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Tattoo with Hummingbird: What will take a bright bird on the body. Delightful image of a paradise bird

Hummingbird bird is the cutest and little bird on the planet. Her fragility and beauty disarms, makes smiling. Hummingbird tattoo is suitable, of course, the most weak floor. Girls use colorful sketches with hummingbirds as a basis, adding to them the details that give the ability to the drawing. Tattoo with bird Hummingbird always looks interesting on the body.

Since the bird itself has a small size, the tattoo with it does not differ, usually, large scale. The girls apply images on the wrist, neck, blades - hummingbirds everywhere looks aesthetic. By the way, there are many species of this bird on the planet, so you may distinguish between others.

How to decipher a tattoo? What does the Hummingbird tattoo?

  • Hummingbird tattoo value with flower. On the shovel, this drawing looks very elegant. These are lightness, beauty, vitality, optimism.
  • Hummingbird drinks nectar from a flower - a symbol of female attractiveness and sexuality.
  • Hummingbird tattoo on the neck. Bird, directed up, means zealing to freedom, vitality, speed.
  • Many depict black and white tattoo hummingbirds on hand. Such a drawing and without bright colors looks stylish and magically.
  • Tattoo with a peer Hummingbird. It used to be believed that this fragile bird is able to instruct a person in difficult love relationships. Feather birds - a sign of love, and possibly unhappy love.

What kind of species was not your tattoo with the hummingbird, its general meaning is the world, beauty, spirituality.

Tattoos of miniature and attractive birds is rather common and in demand in our time. In particular, the image of these little birds is applied to their bodies, those people who live in countries where these crumbs live. Hummingbirds are a very small and interesting bird that can wave the wings at high speed and thanks to this she is pretty fast and clever. However, before applying a similar fascinating tattoo to your body, you need to know the value of the Hummingbird Tattoo. After all, you probably want to own a similar image as much time as possible.

What is the meaning of the tattoo hummingbird?

As a famous hummingbird is a very small and chopper bird that feeds on the nectar of various colors. Like many other birds, it can symbolize freedom and ease, because these traits most often want to assign people. This bird is denoted by incredible beauty, trepacy, elegance and tenderness. Therefore, this symbol is considered female, because all these features are more inherent in weak representatives. Amazing and inimitable abilities of this bird, for a long time, forced people to admire and respect this small creation. Tattoos with this image symbolize the contents of a large amount of energy and forces to accomplish incredibly complex tasks and overcoming obstacles in their path. In addition, the Little Bird Hummingbird personifies passion and love that is filled with bright emotions and experiences. Hummingbirds is also a symbol of comprehensive love and joy, so such an image will bring only positive and many joyful moments to the life of its owner.

The value of tattoo Hummingbird in history

Thanks to its ability to linger in the air at the same time, its wings are practically not noticeable, but does not move the body. For many nations, this phenomenon marked what she has a connection with the deity or the bird itself is a deity. The old people admired and worshiped this impressive bird. This small creation since then symbolizes the desire and incredible power to overcome all complex tasks. Also, this creation personifies in our time the world, well-being, happiness and love. It is worth noting that this creation does not live in all corners of the planet, but only in certain places, namely in the jungle and thickets of tropical forests.

The value of tattoo hummingbirds for the cultures of the world

For different cultures, the hummingbird bird can symbolize different phenomena. For example, for the culture of American Indians, a pair of birds hummingbird personifies the symbol of love and love of the shower, which remained together, even despite not deliberate - death. Since these birds were very beautiful, they were often called soaring flowers or flying jewels. In the culture of Indians, there are many legends on this topic, which betray the Hummingbird features a great and brave warrior, walked stories that it saved many people during drought periods, as well as hungry times.

Where to make a tattoo with a hummingbird?

A similar impressive image that has a variety of meanings, symbols and edges can be applied in any city tattoo. However, there are no qualified masters in all of them who have due experience. Therefore, it is worth responsible to choose the workshop of the Tattoo, in which you will apply a tattoo. It is worth noting that it is in good salons that have a lot of positive recommendations and reviews from satisfied customers work good specialists. Such masters can apply you to a tattoo in accordance with your requirements and preferences. As a result, you will be satisfied with the work done.

Hummingbird is a miniature bird from Central America. Thanks to elegant appearance and bright colorful herp, its image has always been extremely popular.

Many ancient peoples who inhabited Precucumbovskaya America considered the hummingbird symbol of the wealth of nature, as well as the sign of love and cheerfulness. In great demand, the image of the hummingbird uses in our time among tattoo lovers. What value is in tattoo language this little bright bird? Let's deal with.

Girls choose ease

Easy, lightningry soaring from the flower to the flower of a bird whirlpool seems to exude optimism and cheerfulness.

Therefore, when the girl inflicts the image of a bright bird as a tattoo (tattoo), sometimes on the background of an exotic flower, she wants to emphasize their gracefulness and vitality. Also, this bird means uniqueness and uniqueness, because it is really very different from other birds. Braating on the body of his owner, she gives it a bright personality and a special chic.

Young and purposeful girls often choose the image of the hummingbird as a tattoo, thereby emphasizing that they are not afraid of difficulties, want to live life brightly and enjoy every day. Also, this image carries with them the importance of peace, harmony and tranquility. Therefore, it can be applied to the ladies older, as well as those who lack lightness and back in their lives.

An additional meaning also carries a tattoo with the image of the flower, against which heap the hummingbird. Exotic flower means the desire to get the maximum pleasure of life. If a rose is depicted, then it means passionate feelings.

The ancient Indians believed that the souls of the tragically dead couple in love with the bodies of small hummingbirds. Therefore, if the girl lost her beloved, in memory of him, she makes a pair image of a hummingbird on the body.

For the place of application of the tattoo (tattoo), the hummingbirds are often chosen by hand, especially her back side.

Also, the image is often applied to the shovel, when moving, it seems that the bird flies on the body. The leg is not very popular among girls as a place of applying a tattoo, but sometimes hummingbirds looks very good on an elegant female anklet.

Harmony and Dogs - Value for Men

The male tattoo with the image of the hummingbird is not as popular as in women, but still representatives of a strong half of humanity sometimes stop their choice on this bird. Thus, they emphasize their positive attitude to life. Also this is the value of endurance, speed, strength and perseverance.

On the caribbean, the hummingbird has always been a symbol of wealth, so a man striving for taste and material well-being can portray this bird on his body.

Sometimes men apply Humbar tattoo, as if identifying it with her beloved girl. Hummingbirds also means increased sexual energy. Therefore, if a man is in love, then apply a bright beautiful bird on his body, he will make a wonderful gift to his beloved and the original way admits in his feelings.

As for the part of the body, for which men apply a tattoo with hummingbirds, then often chose the thigh. Image of birds in this case make quite big and bright.

Thieves romance

Among the prisoners, the tattoo with the image of Hummingbird is not popular and carrying some criminal meaning. This is still the value and the symbol of beauty and cheerfulness, which are not in places are not so remote. But if a prisoner still decides to choose a tattoo with this bird, he stops on a black and white image, meaning most often lost hope and extinct faith.

So, all the lovers of tattoos who have a light character, positive and vitality, it is recommended to apply a bright image of a small exotic bird. You will emphasize your individuality and add fire and passion to life. This is the value of this tattoo.

Little bright hummingbird birds have long become one of the favorite characters in the tattoo among fans of this type of art. The value of the tattoo of Holybar is associated with the views of the ancient Indian tribes that have come down to us in the form of myths and legends, habsting of birds and the peculiarities of her life in nature. We will tell about this today, as well as give some useful advice on decoration.

A brief excursion to mythology

Hummingbirds are inhabited only in the Western hemisphere, so traditions of them can be found only in the mythology of the peoples of North and South America. But they are so many of them, and the stories are so diverse that you can make sure that this little bird was wound.

North America tribes

The Mojave Indians have a legend that says that earlier people were forced to live under the ground, and the hummingbirds brought them to the surface.

The legend of the people Hopi talks about how the bird saved them from hunger. One day, a little brother and sister remained alone, because adults went to search for food. In order not to miss, the boy carved the figure of Hummingbirds from the tree, the girl threw it into the sky, and the figure suddenly came to life. Every day the bird began to bring them the chicks of corn, saving them from hunger, and then went to God's fertility to pray for the revival of the Earth. God has walked around, and the people were saved from hungry death.

In the Indians of the Pueblo tribal there is a traditional hummingbird dance. Pits small birds are used by shamans when calling rain. It is believed that these birds are able to transfer the messages of people of the Great Mother, it is also the Kolybar who have learned people to smoke tobacco, which helps shamans in the rituals of the purification of the Earth.


One of the Mayan legend tells how the first pair of hummingbirds appeared. The gods created them from feathers who remained the creation of other birds. These amazing creatures liked the gods so much that they decided to arrange a magnificent wedding ceremony: the path to the altar was woven with spiders, the entire land covered the beautiful petals of flowers, and in front of the bride and groom, one hundred and colorful butterflies flew.

Maya, however, like other peoples of mesoamers, believed that the hummingbirds bring love and good luck in heart matters. Stuffed birds in antiquity used as a talisman to help find true love. Even today, such stuffeds are sold as amulets. A certificate of love potions based on the dried heart is also preserved.


The ceremonial robes of high-ranking high-ranking of the Aztec society were definitely decorated with bright pile of hummingbirds, they were concerned about the priests, and the leaders wore earrings in the form of these birds.

There is a legend telling the great warrior of Witzilopocytley, born from the magic ball of feathers. He fully fought, defending his people, but still once he was killed on the battlefield. Then the body crumbled on a thousand little birds, wrinkled into the sky. Aztec believed that the souls of the warriors turn into a hummingbird, so they did not dare to offend them and showed respect to them.

Modern interpretation of the symbol

So, what is the value of tattoo Hummingbird:

  • Love. Since this bird in the ancient peoples of mesoamers associated with sincere love, the tattoo with its image can serve as a talisman who helps in its search.
  • Courage. This miniature bird is truly brave, because, protecting its territory and offspring, rushes on birds much larger, not leading fear. Therefore, the tattoo value of the hummingbird may be reduced to courage and willingness to protect their interests at any cost. Such an image suggests that the external fragility, the softness of the character does not mean weakness and defenselessness.
  • freedom. This value is relevant for birds in general. The ability to fly, look high in heaven at all times associated with freedom, the possibility at any time with ease of leaving the spaced place and go anywhere.
  • Energy. The smallest homing of the hummingbirds make about a hundred waving wings per second, even while eating birds hang in the air, and do not sit on the ground, they are always very moving. Tatu Hummingbirds means that its owner is full of energy, does not like to sit in place for a long time. This is a person action leading an active lifestyle.
  • Bright life, complete pleasures. Hummingbirds with a flower indicates a person for which the comfort is very important and the opportunity to have everything you want. This bird is recognized as the most insatiable in the world, since the day eats more than weighs itself. Her image may mean the desire for luxury, the desire to have things that many could consider excesses.
  • Communication between visible and invisible worlds. This value is associated with the faith of the Indians in the fact that the souls of the dead turn into a hummingbird. These birds are also considered intermediaries between the world of living and the world of the dead.

Style and composition

The tattoo hummingbar in watercolor looks cool. This style is great for the image of a small bright bird, smooth transitions of shades allow you to transmit ease of flight and fluttering wings. Watercolor works look colorfully and gently, as if random splashes and drips give the figure originality. Small hummingbirds on the neck or on the wrist will look cute and harmonious, more large-scale work, for example, the image of a bird sitting on the flower will look great on the shoulder or forearm.

Realistic tattoos always attract admiring views, because to achieve such similarities with a real object for only a truly talented master. Often, such works are whole landscapes depicting the beauty of natural habitats of Hummingbird. Elegantly looking realistic sleeves, large-scale tattoos on the leg or on the back.

Hummingbirds are usually depicted in color, which is quite logical, because how else to convey the color of their plumage? But monochrome works are still found. These are mainly miniature uncomplicated ornamental sketches. Colored tattoos, naturally, look much more effectively, but black and white drawings are more durable, not so quickly fade into the sun, in which their undoubted advantage.

Photo tattoo kholibri

On the wrist

On the neck

On the foot

Hummingbirds with flowers

On the hand

Hummingbirds in watercolor

On the shovel

Black Hummingbird

On stomach

On ribs

Sketches of tattoos Hummingbird

Hummingbird's bird is the smallest and one of the most beautiful in the world. Hummingbird tattoo on the neck traditionally choose girls, as it emphasizes the tenderness and fragility of the weak floor. What does this image mean, and to whom does it fit?

Symbolism in different cultures

A small bright bird is present in the cultures of different peoples of the world. Brazilian legends, for example, associate hummingbirds with kindness and compassion. The indigenous peoples of America believed that the hummingbird was a symbol of love. The little bird so fascinated them with her beauty that they called her "fluttering flower."

In Europe, the Hummingbird feathers were used as love talismans. Some ladies applied the picker drawing on the body for the night. It was believed that the bird in a dream should give a valuable advice, and after awakening the image was washed. By the way, there is a suggestion that it was this tradition that it was the beginning of fashion to apply the tattoo hummingbirds on the neck and other parts of the body.

Tattoo value

Before applying any image to your body, many are thinking about what semantic load it carries. And this is not surprising, because the tattoo should emphasize the individuality and specific features of the character of a person. Hummingbird tattoo on the neck has several values, depending on the additional elements and the location of the bird itself:

  • The image of a bird located next to the flower symbolizes in love, optimism, female beauty.
  • Beak Hummingbirds is directed up - freedom, speed, zeal to receive new emotions and sensations in life.

  • Tattoo on the neck of the Hummingbird, which drinks nectar from the flower, means female attractiveness and sexuality.
  • If the bird is located next to the pen, such a tattoo may mean unhappy love or unrelaimed feelings.

The tattoo of the Hummingbird The girl on the neck cannot be universal. Each invests in the image its own meaning, which sometimes is incomprehensible to others.

Art tattoo

Recently, the tradition is becoming popular to fill the tattoo as simply decorating the body, without investing any semantic load. Such a tattoo Hummingbirds on the neck can be supplemented with a variety of elements, among which the bird itself can be on secondary roles.

In order for the image to be unique and original, finished drawings or repetition of other people's work should avoid. An experienced master will advise to develop his own sketch, which will correspond to the girl and its image.

To whom will suit

The tattoo of hummingbirds on the neck for girls is traditionally suited, as a miniature bird symbolizes primarily and beauty. It is believed that the image applied to the body can resolve life to some extent, so it should be treated with caution. And the hummingbird is considered universal - it can be worn both fragile and gentle nature and freedom-loving and cheerful personalities.

Hummingbird can be depicted both alone and supplemented with a variety of details that make a tattoo unique.

So, gentle girls decorate the body of the bird in combination with flowers - orchids, lilies, camellias. And the parties with a solid character prefer to complement the tattoo with the hummingbirds, ornaments or make it in an interesting style, such as watercolor.

Color solution

There are about 300 varieties of hummingbirds, which differ in coloring, tail shape, wellheads. Due to this, the color palette of the image is very multifaceted. Among the most popular options, you can allocate such: emerald neck, fiery topaz flying amethyst. Birds are overflowing with different colors: emerald, deep blue, red, white, yellow, pink.

Photo Tattoo Hummingbirds on the neck show that any color decision will be justified. It is possible to create a unique fantasy pattern, the shades of which are limited only by the color preferences of the owner and the masters of the tattoo. Equally original and fresh look at the design options in the form of an outline made by contour lines, or a full drawing with a plurality of shades.

Any design option has its drawbacks and advantages. Full-color tattoo look more and more original, however, they require periodic updates of the contour and colors. Black and white images are less fused in the sun and do not require frequent contour updates.

Depending on the image of the image, it may be interesting to look like work performed in the style of the door or minimalism. Such tattoo is characterized by conciseness and neat contours.

Popular places for applying

Most often, the hummingbird images are applied by girls on the neck, because it is thus you can get a small but noticeable tattoo. But the tattoos on his back, abdomen, arms, legs, no less originally look original. The volume of the picture of the drawing, the more details can be included in the sketch.

It should be remembered that the size of the tattoo must be comparable from the size of the body of the body on which it is located. Also, the masters recommend to abandon the small tattoo filled with many small parts, as such images can be deformed with time. By the way, on the neck most often turn out to be an image of hummingbirds in flight or sitting on a branch.


Despite the fact that it means tattoo on the neck "Hummingbird" for each person something else, such girls are perceived as an unusual and creative nature. Execution technique will only emphasize the thought that the owner of the image of a miniature bird wanted to invest.