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SPbSU orders for transfer to the budget. Translation to St. Petersburg State University. About educational programs

4.3.12. Measures of tests (examinations) conducted in writing (written works of students, credit and examinations) should be kept at least three months from the date of credit (exam) in a place defined by the Vice-Rector in the directions or other authorized rector of the official.

4.4. Individual schedule for testing and exams

4.4.1. In order to learn tests (examinations) in terms other than the timing established in the schedule of interim certification, the student may be provided with an individual schedule for testing (examinations) in the following cases: If a student knows in advance that he will not be able to attend standing (exam) for a good reason confirmed by documented in the presence of one of the following grounds: direction of a university student to participate in educational and scientific events during interim certification; the direction of the student to the university for training in another university (hereinafter - the host university), in case the deadlines for the interim certification coincide with the beginning of the training period in the host university; the direction of the student passing training under the program of military training, on educational fees during interim certification; departure of a student during an interim certification for international, Russian, inter-regional sports competitions, training fees, contests, Olympia

and other extracurricular activities for the preparation of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, University; the direction of the student during the interim certification onsanatorium-resort treatment, including as an accompanying person; planned inpatient treatment (or operation) of a student during intermediate certification, as well as the coming birth of

benka students from among the female sex during intermediate certification. If the student missed the test (exam) for a valid reason confirmed by documented; If the student is disabled more than one month continuously during the current period of training (subject to the provision of a document of the established sample); If the student was disabled during compulsory laboratory work, the preparation of mandatory creative tasks, rehearsals, training, which is not possible to perform to the date of credit (exam) on the appropriate discipline (subject to the submission of a document of the established sample); If the student was disabled during practice (subject to the provision of a document of the established sample); If the student has academic debt due to translation or recovery.

4.4.2. A student applying for the provision of an individual credit and exam schedule is obliged to submit a personal statement to the training department together with a document that is the basis for the provision of an individual schedule for crediting tests and exams. A document confirming respect for the causes of the pass (for example, a certificate of temporary disability) must be submitted within three working days after the date of its issuance (closing).

4.4.3. The head of the educational department or other authorized by the rector provides a request for a request for the authenticity of the submitted documents in an organization that issued documents, including in healthcare institutions.

4.4.4. In the case of translation or student recovery, it is provided with an individual schedule for testing and examinations by order of translating or recovery. Applying a student of a personal statement about the provision of individual graphics is not required.

4.4.5. An individual schedule for testing and exams is provided to a student by order of the rector or other official authorized by him.

4.4.6. After the announcement of the order for the granting of an individual schedule for testing tests and exams, the Deputy Head of the Educational Administration - Advisor of the Vice-Rector in directions or other authorized by the Rector, publishes a decree on establishing an individual schedule for testing and examinations, compiled in accordance with the procedure for the preparation of the interim certification

by consideration of statements of students and in the presence of organizational possibilities (in particular, the possibility of using an audited fund, attract teachers, etc.).

4.4.7. The student must be familiar with the individual schedule for testing and examinations under the painting, or by placing the order at the information booth of the training department, or by sending an email in accordance with clause 1.10 of this Regulation.

4.4.8. An authorized worker of the educational department brings information about the date, time and place of the credit (exam) on individual schedule to the attention of teachers who take standings and exams, by e-mail in accordance with Claim 1.10 of these Rules, and in it separately ( The examination) statement, which is drawn up and fills in the manner prescribed by the order of the Vice-Rector for academic work or other officials authorized by the rector.

Chapter 5. The procedure for the elimination of academic debt

5.1. Academic debt is recognized as a student of one or more estimates "undecided" or "unsatisfactory."

5.2. In case of receipt of the evaluation "undetended" ("unsatisfactory"), the student has the right to revaluate the test (exam) twice, while the second time is only attestation commission. The decision of the Attestation Commission is final.

IN the case of a student of three or more estimates is "undetended" and (or) "unsatisfactory" student is subject to deductions from the university for academic impressability in accordance with the University's Charter.

5.3. The attestation commission is formed at least three teachers and is headed, as a rule, the head of the department. The teacher who took the first attempt of credit (exam) may be part of the Attestation Commission, but cannot be appointed by its chairman. The attestation commission is formed by the Vice-Rector for the relevant directions or other authorized rector by the official in the manner prescribed by the order of the first visor on educational and scientific work.

5.4. Attestation commissions are formed by the Vice-Rector for the appropriate areas or other authorized rector by an official on the basis of the submission of the Dean of the Faculty for each academic discipline. Attestation commissions can be formed for the reception of the test (exam) on a specific discipline by the Vice-Rector for

by the appropriate directions or other authorized rector by an official on the basis of the submission of the head of the department. Work in attestation commissions is taken into account in pedagogical orders (scientific and pedagogical task) of pedagogical (scientific and pedagogical) employees.

5.5. The renovation of the credit (exam) of the attestation commission is carried out in accordance with the requirements for the content of intermediate certification established in the working program of the academic discipline, in the same form (for example, oral, written) and in the same manner as the first attempt to pass the credence (exam) .

5.6. At the relief of the credit (exam) of the attestation commission, carried out orally, at least three members of the Attestation Commission should be present.

5.7. In the case of the revision of the credit (exam) in writing, the presence of members of the Attestation Commission during the credit (exam) is not mandatory. The audit of students' written works is carried out by all members of the attestation commission.

5.8. The attestation commission decides on the assessment of the student's response by a simple majority of votes from the number of members of the Commission. With an equal number of votes, the Chairman of the Attestation Commission has the right to decisive voices. The results of the recalculation of the credit (exam) are issued by the minutes of the meeting of the Attestation Commission.

5.9. The assessment received by the student at the relocation of the credit (exam) of the attestation commission is final. In case of receipt of the evaluation "undetended" ("unsatisfactory") when the test of the test (exam) on one discipline of the attestation commission, the student is subject to deductions from the university for academic impressability in accordance with the Charter of the University.

5.10. Academic credit on credit (exams) is eliminated on the schedule of proximation of tests (examinations), compiled according to the rules established by these Rules.

Chapter 6. The procedure for performing coursework

6.1. The number of course works that must be executed by the student for the period of development of the educational program is determined by the curriculum.

6.2. The topic of the student's course work and the supervisor are approved at the meeting of the department at which the supervisor works, unless other regulatory acts have been established.

6.3. Requirements for the implementation of the course work are established by the Working Program.

6.4. In the case of the dismissal or transition of the teacher, who is a supervisor, to another job (including another department), according to a personal statement by the student, the head of the department must appoint him a new supervisor from among the teachers of the Department.

6.5. The student has the right on the basis of a personal statement agreed by the head of the department, at which a student had previously planned to perform coursework, and the head of the department, to which the student plans to translate to perform a course work, switch to another department for performing a course work.

6.6. Course work surrendered to the student within the deadlines established at the meeting of the department, is registered by the employee authorized by the Vice-Rector in the directions, after which the supervisor is verified.

6.7. Course work can be assessed by the supervisor, and if the working program of the training session provides for the protection of the course work, the Commission, consisting at least three teachers.

6.8. The protection of course works are carried out according to the Deputy Head of the Educational Department approved by the Deputy Head, the Advisor of the Vice-Rector in the directions or other authorized rector of the schedule.

6.9. If a student is received by the evaluation "undetended" ("unsatisfactory"), term paper is subject to a finalization by a student. The elimination of debt in this case is carried out in the manner prescribed for the proximation of tests (exams).

6.10. When performing a course work, the student is obliged to make references to sources when borrowing material. In case of detection in the work of borrowings used without reference to the source, the head of the department forms a commission consisting of at least three teachers, which makes it an act of discovering in the course work of borrowing. Course work is estimated in this case to evaluate "non-readable" ("unsatisfactory"). The student can be expelled from the university in accordance with the Charter of the University.

6.11. By decision of the Academic Council of the Faculty, term paper can be performed by students in the form of a report at an event of an educational and (or) scientific nature (scientific conference, scientific circle, etc.). The condition for evaluating the work is the presence of a written text of the report or the deployed abstracts of the report. The decision on the possibility of assessing the report as a course work is adopted by a supervisor.

Chapter 7. Translations and Recovery

7.1. General provisions on translations and recovery

7.1.1. Under the translation of the student means: Student's driver for learning on another educational program, including in another direction of training (specialty). Student trainee studying in another higher educational institution (hereinafter - university), which has state accreditation, university; By changing the profile (specialization), according to which the student is studying; By changing the student of the form of training; The transition (change in training conditions) student,

on a contractual (paid) basis, to places funded from the budget allocations of the federal budget; The transformation (change in the training conditions) of a student studying at the expense of the fiscal allocations of the federal budget, to the contractual (paid) basis; Translation of a student studying in another higher educational institution of a foreign state, to the university at the contractual (paid) basis of training.

7.1.2. Under the restoration of the student is understood: Restoration of the person who has previously studied one of

educational programs implemented by the university, and deducted until theoretical training course, including students for training on the educational program implemented by the University at the time of recovery. Establishing a person who has fully completed the theoretical course at the university, but not passing or who has passed the final state certification, to re-pass the final state certification.

7.1.3. Translation and restoration of students are carried out on a competitive basis.

7.1.4. Translation and recovery can be carried out under the condition of a successful passage of an interim certification for the first period of study, except in cases: Restoration of students after deductions in connection with the call for military service in the Armed Forces

Of the Russian Federation or for the passage of alternative civil service;

7.1.5. The prerequisite for the translation and (or) student's restoration is the preparedness of the student to master the specific educational program, determined by the results of certification, except in cases: Restoration of students after deductions in connection with the call for military service to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation or to pass an alternative civil service; Transition (changes in the conditions of training) students with contractual (paid) basis of training on places financed by the federal budget budget allocations; Transition (changes in the conditions of training) students from places funded from the budget allocations of the federal budget, to the contractual (fee) basis of training.

7.1.6. Certification of students applying for translation or recovery is carried out in correspondence (by considering documents) or full-time (oral or written) form. The form of certification is established by the Academic Council of the Faculty. Establishing the requirement of certification in full-time when transferred (in cases specified in paragraphs, of these Rules) or recovery is allowed if the requirement for certification in full-time is established for students applying for a translation from other universities to the University (in the editorial office of the order of 05.02.2013 No. 349/1).

7.1.7. Mandatory conditions for translation and restoration to places financed by the budget allocations of the federal budget are: The presence of vacant places financed by the budget allocations of the federal budget, at the relevant course on this form of training on the relevant educational program, except for the case established by paragraph 7.4.2 of these Rules. The number of vacanant budget places for translation and recovery is defined as the difference between the control numbers of the corresponding year of reception and the actual number of students studying on the relevant educational

gramm in the profession, specialty, preparation and formation form at the relevant course. The total duration of the student's training should not exceed the term established by the university's curriculum for the relevant specialty (direction of training) for the development of the main educational program (taking into account the form of training), more than one academic year. The exception is cases of restoring students to re-pass the total state certification. When transferring students from other universities to the University of Exceptions can be allowed for certain categories of citizens in coordination with the founder of the University in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. When recovering or translating to the contractual (paid) basis of training, as well as when transferring from places funded from the budget allocations of the federal budget, to the contractual (fee) basis of training The total duration of the student's training may exceed the normative period of study by more than 1 year.

7.1.8. When translating and restoring, there may be a difference in curricula, which is subject to liquidation according to the rules of the elimination of academic debt. Academic debt arising when translating and (or) recovery should not exceed 10 disciplines (unless otherwise established by the order of the rector or the official authorized by him in accordance with the decision of the Academic Council of the Faculty),

and it can not be more than 50% of all curriculum disciplines.

7.1.9. In order to eliminate the student of academic debt arising from translation and recovery, a student is provided with an individual schedule for testing and examinations in the manner prescribed by these Rules.

7.1.10. Restarting the results of training and periods of training when translating and recovery is carried out in the manner prescribed by the order of the rector or other officials authorized by the rector.

7.1.11. The translation and restoration of students is carried out by order of the rector or an official authorized by him on the basis of the decision of the Central Commission on Translation and Recovery, decorated by the relevant protocol. The transition (change in the conditions of training) of a student studying at the contractual (paid) basis to places funded by the budget allocations of the federal budget is made by the order of the rector or the official authorized by him on the basis of the decision of the decision-making committee

about the transition from paid training for free, drawn up

announced protocol.(Paragraph in the editorial office of the order of 01/21/2015 №150 / 1).

Restoration of students, as well as the translation of students in cases provided for in paragraphs -,, of these Rules, produced twice a year before the start of training periods. The translation of the students listed in paragraphs,, with a contractual (paid) basis of training on places funded by the budget allocations of the federal budget, is made in accordance with the schedule established by the Vice-Rector for Academic Wear.

7.1.12. The procedure for transferring students with the contractual (paid) basis for the federal budget, which is provided for by these Rules, applies to foreign citizens, which, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, have the right to study at the university at the expense of the fiscal allocations of the federal budget.

7.1.13. The Central Commission on Translation and Recovery and Commission for Decision Decisions on the Transition from Paid Learning on Free, the procedure for their work, deadlines, as well as a list of documents necessary for submitting applicants for translation and restoration, and the reception time of documents are established by order of the rector or authorized by him Officer. The Central Commission on Translation and Recovery, the Commission on Decision Decisions on the Transition from Paid Learning, the chairman of the Student Council (Council of students) of the University, as well as the Chairman of the Trade Union Organization of Students and Postgraduate Students


7.1.14. In case of passing the timing of the reception of documents, documents are accepted and discussed at the next meeting of the Central Commission on Translation and Recovery, Decision Commission

about transition from paid training for the free on which it is authorized to consider questions about the relevant translation or restore

. (Paragraph in the editorial office of the order of 01/21/2015 №150 / 1).

7.1.15. Information on the number of vacancies of budget places (including for translation with the contractual (paid) basis of training on places funded by the budget allocations of the federal budget) is mandatory published on the official website of the university in the section "Educational activities". Mandatory publication on the official website of the University in the section "Educational activities" are also subject to the minutes of meetings of the Central Commission on Translation and Recovery and the Commission for the Adoption of Decisions on the Transition from Paid Training

free on free.(Paragraph in the editorial office of the order of 01/21/2015 №150 / 1).

7.1.16. The translation of the student from the places funded by the budget allocations of the federal budget, to the contractual (paid) basis, is made by order of the rector or authorized by it

individuals without making decisions by the Central Commission on Translation and Recovery or Commission for making decisions on the transition from paid training for free until the basis of the foundation for the contribution

this student.(Paragraph in the editorial office of the order of 01/21/2015 №150 / 1).

7.2. Student translation conditions

(in the editorial office of the order of 02.09.2013 No. 3110/1)

7.2.1. Translation of the student to another educational program, with the contractual (paid) basis of training on places funded by the fiscal allocations of the federal budget, changing the student of the form of training (except for changing the form of education with full-timeemployment or absentee and internally contamination at absentee): It is carried out under the condition of successful passage of interim certification for previous periods of learning. Not carried out during the period of passage of interim certification.

7.2.2. The translation of students from other universities to the university is carried out at the time of DKA established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and these Rules.

7.2.3. The translation into the university is possible from universities with state accreditation at the time of filing a student of the translation statement. The translation of students learning in non-accredited higher educational institutions is not made to the university.

7.2.4. The translation of students of other universities to the university for graduation rate is not produced.

7.2.5. The translation of students of other universities, students on the contractual (paid) basis, to the University of Places funded by the fiscal allocations of the federal budget is not produced.

7.2.6. When transferring to the university, a student studying in another university in places funded at the expense of budget allocations of the federal budget has the right to participate in the competition for translate both places funded by the fiscal budget allocations (if available) and on the contractual ( Paid) basis.

7.2.7. The translation of the student with the contractual (paid) basis of training on places funded at the expense of the fiscal allocations of the federal budget is made on a competitive basis in the presence of vacant budget places at the relevant course on this form of training on the relevant educational program.

7.2.8. The right to transfer from the contractual (paid) basis of training on places funded at the expense of budget allocations of the federal budget, the following students have at the time of filing


Hello. I am at the moment a second-year student of the Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don) of the Institute of Philology, journalism and intercultural communication. My faculty is called "Pedagogical education with two profiles (Russian and English)". My faculty involves the training of teachers of the Russian language with the right to teach literature, as well as teachers of English, as well as the Russian language as a foreign language. I would like to translate to St. Petersburg State University, but unfortunately, I don't know what the faculty can accept me, because my current specialty is not trained anywhere. I have already studied and still learns such disciplines as grammar and phonetics of English, modern Russian, Old Slavonic, Latin, Latinization, Pedagogy and Psychology. Unfortunately, the second foreign language is not studied at our faculty. Tell me, at what faculty in St. Petersburg State University I may be able to translate.

Tell me, please, is it possible to translate from another university after the winter session?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Answer I.O. The first visor on educational and educational work of St. Petersburg B Babelabelk Catherine Gennadyevna:

About translation

Training in St. Petersburg State University is not carried out in faculties, but by the main and additional educational programs.

The translation into St. Petersburg State University is possible subject to the successful passage of intermediate certification for the preceding period of study. The academic difference that arises as a result of the translation, should not exceed 10 disciplines, the academic difference is determined on the basis of the teaching and methodological examination after submitting documents. The translation is carried out according to the results of certification. Translation is possible with vacant places.

Documents may be transferred to employees of the Commission on the reception of documents at the appropriate direction either in electronic form through the "Personal Account".

The academic difference that may arise as a result of translation is determined by the authorized staff of St. Petersburg State University on the basis of training. When calculating the academic difference, taking into account the results of educational and methodological examination, disciplines are determined to be offset, as well as the volume and structure of academic debt to be liquidated. The number of disciplines constituting the academic difference is calculated taking into account the names, content, complexity of the disciplines studied, as well as the forms of certification on disciplines.

The academic difference arising from translation is surrendered to the individual schedule for testing and examinations provided in accordance with Chapter 4.4 of the Rules of Learning on the main educational programs of higher and secondary vocational education in St. Petersburg State University, approved by the order of the rector of 08/16/2012 No. 3480 /one .

Information on the number of vacant seats is published on the official portal of SPbSU no later than the working day preceding the day of the meeting of the Commission on the reception of documents in order to carry out translations and recovery in the appropriate direction.

With information on the work of the Central Commission on Translation and Recovery and Commissions for Receiving Documents in 2015, you can familiarize yourself.

With information about the work of the Central Commission on Translation and Recovery and Commissions for Receiving Documents in 2016, you can find on the SPbSU website in December 2015.

About educational programs

You can translated into St. Petersburg State University to any basic educational program, including in the directions of "Linguistics" and "Philology". Information about the programs to which St. Petersburg State University carried out in 2015 is posted on

Question: Hello, Ekaterina Gennadevna! My name is Lily Romanovna. I am Mom Shigapova Nelly Minelev, 2-year student of the philological faculty, "Linguistics", "Foreign Languages" Profile "Italian".
Question: Maybe translate my daughter with a paid budget? If I am a pensioner in old age, I do not work as a state of health, I get a pension 10 000 rubles plus 1000 rubles. For a child, the husband has a salary of 20,000 rubles, on the trail. Year is retired, and 10 00 rub The pension of my mom, the daughter does not work, because Learn in the day office. As a result, there are 40-45 thousand on average, sometimes they rarely give a premium to her husband.
The daughter passed the exams and standings all three semesters on "4" and "5", but so far it does not work with the translation. We have ended all the stocks of money, and no one has no one. The daughter has always studied perfectly, counted what will go to the budget. Is it possible to translate it to the budget like a low-income? If so, what are the submission of documents and when? Thank you.

Answer of the first visor for educational, extracurricular and educational work of St. Petersburg B Babelabuity Catherine Gennadyevna

In accordance with paragraph 7.2.8, the rules of training on the main educational programs of undergraduate, specialist, magistracy and secondary vocational education in St. Petersburg State University, approved by the Order of the First Protector for educational, extracurricular and educational work on January 29, 2016 No. 470 / 1 ", translating from places with payment of the cost of training on places financed by the budget allocations of the federal budget, the following students may claim:

  • students who have surrendered exams for the last two semesters of study preceding the submission of the application, on the valuation "excellent" or "excellent" and "good" or "good";
  • children's orphans, children left without parental care, faces from among orphans and children left without parental care;
  • citizens under the age of twenty years having only one parent - disabled I group, if the secondary income of the family is below the subsistence minimum established in the relevant subject of the Russian Federation;
  • students who have lost in the period of studying one or both parents (legal representatives) or the only parent (legal representative).

According to clause 7.1.3 of the Rules of Learning, the translation and restoration of students are carried out on a competitive basis in the presence of vacancies.

Information on the number of vacancies is published on the official portal of SPbSU no later than the working day preceding the day of the meeting of the Commission on the receiving documents in order to carry out translations and recovery in the appropriate direction.

The next meeting of the Central Commission on Translation and Recovery will take place on February 10, 2017 before the beginning of the spring training semester of the 2016/2017 academic year. Reception of documents is carried out from 12.12.2016 to 30.01.2017 (inclusive). Documents can be transferred to the members of the commission for receiving documents at the appropriate direction, or in electronic form through the "Personal Account".

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Question: Please tell me under what conditions can you go with a paid basis on the budget? Thank you.

The response of the vote for the academic work of Bachelik Catherine Gennadyevna: In accordance with paragraph 50 of the Charter of St. Petersburg State University, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2010 No. 1241, students of St. Petersburg State University, students studying at the contractual (paid) basis, have the right to transfer to places funded at the expense of the federal budget. In this case, the translation is carried out in the manner prescribed by the corresponding local act of St. Petersburg State University.
Regulations on the procedure for the translation of students, changes in the conditions of development by students of educational programs and recovery in the number of students in St. Petersburg State University, approved by the order of the rector of 09.02.2005 No. 139/1 (edited by orders from September 18, 2009 No. 1601/1, of January 27, 2010 No. 87 / 1, from 03/25/2011 No. 773/1) (hereinafter referred to as the order on the procedure for translation), it was established that the right to transfer from the contractual (paid) basis of training on places funded at the expense of the federal budget, the following students have:
1. First of all, students who have evaluations are only "well", and / or "excellent", "credited" based on the results of the interim certification following the last two semesters;
2. Students who have evaluated "excellent", "good", "satisfactory", "credited" in case of exceptional circumstances, his parents or spouse lost the possibility of paying training.
If there has been loss of payment of training, this circumstance is confirmed by the following documents:
- documents on the formulation of one or both parents of the student as an unemployed;
- documents on the formulation of a student as an unemployed (for students of correspondence and part-time forms of training);
- documents on obtaining disability by a student, his parent, spouse;
- other documents.
Translation into the budget learning basis is carried out on a competitive basis. In this case, the prerequisite for the transfer is the presence of vacant places funded by the federal budget, on the relevant educational program for this form of training (by year of admission). You can get acquainted with the Regulations on the order of translation on the website of St. Petersburg State University in the "Student" section.
Making decisions on the transfer of students with the contractual (paid) basis for training on places funded at the expense of the federal budget is assigned to the authority of the Central Commission on Translation and Recovery. Applications and documents for translation must be submitted to the Commission for receiving documents in order to carry out translations and recovery in the appropriate direction.
The deadlines for submission of documents and the date of meetings of the Central Commission on Translation and Recovery are established by the order of 07.12.2011 No. 4428/1 "On the procedure and schedule of work of the Central Commission on Translation and Restorations and Commissions for receiving documents in order to carry out translations and recovery in 2012," With which you can find on the official website of St. Petersburg State University in the "Student" section.

In connection with the entry into force of the Rules for training on the main educational programs of higher and secondary vocational education in St. Petersburg State University, approved by the order of I.O. Rector from 08/16/2012 №3480 / 1, this answer has lost the relevance.