Repairs Design Furniture

Cabinet for one-room apartment 18 sq. M. Options for the placement of furniture in one-room apartment, designer tips. Last "Pisk" Designer Fashion - Studio Room

The living room is the main room in any apartment. Here we encounter guests, celebrating the celebrations and just spend time with your family.

Since more time in this room is performed, the living room should be very cozy, comfortable and functional.

Now the interest in the design of apartments has grown, individuality in the premises is of great importance. The most common dimensions of the living room are 18 square meters. m.

What could be the living room of 18 square meters. The photo shows best.

However, to the interior in such a room, it is necessary to approle it correctly, so just photos of design projects are not enough to realize some idea.

Popular interior design styles

As statistics shows, the living room of 18 square meters is especially common. m in Russia and countries former USSR. Most often it is all famous knitting.

Among the inhabitants of such apartments are particularly popular to accommodate the living room in the classic (traditional) style.

Working out the design of the living room of 18 square meters. m. In traditional style, special attention is paid to the comfort, the functionality of the room. As a rule, a family vacation is held in the living room, so the sofa, TV in the room. The owners here are exhibiting a family rarity, Crystal - everything should be in sight.

Not a simple task to combine new trends in the design and functionality assigned to this room. Traditional design just implies a combination of all aforementioned. Despite the fact that in this style there is a generalization of all eras, it never comes out of fashion and does not lose its attractiveness.

This designer plan is characterized by a combination of details of the following epochal styles:

  • Rococo;
  • Classicism;
  • Italian Renaissance;
  • Baroque.

Of course, there is a modern interpretation of the classic style. The atmosphere also seizes family heat: photos of family members with commemorative moments are posted, souvenirs and crafts are placed around the room.

There is a creative disorder that is combined with a clear and symmetric arrangement of all items. In such a living room, you always want to spend time together with your family and friends.

Basic rules for design

Before you start updating the room, it is worth deciding with its purpose. Here important factors Performs the number of family members, their age characteristics.

It is necessary to take into account the number of items that need to be placed in the living room. The living room can perform a bedroom for some of the tenants or rarely used.

It is necessary to pay attention to all these nuances, because the need for each family members matters.

Optical increase

The area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 18 square meters. m, not the most spacious. In the planning of such apartments, as a rule, low ceilings. It is necessary to visually increase the space using the color gamut, textiles, competent furniture arrangement.

Ceilings and lighting

Highlighting the interior of the living room of 18 square meters. m., Special attention should be paid to the design of the ceilings. For the ceiling, it is necessary to choose a light color range, and cold non-latch shades are also possible.

Such colors visually increase the space.

Lighting plays a very significant role when creating an interior. Optically increase the space will help the use of several types of lighting. They can perform, sconces, flooring, table lamps, ceiling backlight around the perimeter.

Especially effective in this case will be spotlights on multi-level ceilings. This is original, stylish and performs the main function - visually increases the room, the ceilings seem higher.

Walls expanding space

As in the case of the ceiling, when choosing a color gamut of walls for the living room, dark shades should be avoided. To visually expand the room, it is better to use pastel shades:

  • Shades of beige;
  • Sand;
  • Color coffee with milk.

When using such a color gamma, the room becomes more cozy, spacious, lighter.

Today, individuality is in the foreground when choosing a design, and simply pastel tones of walls and ceilings may seem boring and ordinary to someone. If you want to give individuality to a small room, complete the room with contrasts.

It is enough to paint one of the walls in a longer shade, which will be combined with the color range of the rest of the walls.

For example, one wall of more rich coffee-colored will look at the walls of the ivory. This will create the effect of the expansion effect we need, as well as give depth and individuality.

Covers for walls (wallpaper, painting, primer) It is better to choose with vertical stripes. Such a trick contributes to an increase in the height of the walls.

Paul choice

Now the designers are actively used in the interior of zoning techniques, it gives the functionality of the room, but at the same time, with an illiterate approach, it can make the room even less.

Do not advise the use of partitions and shirms in such a living room. It is better to place a small carpet that will be combined with the rest of the decor in the room.

Tools that will help visually give an increase in Square:

Not the best solution will be the installation of doors in a small living room, they will look rude. Better doorway decorate beautiful curtains or arch;

For some, the extension of the doorway is convenient. Just do not forget that this requires an official permit;

Today, the union of the room in the apartment is common due to the demolition of the walls. In this way, it is possible to achieve an optimal increase in space;

It will be correct to increase the visual room due to transparent doors and large windows.

Choice of furniture

Furniture select a simple and functional, in order to create a feeling of lightness. It is preferable if it is transparent and also bright shades. The best choice will be the wardrobe. With a large mirror, the cabinet will expand the visual perception of the room.

You can play on the contrast of colors, the main thing in that case does not rearrange and do not overshable the design.

It is not necessary to highlight the space with small baubles, if possible, remove them. If you still need to place a variety of accessories, give preference to niche shelves.

Selected competent design of the living room of 18 square meters. m. - This is comfort and pleasant family evenings.

Photo of living room design 18 square. m.

Starting repair in the living room, you need to understand exactly what style solutions Suitable for this room. It should be repeated from the area and form of the room, the height of the ceilings and the level of natural lighting. Choosing the interior of the living room of 18 sq m in panel housePhotos of various design options can be spacked on the Internet.

Simple design in the interior of the living room

Repairs in a typical panel house has its own nuances. In many series, uncomfortable planning, low ceilings, and hanging beams. Create beautiful interior In such a room, it is not easy, especially when the area is limited to 18 square meters. Take care of the organization of space. Do not clutter the room, give up excess decoration, and then your apartment will receive a living room, which can be proud of right.

Living Room in Brown Tones

Color solutions

In the panel houses, the ceiling height rarely exceeds the size of 2.75 m. Often there are ceilings with a height of 2.55 m. They have significantly eaten space. And if the size of the room is less than 20 square meters, then it seems close. To visually expand the room, bright colors use in typical living rooms. The most common options are:

Pastel gamma

These are soft tones, such as beige, pink, marble, gentle green, light gray. They will give your home atmosphere of calm comfort and visually harmonize space;

Bedding Tones in the interior of the living room

Cold gamma

It is recommended for rooms, the windows of which come out on the south. Cold shades are considered blue, graphite-gray, red, black, white. Using them for interior decoration, you can play contrast. Another option is monochrome solutions when the room is withstanding in different shades of one color;

Living room in white tones

It is an optimal option for different style solutions. It is characterized by such colors as brown, honey, cherry, terracotta, deep yellow, dark green. These colors create a cozy space with a calm atmosphere

Living Room in the Natural Gamma

Note!If the living room has rectangular shape (typical for houses 137 and 606 series), it can be visually expanded. For this, narrow walls are covered with light wallpaper, and wide - dark.

Style solutions

Choosing a seating style with a living room in size in eighteen meters, pay attention to its area. The interior should not be redundant. For example, the baroque in the panel house will not look too appropriate. Lepunina, velvet and huge tapestries are fried for a typical apartment. The style of Provence, despite all its freshness, is also not suitable. This solution for a spacious country house in a typical apartment will look inappropriate.

Minimalism living room

The most organic design for the central room of 18 meters will be simple, but elegant solutions. They do not exclude the elements of comfort and playfulness, but serve them dosed in more strict processing. So, consider the most popular style solutions for a small living room:


The style that received its birth in Canada, where in the 19th century there was an excess of empty production premises. Apartments began to equip them, while maintaining the primary flavor.

For Loft style, brick walls are characterized by brick walls (or imitation under the brick), comfortable sofas from plush fabrics, iron racks, extraordinary decorative elements. First of all, it is a male style, but if you add a couple of transition elements to it, such as curtains from a structural organza or a wall from family photos, then it is quite suitable for the design of the common room.

Loft Living Room

The interior, desposed in this style, helps to expand the space, because everything is cleaned of the room. It is characterized by minimum furniture, glossy surfaces and closed storage systems. This version of the living room is not as low as it may seem.

Style Minimalism Living Room

So that the room does not turn into the Asklet Clay, it is necessary to use expensive decoration Materials with high-quality surface structure. If it is a glossy panel, then laminated with a self-filling method, and not a polyethylene film, which is dug in half a year. The use of chipboard is permissible, but only for cabinet frames. Facades must be made of natural wood. Another option that is admissible in such interiors - plastic. Facades, countertops and other elements of furniture are made of it. Plastic should be the highest quality with a surface resistant to the appearance of scratches.

With the advent of network Swedish stores, this style in our country has become very popular. He is simple and cozy at the same time, does not prescribe and creates a feeling of a real family hearth in the room. For him are characteristic warm shades, Natural materials and traditional patterns.

Scandinavian style in the living room

Living room in Scandinavian style

Scandinavian style can not but like. Light colors and cute details create a pleasant atmosphere in the house. A large number of storage systems that are so loved by scandinavians will help streamline chaos even in a small living room intended for a large family. It is characterized by the use of large number Home textiles. Carpets, tracks, bedspreads, blankets, tulle - with accessories this interior can be adjusted for every taste.

Very important!The style of the common room must like everyone who lives in the apartment. Before starting repairs, collect the Family Council and find out the opinion of your household about the upcoming changes. Everyone must be comfortable in the updated interior.

To make a living room you can choose any style. The most important thing is that it be fully resistant within the same room and combined with the interior of the whole apartment.


In typical houses, the central room often has several assignments. It is used not only as a living room. Often there is a kitchen in it, arrange a temporary bedroom or a guest room. Depending on the purpose of use, the zoning of this room is carried out.

Zoning living room area

common room

If there is enough space in the apartment, then one room is distinguished as a living room. In this case, it is easier to divide it into zones, they are not so much. First of all, in the common room, there is a place to relax, where there is a sofa, chairs and a TV. To designate the boundaries of this zone, steals the carpet or allocate this place by changing outdoor coating.

Another option is the wall decor. For example, there are rectangular columns from drywall, they create vertical installations from family photos around the sofa.

Original design in the living room

Scandinavian style in the interior

Often in the common room allocate the work area where the computer table or the hobby table is installed. If they do not fit into general concept Design, you can separate them with a screen or shelving. When the design of the living room room is 18 sq. M photo with a balcony, the work area is often organized there. Another way to highlight the seat under the room in the living room is to put a table in a niche between the cabinets and close it with the sliding door-compartment.

Living room combined with bedroom

This is the most common option of using the living room in modern panel houses. You can organize a sleeping zone in several ways that organically fit into the interior of the common room:

Lifting bed

In the folded position, this is a wardrobe that does not take up much space due to its shallow depth. In order to increase the functionality of this object of furniture, choose a mirror facade;

Lifting bed in the living room

Sofa bed.

It can have a simple or angular shape. At night, he is laid out in sleeping place, in the afternoon it is a subject of furniture for general use;

Folding sofa in the interior of the living room

Bedroom on the second floor

For those who want to have a separate sleeping place, designers have come up with such original solution. In the room you can build a second floor, placing it above the working area or a seating area. In a room of 18 meters, it should not be too overall, otherwise it will be closely in the room.

Bed on the second floor in the living room

A budget option of the second floor will be the purchase of a attic bed. It is installed in the living room above the sofa and is used as a separate bed.

Planning the interior of the living room of 18 sq. M photo in a panel house, often provide a place under the bedroom. If you have to combine two spaces in one, try to leave zones free from furniture. They will get rid of you from the feeling of clutter space.

Tip!If you retain part of furniture from the old interior, it will have to modify. She must fit perfectly in new design. To do this, the old sofa is dragging, using a tone of new furniture. Lockers, tables and shelfs paint or decorated using decoupage.


Designer stroke, which is very often used for decoration of walls in small rooms. You can put a TV, a music system or a collection of beloved vases in a niche. This element of the decor is made from the hypot, increasing the wall thickness over its entire surface. Separate elements Cut, lateral sections are sewn, thus creating a structural surface.

Small niches in the interior of the living room

The inner part of the niche can be covered with contrasting wallpaper or put there corresponding to the size of the mirror. This technique of wall design is especially used in panel houses, where ceiling beams They hang over the wall, not allowing to pull the suspended ceiling.


Panel houses, in the main mass, were built 30 years ago. The inner walls and partitions have done themselves significantly, during repair they will have to be restored. To achieve a modern standard, the wall will have to align. This can be done with plaster or use special building materials. For decoration of walls in a panel house, most often use:

Wall panels

The cheapest option is plastic. These panels are very easy to install. They are consistently attached to the guide, creating a single cloth. There are also wooden and tissue panels that usually make out the lower half of the room.

Wall panels in the interior of the living room


For public rooms, it is recommended to use a strong wallpaper based on Flizelin. Another option is structural paper coatingswhich includes various composite elements, such as stone crumb, bamboo and straw.

This wall cover is the most diligent. It can be painted and washed. Apply most often in rooms with a very uneven surface of the walls, textured plaster Helps hide this deficiency.

Texture plaster in the interior of the living room


Ceiling decoration sets the tone to the whole room. In a small living room, it is painted in bright colors, creating a feeling of space. The number of lamps is calculated individually, and depends on the natural level of illumination and the preferences of the owners of the apartment. For the design of the ceiling in the panel house the following materials are recommended:


With it, you can create ceilings the most complex structures. But at the square of the room at 18 meters, it is not necessary to get involved in the journey of levels. If there are discover beams in the living room, they should be sewn into horizontal boxes, walking parallel to the ceiling plane. Smooth ceiling is sewn into one level, trying to save space.

Multi-level flexible ceiling in the living room

the cloth

Stretch ceilings in the living room of 18 sq. M have many advantages. They visually expand the space, quickly installed, protect against leaks. When choosing stretch ceilings, pay attention to the smell: if they dramatically smell chemistry, from this tissue it is necessary to refuse.


Plastic wall panels Many are used to design the ceilings. This option allows you to mimic various surfaces (wood, marble). They are quickly mounted and look carefully and practical.

Panels on the ceiling in the living room

Selection of furniture for living room 18 meters

  • After the repair is completed, the furniture is chosen in the living room. The whole family has to be collected in this room, so you need to take care of good sofa. It can have any shape, most importantly - the number seating must correspond to the number of family members;
  • You can organize additional places. Put a pair of chairs or put on a low chest of drawn mattress in beautiful case. In an invisible place on the wall you can hang a couple of folding chairs for unexpectedly coming guests;
  • The table is another mandatory attribute of the living room. If it is used as a dining room, choose big table Round or square shape. Another option is a transformer table that can be up to the size of the coffee table and do not take a lot of space;
  • The living room necessarily provide for storage space. These can be modern servants, open racks or closed systems. The main thing is that they do not clutter the space and combined with the rest of the furniture;
  • The final accumulation of repair in the living room becomes the choice of curtains and other home textiles. If you like privacy, choose the "Black Out" curtains, through which the silhouettes of people in the apartment are not visible. For fans of light and air, a transparent veil with a fantasy ornament or an organza with a pattern is suitable;
  • On the floor you can put a wear-resistant carpet. Joutow coatings are considered a good option for the common room, as they have a dirt-repellent effect.

Functional furniture in the interior of the living room

By creating the interior in the living room, feel free to embody your ideas and wishes in it, because it is your room, and in it you will spend a lot of time. But the sense of measure does not hurt - do not get carried away with bright colors and a variety of patterns, they will be annoyed in a couple of months.

Photo Gallery (54 photos)

Living rooms 18 sq. M are very often found in apartment buildings "Khrushchev" building. And if we consider that such houses make up about ten percent of the entire residential foundation Russian FederationYou can make a reasonable conclusion that the topic associated with the design of such rooms will not lose popularity for a long time. The interior of the living room of 18 square meters must be issued, thinking all to the smallest detail. Especially if the room needs to produce zoning and separate the working area, the recreation area and others.

Because, as a rule, in "Khrushchev" apartments, highly specialized rooms are luxury. In our article we will look at the features of the design of the living room of 18 sq. M. Let us give examples of design styles suitable for rooms of such a square. Talk about choosing and ratio color Tints In the design of the living room. And we will tell about the selection and arrangement of interior items in the room for receiving guests.

What to pay attention to the seafood in 18 sq m?

Before giving some tips on choosing the interior design of a living room of 18 meters, we decided to focus on the main nuances. They matter in any case. No matter what design you will select.

  1. Living room with an area of \u200b\u200b18 sq. M is not called spacious. Therefore, planning her interior decoration, try to use all useful space as efficiently as possible. At the same time, you must create the impression that the room is spacious enough and in no case to clutter its space.
  2. In the color decoration, the living room is predominantly using light tones. Because they visually expand the room space. And the dark colors are better to use point. In order to emphasize the attention of guests on a specific interior item.
  3. Do not use lush and bulk textiles, especially the curtains. Since the fabrics with lush folds, volumetric decor visually "grind" space. And the room seems less than its true size. It is better to use simpler curtains. Unless of course it allows you to style.
  4. If you make a stylistic concept, you can use glossy surfaces when placing walls and ceiling of the living room. Reflective surfaces visually expand the space of the room and make it lighter.
  5. If you need to divide the living room to the functional zones, you can use special color design and point backlight for such separation.

We decorate the living room in the classic style

Of course, the classic style of the interior design of the living room is unlikely to ever endure popularity, it is not disputed. But the classic prefers space - this is also a well-known fact, is it possible to accommodate the classic interior in the living room with an area of \u200b\u200b18 square meters? It turns out quite possible, you only need to take into account a number of features.

  • 18 sq m is drawn up only in bright colors, all variations of a classic style in dark color will reduce the already small space. You can use bright shades of red, gold, bronze, beige, sandy and other similar colors.
  • Choose a classic chandelier so that it corresponds to the size of the room and the ceiling height, that is, it was not too big and did not hang too low from the ceiling. First, it is ugly, and secondly, tall guests can hit her head.
  • From classic cabinet furniture will have to either completely refuse, or choose more compact and functional options. Currently, manufacturers offer excellent options for compact cabinet furniture, which is framed in accordance with the classic canons, but at the same time takes a few useful space, so play the goal and look.
  • The placement of upholstered furniture may occur complexity. Since, for example, a sofa in a classic style - the thing is quite overall, and from the option to put it in the center of the room you can almost immediately refuse, as it will make it difficult to move in your living room with an area of \u200b\u200b18 sq. However, no one has canceled the option to place the sofa along the wall, In this case, it will be the most correct solution.

The design options in the classic style is quite a lot and so when you choose one of them and try to implement it, remember our advice, they will help you.

In the living room of 18 square meters you can make an excellent interior in style ethno. Any variation does not require scope, such as an African style. Small living rooms in African style look so sophisticated, and there is so comfortable in them that I absolutely do not want to leave this paradise.

It is especially comfortable to simulate a fireplace or its electrical option, a fluffy mat, stylized under the skin of the beast and a rathanage chair. So I want to settle in it with a newspaper and a cup of strong coffee.

Living room in style ethno will not require a large number of overall interior items. She does not require cabinet furniture, a huge corner sofa and a massive oak table. It is quite possible to restrict ourselves to wicker furniture, a small nonsense sofa and large quantity Decor elements: masks on the walls, wooden statuettes on the shelves, amulets and so on.

Eco design, there will no need a lot of space. It can very well fit into the living room with an area of \u200b\u200b18 sq m, while it is better to leave the central part of the room free and spread there a large green carpet, simulating a natural lawn - it looks like this variation is simply elegant and juicy.

In the living room in Eco-style should be as few artificial materials as possible, or rather, they certainly should be present in order to imitate natural. For example, laminate on the floor should be very good quality and resemble a parquet, and furniture, if it is done from synthetic materialsmust be like a wooden one.

As elements of the decor, it is necessary to use a large number of live plants or, in extreme cases, artificial, but very good quality.

Summing up, we note that the design of the living room of 18 sq m can create almost everyone. If you show patience, smelting, want to understand the features of the style you like, then the work on the design of the living room will only bring joy and definitely will not be for you in a burden.


Interior design of the living room of 18 square meters. m.

The interior of the living room directly plays an important role in the arrangement of a one-room or two-bedroom apartment. It can be said that the design of the living room is 18 square meters. m. that's business card owners, and she must match. Because we take guests there, rest, watch TV, in general, spend a lot of time there.

So let's try to treat it very seriously by blowing all the details and little things. For a start, it would be the most reasonable to determine what tasks the interior of the living room of 18 square meters. m. will be performed and then engaged zoning.

Selection of furniture and accessories

Living room with an area of \u200b\u200b18 square meters. m. It's not so much, as it may seem at first glance. Therefore, creating your own living room interior design, we advise you to pay attention to not deep and functional furniture. If you have low ceilings, you can buy high cabinets of light shades. You can also use original and beautiful shelves.

If you plan to place several zones, do not use bulky furniture, having overall armrests and large legs, the most applied in the chair. The living room provides a work area, you can use the furniture transformer.

Add your original living room design 18 square meters. m. You can modular patterns, vases, statuette, colors. The main thing is that they harmonize with the interior and did not overload the room.

Color solution and lighting

Possessing a small living room of 18 square meters. m. It is better to use bright and warm shades. They will help to visually increase the space and give ease of the room. Bright and contrasting elements also have a place to be.

The main thing is not fond of, otherwise the design of the living room of 18 square meters. m. turn into a beamless. In addition, the color sets the mood, then why not use such shades like: peach, beige, gently purple, blue, sandy. Thereby creating a warmth and cozy atmosphere.

With the right decoration of the light, you can achieve a visual increase in space and selection of zones. Also create a magic and cozy atmosphere.

For lighting, you can use a chandelier (taking into account its dimensions), point lamps, lamps, sconium oriented on the available areas and tasks that performs the room.

Room decoration

Liquid and photo wallpapers, Venetian putty, or painting, perfectly fit. Walls preferably light tones and harmony with furniture. For floor covering, use laminate, parquet, linoleum or carpet.

The floor can be both dark and light shade. The ceiling can be attached and have an additional backlight, or glossy for visual expansion. Basically the white shade ceiling or lighter for several ceiling tones.

Eco style in the living room

Creating an interior of a living room of 18 square meters. m. In eco-style, it is worth less use of artificial and synthetic materials, giving preference to the wood of expensive breeds and natural materials. For the color scheme, choose any shade of green and light tones. For decor, use live flowers. Textiles should be light and air, creating a feeling of nature and freshness.

Classic Living Room

Classic style in the interior. Never lose its popularity. This style loves space and luxury. Put it into an area of \u200b\u200b18 sq. M. m. This is not a simple task, but you can try. It is only worth using bright shades. For example, bronze, sand, gold.

Choose furniture is functional and small-sized. In the modern market there are many compact models. Lastra should choose not cumbersome, so that the room was not loaded. Textiles should be air and easy.

Minimalism in the interior of the living room

Minimalism style in the design of a living room of 18 square meters. m. Suitable for those who love simplicity and space. It is characterized by calm shades. For example, gray, white, beige.

This style provides for minimum use of furniture and accessories. Everything is the most necessary. Loft style is also suitable, a little similar minimalism.

Gorgeous style Provence in the interior

Provence style in the interior of a living room of 18 square meters. m. who transfers us into the past. This style does not tolerate the use of modern materials. He loves antique furniture or artificially old. Furniture Choose wooden and straight lines. It can also be decorated with hooks or bronze handles. Textiles decorated with ornaments in the form of flowers. For decoration, use vases, rural landscapes, paintings.


Selection of design for room 18 square meters: examples of a cozy living room

You need to start with the selection of material for the floor. It is best to use a homogeneous coating with one color. The same color must be used to cover the walls of adjacent rooms so that the space is combined with a single style, color and texture.

If you apply bright shades, you can sometimes use even dark colors, narrowing space by definition, - you will get a saturated depth, the room does not lose as a result, and the design of the living room of 18 sq m will only benefit from such a bold solution.

The visual and physical size of the room largely depends on the height of the ceiling, therefore you should not expect that in the low room you will feel spacious. In order to visually increase the height of the ceiling, you need to use a shade for it, which will be brighter. Also often use vertical strips on the walls, which also increase the height of the ceiling.

Role of lighting and decor

Multi-level lighting and bamboo wallpaper give the little bedroom warm and comfort. The interior of a small room will only benefit from the right light. If you have a desire to visual expansion of room space, then point lighting is considered to be the best option.

You can apply the trick with a false platform in which the backlight and lamps are installed. Even in the cold season, with their bright glow, an illusion is created that outside the window is the summer, not a cold winter.

It is better not to use an extra decor, staying on the functionality of the apartment. Therefore, you should not use heavy carpets, drapets from velvet, candlesticks, and the like. An important role is given to accessories, or rather, their absence. Do not put them all over the room, hoping that this will create some kind of unique atmosphere or style. You need to leave the most valuable and necessary for a vital space not lit up.

With a small square of the room best style It is considered to be minimalism for its design, and recommend paying attention to Japanese or Swedish minimalism, which carry exotic. When buying things for a small room, it is better to use the rule that one major part of the interior is better than ten small, which eat space and do not bring much benefit.

In case of good view From the window they advise not to use the curtains, which will make the room lighter, and the street will continue the interior. In this case, it is better to apply rolled curtains or Roman blinds.
We recommend you to see the example alteration of a small room on this video:

Zoning and redevelopment

As a rule, the small room performs the role of the living room in two- or three-bedroom apartmentTherefore, it is not used so often. Some resourceful designers prefer to modify the interior of the room of 18 sq. M.

For example, using drywall, you can select several square meters in order to make an office with a computer and a table. Sometimes a nursery is made from such a room. That is, you allocate certain functional zones in the room, turning it either to the place of rest or in workplace.

The location of the furniture along the walls can not be called rational use of space, since it is necessary to use not only horizontal, but also vertical space. You can create additional levels. If a narrow corridor leads to the room. You can hang the shelves there, which go up to the ceiling. They are very convenient to place books and things if you use them not so often.

To change the functionality and increase the useful space, you can make redevelopment, but for this you will need to do the room repair. For example, ordinary swing doors Can be replaced with sliding, as well as using built-in wardrobes. Popular now combined kitchens with living rooms allow you to increase the space, due to the absence of a wall. The entrance to the kitchen is usually separated in this case by a translucent curtain or partition.

To visually enlarge room space, mirror panels are used on the ceiling and walls. Such planes "spread" the walls, making the room wider visually. A similar result can be obtained using a wardrobe with sliding mirror doors to the entire wall.

Mirror panels on the walls will increase the lighting and space of a small room.

Source: Remboo.Ru

The most classic version of the interior of the living room of 18 square meters. M is a big sofa and located opposite the TV or home theater. But not necessarily follow stereotypes. In our turmoil, it can be more pleasant to relax in the living room in front of the fireplace, rather than in front of the TV. Another good idea will be the installation of aquarium. Such a situation will contribute to a pleasant conversation.

This interior design option is applicable if the living room is 18 square meters. M performs only its basic function. But, unfortunately, in modern apartment buildings, the living room can serve both children's and bedrooms, and a cabinet, and in addition to this mass of other functions. The output in this case will be zoning space, that is, the separation of the interior on the functional zones, 18 square meters. m completely allow you to do it.

Most often, the living room is combined with a dining area, and one of the most popular zoning methods is the allocation of functional zones with various colors. For dining part, designers advise to use such colors as golden, red, yellow and others. Such colors will create a pleasant atmosphere in the dining area, which has a conversation. For the second part, the shades of green and blue will be suitable, as they calm and contribute to relaxation.

Professionals give a lot of lights regarding the interior design of the living room of 18 square meters. m. Here are the main of them.

  • WallsThe design of the walls to a large extent determines how a person in the room will feel. Since the living room is still created for recreation, the walls should be issued accordingly. For them, calm bright tones are best suited. If you are going to use the use of zoning space, then be sure to take into account the fact that the colors of the walls in different zones should be combined with each other. If you want to decorate the walls with pictures or photos, then their style must match general style Registration.
  • FurnitureTo the selection of furniture for the living room of 18 square meters. M should also be suitable very seriously. It should be as functional as possible and not clutch the room. Best of all, if it is located at the edges of the room, leaving the middle of the room free. In addition, the furniture must please the eye, since it is in this room guests are located. A good solution for decoring the interior of a living room of 18 square meters. m may become a bar counter, if the living room serves as the dining area function. If the living room houses the dining table, then it must fit into the overall design of the interior design. If the family is very large, and the table of suitable size will be held on an area of \u200b\u200b18 square meters. m too much space, then it is worth thinking about the purchase of a folding table, which will be needed when the whole family will be assembled.
  • Winding and window designIt is best to make 2 types of lighting: bright chandelier and non-lamp lights around the perimeter. The chandelier will create a solemn atmosphere, and the lamps are intimate. If there are several zones in the living room, it is best to highlight each separately, for example, a place for reading or bar counter. If we talk about the design of windows, then we can say that now in the fashion elegant design. Do not drape windows with a large number of tissues, it is best to choose modest curtains from natural fabrics or bamboo blinds.


Living room design 18 square meters. M.

We start with full cleaning of the room from all extra. Remote old furniture, Remove the plinth, get rid of linoleum and wallpaper. If the room proportions are not too harmonious, correct the situation with the help of small designer tricks. Plasterboard partitions have a property to visually reduce the length of the room and create an additional volume in the room. Such structures are installed in the middle of the longitudinal wall. Another reception successful design The living room is 18 m, as in the photo, & mdash, the correct placement of furniture. One end wall is a sofa, and the second is a wardrobe.


As for the walls, the best solution will be their painting in pastel tones - dairy, caramel, chocolate, which attach the hue of comfort and rest. Of course, before this should carefully prepare the surface of the walls with the help of universal primer and putty.

You can place fashionable accents in the design of the living room of 18 m2 and visually increase the height of the room using wallpapers having a vertical pattern - for example, strips of various shades. Such wallpaper should be plasterboard partitions. The effect will complement the glossy tension film of a warm chocolate shade on the ceiling, which will reflect the wallpaper pattern.

Video on the topic:Interior design of the living room of 18 square meters. m.


Dark coffee laminate with a good pronounced texture and light matte brilliance will serve as a good background for the updated interior design of 18 squares living room. In addition, such a coating is very practical - not deformed, does not fade in the sun and has high resistance to the formation of spots.


Elegant textiles for a small living room can be kept in a fairly classic style: for example, a transparent chocolate tint organza looks good in combination with a light striped web. Such a design decision will give the interior of the room a special charm.


An integral attribute of the updated room is the doors - an option in a minimalist style is ideal for a similar interior. The rich color of the wood successfully shall the light glass, and the facade decorate the horizontal stripes.


Easy in the design of furniture can charm its harmony and elegance. The glossy panels of the dairy color as an insertion on the couch for video equipment perfectly combined with wooden elements, giving the interior atmosphere of home comfort. In addition, such stands are very functional, especially in little room: All discs, magazines will always be in order.

A comfortable dressing area can be represented by a compatible wardrobe of the universal destination, so the owners will be able to place here not only the items of their own wardrobe, but also other volumetric things of everyday. The rest of the furniture is selected exclusively at the discretion of customers - it can be like compact sofasand folding headsets.


Living room in 18 square meters - punishment or chance for designer thought?

Living room, hall - special, central room of any apartment or private house. The functional design of the living room is a meeting of guests, a joint spending of free time with family and friends.

Often, it is in this room that are the most expensive owners memorable things, interior items, and, of course, TV. In connection with these circumstances, careful layout of the living room design in the apartment. Taking into account the functions assigned to it - the main task to arrange modern and convenient housing.

Today, almost hundreds of various design solutions and projects of living rooms are available, taking into account any tastes, fashion trends, stylistic sympathies and materials.

Living room design options for 18 squares: styles, combinations, features

Interior design living room 18 sq m. obliges to consider three nuances:

  • proposed styles,
  • color solutions
  • the procedure for organizing space in the room.

The last decade is the most popular are options Living style styles:

Video on the topic:design living room in apartment 18 sq m Real design photo

  • Traditional or classical Style - combining the softness of interior lines and convenient location The necessary furniture, the absence of "courses", attracting the attention of elements that violate a single composition. The main thing is to take style - bring the maximum comfort and comfort by residents,
  • Style "Ni-Tech". From English phrases - "High Technology", high technologies. Raisins of this style are minimalist, strict functionality and modernity. High-tech is permeated with superhole lines, strict color decision, lack of abundance of furniture. The latter, in turn, has multifunctionality and practicalness in the design of the rooms,
  • Style modern - Experimental direction in design, welcoming amicing, non-standard furniture, interior items, not classic color solutions.

The above styles can be combined and intertwined in any individual designer solutions depending on tastes and preferences.

Universal Council when making a living room - the use of neutral colors (it is well known that light tonality visually increases the space, which is important in conditions and limited 18 sq.m.).

Light coloured The color of the walls can be emphasized when finishing their panel with a volume image, or combining different color palette with pictures. Bright colors Furniture and other interior items will also help dilute the monotony of a light solution.

With a small room size (up to 18 sq.m. inclusive) should be followed by such rules.

  • use light Paints for walls and ceiling: they visually expand the space, they will add more "air",
  • forget about large cabinets, replacing them with built-in racks and niches, on which you can place TV, musical instrument, books, etc.
  • « minimum Superior furniture is the maximum of free space. ": Sofa, chair / otfik, coffee table and no more.

Last "Pisk" Designer Fashion - Studio Room

Initially, studio rooms Appeared in America, as an option for designing the economical design of apartments of young families and creative intelligentsia.

Studio room is characterized minimalist approaches in the design of residential space, including the kitchen, living room and bathroom.

The existing space will make the creative abilities of the owners in the design and design of the room using partitions, sliding panels and other elements capable of light transformation.

The studio room will allow visually to increase the space, rationally place furniture and accessories.

Options of the rooms of such a plan quite a lot:

  • studio living room - kitchen - bathroom,
  • studio living room - Kitchen - Corridor (Hall)

Video on the topic:living Room Design 2016 Modern Ideas 18V
Studio room design allows zony The existing space, stylish and fashionably posting furniture, connect several design styles in a single residential room.

The studio room improvement should clearly define the ways of zoning space: with the help of color solutions of individual sites, the use of various textures and lines, furniture. The latter in the studios rooms are distributed around the perimeter of the walls.

However, it should be remembered that studio room The lot of creative personalities, and therefore when it designs it should be trusted to his taste and fantasy, not forgetting about convenience, functionality and style.

Living rooms with fireplace and balcony: Heat and space

Living room with fireplace - features :

  • maximum degree of comfort and home atmosphere,
  • high cost of arrangement,
  • the need to comply with fire safety measures.

Advice By arrangement:

  • install the fireplace not near the outdoor, but near the inland walls, in order to conserve heat,
  • before installing the fireplace, to carefully plan the placement of furniture,
  • in the living rooms up to 18 sq.m. establish the smallest size of the available fireplaces,
  • give preference to models of angular fireplaces.

Living room with balcony - specificity and features :

  • spatial increase Square after combining the room and the balcony,
  • good The degree of illumination of residential space,
  • the spaciousness and element of "air" indoors
  • compliance with the latest fashion trends in living room design.

Video on the topic:design living room photo in apartment 18 sq m photo

  • use the decoration of window frames and balcony doors,
  • select bright colors in the design of walls and ceiling, avoid dark, visually "eating" space,
  • use classic curtains
  • do not clutch the furniture passage from the living room to the balcony door and the window

Among the variety of design options - the main thing is to find your own!


Living room decoration 18 sq.m

As in most many houses, the center of any living room is a comfortable sofa and a TV on him, or more fashionable today, home theater. Many families especially in winter Year, spend in the living room in front of the TV all evening on the span.

In addition to the TV, due to the large flow of information, especially in big cities, in lately It became very popular to use in living room fireplaces, as well as aquariums - these are natural natural relaxants. They are able to calm the consciousness and give energy, after a rapid working day. Some families today refuse televisions in the living room or combine them with a fireplace or aquarium, which even more contributes to civilian evening conversations.

But all this in classic relevant only if you have a multi-room apartment or vacation homewhere every member of your family has its own separate room In which he can arrange everything as he wants to him.

Combined living room design 18 sq.m

Dining area and guest reception zone - Today it is the most common option zoning the living room. In order to implement such zoning, you can use special design techniques, very often one of these is the use of different colors in the design of different zones.

Therefore, that the dining area in the living room looked more self-sufficient better in its design to use, shades of red, yellow and golden colors, these colors are able to create a cozy relaxed atmosphere at the dining table.

The area of \u200b\u200brecreation, in the design of the living room of 18 sq.m, it is better to include either green or blue shades, these colors are able to remove fatigue and contribute to relaxation, after a bift working day.

Living Room Design Tips 18 sq.m Common color of walls in the living room

One of important moments In the design of the living room is the choice of color walls, since the walls most contribute to creating a certain atmosphere in the room. In modern living rooms most often use calm shades, they contribute to creating a comfortable, home furnishings in the room

Furniture for the living room

The living room is also a very important attribute of the living room, of course, the furniture is, but to pick it up and exercise alignment is as efficient, especially in combined living rooms. In addition to functionality, the furniture must be beautiful, do not forget that the living room is a place for receiving guests. Also in combined living rooms with a dining room, a bar rack will look very impressive. Plus it will be to the place, as long friendly conversations pass much more interesting with drinks

It is also worth paying special attention to the dining table in the living area, its design and sizes should be so that they do not get out of the overall room design. But what to do if the family is often held in the family, where a large number of guests are going, and there is no possibility to put a big table - in this case it is better to get a folding table that can be increased in size as needed.

Also very fashionable today is the style of minimalism in the interior. The advantages of it is that it implies minimum of furniture and other elements of the interior

Lighting living room 18 sq.m

The lighting of any living room should contribute to the creation of a homemade and heat aura, for the dining area there will be a very place for the location of a big chandelier, above the dining table, it will create a solemn bright decor.

Registration of windows living room 18 sq.m

In the design of windows today, curtains made of natural fabrics are very popular, as well as bamboo blinds. Use these materials depending on the overall living room situation, chief Principle - Do not straighten windows with big magnificent curtains, today in fashion elegant restraint.

The correct selection of the design of the living room of 18 sq.m will create in this room such an atmosphere that all family members will always be happy to gather in her with pleasure to spend time.


Little Living Design: Interesting Ideas and Practical Tips

The living room is part of the apartment, where every family member spends most of the time. After all, it is in it that we celebrate all holidays, we accept guests, spend the quiet evenings from the "favorite" TV. And therefore it is very important that this room is cozy, beautiful and comfortable.

Sometimes it is very difficult for an inexperienced person on a small living room area to accommodate and a soft, comfortable furniture and highlight the working area.

If you approach competently on this issue, it is possible to correctly plan the repair, finishing work, pick up the most necessary furniture, it is convenient to place it, then in the end it will turn out a magnificent living room.

With corner sofa

In each apartment, in the living room, the sofa is the main or central place. Today the choice of upholstered furniture is huge.

Sofas are different in shape, and in size, and in appearance. For many, still remains a beloved and comfortable form of an angular sofa, it is she who can fit all family members, and if necessary, the use of furniture can be used for sleep.

But before you buy a bulky attribute to think about whether the dimensions of the room allow such a sofa. Of course, a corner sofa looks solid, but choosing it take into account the living room area, and the fact that another furniture will be in the room, and of course, there should be free space into the room.

If you are dealing with a combine room combined, then we recommend getting acquainted with the article - the partition between the kitchen and the living room. If you like the combined room, and you just want to choose the right design, you will help you on the design of the kitchen design combined with the living room.

Living room 18kv.m.

So, in the living room, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 18 square meters. m. The main task is the economical placement of furniture, things, as well as the right color combination. For a small living room, it is appropriate to use bright shades for walls, ceilings. But if you still want bright shades, you can restrict ourselves to one wall.

If your solution is reproach, then here you can "transfer doorways", or combine the room with a long room. If you do not redevelop, you can install mobile partitions, it is they will help to retire if the passage room is not only a living room, but also to sleep and effortlessly remove them if you take guests.

Proper zoning of the room

In the living room spend time all family members, competent zoning of the room, make a room comfortable for staying and child, and an adult. You can divide zones using racks on which books, discs, decorative elements, flowers or curtains, shirm placed.

In the middle of the room can be put soft carpet, Moreover, it can be bright, saturated, and maybe in the tone of the walls - this is the taste of the owners. In Khrushchev, not only the living room can be arranged beautifully. Doing repair, do not forget about the design of a small hallway. After all, it is she that guests see first.


Since the living room in Khrushchev is small enough, the walls here should be in bright colors, therefore, the finishing materials will attract the light, visually making the space wider.

One of the most common materials are wallpaper, and paper, and liquid, and textile can be used.


How to furnish the living room with an area of \u200b\u200b18 sq m? Interesting solutions

You can furnish the hall with simple furniture - sofa, chairs, rack, or some cabinet. But a full-fledged living room design of 18 sq. M suggests a creative approach, thoughtful placing planning, stylish decor and competent zoning of the available area. You won't call a very spacious 18 meter room, so in our article we will look at various ways of visual increase in space, as well as uniting living room with other rooms: kitchen, bedroom or balcony.


In Khrushchev or other small-sized apartments, the interior with a seating area of \u200b\u200b17-18 sq. M must simultaneously play the role of the hall and another, more narrowly specialized room. Let's talk about how to properly zonate space, arrange furniture and solve a limited area in the examples of specific rooms.

We decore the interior of the bedroom living room

Invent and realize the design of the bedroom living room with your own hands, without the help of a professional - the task is quite complicated. But if you have a good taste, a rich fantasy, a lot of free time and there is experience in carrying out repair, then you will definitely cope with it.

Here are several useful Soviets The design of the living room bedroom is 18 sq m:

  • Bed replace the high-quality folding sofa,
  • Refuse unnecessary furniture,
  • What breakfast you would not have chosen, do not install it in close proximity to the entrance to the room,
  • Do not be afraid to zonate the room with racks, partitions and even glass doors and coupes,
  • Furniture-transformer is an excellent solution for the bedroom combined with the hall,
  • Light zoning is another unobtrusive way to divide the territory,
  • The podium under a sleeping place or a special niche will help create the necessary comfort and a feeling of camera chamber.

Studio: living room kitchen interior

On a note: For the first time, the concept of "Studio Apartment" or "Studio" appeared in the United States. Such a budget version of the design of residential space answers the requirements of young families and creative personalities. Today, the design of a combined kitchen of a living room of 18 sq m and became more common everywhere.

The combination of two rooms allows to significantly increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe decorated space, thereby expanding the space for the embodiment of ideas and desires in its own interior. You can zonail the kitchen-living room with a bar rack, upholstered furniture, dining table, partitions and even colors.

Living room with balcony

Another excellent way to increase the space room is to use the area of \u200b\u200bthe adjacent loggia.

The design of the 17-18 sq m living room does not imply a mandatory redevelopment, but adhering to one style in the design of the residential room and the balcony, you will achieve the visual expansion of the space and increasing the useful area.

Do not miss the opportunity to nicely decorate the balcony window, avoid dark colors when designing the interior of the balcony and leave the passage to the loggia door as free as possible - so you can fill the living room with light and air.

Fashion trends: choose style

The future interior of the living room of 18 sq m (photo below) should be set aside in one stylistic solution. Let's get acquainted with the most relevant styles For the design of modern residential space.


This style combines the comfort, softness of lines, restraint, a single composition and impeccable taste. The classic interior of the 18 m living room is unlikely to ever lose its attractiveness and popularity. However, a relatively small area obliges us to take into account some important points:

Use light shades. Dark colors will visually narrow the space / modest metrability does not exclude the presence of chandelier in a classic style, but its dimensions must match the size of the room. Soft furniture, in particular, sofa, it is better to place along the wall, and the center of the room is free.

Minimalism or High Tech

Strictly speaking, these are two different stylesBut in this case we can combine them, since the rules for decoring the living room in the style of high-tech or minimalism are the same:

  • Decide with the color decision and follow it clearly. The design of the living room of 18 squares does not involve the use of a large amount of dark color,
  • Stay at the required minimum furniture. Better if it is modern multifunctional modular systems.

Eco style

This modern style meets all our goals. It does not require a large space, so perfectly fit into the interior design of the living room of 18 sq m. Here are some practical tips for the design of the hall in Eco-style:

  • Use minimum artificial materials. If you can't do without them, choose those that mimic natural,
  • Real Stone, Tree, Flax, Ceramics, Green Plants - Here are the best decorations for the interior of the living room in Eco style.

Living room 18 sq.m. - Completed option in the houses of the Soviet building. This is not the most spacious square, but it is enough to accommodate all the necessary furniture items, there will also be a place for free movement. Today we will tell about how you can arrange a room of this type and show on real examples A variety of stylistic, as well as color options.

Choose interior style

Selection of style - key stage in living room design. First, to create a one-piece image in case other rooms are decorated in a certain stylist. Secondly, a properly selected style can perform not only a decorative function, but also advantageously emphasize the advantages or smooth out the premises. Below are options that are suitable for design living room with an area of \u200b\u200b18 sq.m.

Living room 18 sq.m. in modern style

In the living room with such an area perfectly fit modern style. Although it is free from the rules and norms, but such a style implies the creation of a concise, functional interior, in which the decor plays a "decorated" role, and it follows quite practical purposes: forms a feeling of space, cleanliness and comfort.

The emphasis is placed on lines, forms and planes, pure unobtrusive colors and comfortable furniture. Instead decorative diversity - order and attention to detail. Modern style continues to prove that even a small space can accommodate everything necessary for life if thoughtfully treat each element.

Living room 18 sq.m. in classic style

It should not be assumed that 18 "squares" is a small area, and you should try to visually expand the space, avoiding any decor. A classic style is suitable for such a living room, it all depends on your preferences or requirements. If there is a desire to create a cozy, luxurious interior with richly decorated wooden furniture and textile wallpaper with floral patterns is a completely feasible target.

Pay attention to the more modern interpretation of the classic style and try to keep balance in the interior composition so that the items do not overload the room, and also left free space. Traditionally, in the center of the living room of this type there is a table around which the sofa and chairs are placed, and on the sides - a bookcase, a fireplace or plants.

Make an emphasis on the details, on the interior of the picture or mirrors in the elegant frame, tables with carved legs and a sofa with satin upholstery. Massive curtains will bring the feeling of comfort, and the luxurious chandelier will become the perfect ending touch in design.

Living room 18 sq.m. Loft style

Of course, Loft style loves large open spaces. But if there is high ceilings in your living room and there is an opportunity to get rid of extra partitions, a small area will not interfere. In addition, this is a fairly budget decision, thanks to the absence of the need for wall decoration and buying dear furniture.

For walls it is recommended to leave a bare brickwork or concrete coating with an interesting texture. White ceiling with outgoing wires and beams will fill the room with light and freedom, and a wooden floor with a minimalistic carpet - comfort.

It is important that in the room there were high windows, otherwise the lack of natural light will visually reduce the living room and make it gloomy. The center will exceed a great leather sofa with a glass coffee table, opposite which is a plasma screen.

Traditionally, in the arrangement of the loft use "coarse" furniture with a metal frame and modern art objects. At the same time, you can purchase the necessary items in the flea market or auctions - to create an authentic image.

Living room 18 sq.m. In the style of minimalism

Minimalism is not boring and empty spaces without decor. This is harmony, functionality, as well as space, which are not so easy to achieve with other styles. Laconic aesthetics - perhaps the most optimal option for the 18-meter living room and those people who love the freedom, cleanliness and a pacifying atmosphere.

Minimalism assumes smooth, "landed" lines, high ceilings and matte surfaces. When choosing a color palette, you should give preference to white and beige shades, while dark aims are aimed at emphasizing accents.

In minimalistic design, mainly natural materials are used: wood, smooth cement, glass, metal and mirrors. Despite the minimum design solutions, the emphasis is not done here on the amount, but on quality. Therefore, this is not the most budget version of the repair, but very effective.

Living room 18 sq.m. in the style of Provence

Although Provence is considered the "French country", but it is definitely impossible to be called rustic. Rather, it is a luxury, imitating simplicity. And also, it is a very cozy and sunny style, which is not suitable for design with a small living room with an area of \u200b\u200b18 sq.m.

There is no place in Provence dark colors. Preference is given to light shades and natural materials. Excellent option - White plastered walls with small, "careless" irregularities, wooden furniture, patterned textile and many plants.

It will be appropriate to look for vintage furniture "under ancient", natural fabrics and ceramic products. At the same time, it is important to keep the balance between such authentic details and modern appliances.

Color palette for living room 18 sq.m.

The next step when decoring the living room is to decide on the color scheme. It is better to repel from the style if it is already selected. But even in this case, there are universal palettes of shades that will be profitably looked in small rooms.

Secondly, try to create accents with furniture and decor. If the room is made in bright colors, then the dark items will "revive the interior, without reducing its area.

Thirdly, pay attention to the location of the apartment. If the windows overlook the south and in your living room often "peers" the sun, it is better to choose a cold color gamut. And vice versa - to compensate for the lack of the sun, place the living room in warm colors.

Finishing 18-meter Living Room

Now consider the design of the living room of 18 sq.m. In detail: What better use colors and materials for finishing floor, walls and ceiling? This is the foundation of the interior, a kind of "frame", which is filled with characteristic elements.


Perhaps the most optimal option that is suitable for the interior of the living room in any style - laminate or linoleum, imitating natural wood. Light colors in priority, but if you choose a dark floor, follow the walls to be a few shades lighter.


When choosing the walls of walls, there are a lot of options. Of course, if it is a loft style, then the masonry or concrete will look more than appropriate. To raise low ceilings, give preference to light monophonic walls or wallpapers with vertical stripes. Quite bright and modern will look like combining monochrome walls with photo wallpapers.


The ceiling in the living room is 18 sq.m. There must be a brighter wall, otherwise it will "push" on the inhabitants of the apartment and narrow the space. Best of all in any interior will look like a white smooth ceiling. But stretch, cassette, robes and other options - will be attracted to themselves more attention.

Decor and textiles

With the finish, we figured out, now consider the "filling" options for the 18-meter living room. If your goal is to expand the area as much as possible, avoid unnecessary decor. Although the classics and Provence suggest a variety of details in the interior, like VAZ, paintings, or sculptures, if possible, try to limit their number and leave only bright items. Conversely, if the living room decoration is made in restrained colors, such unobtrusive elements, such as pillows with a pattern, chandeliers of unusual forms or art objects - are able to diversify the view of the room.

Camefully approach the selection of curtains, because they not only protect you from prying eyes, but also can become a conversion element. For a room with low ceilings, you can install the ceiling eaves, and the cloth itself extends to the floor - this visually will increase the walls.

High-windows can afford French or Italian curtains, especially in the classic interior. And for the style of Loft, the curtains can not need to be completely, or have a light one-photon texture without unnecessary decor.

How to put furniture right?

The placement of furniture depends on the form of the room. Any designer will say that the square living room is the optimal version from the point of view of geometry. The center occupies the main furniture composition, and other items are located along the walls. But in typical Russian apartments more often found rectangular interiors. This type requires a special relationship and thoughtful planning.

First, it is not recommended to arrange furniture along the long wall. For this principle, many Soviet apartments are decorated: a sofa and chairs on one side, and TV and cabinets are on the other. This will emphasize the disproportionality of the premises and will create a non-harmonic image.

It is better to share the space on the visible zones: on one side of the workplace, and in the center is the main composition. You can zonail along, across or locally - the square for this is quite enough.

Secondly, in a narrow living room of 18 sq.m. It is better to avoid direct symmetry - it will only emphasize the rectangular geometry. For example, lay the chairs diagonally or enter the G-shaped sofa in the interior.

Thirdly, do not create "corridors" in the room. Such an effect occurs when large furniture is located far from each other, and there is too much free space between her. Try to not overload the spaces.

Lighting in the living room 18 sq.m.

Many do not pay due attention to lighting and stop at the most typical version - chandelier in the center and, possibly, the lamp in the corner of the room. But the correct and complex placement of light sources can transform and visually diversify the space.

For example, in the living rooms 18 sq.m. Low ceiling is better to abandon massive chandeliers and give preference to several common light sources placed around the ceiling perimeter.

It is recommended to use different types of backlight. For example, lamps or wall lamps are suitable for recreation zone. But note that it is not recommended to posture scaven down in front of the TV, since the glare will be reflected on its screen.

IN modern design interiors often use decorative backlight, which does not play a practical role, but helps to diversify general form Rooms. This solution can be used for paintings or shelves built into the wall.

Design living room 18 sq.m. - Photo

We hope our tips will be useful to you. And to inspire you for even more interesting decisions, we made a selection of photos of living room interiors with an area of \u200b\u200b18 sq.m. Happy viewing!

15918 07/30/2019 7 min.

The design of your own dwelling has always been a responsible and difficult step. In particular, it concerns this small-sized and. Here you have to set out all the functional zones necessary for living and use all having space with maximum benefit. What is worth paying attention not only to the main room, but also auxiliary premises, such as a kitchen and a bathroom. If you have a pantry or balcony, they can also be made a full part of residential space.

Features of zoning a one-room apartment in Khrushchev with an area of \u200b\u200b18 sq.m

The arrangement of small-sized housing is associated with considerable difficulties. Due to the limited space in such a dwelling, it is simply impossible to allocate for specific purposes. separate room. The only possibility to create in such a compressed space all the necessary residential functionality is to zonail the room. For such small apartments create.

4 ways of zoning room in odnushka

Racks - convenient for a child

One of the most simple and functional methods is the use of open racks. So installing the rack perpendicular to the wall, you can visually separate the part of the room and equip the recreation area there, sleeping place or working corner. In addition, the rack can be used not only as partition. You can put the necessary things, books, flowers or souvenirs. Convenient for storing baby things.

If necessary on the rack, you can equip space for a TV or stereo.

In order for the shellage chosen by you, it seemed too cumbersome and did not twist and so limited place, you should choose a model of light tones. A good option will make a rack in the floor or walls.

Shirma and Niche

Another no less convenient option - zoning of shirma. This method is convenient because it does not need to carry out zoning construction work, it is enough just to buy a suitable shower and coloring the screen and put in the required place. Plus, if you need a lot of open space, the partition can be easily removed and then return to the place.

Cabinet, curtains

Zoning with a cabinet - this method is identical to zoning racks, but so you get a more closed space. To do this, you will need the highest light wardrobe. They can be separated by a sleeping place. You can put clothes, lingerie and other things.

Curtains are one of the easiest ways of zoning. With their help, you can separate any part of the room. In a limited space, such a partition will need to be erased at least once a month. Another excellent way zoning is the use of podiums.

This method is appropriate only in apartments with high ceilings.

So sleeping place can be placed on the hill and cover with a curtain or shirma. Or take advantage of another idea -.

In the same vein, the bedroom can be placed on the upper mezzanine. Thus, you will not only separate the bedroom, but also free the area at the bottom of the room. Directly under the bedroom, you can equip or compact working corner.

Overview Apartment arrangement from young designer: projects

Ideas for interior design

When arresting the interior in a small apartment, you will need not just create an attractive living space, but also follow right use Residential meters. It is impossible to allow the apartment to look small and narrow. To avoid this, you can apply the following techniques:

  • The ratio of proportions. In a small room, large items will seem just huge. You should not put a huge sofa in a small apartment or hang a large-scale picture cloth. They will only emphasize the shortage of residential space. The bad decision will apply too small items - it will seem that you save on the furniture. In addition, it's just inconvenient. So the standard dining table will look very ridiculous next to the miniature sofa. Best option It will use medium-sized items.
  • Transforming furniture. In recent years, multifunctional furnishing options are becoming more and more. It can be all sorts of folding tables, chairs, sofas or transforming modules. So you can place all the necessary items on any area.

  • Ceiling height. To make it visually higher, it is recommended to use exceptionally light colors for its finish. A multi-level ceiling is not appropriate in a small room and any decorative designs. For visual lifting ceiling space On the perimeter of the room you can set additional backlight (it can be ceiling lights or LED tapes).
  • Mirrors. They are ideal for increasing compressed space. So you can hang a massive mirror or even equip a whole. In the same vein, you can put along one of the walls with a wardrobe with mirror doors.
  • Storage facilities. Even if you have a small apartment, you do not need to turn it into a warehouse. In plain form, only the most necessary items should lie. All others can be stored in cabinets, couches, shelves. Many furniture manufacturers offer beds and sofas with drawer For storing clothes and linen.

Color solution

The choice of specific colors depends on the interior style you choose. However, no matter how it was, it is not necessary to abuse with dark shades. If you try to visually expand the space, then you need to use the maximum of light tones.

But with them, too, you need to know the measure. In order for the interior did not seem sad and monotonous, you can add several bright accents into it. It can be bright accessories or color posters. In the modern interior, you can even paint one of the walls into a contrast bright color.

How to furnish furniture

In the choice of furniture for a small apartment, you should adhere to the following tips to competently furnish the room:

  • Do not buy unnecessary things. Learn to do the minimum furniture set;
  • Try to choose the most light items. Sofas and armchairs are recommended to take on high legs. Here are also relevant hinged shelves, folding tables, chairs and all kinds of glass products;
  • If the space does not allow you to highlight the sleeping area with a separate bed, then you have to get a folding sofa. Try to choose the most comfortable model;
  • Use angular furniture. It is very roomy and allows the maximum to apply each residential centimeter;
  • In a small apartment you can install suspension furniture. It can be unusual chairs, washbasin or plumbing. Such objects are mounted in the ceiling or walls, which visually expands the floor space;
  • Household appliances can also be installed on brackets or mounted in a niche;
  • In small rooms it is not recommended to abuse textiles. Boil the minimum pillows, carpets and covered. In addition, they will be an additional source of dust. Such an atmosphere will not look like a bastard;
  • Do not overdo the accessories. For storage of souvenirs and other memorable things, you can start one shelf or simply store them in the closet. There is only the most expensive and memorable things to exhibit.


The light is one of the most important issues in the arrangement of small apartments. It should be a lot. In the bright room, much more comfortable and more pleasant.

It is best to place different types of lamps in different functional zones. So in the recreation area or living room you can hang one medium size chandelier. IN work zone need the most bright and high-quality light, so it is better to use point lights in combination with desktop lamp or sconce. In the bedroom you can also apply dot light.

A good option for will hang lamps on brackets. If necessary, they can be rotated in any direction and easily return to the place.

It is also necessary to envisage the ability to enable and turn off different lamps separately. So if you need more vivid lighting, you can use all the potential of your lamps you have. And if you want to relax, then here you can do and muted overall light.

Choosing a chandelier and lamp design, it is better to give preference to variants and metal, glass or matte lampshairs. In this case, excessive brightness of nothing.


Before the start of decoration of one-bedroom housing, you should decide on the interior style. The best option for such a room will be. This style welcomes the maximum simplicity and convenience. So you do not have to buy too much unnecessary things and clutch the already small area.

In this interior it is appropriate to use any modern items. It is desirable to apply direct clear and lines and bright discreet tones. Preferred materials will be metal, glass and other modern polymers. They can be combined with painting or wooden finish. The main thing is not to rearrange.

If your apartment has a balcony or loggia, they can also be turned into part of the residential space. There you can equip the storage system or a small office.

The storage area can be made from the usual pantry. There you can store not only kitchen utensils, but also other home trivia. And do not forget about lighting. What, attention should be paid not only to artificial, but also natural light. So if possible, it is better not to force the window sills with flowers and statuette.

Curtains in such an apartment also should not be massive through chur. It is not recommended to use lambrequins or dense dark fabrics. It is better to give preference to light tones, Roman or rolled curtains.

Do not forget about the auxiliary rooms. Among them are also a kitchen. Often, the kitchens in one-bedroom apartments are very small, so you are unlikely to move the ventilation, plumbing and other communications. It makes sense to focus on furniture. So in a small kitchen, it is necessary to use the entire area rationally. For this, the familiar kitchen set can be combined with high column closets. They can be placed in the corner or wall niche.

Dining table is better to put at the window. You can choose folding or retractable chairs.

If your kitchen is combined with the living room, then instead kitchen table You can equip a compact bar counter.

So with the rational distribution of plumbing, the joint bathroom can become much more functional. In space under the bathroom, you can equip the shelves for storing products for cleaning. Above the door can also be installed the shelf for the necessary items.


The arrangement is quite a tedious and complex occupation. Here you need to use every free centimeter. What, do it so that the room does not look overloaded and narrow. In many respects it depends on the competent. To do this, you can apply all sorts of blinds, screen, podiums and furniture. Speaking of furniture, it should also be as functional as possible. In this case, it is better to give preference to transforming tables, chairs and medium-sized chairs.