Repair Design Furniture

Vovk scenario in the far-off kingdom. Baba = Yaga runs in and drives the tree. Shots are heard from a pistol Baba-Yaga runs in

Appendix # 1

Scenario based on the cartoon "Vovka in the Far Away Kingdom"

The librarian is sitting at the table. Vovka enters.

Vovka: Hello!

Librarian: Hello. Well, what else would you like to read, my friend?
Vovka. Here's another book like that. (Shows a book of fairy tales)
Librarian. I have even better, see "Do it yourself".
Vovka: Well, no. All by myself, yes by myself. Whether it's in fairy tales (shows the book "Fairy Tales"): ask what you want! Everything will come true.
The librarian takes out a large book of fairy tales.
Librarian. Then you need to get to the Far Away Kingdom.
Vovka. Can you get there?
Librarian. Why not? Let me draw you. (Puts a caftan on him, paints his cheeks with makeup) After all, only drawn boys can live in books (opens the book and pushes Vovka to the entrance)

Vovka (from behind the curtains). Blimey! You are a real sorceress!

Librarian: No, no. I just read the DIY book a lot. (Leaves)

The guards leave, they take out the throne. On the throne is a crown and a mantle. The Tsar comes out with a bucket and a brush. The king begins to paint (sings)

Vovka comes out, sits on the throne and puts on the crown.
King I have the Golden Mountains
And there is what to eat and what to drink!
But I paint, I paint fences
So as not to be branded as a parasite.
Vovka. The king, and the king!
Tsar. Oh my God! Oh, how frightened I was. I already thought who took our tales to read, but I am in this form. (Goes to dress)
Vovka. No it's me! Why are you painting the fence? You are the king. You are supposed to do nothing.

Tsar. Yes I know. The position is this: do nothing but do nothing. Why, you will die out of boredom from idleness.
Tsar. And besides, I am not a real king, I am a fabulous one. While the fairy tales are on the shelf, I paint the fence - both benefit and warm-up. Do you approve?
Vovka. No. You do not understand anything about the royal life. Tsar - you want cake, you want ice cream. And he paints the fences.
Tsar. Okay, okay, okay. Would give way to a senior, al politeness not trained?
Vovka. You are welcome!
Tsar. Give me the crown.
Vovka. You are welcome!
Tsar. She is too big for you. That means cake. So ice cream?
Vovka. Aha!
King: Hey! Guardians!
Guards Exit To Music Marching
Tsar. Here's what, guys, chop off his head - a parasite.
Guards: You can.
Vovka (runs out with a book and reads). On the threshold sits his old woman, and in front of her is a broken trough.
Aha! Here I am! Grandma, hello!
Old woman. Hello dear!
Vovka. Grandma, how can you see a goldfish? You're in the know.
Grandma. Yes, here it is, the sea is nearby. Oops! Only I do not advise you to go. You know what kind of trouble happened to me:
Vovka. So she will tell me more. As if I had not read this fairy tale, so I am not you at all. I do not want to be the ruler of the sea. I will quickly agree with her.
Grandma. Hey, Idiot, dear, you would ask her for a trough.
Vovka. So here's another - first you have a trough, then give washing machine.

Grandma. No, no. Where is already there.
Vovka. Okay, let's talk. Hey, gold fish! Hey-hey, goldfish, don't you hear or something.
Gold fish.
Well, what do you want, elder. Oh, what is it?
Vovka. Oh, goldfish! I would like you to:
Gold fish. What? Have you weaved a net? And you threw it into the sea three times? Did you catch me? He didn’t hit his finger, but in the same place.
Waves to the music grab Vovka from all sides and carry him along behind the curtain.
Vovka. Oh, where are you taking me. Fu, you think, the sprat is unfortunate.
Vovka comes out.
Vovka. This is great! Who are you?
We are Vasilis - the Wise.
Vovka. Who?
Vasilis - The Wise.
Vasilisa 1
We are beautiful Vasilis,
Though we are sad, we are at least having fun.
At night, during the day, or in the morning
We are kingly wise.
Vasilisa 3
The name is fabulous - Vasilisa,
We are smart, slim and beautiful

Vovka. Where did you come from?
Vasilisa - 1. They came from different fairy tales, because we have a meeting of young Vasilis to exchange wisdom.
Vovka. How?
Vasilisa - 2. Wisdom!
Vovka. Eh, I would learn from the exchange (scratches the back of his head), from the exchange of some wisdom, courage
Vasilisa - 1. Well, how, girls, will we teach?
We will teach! And we will teach!
Vasilisa - 1. Well, then, girls, help me!
(while Vasilisa - 1 sings and shows, the other two hold a sheet of Whatman paper on it projects of the pool and palace)
Singing ditties.
Vasilisa - 1.
Let's do a good job
Let's calculate for a lesson:
How many cinder blocks are needed
To build the palace on time.
Wow -:.!
Vasilisa - 2.
We need to make a calculation
Like water flows from pipes.
What follows from this
Mathematics is honored.
Uh-uh- :!
Learn, Vovka!
Vovka. I don’t want to, I don’t want to! Everywhere they teach, they teach at school, they teach at home, they also piled up in a fairy tale.

Vasilisa - 2. Yes, you have to see in the Far-away kingdom.
Vovka. What did I not see there?
Vasilisa - 1. And there are two from the casket, identical from the face. That you do not order everything will be done for you.
Vovka. Everyone, everyone will do?
Vasilisa - 2. Yes.
Vasilisa - 3. So as not to get lost, here (gives a ball).
Vovka. Then bye!
Vasilisa. I didn't even say thank you.
Good riddance! (leave)
Vovka approaches the casket.
Vovka. Hey, two of the casket are the same from the face!
Clown 1 Hello!
Clown 2 Hello!
Vovka. Hello. So what, are you really going to do everything for me?
Clowns (in a voice).
Vovka. (clowns come up to Vovka and bend their fingers)
Aha! Then make me: firstly - a cake, secondly: what are you? That you will bend your fingers for me too?
Clowns. Aha!
Vovka. Good! Secondly - sweets!
And thirdly: well, bend it! And thirdly - ice cream! Well, faster!
Clowns. Will be done!
Vovka. Hey hey ale! What are you and will you eat candy for me?
.Clowns. Aha!
Vovka. Well, no, then go back to the chest.
Clowns are hiding in a casket

Bake. Hey, to whom pies with meat, with jam with cabbage, with apples!
Vovka. Stove, and stove, give me something to eat.
Bake. Yes, please, just stick the woods first. Melt them, and knead the dough.
Vovka. Okay, it will be done. Well, two from the casket - came! Knead and chop!
Clowns (crawling out of the chest) It will be done!
Kneading firewood, chopping dough (imitating Russian folk music).
Vovka. Again! On the contrary.
Clowns Yeah, okay! (swap and do the same)
Vovka. What do you mean, on purpose or something. You want me to stay hungry. Get out back, now to the chest. They don't understand anything. Better myself. Oh, what is it, it is not cut. Okay, and so it will do!
He throws whole firewood into the stove - sewn from fabric and stuffed with foam rubber.
Vovka. Now, as I "knead" it. Why is this "test", why is "she" all so sticky. Well, okay, it'll be fried somehow.
Together Stove (sneezes and spits out fumes).
Well, here are the pies for you!
Vovka. What? What is it, black?
Stove. Well, why are you frowning? I baked it myself, and eat it myself.
Vovka. What is this? Are these pies? No thanks, you know I don’t want to.
Clowns and stoves shrug and laugh.
Vovka. Are you laughing at me. Do you think I can do nothing like you?
Clowns. Aha!
Vovka. It's a shame that I don't have the tools.
Clowns It is possible!
Vovka. What are these tools? Aha - as I want, I will do everything. I will draw a drawing. At least a tub, at least a trough. Oh, I completely forgot - trough. I should only be able to do this. Grandma would have opened her mouth (she slowly goes behind the curtain, from there you can hear the clatter of an ax, the sound of a plane).

I can do everything myself! (shouts the last lines from behind the curtain).
Old woman. Fathers, who do I see? Did the goldfish take pity?
Vovka. No, granny, it's me. After all, you can't take out a fish from a pond without difficulty.
Old woman. Well done! Now you know what cute is?
Vovka. What is grandma?
Old woman Build me a hut.
Vovka. Izbu! Ha, I can't do that yet. But I will definitely learn! And you and your grandfather will live happily. Oh, I'll run to the library.
(I ran to the library.)
Vovka runs away, stops in front of the curtain - turns to the audience:
Vovka. Well, that's the whole story! I got it:
A goldfish is not easily caught,
Two of the casket are confusing everything!


PHONOGRAM: In an ordinary city. On an ordinary street. In an ordinary library, an unusual story once happened!

The librarian comes out.

LIBRARY: If you're looking for fun,
If you howl from idleness!
Stop jumping and jumping
Stop running and yelling!
Better to take a book from the shelf,
Sit down quietly and read!

Sits down at the table. 1 girl appears, her face is covered by a wide book, she does not see where she is going, moves to the table and sits on the table, the librarian gets up and coughs hinting that the girl get off the table. The girl turns away, the librarian moves in the direction where the girl turned and repeats the cough again, the girl sits down at the table, the librarian knocks on the table. The girl snuggles up to the librarian.

GIRL 1: Horror! Never give me such a book again !!! (runs away)

Three boys appear, they shout at interruption.

BOYS: Give us a detective - "Bony Hand" !!! (one repels the other)

BOY 1: Give me the "Bony Hand" I really need it !!!

BOY 2: No, give it to me! I need it more!

BOY 3: The bony hand is mine!

LIBRARY: Unfortunately, all copies of The Bony Hand have run out, but according to my information, there is still one book left in the neighboring library!

BOYS (screaming): She's mine !!! (run away)

2 girl appears. She is dressed in her mother's clothes - high-heeled shoes, she is clearly too big, a hat, glasses.

GIRL 2: Please give me the book - Passionate Love!

LIBRARY: This is an adult book!

GIRL 2: Don't you see that I am an adult!

She makes a circle around the table, demonstrating how adult she is! The librarian pokes the girl with her finger, she falls, the shoes remain in her hands, the girl leaves crying.

Vovka appears with a book of fairy tales. The music is over.

VOVKA: Hello, do you have any more fairy tales? Preferably with pictures.

LIBRARY: I have a much more interesting book for you. Here, it's called "Do it Yourself"!

VOVKA: Well, no! All by myself. Go to school, teach lessons, solve problems! I don’t want to do anything myself! Whether it's in fairy tales: ask what you want! Everything will come true !!!

LIBRARY: Then you just need to get to the Far Away Kingdom. Do you remember there was such a kingdom in a fairy tale!

VOVKA: Are you kidding me, aunt! How will I get into the book !!!

LIBRARY: Look, stand here. What do you see?
(Vovka notices his shadow)

VOVKA: It's my shadow!

LIBRARY: Now I'll take a miracle pencil and outline your shadow. And this little Vovka will live in a book, you understand, only little boys can live in books, but you and him are the same, aren't you?

VOVKA: Fact! Are you a sorceress?

LIBRARY: No. What are you, I just regularly read the book "Do it yourself"! Well, go, buddy !!!

The music of transformation sounds. A poster unfolds on the wall depicting a large book of fairy tales. Vovka gets into the Fairy Tale! Wears a caftan and a hat.

VOVKA: Wow, that's great !!!

The Tsar appears, without a crown, with a molar brush and a bucket. He approaches the poster, which depicts a book with gates to a fairy tale, and begins to paint them and sing a song:

I have mountain cakes!
And there is what to eat and what to drink.
But I paint, I paint fences
So as not to be branded as a parasite!

VOVKA: Tsar! And the king !?

KING: Oh, Lord! (music sounds - commotion, in which the Tsar puts on the crown and sits on the throne, which is carried out by two servants.)
Oh! How frightened I was! I really thought who took our tales to read! And I am in this form!

VOVKA: No, it's me! Why are you painting the fence, you are the Tsar !? You are supposed to do nothing!

KING: I know, but you will die of idleness even out of boredom!

VOVKA: You don't understand anything about the Tsar's life! Tsar, you want cake, you want ice cream, and he paints the fence!

KING: Oh, that's it! A parasite, then you have come? Hey guards! Chop off his head!

The guards menacingly attacked Vovka, who backed away. Musical accent sounds. The LIBRARY appears and turns this page of the Fairy Tale, running from one end to the other. The song "Sea - Sea" is played. On the right side, two people unfold a blue fabric that personifies - the sea. An Old Woman appears with a broken trough.

VOVKA (acting out that he escaped from the guards and ended up on another page): Brrrr! Hello grandma! I would like to see the Goldfish!

OLD WOMAN: Yes, here it is, the sea, next to it. You would ask my dear, the fish has a trough!

VOVKA: Well, yes, first give you a trough, and then washing machine... You will do it! (Vovka turned to the sea) Hey, Goldfish? Don't you hear, or what? I would like you to….

VOVKA: Study again! I do not want!

VASSILIS THE WISE: (in turn) Then you, you see, need to go to the Far-away Kingdom there. Two from the casket - identical from the face. Whatever you order, they will do everything for you! (together) Go straight, go like a tablecloth!

The music of transformation sounds. The LIBRARY appears and turns this page of the Fairy Tale, running from one end of the stage to the other. Music of the appearance of two. Two appear from the casket - identical from the face.

VOVKA: Are you really going to do everything for me?

TWO: (barked) AHA!

VOVKA: Well, then, make me some cakes, (Two bend his fingers) What do you want me to do, and will you bend your fingers?

TWO: It will be done!
Cheerful music sounds, on which Two are thrown by fake sweets. Vovka runs across the stage with his mouth open and tries to catch these sweets, but he can't!

VOVKA: Stop, stop! What are you? And will you eat candy for me?

TWO: (with dismay) AHA!

VOVKA: Well, no! Then get out back!

Music of the appearance of Two, they disappear.

PHONOGRAM: Who are hot pies with jam, cabbage, meat….

VOVKA: (runs and looks behind the curtain) Pechka1 Give me something to eat soon! I am hungry!

PHONOGRAM: Please! Just chop wood, melt me, and knead the dough!

VOVKA: Well, two of the casket - the same from the face, chop wood, knead the dough!

Cheerful music sounds, in which Two are running after the props - firewood and a bucket with an ax. One chops the dough, and the other kneads the wood!

VOVKA: Stop, stop! Yes, that's not how everything should be done! On the contrary! Got it?

TWO: (barked) AHA!

Cheerful music sounds. The two changed places.

VOVKA: Stop, stop! Give me myself!

Cheerful music sounds. Vovka kneads the dough and firewood carries everything backstage. On the soundtrack there is a hiss and an explosion, Vovka flies out with black pies.

VOVKA: What is this !? Black !?

PHONOGRAM: Well, why are you frowning? Help yourself, bake it yourself, eat it yourself!

VOVKA: Thank you, I don’t want something!

TWO: laugh

VOVKA: What are you laughing at ?! Do you think that I do not know how to do anything, like you?

TWO: (barked) AHA!

The music of transformation sounds. The LIBRARY appears and tosses the Do It Yourself book to Vovka

VOVKA: Yes, I'll prove it to you now! I want to do everything so - even a tub. At least a trough! (Runs backstage, sounds - work with instruments. All the characters go on stage and look behind the scenes.
Vovka takes out the trough.

OLD WOMAN: Fathers! Didn't Goldfish take pity?

VOVKA: No, Granny - it's me myself!

OLD WOMAN: Well done! And now the building is for me a hut!

VOVKA: I can't do that yet!

ALL: laugh.


(Everyone stopped laughing)

VOVKA: Come on, let's read how they make huts here!

LIBRARY: If you want something to do,
You must try hard
So that the people do not begin to laugh!
Don't be afraid, don't be shy
Go to the bookshelf!
Take a book off the shelf
You will find any answer in it!

Cheerful music sounds - bows !!!

Scenario of the performance 2 A class "Vovka in the distant kingdom"

Prepared by the teacher SBURK "KUVKILI" Kharchenko Ekaterina Aleksandrovna


In some glorious kingdom

In the lyceum state

An amazing people live

Every day is good for them

Cool lady:

Not high or low

Quite a few scientists, artists

Everyone is attentive, obedient

Nice, kind and simple-minded

And for you in this good hour

Prepared a story


The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it

You guys all have a lesson

On the slide: "Vovka in the distant kingdom."

The roles are played by:

Hosts: Anatoly Reisvikh, Dmitry Orlov, Alexandra Sannikova, Sophia Yatsenko.

Vovka: Silkin Ivan.

Mother: Ksenia Kabanets.

Tsar: Vorontsov Nikita

Grandma: Kulikova Alina.

Goldfish: Daria Zamyatina, Daria Serdyuk, Ariadna Usatenko.

Vasilises: Vislushkina Irina, Dobrovolskaya Nadezhda, Revinskaya Zlata, Shachanina Ksenia.

Brothers from the casket: Daniel Zaitsev, Vladimir Tikhonov.

Coals: Daniil Kravchuk, Nikita Mozer.

Furnace: Modelskaya Polina.

Vovka in the distant kingdom.

Music at the entrance.


Good afternoon my friends!

I'm very glad to see you

You in a cozy light room.

Thank you all for calling

Tell us a fairy tale,

Well, we'll start.

There is a fraction four in the house

A lazy man lived in his apartment,

His name was Vovochka ...

He did not listen to anyone ...

Scene 1:


Little Johnny! Come here!

Oh, you have one trouble!

It's just a punishment with a son,

You need to work very hard -

He does not want to study!

Soon to take the exam,

So as not to waste time

Let's start with the ABC book!


I'm coming! Now!

What happened with us again?


Oh, son, stop sleeping!


I'll sit in kontkte

Or I will go to the playstation hall.


If you are lazy

I'll be angry with you!

OK OK! I read,

Though I know everything without an ABC book!

Mom leaves.

Vovka's song.

Oh, why do I need science,

I'm quite smart anyway.

I would lie down and lie down

And dream all day!

Oh, that leafing through books in vain,

Better an extra hour to sleep

Sleep from all diseases

Ten times more useful!

Let the one read books

Who cannot live without them,

Let them work

All nights and days!

I'll look at the pictures ...

In some kingdom

In a distant state

Once upon a time there lived a king

Great Emperor ...

Eh, I wish I could become a king now,

I wouldn't care about anything!

I wouldn't do anything

Wouldn't scold me ...

There is no better thing in the world

Than to sit around all day ...

Falls asleep. Curtain.

Scene 2


Oh! And he dreamed

And Vova had a dream ...

That he lives in a wonderful kingdom,

Great state,

And Vova can handle everything-

I turn what I want!

On stage is the Tsar with a tassel. Paints the fence and sings.

Song of the Tsar.

I have mountain cakes

And there is what to eat and what to drink.

But I paint, I paint fences

So as not to be branded as a parasite.

Vovka enters.


Hey king lord

Are you working alone?

Kings are not supposed to

Work. Forbidden!

But where have you seen that the king

Did you fix your inventory yourself?


You kid, where did you come from?

What advice to kings?

If you were already big

Down with your head!


Well, what kind of king are you then

If you always work?

Receive guests with honor-

This is the tsar's work!


Though you are young, but lazy

And besides, he is chatty!

All lazy bums

Careless and talkative

Drive out of the kingdom!

Here is my royal law!

Music. Vovka flies away. Curtain.

On the left is the sea, in the center is Babka. Vovka enters.


Hello grandma!

Why are you sitting, looking at the blue sea?


Hello dear man!

Here I sit for a century.

The paths to the kingdom are closed to me ...

Make me, granddaughter, a trough

An old man ran away from me

After my tricks.


The trough is not my problem!

I have a different matter!

Where is the gold fish,

What is the desire to fulfill?


The sea is there, but without difficulty

You will never catch!

Grandma leaves. Music "The Sound of the Sea". Dance of the fish.

Fish 2:

Hey my friends, fish

Swim up quickly

Look what kind of boy

In our fairy tale at the door


Hey, you! Goldfish!

I will make a wish.

Give me some jam!

Have you heard? Do it!

Fish 3:

She is not an easy fish at all

Like the sun, golden!

Loves to sing and dance

Keeps friends from getting bored.


You, little fish, do not spin

Do not skimp on desires

I have jam, but sweeter,

Well, let them bring a spoon!


WhatoOh! And you caught me!

You threw a seine into the sea!

Who is this here?

Uncommanded by me!

Appeals to fish:

What a nasty guy?

Speaks very rudely

In chorus of fish:

Leave the fairy tale away!

We can help you with this!

Magical music. Vovka flies away. Curtain. We do not turn off the music.


Well and please

The sprat is unhappy.

Scene 4:

Round dance Vasilis.

Let's do a good job

Calculate per lesson

How many cinder blocks are needed,

To build the palace on time.

We need to do the calculation

As water flows from the pipes,

What follows from this

Honor to arithmetic.

Vasilis we are sisters,

Jack of all trades, craftswomen,

If anyone asks advice,

We will give the following answer:

Only he does not grieve,

Who is close friends with science,

You can't live without her

Science and I are friends!

Let's start our advice!

Together: Vasilisushki! Hey!

Let's start our advice!

I read it in the starry sky

Our Koschey is seriously ill!

I ought to help him

And drive the disease away!

I walked along the magic path,

I found a healing bush,

From it, the broth is

Just a sip - and you are healthy!

Vovka crawls out from behind a bush.


Well well! This is a miracle!

How many beautiful girls!

Yes, in painted crowns!

Yes, in gold outfits!

These, I say boldly,

They can do nothing!

You need to sleep all day,

To be such a beauty!

And they neither give nor take

Everyone knows how to conjure!


Who is hiding there in the bushes?


This is me, your guest!


We are glad to have good guests!


And that's what I want from you!

A couple magic words,

To say - and the table is ready.

And on it - a pie with jam,

And another treat -

Gingerbread, my beloved cake,

Samovar, of course ...

We understand your order

Let's start teaching now.

And it will turn out from Vova

The best chef in the world.

So so ... Take flour ...


Stop! To study?. I can not!

I would just, without learning

Get the Jam Pie!

Here's a hint for you then

You go to another fairy tale.

You shout: “Two from the casket!

Identical from the face! "

Just give them an order

Everything will be done at the same hour.

In chorus:

Go on that path!

Good journey to you! Goodbye!

Disperse in different directions to the music of Vasilis. Curtain.

Along the edges there is a stove and a chest, in the center there is a tub with dough and firewood.


Here, not eating salty,

Our Vovka walks tired ...

What to do? How to be?

Vovka needs to hurry

Catch brothers from the casket,

And the desire to make

To make his dream come true.

Always sit back!


Here is that treasured chest!

Ay yes Vovka! Well done!

Hey you! Two from the casket

Identical from the face!

Get out, get out!

Yes, meet the owner!

Music "Chpok".

What does our master want?

And what is he dreaming of now?

In chorus:

We are ready to do everything at once!

Give, my friend, the order!

Soooo, first of all, I want ...

Wait! I'm running!

In chorus:

For you we, so to speak,

Let's bend our fingers!

Vovka: Well, well! Blimey!

Bend your fingers!

Brothers: Aha!


So I want to eat

About six kilograms

Delicious all kinds of sweets,

This will be my lunch.

And for dinner, I wish ...

Bend it over!


We bend it!


Huge chocolate cake!

It is clear?. Okay!

Waffles, gingerbread, jam,

Yes! And sweet cookies!

This is my third order!


Bus done! Now!

Brothers song.

We are two brothers from the casket,

Identical from the face

Eh, there would have been work for us

We can do everything for one or two.


Just tell me

You show,

We will get the moon from the sky

Just order!

We can tell a fairy tale

We can clean up everything in the house

We can dig up a vegetable garden.

Sleep for the owner.



Enough, enough, see the song,

Themselves, I suppose, overeat

And cakes and sweets,

Well, where is my lunch?

Music "Trytyty".

Here, my friend, candy!

There is nothing tastier!

Here are the cakes, here you go!

Put it in my mouth!

Here are the cookies, here are the jam!

This is a miracle - a treat!


Stop! Where! And what about me!


We'll eat everything for you!


What is this nonsense!

Eat for me!



No, patience is over!

Get out to the chest!

Music "Chpok". The brothers fly away to the chest.


Oh, how to eat something hunting!

Meet at least someone

Who would feed me

He caressed, but sheltered.

Pechka's song.

Pies, pies, Hey people, don't come in!

I will not cheat anyone, I will feed them with pies!

To you from the stove - mother

Delicious pancakes!

Blush pie

Buns and gingerbread!

Here is the dough in this tub,

There is very little room for him,

Knead it up my friend

And you will get a pie!


Hello, wonderful fellow!


Oh, how unhappy I am!

You, dear help!

I heard about pies ...

So what then? Serve

Your vaunted loaf!


I'm glad to feed you

It would be necessary to chop wood,

Light the stove with them,

Knead the dough in a tub,

Make a pie out of it,

And here, to the light!


What aoo! Work for me again!

Eh, we have to call the brothers!

Hey, you two from the chest!

Identical from the face!

Music "Chpok".


What do you want, master?

Marmalade? Chocolate?

How can we please?


Knead! And chop it up!

Music "Chpok", Music "Trytyty".


Well, who will understand you?

All wrong! Vice versa!

(swap places)


And I'm not tired, brothers,

To engage in nonsense?

No thanks for your hard work!

So I will be left without food!

Losers! All clear!

Get out back!

Music "Chpok".


I'll have to do it myself.

How to prick something? I don’t understand ...

Well, a hatchet, well, come on!

Once! Again! Ah ah ah!

I got a bad ax!

I almost lost my leg!

To bake a pie now

We'll put the dough in the oven!

How to knead it? By hand?

Fuuu! How disgusting!

The stove seems to be smart

She will bake the cake herself!

Music "Chpok". The dough flew past the oven. Introduction to the stove.


I will not cheat anyone

I'll feed you with pies ...

Khe-khe-khe! My friend, listen!

The pies are ready! Eat!

Music "Chpok". Coals fly out.


    Hey darling, look

What wonderful coals

In the heat of the heat, only from the stove,

We are grimy rings

    You bite our barrels

And bring it to the table soon

Just something for heartburn

Be sure to take it. Ha ha ha

    If you are a little lazy,

Eat crumbs from the table

Forget about cakes and cutlets

Enjoy your diet

    Than to taste the pie

Drink some water, friend

Malakhov cures all diseases by starvation

Even thinking on an empty stomach is easier and healthier.


I worked ... What is it!

Doesn't sound like pie!


At work - the result!

You were lazy - that's a fact!

Not knowing how, and not knowing

You won't get a loaf!

Well, to know more,

And also - be cured of laziness!

Don't waste your time!


And, perhaps, the oven is right!

I'll read the primer first!

Scene 5:


Our Vovka, albeit in a dream,

I fully understood the truth.

Wonderful lesson

Received our Vovka for future use.

What will happen when he

Finally wake up (sleep)


Little Johnny! You are sleeping again!


Oh, why are you shouting like that?


So you will sleep your whole life!


It was just a dream!

What can he mean!

I don’t want to sleep anymore!

I want to be able and know everything!


A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it,

After all, it is not for nothing that they say

Having received such a lesson,

We will study.


We are terribly curious

Pardon the weirdo

What we don't know

We will know for sure.


How many colors are there in the world

And bright lights

How many fairy tales are there in the world

And loyal friends.


Everything is complicated and simple

And mysteriously in it,

And we will find answers to all questions.


Look at this world!

It was not invented by us.

Let's paint the world of childhood

Bright pencils.

He's as naive as a child

And his eyes are clear.

The world of boys and girls

Peace and kindness fairy tales!

Final song "Visiting the Fairy Tale".

New Years Eve Scenario for Grades 1-4
The beginning of the construction of a round dance
Host: Good afternoon, dear guys and dear adults!
We are glad to welcome you to our holiday. And what is our holiday today?
Children: NEW YEAR !!!
Host: New Year!
New Year is a fairy tale holiday,
New Year is joy and laughter.
Dear guys and adults,
I congratulate you all on the holiday.
Look, guys, what a wonderful Christmas tree we have.
What beautiful toys hang on it, and you are so elegant, cheerful, which means that it's time to start our holiday.
Yes, but what a New Year without the Snow Maiden. Let's call her together.
Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Baba Yaga's exit - 1 BYA
Baba Yaga. I'm going, I'm going dear, I'm going, I'm going, dear ones! Here I am! Learned?
Children: Yes, Baba Yaga (bone leg)
The exit of the Snow Maiden and snowflakes.
Baba Yaga. But no! I call myself the Snow Maiden, friends,
I am not afraid of the cold
I'm not afraid of the winter blizzard
And even friends with her.
From the magpie I learned in the forest
That there will be no ball without the Snow Maiden.
Well, here I am, that same Snow Maiden is.
Baba Kargi's exit - 2BYa

Baba Karga. Who is there who calls herself the Snow Maiden?
Don't listen to her. An imposter.
Well, what kind of Snow Maiden are you?
It's a different matter for me: beautiful, one braid - braids for all braids!
Baba Yaga. Fu, scythe! Is it a scythe? (touches the scythe)
Well, what a braid, but I have a hat and boots, like a real Snow Maiden.
Baba Karga. Fu, really, should the Snow Maiden have such a hat? (examines the hat with interest)
Host: So what's the argument? Now we will find out which one of you is the real Snow Maiden? That is who will light the Christmas tree among you, that means there will be a real Snow Maiden. (run around the tree, blow, spit, stomp, clap)
BYA light up the Christmas tree

Baba Yaga. It's just that the Christmas tree is sleeping, you need to wake it up.
Host: How to do it?
Baba Karga. Let's stand together in a round dance,
We will sing a song, the Christmas tree will hear, wake up, come to life and sparkle with different lights.
Host: Well, let's go to the Christmas tree, we'll sing a song for it!
The song "It's cold for the little Christmas tree in winter"

Host: What a wonderful song. And the tree never woke up. So you are both not real Snow Maidens. Guys, let's call Snegurochka again: Snegurochka! Snow Maiden! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Come on, snowflake stars
Get into the circle soon
straighten your dresses
and dance more fun.

Snegurochka and snowflakes exit.
Snow Maiden. Hello guys! How glad I am to see you!
All animals know me
The name of the Snow Maiden is
They play with me
And they sing songs.
And the bears are playful
And bunnies are cowards, My friends! I love them very much!
Guys, how beautiful you are! And what an elegant Christmas tree, but for some reason it does not burn with lights. Yes! And where is Santa Claus?
Why can't I see him?
My grandfather became old, probably, he got lost in the forest again. We need to help him. Guys, let's call him together with these words: “Santa Claus! We are waiting for you! Come quickly to our House! "
Oh grandfather does not hear us. Let's shout to him again. () 2-3 times
We haven't seen each other for a whole year. Oh, where is grandpa? Probably delayed. Help me call Santa Claus. Deal?
Howl of the Blizzard
Father Frost. O-O-O-O! Hello guys!
(children answer)
Sounds a little muffled so far
Come on louder again
Hello guys!
(children answer)

Now your answer is not bad,
I almost went deaf from him!
How have you grown, become big!
Did everyone recognize me?
(children answer: Santa Claus)

I, guys, are an old grandfather, I am already five thousand years old!
In January and February I walk the land
As soon as I get out of bed - blizzards rise!
As I shake my sleeve - everything will be covered with snow!
But now I am very kind and I am friends with the guys,
I will not freeze anyone, I will not freeze anyone!
Happy New Year and Happy Holidays.
Snow Maiden. Grandpa, why doesn't our Christmas tree shine, shimmer?
Father Frost. Not in order - you need to decorate the Christmas tree. In the forest, winter decorates the Christmas trees, and at the holiday - the guys ...

·Snow Maiden. Santa Claus, and our Christmas tree is already dressed up.
Father Frost. Dressed up? And where are children's smiles on the tree, where is the festive mood?
Snow Maiden. (amazed). But how do you hang them there?
Father Frost. It's very simple,
The game "We'll hang the balls .."

Snow Maiden. Oh, what a beautiful Christmas tree, but the lights do not burn.

Father Frost.
What's this? What a mess!
There are no lights on your Christmas tree!
So that the tree flares up with lights,
You use words:
“Surprise us with beauty,
Christmas tree, light the lights! "
FANFARIES New Year 2015
Song "Russian Santa Claus"
Father Frost. What a wonderful song! Well done boys!

Snow Maiden. Play with us Grandpa.
Game "Forward 4 steps, backward 4 steps"
Snow Maiden. Let's sing one more song - a repeat song. Listen carefully to my song and repeat every second line of me.
Song - Repeat.
Baba Yaga. Grandpa, and the children - how they love you, how much they know about you! And the game will be played now.
Let's play a game -
I ask you a question,
You give me the answer -
Shout yes or no.

Baba Karga.
Santa Claus is a cheerful old man,
Loves jokes and gags. - Yes!
Baba Yaga.
Santa Claus is a good old man,
Wears a hat and galoshes. - No!
Baba Karga. He knows songs, riddles. - Yes!
Baba Yaga. Eat all your chocolates! - No!
Baba Karga. He will light a Christmas tree for the guys. - Yes!
Baba Yaga. Wears shorts and a T-shirt! - No!
Baba Karga. Santa Claus carries gifts. - Yes!
Baba Yaga. Does he drive a foreign car? - No!
Baba Karga. Is Santa Claus afraid of the cold? - No!
Baba Yaga. Is he friends with the Snow Maiden? - Yes!

Father Frost. And now, my dear granddaughters and grandchildren, I invite you to ride with me on the steam train
The game "Locomotive"
At this time, the Cat Matroskin hides his mitten.

Thumbelina. Grandpa, have you lost anything?
Father Frost. Oh, where's my mitten?
Cat Matroskin. And you take it away! (tosses to children)
Music. Game "Mitten".
Cinderella. (pity grandfather, gives him a mitten) Grandfather is tired, melting. Guys, let's blow on him! (blowing)
Chieftain and robbers. Guys, I heard you like to play. The reaction of the audience.
Let's play the game "Fir-trees - stumps": at the word "fir-trees" - we get up, raising our hands up, at the word "stumps" - we sit down.
The game "Fir-trees-stumps"

Father Frost.
Guys, I love to joke:
Grab someone by the cheeks or by the nose.
And who will not be able to escape from Grandfather,
That will be a funny rhyme to read to us.

Music. Game "Freeze!" (according to the results of the game, there are 8-11 people near the Christmas tree)

Reading poetry. Sweet prizes.

Baba Yaga. Grandfather! How did you like my suit? True, by the very latest fashion? Baba Karga. Nonsense! Mine is better!
Baba Yaga. No it's mine! You’ll argue I’m hitting!
Baba Karga. How I will move this to you!
Snow Maiden. You are wrong to determine whose suit is better! We must hold a competition!
Baba Yaga. Yes! And in fair competition, I will win! Give here all the guests and various small fry. Baba Karga. Exactly! Let's go in a circle to the music, and I will be the jury and the first place will be mine! Look, Baba Yaga, that girl has nothing ...
Baba Yaga. And the boy over there looks quite ...
Snow Maiden. It is necessary to hold a competition.

Defile of children in suits. Santa Claus rewards them with sweets.

Snegurochka and snowflakes exit. From 0 to 18, from 1.35 to the end.
Snow Maiden:
It's time, friends, you need to say goodbye. I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart. May both adults and kids celebrate the new year in unison.
Father Frost:
The carnival sparkles bright
The kids are having fun
New Year gifts
It's time to receive.
Goodbye kids
Goodbye tree,
Our Happy New Year
Remember for a long time!
The beginning of the construction of a round dance
The characters organize the children and take them to the classrooms in a "train".


Vovka is preferably a young employee, whose entire career growth and the corresponding level of income are still ahead.
Father Frost
Snow Maiden
Vasilisa the Beautiful
Vasilisa the Wise
Two from the casket, the same from the face
Old woman - (old woman - a young girl should be dressed as follows: Nice dress, high-heeled shoes, some old robe on top, large felt boots that can be put on directly on the shoes, on the face it is desirable for a child's or a friend's mask of an old woman or Baba-Yaga.)
gold fish
Sorceress Bastinda

Vovka:- They say on New Year's Eve that they don't want to - everything will always happen, everything always happens. Yeah, keep your pocket wider - how! Until the New Year is a stone's throw, and then there are no miracles for you, not to mention the fulfillment of desires. Eh! To see Santa Claus alive, and they are only in fairy tales.
Santa Claus appears
Father Frost:- Why is it only in fairy tales? I’m a real person from Veliky Ustyug. True, here's the Snow Maiden, I married Santa Claus, got married and drove off to America. That's the trouble.

Santa Claus song (to the music "Where can I get such a song")

I am Santa Claus not old yet
After all, I'm only half a thousand years old
And I would use a young Snow Maiden
At seventeen to eighteen years old

And I would use a young Snow Maiden
And I would use a young Snow Maiden
seventeen - eighteen years old

To be with a long braid
With a radiant gaze of clear eyes
To her beauty
Drove me crazy at that hour

So that with your beauty,
So that with your beauty,
Drove me crazy that hour

Vovka:-Yes, how is it grandpa? But what about you without Snegurochka then?
Father Frost:-Yes, it’s bad for me, granddaughters, oh bad. But there is still time before the New Year, and I need a good fellow to find the Snow Maiden in the distant kingdom.
Vovka:(enthusiastically) -Third kingdom! Yes, there are so many miracles! That would be to visit! Grandpa, send me there.
Father Frost:- Can you handle it?
Vovka:-Of course, grandfather, in nature, I can handle it (quietly towards the audience) just to get there.
Father Frost:-Good time you will have 1 hour. But look, do not return without Snow-Rocks.
Vovka:-Thank you, grandfather.
Santa Claus knocks with a staff. The light goes out. Santa Claus disappears. And Vovka finds himself in a distant kingdom

Vasilis appear and sing (Song to the music "Yellow Leaves")
Do not live in this world,
not live in this world
No miracles, no miracles.
Everyone manifests in this,
everyone shows in this
Interest, interest.

Magic we studied, magic we studied
Witchcraft, witchcraft
We will show in this room, we will show me in this room
Magic, magic
In the New Year, all miracles especially want
Today we will work miracles for you
With your skill and diligence
So that cherished desires come true

Vovka:-O! And immediately so lucky! Hello beauties! What is your name to dignify?
Vasilisa the Beautiful:-Vasilisa the Beautiful
Vasilisa the Wise:-Vasilisa the Wise.
Vovka:-Very nice! You can really work wonders!
Vasilis:(In chorus) - We can.
Vovka:-Class! To order this? Can you make me a cottage on the seashore.
Vasilisa the Beautiful:-Can. We have fabulous discounts. It will cost only 25 thousand dollars.
Vovka:- 25 thousand bucks? Why are you? Stunned or what? Is it free? Miracles in fairy tales are free.
Vasilisa the Wise:-Market. Only cheese in a dexterous mouse is free.
Vovka:-Yeees! (scratches the back of her head) Bummer.
Vasilisa the Beautiful:-Do not want to pay, do it yourself.
Vovka:- I don’t know how.
Vasilisa the Wise:-We will teach.
Get out drawings, diagrams, calculations.
Vovka:-Nuuuu! It's so hard! No, I'd rather go on. Forgive.
The light goes out for a few seconds. At this time, on the stage it is necessary to install either a box or a table behind which nothing is visible, with a poster of a drawn chest attached.
Vovka appears.
Vovka:-O! And what kind of little chest is this?
Pretends to open the lid.
From the chest (from the table) two appear from the chest - identical from the face.

The Song of Two from the Strongbox(to the music "Peddlers")

Eh! We are brave fellows!
Everything is boiling in our hands
Doesn't threaten us in anything, perhaps
Neither bankruptcy nor collapse.

We can do everything, we can do everything
After all, we are two from the casket,
And it's not for nothing that we are in appearance
identical from the face.
Vovka: Hey! You two are from the casket, the same in the face. Well, tell me what you can?
Two from the casket, the same from the face:-And we can do everything for you.
Vovka: Or can you arrange a dinner for me, I'm hungry for something. Yes, there so that with good cognac, red fish, delicacies.
Two from the casket, the same from the face:(in chorus) Aha!
They take out glasses, cognac, sandwiches from under the table, pour, drink and eat.
Vovka: Hey! We did not agree so. What are you going to eat and drink for me?
Two from the casket, the same from the face:(in chorus) Aha!
Vovka:-Well, I do not! Get out back to the chest. Damn, bad luck. What else will we get there? Where am I lucky.
The light goes out again for a short while. You need to put a chair on the stage and an old woman with a trough sits on it.
Vovka:-Hi, granny! I know this fairy tale, so there must be an old man with a goldfish somewhere.
Old woman: Hello, granddaughter. The fish is swimming somewhere. But my old man, the kingdom of heaven to him, has died. I have no one to catch a fish now.
Vovka:-Yes, business, how can I communicate with a fish?
Old woman:- And you shout it, granddaughters, maybe it will float to you. She doesn't want to see me. You ask the fish for me at least a trough, mine is completely split.
Song of the Old Woman (music from the cartoon "The Flying Ship")

I would have a trough, well, at least made of acrylic,
I would wash everything and soaps in it
I didn’t refuse a jacuzzi bath
Here it is happiness, well, just a little.
Chorus: Oh, if my dream came true
What life would come then
Ah, if the dream came true
What kind of life would then begin.
I would have a cottage in the center of the capital
There in the winter garden birds of paradise,
And Mercedes in the garage six hundredth
The smallest thing that I want.
I would like to become a deputy
And I would receive their salary
Become young again, slender beautiful
You ask, granddaughters, my dear!

Vovka: Well, well, a trough, a cottage, and then you want to become president? I know you.
Old woman: Well, at least a trough and a little younger.
Vovka:(grinning) -Well, you have requests, grandma: to look younger, hkm. I myself would have to beg something from the fish. Okay, I'll try. Shouts. -Fish! Fish! Where did you get lost there?
The light goes out again for a short while. (To simulate the sea, you can use the same table with the waves painted on the poster. There is a goldfish at the table. On the head is made of golden foil, a crown, and from the shoulder along the arm, attach gold tinsel, attach the fins of the tail made of gold foil to the brush. Hide the other hand a little. .Waving the hand-tail at the table level will give the impression that the fish is floating on the water.)
Gold fish:- What do you want, Vladimir?
Vovka:- Ouch! I want a lot: salary, like general director, an apartment in the center of the capital with an underground garage, a cool wheelbarrow. Yes, the grandmother wants to become young again.
Gold fish: -On the budget my deeds have been translated, Vladimir. The end of the year is already, the whole limit of my miracles has been exhausted. I can only help the old woman, like a veteran of a fairy tale. So be it she will be young, but that's all. Goodbye.
Vovka: Bummer again. Well, at least grandma was lucky.
The light goes out again. At this time, the old woman must take off her outer clothing and mask. And become a young beauty.

Vovka:-Blimey! That's a fish! Oh, but I can't return without the Snow Maiden. Grandma, ugh, you are no longer a grandmother, a girl, but a girl, do you want to be a Snow Maiden?
Old woman:- No, granddaughters, it's troublesome. I am young now, but beautiful and will not be lost anyway. Is leaving
Vovka:- Well, that's where gratitude is, even if I would kiss goodbye. Ouch! And there is little time left. Where can I find the Snow Maiden.
And then Bastinda appears with an umbrella.
Bastinda:-I heard that you are looking for a Snow Maiden. Maybe I’ll come over?

Bastinda's song (to the music of Strelka "I'm good ... ...")

Why, well, why are you unhappy?
I'm not a Snow Maiden, so what

I am the same and so I can melt
But I'm only afraid of water, not heat
I am a Sorceress and even though I am very evil, 2 times
She could not be kind in life.

I'm a Sorceress, Sorceress Bastinda 2 times
I’m angry, but I’m okay too.
Vovka:- Well, yes, only such an evil Snow Maiden was enough for me. No. For the holiday I need a kind Snow Maiden. Goodbye.
Bastinda: Then I will enchant you.
Vovka:-Try it only. She herself said how to deal with you. He took a bottle of water and sprinkled it on Bastinda. She disappeared.
Vovka: What am I to do now? Sings.

Vovka's song (A. Gubin "My dear")
My darling, darling
Five minutes left only for me
Seek happiness in the fabulous side
Where are you, Snegurochka, dear
Where to find you, where to find
The misty road calls in the distance
Where are you, Snegurochka, glorious
I follow you, I follow you, I follow you, I follow you
My darling. Darling
Through anxiety and expectation
Through fairy tale and distance
I'm following you, I'm following you, I'm following you, I'm following you

My dear, where are you
Where to look for your tracks to me
Where to find, to find you
My dear long-awaited
Santa Claus has been waiting for you for a long time
New Years will never come
No way without you, my Snow Maiden 2 times
While he is singing, the Snow Maiden slowly appears from the hall. And sings immediately after the end of Vovka's song. He looks at her enthusiastically.
Song of the Snow Maiden (Alsou "Winter Dream")

The stars rise higher
The light is no longer maddening
New Year is getting closer and closer
Knocking at home soon
Winter holiday so long-awaited
New century will bring with him
Maybe someone unexpectedly
In life, suddenly you are lucky in everything
At that hour when, according to a winter fairy tale
Are you looking for miracles everywhere?
Your only desire was dreams, dreams
and even if I'm not a fairy at all
but I really want to
one desire to fulfill you.

Vovka:- What a miracle! Snow Maiden! And so beautiful!
Snow Maiden:-Hello, Volodya! What would you like me to do to you? But consider the desire there can be only one thing.
Vovka:- I had a lot of desires. But I realized that I had to achieve everything myself, so I had only one desire: I want you to go with me to Santa Claus, because what a New Year without the Snow Maiden.
Snow Maiden:-Good. I agree.
The light goes out for a second. Santa Claus appears.
Father Frost: Ay yes Vovka! Well done! I brought such a Snow Maiden. It's time to celebrate the New Year.

All the participants in the performance take the stage and sing in chorus:

Shiny and Amega(Lyrics " New Year»)

Lightly old leaves a year
In the distance, the trail of his days will flicker
The wind will throw a handful of snowflakes on him
And the New Year is about to come


This year will be better than that
What will he bring us the New Year?

Light your lights in your windows
And let old friends call
Maybe time flashes again like a moment
And the New Year is about to come

[Chorus 2]
New Year. He was born into the world
New Year. Among the stars and planets
This year will be better than that
It won't work without us. New Year

[Solo here]