Repairs Design Furniture

Roots from a plastic bottle of 5 liters. Trap for rats with your own hands is easy and efficient. Paper Bucket Coverage

Rats are terrible pests and carriers of various infectious diseases. With them it is necessary to fight at once, as soon as one individual was seen or irrefutable signs: in shreds crushed packages with products or specific emptying of homogeneous mass with non-recycled food residues.

One of the most effective ways to combat rodents is the acquisition or personnel manufacture of trap. If you still decided to buy a ready-made mechanism (rattling), then you will have to search for them in the markets or shopping stores. In contrast to the eradicates, the trap for rats is less demanded, but at the same time there can be a large number of varieties on the shelves. After all, rats are good under certain conditions and have differences when designing a design.

Features of fighting rodents.

If you decide to take advantage of mechanical mousetrap, you will need various lacrimal bait: cheese, cottage cheese, bakery products, smoked, sausage, rice porridge, etc. When choosing, it is important to consider that the embarrassment for rats should be fresh and tasty smelling, as spoiled food products, scare away the glood "apartment". This is especially true if you can find something fresh and attractive for the surcharges.

It is necessary to stir the rats in places of animal clusters, as well as in places where you have seen them most often. The most efficient option will be Nora. But first of all, it is necessary to inquire living on or not. To do this, take a little herb or newsprint and lay out. If in the morning you will see that the grass or paper is crushed, then you fell into the goal.

Rats are preferred to be unnoticed, so moved mainly along the walls, avoiding well-lit open area. Install a special trap with bait is necessary against the course of its movement.

Interesting fact: Many have a stereotype that rats prefer unsanitary conditions of residence. However, if you carefully familiarize yourself with their habits, it can be noted that rodents avoid polluted areas and surfaces if you can find a clean place to move. Even the fact that if the ill-fated animal is confused in the reurenger, it will not go further until it gets rid of the last barb.

Special mechanism for catching rats should be perfectly clean. If the rat is contaminated, use the cooking soda or 2% solid-liquid solution. Do not forget to keep it. If you forget, venture and rinse the mechanism, then rodents are removed and will be avoided even the most talked bait.

How to make a homemade trap for rats.

As you know, the problem of combating rodents took a massive character. Manufacturers implement a large number of rats of rats, while folk craftsmen come up with no less effective facilities.

We offer you 5 options for the most popular and positively proven rats:

  1. Trap from pot with under room colors or other cup-like capacitance. This type of self-made rattub is simple and accessible when designing and used. The main principle of functioning is based on a wooden "idlehouse" that is installed in a pre-overwhelmed vessel. The vase must be tightly fixed on the "wandering" under the tilt, while the bait is inside.

    When the rodent begins to bite a treat, then supporting the wooden colous falls, dropping a tight pot, rat remains inside the vessel. For convenience, take Phaneur and install a structure on it. After the animal falls captivity, it will be easier for you to throw it out and at the same time the probability of the subpiece decreases to zero.

  2. Trap cylinder. Very effective traps to get rid of unexpected "apartments". The principle of operation lies in the fact that rodent falling inside the construction, can't get out, since the walls of the cylinder are perfectly even (he simply slides). Convention cans, plastic bottles or other cylindrical vessels can be involved in design design. It is best to use a trap-cylinder in private houses, as well as in the barn so that you can burn it in a deep and long ditch.

    Preferably, this method is used to catch unexpected pests in anticipated stations. There are traps-cylinders, rodents get there, after which the "prisoners" deliver to experimental laboratories.

  3. Riowel "top". The presented trap for rats is consumed by considerable demand. Externally, it is a small cage with a cone-shaped input. In terms of the level of smoothly cropped base of the cone-shaped structure, there is a second entrance, speaking a dead end for a rodent.

    The base of the impasse is a smooth bottom, which is made of metal plate. It is fixed by a wide base, but it is quite easy to rotate on the fixed joint. The plate is tightly attached to the cone under the bottom, forming a counterweight, perfectly hiding a possible way out. It is important not to forget to place a fresh and attractive bait, since the ill-fated animal honors its smell and try to penetrate inside the facilities. Getting to the bait from him without much effort, but the animal will try to go back, as he wants to check for free waste. As a result, the rat is convinced of the presence of a way out, after which it makes his way inside, falling into the main second cone. Under the weight of the animal, the design is lowered, and the harmful rodent falls on the bottom.

    The main feature of the trap "Pies" is the ability to catch a few individuals at the same time. To get rid of the "treasures" assembled, you just need to open a special door.

  4. Rough Zurener. This trap for rats is made easily, while the small amount of material and money is spent. Visually, it is small, but at the same time a spacious box of boards, which inside is off with galvanized iron blade, covered with a slope of the roof. From the parallel sides, the root base is located two through windows, opposite each other. On the contrary, each of them recorded a wooden bridge on the hinge. Bridges with outer ends are docked with the edge of the windows, in the same place, the opposite ends are not fixed and have no support. Contact with each other in a horizontal position.

    The main specificity of this rat is in the bridge, which combines two parallel windows, forming a single pass, freely having fun over the "abyss". A small metal hooks with fresh bait are recorded above the lid of the box, which are easily hanging above the connection site of two bridges.

    If you carefully look at the specifics of the catch of rodents, then it can be noted that it is very similar to the Trap "Vixture". Princes work of buildings are almost identical. Malicious rodent finds a rattling on a pleasant smell of bait, reaching a tight piece, falls on the bottom of the rat. The bridge immediately acquires the initial position.

  5. Trap Zurich is universal, as suitable for the fight against animals, both in residential premises and in the field. But, if you use it in an apartment, house or office, do not forget to make a comfortable and sloping approach to through windows. When installing a rattover in the field, it is best to drip it into the ground so that the windows are located at the soil level.
  6. Plastic bottle trap:
  7. Another way homemade rattop:

A few more ways to bring rodents with infringement means.

Many make a big mistake, run immediately into specialized stores behind jadogimicates or rats, after the detection of one malicious individual.

There are many ways to get rodent cheaply. However, the above options have a number of advantages and minuses. Consider them in more detail.

  1. Plastic bottle and sunflower oil. You will need a plastic bottle of minimum three liter. Take it, cut the neck to get a cylinder, lubricate the richly formed vessel, sunflower oil placing the bait in it, then place it in the places of movement of the ill-fated pest. When the rat falls into the bottle, turn it out sharply, due to the slippery surface, the "prisoner" will be hard to get out. You will only ride it, skipping for example a scoop between the floor and the vessel.

    Minus. You will have to follow and act quite quickly to get rid of the rat.

  2. Flour with alabaster. This method has been known for more than a hundred years. You will need to mix alabaster and flour in equal proportions and arrange the resulting consistency near Nor Rodzun. But do not forget about a plate with water. After the rat is to enjoy your treat, it will heat it with water. Alebaster and flour will begin to swell and asphalt the stomach with an animal.

    Minus. This method will require an attentive relationship especially if there are children and animals in the house.

Rats are carriers of many infectious diseases. That is why you need to fight. Even if at least one animal appeared in the dwelling, it needs to get rid of it. The most effective way is a trap for rats made by your own hands.

Features of hunting

Effective struggle with rats has several features:

  1. To trap for rats worked, you need to prepare a bait. It can be cheese, cottage cheese, bread and bakery, sausage, boiled rice, etc. Food must be fresh and fragrant. If it is spoiled and unpleasantly smelling, the rat is simply not suitable.
  2. Put a trap or trap for rats is necessary where animals most. The perfect option is Nora. However, you first need to be determined, it is living or not. This can be done with paper. It must be squeezed and put at the entrance. If the paper is scattered in the morning, they live in the hole.
  3. The product must be installed against the movement of rodents. Usually they move along the walls, where there is no light.
  4. In contrast to the generally accepted opinion, these rodents love more purity than unsanitary conditions. If you can go through a clean track, they will use it.
  5. It is necessary to monitor the purity of the rat. To wash it, you can take a conventional soda or a solution of ash liquor. After washing, it needs to be perforating well. If this is not done, the rats will feel the unpleasant smell and will carry the device side.

Several variants

Folk craftsmen came up with several types of rats for rats. They can be easily made with their own hands. Here are some examples.

Option number 1

This design is rightfully considered the easiest in manufacturing and use. It will take a pot for flowers or any capacity of a similar shape. It must be turned over and well fasten on the so-called wooden "idlehouse". The pot must stand under the tilt. At the end of the "Stalking" it is necessary to attach the bait. The rat will come to the aroma and will begin to eat a delicacy. Due to its movements, the wooden part will fall, and the animal will cover the pot.

In order for the rat to be more convenient to throw out, it is initially recommended to put the plywood under construction.

Option number 2.

The following option is a cylinder-shaped trap. How does it work? The rat falls inside the design and can not get out from there, because slips on perfectly even walls.

To make such a rat, you need to prepare any container in the form of a cylinder. It can be a cans, plastic bottle, etc. Most often they are used in private houses, instilled in ditches and trenches.

Option number 3.

This species of rats are quite popular. The device is similar to a cell that has an input in the form of a cone. In terms of the first entrance, there is another, which plays the role of a dead strappy.

Its foundation is an absolutely smooth bottom. In most cases, it is made of metal. The plate is attached to the cone and works as counterweight. It does not give an animal to get out of the trap.

The rat reacts to a delicious smelling bait and enters the cell. It does it, not making special efforts. At the same time, it checks whether there are ways to waste back. Making sure that everything is fine, the animal fearlessly goes for meals and falls into the second cone. The design is lowered and drops the rat to the bottom.

One of the advantages of this trap is the ability to catch a few rodents immediately.

Option number 4.

At home, you can make a roofing of Zurenner. It is distinguished by a rather simple design. For its manufacture, it will take quite a few materials and means. In appearance, the trap resembles a box, which inside is crushed with galvanized iron. He has a low-end roof and two windows on the sides, located one opposite the other. Opposite each window there is a bridge on the hinges. Some side of them relate to the windows. The other remains free.

Bridges between two windows are the main part of the rat. A fragrant embarrassment hangs over them. The method of action is very similar to the above-described device. Rodent sneaks up to the bait and falls on the bottom. Bridges at the same time occupy a position that prevents it out.

Option number 5.

This trap is characterized by simplicity in manufacturing and efficiency. A common bucket for garbage should be prepared and a small plastic bottle that remained from under the lemonade. You can not gain fluid in the bucket, but then it should be high enough so that the rodent could not get out. You can make a trap in a few minutes:

  1. Make holes at the bottle on both sides, in the lid and on the bottom in such a way that the bottle is fluently rotated on the axis.
  2. Install the resulting element over a container with an axis, which can perform a smooth wooden wand.
  3. on a bottle around the circle in the area of \u200b\u200bthe label, it is necessary to shake some food.

Animal feel the smell and in the groove will try to find its source. Under its weight, the bottle will begin to spin and rat or mouse fall on the bottom of the bucket. The principle of work is well visible from the video. presented below.

Option number 6.

It is perfect for giving or private house. For the manufacture of roots, you will need a bidon with a capacity of about 40 liters and a piece of cardboard.

So, it is recommended to pour the water bucket into the bidon. From cardboard make a circle that can be covered with a bidon. It should easily overturn. On the middle of the circle you need to put food. It is important that the product is located in the place available for rodents. Then they, with the smell, enter the circle and fall into the bidon. It is almost impossible to escape from it. By the way, instead of the bidon, you can use any other deep container.

When using all these products, animals remain alive. How to do with them, the case of the owner of housing. There are two options: destroy or release away away from home.

The destruction of rats with their own hands is the case is troublesome and costly. However, if you make traps yourself, you can significantly save and achieve good results in the fight against rodents.

It is useful to keep in mind that the rats made by their own hands can even be more efficient than the standard purchased products - this fact was repeatedly confirmed in practice. A typical example is when the rats are bypassing the usual mousetrap, feeling that this device is in danger, but quickly come across a new one, not yet familiar to them design.

At the same time, for catching the pest, it is not necessary to make something complex, cumbersome and requiring serious skills. It is known that all ingenious simply, and the rats collected by their own hands from the girlfriend - the best confirmation of this: the lack of expensive parts, time or skills here compensates for the ingenuity of the creator and the ingeniousness of the design itself.

As you will see below, a very efficient trap can be quite possible to collect literally in a few minutes from ordinary plastic bottles, buckets or pan, and the variants of such traps are a set.

Option number 1: Tipping trap

The principle of action of such a design is that the animal, picking up to the bait, falls into the trap. You can implement this mechanism in many ways.

Here is the easiest:

  1. Make a tunnel from cardboard (you can also use a piece of wide plastic pipe);
  2. Put it on the edge of the table so that half the tunnel hung over the edge (useful to attach it to the table with a slightly slightly so that the rat can be shifted);
  3. At the very edge of the tunnel, put the bait;
  4. Under the location of the alleged tipping, put a barrel or a deep bucket.

The animal attracted by the smell of bait, climbs the tunnel, on the edge of the table, the tip of it and together with it will fall into the container. Below in the video shows how this happens:

Agree, what could be easier?

Options for manufacturing such a homemade rattone can be several. For example, a tipping bridge can be put directly to the edge of the bucket, and to bring it to the ladder:

It is possible for this purpose to use a piece of watman with slots, which are covered by a bucket. The rat closes on Watman behind the bait and falls through the slots in the bucket:

On a note

If a bucket or a bidon is used to catch a rat, then it is useful to pre-pour water - without water the animal will easily jump out of the trap. In addition, in water it will be easier to catch the pest (just do not forget to wear dense construction gloves before that).

By the way, working on the same mousetral principle can be made with their own hands from a plastic bottle. In this case, an open neck bottle is put on the edge of the table (or you can make a special inlet), a bait is placed in it, and for the neck, the bottle is attached to the thread to something heavy on the table itself. The mouse is closed in a bottle, halfway to the bait overturns it with its weight, and the whole trap with prey hangs on a thread:

On a note

So it will not be able to catch in a bottle of rat - the animal will easily jump out of the overturned West. Is that, as an option, from the bottle you can make a tunnel like the paper considered above, cutting off the bottom and neck, and then catch the pest in a bucket or barrel.

Option number 2: Riows plastic bottles

The traditional version of this trap looks like this:

  1. In the bottle, the upper part is cut, it is open, the long rod is attached to it, which, in turn, is attached to the harness, which plays the role of the spring;
  2. Near the bottom of the bottle through the hole in the wall is attached to the trigger, to which the bait is tied;
  3. The door of the throat part of the bottle is attracted by the harness to the body of the bottle - it will allow her to slam when the animal pulls for the bait.

The capture occurs simply: the rat is closed in a bottle, pulls behind the bait - and the rubber band slams the door. Everything, the beast is caught. The video shows how this design works and how to assemble it:

But another example is a simple, but very effective rattover, which can be easily made with your own hands from a plastic bottle:

  1. The bottle is riveted on the rod (for example, on thick wire);
  2. Then outside the bottle is cooked by bait - sour cream, porridge, stew;
  3. The rod is put on the edges of the bucket or barrel;
  4. A bridge from the board is supplied to the bottle.

A similar design can be made from buckets and beer cans. The corresponding example is shown below in the photo:

The lack of roofs with a spinning bottle (or can) is that they are cumbersome - at home is not always convenient to apply them.

With mice easier - a compact mousetry made of plastic bottle is invented for lovers of beautiful solutions, which, if desired, can be placed under the table or in the closet. Further in the video shows how to assemble such a trap from the remedies:

The main thing in such a design is to correctly guess in the center of gravity of the bottle.

If you take a suitable bottle, then from it, on the same principle you can make a rattover. It is important only to keep in mind that the animal in the presence of a sufficient number of time can try to sprinkle the walls of the trap and thereby get out of it.

Option number 3: Covering belonging

This is perhaps the easiest option of the self-made rat. To catch a rat or mouse, it is enough to take a saucepan and suitable sizes of a coin - a saucepan floss upside down, slightly tilt and superfluous one edge into the coin set on the edge.

A bait is put on a saucepan. When the rodent will be closed behind the bait, he will certainly hit the coin, the taper and the pan will cover the animal.

Here is an example of implementation, where the bank was used instead of the pan:

The disadvantage of the design is frequent false responses (when the rat hits the container or coin, without climbing the root holder).

More sophisticated homemade traps of this type are an improved "coin capacity". For example, the container can be overtaken in an unstable stand, to tie a thread to the stand, transfer thread through the struts in the container and tie the bait:

The rat is shifted under the container, pulls for the bait and move the "wagon".

Another option - instead of a coin use a sufficient height cardboard strip with a special corner for bait nozzles:

Here, the animal, pulling the bait, overturns the cardboard and covers himself with a trap.

It is only important to keep in mind that for the manufacture of homemade ratings you need to take a rather heavy container so that the rat can be shifted.

Below in the video shows another interesting example of such a rat:

Option number 4: Cell traps

Such structures are characterized by high reliability, durability and efficiency, but they are quite difficult to make themselves. For their manufacture, we need special materials and parts: the housing itself is made of a durable steel mesh, metal or wooden panels, and the trigger mechanism is implemented on the basis of the spring. However, with a sufficient desire and skill, the assembly of such a device does not take much time.

The principle of action of the rattover is:

  1. The cell has a rising door with a guide - a wary state of the trap door opens up with a springs voltage;
  2. At the end of the cage on the hook, the bait is fixed, the other end of the hook holds the wagon;
  3. When the rat pulls behind the bait, the wagon is descended, and the door slams.

Below on video shows examples of manufactured roots of this type:

Option 5: Tunnel Western

The inlet of the tunnel roof holder is made in the form of a valve with sharp petals. The principle of operation of such a device is as follows:

Such structures are often used for catching courts, mice and rats in garden sites - in this case, the design is made from a piece of pipe, at each end of which the valve is installed. Then the trap is installed in the underground molecro. As a result, it does not matter which side Mole (or rat) will fit to the trap - the animal will still be caught.

Here is another example of a trap of this type:

Option number 6: Silks

Generally speaking, catch rats with silk rather problematic due to the small sizes of animals. However, if you try, then you can catch the pest, and there is even a small lifehak, which allows you to make such a rat with your own hands from the girlfriend.

This requires:

  1. Cable screed;
  2. A piece of fishing line;
  3. Heavy load - for example, a wrench;
  4. Stationery clip;
  5. Primaka - for example, bread crust.

So the homemade roof holder from the cable screed works in practice:

On a note

In the manufacture of this trap, it is important to choose the right cargo mass. If it is too small, it will not drag the screed with the necessary effort, and the rat will run away. If the cargo is too heavy, then it will not be possible to use such a design as a belonging, the hinge animal will break the ribs.

Option number 7: Trap Zurener

This classic trap works on the same principle as the overturning rats described above. Its difference is only in the completeness of the design and the appearance: the trap Zurener is a wooden house with two entrances, in which in the middle of the "corridor" is a bait, and the floor on both sides is made from the boards on hinge. When the animal is selected to the bait, the board fails under its weight, the animal falls into a large closed chamber, after which the board on the hinge returns to its original position.

Below in the figure shows the scheme of such a rat:

Due to the successful design, the trap of Zürner managed to catch several rats at once.

As a rule, such a Western independently made of wood is made, since the production of Zurener traps is not established. Despite the effectiveness and certain advantages, the trap of Zurener is applied in practice rarely - largely due to the complexity of manufacturing.

Option number 8: glue roots

Today, there are already ready for the use of glue traps for rodents. However, often this trap is prepared independently.

The adhesive rat is made simply: special glue for rodents (for example, Ratrap, Alt, Euroguard) is taken (for example, Ratrap, Alt, Euroguard), they are smeared a piece of cardboard, a bait is put on the middle. The rat attracted by the smell is trying to get the bait and gets at least one paw on the glue. Understanding that he could not turn out, she begins tortured to break out, puts other paws in glue or even sticks head. After that, it can no longer get out.

If the rat is not released, then it will die from thirst in just a few days later. This is the main lack of adhesive traps: often throwing out such a rat holds with an even live rodent (sometimes periodically squeezed), which is difficult to do particularly impressionable people.

On a note

A significant lack of adhesive traps for rodents is also the possibility of pets in them - a cat or a dog can easily be blocked in the glue. To wash off the adhesive mass is very problematic, it is easier to concentrate a bonded piece of wool.

As well as a few words about commercially available rats of lethal action (cacking)

All the homemade rats described above have an important feature - they allow you to catch the animal alive (so-called burning).

However, it is also possible to effectively deal with rats with the help of traps of industrial production traps, which will kill rats. For example, among the most popular, the following can be noted:

  1. Standard jacoon-davilka (popularly referred to be mousetrap) - he may have several modifications;

  2. Tunnel trap on the type of Clean Kill Mouse Trap from Victor;
  3. Electric roots (operate from batteries, and there are models that automatically place the killed rat in a special compartment, allowing several rodents in one night).

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the effectiveness of the work of a trap, whether it is self-made or industrial production, largely depends on the correct choice of bait. Read more about choosing bait read in a separate article: The best bait for rats and mice.

Useful video: a visual example of electric roofing

Original Wire Rodent Trap

Rodents came to this world for millions of years earlier people, the exact time no one can say. Motherland also remains a mystery, set out the versions that it could be Africa or Australia. Following the person, they settled closer to the northern territories. So over time, the animals conquered all countries and were permanent companions of people.

Most of the people are usually saved rats, since they are a greater danger at home, are carriers of terrible viruses and diseases. They are also able to blame all your home, destroy stocks, even concrete walls to them nipochem. In connection with this person, a forced, constant struggle is conducted, he in every way seeks to catch a hated creation.

Some enjoy folk recipes that recommend, for example, to overtake the odorous herbs with cool boiling water and put indoors indoors. Others take immediately radical actions.

How to make roots with your own hands - step by step instructions

Rats are omnivorous creatures, preference is given to animal food, but do not be frozen and plant. The fishery overlooks the day, and the day is carried out inside their holes. The greatest amount of them focuses in places of easy food. Very love sweets. Fasting is given to them difficult, already for 3-4 days the animals die, and in the absence of water, even earlier.

Capacanis and good quality traps are an excellent depreciation method. They can be purchased immediately ready or make it possible at home. Homemade traps of plastic bottles are most popular, electric, electronic and other types are used in everyday life.

It should be known that all the rats after use are necessarily ventilated and dried with boiling water.

Roughwall do it yourself from plastic bottles

Such a design will perfectly work as a mousetrap.

Roots for large rats at home

For hunting for large individuals, this method of manufacture is perfect. It will only require a bidon or a similar deep container, with a capacity of about 40 liters, as well as cardboard.

We fill 10 liters of water to our bidon, cut out a round lid from a piece of cardboard, which can be easily tipped when closed. In the center of the circle lay out the bait. All structure is left in the most preferred place. Going to the flavor of food, they fall on the lid and fall down their heads under the water. It's just unreal from here.

Roofing electrical homemade - how to make?

At home, it is very easy to make an electric root that is very easy, you just need to follow the instructions.

To begin with, we build a house where to catch the animal. To do this, you will need a framework for the frame, plexiglass for the door and walls, the usual glass for the rear retractable wall. In the floor of the house, connecting slightly from the middle, cut the hole to a depth of 1 cm, a width of 3 cm and immediately make a plug from the fiberboard. In the resulting groove we put two bare wiring, they should almost touch. We put the cap on the loop. Top of filling wood surface (stove). To the ceiling near the door, the core of the solenoid valve, to which the wire holds the door is adjusted to the rod.

Do not forget about dressing on a wire inside the cell smelling bait.

By entering the inside of the electric house made by hand in the home conditions, the rat occurs on the plate, the contacts are closed, the rod is drawn, the door slams under its own weight.

Metal rats with your own hands - instruction

To make a metal rat with your own hands (it is very similar to Rashalovka), according to the instructions you need a grid with a small cell, two magnets and wire. First, cut out six equal sides for the cell. Then, with the help of a wire, fastened five of them, the square box should form. With an empty outdoor side, we attach the door, in the touch points insert the harvested magnets. We carry out a piece of wire inside the traps, we put in a hunched bait, and the rest of it is attached to the door.

How does a metal rattover work done with their own hands?

The food pulls the doors up, not allowing them to be shoved. At the time of removing it from the wire, the door will smell, and the magnet will prevent the discovery.

Note: The rat is very good person, so it is advisable to touch the bait only in rubber gloves.

Roughwall do it yourself from a bucket

Roughs from the bucket with their own hands is preparing very quickly and simply. A large bucket is filled with concentrated brine, the husk of buckwheel or flax is covered on top, you can use wood chips. This embankment is made quite thick and necessarily levels, it is necessary to put food for the animal. It is important for the container itself to climb the ladder, a stick, a box so that the rat can climb. So fraudulently, it will be on the husk and fall into open water.

Rough Cat - What kind of cats catches rats?

Cat-root holder was very valued at all times. First of all, it is associated with the reluctance of most pets living, at home, to go to the fight against large individuals of rats, they still prefer the hunt for mice and birds.

In fact, there is not a special breed of cats cats, so it's not so easy to buy a kitten with full confidence that in the future he will certainly be saved you from rats. However, there are certain recommendations, how to choose a cat-rattover:

Often it is cats, and not cats hunt for rats.

As for the breed, preference must be given to Siberian cats, Siamese, European shorthair. These breeds were evolved by centuries without human influence and inherited from their wild ancestors of hunting instincts.
Pay attention to the yard cats, they say that they are the most brave rats. In difficult conditions, they survive and continue to fight for their existence. This applies to the mining of food, and self-defense. Such cats from birth is trained by small kittens with various wisdom of tailed hunting, also this ability is laid at the gene level.

Best bait for rats in the rat

Setting the issue than to lure the rat in the rattover is very relevant. Due to the fact that the animals eat a lot, the portions of the bait also need to leave large (about 70 grams). Their favorite delicacies are:

  • chocolate and all sweet;
  • smoked products;
  • cereals;
  • fat;
  • beer;
  • roasted seeds;
  • fresh vegetable oils;
  • bakery products;
  • a fish.

Here is very important, the outgoing aroma plays, with which food is found.

In any case, if the roots made, with your own hands, at home did not help you, do not hesitate with the challenge of the professional service to deratization of the room, since rats and mice are not the most innocent rodents. They can not only turn the floor covering and insulation of the walls, but are carriers of various diseases. So, when the bite of the wild rat should be immediately rinsed with the wound and process according to the instructions.

Fighting rodents is conducted from time immemorial. People are forced to show ingenuity, invent new, caps, building special designs. Ready device can be bought. But some of them are so simple that they are easy to make themselves alone, saving a bunch of money. Others - have a promising look, but are expensive. Roughs are made with their own hands from the remedies or specially purchased materials.

Roots without costs

At the sight of the rodent, it is not necessary to immediately run into the nearest stores for, traps, traps. It is worth trying to make a trap for the rat at home from the girlfriend. Photo of rats with a description is presented below.

Bucket. It will take an old unnecessary bucket without holes. Pour water, not reaching the edges by 10 cm. Add salt, stirred thoroughly. On top stuffing a straw, a husk of grain, dry leaves. The layer must be dense, so that water is not visible. The center is placed fragrant bait. You can donate a piece of cheese, sausages. To the bucket put a plate as a bridge. Trap for rodents is ready. The rat is well a smell of food. Hurry up to taste treats. Rises over the bridge, falling into the water.

Bottle. To make a rating from plastic bottles, you will need 10 minutes, not spending a single penny. A person's fantasy has no boundaries. Therefore, the rats from the plastic container have several options.

  • To either on the street, you will need a bottle with a capacity of 3 liters. Sliced \u200b\u200bnecks, inside abundantly lubricate the edges with sunflower oil. On the bottom put bait. Install the device in an inclined position near the shelter, steps. When the rat will get a meal, hurry to get it. Calls trap. It is necessary to quickly raise the container, fix in a horizontal position. The main difficulty is to wait for the moment. It is necessary to control the process to have time to turn the trap.
  • In a bottle with a capacity of 1.5, 2 l cut the neck, bottom. It turns out a cylinder. Wear on the axis - wand. Using a sticky bait, which should be fixed on the walls of the bottle in place stickers. The wand is put on the bucket. It turns out a kind of bridge. The rat flaps in a bottle, begins to pull the bait, the wand does not withstand, the pest falls into the bucket.
  • Rowers for prepares from a bottle with a capacity of 5-10 liters. Cut the neck, turn over, insert inside. Plastic bottle turns into a kind of watering can. The neck is fixed with scotch. At the bottom there are bait with a strong aroma. Excellent cheese, smoked meat, sausage, crackers with bacon, chips. Rat sneaks through the neck to food, it will not be able to leave. It is advisable to install a trap in an inclined position. On the steps, near the shelves.
  • You can put a loop on rats. It is made of a subtle cable that is easily delayed. It is suspended or fixed at the floor level. The loop should "stand." The device is installed in places where the rat runs. An animal falls into the loop, the head passes, the shoulders are stuck. The rat tries to move forward, the loop is delayed.

Flower pot. Use the container of large size. Turn over the bottom. Lined on one side with a rib plate. In the center put bait. Rat, mouse crashes under the pot, begins to make movements, hurts a plate, it turns out in the Western. To prevent the substrupture, the device is installed on the phaneer.

On a note!

Homemade traps with more serious designs are made in the presence of special skills, free time. Who wants to show skill, experience their abilities, traps for rats with their own hands are preparing for simple schemes. Put in the house or outdoors.

Complex homemade rats

For the manufacture of a design for the catch of rodents, you will need a plate, nails, screws, scissors, hammer and other joinery inventory. What are the traps, you can look at the market, on the Internet. Build similar efforts.

  1. Mechanical trap - roof holder Zurener. Initially, a box is knocked down without the bottom on the one hand. Separately knock down the sloping roof, 2 windows from opposite sides are cut. Boxes are fixed on the sides of the box with the help of bridge hinges. On the one hand, it concerns the window, on the other - the second half of the bridge. In the center it is not fixed. In the convex part of the roof, the bait is fixed, so that the rat see her well, but it got hard to. Mousetrap for rats acts as follows. Rodent Fucks the smell of bait, breaks into the window, steps on the bridge. Moved closer to the center, falls into the box, the bridge takes the starting position. A few pests can be caught in such a trap.
  2. Trap on the rats made of metal mesh. It will take a grid with a shallow cell. It should be cut off rectangles for the manufacture of a box of 60 * 30 * 20 cm. The walls are fixed with steel wire. The lid make on the one hand on the spring. It should be slaughtered from below. Connect the end of the door with the cord, they make it in the cells on the opposite side of the cell, the hook for bait on the end is fixed. To lure the rat inward, put any food with a strong smell. When you try to remove food, the cord is instantly freed, the door slams.
  3. Homemade drone. It will take a spring mechanism with a frame. Fasten it on a wooden plank. Frame is delayed, fixed by an arrow that is inserted into the loop. Works on the principle of ordinary mousetrap, but has large sizes. When attempting the animal to pull the bait, the arrow jumps out of the loop, the mechanism is snapped. The rat is injured or dies. You can make a trap for rats with a commercial mechanism or make a spring yourself from wire, a long nail.
  4. Electro roots. The design is in great demand. As you do not have to break your head over how to kill rodent. Make an electric trap quite simple. Initially, you need to decide on the size. For large rats, a box is prepared 20 * 50 * 30 cm. Construct from a metal mesh so that the bait can be seen from all sides. Door with a valve mechanism for the type of Tsyunner traps. The feature is the bottom of the structure. The cells are knocked down wooden lumps. On the opposite side of the entrance, underwriting wiring bars. Prepare a plate of aluminum or tin, it stacked over the bars. On the one hand the springs are attached. Above the mechanism of the electric car hangs the bait. The meaning is as follows. The rat covers through the door, moves to the bait, comes to the springs, the tin surface is lowered onto the bare wires, a closure occurs. The electronic mechanism is triggered.

The homemade rattop is nothing worse than the purchase. It remains to decide on the bait, which plays an important role.

Attracting maneuver

Best bait for rats - meat. The predatory animal does not particularly lie on the barbecue, flour, grain. Breakfasts inedible materials in a hopeless position. Rats are poorly transferred hunger. During the day they need to eat up to 50 g food. For this reason, the rodent is an accurate tree, plastic, foam, concrete, bricks, fabric.

To lure the rat in the Western, the fragrant products will be required, the smell of which is felt in a few meters. For these purposes use:

  • fish;
  • meat;
  • crisps;
  • sausage;
  • ham;
  • fresh bread;
  • seeds;
  • beer;
  • fat.

On a note!

Instead of products lay ready-made poison bait. Their composition has flavors that lure pests in the Western, and.

Catch a rat in a rat with different ways. The question remains unresolved what to do with the caught animal.

Relief options from rats

Rodents catch with one goal to get rid of them finally. Nobody is going to free the animals, but not everyone is ready for killing with blood.

To get rid of rodent, the animal is killed by a stick, brick, heavy item. You can use a more humane way. The rat is placed in a bottle. In another container, it is quenched with acetic acid, the mixture is placed in a rodent jar. From the selection of carbon dioxide, the animal will block his breath, he will lose consciousness, will die painlessly from choking.

Traps, cacks on rats are used in cases where you can not or do not want to use poison. You can buy a finished device, but more interesting to make it yourself.