Repairs Design Furniture

Interior decoration of a wooden house: Recommended materials. Finishing of wooden houses - features of work and examples of design how to arrange a wooden log house under residential premises

Construction of houses from wood will always be popular. This is caused by the unique properties of the material, both operational and aesthetic. But fulfilling work on the construction of their own hands is required to take into account the many nuances that will affect the durability of the walls and the whole building. One of the questions you want to decide will become the interior decoration of the wooden house.

Features of finishing

The finish of the wooden house, carried out from the inside with their own hands, should be performed only after careful study of technology and methods. The walls are better than the materials that pass the air well. You can use the materials that are completely sealed, but in this case the walls of the house will stop breathing.
The same rule should be taken into account when external finishing and insulation. If the material of the walls of the walls does not let the air, the effect of the greenhouse is created indoors. In this case, to ensure a normal microclimate, a device forced ventilation will be required. Such events require additional financial investments.

Also, the interior decoration of the wooden building should be performed from relatively lightweight materials. In this case, finishing works from the inside will not have a strong effect on the walls and foundations (the load on them will not increase significantly).

When to start

You can finish a wooden log cabin, you can only complete the completion of its active shrinkage. If we are talking about an old house, then we start without fears. If the walls are folded recently, it is necessary to take into account the material from which they are built:

  • glued bar - after 3-4 months;
  • conventional timber and log in 1 year.

The exact completion rate of the shrinkage depends on the climatic features of the area. The humidity of the air and the average temperature has a strong effect. It is allowed to start the finishing of the inner walls from the bar and the logs only after their cacopa. Works with your own hands are performed in two stages:

  • the first caisp of the walls must be carried out in a few weeks after assembling the walls;
  • the second is done in 6-8 months.

To cross the walls, it will be necessary to prepare a sealing and heat insulating material. It uses jute or pass. Sometimes moss can be applied. Perform work is necessary simultaneously outside and from the inside. Cookp starts from below. Heated the crown on the one hand, it is necessary to immediately move to the other side. Otherwise, the walls are possible.

After the completion of warming work, the building is raised by several centimeters. Over time, the interventic material condenses, and the height will become the same. It is due to the tight fit of the jute or a packle to the logs (bruus) prevented drafts, the thermal insulation indicators increase.

After the second cacopa, it is necessary to periodically measure the height of the walls. If during the pair of months the measurement results do not change, the shrinkage process has suspended. In this case, you can start performing finishing with your own hands.

Preparatory stage

Before starting work, it is necessary to decide if it makes sense to flicker the walls on the inside. If they are stacked carefully, and the interventic insulation does not stick out of the joints, the lining is not required. Paintworks will apply cheaper and better.

If the walls are irregularity, and the seam of cacopa is distinguished by an unattractive view, it is worth thinking about the finish. No matter what materials are used, it is required to protect wood from fungus and mold. For this, antiseptic compositions are used.

As an additional impregnation uses anti-epires, they will increase the resistance of the material of fire.

Finishing options

With their own hands, the decoration of a wooden house can be performed in the following ways:

  • clapboard (various forms);
  • wall panels;
  • plasterboard.

Under all materials, it will be necessary to perform a frame on the surface of the walls. It is best to produce it from a tree. It is also possible to mount without a frame. But in this case, it is necessary to thoroughly align the base and eliminate all the protruding elements. Sew on the frame costs for the following reasons:

  • no need to level the base;
  • ensuring the gap for the circulation of air and drying the walls;
  • the ability to lay thermal insulation material;
  • you can hide wiring.

The disadvantages of this method should be attributed to the possibility that insects or rodents will settle in the gap between the wall and the trim. Get rid of unwanted guests in this case will be quite difficult.

The sheathing of a house of wood should be performed with the provision of a small gap between the ceiling. It is necessary for leveling various deformations and shrinkages. The width is accepted 2-4 cm. Close space easily ceiling plinth.


Wall decoration in this case has the most diverse appearance.

Application of lining with decorative impregnation

You can use the material of different widths, from different wood breeds. Also distinguish types of lining depending on the transverse profile:

  • standard;
  • blockchas;
  • softline;
  • landhaz;
  • american;
  • etc..

Fastening the finish to the surface of the walls with their own hands is performed in several ways:

  • on nails in the ramp (now used less often due to aesthetic considerations);
  • on nails or self-tapping screws at an angle;
  • on beammers.

The last two ways are quite laborious. Fastenings are nourished so that damage to the front surface of the lining has occurred. Instead of nails and self-tapping screws, a construction stapler with brackets also use. In this case, brackets with long legs and a narrow back are required. Elements for fastening are made of stainless steel.

The lining is made of wood, so the same as the wall can give shrinkage. It is better to buy a chamber drying material, but if there is no such possibility, it is necessary to take into account the following points:

  • over time, the plank of natural drying dries, the slots appear between the elements of the finish;
  • you can leave the surface as it is;
  • of the aesthetic considerations, you can remove the lining and nourish it again;
  • at the initial consolidation, it is required to take into account that the facing will have to be removed, it is important to choose, with which it will be more convenient to work: with nails or self-draws.

Removing the material from the ground, it is necessary to follow accuracy and prevent damage to the walls.

This option allows you to diversify the interior and give a unique appearance of the room. Such types of finishes are very loving designers, the flight of fantasies is practically unlimited.

With the help of wall panels you can create an accent in the interior

The finishing of a wooden house from the wall panels can be different types:

  • wooden;
  • bamboo;
  • glass;
  • plastic;
  • leather.

When using glass, care must be taken. Such material is sufficiently massive and can have a strong impact on the supporting structures of the building. It is not recommended to apply with a small thickness of wall fences.

The mount is carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Facing can be attached both directly to the crate and on the substrate fixed on the crate. Methods are quite diverse depending on the material, before purchase it is worth examining the features of each separately. We also recommend reading the articles about the interior decoration ,.

Application of drywall

The decoration of the wooden house of plasterboard is a common phenomenon. The walls of the walls can be done quite easily, but the following rules must be followed:

  • Plasterboard is not durable material. It is easy enough to damage when the break. For this reason, it is recommended to carry out the trim 2-3 years after construction. In this case, the normal operation must be followed in the building (heating should be included).
  • When the sheat device for 1-2 years after construction, it is necessary to mount the plasterboard to the floating frame. So it turns out to avoid damage: the base and finish will move independently of each other.
  • To prevent or slow down the disclosure of cracks on problem areas, it is required to sample them with a reinforcing grid. A grid is taken from a polymer material. The main places of amplification: joints, seams and angles.

Old wooden house

When performing work within an old building, it is necessary to preliminarily assess the condition of the walls and perform a set of protective events. All suspicious sections on the walls are tested for strength. To do this, you can use a screwdriver, a knife or a chisel. Zones with the following features are suspicious:

  • darker than the main surface;
  • lighter than the main surface;
  • differing texture;
  • difference density.

If the wood crumbles, it is recommended to refer to a specialist who, depending on the nature and scale of damage, will prompt further procedure. Even if there are no defects on the surface, it is required to process the base of the antiseptic.

A private house built of wood can not always be considered a complete structure, since in many cases it requires an outer and interior decoration of the walls. There are many different options, but not all of them are suitable for the obstruction of this kind of buildings. In this article we will look at what you can see the wooden house inside and outside and how it is better to make it yourself.

When you need to sow a wooden house

To begin with, it is necessary to highlight those buildings that initially does not make sense to somehow sow outside, and even more so - to make insulation. Whatever finishing option you choose, it will not cost cheap, and therefore it is inexpedient for wooden summer or periodic living houses. As for the decoration of the dwelling from the inside, it is rather a question of the design and wishes of the homeowner than the need. After all, wooden walls from a bar or a rounded log always look attractive.

Now we present cases when wearing wooden houses are made from the outside:

  • there is a good and strong log house in stock, but the old enough, which is why the appearance of the building leaves much to be desired;
  • frame buildings from wood need to be awarded anyway on both sides, such is their design;
  • if the wooden house built from a bar or log needs additional protection and insulation of the walls.

Often there are chopped houses, previously stood up for more than 50 years and ready to serve as much as much. Additional cladding from the street will not only allow to change the appearance of the dwelling for the better, but also protect wood from precipitation and in such a way to extend its service life. The same protection does not prevent the walls in need of insulation. Since the thermal insulation is accepted from the outside, and not inside a wooden house, then the insulation must be hidden behind the hydrobarier and lining, which will be discussed.

Council. The exterior finish of a wooden house, which has just been built, is produced after 1 year. The shrinkage of the buildings of this type is quite significant, as a result of which the external design of the walls may suffer and will have to redo it.

Materials for outdoor and interior decoration

Despite a wide selection of facing materials, their list for houses made of wood is somewhat limited due to different reasons. For example, it is relatively inexpensive to separate the house with the help of plaster, but this method is suitable only for frame buildings, covered with from outside the OSB sheets, as shown below in the diagram. Stacking the same log cabin or housing from the bar will be problematic.

As can be seen in the diagram, the base insulation from the Minvati, located inside the wall, is complemented by a layer of foam or polystyrene foam attached to the OSB plywood sheets. And after the apparatus decorative plaster is applied. But such a finish of the facade is a rarity for a wooden house, the following materials for external plating are more common:

  • vinyl siding;
  • siding from a tree, the so-called Block House;
  • lining;
  • comprehensive system "ventilated facade".

For reference. Cheaper and faster to see the walls of the house with a painted professional flooring, such a practice also takes place. But at the same time the design of the building looks at all cheaply and reminds of a production building. In addition, the professional flooring quickly burns into the sun and loses color. Is that you get a dear coated material in the form of a pattern, as in the photo:

Vinyl siding is a very popular material, it is relatively inexpensive and long retains the appearance, moreover, it is quite possible to seize the wooden house on its own. It will be more expensive to separate the walls with other siding - imitation of a bar and a rounded log called "Block House".

This is a very attractive and pretty material, but requiring care, as well as the usual lining of wood.

If we talk about that the best thing to sew a wooden house without binding to the value of materials, then out of competition - the system "ventilated facade". It is a frame of galvanized profiles, inside which the insulation is attached, and outside the decoration elements. Moreover, the latter can look like siding, brick or natural stone - to choose from. True, the system is difficult to call cheap, and with installation, not every homeowner will treat.

It is easier to solve the question than to separate the walls of a wooden house from the inside. For this purpose, the most often applies:

  • ordinary and moisture-resistant plasterboard;
  • oSB chip;
  • ordinary sheaving boards - lining.

Gypsum and OSB are an excellent basis for the device of any finish layer - various wallpapers, tiles and other materials. Moisture-resistant GLCs are perfectly suitable for the inner lining of the bathroom, and the lining - for the bathhouse built into the house. OSB plates are used inside buildings not as often, as plasterboard is much more environmentally friendly.

A few words about the insulation used. It is well known that houses built from wood should "breathe". This means that the material of the walls is transparent for vapors, thanks to which the moisture from the inside of the premises is displayed outside, passing through the wood. If on their way to put a steamproof barrier, then in front of it moisture will be condensed, which will lead to gradual destruction of the fence. Therefore, it is not recommended to apply water-repellent polymers such as foam or foam.

The best solution for insulation when finishing a wooden house - mineral or basalt wool. It is vapor permeable and absolutely not susceptible to burning.

The exception to the rule is a frame building, where the Minvati layer is part of the enclosing structure, and there is no major wall. Here, the insulation protects against the vapor penetration on one side and waterproofing - on the other, as depicted in the scheme:

Wooden House Siding

This external finish of the house can be performed both with insulation, and without it, if necessary. But with any scenario between vinyl siding and the wall, it is necessary to provide an air layer for ventilation. Its problem is the removal of moisture that falls from the outside to the diffusion membrane, which plays the role of hydro and winder. That is why the blades of vinyl siding are not attached to the walls directly, which even they would be. Initially, it is necessary to assemble a crate of wooden bars, less often - from galvanized profiles.

Council. Before the trimming of the old chopped house, it is necessary to make a prematurely to cross the slits between the logs, using natural materials for this - felt, passion or moss.

The width of the bars for the crate when the external decoration device without insulation should be from 3 to 5 cm to provide an air layer. The interval between the rails is 40-50 cm. But the first thing is the diffusion membrane, it is capable of missing pairs, but reflect water. The membrane canvases are styled horizontally, starting from below, with an adhesive of 10 cm and skinning on the joints of scotch. After that, it presses the bars or profiles of the crates installed vertically.

Note. If you plan to install vertical siding, then the bars should be attached horizontally. Previously, they should be treated with antiseptic composition.

Also, the shapes of the crates are framed all openings - windows and entrance doors. At the same time, wooden elements are better to nail with nails, and not to screw themselves with self-draws. The latter do not give structures the ability to move during shrinkage or thermal expansion. Important moment: the surfaces of all bars should be strictly vertical and calmed in one plane. Now you can proceed to the installation of siding, using the starting and other types of the planks shown in Figure:

When fitting siding, it is important to take into account its thermal elongation, so the ends of the vinyl bands should not be resting in the nests of the angular slats standing on the sides (meaning horizontal installation). Strips need to be cut off and insert between slats with a gap of 3-5 mm, and nails do not score until it stops. In order, the oval holes are made in the siding so that the strip can move a little. By the way, the installation is conducted from the starting plank - from the bottom up.

When the lengths of the 1st band are not enough to cover the entire wall of the wooden house, then you need to put one or more connecting planks, placing them as aesthetically as possible. Although siding is allowed to lay an overlap (without a plank), but it looks like this connection is unpleasant, and therefore it is worth it to apply at least in the extreme case. Well, for the framework of windows and doors there are special vinyl plates.

If the finish process is decided to combine with insulation, then the installation of thermal insulation material is also included. Considering its thickness (at least 100 mm, and in the northern regions and all 150 mm), it is necessary to take bars for the crate of the corresponding width. Moreover, the membrane is not immediately on the wall, but on top of the insulation. It is fastened by navigating the controls with a thickness of 30 mm from above. Further work is made in the same way as described above.

Wooden House Finishing Block House

In essence, the Block House for the Treatment of the House is the same siding, only made of wood, and the work algorithm applies the same.

True, there are a number of differences in which we will sharpen your attention:

  • there are no starting, angular and connecting planks. All joints will have to fade outside the shaped elements of the tree;
  • the bands block of the House are sliced \u200b\u200bstrictly into size, and in the formation of internal and external angles, the material is cut at an angle of 45 ° for docking;
  • the attachment of the canvases is carried out from the bottom up on nails or special beams. True, the latter have to be blown and the bands can fall out over time;
  • with horizontal orientation, the board is better to install spike, and the groove down.

One of the most complex nodes is the adjoining of the facing in the form of an inner corner. Of course, you can not pay attention to the formed clearance and decide the angle of the shaped element. But that the covering of a wooden house Block to House, made by their own hands, was high-quality, it is necessary to cut into the adjacent part arcuate cutout, as shown in the photo:

At the end, antiseptic primer is applied to the finished surface, after which it is separated by several layers of varnish or paint.

Interior trimming

This is one of the most popular ways of covering private wooden houses from the inside, used in almost all rooms, and especially in the steam room. At the moment there are several types of lining:

  • classic;
  • block house;
  • softline;
  • landhaus;
  • american.

Wall sheat technology inside the house for all species is the same, and work from the device of a steamproof layer from the film and mounting the crates is starting. The film is unfolded with an adhesive from 10 to 15 cm, after which the joints should be carefully smoke with double-sided or ordinary tape. From above, she presses against the wall of the crates, whose thickness is 20 mm. Reiki are nailed to the wall vertically (with horizontal cladding) with a 40-50 cm interval.

Important. All slave rails must be removed in one vertical plane through various lining or mounting wedges.

The first board is fixed by self-reserves at a distance of 40-50 mm from the floor, taking into account the subsequent installation of the plinth. All subsequent planks are correctly fixed with metal elements - klimmers worn on the previous board and brushes navigated to cloves. Cutting the trim by clogging nails in the lining groove is not recommended.

As with the outside of the house, the house is a block house, all the joints and corners should be bred with fittings or wooden plinth. After that, it remains to be treated with antiseptic wood and coat with several layers of varnish. Detailed finishing technology is shown in video:

Interior decoration of plasterboard

Plasterboard is an excellent material for the draft finish of any interior surfaces of a wooden house, including the ceiling. Also moisture-proof GLCs are indispensable in rooms with high humidity - in bathrooms and pre-bankers. Subsequently, it is possible to put the tile or apply liquid wallpaper. Technology here is simple: Galvanized profiles are mounted onto the wall or ceiling in such a way that their shelves are in the same plane. To tighten the design between vertical profiles, jumpers from the same profiles are put.

Sheetsocarton sheets are screwed to the shelves of profiles with self-draws so that their caps are flush with the surface of GKL. The step between adjacent self-pressing is 10-15 cm. Where it is impossible to screw the whole sheet, you need to measure it accurately and cut off part. This is done with a sharply sharpened knife or specialized tool. When the wall is completely sewn, the locations of the docking and the hats of the self-tapping screws should be aligned with the putty, which, after drying, should be lured by sandpaper. On this surface is ready for further facing.


Thanks to now, existing facing materials can be given to any wooden house presentable appearance, and even "turning" it into stone with an external sheaving. In addition, the finish will allow longer to save wood and increase the service life of the building as a whole. It will not be superfluous and the event on the insulation of the house outside, as a result of which the costs of its heating will be reduced.

The inner finish of the wooden house is the most creative construction process, during which it is possible to recreate the design that fantasy requires. Now the construction market offers a mass of finishing materials, among which you can always choose the right price and style. The internal decoration of the dwelling will talk about the presence of taste from the owner, because both the house is decorated, and judge his owners.

Preparation before the inner finish of a church

Before starting to repair the inner walls, you need to learn about some features that should be considered when carrying out the interior finish:

Types of interior wall decoration

The decoration of walls in a wooden house can be carried out in various ways. It all depends only on the desire and capabilities of the host itself. First, you should define the goal to be achieved as a result of finishing. Options can be completely diverse: from the natural beauty of wood to a modern style made by alternative materials. In practice, the trend of wooden houses is seen inside by progressive materials fully hiding the wood structure. Below will be considered as traditional solutions and those that are becoming increasingly popular with the owners of houses from the bar.

Registration of the carriage board

Lining is a simple and affordable material, with which you can separate not only the walls, but also the floor and ceiling. To create a smooth coating, you need to bother in advance about the crate. Creating a crate will help hide unnecessary pipes and wires, as well as further insulate the walls if there is such a need.

The construction market offers buyers three types of lining, which can be purchased:

  • The usual wagon board is simple polished boards that have no recesses and recesses. This is the cheapest finish material among those represented. This board is fastened with galvanized nails to the crate. The disadvantage of this material is the absence of a clutch of boards between themselves when laying, which may result in an incorrect and adjustment curve to the surface. Also, when installing, the chipped boards are not uncomfortable due to their small thickness.
  • Universal type wagon board. Such material is more convenient and practical. Due to the fact that the boards have spikes and grooves, they are easy to adjust each other and such a design will not be twisted. This lining is reliable and practical in the finish.
  • Carboards Block House. This type of lining, very similar to the second option, but on the one hand imitating a rounded log. It is designed to create an even more pleasant view of all clearance. The attachment method is the same as the universal board.

Important! The lining should be processed by an antiseptic and other compositions that increase its service life.

Like any material of the carriage board there are their advantages:

  • Registration becomes more decorative, the tree gives comfort and comfort in the house.
  • The lining helps to hide the unpleasant eye of communication (pipes or shrub itself)
  • This finish contributes to the retention of heat indoors. Even the thinnest lining can make the house warmer without using a special material.
  • Easy styling, thanks to which, even with your own hands, you can separate the house completely.

But, despite all the advantages that highlight the lining, it has several negative sides:

  • The material does not oppose the fire like any wood, so it needs to be treated with special compositions. Such processing will increase the cost of finishing.
  • Additional components for such design are much increased the cost of finishing with economical lining.

Natural finish

Protective beauty of internal design of wood will help to maintain paintwork products. This option is suitable only if the log house itself is sufficiently insulated and processed by special solutions to protect against moisture.

Before finishing, it is necessary to clean the surfaces from dirt and dust and carefully polish them. It will not be superfluous to handle with putty and primer.

It is believed that before coloring no need to wait for the shrinkage of the house. This assumption is true, but immediately after the construction of the color is also not made due to the fact that the moisture existing in the wood will go out, forming leaks and bubbles on the surface.

If the construction of the house was produced by the "in the paw" method, the surface is best to cover the paint, and if they built a "in the bowl", the usual transparent varnish will look great, which will not hide the natural pattern of wood.

With paint, you can create accents on certain surfaces or zoning the room. Materials for interior wall decoration should be as environmentally friendly, because the safety of the coating is particularly important in the house.

Recently, the art painting of the walls and the ceiling is very popular. This design will bring modern notes into the interior, while not torn the virgin beauty of woody pattern.

Important! With such a finishing of communication, it is impossible to hide, so the wiring is placed in the corners of the room, and the pipes are placed in a predetermined frame.

The floors and the ceiling with such a finishing of the walls are performed by a wagon board or parquet.

In this form of the interior, there are also its advantages and disadvantages that should be known about:

  • The original style of a wooden log cabin remains.
  • The cost of material is much less than with an alternative finish.
  • The coating must be updated every 4 years so that it does not lose its decorative qualities.
  • After the shrinkage of fires, as a rule, it is a bit twist, and the decoration with paint or varnish will not be able to visually adjust this situation.

Usually wooden outside the house already implies the same finish and inside, therefore the amazement of guests will not be the limit, if they, entering the wooden slam, will find a modern interior there, which has nothing to do with the village. At the moment, it is possible to place your home and so. For the floor it is best in this case a parquet, laminate or carpet is suitable, in some rooms there may be a tile. For the ceiling, mounted structures or drywall are used more often.

Design of plasterboard

Plasterboard is a very convenient material in the finish, which allows you to create any desired design without any problems. In order to attach plasterboard to the wall, you need to create a frame of a galvanized profile, to which the material is mounted with self-tapping screws.

Important! It is necessary to finish drywall after shrinkage at home, since cracks may occur in its process, which will spoil appearance.

Of the advantages of plasterboard design, it is possible to highlight the simplicity of installation, low cost, as well as the ability to hide all unnecessary communications.

Since this material is very fragile, then its main disadvantage will become that it is not at all resistant to mechanical damage. Also, a small negative point will be the fact that the finished design of plasterboard needs to be addressed, for example, with wallpaper or putty. Performing an interior decoration of a wooden house in a photo produced by plasterboard.

Plastic panels and plaster

Installation of plastic panels is also simply as the installation of plasterboard. The main and most significant difference from the previous material is considered a variety of colors and patterns, thanks to which it is possible to place a room in various styles, combining materials.

The plus of this material for finishing is still that thanks to laying on the crate, you can hide unnecessary communications. Such a coating can be washed, as the plastic is resistant to moisture.

Plaster is also an interesting option for wall decoration in a wooden house. Due to the fact that now there are decorative types of plaster, it is not necessary to fully align the surface. With the help of such a material, you can easily create the necessary relief or even drawings in the Sgrafito technique, as I depicts the photo below. The coating is very reliable and durable, so it will serve not one decade.

Interior ceiling and floor

Facing the floor and ceiling must be harmonized with decoration of the walls of the house. The most successful options for the floor will be parquet or laminate. This is due to the fact that such a coating preserves heat better and has environmentally friendly, which is very important inside the house, because the safety of all its inhabitants depends on this.

Important! Parquet after assembly is covered with paraffin and parquet varnish.

Proper laying of parquet will enjoy the perfect sex for many years. The lacquer coating is refreshing every 2 years due to the fact that it is wearing.

Very seriously, it is worth referring to the cladding of the ceilings in the house from the bar. You can finish only after a complete shrinkage of the house, and this is a period of 2 to 3 years. Otherwise, the ceiling design is simply deformed that spoil the entire subsequent repair.

For an interior in a modern style, it is enough to mount a stretch ceiling, which will save from problems with plastered and other related work. If the interior is set aside in the Scandinavian or rustic style ceiling beams do not hide, but on the contrary, they focus on them. They can be painted in any, suitable colorful color or coat with a veneer for a better decorative effect from natural wood.

Important! If the house is located on the second floor of the house, the space between the draft and the first ceiling is paired by insulation and vapor barrier materials.

The interior made of wood and other natural materials in eco-style is definitely one of the most sought-after today. This is not only a tribute to fashion, but also an understanding that he is the most healthy and close to nature in the way of organizing the premises.

The sheathing of floors, walls, as well as other elements of the internal space with finishing materials from natural wood is designed to give the room an appeal, insulate and protect it from excessive humidity.

When finishing with natural wood inside the house between the crate and the finishing surface, a multilayer structure with heat-insulating and soundproofing qualities is usually placed.

Advantages of wood finish

Subject to growing in environmentally friendly areas, wood is one of the cleanest materials for finishing the internal space of the housing.

Comfort and comfort in the house

The tree can be used for any surfaces inside the house and serve material for:

  • walls;
  • floor;
  • ceiling;
  • staircases;
  • overlaps;
  • door structures;
  • window frames;
  • decorative elements.

The wood finish is capable of creating a special healthy microclimate in the home, in which all the processes of vital activity flow normally: sleep well, it works, breathing. Unlike artificial materials allocating harmful pairs, the tree does not cause headache, as well as a sense of chronic fatigue and can neutralize the harmful effects of other materials.

The tree reduces the dampness indoors, prevents the development of broncho-pulmonary diseases, as well as the appearance of mold and other consequences of excessive humidity.

Selection of wood for finishing inside

Before dealing with finishing work, you should decide on the selection of wood. First you need to decide whether it will be coniferous or delicious wood. Here, the criterion will serve as operating conditions and demands for wear resistance. For premises with excessive moisture (bath, bathrooms, saunas) should choose wood of coniferous wood. And well-ventilated ordinary rooms can be decorated with hardwood wood (alder, oak, linden).

It is necessary to correctly select material for work.


Under the clapboard implies a collective concept that combines all finishing materials equipped with a locking system. The fastening is carried out by the thorn in the groove and may be "into the joint" or "brass".

The feature of the application of this material is its exceptional simplicity in the installation, which allows you to complete the work on the interior of the house in a short time. Having information about the area and the shape of the room, which is planned to be sewn, you can accurately calculate the required amount of lining.

The material has practicality, versatility and high decorative properties, thanks to which is perfectly combined with any designer direction. The lining clapper can be carried out in a vertical and horizontal direction.

The lining with appropriate care and the relationship is able to exist for a very long time. Its popularity over time is only growing, not yielding to more modern finishing materials. In its production, a thoroughly dried tree is used both smooth and with an unprocessed surface.

Advantages of lining:

Practical and universal material
  • naturalness;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • nice smell;
  • unique appearance;
  • hygroscopic;
  • ease of installation;
  • availability;
  • durability;
  • heat insulation and sound insulation.


  • the possibility of deformation;
  • sensitivity to temperature differences;
  • blooming from moisture exposure.

The quality of the manufacturer of the Euro woman is strictly controlled at all its stages. For its manufacture, the raw material of the highest grade, obtained from wood of coniferous rocks, is often grown specifically for these purposes. Eurovantia is divided into 1-3 grades in quality and meets all adopted European standards.

Material is manufactured in accordance with Eurostandards

From the usual lining, this material is characterized by precisely calibrated, as well as the presence of a special groove, providing ventilation and moisture. This constructive feature increases durability, prevents the deformation and swelling of the cladding when used in a humid environment. Excellent material quality makes it possible to build with the smallest tolerances. Due to this, the result of the work has high decorativeness.

In the conditions of industrial production, the European surface is covered by a special composition, freeing owners of the house from the need for additional treatment with paint and varnishes.

The difference between the Euro woman from the usual lining:

  • significantly smoother surface;
  • strict compliance with quality standards;
  • the minimum level of humidity (12% versus 15-28% by clapboard);
  • polyethylene packaging;
  • the presence of a special protective coating;
  • larger spike;
  • the presence of a groove at the junction;
  • more ventilation grooves.

Floor board

There are two varieties: a massive board and glued. The first option is made from a solid array, and the other is from scrambled pieces. In addition, the floorboard is divided into a tedded (having spikes and grooves) and unplanned.

Wooden board options for floor

There is a regular board and eurodoska. The latter is made according to special technology on the latest equipment from high-quality raw materials in compliance with European standards. This board is quite expensive, but has high quality. It has a smooth surface, perfect shape, low humidity and completely devoid of defects (holes, swirls, blue). The massive eurodoska is equipped with ventilation grooves, allowing to avoid deformation due to the load distribution, eliminate the risk of developing mold fungi, as well as increase the service life.

Pros and cons of the usual massive floorboard

Material is distinguished by environmental friendliness and ease of installation.


  • naturalness;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • speed and ease of installation;
  • durability;
  • beauty material;
  • low thermal conductivity, sound insulation;
  • healthy microclimate at home.


  • sometimes there are resin pockets;
  • bounds that reduce the quality of the board.

Also one of the most basic advantages of such a board is the possibility of its multiple restoration. It can be grinding up to 15 times, it extends the time of its operation to a period of at least 100 years.

In order for the floor board as long as possible, you should choose a suitable substrate and comply with simple rules for caring for it.

Very noble, this material looks in large rooms with good natural lighting.

Wooden block house

This material is used for the inner and exterior decoration of the premises. It is practical, convenient, easy to care, while very decorative looks. All these qualities, as well as environmental friendliness and affordable material price make it popular among consumers. The high degree of drying of wood eliminates the deformation, premature damage and cracking of the material. Processing with antiseptics and antipirens prolongs its full use.

For the manufacture of block house, a tree of different breeds is applied, but the most used types - larch and pine. Very decoratively looks a block house from linden, birch or cedar.

Affordable and eco-friendly material

Different low-attractive surfaces, such as concrete or brick, after finishing work with the use of block houses look more than worthy. The feeling of a solid facade is created due to the fact that its individual elements in the corners are joined by special corners.

A block house of larch wood has a beneficial effect on the nervous, as well as a cardiovascular system and respiratory organs, due to the release of larch wood volatile substances - phytoncides. This property is completely overlapping inconvenience when processing this solid, resinous material.

Simulation of the bar profitably allocate the most cozy zones

This product is a spectacular material for interior decoration, allowing without cardinal measures to change the space of the house.

Material is not prone to deformation

Imitation of timber is made according to special technology. First, it is dried within 8-12 weeks with special chambers to almost complete evaporation of moisture and destruction of pests. Then the finished boards sort and cut. Made by this method panel are not prone deformation, cracking, and also perfectly retain the original shape.

Assembly of the canvas from individual elements Thanks to the Schip-groove system, it is quite possible to implement with your own hands without special qualifications.

The cost of the product depends on the class and wood breed. The most popular materials are pine and fir. They have a low price, and according to some technical specifications even exceed more expensive rocks, for example, the same larch.

Imitation of timber, like all natural wooden products, has a low thermal conductivity and perfectly saves heat in the room. If necessary, it is possible to make additional thermal insulation of the structure using the layers of the insulation, placed between the finishing coating and the wall of the house.

Installation of wooden bars

The variety of types of finishing material allows you to create your own unique design of the house, and the wealth of color will help you choose it almost to anyone's interior.

The inner trim tree is a great contribution to a healthy lifestyle, the opportunity to surround themselves with elements of an ethno-style created by nature itself.

A lot of materials are applied for construction, but residential buildings erected from wood do not cease to be popular. The atmosphere in a wooden house is distinguished by positive energy and comfort. However, the interior decoration of the wooden house is accompanied by a multitude of nuances.

The easiest way to get a beautiful lawn in front of the house

You, of course, saw the perfect lawn in the cinema, on the Alley, and perhaps on the neighboring lawn. Those who at least once tried to grow a green platform in their own area, without doubt they will say that this is a huge work. Lawn requires careful landing, care, fertilizer, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative agent - liquid lawn Aquagrazz.

Start finishing work

It should be immediately noted that starting finishing work from the inside of the house, immediately after it is not worth it. The structure of the tree, for some time should begun and give shrinkage. For houses built from glued bar, this period is about a month. Other wooden houses, before the start of the eligible works, should stand at least ten months. Exact time is determined based on the humidity of the material, the climatic conditions of the region and the season. During this time, the tree served as construction material dries. Accordingly, the timber or logs decrease in size, and the insulation is compressed, laid between the rows of the cut. The premature beginning of finishing works in a wooden house will lead to the fact that the facing will be overwhelmed or will not hold onto the wall at all. In other words, hasty in the decoration of a wooden house will lead to additional costs of time and cash.

Groans and their tightness

It is possible to ensure the tightness of the wooden walls of the house with a pacle, the jute material is sometimes used by moss. The process of sealing the gaps between the crowns of the log is called caulk. As a rule, Crop the log house in two approaches. The first time it takes place 1-1.5 months after the completion of construction, and the second is 6-8 months after expiration. Crop the slots between the rows of timber or logs are immediately outside and from the inside. Otherwise, the structure can squeeze. Therefore, in the process of cacopa, moving along the walls of the house and seal them alternately on both sides. Konopka begins with the lowest crowns.

It is worth noting that the lubber after cacopa becomes higher by 5-7 centimeters. Then, the severity of the sruba wall makes itself felt and he settles. As a result, the insulation, laid between rows of timber or logs, reliages the walls. The temperature in the house depends on the quality of these works. In addition to the conservation of heat, the second cacked allows you to eliminate small skews that have arisen in the process of sediment.

The interior decoration of the walls begins only after they are finally legitimate, and the house itself will fall. The process of shrinkage of the structure is checked using control measurements of the height of the walls. The wooden house is considered ready for interior decoration, if after the second cacopa, the height of its walls has not changed in 90 days.

Grinding of walls inside a wooden house

In some cases, finishing works inside the wooden house are not required. It is relevant for houses erected from high-quality material and as a result of having a pleasant appearance, both outside and inside. In this case, you can save money to significantly. The walls of this house are enough to polish and smoked. Varnish coating is better used to protect the floor from abrasion. Walls and ceiling can be treated with special paints and water-based antiseptics. The surface treated surfaces will not lose natural appearance, and on the contrary, the texture of wooden walls will become more expressive. The use of antiseptics is necessary in any case, if you, of course, want to keep a pleasant exterior design of wooden walls.

Seam from cacopa, between rows of timber or logs, can spoil the impression from any wooden walls. Therefore, to ennoble such a seam apply twisted cord. It not only acts as a decorative decoration, but also additionally protects rooms from drafts.

Doom and its value when internal decoration of a wooden house

The walls of some houses grinding will no longer bring any benefit, this concerns excessively old or curves of buildings. For the interior decoration of such houses, such options are used as products from plasterboard, lining, decorative panels, etc.

Installation of any such finishing material involves the use of a frame or crate, which will allow to level the curvature of the walls. In addition, the presence of the crate will allow air to circulate freely. For the wooden structure, it is an important factor. As a result of the natural movement of air, the material of the walls will not change the color and does not rot because Not susceptible to these processes only dry wood. The circulating air between the walls and finishing materials will allow wood walls to maintain a normal state.

The distance between the wall and trim is also used for laying cables and wires of various communications: electricity or household appliances. The wiring, by the way, should be mounted in wooden houses, only in the pipes made of non-combustible material (the most common corrugated tubes from stainless steel). If necessary, the material that provides heat insulation is laid in the interval. However, if a comfortable temperature is kept in the house, you should not use any additional materials. The tree itself wonderfully copes with maintaining the desired humidity in the room and unnecessary materials are capable of bringing harm, and not benefit.

However, the fixation of finishing materials on the crate has its drawbacks. For example, if insects or rodents will appear between the wall and facing, it will be quite difficult to eliminate them. However, before fixing the finishing materials on the wall, it will need to be aligned. It is difficult to achieve an absolutely smooth surface of the wooden walls, but with the right approach, it is quite possible. In order to close the gaps and cracks remaining between the wall and the facing, special mastic applies. Once, the clay was used instead, and in some places it is still applied.

In independence from finishing materials, it is necessary that the clearance of at least 20-40 millimeters remains between facing and the ceiling. This will play the role of insurance, in case of additional shrinkage of the new home. For the old structure, the gap will allow you to compensate for the changes in the wooden walls. Such a material like a tree, "breathes" the entire service life. Accordingly, modifies: swells, pulling the water, or dries. On time, the clearance left under the ceiling will allow you to leave the metamorphosis of the walls of the tree without consequences for facing materials. The absence of such precautions is fraught with finishing materials by deformation or appearance of gaps. In order for the clearance to not stand out on a general background, the ceiling plinth is applied, it is hard only to the ceiling.

Wooden Wooden Flooring

Manufacturers offer a variety of facing materials for interior decoration. However, for the decoration of a wooden house, often resorted to the lining. It allows you to save the overall style and atmosphere of a building from a tree. This material can be used both for the outer finish and for the inner (only methods of their processing differ). The lining is of a variety of species. Moreover, it is not about the tree from which it is made and not about its size. The profile of the lining, depending on the customer's desire can be modified. The wavy or even design of the material is distinguished, as well as the simulation of a bar or logs (block house).

For wall decoration inside a wooden house, cladding is used with a thickness of 15-20 millimeters. Its cost is less than the thicker analogues, but this material performs its tasks. It is possible to place classes of lining in any order: horizontally, vertically, at an angle. Holders of non-real patience and hard work capable of creating whole pictures from the lining.

Fixing the lining on the crate or walls, do not forget from a possible shrinkage at home. To compensate for possible changes in wooden walls, leave a gap of 20-40 millimeters near the floor and the ceiling.

Decorative wall panels

Often for interior decoration of houses and apartments resort to decorative panels. We distinguish the facing created from different material and imitating a variety of surfaces:

  • MDF panels (veneer or laminated).
  • Glass panels: smooth, corrugated, colored, matte, transparent.
  • Polymer panels.
  • Tree or bamboo panels.
  • Leather panels.

They also differ panels and sizes, they are produced in the form of plates going among themselves or immediately in the form of a shield (dimensions vary). Walking, by the way, these are the same panels, but it is a mansion because This material was used for finishing work long before the emergence of other similar products.

Decorative panels on the wall are recorded, usually using the crate. The thickness and location of the bars, which depends on the type and sizes of the selected decorative panels. This finishing material is popular among designers and homeowners, because the abundance of colors, sizes and materials allows you to create unusual memorable interiors. Decorative panels are also different at the price. For example, panels made of polymers and MDFs are significantly cheaper than leather products.

Some types of panels are mounted only with the help of glue (products from plaster), therefore, for their fixation, it is resorted to additional plates from GVL or plywood. They are called the substrate panels and are attached to the crate in the first place. The main facing panels are glued on them.

Plasterboard in a wooden house

The inner decoration of the walls of plasterboard, no different from the finishing of the premises from another material. Plasterboard attached to a pre-assembled frame. True, as in other cases it is necessary to leave the safety gap.

The main condition at which the walls of the walls are allowed by plasterboard, is the operation of the house for several years, i.e. The house should be heated and give the final shrinkage. This is due to the fact that plasterboard differs fragility, and with significant changes in the geometry of the walls, will be unusable. Ignore such metamorphoses of wall surfaces can be if the frame will be movable. For this, its profiles are fixed to the walls are not too tough.

When finishing the walls of plasterboard, there is another nuance: all docking compounds and seams, as well as in the corners, it is necessary to use the reinforcing grid. The use of such a grid will prevent or slow down the occurrence of cracks in problem places.

Interior decoration of the old house of wood

If the age of a wooden house, in which finishing works are planned, has several decades, then the first thing is necessary to assess the safety of wood. To do this, it will be necessary to dismantle all the old cladding. After that, carefully consider all the places that differ from the total background of the wall surface color or the texture of the pattern. If necessary, suspicious places need to be checked by trying to damage them with the help of a knife, screwdriver or chisels. If the tree, everywhere has a dense structure and does not have signs of mold or fungi, then you can proceed to finishing work. In some cases, it is recommended to treat a tree with special impregnations. Using them, remember that the chemical elements are based on such impregnations.

However, if the material of the walls from mechanical effects crumble, then it is necessary to identify the causes of destruction. The most likely are such options as the appearance of insects, mold and other microorganisms. Sometimes, a third-party specialist is invited to determine the treatment methods of an infected site. Damaged areas of wooden walls must be dismantled and replaced by the plots adjacent to these elements will need to be treated with special compositions.

After evaluating the state of the walls of the old house, and carried out with the need for repair work, you can proceed to interior decoration. Works on the design of the premises of the old wooden house are produced in the same order as those described above. The only difference is that the safety gap should not leave.