Repairs Design Furniture

Universal key from the chain and bolt with their own hands. Horn wrench - classic genre how to make a wrench from the strip

Hello everyone expensive friends! Today we will make a very simple and effective adaptation, which is probably useful to people who are engaged in car repair, plumbing, carpentry work, etc. Such a thing may well come in handy in the usual homemade house.

This simple thing is a universal key that can unscrew anything. The key perfectly copes with any diameters of nuts and bolts, as well as it has an excellent coupling with any smooth surfaces, such as a tap pipe.
Compared to a universal gas key, this design has certain advantages. The gas key has only two planes of engagement, which in turn can deform the rejected part at a strong pressure. Our instrument has a "soft" girth due to contacting throughout the plane of the revealed part.
Test on a wooden log. On the left of our universal key, and right gas.

Also, this key due to the specificity of its design is endowed with the ability to work as a universal key with a "ratchet" mechanism: not letting scroll parts in the desired direction and easily move back to the opposite position.

To make such a versatile key you need only two details:

  • - Square metal profile 25x25 300 mm long.
  • - Motorcycle chain with a length of 500 mm.

Build a universal key

The assembly is incredibly simple and will take you along with the preparation of no more than 5 minutes.
All you need to do is trigger one end chain to a metal profile. Welding is better to produce on both sides of the chain.
This assembly is over. The universal key is ready to use.

Using a universal key

The second end of the chain will skip into the center of the profile and you have such a ring, which is just needed to wear on the item you want to turn away.

In this tool, the chain is taken on the break and the more the arm of the lever, the stronger will be the power of the chain girth.
The key gently gears both round items and faceted. For him, there is no special difference, whether it is a nut or tube.


Key test on a round tube:

Key trial on hex nut:

The result in all cases is simply excellent. Height engagement. Nothing turns.
Also, this miracle turns greatly turns away with plastic and polypropylene tubes, without significant deformations, which is so important when working with soft plastic.

This useful key will not take a lot of space in the car in the garage or at home. But it may be necessary for you to come in handy at the most right moment.
So friends, boldly make yourself your universal key. It is reasonable to look at the video manufacturing and testing of a universal key.

Dear visitors of the site " Labuda blog»From the presented material you will learn how to independently make a universal key from the cycling chain, bolt and three nuts with your own hands. Posted by step-by-step photos of the key assembly and so drove ..

Many of you probably faced such a problem .. When the faces on the winding nut or bolt are a bit shot down and the usual wrench simply scrolls without performing its function. It is possible to solve it with the help of a homemade chain key of a compression, which is the stronger on the handle, the stronger the chain will be clamped and thereby unscrew any even the most eaten nut or bolt.

For the manufacture of a universal key you will need a piece of cycling chain, two nuts and a bolt. Nuts come to the bolt and weld to them a segment of the chain in such a way that it turned out to be captured and welded to the other side of the nuts. Next, we throw the chain to the nut or bolt that needs to be turned away and tighten the bolt, thereby tensioning the chain, everything can be turned off)


  1. bicycle chain
  2. nut 2 pcs


  1. welding inverter
  2. USM (Bulgarian)

Step-by-step instructions for assembling a universal key with their own hands.

And so, the necessary details for assembling the key.

Two nuts turn to the bolt.

Measure the chain, namely how much you need from the nut to the nut.

We make a mark in the place where the chain should be split.

Cleash the chain in vice and cut the rivet with the help of a grinder.

Know rivets.

Then stretches and welded on the other side of the nut.

Okalo and excess metal is cleaned with the assistance of the USM (Bulgarian)

After that we unscrew the bolt and weaken the circuit under the required diameter.

Insert the nut and tighten the thread bolt, thereby pulling the chain and clamping the resulting connection.

We are tested in action.

Reincut the material to watch video. Happy viewing)

The horn wrench will never lose its relevance, at least for the simple reason that the cheaper, fast and convenient way to spin or unscrew the nut has not yet come up. And why invent a new one, if you can improve the old!

Horn wrench - what GOST prescribed

In fact, in a simple wrench there are many difficult and highly specialized modifications. Manufacturers, as in the case of screwdrivers, are invent and patent their types of nuts for which special keys are produced. It is done to protect the technique itself - so that users cannot disassemble the mechanism and for ignorance to harm, and instead carried equipment to service centers. Wrench keys can collect, like brands, and still new specimens will appear every year.

The horn key is the simplest variation, but there are still precipitated, end, adjustable, combined products.

According to the design of the key, the nut is fixed between the horns, however, if you seek the name of this invention in Guest, then look for a wrench with an open zev - so it is called officially. If you look close to the longitudinal axis of the head, you will find that it is at an angle to the longitudinal axis of the handle. This angle is usually equal to 15 °, but there are tools with another angle, for example, 75 °. The angle is needed to facilitate work in a narrowed or limited space. Quite often, horn products have two heads with different sizes at opposite ends of the handle. It is not difficult to guess that the presence of such a simple modification significantly reduces the set of spanning wheel keys. In any case, have such a set much more reliable than buying - the keys you still need.

Universality and simplicity - these main advantages allow the horn tools to remain popular even today. And this despite a significant disadvantage - the presence of only two zones of the contact, which are close to the corners of the nut. At pressure on these zones, the corners are possible, especially if the key size is a bit more nut. Yes, and when too strong effort can occur the same.

Manufacturers offer a solution to this problem with various modifications. For example, change the profile of horns - shorten them, make convexities, change the recess itself. Such modifications are found both individually and grouped in one tool. The use of keys at the same time becomes really an order conveniently, for example, the product can be moved, without removing the nut from the mouth - just take it back.

In addition, the probability of lubricating angles is reduced - the contact zones of horns with nuts are deeper. If you need to check the nut with already crumpled angles, try finding a product with small convexes on the inside of the horns. According to the manufacturers themselves, they help capture even a girlish nut. It is impossible not to mention another modification of a wrenched key - power. Such a key is made much thicker of ordinary analogs and with special thickening at the second end, on which it is possible to hit with a hammer or sledgehammer. By the power tool, you can unscrew rusted or painted nuts, without fearing damage the key itself.

Spanners - Caid and Promotional

A more advanced wrench is a cape or ring option. The second name better transmits the structural feature of the tools - their work area is made in the form of a ring, whose inner shape is adapted to capture the nut or bolt. Thanks to this, such keys are deprived of the main lack of a horned type - instead of two zones of contact, it affects all six points, in addition, these points are located a little further from the corners. In total, this allows without the destruction of the corners.

The head of the ring tool has a smaller size in comparison with the same horned option that again simplifies the work with such a tool. The inner head profile can have both 12 faces and 6. It is the 12-year-old that is more common, since it is more convenient to work with such a tool - it is necessary to drive at least 30 ° to drive, while the hexagon is needed twice as much as not always convenient In a narrow space. However, the hexagon has its advantages - due to the larger faces of the faces, contact is enhanced, so power works can be carried out, without fear of the condition of the corners of the nut.

For different purposes, there are various options for ring tools that are distinguished by the arrangement of the head with respect to the handle. The most optimal option is the product with an end 15 ° head, although for some purposes, flat keys or keys with a bending of the knob will be comfortable. As in the case of horn keys, the ring are produced with two different in size of rings at opposite ends, and the power modification differs only by another head. Do not be confused with horn products, slit - this is just a modification of the annular, the slot in the ring allows you to capture the nut closed from the end with the rod.

Combined tools are particularly popular among motorists and mechanics, which from one end have a classic horn head, and on the other - the ring. If you choose exactly such a key, then It is better to find a modification with deployed 90 ° in relation to each other heads - In this case, how much did the master work, his palm will rest in the wide plane of the opposite head.

Adjustable and end keys - to get the right nut

The adjustable key is able to change the distance between sponges, however, this feature appreciated except in everyday life, in a professional environment they prefer not to have. The fact is that one single advantage entails a lot of disadvantages - this is a big inconvenient head, and the backlash arising because of the mobility of the horns of the horns, which in turn contributes to the smoothing of the angles of the nut, and the wear of the mechanism of the movable sponge ...

It is much easier to use a mechanical key with interchangeable heads, just if it goes - and the nuts will be safe and maintained, and the nerves are in order. Such a kind is most often used when servicing cars - end tools with appropriate recesses on the ends, it is much easier to get the desired nut than the usual tools. Quite often, such products are manufactured in a M-shaped form, with two hexagons at the ends. At the same time, the sizes of hexagons may be the same, since here more plays the role of the possibility of getting a long end of the bottom nut, sacrificing the torque, and in the case of a convenient arrangement of the nut to use another end with a large turnover.

The end-tracting products are also available with a twelve margin, with the same disadvantages and advantages as the cape. Sometimes manufacturers combine six- and twelve heads in one product. Torch tools are also available for convenience of work in a T-shaped or crusade, in addition, there are products with replaceable heads, which significantly reduces the size of the set.

Every time I independently replaced the oil in my van, I had difficulty replacing the oil filter.
The reason is that to replace it, you need to unscrew the lid, from top to which the hex protrusion is similar to the nut. Unfortunately, I do not have a suitable end key, and I used a separate or cape key for these purposes, or a combination thereof. All complexity lies in the fact that in a limited space it is quite difficult to apply an effort sufficient to unscrew the lid.

Therefore, I decided to make a key intended for this task.

What do you need

  • - Welding machine for electric arc welding.
  • - angle grinder.
  • - Other tools (file, metal brush, hammer ...).
  • - A small metal plate with a thickness of 8 mm (probably it is also thinner, but not less than 5 mm).
  • - Metal pipes (diameter 20 and 25 mm, about 40 cm in length each).

Cutting a metal strip

The first thing to be done is to measure the length of the face of the hexagon for which the key must be made.

This size is multiplied by six (the number of edges), and we obtain the length of the metal strip that you need to cut off.

The plate should be wider than the height of the bolt, which you make a key (enough pairs of millimeters).

When everyone was measured, cut off the strip.

Then you need to make cuts along the lines, deepening on 2/3 of the thickness of the plate.

As a result, a metal strip should be obtained, a chocolate tile.

Giving a hexagon form

At this stage will work it will be more convenient if the metal will warm up. (I did not support a constant temperature and I could not get all the detail in one piece).

Hold the band in vice at the level of earlier deepening.

Hammer start protruding on top of the vice segment.

Check if the angle is suitable, having across it to the appropriate nut.

We repeat for each segment.

Since my stripe was cooled, with metal it became harder to work. This led to suprame over the third segment. In my case, it went to me for the benefit, since when I started to bend the fourth segment, it turned out that its length is not enough and need to run a little metal so that the nut normally approached. (I think that adding to each cut millimeter will help avoid the lack of the length of the inner face of the key).

So I got a detail consisting of two parts, on each three faces. (It is possible with such a work easier than with a one-piece detail, curved in the ring, as I planned to make it initially).

Check that the workpiece normally put on the nut. But not too tight. (If necessary, you can run part of the inner surface of the faces)

Welding hexagon form

Now it remains to cook the item in one. (In my case I used 2.5 mm welding electrode)

After that, you need to try the nut again, and if everything is suitable, you can fill the cuts with welding. (3.2 mm electrode).

We try to wear on the nut again, because the high temperature during welding can deform the metal.

(This time I additionally tried the workpiece to the six-sided protrusion on the filter ...)

After that, you can clean it all too much, making the form of the part more smooth.

Weld the cover

After grinding, place the part on the metal sheet, from which they did the strip, and circle her outlines on it.

I preferred the line to lead along the inside by adding a pair of millimeters around the edges. But you probably may want to circle a detail on the outside, on the contrary, removing the extra pair of millimeters.

Then weld the obtained top to the item made earlier. (Use 2.5 mm and 3.2 mm electrodes)

We again check whether everything is suitable.

Pipe welding

After grinding and rubbing the brush, I struck the black paint from the can.

Now everything is ready.


This end wrench has a rather clear purpose.
With it to change the oil filter is a pleasure.
But I think the way I made the tool can be applied to any other bolts and nuts that are in hard-to-reach places.
Method of manufacture is quite simple. The work does not take much time (I made it for 3 hours), and the key costs pretty cheap, even if all the materials you will buy in the store. I think that after this project, in the future I will make such instruments anymore.
I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for attention!