a gift today, I'm a birthday girl today!

I went to the market and bought a samovar,

I will treat my friends to tea, let them come in the evening.

I am the Tsokotuha Fly, gilded belly!

I have a lot of delicious sweets, sweets for guests, guests!


I am a good hostess. I am smart and good

I bought a samovar the other day and my soul sings.

Everything is ready. The table is set,

The samovar is already boiling.

Here come my friends

How glad I am, believe me

Here are the guests at the door, I'll go and open it as soon as possible!


The forest insects learned about the fun and flew to Mukha to congratulate her on a joyful holiday!

Grandmother bee flew to the fly.

She brought a gift to the fly-sokotukha.

Dance and song of bees


Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu you listen to the bee.

I'm a neighbor Bee, I brought you honey!

Oh, how pure, sweet and fragrant it is!

My sweet honey, fragrant honey!

Eat, please!

The music of Moshek sounds


And here fly the midges

little crumbs

Fly congratulate

Wish her happiness!


You accept from Moshka

Those red boots

Will you often wear

You will dance hard

On saffiano boots

golden clasps,

And a perky heel

Beats - chok-chok-chok!

Oh, the boots are good

So they ask - dance!

Midges give boots to Fly


Thank you, thank you, amazing boots!

Please sit down at the table and have a cup of tea.

Butterfly music sounds


1. We fluttered through the flowers,

They came to visit you.

I give flowers to Mukha

Because I love them!

Together: Congratulations, congratulations!

We wish you happiness, joy!

2. Fly. dear, for you

We will dance the moth dance.


Butterflies are dancing - Naughty

Igrunas flap their wings.

Everyone hugged each other

In the dance they rushed with the wind!

Butterfly dance


Look, look - here come the ladybugs.

And they bring something to the birthday girl as a gift.

Ladybug dance

1. We are ladybugs -

Our heads are black.

Our polka-dotted dresses

We all sing and dance.

2. I am a ladybug -

black head,

Give me pies and bread

I will fly to the children in heaven!

And also sweets

Our kids love!

3. Ladybug cannot moo,

Can't butt heads and chew hay.

But it can fly very well.

And play hide-and-seek with a ray of sunshine!

We give you ribbons and hairpins from the heart.

Ladybugs give gifts to Fly

Fly:Thank you, thank you! Please sit down at the table and drink some tea!

Sounds like cockroach music


Here come the cockroaches!

1. We came to congratulate you,

They brought you flowers.

And the flowers are not simple, but the flowers are meadow!

2. You accept the bouquet, and treat us with tea.

And we will glorify you

We wish you health!

Cockroaches give flowers to Fly

Fly:Eat, do not be shy, everyone help yourself.


Better than any doctor

Treats boredom and longing

A cup of delicious, cool

Samovar seagull!

Song "Russian Tea"


And now we need to call two Zhukov.

And we will continue the holiday together with them.

Beetles bring gifts to Fly

1. I fly zhu-zhu-zhu

I bring you gifts

Take this basket

There are buns and sweets in it!

2. I am a horned beetle.

Solid and rich.

I give you, Light Fly,

Bouquet of wild flowers.

Well, how are you

My legs are torn to dance.

I twist my mustache -

I want to dance!


Come on, wider circle.

A cheerful beetle is dancing!

Round dance song "Kind Beetle" /performed by all children/

Guests sit at tables


The corners of the hut are not red,

And red with pies,

Amuse the hostess -

Eat pies!


Very fond of midges

Pies and cakes!


Drink, eat cockroaches,

Drink all the glasses.

Drink tea, bugs,

There are cups in front of you.

Insects / in chorus /:

We thank the fly

We say "thank you" to her.

Glory to you, Fly, fly-Tsokotuha!

Mosquito flew to Mukha with a treat


I am a Mosquito, yes I am a brave man,

I'm a good fellow!

Fly, you are a girl soul, I want to have fun with you.

I'll take you by the wing-wing

Let's fly away with you!


You are the hero of my dreams

You will be a dear friend!

Spider appears


But suddenly, as if suddenly, a Spider appears!

The midges stamped their feet, the butterflies flapped their wings!


Let dewdrop songs ring

I'm running on a web

I'm not evil, not evil at all.

I don't eat beauty flies!

I am very happy to congratulate

Happy birthday to you!

I brought delicious sweets.

This is a treat, well, just a meal! /gives a box of chocolates/


Stay with us, drink tea with pies!


Everyone ate until they dropped, chocolate, marmalade.

And nuts, and cookies - it's just overeating!

Oh what a wonderful sound

Resounded from all sides

Woke up both the forest and the meadow,

Danced all around

Everyone plays and sings, that's how it usually is,

The sun is calling to dance!

Dance with the suns "The sun shines for everyone"


Boots creak, heels knock,

Will be, will be kids

Have fun until the morning!

This is where the fun ends.

It's time for us to part

We wish you goodbye -

Health, happiness and kindness.

But our holiday does not end -

The tea party begins!

We invite everyone to the festive table.

Festive tea party with fairy tale characters and holiday guests.


E.A.Antipina "Theatrical activity in kindergarten"; Moscow, Creative center "Sphere", 2009;

N.V. Zaretskaya "Calendar musical holidays for children of younger, middle and older preschool age", Moscow, "Iris press", 2004;

Scenarios of children's holidays. Costume designs”, Rostov-on-Don, “Phoenix”, 2003;

A.V. Shchetkin "Theatrical activity in kindergarten", Moscow;

Magazines: "Musical Palette", "Musical Director", "Preschool Education", "Child in Kindergarten"

Scenario of musical entertainment in kindergarten "Fly-sokotuha in a new way"

Musical- This is a genre that combines several types of musical stage art, it synthesizes dialogues, songs, music, dances.

Target: to create conditions for the development of children's creative activity in musical and theatrical activities, to be free and liberated when performing in front of adults and peers (including giving the main roles to shy children, including children with speech difficulties in the performance, ensuring the active participation of each child in the performance) .

- Contribute to the formation of creative self-expression of children.
- To develop creative imagination and imagination, attention and memory, ear for music, plasticity of movements.
- To cultivate partnerships in a group, to teach communication with each other, mutual respect, mutual understanding.

Scenario of musical entertainment "Fly-clatter in a new way"

Children: Fly Tsokotukha
Adults: Leading
1 child:
Our life is boring without a fairy tale.
Dear day, like a whole year.
All kinder and brighter colors,
If a fairy tale comes to us!

2 child:
Now we will show you the musical
Let's tell a fairy tale about Mukha,
How did she find the money?
When I wandered along the meadow.

3rd child:
How to fly to the market
How did I buy a samovar there,

4 child:
Like insects invited
And what else did they have.
Get comfortable
And clap for us, don't be shy!
A fairy tale, a fairy tale joke, telling it is not a joke,
So that the fairy tale from the beginning murmured like a river,
So that in the middle all the people opened their mouths from her,
So that no one, neither old nor small, does not doze off in the end,
We wish the artists no pen, no fluff!
Attention, it's starting
Together: Fly Tsokotukha!
(Running out to the music, circling around him, Fly-sokotuha.)
Fly Tsokotukha:
Ah, what a wonderful day!
I'm not too lazy to get out of bed!
I will invite guests to the house, I will treat them to something delicious!
I’ll run quickly, I’ll buy gingerbread for tea.
(The fly runs around the circle, finds the "money".)
The choir performs to the motive of a white birch:

Fly fly tsokotuha gilded belly
The fly went across the field, the fly found the money.

Fly Tsokotukha:
Ah, what a beauty!
I found a penny!
What should I buy?
Maybe a blue dress
Or shoes, or a skirt -
Yes, think for a minute!
Not! I'll go to the market and buy a samovar there!
I will invite guests to the house - both acquaintances and friends. (walks around the circle)

The sun shines so beautiful
the soul is light and clear
I hear fair cheerful voices
peddlers work wonders there

Leading:All come here! Around the people!
He dances and sings
buys, sells,
He trades smartly.
Roundabout Defile of peddlers with boxes.
Peddler 1: Get ready, dress up, go to the fair!
Here goods are sold, sonorous songs are sung.
2 peddler: Only here, only now - the best kvass in the world!
Dear public, buy bagels from us!
Tambourines, spoons, balalaikas, buy, buy!
(The fly alternately approaches the peddlers to the music, examines the goods)
Fly-sokotuha: Any product is good here, but I need a samovar.

(3rd Peddler points to a table with a samovar behind him.)

3 peddler: All goods sold out, but one was completely forgotten,
He puffs like a locomotive, it is important to keep his nose up,
Make some noise, settle down, invite the seagull to drink.

Fly Tsokotukha:
Great product -
I'm buying a samovar!
(The fly gives the money, "buys" the samovar. The peddlers leave.
The fly takes the samovar “into the house”, puts it on the table, lays out plates, saucers, sweets.)

Fly Tsokotukha:
Everything is ready, the table is set, the samovar is already boiling.
My friends will come, I will be very glad.

Song of the Fly-Tsokotukha, music. G.Firtosh

Leading: Here are the guests at the gate,
The fly goes to meet them.
Do you hear?
Wings rustle -
These butterflies are flying!
(butterfly dance)
1 butterfly:
Hello fly - clatter,
Gilded belly!
We flitted through the fields.
They came to visit you.
2 butterfly:
We are minx butterflies
Funny flyers.
We flutter through the fields
Through groves and meadows.

3 butterfly:
We are minx butterflies
Funny flyers.
We don't get tired of flying
And we sing songs.
4 butterfly:
We are from all native meadows
They brought you flowers!
Congratulations! Congratulations!
We wish you happiness, joy! (give flowers)
Fly Tsokotukha:(butterflies)
Thank you, thank you,
Ah, the bouquet is beautiful!
Song of the Butterflies, music by G. Firtosh
Fly Tsokotukha:(butterflies)
Sit right here
The guests are coming soon!
Leading: Who is it so buzzing, who is in a hurry to us here?
(Exit Zhukov)
1 beetle.
We are bugs, we are bugs
We carried our hands to fashion,
We are solid people
Can't you see?
2 beetle.
Our fly is good
Very kind soul
We love visiting her.
Drink tea from a samovar.
3 beetle.
Zhu zhu zhu and here you have mushrooms
Zhu zhu zhu collected on a stump
Mushrooms ask from us you accept
Fly Tsokotukha:
Thank you to the table, please come in! (claps hands)


Fleas came to the fly,
They brought her boots.
(Exit Fleas)
1 Flea:
You take from fleas
A couple of boots!
2 Flea:
And boots are not simple,
They have gold clasps.
3 Flea:
You wear, our friend,
In them all the flies you will be more beautiful!

Fly Tsokotukha:
Thank you, thank you, amazing boots.
Leading: Oh, the boots are good
So they ask - dance!
Come out, mosquito,
Now it's time to dance.
We are horned beetles
Solid, rich.
Well, how are you
Our legs are torn to dance.
Here I twist my mustache,
Invite a butterfly to dance.
General dance "Polka tra la la"

BEE song
And here is a bee - a golden bang.
His paws rustle, he hurries to Tsokotukha's house.
(Entrance Bee)
Bees have a lot of work in spring:
It is necessary that the honeycombs are filled with honey.
I don't get tired of work
I collect honey and sing songs.
Congratulations to Tsokotukha,
I invite you to my round dance.
Round dance "Bee" music. E. Pryakhina
Fly Tsokotukha: (bee)
Neighbor, don't be shy
Get comfortable.

Leading: And now, friends, attention!
Young gift!
(Grasshopper's Entrance)
Grasshopper:(addressing the audience)
I am a grasshopper musician, I have my own talent:
I study music, and today I congratulate
Unusual congratulations,
Our fly on his birthday!
(says Mukha slowly, expressively, delicately)
Darling, among our places,
I created an orchestra for you.
Please rate the effort
(loud to everyone) Yes, pay attention!
Come out, musicians, to the green meadow,
Bring, musicians - some nozzle, some horn.
So many musicians, so many talents!
Orchestra "Kazachok"
Fly Tsokotukha:(to everyone)
Thank you, thank you my dears,
Sit down at the table, the samovar is ready.
Guests Together: Congratulations, congratulations! We wish you happiness, joy!
Fly Tsokotukha:
Butterfly beauties eat jam
Or do you not like my treat?
Oh jam, oh jam is just a meal
my mustache and cheeks are drowning in sweet juice.
Ah jam, ah jam
there is no comparison
for the nectar of good flowers
no one can compare with him.
Guests one at a time:
Just drink tea again tea is poured
Samovar joyfully shines with happiness
Cups, spoons, saucers on the table are ringing
Ding la la laugh all of us are amused.
Dance "Samovar"

Firefly helps everyone
he lights up the fields
there will be midges
have fun until the morning
General choir:
Congratulations! Congratulations!
we wish happiness joy
help you in everything
we give an honest word

Fly Tsokotukha:
Guests, do not be shy, eat, drink, help yourself!
I baked and fried, I cooked, steamed,
I took pies and kalachi out of the oven.
There is a treat on the table, just a feast for the eyes.
Cookies in saucers, jam in vases,
In cups ice cream in plates cake.
(remembered, excited)
Oh, I forgot! As I could, I baked a loaf.
Very lush, very tasty, and beautiful and airy
.(The fly takes out the loaf.)
The fun begins
Congratulations to our Mukha
And we wish you many more years!
Come out, dance
Start a round dance!

Round dance "Karavai"
(The fly takes turns choosing a Bee, a Butterfly, a Grasshopper.)
Leading: And who is crawling here? Without a loom and without hands, but does the canvas weave?
The Spider comes out (the face is gloomy, cunning, it goes over with its paws, the guests freeze in horror). Walks around the circle.
Spider: (to everyone) Didn't they invite you for tea?
Samovar not shown?
Now the holiday will not be!
I want to destroy Tsokotukha.
I'm terrible, I'm a villain!
(fly) Well!
(beckons) Come here quickly.
I will wrap you in a web,
And I'll drag you into the cave. (wraps cobwebs around the fly)

Leading: The spider weaves its carpet - weaves a cobweb,
He catches flies in his net, releases the spirit to the poor!
Fly Tsokotukha:
Dear guests, please help
Drive the villain spider away!
And I fed you, and I watered you,
Don't leave me
In my last hour!
Why are you sitting?
Help a fly out of trouble!
After all, the beauty fly will disappear!
We are afraid to fight the spider!
It's better for us to lie down under the bench!
Song of the Spider
Leading: But who is in a hurry to help? This is the savior, Komar-Komarische, Long nose!
(Exit Mosquito song)
I'm a brave mosquito
A good fellow.
Where is the spider, where is the villain?
I'm not afraid of his networks.
I'm not afraid of the spider
I'm fighting the spider now!
Pantomime "Fight of Mosquito and Spider"
(at the end Spider falls to the floor)

Spider: I give up, I give up, I give up!
Now I'll take care of my mind!
I will visit
And always give flowers!
Mosquito: Well, for the first time you,
I'll have mercy joking! (gives his hand to a mosquito, he gets up from the carpet)
Spider: Can I be friends with you?
Mosquito: Will you value friendship?
Spider:Yes! (shake hands)
VED: Well done mosquito
A real stalker.
Takes a fly by the hand
And leads to the window.
(A mosquito approaches a fly, takes it by the hands)
Mosquito: I defeated the villain?
Fly Tsokotukha:Won.
Mosquito: Did I free you?
Fly Tsokotukha: Released.
And now, soul girl,
Let's have fun together!
(to everyone)
Hey centipedes,
Run down the path
Call the musicians
Let's dance!
Make fun
start dancing!
Yoke "Search" or chorus
Ah, well done mosquito, what a daring fellow
he killed the villain, he freed the fly,
and now the soul of the girl will have fun together,
come out honest people in a merry round dance !!
It's good when good wins evil in the world
only in a friendly team
our life will be more beautiful
Presentation is fun
For you and for us
We will finish at this hour.
And you, dear guests,
Come visit us more often!
We are always happy to be friends!
It's time to part
We tell you
ALL: Goodbye!